#there was an aunty in the vicinity who was like leave her alone! and for her sake alone i did NOT start killing
cosmicrhetoric · 1 year
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quillandink333 · 3 years
Scarlet Carnations ~ Part VII
BotW Link X Zelda ~ Detective AU
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Rating: T
Word Count: 4k
WARNINGS: death, murder, loss, trauma, blood and gore, terrorism, organized crime, self-harm
Summary: Inspector Zelda Hyrule, assisted by the faithful Constable Link Fyori, is infamous for cracking the most confounding of cases in a town dominated by crime. Her latest assignment is to solve the murder of her own godmother, Impa Sheikah, the late CEO of Sheikah Tech. Incorporated, while staying under the radar of the dreaded Yiga organization.
Part I • Part II • Part III • Part IV • Part V • Part VI • Part VII • Epilogue • Masterlist
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It took me far too long to recover from the discovery I’d made deep beneath the foundation of the Sheikah estate. Who knew how many more had been forced to suffer at the hands of the Yiga over the course of that period? It was high time to end this era of tyranny and grief, and to have anyone but myself take the lead was not an option. Whatever truth was waiting for me at the end of all this, so be it. I had to see it with my own two eyes. I had to see her.
To help set my plan into motion, the only person I had left to turn to was Prosecutor Sigatur, and though she had once held my mother in the utmost respect, she had benevolently volunteered to present my findings to the courts in my stead. As confident as I was in my argument and as desperately as I desired to be there for Link, I couldn’t quite stomach the thought of taking the stand and exposing myself to the discrimination of the public eye again.
And so, as the proceedings went on for the following few days, I spent my time back at the apartment, making myself useful by poring through my mountainous collection of data on the eighteen-year-old incident that I’d amassed over the years and had been keeping in my office until now. Now that I had been let go, my flat was practically overflowing with newspaper clippings, copies of investigation reports, and whatever else not. Every time I would open the door upon arriving home, I’d get hit in the face with the musty stench of dust and old magazines that I had nowhere to properly put away.
Though my collection was indeed vast, it was far more so in physical volume than in information. Most of the documents in it were no more than different accounts of the same basic facts. All the useful info I could glean was that the fire at City Hall had taken the lives of most, if not all, administrative officials who had been there working at the time, and those members of council who may or may not have been killed had never been seen nor heard from again, their bodies left for ash. And according to my sources, Mayor Hyrule had been amongst them.
There was a certain line in her letter to Auntie Impa that had tipped me off to her current whereabouts. “...I have been keeping watch over you from the ashes of the afterlife...” The imagery laced so intricately into those words had struck a nerve. There was only one place in this town that both would’ve been of any significance to her and was covered in ash: the crumbling ruins where the former City Hall had once stood.
Having reached the point of culmination in my plotting, I invited the newly reinstated Constable Fyori over for tea. The two of us meeting in my office would have been preferable, but we’d just have to make do with this for the time being.
“If my hypothesis is correct, then I am about to enter the belly of the beast,” I deliberated. Seated on my settee and restlessly tapping the floor with his heel, Link listened with both eyes and ears as I paced about the room. “Ideally, I’d have some sort of backup at my disposal. Maybe I could phone Urbosa and ask her to lend me a hand, just once more...”
“If I may,” he butted in, “why are you speaking as though you’ll be on your own?”
I hadn’t been nearly as prepared as I probably should have been for such a question. “Well...” I stammered, forcing the shame of admitting that I was too afraid to confront my own mother alone down my throat, “would you happen to know someone who’d be willing to accompany me?”
His mouth gaped at my answer. Then jutting his neck out and laying his palms across his chest, he stood up. “Me!”
I took a step back. “Link, what are you talking about?” If something happened to him as a result of this, which was more likely to occur than not, then his last moments would surely be filled with nothing but fear and regret. Not to mention, I would never forgive myself. “I really shouldn’t have to remind you. She’s the reason your family—”
“I know,” he snapped. His eyes were burning a hole straight through me. It was almost frightening. “Believe me, I’m not about to go forgetting it again any time soon.”
“Then why...?” I half-whispered in the most deathly serious tone I could muster.
“Because I’m tired of hiding.”
A harsh breeze rattled the blinds against the window frame. It took me by surprise, but he wasn’t phased by it in the least.
“I’m tired of turning a blind eye and acting like none of the horrible things she’s done ever happened.” I tried to think of a snappy rebuttal, but none came to mind. He’d said these words as though they’d been burning on the tip of his tongue for an untold number of days. He’d had a lot of time to reflect between his false conviction and his acquittal, so it seemed. He and I were of the same mind, of course, but... “And, because...” He stopped himself. Some of the fire in his gaze had gone out in smoke. I got my hopes up when he broke eye contact for a moment or two, and I could all but sense the resolve in him dying, just a little bit.
But then, emitting a slight sound of frustration, he stepped closer. His hands gripped my shoulders, and he pulled me in with the force of a hurricane.
When his lips made impact with mine, my eyes flew open.
He kissed me with what could only be described as reckless abandon. His mouth scraped across my own, and I could feel every ounce of his aggravation in the way his fingertips bit down on my skin alone. It was rough and clumsy and pressed, as if this were sincerely the last and only chance he would ever have.
All of a sudden, we were seventeen again, and standing in the middle of our secondary school’s greenhouse. The scent of dust was replaced with that of lush flora on all sides of us, and sunlight shining in from above caressed the top of my head with its warmth. This was the very scene that I’d used to daydream about time and time again, wasting more hours of each day than I’d have liked to admit at the time.
Now his fingers clung to the corners of my face like I was made of paper, his lips brushing mine almost imperceptibly as his bated breath fanned out against them. When my eyes opened and met with his, his complexion had turned a delicate rouge, and his faultless aquamarines had been clouded over by doubt. In that moment, all I could think to do was to make that doubt vanish. So I ignored the distant sense of guilt that yet lingered and seized the navy blue tie around his neck. Our forms collided, and a sigh like trees swaying at the mercy of a light breeze in summer grazed my cheek.
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With Ms. Sigatur’s aid, the constabulary had been more than willing to cooperate and construct a perimeter of officers around the old City Hall’s charred skeleton. Just the fact that the vicinity wasn’t littered in tarps and rubbish and other evidence of homelessness was proof enough of my theory. And yet, the way the wind howled and that the only signs of life were the crows circling up above filled the pit of my stomach with an unease that I could not ignore.
“You know what to do as soon as you sense any sign of danger, I trust?” Urbosa had both her hands planted firmly on my shoulders, bending down to meet my gaze with that same, old look of worry.
I gave a firm nod, never breaking eye contact. “Of course.”
“And you have Fyori and the others looking out for you, so don’t be afraid to call for them if—”
“I’ll be fine, Urbosa. I—”
“No, you will not.”
All I wanted was to get this over with, but she just had to go and remind me of the risks. No matter what I wished for, it wouldn’t change the fact that this was, in all likelihood, a suicide mission. Which was why I’d been so adamant in refusing to allow Link to come along initially.
Said constable was watching the two of us out of the corner of his eye, ever the vigilante as he stood facing the stronghold a mere half dozen paces away.
I heaved a constricted sigh and looked the prosecutor earnestly in the eye. With a deep breath, “I understand how worried you are for me, but please, don’t try to stop me. I’m aware of the risk and I’m prepared to face the consequences. I wouldn’t be doing this if I weren’t confident in my ability to succeed.”
Her stance softened, if only just slightly. “If Hilda weren’t still alive, her spirit would haunt me for letting any harm come to you.”
“But that won’t happen, because she is alive and she would never try to hurt me.” This much I was certain of, for if she had harboured any such intentions, she would have acted on them already, with how the Organization typically operated.
Urbosa’s lips tightened, and the out of place worry lines permeating her expression faded incrementally. She cast her gaze toward my stubborn guardian in silence, and he offered her a calm, yet resolute, nod of the head.
After a quiet embrace that seemed to go on endlessly, she sent me on my way. I looked over my shoulder as she grew smaller and smaller, then turned my focus ahead of me.
Staring up at the towering columns before me, I fell into an unnatural combination of wonder, nostalgia, and loss. (For whom or what was I still mourning? At this point, I didn’t even know the answer to that.) For the most part, the only parts of the building left standing were those invulnerable to fire, and even a great portion of that had fallen victim to weathering and decay over the years. Many of the brick walls had crumbled, leaving little in the way of places to hide a single person, let alone an entire crime syndicate.
The wind was unrelenting as it whipped and thrashed my hair about my face. Yet somehow, even as we drew nearer, the air remained as deathly still as ever.
As we finally came upon the scorched remnants of the main entrance, a gust from the north sent a whirlwind of ash in my direction. My arms rose to shield my face in the nick of time.
After taking a moment to collect myself, I took my first step since childhood into the domain of my mother’s workplace. Surely when I crossed that threshold, I’d thought, surely that was when havoc would finally be wrought upon us. But I was met yet again with stillness. Was nothing but my own breathing able to break this seemingly impenetrable silence?
Just then, my question was answered.
I felt my soul jump out of the confines of my body when the caw of a crow reverberated throughout the government building. If my heart hadn’t been pounding hard enough already...
I jumped again seconds later, though not nearly to the extent at which I just had, when Link’s hand came to weave itself between my fingers. We locked eyes, and he gave me the kindest of smiles. It made me want to melt right into his arms and to never let go, lest I lose him a third, and very likely final, time.
But a clearing of the throat from one of the other nearby constables reminded me of the ever present need to stay alert.
I elected to have the group split into two: one to search the ground floor of the ruins and one to search the upper floor. It was hard to say for certain how stable they were, but the stairways connecting the two stories were still almost fully intact. The upper floor itself, however, was another matter. Though its foundation hadn’t been constructed from any organic material, much of its structural integrity seemed to have been lost. About a third of it had broken off and landed square in the middle of the ground floor, leaving a vast chasm between the two sections of the upper floor that remained. The police had come prepared and equipped for the traversal of rough and uneven terrain, though there was still the danger of stray pieces of rubble raining down onto our heads from above.
I adjusted the strap of my helmet, which was beginning to chafe at the skin underneath my chin, before making my way around the monstrous hunk of brick flooring lying along the length of the grand foyer. Beyond that, as I’d remembered correctly, was the hallway leading to where her office had once been. But the scene I would discover there was a far cry from what I recalled.
What I found there wasn’t unlike what we’d found in the other offices up until now. Any furniture that had once filled the space had been destroyed. I could only just make out the contorted pieces of an old, blackened writing desk, its legs collapsed and the only thing relaying the tale of its former shape being the lamp lying shattered beside it. This I’d only noticed after hearing the crackling of shattered glass underfoot.
A clipped, nasal exhale sounded from behind me, where Link was taking in the scene with an expression similar to my own set into his face. He’d been clinging to my side since we’d begun searching, whether out of a desire to protect or to be protected, I did not know. A question rang in my ears that he’d posed to me during our meeting at my flat. “What will you do once you find her?” It was a simple question, one that I reasonably should have been able to answer, but the only one that came to mind would have sounded beyond foolish if said aloud. In the midst of such an era of power, what crime boss in their right mind would be swayed by a meagre plea to stop? But if not try to reason with her, there wouldn’t be many other options at my disposal.
This supposition only applied given that my mother would be found. My inspections so far had yielded no signs of Yiga activity, or for that matter, any activity whatsoever. Everything here seemed to have been here since the very incident that had levelled the place. In a way, this only added onto my already existing restlessness. The longer this search went on in vain, the less likely we were to find anything of worth, and the more likely it was for this endeavour to end in yet another failure. The moment I would finally give into my fear and call off the mission was steadily approaching.
A shadow flickered in my peripheral vision, followed by auditory pandemonium.
I just barely withheld my yelp. Link had turned toward the source of the sound with his hand on his holster.
But it had only been a piece of debris coming down from the floor above. I sighed furtively.
Between how Link’s shoulders had tensed up to meet his ears and the way his hand twitched as he lowered it from his hip, it was plain to see that I wasn’t the only one who was shaken up.
There was one more area of the ground floor that I had left to search: the conference hall. If the Yiga were anywhere to be found across these vast burial grounds, it was there.
What was left of the wood flooring creaked underfoot at a much greater volume than I’d been expecting. The ceiling, though just as high as that of the rest of this floor, somehow felt even loftier. Out of all the rooms we’d visited, this one was the most intact. Half of the risers, though scorched, were otherwise undamaged, and even the podium was still standing tall. But of course, being more intact meant giving sharpshooters more places to hide. One misstep and—
The floor fell out from beneath me. I let out a shriek, feeling the realm of death open its big, black maw and swallow me whole.
Then I landed with a calamitus crash.
If I hadn’t managed to curl my limbs around myself in time, the concrete flooring I seemed to have landed on surely would’ve cracked my head open, or given me a severe concussion at the very least. My whole body ached from the impact, and it felt as though I may have sprained my ankle, for when I tried to stand, it throbbed in the most violent pain I had ever experienced. I fell to my hands and knees, reeling.
The spot in the floor that I’d placed my weight on must have lost much of its hardiness to the fire. In all the times I’d been here as a little girl, it had never once occurred to me that this place had housed a basement.
I looked up to see Link peering down from the hole in the ceiling that I’d made, his expression poised with worry. My body, covered in scrapes and bruises, cringed when I realized he had borne witness to that pathetic spectacle, making the pain tenfold.
“I’m fine,” I whisper-shouted up toward the only source of light in the room, and some of the fear in his face relaxed. He glanced around him, then looked back down in my direction before standing up and disappearing.
I could only hope he’d find his way down sooner rather than later. In the meantime, I shifted into a position I hoped I’d have more luck rising back to standing from, and I did. Though, maimed as I was, I’d still have to find some way to take some of the weight off my right foot.
The first thing I latched onto was rusty and sharp. I winced and pulled my hand back, looking blindly to see if my palm was bleeding or not.
As my eyes adjusted, I was relieved to see that the cut had only just grazed the surface of my skin. I scanned the room, seeing that the thing I’d touched was a piece of an old oil drum. In fact, the room was full of metal scraps resembling it.
A vision flashed before my eyes. Of City Hall being engulfed in flame within seconds, and the criminal mastermind hiding the evidence in a cellar, where no one would ever find it until the better part of two decades later.
The rest of the basement was still a cluttered mess, but somehow it felt a great deal more lived-in than what I’d seen up until this point. There wasn’t a soul to be found in any of the windowless rooms I came across, but the few things I found lying around with the help of my pocket torch, like an unopened pack of cigarettes and a deck of cards left strewn across a small table, gave me the distinct impression that I wasn’t alone. The numerous corners provided by old, metal bookshelves and file cabinets did little to slow my racing heart.
Eventually, I came upon an open doorway, beside which a small sign on the wall read, “Archive A.” Beyond the barrier, unlike the pitch darkness I’d been wandering through for I’d long lost count of just how long, a few threads of light were trickling in from above, presumably through a crack in the flooring above that I’d failed to notice before.
I stepped through the doorway, turned to face the yawning expanse of the former archive, and saw her. Dressed in pale white and standing radiantly in the center of the room.
My mother. The very image of my ever vivid memory of her was right there.
My feet carried me, with newfound purpose and with minds of their own, toward her. I wanted to reach out and feel her next to me. I wanted to ascertain that she was truly there and that I hadn’t actually hit my head and wasn’t now seeing things. I wanted to run at her, arms outstretched, more than anything in the world.
But then my ankle throbbed violently in protest, and my reason for being here came back to me at full force. I swallowed down my longing and stopped in my tracks. Her smile—that warm, glowing, congratulatory smile that held all the hope and light of the sun within its corners—wasn’t making this any less difficult, however. I was reminded of the simpler times, when at the end of each day, there was someone back at home waiting to hold me close and make all my worries melt away.
She held her arms out to me in a gesture that made my eyes well up with the tears of a child. It felt unspeakably wrong, but for what reason I could no longer place. Why shouldn’t I? What harm could it possibly do? It was only natural to want to wrap my arms around her as tightly as I was able, and to never let go again, wasn’t it?
A gunshot ripped through the peace.
Her face turned still as stone. Square between her harmless eyes had appeared an inky black-red orifice—an exit wound—from which a spray of crimson had decorated her visage.
Time slowed almost to a stop as Mother careened forward and fell flat onto the cold, hard floor. A hollow thump echoed throughout the empty space.
Before I’d had time to react, I looked up and met eyes with a painfully familiar pair of icy azures, which thawed in an instant as the owner lowered his weapon. I glanced down at the body, which had landed just two or three paces in front of me, then back at him. Then my own body started to shake.
No matter how I tried, I couldn’t control the violent tremors that had taken hold of me. My knees hit the floor, my bad ankle being wrenched one way in the process. This tore a scream from the depths of my lungs as the tears began waterfalling down in spiteful defiance against my will. I couldn’t bare to look at her—lithe arms strewn out limply at her sides and golden hair scattered in every direction—so I hid like the coward I was behind my stinging palms.
A metallic clack, followed by footsteps pounding the cement one after another as they neared. When his arms cradled my head into the shelter of his chest, I didn’t stop him. Nor did I when his hand began its gentle stroking up and down the curve of my back. He could have said something, anything, but he refrained. Instead, the silence surrounding my cries did nothing but amplify them.
A resounding clatter broke the air.
My vision was fogged up like a window pane in the dead of winter, but as I blinked away the tears, I began to make out the shape of an assault rifle lying on the concrete, at the feet of a person who hadn’t been there before and whose face I was unable to make out from this distance. In the figure’s hand was a bone-white mask, which they turned over in their grasp before dropping it onto the floor as well. It shattered upon landing.
In every corner, assassins were emerging from the shadows, each one of them laying down their weapons and turning to face the cooling corpse resting at the axis point of it all. Somehow, the room seemed even more devoid of daylight than ever before.
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a-monsters-love · 4 years
The Air Between Us: Part 1
[Prologue] [Part 1] [Blurb 1] [Part 2] [Blurb 2] [Epilogue]
Zuko x A!Reader:
Genre: fluff
Warnings: mild swearing
Word count: 7742
Time line: Takes place when the Gaang goes to the Fire Lords beach house with Zuko on Ember Island. I changed it from them going to see the play about themselves and go to a circus instead; I extended the time they were on the island to fit everything.
A/N: If your reading this I hope it lives up to any expectations, the prologue got so much more love than I thought it would. This is my first fan fic, the reader was originally written as my DnD OC so I apologize if she’s written wonky. I hope I wrote Zuko’s character well, I was worried I wrote him too OOC but I’ve read so much Zuko x Reader fanfics that I felt like it wasn’t that bad lmao. I am my own proof reader so please message me if I messed something up. Also I don’t know how to write Sokka or Suki’s character, I’ve never met anyone like Sokka and Suki has so little dialogue in the show that I feel like she’s just happy to be there.
(Y/N) = Your name (S/C) = Skin color (H/C) = Hair color (E/C) = Eye color
“SSHHUUUUUUU.” A loud, terrifying, growl hissed through the Fire Lords vacation home. Echoing into an almost animalistic growl.
“Ah.” Shu looks over to Katara, ”Sounds like (Y/N) is awake.” Probably also waking up everything else in the greater vicinity. Based on the ferocity in your voice they decide it’s probably best to rush over to the room you’re now resting in.
You’re alone, in a hastily cleaned dust covered room. You don’t know where you are. You aren’t aware of how you got here or what day it is. You’re sticky, you reek of herbs, and everything HURTS. These are facts you listed as you woke up. You hear the softest knocking on the door, “If you are not my brother or with him I will rip you to shreds.” You snarl at the door, it’s been a long time since you’ve been this mad, you can hear the hand that was on the door knob let go and take a step back, not going much further than that. Exhaustion starts taking over but you were determined to stay awake until you received your answers. You hear large familiar foot steps run over to the room you’ve been placed in. When the door finally opens you see your twin brother, Shu with Katara, and a very nervous looking Zuko up against the wall behind them. You determined he was the one you threatened. Your (E/C) eyes flick from the nervous fire bender to your brother, “You’re late and I have questions, little brother.” You hissed menacingly.
It’s been less than 24 hours since you passed out. In that time, you’ve managed to win over the Gaang and somehow sort out the choices your brother made for the both of you. Neither of which you disagreed with however you barely remember anything that happened after the end of the fight at the circus. You blacked out, this wasn’t a first, but it was a first from blood loss. Katara has been working on healing your wounds every 4-6 hours, letting the salve do its job before cleaning you as best she could through the fear that you might not have made it otherwise. She looks exhausted.
The night prior, when Zuko escorted you to the evacuation area, the Gaang had received the full disclosure on your wounds, your history, and your goals. During your first healing session you were face-in-lap of the Fire Prince, as he received endless teasing. Katara, all though giving him the ‘all knowing’ look the entire time, was the only person to have his back. You lost so much blood you needed to stay as warm as possible until your body regulated, and what’s a better hot water bottle than a fire bender?
“Hey Sifu Hot Water Bottle!” Toph hollered down the hall, Zuko groaned. Knowing he will never be able to live this down, but was it worth having you nuzzle into his lap like a sick turtle duck? Absolutely.
“What, Toph.” He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms at the tiny earth bender.
“Shu and Katara are getting herbs so you should keep your princess company~” Toph grinned from ear to ear, knowing his reaction, even if she couldn’t feel it through the hardwood flooring.
Zuko’s cheeks flushed brightly at the comment, letting out a forced ‘groan’ in an attempt to get the better of the girl. He, however, quite liked the idea and rolled around options in his head to see if he could do anything for you without needing healer expertise. He decides to prepare tea. He remembered a recipe for a pain killer tea that his uncle had made for him, it tastes like crap but he knew it could help.
Walking up to your door, no problem, walking in? That’s another story. You were passed out, why is he suddenly so nervous? Then he heard it, well he heard you. He’s never heard such a terrifying savage sound escape someone, let alone a person of your stature. He lightly knocked on the door as not to surprise you but received a threat regardless, this was new. “WHAT DID YOU DO??” Toph whisper yells from down the hall, Zuko not wanting to give up his spot, while not disturbing you he throws his hands in front of his chest indicating ‘I don’t fucking know’ quickly remembering she’s blind.
As if saved by the bell, Shu and Katara rushed up the hall to your room, “I didn’t wake her, I got here after the roar.” Zuko whispers before they open the door. He sees your bandaged body and has the desire to help but decides it’s best to stay out of the way. His gold eyes meet your own (E/C) eyes, causing him to remember the night prior, a blush dusts his face and he looks down.
Shu and Katara enter the room, leaving Zuko in the hall. “In or out, princeling.” You state dryly. He decides to walk in and sit against the wall, opposite to your brother and the water tribe girl. Setting down the tea pot he prepared. You can feel warmth radiating from him, Fire bending perks, you noted. “Someone help me into an upright position…please.” Your tone changes, almost begging for help. You’re tired and in pain and in need of answers. Zuko and Shu both gently help you lift yourself from laying on your chest to sitting upright. Zuko grateful for the bandages looks into his hands after letting go of you. Katara hands you a cup of tea. You look between the healer and Shu, “So… I barely remember anything after the battle at the circus, please fill me in..” You take a sip of tea without even flinching at the taste, to Zuko’s surprise.
“What?? What’s the last thing you remember?” Katara seems mind blown by the idea and Zuko looks as if he’s the one who lost too much blood.
You sip your tea slowly and tilting your head back and fourth trying to stitch together the memories. “Well, we trapped all the Fire Nation soldiers, Shu and I high-fived and that’s when things started getting hazy,” You stopped and tried to pull pieces to your mind, “I had said.. something to you guys and then my legs went weak and Zuko caught me.” You pointed at him, your ears turned red at the thought. “After that, nothing. Last time I blacked out that bad was in Omashu, like 2 years ago, and that was a party.” You ramble on, still a bit delirious from blood loss and medication.
Katara watches you, thinking over your condition. “Well, you did lose a lot of blood, if we knew sooner then maybe we could’ve done something.” She shakes her head and looks between the two boys before explaining the context of the night prior. She then comments that neither you or Shu gave goodbyes to anyone before you left, which she found weird.
You and Shu exchange looks, and erupt in laughter. To the shock of both Katara and Zuko, who found himself confused but smiling seeing you laugh. You groaned and held you sides, laughing hurt. “We’re circus kids, don’t worry about ‘goodbyes’ we have our means. Since we left them that means Auntie and Uncle are probably retiring.” You move your attention to your brother, “Did Uncle give you anything?” You finished your tea putting the cup down for a refill. You let a small shiver consume you.
“He gave me a box and told me to open it when your up and-or well,” He rolls his eyes. “Whatever that means.” He leans over and refills your glass.
“We’ll need that in the up coming war, so don’t lose it,” You seem back to you matter-a-fact like self. Looking back to Katara, “What’s the status on my wounds?” You ask, picking up your cup for another sip.  
She sighs, “It should only take a couple more sessions for it to not hurt so bad and to get you up again” She looks at the ground almost in an ashamed way, she glances at Zuko briefly while choosing her words. “I wasn’t able to prevent the scarring, you will forever have a large scar that stretches from the middle of your back up your neck and down your shoulders to both your hands.”
The room is quiet from Katara statement, you can feel the tension from her words. Noting the look she sent the scarred prince but keeping a calm face you nod, “Well, that’ll look badass.” Taking another sip of tea, “I wonder if it’ll be a problem with Aangs training, Air Bending masters get tattoos, right?” You start thinking aloud. You shrug at the thought, “Well, either way, when can we get to the next healing session? Because I’m cold and everything hurts and I’m hungry, this tea is helping but I can’t eat in this condition.”
Katara smiles brightly at your quick resolve and ushers the boys out to start the healing session. Zuko was replaying how quickly you came to a resolve about your scar in his head not noticing Katara trying to get his attention. “Hey.” You snap your fingers close to his face, causing a small breeze. “Are you gonna watch or are you gonna leave? I have to strip for this.” Zuko’s face was immediately red at the thought of what you just said and stumble-ran out of your room. And so, your first session while awake starts. Followed by every curse word and obscenity you can imagine escaping your mouth. This isn’t healing, this is assault!
Due to the depth of the wounds and the concern of Katara, you had multiple ‘healing sessions’ throughout that day. The day following you were up and running again, for the most part. You found yourself mostly watching Zuko and Aang train, much to Zuko’s dismay but he took note of the a light blush that dusted your face and he redness of your ears when he took his shirt off. He started taking it off earlier in his matches with Aang to see if he can get a reading out of you. Your angelic poker face is not something he could win against. That small smile is constantly plastered on your face.(*1)
However much you enjoyed seeing him with his shirt off, you enjoyed studying their sparring session more than anything. Both Zuko and Aang had multiple different influences in their bending, there are time Zuko’s moves look like that of a water bender. You have never seen anything like it, however you’ve only ever practiced with Shu, an earth bender, so you weren’t one to talk. You asked Aang the occasional question about air bending basics. Things to practice so you can find the middle ground you needed to have control of your bending better. You sit on the patio while they trained practicing your control, letting Aang correct you when needed.
“What about bending? When can I start fully practicing that?” You ask Katara while making a fresh pot of jasmine tea, it’s one of your many favorites.
Katara hums at the question, “You should be okay for now. BUT!” She looks you in they eyes. “No heavy lifting, and no going past your limits. If you start feeling sore or exhausted you must take a break.” You almost spat at the statement but stifled your laughter, you’re an air bender. Is air heavy? You jokingly thought, knowing how hilarious that sounds.
“Awesome,” You cough to hide your ongoing laughter. “Can you help me then? I want to change to practice.”
Katara agreed and followed you to your room. She had tied your (H/C) hair back, neater than you’ve ever tied it. You’re still in full bandage but you have a halter top exposing your bandaged midriff, and your most comfortable short harem pants, you liked the way they hugged your hips and sat comfortably at your knees. You walk out barefoot to the training grounds to Toph, who almost hit you with a boulder. “Hey, lightfoot! At least make sure you have a presence for me, you could’ve been back in bed!” She scowled in your general direction, “Katara would’ve blamed me!” She huffed.
You make sure both feet are flat to the ground and walk to the girl, “Could you help me with something?” At Aangs references and Sokka’s bad memories you try to describe the Airball court and the type of game that was played in it. “If we make one out of stone you can ‘watch’ me and Aang play and it’ll give me good practice to handle my air bending without creating an actual tornado or by using my fans.” Toph rolled the idea around in her head, “If we get a fire proof ball we can get Zuko in on the game?” You further suggest.
Almost like a light bulb goes off in Toph’s head she lights up, “(Y/N)! You’re a genius!” She runs off to look for the ideal location.
You go find Aang, catching him before he starts his sparing session, “Hey, Aang!”
Aang sees you calling and perks up, “Hey (Y/N), what up?” The young nomad asks, meeting you halfway.
“Okay, so,” You clap your hands together holding them in front of your chin. “Can Airball be played with 3 goals or does it have to be 2?” Your (E/C) eyes are almost glowing at the question throwing the boy for a loop, you’re finally acting more like yourself again.
“Well, since Air Nomads are traditionally pacifists I’d say only 2 goals to avoid having 2 teams ganging up on 1 team.” He smiles remember the times he played back in the Southern Air Temple, then his brow knit. “Why do you ask?” (*2)
You smile putting your hand on his small shoulders, “I’m having Toph use her bending to build an Airball court so I can practice my bending and I thought it could give you and Zuko a different type of field to spar on.” That last part you made up on the spot but it is a valid option. Aangs face lights up, “Do you want to grab Zuko and show me the ropes?”
You both grab Zuko, and a random empty metal box from the vacation house. He begrudgingly follows, being pulled hand in hand by two Air Benders, what has my life come to? He thought to himself while not shaking off either hand so he can keep holding yours. Aang explains the game rules and how it’s played on the way.
You follow the noises of the court being built by Toph and you hear her call, “(Y/N)! What were you thinking to use for the ball??” You can see she had stone and river rock options behind her however you didn’t want to risk the damage to you or Zuko. (*3)
“How ‘bout this?” You hand her the metal box, “If you metal bent it to the shape of a ball we can leave it hollow so it’ll be easier to move for me as an ‘inexperienced’ air bender and for Zuko who will have to use his flames to actually propel it.”
You can see Toph physically frown, “Hey, I’m not an earth bender, and as much as I wouldn’t mind taking responsibility if he got hurt, throwing boulders at him is not in my job description.” You both laugh and Toph agrees. You suggest Aang and Zuko use the court first for training then you can get to the game.
Toph has lifted a platform to the height of the court, “You’re pretty good at staying balanced on moving boulders.” She comments.
“Yeah, well, having a giant but strong Earth Bender for a twin your whole life does wonders for your balance.” You joke, pushing your elbow into Toph who is trying to stifle a smile at the mention of Shu.
While watching the boys jump around so gracefully reminds you a lot of the circus. You feel a bit sad at the thought and Toph picks up on it. “What’s wrong, lightfoot?”
You don’t hate the new nickname as much as the others seem to hate theirs, you lean back a bit on the platform holding your knees to keep your balance. “I was trained in all sorts of circus and show performances, piano, guitar, gymnastics, acrobatics, juggling, tight rope walking, and contortionism-“
Toph would have spat out her drink if she had one, “YOU’RE A CONTORTIONIST?” She gaps at you causing Zuko to blush, losing his balance and Aang to give him a big stupid grin.
“Ah-well-“ You stammer, blushing hard because no one outside of the circus ever seemed to be interested in the things you trained in. “Ye-yeah I was trained in all sorts of things-“ You look down at your knees to avoid making eye contact with the boys and not wanting to look at Toph, regardless of her being blind. “Watching them dance around reminds me of home.” You chuckle sadly.
Toph talks your head off with all sorts of questions about the circus and what you can do, once your embarrassment subsides you find yourself passionately talking about it. Before you realize it, the boys are done sparring and Aang asks if you’re ready.
You nod and hop to the court, trading places with Zuko. You accidentally bump your shoulder with his arm causing him to grab your hand in case you slipped, sending a hot sensation up your arm from where he held you. You smile softly and embarrassed “Sorry.” You rub the the back of your neck and squeeze his hand.
He lets go quickly. “Ah, yeah.” He stammers, “It’s fine, (Y/N).” Shooting a subtly smile back. You blush loudly, realizing this is the first time he’s said your name to you. You scurry to get to the center of the court.
“S-sorry if this isn’t as great as the courts you had at home. My instructions were vague.” You tell Aang, he shakes his head with a smile, he doesn’t care he’s just excited to play. You practice spinning the make shift ball in a web of air. Before throwing the ball at Aangs hoop.
The game starts between (Y/N) and Aang, and Zuko can’t take his eyes off of you. You don’t look like someone who can’t control their bending. Just watching you spin, flip and dance around from post to post is like a choreographed show. Even when you throw or kick the ‘ball’ consumed by air. “So, when are you gonna ask her out, Sifu hot water bottle?” Toph snickers, getting a general idea of the game, enjoying it none the less.
“What? What are you talking about?” Zuko scowls at the girl who just sarcastically snaps her neck in his direction.
“Really? Dude, your attention is on her every move and reaction.” Toph cheers loudly for you, making you a bit embarrassed missing your footing. You slip off the beam you aimed for but you push off the side of it just to hop on the top of another, Aang claps saying you’re a natural. “See, your heart rate just spiked at a little slip. Just ask her out, the worst she can say is no right?” Toph shrugs suggestively, “Maybe she likes you back.”
Zuko scoff at these comments before actually thinking about them. “Shut up.” Toph laughed and punched him in the arm. “What was that for!”
Toph smiles, “Thats how I show affection.” Her face beamed as she moved to the ledge of where they sat and waved at the on coming footsteps.
Aang has 3 points on you and you haven’t even scored yet, to anyone else you’d say it’s fine, it’s the first time you’ve played. You on the other hand are fairly competitive, and according to Aang you seem to have the rules down. You have the ball in your hand now and decide to throw all cation to the wind, literally in this case. You air bend something close to a funnel weaving around the posts and throwing the ball into it. Your hand twirling lightly to keep it moving. This does not work as planned, as the funnel created so much momentum that the metal make shift ball flattens to the stone hoop. You gasp putting your hands on your temples, “Oh spirits!”
Aang laughs a little too hard, Toph laughs while grumbling about ‘all her hard work.’ Zuko lets out a chuckle, this embarrassed you but your glad he seems to be having fun watching the mess you call a match end. “That was great (Y/N)! I’ve never seen you have that much control with your bending!” You hear Shu say, you didn’t even realize the rest of the Gaang had made their way to watch.
“I was trying so hard to be delicate, agh why don’t I know how to be delicate!” You groan, “I couldn’t even make one shot!” Ruffling you’re hands in your hair.
“There’s the competitive little sister I know,” Shu snorts, you made a tiny ball of air at the tip or your finger and shot it at him, hitting him in the center of his forehead. You laugh anyway.
“I can control little things and big things with my bending, the in between is where it gets hard.” You stretch letting out a barely audible whimper from your burn wounds.
“Hey, that was a lot better than I remember from first time Aang made me and Katara play,” Sokka snorts.
The only one who heard your whimper was Zuko, but that’s because you never lost his attention. Which annoyed him to no end when you were unconscious, but now? He just felt lighter having you around. He couldn’t pin down why, maybe it was the way your laugh was contagious, or that you always knew how to say the right thing? Even when it wasn’t directed at him. Somehow your flaws made you more wonderful to him. Competitive? Generally sarcastic while sounding like an Angel? Even when you’re cranky he wants to be around you. He just liked it, a lot more than he anticipated. He thought at first he wanted to be more like you, now maybe it’s not that.
He let the thoughts run around his head as the Shu and Toph earth bend the platforms everyone was sitting on back into the ground. You head back with Aang, Zuko and Toph, who was dragging Shu by his hand, talking about the game and how to improve the court. Aang laughed explaining that it’s great for training but Airball posts were general made of soft woods, you face palm at that lack of knowledge. Letting out another small whimper from your wound. Zuko hesitates but decides to put one of his hand gently over top the biggest part of the wound. With his generally high internal temperature he figured the heat might help. Your back stiffens in surprise and he starts to pull away, you grab his forearm gently indicating that it’s okay and look over towards him. You mouth the words ‘Thank you,’ your general angelic poker face now replaced by something more relaxed and dusted with blush, you look away hoping he doesn’t notice that your ears turning red. He does.
Later that evening everyone was heading to bed, you were more sore than you let on but you weren’t tired. You’re finally starting to feel some energy come back to you after ‘working out’ today. You couldn’t do your normal stuff but you weren’t upset, understanding the situation. Katara was the last person you said good night to after she helped you bathe, you had your healing session in the water. Now with a fresh pot of jasmine tea you sat on the porch staring at the scenery, less than a week ago you lived such a hodgepodge lifestyle with the circus. Albeit this is temporary, you couldn’t imagine your life any other way at this point. You hear soft foot steps come from behind you, you pay no mind until you hear them speak. “You know, you should probably have a blanket or something with you, it’s cold in the evenings here.” It’s Zuko, you smile up at him and offer him tea. Seemingly ignoring his comment about the weather you pat your hand at the space near you, suggesting he sits.
He sits down and pours himself a glass, jasmine. His favorite, he wonders if you knew. “Jasmine tea is one of my favorites,” You say.
“Really?” He sips the tea, and watches you. Your seemingly angelic demeanor is gone, you look like you’re in your own world now.
“Well, actually I haven’t met a tea I didn’t enjoy.” You chuckle and hold the glass in your hands to keep yourself warm, you were relishing in the cold but for some reason now you craved warmth. Maybe since he pointed it out? You don’t think too long on it, you focus on your breathing. Aang taught you a special breathing technique that all Air Benders use to regulate their body temperature. “There is an older gentleman who would visit my aunt and uncle when our travel schedules aligned, he made the best tea.” You smile into your cup, “He’s the one who actually taught me how to make tea.” You chuckle, knowing you’re not nearly as good as him. A shiver overcame you.
You made him think of his Uncle Iroh, he has a lot of regrets to work through regarding that matter. Zuko looks down and adjusts the teapot, scooting closer to you after noticing your small shivers.
“You remind me of myself in a lot of ways.” You said, still taking in your surroundings. Zuko didn’t understand the statement, that was clear on his face when you glanced over to him, not realizing you’re start to lean towards his warm arm. “For an assortment of reasons.” You start to explain. “You always come off as super grumpy and quiet, but you’ve never seemed grumpy to me. Earlier you were the only one to notice I was sore. It felt amazing and honestly I was just grateful you didn’t make a scene about it.” Zuko thinks on this for a bit, realizing that the angelic demeanor you have is a facade, this was (Y/N), and outside of maybe your brother it seems like he’s the only one you’ve shown your true self to. Regardless of the reason, Zuko smiles softly.
Now realizing your arm is leaning up against his. “Great Spirits you’re warm!” You cover your mouth realizing how loud that might’ve been. You chuckle.
Zuko laughed quietly and leaned back into your arm, “Fire Bending perks.” He said, he felt embarrassed touching you earlier but for you to say it felt amazing? He blushed hard thinking about it, grateful for the night sky.
“I knew it.” You murmur playfully as you sip your tea.
You pull back from Zuko’s warmth to stretch, groaning.
He hesitates to ask, “Does it hurt?” He wants to touch you, maybe this fire in him is good for something.
You sit back next to him, maybe a little closer than before. Trying to consume his extra heat, “Of course it hurts, but the pain isn’t something to be bitter over.” You bump his leg with your knee at the comment.
Hesitantly he moves the arm pressing against you and leans on it now close behind you. Your arm now touching the side of his abdomen and his arm touching your back, with his hand on the floor. He doesn’t respond. You lean into his side thinking, “Yes, it was a terrible thing that happened to me, but there’s no changing it and the pain is temporary. Why should I be bitter about it? That only makes the aggressor look powerful.” You know you both have terrible scars, yes yours is bigger but yours isn’t on your face. You thought to yourself. “Those who attack people smaller or weaker than themselves are nothing but cowards.” You mumble. Zuko leans his side into you, as a sort of silent response. You stayed like this for sometime before deciding his warmth is making you sleepy. “Has anyone ever told you, you make people sleepy?” You yawn at him.
A smirk raises to one side of his mouth, “Just once,” Remembering your face nuzzling into his lap the night you collapsed.
You raise an eyebrow but don’t question him, you smile though. “Well here’s a second, your natural warmth is cozy and I’m getting sleepy.” You got up to head to your room, when Zuko gently grabs your bandage covered fingers.
“I-uh, usually have a hard time sleeping,” He admits. “If you ever have a hard time sleeping you can come sit with me.” He was looking at your hands sadly, as if they received the worse kind of treatment.
You giggle, knowing you’re always out here before him. You squat down to his level from standing and give him a soft smile, “I naturally don’t sleep much so you can always come get me if you’re lonely.” You squeeze the hand that’s still holding your fingers before making your way to your room. Your skin is buzzing from where his heat once was. “You know where to find me.” You flick your hand up in a lazy peace sign.
At lunch the next day Toph and Sokka were trying to figure out who was the oldest twin. “Seriously, who’s the oldest.” You and Shu move in unison looking from each other to Sokka.
“Yeah! You keep calling each other older or younger! What’s the deal.” Toph pouted next to Shu, as she continued eating.
You twins laughed, “Ancient family secret.” You both said.
“Come on, Toph!” Sokka continues, “One of them has to be lying!” The two started to bicker. Suki and Aang can’t stop laughing from you and Shu doing and saying everything in unison, from blinking to eating. This was something the two of you had perfected at a very young age.
You and Shu glance at Aang, “You okay, Sifu Twinkle Toes?” You both go, the room erupted in laughter.
The days continued like this. Aang would give you something to practice, you started training with Toph or Katara. Shu and Toph started to trade training tips on metal and magma bending or would practice sand bending together on the beach. You had your healing sessions and a bath afterwards and once the sun was down and everyone was off to bed you started spending your evenings with Zuko.
You always seem to be waiting for him, you decided rather than staying awake in your room to just sit on the patio. Part of you didn’t want to wait to see if Zuko would actually come find you. You heard him walk up on cue, “Tonight’s tea is chamomile.” You say tilting your head towards him. He wore just a shirt and loose shorts, you imagine these are his pajamas.
He smiled and sat in the same position he had the night prior, arm around your back hand on the floor and the side of his abdomen pressing firmly against you. You poured him a cup this time. The two of you would talk for sometime before retiring to bed.
One night Zuko found his way to the patio and you weren’t there, he waited where he usually sat with you for some time before he realized the tea pot was gone. He walked to your room, lightly knocking before opening the door. You weren’t there. A sort of panic washed over him, he decided to look around for you before alerting anyone you were gone. Zuko walked down to the beach when he found foot prints, a sigh of relief left him when he found you sitting in the sand. Knees pulled to your chest, face down, cold tea pot and cup sitting next to you. He watched you for sometime before deciding to walk up. “So this is where you’ve been.”
A small sniffle comes out as you wipe your face, “Ah- Yeah.. Sorry..” You force an awkward chuckle. “I didn’t mean to worry you.” You didn’t look at him, he wasn’t sure you were looking at anything when you finished wiping your eyes.
Zuko sat down beside you, he wasn’t good at comforting people. He tried to think of something his uncle would say if he knew you. “My uncle told me once, that sometimes the best way to solve your own problems is to help someone else.” He spoke quietly, not really sure how to help. “I don’t really know how to comfort people but if there’s anything you need, you can ask..”
A small smile made its way to your face, you were pretty sure he had no idea what that statement meant. “I just uh-“ You looked up at the sky, “I feel guilty. And shameful.” You mutter. You could tell he was confused by this statement but you didn’t say anything for sometime. “You heard my families history, Jesa had an excuse. Sure it wasn’t a good excuse but..” You trailed on. Your voice was getting louder and more shaken with every word. “I was always so ashamed of my bending because it put my family in danger. I was ashamed that my family didn’t fight to defend the air nomads!” The air started stirring aggressively around the two of you. Tears started bubbling up in your eyes again and you pushed yourself from the ground. Zuko grabbed at your hand. You roared at the ocean in front of you, tears streaming freely down your cheeks, bending so much force in frustration waves flew up high before crashing down as you fell on your knees in front of Zuko.
His eyes wide, jaw slacked at the raw power you possessed. He’s never seen Aang use his air bending in such an aggressive manner. You were squeezing his hand, this pulled his attention from what you had just done. He squeezed your hand back before gently pulling on it, coercing you to come closer. You did, you ended up in his lap. You were between his legs that wrapped around you, your knees pulled up, leaning your side and head against his chest. He wrapped both arms around your waist and rested his chin your head. Zuko hushed you until you calmed, and the air around you two had settled into the stale ocean breeze.
His warmth calmed you, he didn’t have to say anything. You’re frustrated with yourself, you didn’t realize you’d bottled up so much. You buried your face into Zuko’s chest, “I feel guilty for being..-“ You hesitated, “For being so happy. Knowing my people have been eradicated.” This stings Zuko’s heart and he just holds you tighter.
Zuko’s history plays through his head, finally understanding what you had meant the other night. ‘You remind me a lot of myself’ you told him. He tilted his head down, pressing his nose and mouth against the top of your head. “Maybe that’s why your family made it. Because of what-“ He thinks of how to put it, “the Fire Nation did to your people. So that you could be happy, so that you could be here and build your people up again when this horrible war ends.” He didn’t know, but you were quiet.
You moved and held onto his bicep that rested between your thighs and bust, you’re both tired and wide awake now. (Y/N) never thought about it that way. That maybe being here, after everything, was your destiny and not just a selfish desire. You squeeze his arm softly, “Thank you, Zuko.” You mumble.
Neither of you said anything for the rest of the night. Not when Zuko heated up the tea pot and your glass, not about you staying in his lap. You both had the nights events and words playing in your head. Zuko realized what his uncle told him was right. Zuko told you what he needed to hear.
Zuko was always the last to sleep and the first awake, these were old habits he couldn’t break. However he didn’t mind it so much since (Y/N) has been around, you’re like him. Last to sleep first to rise, at first it was a constant surprise as you’d daze around the kitchen making tea at dawn. Your pajamas leaving very little to the imagination. A short but loose fitting top and loose shorts. Your bandages helped him not look like a bigger fool than he felt he already was. You never teased him about it though, you always just offered a smile. This house was starting to feel like a home again. The early mornings and the evenings were becoming his favorite time, these were times when you were yourself and when you leaned on him. You did this more than he mentally prepared himself for, the first time you did it was when Zuko was preparing tea for the morning, you lazily made your way into the kitchen and poked around him realizing he was doing what you had planned to start. You ended up leaning against his back while holding on to the edge of his shirt and commenting about the warmth before moving to pour yourself a glass of tea. The mornings that followed that one he started to notice you’d seek him out in a tired stupor. Clinging onto him regardless of what he’s doing, warming yourself up for the day, before making yourself a glass of tea and walking off.
He’d watch your beautiful figure laze around with your tea until you found the patio and sat down. You always manage to look back at him with your bedroom eyes expectantly. This always causes him to blush but he makes his way over and sits with you. He’ll watch you from the corner of his eye as you start to wake up.
He missed your presence during his training sessions but was always able to catch a glimpse as you train with one of the girls. Your control over your bending was exceedingly better than it had been when you first met.
“So. Sifu ‘hot water bottle’” A voice says mockingly. Zuko scowls and tears his attention from you and turns around to see Shu. His expression quickly dropped, not wanting to get on your brothers bad side.
“Uh, hey Shu.” Zuko says nervously, “What’s up?” He starts rubbing the back of his neck trying to temporarily purge what happened at the beach from his mind, you letting him wrap you up in his arms and lap was engraved in him. Shu waves him over to follow him.
He follows him until they’re out of your line of sight, “If you like my sister you’re going to have to fight me first.” Shu states pointedly and crosses his arms.
“Wait-wait. What??” Zuko throws up his hands, “I don’t want to fight you, we’re uh,” He stops at the word but shakes his head. “We’re friends, sparring is one thing but I can’t just fight you.”
Your brother flares at him and slides his foot, bending just enough earth under Zuko to knock him down. “I’m not just going to hand my sister, whose like,” He throws his hands up. “An international secret! To someone who can’t protect her!” Shu hisses. This is fair.
His glare drops and he offers a hand to help Zuko up, confused at the quick demeanor change until he hears you talking to Katara and walk past the scene. “Think about it.” Shu quietly hisses before walking away. Zuko stood there dumbfounded for quite some time.
“Your healing session today will be the last for your arms,” Katara tell you. “Your back will take some time but unless the wound gets struck again you shouldn’t have to worry about it opening on its own.” This was the best news you’ve had in some time. You can start actually exercising again.
That night, Zuko was the first to the patio. You stared at him for a bit, something about the moonlight hitting him makes your stomach flop about. You finally walk towards him, realizing he looks uncomfortable. “You okay?” You ask as you sit down beside him.
He looks over at you, he doesn’t say anything but just stares. Examining the lack of bandages on your arms and the concern in your face before speaking. “I’m trying to take all the right steps to make right all the wrongs I’ve done.” He looks away.
You keep looking at him, the gaang has already told you about their history with Zuko when you and Shu asked them how Team Avatar came to be. Zuko hands you a cup of tea before continuing, “I did some- a lot.. of awful things that I can’t take back. I can’t even apologize to my uncle for betraying him.” This statement causes Zuko to put his face in his hands. “He probably hates me now.”
That statement stings you, you’ve only ever seen the Team Avatar version of Zuko. You hesitate but decide to put your hand on his back, running your hand up and down his spine, making shapes with your fingers. “That might be true,” He flinched at this comment. “However. If you can get a group of people you literally tried to kill, to actually like and appreciate you and to care about you. I doubt it’ll be too difficult to get someone who’s always loved you to forgive your actions.” You smile and lean your head on his shoulder still rubbing his back. “From what you’ve told me and what I’ve heard from the others I can imagine he’ll be so proud of you for doing the right thing.”
Zuko doesn’t reply for sometime, replaying the words in his head. Replaying what he told you at the beach. He did do the right thing, he has changed. But what if it’s too late, he wants to ask but he already feels foolish for his actions. He lifts his head and looks over at you before resting his cheek on your head. “You don’t think it’ll be too late to apologize?”
You straighten up and smile at him, and cup his face with your hands. “If you truly mean it when you apologize then it’ll never be too late.” You leave a small kiss on his cheek and then smile at him. Zuko pulls you into him, holding one hand firmly around your shoulders and one around your waist. This caused you to gasp but he doesn’t let go. He needs this, you think. Hugging him back with your arms around his neck and a hand brushing his hair with your fingers till he’s ready to let go.
As much as he needed a hug the second he hugged you he was extremely embarrassed. Embarrassed that he wanted to pull you into his lap again and not let go. Especially after you kissed his cheek. He feared letting go as you would see his blushing face. Not realizing you can feel his blush as his body temperature rose. It wasn’t until you held him back and pet his hair that he started to savor the moment, engraving it in his mind before letting go and looking at the sky. You watched him carefully, you wanted to kiss him more and find all the reasons as to why everything would be fine. “Your brother told me I have to fight him.” Your face snapped away from his, you knew what this meant, but why would Shu say that to Zuko? Why wouldn’t he talk to you first? Did he tell Zuko how you feel? You were panicking.
(Y/N)’s ear are red, Zuko noticed. She seems embarrassed. Was she embarrassed of Zuko? Was it her brother? Or something else? He couldn’t get a read from you, “D-Did he say anything, ah,” You started. “About me, uh, when he did..?” You couldn’t make eye contact with him.
His face turned bright red, yes the whole thing was about you! He’s thinks your embarrassed about your brothers actions. “Well, ah,” he stammers, “I kind of, uhm, brought it upon myself.” You both look away from each other. “He told me to think about it.”
You sigh putting your red face in your hands, “I am so sorry.” You groan. Embarrassed that you thought this was about you.
“No no it’s not your fault!” He stammers, “We should uh, we should head to bed.” You nod at him and take the hand he offers to get up.
Your fingers touch his as he walks you to your room, “Uhm. Good night Zuko.” You smile and whisper to him as you separate, he watches you as you disappear behind your door. He wants to follow you in, realizing what you mean to him.
When he got to his room he closed and slid down the door. “Good night, (Y/N).” He sighed, “What am I going to do.”
A/N:  Holy smokes, guys! We made it through Part 1! If you’d like to be tagged in this series please feel free to message me or comment on this post! Here are my starred notes: (*1) Imagine that customer service face we all have, you know the one (*2) When I wrote this line for Aang it ended up destroying my whole plan for the rest of this scene because I was like “Shit Aang would actually say something like that” (*3) Did you know river rocks explode when they get too hot?
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reverielix · 4 years
Tenerife Sea (One) ⇢ Bang Chan
genre: fluff, cliché friends to lovers yanno what it is warnings: a curse word, so much cheese, oc has a distorted view on marriage and romantic relationships because of past trauma word count: 729 summary: why would you fall in love just to get your heart broken? and obvi the song is Tenerife Sea lol but I think we’re all familiar with it at this point haha
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In a garden of blooming tulips and roses under blazing sun, the husband kisses his new wife. Dads sit in the first row, uncles in the third.
“What?” Chan giggles at my nose scrunch.
“Wouldn’t it be weird to kiss your husband in front of everybody?” An elderly woman behind us in the beige chairs taps my shoulder and holds an index to her lips.
“Sorry.” He covers his mouth with wrinkled eyes.
When the ceremony ends, and I’ve neglected finding relatives for the woman—she looks like a Carla—everybody sits down on the villa’s enormous patio. The newly-wed take photos for an album that will end up in the dusty attic of their once shared home while we wait with grumbling stomached between Calla lilies on carefully allocated tables.
Auntie Livia assigned my parents the same as us. She must've forgotten they divorced. And I forgot to bring my scream pillow.
“Don't leave me alone with your father, sweetie. I had to deal with him for twenty years, can't do another second.” Nineteen years and three months. But she says twenty every time he’s in the same vicinity, and I have to babysit them as if a repayment.
During all five courses I talk with mom about uni—which revives her beloved college memories—and Chan listens to dad ramble about wine and Formula 1. Everybody laughs and clinks glasses when they're not stuffing their faces with fruit snacks like they forgot what comes after: marriage. 
After coffee and cake (it matched auntie's white-purple nails but tasted made-in-a-nail-salon as well), catering leads us to the dance floor at the opposite side of the Mediterranean villa. Uneven cobblestones force women to claw their partners’ arms in too-high-inched heels for seven rounds “to our wonderful bride and groom”.
Off crooked walls resonates “Marry You” by Bruno Mars, tottered dances shared between. This part of the villa is much nicer than the garden and patio: the lilies don't stink like rancid yogurt, mom isn't forced near dad and round lights under the night sky chase children in laughter.
Or maybe it's Chan's hand on my back. “You will fall,” he says. “No Prosecco needed.” Way too many melon-orange sticks for my acid reflux later, he glues himself to my side still.
When Ed Sheeran’s acoustic guitar plays, he withdraws to extend his hand, "Shall we dance?"
Golden circles adore his eyes. “Yes.” People dance with their friends all the time.
A wave of shivers spreads from around my waist where his arms guide me. “You look so wonderful in your dress,” he sings into my neck. “I love your hair like that.”
We are surrounded by all these lights and people who talk too much (about slow dance to teens who ignore them and then regret it because; two, no, three steps on his leather shoes later, he pulls away in a twirl, and changes into falsetto.)
“Should this be the last thing I see, I want you to know it's enough for me.” He hangs off the lyrics as if his confession. “Cause all that you are is all that I’ll ever need.”
Forehead on mine, hands intertwined he looks at me from under his brows. “I'm so in love.”
Dimples charm his shy smile before he hides in my strands. His smell of mint and green apple—the Versace perfume l told mom he wouldn't wear—as I trace a lock.
Right foot first, not more than a step back. The chorus passes without another dirt patch on his leather.
“You look so beautiful in this light. Your silhouette over me.” His breath tickles my neck where the high-low dress ends. He's never sounded this breathy, like he needs to let me in on a secret.
“Just say the word and I will disappear into the wilderness.” But secrets need solace. So I hinge our ring fingers on my search for a hideaway.
Roses and tulips look smaller with the lanterns on, garden bigger without the folding chairs. “I'm so in love,” I sing.
He fills his lungs and crosses his arms on my back through the kiss, mine on his neck. We can't be close enough in a second, third, fourth. Hearts pup faster at how his exhale hits my philtrum, chemise feels under his jacket.
Fuck it. Let's get our hearts broken.
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chayacat · 3 years
Devil’s Sweet Star (33)
Fandom: Dead by Daylight
Ghostface x Female Reader  
Rated M for Violence, Language and Smut  
Aaaah...(Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N). What mess are you in? You don't realize how much your life is going to change. Certainly, your career, your business, flourishes day by day, to the point that you are solicited for great events. Well, I recognize that for the moment, you have just been asked for cakes for the local festival. But imagine the success you could have! the whole area could hear from you. But... It may not be for that reason.  
Your life could change... because of this "deal" that you have made with Ghostface. I have to admit that, if I had been given the same proposal, I would have finally accepted it. But not as quickly as you did. The curiosity and eagerness you felt to know the true identity of the Roseville Assassin... could destroy you forever. How... it’s still a mystery. But back to our business, will you?
The whole city was aware of your participation in the festival. The information spread very quickly, and in a city like Roseville, it's not very surprising. Everyone is wondering about, this famous cake that you are going to prepare for this special occasion. And it's a good opportunity to get ideas. Even if you already know what you are going to do, having or rather hearing people come up with ideas, can give you new inspirations. Amy and Corey also stay on the lookout for any ideas that might be interesting to explore. As you were preparing the next batches of cakes, the phone rang. Amy being too busy taking the orders, it’s you who take the call.
“Welcome to the Nebula, where our pastries came from Outerspace! How can I help you?”
“(Y/N) sweety!!! How good it feels to hear you after all this time!” said a woman cheerfully.
“Aunt Marnie! How did you get the number of... Oh that's right. Mr Parkson had to tell you about my business and had to give you the number. it's so nice to hear you after... You know what. How is Uncle Joey? And Daisy and Tobias?” you respond with a smile.  
“Daisy has managed to get a scholarship for her studies in geology, she will be able to start this year. Tobias still plays on Gary's American football team. The city has not changed. some people come to settle there while others go elsewhere. As for Joey... Let's say he hangs on as he can. You know how much he cared about your mother; She was his little sister... he feels guilty for not being there to protect her.”
“Me too you know. I'm sorry if I left the area but... I needed to change the landscape. To start from scratch.”
“Oh, don't worry you Butterfly, we all understand that you needed to do that. You are much stronger than us, never forget that. So, tell me! How does it go in Roseville? is your business going well?” She replied.  
“Everything is fine! I was offered to make cakes for the local festival and Jed and I will move in together!” you answer.  
“Jed? Who’s Jed?”
You suddenly realize that you have made a slight blunder. When you separate with Alex, your aunt Marnie protects you like a mother hen. And this is even more the case since the death of your parents. No boys could approach you without her being around to watch for any suspicious movement on their part.
“Jed is...is my boyfriend. He works for the Roseville’s Gazette. It's recent, but don't worry about it, aunt Marnie, he's very nice! this boy is... he’s an angel. He’s the complete opposite of Alex.” you explain, worrying about her reaction.
“... Well, if you're sure what you're doing... And from what you say, I want to believe you. A journalist you say? Well, he had to live things from it! You will have to present him to us one day. And if possible before you are married.”
“Don't worry about it, we're not there yet. As I told you, it's recent but... he’s someone of trust. Believe me. Listen aunt Marnie, I have to go back to work, I'm going to give you my number like that if you want to call, you can call me directly on my phone! you always have the same, don't you?”
“Yes of course! I'm not going to bother you for very long either, I have a few groceries to do on my side. I hope we can see each other soon, and with your boyfriend! I love you very much (Y/N). See you later.”
“See you later Auntie. I love you too.”
You hang up before you get back to work. It felt good to have talked to your family again since the death of your parents. Poor Uncle Joey. He is your mother's closest brother. They both adored themselves. And yet, they couldn't help but argue about something. by force you were used to it and you wondered each time how long they would resist before arguing. And especially on what. And every time it ended in the same way: in the water of the pool, laughing like two idiots. They couldn't even remember why they were arguing.  
When your parents died, Joey didn't say a word. For several weeks, he had locked himself in the guest room, without eating or even talking. It was you who managed to get him out of his silence. You sigh as you think back to all this. From the whole family... he’s the one who has suffered the most. And he still suffers today. Luckily, he has a wife and two children who love him and help him. Otherwise, who knows how he would have turned out. Bad, very bad if you want my opinion.
You return to work when Melina enters the café with Mattew and Jed. The three greeted you from afar and went to sit down at a table that Corey had just cleaned. The latter took their order, which did not change the habit. You won't even need to ask them what they want by force. But Jed looked... annoy. You were wondering why.
“This guy is really twisted anyway. Hiring a guy to kill his own partner, it really goes too far. McKellan was an asshole, but Hoggins is twice as much.” said Melina, crossing her arm on her chest.  
“What amazes me is that the guy Wilhelm interrogated is not responsible for this murder. Are you sure that he didn't lie?” asks Mattew.
“Wilhelm passed him twice to the lie detector, left him alone for several minutes to see if he was going to say something and the results showed it well: he did not lie and he said nothing. Wilhelm said he knew Devon well, we can ask him anything and everything, but killing someone is not in his ropes and in his principles. At least he doesn't kill when the person has done nothing to him.” said Jed.  
“What do you think in this case?” you ask suddenly, making all three of them react.
“... Either Hoggins hired someone else... or he was the one who killed. But in this case, you have to prove that he went at McKellan’s home. But Wilhelm has interrogated the guards. They did not see, neither Hoggins, nor his car in the vicinity. So there remains only the first option, remains to know who he hired.” responds Jed.
“It doesn't seem to be going. Do you have a problem?”
“Let's say in short, that if I had this asshole in front of me, I would beat him to death.”
“Hoggins said things about you two that...  didn't really please Jed.” explain Mattew.  
“I think I know what he said. But you don't have to care, I won't leave you for anything in the world.” you said, kissing Jed on the cheek which made him smile.  
You suddenly remember the conversation with your aunt and take the opportunity to tell Jed about it. If at first, he was a little reluctant, worried and uncomfortable about the situation, he was rather reassured to know that your aunt was delighted to know that you are in a relationship with someone. Luckily for you, she doesn't know anything else... and so is Jed. Better to avoid talking about Ghostface.
*You have all the cards in hand, and two lives. Let's see if you get to the end of the game. *
Two lives...No, more. It’s not your life and Jed's that is in your hands, but also that of all the people who are close to you, Melina, Mattew, Corey, Amy... and even your family. So many lives in your hands, which may or may not be a victim of your choices. It's way too much for your shoulders, but you have no choice, you can't go back now. All you can do is say nothing to Jed. Even if it bites your lips, that your heart tightens at the thought of having to lie to him, you must hold. For the good of all of them.
The day went smoothly, although for once, a few annoying customers gave you a hard time. It takes everything in this low world, otherwise everything would be wonderful. Corey and Amy helped you clean everything up before returning home completely exhausted. Jed was waiting for you outside leaning against his van. You close the café after checking that everything was locked and then join him.
“Still worried about my aunt? I told you, you don't have to worry, they will adore you, I'm sure.” you said when you see his face.  
“No, it's not related to that... It's... it’s in relation to Hoggins. How can such a guy appropriate someone like common merchandise? When I heard him say that you were a bird of paradise and that it was a shame that you were with a guy like me... I refrained from sticking my fist in his face. It's easy for him to have a woman by his side, he has the money and the luxury.” He responds, clenching his fist.
“Hey! Don't say that. I could have hanged out with him, not worrying about finances and having everything I want. And I chose you. So, he can do whatever he wants, offer me all his fortune if he likes it, I would say no. He is repugnant, narcissistic, old, a real head to slap. It’s out of the question for me to go out with such a moron.”
“Hahaha that’s why I love you honey. Ready to go?” Jed replied, holding you close.  
As you were about to leave, a group of men surrounded Jed's van. And obviously they weren't there to talk. Jed gently pushed you behind him, blocking you between him and the van.
“Get in the car. Right now. And lock yourself in.” He said seriously.  
“But Jed...” You start.  
“I said RIGHT NOW.”
You get into the vehicle and lock it as Jed asked you. The men came a little closer, revealing iron bars. Some of them made them spin while sneering, others hit the ground with them. Jed didn't seem panicked, he didn't tremble. He gently removed his glasses, tapped against the glass so that you would take the glasses with you and then turned to the group of individuals.
“I suppose... that you were hired, were you not? It's Hoggins I bet.” He said calmly.
“We have nothing against you, man, but the boss... he can no longer stand you. On the other hand, he paid us to bring the girl back to him too.” said one of the men.
“Just try to see.”
It was then that the fight began. Despite the fact that there were several of them, Jed managed with disconcerting agility to dodge punches and iron bar blows. He even managed to put some men on the ground, before unfortunately being blocked and punched before being thrown to the ground. You knock against the window of the truck screaming his name, actually starting to worry when you see him spitting out a light trickle of blood. Suddenly, as if caught in a sudden rage, you see Jed throwing himself at the man in front of him, hammering him with fists.  
He took the iron rod to knock one of the men who was trying to attack him and then returned to the one on the ground. Despite the windows you could hear the man on the ground begging Jed to stop. But he kept on. As if he was taken with an uncontrollable rage. A monster. Jed again took the iron rod and raised it to hit the man on the ground, when suddenly he stopped and turned his head towards you, realizing that you were still there. Then police sirens were heard.
“Hands up! not a gesture you are surrounded!” shout an officer.  
“Olsen! put this iron bar down! Right now!” said inspector Wilhelm.  
Jed dropped the iron rod before collapsing next to the man he had just beaten. You unlock the vehicle and get off it to go see Jed shouting his name. The officers handcuffed the men one by one, while another called doctors to take care of Jed. It took them only a few minutes to arrive and take care of Jed. This one grimaced when the doctor applied the disinfectant.
“Are you okay, Olsen? nothing serious?” asks Wilhelm.
“I'm fine, nothing too serious except spitting a trickle of blood. These guys told me that Hoggins had hired them. They did not say it directly, but they made it clear to me.” responds Jed.
“We're going to take them to the station for that. Both of you go home. Miss, I count on you to take care of him.”
“You can count on that Inspector. Thank you.” You said, turning to Jed. “Does it hurt?”  
“A little, but don't worry, I've experienced worse. And then you're fine that's the main thing. I guess I will have to give a deposition tomorrow at the first hour?” He responds.
“Yes, unfortunately for me, it’s I who will have to take your deposition. It looks like the roles have been reversed between you this time. See you tomorrow Olsen. Miss.” said Wilhelm before leaving.
You and Jed go back to the apartment. There is no question of leaving him alone tonight. He will sleep at home. You both go to bed, Jed hugging you. He wished you good night, told you that He loves you and that he will not let anyone harm you. And you take his word for it. The Jed you saw tonight, scared you. He has protected you and protected himself in a sense. But from there to almost kill a man...  
Now you understand better why you should never piss him off. And it scares you.
(I’ve to finish RE8 Village but I don’t want to kill Heisenberg! He’s my favorite Lord!  I must admit I’m a little disappointed about the fact that we can’t choose to help Heisenberg or not. While we could choose between saving Mia or Zoe in RE7. Even if in the end both survive (Thanks the DLC: the End of Zoe). This could have led to an alternative path! But I'm quite curious to see the DLC that CAPCOM is developing for RE8! I hope you’ll like this chapter like the others ones! Well, it's time for my brain to rest! Have a great weekend to you all!  See ya!)
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megan-is-mia · 5 years
Cupid’s Chokehold Chapter 1 (Poly! Fugonara w/ Waitress Reader)
(yet another repost)
The first thought that came to (Y/n) as she began to wake up was that she hated vodquila. The unholy mix of vodka and tequila her auntie Arabella was so fond of didn’t just screw over its drinker, it fucked-up everyone in the vicinity. The second thought came over her was that she didn’t feel hungover despite having a pounding headache. No, wait... a headache wasn’t usually accompanied by the feeling like you’d been cracked over the head with a baseball bat right?
(Y/n) opened her eyes and began scanning her surroundings for clues. She tried to sit up but found that the vertigo she felt at the movement wasn’t worth the trouble so she let her head fall back with a soft thud and groan.
The next action (Y/n) attempted was trying to lift her hand to her face. This endeavor was only half successful, her hand came up— and so did her other hand since they were tied together with a rope. She repeated this action with one of her legs and found that it too was bound to its twin with rope.
A feeling of panic had begun to bubble up in her stomach and it only grew as she realized some of the dizziness she felt was linked to the fact she was in a moving car. A distressed whine petered out of her mouth catching the attention of the men in the front seat.
“Sounds like she’s awake! I was worried that I’d hit her too hard with Aerosmith” Narancia said cheeped reaching blindly into the back seat to pat the girl’s arm. He didn’t want to think about what would have happened if (Y/n) hadn’t regained consciousness.
“Good, we’re almost back to the base” Fugo replied his focus was mostly on the road as he drove but his eyes darted for a moment to look at the girl. He’d also been worried about what they’d have to do if they’d accidentally killed (Y/n).
(Y/n) tried to squirm away from Narancia’s searching hand but he grabbed her elbow tightly. Gradually his hand loosened to creep up her forearm to her wrist before wrapping his fingers around hers, gently squeezing like a hesitant child seeing reassurance from their parent. The bubbling panic in her stomach morphed into fear that weighted heavily in her gut.
Why was this happening? Why had they knocked her out, tied her up, and thrown her into the back of a car? Why were her two best friends doing this to her? These and more frantic questions bounced around her head in a desperate medley to the pulsing pain at the base of her skull.
So (Y/n) tried to be rational, she tried to think back and find a root to the problem before her. Through the pained fog in her head, the answer eventually came to her. Well more like it came in fractured pieces. The first incident was the day she’d properly met Fugo and Narancia.
Before that first fateful day, they’d been nothing more than run of the mill customers at (Y/n)’s place of employment: St. Viento. She’d see them from a distance sitting at a large round table along with a few oddly-dressed other men, but since they weren’t in her section for serving, (Y/n) couldn’t do much more than wonder about their strange fashion sense (especially the red, hole-ridden suit Fugo was so fond of).
Then came that day in April when her co-worker Russian Blue had called in sick and her boss, Ms. Lila Renne, ordered (Y/n) to cover the waiter’s section as well as her own during the afternoon rush. Everything was going smoothly until she’d heard screaming from the circular table. Fugo was screaming in fury at Narancia’s idiotic answers to his questions and Narancia was screaming in pain at being stabbed in the face with a fork by Fugo.
Without considering the consequences, (Y/n) had smashed a plate over Fugo’s head and knocked the male clean out. She’d then taken Narancia to the employee’s bathroom so she could clean and bandage the gash on his cheek from the fork. After returning the black-haired boy to his table and fetching an ice pack for Fugo she tried to go back to normality.
The next day when Ms. Renne called (Y/n) into her office, the girl thought she was going to be fired. Afterall St Viento couldn’t continue the employment of a waitress who shattered a dish over a customer’s head right? Wrong! Apparently, the action had instead endeared her to Fugo who apologized for making a scene at the table. She’d become fast friends with the blonde and black-haired male soon after that and life was good.
The second fateful day was two months ago back in February. The boys had confessed that they both had romantic feelings for her. The aftermath had been awkward for all parties involved, especially (Y/n) who’d called in sick to work for almost a week to avoid the two males. Yet when she finally returned to work and had to serve them again... it was like nothing had happened. Fugo and Narancia acted just as cheerful as before their haywire love confession to her.
The fact they’d acted so nonchalant had lured (Y/n) into believing that all was fine. Maybe that was her biggest mistake... a squeeze to her hand temporarily broke the girl from her trip down memory lane. Narancia had twisted his seat so his knees were on the seat and he could look over the seatback down at (Y/n).
The look in his eye reminded (Y/n) of the more perverted customers that sometimes visited St. Viento. Men (and women) who’s gaze made her skin crawl and made her feel unclean. Some of the more bold perverts had tried copping a feel of her and had to be escorted out of the establishment. When (Y/n) thought about it, she’d actually not had any of those customers in almost a year. Any of regulars that had previously displayed such behaviors had either suddenly disappeared or now kept their hands to themselves with a fearful look in their eyes.
She’d never wondered if the reason for this change might be linked to her boys. At least she’d never wondered until now... and the thought scared her. (Y/n) had known that Fugo and Narancia were no strangers to violence since the day she’d met them. She knew that the blonde had a temper even though he made an effort not to get physical at the cafe, he still yelled sometimes. Even though she’d never seen him use it on anyone, (Y/n) knew Narancia flashed a knife at people who annoyed him.
She knew these things and she should have known better but she’d still accepted that ring! (Y/n)’s long-distance boyfriend had decided to surprise her by dropping in the restaurant that morning and proposing to her. She hadn’t noticed the angry expressions on Fugo and Narancia’s faces at the time, too wrapped up in her own joy to take note of them leaving without saying goodbye. But she sure noticed when they were the last time she saw right before being knocked out.
At some point near the end of her musings, the car had stopped and both boys had gotten out. The door nearest her legs opened and Fugo had begun pulling her out. With some minor fumbling, he managed to lift her into a modified princess carry with her bound arms around his neck. His arms wrapped underneath her bound knees and around her back as he began to walk.
“Aww, why do you get to carry her?” Narancia whined hot on Fugo’s heels. (Y/n) had opted to turn her face so it was pressed against the blonde’s chest and it was easier to disassociate from her current situation.
“Because I had to drive us here. You could’ve sat in the back with her but you wanted to ride shot-gun so there” Fugo said rolling his eyes and adjusting his grip on (Y/n) so she had to rest her head more on his shoulder than on his chest. He couldn’t resist the urge to press a kiss to the top of her head. The scent of jasmine wafted up from the girl’s locks when his nose brushed her scalp after placing a kiss at her widow’s peak.
Narancia folded his arms but couldn’t think of a good comeback so he just cursed under his breath as they walked into the base. Since it so late everyone else was already asleep so they’d at least have a few hours to bullshit together an excuse for why they’d brought home a random girl or find a good hiding spot to keep (Y/n) until they could explain her presence to the rest of the group. Narancia was not looking forward to the earful Bruno would give them if he found out what exactly happened.
Fugo’s mind was split, on the one hand, he was happy that he had his favorite two idiots in the world by his side. On the other, he was still angry about the fact (Y/n) had a boyfriend— had had a boyfriend. He reminded himself of that thought since it would be the truth soon enough. Narancia and him could go get rid of the low-life once (Y/n) had gotten accustomed to the new situation.
Despite not having something covering her mouth (Y/n) did not try to scream and instead squeezed her eyes tightly shut. Who would hear her except Fugo and Narancia? She began to quiver like a leaf in Fugo’s arms which only made the male hold her tighter as they went up a flight of stairs. The sound of a door opening and then closing barely registered in her mind as she was dropped on a bed. (Y/n) let out a groan of pain and her eyes flew open as the sore spot on the back of her skull made an impact with the mattress. The bed dipped with the weight of one of the boys sitting down.
“I’m gonna go see if I can find an ice-pack or something for her head. Don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone” Fugo said still standing and turned to walk out of the room opening then closing the door with another soft thud. (Y/n)’s eyes shut once more in resignation with the knowledge that she was alone with Narancia. Don’t get her wrong, she loved the boy (as a friend) with all her heart but he wasn’t good at boundaries in part to how he was raised.
“Hey (Y/n), I’m gonna cut the ropes so hold still okay?” Narancia said pulling his knife from his pocket and grabbing hold of (Y/n)’s legs to hoist them up so he could cut the rope more easily. With the rope cut, the girl’s legs fell wide open. Before she had a chance to close her legs, Narancia had scooted forwards so when she tried to squeeze her thighs together, she squeezed his sides instead. The boy couldn’t resist letting out a chuckle at the girl’s reflex as he then took hold of her wrists and cut the rope wrapped around them as well.
Looking down at (Y/n), Narancia’s face cracked into a huge grin as he threaded his fingers between hers as he pinned her arms above her head. Taking advantage of the fact her eyes were still shut, he leaned in and kissed her.
(Y/n) let out a cry of protest against Narancia’s mouth and wiggled her legs about. Even worse, the boy pressed his tongue against her lips and tried to slip it inside her mouth. After a long moment, Narancia pulled away with a small frown.
“What do you think you’re doing?!” (Y/n) hissed trying to knee Narancia in the gut without much success. The boy retaliated by shifting his weight onto (Y/n) to keep her still.
“I’m kissing you duh. I would have asked permission but I was pretty sure you’d say no so...” Narancia said dropping his head on (Y/n)’s chest and inhaling deeply. “I guess I gotta what I want like a real man,” he said half to himself and half to the girl as he lifted his head to kiss her again. This time when she refused to open her mouth he bit her lip until she relented and allowed him to slip his tongue into her mouth. (Y/n) found it harder and harder to breathe the longer the kiss went on. She tried to pull her head away but it was no use as black spots began to form on the edge of her vision. Before everything went black there was a loud slamming sound as the bedroom door was thrown open and Fugo crossed the room to yank Narancia back by his hair.
“What part of don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone did you not understand!?” Fugo growled as he dropped the bag of frozen peas he’d found in the freezer on the nightstand.
“I wasn’t doing anything!” Narancia protested rubbing his head where the hair had been pulled. This freed one of (Y/n)’s hands which she used to prop herself up before grabbing the frozen peas to press them against the back of her head.
“She’s had a concussion! We’re lucky she hasn’t shown signs of brain-damage! If she passes out again it could be deadly!” Fugo snapped dropping onto the bed, the force of his motion almost knocking (Y/n)’s head off her hand and the peas.
Narancia opened his mouth to sass but before the bickering could continue there was a distant voice from down the hall. The sound made both boys go dead-silent as they began hurriedly shifting on the bed to wedge (Y/n) between them.
“Yo, it’s 2:00 in the fucking morning. Shut the fuck up and have your lovers spat in the morning when people aren’t trying to sleep” Mista said sticking his head into Fugo’s room. He’d been sleeping peacefully until the sound of a door almost being knocked off its hinges and the subsequent yelling had woken him up.
“We have to listen to you and Giorno getting up in each other’s guts until the sun rises almost every other night. You don’t get to bitch about noise” Narancia fired back sticking his tongue out. (Y/n) was barely breathing with one of Fugo’s arms wrapped around her waist. After standing in the doorway for a few moments more, Mista began wandering back to his room.
“Phew too close, waaaay to close,” Fugo said letting out a long sigh he’d been holding in. The next thing he did was angle (Y/n)’s head up so he could kiss her. When he’d been opening the door originally, he’d been easing it open slowly and quietly. However, the sight of Narancia and (Y/n) kissing seemingly behind his back made him angry.
He pressed the emotion he felt into the kiss jabbing his tongue against the girl’s lips. She allowed him in without much fuss, not wanting a second bitemark to match the first. Fortunately, Fugo had a little more control than Narancia and allowed (Y/n) to breath as he explored her mouth. When he finally pulled away he was panting a little as he held the girl’s waist tighter than before. Narancia’s hands had slid up to wrap around (Y/n)’s hips as he nuzzled his face against her neck.
“He has a point about it being really late though. We should have our lovers spat in the morning after some sleep” Narancia said with a yawn as he began pulling the covers out from under himself. Fugo did the same thing and soon they were both under the covers with (Y/n) still securely between them so she couldn’t run.
Both males drifted off to sleep fairly quickly but (Y/n) remained awake until the sun rose crying quietly. They’d gone love-sick for her and there was nothing she could do about it...
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archival-account · 4 years
By the time Cecilia had woken up, it was already eight-thirty in the morning. The roosters around Sta. Valentina had already crowed two hours ago, welcoming the dawn that was rising in the east. By now. the sun was halfway across the blue skies and everybody across the town was already going to and fro, attending to their daily errands, chores, and jobs. 
Teresa entered her bedroom, carrying a basket full of clean laundry with one hand. She called out to her sleepy sister, “Pepita? Time to wake up now!”
Cecilia groggily responded, “I’m up... I’m up...” She carelessly threw off the covers and stood from the bed. She stretched her arms and exhaled. She still hadn’t gotten over the encounter from last night but she’s not going to express that sentiment. She was nearly caught by the neck last night by her aunts and sister. She’s not going to allow the men of the house to catch a glimpse of that, too. “Are the boys up already?”
“They’re already on their way to the sawmill,” Teresa replied, huffing as she tried to balance the basket in her arms. “They wanted to catch up with you about what had happened last night but Auntie Helena wanted to hear none of it. She doesn’t want to be distressed the second time today, though, you do owe all of us an explanation.”
Well, maybe once you hear the explanation, you might regret asking me for it, Cecilia sourly thought. 
“You already got an explanation last night. All of you. I used the gun for protection. What else am I supposed to do? Stand still and meet my death?” Cecilia asked, trying to make a point while scoffing. “Nothing out of the ordinary, really,” she fibbed. 
Teresa narrowed her eyes at her younger sister. She said, “Like I am ought to believe that. Change now and eat your breakfast. You have to maintain the house today yourself because I have to attend to Señorita Amita.”
“The brat?”
“Right, right, right. Carry on, then. Leave the basket in the sala and I’ll attend to them after I eat breakfast. You go ahead because I’ll take it from there.”
Cecilia changed into her clean pair of baro’t saya - a beige windy blouse she always wears and a crimson plaid-printed skirt - then wrapped a headdress over her choppy, shoulder-length hair. Satisfied, the maiden skirted down the stairs and headed to the dining room that is adjacent to the kitchen. 
When she arrived there, she was greeted by Auntie Risa, who said to her, “How was your sleep, dear? I hope you weren’t really bothered by the encounters last night. Also, you’ve deeply upset your Auntie Helena. She refused to see you.”
Like always, Cecilia bitterly thought. 
Cecilia answered, “I’m not that bothered at all, auntie. I was shaken, sure, but not that bothered.” Cecilia paused. “I doubt I might even see Auntie Helena. I’m going out today. Again.”
Auntie Risa sighed almost dramatically, finding her niece unbelievable. 
“Goodness, child! Now you will really get an actual scolding later if you-”
“No, no, no, auntie! I meant I’ll do some errands around town.”
“Well, if you insist. Just please, please try not to put yourself into constant trouble. We aren’t getting younger to look after you.”
“I promise, I won’t. Well, this time, anyways.”
Cecilia ate her breakfast, washed her own dishes, and then began to fold the fresh laundry her sister picked up from their backyard. After she settled the clothes into their respective dressers, Cecilia went out, leaving the two aunts alone in the vicinity.
By then, the two elderly ladies were mending the torn clothes of their nephews, who were workers at a sawmill. 
“Goodness, Risa... When will Pepita ever learn to grow up and be a lady? She can’t keep up like this forever!” Helena complained, pulling the needle up.
“Patience, Helena... Patience. Pepita will learn, I’m sure. Chang is making sure of that but you know, that youngster has her own mind, too. She’ll learn if she’s willing to be schooled. Right now, I think she’s just enjoying the perks of her youth,” Risa calmly said. 
“You are too mellow with Pepita, Risa. She is ought to be disciplined!”
“Then you will just feed fuel to the fire, Helena. Pepita is, well... Liberated, but not in a bad way, if I say so myself. Also, you really shouldn’t worry all that much. That’s not healthy for your health.”
“Hmph! I suppose... All I ever wanted was-”
“I know, I know... But remember, we still have Chang. Besides, it will take a miracle for Pepita to change into the lady we all wanted her to be. She’ll come around. Maybe not today, maybe not next week. But someday.”
While the elderly Castillo ladies tended the house to themselves, Teresa tended the Santiago House.
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tellytantra · 5 years
“Hey, what are you thinking?” he asked seeing her lost somewhere. From the time they had left the Mittal house and shifted here, she has changed a lot. The situations were not easy when they had left the house, his family has accused her of playing games with them… just because he had married a woman with a past they had left no chance to molest them mentally and emotionally and seeing the condition not suitable to raise their child he had taken the decision. “hey…listen, don’t think about what happened, it was never your… he tried to say. “it was always my fault, first I trusted a man who cheated me and left me alone then marrying my friend was the second fault which separated him from his family., it was always my fault,” she said with angry tears wetting her cheeks. “No, it was never your fault Kavya,” he said turning her to him. “Hey, look at me… he crouched in front of her and asked cupping her face. “shhhhhh… why are you crying?” he said as soon as he saw those big eyes filled with tears. “but Kabeer…” she wanted to say something. “no buts and no ifs from now on…we have to start a new life here and i don’t want any tears, at least no tears thinking about past.” he declared as he wiped her tears. “by the way do you know Kavya,” he started seriously. “ you look like an aunty when crying.” She was anticipating something serious so when this came her big eyes grew bigger and she hit him lovingly. “arey aunty to this uncle…” and he gestured towards himself posing the famous pose of Shahrukh khan. “i had forgotten about a certain Rahul living with me… she played along. “and I forgot about a Tina…he winked and they laughed. “thank you Kabeer for becoming this shelter to me,” she spoke after a while when their laughs seized. “you are my wife and Aarush is my child, taking care of you two is something I promised taking the rounds of the holy fire.” he reminded her. “hmmm…Okay, what to cook for dinner?” she asked him as she started to leave for kitchen. “Hey , wait.” he grabbed her arm. “why don’t we go out today.” and a certain emotion has found space in his eyes. “but Aarush has his school tomorrow…” she replied innocently. “we’ll be back by 9 or 9:30 also we didn’t go out for so long…lets go today.” he literary made the decision. “okay … I’ll change then.” and she smiled hesitantly. ______________*_____________ She didn’t know why she had a gut feeling that today was the day; they were living under the same roof for a year now, sharing the same bed but they were as distant as strangers. But today she sensed a request when he asked her out… so she took out the Razor to smooth-en out her skin, Girls have a lot of issues and the unwanted hairs were among one of the firsts to be taken care of. He never made any advances towards her, fully respecting her but he was a man and she was obliged to respect his wishes too. With all these thoughts she took her time to get ready and meanwhile he was busy readying Aarush. The deep blue saree complimented her skin and due to the heat outside, she tied her hairs in a neat bun. “someone is looking different today…” he teased her as he entered their room. She blushed red with the words… “I thought …ummm… I never wore this so… I mean.” she fumbled uncontrollably. “hey, relax! I didn’t mean to scare you… you look the best today.” he whispered near her right ear and she blushed more if that was possible. “do you know this couple in front of you..” he asked after a while pointing to their reflection. “yeah… she looked up gradually. “if not love then trust should always bind them,” he said and kissed her hairs. Closing her eyes she thanked her gods for blessing her this second life and this beautiful person who needed nothing but showered everything he had to her. “i should stop otherwise I won’t stop myself,” he said to himself and left her longing for a little something. She opened her eyes frustrated as she heard him walking fast to washroom taking the towel from the bed. _______________*________________ “Sir, madam… would you like to participate in this dance night we have organized for the completion of 50 years of our hotel.” the tall man in a formal attire asked them. “ummm..okay.’ without giving her a chance to say anything he accepted his request. “but Kabeer, I don’t know a D of dance…she whispered angrily as he kept eating his meal. “Aarush, do you want Mumma and bir’s dance?” he asked him as he fed him his last morsel. “yeah Beer…” the little boy replied happily. “then say your mum to keep quiet and follow Bir.” he said to Aarush faking anger. “But Kabeer, I don’t know how to..” she was cut midway. “that we will see later,” he said as he wiped aarush’s face with napkins. “so Mrs Kabeer, are you willing to have a dance with me?” he smiled as he extended his hand to her. “why are you making fun of yourself Kabeer,” she said as she gave her hand to him. “just follow me, My Lady!!” he said as he took her to the dance floor where lights dimmed in a moment. _________________*_________________ “is there something different in today’s airs?” he asked her as he pulled her to him after a swing. “i don’t know, I feel the same like every day,” she replied hiding her suspicions. “so how are you feeling while dancing?” he asked the next question. “ummm, you are not a bad dancer.” she teased him. “is that so?” and he swirled her hard that she squealed when came to his heart. “Kabeer…” his known perfume was doing wonders on her today, she didn’t know why but she wanted to just hug him, his vicinity today was dangerous for her if he was not planning anything. “i think it is getting late,” she said feeling hot all of a sudden. “yeah, even I feel so.” he said in a deep voice. “Mumma, you danced so well.” her son came to him as she approached her table. “all because of your Bir,” she said turning to him but he was in no sight rather a text pinged on her phone. “reach the parking, I am coming in a moment.” she was puzzled by this behavior but she did as was told. After waiting for a moment she spotted him coming towards them but there was a girl accompanying him and by the looks, it seemed they knew each other VERY WELL. “i spotted him when I was paying the bills , Meet Shriya… one of my school friends.” he introduced the girl in a western attire to her. “Hii,” she gave a tight-lipped smile to her. “i thought to drop her, her apartment is in our way only,” he said as he unlocked the car. “Oh good,” she replied and made her way to the backseat. “Kavya, come here,” he called her but she didn’t know why she felt a surge of anger pushing to her nostrils. “no Kabeer, Aarush is sleepy so I ‘ll sit with him so he gets a comfortable sleep.” she replied flatly. Without noticing her anger he took the control of steers and the journey started with the talks of two long lost friends. Here she had anticipated an appraisal or a few words after this dance from her husband but look how happy he was with his old friend or who knows girlfriend she thought angrily. __________________*___________________ “then come someday to my house Kabeer with Kavya .” Shriya offered them as they didn’t stop for a coffee she had offered them. “definitely,” he replied and here she burned in anger. “together we used to have so fun,” he said to her as they wheeled to their house. “i saw that.” words left her lips before she could control and she bit her tongue for the mistake. She had no right to be angry with him and for what she was getting angry on him, that he talked with a girl or he talked so heartily with a girl? she didn’t know the reason of her own condition. “are you jealous of her Kayva?” he asked suddenly. “why would i be?” she fumbled painfully. “come out.” and with the words, he stopped the car and it took him no moment to seal their lips after he found her standing in front of her.’ with the suddenness of the moment, she became numb for a moment and he took the chance to claim her to him… he seemed angry with the force he was kissing her. she didn’t think their first would be like this but … after a moment of contemplation, she raised her hands and hugged him… syncing through the sweet torture on her lips she opened her lips for him to take the controls. NEXT PART – he hugged from the behind and kissed her right ear. “Kabeer… Aarush will get up,” she said muffling a moan to her throat. “he won’t,” he whispered pulling the string of her blouse. ___________________________________*______________________________ Writer:  Morusya. “this is whattt… I feel for you, did you get that?” he spoke out of breath. “she was just an old friend… okay?” he assured her cupping her face. She nodded her head still hugging him but didn’t look up, too shy with the events. “now look at me,” he asked, his voice was getting calm now but that didn’t help her erratic heartbeats to calm down. And when she couldn’t take it anymore she turned away from him blushing tomato on his declaration. Sometimes people don’t say an “I LOVE YOU” but it is visible in their actions and it was one of those actions of his which have made her believe in his feelings for her. But adrenaline worked in a different way for girls and this time the adrenaline rush was making her look away from him and hide somewhere and at the same time wanted just his company. “Kavya… are we staying here whole night?” he left hot breaths on her exposed neck. “weather is also changing, I think we should leave for home,” he said with utter cuteness. “yeah… we should,” she said as she took a quick glance on the dark clouds covering the moon already. Trying to avoid his eyes she made a dash towards their car only to be pushed on the bonnet. “and where do you think you are going avoiding me..haan?” he asked her clutching her wrists tightly. “Kabeer… she squealed with the jerk. “what Kabeer… I apologize for you didn’t like it, but I just thought we needed this,” he said leaning on her. Terror and surprise were visible in her big innocent eyes, “No, I didn’t …” “it is okay if you still feel uncomfortable with me, take your time…” he spoke in a genuine voice. “no… it is not like that,” she spoke as he started stepping away from her. And before he could have understood anything she hugged him tight. “i don’t know why but nowadays I feel… she stopped due to all the pressure inside her. “yeah.” he encouraged her. “I am ready to take this step Kabeer…” she said changing the flow of the other things she wanted to say. “Hey, I don’t want to force anything…” he whispered tangling his fingers in hers. “you are not…” she answered stretching on her toes to match his height and planting a kiss … Suddenly a car’s flashlight shined on them and her aim missed as she planted a kiss near his lower lips and someone shouted, “continue at home Bro…” Some reckless college boys shouted on them through their open jeep. “thanks for suggestion guys…” he shouted back still holding her in his hug. She pinched him as she heard his words and smiled on his once an army-Man Husband. The perks of being his wife were him being not afraid of a single thing and his occasional arrogance towards things,” she thought as she stared on his handsome features which have sharpened because of this little nuisance. “son of *****,” he swore under his breath. “i think we should leave for home,” she spoke stifling a smile by pressing her lips. “yeah we should,” he said as he adjusted his blazer. They walked back to the car and as soon as they opened the doors they burst into a good laugh on this incident and them being caught like this. _______________*_______________ She came out from the washroom wiping her face with the towel, she has not changed her clothes yet due to the urgency of visiting the washroom. “i think we should let him sleep this way only otherwise he would wake up,” he said keeping the night dress of Aarush away. “yeah, you are right,” she said taking out her simple kurta from the almirah. Without saying a word her husband had taken every responsibility of her child,it was just a promise he had made with her dying husband but he had tried completing every duty that came with the promise. these thoughts ran in her mind as she took down the pins holding her bun intact. She noticed how carefully he took him to wash room when Aarush woke up from his sleep to pee. He wasn’t the biological father but he was everything to Aarush. “Hey, are you on earth.” she didn’t notice when did he came behind her and took away the bangles from her hands. “oh , sorry.” she apologized abruptly. “what happened Kavya?” he asked taking the sit in front of her and turning her stool to her. “i was just seeing my son and my husband,” she said buttoning the last two buttons of his t-shirt. “ohkay.” he said smiling to her. “a lot of things change na in this little life, our equation with people keeps changing with time,” she spoke thoughtfully. “once you were my best friend and now look at us..” I have no one but you whom I can rely upon the good or bad.” She smiled faintly as soon as the bitter memories surfaced again. “thats true… but you know what Kavya, in the army they make us learn the very first lesson of being alert and being ready for everything,” he said as he took her hands in his. “but I assure you no one can come between us and can harm you or Aarush till I am alive.” the words left and she covered his lips. “don’t say, sometimes we ourselves turn a bad eye to our happiness,” she said in a low voice with unreadable terror in her eyes. “as you say,” he replied uncovering his lips but kissing them with love staring her all the time. “i need to change,” she whispered looking away due to the feelings erupting in her stomach. “are you running away from me,” he asked making the grip strong on her wrist. And she noticed the sudden huskiness in his voice, his aura was changing to a different man. “Kabeer , let me go.” she requested lowly as she stood ready to leave the moment. “not today Kavya.” he declared as he pulled her to him from the behind. She closed her eyes due to the heat mingling in between their bodies and made no attempt to stop him when he sided her hairs and exposed her shoulder. They had enough of their problems, worries, bad days and now it was the time to finally accept happiness. He hugged her from behind and kissed her right ear. “Kabeer… Aarush will get up.” she said muffling a moan to her throat. “he won’t,” he whispered pulling the string of her blouse. She shivered when his lips touched her back and his hands made their way to her belly. “actually you are right, we can’t take chance.” and with the words, he scooped her up in his arms and walked out of their room ignoring her pleas to put her down. “I hope you changed the sheets recently, didn’t you?” he asked as he put her down on the guest room bed. “does it matter?” she challenged him. “that we’ll see,” he said as he turned off the lights and threw away his t-shirt. “are we ready?” he asked one last time before making her his from now on. “hmmm.” she hummed as she joined her hands behind his neck. The words died afterward and breaths echoed through the room, somewhere thunders shook the skies and winds grew strong but here in this room some other heaven was lived by two people. His hands grazed her skin lovingly and she jolted with the emotions overpowering herself… soon the beautiful Blue saree was in one corner of the bed along with every unwanted barrier. “did I ever tell you, you have such innocent eyes,” he whispered and kissed her eyes. “your eyes hold your purity in them.” suddenly some words from past echoed in her mind and she pushed him from top of her.
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