#there would be no suspense here
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beif0ngs · 1 year ago
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Huh? Have I never mentioned this to any of you before...? I guess I only told Shanks, Ace and Sabo then.
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strangersteddierthings · 1 year ago
Pumpkin Carving (A Halloween One Shot)
Pumpkin carving and a sleepover. An excuse for everyone to gather together on Halloween now that the Party has decided they're too old to trick-or-treat.
A pumpkin carving station has been set up in the Harrington's giant three car garage. Steve did debate setting it all up in the yard, less cleanup of the pumpkin insides that way, but it was pretty chilly, and Steve wasn't sure how long they'd all take to do the actual carving.
Does pumpkin carving take long?
Steve's never carved a pumpkin so he wouldn't know. There is no universe in which his mother would have allowed a pumpkin in her house, much less under the circumstance of then cutting it open and freeing it of its insides. While Steve has never participated in the act of carving a pumpkin, he knows how it goes. Hypothetically.
He'd needed to know enough to gather all the supplies after all, so a quick call to Robin (along with some gentle teasing and mocking) and he was set.
Eddie arrives first, having been volunteered to go get the pumpkins from the patch. It's not that Steve is scared of the pumpkin patch, or anything, it's just that Eddie's van would be better for transporting them.
Steve tried to offer to unload them, insisting it was only fair since Eddie had to load them, but Eddie just rolls his eyes and gets to work. It's not that pumpkins are extra heavy, but they aren't exactly light. And Steve knows that Eddie thinks Steve doesn't want his help because of how long it took Eddie to heal, but that's not the reason. Steve just...
Steve's just drawn to watching instead of helping when Eddie grabs a pumpkin under each arm, muscles flexing as he tightens his hold enough to keep them trapped between his arms and his sides and now Steve's left wishing, wistfully and not for the first time, that it was his thighs Eddie was wrapping those arms around. That it was him Eddie was hoisting up, perhaps holding against a wall and-
"Am I going to do all the loading and unloading?" Eddie bursts his thoughts by knocking their shoulders together as he passes by, already on his second round of pumpkin unloading.
"What, no, sorry," Steve turns to grab two pumpkins of his own. It's quick work with the two of them, then, to unload, and a short wait for everyone to start showing up.
Some biked, others dropped off by parents. Steve walks out to each car to chat and confirm that yes, of course they can stay the night; they won't be a bother and I'll keep them out of trouble.
Soon enough the garage is full of people, pumpkins, and noise. Lucas and Max have migrated to the corner of the garage closest to the door leading inside to whisper together as Lucas guts two pumpkins while Max describes what she wants on hers. Will and Mike have also set themselves apart to work out whatever it is they plan to carve on their own pumpkins. Dustin, El, Erica, and Eddie have plopped down in the center and just got to work. They aren't coordinating their pumpkins like the couples seem to be doing. They do seem to be taking it the most serious, though, with the absolute silence from all of them, concentration faces fully on.
Steve is off on his own, too. He's taken a seat about five feet from Eddie but he's the furthest from the door. He frowns down at his pumpkin, suddenly feeling embarrassed. He's not sure how to start. What to do.
He looks up from his pumpkin and over to Eddie. He's using a knife to saw around the stem of the pumpkin. Which, duh. Steve should have put that together. There has to be some way to remove the insides easily, so removing the top made sense.
Without trying to overthink it all, Steve stabs into the top of his pumpkin and starts sawing his own circle around the top. It's. Well, it's something. He wouldn't say sawing a circle is fun but it's not tedious and soon enough his knife returns to the starting point and... Hmm. He watches as the bit he just cut around sags into his pumpkin. Eddie's didn't do that.
Steve frowns down at it for a moment before grabbing the stem and pulling the top off. His face wrinkles in disgust at the stringy clump of pumpkin insides that hang from the top and he sets that down to the side quickly. He's realizing now why everyone else chose to wear short sleeves even though it's cold outside as he looks around the garage and sees everyone shoving their hands into the pumpkin, pulling stringy, seedy, strands of pumpkin out.
With a sigh, Steve rolls a sleeve up and plunges his own hand into the holes he's made and almost instantly rips his hand back out. Ew. No. Gross! Wrong! The feeling of the strands breaking under the pressure of his hand, the slightly moist feeling of the inside, the unexpected slipperiness of the seeds, all of it sends a shiver of revulsion up Steve's spine. He makes a soft gagging noise against his own will.
"You gonna be sick?" Eddie asks almost immediately.
"Uh. Oh, yeah," Steve says as he feels his face heat with an embarrassed blush. He can see that all eyes are on him now, which adds to his embarrassment on top of realizing the question he was asked and what he answered. "Wait, I mean no. I'm not going to be sick."
Eddie looks from Steve to his pumpkin, and back up. "Don't like the feeling of pumpkin guts?"
"It was just unexpected is all," Steve defends, even as the thought of sticking his hands back into the pumpkin sends another shiver through him.
"Unexpected," Dustin repeats back. Steve tenses but nothing else follows that. He looks over and Dustin seems to be having a silent conversation with Eddie judging by the stare down.
"Maybe I am gonna be sick," Steve lies, standing quickly and fleeing the garage.
God fucking dammit. Why is he so embarrassed about this? Why is he... he's hiding the fact he's never done this before, and he doesn't know why. They aren't going to mock him for it. Well. Maybe a little, but in the same way Robin did. Tease him because they love him. They wouldn't really be making fun of him. Except maybe Mike but Steve doesn't really care about his opinion anyway. Gave up on that a while ago.
He goes to the kitchen sink on autopilot, scrubbing the gross, now dried and tacky feeling from his hand. He's in the process of drying his hands when a voice startles him.
"Hey man. You okay?"
It's Eddie. Of course, it's Eddie they would send after him.
"Yeah," he turns so his back is to the sink, leaning back against it to look at Eddie.
"You never have to scoop out a pumpkin before? Did someone else do it for you?"
If anyone else had asked, Steve would think it was condescending. Someone mockingly asking after nannies or servants who would do the gross part of pumpkin carving for the little rich kid. But it's Eddie, and he's just curious and sincere. So, Steve says, "nah, man. Just never done this before."
Eddie's browse crinkle in confusion and Steve thinks he's so fucking cute. He wants to kiss the confusion from his brow. "You've never carved a pumpkin before?"
Steve just gives a shake of his head before shrugging. He wants to cross his arms, close in on himself, but it's Eddie. He's trying to not shy away from the people he cares about. He's trying to let them take care of him, too.
(It's been a process, since the defeat of Vecna. Learning to let people care about him. He's better at it these days. Robin said so and if anyone is an expert on him, it's her. He can't always trust his own opinion to be unbiased.)
"I'll scoop out your pumpkin if you still want to give pumpkin carving a try," Eddie offers, a soft, lopsided smile on his face that Steve adores. The bats took a good chunk of his left cheek, and the scarring is heavy, the muscles non-responsive, so every smile is lopsided, but Steve loves them all.
"Okay," Steve says, offering a soft smile in return but doesn't push off the sink. Not until Eddie approaches, taking Steve's wrist and tugging him along.
No one says anything when they return to the garage, nor when Eddie blows past his own pumpkin to sit next to Steve and grab up his pumpkin. Eddie looks down at the hole Steve's carved, a calculated look on his face. It's cleared away soon enough when he smiles as wide as his scarred cheek allows before he gets to work on the pumpkin. He cleans it out thoroughly before handing it back to Steve, then crawls across the floor to retrieve his own abandoned pumpkin, rolling it across the floor as he crawls back.
"Oh, wait. Can you go get me a marker?" Eddie asks, as Steve is examining his pumpkin, trying to imagine a face to go on it.
"Yeah," Steve says, glad to have a moment more to think about the face as he fetches a marker from his father's office.
He returns to most of the kids having already finished their own pumpkins. Unsurprising, considering how much time Steve spent just thinking about carving before he even started.
"Marker," Steve offers it out after he's sat down again, close enough that his knee is touching Eddie's this time.
"Thanks," Eddie takes the marker and adjusts so more of his leg is pressing against Steve's. "So, you can freehand the face if you want, or I could draw you a face to cut out? If you want."
"Oh. Uh, yeah. Yeah, sure," Steve says, shoving his pumpkin towards Eddie who looks delighted by Steve's answer. It doesn't take him long to draw on a face. Triangle eyes, a little rectangle nose, and a wide mouth filled with jagged teeth.
Steve and Eddie carve in quiet, while Steve basks in the warmth of Eddie's leg next to his, touching his. He's never been sure if Eddie likes him back, not enough to announce his own crush, but sometimes... There are times like this that fill him with hope.
Steve doesn't even realize they've been abandoned to the garage until Eddie finishes his pumpkin, which is three bats carved artistically into the side. Steve is impressed, and when he turns to ask if anyone else is, there isn't anyone there.
"Oh. I didn't even hear them leave."
Eddie plops the top of his pumpkin back on, which reminds Steve he needs to do the same. He reaches for his top but Eddie beats him to it, craving the gross mass of sides that was stuck to it off before handing it over it.
Steve sets the top back on the pumpkin, and it immediately drops into the pumpkin. "What. Why did it-?"
"You gotta cut the top into an odd shape or at an angle. Otherwise, that happens. But it's okay. You didn't know, and I know how to fix it. You got some toothpicks in your house?" Eddie says, assuring Steve before he even has time to overthink it.
Can Steve be any more in love with him at this point?
"What?" Eddie whispers, eyes wide and face slowly turning red.
"You just... you, uhh. Did you not mean to say that out loud?"
"Say wha- oh God," Steve registers what he'd thought, or apparently, what he said and now he and Eddie are just staring at each other, wide-eyed and unmoving.
"I'm not going to question if you meant it," Eddie starts slowly, clearly the more brave one of the two, "just. I need to know if you mean it, like, romantically."
"I did. Do. I-" Steve can be brave, too. He can. "I do love you. Romantically."
"Holy shit. I want to pull you in and kiss you so bad but my hands are covered in pumpkin guts and-"
Steve does it for him, both hands grabbing at his face and pulling him in.
His first time carving a pumpkin ends up being fantastic, even counting the kids flooding back into the garage to scream 'finally' at them.
@i-less-than-three-you @nburkhardt @afewproblems
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genericpuff · 1 year ago
In which Persephone is told she can't game the system- (TEXT EDIT)
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no art was edited here, just text to make this more realistic to how this scene WOULD have gone if it was an actual courtroom with real rules LOL I find it a little weird that Rachel wrote a courtroom drama arc like this and then twisted it this much to benefit Persephone because like... clearly she was inspired by courtroom drama shows, and I can't help but wonder if she got all of her basic courtroom knowledge from like, Spongebob or some shit LOL
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shyalia · 2 months ago
Here are the next two entries to my WIP of April's Notebook from The Day the World Broke by @saladmix!
Trypophobia warning! ⚠️
Introducing the Ringer and the Slugget!
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See previous entries:
The Crier and the Walker
The Long Legs and the Swallow
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xhuuya · 4 months ago
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The evidence I presented to my group chat when making the claim that Cait Wouldn't have missed that shot.
If she can hit the bolts off machinery that's moving and trying to kill her and the people around her?
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lbhslefttiddie · 10 months ago
ruminating once again on the concept of murdering shen yuan for fun suspense and ghosty reasons and like. i like the concept of trying to write a murder mystery but fanfiction doesnt really Work for murder mysteries because you know what everyone is about before you read the first paragraph. there's very little mystery to be had in guessing between a set of likely candidates, and a lot of it has less to do with logic and puzzling things out and more to do with judging how the author interprets 7 and also 9 so ive been stuck ruminating on it for ages.
and then earlier i had a stroke of what im not going to call genius because i thought "the best way to add a twist to a scum villain murder mystery!!! would be if the person who murdered shen yuan!! was also shen yuan!!!"
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isan0rt · 9 months ago
Last month one of my neighbors who appeared to be selling their house left a beautiful hardwood table in pieces on the curb as trash that had just. Had the MOST UGLY WHITE PAINT slapped on it in the most slapdash, hideous fashion you've ever seen in your life, which I assume is why they put a 35 year old cherry table on the fucking curb.
Anyway I rescued it and I need everybody to see my refinishing process photos because I am shameless and also extremely proud of this table (I've never refinished furniture before).
Look at my table!!!
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hey-heigo · 1 year ago
the only reason a togiri hannibal au doesn't fully work is because there is no world where byakuya would or could be qualified to work as a therapist. on the other hand i am fully inclined to believe kyoko could go full will graham, sweaty delirium and all, when the right circumstances call for it
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padfootastic · 2 years ago
first he replaced James as the most important person in Sirius's life and now he's taking James whole personality MAKE IT STOPPPPP
quick who’s writing the (body?) horror fic where remus is SO obsessed with sirius, he needs to have him, and knows the one and only obstacle in his life is james potter. so he plots.
he plots, gets into their group, gets close to all of them. but that’s not all. he slowly…very slowly starts replicating all of james’ personality traits, wears them like a winter cloak but all year round. and then, like the slowly boiling a frog situation, he eventually becomes james. the final step: taking over his body. getting rid of the man himself.
until all that’s left is sirius black and james-who-was-once-remus potter. but what’s an identity if u can have the man of ur dreams, the love of ur life?
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daydreamerdrew · 6 months ago
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Iron Man (1968) Annual #4
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writeouswriter · 5 months ago
Convinced Christopher Nolan paid all of you off to give The Prestige that many 10/10 reviews, convinced Christopher Nolan cloned himself a thousand times to give his own movie that many 10/10 reviews, some of you are lying to cinema and to yourselves
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earl-grey-crow · 11 months ago
okay lads what did we think of that
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vogelmeister · 6 months ago
actually one of us is lying being filmed in new zealand actually makes a shit tonne of sense because it's a common thing wherein when tv shows and movies "fake" a setting they understandably try and show as little of the setting as possible (makes sense) and tbh i realised we didnt really see a lot of the town of bayview.
still find it absolutely hilarious that there was an australian pretending to be an american accused of killing an irishman pretending to be american in new zealand pretending to be america. its actually so weird when you think of media that way. the australian played a very good american bad boy but once i knew, yeah that man knows what triple j is.
#also the setting of the pilot felt instinctively more north american than the rest of series one#the pilot was filmed in canada btw#i actually mentioned this in my authenticity problem essay#honestly looking back i can see why i probs didnt get as good of a mark as i had hoped there#because honestly the issues i discuss in that essay are not limited to history. it was a film studies essay#but back to the point of my point of my point#there are these things called authenticity effects which cue an audience into seeing a setting as authenti ceven if its not filmed there#for instance in my essay and the netherlands i basically went okay the iconography of amsterdam like bikes and canal streets helped#(i still think they could have done a better job with language lol)#basically a non dutch viewer (broad audience) would not have to suspend their disbelief but a dutch viewer absolutely would#because the non dutch viewer would go. canals. bikes. yeah this is dutch#i say non dutch viewer but i was absolutely the outlier here#in the case of one of us is lying the typical american high school iconopgraphy of the bleechers helped me go “this is america”#those typically american things werent really there in later episodes#and then what cued me to look at the filming location was the street scene when they confront the teacher#i realised that was one of the first times i actually saw a street scene with houses and suburbia and something felt off#i also remember a show called nine perfect strangers and i couldnt watch it bc it was filmed in australia but they passed it off as america#suspension of disbelief... gone#anyways idk what this post is so yippie
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purrassicjet · 2 years ago
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wewontbesleeping · 1 year ago
maestro getting a nomination for best makeup is astounding to me. the makeup was distractingly bad the entire movie. that is my biggest takeaway from the oscar noms tbh
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 year ago
having thoughts
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