#there's some people in the partner system that it doesn't really happen with much but. that's it.
I miss Cherri so fucking much
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fatliberation · 1 year
If its ok to ask; how do you feel about fat kinks? I havent seen any fat acceptance blogs talk abt it. /genq
I know it's a sore spot for a lot of fat liberationists (and yes, I'm quite familiar with why so please do not take to my inbox), I think people are scared to talk about it. personally, I think it is crucial that people with fat kinks are able to access fat liberation spaces so long as they leave the kink at the door. I say this not only because the majority of them are fat people, but because that community is steeped in a deep shame and feeling of brokenness for taking delight in fatness and/or weight gain, which perpetuates rampant fatphobia. and fat liberation is what will heal those wounds. I don't understand it when fat activists tell kinksters/fetishists/feedists, whatever you want to call them to stay out of the fat liberation movement. because what is the alternative? do you want them against the movement? that doesn't make sense at all. I think people are so uncomfortable, disgusted, or afraid of this community they don't understand, that they just wish they wouldn't exist. they aren't going away. kink is akin to sexuality, to identity, to queerness. I think what people really mean when they say feedists should stay out of fat lib is, "kink should stay within spaces designated for kink." we aren't talking about kink when it comes to who can belong in a movement, we are talking about people. it is wrong to equate every person who has a kink or a fetish to a predator. it causes very real harm to those people, because they internalize that message that their kink makes them a bad person who is inherently worthless, who has to hide. if feedists aren't welcome in fat liberation, they aren't welcome anywhere.
I think that people who love fat people, love feeding people, love their own fat bodies, who see their fattest selves as their most satisfying selves, would be natural allies to this movement once they find their way to it and feel safe and accepted here. I want to make it absolutely clear that ANYONE is welcome on this blog as long as they aren't harassing or harming anyone. so many of my followers and biggest supporters are kink blogs. some of my closest friends and fat liberationist allies are feedists. I know feedists who are way more educated and passionate about fat lib and body politics than most people I've met. I don’t wish for anyone to feel alienated on my blog - especially fellow fat folks and fellow fat allies. we are 100% FAT POSITIVE AND SEX POSITIVE on this blog, babey‼️
In fact I feel really glad when I see fat kink/feedism blogs engaging with my content bc it means that person is putting the work in to understand systemic fatphobia, how to be an ally to fat people (if they aren't fat themselves), but also healing their community through education and acceptance. and HOT TAKE, BUT: when it does happen?? when feedists aren't shrouded in internalized fatphobia, shame, and isolation, and instead start embracing this innate, powerful appreciation for fatness, it's literally so fucking beautiful? and so very queer?
choosing to gain weight on purpose as an act of self creation. because it feels Right for you. gaining weight to affirm the relationship you have with your body. getting fatter because you feel so much of your identity (even gender presentation!) is attached to your fat body. feeling sexiest when you're fat. someone else worshipping that about you. giving unlimited permission to nourish yourself and/or others - and taking carnal delight in it. releasing food rules and food guilt through centering pleasure. food and fatness as an erotic and sensory experience. finding feedist partners who also have this ingrained love of fatness that can't be replicated, partners who are willing and eager to support and adore your fat body, NOT merely tolerate it. reclaiming tropes used against you through kink, and turning a loving gaze inward. saying "fuck you" to the system and choosing to take up more space in a world that consistently tries to shrink you. never denying yourself pleasure even though everyone is telling you you don't deserve it. feedism is such an interesting facet of the endless spectrum of human sexuality and I think that once people in that community find liberation and heal their relationship to the kink, it can be one of the most radical forms of self acceptance and exercising complete bodily autonomy.
I already know that a love letter to feedism coming from a fat lib blog is gonna piss people off. I'm going to lose a lot of followers, I'm going to get a lot of hate. but. kink in general is SO demonized and SO misunderstood and as liberationists we should also be open to sexual liberation. so much of this discomfort around feedism comes from a lack of education and understanding about kink in general. feedism doesn't = fatphobia in the same way that bdsm doesn't = misogyny or abuse. quite the contrary, if practiced ethically, with informed consent. every community has assholes. especially when those communities are small, ostracized, and so young that there are next to zero resources for self acceptance, safety, education, and accountability. in fact, the assholes are the ones that you're going to SEE because every respectful person is staying away and out of your business. if you've been harassed by someone with a fat kink, that is so shitty and I'm sorry that happened to you. I know it happens a lot. try to remember that what you experienced was abuse, not kink.
what consenting individuals choose to do with their bodies is entirely their business and there is nothing wrong with kink. (and I will not stand for sex-negative, puritan bullshit in my inbox, thank you very much.)
reminder: fat pleasure is fat liberation.
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astroismypassion · 10 months
Astrology observations💗💗💗
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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💗Gemini Juno people often have "a philosopher" partner. Someone who puts a lot of effort in their words, plans, but doesn't put much effort into action, making things happen. They could get frustrated how much and for how long their partner talks and preaches.
💗Libra Juno or Juno in the 7th house often points to an indecisive spouse or partner. The native is then the one making decisions where to eat or which film to watch.
💗If you have Fama in Libra, at a Libra degree (7, 19) you might be part of a well-known power couple at some point in your life. Or you could be known as "the person who dated...". Downside to this placement though, is that you might encounter that people often ask you about an ex partner of yours. They could ask questions about that person even years after you've been separated. With this placement and also with Fama in the 7th house, you might have a well-liked, well-known partner, spouse, yet the thing here is that people could also be in a partnership with you for fame that you bring. Partners could use you for attention, especially if paired with Leo Lilith that you might have in your Natal chart. So it goes vice versa.
💗Psyche (16) also talks about soulmate connections and when you feel balanced in love and beauty. And for example if you have Psyche in Virgo and you feel butterflies around your romantic interest or your nervous system is activated and working overtime girlll, this might not be a soulmate crush that you're talking to. Virgo Psyche are so sensitive and in tune with their bodies that you only feel balanced and calm around people who don't activate your nervous system negatively.
💗Check your Fama placement to see who can bring you popularity, being well-known or even get famous. If you have Taurus Fama, you need to position yourself around Taurus Sun, Moon, Rising and Venus people to get more well-known. Fame could be brought to you by people with these placements.
💗Capricorn Lilith often attract needy, clingy people who want to "break through" their more stoic, reliable, consistent nature. Weirdly, I often notice they attract a lot of Cancer Mars, Aries Moon people too, like it's a pattern.
💗When Juno is located in the 7th house these natives wish for connections that would be life long.
💗I noticed Capricorn Juno often had a bad boy/bad girl persona in the public at some point in life. Or had player vibe to them, but this is only how public percieved them. So they try to stick to a long-term partnership that is long overdue just because having a long-term partner makes them look good in the public eye and helps them get rid of "player" vibe that they might give off, even if it's not even true.
💗Capricorn, Aquarius North Node people might dislike or be against patriarchy.
💗Sagittarius Ascendants really do get the best of the both worlds. With Gemini Descendant they are able to hang with the posh, more privileged people or less. They are accepted by both. Because they can blend in and easily dress, speak like that particular group.
💗You might spend more time outside, socializing, connecting with friends and spending time in social gatherings, settings when Moon is transiting your northern hemisphere of your Natal chart, so when it goes through 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th house. And you might spend a lot of time in your home, inside, more isolated, spending time on your own when Moon is transiting your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th house, the southern hemisphere of your Natal chart.
💗 Pisces Part of Fortune receives help from others when they need it the most and when they least expect it.
💗 Sagittarius Part of Fortune in the 4th house ends up living in a huge house.
💗 Sagittarius Part of Fortune often has a very mentally stimulating job, most of their work is cerebral, the type to do the thinking for a job. They have better chance finding work abroad, via distant media or they get better money through foreign people than in their own native country.
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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plutonianeris · 9 months
pick a pile: how does this new love feel like a fairytale? ⛓️💗
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this is a general reading so take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Interpret & choose based on your inner guidance and gut feeling. messages can be either from you, them or both🍒
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𓆩♱𓆪Pile one
right off the bat this is someone whose been eyeing you for a while. they could be the type that stare in awe at the pictures you post on social media “so pretty” or when they met you that have that immediate attraction.. “who is that?” lol them asking their friends when you walk in. this honestly feels like a fairytale because theyve been wanting you for a while but theyve been super patient i heard “no hard feelings” theyre actually so sweet (im getting water sign suns: cancer, pisces, scorpio energy oop 🙈).
like they have no problem admiring you from afar at alllll. they are mesmerized by you. and honestly they could have been a little toxic before meeting you (not abusive, but someone unable to share their emotions in a healthy way). it seems like they dont want u to see them in the shades and shadows of their trauma, wounds, healing. for them you are the light at the end of that tunnel. i heard “my day was pretty shitty until you showed up” they are willing to work hard for you. they are also very attractive & in an unconventional way (unique hair, being really tall, tattoos, something like that makes them stand out especially in their friend group).
💌letter from their pov;
I know you dont need me. you dont really look like the type to depend on anyone. I can see it in the way you eye people, especially men, with suspicion. you question my motives and thats fair. when youre that beautiful and charming, theres bound to be people that just want to use you. that are dying to be in you energy just to get the chance to say they were in your presence. i dont wanna be like that. i dont wanna be another read message in your phone. i dont wanna be another face that disappears in the crowd for you. and i know you feel that way too. that the worst thing for you isnt to be talked about. its to be ignored. its to be underestimated. trust me when i say since the moment i laid eyes on you, i never once doubted you. i know you are capable of bringing men to their knees with your eyes. i know that your laugh makes my pulse speed up. i know that you make me feel special. and sometimes i get jealous, wondering if you make other people feel that way too. I want to give you the whole world if you just let me.
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𓆩♱𓆪Pile two
this new love feels like a fairytale because this happened in the moment when you’re least expecting it and also after you’re recovering from something. Whether it be a relationship break up with a partner or you just changing things in your life, like moving to a different neighborhood or no longer believing in certain things that were very important in your belief systems in the past. this is like a prince or princess, waiting to rescue you. At first, though it seems like you’re suspicious of this energy. You could find that they are way too good with their words. “too good to be true” “I bet you say that to all the girls/guys” energy. but honestly, it seems like you’re the only one that can keep up with them. You don’t give into them like other people do, and they constantly want to impress you by telling you random facts or teaching you about some thing they learned abroad or when traveling.
I am getting a sense that they are very flirty, but with other people it never goes past that it’s just something they do in the moment or theyre just really playful. But even as they’re talking to someone else, their eyes can’t seem to leave you even if you’re across the room. You like your routine and consistency so changing things about your own life is hard, much less accepting other people in. So when they flirt with you, you might not immediately flirt back. you might roll your eyes, but you can’t help but smile when they turn away. you could be someone with earth placements, especially capricorn or virgo. They give off a lot of mischievous energy. This other person could have a gemini placement, third house placements or ninth house placements (if ur into astro).
💌letter from their pov;
Relationships have never really been a priority for me. I mean, cmon I'm young. Isn't it the whole point to experience as much as I can? I know other people have things to say about me.. maybe I lead some people on. Maybe sometimes you feel that way too. But I promise it's not really like that. Well, with you, it isn't. I'm just inexperienced. And I guess that doesn't really stop me from flirting so much and being so cocky…But the truth is I crave your attention badly. You look like you really know what you want in life. And for me, that's all I ever wanted. Because when you know what you want, you get it. and thats when you really start living. After that, even our mistakes are our own and beautiful and intimate in their own way. I see the weariness in your eyes when you look at me. I know you're wondering if I am even worth your time. I promise I am. I promise I can be. And if I'm not, then you can just never speak to me right then and there, I swear. But I know there's more than weariness in your gaze as well. I know you are just as curious about me as I am about you.
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𓆩♱𓆪Pile three
This love feels like a dark romance. This pile is not as lighthearted as the previous two at all. It feels like a fairytale in that "magical" sense though because it will feel like love at first sight. You both will feel immediately physically attracted to the other but what makes it even more intense is that at first no one seems to be able to make the first move. It might seem too good to be true to the point where you don't even wanna disturb the "illusion." You dont wanna burst the bubble. Also, the magnetic attraction you feel/ that slow burn makes it even more desirable for both of you. In synastry, you both might have a lot of conjunctions (especially with pluto, moon, and mars). I also pulled north node synastry as well (and this synastry makes it feel like you're meant to be aka its destiny. but its also uncomfortable). "I have never felt like this before" energy.
Honestly, I see this pile as being able to go both ways and it can easily make you feel heartbroken. You might have venus-pluto placements yourself or 8th house placements or they do. When you are together though, you both hate when other people interrupt. You love your alone time. It feels really good. This pile is all about intense eye contact, glancing down at each others lips, meeting in secret, getting jealous when other people try to talk to the other, hands brushing as you walk but never fully touching. But then devouring each other when alone (if you both end up trusting each other when to get there because, again, one of you or both are hesitating). If you open your heart and learn to trust and communicate in a healthy manner, it could be a life changing connection.
💌letter from their pov;
It feels wrong to fantasize about you the way I do. But I can't really help it. I think about the way your back would feel arched under my palm. your lips on mine, tongues meeting, teeth clashing. I look at your hands and imagine them gripping the sheets at the same time I grip your thighs. It feels wrong that these are things that have crossed my mind since I first met you. sometimes I try to lie to myself. Tell myself that maybe im not really that into you. but its such bullshit. even then, theres the what if. what if. what if. it looks like every odds are against us. we are complete opposites. it might never work. but im willing to take that risk. im willing to bet on us. even if it falls apart. but judging from the way you freeze up when we make eye contact I know its far beyond that. I know you felt it too. the day we met, how you paused. i know that we would love hard. and fall harder. and if it doesnt work out, it would be devastating. and yet, i would still decide to do it all over again. and you would too. life is too short. I dont want us to be a what-if.
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Their ideal partners
Silly little hcs because ive been thinking what each of the lads look for in a s/o
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Given I'm aiming for the "he's been observing humans for centuries and has grown used to their antics," vibe with him, I feel like he'd like someone who keeps him guessing
Nothing TOO crazy, because he can be irritable, but if you intrigue him he'll definitely stay around
Does he have any peculiar icks? Tastes?
Can't stand messy people... doesn't mind if its unorganized, or a chaotic system, but if you live in muck it's a deal breaker
Doesn't care what you look like, or what gender you are; he sees beyond that because, again, ancient being that's been watching humans for a long time.. kinda desensitized to that sort of thing
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Laughing Jack;
He WANTS someone who can match his energy; but he NEEDS someone who can mellow him out
As much as I hate the "I can fix/change him" thing (well I dont HATE it, it really matters on execution and all), Jack needs someone who can make him chill out a bit
Icks? You know those people who kill the energy in a room? Like total buzzkill + downers? He doesnt like those. Not like the "he hates depressed people" way, obviously, but in the way that
Okay so idk if this is just a me thing but I come across a lot of people who do it on purpose for attention/quirkiness, those are the kinds of people he doesnt like
Like slenderman, he doesnt really care what you look like; bros gonna slip himself around you like a snake (affectionately)
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Eyeless Jack;
Right off the bat he needs someone who's understanding
It ain't easy being a cursed man who's forced to eat human meat
Someone who's willing to listen to what happened to him, and help him see the brighter side of things
Basically a "storm cloud x sunshine" ship dynamic
Icks? As long as you're not too chaotic or hyper he's fine with it; Jack is more quiet and reserved energy wise, stress tends to make the curses symptoms worse
Prefers short people; he himself is also short (I hc hes about 5'5), and he's a lil insecure, but he's not totally opposed to dating taller people
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Writing for specifically masky for this one instead of the usual tim, hope that's alright!! I just wanna flesh out him n hoodie more
Bro is kinda..... whouf... rough around the edges; kinda feral
Not like FERAL feral, but this is the kind of dude who tunnels on someone during his work and wont be afraid to body slam into stuff full speed/force
So naturally, he gets hurt a lot. So a caring and soft partner is an immediate go to; especially since in my hc/au tim still exists, just as a different.. persona? Headspace? I really dont know the correct terms <\3
He likes observing as well, but he'll occasionally join in on whatever activity you're doing!!
Icks? Loud people... I would say spontaneous people as well, but considering my take on him, he kinda falls into a softcore version of that category
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Very similar to masky, but also not... between the two hes more.. calm and calculating; whereas Masky tends to dive straight in, in most cases
Should not that neither of them verbally speak; so they both need a partner who's fine with physical touch since that's one of their main ways of communicating/showing affection
Especially with hoodie; dude always has a hand on you and guiding you in some way
Unlike all the others, hoodie does not have ANY preferences for partners. Doesn't matter the personality, body type, and he doesnt have many icks
Probably doesnt like arrogance, kinda just annoys him.... but hey, makes his.. job.. easier
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agender-witchery · 4 months
I am not an expert in Japanese language or culture, but seeing people still being weird about Vivian's gender, even with the Thousand Year Door Remake out is infuriating, so I'm going to drop everything I've got here in case someone feels inclined to argue with some asshole still calling her a femboy or something.
To start: the original, 2004 Gamecube script.
Before I even get into whether Vivian is really being referred to using a crossdressing term (spoilers: she's not), let's address two other words that she herself uses in the original text.
Vivian uses "atai" (アタイ) as a first person pronoun in both the 2004 and 2024 scripts. atai is, put simply, extremely effeminate. I've had many people argue "Japanese pronouns aren't strict about gender like English pronouns!" and while this is technically correct, a female idol using "boku" to refer to herself and a theoretical femboy using "atai" to refer to himself are two very different situations. I am not well versed in the Japanese equivalent to femboy culture, but I would expect them to use "atashi" if anything.
Another word Vivian uses is "shimai" (姉妹) which means sister. This is in reference to herself and her sisters, where the three of them each say a part of the sentence introducing themselves. The full sentence (gonna ignore Beldam and Marilyn for now) is "We are... the three... Shadow Sisters!!" (われらは・・・ カゲ・・・ 三姉妹っ!!). There just isn't a way to interpret this as anything other than her calling herself a woman, so most transphobes ignore it if you point it out, or insist that other characters are the authority on her identity rather than herself. I suppose this makes sense for them, as they are quite accustomed to telling trans women "You'll always be a man".
Vivian doesn't refer to herself using gendered language anywhere else, but to be honest, this should be enough. But whatever, let's keep going, let's actually look at the ways in which Vivian is called a boy. This is done by Beldam, Goombella, and the game systems for both TTYD and SPM.
On the topic of Beldam, she refers to Vivian as a "man" (オトコ) to put her down. In the English release, this was changed to Beldam calling her "plug-ugly" and so many people who deny Vivian's trans identity will point to this and say that Beldam calling Vivian a man isn't a denial of her being a woman, but rather an insult being directed at her since it's very offensive to call a woman a man. Yes, misgendering people is offensive, astute observation made by the transphobes. Worth noting that this is entirely inconsistent with the argument that Vivian is a femboy, but that has not stopped some people from arguing both. I've seen it with my own two eyes. This line comes immediately after Vivian including herself within the group of sisters, but sure, maybe Beldam specifically insulted Vivian by calling her a man instead of the much easier ugly insult that we got in the English release. I don't think that's true, but maybe that's what happened. Let's move on, because this is largely addressed in the remake.
On to Goombella. Her Tattle for Vivian states that she's "The youngest sister [of the trio]... no, wait, brother" (いちばん下の妹・・・ じゃなくて 弟ね). This is just misgendering, I don't have much to say, Goombella is not the authority on Vivian's identity.
Now for game systems. Specifically, the partner menu in TTYD and the catch card in SPM. Both of these refer to Vivian as a "boy" (オトコのコ). These are universally written in katakana, and in fact, other than Goombella's Tattle, all dialogue referring to Vivian's identity is written in katakana. I'll get to that in a bit. This reference to Vivian as オトコのコ is the basis for basically every claim that she's a femboy coming from Westerners. The thing here is that オトコのコ is pronounced "otokonoko" and is highly popular as a term within Japanese crossdressing communities... kinda.
See, the term that's used for crossdressing is 男の娘 while the term that simply means boy is 男の子. These are pronounced identically, but use different characters, the former uses the characters for "male" and "daughter" while the latter is "male" and "child". The crossdressing term is a pun and it is slang. It's a play on words, it effectively means "male daughter" but is pronounced "boy". The kanji is crucial to conveying this meaning in Japanese, because otherwise if you write オトコのコ people will just assume you mean the common, every day usage of boy without any crossdressing implications rather than the slang terminology. Additionally, katakana is often used for emphasis, like bold or italics or ALL CAPS. Since all words referring to Vivian's gender identity are written in katakana for both the original and the remake, this puts emphasis on her identity, as if it were very important to Vivian's character and her personal story.
But wait! There's more. 男の娘 would not even enter popular usage until 2006. TTYD came out in 2004. That's two years too early for the game to be referring to her in this way. The simple, not obtuse way of interpreting this is that it's just misgendering and not Nintendo inventing a time machine, grabbing slang from 2 years in the future, embedding it in their game, and then inconsistently referring to Vivian as a cis woman, a cis man, and a femboy across two games. This sort of misgendering where a character will be presented with "They look like a girl, but they're actually a boy!" is very common for early 2000's characters who would be updated to be unambiguously transgender in later media. You know, like Bridget? The 2002 character who would be updated to be trans in 2022? Turns out it was difficult to put trans people in media without backlash at the time! Daisuke Ishiwatari said as much when clarifying Bridget's gender.
But this is a post about Vivian, so let's get back on topic...
The 2024 Switch remake script
The Japanese text for the Switch remake includes changes that are... very front and center. You may have seen the English screenshots concerning Vivian's gender. If anything, these are downplaying it. The Japanese is much more blatant concerning Vivian being transgender. And these are changes coming from the Japanese writers who read the original script for the 2004 release and decided to write her this way in 2024. While the original writers credited from the 2004 release seem to be missing from the credits in the 2024 release (Hironobu Suzuki and Misao Fukuda), the director of the 2004 release is present in a supervisor role (Ryota Kawade).
I do not have the Japanese text of the Boggly Woods scene, as I am relying on other people's posting of text from the game since I'd like to finish the game in English first and I'm not even through Hooktail's Castle yet. I do have the text from Goombella, the partner menu, and the new dialogue in Twilight Town.
Let's start with Goombella and the partner menu, since those are straightforward. All references from Goombella to Vivian's gender are removed, and the partner menu now says "Has a boy's body, but a girl in their heart." in Japanese. I'll talk about that phrasing in a bit.
But the new dialogue! You've probably already seen it if you're reading this, but the English reads "Truth is, it took me a while to realize I'm their sister... not their brother. Now their usual bullying feels heavier." which, to me, is fairly unambiguous in what it means. I've seen people try to imply that it doesn't mean she's trans, but like, I'm not gonna humor that. I have seen earnest questions on why the last sentence is worded like that though, so I'll talk a bit about it at the end.
The Japanese text for this line, which again, is entirely new is "それに じつは アタイ・・・ 体は オトコのコだけど ココロは カワイイ オンナのコなの" or in English "The thing is... I... I have a boy's body, but my heart is a cute girl's!". Now, "I have the body of X but my heart/soul is that of Y!" is, to my understanding, a very common way for trans people to express themselves in Japan, so this reads as a point blank Vivian turning to the camera and saying "I am transgender". And again, these are the Japanese writers from the company that wrote the original 2004 script who are familiar with and interpreted that script for their job that paid them actual money. If someone wants to insist exclusively on authorial intent and refuses to recognize localizers as authors (they are), then this is the authorial intent. Vivian is trans and the Japanese script went out of its way to make this as clear as possible. The line after this also has Vivian talking about having "girl’s feelings" (乙女心).
That all should be the end of the discussion. If people argue against this, I can't really say they're doing anything other than being deliberately obtuse to serve a transphobic agenda.
As for the wording in the English translation, about how the usual bullying Vivian had experienced felt heavier, that really just reinforces the trans narrative, but in a way that is mostly gonna be picked up by trans people, which is why I say the translation is downplaying it. I probably don't need to explain this here on the gay website, half of you are probably trans, but fuck it, maybe you haven't thought about it too hard. Transphobia isn't just being misgendered and receiving systemic discrimination, it's also just receiving more hate in general. This is true of all bigotry, whether you're a cis woman, trans, black, disabled, people will just focus on you and be more critical in general. For a trans audience, this is something that can be picked up on relatively easily, but for non-trans audiences, it might just seem like a non sequitur. I generally really like the changes, but I do wish this one specific sentence actually referenced transphobia in the most direct way possible, have her state with precisely zero uncertainty that her sisters called her a man to bully her.
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labyrinthofsphinx · 3 months
So the accused freeloader is Drift as a human? Interesting if so! Does Alastor visit Drift once in hell, or is this a full on human AU and Vox and Alastor aren’t bitter divorced exes in the afterlife? (Don’t mind me stumbling on this blog and loving it so much I’ve now bingedall of the murder partners turned murder family)
(Also I’ll die on the hill that Vox and Alastor have bitter divorced husband energy in Episode 2 and 8 of HH)
DING DING!! We have a Winner folks!!! I’m so glad your enjoying it btw <333
But yes! That’s my boy, Drift! In Murder Partners, almost everybody from the main cast is human and lives in a ~1930-1940s world together (though I play fast and loose with some history details). We will eventually get to just about everyone. That said, Hell still exists there, though different because of the absence felt by these characters. Now, if they're born in hell or obviously in hell for a reason, they're still in Hell. That doesn't mean they won't show up eventually, especially since I love my horror aspects ;)
Technically, Murder Partners does have a 'ending' that has to do with the afterlife but absolutely no spoilers!! :)))
There are some differences between the personality of characters, like Drift for example (Yes, he gets smaller in Hell XD):
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Most of the difference is explained by their experiences and how much of a support system they have and when they got it in life. "Drift" of Murder Partners is a lot more likely to be rude to your face, and generally hostile because, well, he's had a rough childhood and has had to fend for himself the whole time. Drift of the main story is a lot more like the kid who just wants to keep their head down in highschool. Everybody in Hell is bigger and meaner than him. That said, his personality really shines when he's among friends or is just so done with something that he stops caring about consequences.
As for Vox and Al from Murder Partners, well, their personalities are a lot more like how they are in Habzin when they're alone. Vox is nice for the cameras and for the people he cares about, but make no mistake, he is very smart, very manipulative, and there's a reason he's on top of the world. Same with Al. When they're around each other and their friends, they're like how we see them, mostly. You could say they're more comfortable being 'vulnerable'. They bring out the 'best' in each other, and knowing the other has made them a 'better person' (I use the term very lightly).
If you want to see more of these guys from the main, check out my fic Statistical Outliers where Vox meets the kid for the first time and hijinks happen ;)
TLDR: You are correct, that is Drift! Thank you for enjoying my silly AU <333 Here, have a cookie! :DDD
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catboybiologist · 6 months
yo I'm actually kinda curious now I'm not a geneticist and I guess you aren't either to my knowledge but what the hell does the y chromosome do? specifically in trans people on hrt and stuff I mean. to my understanding you said that trans women have everything they really need from one x chromosome, so. what's the other one up to. and also for trans men who lack a y chromosome, are they like. missing anything? hormones do 99% of the heavy lifting, right?
much love and whatnot btw. sorry about the freak in your inbox
Bit tired right now, so I hope this doesn't come out too rambly.
The one function that the Y chromosome has on sex determination is the Sry gene. This gene is responsible for testes formation, and ultimately, testosterone production. That's pretty much it. All of the other genes required to make something male or female are present, but inactive, in everyone. Hormones tell cells which ones to switch on and off, and at what times.
There's no explicit reason why Sry has to be linked to the Y chromosome. Most non-mammalian animals have different methods of sex determination, either from different sets of chromosomes, environmental triggers, or similar sex determining genes associating in appropriate ratios.
Why the Y, then?
All chromosomes, sex and somatic, are paired. Each member of the pair has the same genes on it. This is why you have two copies of most genes, and different "forms", or alleles, of a gene are possible. It's why mendelian genetics works. One of the cleanest examples is blood type. Blood types A, B, and O are all different forms of the same gene. You have two of these genes, and can therefore end up in combinations like AB, AO, etc (O in this case is no protein, A and B are slightly different forms of the same protein).
The Y chromosome is different. It's a shortened version of the X chromosome. So every gene on the Y chromosome has a pair on the X, but some genes on the X don't have a partner on the Y. And these genes have nothing to do with sex determination- the gene encoding for the red-sensitive protein in your eyes is an example of a gene in the part of the X chromosome that is "chopped off" to make the Y, and is therefore not carried by it. Every organism NEEDS at least one copy of these genes- from that point, you can upregulated that one copy and end up fairly normal.
Large chromosome deletions are fairly common, but oftentimes lethal to a developing embryo (not so fun fact, this is why the miscarriage rate is something like 70%, oftentimes so early and invisible that even the mother doesn't notice). While we can't know for certain without a time machine, the rationale is that one of these large chromosomal deletions happened to the X chromosome at some point in mammalian evolution. From that point, the only way that offspring can be passed down with that new Y chromosome in the gene pool is if you have a system that somehow forces every offspring to end up with at least one X chromosome.
Sry being linked to the Y chromosome accomplishes just that. It's an evolutionary band aid, a patch, a bodge, on a deleterious mutation. It forces the XX to XY pairing, ensuring that YY offspring don't happen.
In fact, we can see something similar happening in real time with a population of white throated sparrows: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7725849/#:~:text=Thus%2C%20not%20only%20do%20white,et%20al.%2C%202016).
A large chromosomal deletion is forcing new reproductive rules for pairing, to reduce the number of non viable offspring.
Hope this was somewhat digestible! It's a cool topic, but I'm very eepy atm
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g0ry0re0 · 5 months
Josh Futturman (Future Man, 2017, TV Show) - Headcanons
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Description: [18+ MDNI] AU where the reader experiences the show's events with Tiger, Wolf, and Josh. This takes place at the end/after the show where you and Josh live together as a couple. / Josh Futturman x GN!Reader
General Notes: Established Relationship, Reader Show Insert, Slight Spoilers For The Ending Of Future Man, Gender Neutral Reader, Romantic Headcanons, Sexual Headcanons Mixed In, No Use Of Y/N, Slight Cursing
Author's Note: Needed to do some headcanons to fill the JHutch void on Tumblr right now, and to get myself back into writing actual fics lol. Also, I can't believe this is only the second thing I've done for my baby boy, Futturman. I love him so much. Hope y'all enjoy! <3
Word Count/Bullet Point Count: 523 Words/30 Bullet Points
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You and Josh road trip from Iowa back to California soon after stopping the existence of time travel
You find yourselves doing odd jobs to keep yourself afloat, Josh often doing cleaning jobs
Y'all find a dingy little apartment on the outskirts of L.A.
Despite the smallness of the shitty apartment, you and Josh declared that you didn't need that much anyway, as long as you had each other
Josh definitely gets back into gaming once you come to terms with being stuck in the 2000s
He particularly enjoys Street Fighter EX3 and Tekken Tag Tournament on the PS2 (until Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy 10 come out in the next few years)
You also acquire a Gamecube system once it comes out the next year
You liked playing Pikmin and Mario Kart: Double Dash together (you always played as Luigi to spite him)
You both also try to get into taking care of small plants
There's a lot of dead plants on your kitchen windowsill
Though, Josh has the first flower you ever grew together pressed and hung in your bedroom
After everything that happened, Josh is pretty clingy
When you wake up in the morning, Josh does not leave your side
Whether you're making breakfast, coffee, or just trying to get ready, Josh is practically attached to your hip
He gets especially clingy at night when you two make dinner together and watch a movie y'all rented from Blockbuster
He likes to cuddle A LOT, which can often lead to some more intimate activities
After the events at Haven, Josh was a little nervous about sparking any private moments between you two
But, after the first time together, he quickly got over it
He was worried he would hurt you at first too, but the things you went through in the past few "however-much-time-has-passed", you showed that you can take a little pain
He loves how good you take him, as if you two were made for each other
Unless Josh gets pissed for some reason, he is a definite sub
His favorite position is having you on top in any way, shape, or form
Josh is a sucker for pleasuring his partner, first and foremost, to where he can nearly get himself off just thinking about it
Besides being sexually intimate, you both just love physical contact in general
Josh loves taking you out on little dates, taking you to his favorite places in L.A. (sometimes forgetting what year it is and finding out that place doesn't exist yet)
Josh especially loves taking you to Little Tokyo and the Arts District
Josh also loves when music he enjoys is released and he can finally listen to it again (instead of humming it to himself in the shower)
Same goes for films, he really enjoys being able to go to the theaters to experience it for the "first time" with other people. especially the Marvel movies later on
When Josh observed his parents for the first time, he cried
The last time Josh visited his parents, you took him away with the promise of a picnic in the park before his dad could say anything to him
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Divider: saradika and saradika-graphics on tumblr
Gif: marlosrph on tumblr
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thoughtfulchaos773 · 5 months
Thanks @vacationship for pointing out that Sydney initiates the first touch with Carmy in Review. As an obsessive person, I will analyze the choice to touch Carmy and the buildup to it.
(Warning: This might bring up some annoyance with Carmy. However, the tension and buildup leading to his explosion in this episode are incredibly well done. Looking back on the episode, it speaks to Carmy's character development season 2.)
So we fast forward to Ebra reading the review, revealing Sydney's dish as the restaurant's highlight.
Ribbon of brine, huh?
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Carmy was already busy but noticed he didn't initiate eye contact with her like usual. The only time he looks her way is to shake his head in disappointment-hurt-anger that this dish she makes herself and that he says isn't ready. It gets a green light. Really, it's about Carmys not being genuinely ready to change for their relationship to develop. Carmy doesn't do this until fast forward - he loses Sydney.
Maybe the lack of eye contact tells us there's a disconnect, and there will continue to be a disconnect between them throughout the episode. And the GLARE carmy makes at Sydney. Everyone should already know shit about to blow up.
Carmy was ANGRY.
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He's nodding in agreement, but you can make it out that he's stewing while sydney is asking for understanding, something he's struggling to give.
Sidebar: it brings up the importance of Tina's say hello to Jeff's friend. Carmy isn't feeling that connection - that friendship right now.so Tina saying that adds fuel to his fire.
Fast forward to more buildup, Richie and Sydney's argument. Carmy comes up with his baggage, ready to end the fight between him, but he is not much help.
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Carmy intervenes, and there's still no steady eye contact with Sydney.
Oh and the importance of Sydney saying WE are learning (call back to carmy asking Sydney in 1x03 bridgade, WE want to make this place better, right?). Early on, they established their bond, but Carmy makes sure, maybe out of spite, to say the new system was her idea.
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This is when Sydney really notices they are not on the same page. That he's pushing her away.
Which is what makes her make the unconscious decision to touch carmy. A plea to connect again.
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Carmy stops like she asks him to through touch. Even though he was ready to walk away, he couldn't help but take a moment to pause even though they're under pressure with time. And for the first time, he really looks at her. His eyes come up even though he's still in his feelings about the whole thing.
That also tells us about Carmy's character. He doesn't talk about his feelings, which reminds me of episode 2x06 'Fishes', where Mikey had to practically drag out of Carmy the reason why he was so angry with him. When Carmy is hurt, he either explodes quickly or lets it brew until it's too late. There's no balance in his anger.
But Sydney helps with this. With their relationship, they want to keep the connection going, and in order to do that, with disagreements, there needs to be a goal to always maintain connection.
Arguments happen even with the most compatible people. It isn't toxic as some naysayers use it as an excuse to this ship. both strives to connect and carmy, although angry stops to give Sydney a minute.
But he still turned away and didn't hash it out with her. He didn't check early on if she was okay. This could be a lesson learned- a blow up may not have happened if he had given Sydney more time and connected with her despite his anger.
This gesture reveals a lot about their relationship dynamic, and looking back, it helps me appreciate Carmy's character growth. His desire to improve communication and become a better partner for Sydney? Sydney being the same way and their efforts to maintain their relationship is what makes the ship so compelling.
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creature-wizard · 13 days
Manifestation Without Woo: People React To Your Projections, & Your Projections Affect Your Perceptions
Depending on what circles you travel in, you may have heard of a concept called "Everyone Is You Pushed Out," which claims that other people are actually just projections of your own mind and don't really have true agency and interiority. Supposedly, by changing your beliefs about other people, you can mold them into anything you want!
I'm going to be blunt here: that's some nasty dehumanizing bullshit.
Still, people can tell you from personal experience that other people really do behave differently depending on how you perceive them. So what's going on?
There's two things going on here. First, many people are responding to how you behave.
Here's an example: Let's say a teenager with blue hair and piercings walks up to a shopkeeper and asks her where to find something she's looking for. The shopkeeper decides that blue hair and piercings equals delinquent. Immediately, her whole demeanor changes. Her posture shifts to a defensive position. Her tone of voice becomes stiffer and more condescending. Her chin tilts up, her nostrils flare, and her smile fades into a slight frown, signaling contempt.
The teenager notices all of this, and knows from experience that adults who act like this are trouble. So her own nervous system prepares her for conflict. Her eyes narrow, her tone of voice tenses, and she leans back slightly, looking up at the shopkeeper with a distrustful gaze. Immediately, she seems to be exactly what the shopkeeper took her for.
But let's look at what might happen if the shopkeeper doesn't project a hostile assumption. Instead of tensing up, she smiles and warmly says, "How may I help you?"
This friendly behavior tells the teenager that she's dealing with a reasonably safe person, and she doesn't need to be on guard. So she smiles back and asks where she can find the book she wants in a friendly and polite tone.
Now to be clear, there are limitations to how far you can influence someone else's behavior by staying mindful of your projections. It's not going to do much on someone who's been fully radicalized into hating people like you, for example. But for most normal, everyday interactions, this can have a big effect.
Secondly, your projections make you interpret other people's behavior differently.
Let's say your roommate often leaves stuff out and doesn't put it away. If you believe that your roommate is doing this because they're malicious or because they think it's your job to clean up after them, then you're going to interpret your roommate as an adversarial entity, and interpret their behavior in general through an adversarial light. To you, they seem to be a selfish asshole.
But maybe they actually have ADHD, and maybe they think you're fine with cleaning up after them because you never told them otherwise.
Instead of trying to EIYPO them into cleaning up after themselves, you need to check your perceptions and talk to them, expressing your needs and listening to theirs. In this case it's a good idea to cultivate a charitable interpretation - don't just let yourself believe they're being selfish or mean.
Beware, however - charitable assumptions aren't always healthy. For example, interpreting a partner's controlling behavior as proof of their devotion rather than a sign of insecurity is not good. Try and be careful not to romanticize or excuse behaviors that are genuinely unhealthy or inappropriate.
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oddballwriter · 5 months
💳💥💳💥💳 THE SYSTEM WITH A METALHEAD I BEG OF YOU!! ( if comfy ofc )
Like short 5'2-5'3 reader who looks SCARY as shit and wears all black+tatted but is super cutesy until someone says the wrong shit and they get absolutely insane?
feel like steven would be like raging heart eyes
( maybe smutty maybe not either wayyy..)
- 🌑
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Steven Grant
Steven was scared of you at first, that's for sure. The all black and scary look definitely worked on him
It wouldn't be until you approached him that he realized you weren't going to bite him
He finds the difference between the two of you funny, positively.
To me, he seems more like a listener of ABBA and The B-52, those kind of older songs that are more up beat. Something that some suburban dad definitely has on vinyl
I firmly believe that Steven fucking loves the B-52s for some reason, he just has those vibes
Softer type of music, you know? Definitely not metal
But he does enjoy that you're kind and really nice rather than acting the part of how you look
But the one time when you two were out and someone insulted you both and you proceeded to yell at them and cuss them out was a day that he thinks about a lot. You weren't even yelling at them for insulting you, you just tore them a new one because they insulted him
He felt something that day, and he's not saying that he wants you to yell at him, but if you bossed him around a little then he's going to do it with a tent in his pants
He's too embarrassed to admit that but it's defiantly something that's there and you'll catch on someday
Back to the actual topic though, Steven doesn't like metal but he supports you liking it since it makes you happy
Would attend a concert with you but he'd have ear plugs in so that the music doesn't hurt his ears or stress him out
Also, you will have to leave him in the back because he's not going in the mosh pit, he would not survive. I'm sorry but he's not built for that
Marc Spector
Okay, Marc doesn't really listen to metal, he's not an avid metal listener. But I'm sure he's listened to a few songs and knows the more mainstream bands
He thinks you're cool though. Similar to my HCs for them with a goth partner, he finds it fascinating how you don't care how people perceive you and just be yourself. You're happy and he uses that as inspiration to be himself too
Marc would listen to metal music with you if it comes up, maybe you expand his knowledge of the genre
Do I think he'd handle a mosh pit? No, I think it would stress him out too much. Too much is happening and it freaks him out. Loves seeing you having fun though so go mosh for him
Marc also respects the fact that you're still polite and not true to how people think you would be, but 100% if you tell someone off then he's all for it. You tell 'em!
Since I went on a whole side tangent on Steven's music tastes, it's only right I do it for Marc
Marc sort of shares the same taste as Steven where he listens to songs that were around when they were younger. He's a classics kind of guy. He likes it when he hears people from back then on the radio
This man refuses to leave the 80's and 90's music scene. You will have to pry it from him in the field of reeds
Jake Lockley
Jake is such a "I love all genres" guy, he listens to everything and finds something to like in it. Even country, yeah sure modern country sucks but older ones are the ones he talks about when e talks about country music
So yeah, Jake definitely likes metal and can get into it. So feel free to play it around him
He also thinks you're cool and loves your whole look. Buys a shirt to match
100% would love to see you tear someone a new one so long as they deserve it. This man is an enabler, he's in the back cheering you on
Also, if you ask him to go to a concert with you, he will say yes so fast
Jake would survive the mosh pit, he would thrive
It lets him let out some stuff that he's been holding back and energy that he can't really put anywhere else
Honestly Jake would be so clearly into your whole metalhead life. He thinks it's hot. He finds it sexy. There's something about the loud music and look that does something for him and he's not going to hide that
Honestly, yell at him in bed, it'll be good foreplay if you're down
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arceespinkgun · 1 month
The weirdness about seekers has blended so much into fanon that you can hardly find a fanfiction without the creepy exotic bird concept! If people wanted to explore the seekers through their alt mode, I personally like the idea that they suffer sensory drawbacks from their high functioning targeting systems when in bot mode. In fact, Starscream has canonically experienced sensory overload from loud noises or certain frequencies! Or y'know maybe they're just aliens who transform into jets and people can not reinvent racism :')
Also where did the trine telepathy come from because as far as I can tell the first canonical twin telepathy was introduced in Bayverse through Mudflap and Skids, but they're not even seekers let alone Decepticons. The same continuity has tertiary material with Megatron and Optimus as twins, therefore they have the ability. An example of Optimus sensing his twin can be seen in age of extinction where he deduces that Galvatron was made from the remnants of Megatron. How on earth did it find its way so heavily characterized in elite trine/seeker fanon if the original concept didn't even involve the elite trine and the only miniscule link is that Bayverse Megatron turns into a jet???
It is extra appropriate that you mention the sensory overload thing since that panel people sometimes share where Starscream goes through that was caused by Thundercracker (and then Skywarp shoots him down) XD
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From The Transformers (UK) #15
Some fanon is cool so I don't think fans should throw all of it out, but sometimes I wonder if it might be a nice challenge for people to occasionally attempt to make something where they attempt to utilize either no or as little fanon as possible, and either keep it 100% canon, or use only the headcanons and new concepts they've personally made up that aren't based on any existing community fanon. I think that might help people think of new ideas in fic especially, where a lot of the same fanon just keeps getting reused everywhere.
Okay, so, I don't 100% know if this is accurate, but I'm fairly certain the telepathy thing doesn't come from any canon source about twins like the Bayverse examples you mention. I may be wrong since I wasn't there (anyone else feel free to explain more), but from discussions and fics I've seen, I think it comes from the old and popular fanon that sparkbonding results in a psychic and emotional link between partners, especially since a lot of fics I've seen have said things about twin or trine characters along the lines of, "we share a link, not like couples do but a different kind" and so on.
...Or... look, I kinda didn't want to bring this up, but while I love the idea of transformers having relationships that aren't similar to ones humans have, and I think relationship anarchy can be a great thing, sometimes I really can't help but feel that in a lot of fanon, trines were maybe invented by fans to explore both being siblings and dating... simultaneously... and it can be really weird or creepy.... >_>
So, I'm an Oplita fan, and Elita-1 and Optimus were/are girlfriend and boyfriend in the Sunbow cartoon but then both ended up saying they see the same guy as a dad figure who rebuilt them to only be able to interface with each other. I think this is just funny, and I don't mind situations like this happening. They're robots! When I'm saying the trine stuff can be really weird, I mean that it's often presented as like, characters in a trine get created to be like siblings and have a very sibling-like bond from the start in a human-like way, and then do romantic and sexual stuff and have that added to the bond. That can feel creepy to me, particularly since trines are 100% fanon and do not exist anywhere in any canon media, so that can make me feel even more suspicious about what the intentions are....
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superums · 1 year
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rock-star! hobie x super-star! reader headcannons
ooc!hobie (maybe). gn!reader. mentions of girlfriend one time but that it. black coded!reader but its not heavy or anything. reader was supposed to be a rapper but i like the idea of a super star instead. i wanted to make the reader like sexyy red that didn't happen. theres a suggestive part. idk how to write his accent
color coded text: hobie , you
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you guys are more alike than you think. touring, getting into fights, sometimes your music topics intersect beating people down, stealing peoples partners, rebelling against the system in some way, shape or form.
but where you're different is how you market yourselfs. hobies band is more about being loud about the hate for conforming and the system. they're vocal about political issues, they almost get banned from tv multiple times for broadcasting ideas that the man doesn't like.
you on the other hand, are seen as the super star of your generation. you rap, sing dance—you're the real deal. your music is very diverse depending on what you want to go for; you could sing the most heart wrenching songs about one sided love and the next track you could be rapping about getting white girl wasted and getting ████ed in the ████ in the car before an award show (which may or may not have happened).
anyways! you two keep your relationship as private as you can. you don't really talk about each other in interviews, you have a couple songs about each other but it's not really a common thing.
theres a lot of paparazzi pics of you two together though. theres pics of you and hobie walking out of after parties together, hanging with his friends, coming back from the grocery store and many, many photos of you two hugging and kissing.
hobie has like this sixth sense that makes him always find the camera so sometimes theres pictures of him grabbing as much of your ass as he can while smirking at the camera man thats walking behind you (which you didn't know whats there btw)
and every single times he dose that theres always a second picture of you hitting the back of his head or grabbing his ear.
*click* *click* *click* "stop doing that!" your face was getting hotter from embarrassment as you turned the corner faster trying to get away from the camera man. hobie could only smirk as he caught up to you easily, putting his hand on your shoulders before pulling you closer.
bringing one of his hands to your waist as the other snaked from your shoulder to your chest. "c'mon luv, you know i can't resist..." his breath hitting your ear as he leaned in to smell your neck before being cut off by a hit to his chest. you could practically hear his smirk as he pushed your hips back into his.
your stomach started to naught as you felt it on your behind. you closed your eyes almost forgetting the situation. *click* *clock* *click* your eyes snapped open as your hear the camera man behind you.
"oh hush you just think you're funny." hobie couldn't even hold back his laugh as he watched you walk in front of him with your arms crossed. "well it is! n' don't act like you don't like it."
if you're shy & bashful he would love to embarrass you but not in a ddg/halle bailey way but in a "omgggg stop guys🙈" kind of way like why is he parading around in a 'i 🩷 my gf' shirt and making out with you on national television
hobie dose not think it's right to be controlling over his partners nor dose he believe that you should be subservient to him—now with that being said he feels sick to his stomach when you collaborate with certain artists.
you had a song about partying in the club and your male feature was talking about fucking on you he couldn't even bring himself to post the song on a ig story. he actually fell to his knees !!!
speaking of feeling sick! if you ever twerk on someone just for a performance or have to grind on someone during a dance he doesn't get super angry or whatever but in the inside he's like 'im abt to kms'. he's very dramatic!!
he hates when people try to put you in the role of just being his partner and nothing else—he will literally sit there and argue with someone if they ever try to sit there and say you're nothing but a pretty face.
he feels a certain way if you ever get uber rich. he knows thats most if not all artist want to live comfortably and he understands that you aren't the corrupt system that exploits others, hell you're getting exploited in some way.
BUT if you ever have a million dollars his would would feel a little VERY unsettled. he'd probably break up with you lol he wouldn't want to sound like a hater but he'd try to be like "heyyy how about we donate some money to a shelter or something🙈🫶🏿💗❓"
but if you're dating him he won't have to worry about that because you have to be at least a little political (and he'd have to agree with your views)
you might not be an anarchist, you don't even have to classify yourself with one political party but you have to at least be anti-capitalist, anti-establishment and pro-black.
speaking of politics he gets arrested all the time for protesting and you'll have to get used to that. like every few weeks you will have to pic him up from jail because he was arrested for conspiracy to riot or something on the lines of that.
IF you two ever collab you'll have to find a middle ground because he cannot sing (that is cannon!) and you should never try to get him too unless you want your engineer to be slaving away trying to get him to sound listenable.
he's lowkey your arm candy and he doesn't mind it at all. like if you get invited to the grammies or something he'll always come with you (his group will most likely never get nominated bc of the topics they like to talk about.) but he's never wearing a suit he just likes to dress like this:
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in return you'll probably have to dress in a lot of black id you want to match or don't... he'll be like your statement piece for the night
if he's with you when you get your first award he'll literally pic you up and jump up and down with you for a few seconds before letting you go
if you normally win at award shows he just kisses you for a few seconds before letting go up to accept it
either way doesn't like to go up on stage with you hen you accept awards because he feels like he takes away from your moment but he dose walk you off and on stage. the only way he'll ho up on stage with you is if you're like crying really heavy then.
his band mates probably thought you were gonna be the hit it & quit it type because usually punks and non-punks don't last long but they were a little surprised when 1) you two lasted long and 2) you agreed with their views despite being industry.
sum sum sum idk how to end this
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my-pjo-stuff · 21 days
gen question, what are your opinions on each of the Olympians (you don't have to but plz separate for each god cause I'm really interested
Lmao dw, although I should warn you many of my opinions are the same or very similar on them, so I shortened parts and left others out (elaboration at the end) ZEUS - Tyrannt king who's no better than Kronos in terms of personality who deserves to be overthrown. HERA - Cruel woman who yes, is hurt and props mistreated by Zeus and his actions, but still takes her anger out on innocent people. Also deserves to be overthrown
HADES - Upholding and unjust system who may somewhat be okay to Nico, but still is a shitty parent. He litteraly wanted to force Nico to become the Hero of the Great Prophecy for his own gain despite believing the hero would die. Deserves to be overthrown, and have CPS called on him. POSEIDON - A "nice" dictator is still a dictator y'all. Uses and treats mortal life just as carelessly as everyone else. Him being a good father to Percy does not make him a good guy or someone who is a good ruler. I mean just look at his r*pe bodycount plz DEMETER - Negelctful parent who uses her children as much as canon fodder as everyone else. Helps to uphold an unjust system that uses and abuses literal children and their mortal parents while activley benefiting from it.
APHRODITE - Negelctful parent who also uses and abuses her children. Just because she talked to Piper and helped her dad doesn't make her a good person or mother. The main reason for that is that she does not give that same level of attention and care to the rest of her children- picking favorites is not suddenly "okay" or "cool" just because your favorite character happens to be the favorite child.
ATHENA - Negelectful parent who uses her kids as cannon fodder. And not only that but she's also exceptionally irresponsible considering how she just dumps kids on completely unprepared parents and leaves not helping any further. Ontop of that she's also incredibly prideful and assumes she has some right to meddle with her kids' lives. 90% of the gods deserve to be overthrown but she also deserves a kick in the balls from Annabeth ontop. ARTEMIS - I made multiple posts about how creepy she is already. Borderline creep in her way of specifically going after younger girls. Also not yet sure she ain't leading a borderline cult with the Hunters of Artemis. Also the way she is about men violates so many human rights. Joining her Hunters would be a living nightmare for me, knowing she'd be my patron goddess if I lived in PJO makes me glad she's fictional. Helps to uphold and profits from a system literally killing kids. APOLLO - Helps to uphold a system that's literally killing kids and benefits from it. He uses demigod lives as cannon fodder too. Him "loving" his partners and children does not change the fact that he just leaves/abandons both of them if the kid doesn't happen to be a favorite of his. Jury's still out on him post-TOA and redemtion. If he actively does something against the system to help the demigods or atleast attempts to do we're god. If he doesn't he's even worse than the rest bc now he doesn't even have the "he didn't know any better" excuse. ARES - OG reason I wish Luke won unironically. Tyrant, jerk, probably abusive and misogynistic????? Also the typical case of using his kids as cannon fodder. Neglectful parent 101. HEPHAESTUS - IDK if he talked and helped Leo and said he "watches all his children". He did not help any other of his kids like that, no good father EVER employs even a SMIGE of favoritism. You can watch your kids all you want, if you continue to ignore them, use them as cannon fodder, and actively benefit from the system killing them that makes you a weird stalker at best. But most certainly not a good father OR person. HERMES - I have never seen someone fumble the bag so hard like??? Honestly he deserve a TROPHY for being able to mess up so incredibily much with Luke and May 💀 At this point you can really only describe the guy as inept. He for real just left his innocent newborn son with a woman he KNEW was insane completely alone for no reason??? AND THEN BLAMED LUKE FOR LEAVING HIS MOM/NOT LIKING HER????? Listen idk if he "couldn't have interfered without making it worse" and if it was against some ancient law. Poseidon interferes with Percy a BUNCH even when he was under a prophecy for multiple of his quests and everything turned out fine. Hermes loved Luke, unfortunately he just had a room-temperature IQ. He is also a neglectful parent who uses his kids as cannon fodder- he couldn't care less about any other child of his not named "Luke Castellan". Favoritism still ain't cool my man DIONYSUS - May genuinly care about his kids and all, but he still basically trains up a demigod child army and uses them as cannon fodder. Helps to uphold the system. Litteraly shoves his job at camp off to the kids while being a straight up asshole- no wonder did so many kids turn when HE was their one and only example for a god. EXTRA INFO
I think that "helps to uphold an unjust system" and "actively benifits from a system that uses kids as cannon fodder with no regards for them" honestly applies to EVERY god with exception of Hestia and the minor gods who joined the TA. They are also all dictators to some degree- remember everybody: A NICE DICTATOR IS STILL A DICTATOR. IF THEY WERE A GOOD PERSON THEY WOULDN'T BE A DICTATOR! I hate the gods for real. Although personally in terms of hate everyone get's an equal amount, but Artemis creeps me out the MOST. (Can I get a restraining order against a goddess?)
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lunatic-pudge · 9 months
Engie SFW Alphabet
This was a little harder to write cause as obsessed with Engie as I am with someone like Sniper. But I know people love Engie and he do be a good boy. Kinda went a little morbid at some parts though so oops.
But this is my last post of the year! Happy New Year everyone! I'm five seconds away from passing tf out :D
A: Affection (How do they show affection? And how affectionate are they?)
Wholesome baby man Engie loves affection. Like Spy, he is a gentleman so he won't be too overly affectionate with you when in a public setting. If you choose to love all over him in front of people, he'll get flustered but won't stop it. Definitely loves holding hands. It's simple but gets the message across
B: Best Friend (What would they be like a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Top tier bestie. He never looks down on people for being different and he's such a great support system. The friendship was bound to happen when you meet him due to his kind nature. Bonus points if you are into mechanical stuff as well. You two would be sitting together around some blueprints, trying to create new inventions or build something crazy
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He do be loving some good cuddles. Loves being snuggled up with his partner, just enjoying each other's presence. Likes to be the big spoon. Having his arms wrapped around you, nuzzling up against your neck, enjoying your scent and telling you how much he adores you
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking & cleaning?)
He would like to settle down but kinda feels too old to be settling down. Top tier cooking and amazing at cleaning and organizing. He's the house husband of the mercs, they'd all be nothing without him. But he really is someone worth coming home too. Man's too adorable
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I'd say he's the most mature about it. He's like Medic where relationships tend to not last long cause of his work and how it tends to be his main focus. He's quick to the point, feeling bad about it but understanding it needs to be done. I'd say it doesn't take him long to recover from it.
F: Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Take commitment very seriously. He'd love to be able to get married to the one he considers his soulmate. Engie is someone who'd wait a good few years before considering marriage. He just wants to be sure.
G: Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Definitely the most gentle of all nine mercs. Again, he's a great support system. He's naturally gentle with his pertners, treating them with respect and always trying to be there for them. He's a great person to go to even if you just need to vent. Gives some of the best advice needed
H: Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Loves to give hugs. I'd say he does it often no matter where you are and who's around. He's got them comforting hugs, warm and strong. Man's giving dad vibes off and I'm going with it.
I: I Love You (How fast do they say the L-Word?)
It would take a few months into the relationship for him to say it. He feels he has to say it first since it's the gentlemanly thing to do. He'd wait until you two are all cuddled up for the night before saying it. Absolutely flustered after saying it. Cheeks pink, holding you tighter. Just a cute little moment between the two of you
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
I don't really see Engie as the jealous type. I'll elaborate later but he's someone who has more of a God-complex if anything. Why would you ever wanna settle for less? He knows no one else is on his level and he knows how to treat his partner right. So he never worries about any sort of competiton. But if he were to ever be jealous, he has his ways of taking care of the problem
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Cute and wholesome. Loves to give his partner a kiss on the cheek. It's easy for when you guys are both busy and can't stand and talk for a bit. A quick kiss on the cheek and he's off to do whatever he was doing. God, I can't stop picturing this man as an innocent ball of wholesomeness when he's basically the opposite
L: Little Ones (How are they around kids?)
Man, he's great with kids. Makes a damn good father figure. Is someone who'd would try to get the kiddies into STEM. Teaching them how to build simple things like little homemade rockets. Making sure they eat and are taken care of. He's EVERYONE'S dad
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He's one of the first mercs up and ready for the day. He'd have breakfast made, a pot of coffee brewed, and in his workshop tinkering with his inventions. His days are always spent in his workshop, he'd have a seat ready for you so you can hang out with him
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are spent trying to get him out of said workshop. He's always couped up in there and loses treack of time. So you'll have to convince him that it's time for bed. He tends to stay on the workshop til he's finished with whatever project he's working on, it's a bad habit of his
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait awhile to reveal things slowly?)
It happens over time, though it doesn't take too long. He likes to tell stories of when he was a child, helping his Father out with building sentries.
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Engie's someone who takes a lot to anger, though he has his moments. The quickest way to anger him is by messing with his stuff. He can't stand when Scout comes into his workshop, looking for something, and then trashes the workshop. He makes Scout clean it up each time while making snide remarks at the youngster
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every detail in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
You take one look at this man and tell me. This man has, what, like 11 PHDs. Of course he's got a damn good memory. He's got the memory of an elephant, never forgets anything. If he were to not remeber something, it's cause he learned the info when he was drunk. Good luck trying to catch this man lacking cause it almost never happens
R: Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
When you two were in his workshop and he was teaching you some of the basics of his inventions. Having you help out a little while he did most of the work. He enjoys spending quality time with his partner. It's the little things that wins his heart over
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
I'd say he's a little more on the protective type. He knows you can take care of yourself but he likes protecting you. It fuels his ego. He'd be such a flustered mess if you protect him. It was something he wasn't expecting so he was thrown so off gaurd. He appreciates it though and make sure to make it up to you for it
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, and everyday tasks?)
He likes to have quiant little dates. A home cooked dinner, watch a movie while cuddled up, just spending time together. When it comes to gifts, he likes to make them. He feels they matter more when they're made by his own hand
U: Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
It's his God-complex. He thinks he's better than everyone and no one comes near his level of intelligence. And, like the other mercs, he's a bit of a psychopath and you know damn well he could make Saw-esque traps to use out on the battlefield or to "take care" of those who hurt his partner
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Meh, he's too busy with other things. He's just not too worried about his looks when he's inventions to work on. There's not much to say on the matter ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Meh, he can handle going a while without seeing you. He's use to it. And if the relationship ends, he'll be sad about it for a bit but he'll be fine
X: Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
I really like the idea of Engie being two-faced. Like, he makes himself seem like such a nice guy, but then he's also this cruel, semi-obsessed, deranged man who will gladly make his own Saw traps to torture those who've wronged him or his partner. It makes a good yandere scenario for me
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn't like people who think they're better than him. If he were to catch someone messing with his sentries or other inventions, claiming that he did it wrong or they're fixing it, he'd beat them to death with his wrentch. Again, God-complex
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Sleep? What sleep? Another one with a fucked sleep schedule. He can't help it. He's the type to be like "just one more (insert thing here)" and then all the sudden instead of it being midnight, it's 3pm and he's missed out on a whole night's sleep and gets yelled at by Medic
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