#there was a fear it would be restricted to just older adults
starlightomatic · 1 year
ACIP decided to approve new covid vaccines for everyone over six months old!!! yes!!!!
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jonbene · 4 months
reading about puberty was really weird today. i wondered what it would be like to actually go through it and how long it will take? they gave us a little kickstarter pill after watching the video, but i was sure it wasn’t anything. it just made me tired. I just wanted to take a bath and go to bed.
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but…by the time i got home, I felt weird in my body. it felt harder and heavier to walk. i knew i was tired, but even starting the bath was a struggle. it felt like my clothes were restricting me and it was harder to breathe. when i first looked in the mirror, it was so strange. it didn’t look like me. my face was more defined, fuzzier, and my hair was darker. it scared me at first, but then i remembered the kickstarter pill they gave us. omg! it was working! this was exciting now, what would we all look like in the morning?
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i started to get undressed for the bath, but I stopped as I looked down at myself. My body was…prickly. hairs growing out everywhere. i thought this was only supposed to happen to men?
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i lifted up my arm and watched as hair bushed out so quickly. it was as if being exposed to the air made it grow even faster. it was at this point i knew something was wrong. i was scared and panicked, trying to find a way to stop it.
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i tried to put my clothes back on. maybe that would slow the process? but it was like the more i resisted the faster it went. i started shaking, everything hurt. my body hit its growth spurt. growing taller, wider, bulkier. packing on more and more muscle. I was bursting out of my clothes!
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I had my dream body. The body i always wanted was looking back at me in the mirror, but it was all moving too fast. “StOP!!” I cried out, my voice cracking. “woah…what was that,” I said to myself in a, low, booming voice.
Terrified, my new man voice screamed out, “NO! MORE! ENOUGH!” as i watched the fine, prickly hairs, that once were there, burst out in thick, coarse hair intertwining over my now massive body. I backed away from the mirror in fear as my face matured. The full beard coming out of my face sealed the deal for me. I was no longer that kid in school. I slipped over the shredded clothes on the floor, and fell backwards into the bath. I looked down at myself in the water. I had no idea who this man was floating in the bath water.
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Sitting there, I started to relax. I explored myself in this new adult body of mine. I started to enjoy the beauty of getting older and more mature. I never liked being a kid in school anyway. Acceptance washed over me as I emerged from the bath.
Drying myself off, I looked in the mirror again. Now recognizing the man I’d become. I wondered what would my parents think? What would everyone else in class look like? Do I even need to go back to school? None of these questions mattered to me anymore as I was relieved puberty had come and gone and I could begin my new life now.
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nightcolorz · 2 months
do you have thoughts on how marius would have kept a human amadeo in line for another ten years. I have to imagine it's holding vampirism over his head for longer but rereading the parts of TVA I was looking at today and how tumultuous their relationship already was after two years I'm like damn that bitch had his work cut out for him....
Lmao omg 😭😭 love this question I love the idea of a nearing thirty yr old Amadeo who’s fit and strong and CRAZY driving Marius to insanity (as he should). I mean it definitely wasn’t easy. Marius is very insecure and I picture him being made very anxious over Amadeo becoming stronger and older and feeling helpless to stop this. Marius considers his control over Amadeo essential to their “love” and relationship, and feeling like he’s loosing control when Amadeo becomes a person is terrifying to him. We know from the books that any inclination that Amadeo is growing into an independent person capable of being self sufficient causes Marius to loose his absolute mind.
I feel like Amadeo is so attached to marius tho that he didn’t have to do much more then threaten to leave him + leave him alone for a few days to remind him of how much he needs him (therefore stopping any rebellion in its tracks). Amadeo is a Crazy bitch but the second Marius leaves to visit Akasha for a little bit Amadeo looses his shit and begs him to stay with him. Any threat on Amadeo’s part to run away is all talk and they both know it. Marius has done sm to abuse Amadeo into codependency that I feel like by the time Amadeo is an adult and has been living this life attached to Marius for so long the abuse does the work for him. Like, Amadeo is still going to be a piece of work but there is no real possibility of Marius loosing him, bcus Amadeo can’t live without him.
It’s definitely not all roses, like I imagine by the time Amadeo is a restless adult being treated the same as he was when he was fifteen the beatings r going to increase based on reckless and insane behavior increasing. But Amadeo feels like he can’t live without Marius and would rather die then be left alone, so I think that a reminder of “I could abandon u at a moments notice” would be enough for Amadeo to keep himself in check. (Especially bcus amc Marius makes it clearer then book Marius that Amadeo is property to him and Amadeo is very aware of the fact that he is a thing that can be replaced and therefore needs to make himself useful. Amc Armand is not necessarily privileged enough to rebel to an extreme point 😭).
so my thoughts r, I think that Marius is so insecure that he forgets how much Armand’s history of abuse affects his behavior. So what I think is, even tho Amadeo has very little chance of actually becoming independent from Marius bcus of how unhealthily codependent he is, Marius despite being aware of this fears his independence a ton and gets that out of his system by taking more abusive measures to make sure amadeo’s afraid of rebelling. This is kind of what happens in the book, but I imagine with an extra ten years it becomes more extreme. According to Armand in tva marius only really starts beating him when he hits puberty and starts fighting for his identity and independence, so I think with an adult Amadeo the beatings just get really bad. In the book Marius beats Armand when he displays his identity and independence that’s uncontrollable by him when he’s yearning for his family he lost. Marius is frightened by Armand regaining who he was before him (cuz marius is afraid of loosing control over Armand). So I think in amc iwtv this behavior gets to the point of like, marius starts restricting when Amadeo can leave the palazzo, doesn’t allow him to see Bianca or Riccardo, controlling stuff like that, that r like useless measures attempting to stop Amadeo from growing up and therefore realizing that he doesn’t need Marius.
and u know how in the vampire Armand Marius shaves Amadeo before he turns him so that he’ll be as young looking as possible for eternity? I imagine for amc Armand, Marius is also very frightened of Amadeo growing into an adult and becoming physically a man. So maybe he puts restrictions on his physical appearance, shaves him down like he does in tva, cuts his hair, emotionally abuses him into seeing himself as more of a child then he is, just so that he won’t loose that youth Marius is attracted to. What Marius is really scared of is Armand becoming an adult, bcus Marius is attracted to the child he can control, not an adult. he doesn’t want a man, he wants a boy. And the horrible thing is, the way that Marius treats Armand ends up ultimately stunting his ability to be an adult, and in a way Marius gets his eternal boy forever.
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juyeonszn · 1 year
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PAIRING lee hyunjae x f!reader
GENRES literally just fluff
WARNINGS no 18+ warning this time 🙀, despite it being KIND OF suggestive at one point, it really isn’t anything that constitutes a warning, brother’s best friend trope, (fr)enemies to lovers trope, good ol’ fashioned sneaking around, mild swearing, tbh this is really cute and like i wanna throw up bc when is it my turn </3
SUMMARY despite keeping your relationship restricted to the confines of these four walls, you would always be his.
MORE LOLLL IM INSANE I KNOW U CAN ALL THROW TOMATOES AT ME 😍😍🙏i literally wrote this in 2 hours call me william shakespeare :P um anyway here u go anon! here’s your request from my 100 followers event <3 prompts used are: 1, 15 🙌
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs
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“What’s the purpose of that top if it barely covers anything?”
You glance over at Hyunjae with a scowl, crossing your arms over your chest. “First of all, who the hell are you to judge what I’m wearing? Second of all, why are you looking?”
“Okay, gross, I would never look at you like that. You’re a child.” He gags, his lips curling downward into a grimace. You roll your eyes.
“And you’re old. Find a new comeback, Jaehyun.”
“Here they go again. And with the government name, too, that’s crazy.” Juyeon snorts from his spot on the floor. Eric bursts into an unnecessary amount of laughter, slapping his shoulder aggressively. The older male winces, muttering a small ‘Ow’.
Sangyeon sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose and pausing the movie that you were currently watching. He deadpans at the two of you. “Do I really have to play referee right now? In the middle of movie night?”
You both send puppy dog eyes and big smiles his way, because no matter how fun it was going at each other’s throats, it was never worth the scolding from your older brother. Sometimes you feared his wrath more than your own parents, and that’s considering the fact that you were a grown adult. He gives you a warning look before resuming the film.
The funny thing about being four years younger than your brother was the way you shared a friend group. Upon entering university, you befriended two rambunctious boys who happened to be on the baseball team with Sangyeon. Thankfully, you’d been close your whole life, so it wasn’t too big a deal when you all started hanging out. It was kind of convenient since you lived in the same house.
As the movie continues, you glance over at Hyunjae, whose chin is resting on his palm. God, his stupid face pissed you off so easily. Just looking at it riled you up unprovoked. He was lucky he was best friends with your brother (and also all of your friends), or else you might’ve killed him at this point. To be completely honest, there were a couple times you almost did.
Towards the end of the night, everyone started settling down and getting ready to go to bed. A couple of the guys usually slept in the living room, there were a couple in the guest room, and then whoever else was left crashed in your brother’s room with a futon or air mattress. Being the only girl had its special perks— i.e., you got to have your bedroom all to yourself.
It’s about an hour and a half after you’ve parted ways with the boys that you hear the familiar creak of your door opening. A warm body sneaks under the covers behind you, wrapping their arms around your torso and pressing their lips to the shell of your ear.
“I’ve missed you so much.”
“Took you long enough, Lee Jaehyun,” you murmur, side eyeing him while you shut your phone off and place it on your nightstand. “I almost fell asleep.”
“Stop calling me that,” he pouts, groaning into the crook of your neck when you giggle at his childish behavior. “You sound like my mom getting mad at me when I was a kid.”
Okay; silly story time. Hyunjae and yourself truly started off hating each other. He was a pretentious know-it-all and he despised being wrong. He always had to get the last word and he argued with you like his life depended on it. To you, he was your older brother’s insufferable best friend and you wanted nothing more than to strangle the living daylights out of him.
His first impression of you wasn’t that much different. He thought you were an over-confident spoiled brat who had zero filter. You enjoyed picking fights with him just because you knew it irritated him like nothing else. To him, you were his best friend’s annoying younger sister and he wanted to put a muzzle on you so he could shut you up for once.
The pair of you were like fire and gasoline, a deadly combination that the universe made a mistake putting together. Your friends were amused by your constant bickering, but it drove your brother insane.
One day, in an attempt to get you to bond, Sangyeon had sent Hyunjae to pick you up from a friend’s apartment after working on a project. The entire car ride was filled with insults left and right, neither of you paying attention to the angry grey cloud in the sky above you. Before you knew it, it was pouring down so hard that Hyunjae could hardly see through the windshield.
He pulled over into an empty lot to wait it out, but even that storm wasn’t enough to quell the rage warring in both of you. Your fight started back up, this time more heated than the previous.
You liked to think you weren’t a woman of many flaws. However, you proved yourself incorrect this go around. Your single flaw was your inability to bite your tongue and keep your thoughts to yourself. So, when Hyunjae told you to ‘Shut the Fuck Up’, your response wasn’t what it should’ve been.
Instead you said; “Make me.”
And well, make you he did.
He kissed you with such force, the back of your head almost collided with the car window. You pulled away from each other to process exactly what had just transpired, realizing that all this detestation, all this animosity and rival shit had just been poorly disguised lust. All that tension was because you loathed the other and wanted them to die a slow painful death, it was because you wanted to go at it like jackrabbits.
After another few minutes of making out and waiting for the rain to subside, you both noticed that it wasn’t stopping anytime soon. Hyunjae licked his lips and traced your own with the tip of his finger, grinning. “We won’t be missed for a couple hours, we should take advantage of that.”
In your head, that was a completely logical conclusion that you quickly agreed with. And so, that was the beginning of your secret relationship with Lee Hyunjae, your brother’s best friend and your supposed enemy.
“You and your bed are so much more comfy than the pull out in your living room. I kinda feel bad for Juyeon and Changmin.” He rubs circles into your waist with his thumb, wrapping his arms tighter around your middle.
“Hey, I’m not opposed to kicking you out and making you sleep in a sleeping bag like Sunwoo and Eric.” You tsk, turning in his embrace to face him.
He gasps in feign offense. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Hmm, I don’t know,” you shrug, sighing dramatically. “Apparently, I’m a child and you would never look at me a certain way.”
“I was just joking, baby,” he laughs and good God, you’re down bad if just the sound of his laugh has butterflies erupting in your stomach. “I gotta make sure everyone thinks I still find you aggravating. You’re the prettiest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on, you know.”
You bat your eyelashes at him exaggeratedly. “You don’t have to tell me twice.”
Hyunjae smiles at you, differently than all the others he’s shown you before. It’s tender, gentler than what you’re used to from the brunette. His eyes are a softer shade of brown, mocha colored irises that stare at you with so much admiration that even the darkness of your room couldn’t overshadow. The moonlight peeking in from your curtains illuminates his features perfectly.
“I know I don’t tell you that often, but you mean a lot to me, Y/N,” he suddenly confesses. “Sneaking around and not being able to show the world that you’re mine is so fucking difficult, but if you’re not ready, then I’m okay with it. I want you to be happy when you’re with me, all the time. You make it all worth it.”
“Hyunjae…” Your bottom lip juts out, your heart swelling with so many emotions. His eyes flicker down to your mouth and he closes the gap between you, leaving a sweet kiss that manages to knock out all the air from your lungs.
He peppers kisses to your cheeks, nose, and the crown of your head until your breathing has evened and you’ve fallen asleep. His favorite part of sleeping over was getting to see this, you laying in his arms peacefully. It served as a reminder for him that despite keeping your relationship restricted to the confines of these four walls, you would always be his. He whispers one last thing to you before calling it a night himself, though he’s sure your sleep is too deep to register it.
“I love you.”
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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kittenfangirl20 · 2 months
Queen Adam Au Part 9
Adam and Lucifer love their kids, don't get them wrong. But 8 children all under the age of 13 at home full time for the summer was getting to be a little much.
Especially when they would fight with each other.
For the most part the kids got along, but Lyra, Lydia, Luke and Avery were all nearly teenagers now and simple child's game wasn't enough to entertain them anymore.
Not to mention they would argue about the other stealing clothes or items, typical sibling stuff. Some days it just seemed like a lot.
Avery: That is so my shirt, give it back!
Lyra: I don't see your name on it.
Adam: Girls please, you have enough clothes of your own. Did you take her shirt without asking?
Lyra: ....... No.
Avery: Liar.
They needed a break. And like an all knowing Angel from down below in Gluttony, Bee sent Adam and Lucifer an invitation to her latest party to relax and let loose.
Adam: You want to go Luci? I know Samantha isn't a year old yet but I think it would do us good to have fun and be around other adults.
Lucifer: You're right, let her know we will be there.
*Adam sent the response that they would love to go to her party, after the recent events Adam went through, he needed a break and more importantly he felt Lucifer needed a break too, his poor husband would look at his reflection every once in a while fearing that Hellfire would come out of his eyes and mouth like it did with Leviathan*
Adam: I was also thinking that Cain could come along too. I know that Sinners are restricted to the Pride Ring, but we are the King and Queen of Hell. We can make exceptions to the rules.
Lucifer: We should be able to do that, he probably wants a break from his younger siblings too.
Adam: It’s a good thing Sera wanted to see her grandchildren so she volunteered to babysit.
Lucifer: I wish her all the luck in the world.
*after packing for the party and so they could stay a few days with Queen Bee, Adam, Lucifer, and Cain left to go to Gluttony, Sera hugged Adam and told him to have so much fun which he promised that he would, they then piled into the limo and left for the Gluttony Ring*
Adam: How was your last date Cain?
Cain: I don’t want to talk about it.
Adam: That bad?
Cain: Half of my dates are frightened over the fact that I am humanity’s first murderer and the other half are turned on by it, neither option is very appealing to me.
*while Adam and Cain were talking Lucifer looked outside the limo window thinking of maybe having a quick visit with Satan to ask if his powers lashed out like that or if it was something to be concerned about, he needed his older brother for advice, once they arrived at the Gluttony Ring Adam was hugged by Queen Bee*
Queen Bee: You just keep cuter every time I see you. I want to dress you up for the party, in fact I am going to take you shopping tomorrow and get you a party dress, something to show off that cute little body you have.
Adam: I would love that.
*Adam was feeling a little adventurous over letting Queen Bee dress him, he always liked her and wished that he could hang out with her more*
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doomed-prophetess · 8 months
Derrick is such an unpredictable and wierd character. I can never really tell what's he's thinking. Maybe it's because I'm reading too much into it, I mean he was only a side character and not a lot of thought is put into the side characters. They're just there.
What do you think Derrick really wants from Penelope. If he just wanted her to love him bach he would have been nice to hear, i think. Does he want her to be completely dependent on him and does he like seeing her miserable.
What about the Duke and Reynold. Do you think they enjoyed seeing her suffer. Why didn't they try to help her. Or maybe they just don't care. Though they seem to care a great deal in the manhwa.
How do you think they would react if they saw Penelope enjoying herself with someone, might be a friend or a long lost family, and Penelope is just laughing like crazy and she's totally ignoring them. Would they be jealous. Sorry if this ask is too repeatitive 😅
This is more of a headcanon. I think Derrick seeks relationships where he can exert control, foster dependency, and provide protection and care. His type would be vulnerable people. Little girls, orphans, foreigners, sex workers, servants, slaves etc. Anyone who could make him feel a sense of superiority. That is not to say he wouldn't feel disgusted by his own nature and try to fight these feelings. What Derrick subconsciously wants is a relationship with a huge power imbalance, where he has all the control and his partner none. An equal marriage with a noblewoman would not appeal to him. For the sake of maintaining his image he would marry a highborn woman but sexually he would feel no attraction to such a person. Someone like Derrick, who never allowed himself to make mistakes or indulge in teenage vices for fear that it might taint his family name, could only feel free if he was with a person whose status was so low that their opinion did not matter to anybody else. A person he could treat however he liked without consquences.
I found it curious that Derrick gave Penelope a bracelet with disguise magic claiming it would make her appear to be a young boy around her age but when she uses it she appears to be a child to Vinter. Not only that but she also starts resembling a younger version of Derrick.
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It's a bit strange. Why would the clerk sell a disguise bracelet to Derrick that would only change his age but not appearance? Assuming Derrick was the one going to wear it, it would be of little use if it changed almost nothing about his physical features. It's also disadvantageous to look like a child since it would restrict your movements in the city, prevent you from doing business with adults and make you an easy target of street thugs. That's why I'm wondering if there could be a deeper psychological reason behind the bracelet's magic that is influencing the illusion. The magic makes her look what? 14/15 years old? Is that his ideal age?
You could interpret it that way: Derrick wants Penelope to be eternally <17, which is impossible because you cannot stop the flow of time. The older she got, the more he felt her slipping through his fingers, the less he could control himself, the more unforgiving he turned when she fought him on anything. At that time he didn't need to possess her in every sense, he only needed her not to be possessed by anyone else. So if she just remained in the gilded cage and listened to his every word he wouldn't lay a hand on her. I think that would have been enough for him. But Penelope isn't an object that you can put behind a glass case and expect not to move. Besides he knew she was being abused by the staff. Perhaps he had hoped that she would lash out in such repulsive ways his feelings for her would decrease with every time until one day they were no more and he could get rid of her without regrets?
I view Derrick as a very emotion driven person full of contradictions. Derrick has many different desires that are incompatible with one another. He wants to uphold his outstanding reputation that would surely get damaged if he were to court a girl like Penelope. He lusts after Penelope, but the only way he could obtain her (lifelong confinement) without risking his reputation was if his father were to die making him the next Duke, and as horrible as Derrick is I have to give him that he cares for his family and wouldn't wish death on anyone belonging to the Eckart duchy. Doubtless he wants his father's approval too. Lasty I have the impression that from the day he lost Yvonne he imposed impossible expectations on himself and didn't allow himself either distraction or amusement. In short his guilt prevents him from seeking happiness. Derrick was still living in the past. They all were. He sabotages his chances with Penelope because accepting the fake might mean to him a betrayal towards his real sister. It'd be like losing Yvonne a second time, but this time also killing her and desecrating her grave.
Derrick disobeyed his father once when he took Yvonne to the festival and lost control of the situation when she was kidnapped. That's why he might have devoted himself entirely to his family to atone for it and it could serve as one of the reasons why he needs to be in control of everyone and everything. He doesn't have it in himself to tolerate Penelope's childish behaviour. Derrick worked so hard to make up for it, wheras Penelope can make so many mistakes and still get his father's attention like when she stole the necklace allegedly, but was rewarded instead of punished (her father called a jeweller to the mansion and Penelope wasted a fortune on accessories). There might be guilt, shame, but also anger, even a little bit envy and feelings of unjustness too. Derrick has never learned to cope healthily with negative emotions, he only represses and bottles things up. As a result his "love" got twisted.
If he just wanted her to love him bach he would have been nice to hear, i think. Does he want her to be completely dependent on him and does he like seeing her miserable.
Was he aware that he fell in love with her at first sight or did he only realize much later on what those feelings meant? He and Reynold have already build themselves up as a bullies, it's too late to take back everything that was said and done. If he tried to make amends and were to confess his feelings, he wouldn't be able to take the humilation of the rejection. Additionally I think of Derrick as an extremely prideful man who is severely allergic to the display of any form of vulnerability. Denying mistakes means an inability to reflect their own actions and no growth. The only option he saw was hiding behind a familiar mask and carrying on with the things he's started, while turning worse and worse with each day, because with the time being Penelope got used to the insults and his usual threats and punishments probably didn't have the same effect anymore. He cannot have her love, but he can have her attention. If he becomes the bane of her existence, it means she's at least thinking about him and he's haunting her just like she's haunting him. Maybe he hates himself a little and uses Penelope as an outlet for his frustrations, maybe he hates Penelope for hating him back when he has successfully convinced her how much he loathes her. He hates her even more, abuses her even more when he has just gotten the result he wanted.
He wants her to hate him, he wants her to love him like a slave loves their master, he wants her to depend on him with the helplessness and naivity of a child, but when she's in need he lets her down every time. He wants her to be shallowed by the earth never to be seen again, yet he panicks when she does disappear and searches high and low for her. He wants her to live as quiet as a mouse and never come under his eyes again. He wants her to never leave his sight and would chain her up in his basement if he could. Derrick would be revolted if she tried to touch him, hug him but he would want to fuck her and mark every part of her body as his. He can never be satisfied. There's no end, it just escalates until someone dies.
Derrick wants Penelope to be isolated, dependent, weak, in pain, completely at his mercy with only himself to help. Does he want her to love him? Ehh...probably? At the same time I keep thinking that if Penelope had a childhood crush on him, he would have pushed her away, shamed her for her feelings and acted disgusted. Honestly it probably would have driven him even more insane. I don't buy it that this 18 year old actually fell in love with a 12 year old. Just like in many cases of incestuous abuse, I would imagine Derrick acting on his desire for power and control. His love is an amalgam of obsession, lust and sadism. Ergo he doesn't necessarily need her to love him back, although he would like it, because her loving him back would increase his hold over her and would make her less likely to fall for anyone else, seek help and flee from him. Fear? yes. Obedience? yes. Love? He has such a negative and distorted view of her I'm not even sure he believes she's a human being capable of love (quite ironic).
I'm a bit torn about that topic. Part of me thinks it doesn't matter to him. As long as she hungered for his affection like when she was a kid and she was trapped with him, he could convince himself he would, with time, make Penelope come round to his way of thinking. Then there is a part of me thinking that a very dark side of Derrick wanted to break og Penelope. Turning her into a vile creature that no one could ever love. Someone who would seek him out and want to be dirtied by his love, because it was the only kind of love he permitted her to have. A nasty little girl that was hated and hated everyone in return and only had eyes for expensive dresses and jewelry. If she were to grow up to be a villainess who hurt innocent people, he would not have pangs of conscience about the things he did to her. Had Penelope become a person deserving of his punishments, he wouldn't feel like a bad guy anymore. And with the blurring lines of victim/perpetrator there would be not enough guilt stopping him from acting on his urges.
You are right he could have been nice to her and she would have loved him (I doubt in a romantic way but whatever), but that's not the only thing he wanted. Gaining her love by acting nice would mean the loss of many things he valued and a betrayal of his principles. Along with that who could guarantee him that his sacrifice would be worth it and she would love him back romantically? Penelope could mark his affection as brotherly, which he would hate to see. Should the first-born Eckart son treat her right, soon the rest of the staff would follow and so would his family. The duke treating Penelope like his daughter would make it much more awkward if Derrick were to collect his courage to ask for his stepsister's hand. Lastly a Penelope who learned self-love and became more confident with the support of her family would make friends and could steal the hearts of many men.
Taking advantage of Penelope would have been easier if she already had a reputation as a thief and liar, and had no one on her side. Even if she was not in love with him, a person who was starved off love since their childhood would do anything for a few crumbs of affection. That kind of person would cling even tighter onto the hand that was offered to them. It'd be easier to sell her obsession as pure love and pressure her into doing things she doesn't feel comfortable with. He ensured her standing as an Eckart would be on shaky ground whilst reminding her that he was the one who could make her life better or worse (like when he temporary took the Eckart name from her). Og Derrick preferred the path where he would have absolute control of her at the price of her sanity over the path where she could be happy but would never belong to him.
(I don't think Derrick was thinking too deeply about it. He just acts on the emotions he feels at the moment. I believe he barely understands himself.)
see also: why I think Derrick liked her (anon ask)
What about the Duke and Reynold. Do you think they enjoyed seeing her suffer. Why didn't they try to help her. Or maybe they just don't care. Though they seem to care a great deal in the manhwa.
The Duke and Reynold were ignorant of her suffering because plot™. Reynold felt schadenfreude whenever Penelope was punished but that was because he lacked context and thought it served her right. If anyone was a sadist and secretly enjoyed seeing Penelope suffer after actively contributing to her pain and triggering her it was Derrick.
How do you think they would react if they saw Penelope enjoying herself with someone, might be a friend or a long lost family, and Penelope is just laughing like crazy and she's totally ignoring them. Would they be jealous. Sorry if this ask is too repeatitive 😅
Derrick would be jealous obviously. He'd either wait until the other person was gone and would talk down on her or he'd want her removed from the scene immediately and would send a maid to bring Penelope to him with the excuse he or father wanted to discuss something urgent. Reynold would unlock a new emotion that he can't quite place. Depending on his age he'd either be confused by this and act like a kid that saw another kid playing with a toy he threw away or he'd just grumble and say something like "I didn't know you could make that kind of face." and sulk. The next day he'd want to get closer to her. The Duke would just be happy that Penelope is finally making friends. Would help Penelope arrange another meeting if it was a girl her age. Would pay her more attention and take her to an outing if it was a man his age (feels lowkey threatened by any potential father figure).
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
Ohhh how would the speedster family (DC) react if the child reader who also fast as them , rapidly aged up? I’m talking about adult age or teenager ? Got this idea after watching justice league crises on to earths
I love this idea! Especially if the darling only rapidly ages/continues to rapidly age if they exert themselves by over stepping the boundaries of their own capabilities.
Barry would be a little freaked out about it. As long as it’s a one time thing though he’ll be fine but if this is something that happens due to their darling’s speed than they’ll have to put a stop to them utilizing it or at the very least put some restrictions on them. If this is in the case that their darling only ages up when they enter themself than Barry would be very adamant after the first time it happens that his darling be very mindful of how far they push themself. He fears losing them in general but this would escalate his fear more than ever. Hell, he’s barely tolerating them being a hero along side him, Wally and Bart but he knew they would have done so on their own if he hadn’t allowed it. At least this way he can keep a close watchful eye on them. But this new development would have Barry on edge, especially if this is something at happens more than once. He wouldn’t want his bby taking on too much, he may even have them handle the smaller criminals/villains just so they won’t have to use too much of their power and end up aging themself even more than they already have.
At first, Wally would be shocked to see his younger sibling is now the same age as him or even older than him. He may even find it kind of cool but seeing Barry’s worried reaction would be enough to get Wally to take it more seriously. It would take some getting use to for Wally but it wouldn’t be too much of a big deal. In lessthe darling is taller than him or something like that. In the case that their darling only ages up when they overuse their power, Barry would especially count on Wally to keep an eye on their darling when he can’t. He would trust Wally to not let their darling over exert themself into aging more than they already have. Barry, Wally, and Bart wouldn’t allow their darling to use their speed more than necessary. Show off? Not allowed. The remote is just a little too far out of reach? Then either one of them will get it or their darling’s gonna have to walk to get it. Alien invasion and the world is in peril? Okay, you can use a little bit of speed but don’t go crazy with it. Or maybe you should just stay with Iris?
Bart would think it was so cool that their darling aged up. He’d be pretty bummed that they’re now older and or taller than him but he still thinks it’s neat. He may even hope that he’ll end up aging up too if he runs fast enough. When it first happens, Bart would be running circles around the darling asking them question after question. How did they do it? Why did they do it! Did they not like being closer to or the same age as him? Why’d they have to leave him behind like that? Could they teach him how to do that? Bart would just be a ball of curious energy and maybe a little silky but only for a bit. In the case that the darling rapidly ages if they push themself too much, Bart would be very concerned about his sibling. Like the first time was cool and all but if it keeps happening then that mmm when the worry really sets in. He’ll help bower he can, keeping his eye on them too and even staying glued to their side the most out of the family. He’d beg and plead their darling not to over do it out of fear of them eventual aging too much and turning into dust or something like that and losing them altogether.
Iris would be similar to Barry and worry about their bby having aged up rapidly as they have. When she first sees them afterwards she’s taken aback at how her little bby is now a whole grown teenager or even a whole ass adult. She’s at a loss for words, it would take awhile before she can fully process what she’s greeted with. Similar to Wally it would take her awhile to get use to her now older and taller bby but she eventually will. If anything, Iris has the hardest time coming to terms with it. She can’t even say that they grew before her eyes cause they didn’t. As far as she sees it they may as well have come back an entire different person but she knows they’re still her bby no matter how much bigger or older they are now. In the case that they continue to age rapidly due to overusing their powers, Iris would want them to hang up their suit and stop using their speed altogether. She wouldn’t even bother acknowledging any kind of restrictions or cutting down on how much of their power they use or how often. Iris is immediate and only thought I’d that they need to stop everything. She knows she’s asking a lot but her bby’s life means the most to her and she’d rather have them safe and alive then watch them run themself into a pile of dust right before her eyes. Nothing her darling could say or plead would change her mind.
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
I was asked by someone to look over a specific post and write what I thought about it...this is an opportunity to group several arguments & point out the pattern for a certain discrepancy.
LINK to the post I will talk about. Quote (the parts I will address):
but how can you judge Aegon for fighting for his (very strong and legitimate) claim on the throne when his family persuaded him to do so for their safety and survival but not judge Luke for taking Driftmark from Beala and Rhaena without blinking an eye which is objectively much worse because he was not forced into doing it by any means, and literally has no legitimate claim. Him not getting Driftmark would not have put the lives of his family members at risk the way Aegon not fighting for his claim would have.
I don't know if this post was about HotD or the original canon, but I'll divide my own thoughts accordingly. This post is in no way an invective against the Tumblr user as a person, just a critique of their thoughts.
Their argument claims four things:
Alicent's greens' main motivation to usurp Rhaenyra was self-defense
Aegon did himself at least feel that the throne/Viserys' regard should have gone towards him over Rhaenyra
the twins were at all in the customary line of succession for Driftmark as if they were part of the Velaryon house or were under Colrys' sole authority
that it is Rhaenyra making the decisions over succession
Book!Alicent, Cole, and the older green adults' main reason for usurping Rhaenyra was always about ambition and power. They both believed in patriarchal privilege/Faith-dominance AND used patriarchal privilege for their own ends. Show!older green adults are motivated differently:
Alicent is motivated by Otto's deception of her kids being in grave danger from Rhaenyra taking authority as well as her own envy of Rhaenyra's ability to at least avoid abuse and wishes to take some of her own by pulling Rhaenyra down through patriarchal restrictions and abuses (but even this is confusing in the show bc Alicent herself, as a character, is not written consistently nor intelligently...she is too reactive)
Cole just wants to destroy a person he pedestalized and at one point expected to pedestalize him back above her own station and role despite the fact that he had no real fear of her taking real advantage of him the same way a man could a woman
Otto is motivated by sheer ambition as his canon self is
Going back to the book characters, here are quotes from the green council for why each green older adult wants to usurp Rhaenyra (keeping in mind that they are also presenting their reasons to the green council and Alicent has left Viserys' body to rot to buy time and has already imprisoned/held hostage several people in the castle):
Fuller Account
Book!Otto cites survival for himself and Alicent, banking on Daemon's hatred for him and subsequent disapproval of Alicent for being his daughter, saying that Daemon would definitely try to execute him for just being someone he hated even after Rhaenyra gets crowned. Following his sentiment, Alicent cites the need to preserve her kids' lives on account that they had "a better claim to the throne than her brood of bastards" and are thus a threat to her. So she amends Otto's statement of Daemon killing them just bc he hates them AND uses the aristocratic disgust with bastards and the social stigma against bastards to make the council people more suspicious of the blacks/Rhaenyra. Again, bastards are regarded as inherently untrustworthy people bc they come from lust, "loss of self-control", and not the "duty" involved in a noble marriage. Finally, coming off of Alicent's note about bastards being untrustworthy and from lust, Cole reasons that if Rhaenyra were allowed to rule, she'd have lots of sex with Daemon and both would sexually predate on various lords' children or wives (note the gendered roles: "wife" of a lord). He's talking about "sullying", especially when he brings up how he thinks Laenor would have influenced the Velaryon boys to be sexually predatory themselves by virtue of the fact that Laenor was gay. So like modern media and persons who claim that gay men & drag queens (sometimes women, too but not that often) will prey on children based on the taboo sexual boundary crossing that queerness is seen to be, Criston uses homophobia to express that Rhaenyra shouldn't rule. Meanwhile, the boys are not supposed to be Laenor's kids--that is the whole argument for them being bastards--and Laenor actually didn't spend as much time with the V boys as people around them would expect for a father since he only went to Dragonstone to put up appearances and maybe the odd purely social visit. Laenor mainly lived at Driftmark with his Velaryon family and never built a household with Rhaenyra. Jace (114) was the only one who was born at KL, Luke (115) seems to have been born at the Red Keep and Joffrey (117) was born in Dragonstone.
Counterarguments to the OP's Post (bc some arguments still cross over to the show by the show's own writing)
Rhaenyra has been able to get others to fight for her even after her and her first 3 sons' deaths. The greens were the ones who always made the first move to antagonize, provoke, or undermine Rhaenyra and the blacks in both the book & the show, not the blacks.
If it was just about surviving, bastardry being made into a moral argument wouldn't be used. Also, we have no proof that Daemon would willingly taint Rhaenyra's and their kids' reputation by willy-nilly murdering not just Otto but the Alicent, the would-be Queen Dowager to Rhaenyra's own father without provocation. His killing of the Braavosi noble boy who was betrothed to Laena was all in Corlys' permission, i.e. the lord of Driftmark. Daemon may be a violent man, but he's not a stupid man.
And he never expressed actual hatred for Alicent, it is far more likely he thought of her as an interloper. Otto is still safe even though Daemon hates him: he never killed Rhea Royce and he could have killed Otto when it was safer for him before Viserys died if only by underhanded means. It's not like Viserys would actually execute Daemon if he did, even if it were exile.
As for how Alicent's kids being in danger:
Daemon largely ignored them
Rhaenyra explicitly said that if her siblings stopped she would spare them and only go after Alicent & Otto (this is after she's been usurped and she crowns herself at Dragonstone)
in the bigger picture sense, they actually had more defenses against other lords' machinations even with Rhaenyra [Posts: #1, #2, #3]
In the show, Laenor and Rhaenyra lived at the Red Keep together for all their boys to be born in the same place and it is very shortly after Joff is born that they leave together. Laenor still was not usually as physically close to Rhaenyra's side, but much more than what is implied in the book. However, Cole doesn't mention Laenor being gay as a reason for Rhaenyra's usurpation in the show and neither Alicent nor her father mentions bastardry or survival for their presented reasons to the council. It was just Otto shifting the conversation to naming Aegon and "discussing" the succession "question", Alicent being upset about being iced out for particular discussions and her trying to get them to not kill Rhaenyra and Beesbury's protests leading to his death plus Harold Westerling's giving up his cloak (who is actually already dead in the book). All because the show changed it to Alicent misinterpreting Viserys' dying words and her losing control over the council's and her father's actions, trying to prevent Rhaenyra's death--as she thought that was assured...tsk, tsk no confidence in one who she at one point was trying to go after her own son....
The show made the usurpation a whole, mere misunderstanding and miscommunication rather than the greens twisting truths, being blood purists and openly misogynists for their justifications. If somehow making the biggest civil war and injustices against a woman reads better as coming from a misunderstanding rather than an intentional perception attack on someone, I don't know if they understand the meaning of accountability nor think that misogyny is a real, palpable evil today or ever was, nor how to identify it.
Since we actually do not have that much evidence for how book!Aegon felt about Rhaenyra as a person before she was coronated, this is my headcanon and reasons for why I think he felt he deserved the throne over her despite his trying to foist off getting crowned until Cole (not Alicent) convinced him to take the crown for pure self-preservation sake. At least according to Septon Eustace.
This post goes into why Baela and Rhaena were not ever above the Velaryon boys in the line of the Driftmark succession.
Viserys, Otto, and Corlys are the ones primarily responsible for their children's misery for how they all contributed/directed to how they will marry. Both and show, except Alicent in the book, very much wanted to be Viserys' Queen Consort and of her own volition formed a faction and harrassed Rhaenyra for most of her pubescence and early motherhood.
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nayatarot777 · 2 years
do any other 12th house/piscean people with saturn in gemini (or any other similar mercury/saturn placements) find that elderly people, authority figures, and significantly older people in general just don’t listen to anything that you say the first time?
they could ask you a question but not settle for your answer just because it’s not what they wanted to or expected to hear.
i’ll give you an example. the bold sentences are our answers.
“hey, would you like some cake?”
“no, i’m fine, thank you.”
“you don’t like cake?”
“i never said that. i’m just not hungry.”
“it’s nice. you might as well try some before it’s gone.”
i feel like every 12th house/pisces person can relate to people misconstruing what we say which is the most annoying thing about interacting with people in our day to day lives - which is why we prefer to live in isolation 🙃 - but it’s almost like when saturn/capricorn energy is also affecting our communicative energy in our birth charts (mercury, gemini), it ventures into people also trying to make us “conform” to something. to conform to what they think would be best for us whenever we explicitly tell them what we do and don’t want. it’s like they treat us like we’re a child who doesn’t understand what they want, so they have to be the saturnian authoritative in their communication to us. and i believe that this sends the message that no matter what we say, it won’t matter anyway. it’s very condescending to me.
i also believe that this influenced my selective mutism when i was a child. i felt like i was “rebelling” or being problematic by fighting for my right to have an opinion and not want to do something when others wanted otherwise. that’s why i eventually just tuned everyone out apart from my friends at school, and never spoke to adults unless i was speaking to someone who i knew would respect my wishes.
idk if this is a common experience for others with these placements, but i’ve faced this from my grandma for as long as i can remember. i’ve faced this from aunts and uncles, from parents, from basically everyone older than me. and it seems like the only way to shut that shit down is to assert yourself (my aries moon kicks in), but there’s always some type of consequence that we face from that. because that’s just saturn 🤷🏾‍♀️. i believe that saturn in this case is trying to teach us to assert ourselves regardless of the limitations that are put onto us. saturn also represents fears. it’s like we’re forced to face our fear of communicating with people because the irritation from feeling controlled and restricted is just too fucking much. or maybe that’s the aquarius energy in my chart. idk 😂
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Hi ! Just thought about something! What are the religious beliefs of the UtDM's characters ? (Your ocs specifically) You mentioned Flynn was atheist, I believe ? I just find those kind of information really interesting when you consider the time period !
Have a nice day !
Ooooh interesting question! Cut because this is long.
Marius and Eveline were raised Catholic. She still attends Mass and believes to ... some extent, though it's painful when she'd had so much tragedy and she feels God has allowed it to happen. It's more comforting rituals to her, and a familiar place to have peace and quiet in. Marius would say he believes in God, but does little in the way of prayer or action.
Jack was raised in a very puritannical, isolated and fundamentalist Christian sect. He's still very afraid of God and damnation and Satan, and wants to not believe to relieve himself of that fear, but ...
Flynn was raised very strict Catholic, and he was always defiant and iffy on the whole thing - WW1 sent him firmly into "God is dead and/or never existed, and if He's alive, he doesn't care about us" territory. Generally he believes organized religion is an excellent scam.
Lottie's family was Catholic, though didn't attend church often and as far as she remembers, weren't terribly devout. When they died, she became bitter and resented God. As an adult, she's mostly recovered from that, but still jokingly calls herself a bad Catholic and doesn't really identify as one.
Máire was raised Catholic ... ish? Her grandmother and mother were... eccentric about it, to say the least. Their true beliefs were much closer to the late 1800s spiritualist movement, with a weird mix of Saint reverence and old Irish folk medicine and teachings. Máire dislikes explaining herself to others, and Catholicism is deeply tied to her culture, so she allows others to assume and refer to her as Catholic.
Malwina was raised Catholic and still believes in God. She tries to attend Mass, but lately it's brought more guilt and shame than it's worth. She prays on her rosary when she feels disheartened, but moreso because it reminds her of her mama and sisters.
Polly/Paulie grew up Methodist, and isn't particuarly religious or interested, but the church still holds fond memories. He's especially sentimental during Christmastime, and will attend those services. She only prays if she's truly in distress.
Slyvester was raised Lutheran, though his parents were fairly open-minded for the time. His wife is Catholic, and he married into/converted to the Catholic Church for her sake. They don't attend Mass except for holidays, and only pray with family or before meals.
Krooks grew up Jewish, and tries not to think about what his family and God would think about his current situation. He still observes dietary restrictions and holidays out of tradition and missing his family. Ezra was raised in a fiercely Southern Baptist home, which put him off religion for a long time. A few times he's gone to Krooks' synagogue and found it comforting. Roxie is quite blunt about her disbelief in God, and claims she never stepped foot in a church, nor will she ever. She grew up in rural Utah, had four mothers and narrowly avoided a marriage with a much older man. She does NOT like talking about religion.
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raeuberprinzessin · 2 years
As I promised a while ago:
Dragons platonic ABO AU
So, I've read some platonic Omegaverse stories and damn, that shit can be so fluffy and I'm always down for some fluff 🤩 
Characters being happy and cute and everyone joining the cuddling session and I just fell in love 😂
And I also read some Dragon!AUs and I thought, why not both? Both were a different fandom and yeah, I think Maribat needs an AU with dragons and platonic ABO dynamics.
There's a lot of worldbuilding, the story idea, if you want to skip there, starts after **********
So, the different dynamics have nothing to do with reproduction, they are more like a biological manifestation (hormones etc.) of the social role they lean towards. A group of dragons in which these dynamics come into play is called a Pride (yeah, I like "a Pride of dragons", I think it has a ring to it 😁). Humans don't have a dynamic, only dragons or part-dragons do. Part-dragons are called serpent (if the mother was a human and they were born in their human form) or drake (if the mother was a dragon and they hatched).
Alphas are competitive and often trying to show off. They thrive on conflict (doesn't have to be a serious one) and competition.
Betas draw their strengths from solitude and themselves. They avoid conflicts or act as mediators, partly because their chances are the worst if they actually get caught up in a conflict, but they are also the most peace-loving dragons.
Omegas thrive on having an active social circle, the bigger the better. They draw their strength from their love for others. Usually they are calm and don't get themselves involved in arguments, but if their Pride is endangered, they can be lethal. A pissed off omega is nothing anyone would ever want to face.
Dragons are usually born as an egg and hatch after a few months. Baby dragons are called hatchlings (even serpents who are born in their human form), in their early teens they present as their dynamic and are then called dragonlings. Since dragons live a lot longer than humans they are only considered adult dragons (by other dragons) in their mid-twenties to early-thirties. Trying to seriously court before then will not be received well by a dragonling's Pride. 
If two eggs are laid in a clutch, fraternal twins end up being omega and alpha, identical twins are usually both betas.
There are no "rules" for who is in charge of a Pride, but omegas often have an easier time, since their social skills are higher.
Every dynamic goes through a hormonal cycle every few months but how they experience it differs from person to person. Some want to cuddle, some need warmth, some only eat raw meat during their cycle. But the most comfortable way to spend the cycle is usually in one's own nest with a few Pride mates close by to offer cuddles, comfort, someone to talk to or to fetch something they need. 
The laws differ between countries, but since humans haven't had the wish to fight a dragon since the middle ages and especially the older, famous Prides did their best to present dragons as harmless if not provoked (and they also had the money and influence to steer public opinion in that direction), the laws aren't too restrictive in most places. In places like Gotham, which has a very long history influenced by dragons and was co-founded by dragons, hence all the gargoyles, they are actually pretty lax. And in France for example there are several dragon protection laws in place. 
So, I think this is enough about worldbuilding. Here comes the story idea (but if you feel inspired by the world building, go ahead, have fun and tag me, so I can have fun as well 😅):
The Dupain-Chengs were a young couple of bakers who barely had anything to do with dragons until one day when they were just about to close their bakery there was a woman rushing in.
She asked them to take care of the egg she held in her arms, saying that she had to fear that the egg's grandfather would cast the egg out or mistreat the little hatchling.
Since the young couple were good people and wouldn't want a baby, dragon or human, to be treated badly, they agreed and the woman gave them a big shawl made of shedded dragon skin. The old skin of the egg's mother, the woman explained. They would need the shawl to prove they didn't steal the egg.
The next day they went to the authorities and explained what happened. Usually an abandoned egg would be given to another Pride who was willing to raise another hatchling, especially the older prides were always eager to add fresh blood. But since they had the shawl, they could prove that the egg's mother had chosen them and therefore they were allowed to keep the egg, if they would comply with the statutory requirements. These included classes about parenting a hatchling, social structures between dragons, dragon biology and more like this, as well as at least one adult dragon (or serpent/drake) who was willing to support them (that's how they met Nadja, a beta who felt a bit lonely, since her Pride wasn't from Paris, and was happy to help). The requirements also said that at least after her presentation she would have to be enrolled in a school with at least 30% dragonlings.
Since the Francois-Dupont schools were highly recommended integrated schools (schools with a special focus on dragonlings and human-dragon-relationships), they sent their hatchling, they called her Marinette, there.
Marinette presented as an omega during the summer break. Her parents tried hard and did a good job, but there were still some things they couldn't teach her, so she turned to Nadja and to doing her own research. She started to babysit Manon, because it gave her another dragon in her social circle and when she went through her cycle the first time, she realized there were things her parents just couldn't understand: As an omega her need for a big social circle wasn't satisfied with her parents allowing her to sleep in their bedroom during her cycle. And they wouldn't allow her friends Nino and Kim, two dragons from her class she befriended, to stay in her nest with her. As humans they only saw it as two teenage boys sleeping in the same bed as their teenage daughter.
That's why Marinette started to do her own research, so she could better understand her instincts. This was why her teacher, Madame Bustier, a human, didn't really recognize the formerly meek and quiet girl after the break. Marinette grew and didn't accept getting pushed around anymore. Not by her teacher, with whom she had a very serious talk outside, and not by Chloe, an alpha drake. 
Since Marinette feels more comfortable in her skin (or shall I say scales?), she gets more confident and her natural leader qualities easily put her in the spot of the Pride's Head or Prima of the school's Pride. For most students the Pride of Francois Dupont is not their primary Pride (that would be their family), but since the school is meant as an integrated school there are also many students like Marinette or Chloe, who don't have a suitable primary Pride available.
One of these students is Adrien, a beta drake, who has to attend the school now, since his mother disappeared.
Adrien at first only knows Chloe and she also scares everyone else away. Chloe is his friend, but he really would like to formally be accepted into the Pride, but that can't happen, if Chloe scares everyone away and he can't even talk to his classmates.
That's the way it goes for a week until the Prima, an omega dragon he feels pretty intimidated by, snaps and drags Chloe off to an unknown location. Another beta dragon introduces himself as Nino, assures him that he doesn't have to worry about Chloe, because Marinette, the Prima, would never harm any of them and invites him to hang out.
Adrien slowly befriends his classmates after that. Chloe gives him more space and seems to keep closer to Marinette. He still feels intimidated, until she gifts him a scarf for his birthday. That's the first time he sees her self-conscious as she explains that she sewed a few of her scales from one of her shedded skins on the edges, because she read that they are needed to create an official acceptance present for a new Pride member. It's actually a tradition old established Prides follow, but since Marinette found out about it in her research, she thinks it's normal and she likes the idea, that her Pride members have something that smells like her.
Since Adrien's mother was the only dragon he had in France and the rest of his Pride lives in the UK (Amelie, Felix, maternal grandparents, his uncle before he died), Marinette as his new Prima has some legal leverage over Gabriel, who as a human is considered a less important bond. Adrien still lives with Gabriel, since he assured Marinette that he doesn't want to leave his father all alone, but Marinette put her foot down about his schedule, so he has less modeling gigs and only the extra curriculars he likes, like fencing. Adrien is still a bit intimidated, but he also adores her, because not many people are willing to butt heads with his dad and come out on top.
They are still Ladybug and Chat Noir, by the way, but since they hide being dragons when they transform it only changes the dynamic a bit, so they feel a lot more like siblings and best friends with no romantic interest.
Marinette also still attracts the attention of Jagged Stone, who is an alpha dragon and excited to hear, that his kids Juleka (alpha serpent) and Luka (omega serpent) are already friends with his new favourite designer.
Kagami and her mother are both alphas and when Kagami joins the fencing team Adrien recognizes another lonely kid when he sees one, so he asks Marinette to watch the fencing class the next time and introduces Kagami to her.
Kagami has only her mother from her Pride in Paris and since they are both alphas, she enjoys spending time with Adrien and Marinette. They have a calming effect on her and she is happier. At first her mother tries to forbid Kagami from spending time with them, she only accepts them, when Adrien and Marinette convince her to send Kagami to their school (it may have also helped that Marinette "casually" mentioned how close she is with Nadja).
Amelie and Felix end up coming to Paris, because they want to take Adrien back to London, but there they meet Marinette and Amelie, a beta dragon, is so endeared by her, she decides to stay in Paris and send Felix to the same school to get to know Marinette. Felix can't understand what his aunt, a beta dragon, like his mother, from an old Pride, saw in his uncle, a human designer with dubious talents (as Felix says).
Felix is an alpha dragonling, so it's not a surprise that he likes to show off his skills as an actor and a magician. And how smart he is, obviously. When his cycle arrives after he joined the class he butts heads with the other alphas of the school's Pride, especially Chloe, Kim, Alix and Kagami, since he's around them more.
The last addition to the class is Lila, who spends her first day lying about being an omega. It turns out there were only 3 dragons at her last boarding school and die other two were beta twins several classes above her and her classmates seemed to like her more as an omega than an alpha. Her mother is human and her father a drake, which makes her a serpent and she still can't transform into her dragon form. That's why her dragon grandparents finally relented and allowed her mother to have her with her.
Since this version of Marinette is much mote confident she doesn't let this lying grow and points to the information about Lila on file and after getting to the root of the problem, they assure her that she is just as welcome as an alpha.
Just like Chloe, Lila turns out to be a bit clingy and asks Marinette to stay with her during her cycle.
The school actually has a so called nesting room where the dragon and part-dragon students can hang out and build their nests. Human students need to be invited, which doesn't happen often, because humans don't have the instincts to nest and for most of them it's boring or childish, since it's basically hanging out in a pillow fort, sleeping and cuddling for most of the time.
On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean Damian Wayne (alpha dragon) has found his place in his father's Pride. He learns from his father Bruce Wayne (omega dragon, Primus of the Wayne Pride) and his siblings Richard Grayson (alpha dragon), Cassandra Cain (beta dragon), Jason Todd (omega serpent), Timothy Drake (omega dragon, but with more beta mannerisms than other omegas, because his parents needed him to be a beta like they were) and Duke Thomas (human meta) and everyone else in his extended family.
During patrol one night his mother lures him away to ask him if he is happy. When he says yes, she tells him she will do something, so his grandfather will leave him alone for good, although she couldn't say that about Ra's obsession with Tim, since that obsession might become worse.
He reports the incident and they realize that there could be only one explanation: Damian has a twin sister and his mother is going to get her, to present her to his grandfather. Since Damian knows that his grandfather is displeased by his presenting as an alpha, since an omega would have better skills as the leader of the league, and that's one of the reasons Ra's preferred Tim, he knows that his grandfather had no idea about his granddaughter. Otherwise he would already train her. This also means his mother must have made sure, she was well hidden, she might not even know herself where she was.
Of course they will move heaven and earth to find their lost little sister and protect her from the league. They just wish that stupid magical terrorist in Paris could have waited until they found her and made sure she is safe.
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Can I have Terra Headcanons pwease 🥺🥺🥺
SO! With no direction to go, I'm just gonna toss out all sorts of sheeat! Disclaimer, though should be obvious – most of this pertains to my story After the End. However, a lot of it I've just accepted as personal fancanon because I can't see it any other way. As such, I'm stuck with it! And now so are you~ I hope you enjoy!
Terra Snapdragon~
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The long-standing, and believe it or not quite loved and adored, Head Witch of the Plant Coven.
A lot of people have a bone to pick with her. Some hate her for something she may have done or said, some may dislike her because she has her own way of doing things, but no one can deny she does get shit done and has an energy about her that never fails to catch attention.
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That energy has been present since the very beginning. Spunky even from her childhood, she was always excited to do things and happy to learn. Mostly about Plant Magic, but believe it or not, that isn't where she had her start.
In an ironic parallel to another plant witch we know, she actually had her start in Abomination magic. She wasn't bad at it, exemplary in some cases, but her real passion was plants. Alas, that wasn't The Plan and she had to sequester that passion, only practicing it when the rare opportunity to sneak away from her studies (and home) presented itself. Life was hard, harder than her bright smile let on, but she found her ways to have fun and make it bearable.
A series of unfortunate events befell her however, and while her passion never died, her life became … harder. More and more she had to hide her true desires and bury what she really wanted, as The Plan became more and more restrictive. We all know what it feels like to be caged by life occasionally, and well, she certainly felt it.
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Fake smiles and poised poses hid sleepless nights and anxiety ridden days as things got worse and worse for her, and not just in regard to her endless studies, oppressive obligations, and harsh "punishments" for her failures. Finally, after a particularly grievous setback to The Plan for her life, and a punishment taken too far even by comparison to prior instances– she snapped.
Even to this day, if one were to look into the records, they would make it quite clear that no one really knows who or what wrecked the home on the outskirts of town, leaving the youngest member of the family alive, but in bad sorts. Visiting the devastated estate when released from the healing ward, she seemed to those observing to be in shocked disbelief. And she was, to an extent. But it was rather disturbing to say the least when the young woman of twenty suddenly sliced her hair off with an old dagger pulled from the debris and started laughing like a lunatic. She collected one other item and proceeded to walk away, telling them to do what they wanted with the ruined home, it was nothing to her now, and disappeared into the forest.
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When she reappeared days later, it was far from where she'd grown up and the people who'd failed her, and with very little evidence of her old life.
Not even her old name.
And right up to a Plant Coven tent she waltzed.
Now, they didn't know this strange young woman who seemed oh-so-eager to join. Which was odd, because usually they see an aspiring plant witch at intervals through their life, even if said intervals are irregular. But this twenty-year-old who looked like she'd just come from a fight with a tree was something else. Luckily, the older adult in the tent was a laid-back guy and decided to see what she was about – despite the others' fears of her being dangerous. See, the Plant Coven was surreptitiously on good terms with witches of all trades and kinds – wild witches, included. However, only eight years prior there'd been an incident with a wild witch that was especially heinous, and they were more feared and hated than ever as a result. The Plant Coven, while accepting of many creeds, were still wary of danger. And with most young witches having some sort of interaction with the people of the craft they wanted to follow, it was odd that no one had ever seen this woman at least once over the last two decades. So, was she wild? And looking a wreck and sporting a wicked smile, was she safe to be around?
These fears aside, his seniority won out and Terra got to camp with the Plant Coven. Soon enough, that wicked smile turned excited again and her eagerness to learn and help won over those more questioning of her motives. Besides, Hildevard, the Head Witch at that time, seemed to like the spunky stranger, and if Hildevard liked her, she had to be alright. Though, more than one person was curious as to why, when finally receiving the Plant Coven sigil, the woman seemed relieved of all things.
Nevertheless, the strange and curious Terra Snapdragon was now an official member of the Plant Coven.
And she took to Coven Life quite well. "Back in the day" as they say, the Plant Coven didn't have any permanent locations or structures. Instead, their "official" locations were mere tent encampments dotted about the Isles. And their motto, which is still the Plant Coven motto to this day, was "Do what you will." Which basically means "Live and let live." So long as no one gets hurt and everyone involved is of age and accepting, well, do what you will!
And an awful lot of that included dancing~
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Terra knew dancing. But she knew the waltzes and ballroom dances and poised and proper with structure and control. Not wild and unrestrained with passion in every step and fire at your feet.
And, you may have heard, in the Plant Coven, everyone dances. You'd think the Bards would have them beat, but living free among the forests and the valleys, with warm fires lighting the night and all sorts of tasty things filling the veins with all sorts of rushes, you gotta do something with that energy~ She took to dancing just as ardently as plant magic itself, and was soon outdancing even the most enthusiastic of partners. And she still does, even to this day. Don't challenge her unless you're ready because even at 75 years young, she'll have you under the table in no time!
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And of course, as time ticked by, she grew in may different ways, not the least of which being her dedication to the coven and propensity for the craft. As such, no one really thought it odd in any way when, after a few weeks away from the encampment that she never quite went into detail about, she came back with a plant. A flower, specifically. A well sized one. Very pretty color. On her head, though?
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At twenty-seven, she'd accomplished a lot for herself and a great deal for the coven, but this flower, for some odd reason she never really would say, seemed to fill her with a great deal of satisfaction and pride. And while she would eventually admit that the plant ending up her head was, in fact, an accident of sorts, she rather liked it where it was so she had no plans to remove it.
It did have an unforeseen side-effect, of course. Over time, her hair gained a more leaf-like quality, whole sections of it standing separate and almost stiff. What she came to understand, and hardly minded, was that the flower was, in a manner of speaking, nesting. Attached to her scalp by fine, vein-like filaments, it was stimulating her hair growth and altering the consistency, allowing for a buildup of soft material to bed itself against. Over time, whole sections of hair came to be attached more to the plant than to her. However, it was hardly a concern to her and still isn't. After all, she'd gained two new appendages in return for the honor of nesting atop her head, and they've come in quite handy many times, so it was a fair enough exchange in the end.
That said, if the happy accident that landed the flower on her head had never happened, she'd hardly have the patience for such a huge quantity of hair. Short of shaving it all off, the less the better would have been her preference.
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That said, the flower did end up on her head after all, but what if she were to take it off? Because she actually can. Even after all these decades, she could remove it at any time. If she just so happened to get tired of it being there one day, what would happen to that iconic hair of hers?
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Well, she'd lose most of it. Whole sheets would fall away, detaching from her and the flower. However, the bulk of her real hair is still attached to her and healthy as can be! Albeit, sapped of color due to the flower's influence, and losing more as a result of removal. And while she'd had naturally straight hair before acquiring the flower, the impact of it's presence is never-ending it seems, as she'd be left with rolling waves and curls in it's absence. Now, how long the long hair lasts for someone who's never had to upkeep curls is a question worth betting on.
Appearances aside, Terra has always been passionate, both about her craft and the people in it. See, found family really does have meaning on the Isles, and the Plant Coven became her family. They accepted her, crazy and all; they trusted her intuition, despite questioning change; appreciated her dedication, as single-minded and intense as it could be at times; and supported her whole-heartedly when Hildevard announced she'd be the new Head Witch – and sooner, rather than later.
Reality was, there wasn't anyone who fit the role better.
Since the time she'd arrived at the young age of twenty, to the time of the announcement when she was only twenty-nine, she'd gone from offering helpful suggestions that were just what was needed, to straight up making whole-coven impacting decisions that only bettered life for everyone in it. From building the first large-scale greenhouse, to organizing the way everyone grew their plants amongst each other, to standardizing how any product produced was inventoried and sold, to keeping actual track of coven funds and using them to further build up the coven's structures, she eventually grew the Plant Coven's encampments from simple tent villages on unclaimed land to actual physical locations on properly coven-claimed land – allowing for all the legal rights and protections such a validated claim afforded.
How she'd had the starting funds for such endeavors and where she got any knowledge of the legal system, no one asked.
Especially not with the beloved old Hildevard, mysterious and sagely as she was, supporting the young woman at every turn.
So, she was inducted as Head Witch, done so just after turning thirty, the youngest age allowed per the legal stipulations for Coven Heads. And still so far the only witch in history to actually be inducted at that age. While some might consider becoming Head Witch to be the height of accomplishment, to Terra, it was just another happenstance, one that simply allowed her to better work on improving her coven.
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As far as she was concerned, she still had a lot of work to do, and it wasn't going to do itself, now was it?
What she built, she preserved. What she grew, she maintained. And what she gained, she protected.
But more on that in another post~ Stay tuned for part two!
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
A terminally ill federal inmate wants to be released so he can die outside of prison. He's been refused, so he's applying for MAID
After more than four decades in a federal prison, Ed Speidel is fighting for a compassionate release so he can die outside, in a halfway house, rather than in his jail cell.
But after being rejected for parole and refused an appeal, he now fears he will die a painful death, struggling to breathe behind bars.
"My biggest fear is dying in jail. I don’t want to die in jail," said Speidel in a phone interview with CTV News from an office in the Matsqui Institution, a medium-security prison in Abbotsford, B.C.
The 62-year-old suffers from end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) along with chronic pain and rheumatoid arthritis. Tests show his lungs have only 19 per cent function compared to healthy adults.
"I have days where I have a real hard time breathing and it's like choking, like you're starved for air," said Seidel.
He requires oxygen 24 hours a day. Yet just prior to his phone interview with CTV, he said he had to struggle to get staff to provide him with a portable oxygen unit to make the trip to the room where the interview would take place.
Speidel, who uses a walker and spends most of his time in his cell, says he is in no way a threat to the public.
"I was a s**thead. (I did) robberies. But I didn't hurt anyone," he said. "I have done 41 years. I’ve done my time. Nothing is being served by keeping me here."
At a parole hearing in July 2022, he asked for parole by exception – more commonly referred to as compassionate or geriatric parole – due to his failing health, age and time served. He was not represented by a lawyer and was turned down.
He obtained legal support early this year. Lisa Crossley, who works with Prisoner Legal Services in Vancouver, says the case is bolstered by a note from a doctor in the institution, recommending that the parole board consider compassionate release for Speidel given his progressive health condition.
But the motion on for an expedited hearing of his review on July 8 was rejected. Speidel is now working through an application for a medically assisted death, though he says it's not really his preference.
"For the vast majority of people, if you are terminally ill, what risks do you really pose? I think that should be asked and there should be more options for people for some type of release," Crossley told CTV News.
Still, Crossley says, she will continue to push for an expedited regular parole hearing, and for another appeal for a compassionate release. She believes it is the first case of its kind in the country that will highlight the plight of older prisoners who are ill.
"It is a matter of public importance that affects many people in federal prison," said Crossley.
Of the 6,886 prisoners now in federal jails as of 2023, more than 1,700 (25.6 per cent) are 50 and older and are classified as aging offenders. 
Surveys show that prisoners age more rapidly due to their past lifestyles, high rates of substance abuse and the stress of imprisonment. 
There are higher rates of diseases that come with age including cancer, diabetes, lung disease and dementia.
Ivan Zinger, the correctional investigator of Canada, says a review, conducted in 2019 worried him.
"We saw an inordinate amount of prisoners who were either terminally ill or had dementia or Alzheimer's, who had severe mobility restrictions, who were bedridden. And all these individuals, you scratch your head, saying, 'What are they doing in a prison setting?'" he said in an interview from his office in Ottawa, Ont.
"Prisons and penitentiaries were never designed to be nursing homes or long-term care facilities or hospices. And this is what they've turned out to be. And it's just not acceptable," Zinger added.
In a statement sent to CTV News, Correctional Service of Canada officials said they could not comment on specific inmates or their cases, but wrote that the agency "acknowledges that challenges exist in addressing the multiple needs of aging offenders, but remains committed in its efforts to continue to develop strategies in meeting those needs.''
The Parole Board of Canada, meanwhile, is responsible for making decisions about exceptional paroles and when offenders don't pose a risk to the public. In an email to CTV News, PBC officials wrote that the board granted 29 paroles by exception to all age groups between 2019 and early 2023. Of those, 13 were prisoners aged 60 and older.
That amounts to about four compassionate releases per year and proves, says Zinger, that the corrections system is not offering enough medical compassionate releases.
"Each year, up to 40 incarcerated individuals die in Canadian penitentiaries of 'natural causes,' usually terminal illnesses,” he noted. “The fact of the matter is none of these individuals benefited from a compassionate release, even though their death was expected or imminent.”
Meanwhile, studies show the cost of keeping a geriatric offender in prison can be two to four times higher than housing them in a halfway home with medical support.
Zinger points to other jurisdictions, like in the U.S. and Europe, which are building secure nursing homes for inmates, where they can be transferred after they turn 65 or develop chronic or fatal illnesses.
In Canada, there are at least five secure halfway homes that accept or are just starting to accept aging inmates, with about four dozen beds. Haley House, in Peterborough, Ont., has 10 beds and is hoping to open a second home with 10 more beds this fall. Still, the case manager, Jeff Morgan, writes that existing facilities don't "come close to meeting the needs of aging offenders that are coming out of federal institutions, or are due to be released."
With no indication he will get out any time soon, Speidel has applied for medical assistance in dying (MAID), and is awaiting a medical assessment. The process usually takes three months or less.
He says he'd much prefer dying a natural death in a supervised halfway house. But his next regular parole hearing could be in 2024.
"What it looks like is that it's easier to kill myself here, with their (medical) help, than it is to try and convince them to let me back out. And I don't understand why," Speidel said.
CTV reported earlier in 2023 that there has been a small but noteworthy increase in MAID deaths among inmates, at rates higher than those in most other countries that allow assisted death.
The 2019 report by the Zinger also warned that without better planning for aging and ailing prisoners, there would be a surge of requests for MAID.
"Canada’s correctional authority should not be seen to be involved in enabling or facilitating any kind of death behind bars. It is simply incongruent with CSC’s obligation to protect and preserve life," he wrote.
Yet Speidel’s case suggests this is exactly what is happening.
He wants parole to die on his own. But the road to approval for MAID may come more easily – a problem his lawyer says needs to be addressed.
“Are we comfortable with it being the case that people can apply for made and be granted it within a month?” said Crossley. ”If you're eligible for MAID, you meet all those requirements, do you really pose such a risk to the community that you shouldn't be eligible for some kind of release as well?” she added.
For Speidel, it is a simple, binary choice.
"I sure hope I get out because if I don't, I will take MAID. I'm not going to sit here, unable to breathe, until I'm laying on the floor choking," he said. 
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/wQad7ns
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lyriquette · 1 year
Sidney versus Satanus (working title, pt 1 )
So I have a 3 hour drive back home, and I see on the news that Disney is suing DeSantis for essentially using government resources for his personal feud. The news droned on, but all I could think about is "What? That's all you're doing, Disney?"
This asshole is daring to threaten you at the seat of your power. He is threatening to put a prison next to your lands. Threaten to interfere with every aspect of your operations.
Sue him? In an arena rigged to be in his favor? Oh no. Oh no.
If I were Disney, I would not just sue him. I would use my power to make that fucker immortal. To be mentioned in the same breath as Maleficent, Gaston, Jafar, and every legendary Disney Villain.
And my brain started to go "how would I go about turning a movie into a weapon?" And I got to mull over during my car ride.
And Sidney versus Satanus was born.
The Barebones:
The cartoon style would be similar to the VHS movies preferably to evoke nostalgia in older viewers and create novelty in younger viewers.
Sidney is the young inheritor of a small theme park and cartoon company. Her grandfather died a sudden death and left her, the youngest one, the company. The message she finds addressed to her ends is "Remember the magic". Essentially, a modern princess.
There's probably an inheritence fighting subplot in the extended version. But the gist of it is that Sidney is chosen because she understands the ideal way this business should be run best; she is the one who looks at the world with childlike wonder and not with coldness like her other siblings.
She tries her best to run the company like her grandfather would: for the children.
And then one day, a politician named Roy Satanus (with the subtle pointed "horns" of hair), who happens to have an election month coming up, passes a law that essentially is "don't say gay." Sidney puts an opinion piece in the newspaper with her disagreement with the importance of having kids ask questions and not restrict them. Part of it stemmed from when she had her own questions about sexuality and how no one answered them.
Satanus is furious and starts attacking the small company with numerous restrictions and interference including an illegal authorization of a landfill to be built. In private, he would always go "she dares!"
People start noticing the fight and start feeling the injustice of it all. Even the ones who agree with Satanus feel like the way he is going about is wrong.
It's around that time Greg, who is occassionally seen, is properly introduced - high school kid, good grades, friends - but is starting to have a lot of questions lately. Questions his teachers can't answer in fear of breaking the law.
Now note for greater appeal, the fight is not centered on homophobia but on the restriction on kids to learn and for adults to teach. The stifling of curiosity.
That's around the time where Satanus, furious at being questioned, doubles-down passes "don't say period (female)" laws.
Because of the absurdity, the kids start a movement on their own about being told what they can and can't learn - and influence their parents - showing they too can influence the world and government. Because of this, their parents vote against him.
Satanus desperate to keep power starts ordering people to rig the poll machines and invalidate votes. But the sheer influence of the kids and their parents wanting to do the right thing for their state makes them eek out a win, which Satanus goes "that's not possible" in shock.
Satanus later gets arrested for voter fraud and abuse of power. A middle school asks the guy who takes Satanus away how the government can be good if people like Satanus can get elected. The guy responds that "their government is great because even people like Satanus can get elected, but just like how the people can give Satanus power, they can take it away. And thus lies the beauty of democracy."
Everyone lives happy ever after except Satanus. Sidney holds hands with the cafe store owner who supported her during her bad times. The two women watch the sunset.
I'll probably have more details as I continue my drive. And probably spelling and grammar collections.
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altocat · 2 years
Somehow Midgar CPS gets enough power and takes Sephiroth and puts him with a loving family at... eight years old. Does he have a chance of recovery you think?
Prospects are mostly good overall, assuming his adopted parents are genuine.
-At first, it would take a very long time for Sephiroth to trust them. He'd be extremely cautious and doesn't want to be touched. And would be constantly questioning their motives. He's too shy and timid to be outright hostile, but he's also too skittish to try connecting with them out of fear of some sort of test or trick. He's VERY paranoid.
-Over time, however, he'd get used to them and come out of his shell. If they engage his curiosity and give him plenty of praise and patience, he begins to actually care for them. And, in time, allows them to touch him, finding that he enjoys the comfort of being held or hugged or treated like something treasured and not just a slab of cells they can inject and cart around for observation.
-He'll always be slightly "off" in that he's a lot more world-weary and serious than other kids his age, but they can work with him to show him that it's okay to play and be silly and appreciate the more imaginative, idealistic aspects of childhood. He's rather fond of exploring the outdoors and reading and absolutely LOSES IT when they get him a big telescope for his birthday.
-Over time, he'd come to love them terribly and would be balls to the walls berserk if someone tried to take them away, especially his adopted mother. He'd happily run errands for them, and dote on them when he's older. He'd always be curious about his background, but he wouldn't involve them in that. And he's partially accepted the fact that they're his real parents, regardless of whether or not he ever learns who his biological parents are. He has a lot of soft, sappy feelings for them and was initially worried when he told them about how he feels about other boys. Having them readily embrace and accept him a second time just proved to him that this is real. It was ALWAYS real.
-Sephiroth is not raised to fight, though he likes competition. He'd always be incredibly strong due to the Jenova cells, but would probably follow in his adopted father's line of work out of respect. He's well aware of his prowess and talents and is pretty confident in them, though still occasionally kind of awkward in crowds. He is a bit more emotive as he was never taught to restrict his feelings, but he'd always be an introvert.
-As an adult, he'd just be a bit withdrawn and quiet. But moderately less so. He's cautious around people, but not outright distrustful anymore. His anxiety and general identity issues are present but are considerably lessened now that he's grown up with more breathing room. He still has that dry sense of humor and now is a lot easier to frustrate and fluster. But he's also still got that slight smugness to him as well.
-Is fiercely protective of his family and since he's still a huge fucking tank despite not being in SOLDIER, he will very readily tear you to pieces if you look at them funny. He still lives with them, not because he can't support himself, but because he wants to contribute on their behalf like they did for him. Mister big tall and grumpy is a dorky sweetheart when it comes to them.
-Of course, learning about Jenova might prove to be an issue. And throw everything off balance slightly. The hate for humanity would return, along with a brutal wave of childhood trauma. But it wouldn't be directed at them, nor would it have been compounded by the loss of his friends and having spent years being Shinra's attack dog. But it would be interesting. Sephiroth would find himself torn between embracing his second chance and accepting his past, or going about revenge in the sanest way possible. An interesting crossroads.
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rapmonkive · 1 year
hi rm, i don’t mean any harm or anything when i ask this, i’m just genuinely confused
your pinned post says ‘MDNI’ but some of your moots are minors so i’m a bit confused
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Oh no, good question, good question.
I"m amazed you looked at the pinned! Really I dont' think many do.
This is what is known as an Ass Covering post. I'm quite often NSFW and I mention that in my pinned too. In order to protect myself, and anyone who doesn't want to see it, that is there and also to protect myself I have MDNI.
Because I have many adult themes. I mean, I've talked about dog humping and being handcuffed already today.
Now are some of my moots minors? Yes, they are. When I interact with them directly, I will be respectful and not NSFW. They know what is on my page and they choose to interact with me themselves. Fine, I've already covered my own ass as much as I possibly can. Generally minors don't interact with me, but occasionally some do. If they do, you know I'm not a jerk.
And at the same time, I also know it's ridiculous to just restrict yourselves to only a certain age range. These teens are going to be interacting with adults.They have school, work, and other online things and they need to be able to interact with people of all ages.
In fact, as the adult, in many ways I see myself kind of as a mentor for them, allowing them to be themselves and talk to me in a older role model capacity. After all, would I be RM if I didn't?
Tumblr, though, with its guidelines has made it hard for people. Too many are absolutely afraid of even having a conversation with anyone who is a minor. I have seen people who were literally minors a couple of years ago afraid to talk to any teenager. There's a real fear there on tumblr about censoring yourself and who you are comfortable with. There's so much fear wither by law, getting your account flagged or deleted, or getting hate that they just take the no tolerance route.
I, as someone who has been around awhile, know that you can MDNI all you want and you can't stop anyone from lying about their age, looking at your page, reading your smut, or looking at your naughty pictures. I was a teenager once. I did all of that.
So I have done what I can to cover myself blogwise and still I am respectful to minors as people. Someday they aren't going to be minors anymore and they are going to remember who treated them badly and the discrimination they received. As it is, I can be an adult who doesn't do that, handcuffs and naughtiness aside.
So my blog you have been warned, but if you interact anyway...all right. Just tell me you are a minor and I will respectfully talk to you. I can censor myself and I can not creep on minors, and honestly, teens need to be able to see someone, any adults on tumblr, that respect them and also don't' creep on them.
So will I change my blog from NSFW? No. You've been warned and you know what to do. But if you are sneakily doing it or whatever, I can't really stop that.
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