#there’s people who have it worse with this disorder
tismtron · 2 days
Can you drop some general dating eltingville club member hcs? It doesn’t matter who i genuinely just crave more fanfiction content of any of them
Absolutely I love these ugly loser boys
The Eltingville Club Headcanons
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Pete Dinunzio
•Pete is the shortest of the club at 5’7, but the one who grounds everyone else with common sense, Although he is very impulsive himself.
•He was raised mainly by his father and had multiple siblings in his house. Though his father doesn’t support his horror movies or in his words “nerd shit.”
•mainly joined the club cause they are weirder than he is but supports his hobbies and interests so it give him some solace.
•Canonically into horror porn and cannibal flicks. I think he has paraphilia. He thinks cannibalism is very intimate, eating someone so they’re apart of you and all the time and dedication it takes to eat the entire body intrigues him.
•goes broke every Halloween cause he’s buying shit for either his collection or for his room. I like to think his birthday is in October.
•Has anger issues but not to the degree as bill or Josh do,and that comforts him in some way. Makes him feel better about himself. (He’d never tell them that.)
•wants to be covered in tattoos when he’s older, but in reality he’d probably just get five or six on his arms.
•tried to smoke cigarettes but his dad caught him and made him smoke the whole pack.
•his father and siblings harass him the way that some households do when one them picks up a neither hobby and bullies them cause it’s weird.
•very sweet if he likes you. Will show affection in his own way like asking you to watch horror flicks or info dumping about his favorite slashers or the new dvd set he bought.
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Jerry Stokes
•Jerry is the voice of reason that no one listens to. He lives with his mother and father as an only child.
•I like to believe his parents are conservative or religious and don’t like when his fantasy interests because they think it’s immoral or something.
•(taking this headcanon from Tahawkydingo on ao3) his parents found his porn stash of fantasy cosplay pinups and they sent him to gay conversion camp.
•Is autistic but his parents deny that he is. vocally stims with his bidibidi bit and hyper fixates on fantasy. Wants to go to a renaissance fair so bad but no one wants to go with him.
• his parents treat him differently after his parents came to terms with him having autism and they unintentionally belittle him, he stays with the club because they don’t baby him like his parents do.
•has watched every fantasy movie from the eighties at least four times.
•avid weezer listener
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Bill Dicky
•snarky fuck. Will always try to get the last say in an argument and gets very butt hurt if he doesn’t.
• He lives with his mom and younger sister. His mom has full custody of him so he never sees his father.
•one thing I saw is that Bill is usually the one to throw the first punch besides Josh. I theorize that his dad used to get physical with him and it hasn’t really clicked with him that he was abused and think it’s normal.
•male manipulator by the book definition of antisocial personality disorder in the comics, average smiths listener in the pilot.
• tried to work at gamestop or Blockbuster but either got denied for having expired dvd returns or stole.
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Josh levvy
•lives with his mother and father. I think of him as the youngest sibling if he ever had any brothers or sisters.
•His parents are Jewish and if he showered more he’d have natural curls. Without his glasses he can only see blobs of color, his vision is getting worse.
•it’s cannon that he only eats things that have collectibles in them and hates doing it. But I think he’s always been insecure of his body for a long time and is at the point where he doesn’t care what people see him like some tub of lard because his self esteem is low.
•secretly feels that he’d never measure up to the expectations his parents give him so he doubles down.
•His dad used to get physical with him as a kid as a punishment, like belting or smacking him up side the head if he says something wrong. So he got more aggressive when someone made him upside or says something he doesn’t like.
•collects not even for fun, just to have. Because it’s become such a big part of himself he doesn’t know what to do if he stops.
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marshemillow · 2 days
You know what? I'm talking about "phone addiction" again because I'm not done.
Do you know what an addiction is? Addiction isn't "you do it just out of habit because you don't think about it" addiction is "if you stop you will literally be in agony and that's why you keep turning to the thing."
We have this baked-in idea that addiction is a moral failing, that if you have a phone addiction, it really just means you need to get off your phone. Yeah, addicted to alcohol? Just stop! Don't drink it anymore! Withdrawl? What's that? If you drink alcohol, it obviously means you just don't have enough willpower! If you can't stop drinking alcohol, it means you're a bad person. You basically deserve to have liver failure at that point!
Yes some people actually believe this! They don't know that paramedics carry alcohol with them specifically because it saves the lives of people going through alcohol withdrawl, they don't care! It's something they cheer themselves up with because they aren't addicted to alcohol, and that means they're a good person.
I am so sick and fucking tired of people pathologizing and moralizing non-moral issues. Addiction, or Substance Abuse Disorder, is an actual physical health condition. It's a disease. You can't stop it with enough willpower, it's something that needs actual medical treatment. Just looking at coping mechanisms or even just things that make you feel good because they release dopamine in your brain and calling that an "addiction" does so much damage to people's understanding of real addiction and makes addicts look like evil weak cowards instead of people with a disease that needs treatment. That's fucking evil. Imagine telling someone with cancer that they just didn't have enough willpower to stop it. Disgusting.
And it's extra ironic coming from these people who think they're addicted to their phone saying "you just need to stop" and then not stopping, meanwhile I have often just forgotten I don't have my phone with me and then get confused when I don't have it. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Why is the person who "knows" it's an "addiction" (in the moral failing way) still not have enough willpower to stop whereas I have to consciously remind myself to go find my phone because I just forget it exists when I don't believe in phone addiction? Literally half the time I take my phone out of my pocket, it's just to check the time.
It's almost like "phone addiction" is just another way to make people feel guilty for doing things they like doing. It doesn't make them stop, they just feel worse about it. They don't think about it as a coping strategy that fades as their life circumstances get better.
And every single time, when you find these people who feel bad for doing things that make them happy, they grew up christian. Every fucking time. "Struggle with addiction" and it's just guilt applied to something normal.
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lexytoga · 2 days
Headcanons for Loki :
 They don't really smoke, just think it's gross and weird for humans to do
Loki prefers wine than beer, he likes sweeter drinks in general
Loki really can't sleep half the time  cause of the darkness most of the time he doesn't sleep (mobius might have gotten them a light lamp)
  Loki half the time goes to buy outfits from thrift stores he would go to places like Gucci but I feel like he would be offended by the prices 
Loki braids his hair hair before he sleeps mainly to get natural waves 
Loki likes candies a lot, mainly the sour and sweet ones but he didn't like the key lime pie and mostly ate the frosting until mobius gave him a pumpkin pie which Loki loved 
He wears eyeliner and carries eyeliner to fix it
Loki's Jontun form has gloves on cause he can't touch people since he would burn them
Loki mainly crafts his own weapon and powers them with his magic (like a poison knife)
Loki listens to Lana del Rey and sometimes Taylor Swift mainly cause he likes the sad and romantic vibes of it 
Loki weighs like a Frost giant even in his Asgardian form even though he is small the illusion doesn't change his weight (from what I know he is like 500 pounds) so mobius really has a hard time dragging Loki away
On a sunny day, Loki really has sun allergies but it's very light but worse in his jotunn form, it's one of his weaknesses, that the burns really don't heal that fast 
Loki has every birthday gift he was given because it is the only time he feels loved in a way, especially by Thor who would just get Loki a plushie
Speaking of plushies Loki has a bit of separation anxiety, it is not that bad but he does panic when someone he loves doesn't text back, like when mobius goes somewhere unannounced, as kids Thor and Loki would share a room cause of it, sometimes thor had to hold Loki when he sleeps, as an adult thor taught plushies would remind him that he is always with Loki
Loki's grave (the Infinity War Loki) would be visited by Thor every day, he would clean it and put plushies and flowers on the grave
Loki has a lot of pets some of them are Thori (a hellhound from Hel) Ikol (a nod to comic, and a magpie) a snake, and a cat named Clementine 
(This is more like a modern Loki au) Loki would have used his magic to make himself an apartment to stay on earth, Loki would come home to Clementine and hang out with her when he gets home
not really a headcanon but he does have all-speak, speaking all languages (again in the comics)
Loki sometimes wears high heels, but he would conjure shoes if they got uncomfortable
Loki sometimes bakes pies since he really isn't good at cooking, but he learned to bake a pie for mobius so he didn't have to eat from the TVA
Loki would conjiur a blanket on mobius when he would overwork and fall asleep on his desk
Mobius doesn't know how to fight so Loki uses his magic to protect mobius and help him heal
Loki has BPD (borderline personality disorder) but mobius tries to help him and calm him down when he gets angry
Loki usually scoops mobius up and hugs him random moments taking advantage of there height difference
Mobius would give Loki candy or a star after they complete a mission to encourage Loki to be more less violent
Loki doesn't curse at all but he uses more older words like quim and all or he would just mumble in asgardain, he has a habit of going back to old English using "thy" "aye"
Both Loki and mobius love language is touch and glares, Loki would telepathically talk to mobius when they are around people
Mobius loves how Loki would explain in a Shakespeare
As a kid Loki mainly pranked thor to cope with his insecurity, he still does but it was getting better with mobius comforting him
Mobius sometimes feels like he is lesser to loki and thinks he isn't good enough since Loki was a god
Loki would visit a variant of frigga who ofc knew it wasn't her Loki but yet treated him like no other
When frigga met mobius she was noting but happy and knew Loki was happy with mobius and other way around, she was glad her son found some he can be real with
Mobius always treated him equal to everyone and sees him as a lover and a friend, and never used the god title unless Loki wasn't sure of a mission being successful
(please note my version of loki is like a combo of MCU loki and comic loki! Most of these are not cannon in the MCU but it might in comics! and I keep using he/they prounce cause i am confused as hell-)
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varicspidey · 2 days
tw mentions of ed, kind of a rant/serious talk
hey guys i know a lot of people on this side of tumblr want a partner who also has an ed so you can keep yourself accountable and shit but let me tell you the reality; it fucking sucks. you love each other so you WANT each other to recover, not help each other get worse. it's a constant battle of "please eat" and "i'll only eat if you eat" and "you always want me to eat but you never do" "how can you say i deserve to eat but you dont" etc etc. when you actually care for someone, you don't want them to have an ed.
so please stop saying you want it unless you have experienced it cuz it feels like shit. also because you get so so scared that by venting about it, you're triggering them deeper into their ed and it fucking sucks to wanna tell them everything but you can't out of fear of them and their safety and mental health and shit.
it is horrible. also because this isn't a disorder you'd want someone you love to have. it isn't a pretty disorder and while here on this side of tumblr we wanna talk about being all bones and shit and yeah i feel like that too but seeing that happen to a loved one can fucking hurt you as well as hurt them because they are struggling. it isn't cute. please don't glamorize it. especially if you've experienced it because then you KNOW how it feels. you can say whatever you want for yourself but please don't encourage others to seek a partner who has an ed so you can keep yourself accountable and shit because that isn't the truth of it.
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Non-ADHD and non-autistic disabled people whose only idea of ADHD and autistic people is shaped by media depictions of a nerdy white boy or a quirky goth girl with low support needs: "Yeah ADHD and autism are destigmatized and we should ignore people with ADHD and autism in favor of real disabilities. I am very smart and progressive."
Lateral prejudice towards other disabled people will get us nowhere.
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foursidecity · 5 months
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Thinking about them... designs... silly..
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awetistic-things · 1 year
awetistic things {951}
having extra painful periods
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a-blip-of-billdip · 2 months
this isnt what i usually post on this blog but I'm already sick of all the memes and 'jokes'. I am almost certainly leaving the fandom for good now because of the book of bills release and NO it is not because billford's community has an influx of supporters.
So the worship and romanticization of asylums and other abusive practices for mental health have been steadily gaining traction in recent years, especially with the rise of tiktok's toxicity.
SO many people, especially younger people, regularly talk about how they want lobotomies or how women they don't like should be lobotomized. They get tattoos of lobotomy like it's some quirky fun thing and not one of the most horrific tortures someone can endure.
These same people, ESPECIALLY leftists, will look at anyone they disagree with or don't like and say "get institutionalized, loser" or "et therapy" and it's always in a mocking way. it's always in a policing way.
because these people know that mental wards strip everyone of their freedom and their bodily autonomy. they know these places arent for healing--theyre for silencing.
So the amount of people i see treating bill being institutionalized like a good thing---even the writers and alex himself?
Yeah. Im out ✌🏼
#you people try to act quirky and say you like weird stuff and you like crazy people and hate normies#but then when someone isnt a normie and actually does want to change things in radical ways you want to put them in an asylum#i do not want to interact with any of you people!#i still love gravity falls (obviously) but im just... so over the fandom at this point.#even people who LIKE bill are trying to act like this is all a good thing#guess what asylums dont help :) they almost always make things worse!#so in reality if bill ever got out he would just be 100x worse and more vengeful than before! congrats.#Play stupid games get stupid prizes!#gravity falls#antipsych#i seriously dont understand why anyone things mental wards are in any way different than how they used to be a hundred yeears ago.#because they arent. at all. like literally at all.#they forcefully medicate you with pills that you dont need and that actively harm you bc random ass nurses diagnose you with#someething different every other day and ust give you a new pill for every diagnosis#i know someone who was put on antipsychs when not only do they not have a psych disorder but they had a heart condition and#nearly died bc of it. I myself was put on three different pills the very night i went in. they never#even hesitated to wait and see if i would have a bad reaection or if i reeally needed it.#bc why would they when heavily meedicating you makes you unable to think or reaelize what theyre doing is extremely unethical?#i saw multiple people held down and strapped to their beds and given sedatives for doing nothing at all. For simply asking questions.#I saw staff harass and mock and disrespect very speciifc kids (specifically the poc kids.)#I saw staff lie and try to incite fear in other kids and myself.#one of them told me the night before i was cleared for release tat if i said 'im fine' at any point they would keep me for another month.#and that if i didnt continue to take the meds (ssris) that i was overdosing on that they would come grab me in a van and bring me back#against my will.#Keep in mind i was here based off of lies. There was no real reason for me to be in that asylum.#So yeah. literally dont come on this post trying to defend asylums bc i PROMISE you i have more experience in the reality than you#ever could.#Theyre horrible and romanticising it even against a fictional villain is repulsive behavior.
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wheelchairtetris · 2 months
I need to stop watching medical dramas. It hurts to see doctors trying everything they can to figure out someone's symptoms when that really doesn't happen in the real world.
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blue-thief · 5 months
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wrong diagnosis motherfucker
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 6 months
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notjanine · 3 months
me a week ago: i love my job!!
me now, after having a mid-year review that amounted to you’re doing an excellent job and you bring such a valuable perspective to our practice but i don’t have the ability to give you a raise right now but don’t worry bc i just hired a new CFO to try to figure out money so we can maybe give you a raise later this year: *breaks into a cold sweat as i crack open indeed dot com*
#like how have you hired FOUR new employees in the past year (two new providers a new admin assistant and now a CFO)#without having plans for people to level up?#also i have talked to a friend who got hired at a similar practice a few months after me and she’s already making way more than me!#and you know who else makes more than i do?#my 19yo nephew who didn’t even finish high school. to be fair he’s grinding way more than he should#but also so am i!!#my disabled ass is working 6-7 days/week almost every week and i can barely afford to LIVE in the city where i live!!!#anyway don’t mind me i’m only apartment hunting#while also knowing that my paycheck is about to be hundreds of dollars lighter every month bc my health insurance is about to kick in#right now it’s either looking like we are gonna have to live in the world’s shittiest apartment (not even in the nice part of the city) or#we might just have to find something outside the city. which would be farther from work and friends and everything#yes i am having a full mental breakdown every single day and it’s only gonna get worse bc i’m due to start pmsing any second now#and also my last day at my hospital job is this weekend#bc everyone (including my boss) has encouraged me to quit and focus on only the one job#so now that’s also at least a few hundred bucks more i won’t be making every month#godddddddd#i hate it here i hate it here#did you know? having a fulfilling job still sucks if you aren't fairly compensated???#this is also what happens when you are part of a hot girl profession where everyone else is married to husbands with tech jobs#so they don't have to worry about money like this#anyway anyway anyway#i have never had anxiety so high that i feel as if i might puke before and i used to have a panic disorder so this is a fun new experience#a nice cherry on top of the typical summer depression which is also beating my ass yet again!
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wolfisland · 8 months
honestly one of my least favourite things about online spaces centered around cluster b personality disorders is that they almost treat the disorders as an in joke. like its never quite anti recovery rhetoric but a lot of the times it feels like it becomes this thing where something harmful gets spurred on as a personality trait to nurture rather than a symptom to keep an eye on. freaks me the fuck out.
it could be because growing up i was pretty familiar with cluster b spaces and i lost a couple of friendships due to it becoming this whole "i have this disorder now i have to knowingly indulge the more harmful and dangerous symptoms im supposed to be treating to really prove i have this disorder!" thing.
like babes i still believe youre borderline, you dont need to go full tilt maintaining a numbered and ranked list of the people most important to you and assigning a fp role to someone who frankly is not responsible for your stability.
#i lost a friend yeeeeaaaars ago like almost 10 years ago now#who discovered npd and started using it as a justification for treating us like shit and seeing us as lesser#which was so fucking crazy to me as someone whos pretty fucking certain they have npd#bc if anything its made me a hell of a lot more aware of how i treat people around me#because like theres a lot worse things i can be than arrogant and self obsessed. but i dont wanna be arrogant and self obsessed AND cruel#like i fell victim to the borderline personality trait shit as a kid hardcore#and didnt realise i was probably comorbid npd til literally last year so i dodged that#but literally the reason i didnt realise it was probably also npd is because of how people dehumanize people w npd#like most of my exposure to npd in my own life has been absolute fucking menaces#but so has bpd. the people with bpd who have remained part of my life have always been people w bpd who keep an eye on their behaviour#bc no personality disorder makes you evil but not monitoring your symptoms does almost always make you irresponsible#like its very weird seeing people in my life react wildly differently to the discovery or diagnosis#like i just have 0 energy for people who get a diagnosis and just use it to excuse their treatment of others#and this comes from someone who was The borderline menace at age 16#i think realising i probably have npd has made me a lot more aware of my own ego among other things#and ive had enough therapy for bpd to feel comfortable navigating most of the npd stuff rn without an official dx yet#bc id say ive already been trying to curb certain behaviour for years now without realising it could be linked to smth in particular#its just a new explanation. but i dont think its an excuse#i hope that ex friend is dealing with his shit better now. i still think hes a dick but he was a struggling teenager so all i can do is like#hope hes grown up and doing better mentally and has better friends. bc god knows our friend group was pretty unhealthy#txt
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trans-axolotl · 10 months
hi, i wanted to ask if possible (I'm sorry if this is a little invasive!) but what treatment program did you go to? I'm looking for some and I'm receiving mixed singles right now..
hey! I'm comfortable talking about it. I'm assuming you're talking about the eating disorder treatment program I went to, not the other psych wards I've been to, but let me know if you meant something else.
I went to the Eating Recovery Center in Washington. i have a lot of mixed feelings on it. i really hate the entire structure of residential treatment and think that it is inherently carceral and coercive. ERCWA was a really restrictive treatment program, we were on a locked ward in a medical center, there were a lot of shitty + abusive staff, and there was just so much bullshit the entire time, like having no privacy in the bathroom, no doors on the bedrooms, barely being able to go outside, having so much of what we said and did monitored, the fucked up ways they used NG tubes, a really ableist psychiatrist, etc. treatment was pretty standard CBT, DBT, ACT, RODBT, random "skills groups" that felt like a waste of time with a lot of therapists and interns who had no previous therapy experience. I got medically stabilized through that program and was able to achieve pretty sustainable changes in my disorderly eating, but i really credit that more to the peer support then to any of the actual "treatment."
But compared to some other programs i don't think it was the worst. You can have your phone all day which was a huge benefit to me, since most programs take your phone. while i was there they had a dietitian who accommodated custom ARFID menus--she doesn't work there anymore, but they probably still do ARFID menus. they had multiple trans staff members and let me stay on hormones. they also don't kick you out for self harming and can handle a higher level of medical complications. ERCWA is run slightly different then some of the other ERC locations though, and I've heard a lot worse stories about other ERC locations. this info is all only true for adult wards as well--i would not recommend ERC for teens. i don't really know if i would recommend ERCWA at all to people but i think there is some things that made it more tolerable then some other treatment centers, and that if you have some specific needs, it might be one of the only treatment centers that can accommodate some things.
sorry, i feel like this isn't a super helpful answer, but i just have so much anger towards residential treatment and have a hard time recommending any places, even though i don't think ERCWA is the worst option.
if you have any more questions I'm happy to answer--i can also post old photos and videos that show my room, schedule, etc. i also have a lot of friends at a variety of different treatment centers and can answer questions about some other centers if you have any.
sending you the best of luck anon, I hope you're able to find the support and care that you need <3
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commandermahariel · 22 days
#i am in fact a grown adult who is still incapable of talking about their feelings and thoughts to people so I'll just rant here#my relationship with my mother is. so weird. it's not always bad but it always ends up bad for one reason or another#she can be perfectly civil and i'll still be irritated. other times i do try to tolerate it and engage and she ends up saying something#upsetting to me either way.#i don't want to keep being rude to her i don't want to get mad and annoyed all the time but i just can't stop. it's always like this#and i hate myself for it and i hate her and i hate everything about it#today i was leaving for work and she was like. i'll take the trash out of your room and i told her not to do it. she kept insisting and i#had to raise my voice at her to maybe get the point across to get her not to touch anything#and yes my room is a fucking mess and it is something to be embarrassed of. i just feel so fucking tired all time time and i keep tellin#myself that i will clean it this time for sure and then i don't. most of the time it's my mother taking care of it without my permission#and i am grateful for it bc nobody likes living in a mess... but i also fucking hate it because it makes me feel even more worthless#i just can't get rid of the feeling of shame. no matter what i do.#and back to the mother thing. i told her that if she touches anything i will go to her room and throw out anything that isn't nailed down#even though objectively i have no reason to oppose her helping me#but i also fucking hate it#maybe being rude is the only way to get it across. but also i get irritated about anything so easily#i feel shittier and shittier every day. had there been an easy and painless way of killing myself i would have done it already#and despite how much i want to blame this on a disorder or lack of access to medication. there is no magic pill that would fix me is there#i'm just a shitty person who cannot get it together despite everything being handed to me#i'm literally bad at anything and everything. i'm not even a good blogger lmao#people have it much worse in life and still do better. me? i'm useless. there's no helping it. i should have died from covid or something#nobody will save me. nobody cares enough. besides one person whom i push away because i can't stand her and i don't even know why 👍#if i stop messaging people first most of them would forget about me#i am alone. a lonely person in a messy room desperately trying to be entertaining so someone will pay a little bit of attention to me.#not to mention the geopolitics#i won't even go there. i hate the possibility that people might see it mentioned and give me shit for it#one more thing that is apparently my fault. directly or indirectly#all i want is to leave this country. spend the day with someone who cares for me like an actual friend. and then shoot myself so i don't#have to go back#sealene.txt
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buysomecheese · 1 year
I forget how simply I can fall into addictive habits and I forget how many things this can be applied to. I forget how much physical contact is compared to a drug and I forget how accurate that comparison often is.
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