#there's no good new content on here other than a few accounts posting like a quarter of the things relating to my interests
rooiboschailatte · 1 year
i was not put on this earth to only use tumblr bc apparently ppl on tumblr are completely oblivious to laufey, sandy liang, frankceramics, gohar world, etc etc.
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OMG RAVEN YOU’RE INTO EVER AFTER HIGH? I love it but can’t talk about it bc none of my friends have seen it 😭 I wish it was talked about more, especially with how deep their lore runs. I love EAH’s dynamics with the complexities of destiny. If twst followed the same logic as eah’s world it would be so interesting. How would you feel if the worlds were to mesh together and how it would work? You can interpret that in any way you want; the characters meeting or twst being bound to the same rules and societal expectations of eah, or whatnot.
Also who’s your favorite eah character compared to your favorite twst character (Leona)?Jade, right?
And have you read the eah books? I haven’t, but I’m going to try to sometime!
Eah alt account when?
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I'm still salty that the Monster High x Ever After High crossover movie never saw the light of day-- Part of the reason why I don't like Disney (I mean the faceless corpo, not all Disney products) is because they have such a strong association with fairy tales that it pushes other interpretations out of the market or it leads to people assuming Disney "owns" those fairy tales. Ever After High's lore and themes run so much deeper than most other fairy tale reimaginings I've seen (and I've seen a lot). It's such a shame it doesn't get the respect and recognition it deserves even though EAH is the one out here challenging the status quo whereas modern Disney is content with mediocrity that appeals to the masses.
I think EAH and TWST, at their cores, share similar ideas so combining them would work well. Friendship, self-identity, defining your own future, questioning what "good" and "evil" truly are... It's all there. I'd imagine that if Twisted Wonderland (or at least NRC) followed the same rules as EAH, then everyone would be descendants of their Disney counterparts. (This is actually a common misperception of what TWST was to new fans; people mistakenly believe the TWST characters are children of the classic Disney villains. This has never been canon.) Unfortunately, I'd have to take away the Disney villains being twisted to be "good" guys in Twisted Wonderland's world in order for this to work by EAH rules, so... There's that to consider. This, in turn, can result in the student body splitting into Royals (pro-following one's destiny) and Rebels (anti-following one's destiny). Perhaps RSA and NRC could be one school in this AU...? Just so we have a mix of "good" and "evil" descended children in the same vicinity as one another. A must-have are the constantly bickering Narrators!! It's only really when Yuu shows up that the majority opinion starts to shift. Maybe then Crowley becomes concerned with students rising up and fighting back against the system that relies on them being complacent to keep the cycle of stories going. I've seen some readings of EAH which theorize that Royals guaranteed a happy ending is a stand-in for privilege, and that interpretation leads into very interesting conflicts when we also consider that magic in Twisted Wonderland is a privilege afforded to few.
To cover just the dorm leaders (because covering all the TWST characters would make this post way longer), I definitely see Riddle, Kalim, Idia, and Malleus as Royals and Leona, Azul, and Vil as Rebels. Here's my thought process:
Riddle is pretty self-explanatory. He comes from a background where he's used to being told what to do by his mother and so he also heavily relies on her strict, unyielding teachings to play by the book when he goes out there in the real world. Riddle is inflexible and hesitant to go against the grain--and, more importantly, he fully believes that following the rules will lead to his happiness... that doing as his fairy tale ordains will lead to a happy ending. What happens to the Queen of Hearts is dubious in the end since it's framed as Alice's dream, so I think that vagueness gives Riddle hope that by behaving himself, he'll earn the happiness he desires.
Leona is a Rebel, and not just because that's the aesthetic of his dorm. Being that he is highly intelligent and demonstrates a lot of foresight, he'd be aware of what future is in store for him and aggressively fighting against that. It would make him more desperate than ever to prove his worth, because not only does everyone see his powers as terrifying, but they also see him as a future brother murderer and dictator that will bleed the land dry of resources. It'd make the situation with his family even more strained than it already is, not to mention the extra jealousy he must feel toward Cheka, who is still too young to understand what's going to happen later.
Azul is someone who acts like a Royal but is actually a Rebel. He acts polite and like he plays by the rules, but clearly he doesn't behind the scenes. I see Azul as the kind of Rebel akin to Duchess Swan... as in, he believes he can steal away someone else's destiny for himself. Azul would constantly be looking for loopholes to save himself. He's put way too much stock into becoming a better, stronger person and he'd want to defend this new life he has made for himself. His obsession with protecting his contracts could translate well here.
Kalim is a Royal because he's mega rich and has been sheltered from the concept of bad things that happen to normal people; he has nothing to worry about. It also helps that Kalim is twisted from a character that doesn't meet a bad ending. I think he'd be aware of Jami's doomed destiny, but Kalim is so ignorant that he thinks it'll just be fine and it'll work itself out. Part of his growth could be being forced to reckon with the reality that Jamil is suffering under the legacy assigned to him and accepting the role that he plays in that by not acting.
Idia is a Royal--or at least pre-book 6 Idia is. He's a very pessimistic guy and repeatedly expresses hopelessness about the future, bemoaning the curse he and his family have to bear. Idia doesn't want to try to fight his fate, he's already accepted that it will happen and so closes himself off from others to save himself that heartbreak. Post-book 6 Idia will have swapped over to the Rebel side thanks to Ortho reviving the hope in him.
Vil is a Rebel simply for the fact that he fights social conventions. He's already out here shattering gender roles, but finds it much harder to breach that expectation that villains are just villains and nothing more. Vil keeps getting rejected at every turn, told that it's impossible to rewrite his story, that his frustrations are the natural result of jealousy and an ugly heart that festers in side of him. He steels himself to prove that notion wrong, working himself to the bone to get up on that stage and stay on it, waiting to be lavished with praise that he truly is the fairest one of all. I feel this would be so fascinating for Vil's own arc about self acceptance; maybe he wears himself down emotionally because he HAS to basically be perfect due to his job but also denies himself normal feelings like anger and jealousy because confessing that you have such "ugly" feelings only validates that you're shallow just like the stories say you will be.
Malleus is a tough one, but I settled for Royal in the end. Maleficent is doomed to be slain by a sword, right? So am I saying that THE Malleus Draconia, who is infamously arrogant about his magical abilities, would lie down and take a stab like that? Of course not! However, I do think that Malleus is initially someone who values tradition and living up to noblesse oblige. As the future ruler of a nation, people's stories are relying on him to play his expected role out, which he'd be fully cognizant of. I also think Malleus would be afforded the luxury of not having to face his destiny as soon as his peers are due to his long life span. This is in part because the person destined to slay him doesn't come into his life for literally hundreds of years. Then when book 7 arrives, Malleus has to deal with his loved ones leaving and/or betraying him as well as the realization that this is his destiny: dying alone and unloved. That'd just break him.
EAH has so many good characters and interesting storylines, it's hard for me to pick a favorite! I of course love Apple and Raven's dilemmas, but I feel like it's cheating to pick one of them as my favorite. The whole Wonderland gang is also fantastic... I'm a sucker for their aesthetic, but they're so fun and silly in general. Kitty, Lizzie, and especially Madeline are 👌
Mmm, when I think long and hard about it, I think my favorite EAH character has to be Briar Beauty, daughter of Sleeping Beauty. Firstly, I love all the pink, roses, and bramble in her design. Secondly, I love the layers to why she is the way she is. Briar's a party girl not because "lmao, wouldn't that be a funny haha subversion of Sleeping Beauty" but because she wants to live life up before she falls asleep for 100 years and literally loses all her friends and family to the natural passage of time. That's seriously so smart and such an inventive way to think about the trauma a descendant of Sleeping Beauty might have. Seeing Briar transition from one of Apple's besties and biggest supporters to an outright rebel is satisfying as heck. (Gotta take a moment to shout out this classic moment :3)
I don't know if I would compare Briar to Jade since they're entirely different characters. However, looking at the source material, I'm actually surprised I like Briar as much as I do since I have never cared for the story of Sleeping Beauty. A part of me finds this ironic since Malleus harbors a similar fear as Briar (losing loved ones) yet I see Malleus's desire as way more selfish and self-serving than Briar's. I believe that's because Briar doesn't have the same arrogance as Malleus, so I'm more forgiving with her. EAH's actual equivalent to Malleus is Faybelle, daughter of the Dark Fairy, but I don't like her as much as I do Briar (hence why I'm comparing Malleus and Briar, not Malleus and Faybelle).
I haven't read the EAH books but I want to one day! I'd prefer to borrow them since I don't have enough space in my room for more physical books, so as soon as I find copies at a library or something...
This blog has kind of become a place where I occasionally talk about my other interests, generally as it relates to TWST, my main interest. I'd like to keep it like this since managing multiple blogs can be so draining. It already takes quite a bit of time to regularly write responses to asks just on one blog!
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aces-and-angels · 4 months
seeing the influx of gfm campaigns on your dash may be overwhelming- the purpose of this post is to help others navigate through the many gfm links that are circulating here on this site- esp. those that find their way directly to you via your inbox. this advice is specific to tumblr- i cannot speak on other platforms (instagram, twitter, etc.) though some things i say may be applicable
disclaimer: i do not vet/verify any campaigns myself. i simply want people who are willing to engage with these types of posts to do so in a safe manner
read more below:
what to do if you get a message from an account claiming to be 🇵🇸 in your inbox:
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-> step 1: do not immediately dismiss it as spam
to quote one of nabulsi's posts:
"... you cannot generalise with Gazans if their tumblr blog is only a few days or a few hours old.
Gazans on tumblr are making accounts for the express purpose of spreading their fundraisers because it is spreading amongst Gazans that tumblr is a safe place to do so.
They could often be making multiple blogs and even remaking after staff flags them as spam. But don't blanket assume that Gazans are scammers if they're on a new tumblr blog with no pfp or content.
I agree that until a fundraiser is vetted you shouldn't reblog it in case it is someone dishonest taking advantage of the circumstances in Gaza. But you cannot do the opposite and immediately assume they're a scammer. I'm seeing people harass Gazans sometimes who genuinely are people who just don't know how to use tumblr and are falsely raising red flags because of it." (read full post here)
to sum it up: don't hit 'report' right away- marinate a lil and put on a detective hat
-> step 2: background check
the following are accounts that are known to vet/verify gfm campaigns here on tumblr. note- this is not a comprehensive list:
90-ghost* (edit 8/4: recently announced that ahmed will no longer be vetting/verifying new campaigns)
ibtisams* (only has done it on situational basis; is not currently vetting new campaigns- read post here)
rubashabansblog (has been promoting other palestinians who lost their tumblr accounts; currently living under occupation)
heba-20 (unsure if heba takes request to vet others personally but is a reliable source for finding legitimate campaigns)
fairuzfan (says they are less active on tumblr these days/not currently vetting new campaigns but is a reliable source)
i recommend giving these individuals a follow if you haven't already as they provide far more information regarding all things 🇵🇸. they've all put in a lot of work to make the process i'm sharing with y'all as simple as possible. also please be respectful if you try reaching out to any of them. they are likely getting a high volume of asks and may not be able to respond to you quickly
important note: it has been recently announced that nabulsi + el-shab-hussein have stopped vetting new accounts for the time being and are only focusing on campaigns that have already been vetted. read their full statement here and here
to start- check out the person's account. this can be a hit or miss depending on how new the account is. however- you may notice that the person in question has stated that they have been vetted:
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good signs so far- but better to be safe than sorry. next thing to do is search the username of the person who messaged you on tumblr. it's likely if you got a message like the one pictured above, others may have received one as well and did the digging for you:
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if you can't find a clear answer with tumblr's illustrious search bar/want to confirm someone's claim that the campaign in question was already verified, the next thing to do is check one of the following:
el-shab-hussein's pinned post
el-shab-hussein/nabulsi's google sheet
imo, this process is far easier to do while on a laptop/desktop vs. mobile app. ctrl+f is your friend in this scenario as is the ability to click through multiple tabs. for el-shab-hussein's pinned post, i click through the multiple lists and see if any names match. in ruba's case, she was found under List of fundraisers for my direct contacts from Ghazzah & Sudan:
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and for the google sheet- her campaign is no. 90 on the list:
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tip: to narrow down your search even further- ctrl+f the title of the person's gfm campaign that they've linked on their tumblr account:
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-> step 3: share your findings + follow that account
if everything checks out- ✨share le campaign✨ provide the link to it in your response to the ask + where it was verified. make it easier for the next person who gets a message to figure out that the gfm is real
following 🍉accounts is esp. important since the forces that be are keen on suppressing them at every turn. the more eyes on these accounts- the easier it'll be to determine the legitimacy of any new accounts they may need to make
okay, but... scams 😬:
-> step 1: seek a master
people can be assholes- and anyone trying to make a profit off of an ongoing genocide can eat glass
anyways- the following are accounts that are known to identify scam posts on tumblr (again, not a comprehensive list. these are just the one's ive seen/most familiar with):
kyra45's pinned post contains a plethora of resources to help determine if a post/message is a scam- and not just in regards to 🇵🇸- key goes in on many types of scams. please refer to their guides (and be sure that you are reading the most recent version of key's posts)
-> step 2: if you see sumn, say sumn
we're human and sometimes things slip our radar. so if you ever see someone on here sharing a known scam, do 'em a solid and let them know about it regardless if you are mutuals or not
final/misc. thoughts:
it's good practice to double check a campaign's verification with these tools for yourself regardless of how legitimate it looks. note that checking for a gfm's verification is not the same as verifying them. that work should be left to qualified individuals with experience in doing so. this is why it's bad to attempt things you are not qualified to tackle also- i think it's important to remember that transferring 💵 from a gfm campaign to those in need requires a lot of pieces to be perfectly set in place. if you see 🇵🇸 blogs linking alt. methods of raising funds (ex. p*ypal/k*fi) the reason could be that their gfms were frozen/suspended for a myriad of reasons. as always- check credible sources if you are unsure about a campaign you may come across notice how the spreadsheet provided here has over 100+ campaigns listed. generating a list that extensive requires hard work that is undoubtedly both physically and mentally straining to the individuals who are involved in making it. i've seen some accounts myself that have had to announce that they can no longer continue to vet campaigns because it has taken that much of a toll on their wellbeing. do not let their efforts go wasted
other resources:
some other places/grassroot organizations where you can find vetted campaigns:
operation olive branch (oob)
operation poppy flower (now also linked in oob's sheet)
operation watermelon
project watermelon
strawberry seeds collective
camps breakerz crew
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lilacstro · 3 months
Electional astrology: chart of your social media account
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lol let's go with another post. Phew!! this post tested my fingers fr, it took me a long time to tie all of this down.
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Electional astrology, also known as event astrology, is a branch found in most traditions of astrology according to which a practitioner decides the most appropriate time for an event based on the astrological auspiciousness of that time(source: Wikipedia)
i seriously don't remember whose post I saw here a few weeks ago regarding this topic, if you tell me, I will immediately credit you for the inspiration behind this post. That post was more than 4 years ago i remember.
Ok so today we will talk about a non serious but making-sense kind of topic yet again. Let's go, the chart of your social media
Hence, you can go on astro seek and look for a favorable planetary alignment in your calendar if you wish to start a new account in a particular niche with whatever knowledge I am sharing with you below. I tested this with my account (I have my exact account time lmao) and other social media platforms:))
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✰Chart preparation
This chart can simply be prepared using the time and place and date of when you started your social media, just like how we prepare natal charts. You can use either of astro-seek or astro.com as you please
For some people, I have a tip! if you started your account recently or even a few weeks/months ago on a laptop/computer, go into your search history and search for your account name. Then, find the entry that is earlies and then right click on time that appears and see click inspect, you should be able to see the exact time of your account. I will show how.
press ctrl+H
search for your account name
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3. go for the date thats earliest
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4. now right click on the date and click inspect
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5. you should be able to see the date and time. The full timestamp with the user timezone is displayed inside title field
Now, even if you don't have the exact time, its ABSOLUETELY fine. You can use any nearest time to your memory or maybe, only the date works too, but we would just be able to see your sun and moon sign.
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cool, now that you have your chart, we will first look at the rising, sun, moon sign. then we will look at your 10th house and other notes will be mentioned below.
⭐combination of sun, rising sign and MC: how your account looks, how you act on your account, your followers engage and stuff like that
⭐moon sign: you main central theme of what your account is about and what your content feels like.
⭐take the sun, rising sign and MC from below, and find common grounds:
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1.aries: your account could be come off as opinionated or polarising, people might find your account overwhelming at times or maybe a have an overwhelming feeling about it, however, if you aim to create an account with this motive, maybe a sport/war-related/martian entertainment kinda account, this is pretty cool
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2.Taurus: your account might actually look very aesthetically pleasing, if you post to get noticed for your fashion sense or jwellery aesthetic or pintresty-things like that, you will be noticed. you might actually post in a healthy manner and consistently. for some reasons makes me think you should like posting videos on this account maybe? also good for starting music related things aswell. you can post finance related stuff or actually earn through your account people would be willing to trust you w their money
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3.Gemini : your account actually can see people commenting a lot, or even sharing their opinions and causing some kind of debate in the comment section lol. Basically if you are looking for people engagement, its very possible here. you might actually like to explain/ teach or talk about things? like tutorials or observation kind of things too.. you might like posting long captions/memes or things like so. edit:twitter has a gemini moon
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4.Cancer: sweet and cute kinda account, people might find your account very sweet and welcoming at sorts, so your followers should be that kind of people, you should see sucess if you post heartwarming content like for kids or new moms etc. you might also have a lot of attachment to your account here, and might post a lot of personal thoughts, personal poetry, song covers or things here. you can get very hurt if someone says something upsetting and be super protective of your account. your account should make people super comfortable and make them act on how they feel tbh
[lol edit 4, twitter is a cancer]
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5.Leo: YOU CAN NEVER GO WRONG HERE, if your account gets a leo rising, you should see a good public following regardless of the content you post. account engagement and reach should get better with time.
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6.Virgo: other people/you yourself might get really critical of your account, paying attention to the smallest details and things like that(GOOGLE IS LITERALLY A SEARCH ENGINE LMAO). You might constantly struggle and go between deleting your account or something too (i can second this one tbh) but on a good note or maybe bad note idk you decide, you will be hyper vigilant of what you post and how do people think of it. But since its a mercury ruled sign, you should expect it to do good on the internet and the web related arena in general.
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7.Libra: Another bomber for social media placements, people would love what you show, expect a ton of people to interact with your posts, or at least like them. Beautiful, eye pleasing account aesthetic. You can post things about fashion, jwellery and if you post yourself, these things should come to notice.
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8.Scorpio: this fr gives your account so much intensity, now depends on your sun/moon and other planetary placements on how this actually goes cos it can actually make your account seem isolated and off putting kinda, people might get a little skeptical to follow you maybe??? thats why i say, what kind of intensity is important, it may actually be like that your account has no posts at all or even if you do, it somehow doesnt reach the audience so yeahhhh.... it can also be that you guys post a lot of dark/black and white aesthetic things or be into sad poetry or things like that. seen a lot of withcraft/spell and manifestation accounts w this one
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9.Sagittarius: You would be so chill w your account, post what you like, say what you like, your real self comes out unapologetically lmao. This is good for people who are very self critical of the things they post, like art accounts or things like that. People should find your account very authentic and representing you as a person so that would be cool, whoever follows you/likes your content, is actually a real fan of your work i must say. your account actually might look very distinctive and unconventional too. it is also very possible you gain following from all over the world, even if small.
EDIT: guess who we have with this placement, upon my research it was December or late November
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10.Capricorn: Your account might actually give strict vibes, i mean it could be that you follow certain type of people only, only post certain type of content and dont go beyond it? irdk it seems so to me. It could also be you guys are very careful of who you follow, what you post and who follows you back too. Very protective and secured of your account I must say. Your account might actually look very clean and organised too.
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11.Aquarius: this gives me the SUPER TUMBLR vibes lol, quirky, very self expressive, and people would actually find your account. might use multiple colors. welcoming and relatable, to be themselves while interacting with it. You guys might not be afraid to post anything without second thought lol. This is pretty cool placement for making apps and websites and things that has to do with the web in general. Your account should infact see growth with time. People might find it easy to talk on your account???? comment??? or maybe you could receive a lot of dms or things like that. People might even make friends through your account maybe so its cool if you wanna start something sorts of brotherhood, or feminism or support groups. you could be first of a kind to do something too.
EDIT: lol tumblr is aquarius most probably and facebook and yt too
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12. Pisces: People might find your account very charming and appealing in some sorts, addictive for some. There is something about your account that could feel very otherworldly, something that offers an escape for people. You could be into posting ethereal arts, pictures and other enchanting stuff, even crystals and spirituality. Some of them may idealize your account take inspirations from you, some of them might find it too good to be true at sorts. You might make people wanting to wait for your posts or something lol
edit 6: pintrest
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✰Moon sign
this can determine what you account contents or topics could be or seem like, basically, your niche. Infact, a stellium of planets could give some same effect
⭐Aries: Action, Adventure, Competitive Sports
⭐Taurus: Lifestyle, Home Decor, Culinary, food vlogging, plants, fashion, music, healing sounds, asmr
⭐Gemini: Comedy, Short Films, News, debates, tutorials (even for astrology, spiritual sciences, academical subjects etc), memes, something that instills thoughts and causes some kind of discussion even if its with one self.
⭐Cancer: writing, poetry, history, kids content, new mother/motherly content, feminine things, home decor, emotional management, Personal stories, family moments, relationship advice, emotional well-being etc
⭐Leo: all forms of arts (music/theater/dance etc), Reality TV, Celebrity News, anything that seizes attention, influencers
⭐Virgo: Documentaries, Health, Educational Content, fitness and nutrition, writing, journalism, crafts, pets
⭐Libra: styling, hair & makeup, music, interior design, photography, Romance, Arts, Social Commentary, Fashion, art, relationship advice, social justice, collaborations, jewelery, influencers
⭐Scorpio: Mystery, Thriller, Investigative Journalism, Deep dives, psychological insights, transformation stories, mysteries, taboo topics, the occult, anything witchy
⭐Sagittarius: Travel, Adventure, Philosophy, Arts, honest Reaction/opinion videos, astrology, spirituality, poems, comedy, entertainment, sports, creative things, DIYs
⭐Capricorn: Business, Biographies, Historical Dramas, Career advice, business tips, success stories, structured routines.
⭐Aquarius: Science Fiction, Tech, Social Innovation, Technology trends, futuristic concepts, social innovation, quirky ideas, gadget reviews, coding help, humanitarianism, unconventional things LGBTQIA+, unconventional fashion etc
⭐Pisces: Fantasy, Spirituality, Music, Inspirational quotes, fantasy art, music, spirituality, meditative practices, crystals, healing, astrology
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✰Planetary alignments
Having sun in 1st and 10th house is extremely good
Having saturn in public/extroverted houses isnt much cool. If in 10th, it could mean its a slow and steady wins the race but in 1st it can make you super conscious and restrictive of how you post
Similarly, having chiron in extroverted houses may make you insecure, and very hyper aware of the things you post and if they are "matching the rules/aesthetics" or even making you feel insecure about posting in general and making you people conscious. You may even wanna delete it constantly or feel unsatisfied.
Having mars in 1st/10th/extroverted houses could mean you would post a lot
Having Venus or Jupiter in 2nd/10th or even extroverted houses could be a sign you can earn money through your account or people would be willing to give you money
Jupiter in 1st or 10th would expand your public image and give you a balanced-well liked view, you would be well liked
Uranus in public houses could mean you like to post sporadically or unexpected things
Neptune in public houses could actually make you look "too good to be true" and some people might actually get obsessed with your account, but some can find you superficial as well. Also beware about losing your passwords/online fraud/hacking kinda stuff
Similarly, if your mars conjuncts Uranus (esp in a public house) could mean you don't post often but when you do its a lott
Vertex or PoF in extroverted houses is again very lucky, you can expect big opportunities or luck coming in through your account
Moon in public houses could mean people connect to your posts and they are well liked/shared
I would suggest not starting on new moons, as they signify endings.
Dont start when a LOT of planets are in retrograde
If possible, check moon-venus, mercury-venus, moon-mercury aspects
Dont start if Jupiter or Venus are in harsh aspects.
paid readings are open<33
support me on ko-fi :)
this for me is the best post I have ever made until on this acc haha, tell me what was the best post you have seen on my account and why, I would love to know
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cuteskunkz · 6 months
One Night With You
(Mike Schmidt x Reader)
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Summary~ Mike is a very touch starved man. He spends all his nights at work and the daytime caring for Abby if not sleeping. He hadn't been with a girl since his junior year, making him feel like a total loser. The amount of times where Mike went back and forth with his inner thoughts, convincing himself that he was the problem was getting pretty intense and it was clear that he just needed a night out to clear his mind and prove those thoughts wrong.
You've been a "dancer" for the past few months at the downtown strip club, just trying to make ends meet. There was a tough competition working against you. You were new to this line of work whereas the other girls had been in the game for a while now, but you kept pushing on desperately. How else were you going to make rent or keep the lights on? The nights were slow and building a consistent flow of clientele proved itself to be a challenge, that is until one night when you meet a new guy outside of the nightclub.
Tags~ Stripper reader, Mike is a SIMP!!!, lowkey enemies to lovers but not really, no smut (YET...)
Note~ This took me much longer than I thought since I've been super burnt out of writing lately, but I hope you guys enjoy! As always if there's anything in particular you would like to see in chapter 2, please lemme know
Mike felt confused with the lack of responsibilities and errands to run on this warm summer night. Abby was off at a sleepover and Steve finally hired a second night shift worker, leaving him all alone with his reoccurring self doubt introspections. Dude gets one night for himself and simply cannot think of a single thing to do to pass the time. He laid there in his bed tossing and turning unable to fall asleep. He jolts up feeling frustrated with himself, "Ughh... just fall asleep already bro..." He shifts around in his bed and grunts, "I can't do this-". He sits up and sulks his way into the living room, plopping down on the couch. Mike pulls out his phone and begins to scroll.
He isn't really the social media type but had made an anonymous instagram account a while ago for mindlessly scrolling. After what seemed like hours, Mike stumbles across a video of you. You were practicing a routine for the club, twirling and moving seductively. Mike felt himself grow larger in his pants and put the phone down in shock. He stares up at the ceiling in disbelief, damn you really got him feeling this type of way this quickly? He looks down at his lap and feels helpless. He wrestles with his feelings for a while and ultimately picks his phone back up to look more into you.
He clicks on your account and "researches" a bit. There's multiple videos of you practicing, photos of your skimpy outfits, and the most captivating selfies he's ever seen. One of your posts has a location tagged in the top corner, "Deja Vu Showgirls". He looks further into the club, finding that it's not too far from the pizzeria. "Fuck it. Why not..." he whispers to himself. Mike ensures he's well groomed for the occasion. if you're there he wants make a good impression. He showers, dresses in the best outfit he can come up with, and slaps some product in his hair. He finally felt content with his appearance and hopped in the car.
You weren't surprised to see another night play out typically. Maybe 2 or 3 cheap lap dances and a couple short sets up on the stage for less than 50 bucks. This clearly isn't working for you, at this point you've spent more on outfits and shoes than you've made while working here. An older gentleman walks up to you reeking of alcohol and cheap cologne, you couldn't help but gulp at the thought of providing your services for him. Yeah you were a stripper but you still had standards that made doing your job successfully hard at times.
"Well aren't you something?" he slurs while damn near tipping over from intoxication. You sigh and snap into your persona. "I'd hope so, this outfit ain't cheap y'know!" you reply in a flirtatious tone. You grab him by the hand and lead him to a booth, preparing for the worst. He starts groping on your sides which makes you shudder. Maybe this place isn't for you after all. "H-hands off baby.... Use your eyes and focus on me" you redirect with confidence. Times like these made you wish someone could just scoop you off your feet and save you.
He drives to the location with his heart pounding out of his chest. He'd never been to strip club before so Mike felt nervous even making his way closer to where you have the slightest chance of being at. He pulled into the parking lot and shut his car off abruptly, taking deep breaths to calm his nerves. "What if she isn't here? I don't even know the girl why am I acting so fuckin' weird about this.... I really need to get out of the house more" he thinks to himself while gripping onto the steering wheel. After a few mental pep talks to himself, he finally musters up the courage to get out and make his way in.
Just as he goes to push the door to the club open, you storm out with eyes welling with tears. Mike stumbles back a bit not wanting to startle you. You're holding your pricey Pleaser heels in hand, walking barefoot and trying your best to keep it together. All you want is to curl up into a ball and quit at life. You thought that creepy dude would cheap out on a dance, not grope and hurl insulting names at you for rejecting his advances! You look up from the ground and lock eyes with a man you've never seen before. He's cute... too cute to be wasting his time at some dingy place like this.
"Can I help you?" you snap at him with a shaky voice. It was hard not to notice the concerned look on his face. "No I'm-" he stutters before you promptly cut him off. "Leave me the fuck alone then." His face goes pale hearing you say this, he didn't even get a chance to meet you yet and he feels as if he already blew it. You pace towards your car and pop the trunk, filling it with the all the contents of your locker. You pick a T-shirt out of your duffle bag and drape it over your revealing outfit. His presence is burning a hole into your back so you swiftly turn around to meet his gaze.
He walks over slow and bashfully. There's a pink tint to his cheeks and he can't keep his hands still out of anxiousness. "Dude are you good?" you ask. He looks as if he's going to break a sweat, "Yeah... I'm good. Are you though? You looked pretty shaken up back there." You assumed he was just another guy looking to get lucky with a dancer after a shift change. "Look, if you want to get some action, walk your ass into the club. I'm not who you're looking for" you reply. His stomach drops hearing your voice. It was one thing to see you for the first time, but to hear your voice even if it be out of anger made Mikes head spin. He didn't want to sound like a complete creep stalking you out to your job for a closer look but you were exactly who he wanted.
"That's not why I'm here. Fuck- look... To be totally honest, I'm not a strip club type of dude. I just- I saw a video of you on instagram and I was- y'know... impressed by your talent and beauty." Typical response coming from a man trying to bring a stripper home for the night you think to yourself. "I'm not shocked by your reaction. You realize that's what I hear like- 10 times a night, right?" you say with a sarcastic tone. He seemed a bit more genuine with his words than the others but men will do and say anything when they're in need of a quick fuck. "Not that type of girl sir. Try one of those cheap hookers down the road" you point down the street and close the trunk.
"Please... I know how this sounds, believe me I know how dudes are but-" He sighs and continues, "But I don't have a lot of experience with girls so- I thought coming here... to meet someone new would help" he says looking very serious, almost to the point of desperation. If he weren't so damn handsome you'd turn him down in a heartbeat but something in you is screaming to give him a chance. He seems to be telling the truth and damn is he starting to fluster you with the whole innocent act. "Fine. I'll give you my number but don't you dare think about blowing my phone up." You scribble your phone number into his palm with a pen from your bag and blow him a kiss while getting in your car to drive away.
Mike smirks and waves at you, watching you drive off into the distance. "That was easier than I expected...huh..." he whispers. He gets back into his car and texts you, already so eager to see you again. The message reads:
Hey it's Mike, the guy from earlier. You doing anything tonight? I could take us out to a bar or something? :)
His cheeks start to blush again from imagining you two hanging out. He desperately craves a deeper connection with you but doesn't want to come off as too interested off the bat, it could scare you off for all he knows! His phone dings and he reads it:
Shitttt I'm free as long as you're gonna be on your very best behavior!!
*Read part 2 and part 3 here!*
It might take me a bit to get part two posted, but I'll try to give you guys as many updates as possible!!! Keep in mind I am a new writer. This is my third fic put out so far :))
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myoddessy · 2 years
out with the old, in with the new | w2s/harry lewis
summary —new accounts, new lifestyle, new clubs every night. an insight into just what—and who—youtube's non-youtuber it girl got up to during her split from harry
*once again following the lead of @whoetoshaw and her bog universe's iconic breakup era ALSO, one of the twitter threads is rlly grainy and I'm sorry abt that, i couldn't properly fix it so you have to just zoom in on it 😭
2023, January
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2018, July.
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liked by zoeleonards, taliamar, masonmount, and 11, 824 others
yourusername lay all your love on me 🌻🍹☀️
tagged: zoeleonards, chloemitchells
zoeleonards london reality, greece fantasy 💔😞
yourusername ibiza couldn't come sooner!
ynfan omg shes glowing 🤩🤩
chloemitchells mykonos has never looked better 🤤😍😘
yourusername love u, lover girl 😘😘 ❤️❤️
2018, August.
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liked by chloemitchells, tobjizzle, leahwilliamson, and 20,349 others
yourusername snuck behind a dj booth and had a blast, had a few more shots than I should've, fell more in love with my girls. ibiza, you will forever be famous 🍾✨️
zoeleonards it was nice having the hotel room to just myself and Chloe for a bit x 🤣🤭
chloemitchells @ynfangirl who's that? never heard of him 🤷‍♀️
ynloverrrr it HAS to be true
freyanightingale beautiful girl ❤️
yourusername ❤️❤️❤️
sidemenfav the way that her, freya, and talia still like each others posts and support each other 💔
liked by yourusername, taliamar, and freyanightingale
ynandharry tobi likes every one of her posts, too. they really are family no matter what 😭
2019, January
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liked by pierregasly, zerkaa, mabel, and 30,568 others
yourusername we're able to have semi-classy girls trips, who knew?
tagged: zoeleonards
chloemitchells gutted I couldn't make it, I miss u two beautiful girls 😭❤️
yourusername CHLO!!! it wasn't the same without you, babe xx
zoeleonards I missed placing bets on who y/n was gonna make a move on 💔
chloemitchells yeah, give her some slack... it's usually placing bets on who's gonna make a move on her 😉
ynfanpage queen we need tips on how to live our best lives because you are teaching us all rn
yourusername 1) the only long term relationship you need to focus on is the one with yourself. 2) surround yourself with people you love and support & who will love and support you. 3) learn to not give a fuck what anyone else things because everyone's too busy in their own heads to care ❤️❤️
taliaminterr how is your life so aesthetic?? irl gossip girl vibes!!
yourusername babe trust my life doesn't look like this day to day, I only show the fun bits. rn it's 4am and I've got four day old greasy hair, dried mascara under my eyes (I watched UP without taking off my makeup first), and I'm eating cereal and drinking flat coke zero. I am not the standard you should aim for 😭😭
ynslover I love how open and honest she is about her content. she's actually such a good role model
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liked by taliamar, freyanightingale, chloemitchells, and 19,519 others
yourusername apparently people think the party life in my photo dumps is my day-to-day? babes, if I can teach any of you one thing in life, it's that half the shit you see online is fake. half the 'candid' moments are staged, same goes for almost every picture you see. so here's a little dump of my actual reality
zoeleonards yeah guys she's actually so messy it's insane. it makes me want to move out
yourusername SHUT IT. zoë has about three different vases of dead flowers in her room because she forgets to take them out.
zoeleonards that's nothing on the old cups in your room
yourusername BLOCKING U
ynslover how does it feel to be the most relatable influencer ever even though you're not an influencer?
taliamar omg you've still got the vinyls!!
yourusername ofc, babe! I needed something to remember our days of charity shop hopping
2023, January
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1K notes · View notes
llilyrose · 2 months
Do you have fic recommendations 👉👈
Of course!
I would recommend my own fic, but... it's still in the works, unfortunately. No mal du pays content for the weak and elderly.
did you really think i wouldn't recommend ghostlight, of all things? especially with my current drawing series, obviously it's good!
It's a postgame fic centered on loop's and siffrin's (mostly loop's) healing processes post-game, where loop has to learn how to be human again. It's 24 chapters long, about 84k words, has an ongoing sequel (though it's on hiatus), and has a tumblr account you can interact with! @ghostlightfic
here are some other postgame fic recommendations:
Bloom And if I were not myself, would this be easier?
@livesworthlivingau Is a postgame au where Siffrin lives on for 30 years after the loops only to loop back when Odile dies in the future. This fic has a dual chapter system, one set of chapters that focuses on Loop and one set of chapters that focuses on Siffrin. This distinction becomes crucial later on. It also, like ghostlight, has a discord to join :3
I haven't read chokehold of a broken family bond myself, but I've heard wonderful things about it from everyone around me!!!! It's a LONG, ongoing AU fic that I'm sure someone else can provide a synopsis for ;)
Follow the Stars Back Home is another fic I have yet to read, but got recommended and decided to check out. It's postgame and focuses more on Siffrin's Island trauma than their Looping trauma, a nicher aspect people don't explore often.
speaking of aus:
Try It Again, Cheater by @moonstandardtime sends Loop back to their original timeline after breaking free from Siffrin's loops. They and their family have to adjust to this drastic Change and suffer the consequences of a timeline they could never remember.
To Extend our Reach to the Stars Above is a Villain Siffrin au where they meet the King before the party! It's one of only a few fics that explore this concept, all of which are so so interesting to me. Check it out!
Timeloop Support Group by @pixxyofice is a fic about therapy done from the pov of Siffrin and focuses on timeloop trauma. The twist? The people they're stuck with are au versions of their friends who got trapped in time loops themselves!
featured aus:
In Tales and Time (Odile) by @/tealgoat In Cycles and Cessation (Mira) by @/the-bitter-ocean Of Stitches in Sequence by @/basilpaste (which also has two fics on ao3, but i recommend viewing the au on everyone's profiles instead)
-- Oh, hey, Basilpaste!!! They have more bangers up their sleeve!!!! Slay the Savior is a Slay The Princess fusion au with ISAT that features Isabeau as the protagonist and Siffrin as the princess. Not only is the writing excellent but he thought up new designs for each siffrin on each path!!! Not to mention thinking up new paths, too! It's on hiatus, though.
The Dormont Archives are another Basil product, infusing ISAT into The Magnus Archives universe!! Like STS it's done in the style of the media and all of the statements are absurdly creative. It's ongoing with (currently only) 14 chapters, god knows how many planned for the future. (ALSO IT APPARENTLY HAS A DISCORD. I DIDN'T KNOW AABOUT THAT WHILE WRITING IT. go check out basil they put so much effort into this stuff dude 😭)
I've read SO MANY isat fanfics but the majority of them never got bookmarked. Practically all of the ones on ao3 are a good read!!! It's hard to keep track!!! If i missed any of your favorites fanfics on any website, please tell me please. if I've read it it'll get added to the list.
101 notes · View notes
bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐆𝐨𝐝 🔞⚠️
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In which Jungkook isn't sure what he hates most anymore: her, the past, himself, or you.
Tags/Warnings: Non-idol AU, massive warning for implied ED & body dismorphia, hurt and comfort, heavy angst in specific parts, past emotional abuse (implied), strangers to lovers, road to self acceptance?, smut but it's not the main focus
Length: Very long, 7k words
A/N: If you think you've read it before, you're probably right. This fic was posted before on a different account, but it has always been written by me. After much consideration and multiple requests, I've brought it back here to my main blog.
Furthermore, please read the tags carefully before reading. This fic covers heavy themes that could be upsetting to some. You have been warned.
Additional Content: None
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Jungkook liked sweet things, some time ago.
He'd enjoyed ice creams with mild flavors such as vanilla, or other sweet desserts that were similar to it. He snacked often and always got a little excited when experiencing a new flavor for the first time, adventurous and never judgmental when trying out things he's never eaten before.
Jungkook also loved junk foods, like ramyeon or fast foods. He couldn't help but give in from time to time, the convenience of it all being a quick meal convincing enough to walk through the food markets back in his hometown, just to get back home with a plastic bag full of treats.
But that was before he'd met her.
He's always been quite quick to fall in love, not only with people. With a soul as trusting and eager for affection as his own, he's always been someone to love others with a fiery temper and a full heart. But that also made him an easy victim, a target almost painted on his chest it seems; because he also was once someone who trusted easily, and never saw the bad in someone.
Now? He wishes he could go back in time and warn his naïve self of what's to come.
He's punching the black bag over and over again, arms already aching- but that's just a sign that he's pushing his limits again. He knows his body inside and out, takes great care of it- or at least that's what he likes to believe. Never again will someone be able to make him feel shame about himself, never again will he feel like he did years ago.
He knows his worth.
But on his way home, he smells it again; the scent of melting sugar and baked goods, faint but familiar by now ever since the bakery had opened up a few months prior. Whatever is sold there must be good, because he can see the people lining up at the front door every morning before it opens up- and even after the morning rush, the tables inside and outside seem always filled. He wonders what's it all about- maybe just a glance this time.
He won't buy anything, he's just looking.
Someone's humming to a newly released pop-song quietly playing from the radio, inside of the shop warm lit and inviting. It looks almost more like a home than a café- but it's empty now, a much different look than what's going on during the day. "Oh?" your voice finds his ears, and he needs to take two glances left and right to find where you are, broom in hand and standing behind the counter. There's a bit of flour on your apron, and what looks like sprinkles, the frilly blouse you're wearing underneath void of any stains however. Your face shape is absolutely not as sharp and angled as what he's usually surrounded by- be it men or women- and you're visibly not as tall as the average female from what he can see.
Cute, he thinks to himself. What?
No, you're absolutely not cute. You're probably not even aware of all the calories you're selling to costumers daily- and it must be pure irony that you've opened your shop in close proximity to a gym of all places. You probably never went to one in your life, absolutely careless about your weight or health-
A lightbulb starts to flicker aggressively above his head. You laugh sheepishly.
"My boss said he'd get that fixed tomorrow. It's been like that for a few days now." you tell him for no reason. He didn't ask. "it's a little creepy to me, you know, considering I'm working alone when closing. But I can't change it myself, you know." you explain further, putting the broom to the side. Again, he doesn't know why you're telling him this. He doesn't care.
"you're closed?" he asks after a moment of staring at you awkwardly, and you shrug, making him confused.
"depends. I have some iced coffee left?" you say, opening a small fridge behind the counter. Only now does he realize that the shelves are void of any goods.
"don't wanna cause you a hassle. It's fine." he waves off at that, and you nod, smiling. He just nods back dumbly, walking out the door.
"Oh- please be careful! Goodnight!" you call out, and he turns around, hands in his jogging pants' pockets. His brows are raised, irritated.
"I'm a guy." he tells you, and you nod.
"So?" you wonder, and he scoffs a little.
"whatever." he simply mumbles to himself, before closing the door behind him.
Yoongi breathes heavily as he sits down on the carpeted gym floor, close to where his friend and personal trainer stands. "How's the shoulder?" Jungkook asks, mild worry in his words as he sits down close to him as well, crossing his legs.
"Better- but I think I should call it a day." He says, pushing a hand against the front of his shoulder before moving it in a circular motion. "Don't wanna overdo it." Jungkook nods at that, before another voice chimes in.
"I hope you're not overworking yourself already, Yoongi." You say, walking up to both of the men, and Jungkook himself can't help how his face shows his judgement of you. You don't fit into the scene at all, with your overknee socks and frilly skirt. You're wearing a blouse with cat-shaped buttons, entire attire showing that you visibly don't seem to care about your shape, seams of your socks already rolling down on one side from the fact that they sit so snug against your thighs, right where he can spot faint stretch marks lingering. Aren't you even the slightest bit ashamed?
Yoongi pats your head once, laughing at your words simply, before he looks into the white plastic bag you've brought. You're squatting now, Mary-janes making a slight sound as the leather bends to accommodate the way your feet are bending a little, and he tears his gaze away as soon as he notices that he can see almost under your skirt. You really have no shame, it seems. "What's that?" His older friend asks, rummaging around in the bag, while you just smile with excitement, your cheeks all round and a little blushed.
Would they look like that if you were to loose a bit of weight too? He hates how bloated he looks after eating, has kept his body-fat percentage low to make sure his face stays sharp and masculine- always remembering how much she praised his appearance if he did that. It's what's desirable, after all- so he can understand where she came from, back then.
Would she love him again if she saw him now?
"They're filled with a peach filling- but I played around a little so it's not too sweet, since I know you don't like that too much. And, you know, nowadays people are pretty scared to eat something sugary it seems." You joke, making Yoongi shrug while Jungkook feels irritated.
"Some people care about their diets." He speaks without holding back, and Yoongi looks at him a bit scandalized- but he doesn't get to scold him, because you're already talking.
"One single cream puff isn't going to ruin your body if it's once in a while." Jungkook hates how confidently you say that. And how he knows you're right, too. But he doesn't back down either, feeling threatened now.
"You don't look like one to know much about nutrition." He mumbles more or less, and Yoongi looks even more angry now- but you don't seem fazed at all, still smiling.
"Do you eat after working out?" You wonder, and he feels self-conscious now at that question. Oddly put on the spot. He doesn't like it- doesn't like you. You're not pushy, not at all, just asking, but he feels like you're interrogating him in a way he's uncomfortable with.
"No." He mumbles more or less to himself. "I have a tendency to, you know.. binge." He doesn't know why he's admitting that. You just asked a simple yes or no question, why does he feel the need to justify himself?
You're digging around in the plastic bag at that, before offering a small plastic container. "Here-" You say, friendly smile way too sugary for his tastes, like honey staining his teeth. "It's just fruit, nothing added to it. I brought them with me because I like to snack them during work, but you should definitely eat those instead." You tell him, and he looks at you with a questioning gaze.
"What will you eat during work then?" He wonders, and you shrug, an impish glint in your eyes.
"I'll hardly starve from one day without snacks. It's important to eat within the first two hours after working out- and we both know I didn't touch any of these weights here." You say giggling, and his heart stings a bit. While yes, he thinks the same, it's still tough to hear you say this so easily. He doesn't want you to think like that about yourself. He doesn't want you to feel like you need to adjust. "Alright- are you still coming Yoongs?" You wonder, and Yoongi nods, getting up and helping you stand as well. Your hand looks small in Yoongis large palms. Jungkook notices your little struggle. He himself can get up without any help.
"Yeah. We're eating at Jin's, you wanna tag along?" Yoongi asks the younger man, who instantly shakes his head.
"I need to put everything back into place again. Thanks." He simply offers, turning away from you both.
"Alright- maybe another time." You say, and he can only imagine the pitiful look you probably have put on for him. "I really wanna try his new dessert- he said he put some extra aside for me!" You giggle, voice becoming more quiet as you walk away. "Do you think I can watch him cook this time?"
"You know what Jin's like, but maybe-" Yoongi's voice becomes undistinguishable the further he walks off, and Jungkook dares to look around, seeing you smile effortless up to the older man, a little jump in your step, while the usually rather stoic producer looks at ease and genuinely friendly towards you. You both look so comfortable, so warm, and Jungkook suddenly feels like a kid left behind to stay at home alone for the first time- his inner thoughts not his own it seems as he watches you both leave the gym.
I want to come with you, too.
Sex isn't really anything special anymore.
He tends to be the first leaving, just like now- having barely undressed anyways, but he knows how to work around being naked while satisfying someone else. They don't care about him anyways, simply out for pleasure and no strings attached, and he's fine with that too. It makes him feel something at least, even if it's barely anything. It tastes of nothing but stale bread, feeding his desires while his soul leaves starved yet again.
The door closes behind him, and he can hear the lock set in.
Walking home, he passes your bakery- or rather a side-project of Jin's he'd been told by Yoongi last time he'd trained with him. It's closed now, but he still walks towards it, looking at the dark interior inside, barely visibly and only lit from the streetlights outside. Some red dots are blinking, indicating the security system is active inside- though Jungkook doesn't know what one might want to steal from a bakery of all places. The chairs are all upside-down on the tables, neatly placed, floor clean of any crumbs. Tomorrow, the people will wait at the entrance again, standing in line to get their breakfasts and coffees, and you'll probably stand behind the counter again with all those stains on your apron like he's seen you before.
He really doesn't know how to feel about you.
It's clear to him that your body makes him feel uncomfortable- because you're lacking any sense of consciousness about the way you look, but at the same time that can't be true considering you otherwise looked very well put together. Yoongi likes you- so why doesn't he himself feel the same?
Maybe because he's jealous.
He likes to tell himself that you're standing home alone as well, in front of the mirror and judging all those unflattering parts like he does way too often. Maybe you're just good at masking your feelings- your work having stained your very touch to the point that everything you do is just so tooth-rottingly sweet. You probably can't help it. He understands that.
Jungkook liked sweet things too, some time ago.
He walks away from the shop and back home, where nothing but the buzzing lights wait. And a cold bed, because he left the window open.
Maybe in his dreams he could fly outside?
"Oh, Jungkook, isn't it?" You ask, almost bumping into him in the furniture store.
"Yeah." He simply answers, a hand on your back pulling you a bit out of the way when he notices an elderly woman trying to push her shopping cart past you. Your back is warm. You're also way shorter than him. It's odd how he only notices now, it seems.
"Oh, thanks!" You say. "Uh- do you know where that spot is to get furniture you've ordered?" You ask, and he furrows his brows.
"I don't- what do you mean?" He asks, and you look up at him, clearly not uncomfortable standing close to him, because there's barely a step of space between you two. Or at least it feels like it to him. In reality, you're probably standing two steps away. At least. He puts his hands in the front pockets of his sweater- just to pull them out again. The pocket looks award when something's in it. He doesn't want to look odd.
"I ordered a small dresser a week ago, but they didn't have it here yet- so they ordered it and I could take it home later." You explain, and Jungkook nods at that, now realizing what you're talking about.
"That's up front- do you have a cart?" He wonders, and your eyes widen.
"Oh shit." You almost whisper, and a snort escapes him.
Oh god that's weird. He coughs to cover the sound up, but you're already laughing at him. He knew it. He can feel the tips of his ears turn red already-
"I'm so stupid I swear." You laugh- but it's at yourself, he realizes. "Ah, I'll get a cart then, and hunt down some employee so they can lead me there. It's no wonder they made those SCP-Horror stories about Ikeas stores." You giggle, and Jungkook can't suppress his smile this time. He can't force his lips down.
"You know about those?" He asks, he doesn't know why. He doesn't care.
"I'm on reddit and 4chan, I know more than I want to, to be honest." You say, faking a serious expression. "Someone made an experiment with his piss once-" You start, and Jungkook laughs at this, unable to be stoic about the way you so seriously say that. "I'm serious!" You laugh along, and he nods.
"No no, I believe you." He nods, using all his strength to make sure he doesn't grin, because his teeth look like a rabbits, she once told him. He doesn't want you to see it. Or maybe it's just become a habit. "Do you need help with that closet you bought?" He asks, and you giggle again. Did he say something weird?
"It's a dresser- but I guess it can classify as the same thing just smaller?" You think. "Wait when does a closet start and a dresser end- is it even size?" You begin thinking, and Jungkook apologizes instantly.
"You said dresser, I remembered that wrongly, sorry." He says, but you just playfully shake your head.
"No worries, maybe its even a closet and I just misunderstood." You tell him. "But yeah, if you could help me, that would be awesome! Gotta use those muscles for something, heh?" You joke, poking his stomach a little. He feels like you've just shot him. He doesn't know why he's so hyperaware of where you've placed your finger on his stomach, and it doesn't hurt, but in a way, it does. He doesn't know.
You're confusing him.
He trails after you like a lost dog and he's aware of it, but he can't help it. He's offered his help, it would be rude to just leave you be now, and he doesn't want to be rude to you. Even though he's been rude to you before already. Oh yeah- why do you seem so at ease with him?
You walk towards the place where he'd told you to get your furniture, and when the old man starts to place every piece in your cart, Jungkook helps without thinking. It's the same once you're at your car- he lifts it all into your trunk without thinking of the consequences it might have for him, adjusting the seats so everything can fit into the small vehicle properly. It's only when you go to bring back the cart that he realizes in horror what had happened.
The inside of his sweater feeling damp against his skin, body freezing as he can only imagine the darker stain on the back now where he knows he sweats the most. His neck feels just as cold as the wind passes him- even his hairline bothering him now. Why did he help you with that stupid furniture? He knows he sweats easily.
'Jungkook' she'd said, apologetic face when she'd spoken. 'you gotta do something about that. I don't wanna say its gross but.. well, it kinda is. No offense.'
Her voice doesn't let go of him even years after breaking up it seems. It echoes inside his head even as you're walking back towards him- and he falls into panic realizing he's gonna take public transport home. Maybe he should just walk. He didn't even get what he wanted to get anyways. "Thank you so much!" You say, grinning at him with genuine friendliness, and he just feels awkward standing like this in front of you. "Where did you park?" you wonder, and he shakes his head.
"Took the bus." He admits, and you nod.
"Oh- do you want to ride along? The least I can do is give you a lift home." You offer, but he's quick to shut it down.
"No no, it's fine, I'm all sweaty and gross now-" he rants, but much to his surprise, you simply shrug.
"Gross?" You ask, and he nods, ashamed.
"Yeah." He responds.
"Nah. Come on now, if you help be put it up too I'll put some chicken nuggets in the oven!" You giggle, getting in the car.
He doesn't know why he accepts your offer.
His smell is probably already noticeable to you in the small interior of the car. He doesn't rest his back against the seat- the fluffy covers way too clean to be touched by his sweaty back. He hates that he's like that. Maybe he should consult a doctor about this. This has to be an issue only he has. But then- your hand pushes against his front, forcing him to lean back into the seats.
You don't say anything, but you also don't need to. He just stares- because between all the horror of knowing now that you know about his insecurities and inner fights, there's a glint of relieve filling him. Because you're not annoyed. You don't seem bothered. You're still smiling a little, eyes on full alert while you keep your attention on the road in front.
While he right next to you can't help but think, how come he's never noticed how pretty your collarbones look? Not sharply protruding, or aggressively visible- but soft, delicate, and merely there to show that your bones underneath your skin are present. A simple necklace rests over them, pendant hidden in your cleavage, but the silver band alone seems enough to decorate that part of you perfectly. Your neck is a little red where you've scratched it a little earlier, itching the skin for no apparent reason- but it doesn't look out of place. It's like proof that you're alive, because looking at you now, he realizes what you remind him of.
Those old paintings of angels, with their soft bodies and rosy cheeks.
But that spot, and the slight redness on your nose is proof that you're alive. That there's blood running through your veins, that there's a heart beating and organs working inside of you. You're breathing next to him, and that alone makes him feel oddly out of place.
Because you're so at ease with just existing, it seems.
You know that he's staring, but you don't scold him either. You just smile, like always sugary sweet, when you have to stop at a red light- and he feels like he's drowning in honey.
But the strangest thing is that he's fine with that.
Because something sweet once in a while won't hurt your body, right?
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Your apartment is odd.
Its Sunday, and he's currently waiting for you to do something in the kitchen while he takes off his shoes, looking around the area of your small home. It all looks warm, chaotic but inviting- like a genuine home. You don't seem to follow any sort of decoration theme, more or less simply existing, just like always, and it's odd to him how it all still fits together. It looks like you.
"Alright, so-" You start, leading him into what he assumes is your bedroom, considering the bed in the corner. "-I just need help with like, holding some of the heavier boards. I'll screw, and you hold, alright?" You offer, and he nods. That's what he's here for. Why are you saying this stuff as if he's got an option here?
He doesn't even know why he's agreed to it- or even when exactly he did in the first place. All he knows is that you're actually good at following those disgustingly confusing instructions- never seeming to misunderstand where something goes, confident in the way you screw in those metal pieces, as if you've done this multiple times before. And all is fine until you have to stand awkwardly in front of him- and he becomes aware that you can probably look into the wide and short sleeves of his oversized grey shirt. You can probably see that he didn't shave, why didn't he think of that?
But you just smile at him for a second, as if to pacify his thoughts, before you turn back to your task.
He falls into his habit of judging you yet again when you sit on the carpeted floor, reading the instructions with screws in your hand while the other turns the page of the tiny booklet. The board has left a red indent in your thigh where you'd leaned into the wooden piece not too long ago, soft thighs seemingly without muscle while your arms look similar. Your wrists are small, fingers dainty like a doll- while your stomach rolls up in several little folds from the way you sit a bit hunched over, legs crossed now. The thin straps of your top lay carefully over your shoulders, and only now does he realize you're not even wearing a bra- faint outline of your nipples against the inner fabric of the top giving him the clue to come to this conclusion.
There's oddly enough no sexual thought in his mind though. Only the mere question about, how?
How can you just sit there so comfortably, not even realizing how admittedly unflattering you're showing yourself to him right now? You're not wearing makeup, your hair a little messy, and he hates the fact that you still look pretty to him. You look adorable, with the way you lick your lips before biting the upper one a bit deep in thought. Is it a habit? He wants to know, and he doesn't even know why.
"Jungkook?" You ask, waving your hand in front of his face a little. He didn't realize he's sat down on the back of his heels by now, probably staring into nothingness. The carpet has created angry red imprints on his knees. They look awfully boney compared to yours- he can't help but pull down the seams of his sweat shorts, his gaze falling onto the little heart shaped pendant hanging from your necklace. There's a paw print on it, and he wants to know why. Do you like pets? Why don't you have any? Then his eyes fall back onto your cleavage. Your breasts look just as soft as the rest of you. Are you warm? Could you warm him up if he touched you? "You can let go now, you now?" You say, and his heart stops beating for a second, eyes snapping up to meet yours.
"The board. You.. can let it go." You giggle a little, and he swallows hard, and lets go of it. There's a sweaty handprint left. Great- he's being gross again.
"Maybe I should skip dinner today." You say suddenly, and he feels ripped out of whatever thought he might've had just seconds ago.
"What?" He asks, whispers almost.
"You know, to combat all of this?" You say, sitting back and stretching out your legs or a second. "Maybe if I work out hard like you I don't look like the Michelin man when sitting down?" You laugh, but he doesn't see the joke. Where is this coming from? He doesn't like that you talk about yourself like that. "Do you think if I lost weight my face would look like those models in the TV commercials?"
"Stop it.." He says, barely above a whisper, in no way an actual threat. You just rant on.
"But then again, it's probably genetics. Imagine my body being all toned but my face still all round. I'd look hideous- all for nothing, really." You sigh. "But plastic surgery is an option. The easy way. I mean, I saved up to maybe move into a bigger apartment, but imagine how my life could change if I was pretty!" You tell him excitedly, and he hurts. "Like, actually, conventionally pretty!" You tell him. "I'd finally be loved too-"
"Stop.!" He barks out now, having reached his breaking point. He wants to apologize for yelling, but you're still smiling, sitting right in front of you. Only now does he feel your knees touching his- skin warm, warmer than his own it seems. Or maybe he's just imagining it. He can't stop staring at the differences. "Don't say that.."
"It's rough hearing someone else talk about themselves like you talk to yourself, isn't it?" You say suddenly, quietly, softly, and he feels his eyes sting. Now he really wants you to stop. "Truth is, Jungkook, that I don't care." He looks up at you. "I don't care what you look like. I don't care what I look like." You say, and he swallows thickly before attempting to get up. But you don't let him, holding his arms, even though you're no match for him.
He lets you win.
He doesn't know why.
But he lets you.
And he cries into the crook of your neck, all ugly and loud, sobbing now because who cares? He's already crying in front of you, so fuck it. It doesn't matter now, he just wants to exist just for a moment too, without thoughts and expectations and deadlines and time, and instead with your hands so gentle running over his back, your body heavy on his lap, but in no way uncomfortable. He feels as if your weight keeps him from floating away, from breaking apart and being swept away by the waves.
He calms down only after a moment- but refuses to look at you. Embarrassment is already creeping up his throat, making its home in his mind when he realizes the way he'd cried all over your naked shoulder. He's being gross again. "Who hurt you, Jungkook?" You carefully ask, and he shrugs.
"No one." He answers, voice raspy.
"Bullshit." You respond. "This doesn't happen for no reason." You say, and it's quiet for a good moment, giving him the opportunity to break apart from you- but he doesn't want to. You're warm- and he hasn't had something sweet in years.
He just wants a taste. Just once won't hurt, right?
"I was gross back then. I still am, sometimes." He admits. "Like right now."
"You're not." You reassure, but he shakes his head.
"She loved when I worked out. Said I looked like a Greek god when I was at my peak." Jungkook explains, for the first time spilling anything about it. "She wouldn't sleep with me if I slacked with my workout. But when I managed to stay on schedule, she'd love me. And I loved her."
"Jungkook.." You say, but he continues to rant.
"She really loved me then. You know. All the bad things she told me, all the times she yelled at me, I could understand it then. It was to help me, so she could love me at my best." He tries to justify, but you just squeeze his body.
He likes that feeling. He wants you to do it again.
"That's not love, Jungkook." You admit to him. "She didn't love you, Jungkookie. She loved your body, nothing else."
"I don't care." He simply responds.
"But I do." You say, and he feels his eyes sting again. "I care about you."
"You said you didn't." Jungkook fights back, leaning back a little and your hands wipe his tears from his cheek without any sense of disgust.
"I said I don't care what you look like." You remind him, and he can't help but stare. Have your eyes always been this pretty? They're like two rare gemstones polished to perfection, moving so lively and looking so warm and inviting. Even the faint redness and blemishes look more like stars now than anything else. "I care who you are. You're such a handsome being, but it's all messed up because of someone who didn't even notice what she had." You say.
"You're just saying that to boost my confidence." He responds.
"I'm saying this because you deserve to have that confidence." You instead say, and he cant help but stare for a second. "Don't kiss me now." You say, and he blushes, stammering a bit.
"I-wh.. why not?" He wonders. The moment is perfect, so why don't you want to? He's confused. It all sounded so much like you liked him- maybe even loved him.
"Because right now, you're not properly thinking." You say. "Go home. Sleep. Go about your day- don't think about it." You instruct. "For once, just exist. You've got free will Jungkook, no one cares if you work out or not, if you go get a coffee or not, or if you stay at home and laze around all day. Do what you want to, just for once, and not what you think is expected." You say.
"And if I still want to kiss you after?" He asks, and you smile.
"Then I'll be here, waiting."
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It's been weeks since you've seen Jungkook.
Yoongi says he's gone on a trip, camping, something he's not done since he was a kid. You're happy- he deserves to do what he likes, and to exist without any boundaries. "He's looked.. a lot warmer these days." Yoongi says, speaking to you who's sitting on his couch in his studio. "I have a feeling I know who's at fault."
"Hmhm, maybe." You say. "I still can't believe how much damage that bitch has done." You grumble to yourself, loosing a game on your phone, and letting it fall out of your hand onto the carpet on the floor.
"Yeah. I remember how heartbroken he was when they broke it off." He sighs, before clicking some stuff on his computer. "Did he talk to you at all these days?"
You shake your head. "Not a single message. It's fine though- he's probably busy enjoying his newfound freedom." You giggle, and Yoongi turns in his chair, looking at you.
"It's okay to be upset." He tells you, and you nod, well aware. You're not upset though- you're happy for him, genuinely so. Maybe he'll find someone who will finally cherish him for who he is, and not what he looks like. He deserves feeling happy. "Come here, angel." He suddenly says, and only now do you realize the tears falling from the corners of your eyes.
Seconds later dampening Yoongi's sweater, while he holds you close in the quietness of his studio.
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"What do you mean she doesn't work here anymore?" Jungkook wonders, standing in front of Jin who simply shrugs, defeated.
"I think Yoongi said she's now a lyricist under his label. Don't know where she went now though, sorry." He offers, before going back to wiping the counters.
Outside, Jungkook calls his friend with eager taps of his fingers- but he's not picking up. You said you'd be waiting, you told him you'd wait- so why did you leave now? You loved that bakery, you had a passion for your work, so why did you just break apart from that?
Because you've got free will.
You're way more aware of it than he is himself, having only newly discovered it, but it hurts to think that you just left like that. Sure, it's been almost half a year, but is that really too late now?
Your apartment.
He takes the bus line he's taken before, stands in front of the building, tries hard to remember which apartment number was yours, but he can't for the life of him focus anymore. He doesn't remember, he doesn't know- how could he forget a fucking number like that? Maybe you tested him, tested his love and he literally royally fucked up that test like a champ, because he took all your advice, all your efforts and all your comfort and ran off with it instead of staying. He should've stayed. He should've insisted.
He should've fought.
His phone vibrates in his pocket before it falls out, clatters to the ground. The screen is probably broken. He doesn't care.
"I still want to kiss you." He says.
You break out in laughter.
Before pulling him down towards you.
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"That's not how you do it." Jungkook says, furrowing his brows.
"So?" You say. "Not a crime I'm committing here. Modern problems require modern so-lutions!" You struggle with the chopsticks, before the cork of the wine bottle finally plops out. "Hah! You see that? I'm a survival specialist, Bear Grylls has nothing on me!" You triumph, before pouring some in his glass, then your own.
"So you plan to survive a let's say, zombie apocalypse, with wine?" He raises an eyebrow, the warm fire between the two of you crackling away and painting your body in red hues.
"Hey, being drunk makes a lot of situations better." You offer, and he laughs- freely, corners of his eyes crinkling a little, bunny smile on full display. You like him most like that. Free.
"Hm, I disagree." He says.
"Oh?" You challenge.
"Hmhm." He tells you, taking a sip of his wine after you. "For example, my first time with you shouldn't be wasted with alcohol." He cheekily says, and you blush- happy the fire covers that change in color for you. "I wanna remember it." He teases. He's become awfully bold- entire being evolving into something you can only describe as dangerous.
"Ah.." You just respond.
"Too much?" He asks, and you shake your head.
"No- just.." You say, unable to quite put it into words. "It's weird hearing someone say that, you know, to me." You say.
"Why?" He wants to know. Are you a virgin? He highly doubts that- considering you're pretty soul and pretty smile. There's no way he's the first to ever be interested in you like that.
"I don't know, it just.. happens, I guess. I'm good at giving advice left and right, but I'm bad at following that myself. I.." You admit, sighing as you look at the fire. "..tend to let myself be used, I guess."
"Why?" He asks again, but this time its whispered, like he himself can't believe what you're telling him.
"Because it lets me dream a little?" You giggle. "It's why I didn't kiss you, you know, right away. I know where it would've lead."
"And you don't want that with me?" He wonders, but you shake your head no.
"I do." You say. "I did back then too." You confess without shame. "But.. I liked you too much. It would've crushed me to wake up and realize it's been nothing but a short fever dream. I would've hated myself if you woke up and.. I don't know, realized that you don't like me like that after all, and that emotions were just hot and high."
Jungkook nods at that- because he can't say that it wouldn't have happened like that. You looked out for him that night as well, maybe without knowing it- and he's thankful you did. Because it gave him time, freedom, and the chance to really let everything sink in and flow through.
It made him realize that he still loves you, even if you hadn't been the one to wake him up like you did.
"Now I ruined the mood." You laugh, throwing your head back a bit in dramatic agony. "Ugh I'll never get anywhere like this."
Wordlessly, Jungkook puts his glass down on the plastic table, before he walks over to you and takes yours as well, helping you stand up. "Jungkook?" You wonder, and he just kisses you, soft and warm like he always does. It's silent, there's no need for words, especially not when he picks you up and opens the door of the campervan, bringing you inside where he immediately tries to shed your thick jacket and sweater.
"You're so pretty." He chants out, hands running over your warmed up skin like he has to convince himself that you're real. And he does, in a way- because it all feels absolutely surreal to him in every way.
He doesn't think about his own appearance at all. He doesn't care.
He doesn't mind when you pull his own sweater over his head, hood of it catching on his jaw and making you both laugh. Your hands on his skin feel like heaven, he's never realized how he'd burn the world down just to feel your skin against his own. You're holding onto him like he's worth millions, his lips chasing yours, teasing you every now and then by not letting you get as close as you'd like to.
Sex has never been so exciting and comfortable at the same time for him.
Every sound you make, every heavy breath or whine he drinks up like a starving man, hands gripping your flesh like you'll disappear if he doesn't hold onto you strong enough. There's trust in this- trust you'll tell him where to go if he looses his way, trust that you'll accept what he does for what it is, trust that you'll love him just as much as he loves you.
Your thighs are soft, laying over his shoulder as he holds onto them, his mouth busy on your core.
You're both cute and absolutely enchanting, writhing and squirming under his actions, whimpers accompanying his own obscene noises he doesn't care about making. You're divine, you deserve to be treated like it as well.
And you cum so prettily too, toes curled and hands reaching out for his own.
"I love you." He says, and you smile up at him, kissing his lips before you turn his chin towards the side.
"And I love you too, but maybe no kids yet?" You joke, making him laugh and nod as he walks over to fetch a condom out of his bag. He didn't specifically plan anything to happen on the trip with you- but he still prepared in hopes of it. "Jungkookie.." You say, when he's back above you, wrapping the contraceptive over his length.
"Hm?" He wonders, looking at you wide wide eyes, in all his naked glory and inked up skin.
"I love you." You say, and he grins, brightly even though he's barely illuminated by the little campfire outside.
"I love you too." He responds, adjusting your positions to push himself inside. "Everything about you." He adds on, before he moves, slowly, agonizingly slow, frustrating you. But he seems to enjoy that struggle, rather than feel like he needs to adjust anything. "We've got time." He chuckles, and you wrap your legs around his middle at that.
"Please..!" You beg, and he only cocks his head to the side at that, hair falling into his face a little. "Kook, please, come on-"
"Impatient now?" He wonders, and you huff.
"Obviously!" You call out, making him laugh again before he pushes your thighs towards you, adjusting his pace to a more brutal thrusting.
Your head spins.
"You look so fucking pretty like that." He praises, hands on your skin digging into your flesh, probably leaving imprints later on.
"Gotta mark you up all pretty too, right?" He grunts into your neck, kissing first, before he bites, sucks, claims almost. "Gotta make sure they know you're mine." He says breathlessly.
"Yours." You respond out of breath yourself, before you clench around him, orgasm hitting you hard at his ruthless pace. He himself can't help the obscene moan that escapes him as well, coming undone only a short time after you.
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"Make sure they know you're mine?" You joke, out of breath. "Where did that come from?"
"My heart." He says, making you slap his chest. "Ow!"
"You're so cheesy!"
"You love me for it."
Yes you do.
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meownotgood · 2 years
morning routine / hayakawa aki
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morning routine with boyfriend aki.
pairing: hayakawa aki x gn!reader
genre: headcanons / fluff / domestic
note: this post is sfw, but this account contains nsfw content. please do not follow if you are a minor.
soundtrack: link
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☆ Mornings with Aki are quiet and serene, soft moments between the two of you stolen before daybreak has even unfolded, with only the faintest hues of yellow spilling through the gaps in the curtains. Aki treasures every one; he longs for nothing more than to spend each day's new beginning by your side.
☆ Aki tends to wake up earlier than you, usually well before his alarm is set to ring. The chill of the early-morning air has already settled upon his room; the mattress shifts slightly as he turns, and he finds your form in the dark, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close to his chest. Your limbs tangle with his under the velvet sheets, his heartbeat syncs with the rhythm of your own, and the way his figure curls around yours is perfect, as if he was always meant to be right here.
☆ As you begin to wake, you can feel his warm breath fan over your neck, his soft hair tickling your skin. The haze of sleep begins to fade from your head, and when your eyes flutter open, your vision slowly coming into focus, you find that Aki is already staring at you, admiring your face with a gentle smile that makes the corners of his eyes crinkle. His voice is weighed down by lingering drowsiness, deep and rough in his throat when he asks you what he always does first thing each morning: Good morning, sweetheart. How did you sleep? 
☆ Aki rubs slow circles on your back with his palm while you tell him about your dreams, if you happen to remember any. More and more rays of sunlight peek through the blinds, bringing brightness and warmth to the dim, monochrome bedroom. Aki listens intently to your every word, using this time as an opportunity to adore you before the day has even really started. You're wearing his clothes, his shirt; you smell like him, even more than the sheets do. Like the rich scent of his cigarettes and his familiar laundry powder. 
☆ He reaches up to click off his alarm when it rings, but he opts to sink back into bed with you, for just a few more minutes. Your enveloping warmth, the gentle sound of your breathing, your arms holding his body tightly: it makes him never want to move, but when you prod him with your elbow, groggily mumbling something he almost doesn't catch — C'mon, we have to get up — he ends up dragging himself out of bed with you, albeit a little reluctantly. 
☆ You keep your arms around his chest as he slides the balcony door open, the curtains fluttering when they're met with the breeze, his hair gently rustled when the wind tugs at the strands. The sun's glow blooms over the cityscape, and the air smells fresh, sharp. Aki turns to you, grasping your chin between his fingers, and he gives you the first kiss of many for today. His lips are pillowy when they meet with your own, and he kisses you tenderly, replacing the last remnants of sleepiness with a steady fire in his heart. 
☆ Before he does anything else, Aki trods to the kitchen, flicking on the stove and giving the burner a chance to heat up while he handles other tasks. You can hear him humming to himself in the kitchen while he grinds coffee beans, singing something he heard on the radio when he thinks you're still in bed and won't hear him; you'll never tell him that you do, nor tell him about how pretty his singing voice is. 
☆ You stifle yawns while Aki washes his face, icy cold water cupped in his palms, his arm linked inseparably with yours. His bathroom is small, so you find yourselves pressing closely to one another, arms tangled when you both reach into the cupboard at the same time, standing shoulder to shoulder so that the both of you can look in the mirror. Aki squeezes a dollop of toothpaste onto the bristles of your toothbrush, then onto his own, and you make stupid faces at each other's reflections while you brush your teeth. 
☆ If you plan on showering, Aki runs the water early so it can heat up, and he makes sure a towel is set out for you, folded nice and neat. He listens to the drum of the water as he applies lotion on his face, he draws hearts in the fogged up mirror as he brushes his hair and cleans his piercings, and he wraps the towel around your shoulders once you step out, placing delicate kisses on your bare nape, droplets cascading down your skin.
☆ Aki always brews coffee first thing in the morning. He'd love to pour you a cup; over time, he memorizes exactly how you like your coffee, how many lumps of sugar you want, how much creamer you need, and if you like for him to add a bit of milk or a drizzle of honey. It becomes second nature for him to fill your mug alongside his own. 
☆ Steam curls up from the rim of the mug, warmth radiates over your palms from where you hold it, and when you take a sip, heat pools in the pit of your stomach, made even warmer by Aki's quiet whispers into your ear: Is it good? I think this is the best I've made in a while. Let me know if you’d like me to make you some more. 
☆ Your mug next to his on the counter, your toothbrush and his own sharing the same cup, your slippers mixed up with his on the rug in front of the balcony — It feels like home, your soul intertwined with his space. Aki finds a sense of comfort in this, in being able to spend every morning with the one he loves, the one who brings him peace in this chaotic world — Honestly, he wouldn't have it any other way.
☆ Aki will cook you whatever you'd like to have for breakfast, taking breaks each time he flips a pancake, or between each egg he cracks to give you a kiss on the cheek. He tends to skip breakfast himself, although you can convince him to eat with you if you prod him enough. He'll prepare both of your plates, filling his own with something light, and he'll sit across from you at the table. He adores the way your face lights up once you've tried a bite of his delicious cooking.
☆ You join him on the balcony when he has his morning cigarette, your head leant on his shoulder as he strikes the wheel of his lighter with his thumb. When a small flame brings the end of his cigarette to life, he inhales deeply, tilting his head away from you to exhale the smoke. The nicotine soothes his nerves, and causes his muscles to relax.
☆ When you ask him if you can have a hit, he carefully brings the cigarette to your lips, instructing, Breathe in. Your fingers brush over his own when you hold the cig to keep it steady. Something about the way you take a hit from his own cigarette, the way the end of it glows as you inhale, the way your eyes seem to soften from the nicotine rush. Then, the way you look up, breathing wisps of smoke from your mouth into the pale, cloudless sky — Aki's heart flutters in his chest, and he's quickly leaning in to kiss your lips while he absently flicks the stray ash from his cig.
☆ He'll drag you into his lap while he goes over the morning paper, his free hand squeezing your waist, your nose nuzzled into the crook of his neck. The city is slowly starting to come to life, cars in the streets below honking when the traffic stalls, the sun casting Aki in your cool shadow — The rays illuminate you, a fuzzy, angelic glow on the edges of your form, framing you in honey-dipped light. Aki can't help but look at you and sigh deeply, softly muttering, You're so beautiful. I can't believe I get to call you mine, my pretty angel.
☆ As you sift through your half of the closet, Aki looks through his dresser. You change out of your pajamas side by side; if he's not paying attention, sometimes you can steal his clothes and surprise him when he turns back around.
☆ You watch intently as he expertly ties up his hair in his usual topknot. Sometimes, if you're lucky, he'll let you help him, or he'll show you how to tie up your hair in the same way. He enjoys playing with your hair, and he refuses to admit it, but he likes when you mess with his, too. Your fingers threading through his scalp make him feel tingles prickle over his spine and his shoulders. If you comment about how cute he looks in a new hairstyle you've fashioned him with, his cheeks turn a rosy shade of pink, and in the future, he's coming up with excuses to get you to do his hair again.
☆ Aki gives you plenty of words of reassurance, well before the day is set to begin, so you can start off on the right foot each and every morning. He likes to believe that each day is an opportunity to put the previous one behind you, and a chance to make something good out of what you've been given. He's forever grateful to begin these brand new days beside you. I love you so much, more than I could ever hope to tell you. Let's make today the best we can, alright?
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godbirdart · 1 year
You don’t have to answer this question as it’s probably dumb to ask…but do you know what platform(s) would be a good starting point? Particularly for original content rather then fanart? I heard deviantart is a good place where alot of ppl got there start on but there’s lots of art thrives and such.
don't even worry, it's not dumb at all! it's hard to gauge where to Begin in the vast hellscape that is the online world. i do get this question [and some adjacent questions] often so please allow me to use your ask as an excuse to post a few of my site rankings for various art things!!
for reference, these are the sites I'll be addressing because i have used them at some point within the last year. please note: my information on Cohost and Itaku specifically may be out of date as I haven't used them in a long while. naturally, this is all solely my perspective. i run both a furry/original content account and an anime/fanart account on most of these sites and run them reasonably independently from one another. these rankings are based on how well each account fares on each site.
I will be talking about Patreon and Ko-Fi as if people will only be posting paywalled content there. you Can publicly post on both sites, but for the sake of this post i'm only going to treat them as paywalled sites since well, that's kind of their purpose.
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the A-tier list sites here are the ones that are most practical, with a decent member presence and little to no algorithms impairing your reach. the only sites here with any sort of algorithm are tumblr and deviantart, but i feel they don't ruin your reach that much.
B-tier list is mostly centered around popularity. there are massive audiences on both masto and twitter. twitter can be really good if you're posting certain content. mastodon has countless instances [read: servers / subdomains, however you want to call them] that can help narrow down an audience and like-minded people. for example, i use mastodon.art whereas many furries may use meow.social. you Can be discovered by people on other servers than yours.
C-tier has been sorted in accordance to audience. this is solely in my experience, but not a lot of new people are flocking to cohost and itaku. we also just hate facebook in this house and i will never give a facebook products a high rating.
F-tier: if you are a new or growing artist, putting your art behind a paywall or making it a chat platform exclusive thing can really hinder your growth. you can still do this of course, but you won't get as many eyes on your work as you would on a public gallery. threads is there solely due to privacy issues that Cannot be overlooked. i will not recommend it.
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here's how i'd grade these sites for posting Original content, characters, stories, etc. your best sites will likely be furaffinity, deviantart, and tumblr. i've put these three here for their tag use, discoverability, and audience presence. tumblr can be a little glitchy with its tags, but they DO function.
A-tier is entirely centered around audience presence. these sites are great for showing off your work, but they don't have the same population as the S-tier. mastodon can be good as the quieter instances give you more discoverability. bluesky has been THRIVING when it comes to the furry community as of late [i'm personally on there daily] - the only reason i don't put it as S-tier is because it's invite-only AND you need to rely on your work being found through the Feeds feature if you aren't an already established artist.
B-tier: useful, but population may hinder your growth. toyhouse is GREAT for posting your original characters and stories, but it is invite-only and not necessarily gallery-focused [it can be USED for a gallery, but it's not the main purpose]. you can also post stories and lore to toyhouse. discord and telegram are Good, but again it can be hard to gain an audience through sites that require invites.
C-tier: it is DIFFICULT to grow on paywalled sites with original content. cohost [to my knowledge] has been stagnating with the release of bluesky.
F-tier: threads sucks, the end.
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S-tier here is sorted because of audience presence. while twitter does suck, i'm finding a LOT of success there with fanart. tumblr is The fandom site of course. furaffinity is great for a surprising range of fanart that isn't exclusive to furry, and deviantart's Groups feature is still going strong which can give you that extra exposure.
A-tier is: fans Go here, but the population or algorithm can make things tricky. instagram is good for fanwork but the algorithm and the speed that things are posted there can make discoverability an uphill battle. patreon; if you make comics or art with fan characters [especially 18+ content lmao] you can grow pretty rapidly there. patreon, like any other paywalled site, should be a secondary site and not your Primary posting location. artfol and pillowfort are still growing. pillowfort has a Communities feature - sort of like deviantart groups - that you can submit your art to which gives you that extra exposure. artfol is just a nice gallery site and the tagging system is,, decent enough. a little confusing because the tag system looks up keywords in posts and titles First, you have to tab over to hashtag searching specifically.
B-tier: invite only and audience reach. again, bluesky relies on your art to be picked up in Feeds, as there's currently no tag search. inkblot is growing but has a decent audience. ko-fi isn't as known as patreon for exclusive content but it's still a good site. mastodon has tagging that makes discoverability easier, but mastodon and its many servers can make things confusing for some people. itaku's not as commonly used so it may be harder to gain new eyes there once you establish yourself.
C-tier: posting fanart to these sites Can Work. toyhouse focuses on posting and sorting original characters, so treating it as a gallery site won't get your far fast. it isn't impossible to grow as an artist there, but the site isn't intended for fanart posting. i cannot say much on cohost here. telegram and discord, again, it's harder for people to discover you out of the blue unless you mention your server / channel on another site.
F-tier: fuck threads.
lastly, to address thieves,
thieves are gonna be everywhere. i'm sorry to say, but there will always be shitty people. i recommend the following:
watermark your art. not in the corner, don't just sign in one spot, place a Huge translucent watermark over the WHOLE art. i recommend making it a colour gradient too instead of one solid colour or greyscale.
also: sign your goddamned art! put your username on there!
post a low resolution when sharing online. less than 1200px wide or tall. 72dpi. JPEG format. keep the high res privately for yourself.
add a subtle noise filter over your art. it doesn't have to be high opacity, and it'll make your art a little grainy, but it's good for fucking with AI bots and ruining any print quality potential.
i hope this offers some insight! if you have a different experience on these sites, please feel free to add your testimonial in the replies or reblogs! not every artist is going to have the same experience and growth rate.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
Daily OFMD - Outside US Renewal Tasks
Updated 01/31/2024
Hey all! I'll keep this updated every day so feel free to reference back here and I'll link to this inside the Recaps. If you have any recommendations to add for various countries please reach out to me!
==Things to remember==
Keep it positive! We are wooing them!
Only address one platform at a time!
Make it personal! Tell them why you want to be on that platform (inclusivity, diversity, other shows that are similar, etc)
“It’s okay to reuse some content with new tags but try to space the posts out a couple hours so they dont stack up on top of each other in hashtag very obviously.” -Jac
==Today's Hashtags==
==Platforms to Reach Out to==
If you reach out on the social medias, you can cater to individual mission statements per platform.
===UK Focuses ==
@lamentus1 has provided us with a lot of great information for UK folks, please check out the following:
The fact that there’s a huge audience for this show that hasn’t even been able to watch the 2nd season yet - to illustrate the fact that there’s a huge untapped market because more than third can’t watch it season 2 yet (we can use the Tumblr poll, and there’s that map as well, both good for illustrating the point).
Focusing on the UK talent in the show inc: Ewen Bremner, Joel Fry, Samson Kayo, Nathan Foad, Kristian Nairn & Con O’Neill. Minnie Driver too. They or shows they have been in may have their own fandoms we can tap into.
It's also apparently a good idea to mention you're British in your tweets if you're reaching out to @netflixuk Thanks! @libbyroseitm
Other helpful information:
Cheat Sheet Below provided by @aproperpirate on Twitter
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If you wanna talk about the shows creativity, feel free to reference Ra Vincent's site, he was the Production Designer for OFMD. Great inspiration and pictures to use to show off to the networks.
It's also helpful for Amazon to show them the international reach
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== Vote in the QUEERTIES ==
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You can vote once a day!
Best TV Comedy
Best TV Performance
== Outside US Social Media For Each Platform ==
Netflix @netflix UK: @netflixuk CA: @netflixCA
@primevideo UK: @primevideouk CA: @primevideoca
Apple TV @appletv
Netflix @netflix UK: @netflixuk
@primevideo UK: @primevideoUK CA: @primevideoCA
Netflix @netflix UK: @NetflixUK DE: @NetflixDE
@primevideo UK: @primevideouk CA: @PrimeVideoCA
Apple TV @AppleTV
Netflix @netflix
PrimeVideo @primevideo
Apple TV @appletv
==Daily Helpful Tasks:==
1. Push That Petition
2. Fill out Feedback forms:
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Make sure to request Our Flag Means Death on all the platforms, and indicate why you like the show (if that's an option) and keep it positive. Source: @Lcmwriter100 on Twitter
AppleTV - looking for an example letter? Check out @saltpepperbeard’s post
For Amazon Prime - Courtesy of @yougotofast over on twitter.
Existing Prime subscribers, you can access a Suggestions/Feedback form on the Prime Video app in the Settings > Help & Feedback section. The form is automatically tied to your Prime account, not sure if that makes any difference compared to anonymous feedback.
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3. Platform/Article Engagement
A lot of countries don't have HBO max, but if you do and you can already watch Our Flag Means Death on them, please still go ahead and stream Our Flag Means Death, it keeps up engagement and numbers.
Search Our Flag Means Death on Netflix
If you have Netflix, after your search, stream the first title that comes up for a few minutes.
Article Engagement - Source: @candiedsilkmoth on twitter
@itsmfgames Has been kind enough to be keeping up a running list of Articles about the campaigns -- so if you have the time and want to go catch up on some articles, please checkout the guide below and visit this google doc for the list!
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I'm probably gonna add a "running article list" somewhere, I'll update when I do.
Other Streaming Service or Purchase options:
Obviously don't feel like you have to purchase anything for the campaign, this is just in case you're looking for sources to watch. Amazon DE (Germany) Apple DE (Germany)
== RADIO! ==
While this suggestion is for NPR there are plenty of local radio stations across your own country, these are some tips. If you have good submission recommendations, please let me know i'll get them added!
Some awesome new suggestions from @AdoptACrew Check out the thread here. Link to the NPR suggestion site: Here
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== Stats ==
Some Cool Stats you can use:
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4. Daily Link Clicks to keep up engagement
Our Flag Means Death Wikipedia Page
Google Search for Our Flag Means Death
Google UK Search for Our Flag Means Death
Our Flag Means Death IMDB
Current @renewasacrew Daily Links:
==Media Resources (Pics, Gifs, Vids)==
Gifs, Pics, and Videos to use: show clips to use Src: @havethisonelife
Our lovely @kiwistede made some great custom gifs you can use to tweet and message the platforms with. Check out their tumblr here
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UK Resources:
Thank you for these great pictures @LibbyRoseITM!
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Some folks like infographics instead of text so here's some stuff for you! Courtesy of @edandstede on Twitter
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==Other ideas for engagement:==
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jeonscatalyst · 17 days
Hi I'm new army for about 2months now.
I love all bts members I just can't choose betwn them.
About a week before Are you sure? Aired I got into jikook. I got my friend to subscribe me to her disney+ account just so I can watch it downloaded weverse, downloaded an app to watch run BTS, ITS and BV. I knew of them bt never listened to their songs, I missed out on so much I'm really mad at myself for that coz I didn't get to see jikook develop to where they are now, didn't get to witness this beautiful relationship. Can you perhaps recommend me jikook blogs, sorry English is not my first language, can you tell me why there is not so popular jikook accounts on yt and insta bt there is teakook I was just wondering. I got tumbler and x just for jikook. I'm not so good with social media bt I got all that just to get to know more about jikook and bts. I really like your blog very helpfull and sorry for this bt how do I make that I don't get teakook blog on tumbler I read something now I get alot of it. Sorry for if it's inconvenience for you
Hey anon, welcome to the fandom. I hope you’ve enjoyed it here so far. I think it’s ok that you only recently found BTS and Jikook. I think you find them when you need them the most so don’t worry too much about parts of their story you didn’t get to witness in real time cuz you can always catch up plus they still have a future to make more beautiful moments that you hopefully will be able to witness in real time.
I would recommend you check out @stormblessed95 blog as a baby ARMY and jikook lover. Her blog has alot of information that will help you know not only Jikook but BTS better. There are other amazing blogs on here like @akookminsupporter @nightswithkookmin @jiminieloved @kanmom51 all these blogs are great imo as they have alot of detailed posts about Jikook as well as links to watch real content (some of them).
I wouldn’t know too much about Youtube because ever since I left my baby army era many years ago I rarely ever go to youtube looking to watch analysis videos or edits of any ship. So if you are looking for jikook youtubers I unfortunately don’t have any to recommend but I would appreciate it if some people can leave some suggestions in the replies :) I think you would most likely find more popular or bigger taekook youtube accounts because the number of taekook shippers are way more than the number of Jikook shippers imo so on almost every single platform you fall on you are sure to be swarmed with them. Unfortunately when you start watching or consuming some taekook content and interacting with them like leaving comments or likes, or searching them, the algorithm starts pushing more of them them your way so you can curate your timeline and block certain keywords to avoid getting more of taekook content. Everytime you come accross any content you don’t want to see you can just block or click on “not interested” and eventually you will stop getting them. Also avoid liking, commenting or searching for them if you do because doing that tells the algorithm that you like seeing them. You can do the same thing for tumblr. You can block any taekook blogs you don’t want to see or just click on “not interested”. Once you do this enough you stop seeing them. There are so many other amazing Jikook blogs on here (I unfortunately can’t list them all) but I also really love @hon3ymo0n @mimikoolover @causesciencethatswhy @bangtannism @goldenhickeysandramen @humanuser0613 @jm118jm @roo-bastmoon i’m missing so many amazing blogs I follow and constantly interact with but these are the few I could think of, off the top of my head. You can also follow member focused accounts to get to know each member better. Avoid solos though, avoid them like a plague and the way to tell someone is a solo is by paying attention to how they talk about other members.
Hope I could be of help anon and don’t worry it wasn’t an inconvenience at all. You can dm me if you need more help💜
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worldsbiggestnerd101 · 7 months
intro post!!
hi there! my name’s emmy, welcome to my blog! i’ve been here for a good while now but since i’ve started to gain more attention, i figured it was time to make an intro post!
basic info:
name(s): em/emmy/emeline, angie/angel (no preference)
birthday: january 4 :D
orientation/sexuality: bisexual (femme/wlw leaning)
gender: cis girl
pronouns: she/her (they/them is ok but not preferred)
nationality: born and raised in the US of A (new york babyyyyyyy), but my parents are guyanese, so i’d say guyanese american
race: mixed, my mom has light skin (she gets mistaken as hispanic a lot) and my dad has medium brown skin so i’m somewhere in the middle (i too get mistaken for hispanic a lot)
other info: i’m neurodivergent, possibly autism or adhd (or both) but i was a “gifted” kid if that counts for anything, oh and i have anxiety
this a multifandom blog, so while i do have my phases/eras/hyperfixations, i will be posting about multiple fandoms at once, even if one’s taking up more posts than the others combined.
here are some of my mains!
hazbin hotel/helluva boss/the general hellaverse
roblox piggy
gravity falls
ride the cyclone
welcome home
carmen sandiego (2019)
it’s easiest to tell what my current main hyperfixation is by just looking at my pfp/blog theme, as i’ll usually set it to something related to my current biggest hyperfix. i’ll update this list as needed, but i’m also active in the percy jackson, american girl, and stranger things fandoms. i’m also into a lot of cartoons, like she-ra and the princesses of power, steven universe, the owl house, mlp gen 4, etc. so feel free to ask about those! i’m also a major theater kid, some of my favorite shows are hamilton, dear evan hansen, wicked, mean girls, beetlejuice, and six, so you can ask about any of those too! (i’ve only seen wicked and hamilton 😭)
ok so all my links to other posts or blogs or accounts or anything really are here!!
ao3: here!!
youtube: here!!
angel dust rp blog: @xx-angie-fluffy-bootz-xx
alt acc for when i hit the post limit: @emmysbackupblog
hazbin hotel high school au masterpost: here!!
discord server bullshittery masterpost: here >:3
#em rambles - original post tag
#asks - any and all asks i get!!
#mutuals - any asks from/posts about my mutuals will be tagged with this, and it's like a guarantee that you'll get your own name tag too!!
#anon - if you send me an anon ask, just look here to find it :D
#emmy’s edits - all my original edits!! they’re up on my youtube too but you can find them here under that tag
#hazbin high school au - my own au!! i made this by myself with a few ideas from friends but this is like my own creation that i'm working on!!
edit: as of 07/16/2024 i have a girlfriend!! her name is hannie, aka the wonderful amazing absolutely adorable @furryrainbowscreature i love her so much <333
homophobes, transphobes
supporters of israel
queer exclusionists (anti "conflicting" labels, terfs, etc)
blogs with heavy amounts of nsfw content (i’m a teenager so. please.)
so yeah i think that’s about it!! thanks for reading y'all <3
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hihereami · 1 year
I've decided to go ahead and report the new desktop feature that eliminates icons from reblogs to Tumblr Support
Send your feedback!
Click here - Category ''feedback''. I don't know if it'll amount for much but I'd rather have them a wave of formal feedback than fake ignorance about the userbase's discontent.
Here's a template if you wanna copypaste:
Hello! I've realised Tumblr has made the decision to not show icons from reblogging users in my desktop dashboard. This decision is truly impractical for most of the userbase, who are used to identifying the people they follow by icon. It makes the user experience actively worse. Besides from that, I also want to report the feature that takes you to a rebbloging user blog when you click on it instead of taking you to their reblog on their blog. Also, clicking on the post shouldn't take you directly to the OG poster blog. Clicking on previous reblogs and ''tracking'' the flow of reblogs that took the post of your dashboard is common practise (as is checking out the tags). Please do understand these measures aren't improving the site: not for newcomers nor for the longtime userbase. People do not come to the site for a Twitter/IG/Tiktok replica, they come for its unique features that you're slowly stripping away. These are: - Tags. They aren't an useless hashtag system like IG, they are a genuine organisation system when searching for specific content. In reblogs, they serve as organisation and as commentary. Commentary in the tags is one of the most unique feautures of the site. - Reblogs as flexible and creative intervention. Different versions of the same post can circulate for years. We have posts from a decade ago still appearing on our dashboards. It's one of the better features of the site --- trend cycles don't span a few days like other social media. - This is a blogging site as well as a social media site. Embrace that, please. Access to the desktop view (where you could customise a blog's html look) as well to easy access to the Account is unique and essential. The sidebar doesn't work. It doesn't look good and it's clunky UX-wise.
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farfromstrange · 7 months
Lizzi’s Valentine’s Special & Follower Celebration
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Dear Everyone,
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and I thought, since this silly little blog hit over 1.1k followers yesterday, I want to give you something special.
First of all, though, I want to thank you. I’ve been on here since (and I checked with the archive) July 19, 2022. I can't believe that it has been almost two years. I started watching Daredevil after watching Spider-Man: No Way Home in December of 2021 and hearing Matt Murdock say, "I'm a really good lawyer," after catching a brick. So, I started watching the show, and that was during a time I was really miserable. Mentally and physically, I wasn't in a good place, but after watching Daredevil for the first time and falling in love with Charlie Cox as a genuine person and an actor, it felt like I found a reason to keep going.
I started writing fanfiction again, which I kind of neglected because I felt like this hobby of mine wasn't going anywhere. I wasn't inspired at all until I watched the show. If I hadn't, I probably would not have gotten back into writing and using it as an outlet for my feelings, and I probably wouldn't be where I am today. Thanks to Charlie's portrayal of Matt Murdock, and watching his interviews, I felt like I could do the things that I love again and follow my dreams. He's the reason I chose to major in English. And while I owe him that much, I owe you guys here on Tumblr and AO3 even more.
When I first posted here, I didn't think people would even be interested in what I had to say and write. But then more and more people started visiting my profile, you guys started following me, and it kept me motivated to keep writing, even when I'm miserable, and I sometimes only post once every blue moon.
I feel so honored that you guys chose to follow a silly little blog run by a silly little 20-something-year-old whose first language isn't even English (but made it her entire personality), and who chose to write about traumatized dark-haired characters portrayed by Charlie Cox. I'm overwhelmed by the love you continue to show me, and every time one of you chooses to reblog or comment on one of my works, saying that it resonated with you, I feel like I'm doing something right. I'm sharing my ideas, my own experiences, my wishes, and even my deepest, darkest dreams through my writing like it's a fucking diary, and you eat it up every single time.
I'm just so glad that this community exists, as chaotic as it sometimes is, and that you chose to stick around, even when I suck at keeping promises sometimes. You keep teaching me new things about who I am, my writing, and how important it is to put myself first. I don't know if you've heard it lately, but you guys are incredible and I appreciate the hell out of every single one of you.
Thanks to Tumblr, I made lifelong friends (especially looking at you, @blackshadowswriter) and found like-minded people that made me feel less alone. That alone was worth making this account and continuing to post on here.
You may think that I'm being dramatic, but for someone who has never really experienced the kind of validation this community gives me, I want to celebrate this milestone. It means more to me than I can even put into words. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I love you all so much! Please, don't ever forget how amazing you are.
That being said, I've got some exciting things planned.
The other day, I found a folder in my Docs titled "the vault". I completely forgot about it because I usually keep my WIPs in a different folder. As it turns out, I made that folder for fics that I originally never planned to post, or ones that I'd finished but wasn't happy with. It’s many, but it’s a few. Some are deeper than others. I also jotted down rough ideas and outlines last year that I stuffed in there, some of which I've actually shared with you but never started working on. Until now. And the contents of that vault are what I want to give to you now.
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6 stories from the vault. 1 bonus fic. 7 days.
I went through a myriad of emotions while I wrote these. For some, I actually bled my soul onto paper. For others, it was merely a brain fart that led to their existence. They're sad, horny, and at times angry, but some of those were originally written for me, and only me. Those that weren't started as a few sentences in a folder before I forgot they existed. Either way, I don't want them to catch dust. And I wouldn't want to share them with anyone else.
Starting February 14th, I will be posting one fic every day until February 20th. My “The Vault” works are Matt Murdock x Reader works, but I've made an exception for the bonus fic. I won't tell you what they are about, but I will give you a list of installments and what kind of fic they are so you know what to be excited about (and maybe which ones are not your cup of tea).
-> The number at the end tells you the date I will be posting it on, but I put it in chronological order as well.
1. If You Need To Be Mean (angst, hurt/comfort) 14.
2. Mismatched Bridesmaid (fluff, smut) 15.
3. Weed Cookies (humor, fluff, cw: accidental drug use) 16.
4. the grudge (songfic, angst, hurt/comfort, cw: death of a parent) 17.
5. Halloween (Smut) 18.
6. I Want To Fuck A Priest (Smut, cw: priest!Matt) 19.
7. Now That We Don’t Talk (Part 2 of Is It Over Now?) -> Frank Castle x Reader (smut, angst) 20.
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A few more words: You are free to send me an ask if you want to know more, but be prepared that I won't be answering in much detail. I don't want to spoil the fun. I would, however, not mind talking about them as vaguely as possible (if you’re interested).
Thank you all. For everything. And I hope you stick around to read these little gems.
With love from yours truly,
Lizzi <3
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lemotmo · 1 month
Thought I would share what Ali posted because you're probably going to get a asks about it as well. I hate these people so much.
Q. In case you haven't heard there are now apparently a few of them who have made blogs pretending to be Buddie shippers and are harassing the cast and crew and making all kinds of homophobic comments to them. They're even throwing in anti Tommy comments to make sure they believe it's coming from Buddie fans. One got found out earlier and just erased the entire blog when they were confronted. I have a feeling things are about to get really bad.
Q. They're now disguising themselves as Buddie shippers, creating blogs and harassing the crew and the BTS blog. We might be about to lose all the BTS stuff because apparently they're freaked out now that maybe he really isn't coming back and so they want to make all the BTS stuff go away so no one gets anything and Buddie fans get the blame.
Q. They started circulating the old Instagram Iive Jennifer did saying Buddie wasn't going to happen and their fans needed to get over it. They're upset that she unfollwed Lou and what her sent hate comments from Buddie fans. The good news is anyone who's been here for more than a year remembers that video and knows she was messing around, but it will still get her comments especially from the one of them pretending to be Buddie fans. Guys the show might really pull all BTS content. They're making it impossible for everyone involved in the show. I hate these people.
Q. They've turned their anger on Jennifer now. They're circulating the old love video and leaving hate comments to make it look like Buddie fans are the ones attacking her. The video is OLD guys. She was messing around. We all know this. No one leaves a comment on it!
A. Unfortunately we all probably figured this was eventually where all of this was headed. They're out of plays. They don't have anything left. I have received tons of messages from people saying these same things. The good news is it was apparently fairly easy to find and figure out that one blog so chances are the others are going to be easy to find as well. As for the BTS content, sadly, they may put a stop to things for a while, until they can see if things have calmed down a bit. But that would be giving the crazies what they want so I don't know that they'll do that. But we might see less content for a bit. They're not getting what they want so they are going to ruin as many things as possible for as many people as possible. Yes the Jennifer video is quite old, Absolutely no one should be falling for it or leaving comments of any kind. DO NOT post about the video on your Tumblr page or your Twitter account. Ignore it. Do NOT help with the circulation of it. I'm sure Jennifer will adopt the same approach her cast mates have and just block and ignore. Everyone listen. I know they're making it very difficult to not engage but everyone has to STOP now. I'm not going to respond to anymore asks from them. I'm not going to engage with them at all. Everyone should stop. Don't give them the attention they're begging for. I know it's difficult, but don't. They've been given enough attention. Their ime is up. Now we treat them like they deserve. No attention. No interaction. No taking the bait. Leave lovely comments on any and all BTS content and crew related items and nothing more. It is increasingly apparent that he might actually be off the show so things are going to get far worse in the coming weeks. I still think he will show up but the picture that is currently being painted certainly suggests he's gone, so their tantrum is only going to get worse. I get tons of hate. Tons. I don't post it. I don't react to it. Just ignore it please. Obviously I would never tell anyone else how to run their blog but we have been helping them amplify their nonsense and now we need to stop. They are way more regular 911 fans and Buddie shippers than there are of them. The truth is they need us to spread their garbage and we need to collectively stop helping them.
0_° They are doing what?
Why am I not surprised?
I agree fully with Ali here!
Don't reblog hate messages to respond to with more hate. Don't respond to the rage bait posts. Don't respond to hate messages you get in your inbox.
I get daily hate in my inbox, but I immediately delete and block. It isn't worth responding to, because it will only create more anger and hate. It will make our fandom an ugly place. Let's not let that happen!
Post positive messages! Post theories and speculations! Post fun Buddie stuff! Post lovely art and fic! Post lovely comments to Buddie fics and art!
Leave lovely, respectful and polite comments on any bts video, photograph, crew photograph... you see. Keep it clean and nice. Let's not sink to the same level here.
We are talking about a TV-show with fictional characters. It isn't worth all this fandom wank! It isn't worth getting worked up over this kind of behaviour. It isn't worth responding with hate to a hate message. Let's not shine a spotlight on these stans' hateful messages. It's only a handful of them at this point. If they get no attention, their hate messages won't be shared. And that is what we want.
So let's stay calm and just keep on peacefully shipping Buddie. The odds are very much in our favour for season 8. All the signs are there. Let's just focus on that and ignore the toxicity these stans are trying to inject into the Buddie fandom.
It won't be long now. Let's focus on that.
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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