#there was gonna be more to this but i kept jumping ahead and then didnt feel like backfilling what i skipped bc i got upset.
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autisticlalna · 22 days ago
okay heres my best attempt to summarize my feelings abt the finale. fair warning my emotions abt it are still pretty raw
everything's just.. gone.
seeing everything get buried was terrifying. seeing everybody try to escape was terrifying. marm and avid's futile attempts to stop it. milkman and fool's escape falling apart bc only one of them could go.
summertime and yellow are dead. and i wanna take a bit to talk about summertime. because i did really like him. i know viking has talked abt how he didnt like having to try and make a character partway through the season, and scrapping summertime in favor of yellow was definitely a solution to that, but we did get to see a little bit of summertime as a character and he was fun. and i am admittedly going to have an attachment to him bc i started the catboy summertime thing and some of my fav sbk art ive done is of summertime specifically.
i was already kinda joking-coping with the idea of "summertime's fine, he's just wherever navigator is" but like. we dont.. we dont know what actually happened to him. the last we see of him is at the gold farm and thats it. we dont get to find out how yellow got here. we dont get to find out why summertime is the one yellow hijacked. we dont get to find out what happened to summertime. did he get shoved out of his body? did he get suppressed? was he yellow all along and only just "woke up"?
guess we'll never find out! because he's just gone and now yellow in his body is dead!
this is the part i really dont like saying, but the ending bit with legundo just. kinda fucked with me. it hurts to have this buildup of "this world is ending to make a new one", and seeing yellow get fucking crushed, and it ends on a joke with the world being deleted. that's agonizing. that is nine months of work and memories and characters and builds just gone. i dont like it.
and im trying to not be genuinely upset over it, because i get its supposed to be a joke to maybe try and take away the sting of the ending, but it kind of becomes the painful part. it takes away the seriousness and buildup of everything to go "haha it wasnt even worth it". that's fucked up! that's awful! i hate it!
i dont like being critical of things on sbk bc i know the ccs can see it, and i respect them a lot and in the end its their decision to do whatever they want. but i dont like viking's ending, and it's all because of that last-second joke.
goodbye, skyblock kingdoms. i guess it wasn't worth it because you got destroyed for a bad seed.
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bountycancelled · 1 year ago
luke castellan x child of hecate!reader
requested: yep! I hope you like it anon
warnings: allusions about death, but no character dies.
content: yall, it's 1 am rn, and I just wanna go to sleep. it's unedited and nothing bad happens I promise. I'll do a proper content thingy in the morning. pls enjoy while I pass out.
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"you know those kids are probably gonna have nightmares for at least a week, right?"
you didn't need to turn to know who was behind you as you leaned against a tree trunk, toying with a twig in your hands. Luke castellan seemed to have an affinity for interrupting you anytime you found solace in being alone. you didnt know how he just... knew, when and where to find you during times like these, but he always did. you found yourself minding his presence less and less as time when on.
"they should consider themselves lucky, I was debating whether or not I should just summon a ghost for them tonight, but I figured they couldn't handle it, and this camp doesn't have any trauma counselling so." the leaves on the twig in your hand withered at an accelerated place in your hands, and a part of you felt bad. you usually kept your distance from anything living since you knew your touch had the possibility of having an adverse, and sometimes deadly affect, but tonight was just one of those nights.
Luke chuckled at your words, plucking one of the now wilted leaves from the twig in your grasp as he spoke up once more. "you know, I actually want you to help me with something, if you don't mind. I need help deciding whether or not I should do something."
you rolled your eyes, giving him a pointed look. "you know I can't make decisions for you. I don't have the ability to know what consequences you'll have to deal with."
"isn't hacate the goddess of crossroads?" Luke countered, a small smirk on his face. you knew that he was only pestering you because he thought it was funny that you always needed to explain your abilities and your godparent to people, but you couldn't just keep silent at his bait nonetheless.
"that doesn't make me some kind of fortune teller, I can't decide for you which direction to go to when you reach a fork on the path. I just have a vague understanding over what you're currently debating if you should do."
"okay okay, no fortune telling. but can you at least point me in the right direction? it doesn't matter how vague." he asked, and you tilted your head to stare up at the starry sky, because you knew that even in the dark, Luke could convince you to help him with nothing but a pleading glint in his deep eyes.
he didn't relent at tour silence or your avoidance of his gaze, uttering a small "please?" which finally broke your resolve.
you took a deep breath, finally looking at him once again, your face deep in concentration. "not a guide either. but I get the sense that... if you don't do what you're thinking of doing, you'll regret it." you felt a bit lightheaded afterwards, but the tree you were leaning against was enough security for you.
Luke on the other hand didnt seem to think so, showcased by how his hands immediately went to your shoulders in an effort to keep you up, while also unintentionally coming closer. a bit too close for comfort, but you were too foggy for the lack of distance to hit you yet.
he nodded at your advice, biting his lip before speaking once again, not missing the way your eyes flicked towards his lips and then back to his eyes, almost instantaneously.
"then I'll just go ahead and say it, I like you. a lot." he had expected a few different reactions, you immediately jumping into his arms and accepting his confession (his personal favourite hypothesis), you shyly stating that you felt the same way, you being shocked that he had feelings for you at all (he liked to believe that he wasn't entirely obvious) but he didn't expect what you did next.
instead, you blew air from your nose, giving him a look he couldn't quite place. "you have horrible taste. and you're also delusional. we've had maybe 4 conversations the entire we've known each other, and you like me?" you rolled your eyes, shaking your head at the words you were about to utter. "but I guess that makes me delusional too, because I feel the same way."
he pouted at your words, feigning hurt with a hand placed on his chest. "you wound me. if I had known you were gonna be this mean... I would've confessed sooner." he added with a slight smirk, trailing his other hand from your shoulder down to your waist, leaning his face towards yours.
you were quick to shut down his advance, maneuvering your way out of his hold. "one thing you're gonna need to get used to, castellan. no touching. at all. at least, not until I'm sure I can control my ability. you have a goodnight though." you called out as you walked away from a now needy Luke, leaving him leaning against the tree.
he quickly followed after you, trying to plead his case. "no touching? that's insane, how could I not touch you? I'm not afraid of death, especially if it comes from my hands on your body, or vice versa. I'll happily forfeit my life for a kiss. come on, I'm fine with just a peck. actually, no. I take that back. if I'm gonna die, we need to make out before I go."
you simply shook your head, reiterating your rule, unable to stop a grin from forming on your face. you stopped abruptly, turning to face him with a serious look in your eyes. "... okay. but just a peck. im serious."
it was not just a peck. but luckily, Luke made it out alive. (though, he seriously wouldn't have minded if he didn't.)
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tookthe-405 · 1 year ago
On our way
(can we be friends?)
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Next chapter : ̗̀➛
loser!ellie x bsf!reader
a.n : soo this is the Prologue to my first series and it’s hopefully gonna turn out to be a slowburn with a lot of pining, but also a roadtrip !!!
summary: Ellie and readers first time meeting!!! Fluffy and comfort
Warning : traumatic event, a person faints, mentions of hospital, reader is being bullied in some way? and i think thats it but if i forgot something tell meee
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June (8 years ago)
(reader is 9 and Ellie is 10)
readers pov :
You can`t even see the street in front of you, with those tears in your eyes.
Step by step you try to whipe them away but they keep coming back so everything is blurry.
It started pretty simple. The other kids didnt let you play volleyball with them, which didn`t suprise you. They haven´t spoken to you in so long, not even when you tried to talk to them at school break.
A few Months ago your parents had their 20 years Anniversary and their plan was it to celebrate that big. They invited the whole Neighbourhood to your house, they cooked amazing dinner an had their weird music on. Everything was generally fine. Your grandma wanted to pick you up 2 hours later at 6 p.m, so that you you still have some quality time with your parents.
You haven`t seen your parents this happy and excited for something in ages, your whole body relaxed seeing them this careless.
You still remember the view you, sitting on a kitching chair while your father made some milshakes for the guests, when you suddendly heard your mother scream. Hearing this noice from someone you love this much is one of the wost things youve ever expierenced. But not as bad as seeing your big brother unconcious in your mothers arms on the floor. Then everyone and everything moved fast. It felt like your soul left your body for a moment. You weren`t able to move or talk, let alone think. You stood there staring at him till your uncle pulled you aside and drove you in shock to your grandmas.
For a few hours you only cried into your grandmas arms not sure what had happened. She seemed to know but she defentily didnt tell you, she only held you tight and whispered that everyting will be either fine, okay or good. You didn`t believe shit. If no one can even tell you what was wrong with your brother, then it had to be something serious.
Hours later you prarents finally called, saying that they`ll stay at the hospital for the night with your brother. Being left behind and not knowing what was going on exacly kept you up the night, jumping out of your sleep and running to your grandmothers bed with tears in your eyes.
The next day your brother was standing in the door, looking like a ghost. Pale, without much emotions in his face and for a second you actually thought he wasn`t real.
He didn`t talk to you at all, the whole time staring straight ahead at nothing. Your father took the both of you to the car, while your mother talked with you grandma, and told you that your not allowed to tell anyone what happened. That confused you even more, because what had happened? You asked that the whole ride home but everyone kept being quiet, even your brother who sat next to you would just stare out the window in silent.
Turns out the kids in school still heard about it from someone and now everyone is either ignoring or whispering about you. Mia, a girl from your class who you considered a friend, told you that she wasn`t allowed to talk to you anymore. She didnt know why, just that her parents had told her that.
You exepted to be left out after a few weeks, but this time it just seemed harder to ignore. Your whole class was on a beach trip today, even the teachers agreed to it and after a while you realised that there was nothing and no one there for you.
When you felt the tears running down your cheeks you just left, because if anyone would see you crying then they woudn`t ever talk to you again for sure.
You`re sure that no one saw you leave, or even the teacher didn`t care about you as much anymore.
The warm summer air is blowing your hair back a bit and you could hear the gentle waves of the ocean. Your head turns around and now your in a little neighberhood but still close enough to see the sea, so for sure not that lost.
"hey you!"
You wince and your head spins for a bit, trying to find out where the voice came from, now staring at a girl?
she has very short auburn hair, cut in a bowl form, and is around your age. Her green eyes are peer right into your soul and she is just sitting in front of a house on the grass, with a comic in her hands.
Of all the things that you notice about this girl, her lightning McQueen crocs were the first.
You frowned, but she just kept gawking at you like it was the most normal thing in the world. Any other girl wouldn't have allowed herself to do something like that, or at least it would be embarrassing for her, but not this girl. Boys can do whatever they want, it will be avenged with something.
“He’s just so silly”
“He’s a boy of course he would do something like that”
“It’s okay it’s not his fault, boys are like that”
Girls don't. We're always not doing something right.
“How embarrassing, god be more mature”
“Now she’s trying to be funny”
“All the hormones must be the reason your this way, right?”
For a few moments the both of you are just staring at each other, you with an uncertain look on your face and she studying you.
"did joshua sent you?" she asks with an suspicious expression.
"Who`s joshua?"
"a dick" the girl answers, focusing on her comic again.
A giggle left your lips and she looked up at you again, grinnig slightly.
"he`s a guy from my school who said i stole his pencil. Since then he just keeps ringing on my door and running away. Its annoying and now im just sitting here waitig for this coward to show up"
you`ve never seen her before, so you are probably not even at the same school but something makes you stay anyway. Theres no reason to ask her anything else, you dont know the guy she looks for and you dont even know each other. But shes the first person in long time who atually speaks to you normally.
"did you stole it?"
Your eyes meet and a smug look appears on her face again.
"so why are you crying?" she lets her comic down beside her on the grass.
"oh wow! your`re only realising it now?" maybe you don’t look that bad and can go back in a while, lets face it you have no where to go.
"nah but i wanted to make sure you’re not one of joshuas little sister or something first"
Your hopefull smile dies.
"how old is he? I’m sure I’m his age"
" hes 9"
"see, me too"
her brows go up in sarcastic shock.
"could’ve sworn you were 7"
"huh?!" you gasps irritated
"kidding. so why are you crying?" the girl asks again.
you don’t know how to answer that and you were too embaressed to even think about it.
"I really wanted to play volleyball" you kind of lie.
she nods, understanding apperantly, even tho you don’t know one person who would actually cry because of not being able to play volleyball.
"we can fix that" she gets up quicker than you can react to her decision.
"what do you mean" you grab the end of your shirt nervouse and shy of this fast, new situation. you’ve just met each other?
" i have a volleyball in the garage and the beach is down the street? we can play a bit if you want to" her cheeks turn pink and you smile happy. She sounded genually interested in spending time with you, you can hear her own nervousness in the way her voice breaks at the end.
"yeah that would be... pretty nice. Um whats your name?"
You follow her to The garage, she walked way more confident than you ever did and she was a bit taller too.
"Ellie, yours?”
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a.n: gonna start writing chapter 1 and it’ll hopefully be out in a week btw my inner feminist was showing up there for a sec idk if 9 year olds relate to that sorry (idc)
Anyways hope you guys liked it and there will be smut in the future sooo mdni!!
would be sweet if you rebloggg (🙏)
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kindnessisweakness2 · 11 months ago
The next morning Emily drove her truck into Teller Morrow. Clutching the warm coffee in her hand she rolled her eyes at Cara for the millionth time that morning. "Im sorry Em! We didnt mean to keep you awake." Emily nodded at her best friend as she slumped back in the seat. She was grumpy in the morning. Especially since she had no sleep last night from Juice and Cara's long goodbye, if thats what you want to call it. 5am they finally quit it. It didnt matter how many times Emily banged on the wall, screamed at them to shut up or shoved a pillow over her head. Nothing could drown out Cara's loud Moans. "Im gonna miss him so bad." Emily groaned as she faceplanted her steering wheel. "Cara i love you. But please get out and give me five minutes peace." Emily didnt lift her head but she knew from the sound of the door opening and shutting, she left. God she could just fall asleep right there.
Not even 2 minutes later a knock on the window made her jump out of her skin, almost spilling hot coffee over her lap. Looking up she saw a smiling Jax. His face pressed against the window in a funny expression, nose squished. She couldnt help but smile at him. Shaking her head she rolled down the window. His face returned to normal as he threw his arms on the roof of her car and leaned in. He only wore a white t-shirt, his leather and a pair of jeans. Her breath hitched in her throat as she watched the muscles in his arms flex and his shirt rise to show his hips. The delicious V she would love to run her lips over. "Morning Darlin'" She smiled wide at him as she leaned back taking a sip of her coffee. "I heard Juice kept you up all night. Do you want me to put a stop to him coming over?" The look on his face told her he was serious. "No! its fine, honestly. Cara would never forgive me. She really likes him. I just need to start booking a hotel so i can escape the fuck fest and actually sleep." Emily rubbed her dry eyes, she knew she looked awful. Black tracksuit bottoms, a white cropped vest and a black zip up hoodie covered her body. Her hair was down and straight and not one bit of make up covered her face. She didnt really care what she looked like when she got dressed this morning, pulling anything on. Now she kicked herself for it. Here he was looking like a God even in simple clothes and she looked like a tramp. "Nah you wont need a hotel darlin. You can always stay at mine when you wanna get away." Emily could feel herself going red, but before she could say anything Jax pulled her car door open. "Come on, moms made breakfast." Jax threw his arm around her shoulder as she got out of the car. They made their way into the clubhouse under the watchful eyes of many.
Emily couldnt wipe the smile off her face when she was greeted by the guys. Hugs from Opie and Chibs, high five from Happy and even a nod from Clay and Bobby who were deep in convosation. Jax couldnt wipe the grin off of his face either. He loved how the guys liked her already, how nice she was for them. Made him like her even more. Jax pulled out a seat for her at the table where the guys sat and disappeared into the kitchen where his mom was. Emily winked at Cara who was currently sat on one of the many sofas on Juice's lap, giggling as his hands wandered up the back of her shirt. God these next few days Cara is going to be miserable without him. Seriously good sex with Juice had her falling in love already and it had Emily worried. Cara being here was only meant to be temporary. She didnt want either of them hurt. "Here you go Pocket." Jax placed a massive plate down infront of her with a fresh cup of coffee. Sitting down next to her he stole bacon from her place and flashed her a toothy grin. "Fuck how hungry do you think i am?" Emily shook her head before stabbing at the scrambled egg with a fork. "Its for us to share. I've got a long ride ahead." Jax kissed the side of her head before sipping her coffee and handing it to her. Emily's stomach felt like it wanted to burst, releasing all the butterflies he made swirl. Fuck. He knew what he was doing to her. He had to.
20 minutes later, Clay moved to the door of the clubhouse shouting that they were to leave in 15 minutes. That cut the laughter across the clubhouse short. Emily couldnt help the smile dropping from her face. Jax squeezed her thigh trying to offer some comfort. Standing up he threw his arm around her shoulders as he always did and lead her outside to his bike. All the families started to gather outside to say goodbye to their men. "So how long are you away for?" Emily asked as Jax let her perch on the seat of his bike. He lit a cigarette leaning back against the railing behind him. Emily couldnt help but think about how attractive he looked when he was smoking. The way his perfect lips would wrap around the filter and form a perfect O to blow out the smoke. "Shouldnt be no more than 3 days." She nodded and smiled at him softly. "Nice friendly visit, yeah?" She looked at him dead in the eyes as he froze. She didnt know where she got the confidence to ask but she would be a liar if she said she wasnt worried for their safety. Emily wasnt stupid. There'd be no need for such a big club presence if they werent expecting trouble. Emily stood from the bike at the sight of Clay and Gemma walking their way. "Ready VP?" That seemed to shock Jax out of his frozen state. Nodding at Clay he threw the cigarette on the floor, crushing it beneath his pristine Nike trainers. Emily looked down the row of bikers kissing and loving their families as if it was the last time they'd see them. Her stomach dropped at the thought of something bad happening to Jax. She felt stupid, He wasnt hers to worry about. Spotting Cara's long brown hair at the bottom of the row as she hung over a smiling Juice, kissing the life out of her. She worried about Juice too. All of them even. Cara would never get over it if anything happened to Juice and she'd grown to really like the rest of the guys. Her and Happy's talks about Ink, Opie and Chibs love for her food that made her feel good, Halfsacks innocent but puppy like manner as he often put his foot in his mouth, but did as he was told. She hadn't had much interaction with Bobby, Piney and Clay, but maybe that was for the best. She had brought trouble to their door on more than one occasion because of Noah and her temper. They probably werent as forgiving as the younger members of the club.
Feeling Jax move beside her she stepped out of the way allowing him to straddle his bike. She watched him as he clipped his helmet and started his bike. The sound made her wince. There was nothing like the sound of a Harley. Leaning down so he would be able to hear her over the rumble, Emily moved her hand to cover his. "i dont know what's going down in Nevada. But what i do know is I need you to come back in one piece." Pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, Emily tried to savour the moment. Just incase something did go wrong. Which she hoped to god it wouldnt. "Ride safe, Teller" were the last words she could manage before her throat got thick and the familiar sting started in her eyes. With one last squeeze of his hand, Emily moved to stand with the rest of the women and children who were waiving their men off.
And with one last look in those baby blues, the men disappeared from the lot.
Here is another part loves!
I really hope you enjoy. As always please let me know what you think and where you would like this to go!
Love all messages and comments!
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fandom-changer · 2 years ago
A Visit with scp-999
Skeppy opened the door and walked down the driveway.He opened the mailbox and picked up a letter. "Hmm?" He opened the letter and read. "SCP foundation visit?" Skeppy said, thinking. "Hmm, I have a fun idea.." He walked up the driveway and opened the door.
"Bad! Come here real quick!!" He yelled. "Coming Skeppy!!" Bad got up from his chair and walked to the door where Skeppy stood. "Yeah? Whats up?" He asked. "You wanna go to the SCP foundation?" Skeppy asked, holding up the letter. "Oh? Sure i guess!" Bad opened the door and ran outside.
They were driving in the car, 10 minutes away from the SCP foundation. "Oo! Can I play a song?" Bad asked. "I guess" Skeppy answered. Bad connected his phone to the car and hit media. He started playing a song. "Its muffin time!" Started playing on volume 23. "Really bad?!" Skeppy laughed.
They pulled into the parking lot and walked into the large building. "This is so cool!" Bad exclaimed as they walked around. A woman in a suit met with them suddenly. "Hello! You must be Skeppy and BadBoyHalo, right?" She asked. "yep! Thats muffin head and me!" Bad said. "HEY!!" Skeppy hit him lightly with his arm." "Ihihihim sorry!" He laughed.
She walked them around and showed them all the SCP's. She talked about them. "Oo! Pretty!" Bad said as he looked at SCP-096. "Dont look at him for long." Said the woman. They kept walking until they got to a room. "This is one of the only scp's you can interact with. Go ahead in, I have to go for like, half an hour. " she exclaimed. She opendd the door and walked off. "Huh, whats this one?" Bad asked. Skeppy looked at the door and knew his plan was gonna work.
Bad looked around when he heard some light squeaks. He jumped back and walked around frantically. "are we gonna die?!" he yelled. A orange blob suddenly crawled towards him. He screamed and jumped into Skeppy's arms. "and you said you werent a scaredy cat, i was" Skeppy laughed. "I-shut up.." Bad flustered.Skeppy put him down and he backed up.
The orange blob danced towards him, and he was really worried. Suddenly, the blob jumped onto him and pushed him down. It laughed and bad started to smile. "whats this feeling I feeeEEEEEELL!!!!!" Bad was interupted by a vibrating feeling. He felt this tickly feeling everywhere. He looked down.
The orange blob had covered his entire body neck to shoe. He was embarrassed but couldnt hold back his laughter. "WHAHHAHAHAHAHAT IS THIHIHIHIHIS?! STAHAHAHAHAHAP!!!" Bad yelled, trying to move. Skeppy smiled and blushed at his demon friend kicked and fought.
"SKEEHEHEHEHEHEPHEHEHEHEHEEY!!! HEHEHEHEHEHEHELP MEHEHEHEHEHE!!!" He laughed. "I CAHAHAHAHAHANT DOHHOHOHOHO THHIHIHIHIHIS MUCH LONGEHEHEHEHEHER!!"! "Sorry bad, I like this." Skeppy laughed. The blob got up and slithered to his food bowl, full of candy.
Bad was out of breath. Skeppy walked over to him and held his hand out. "Thanks.." He said, panting. Skeppy walked him to the door and left. The woman came back then. "Oh! did you guys have a good time?" She asked. "Yeah" Skeppy answered. "999 tickled the shit outta muffin man over here." She laughed and bad glared at skeppy.
They walked outside and got in the car. Bad didnt talk half the ride before asking if he can play his song. "You know, I bet I could get more laughter outta you at home~" He smirked. "WHAT?! NONONONONOONONONONO PLEASEEE" He whined. Skeppy just smiled.
An hour this took, but I feel like I made it shorter than intended.
Thanks for reading!
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danteswaginferno · 2 years ago
Giant humongous post about tfbw
okie dokie back to tfbw posting! i just finished my first playthrough (it took me 19.5 hours lawl) i absolutely missed a shit ton of side quests and stuff in the game, but my first playthrough of games i always do blind with no walkthrough so i can experience it raw 
im definitely gonna do a second run through of the game, this time with a guide to fill in any gaps i missed on my first playthough! i probably wont be getting 100 percent cuz thats wayyy too much effort but whatever  overall i really, really enjoyed it! i think i prefer tsot just a little bit more, since i like the gameplay and story flow a little more (i got lost way more often with what exactly i had to do/what i could do in tfbw) but i LOVED the combat system like way more than i was expecting in the first place. i think tsot has a beat out a little bit in that regard too, but thats just because i prefer slightly more casual gameplay over high-strategy gameplay.  i did about 80% of the battles with scott malkinson LMFAO as soon as i got him as a playable chr he never left my roster unless it was a fight that forced him out of my party lmfao. hes just too good i loved him. near the end my party was almost always stan scott and alternating jimmy and cartman. i was really excited about clyde because i love health drain moves/chrs but he kept fucking dying no matter what i did so he got booted LMFAO  but seriously i LOVE the combat system. its really fun and it really made me think super hard on some fights. spoilers for some of the fights up ahead i just wanna talk about them..  the towlie fight was really fun, i just kept cartman on fire the entire battle and made him run around. i felt kinda bad but it worked really well since he’s kind of a tank
all the battles with that stupid timer stressed me the fuck out since im not super good at split second decisions (so like some of the battles in maphestos lab and the eldrich god fight) but it was still fun to do. 
the story was pretty good! i was never bored playing, confused sometimes yes but never bored. near the end i got a little fucked up with all the time jumping and i kinda lost the plot but once i got my bearings back i thought it was a pretty well done segment.  i wish there were more fast travel flags. the map is way bigger than in tsot so idk why they didnt add MORE fast travel flags. (there are 12 fast travel locations in tsot and 11 in tfbw if i recall correctly) i thought i was going insane. i think 3 hours of my total gameplay time was just like walking around.  TLDR i really enjoyed it! i think there are definitely some improvements that could be made but overall 8/10 i will be replaying to get my 45 dollars worth of gameplay out of it. what ive learned is that i love scott malkinson more than life itself and he’s awesome
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halfacowboy · 2 years ago
Drunk dude at a bar: haha you know one time i saw a sheep get on the bus with me haha. Yeah- yeah he was waiting at the bus stop and just stepped onto the bus- yeah! Yeah he just stepped on like he owned the place. And he sorta looked around dumbly like- like sheep are want to do, you know? And the door closed and the bus kept going and he walked down the aisle toward me- and he- this sheep didn't have a bell. I mean, not even an ear tag and i thought- i thought. Who owns a sheep and doesn't even tag it? Thats how you lose a sheep on a bus, you know. Anyways, the sheep he, he was walking down towards me and he- he kinda sniffed the seat across the aisle from me. And- and i didn't even know how he was gonna get up there. I mean i didnt even know if sheep could jump. And. And the thing put his two front hooves on the seat and. And jumped- i mean i was flabbergasted i had just seen a sheep take a seat on the bus. But he landed. He landed kinda wrong. And he was sprawled out on the seat. But then. And get this. Then the thing sits up and i mean sits up like a person. And he kinda gets settled and just. Just stares ahead like any othe passenger and well- i mean i was staring. That might have been rude of me but i mean come on. There was a sheep sitting on the bus and he chose the aisle seat for gods sake. The worst seat, but i guess it was to this ones liking.
Well we sit like that for a bit but then the thing turns to look at me. And i see a spark of recognition in its gaze and he- get this. He opens his maw and he speaks ahah. He speaks and though i dont understand the words i see his soul through the sounds and i cannot see anything but his eyes. His empty soulful eyes and i start to get lightheaded as more and more of his soul is bared to me and i can feel that this is not a one-way street. He can see my soul and he thinks it is beautiful. And those glassy eyes bore into me. And streaks of crimson are cascading from his eyes. Bright and new and bottomless. He has my life in his core. And i have his. And we are gazing at eachother like we hold the secrets of the universe.
And he blinks.
And get this. I wake up in a feild and i can see my childhood home on the horizon. And - and it feels like i have finally awoken for the first time in my life.
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rightxonxmain-archived · 1 year ago
Now Roxie wasnt the best at picking up tones. Picking up when she pushed too many buttons or hit the wrong nerve. But you know who was good at that? Furball. The women were connected in more ways than one, so she utilized this for her benefit when the moment called for it and this was one of them. Roxie could tell he wasnt lying but it wasnt her place to forgive him.
Hearing the man out on the other line, she rolls her eyes. "Okay. Just making sure. Im her sister Roxie, so be lucky I picked up this phone first. I believe you but its up to her to believe you. She would have hung up with how pissed she is. It has plenty to do with that I am afraid. I can give you a few secrets while shes out." Roxie starts, putting the phone on her shoulder and filing her nails. "You are dealing with a dangerous woman when shes angry. She hasnt had the best life or experience with men, whatever she told you only scratches the surface. I wont go into too much detail as its not my place to say but I will say she hates to be made to feel stupid. She hates feeling crossed. She hates feeling like she couldnt see something coming 20 paces ahead of her. In this case, even if you didnt cheat, her anger was placed on not figuring out your truth earlier. So she became violent."
She kept checking to see if Onyx stirred but the woman was out cold. She snorts when he makes a comment about witches not being real. "Oh boy she hasnt told you shit has she? Let me tell you something, that earthquake you felt when she was upset, that was her. When a certain kind of woman with unexplainable powers gets angry, her magic gets angry with it. So it reacts accordingly. I suggest you check the lobby and hallway of your apartment since she leaves a trail wherever she goes when shes that angry." Roxie continued, shrugging her shoulders and yawning, switching elbows to focus on filing the other nail.
As Brian gets irritated, she laughs. "Oh you are adorable. Im not the one whose gonna hang you by your lower intestines and let the ceiling fan run on high, watching as your body shuts down. Thats what would satisfy her if she believes you are lying even an ounce." Roxie checks again to see if her sister is still sleeping, thank god she is. "Word of advice loser, you dont conduct business over the phone. Feels disingenuous. You should come and meet her face to face because she will rip the phone off the hook, find you, and shove it up your ass for even attempting this over the line. Makes it worse that days have passed before you responded as well so dont be a pussy. Now heres the address." Roxie replies, giving him the address and looking over her nails satisfied.
"Bring some white roses and the album you both grabbed when you first met. Im giving you an hour. Hurry up." And before he could reply, she hangs up the phone, heading over to Onyx who was already awake at this point, she threw a knife at her which Roxie narrowly missed. "What did you do?" Onyx asked in a menacing tone. "Im helping you rebuild your relationship. I know you still like him and he isnt lying about what he did." Roxie said calmly, taking the knife out of the wall and giving it back to her. Onyx narrows her eyes at her. "That isnt the truth sis. I know it isnt."
"You really want the truth?! Im sick of you and him playing chicken from keeping secrets all the damn time! Go upstairs and shower, make yourself look pretty and makeup already! Im so sick of the both of you, I would take dealing with that whining bitch upstairs than deal with anything else you both have going on!" Roxie yells and Onyx promptly throws a knife at her shoulder, pinning the redhead to the wall by her shirt. "Stop name calling Rockelle around me. If I tell you again, that knife is going in your eye. So in other words he didnt cheat did he?" Onyx groans and starts upstairs. "Maybe quit jumping to conclusions and see the truth rather than your belief! Hurry up he will be here in an hour!" Roxie calls after Onyx stomping up the stairs. "OH SHUT UP IM GOING!"
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Brain was a little hurt by Roxie's accusations; Brian had every intention of coming after her (not to mention Aylmer wasn't going to stand for anything else) and physically being present but she had made very serious-sounding threats to his life when she raged out of the apartment and he didn't think showing up unannounced would be taken well.
Also, he needed the address, if this was a good lead. Which it was. But he wouldn't have known that unless he called. As for using the footprints for a trail, he had been too out of it, mentally, to think to check out the damage done to the rest of the apartment complex. Besides, it wasn't smart to attract more attention to himself or his blue roommate. Better to pretend they had nothing to do with it.
"White roses, Syd... I'll be there..."
Brian took the bus to Rockelle's, having to change stops two or three times. He didn't want anyone to be able to form a pattern out of his trip, or follow him straight to the house. Aylmer was on good behaviour, though his stomach did make loud noises which Brian had to explain as his own skipped lunch. When they were alone again, Brian promised to feed him something smarter than a calf or a chicken. Maybe a dog, or a monkey. No promises.
The parasite was annoyed, having to share Brian's coat with the requested bouquet, but his troubles would soon be over, and with any luck he'd never have to see another flower again.
Before walking up to the doorstep, Brian took a moment to tie the cassette (yes, the same one they'd listened to, not a new copy) to the bundle of buds with a gold velour ribbon and practiced holding them out in a way that might dissuade any unheeded reckoning towards him.
"Just stay down until I tell you to come out," he warned the parasite. "If they're really witches like you say they are, we shouldn't take any chances... They could come after you and try to keep you for themselves if you're not extremely cautious..."
Brian felt a jab from Aylmer's teeth, and he looked up from his coat to see Roxie glaring out from the front door. Aylmer's quick thinking got Brian to shut up before it was discovered that he hadn't come alone. Of course they didn't know that Onyx had already informed the household about Aylmer and the special bond he and Brian shared.
smolcuriouskitten // cont'd [ x ]
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Brian didn't face Onyx straightaway but gradually turned his head towards the woman he loved. He knew that making eye contact wasn't an imperative since she seemed to never change her expression (usually) and therefore it wasn't easy to read her reaction to what was being said to her.
Still, he had called her in here and now he was obligated to treat this like an actual civil conversation.
"Well, that's kind of just it-"
The young man practically recoiled when he saw that grin which was, unfortunately, getting to be more and more characteristic. It was also a bit of a 'war flashback' moment for him, as he could recall breaking out into maniacal smiles for no reason at all starting with his connection to Aylmer.
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"You and he have been doing an awful lot of talking lately..." Brian sighed, still in the dark as to the light shooting out of his head. Right now he had a rig of saran wrap and tape over it to keep the elements out, but he knew that would only get him so far. Needless to say, hats were a must when out in public. His brother Mike was bringing new fashions over weekly.
"I just don't want you going down the same path as I have, Onyx... And I don't want more trouble for Aylmer, either... It's not any secret how much I've had to pay the cops to keep quiet about things as they are..."
The parasite was indeed incapacitated, currently swaddled and sipping chicken brains from a blender cup with a straw, but the severed link between himself and Brian had caused an additional phenomenon; he could now hear all of Brian's thoughts! Even from another room!
Needless to say, the attempted co-conspiring taking place in the bathroom caused unhappiness to swell inside of his blue body. Onyx was his only recourse during these tough times, this he believes wholeheartedly... Aylmer didn't actually posses a heart, instead a heart-like part called the aortic arch, but that's neither here nor there. All that mattered was his will to pit Onyx against Brian because Brain, bless him, was of little to no use anymore.
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bloodycassian · 3 years ago
Hot Spring
Fem!Reader x Cassian smut - the long awaited hot spring fic. N S F W
Three days of flying. Three days of frozen wasteland wind on your wings. Your body ached. It didn't bother to shiver anymore. Cassian was coasting lower and lower, his feet nicking the tips of trees before he lifted himself back up. You could tell his wings were stiff too.  "Break." You called weakly, your shoulders were pulling inwards. It was well past time for a stop. "Thank the Mother." You heard him mutter ahead. You smiled. He hated being to first to call for break. You could tell you were drawing closer to the Middle each day, but you had opted to take a wide berth around the mountain. It added a day to the trip. A day of pelting ice against your sore body and wings.  "I'll get some wood." He said once you landed. He flared his wings out, groaning at the strain. You watched the massive arches of them fold back in slowly, and felt the relief of it second hand. His face was blissful when he opened his eyes. He grinned tiredly and headed to the forest to collect branches. You couldn't ignore the way that groan ignited a bit of heat between your legs. You were grateful he left before he could scent it on you. You tried gathering as many small dry sticks and tinder as you could. After the storm that had hit, it was difficult. You dusted off your hands on your pants and sighed, not bothering to make a fire pit. It would likely not be happening with such damp timber.  His yell made you jolt upright. "Cass?" You called. Your voice seemed muffled against the trees. Too quiet, too alone. Your heart stuttered with the adrenaline kicking in. No response from him. You started to run, tearing through ferns and branches as you went. Some vines cut your palms but you kept calling for him. "Cass!?" He was grinning when you found him. Stupidly, gleefully grinning. "What the hell Cass?" You breathed, your body aching. The run was exhausting. You legs strained to keep you up after jumping over so many obstacles. He began pulling off his tunic, to which you cleared your throat, trying to excuse yourself to look away. Embarassment stained your cheeks. "Dont be shy, come on." He waved you over, noting the way he took off his pants like he was ready to fu-You cut off the thought before it could spawn more wicked ones. You squinted over his shoulder, following his finger. Then you burst into chaotic laughter.  He was fully naked by the time he reached the steaming pool of water. A sight that you wished you could save in your memory forever. His tanned muscled body moving so gently to ease into the water. You followed him in with ease, the rushing heat in your veins from the sight of him making it much easier to undress with him there. You were again grateful for the distance between you. You prayed he didnt catch a whiff of your pheromones before you entered the water. You wanted to keep it strictly professional with him, despite the attraction you felt there. Besides that, he acted plainly uninterested daily.  You did catch the slight color change of his cheeks when you dipped into the spring though. + The hot spring was steaming against the cold air. Snow melted a few feet above the heat rising. The murky water was just big enough to fit you and Cassian fully, wings out. Soaking them was a relief enough to make you groan when you stepped in. Cassian had done the same, flexing his wings out and sighing once fully submerged.   It was a comfortable space... or it would have been, if you were clothed. Your leg bumped his and you felt embarrassment and anxiety race to your cheeks. You looked to the snow covered trees around you, avoiding eye contact. Avoiding acknowledging that you were both within feet of each other, naked.  Thankfully, the storm seemed to break after a few minutes in the hot spring. The winds no longer whipped at your exposed skin, and birds began singing in the trees far in the distance. The skies were dark still, a looming threat of more ice or rain.  "We need to leave first thing in the morning." Cassian sighed, wiping water from his face. He splashed some on his neck. Making his tanned skin gleam in the overcast light coming through. You swallowed hard, trying not to stare at him. At his exposed skin or the biceps that flexed while he massaged his shoulders. "We dont need to talk about that right now." You dismissed, sinking further down in the water. His leg bumped yours again and you tried your best to ignore it. The water rippled around your hands when you lifted them to your hair, rinsing it without getting it fully soaked.  "You're gonna freeze when we get out of here." He laughed, making the water ripple. You didnt care, the water felt better than anything you'd ever experienced. Your hair could fall off for all you cared. Your wings sung in approval at the heat soaking into them. Your bones felt finally at ease. You must have made a sound of approval, because Cassian cleared his throat and looked away nervously. "What's the matter General?" You laughed, giddy on the feeling of warmth again. "Afraid of-" He cut you off with a dark stare before you could continue.  "Afraid of you attracting some wild male beast to us? A bit yes." He adjusted his legs again and you didnt miss the way he seemed to turn his lower half away from you. You smiled wickedly. His cheeks went red. "And you're not a wild male beast?" You asked, voice low. Maybe it was the water, but warmth not only surrounded you but was creeping between your legs even more than before. You could feel him staring at you, could feel the heat that seemed to bore into you with his eyes. Your eyes locked with his and his flared, only slightly. Wings tucked in, and he straightened himself in the hot bath. His nipples hardened in the cold air.  "Is that what you think of me?" His voice was deeper, it rumbled down your spine in a way that made your toes curl.  You dared not answer, that wicked grin on his face made you want to challenge him. "What if I did?"  That was all he needed. He stood, the water steaming off him in the cold. The water barely covered his hipbones, and you tried your hardest not to glance any further down. "I guess I'd just have to prove it to you." He came close to you, and leaned down. Close enough you could feel his warm breath against your cold cheek. Your skin flushed. Then he shook his damp hair out right there. Splashing you with cold droplets. You shielded yourself and glared. When he straightened and tilted his head back to laugh you rose, caught his hair in a hand and yanked his head back. You didnt think about what you were exposing until his hands were on your hips. Balancing you together. your gaze flew to his throat, how it bobbed when before he spoke. You could barely hear him over your heart pounding in your ears. His thumbs dug into you slightly, squeezing in such a gentle delicate way. "I'd say you might like this. Having control." His eyes were dark, and the slight color in his cheeks made your breath almost knock out of you at the words. "And what if I do?" "Then I'd say do whatever. You cant break me." You loosened your grip in his hair and he posed over you, hovering. Waiting to strike. Waiting for your approval to do so. You traced a finger from his chin, down his neck, to his perfectly sculpted chest and abs... Then lower. You didn't touch his hardness, not yet. You teased, tracing your fingers around his most sensitive areas. Around his thighs under the water, the soft curve of his ass. He hissed at the lack of touch. You pressed closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck.  He stuck. In a frenzy he took your chin and angled your lips to him. His tongue entered your mouth in a slow, delicate way that did not match how his body moved. He wrapped his arms around you and hauled you up, out of the pool with ease. His growl of approval when you pulled on his hair again sent flutters down your stomach.  He brought you to a nearby cave, ducking under thick shrubbery that covered the entrance. He never stopped kissing you. It was surprisingly warm inside, and the bag he had carried lay beside a few rocks set up for a fire. "I thought you were looking for firewood, not a place to stay." You scolded between his soft lips meeting yours.  "I figured you'd appreciate this more." He breathed a shaky laugh and set you down, guiding you gently to the floor. He practically drooled at the sight of you splayed before him, and his hands traced your thighs with surprising delicacy that you were beginning to expect of him. "I'll show you what a wild male can do." He purred, then began kissing down your stomach. He lapped a tongue over your hipbones, one lick over each side. His cock twitched at the reaction he earned from you.  Gods he didnt know how much he really wanted you until this finally happened. He didnt think just being naked with you would make him so needy. It was a struggle not to take you then and there, but he wanted to enjoy the sensations. He wanted to make your time alone last. He wanted to make you scream and beg on his tongue. He wanted this potential one time opportunity be worth it. He pinched one of your nipples, rolling it in his fingers. You let you a soft moan, and he cursed. "Cassian-" You breathed when his other hand slid between your legs. He cupped you, his fingers playing softly with the folds of your wetness. "Fuck baby-" He sighed, trying to ignore the aching of his cock.  His thick fingers teased your entrance. You ground down on him, begging for any sort of friction. The heat your pussy throbbed with was begging for anything he could give. "So impatient." He tisked, but finally relented. He pushed a finger inside you, curling it ever so slightly. "Mother above... you're so tight." He palmed his cock, spreading the precum over his length.
His dark hair tickled your belly when he lowered his lips to you, circling over your clit. You bucked into him, begging for more. He flattened it against you, testing, teasing. All the ways he wanted to play with you, and he didnt have the time. The patience to do it. He cursed the Cauldron and the Mother herself for such an unfortunately timed opportunity. He lapped at you finally, in rhythm with his pulsing finger. 
You could have screamed, you could have begged for more and more and more to be inside you. But you didn't want to give him the satisfaction so early. You eyed his cock, and reached for it. Before you could grasp his thick length though, He hauled you upward. lifting your bottom half off the ground and pulled you to his mouth, drinking you in so deeply that he hoped the taste of you would never leave his tongue. 
Your hips bucked into him, and his finger pulled out gently. He held you to him, his tongue darting inside your pussy and lapping at it. He hummed in approval, like a starving male. "I'm going to-" You panted, feeling yourself get closer and closer to coming with each passing of his tongue over you. Then he stopped. Abruptly, as if he knew how close you were and wanted to really make you burn. Your broken sigh of displeasure was quickly cut off by his tongue entering your mouth, spreading your own juices on you. It was sloppy, and fast. He laid down and pulled you over him. 
Straddling his hips, you drug your nails down his chest in a long slow line. He smiled wickedly, and his hands palmed your ass. "Do whatever you want, baby. I'll take care of you." He promised. You hummed in approval and pushed back against his cock, teasing his head at your entrance. "Mother above..." He sighed, feeling the heat there. Your core coiled, begging to take him right there. But you wanted to torture him as he had done to you. 
You slid down, and lowered your mouth to his tip. His scent mixed with yours in the filthiest of ways, and it made you go into a frenzy of heat. Burning more than before, you took his cock in your mouth in one go. You let his spit mixed with yours slide down his cock, and palmed his balls. He panted, and his ass tensed, trying to push deeper into your mouth. You held him down, and pulled up from his length enough to catch his eyes. "Fuck-" he moaned, and his head landed back on the stone under you. A spurt of precome slicked his tip, and you hummed around him. 
"Get up." He pulled at your hair, his hands flying to your hips and placing you perfectly over his cock. "I need you." He said, voice a gravely tone. You smiled, enjoying the words and the sight of him so flustered. You couldn't deny you were on the verge of breaking down too. 
"What do you say?" You said, lowering on to him ever so slowly. He sucked in a sharp breath and groaned when you stopped halfway down his incredible length. "Please-" He begged. "Please fuck me. Please. I need you." The words made you melt fully. And you seated yourself on him, like a lock sliding into place. He filled you so perfectly so right. It made your head spin with pleasure. You rode him, slowly at first, adjusting to his size. Then, hard and fast and held yourself up for him to fuck into you. Mutters of dirty words and promises of more more more had you panting. He sucked on your chest, leaving a dark mark on your collarbone.  "You're going to kill me." He sighed, gripping your hips tighter. He flipped your bodies, gently guiding you below him. The cold stone against your back brought goosebumps to your arms. His thumb circled your clit as he slid slowly, in and out of you. Adjusting again to the new position.  You could feel your mixed wetness coating your ass, and sliding on the smooth cave floor. You'd never been so wet in your life. You writhed with pleasure below him, angling your hips so he could hit that sensitive spot over and over again. He started thrusting faster, hissing when your nails sliced down his back. He grunted, feeling you tighten around him. You knew you wouldn't last with him fucking you like that. You placed a hand on his chest, and he slowed. "I'm going to come if you keep-" He shook his head and smiled "Come with me baby, I'm close too." He started at the previous pace again, but this time he lifted your hips, angling even deeper inside you.  You could have blacked out with the pleasure of it. The immense feeling of your climax roaring to life. He could feel it too, the way your insides tightened with each brush over your gspot. And it only got him closer. His cock ached, his balls ready to release. But he waited, he wanted to feel you coming on his cock. He watched your eyes flutter and pinch closed, the way your red lips formed a perfect oval. And then the crashing of your orgasam squeezing him. He couldn't hear himself with the roaring in his ears, but he knew he was loud was loud. His head tilted back, and he let himself go.
You came, hard. You walls clenching around him so he couldnt stop even if he wanted to. He spilled inside you, the tension in his belly finally releasing and spurting inside your heat. You milked him for all he had, and even after he was spent and shaking with his release he still slowly slid in and out of you. He rested his shaking hands on either side of your head, giving you a weak smile.  Then, the breath was stolen from him. His eyes met yours and you froze. It was cataclysmic. Like a mountain crumbling in front of you, you could not look away. His eyes shone, wide and bright at his newfound perspective. "I-" He stammered, and his shaking worsened. 
You didnt know what to do. Your hands shook as well when you took his face and brought him down to kiss you. The golden light of the newfound bond shimmered in your mind. 
"My mate-" You finally made the words come out, astonishment disappearing. What replaced it was utter joy. Complete happiness that made your previous experiences with joy seem like stone faced indifference. The feeling of love poured from you so heavily it dwarfed the fear, the paranoia, the sadness over it possibly being over with him. Because it would never be over. You would always be destined together, linked on a cosmic level. Even if it didnt work out, that didn't change he was your mate.
"It makes so much more sense now." He laughed, his trembling fingers pushing hair out of your face. "That's why I could never stay away. I thought I was being a creep." 
You laughed. "A mate is creepy enough. But I'm glad its just you." You pushed his hair back, and pulled him down to lay on you. You fell asleep like that, for a long while. curled around each other in the cave filled with the warmth from your bodies.
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crimsonophelia · 4 years ago
Could I get a fluffy and maybe flirty Childe imagine set during his story quest? Instead of the Traveler and Paimon accompanying him, the reader (who works at the Northland Bank as one of Childe’s subordinates) gets slapped with the duty of babysitting Teucer and covering for Childe and his façade as a toy seller in Liyue.
"I must say that your brother is quite cute, sir."
"...I guess it must run in the family."
"Hm? Did you say something, comrade?"
"Oh. Um. Nothing, sir."
Of course, being the perceptive man he is, Childe heard all of what they said. What he ends up doing or saying to the reader? Seeing the magic you’ve worked when anon previously gave you the liberty of it, I leave it entirely up to you. :)
featuring: childe x gn!reader
warnings: a teeny bit suggestive at the end
published: april 27 2021
form: imagine
a/n: i’m gonna be real with you, i was stuck on ar35 for the longest time because i was too cowardly to level up my world so i finally did it today and i jumped from 35 to 41 T_T and now my enemies are stupidly strong. but anyways i just started the childe quest today so im just gonna stick to the part when they’re still in liyue and there’s no fighting wwww
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“teucer, i swear to celestia-” you muttered under your breath, as the little redhead slipped from your grasp yet again, running ahead to go look at some kite vendors. “come back here, kid! otherwise you’re gonna be in a heck of a lot of trouble!” 
earlier in the day, you were out running errands for the bank, under tartaglia’s orders, when you had come across rumors of a ruin guard running amok. figuring you would use your spare time and save some local liyue citizens the trouble of having to deal with the feral robot, you defeated the machine with efficient ease. however, in the vicinity, you discovered a lone child showing great excitement at a deactivated ruin guard, jumping and leaping while calling it “mr. cyclops” with a strange elation. 
you figured the boy was snezhnayan, what with his features and clothing reminiscent of the cold climate of your homeland. but why in the world was he out by a ruin hunter all alone? he kept mentioning his brother, a toy seller in liyue, but you could think of absolutely nobody that fit that description. 
so, out of the goodness of your own heart, you decided to take the little boy-- teucer, he called himself--back to liyue harbor with you, and see if you could find this older brother of his. 
however, once you arrived back in the city, your plans were quickly derailed as the little brat seemed to have the attention span of a fruit fly, and was constantly trying to weasel his way into some other dangerous situation without you knowing. 
“god dammit teucer”, you huffed, trying to keep up with the child. who let children have so much energy? your age must finally be catching up to you, you thought. “how about we go back to northland bank? you might like it there” you thought taking him back to your headquarters would stall the boy for enough time for you to find someone who might know the whereabouts of teucer’s brother. there weren’t too many snezhnayans in liyue--whoever his brother is, he can’t be far.
the little boy looked up at you with his big, blue puppy eyes, but you knew his act by now. “no buts, kid. if you’re lucky, we’ll be able to track down you’re brother there.” he sighed, relenting to your orders and following you back to northland bank.
the two of you climbed up the stairwell leading to the entrance of the bank on the second floor, teucer clearly dejected and pouting like a baby. exhausted, you pushed open the doors that you were so familiar with, and ushered the child inside.
much to your surprise, you see tartaglia talking with ekaterina in the lobby. it had been quite a while since you had seen your superior in person, and the surprise certainly was not unwelcome. sometimes you couldn’t stand the man’s smug attitude, yet there was something in his rogueish charisma that you simple couldnt deny attracted you to him.
teucer also seemed to be excited by this sighting of the red-headed harbinger, the little boy’s eyes lighting up with unbridled excitement.
wait. was tartaglia the older brother teucer had been talking about all along?
childe turned around, distracted by teucer’s voice, and upon seeing the little boy, his eyes lit up—first with surprise, then with confusion.
“teucer? what the heck are you doing here in liyue?”
he left the fatui agent with a befuddled look upon her face, and ran towards the child. teucer jumped up into his brother’s broad arms, and they grasped each other in a tight hug, like they had not seen each other for at least an eternity.
ruffling teucer’s hair, tartaglia softened, with an expression unlike anything you had really seen him wear before. he really must care about his family, you thought to yourself.
“so you’re the older brother this little tyke has been talking nonstop about”, you teased tartaglia, elbowing him in his side. “you know, he’s thrown me for a loop this entire day. i didnt think babysitting was part of the job requirement.”
the red-head chuckled abashedly, scratching his head. “sorry about that, [y/n]. the little guy can’t seem to bear being away from his favorite big brother.”
teucer laughed. he truly looked so happy to be with tartaglia again, which made you wonder what the harbinger was like when not on the job. you had known him to be a ruthless war machine, a hedonistic killer who thrived off of the rush battle and bloodshed gave him. childe could take down a dozen men, twice his size, in a matter of minutes, hardly breaking a sweat. yet seeing him interact with teucer, almost a little mini-sized version of himself, his gentleness and care surprised you. perhaps there was more to the man than you had initially thought.
teucer finally detaching himself from tartaglia, looked up at his brother with those same puppy eyes, now full of admiration. “are you here to sell toys to the liyue children, too?”, the child asked. toys? what toys could he possibly be referring to? you and ekaterina, both, looked at childe with confusion.
tartaglia stuttered for a moment. “oh! uhh— yes! yes i am! i was just talking with the nice lady, ms. ekaterina, on how many toys we can sell to all the children in liyue!” he responded, hardly missing a beat. did teucer not know what childe’s actual occupation was?
“wow! my brother really is the coolest person ever!” teucer leaped up and down, hanging onto tartaglia’s pantlegs. looking at this young, untainted innocence, you begun to understand why childe might try and shield the child from the truth.
childe detached the excitable child from his clothing, and beckoned ekaterina over. “ms. ekaterina, would you do me the grand favor of watching teucer for the rest of the day? i’d hate to burden our friend [y/n] after they have already brought him to liyue from celestia-knows-where.” he turns to teucer, telling him “big brother ajax is going to sell many, many toys now! so you need to behave yourself when i’m gone, okay? miss ekaterina will be watching you, and she’s very nice.” he pinches his brother’s cheek, teasing him lightly, and ushering him away with the fatui agent.
it’s now just you and tartaglia in the bank, as the sun was setting and all the other employees had gone home for the day. you heaved a sigh of relief, glad to be rid of baby-sitting duty, after having to deal with teucer’s antics for several hours now.
“i’m really sorry about all of that. i had no idea he would be coming, as a stowaway, no less.” the man looked at you with genuine gratitude. “i don’t want to imagine what might’ve happened to the little brat if you hadn’t been there.”
you chuckled, not quite used to seeing such sincerity coming from the harbinger. most of the time, you had been accustomed to his charismatic facade that he puts on when he becomes childe, the eleventh and one of the most dangerous members of the fatui harbingers.
“don’t worry, it really was no problem. your brother is certainly a handful, but undeniably adorable”, you said, mindlessly gathering your belongings again as you prepared to head out again. “he takes after his older brother quite a bit, i must say.”
“come again?” childe looked behind him, eyebrow cocked.
“oh— nothing. i didnt say anything”, you muttered. shit. you really need to get better at keeping your mouth shut. you refused to be known as the insolent fool with the puppy-love crush on the goddamn eleventh fatui harbinger.
“oh? that didnt really sound like nothing, my dear [y/n].” he smirked. whenever he called you “my dear”, you knew you were in for major teasing. he was definitely having fun with this. he strode towards you innocently, with that usual swagger of his, that tinted everything he did. his walk, his talk, his appearance all oozed confidence, and it was utterly intoxicating.
tartaglia now looked at you with a glint in his eye, the same look he gave enemies before he was about to utterly obliterate them. it was frightening, yet terribly alluring, and you despised how much you fell for it.
suddenly, you felt your back hit the cold, marble wall. you hadn’t even realized that tartaglia had cornered you against a gold pillar, his mere presence forcing you to unconsciously move away from him as he approached you, calculatedly. a lump growing in your throat, you couldn’t bring yourself to even utter a single word in defense, only feeling your cheeks grow hotter and your legs grow weaker.
tartaglia leaned his arm against the pillar, dangerously close to your head, effectively propping himself up with only you between him. you were far too aware of the space—or rather, the lack thereof—separating the two of you, the man’s hot breath audible in the dead, echoing silence of the golden bank.
tartaglia smirked, bringing his face close to yours. “you flatter me greatly, [y/n].” smirking, his breath grazed against your neck, his stare burning into your flesh. the way your name sounded on his lips made your breath hitched in your throat. too hot, you felt way too hot. it was impossible for a hydro user to make you feel such unbearable heat.
“seems as if your clever words aren’t of any use to you now, hmm?” you could feel the mans lips brushing against your jaw, each touch against you leaving a stinging trail. he brought his free hand to caress your own, fingers clasping yours as if you were made of a delicate porcelain, the finest kind liyue had to offer. slowly, as if dragging out each second as long as he could, tartaglia brought your hand to his lips, and planted a long, slow kiss to the back of your palm.
your eyes widened at the sheer eroticism with which he kissed your hand—an act commonly of etiquette somehow being much more lustful, even debauched when tartaglia did it. all you could feel was where his lips met your hand, the phantom burn it left, the slight string of saliva connecting his lips to your hand as he left it, the dark gaze in his eyes as he looked back up at you, clearly aware of how vulnerable you were in his grasp.
“thank you again, my dear. i hope we can continue to work together in the future.”
a/n: jesus christ this got really horny at the end LMFAO anyways i hope you like it! its kinda long but wtv
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sallyf4ce · 4 years ago
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chapter II
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-> sally face x f!reader
-> enemies? to lovers
-> previous | next
cw: drugs, cigarettes, abuse, panic attack
*does not follow original plot of sally face*
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summary: larry knocks (y/n) off her feet, literally. later, him and sal come to apologize, bearing a gift of homemade lasagna. sal and (y/n) bond over their similar bodies. his eyes look familiar.
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The sound of your skateboard and the wind brushing past your ears practically deafened you, which allowed you to think in peace. Maybe you’d survive in Nockfell.
Maybe it wasnt as bad as you made it. You’d grow close to the old apartment, push through school, leave your mother as quickly as possible, and start fresh somewhere across the world. The only thing that you wouldn’t get close to is the forest surrounding Addison. It loomed over you, day and night, dewy pines poking out at you like a warning sign. Maybe mom moved here just so she could torture you with the forest. Remind you of what happened.
Loud footsteps joined the wheels of your skateboard. You looked back, and on your trail were those two kids from the apartment. The tall one’s face was almost right in yours. You let out a small yelp as your skateboard hit a rock and sent you tumbling to the ground, completely destroying your knees in the process.
“Shit!” larry yelled out in surprise as he dodged the skateboard that went right between his legs.
You quickly reached out to your head, trying to calm the searing pain pulsing through it. What the fuck just happened?
“What the fuck?” you groan. The blue haired boy, sal, grabbed your skateboard and came up close to you. pulling down his sleeves, he quickly grabbed your knees and covered them, soaking up the gushing blood.
“Larry!” sal turned around to face him. You winced as the fabric of his sweater clung to your knees. Your hands grabbed his to pull them off but you froze. They were soft and cold, almost like snow. How would it feel to hold them longer? Would you warm them up? or would they freeze you?
What the fuck?
You snapped out of your trance and moved them off your knees. You scowl at larry and pick your skateboard back up.
“Nice job, asshat.”
His face flushes at the insult and he moves back. Sally stands up and offers you his hand, but you dont need his help (obviously a lie, your entire body was aching like a scale 8 earthquake). You shove yourself up and wipe your burning palms on your jeans. With your feet back on the skateboard (it took a few tries to get up because your knees kept buckling), you flip them off and begin skating back to addison. You just wanted a nice fucking stroll alone, why were these fucks literally everywhere you went?
It’s around 12:45 now. You came home, took a bath, bandaged up your knees and took some tylenol. Mom was already in her bedroom and there were some leftover beer bottles on the coffee table, so she probably wouldnt wake up anytime soon. you quickly trashed the bottles and decided for a quick nap on the couch, since your room was… occupied. your pyjamas, for now anyway, consisted of an oversized grey ac/dc shirt and some soft-ass spandex shorts.
“finally, a fucking break from this shit.” a content sigh escaped your lips as you threw yourself onto the cold couch.
a few knocks sounded at your door.
“(y/n)? it’s uh, it’s sal. and larry.”
“coming.” you mumbled angrily even though they couldn’t hear you.
the blinding fluorescent lights of the hallway hit you as you opened the door. along with them came the smell of freshly baked lasagna. your eyes widened for a second, before looking up at sal. he stared at you, taking in your appearance. your hair was ruffled, eyes blinking sleepily as they adjusted to the light. your shirt had ridden up and showed a bit of your stomach. he blushed as you pulled it down and glared at him, a slight tinge of red on your own cheeks.
“larry.” he nudged his friend. the brunette walked up in front of sal, holding a pan of lasagna.
“listen man, i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to fuck up your knees n shit. jus’ got excited cause of your sanity falls shirt. can we, uh, can we come in?”
larry quickly jumped back in surprise.
“i guess that means no.”
you yelled out a quick ‘wait!’ as you cleaned up your apartment and hid your mom’s weed and other things. god, for a grown woman, she didn’t know how to clean for shit.
opening the door back up, you waved them inside.
“god, you smoke a lot.” larry coughed a bit at the smell of your apartment, which earned him a shove.
“sorry! god, sal, so mean.” he mumbled.
“s’ my mom. i only smoke outside. uh, take a seat on the couch, i’ll warm up the lasagna.” you pulled it out of larry’s hands as they both took a seat on your makeshift bed.
sal shifted. “you sleep here?” he asked, confused. maybe your room was being used as storage.
“for now. there’s some weird ghost shit going on in my room. some fucking preppy ghost woman keeps squealing when i come in.”
ghosts? you believed in ghosts? maybe they’d be able to take you on their expeditions! sal perked up at the thought of you becoming friends.
“you believe in ghosts?”
“well, i saw one, so what else could it fucking be?” you chuckled as you shoveled the now warmed up lasagna onto three plates. sal noticed and his eyes widened.
“oh, no, i- i don’t want any-” he waves his hands.
“you’re having it, i don’t care.”
larry laughs as you shove it into their hands.
“feisty, aren’t ya?” he stabs some and shoves it into his mouth. you sigh and lean back into the couch.
“you guys go to the school here, right?”
larry nods. “yeah, there’s only one school in nockfell.”
“eww, larry face, don’t chew with food in your mouth.” sally laughs. in the corner of his eyes, he thinks he can see you smile.
“yeah, we go to nockfell high. i’m assuming you’re going there too.”
“mhm. starting monday. hurry up and eat, i’m not warming it up again.” you grumble. sal doesn’t move. “god, okay, i’ll look away. i have to go clean this thing anyway.” you wave your prosthetic’s fingers.
“oh, yeah, you also have a prosthetic!” his face shifts into a child-like curiosity. it’s a face that you’ve seen before, and it makes you giggle a bit every time. you place your hand on his lap. sal does a double take and his mask raises a bit.
“you wanna touch it, don’t you. go ahead.”
“damn, sal, you get all the ladies. leave some for me.” larry chimes in, hand on his forehead in mock sadness. he chuckles.
“you gonna touch it or what?”
“uh, yeah.” sal slowly lowers his hands onto it. he traces your fingers, flexing them every once in a while. he flips your palm and looks at the graffiti ‘s’ you drew on it.
“when was this?” he looks back up at you.
“grade 10, two years ago. got bored in class and accidentally took out my sharpie instead of a dry-erase marker. god, my mom was mad.” you chuckle at the memory. she didnt let you back in the house for two days. you had to camp out in the shed, where you stored your extra food so she wouldn’t steal it.
sal hummed. “what about this one?” it was a big ‘SF’. was it for his name? of course not, she didn’t know you back then, moron. still, it warmed him up a bit.
“not for you, that’s for sure.”
“damnnn, savage!” larry put his plate down. “mind if i get more?”
“larry, we brought it for (y/n).” sal scolded.
“nah, i don’t mind. knock yourself out.” you nodded, continuing your conversation with sal.
larry trotted towards the kitchen.
larry’s point of view:
sal and (y/n) seemed to be getting along quite well. good for him, really. we might be able to coax (y/n) into our friend group. i didn’t like her at first, but i think she’s just a little stand-offish. anyway, back to the lasagna. man, i wish mom would make it more often. she only makes it for guests. where is it? oh, there. (y/n)’s going to nockfell high, right? probably should tell her about travis.
your point of view:
sal was still tracing your arm, running his pale fingers over where the prosthetic connected to your skin. the doctors could have chopped your arm off completely, up to your elbow, but you wanted to salvage as much as you could, so it stops mid-forearm.
“do you take it off often?” sal hummed. it felt a little intimate, tracing your prosthetic. it was like soothing a part of your body that was already gone. what? what was he thinking?
“mmm, i take it off every night. if i leave it on, i could get rashes ‘n shit. rashes aren’t fun. ‘m assuming you take yours off every night too.” he nods.
“i don’t like taking it off during the day. phantom limb shit, you know? it hurts a lot.” you grumble.
“got the lasagna. since you’re going to nockfell, ‘should probably tell you about travis.” larry sits down. “he’s your typical stick-up-the-ass bully. doesn’t really like sally face ‘n our crew.”
“yeah. just ignore him and you should be fine.”
“we‘ll protect you.” larry swings an arm over your shoulder.
huh? you can protect yourself. does he think you can’t? is it because of your prosthetic?
“i can do it myself, you dimwit.” you push his arm off your shoulder.
“time for you to leave.”
“woah, dude, calm down-” larry’s eyes widen in panic. he didn’t mean to offend you.
“i’m sorry!”
“i’m not hurt, just need my sleep. it’s 1:30. go on now.”
sal sets down his cold, uneaten lasagna and larry takes a quick bite out of his.
“see ya!” he mumbled, words muffled by food. you click your teeth as he walks out of your apartment and towards the elevator.
you spin around to face sal. his hand lingers on your counter.
“your knees. how are they?”
you look at his eyes through his mask. they’re light blue. like the lake that you so dreaded. like the sky that morning. like your dad’s shirt. he blinks.
“uh, f-fine. they’re fine. they should heal in a few days. time for you to go.” you grab his shoulders and shove him through the door.
“see you tomorrow?” he stumbles.
“yeah.” the door shuts with a slam and you’re filled with an overwhelming sense of dread.
oh god, not this again. your vision blurs as you try to grasp onto your breath. you can hear the blood rushing in your ears. your heart thuds like it’s going to break through your rib cage. it feels like someone is strangling you, coaxing the last breath of air from your lungs. your nails scratch at your throat desperately, your salty tears only making the marks burn more. at least the cold metal of your prosthetic cools you down a bit.
shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up. you can’t wake anyone. you bite down on your lip to suppress the strangled cries leaving your mouth. god, not the lake, please. not the forest. not the huge, dirty, rabid wolf-looking creature behind your father. not his cries. please, just make it shut up. SHUT UP.
you wake up the next morning to your alarm ringing.
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taglist: @purelydarling @ghostfacefricker6969 @deadpoetsandhoney
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roseyanon · 1 year ago
(via message from @ggreeeenheart)
"Okayokay. SO. Let's start by looking at this section:
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We know that for this little 3x3, that the two circled squares can only have a 3 or a 4 in them, right?
So if one of them is a 3, then we Know the other HAS to be a 4, and vice-versa.
If the one on the Left just so happens to be a 3, and we look at the column above it...
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We know none of the ones in this circled column can be a 3, which means the only 3 possible here would be...:
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Recap; we've got two squares that are either a 3 or a 4. If one happens to be a 3, then we know the one circled right here ALSO has to be a 3.
But funny story. If that left square happens to be a 4 instead, the same thing happens. The one circled above can only be a 4.
Following me so far? :P
Kinda hard to explain over text lmao
- - - - - - I'm putting a break here so it's easier to ask me questions in case I'm not explaining it clearly XP
- - - - - -
Okay. So then what?
Well, we've figured out that if the left square happens to be 3, that top square *has* to be 3. And if that left square happens to be 4, that top square *has* to be 4.
And there are no other options for that left square!
Which means... there aren't any other options for that top square, either.
We can rule out the 5.
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So now your notes should look a bit more like this.
- - - - - Why is this important?
Because now we can use a trick I really like to use- and I think you might have been using already??
Looking at the 3x3 in this picture, we can see right away that the only two places a 5 can be is in that Left Column.
Which very literally means it *has* to be in that column...
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...which means a 5 can't be *anywhere else* in that column.
Do you see where I'm going with this yet? :)
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- - - - - Okay! I *think* that's enough for you to make some more good headway!!
Please feel free to ask me questions about ANY of this, and sorry I turned it into a school lesson instead of just pointing it out lol
This one was hard for me to spot but was fun for me to try and explain. Normally I would have waited until I knew you were following along but I'm kinda hungry and knew I was gonna forget if I didn't write it xD
but man for a second there i was nervous i wasnt gonna find anything at all lmao
please dont feel shy or embarrassed if anything i wrote here doesn't make sense, you clearly did well enough that you WOULD get what I'm saying once I explained it well enough lolol
this is a tough one and you made some seriously good progress
(Also. like. guessing is a valid strategy too! sometimes you just get stuck and gotta say "well what would happen if I did This?")"
hey ggreen thank you for the message! sudoku is surprisingly fun to talk about x3 i had to paste your messages in a post so i could see all the text and the images in one go lol, let me know if you would rather i not have your DM posted :) as for the message itself...
dude no lie i had to read your message like 5 times before i got what you were saying xD my brain kept jumping ahead and not ACTUALLY reading what you were saying lol. so it seems the key was an sort of ADVANCED hidden pair situation, taking into account multiple boxes. (i wonder if there's a name for that kinda arrangement?) even with your help, i still... dont quite get it. i removed some of my notes cause i thought 5 could only be one box, then rereading for a SIXTH time realized i got rid of the wrong bits @_x ack. i guess im gonna have to give up on this one. especially considering i tried guessing based on the initial 3/4 boxes and i STILL i didnt get a solution. (im assuming my dyslexia swapped shit around again. it's why i have to play sudoku online and not on pen and paper.)
still, im enjoying the struggle, even if i spend a literal two days on one puzzle and STILL dont manage to solve it xD
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heyitsyn · 5 years ago
Manager!Seijoh Part 2
a/n: lmao this is kinda weird for me but i think this was an interesting request so lets try it!
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
lowkey kyotani kentaro typa beat but you gotta squint (??)
also warning! angst!
anon request: Hii! I just read the seijoh manager headcannon you wrote, it made me cry so much, i love those seijoh boys so much, and you are such an amazing writer! I dont know if requests are open or not but i was wondering what would happen if the boys ever find out what happened to reader cha? If requests aren’t open or if you just don’t want to write about it, I completely understand! Thank you for your wonderful writing again! Stay safe!
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the stageplay was *chefs kiss* like MY MANS IWA WAS SERVING LOOKSSSS
this might get really angsty idk so just a warning in advance
i mentioned in the earlier part that no one really knew what happened to you
so this one is when they DO find out what happened and what theyre gonna do about it
so first off, kyoken was basically the only one who saw you that day and saw how badly you looked
the thing is, at that current moment, he didnt really know the reason why and what happened
he had theories that you got jumped or you just got into an accident 
but he was prettttttyyyy sure you got beat up
so you went home and rushed to yanno, take a shower and get your wound treated and cleaned so that it would heal bc you really cannot afford to let the boys see that
they would think of the worst at the smallest sight of blood on you and you really didnt want to deal w that chaos at the moment
you cant let them get suspended from school since they were going to interhigh soon and you cant let oikawa and the boys ruin their reputations just for you
a first year girl theyve just met
it was kinda hard to rinse all of the milk from your hair but you were able to at least get the smell out and clean up your mess
then you looked in the mirror and saw faint handprints around your throat from that girl miyo and you cringed as you touched it
‘jesus christ, seriously what does she eat? bricks?’
after your clothes were in the wash, you went to bed to get homework done and also looking up how to use the concealer to hide your bruises 
you didnt really own any makeup but your mom has some so you could just use that
during dinner, you wore a turtleneck to prevent any suspicion from happening but you couldnt really hide the big gash on your face
‘y/n, what happened!’
‘i was dumb and accidentally fell up the stairs’
your parents shared a chuckle bc theyve actually seen you do this before so it was easy to believe the lie
‘darling, do we need to get you glasses? it seems your sight has worsened’
you went along with the joke but you weren’t eating and just pushed your food around
‘y/n? is the food not good?’
your mother asked but you shook your head with a convincing smile
‘its good! i just had some meat buns with the team earlier and i ate a lot so im still full’
you cursed at yourself for making it sound so rehearsed but you were relieved when your mother nodded
the next morning, you were satisfied with the reduced puffing of your face and you snuck into your parents bathroom where her makeup bag would be
as you held up the concealer, you started getting anxious because this was not the same shade as your skin and it would definitely raise suspicion if you had a different color on your neck than the rest of your body
you already planned to blame your wound as acne that you accidentally scratched but what were you going to do with the handprints?
the website you read said that it would take at least a day for them to fade
so you decided youd just wear a scarf and pretend you were cold
kunimi was confused as to why you had a scarf bundled around your neck and his eyes even widened at the sight of the bandaid on your face
‘y/n! what-!’
he shot up from his seat and your eyes widened before hissing at him to sit down
‘what happened to you?!’
he worriedly asked but you waved him off with a small smile
‘acne. this was the only available bandaid in my house so i had to work with this’
kunimi might be a lazy little shit but he was observant
and he noticed the way you said that sentence
it was like a robot
like a robot programmed to say what was written on its script
but before he could press on further, you already pointed out that the teacher was coming in and to hush so you could listen
the entire time, kunimi was awake alright, but he was too busy looking at you and a bright red thing that poked from the edge of your bandaid
kindaichi went to your classroom for lunch and you had to repeat your excuse for him but he pointed at another thing
‘why are you wearing a scarf? its like burning in here’
you didnt look at him as you just opened your bento
‘being in your period causes your temperature to fluctuate and cause unexplainable chill at even the hottest places’
okay what
they both shared a look and just shrugged, blaming it on your time of the month for the way you spoke with no emotion in your tone
this had to be the longest school day of your life
the whole time the scarf remained on and kunimi cant help but notice your flinches at the smallest of sounds
finally practice arrived and you really thought you could pull this off until oikawa barreled straight towards you and hugged you tightly
‘y/n-chan! you okay?! oikawa-senpai was so worried for you!’ 
you cringed but nodded
‘im okay, oikawa-san’
‘senpai, y/n-chan! call me senpai!’
‘im not going to feed into your kink, oikawa-san’
*cue everyone busting a lung*
‘y/n, what’s the-’
‘acne. only bandaid available in my house’
eventually, everything was fine
you were still cracking jokes w the others and you were still laughing w them so kunimi and kindaichi were at ease
but that shattered when oikawa was being oikawa and was being all touchy and bothering you about the scarf around your neck that he ended up pulling it off and he saw the marks
he was silent, just staring at them
ofc you were freaking out and you started breathing heavily
oh god he found out and he was going to hurt them
‘o-oikawa-senpai, listen, it’s not what it-’
his voice made your eyes shut in fear and the others crowded around you and they all had scandalized looks on their faces
‘is this why you werent in practice yesterday?’
his voice was sharp, a complete opposite to his normally cheerful tone
you shivered and sighed
‘senpai, please dont-’
‘who is it?’
the other third years shared a look bc they were truly shook at oiks voice
‘w-why should i tell you?! its none-’
‘i am your captain and i deserve to know who is pulling you away from your managerial duties so he could just give you these damn hickeys!’
the gym turned silent
you stopped then furrowed your eyebrows
‘hickey? what-’
‘dont act like you dont know, y/n. so just be honest and tell me who’s your boyfriend’
lmao i shouldnt laugh bc this was supposed to be sad but im cackling at how dumb oikawa really is sometimes
you stuttered but you knew this was the perfect opportunity
you could just blame it on this ridiculous misunderstanding 
its a difficult hole to get out of but it would be easier than the other
so you pretended to be flustered and turned around to hide your face
‘it was a one-time thing, oikawa-san. i promise it wont happen again’
the team was leaking the feeling of RAGE
how dare someone take their manager!
she was theirs!
and it doesnt help that every player might have a little thing for you
is this really turning into a harem
oikawa kept demanding answers but iwa hit him enough to quit and they finally went back to practicing but they were still distracted
every time they looked at you, they would grow flustered and red and end up missing a block or a serve
they just cant see their baby manager like that
you noticed it quickly and irritably got on them
‘stop staring at my neck and get back to practice!’
they flinched and saluted at you
lmao this little first year girl is able to control nearly a dozen <5′10 men who are all older than her
but you were glad that they finally stopped asking about it
this was going to go by smoothly and you were going to be okay
several days later,,,
this is an angst fanfiction so i will bring thy angst
you were taking out your class garbage since it was your group’s turn in cleaning the classroom when you were grabbed by the arm on your way back
it was still outside and after school so it wouldve been an unlikely situation that someone would help you
it was that biatch miyo again and her 2 minions behind her
then you recognized one girl from the track team who was actually a year older than you but you saw her dropping off some files in the office
if you tried to run, she could easily grab you w her fast legs
you were stuck
you let out a tired sigh and crossed your arms on your chest
‘what is it you want from me, again?’
she smirked
‘you really dont know how to listen, do you? i told you to stay away from oikawa but youre still flaunting around with him!’
is she serious?
this girl was borderline stalker/yandere type of girl
you gave her an incredulous look and frowned
‘girl, do you hear yourself? you damn crazy and im leaving’
but she grabbed you back and shoved you against the wall
but this time, you kicked her on the chest to make her fall on her flat booty
surprise was written on their faces and you stretched your arms in front of you to symbolize distance
‘one more step and ill beat tf out of you. i just got my nails off so id watch it if i were you’
miyo huffed and stood up, brushing herself, glaring at one of the girls who tried to help her
then she remembered what you told her
‘hmm? if you hit me, you could be kicked off of the team since you hurt another student. so, go ahead, little kouhai’
she was right
even if it was self-defense, the school’s disciplinary section sucked and just suspended or kicked off people left and right even though they didnt do anything wrong
you were stumped
you were here on a scholarship, not on tuition
your mom would KILL you if she found out you got into a fight and got a record
but you didnt show that and kept your tough facade
‘dont challenge me. i could be a crazy bitch and i dont think youd like your little face being all messed up. so watch your mouth and leave me alone’
you turned to leave but she grabbed your hair and tugged it back
lmao flashbacks to the other part
she twisted your hair into a ponytail and had a firm grip while a girl kicked you behind your knees so you would fall to the ground
oh no you were done w this
you elbowed miyo on the stomach the hardest you could and she groaned which loosened her hold and you kicked her again to the ground
some other girl hit your side and you winced before slapping her straight across the face bc you didnt want to punch her and hurt your knuckles
but they were really testing you
the last girl still had your hair but you twisted around to face her and just did the last you could think of that would hurt
hit her right between her legs
you finally escaped their hold and miyo lunged after you
‘oh my god leave me alone!’
you yelled before holding up your arms to protect your face but she scratched your arms 
obviously you were losing this bc it was just you but you were going to fight as much as you can
‘bad kouhais need to be punished! your senpais need to teach you a lesson!’
miyo screeched and you grabbed her arm before punching her straight at the boob
sorry rebecca
however, one girl was smart and did the same thing you did to her knees and made you fall to a kneeling position and eventually made you curl into a fetal position
gurl we actually fighting so hard considering we’ve never been in a fight
they continuously kicked you before miyo pulled up your head so you could sit up and kneel in front of her
ofc you tried to grab at her and punch at her
but these other girls were able to catch you and trap your arms in their hold and had their feet on your legs so you couldnt kick
great, another bathroom scene
your arms were bleeding from miyo’s scratches and your sides were hurting after their kicks
you lost and you were already bleeding in places you didnt think you would
this would be the last attempt and if he doesnt come, you’re done for
your scream echoed throughout the entire are
possibly could be heard in new york
and your voice became hoarse
ofc the girls were surprised and caught off guard but when there was silence and clear that no one was coming, they started laughing
‘oh, so cute! iwa-san? is that supposed to be iwaizumi-san? heh, you whoring around w him too? thats so cute-’
the girls holding you shrieked and dropped their hold on you before scrambling back causing you to drop to the ground
miyo’s eyes were wide and there was horror all over her face at the voice of that infamous boy
kyotani kentarou
he yelled and miyo turned around to be met with his piercing eyes before screaming and running away with her minions in tow
ltr the cursing is so awkward for me to do but this is his character and im just so awkward so sorry!!
you coughed and winced at the pain on your side which caught his attention
again, he noticed you as the manager of their team and you’ve been hanging out w him, well, just him staring at you, at the alley while you feed the animals
you were actually nice and caring and definitely didnt deserve this
‘oi, y-you okay?’
you didnt look up, just closing your eyes in pain and biting your lips to not let out the crying
his eyes softened at you and he noticed you were trying to act tough and brave even though you just got beat up
normally, he wouldnt even help anyone but it seems you just did something to him
he sighed before gently picking you up, you not even bothering to stop him, and he held you tightlyin his arms as he carried you to the nurses office
he had a feeling you didnt want to be seen like this and hes been in the nurse enough to know she actually leaves the moment school ends
you let out a shaky breath as he set you down on the cot and you opened your eyes to reach your hold for him when he went away
‘n-no, don’t leave-’
but he grunted softly before holding your wrist
‘im just getting your damn medicine. chill out’
lowkey getting bakugou vibes
you nodded and went to close your eyes again
kyo returned w some pain relief medicine from his bag that he carries 
babie actually gets into fights often and he needs it sometimes
and he had alcohol medicine kind istg and bandaids for your arms
it was silent as you drank the pills and he sat down next to you so he could treat the wounds
but he let his curiosity take over him
‘why the fk did you let them do this to you’
he grunted and you scoffed with a smile
‘let? more like overpower me and grip me as they just hit me’
‘cant you fight them back?’
you glared at him
‘bruh i literally kneed some girl in their cooch but they just some superhuman typa girls that cant be hurt’
he sighed
‘maybe you just werent strong enough’
okay listen here you lil shit
you didnt want to listen to him scold you anymore so you just went back to closing your eyes
but kyo is actually lowkey nosy so he kept asking questions
‘the first time we met. was it her too?’
you flinched in surprise
‘you remembered that?’
‘ofc i did. you looked like shit. not as bad as this but still like shit’
‘gee thanks, stranger-kun’
‘kyotani,,, kentarou’
you smiled
‘nice to meet you, kyotani kentarou. im l/n y/n’
‘i know’
he mumbled but you didnt catch it
‘thanks for hearing me and coming to help’
he hummed
he wasnt going to tell you that he actually heard the scream for his idol and thought hed be there so he ran to go see him but instead saw you
kyo just respects and looks up to iwa-chan so much it warms my heart uwu-
once you were all patched up, you were finally able to stand but you still staggered
he grabbed your arm softly and sat you back down
‘what the hell are you going to tell the team?’
you paused then sighed
‘i dont know. ill figure something out’
but he knew how observant the players would be and they would catch on
after all, he was there watching at the top bleachers as oikawa yelled at you for the ‘hickey’
‘if they didnt hit your face, you could get away with it. but you have wounds all over you and theyd find out. im guessing youre doing this bc you dont want to trouble them or burden them? bc they would do something about it?’
you just stared at this guy
‘just a guess’
he also wasnt going to tell you that he was actually part of the team but the constant fighting got him in suspension
and the fact that his parents were donors for the school, he only got a tap on the wrist
‘so what do i do, then?’
‘tell them-’
‘no i cant do that! another plan, kyo-kun!’
‘oi, im a second year, idiot. treat me with respect’
the irony bc he totally treats oikawa like trash
‘i just,,,, oikawa-san is seen as this prince/gentleman type and i know how protective he is towards me so the slightest problem could cause him to be ballistic. miyo is popular enough to circulate rumors about him and hes already in his third year and she is too so i just have to endure one year until theyre gone’
kyo was disgusted
all this for that stupid idiot captain?
‘youre dumber than i thought’
you weakly hit him at the arm
‘so mean, kyo-san’
‘i dont think its right youre suffering for someone who isnt even worth it’
you glared and linked your fingers together
‘im the manager. i knew this would happen the moment i signed up but i didnt care. as manager, i have to keep up the team’s image and their popularity for support so i cant let all that be ruined just bc a little first year girl couldnt fight for herself’
‘just tell them, kid. less problems’
then he stood up to leave
‘kid?! im only a year younger than you! what you mean!’
but you were panicking
someone knew about you being hurt and they could easily tell the team
and it only increased when he entered the gym and later introduced himself as a player
you were so surprised that you stopped breathing
you muttered and he glared at you
well, more like look at you but i have a theory that kyo actually has problems w his sight so it looks like he’s glaring at you constantly but hes just actually trying to see clearly
oikawa was surprised at this interaction
‘eh? you know kyoken-chan?’
you nodded, still looking at the blonde
‘its none of your business’
kyotani grunted and you sighed in relief
maybe your secret would be safe
you were still uneasy about him accidentally revealing it, especially since he practically worships iwaizumi-san, but he kept his mouth shut
your caring personality at first was overbearing on him but he appreciated your efforts like volunteering on helping him with his eyeliner or asking him if he needed help with his medical tape
ngl, he also thought you were there just bc it was a team full of guys and you thought you could have that weird girl fantasy of having a harem
but you cared for them like practically a mother and continuously made it clear to oikawa that you were NOT interested in going on a date with him
you werent annoying, you were nice, and you weren’t pushy so he actually showed you respect and took a liking to you
this created a soft of protectiveness around you
sometimes, he would see you around school and he would practically glare at the girls he knew hated you
and when he wasnt there to protect you, you would call him to the nurses office where he would mumble apologies of not being there while patching you up before he would go over and threaten them to touch you again and he would bite their fingers off
aww hes so cute
ofc he still kept your secret bc it wasnt his business to tell 
until that one day
it was normal practice with you helping the boys toss the balls so they could spike it
iwaizumi spiked it really hard making you flinch and he apologized profusely after you almost fell off the chair you were standing on in surprise
‘im just angry that that damn shittykawa is the captain and is late to his own damn practice’
oikawa? late?
that was unheard of
you were about to get off the chair and look for him when the devil himself entered the gym with the devil’s mistress on his arm
miyo was holding on to his arm as he laughed at something she said and ruffled her hair
you dropped the ball and kyotani quickly moved to you so he could stand in front of you protectively
‘oi! shittykawa! youre late!’
oikawa just smiled and pointed at the girl
‘miyo-chan made us cookies, iwa-chan!’
at the mention of food, the boys ran forward but you and kyotani remained at the side at the infamous name
you got off the chair and hurriedly placed an arm in front of him
‘don’t, kyo-san’
‘the bitch-’
‘i know. but please, dont’
you begged and he huffed before aggresively wrapping an arm around your shoulder
aggressively cares for you
‘if she does something or even talks shit, i will-’
‘kyoken-chan! y/n-chan! come here!’
oikawa called but kyotani snarled at him
you smile wobbled when miyo’s eyes narrowed at you and she smirked
‘oh? your manager is so cute, oikawa-kun!’
the rest of the team was just blinking at this weird tension
kyo had his arm tightly around you and hatingly glaring at this girl, who was icily smirking at you, and you tightly holding kyo’s shirt with a worried glint in your eyes
‘you were late to your own damn practice, oikawa. stop wasting time eating this shit and go back to playing’
tbh it still shocks you at how rudely kyo talks to oikawa but you were too pre-occupied on making sure this kid wasnt going to lunge at this girl
‘a-ah, right. oikawa-san, we have to return to practice. if you excuse us, miyo-san-’
you were about to gently grab oikawa’s arm to bring him back when she grabbed your wrist and secretly gripped it
‘oh, dont be so uptight, y/n-chan! i worked so hard-’
but kyo immediately snatched her hand away from you and squeezed it as tight as he could, making her wince
oikawa noticed the pain in miyo’s face and he was angry that kyotani was hurting a girl
‘oi! kyotani!’
he shouted and pushed him away, making the team, even iwa, worriedly look at kyo and brace themselves for the beating
iwa jumped into action and held the second year back while you jumped in front of oikawa
‘kyo-san, calm-’
‘you! be quiet’
he shouted, finger pointing at you
‘and you!’
before pointing to oikawa
‘you are a shitty captain’
iwa was just straight out confused and hes really questioning life decisions right now
mom is stressed and confused, i repeat, MOM IS STRESSED AND CONFUSED
oikawa’s eyes narrowed but he just calmly talked
‘we’ll talk about this later’
‘miyo-san, we really need to practice so if you could see yourself out’
iwa gently smiled to the girl, who was about to protest, but makki and mattsun has already pointed to the door
she huffed then turned to leave and once she was gone, iwa let go of kyotani
‘kyotani, what the hell was that’
oikawa lowly asked and you were about to put your arms out to separate them but yahaba and watari grabbed you so you wouldnt be caught in the middle
then kyo turned to you, fire in his eyes
‘either you tell him or i will’
can we just talk about how protective kyo is?
you trembled and you roughly left yahaba and watari’s grip so you could gently place your hands on his chest
‘please, kyo. just leave it, okay? remember, it’s my busi-’
‘if i see that bitch enter this gym again, i dont give a flying fuck if shes a girl. ill beat the living daylights out of her’
‘kyotani kentarou, what-!’
oikawa shouted but your glare shut him up
‘y/n-chan, what is going on’
‘n-nothing. kyo-san is just, yknow, being him. you know? okay. now lets get back to practice, everyone!’
coach irihata and the other guy sharing that look
to say the least, miyo was pissed
and when she was pissed at you, she always did what she normally does
she corners you wherever its deserted and beat you with the help of her minions who holds you down while she slaps, hits, or kicks you
girlie you needs to tell the boys youre literally getting hit and abused and im just-!!!!!!!!!
and thats exactly what she did
only this time, she wore hard-tipped shoes
‘see, y/n-chan? i saved up and got these shoes just for you!’
the minions were just sharing looks of fear and genuine sympathy for you
they were only there bc she blackmailed them with pictures doing questionable things and if they dont help, they would be released
as usual, you didnt cry, biting your lip as you winced from the pain of her kick at your side
‘youre so pathetic. how could you do this to a person? and all this for your oikawa-san? for a boy?’
you wheezed at her causing her eyes to flare
‘i said-’
but you were cut off when she slapped the soul out of you
her ring cut you at the lip and you cringed at the taste of blood from your lip
‘what else? we gotta hurry this up, miyo, because practice started like 5 minutes ago and im going to get yel-’
kyotani entered the gym after his talk with his teacher and immediately looked around for you
his honey brown eyes scanned the area and they widened as your figure wasn’t in sight
‘oi, yahaba, wheres the manager’
the boy shrugged from the side 
‘i dont know. shes late though’
oh god
‘kindaichi! kunimi! youre in the same grade right? did you see where she went after class?’
kunimi paused to remember before answering
‘she stayed after to talk to obe-sensei for the homework, that’s all i know’
that meant she stayed behind and was probably somewhere
he shouted before bolting out the door
ofc the boys were all worried of his outburst and started yelling after him
they followed him, who was running as fast as he can
the girls would probably do it outside to avoid having to clean up their mess and he almost wrenched the door open in a hurry to take a lap around the school building
it was certainly a sight to see: a boy with dyed blonde hair and two brown lines followed after an entire volleyball team who were screaming after him
he heard that bitch voice and bolted towards the back, where the dumpster was, and found you at the same position like the first time he saw you
blood was dripping on the floor from your busted lip and a cut on your cheek while your eyes were wide at the sight of kyotani’s panting form
your eyes watered at the sight of the entire volleyball team behind him, also eviqualiently surprised yet fuming angry
the girls who held you dropped your arms and ran for the hills so they wouldnt get caught
kyo pushed miyo aside as he grabbed you from the floor and held you
oikawa gave miyo a look that cannot even be described in words
all it was: incredibly, super, ridiculously, heatedly, furiously, angry
now multiply that by the entire team
‘hm, my father, who is the chieftain of the police, mentioned about there being jail time for even minors who commit serious acts like assault or bullying’
mattsun seethed
‘really? i think he’d like the video as evidence against kenta miyo for assault and battery, including bullying, so how many years would that add up to? nearly a decade?’
the girl miyo squeaked as oikawa and iwaizumi roughly grabbed each wrist
‘how long’
miyo trembled at the increased pressure on her wrist
iwaizumi has never shouted at a girl before and hopefully, it would be the last
‘s-s-since l-last month’
you burrowed your head in kyotani’s shirt
‘please dont’
‘shut the fk up, y/n-chan, we’re not talking to you right now’
oikawa coldly reprimanded
‘everyone, take y/n away. iwaizumi and i can take care of this. but mattsun, makki, track down those 3 girls and find others who have even touched our manager’
‘got it, boss’
if it was in a different situation, you wouldve applauded oikawa at his ability to be a leader but you were currently in pain from the bruises and the cuts all over you
your fellow first-years were angrily punching things in the nurse’s office
rip nurse in the morning when she finds holes all over her walls
the irony is, the most agressive one, kyotani kentarou, was the calmest as he quietly cleaned your wounds and placed ointment on the bruises
‘i told you so’
he mumbled and you scoffed
‘howd you find me anyways?’
‘dumb bitch yaps really loud’
he answered
no one was yelling at you and no one was saying a word
eventually, oikawa and iwaizumi entered followed by the rest of the third years
‘why. why didnt you tell us, y/n?’
oikawa asked as he sat down on the chair beside the bed
you looked down and fiddled with your fingers
‘if i did, you wouldve hurt her. and she wouldve spread rumors about you and ruin the image and reputation of the grand king and the volleyball team. i didnt want to do that to you and thought i could just endure it one year since youre graduating anyways’
iwaizumi sucked in a harsh breath
‘you wouldn’t have known what we were going to do. you are no oracle and you dont know how we are going to handle this situation. so you were really stupid for keeping these things to yourself, y/n. you may be our manager and our caretaker but let us take care of you too’
you nodded but your tears fell
‘sorry. im really sorry. i didnt meant to trouble you’
‘stop apologizing, y/n’
you bowed your head low and bit your lip in guilt
‘i shouldve told you but i didnt and now everyone is troubled-’
‘we’re a team, y/n. youre not a lone wolf anymore. you have a pack standing right beside you’
watari mumbled and he sat down to give you his favorite hug: the one arm hug
‘im super angry right now and it might seem like im snappy but i really want you to know, y/n, that i really love you and i am just hurt that you didnt trust us enough to tell us you were suffering when i trust you with my entire being. so next time youre hurting or in pain, dont you dare keep it to yourself. tell us, okay? tell your senpais and friends about it so we can share that burden’
oikawa babie you are so mature like what-
what started out as a hug from watari turned into a team hug around the tiny bed, even kyo joined, and you were so happy you found a good team that appreciated you and everything youve done and accepted you as one of their own
‘oikawa-san, what did you do to miyo?’
‘again, im mad y/n-chan, so please dont talk about her right now’
‘dont use those puppy eyes on me! dont you dare-- okay, we’re pressing charges’
‘and iwa-chan slapped her!’
‘shut up shittykawa you did too!’
a/n: this hurted a bit and im sorry if this was lowkey awkward and all over the place but i didnt exactly know how to portray this situation since ive never experienced this, just bullying in general, before but for those who have, please tell someone so that you dont have to carry that burden by yourself. it doesnt have to be a your parents, but talk to a trusted adult so that this type of stuff doesnt happen to you bc you truly dont deserve that type of treatment and deserve to be happy and feel safe in an environment like school or anywhere in general
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d0llpie · 4 years ago
Tendou x Reader
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5
Warnings: angst, mentions of insecurity, self harm (not explicit), sexual assault, ooc ushijima and smut, please let me know if i missed anything
Word count: 2.8k
The next morning Asahi picked you up and drove the both of you back to the dorms after finding the janitor and begging him to let him into the building to find your key. The janitor let him in after assuming he was the father of a student. 
 "So how was the date?" Asahi asked looking back at Tendou in the back seat 
"It was amazing" Tendou smirked at you in the mirror and you blushed
"So are you two...dating now?" Asahi was a big softie but he'd still act overprotective of you despite him never actually doing anything physically 
"Yes" you both said in unison not looking at Asahi
You noticed his grip tighten on the steering wheel as he kept driving in silence. 
 Once you'd arrived at the dorms you told Tendou to go ahead while you talked to Asahi 
"so.." you started 
"are you sure about him?" asahi said worried 
"yes, and it's fine you don't have to worry about me" you replied 
"of course i have to worry about you, it's fine if you're happy but you know i'll always be here too" he patted your head and smiled 
"I know Asahi, thank you for picking us up" you smiled and he nodded 
"Make sure you keep your key on you okay?" he warned as you got out of the car 
"Yes yes i know, goodbye" you smiled at him and waved as he drove off 
 The next couple of months were nothing short of a dream. Tendou carried you on his back, back to the dorms after practice each day and the teams had learned to just ignore Tendou's bragging about you. It never failed to make you nervous but he truly did look happy talking about you. At least a few days a week he would come into your dorm and lie his head in your lap reading shounen jump while you braided small plaits into his hair. After you had grabbed lunch at the cafe together you were doing exactly that, he was reading calmly while you twirled his red locks in between your fingers. You watched as his eyes lit up and he sat up and turned to you
 "y/n, are you coming to watch us play Karasuno next week?" he looked into your eyes with that familiar intensity that you fell for 
"Of course i am, i'm excited to see if you can block one of Asahi's spikes" you teased 
"You'll see, i will" he smirked and kissed your cheek lightly before lying back down leaving you flustered and shocked. You loved watched Tendou play, he truly did turn into monster on the court and it excited you to see him so comfortable and agile. You felt a bit jealous though, your team hadn't made it as far as the boys team and you were done playing real matches for the semester, you didn't want to tell Tendou because you knew this could be his last game with the team. He noticed your mood change though, he always did and he sat up in front of you
 "y/n what's wrong?" he looked into your eyes for any sign but he figured you were thinking about volleyball
"Is it because you miss playing volleyball?" he pulled you close to him and you wrapped your legs and arms around him as you sighed into his shoulder. You mumbled yes against him and he chuckled rubbing your back softly. 
"It'll be okay, you still have practice and you'll continue playing matches after break" he kept rubbing your back while his other hand played with your hair. You brought your head off his shoulder and sighed 
"I just feel like i’m gonna be boring without volleyball, you’re always so fun no matter what and i can never keep up...ugh and i should be comforting you it could be your last game" you pouted and connected your forehead to his 
"Just being around you is comfort enough" he smiled and you slapped his arm lightly, laughing at how cheesy he was whenever you were down. He knew it always made you feel better so he continued saying cheesy things until you'd forgotten about your worries. 
 It was the day of the Karasuno vs Shiratorizawa match, you saw Tendou in the morning and wished him good luck before going to meet Asahi. You arrived at the gym with the Karasuno team and wished them all good luck as well before smiling at Asahi and meeting Yachi and Miki in the stands. 
"Hey guys" you smiled at them 
"Hey y/n, so who do you want to win?" Yachi raised her eyebrow at you 
"I honestly don't know, volleyball means so much to Tendou and Asahi has really found himself since joining back, im so nervous for both of them..either way i'll be buying someone chocolate ice cream after this" you chuckled lightly but you really were nervous, you knew that one team had to lose and you were scared for how devastated either one would be. 
 After the first four sets you swore you were sweating more  than any of the players, you were so nervous and tired from cheering you didnt even notice your nails digging into the chair beneath you. Tendou was more intense than ever, he was breaking karasuno and you felt sorry for the pinch server on Karasuno who was crying while Tendou sung from the sidelines. He looked up at you and smiled, you waved back dramatically before looking over to Asahi and doing the same, he smiled back nervously. Tendou watched you and he felt calmer despite you being a ball of energy and nerves. He wanted to win, for you and for his team. He went back onto the court and began playing even harder than before, his guesses becoming more and more accurate every time he went to block. You watched him in awe but you noticed Asahi becoming more and more determined the more that they were blocked. 
 The whistle blew and you stared down the court, many of the shiratorizawa players were on the floor and the Karasuno 3rd years were crying in each other’s arms while the rest screamed. Tendou had lost, you watched him curiously as he just stared up at the roof and muttered to himself. You wanted to run up to him a hug him but you knew you had to wait. Ushijima gravbed Tendou and brought him back to the coach, he was emotionless but you could sense his disappointment even from up in the stands. After both teams had lined up you ran down the stairs and saw Karasuno first, you congratulated the team and gave Asahi a big hug, he saw how you were in a rush and he understood you wanted to comfort Tendou. He smiled understandingly and you ran past him without saying anything. When you saw Ushijima and Tendou walking next to each other you weren’t surprised to see that they both seemed normal, anyone else would think they were relaxed but you could tell they were both upset. You looked at Tendou and wrapped your arms around him and he buried his face in the crook of your neck. 
“You were amazing out there, you know that?” you mumbled just loud enough for him to hear, you felt him smile against your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. You pulled back and looked at Ushijima 
“You played so well, everyone did” you smiled at him and he nodded appreciatively. 
 After you had said goodbye to the Karasuno team and Asahi you went back on the Shiratorizawa bus with boys and girls team. Tendou fell asleep on your shoulder 5 minutes into the ride back and you smiled, running your hands through his hair. He looked so peaceful sleeping which contrasted deeply to the guess monster you’d just seen on the court. 
 Back at the dorms you walked into Tendou and Ushijimas dorm room in Tendous hoodie holding one of his shounen jump copies and a tub of chocolate ice cream with some spoons. He looked up at you and melted when he saw you, he came and wrapped you in a hug kissing your forehead lightly and whispering in your ear 
“Thank you princess” you blushed and sat on his bed opening the ice cream while Tendou made himself comfortable in your lap. 
 You smiled down at him and ran your hands through his hair, he began reading his magazine while you put the ice cream as aids to focus on braiding his hair. 
He loved lying on your thighs and often fell asleep in your lap reading or talking to you about shounen jump while you played with his hair. 
“I love you” you cooed as you closed your eyes, quickly opening them when you felt him tense up below you and realised you had said that out loud. 
Your face turned red and you tried to get up but Tendou grabbed your hip, holding you in place while he stared at you. You avoided eye contact but you could feel his eyes on your face. 
“y/n look at me” you brought your gaze into your lap and he lifted your chin with his hand 
“I love you too” you looked into his eyes and he sat up before he cupped your face in his large hands and pressed his lips against yours. 
 You felt your heart basically jump out of your chest as you melted beneath his touch. His other hand that was on your hip started to move up your waist under your shirt and you shivered feeling his fingers trace your side. Your breath hitched when he cupped your breast, he squeezed softly earning a small moan from you and he smirked while kissing down your jawline. 
You smiled back wrapping your leg around his waist pulling him down onto you, he looked into your eyes for any indication that he should stop but he saw nothing but love and lust. He smiled and said ‘i love you princess’ before sitting up and taking off his shirt before coming back down and leaving marks on your neck. 
You arched your back as he trailed his finger up your thigh and he took the opportunity to unclip your bra. He lifted his hoodie off of you and you averted your eyes as he gazed down at you
 “You’re so beautiful” he whispered before kissing in between your breasts and down to your naval. 
He loomed over you with half lidded eyes as he admired the affect he had on you, your uneven breathing and bare chest was driving him mad. 
His hand made its way from your breast to your throat as he kissed you roughly while choking you. You stared up at him with lust while he slipped his hand past the waistband of your shorts. 
He groaned as he felt how wet you were, for him and only him. He slipped a finger inside of you and moaned into your mouth as you arched your back. 
 He grabbed both your wrists with his free hand and held them above your head while roughly kissing you to silence your moans. Adding a second finger, he started curling his fingers inside of you and you moaned at how his skilled hands worked wonders inside of you. 
 “Princess i need you to quiet down” he said before releasing your wrists and shoving his fingers in your mouth, you felt a knot in your stomach and you were about to come undone before he removed his fingers from inside you. You groaned and looked up at him to see him smirking. 
You felt his bulge on the inside of your thigh and brushed against him causing him to moan into your mouth. You took the opportunity to flip him over and straddle him. He looked up at you surprised as you started kissing down his toned chest and abdomen. He grabbed your jaw and brought you up to his face kissing you roughly, you grinder against him and he moaned loudly in your ear, you blushed at his reaction and started kissing back down his chest. 
 As you released his member from his boxers you looked up to see him with a smug look on his face, you swirled your tongue around his tip and watched his eyes roll back into his head. Satisfied, you started bobbing your head, taking most of him in your mouth while his hand found its way to your hair, gripping it softly as he guided your head faster. 
 He grabbed your jaw again and pulled you up off of him and pulled off your shorts and panties. He dove between your thighs with no warning and started squeezing your thighs while swirling his tongue on your clit, you were panting and moaning so loud you wouldn’t be surprised if the whole dorm building could hear. 
“tendou...i’m gonna-“ you moaned out as he took his tongue out of you and kissed your lips while still gripping your thighs, you were sure there would be hand marks the next day. 
“Not yet princess, be patient” he said before lying down and pulling you onto his face. He started attacking your clit again and you gripped his hair as he inserted his tongue inside you causing him to moan loudly against you, you kept pulling his hair to get the same reaction but he still didn’t let you cum. 
Your legs were shaking now as he put you on your hands and knees in front of him. 
“Look at me” he grabbed your jaw and saw the tears fall down your face, he groaned and kissed your shoulder before lightly nipping at your collarbone 
“you’re so fucking pretty when you cry” he kissed you once more before pushing you back down and grabbing your hips. He put his tip in your entrance before asking “are you okay?” you moaned in response and he rammed the rest of his length inside of you earning a loud scream from you. 
He leant over and shoved his fingers in your mouth before slamming into you again while groaning in your ear. 
 The room was filled with the sound of skin slapping and muffled moans as he continued slamming into quickly. 
“Satori” you moaned out feeling the familiar knot in your stomach. He snaked his arm around you and started circling your clit while biting your shoulder. 
You threw your head back and as you were about to come he pulled out and flipped you over
“I wanna see that pretty face when you come for me” he mumbled into the crook of your neck as he left hickeys below your jaw. You were shaking already and your mascara was running down your cheeks, the sight of you so wound up underneath him drove him mad, much like how he felt on the court against after breaking the other players.
He pushed into you again and wrapped his arm under your waist as he left sloppy kisses all over your chest. Your hands gripped his hair as you both moaned. 
“Tendou, please” you whimpered out and he bit your bottom lip as he sped up his pace
“It’s okay baby, you can cum now, scream for me” he could feel himself come undone as you screamed out his name and tightened around him
“fuck” he groaned and shot his seed into you as you both panted. 
He kissed your forehead and smiled down lovingly at you 
 “You did so good princess, don’t move i’ll clean you up” he kissed you sweetly before cleaning up and grabbing his hoodie for you to wear. Your legs were still shaking as he put the hoodie on your and pulled the covers over you before slipping into the bed too. He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you close before kissing the top of your head and whispering in your ear 
“i love you, my paradise” you hummed in response and fell asleep in his embrace. 
 A few hours later you were both woken up by Ushijima stumbling into the room. You were struggling to wake up and Tendou and Ushijima were talking quietly before Tendou whispered to you 
“Go back to sleep, i’m going to the bathroom” he kissed your cheek and you stirred awake feeling Ushijima staring at you. 
“Hey ushijima, are you okay?” you asked rubbing your eyes, when you opened them fully you saw his face inches from yours and his hand was holding your thigh. You barely had any time to react before he started kissing you and shoving his tongue into your mouth. You could taste the alcohol in his mouth and you pushed against his arms but he was so much bigger than you that you couldn’t move. Tears began to prick your eyes as you struggled against his hold. You felt frozen despite your attempts to push him off of you, you didn’t even feel like you were there, you were just watching as he slid his hand up your shorts. He groaned when he felt you and you took the opportunity to push him off and run out of the room.
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fallingfor-fics · 4 years ago
Teachers Pet-chapter 13: the test
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chapter 12
I was just leaving the Great Hall and was walking to DADA with Harry and Ron, discussing what we were thinking we would do in class today, since neither of us wanted to attend. We walked into the classroom and I noticed Lockhart wasn't there yet, thank Merlin, maybe he would be absent today. We sat down and got our supplies out patiently waiting. I heard Ron whispering to Harry and nudging his arm.
 Lockhart entered and gave a brief overview of what we would be doing in class today. I heard more whispers from the pair and turned to look at them, "What are you two whispering about?" I said in a hushed tone. "Nothing" they both said and I just rolled my eyes. I then felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Harry smiling at me. "Um Y/n I wanted to ask you something." he said clearly scared and looking back at Ron. "Well what is it?" I said wishing he would just ask already. "Potter! L/n! Shhh Im speaking!" Lockhart interrupted. He continued blabbing about the lesson and I turned back to Harry. "What was it?" I whispered. "Oh, um well I was wondering If you wanted to go to the Yule Ball with me?" he spat out quietly. I was taken aback clearly, shocked since I had no Idea Harry liked me. I felt kinda bad because I didn't feel the same and I didnt want to hurt his feelings. He could tell it was taking me a minute to think it over. Harry was just so sweet, too sweet, I didn't really like cheesy sweet boys, they are a little soft for my personality, which is why it was gonna be so hard to say no. "Look Harry, you're one of the nicest guys I have had in my life, but I just dont think its a good idea, im sorry, I'm positive you can find someone better to take, like Ginny maybe?" I said with a compassionate smile.
   I could see his face soften and he frowned a bit, "Oh that's alright I totally understand, I just figured y'know neither of us had dates yet, but no worries." he said as he turned and focused back on Lockhart. I felt so guilty for doing that, he was such a good friend, but I just couldn't see us having a good time at the ball. I did the same and focused on Lockhart and we spent the rest of class in silence.
   Once class ended I muttered small goodbyes to Harry and Ron and quickly sped out of the room not wanting to deal with the aftermath of that whole situation. "Hey Y/n" Draco said walking up to me like he did everyday, "Hey Draco, ready for the potions test?" I said as we walked to the dungeons. "Mm yeah I guess I mean I've been ready haha." he said with a cocky smile. I rolled my eyes, "How was DADA? Hope you didn't hex Lockhart again." He said laughing. "It was fine, and fuck off," I said playfully pushing him"Something strange did happen though," I said looking down at my books, "Harry asked me to the Yule Ball.." I said looking at him. "What?! Potter? What a joke!" he said scoffing "I hope you didn't say yes!" he added. "No I didn't, he's too sweet and I just don't feel that way about him, but I feel really bad about it. He looked upset." I said looking back down. "Oh I'm sure he'll be just fine, plus you need a man to take you to the ball, certainly not Potter." he snarled, I elbowed him and gave him a look, "Hey be nice! He's still one of my friends you know." "Yeah yeah." he said mockingly,  as we entered the potions classroom and took our seats in the front. Snape wasnt here yet so we all waited patiently. I got my supplies out and opened my book looking over the material one last time. The door flew open and Snape came walking in, his robes billowing behind him like usual. I felt a small smile creep to my face at the act, he always looked so stunning when he did that, so...powerful. I realized what I was doing and quickly looked back at my book and dropped the smile.
   "Ok class, put your textbooks away and clear off your tables, I will now be handing out your tests, you'll have all of class to complete them, no more and no less. You will get your grades back tomorrow, come drop them on my desk when you are finished and return to your seat quietly." He spewed, the same speech he gave before every test, he began walking around the class handing out the tests and came to my table last, he handed one to Draco and then to me, I looked up at him as he handed it over and smiled saying thank you, he just nodded and looked to have given and very small smirk, as if to say "Good luck" I took a deep breath and began on the test. It was 100 questions which was no surprise since we have a 2 hour class period for potions. 40 minutes had gone by and I was on question 36, which wasn't very good, as Draco was on 49. I needed to pick up the pace if I wanted to finish in time. An hour and a half had now passed and several kids had already finished, I was feeling pretty good so far and was on question 70 something, feeling like I was losing my mind at all the words on the page. Before I knew it Draco was getting up and turning his in. I was almost done, only 5 questions left and 15 minutes left. When I finished there were only three kids still working on theirs, I looked up at Snape who was going over essays and he looked up at me. We made eye contact and I quickly looked back at my test, checking over all my answers. I let out a breath and cracked my knuckles as I stood and slowly walked up to Snape, "All done" I said nervously handing it to him, he looked up and took it from me, and his fingertips brushed mine very softly and quickly as he took it from me, and as soon as he did, out of fear and embarrassment, I snatched my hand away and smiled awkwardly, walking back to my table and putting my head down. I dozed off for the last 10 minutes of class, awakening to Draco shoving me telling me it was time to leave, I sat up and saw most of the class had left.
   I grabbed my stuff and we went for the door, "Actually, Ms. L/n may I speak to you." I froze scared it was about the hand thing, or maybe the Dumbledore thing this morning. I shooed off Draco saying I'd catch up and walked over to stand next to Snape's desk. He stood up and I followed him with my eyes, keeping eye contact to get any sense of what this was about. "I went ahead and decided to grade your test as soon as you turned it in." He said in his usual tone, not giving me any clue as to what I got. Making the suspense and tension build more. "Oh gosh. It's bad isn't it? I failed, didn't i? Oh merlin Professor im so sor-" I began to ramble when he didn't speak but he cut me off, "Y/n calm down." He said and I could feel a slight blush at the use of my first name. He handed me my test and I kept my eyes on his not looking down at it yet. "Wooo ok I can do this" I said giggling a bit, I looked down and my eyes went wide. Written in red ink and circled at the top was a 92. A fucking. 92. I looked back up at him and my jaw dropped. "OH MY GOSH I DID IT!" I practically screamed, jumping up and hugging the paper. "I can't believe I passed and with a 92 this is the happiest moment of my life!" I said smiling up at him.
In fit of adrenaline and serotonin overdose I threw my arms around him and hugged him. He went stiff and I realized what I was doing and quickly threw myself off. "Oh my I'm so sorry Sir, that was so inappropriate, I was just so happy" I said blushing hard and feeling a very strong nervous tingle, which it was I decided to call them, and looked up at him. "It's quite alright Y/n, I'm very proud of you, you worked hard and it paid off, good job." He said with a very small, but visible smile. I smiled big back at him and gestured to him, "I got you to smile too! This is amazing!" I said giggling. "Alright alright enjoy it while it lasted because that's the first and last time you'll see it." he said back in his normal tone and sat back down in his chair. We went silent for a moment as I just stared at my test. "I'm gonna frame this" I joked to which he just looked up at me and smirked a bit. "I cant thank you enough Professor, If you hadn't helped me and stayed up all night tutoring me, I would have been seeing another 50" I said with a calmer and genuine tone. "Of course, Ms-...Y/n, Im proud." he said and I put my head down to hide the blush, I felt rush to my cheeks at the sound of him saying my name, this was getting out of hand. "Ok well, I will see you in tutoring tomorrow. Goodbye Severus." I said with a sarcastic grin and walking out of the class before he could scold me for the use of his first name.
   I walked out of the school to the yard and sat in front of the tree that overlooked the lake. I closed my eyes and took in the fresh air listening to the quiet sound of the lake's water. I looked down at my test paper and smiled, he told me good job and I felt so proud to have pleased him, thinking of the potions professor and how he was such a different man to me now than he was when we first met, he was still his normal self 90% of the time, but he would let the kindness shine through every now and again when I would talk with him. I can't believe I hugged him, I thought. He felt warm for such a cold man, and he smelt nice, like parchment and firewhiskey. That smell would forever be burned in my head. And he smiled and it lit up my dark world for that fraction of a second. Looking in his dark eyes as he was truly proud of me, made my heart beat faster, he was so...beautiful to me, despite what others thought of him, he was an amazing man. I felt the nervous tingle again, only this one lingered on. I leaned my head back on the tree and felt a single tear slid down my face. I let out a breath and opened my eyes wiping it away quickly, and grew scared for a moment. I wasn't sure if it was a tear of joy, or a tear or worry, for I had just begun to realize, the nervous tingle I felt around him was butterflies, the ones Hermione had told me about, and the feelings I had, were for my Potions Professor.
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twewy-comix · 4 years ago
x4 me to die - let’s watch the twewy anime
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oh yeah wow the sub timing’s really bad lol. good thing im a fast reader! (and i also have ears)
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oh nooooo he mistakes someone else for shiki ;;; theyre really cranking up the pain of some of these scenes to 11
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ok so ive been slowly trying to get through final remix, which is easier said than done because im old now and the controls do a number on my wrist. anyway i had to fight one of those rhino things and totally forgot you have to aim at its ass. but it turns toward you whenever you hit it anyway? goddamn fucking rhinos
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alright, fun story, i didnt play twewy right when it came out because i was a baby who needed my mom and dad to buy games for me. but my VERY FIRST memory of it is wondering why the fuck this person i followed (uhh “watched”?) on deviantart kept saying “zetta slow xDDD” what does that mean, what’s slow, more like zetta annoying as shit
my opinion has not changed. 
and now i have money to spend on games and mountains of sho beanbags
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so they had josh call him “neku” twice before asking his name in the DS NA version, edited that out of the switch NA version, but now it’s back here
our normal friend josh! also he slow claps lmao
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alright, i was wondering how they were gonna do this--actually imo the first scan happening by accident like this makes more sense to me than the game’s “just scan me if you dont trust me” “i know that won’t work (does it anyway)”
.......but now i wanna know how the other josh scans will work out? in the game he could do it, like, secretly from afar, but is he gonna be like “hey bro dont mind me just gonna platonically touch your shoulder and stare into space for a bit, as bros do”
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more foreshadowing! ok well it’s more like straight up “these two are players now” but yeah
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there it is, the line that sparked years of twewy conspiracy theories
(...from me. are they gonna elaborate on this in neo?? I HAVE TO KNOW)
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bro we all know youre like 40
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one time i trespassed visited a junkyard with my dog and she kept jumping into all the junked cars because she wanted to go for a ride. it was adorable.
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it’s too much. my rage has dissipated into solemn acceptance. all i can think of to say is “ouch” and “this is really sad”
(and “wooh! w”)
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these guys are cringing too
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OH RIGHT I ALMOST FORGOT, i didnt mention it before but the reaper grunts’ designs have changed, and someone pointed out that the red ones’ is really similar to neku’s new design in neo
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chain necklace, mask, v-neck, hoodie
this has some unfortunate implications!!! (i mean assuming it IS neku, which we dont actually really know yet)
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koko de 4ne
(the subs dont even try to translate the goroawase... a blessing or a curse? u decide)
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[insert really gory sfx here]
but no blood? that’s weird. do players not have blood?? or maybe someone stepped on a burger or something. anyway this guy’s hella dead
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then sho tries to make everyone kill each other???????? but neku’s like “dont listen to that asshole” and theyre like “ok”
...yo that’s totally the mus rattus shopkeeper on the bottom left there
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gee thanks for the gamefaqs josh wouldve been useful a few days ago
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oh nvm there’s violence anyway. “what no, purple hoodie guy, purple hoodie guy no”
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okay well now kariya and uzuki are summoning rhinos too. rhinos all over the goddamn place. goodbye, yumi sheena
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subs leave out number puns: thank you
subs translate “follow my lead” “screw that” differently: noooo whyyyy i hate funimation :’( :’( :’(
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in the game neku tells josh what happened to shiki and he’s like “happens all the time who cares lol”
here, josh already knows makes a lucky guess. because it happens all the time.
normal friend josh!
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five hours
yknow what, yeah, considering sho’s characterization here, he probably did want them to just murder the winner for the gold pin
--oh wait no this isnt the gold pin mission. but still
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“i stole it :)”
shopping tutorial’s moved way ahead to here. clearly this is foreshadowing josh’s princess umbrella, which will prove invaluable in the final battle
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man i wonder who’s responsible for making all that taboo noise? it’s a mystery
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ugh, anime is full of male gaze :///
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♫ there’s our friend, our normal friend, there’s our normal pal josh ♫
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♫ he’s a normal guy, with red glowing eyes, he likes to think about how neku dies ♫
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what an awkward situation! luckily beat is here to punch neku in the face to break the ice, as well as neku’s jaw
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and... uh... then he leaves. the end
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♫ normal guy, breaks glass with his mind ♫
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