#there's a lot of world building in this sorry
willowsnook · 1 day
Only one bed??? (LN)
lando norris x teammate!reader
a/n: anytime i saw this trope on wattpad back in the day i went feral so enjoy me reliving my past
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Raindrops were quickly streaming down the plane window next to you and your hands were gripping on the handrests, knuckles turning white. Because of a post race meeting going way over time, you and your teammate were the last to leave Monza and had not made it past the storms that headed towards Monaco. The jet was silent, just you, Lando, and the plane staff but no words were spoken. You wouldn't necessarily say that you and Lando were enemies but you definitely weren't friends. More like awkward teammates.
It bothered you though. It seems like Lando had a special relationship with almost anyone he had been teammates with besides you. You had tried to be outwardly friendly when you joined McLaren but were met with indifference. After the first few months you gave up and settled into this routine. The team was disappointed too, they had expected Lando to mentor you as a rookie but that hadn't happened. The sound of the plane's speaker turning on brought you out of your thoughts.
"Sorry guys, we are going to have to make an emergency landing in the next ten minutes due to this storm."
You felt your pulse quicken and you looked over to Lando who gave you a worried look. Tugging your seatbelt tighter you closed your eyes for what felt like eternity until the plane landed. Following Lando out and down the stairs, you both rushed to a car that was waiting, piling in the back seat.
"There's a hotel a mile from here, I'll take you guys there and we should be good to go in the morning to Monaco," the driver said and you both nodded. The world was raging outside and you wondered if the car would even make it to the hotel. It wasn't a nice building, very standard for a small town you imagined but at the moment you'd be happy with anything out of the storm.
Dragging your carry on behind you, the clerk blinked up in surprise at the sight of you both walking in, dripping all over the floor. You gave her an exhausted smile.
"Hi, we need two rooms please," you said and she looked to her computer.
"Unfortunately, I only have one available," she said and you laughed, refusing to believe it. She raised an eyebrow.
"Are you serious?" You asked looking around at the dinky lobby wondering how it was even possible this place was filled up.
"Yeah, we had a lot of people stop to ride out the storm," she snapped back. "Do you want it or not?"
"Yes, we'll take it," Lando said, moving around you and laying down his card. He nudged you towards the hallway once she gave him the key. Taking the key from him you swiped it to the door pushing your way through. You stopped short once you saw the inside.
"You have got to be fucking kidding me," you said and Lando ran in to the back of you. Things could really not get worse.
"One bed Lando," you said laughing hysterically. "One fucking bed! Amazing, just what I wanted."
You were losing it and you could tell he knew that by the wide eyed look he was giving you. A loud thunder crash boomed from outside causing you to jump into Lando who reached out his arms to steady you. You looked down at his hands and he quickly removed them before moving around you and unzipping his bag.
"What are you doing?" You asked warily and he didn't look up.
"Getting ready for bed," he replied. "It's one night, y/n, we will manage."
Sighing you kneeled down to unzip your bag, pulling out your pajama set and heading to the bathroom to change. Washing your face and brushing your teeth, you tried not to think about how awkward this whole situation was.
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Lando looked up at you from where he had already situated himself and tossed his head back groaning.
"You can't be serious," he said and you gave him a confused look.
"You can't wear that." he said and you frowned looking down at your clothes.
"I can see your whole chest in that top," he complained crossing his arms.
"Then close your eyes," you snapped pulling back the covers. You started moving the extra pillows in between you.
"What are you doing?" Lando asked.
"Making a pillow wall," you replied settling in.
"Are you really that scared of touching me?" He said irritably.
"It's more for your sake considering you hightail it out of any room I walk into," you bite back and he doesn't say anything, just looks away towards the window.
Snuggling into the sheets you watch tik toks on your phone for a while before trying to fall asleep. That task feels impossible due to the flashing lights and lack of heat in the room. Sighing you reach over for your phone to see that it's not even midnight. You let out a frustrated groan.
"What's wrong?" Lando mumbles sleepily.
"Nothing, I just can't sleep," you whisper back at him. The bed shifted and you turned to see Lando looking at you, propped up on his elbow.
"Are you cold?" He murmured, waking up.
"A little," you sighed and he started moving the pillows, scooting closer to you. "What are you doing?"
"Just come here," he said and you gave in, letting him slide behind you, his arm going across your waist. Warmth instantly flooded your body.
"You think the team would be shocked to see us like this?" You asked and he let out a little laugh.
"Yeah, I would imagine so," he said, tracing circles on your arm with his thumb.
"Can I ask you something?" You asked looking over at Lando.
"Why don't you like me?" You whispered and he frowned.
"I do like you," he said looking sadly at you and you shook your head.
"I'm not stupid, I see how you are with everyone else," you said. "I just don't know what I did."
Lando sat up, pulling you with him until you were seated and looking in his eyes.
"It's not you y/n, I promise, it's me," he said and you rolled his eyes.
"Very helpful Lando," you grumbled and he shook his head.
"I got scared when they signed you because I knew the expectations that it brung for me," he said and you looked at him confused. "You are the rookie, I'm the veteran but I'm just not ready to be the veteran. I feel like I still have so much to learn but now I'm supposed to be teaching you."
"Why didn't you say anything? All of that is so understandable," you said, frustration growing. He looked down.
"It's just easier now to keep you at a distance," he said. "If you were a guy it would be so much better."
"Are you fucking serious right now?" You said angrily and his head snapped up, eyes filled with panic.
"No no I didn't mean it like that," he stuttered.
"Then how did you mean it?"
"Come on, y/n," he said gesturing his hands out. "You know you're hot, the whole grid knows you're hot. You distract me so avoiding you keeps me focused."
Lando looks sheepish as you glare at him not saying anything.
"You've made the first half of my F1 career borderline miserable just because you think I'm hot?"
"Yeah I guess so," he said eyes flickering down to your chest.
"And now you are blatantly checking me out," you whisper yelled at him and he put his hands up to cover his eyes.
"It's kind of hard when you are sitting here half naked next to me," he groaned.
You tried to move back to your side of the bed but another round of thunder boomed outside causing you to jump back. Your legs being tangled in the blankets threw you off balance and you landed down on Lando's chest. When you lifted your head up, your lips were inches from his lips.
He smirked and you tried to push yourself off of him but he held you tight against him.
"Lando," you warned and he smirked wider. "Don't even think about it."
He hesitated but you didn't move away. His eyes flicked up to yours questioning and when you didn't say anything he leaned forward meeting your lips.
The kiss started off soft but soon grew more aggressive. You slid over to straddle him and felt him harden under you, gasping into the kiss. You pulled back, breathing hard sitting back and he leaned up to kiss you again but you pushed him back.
"Promise me, things are going to change," you said and he smirked.
"I guess there are a few things I can teach you."
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ayyy-pee · 2 days
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Discord 18+ - Twitter - Last Episode - Masterlist
Pairing: JJK Men x Female Reader
Episode Summary: Introductions continue! Which one of these contestants will be the first to make an impression on your heart?
Story Warning: DRAMA, lying and scheming, REVERSE HAREM, profanity bc I can only be me, arguments, fights probably, heartbreak and tears, (more to come)
Artist Credit: momoya348, Umbra3terna, ilameys,maoyaoyao519, _0_0219, maron.jp Divider Credit: Cafekitsune (Tumblr)
A/N: sorry for the wait yall! i'd give you an excuse but i know yall don't care LMFAO. enjoy!!!
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The ground is actually shaking as the King of Curses approaches you step by step. Suddenly, you feel a lot like the chauffeur from just a few moments before. Terrified, trembling and sweaty. He was smart, now that you think about it. Hell, you’d have run too if you could! Sukuna’s aura is so heavy, so scary, so damn intense you feel like you may vomit. You’re hoping the camera doesn’t catch the sweat that you can feel beginning to seep from your pores. Every step closer to you, you swear shaves half a year off of your life. And when he’s right in front of you, his four eyes landing on you, so full of disinterest and maybe a little disdain, you pray you don’t piss yourself on live television.
It’s only then that you begin to realize how incredibly massive this man…curse…is. You have to crane your neck, struggling to peer up at his enormous form. He folds his (again…FOUR?!) arms over his chest and frowns, deep and unsatisfied.
“They should teach you some manners, woman,” he grunts. His deep and gravelly voice sends a chill traveling straight up your spine, and you straighten up, causing Sukuna’s lips to curl down in further dissatisfaction. “You hold your head too high,” he speaks.
You raise a brow, and it must be the adrenaline coursing through your veins, because like an absolute idiot, you open your mouth and dumbly mutter, “How? You’re like ten feet tall.”
You could hear a pin drop, hear the way every single crew member inhales and doesn’t dare exhale that breath. You know the cameramen should probably pan over to catch what’s next, but they have more sense than you clearly, because they don’t deign to move an inch. It’s complete silence in the driveway as Sukuna’s gaze pierces yours.
This may be the end for you. And honestly? You’d be okay with that. Sad, sure, but you’ve lived a decent life. Aside from this very brief experience, it was nothing special. But it was comfortable, full of good times. If it’s meant to end here, you don’t think you’d be too upset about it. You just hope that they’ll do you the favor of censoring your probably gory and untimely demise.
Sukuna lifts an arm (one out of four…oh my God, will you ever get over that?), and you squeeze your eyes shut tightly.
‘Here it comes’, you think. The finishing blow. One shot from him and you’ll be wiped from this earth, a smudge on this world’s history. You’ll be forgotten shortly after your end and the world will move on without you.
You blame Utahime for this, because again, if you hadn’t listened to her drunk ass you would be sitting behind a desk doing paperwork. Not on the verge of death before the most powerful being of all time.
But after several seconds, you realize you’ve felt no pain, heard no screams or cries. But instead, a sound of something akin to a chuckle. You open one eye, peeking up to see Sukuna’s large hand come down to pat the top of your head. Gently, at that.
“Funny. I suppose I won’t kill you and your entourage.”
His eyes roam the landscape behind you and the confusion is clear on his face. You suppose it would be rather confusing for an ancient curse to see all the lights, large buildings and technology of today.
“What is this–” he waves a hand in the air. “This place? Why did you all bring me here?”
Now you’re confused. Didn’t he sign up for the show himself?
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Satoru throws his head back, cackles hysterically. “I just thought it’d be fun!” A wide grin sits on his features as he leans back in his seat casually, as relaxed as ever. “Just imagine the strongest modern day Sorcerer alive and the strongest curse in history competing for love of all things.” He sighs, wiping at his eyes as he comes down from his laughter. “Fucking hilarious.”
He’s quiet for a second, then he doubles over, arms wrapping around his core as he succumbs to another fit of giggles. Suddenly, his laughter dies, then he’s throwing his head back in a groan this time. “Dammit. If he goes on a killing rampage, then I’ll have to work!” 
“It’s…The Bachelorette,” you answer Sukuna’s question, your fear slowly dissipating as your casual conversation continues on. Which may be a stupid move on your end. You should keep your guard up. This is the King of Curses in front of you, after all. From what you know, he loves to make someone feel safe only to literally crush them a moment later. 
But also, this is the damn King of Curses in front of you. If he deems it so, your death is already guaranteed. You couldn’t do shit if you had to face a normal curse let alone the strongest among them. 
The cameraman has finally panned around to capture your interaction and Sukuna doesn’t seem the least bit impressed. His expression is flat, very obviously bored. “The what?”
“The Bachelorette,” you repeat and when he fixes you with a deadpan stare, you elaborate further for some reason. “It’s a dating show. Jujutsu Sorcerers compete for the heart of one Bachelorette –” you point to yourself. “Me,” Sukuna frowns further and you match his expression with a frown of your own. “And– alright, don’t look so upset about it.”
‘The nerve of this guy!’
“Why would anyone waste time on this? Finding…love.” Sukuna spits the word out like it’s bitter before he laughs.
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“A pointless venture,” Sukuna grumbles, picking at the paint on one of his many nails. Unfortunately, Sukuna’s size was severely underestimated, which is why the camera is only able to fit his torso into the screen. 
Behind the lens, the director asks shakily, “You don’t believe in love?”
“How would love benefit me? It’s for the weak.” He pauses, his scowl deepening as he folds his arms together. “I should actually kill you for asking me such an imbecilic question.”
“I won’t kill you since this pathetic endeavor you’re on for love will likely be punishment enough for someone like you.” He grins, the venom in his words clear as he speaks. He’s referring to you being a Window — weak, useless, undeserving of love and probably life to someone like him. Sukuna strokes his chin in amusement, eyes roaming along your form. “It will surely be entertaining to watch.”
He looks you over once more, and the fear that returns, rushing through your body makes you dizzy. You feel like you’re on the menu. One wrong move and Sukuna will be having you for dinner…and not in a sexy way.
But instead of acting on whatever temptation he may have, Sukuna simply…vanishes. Though you’re sure he took off and is just way too damn fast for your weak Window eyes to see. Either way, when you’re sure Sukuna is gone, you - and the entire crew - breathe a collective sigh of relief.
“Should we bring in the next contestant?” One of the staff asks nervously and you stare straight into the camera.
“I think I need a break,” you squeak.
Because you’re about ten seconds from shitting yourself.
- - - - - -
The next contestant pulls up shortly after returning from commercial break. You’re back in position at the end of the long red carpet as you wait for him. He exits his limousine quickly, like he’s got somewhere more important to be. And you’re not sure if this show is the important matter at hand.
He’s incredibly handsome, dressed in a nice suit that he adjusts as he makes his way towards you, face set in a serious expression. His deep brown eyes gaze down lifelessly past his large nose as he approaches and you suddenly feel as if you’re under a microscope, just waiting to be picked apart. There’s something unsettling about this man, something that’s putting you on edge. 
Is it normal to feel like someone is taking note of every small movement you make, every involuntary facial tic, even the look in your eyes and filing it away to use against you later? That’s what you feel this man is doing. Just collecting little things about you to throw into your face somewhere down the line.
His glossy black shoes seem to glide along the red carpet and the cameramen must also notice, because the lenses point right to his feet as he goes. He moves so quickly, you hardly have time to breathe before he’s standing before you. And now, you feel your nerves ignite. Suddenly, you feel you should watch what you say, because you can’t help but feel as though you’re on trial for something. And it makes sense because he opens his pretty lips to speak and his words immediately catch you off guard.
“Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor or a felony?”
“Um…” Your eyes dart to the camera, brows pulling together in confusion as you chuckle nervously. “No?”
But it’s clear he’s not joking, not a trace of humor in his face as the question hangs between the two of you. The man narrows his eyes, his tiny pupils becoming even smaller if at all possible. “And you’re telling the truth?”
You chuckle awkwardly, your mind screaming “what the actual fuck” on loop. “Ah– What happened to hello? How are you? My name is…”
“I know your name,” he cuts you off. Then he spends the next minute listing off facts about you. He says your name aloud, the sound of it on his tongue sending chills racing up your spine. He lists off your age, occupation, even your friends and their occupations. It’s all a matter of fact, because they are fact. He doesn’t get a single thing wrong.
You think this man is abrasive. Maybe a little scary. And definitely weird.
Weirdly sexy?
Something is so very off with this man, that much is apparent by the exhaustion in his eyes, the way he fidgets with his fingers even while they’re confined in his pockets. But something may be so very off with you as well because you’re finding this mini interrogation of his oddly arousing.
‘Oh my God, can you focus?!’
“And what’s your name?” You finally counter, blinking your filthy thoughts away.
“Higuruma Hiromi,” he states without a beat. His tone is clipped, his eyes assessing you curiously.
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“I suppose I will take your word for it.” He nods, and you fix him with a look of confusion. He waves his hand in the air. “Your criminal record. I’ll accept you saying you’re not a convict of some sort.”
“Ah,” you nod. “Well, glad you decided to trust me,” you smile shyly, and Higuruma frowns.
“I didn’t. Judgeman did.” He gestures behind him, and your eyes follow the path to where an enormous, terrifying blob floats in the air. You’re not sure how you missed that. 
‘Probably because you were too busy undressing Hiromi with your eyes?’
You clear your throat, glancing up at Higuruma. The stitch-eyed curse behind him simply sits there, staring into space. “Seeing as there’s no cursed technique for me to confiscate from you, it’s safe to assume you’re of no actual threat here. And also unlikely that you’ve committed gross atrocities given you are currently starring in this television dating show. I would imagine they would complete a thorough background check on you.” 
Now you frown. “Are you saying that I’m boring?”
Higuruma shakes his head, the tiniest of smirks sitting at the corners of his mouth. “On the contrary. The fact that you’re so normal…it actually makes you all the more endearing.” Your heart rate picks up, his honesty and compliment(?) making you the slightest bit flustered.
He sighs, tilting his head back to look up to the night sky. Like he’s reminiscing about something. “I only recently came to be a part of this world, the Jujutsu world, and I miss my old shitty life sometimes.”
The sudden deep confession surprises you. You expected this way later down the road given how closed off he was just moments before. It seems a flip has switched now that he knows you’re not some crook out to commit heinous crimes. You’re grateful for it, as well.
You can relate to Hiromi a bit. You also had no reason to be a part of the Jujutsu world, and yet you’ve found yourself smack dab in the middle of it as you chase after love with some of the most powerful Sorcerers you’ve ever laid eyes on. These are men you would have never crossed paths with in your daily life. And now, they will be fighting (hopefully not literally) each other to have you in the end. 
“Well, I know this experience is so far from normal, but I appreciate you coming, anyway.” You bow slightly in his curse’s direction. “And thank you, Judgeman, for proving to Hiromi that I’m not a convicted felon,” you tack on jokingly.
This is apparently what was needed to break just the tiniest bit through Higuruma’s walls because the corners of his lips curl up just a bit more as he peers down at you. He mutters your name once more, reaching a hand out to take yours. “I’m beginning to think it wasn’t a mistake to come here. It was a pleasure to meet you.”
He takes his leave shortly after, and the director calls for another commercial break. You take this time to head to your trailer offset for a quick touchup on your makeup. As you sit in your makeup chair, you wonder how the guys are doing…
Satoru groans obnoxiously from his side of the couch, beside Nanami. “Is anyone else going to show up? I’m so bored!”
“You could always leave and go back to your actual job,” Nanami quips. “I’m sure The Strongest is needed literally anywhere else but here.”
Satoru puts a hand to his chest dramatically, mouth falling open with a gasp. “You are so mean to me, Nanami.” He grins, nudging Nanami with his shoulder. “You trying to get rid of the competition already?”
He’s met with silence from the blonde, who simply folds his arms and closes his eyes, choosing to ignore his senior.
“You’re hardly any competition,” Suguru snorts on the other side of Nanami.
“I’m the only competition here. Be serious,” Satoru argues, standing from his seat. “Who wouldn’t want to be with The Strongest?”
“Me, or really anyone who loves themselves,” Suguru deadpans.
Satoru rolls his eyes behind his glasses. “You’re an anomaly. Besides, you both know I’m right. No offense, but Nanami is frugal, stiff and kinda boring. You’re a wanted mass murderer with strange looking people as followers, and I haven’t met any of the other guys to know what they’re like, but I can bet–”
The door to the mansion swings open and in walks Higuruma. His wide eyes roam across the room, landing first on Suguru who assesses him with vague interest. Then Nanami, who only glances over to him briefly before resuming his position. Then Satoru, who stands with his hands in the air, obviously in the middle of making a point before Higuruma had arrived.
“Who the hell are you?” Satoru scoffs, unimpressed.
Suguru and Nanami chide in unison.
“Must you always be so crass?” Suguru questions, pinching the bridge of his nose. It’s been so long since he’d been in the presence of his former best friend, he’d forgotten how annoying he could be. 
“Higuruma Hiromi,” the newer man states as he moves across the room, not caring in the least about Satoru’s tone. He takes a seat on the sofa opposite of the three men, observing his surroundings.
“Nanami Kento,” Nanami introduces himself when the other two fail to speak up. He offers a seated bow, to which Higuruma returns.
“Geto Suguru,” Suguru’s soft voice floats across the room, though he doesn’t offer a polite bow the same way Nanami does. Perhaps if he were the old Suguru he may have, but he’s long past bowing to others. If anything, others should bow to him.
“Gojo Satoru,” the white haired man mutters, rolling his eyes.
Higuruma nods, eyes landing at the buffet in the corner of the large space, staring. “...And who is he?”
All heads turn to the buffet where a massive man stands with a plate of food. His face has stray grains of rice littered around his lips, which is stuffed with tonight’s dinner. He scoops a large spoonful into his mouth, nodding to the other men as he chews.
He’s tall, so tall that his height rivals Satoru’s. Shaggy, black hair covers the most beautiful green eyes. And when he grins, his pretty lips spread wide, the scar running through both his top and bottom lips accenting his features.
This man is gorgeous, they’re all thinking it.
Not to mention, he’s fucking ripped. A skintight black shirt hardly does much to cover every hard muscle of his body. His wide shoulders and thick arms look as though he could crush them all without much thought. And he could. He has.
“Zenin…” Satoru and Suguru speak through gritted teeth.
“Fushiguro,” the man corrects them, taking another bite of his food.
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“What the fuck are you doing here?” Suguru questions, standing from his seat. His eyes narrow, hands clenched into fists at his side. It’s been a decade since he laid eyes on the man who altered his entire world, and he’s not someone he wanted to see again. He’s lucky Satoru let him off with his life after their last encounter.
“Placing bets on who the broad out there ends up with,” the man laughs loudly with a full mouth. “Bet it’s none of you, though.”
At this, Satoru bursts into a fit of giggles, laughing so hard he doubles over. “I’ll take you up on that bet. Seeing as you’ve never won one in your life, should be easy for me.”
Toji only grins, taking another bite of his food.
“Please don’t tell me you’re also participating for her heart,” Suguru sighs, feeling a headache coming on.
Toji shrugs. “Does it matter?”
At this, Satoru groans, flopping back down on the couch with Nanami. “Who invited the damn geezer to the show? Thought this was for real Sorcerers.”
Nanami inhales deeply. “She’s not a Sorcerer, either,” he states.
“That’s different,” Satoru doesn’t miss a beat. “She’s a Window, so she’s in our world at least.”
It’s true. In Satoru’s eyes, you’re weak, but at least you have enough cursed energy to see the atrocities around you. You won’t see a curse only when you’re on death’s door, you’ll see one before they strike. And sure, you can’t do anything about it, but that’s what he’s for. He doesn’t mind playing protector to someone who at least resides on his side of the fence. It’s what he’s always done anyway. Why not do it for someone he could potentially love?
It also helps that you’re easy on the eyes.
“Hardly, but I do see your point,” Suguru agrees. He takes the spot next to Higuruma on the other sofa. “Doesn’t matter. I’m here for one reason, and it’s her.”
An obnoxious yawn comes from the other side of the room, Toji now leaning against the wall. “When does she show up, anyway?”
The other four look absolutely bewildered, eyes wide and brows pulled together. 
“What…” Suguru asks. “You didn’t go meet her?”
“Was I supposed to?”
“Yes!” Satoru yells from his seat. “How the hell did you even get in here? Past all the cameras?!”
Toji purses his lips together, scratching his head while he racks his memory. Then he shrugs, like he came up short. “Guess I followed the smell of the food.”
You fidget with your fingers as you watch as another limousine pulls up. You’re exhausted, and honestly ready for this whole introduction ordeal to be done. It’s so late, definitely after 9pm, and even after all this, you still have to head inside of the mansion to mingle with the men. You would really rather go to sleep, finally crawl into bed after such a long and tiring day. But there are several eligible bachelors eagerly awaiting your arrival.
And here comes another one.
The door to the vehicle swings open, and a very nice Prada combat boot hits the floor. Out steps the one of the most attractive men you’ve ever seen in your life. Tall, muscular, and so damn pretty, you’re almost jealous. Even with the distance between you two, you can see how perfect his face is.
Already, he’s made an impression because he’s not dressed to the nines in a suit and tie like the other men you’ve met tonight. Instead, he wears casual clothing, with a loose sleeveless shirt and black jeans. His hair is messy, tied up into two high ponytails that sit atop his head. And even then, he looks just as good as the others.
Something about him looks familiar to you, though you can’t quite place where you could’ve seen him before all of this.
As the man approaches, the lights from the camera crew illuminate his face. You can make out deep purple bags that sit beneath his eyes. He looks as tired as Hiromi, more even. There’s a thick black stripe that runs along his face. A tattoo, maybe? He’s pale, the moonlight casting an almost ethereal glow over him.
‘Why the hell are all these Sorcerers so fucking hot?’
You try to keep it in your pants, focusing on the sound of the chains of this man’s boots jingling softly with each step until he’s standing in front of you. His deep brown eyes rake over your body before they find your eyes. His lips curl into a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes, but it’s not disingenuous any sort of way. More like he’s very nervous and trying very hard to not come off that way.
“Hi,” you throw him a lifeline, the camera capturing the way you smile encouragingly.
You offer him your name, trying to loosen him up because he looks like he feels so out of place. There’s something off about him that you can’t quite put your finger on.
“I’m Choso.”
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“It’s so nice to meet you, Choso. Tell me about yourself.”
Your question breathes life into the man, his face brightening up as he proceeds to tell you all about his brothers. He’s the oldest of four, you find out. And he’s very doting and loving to all three of his younger brothers. You find it adorable, the way he raves about each of them and their special talents that they have. Unfortunately, you don’t have too much time to let him continue.
“You’re very beautiful,” he compliments you suddenly, and you can’t stop the shy smile now spreading along your features that matches the one sitting on Choso’s. 
“Thank you. You are so handsome.” 
Choso beams, and then he does something that surprises you. He wraps his arms around your form, enveloping you in his warmth. He smells incredible, and expensive. You return the gesture, and for some reason, all the stressful buildup of tonight seems to just melt away.
When he releases you, you see the soft smile sitting on his lips and you just know you can’t wait to see more of it. This man is an absolute sweetheart.
“Can’t wait to get to talk with you more tonight,” he says softly, and you don’t miss the light dusting of pink coloring his cheeks now.
“Me too.”
Your teeth dig into your bottom lip, nibbling at the soft flesh as Choso takes your hand and squeezes gently. What began as an awkward encounter ended up being a sweet meeting between you and the man now heading into the mansion. You’re so excited to–
Wait. You think you know why he looks so familiar!
You spin on your heel, turning to call after him. He turns to face you, a questioning look at his face. “Um…have you ever skateboarded before?” You yell across the courtyard.
At this, Choso’s brows pull together, head tilting to the side. He’s so obviously confused. “Skateboarding? No, why?”
You shake your head, chuckling with embarrassment. “No reason…you just…looked kind of familiar.”
- - - - - -
Jesse appears again once the cameras are set back up after another commercial break. He’s all poised as he grins at you. You haven’t seen him since you both first arrived on set, but he lets you know that he will be seeing you more often now that the introductions are complete.
“So, you’ve met all of the men,” he begins, the camera moving back to catch you both in frame. 
“Oh, that was everyone?” You could have sworn there was one more person who was supposed to show up.
“How are you feeling about them so far? Any you’re looking forward to spending more time with?”
Your mind goes through every man who has appeared so far, building a list of what appealed to you most about them. And you really like them all. There’s no way you could choose right now, not when there’s still so much to learn about each of them. You can’t wait to get some alone time. You tell Jesse as much, his response an amused shake of his head. “Looks. like you’ve got your work cut out for you, then.”
“Oh, absolutely. They’re all incredible. I could definitely see my husband being one of these men.”
And it’s a crazy thing to think, that at the end of all of this, you’ll likely be engaged and ready to marry someone.
“But—,” Jesse interjects. “You are down one contestant. Sukuna has chosen to leave the show…”
The camera moves closer to catch the nod of your head. Your brief stint with the King of Curses is not one you think you’ll forget any time soon, if ever. He could have ended this journey for you before it even began. He spared you, mainly for his own entertainment, but still. You came face to face with the King of Curses, and you of all people, lived. Not many can say that. Especially non-Sorcerers.
Jesse tells you that it’s time to get some one on one time with the guys and leads you to the mansion where they all wait. Your heart races in your chest as you approach the enormous doors, stopping just outside of them. You can hear the loud chatter inside, the men laughing raucously as they discuss whatever has them behaving so lively. You’re excited to finally be moving into this next phase of the process. You want to get to know each of them as soon as possible.
“You ready?” Jesse questions, his smile giving you a boost of confidence. “You’ve got this. Go in with an open mind, and an open heart. The man of your dreams awaits you inside.”
You laugh, and it’s all nerves, because that may be the scariest and most exciting part of this entire journey. “I don’t know how you did this, Jesse,” you chuckle dyly, to which Jesse lightly places a hand on your shoulder where he squeezes gently.
“Hey, you’re a smart girl. You’ll be able to find who you’re looking for. Remember…open mind, open heart. Can’t go wrong there.”
You swear you hear some of the staff swoon behind the camera, the crew sure to catch this interaction between you and your host, and it makes you grin. You can see why Jesse’s season of The Bachelor was so popular, and why he’s now the host of both franchises. So you nod, letting Jesse know that you’re ready to head inside to spend time with your men.
He pulls the double doors open for you and you head inside, straight through the doorway and into the living room where the men await. Jesse moves swiftly ahead of you, signaling for you to wait for a moment just outside of the living room, in the hall while he heads down the steps into the main room. 
”Gentlemen,” he announces his presence, and they all stand when they see the host. There’s an eruption of noise, the men greeting Jesse eagerly. Your heart beats wildly in your chest, knowing that in just a few moments, you’ll be seeing them all again. You can’t wait. 
“I know you’re all ready to see ___,” Jesse continues. “How are you feeling about her so far?” Jesse’s eyes land on the blonde man standing quietly, his hands hidden in his pockets to hide the way he fidgets nervously. “Nanami,” Jesse calls. “What’s your first impression?”
Nanami purses his lips together, carefully gathering his thoughts before he speaks. He’s unsure if there is a word that’s strong enough to describe how he felt about you upon first meeting. And he’s not sure if he’s capable of expressing how he felt upon laying eyes on you. Even still, he means it when he says, “An absolute beauty.”
The other men nod in agreement. “Definitely a sight to behold,” Choso adds. “Very sweet, too.” He says it with certainty, like there’s no doubt in his mind that you’re a kind person. He’d like to think that he’s pretty good at reading people. He’s been studying humans for quite some time, after all. You are one of the good ones, he’s sure of it. Your energy makes him feel comfortable, and he tells Jesse this as well.
Jesse beams, impressed with how the men already seem to be taken by you. “That’s great to hear. Now, I do have some unfortunate news or maybe it’s fortunate depending on how you see it.”
There’s a brief pause, which the camera crew uses to capture each contestant's face, making sure they capture any nerves on their features.
“One contestant has chosen not to continue participating in the competition.”
At this, Satoru snorts, garnering the attention of several others, but he lets Jesse continue.
“Sukuna has opted out of the competition.”
“Good,” Suguru interjects. “One less body.”
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“Honestly, I couldn’t give a shit if someone left,” he yawns, leaning back against the confessional room’s sofa. “Send the rest of them home, too.” 
He’s aware he sounds like a dick, too confident in himself, but why shouldn’t he be? He’s got so much to offer you, so much that the others can’t provide. He’s confident that with one person gone, he’ll be able to get that much closer to you. He picks at his nails in boredom before he asks. “Who even invited him, anyway?” 
The wheels turn in his head until he puts 2 and 2 together, chuckling quietly to himself. 
“It was Satoru, wasn’t it?”
“Can we please circle back to the bit about Sukuna?” Nanami speaks up this time. “You just casually had the King of Curses outside to compete for…” He clears his throat, as though the term itself makes him uncomfortable. “Love”. His eyes land on Satoru, because he’s positive it couldn’t have been anyone else who could have thrown this together but him.
The man in question shrugs mischievously, poking his tongue out when his gaze meets Nanami’s. He tries not to smile too hard at the scowl he receives from his colleague in return.
“How on earth were we meant to survive that?” Higuruma chimes in now. His eyes are round with disbelief. “Wait…did ___ meet with him?” 
Jesse nods. “Yes, and they actually had a pretty pleasant conversation. Though Sukuna wasn’t interested in moving forward.” The camera pans over to Higuruma who now seems lost in thought, no longer paying the host much mind. Jesse takes this beat of silence as his cue to continue forward. “Well, our lady of the hour is waiting patiently to have some much needed one on one time with you. Let's get her in here.”
Now, that’s your cue.
You enter the space, feeling the tension rise between the guys immediately, even as they all applaud upon your arrival. Your eyes take in each and every familiar face. It’s nice to see all of the men you’ve had the pleasure of speaking with for a few brief moments. You can’t wait to get alone time with each —
Hold on a minute.
Your eyes land on one man who sticks out like a sore thumb. From across the room, right next to the buffet, a pair of emerald eyes bore into your own, and you feel your heart rate pick up. You’ve never seen this man before. At least you don’t think you have. You have met quite a few people tonight and it’s all been a bit overwhelming. It’s perfectly possible that he slipped your mind after meeting. Though as you drink in the way his eyes shimmer even in the dim lighting, his chiseled features and the deep scar through both his lips, you highly doubt you’d be able to forget a face like that. 
Perhaps he’s another staff member, hired to man the buffet table. If so, he’s doing a piss poor job at it seeing as he’s holding a plate of half eaten food in his hands. He has to be a contestant, right? How could he have gotten past you? Even with your embarrassingly small amount of cursed energy, you feel like you would have picked up on his presence.
The camera swings around, cutting off your vision of the man, and in the blink of an eye he's gone. There’s a pang of disappointment, and a bit of confusion. You feel as if you imagined him. But you don’t have time to dwell on the mystery man your mind conjured up, because you need to focus on the men who are actually here. You turn your attention back to the ones you do know… only to be met again with the face of the stranger from just seconds ago as he stands right before you.
You almost piss yourself from the shock.
His gaze now roams your form, the smallest hint of a smile on his lips. He’s incredibly obvious in the way that he assesses you. And even more obvious in the way he seems to be enjoying what he sees. He slips his hands into his pockets, eyes once again staring straight into yours as he backs away to stand with the other men. “Well,” he hums, not breaking eye contact. “I was gonna snag some food and head out, but I think I’ll stick around…to observe.”
“Sorry,” Jesse interrupts. “But this show is only for those who signed up to participate.”
The mystery man rolls his eyes. “I’m already on the list.”
Jesse shakes his head. “We didn’t see you outside. There’s a proper process to follow here. You’re supposed to meet our Bachelorette,” he motions to you, and you smile awkwardly. “Why didn’t you come through the front door?”
“I’m meeting her now, aren’t I?” He questions, and Jesse nods, because technically he’s not wrong.
“Well, yes, but you should have come through the front,” Jesse argues weakly. 
Toji snorts. “Front door,back door, doesn’t really make a difference to me.” He says this shamelessly as he looks right at you, and you can’t help it! Your mouth drops open, just enough to get a reaction out of the man. The camera quickly captures the grin that spreads on his face when he sees your expression. “Unless it matters to you, sweetheart,” he teases.
You pick your jaw up off the floor, the camera moving around to get your response. You can’t possibly let him one up you on your own show. So you match his smirk, teasingly responding, “I mean…let's wait until we get to know each other a little better to find out.”
It’s the best response you can give in the moment, in front of a room full of men patiently (and hungrily) waiting to get even a smidge of your attention. And clearly it was a good rebuttal. The man’s smirk only widens. You can hear the staff muttering quietly behind you, clearly speaking into the earpiece that you know Jesse wears. You watch as the cameras move to capture the tension between this man and Jesse, who is now pursing his lips together in displeasure. “Are you a…Sorcerer then?” 
He stares Jesse down, and you don’t miss the way his jaw ticks just barely before he grits out a low and gravelly, “sure”. But Jesse doesn’t seem to notice. He simply nods, asking his name.
“Toji Fushiguro.”
Jesse sighs, his friendly host mask slipping just a for a second before he recovers. He claps his hands together, turning towards you with a grin that you’re certain is not genuine in the least. 
“Looks like we’ve got another man vying for your heart, ___. How are you feeling about it?”
You tear your gaze away from Toji, nodding to Jesse. “Hey, the fun of the Bachelorette are the surprises, right? I’m definitely looking forward to getting to know Toji a little more.”
Jesse throws his head back with a laugh. “Glad to see you being a good sport about it! Speaking of surprises, we have just one more.”
The doors to the mansion swing open suddenly, cutting Jesse’s monologue off. The sounds of light footsteps fill the space, and you watch the way Toji crosses his arms, how Satoru rolls his eyes, and how Suguru’s nostrils flare. Clearly, whoever is entering the building isn’t welcome. 
Jesse continues his speech. “I know you were looking forward to having time to get to know each of these men one on one, and you will get that chance, I promise. But…”
The cameraman hurries to catch the sight of shoes, slowly walking down the same steps you took into the living space and you spin around to follow the view. As the camera slowly coasts up the form entering the room, so do your eyes, trailing over the tall, well dressed young man who appears before you.
“You’ve gotten a brief moment to talk to each man, have gotten a good feel for who you want to move forward with, I’m sure.”
It’s not really a question. Jesse states this as though it’s a fact, and as far as this show is concerned, it is. Even if you don’t feel as if you’ve gotten enough time with the men, they feel that you have. And all you feel is a tight knot forming in the pit of your stomach, because you’re sure whatever’s coming is bad news.
“You’ll still get your one on one time with each guy, don’t worry, but at the end of it all,” Jesse turns to face all of the men. “___ will be giving out a rose to each man she thinks should continue forward on this journey with her. However, only one of you will be leaving here without a rose.”
“And him?” Choso questions, staring down the man standing behind you.
“Ah, right. Everyone, meet Sukuna’s replacement.”
The man moves ahead of you, taking your hand in his and pressing a sweet kiss to your knuckles. He’s as beautiful as the rest of the men, and you wonder again how it’s possible for every damn person in the Sorcerer world to be so damn good looking. 
The man has a smile that reminds you a bit of Toji’s, but that’s the only resemblance he shares with the older man. The eyeliner around his eyes looks better than your own, accentuating the color of his eyes, and his hair that goes from blonde to brown at the tips hangs loosely in his face, giving him an edgy look. The multiple black earrings decorating his ears adds to his style, and your heart flutters when he leans forward boldly and presses another kiss to your cheek.
He stands back, letting himself fully appreciate the view. He strokes his chin lazily, nodding seemingly in approval before he mutters, “Not bad.”
Your brows knit together, head tilting to the side as you reply with a quiet thanks. You introduce yourself, gently pulling your hand from his grip. “It’s nice to meet you…”
The man shakes his head, a cocky grin on his face as he speaks. “I’m sure it’s very nice for someone of your…” He looks you up and down, almost amused at what he sees. “...standing to meet someone like me.” It’s all he says, turning on his heel and moving across the room to stand with the other men without another word.
‘Okay, kind of an asshole,’ you think. ‘A hot asshole, but–’
“I didn’t get your name,” you call after him, trying to reel your thoughts in.
He cards a hand through his hair smoothly. “Zenin Naoya.”
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Jesse takes over, explaining that while the rose ceremony will still take place, Naoya will be immune as he is taking Sukuna’s place at the last minute. 
As your eyes roam across the room, taking in the sight of all of the men here competing for a chance at love with you, of all people, you can’t help but feel guilty that shortly, you’ll be having one on one time with each of them only to end up sending one home. They each have made your heart race, each have left an impression on you, each have made you feel something. You’re not sure if you could imagine sending any of these amazing men home.
The camera swings towards your face, capturing every bit of tension in your features as your mind reels with the idea of making such a difficult decision.
Your 1 on 1 time begins now,” Jesse announces. “And ___?”
“Yes, Jesse?” You respond, being pulled out of your thoughts.
Jesse offers you a tiny smile, this time it’s genuine. It’s a smile that understands exactly what you’re experiencing, what you’re feeling. He gently pats your shoulder as he moves towards the exit. “Good luck.”
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It's Voting Time!!!
Follow the link below to vote for the Sorcerer you think should NOT receive a rose and move on to the next round!
The guys get one on one time with you, and one man will be sent home without a rose! (Remember that Naoya is immune!)
CLICK HERE TO VOTE - Voting closes in ONE WEEK on 10/1!
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niteshade925 · 12 hours
April 14, Xi'an, China, Shaanxi History Museum, Qin and Han Dynasties Branch (Part 1 - Political Structure, Laws, and Military):
This was the final museum I went to while in Xi'an, and despite its name, it is not the Shaanxi History Museum/陕西历史博物馆. It is a new branch that's in a separate location from the main museum, so it's also referred to as the "Qin/Han Branch"/秦汉馆 (ugh I wish I could've gone to the main branch), and the museum building and its gates were supposed to imitate the look of Qin/Han-era palaces. It was raining cats and dogs the night before, so the ground still bear traces of that. I had fun though.
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This museum doesn't have a lot of unique artifacts that other museums don't have, but instead focuses on the political structure, thought, life, and technologies from Qin and Han dynasties, so there were a lot of tables, maps, and diagrams in the museum. I will only be giving a brief summary of each thing here so these posts won't get too long (and take too much effort to make). If you understand Chinese though, these may be helpful worldbuilding references.
First is a rough timeline of the history Qin dynasty (221 - 207 BC) to Han dynasty (202 BC - 220 AD) (right side of timeline) and how it fits within the overall ancient world history (left side of timeline) in the same time frame, just as a general reference so museum visitors can have an idea of when these dynasties and events took place. The timeline included events starting from when Qin was still a state (Warring States period, 476 - 221 BC) until after the end of Han dynasty (Three Kingdoms period, 220 - 280 AD; and Western Jin dynasty, 265 - 317 AD). Here, 公元元年 means 1 CE/AD, so 公元前 means BCE/BC, and 公元 means CE/AD. Also I know the left side is hard to read, sorry about that, it was easier to read in person. There is a key at the bottom though:
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A diagram of the Three Lords and Nine Ministers system (三公九卿制) that was used as the central political structure of ancient China during Qin and Han dynasties, which was replaced by the Three Departments and Six Ministries system (三省六部制) in Sui dynasty (581 - 618 AD). There are many translations for the same positions, here I used what I think fits best for each position.
The Three Lords/三公 are (left to right on chart) : the Imperial Secretary/御史大夫 (handles the audit system and helps the chancellor), the Chancellor/丞相 (helps emperor handle national political affairs), and the Grand Commandant/太尉 (helps emperor handle military affairs).
The Nine Ministers/九卿 are (left to right): the Minister of Finance/治粟内史 (oversees public finance and tax system), the Minister of the Imperial Clan/宗正 (handles affairs within imperial clan), the Grand Herald/典客 (handles foreign policy), the Minister of the Guards/卫尉 (controls imperial guards), the Minister of Justice/廷尉 (oversees judicial system), the Minister of Attendants/郎中令 (controls palace guards, oversees imperial household, serves as imperial advisor, etc.), the Minister Coachman/太仆 (oversees the care, training, use, and purchase of horses; horses were an important resource in ancient times), the Lesser Treasurer/少府 (oversees the emperor's personal finances and some taxes), and the Minister of Ceremonies/奉常 (handles official ceremonies, worship, and rituals, oversees court astrologers and court scribes/historians).
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Qin and Han dynasty bureacratic systems. Right is Qin dynasty's system of commanderies/郡, counties/县, townships/乡, and villages/里 (levels of local government from highest to lowest). Left is Han dynasty's central government system, which designated the Three Lords and Nine Ministers system as the Outer Court/外朝 (executes policies), and added a Central Court/中朝 (decides policies).
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A list of the 48 commanderies during Qin dynasty and their locations today, grouped by where they were located before Qin dynasty (for example 7 of these groups were states during the Warring States period). A few of the names of these commanderies continue to be place names today, and some others often make appearances in modern novels.
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The Recommendatory System/察举制 of Han dynasty, which was how officials were selected. Basically this process consists of a few steps: first the emperor would set what categories of talents are needed, then local government would recommend people to the central government accordingly. The emperor would ask the recommendees how they would deal with current issues, and then gave them positions based on how good their policy ideas were. Ideally the local officials would be impartial with recommendations, but in reality the local officials often belonged to powerful local clans, so these recommendations gradually became a way for the powerful clans to stay in power. This system was replaced by the Imperial Examination System/科举制 in later dynasties, which put more emphasis on exams as a way to select talents.
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The locations of Qin and Han dynasty national temples, sacred mountains, and sacred bodies of water on a modern map. Of these, the temples marked in yellow were the temples dedicated to eight deities worshipped by the state of Qi, so they are collectively called the Eight Deities of Qi/齐地八神. Although the state of Qin eventually defeated the state of Qi, worship of these deities continued through Qin dynasty into Han dynasty. The temples marked in red were dedicated to deities worshipped by the state of Qin. The temples marked in purple were temples built in Han dynasty. The sacred waters are marked with wavy lines. The sacred mountains are marked in light blue-gray (a few are outside of this picture). MDZS fans may recognize Qishan/岐山 on this map, and Three Kingdoms enthusiasts may recognize jieshishan/碣石山 as the place Cao Cao visited when he wrote the line "东临碣石,以观沧海" in his famous poem.
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Replicas of a small part of the Qin-era bamboo texts found in a tomb of a Qin dynasty official at Shuihudi (睡虎地秦简). The originals are at Hubei Provincial Museum/湖北省博物馆. Many of these texts concern laws and decrees of Qin dynasty, and in another tomb in the same area there were also the oldest letters ever found in China (link goes to the full digitized text). These bamboo slips are meant to read from top to bottom, right to left, and the construction of bamboo scrolls are actually the very reason why Chinese texts read this way traditionally even on printed texts during later dynasties.
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This was something I'd written about in the MDZS posts a few years ago, and now I've finally seen the real thing with my own eyes: the Tiger Tally/虎符 (I translated it as "Tiger Amulet" in that post but in fact "Tally" is the correct translation). Tiger tallys have two halves, each with gilded gold text upon them. This particular artifact is the left half of a tiger tally from late Warring States period (state of Qin), and reads:
"This is a tally of the armed forces, right half goes to the ruler of Qin, left half goes to (the official of) Du county. When the need to dispatch armored troops of over 50 soldiers arises, this half must find the other half held by the ruler in order to authorize this military activity. In case of emergency, there is no need to wait for this authorization." (“兵甲之符,右才君,左才杜。凡兴士披甲用兵五十人以上,必会君符,乃敢行之。燔燧之事,虽毋会符,行殹。”)
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The different currencies (coins) of the states of Warring States period:
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The different coins and coin molds during Qin and Han dynasties:
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Left: Han dynasty disk-shaped gold ingots; these were rare currencies at the time and were mainly exchanged between the imperial family and nobility as gifts. Right: a standard weight from Qin dynasty that reads "weighs 30 jin/斤". Since Qin dynasty unified systems of measurements, and this weight is known to weigh 7.5 kg, we can easily convert the Qin-era jin to the modern kg (1 Qin-era jin = 0.25 kg).
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Terra cotta soldier and horse from Qin Shihuang's mausoleum. As some people have pointed out, these terra cotta soldiers were fully painted and colorful when they were first excavated, but when exposed to air, the paint quickly peeled and the colors faded, leaving the sculptures in their familiar clay-color. Few of these sculptures still have their original colors intact, thanks to preservation efforts. The immense difficulty of preservation is also a reason why modern Chinese archaeology has that rule of "don't excavate unless absolutely necessary".
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A Qin-era bronze jian/剑 (double-edged straight sword) from Qin Shihuang's mausoleum:
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Left: Qin-era bronze spear heads and a pi/铍 head (on the right; pi is a type of ancient Chinese polearm). Right: Han-era ring-pommel dao/环首刀 (dao is a single-edged sword that can be straight or curved; interestingly, many ring-pommel dao artifacts exhibit a forward curve). Ring-pommel dao continued to be used in the military after Han dynasty.
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A suit of armor made out of stone from Qin Shihuang's mausoleum. These armor sets weigh about 18 kg or 39.7 lbs each, which is........actually not too bad. There are specialized armor sets in later dynasties that can weigh 30 kg or 66 lbs.
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payidaresque · 15 hours
Do you believe in any feelings from Sauron for Galadriel? It seems that he is only chasing through the woods because she has rings and not because he wants her back :( I'm sorry to be negative, but this season is a disappointment and there is little hope for episode 8
Hey anon! First of, i completely understand your pov, it's normal that you feel this way since we didn't really get much of Haladriel interactions this season, and it might be extremely dissapointing, especially after everything we got in s1
HOWEVER. I feel a bit different
I might need to put this under the cut cause oh boy, do i have lots to talk about
I really do think Sauron has feelings for Galadriel. And it's not just because i want to believe that, but also because of what the creators are showing us this season?
I made several posts talking about Sauron's and Galadriel's feelings towards each other, and i really do think it's executed the way it is for a reason. And i mean, even Amazon themselves admitted Sauron is obsessed with her (Galadriel, not the rings)
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And while i believe that Sauron wants the rings because he's power hungry (totally expected from the evil incarnate), I also believe his vision of the world is not ideal without Galadriel in it. He really meant what he said on that raft: she binds him to the light, and there is no darkess without light and vice versa
throughout the entire season we saw that Galadriel never left Sauron's mind for a second: starting with his creepy interactions with Mirdania, and ending with him creating an illusion where everything connects to Galadriel, and him being completely devoured by this moment of peace and quiet, when he could just dispose of it the second he didn't need it anymore (sounds awful, but pretty much like he did with Mirdania). The dialogues, the visuals. the metaphorims of it all — it screams "i miss the times when we were together, and i want her with me".
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I really do believe that Sauron. in his sick and twisted way, is trying to build a kingdom, where he would rule with his Queen — just like he promised her on that raft. And if she refuses again… well, then all of Middle-Earth will pay the consequences for that i'm afraid
Even those little details where Sauron gets annoyed by EVERYONE touching him, speaks a lot to me. He hates being touched by everyone and can't even hide his disgust when that happens. With everyone, but again, not Galadriel. Galadriel is the only being on this earth, for who's touch he practically craves, which was proven multiple times with Mirdania, on whom he basically projected his true desires (creepy af, but Sauron is not exactly... a healthy individual lmao)
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Though i really don't think Sauron wants to "posess" Galadriel. He is smart enough to know that you can't "posess" someone like Galadriel — her spirit is simply too strong for that, and he can never fully "have" her, he would need to break her for that to happen, and i don't think he's willing to do that, at least not now — he is too drawn to her light and doesn't want it destoyed
I mean, even if we look at their finale battle
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Galadriel is going all in and is determined to destroy him at the cost of her own life. Sauron? He's just defensive. He doesn't want to hurt her (at least in the beginning), although he could do that in a blink. He will probably just try to convince her to talk (as weird as it looks, given the circumstances lmao), but Galadriel will refuse to listen (totally understandable)
Now, going back to the "posessing" point i made, i don't think Sauron wants that. In my opinion, the main factor why Sauron wants Galadriel with him is because she was the first, mind you in eons, one who showed him that he can be loved, and she loved him. she loved him as her friend, Halbrand, and she was the first one to show him what genuine affection is like. Which is also why i think he will use his Halbrand for in the finale: it's not only to convince her, but it's also to sort of tell her "look, that man u met on the raft? I'm still that person, I can be that person if you're with me, because you're my light"
So for me, this season was actually entirely centered around Haladriel — not in the amount of scenes together no, but in the whole... leitmotif of it. idk if that makes sense
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ok sorry i'm just. ????
rant and spoilers ahead because i gotta yell into the void a little
first of and most of all. WHY does it sound like Solas front and center of everthing now??? Including both Inky's and Rook's stories/motivations???? Like okay i understand that Solas will inevitably be important in Rook's story and that's chill! We knew he was gonna play a part in this story! But why do they make it sound like half or Rook's purpose is just there to further Solas's story/character
and it quickly becomes clear that Rook will have their own unique relationship with Solas, as the Inquisitor did before them. I think what's been fun for us, too, is trying to build Rook as kind of almost a mirror of Solas.
Epler also acknowledges that the Inquisitor “obviously has a very personal relationship with Solas,” one that will need to be reckoned with in The Veilguard.
“And I'd say the Inquisitor, to some degree, feels guilty or responsible for what Solas is doing to the world. So while we're not going to get too far into details about what role they may play, they absolutely are somebody who is going to be interested and invested in the outcome of Rook's journey in The Veilguard.”
Why. are you telling us how our Inquisitor is supposed to feel about this?? When you play DAI you agree to play The Inquisitor, yes, but you don't agree to play someone who Cares About Solas. Like. Yes. I get that he is important. That much has been clear since Trespasser. And i'm ok with that! But how come you say "this is a game about Thedas and a world in conflict" and then also talk like this story is About Solas, Actually.
The other thing i absolutely do not get and do not like. At All
Those decisions are: who your Inquisitor romanced (with the options gender- and lineage-locked in the same way that they were in Inquisition), whether or not you disbanded the Inquisition, and whether you vowed to stop Solas or save him.
No "who drank from the WoS"? No "who is Divine"? No "does OGB Kieran exist"? No "is Hawke alive" (Varric is there. SURELY he cares about this a lot)? No "what happened to the Mages & Templars"? No "were Wardens banned from the south"? Arent't those uh. Really Relevant Decisions???? WHY is one of the whole grand three (3) decisions that carry over if Inky wants to save Solas or not. I mean ok i guess i get it cus that was The Big Decision TM at the end of Trespasser but again. Why is that the big thing that matters. out of all the things that SHOULD matter.
There's not as many decisions you have made up to this point that have an impact on what's happening in Northern Thedas.
But it’s also part of the advantage of moving the setting up to Northern Thedas, Epler says, with the prior games in the series taking place in Southern Thedas, a significantly different region both geographically and sociopolitically.
Uh. Yeah they do. See above points and also some that i forgot probably. Northern and Southern Thedas don't operate independently from one another that's not how this works. Especially again with things like the WoS or the Divine decision. Also half our companions from the other games are from the north?? Like yes ok i know get what you mean kinda and it's true to an extent but not like this
for one, the team focused on choices that they felt they could react to meaningfully – not just a cameo or one-liner.
“There's never a sense of, ‘Oh, that decision doesn't exist.’ But maybe we don't touch on it in this particular title,”
The. Cameos and one-liners are what make it special though?? You can't say "We want those stories to be personal." and then say you're not making any of those small decisions matter. And i don't mean matter as in having A Big Impact TM but i know that a lot of us LIVE for those small tiny nods to previous decisions that make the world feel actually alive and connected. I understand that we can't have full on-screen cameos or questlines or whatever for every little tidbit but not even. idk. Background convos about what's going on in Orzammar? Gossip about Ferelden's monarch? A line from Varric about Bartrand? Dunno man. Again not to mention the Big Things like Kieran. or the Well of Sorrows consequences. Or the Divine (which. yknow. is directly relevant everywhere except maybe Tevinter??). Those were always the things that made importing a worldstate so charming! because you could see the small little impacts that you have on the world. The tiny things like the line about the pigeons in Ferelden in DA2 or a wartable mission with Wade and Herren in DAI are so so special to me
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abbysimsfun · 3 days
Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 54 (The Game Tried to Take MY SON!)
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cw: toddler peril. I learned a lesson about playing with unpatched mods but I played up a bit of drama despite not accepting what happened as canon. Only shot of Ash is above because more felt gratuitous for something that technically never happened because I reversed it.
The quiet house unnerved him. Conrad knew something wasn't right. He texted Heather, and in less than a minute his phone rang. "I'm sorry I didn't text," she sobbed through the phone. "Ash's daycare called and I...I...I'm at the hospital with him now. Doctors have him sedated."
"What happened?!"
"It was daycare," she repeated. "They said he was on the slide but then they looked away and...and they thought..." She broke down, and Conrad felt her pain through the line. Her fear shook the phone in his grasp.
"It'll be okay. I'm on my way there."
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He embraced her when he walked through the door to St. Sims Hospital, and she fell into his arms. "He'll be okay," he assured her, but he didn't know any better.
"How did this happen?" she cried. "What kind of mother lets her son-"
"Stop. This isn't on you."
"If I didn't work so much, I could have been home with him. Maybe I could have..."
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He pulled her close, feeling every tense muscle in her rigid body. "This isn't on you," he repeated. "And we're not gonna lose him. We'll all get through this together. We're a team, remember? That means Ash, too."
She was quiet. "Conrad... Do you believe in curses?"
"Like witches?"
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She frowned as her thoughts pounded against her skull. "I don't know. Maybe. Maybe mermaids? But Mortimer Goth told me a story once about cursed Landgraabs, and I know how it sounds. But when Ash came along I thought about it a lot more than I should, and then I had to give him their last name. After tonight, I feel sick to my stomach. What if I cursed my son by giving him Malcolm Landgraab for a father?"
"There's no way Ash is cursed," he said quickly. "I know you're scared for him, but curses aren't real and Ash is one of the luckiest kids in the world. He'll get a Landgraab trust fund and he's got you for a mom."
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She managed a smile, but when the doctor emerged from the pediatric care unit, she raced over to hear word of her son. "How is he? Oh, Watcher, please let him be okay..."
Dr. Serra smiled. "He hit his head pretty hard, but other than a headache for a few days, we think he's going to be fine. We want to keep him overnight for observation, but he's awake and he's asking for you."
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Heather's whole body breathed with relief as she embraced her son's doctor. "Thank you!" she sobbed. "Thank you so much!"
Behind her, Conrad felt his muscles loosen. He'd been so focused on Heather, he didn't even notice his own fear at the thought of Ash in peril. "Thank you, Doctor. We're so grateful."
Dr. Serra smiled. "You must be Conrad. Ash asked for you, too."
Ash would recover quickly, but Heather wasn't so sure about herself. Even with Conrad's unflinching support, she felt torn apart by guilt over her son's near-fatal accident while she'd been working.
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She was always working, trying so hard to earn enough to buy out her clinic from Ash's other family. ->
<- Previous Chapter | Gen 2 Start | Gen 1 Summary | Gen 1 Start
WCIF St. Sims Hospital? Sims 4 Gallery build by @pihe89/pihe89. Stunning build, simply put, and very popular (so many copycats). And it comes with a science lab and alien wormhole nbd. Two floors, so many varieties for rooms. Why would I build when people are this talented? It's in a second save and I'll use it again for babies, but hopefully we're not back here for any tragedies anytime soon.
How did this happen?!? Needless to say, Heather's guilt is also mine. I had too many mods and tested fate playing before updating them all! I played some Ultimate Decades Challenge generations and still have the Children and Toddlers Can Die mod installed (I like having options, I guess?), which only kills toddlers with hunger if I'm not mistaken. I was also having some mod issues after the Lovestruck update and didn't realize it until this happened, but the toddler needs bars stayed in the green while their needs deteriorated and I didn't know. Only the toddlers!
So I followed Conrad to work and when he came home Ash was gone and Heather had the 'lost a child' grief moodlet. Cue my internal scream! I revived him instantly with MCCC because this is not UDC and I have plans for this kid! I was so shocked I didn't take any screenshots of the whole disastrous event, but I couldn't pretend it absolutely didn't happen. And honestly the accident ties in with Heather's nagging fears the curse could be real, which is the one unintended benefit of this whole thing.
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fisheito · 22 hours
*rings the service bell* hi um i was wondering.. if there's any yakumo temperature play in here? sounds silly but i only realised after i circled the building a few times... that i haven't seen it at all. Seems to be common practice, actually- to not have it. i've visited several other buildings and there's been no sight of it.
which is... strange? if i think about it, it's surprising that i haven't encountered it yet! it sort of makes sense to have them together, you know? considering that temperature is so vital to a snake's perception of the world. and how sensitive reptiles are to temperature fluctuations.
so there's a lot of control to be had here. can you imagine controlling someone's energy level just by adjusting the thermostat? er- well, i guess we already do that. but imagine you put yakumo in an ice bath and he immediately falls asleep. brumation happens instantly now, sorry. and the only way to snap him out of it is to stick a flaming dildo up his ass
what?. no, i mean, restore his regular energy level with a soft warm-up. a heated blanket and a gentle steam. hahaha.
people plunge themselves into ice water before jumping into hot tubs and vice versa- for fun! they do this recreationally!! they call it a "spa treatment" and pay a premium for it! what's wrong with giving yakumo a spa treatment? who are we to deprive him of such sensory luxury?
i'm JUST SAYING that since he naturally gravitates toward heat, you could put him in a hurt AND comfort scenario he could be naked and cold, banished to the distant corner of the room.. but when you offer him a source of warmth, whether that be a hot rock or a warm hand or 20 lit candles suspended above him dripping wax on him at random intervals,,, wouldn't he have a tough time turning down your generosity?
i mean, he certainly would if he was tied up.
see, here's the other thing i cannot quite comprehend-- it's that--- how has a snake yokai not featured bondage scenes yet? i guess there was that one time with the.. hm. no, we shan't talk about the cellar. besides, ONLY ONE TIME is unacceptable for a sentient rope!! although yakumo would love to wrap up his prey and squeeze the cum out of em, i feel like we're missing out on a lot by not OutSnaking the Snake. tie up and restrain the Restrainer. it's just a liiiiittle step farther than putting him in a pillowcase! so mild!!!!
here's a guy who is always worried about losing control/// about being free to wreak havoc on his loved ones, despite his best intentions. so how about we give him a moment of peace? a moment where he believes he's subdued and unable to cause harm? just tie him up! keep him under TIGHT lock and key. (or some nice soft cloths for his sensitive skin, if we're being nice.) honestly, his brain will do the rest of the work. even if he's not truly incapacitated, his desire to BE So can fill the gaps in any questionable knotwork.
while he's half in the prison of his mind and half in the confines you've created for him, take some time to squeeze some whimpers out of him. although it pains me to cover up those soggy eyes, a blindfold may be an intriguing option. is yakumo the type of snake to rely on heat vision? WHY NOT FIND OUT! (if he's not terrified at his loss of sight, then i guess his pit organs are functioning . in which case, the blindfold doesn't really need to stay on. if he IS terrified and feels the loss of visuals acutely, this would be an excellent opportunity to soak in his panic. just for a bit though. we're not so cruel. guide him back with a warm touch. see? playing with fire temperature contrasts can bring such relief!)
maybe i'm getting ahead of myself. i don't expect yakumo temperature play to show up WITH bondage , why- that would be asking a lot, right?
but the basics are simple enough, yes? give the wretched creature the comforting warmth he wants, then perhaps inch closer to something bordering uncomfortable? Too Much? have him seek out what he craves, only to be burned (metaphorically and/or literally) if he indulges himself too much? oops! someone's become a slave to their senses!
i'm just saying that the sensory perception of yokai vs kink is (relatively) unknown territory. if temperature play already messes with humans, what could it possibly do to yakumo? he could experience it in facets unknown to others.-=- to levels others are incapable of appreciating---- like someone with synesthesia who can experience music with another layer of enjoyment.
if you give a snake ice cream, followed by a hot piece of meat [unknown origin], it'll really make him aware of the contrast, hmm??????
anyway. sorry about that. i'm not super clear on the specifics of it all. i just thought it peculiar that i haven't seen the yaku-hot-cold-sensitivity-finagling. out there, in here, nowhere as far as i've seen..
...or is it located in a part of the building i overlooked? if so, could you direct me there? i would really appreciate it.
if you don't have it after all, that's ok. i'll keep a careful watch now that i know what i'm looking for. maybe it's one of those things where, once i actively search for it, i'll notice it everywhere! wouldn't that be delightful!
with that, i guess i'll be on my way. thanks for your patience. yeah, i hope i find it too. have a good one!!
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kingofbodyrolls · 2 days
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For this rainbow, I finally picked up my professional camera again. The last images stored there tells me that the last time I used it was the 1st of December 2023. Wild. But I picked it up thanks to this pretty rainbow, which was actually a double rainbow. So pretty. This image is made up of three into a panorama shot, and Lightroom was a bit funky with putting them together, so please don't mind the badly processed house in the middle; no, we're not looking at that 😂
For people who want a wall of text status update, it's under the cut.
How are you all doing? I'm hanging in there. Not active much, but I still haven't gotten myself into deleting my tumblr app. So I still see and get all your notifs, even if I don't reply right away! I'm still taking time off, trying to figure out what I want to do with the blog for the future... I have not written a fanfic in some time now, but I have two finished stories that are ready to be published, but I'm not sure. I'm not sure about a lot of things these days... I've had dark days, written a lot of sad and dark poems (that will go on my sub blog some time in the future), and I've begun to write an original story. It's really fun; about magic, witches and mages; about good and evil and all the gray in between. It will probably bore you, but it's fun to write, even though I don't think anyone would read it except for a few friends (even though this thing might be the longest thing I'll write, turning into either two or three books lol).
Serotonin boost I get happy when I get notifs with comments and/or reblogs of my stories; it really touches my heart. To be honest, this is why I left/taking time off. I've always felt that interaction was low, and my stupid brain will not let me stop comparing myself to others, so it slowly killed my drive for writing and posting. If no one interacts, what's the point of posting? If no one interacts, what's the point of writing? But I love writing, and it's one of my creative outlets, so I couldn't let that go completely, hence I started writing original stories instead; no ones gonna read them anyway, but I can still play with characters, world building and storytelling. Those are the things I loved about fanfics---and I still do, don't get me wrong. But I feel so discouraged being on here. But I'm happy to know that a few people still care.
The Downfall This also made it quite hard for me to read; because I felt so unmotivated... I haven't read much this month at all. I tried to read a fanfic this Monday, didn't finish it and haven't picked it up since. Honestly, I've just been watching documentaries because I'm in a (tumblr) slump. I feel drained though; I feel like I've given so much, and I love it. I love making people happy, leaving lovely reviews, and it's as much for myself as it is for making another person happy---but to be honest, it has drained me. I know I shouldn't ask for anything in return, but I feel imbalanced. Like I'm not being filled with much love, if that makes sense? I don't really feel appreciated, but don't get me wrong, I don't feel hated (yeah, I'm so good at being black and white), sorry---I know I sound very pessimistic. But you guess have always been so kind to me, and I love you a lot, and I have a few super lovely mutuals and friends that are lovely internet friends that I adore, so I wanted to be real with all of you. You can hate me for it if you want to. Go ahead.
I don't think I'm going to make a recommend list this month. I haven't really read anything, so it'll be really small. And I don't like the pressure of it anymore... which is why for a long time I've thought about not doing them anymore. Maybe some day I will again in the future. But I'd still love to make rec list on the member's birthdays! And I think this will help me, take some pressure off myself (that I've created myself), so I'll still read and rec, it will just be slower---whenever I feel like it, and not because I have to read to make a monthly rec list. This isn't my job, I'm not getting paid doing all of this, and the amount of time I've been spending on both reading and writing is more than 37+ hours a week, sooo. I have to slow down.
A part of me thinks that I flew too fast, too high and too close to the sun, lol. I'm still gonna be here, you can still send in asks for rec list or whatever you want, all is welcome (except hate, because then I'll simply just delete my blog, my mental health can't take that).
To post, or not to post? Should I post the two stories that I have? Both of them are for the series Friendcation.
And for the unfinished mermaid stories I still have left, I hope I'll finish them in the future; when, I don't know. Maybe one day I'll feel love for them again, to finish them. I have them all planned out, but like I mentioned before, with low interaction, I'm really not motivated to finish them, even though part of me really want to for the like five people that are so sweet and invested, and always comments and reblogs (you guys know who you are, and I love you so fucking much 🥰).
To all the stories I'll probably never write...
I still have some other unfinished but planned stories, and I'm gonna list them here, just for the hell of it. Don't know if people would have found them interesting anyway, but here goes:
Words on a Page (a Namjoon x reader, idol!au where reader is a fanfiction writer and interviewer for a magazine and has to interview BTS). Author's comment: probably never gonna write it. It has been done before, and it was just a very very silly dream I had.
Songs of The Heart (a Jimin x reader, musician!au where Jimin is a single father and reader moves into the house next to his, hear his lonely songs etc, they meet, talk, very angsty, sad and nostalgic and 'Who' coded). Author's comment: this idea came to me after listening to 'who' and then thinking about Jimin being my next door neighbor, yeah, that's it. Don't know if this will ever get written.
IT Support (a Jimin x reader, office!au where Jimin is your nerdy coworker, but a freak in the sheets, lol). Author's comment: this has honestly been on my list for years, but I never written anything for it, and I probably never will, even though I've made the banner and all.
I do have a few more, but I've already scraped those, and then there's the four mermaid stories to add to the list. I'm probably mostly excited about the mermaid stories, and those would be my priority if I ever get back into writing fanfiction again.
I swear, I'm almost finished... Okay, this whole thing has gotten incredibly long. Sorry. Before I end this post, I just want to say how happy and grateful I am to each and everyone of you. I've met some incredible nice people on here, some really caring ones. I'll never forget that. And I'll never forget each wonderful and lovely comment, some people have really helped me, motivated me when I felt low, and when I wanted to stop writing a few months back. Thank you. I kept going, and I wish I could keep going for you, making something special, for the special people I met here. I actually really wanted to do requests for you guys in hopes that it would motivate me into writing, but I just don't know. I still want to give so much back to the people who have hyped me up, so I'm going to tag a few of you lovely people--- if you have a request for a story, you're welcome to message me or send me an ask. I don't know if or when I'll write it, but in case I get a bit of motivation, I have some things I could write from, so if you want to, you can send me a request (just keep in mind the story will probably be a one-shot from 10-20k max or maybe shorter, lol, you never know with me). You don't have to send me a request, I simply want to give back to some lovely people. I wish I could hug you.
@letjungcoook7 @honeybloomyyyy @babystarcandyjk97 @minpdrecs @bobathi @allie-is-a-panda @back2bluesidex @gimeow @antisocial-mochi267
These are but just a few of the people that have supported me on there, either by commenting, reblogging, ask, messaging--you name it. I could list many others, and one day I might make a post celebrating all mt lovely mutuals, that means a lot to me. Thank you for interacting; you've (as long with others) helped me when times were tough. Thank you.
I had actually planned to open a "recommend a fic" section/box, but I'm not sure about that. I still have so many fics on my to read list, and right now I don't want to pile more onto it. Might do it in the future, when I've finally made it through my own lists.
Okay, I have to end this post for real now.
I'm still on tumblr, I still have my app. I deleted my discord app on my phone, but I'm still part of the servers I was before, I'm just not active. It's better for me that way right now, because it all got to be too much. I was just reminded of how much of a failure I feel like (no, we're not getting into that not, store it away). But you can always contact me here. I'm lurking sometimes. I look forward to reading in a more leisurely pace and hopefully not feeling pressured to make the rec lists as I did before (even though just for the completionist in me I want to finish them for just this year, lol).
Okay. If you read this far---thank you, I adore you, I love you, you're nice, keep going 💜
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albanenechi · 2 days
I would just like to personally THANK YOU so much for the art pose references you put out. Your pose styles and anatomy reflect onto what I want my anatomy to be so heavily that I am now using your poses as regular references to do my own art (I'm a AP art senior in high school who's still figuring out their own style), you are helping with my portfolio building by introducing me to a world of fluid poses. Thank you again for the blessing you give to the community.
I'm honestly so humbled and honored 💖 makes me so happy to know I'm able to support fellow artists just by doing my thing ;u; it really means a lot, TYSM for your message! (and sorry im answering sooo late asdfgsjg)
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jazeswhbhaven · 3 days
From what I've been seeing it feels like PB is focusing on quantity over quality. Things like Obey Me, TWST, and Nu-Carnival has a sizeable group of characters, but they're not too huge so it allows them to flesh each one out to a certain extent, but then they can introduce a diverse set of cards on each of them so you're not starving too much.
WHB has not only has 6 Kings and one more on the way, but they also keep introducing more nobles and angels. In a way it's not bad, but this is why I seriously feel it is a case of quantity and not enough quality. From what I've seen in this community, characters that have been in the game since Day 1 are being super neglected. Then we a have every new L card released being paywalled, nightmare passes that also have the top rewards paywalled, are more frequent, even this time around the S+ card requires more gold keys and it doesn't have anything remotely special about it whereas the last S+ did which was extremely exclusive only. Honestly it's...really sad. Now you don't NEED these cards and I'm not asking for freebies, but in the end they are asking for your life savings for even just the decent stuff, and then you still have to deal with the gacha to do that.
I personally need a decent amount of characterization to really appreciate a character so I do appreciate the world building but no character has stuck with me yet. So everytime a new one is released I go: "Okay but what about like...the existing ones?" Our last one was Leraye, which I'm sorry, it's just a reskinned of his OG card and I found that really scummy which was probably why he was locked through achievements which...was the saving grace still it was the only time it happened. The story was nice though.
I don't want to come off as ungrateful and I probably am, but I just don't understand PB's decisions on what they're doing anymore. We can't use the "they're a small company" card, I'm sure they're not the only small company, but I don't have any sources, but so far this is the first time I seen company really just throw their community into a blender like this...then again I only played like 3 other gachas which isn't a lot.
hey there 💭 anon!
This observation came right in time with how I'd like to pretty much introduce the game to new players that are flocking in.
PB's decisions as of late to change how we get currencies, paid banners, and the progression of the main story and character building has been a damn journey.
I don't think you're ungrateful, I wouldn't call anyone that honestly because as the consumer YOU are the the one, p2p or f2p, in the end that has be entertained by this nsfw game. The only one in existence that is catered to both women and men audiences. With that in mind, you'd expect to see something worth buying/taking up nearly 8gb of space on your phone for.
When the game was first teased, me and my friend were talking about it and she was overwhelmed by the amount of characters they kept showing, I met her through the Obey Me fandom, so that was our bread and butter for the majority of conversations. When I moved on to WHB, she didn't come with, she stayed for like maybe a week or two and dropped it. I forget mostly why which I could ask her again on her opinion.
But I'll let you in on something I saw the other day, the community over in LaDS has been having some issues with their banners/other gacha related things as well stating that this recent banner is driving players away. I don't play LaDS but PB isn't the only company it seems starting to switch things up when it comes to decisions.
The S+ cards confuse me because what they introduced was hey here's beach Rara (Raphael) and he has an adore mode, a story with mild spice, and you chats/more lore about this bitey boi. I had so much fun reading through that. Amy and Sitri's all we get are the likability things and well from the previous expectation? That made me shake my head. (also for the extra gold keys thing, apparently it's only that high if you want to get it early, the card is going into the banner immediately after the event so in theory we all literally could have waited to pull them so we wouldn't have to spend that amount of gold keys)
As far as content goes, I think ultimately there's too many characters to work with. If anyone on the staff has a brain like me, it would be very easy to neglect characters here and there. I also do not like that Gehenna has yet ANOTHER noble (sorry Amy) but other countries are lackin'.
Niflheim needs one too.
All in all I hear you. Chapter 6 and Mammons/Amy's events though have me believing that the best has yet to come, these banners though....we will see... Maybe things will pop off when Asmodeus debuts..
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cordeliawhohung · 1 year
From My Corner of the Universe
Miguel x Fem!Reader
Chapter One: The Way it Is
Warnings: Language, mentions of violence, this first chapter is very chill but the second chapter goes 0 to 60 real quick.
wc: 5335
Despite growing up in a hostile world, you're one of the very few humans still made of warm flesh and blood. Working two jobs is taking a toll on your life, but you find your gaze lifting up to the sparkling heights of Olympus, where societies best live in luxury. However, your dream is disrupted when a certain superhero mistakes you for an anomaly. You find yourself in a strange new world with views you never imagined seeing, but you can't stay there forever. Eventually, you have to return back home, even if it kills you.
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In a world full of metal and wires and lights, you had grown to believe you were one of the only people still made of flesh and blood in Digi York. Everything in your life was synthetic. The plastic trees that sprouted out of the ground along your walk to the tram, the automated voice that greeted you as you boarded, the optic implants of the man attempting to stare up your skirt. And you? Well, you were this simple, soft creature; you always had been. That was one of the first things that hinted to you that you didn’t fully belong in that world.
The metal whirring and hum of the tram slowed as the magnets that powered the system came to a halt. A soft breeze blew through the doors as they opened, and the automated voice coming from the speaker above your head wished you a good day while the others around you pushed their way off the tram. Once the flood of bodies and creaking cybernetics ceased, you followed after them, stepping foot into the smoggy air around you.
Up at the top of the city, in the highest part of the skyline, was an area the people called Olympus, though it was about the furthest thing from heaven you could get. The richest of the rich ate, worked, and slept in Olympus, never daring to step foot in the lower levels of the city. And though you worked up there, with the people who would consider themselves gods, you were nowhere near their level in society.
You continued along your normal path as you made your way to a private elementary school shoved in some far corner on top of the Crystal High Rise. The bell had just rung the moment you stepped foot on the plastic turf that attempted to surround the schoolhouse in whatever false greenery it could manage. You looked around at all the other people standing around you, and you could feel your stomach sink.
A plain white blouse and a short black skirt or plain black pants was the mark all of Olympus’s nursemaids wore, including yourself. Apparently a majority of society’s high rollers could afford everything in the world but the time to give their children any sort of attention or care. And that’s where you came in.
Leto Onasis was a young ten year old girl you had been taking care of for the last five years. You didn’t exactly enjoy the child’s company; like most other citizens of Olympus, she was snobby, and inadvertently rude, but understandably was a byproduct of her surroundings. There was only so much kindness you could attempt to teach someone who had been raised to believe that you would always be a second class citizen compared to her.
“Hello, Leto,” you greeted the young girl.
She looked up at you, her lilac tipped hair swaying back and forth in her ponytail. Her eyes were an unnatural blue, much too bright for her to have been born with. Optics her father had outfitted her with when she was seven. Something that was rather unnecessary, in your opinion.
“I’m hungry,” the girl responded, brushing off your greeting as usual.
Holding out your hand, you mustered the brightest smile that you could. “Let’s get you home, then. Your father bought supplies to make katsu curry.”
Ignoring you, Leto took your hand and began to lead the way. It was the same answer she always gave you; silence. Had you cared a bit more about raising someone else’s child, you would have thought of a better greeting, something that would engage her more, but really, you couldn’t care less as long as you were getting paid.
And so the two of you traversed the high rise, walking past sculptures that had to be cleaned monthly due to the smog and smoke, and fountains full of water so pure you could drink from it. The place looked just as mystical as the historians described old Greece as, which you were sure was the intention. You felt a little bittersweet attempting to enjoy the scenery, though, and instead you focused your full attention to your task at hand.
Five minutes passed and Leto was using the implant in her wrist to automatically unlock the door to the Onasis’s impressive apartment. Crystal chandeliers, rugs so plush you could dive into, and couches so large to host night parties littered the lush area. The faint stench of expensive wine and other alcohol still lingered in the air from a party Leto’s father no doubt hosted the previous night. The girl didn’t seem that bothered by it at all.
Leto’s bored eyes glanced around the living room as she plopped herself onto the suede couch. She didn’t even bother to say anything as she turned the TV on and began to flicker through the channels one by one until she found something that interested her.
Monday to Friday, from three to nine, that was your life. Taking care of a young girl who saw you as nothing more than a tool, all for a man who basically undressed you with his eyes every time he saw you.
You would cooked the meals, wash her up, and put her to bed no later than eight thirty where you used your last half hour to clean up any messes you had made. When it would eventually strike nine at night, and Leto’s father still hadn’t arrived home yet, you’d waste your time staring out of the window. He would always promise to be home no later than nine, but out of your many years working there, that had only happened a handful of times. Still, the dining room housed large floor to ceiling windows that gave you a decent view of the area around you, or, at least whatever you could see through the smog, and you didn’t mind looking through them for a while.
Fires from Canada and the midwest had been choking the skies of Digi York long before you were born, which gave the sky an orange-gold tint, stained by a blood red sun and moon. And though it was the same sky that you had been looking up at since you were a child, it drew you in every evening as shades of purple attempted to shine through in the sunset.
“I told you, no later than five tomorrow,” a muffled voice grumbled from outside the door. A high pitched electronic ping sounded and the door to the apartment slid open, revealing Leto’s father, Cronus.
He was a rather abrasive man personality wise, but wasn’t half bad to look at if you could get past all his augmentations. Optics that glowed lime green, implants that created long, circular scars on the side of his head where his hair refused to grow anymore, lines that went up the back of his neck, hinting at the fact that he had a spinal implant. Then, of course, there was his terrible scowl.
“Why? Because if you deliver later than five, then the deal is off, and then I’m fucked. So you’re not going to mess this up,” Cronus continued as he began to take his coat off. He looked around the apartment and those glowing green eyes landed on you. He did his usual glance over your body before he sauntered over to you. “I gotta go. Don’t fuck this up.”
Despite the fact he had obviously been talking to someone, there was no phone in his hand, or button to be pressed to hang up. All of that was thanks to neural and audio implants in his head, the same kind that gave him those long scars on the side of his skull. It was a little off putting, watching someone talk to someone else using an implant, but you didn’t say anything about it.
“How was she?” he asked, his tone changing the moment it was directed at you.
“She was great,” you answered, knowing full well that even if she wasn’t, Cronus wouldn’t bother with any type of punishment anyway.
“Good, good,” Cronus hummed as his eyes flickered to the window. “Sorry for keeping you so late. Lost track of time.” He paused for a moment, his hand reached out to adjust the collar of your blouse. The cold metal of his fake hand carefully brushed the warm skin of your neck. “You know, if you need a place to stay for the night, you’re more than welcome to stay here. I know how dangerous it gets in The Blue.”
It wasn’t rare for Cronus to play games like that with you. The man never really lost track of time; hard to lose something you were never watching for in the first place. Between the way he would find any reason to touch you and the annoying, lustful look he sent your way, you knew he was being far from generous. You were certain there would be a price he’d expect you to pay.
No wonder his wife divorced him.
“Thank you for the offer Mr. On- er- Cronus, but my friends are waiting for me back home,” you excused. It was the same alibi you used every time he attempted to get you to stay, but you comforted yourself in at least trying to convince him someone was expecting you.
Smirking to himself, Cronus nodded his head slightly as he removed his hand from your shirt and motioned to the door. Taking your queue, you bid the man farewell as you walked through the exit, painfully aware of how he stared at your ass while you walked away.
But he wouldn’t be the last one to look at you like that for the night.
The Blue was the part of Digi York where a majority of the citizens lived, including yourself. Every middle class bastard was shoved into the lower parts of the city, far enough away from the towers that made up Olympus, yet close enough to yearn for that glory. You were one of those many middle class bastards, a grunt that trudged around the wards in an attempt to scrounge up as much extra cash as possible.
Your poison of choice was a club called The Koi, named after some breed of fish that had gone extinct a few centuries ago. It was a bustling strip club adorned with holo projections of the fish swimming around high into the air, well above everyone’s head. Girls with flashy clothes and swaying bodies danced on small platforms for everyone to view, and the dark, thumping music sent harsh thuds through your chest. And while you would have certainly made more money working as one of the strippers, dancing up on one of those platforms, you opted for the less taxing job of bartending for them instead.
Not to say that you still weren’t there for people to ogle at. You certainly weren’t afraid to flaunt your body off if it meant it brought in more tips. So you wore a crop top that was more akin to a bra than anything else, and shorts so small they were just thicker underwear. But you didn’t stop there; body glitter that made you sparkle under the neon lights, and a bubblegum pink wig that gave you a more interesting look without frying your hair.
That was your life. Taking care of a whiny kid during the day, and whiny men during the night.
“Hey, babe,” a smooth voice greeted at your side.
You turned to look on your left, and your eyes were met with a large woman. Her shoulders were about twice as broad as you were, and both her arms were a silvery white due to her augmentations. Her hair was very similar in color to your wig, but a bit more blue than it was fully pink, and it was so short it was spiky. She leaned towards you and gently nudged you with her shoulder.
“Trying to get a free drink out of me?” you grinned.
“I mean, if you’re offering…” the woman teased.
Lucia was someone you had grown close to since you started working at The Koi. She was what most people referred to as a Clank; someone who heavily modified their bodies with augmentations and implants. Normally they would be hired as bodyguards by some Olympian, but businesses would often hire them as bouncers or security, too. Any Clank too hot headed or unable to hold down a good job for long periods of time often turned to a life of darker crimes, as they often didn’t fit in anywhere else.
But not Lucia.
“If Dom finds out I’m giving you free drinks again, I think he’s going to kick my ass,” you said, leaning in to whisper the comment into her ear as best as you could over the blasting music.
“He’s not going to kick your ass. He’ll kick my ass. Or, he’ll try, anyway. If the fucker could even catch up to me,” Lucia chuckled, her eyes carefully scanning around at the patrons at the club.
Your conversation was briefly interrupted by a duo of men, both of who ordered a drink each. Out of all the things that survived from the previous centuries, it wasn’t the trees that filtered the air, or the produce that filled your stomach; it was the alcohol. The one true thing people couldn’t live without. Something to numb the pain.
At least they gave you a good tip.
“Have you seen the new vid?” Lucia spoke up after the men left to go watch the dancers. Her eyes were glued to a small, handheld device in her hands.
“Which one?” you ask, leaning against her shoulder to get a better view.
“Spider-Man, dumbass.”
It was a stupid question to ask, and you had sighed the very moment it left your lips. Of course it was a video of Spider-Man, Lucia had only been obsessed with the freak for the last few months. Spider-Man, some guy decked out in some of the most high tech cybernetics you had ever seen, had been around for at least two years. Well, maybe not around, but a rumor on the streets, a whisper in the back of the mind of anyone who even thought about doing something especially atrocious. Recently, he had seemed to gain more confidence in his actions, and had begun to do more of his crime fighting in the light, as proven by the shaky footage being shown to you via Lucia’s phone.
A mask covered half of Spider-Man’s face, revealing only his lips. His eyes were obscured by a metal covering that appeared to have eight eyes, just like a spider, which was the only part of him that was remotely comparable to the creature. The rest of his getup was sleek and black, which probably did him well in blending into the dark atmosphere that stained a majority of the city.
Spider-Man stood across the street from the cameraman, who was shaking in either fear or excitement as he recorded the events that unfolded in front of him. In front of the masked vigilante was some poor soul, attempting to run away with some sort of unfamiliar device in his hands. With about as much urgency as a bored child, Spider-Man strolled far behind the man.
In a swift motion, Spider-Man held out his hand, bending his wrist in an odd angle, and a cable shot out across the sidewalk, sticking to the perpetrator via magnet. The line went taut, and the man fell backwards, dropping his stolen goods.
“Ouch,” Lucia winced as she paused the video. “See, that’s why you always go with titanium implants. Poor bastard.”
“I suppose robbers or… whatever this guy is supposed to be, aren’t exactly the smartest,” you said, shaking your head.
“If you’re going to do something, do it right,” Lucia chuckled as she pocketed her phone. She stood there for a moment, leaning against the bar as she looked around the area, but you could tell that she wasn’t really taking any of it in. “But the specs on that guy, damn, I bet he’s burning to the touch with all that high tech shit he’s shoved in his body.”
You looked up at the woman and grinned. “You sound like you’re in love.”
“I might be.”
You had to admit, the idea of it made you laugh. Lucia was a very large woman, and though Spider-Man rivaled her height, he certainly didn’t have anything on how broad she was. You were convinced she probably had more muscles than he did too. In fact, Lucia often found any excuse possible to show off her toned stomach. Her physique was almost as important to her as her augmentations.
“So, how was it with the gods today?” Lucia asked sarcastically as she grabbed one of the many liquor bottles from behind you. “Cronus still trying to fuck you?”
Your mood was completely ruined the moment she brought that memory back up. His advances weren’t exactly surprising, as they had been going on for quite some time, but they were certainly exhausting.
“You know how dangerous it is in The Blue,” you said, mocking Cronus’s deep voice. “You can always stay here if you need. I’m beginning to wonder if I give in if he’ll start paying more than just the minimum.”
“Babe, don’t. Whatever extra money you’d make would just go towards treating whatever you’d catch from him.” Lucia shook her head as she poured herself a drink in a short glass, not even bothering to fill it with any ice. Neat, the way she got it every time. Just a glorified shot, in your opinion. “Such a rich fuck thing for him to say, too. Oh, I know your home is dangerous and disgusting because we stomp on the middle class for fun. I'm gonna use that as my advantage to try and sleep with you.”
Rolling her eyes, she took a quick sip of her drink before capping the bottle and placing it back on the glass shelf behind you. It seems that she was no longer worried about Dom catching her drinking on the job again.
“Hell, maybe he’s just curious about what organic pussy feels like,” Lucia suddenly added with a smirk.
It wasn’t her first time making that vulgar joke, really it was one that she made quite often. In fact, it was one of the first things she had said to you when you first started working at The Koi. Some asshole had decided to cop a feel with the excuse of how he needed to prove to himself you weren’t augmented. She cracked that joke after cracking the man's head over the side of the bar.
“Trust me, I’ve been told it’s not as interesting as it sounds,” you grumbled, adjusting the edge of your wig. “No built in vibrator for him.”
Lucia’s laugh came out roaring like an engine, loud and stuttering and shaking her whole body. Laughter was one of the only forces of nature you knew of that ever moved her.
Four o’clock rolled around, and Dom and Lucia had fought off any remaining drunks out of the club. Before you were able to start cleaning up, each of the strippers dropped by to have their routine farewell shot before returning home for the night. Even though they got free drinks, they were probably some of the best tippers you received on most nights. And after convincing you to take a shot with them, you were finally free to go home.
The air felt heavier outside, the thick weight of the smoke and smog held your shoulders down as if you would float away from the earth at any given moment without them. You wrapped a coat around your body, not because you were cold, things were never cold in Digi York, but because you weren’t exactly keen on gaining any more attention on the streets than you already would with the outfit you were wearing.
It wasn’t often that you felt unsafe when walking home. Despite the high crime rate that surrounded not only your area of work, but your home neighborhood, no one ever bothered you. Stared, sure, stalked you like prey until they realized you weren’t as interesting as you seemed, sure; but through it all, you remained one of the very few citizens to have no hands cause you harm. There were no augmentations anyone wanted to rip out of your skull, or anything of real value on your person; you were nothing more than just another pretty face.
Despite it all, true fear was sparked in your stomach the moment the alarms went off.
Loud and ear piercing, the alarms that sounded were haunting, echoing endlessly around the skyscrapers and high rises around you. The alarms were almost more terrifying than the events they warned against. Still, it gave you a sense of urgency, and you quickly began to cut your way across the skyway that connected the high rise that housed your work, and the one that housed your home.
You ducked into the apartment complex just as the first drops of rain began to splatter against the ground. A part of you wanted to stand in the doorway and watch every single droplet fall. There was something enchanting about the way the water would turn to mist against the asphalt and metal around you. It refracted the neon lights that littered the entirety of the city, giving your vision a blue haze. Maybe in some other lifetime you would reach out and touch it, feel the wetness from the sky sprinkle your body as if you were in a shower.
Instead, you shut the door behind you and began to jog down the stairs to your apartment.
Four months. That’s how long the elevator had been broken. And in a building that was nearing two hundred stories, you had gotten in the best shape of your life. Fortunately, there was one skyway every twenty stories or so, allowing people to exit without climbing the full height of the building. You hadn’t touched the actual ground, the real ground since you were a child, anyway. Still, your calves burned every afternoon when going to take care of Leto.
Luckily, your return home always had you walking down the stairs rather than up, and before you knew it, you were standing in front of your apartment door. You fumbled with your coat pockets for a short moment before pulling out a thin, white card. It was a proxy card one of your roommates had set up for you since you had no augmentations to open it automatically. Placing the card next to the receiver, a green light flashed on the lock of the door, and you were allowed to enter your apartment.
Usually things were quiet when you returned home from work, as your roommates would be settled in for the night. However, both of the girls were up and about, sitting on the couch next to each other with tired eyes as they flipped through channels on the television. The light from the screen reflected brightly on their faces in the dark room, but the moment you opened the door, their attention turned to you.
“Oh, thank god,” one of the girls spoke up, rubbing her eyes with her hands. “We were worried you had gotten caught out in the storm.”
Sighing, you allowed your coat to slip off of your shoulders, revealing your rather skimpy outfit as you sauntered over to sit on the sofa with them. The alarms continued to blare, though the sound of it was muffled with the door closing behind you and the sound of the rain pounding against the windows.
“I take it the alarm woke you up?” you asked, your eyes flickering to the television to find that they were watching some corny reality show.
“Scared the shit outta me,” the girl responded.
Smiling, you turned your attention back to the two girls on your left. The one you had been speaking the most with was Avi, your long time roommate and best friend. The two of you grew up in the same orphanage as children. Very few people who lived in The Blue had the luxury of being able to raise any kid they got stuck with, so stories like yours and Avi’s weren’t exactly rare or sad. Most people were too poor to afford to properly raise a child. But you had been roommates in childhood because of it, and it was the same in adulthood.
She was a beautiful girl with unnaturally pale-white skin and bleached hair. The color of her optics changed fairly often as her girlfriend would do her augmentations for free, but as of recently she seemed to be sporting a soft lilac purple. She had just about as many piercings as she did augmentations; her ears, nose, lips, bellybutton; anything that could be pierced on her was pierced.
Then there was your other roommate, and Avi’s girlfriend, Nova. She was an alluring dark skinned girl decorated with golden tattoos and just as many piercings as her lover, whose head was laying in her lap. She looked back and forth between the two of you as you spoke, a quiet smile on her stained lips.
“God, and I still have work tomorrow,” Avi groaned, throwing her hands in the air. “Is it even worth going back to bed? I get up in a few hours to teach those little shits. Maybe I should just stay up…”
“You and I both know that’s a terrible idea,” Nova said with a hum, her eyes focused on the strands of Avi’s hair she was stroking.
Avi suddenly let out a terrible groan as she sat herself up, leaning her elbows on her knees. She bounced for a short moment before craning her head around to look at you.
“I shoulda been a stripper. Do you think they’re hiring at The Koi?” she asked.
You raised an eyebrow as you shook your head. “You do not want to work there, trust me.”
“What, because men will harass me?” she asked sarcastically. She paused for a moment as she leaned forward towards the coffee table that sat in front of the sofa, where she grabbed the remote sitting there. “I’m changing this stupid channel.”
“I was watching that!” Nova said in a quiet protest.
“Men already harass me,” Avi continued, violently pressing the buttons on the remote with her forefinger. “I might as well get tipped for it, right?”
You shook your head as you glanced at the TV. The alarms had finally ceased, making things a bit more quiet, allowing you to somewhat pay attention to the science channel Avi had flipped the channel over to. But the rain continued to pound against the building, creating an eerie drone.
“You’re a teacher. Out of the three of us, you’re probably the only one with a job that has a chance of getting you out of here,” you defended.
“Oh please,” Avi said in a sour tone. She leaned back against the couch, satisfied with the change in channels. Her arm reached up as she wrapped it around Nova, pulling herself closer to the woman. “Everyone knows the only way anyone gets out of The Blue is if some Olympian wants to fuck them bad enough they ask to get married.”
Really, you had no retort, because there wasn’t one. It was the truth, and also some fairytale story people tried to hold onto; that someone would love them enough to save them from the deepest levels of Digi York. As kids, you and Avi always dreamed of getting out of that city. Of going someplace cleaner, and living a better life. Eating fresh produce that wasn’t just near rotten scraps tossed down from Olympus, and drinking water that wasn’t just purified runoff from the acid rain that plagued your city.
No one spoke for a long while after that. The three of you stared forward at the screen that showcased some astrophysics, or a rocket launching, or what the world looked like back in the year 1969 before the Earth started to choke. There were blue skies, and even bluer oceans, and luscious forests that blanketed entire continents. Then, the screen would flash to the painful reminders of what your current earth looked like. The Infinity Fires raging in the north, choking the sky with smoke. Acid rain that made it impossible to grow anything in the barren soil. Pictures of species that used to roam the Earth among humans, now long gone and rotting in the ground.
The program ended a good twenty minutes later, and as it cut to a commercial of the latest muscle enhancement augmentations, Avi let out a soft sigh.
“I think I’m ready to go back to bed,” she admitted. “I think I’ll dream of going to the moon tonight.”
The two lovers bid you goodnight before wandering off down the hallway into their shared bedroom, and though you were rather tired from your day, you stayed out on the sofa. You found it difficult to fall asleep after getting off of work, no matter how exhausted you were from the day, so you did your best to bore yourself to sleep. The screen in front of you continued to flash with pictures of the past and present, and getting annoyed with the depressing reminder, you reached forward and began to flick through the channels.
“But… I love you!”
“...another case gone cold…”
“...Spider-Man apprehended…”
“...to me, young lady! You…”
You stopped. Something had caught your attention, and you had flipped too far through the channels. Pressing back, you found yourself watching one of the several local news outlets. An Olympian woman with unnaturally orange skin smiled on screen with teeth that were too white to be real. She continued with her segment on Spider-Man, the vigilante that Lucia had found herself obsessed with recently.
“...local gang in The Hitsugi, and left them on the doorsteps of the police station in the 23rd ward. These members were abducting young children and were selling them to bidders in a trafficking ring. Though police suspect the operation is much larger than the handful of members Spider-Man caught, they believe they have a strong lead. They hope to have the gang fully apprehended by the end of the week.”
Video after video flashed of several men, all tied to one another, stumbling around as police officers looked at them almost as if they didn’t know what to do with them. Then, of course, there were videos of Spider-Man himself. He never seemed to stick around long enough to give any useful information to law enforcement, not that they were particularly useful in the first place. He did enough work to get most of the job done and dropped the trash off and let someone else clean up the remainder of the mess.
Spider-Man had almost become a beacon of hope for many people in The Blue. You almost considered him as such, anyway. Almost. The man was doing good work, and taking out the trash bag by bag, but really, you couldn’t help but feel bad for him. One lone sanitary worker attempting to clean a city creating trash faster than he could carry it. He was bound to drown, eventually.
Sighing, you turned the TV off, and a terrible quietness spread over the apartment. The rain had stopped; how long ago, you weren’t sure, but the silence was enough to form a pit of dread in your stomach. That haunting stillness of your apartment forced you to remember that no matter where you were in Digi York, you were bound to drown. Not even the tallest towers of Olympus could save you from a city swallowing itself from the ground up.
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hahahafangirl · 4 months
gotta put my thoughts down before i forget it but the thing that did it in for me is how spy x family is ultimately and uniquely a “children-focused” work, where the major stakes require that we pay attention to the lives and dynamics of young children so that — specifically — we have to genuinely engage with and invested in their inner lives, motivations, desires, thoughts, emotions, etc.
i think this is a very unique focus in the shounen sphere, where the audience and creators are centered about adolescent boys (the shounen genre, in its name) and thus have a very wide scope of focus that nonetheless has “aged” past “childhood”. usually media about children and childhood are sequestered in its own genre (children’s shows like doraemon, magical girl anime like precure series, etc.) aimed at a different target audience who are in the same demographic as the main characters in the shows. this is, obviously, not a bad thing. but i appreciate the “genre-breaking” focus that spy x family have because it inspires a sort of empathy to children, who are often not the most favorite group of people for the typical demographic of shounen readers, that is specifically vital in today’s climate. (can’t say much about japan itself, who historically has been dealing with declining birth rates, but oh i can speak for the american individualism— ironically where sxf is also very popular in) another thing about this is it’s drive home how intertwined the family life is, and should be. agent twilight and thorn princess’s plot-lines are clearly shounen-esque (a spy fighting for world peace, an assassin weeding out traitors) but they are nonetheless inextricable from the family- and anya-focused story, because by choice or circumstances they are anya’s parents. they’re a part of a larger societal fabric that embedded them in relationships to others — children being one of them. i think that’s pretty neat.
another thing, specially about the depiction of children in sxf: they are fictitious yet realistic enough to portray real children and inspire sympathy for them. a lot of asian home media in general have the problems of portraying young children as “problems”: annoying, loud, privileged, dumb, ungrateful, etc etc. these are such complaints about children that are unfortunately way too common and way too ungenerous and mean-spirited; none of these tropes are present, even in a media full of scions and heiress. complaints about them being brats (red circus bus hijacking arc) was rightfully framed as unsympathetic and unreasonable (they’re children! they can’t help where they were born into— it goes both ways.) i think the crux of this beautiful balance sxf struck in portraying nuanced, dynamics children is sympathy. they can be loud, they can be whiny, cry at the drop of a hat, has too much energy, gross, have bad grades, clingy, inconsistent, academically unmotivated, ran off randomly— and that’s fine, because we know why they do it, we are given space into their inner thoughts, something so rarely afforded to real life children at times. but they can be motivated, they want world peace, they want to have genuine friends, they want their friends to be happy, they have crushes, and most of all they love their parents and they love the people around them.
i think regardless of everything sxf is a work that understands that children are full of love and the majority of the things they do are out of love. i think that alone makes it incredible in the current socio-econo-political climate where sympathy is spared so little and humanity spreads so thin children barely gets what they deserve. i suppose that’s the sort of war we are entrenched in.
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morgaknight · 11 months
Tiefling anatomy HC’s
-tieflings are born with horns that curve flush to their little baby skulls. They’re initially smaller and kinda squishy to touch.
-they will grow and harden in the coming months after their birth, roughly taking the shape that they will keep for the rest of their lives.
-tieflings shed their horns just once in their lifetime, usually after they’ve lost all their baby teeth and as an early step in puberty for a young tiefling.
-lots of doting parents will keep their tiefling childs “baby horns” like how some parents will keep baby teeth as a keepsake.
-Omg imagine like, a kid losing one, and the other is kinda wiggly just hanging in there.
-they tie some cord around the loose horn and the other end to a door
-all the dumb cliches humans do for loose teeth. (Oh no it’s so cute)
-the adult horns come in much bigger and harder than the baby horns.
-a tiefling tail can betray a lot about how a tiefling is feeling. Depending on how it whips and curves in a conversation can tell you if a tiefling is happy, scared, or angry. It’s called a “tell-tale-tail”. HAH. GEDDIT?
-canonically tiefling will often wrap their tails around their waists or legs when in crowds or around strangers, to avoid them getting stepped on or tugged.
-Tieflings have blood vessels and nerve endings that extend from their fingertips and into their nails, like a cats. 
-Also like cats' nails, they have a “quick”, that if trimmed will bleed and is very painful. 
-This is why all tieflings seem to have elongated nails, even if they are in a position or profession that longer nails would be a hindrance. A tieling can file their nails to be more blunt, but a tiefling would never purposefully trim their nails too short and cut the quick. 
-I imagine there being a big discourse around trimming a young tieflings nails, (probably done by an ignorant non-tiefling parent, or the care givers at orphanages) as it’s considered inhumane… like declawing cats
-there are brands of inner-race discrimination in tiefling communities. Most prominent being how far back the infernal blood can be traced.
-a teifling line that is generations upon generations old (like, their great great great great great grandmother slept with a cambion for example ) is held in higher esteem than a first generation tiefling, because the “taint” is so far removed, and that family has had generations to establish themselves in the tiefling community and culture.
-a first generation tiefling (like, their mother was a cambion, for example) is looked down upon because the “taint” is much more immediate.
-also canonically, a group of 3 or more tieflings is called a “curse” of tieflings (derogatory)
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everypanelofizuku · 1 month
Tumblr media
Chapter 95 - End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End
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chiptrillino · 1 year
How the hell do you find every accurate representative culture fashion for the avatar gang? Like it pains me the hell how people this good and hardworking can find these gorgeous cultural clothes and accessories and draw them so well and detailed like you- TELL ME YOUR SECRETS (Please)
idk about accurate. at the end it is still a fantasy world inspired by real life cultures contrasting or soothed out to fit a charakter personality and traits. listen if i spot an option to have a older fire lord zuko with his titts chest out i will go for it and nothing can stop me not even accuracy i say this as if i didn't already do it in private with seethrough material hahah
there is not much secrets behind it though, sorry its research, fact checking. often even the most random things. at least that is my method. you go to google and type in what you need and would like to know. read the wikipedia article for some general understanding on the topic but them go to the source part and check these out. or like double check these. if reading is not your thing there are lots of dedicated youtubers or ticktockers that love to share and explain parts of their culture or tradtions (clothing included. depends on what you research.) contemporary to that or after that you build up your visual library by collecting images on pinterest, or google or websites covering the topic you are researching. make your own folders or pin boards.
an amazing blog for atla real life culture sources is of course or beloved: @atlaculture blog!
https://www.tumblr.com/atlaculture who recently began to dedicate some post in flashing out more water tribe and air normad cusine, also instruments. its a delight to read through.
of course you have an easier time with some research than with other. some things are clear others a contradicting some are barley documented. it is also necessary to have an occasional reality check. like reread your sources see if there is something new. replace what you misunderstood before. don't always go for what looks pretty and aesthetically good to you. there is a reason why things looked like they did. was it the material, was it protection, was it culture.
a part looking at contemporary photography i personally preffere to look at how people liked to depict themself at that time. Statues, wall painting, illustration, old fotos from that time and compare them to current pictures to see how they used to stylize this element or to see what was essential to them. thats probably my old art-history phase flaring up again though hahah. at the end it is also how you Interpret and headcanon the atla world for yourself. before i were able to redesign jet i had to figure out how i want to draw fire nation armor. because to me jet repuporses a lot of the armor from the enemy. a shin guard will be used as an arm protection. the red shirt he wears is fire nation, a shoulder guard that fits will just be used as it is. i just assume that FN armor is better in being fire resistent than earth kingdoms ones.
but fire nation armor is a chellenge on its own again. because is it tang dynasty? is it song? but the collar protector is a typical thai armor element. how do i combine that? is there a history behind it?
speaking about armor what would be the southern water tribe one? if it is lamellar ivory armor, how and why does it look so different by season 3 at the day of the black sun? did the southern water fleet separated form their home begin to adopt EK styles. switching out kuspuk and parkas in for sleeveless wrap shirts and armor with inside plating like they have in ba sing se? because that what was aviable to them?
(appart everything the talk of armor is in general really curious because... what do you wear when you go in to fight against fire??? in the poles you can argure that it is not a concern. if you burn you roll in the snow but in the EK... hm.. they dont have fancy heat resistand clothing like fire fighters have now.... armor is ment to cushion off impact and or slicing. our standard armors conzept can work well against earth-, water- and air bending (to some degree) but fire burns what do you idealy do against that? leather helps to some degree)
while the southern water tribe is clearly circumpolar people inspired (although lacking lots of world-building which you can kind of excusing it with... the war destroyed everything but also... uh.... its a nearly 20 year old show.... ) the northern water tribe shows korean or even mongolian elements. so what do you want to focus on? i personally like to make things connect because these characters live in one world togheter and trade and exchange happens. (yes even during a 100 year war or at least there had to have been a time of influence and the lack of exchange froze(*snorts*) this culture in time) you know... migration? and transition of style and life through out history.
maybe i overthink things to much for just drawing some clothes... -srugs-
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c4ts4ndstuff · 21 days
the "foundation" of the castle will use prismarine blocks btw, here's a rough example
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i can't decide, and i keep forgetting about all the blocks they've added in the past few years which makes me excited and harder to make a decision
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