#there thaz works
untold--stories · 1 year
I feel I should get chattier on here and my brain is circling a story idea I've had a while ago, not sure if I ever mentioned it.
Basic idea of it is to have two stories that are semi-connected despite being a few centuries apart - One of a viking lady who's setting out on her very last voyage, and one of a young pirate who's at the very start of their adventures
Basically a general theme of ends and beginnings.
(Spoilers for the story:
The two characters never meet, but every now and then something - objects, later on places - from the Viking's story will pop up in the Pirate's story, until it becomes clear that the Viking not only ended up in the place the Pirate starts, but is in fact their ancestor)
Idk if I'll be able to pull this off in a way that's fun to read but I sure can try!!
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allmyandroids · 5 months
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thinking about him 💕
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starpros-sunshine · 6 months
"Eichi charges the idols to stay in the starmony dorms he's so horrible" he is literally just doing business you think he's going to pay for all of that out of his own pocket why should he what reason would he have to pay for what other people do it's not like they can't just leave any day as seen with Shu and Izumi they live in entirely different countries and they're still fine why in the world shouldn't the idols pay rent????
"Oh but he pays them in scrip" I see the problem but, again, from a buisines perspective this is smart. This is a reasonable way to keep your business afloat. This makes sense when you're a CEO.
Where's your utilitarianism people where is your sense for how capitalism works you'll find a lot of the managing decisions at ES actually make a lot of sense and are pretty well implemented when you start seeing it through the "How do keep this a lucrative thing that makes money?"-lens.
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keeps-ache · 7 months
i have been BETRAYED. i've been thrown to the grappling arms of damnation and i've found that the exit was merely a dim recollection of another place !!
#just me hi#my grandma called and my mother handed me the phone with a devious-azz look on her face and in my groggy innocence i asked 'hello? what?'#and my grandma asked me to sing for her over the phone i think i'll just turn myself into a puddle and ddddiiiieee Hfbvhsf#i'm being extra melodramatic because i just woke up and thaz just how it eez lmaoo#but like MAN i got no heads up i'm going to explode vfhsfhvs#i'm fine w/ just doing whatever but don't Askkkk meeee now i'm all jittery and Mannnn#AUHHH i was off-pitch and wobbly and pitchy i'm going to live in a muddy little ditch forever hbvfhs#she liked it which is nice but I DIDN'T FHSHF#'you're a performer' tell that to these NERVES !!!#i was sleeeeeepinnnngg is there no compassion for the snoozing auuauahaufhuhbfvhsbgh#SOB.#putting my mother + sister on the list for that one. traitors traitors all of them hbvhsfh#diabolical behavior. completely insidious. can't beleeb they done this to me#genuinely couldn't even tap out of it cuz i was Sleepy and had no brain. RIP one more fool hfhsh#//aside from the beTRAYAL and other suchenings. what is up man hfhsfhv#i drew some sick p1nk space stuff in my sketchbook which is just a shame bc i can't colour it and i can't show it to anybody Hfvbh#i rarely ever use the full page for sketching but i really like the results they look good :D#nobody knows who Fate is i think but if you do i finally have a settled design for her hfvhs :DD#the dress is needing work.. you are NOT going out like that miss lady ma'am hvfshfb#/wondering about the medium for this project too#comic would work best for me bc well. it takes two things i like to do and mushes them into a delightful mess loll :>#//there has been a sudden shift in my brain chemicals and now i'm going to play a game hhfsh :333#toodles noodles !!
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likelyscam · 1 year
🎧! I hope you have a good day!!
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THANKS FOR THE ASK!! and i hope you have a great day too!<3
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her-canine-teeth · 3 months
the boop gifs i have saved keep downloading at webps and im not bothered to figure out how to save them as gifs so imsgine i booped u like 20 times
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sarcasstic-jpmvr · 1 year
Ok headcanon time:
Bucky Barnes didn‘t go to cryo in Wakanda
Instead, he spent it at home, in New York, at Tony‘s Tower (I refuse to call the the Avengers’ Tower, deal with it)
He has Steve close by, and a special reinforced room Tony built for him specifically
He‘s exactly where he belongs
One minor issue, though:
He is known to go to sleep and wake up as the Winter Soldier, going on little killing-sprees (nothing ever truly happened, given that we‘re talking about him living with the Avengers)
Anyways, we‘re talking about Bucky having to be physically restrained and put in his room, locked behind a vibranium door with a lock only two people can open from the outside: Tony and Steve
One night, Tony is up late, clearly on one of his project-binges, bless his hyperfocused soul
He goes to the kitchen to get more coffee (mind you, it‘s like, 3 a.m.)
He passes Bucky‘s room, and heres him shouting stuff in Russian and slamming his whole weight against the walls of his room
Being the idiot kind-hearted person that he is, he pauses his midnight-coffee-run and goes to Bucky‘s door
„F.R.I.D.A.Y, gimme the video feed of the room“
He sees what‘s going on inside the room, Bucky‘s clearly not Bucky, and he decides to gently knock on the door while still looking at the video feed
„Hey Buckaroo, are you alright in there?“
The Winter Soldier pauses, and looks straight in the camera
„Mission incomplete, request immediate assistance.“
Tony‘s mildly upset by the ice-cold tone of voice and the sharp blue eyes, but he decides to just roll with it
„Alright. Soldat, I am giving you a new mission.“
„Your new mission is to go lay down on the bed to your right, and sleep.“
The Winter Soldier is obviously confused
Like, honestly, how could Sir even say that??????
„You heard me right. Go to sleep.“
So that‘s exactly what he does
Obviously Tony tells Steve what happened
And it sort of becomes this little ritual
Every single time Bucky falls asleep, either Tony or Steve go to his door, and when the Winter Soldier wakes up, they give him the mission to go to sleep
Tony programmed F.R.I.D.A.Y to do it, and it didn‘t work
So they continue their nightly ritual
Bucky doesn’t know they do it, he just notices that he wakes up in the morning and he isn‘t sore for once
One night, Steve and Tony go to Bucky‘s door at the same time, and Tony, being the sleep-deprived little munchkin he is, confesses having feelings for Bucky and Steve
He doesn‘t realise he did it, Steve just stands there flabbergasted while Tony is barely able to stay awake, eventually falling asleep and toppling over into Steve‘s arms
Steve just brings him to bed and contemplates a whole lot about his own new feelings for Tony and his own old feelings for Bucky
Tony wakes up the next day with no recollection of what happened thaz night and just goes on about his day, confused when he doesn‘t see Steve in his lab sketching
Meanwhile, Steve is having the talk with Bucky, where Bucky realises that he, too, feels something for the mechanic
They decide the best course of action is to just straight up go to Tony and tell him they want to be with him
Being the ”40 gentlemen they are they want to court him the proper way
So they go on and do that, Tony obviously being very happy about the fact that not one but two of his crushes like him back
However, as the night falls, they forget one teensy tiny thing
Murder-kitten Winter Soldier who awakens as the night falls
Tony and Steve wake up to their third tossing and turning and grunting in his sleep, obviously fighting an inner battle with himself
They look at each other, unsure what to do, and then just decide to envelop Bucky in their arms
Steve is plastered against Bucky‘s back, spooning-style, while Tony just straight up octopus-latches himself to Bucky‘s front, squashing his face in Bucky’s chest (at this point Steve is carrying the weight of a super-soldier and a 5ft9 human)
Bucky twitches a few more times, before his pinched expression smoothens and his tense muscles relax
They all fall asleep peacefully
And that‘s the first time since the return of James Buchanan Barnes that he goes to sleep and wakes up as himself
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bookshelfdreams · 1 year
hey babes remember this project
(yeah neither do I it's been months and months) (who wants to make a wool coat in the height of summer anyway)
But! The last weeks have been rainy and too cool for July/August, and reminded me that autumn is right around the corner and Christmas will be here sooner than I think.
I actually finished weaving sometime in spring, I don't remember when exactly; didn't make an occasion out of it. I made 3 lengths of fabric total
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... which, as it turns out is Quite A Bit! Look at that stack :) You have no idea how satisfying it was to hold all that in my arms.
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Return of the King for scale
Each of these is about 55cm wide, and 230cm long which is insane, considering that I started out with a 4.5m warp. Granted, about 40-50cm of that are wasted on the loom and another 10% or so loss has to be calculated in (because of course the warp doesn't stay straight, it goes around the weft which means it becomes shorter) AND the threads being wool they have a lot of stretch to them. But still, that's a lot of shrinking, for a fabric that's still loose enough to fray. No wonder clothing was valuable as fuck, it's not even the amount of work that goes into it, but the portion of that work that's essentially wasted. And if I had wanted to make a tight fabric, an actual broadcloth, I would have had to calculate in a lot more shrinking.
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I finished this in the washing machine (I think 30°c with no spin cycle and no detergent? But I'm not sure about thaz, I forgot 59nwrite it down I think). Then I gave each piece a lanolin bath. I may have overdone it a little? Some of the wool feels a tiny bit - well not exactly greasy but soapy. Whatever. It does improve the wool's hydrophobic properties and makes it feel a little softer.
And all the pieces fit!
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This was very satisfying
I did not, however, have enough of the lilac linen that I originally wanted to use for lining. So I bought another fabric, the only one I could find that I liked: A very, very lightweight brown linen.
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The listing: This is very light and transparent! Me, opening the package:..... oh wow, I didn't know it would be this light and transparent
I hope it will work. There's only one way to find out.
That's all I have for now! I have cut out the front and back pieces, and now it's just sewing, sewing, sewing.
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neyliaart · 2 months
hi hello talk to me about junmei :3
i prefer post-canon stuff but i will gladly take anything!! also. do you perchance know of any jun wu redemption fics because i could only find one on ao3 ;;
yes he’s a villain but. it’s fanfic! he comes with a complimentary sad backstory! he’s stuck under a mountain to think about his actions! he’s stuck there forever, he has plenty of time to reflect on his behavior
First up @witch-is-writing do you know?
I only remember ones that vaguely count as redemption really but in my defense I woke up a minute ago, saw "Junmei" and scurried to write this text. Also do tell me which fic you found so I can check if I read that pls :3
Jun Wu is just the personification of 'hurt people hurt people' for me and if you wish I may write an essay about that thazs vaguely structuered and more of a ramble. I do however very much consider mei nianqing to be important to his healing. I dont even call it a redemption arc but oh boy that man needs some Healing. Mnq does too and they really should do that together because their issues are so intertwined. I have so many loose thoughts about this right now oh ma god.
The path to Jun Wus redemption or healing will always lead through the vassal that stayed longer and the vassal that left in the end. The one man he couldn't kill in two thousand years. The one man who knew him before he put on one mask after the other.
And truly they have all the time in the world for that post-canon. Let nianqing (...nian...nyan....nya... Yeah i didnt sleep enough.) visit him in the mountain. Return day after day to make it stick a little. That hes there now. Bring tea, bring books to read, whatever really. They are both so incredibly hurt it makes me sick (positive) and it would be a journey. One thats hard and rocky. One where JW still falls back to lash out and bite because its what saved him for hundreds of years but MNQ stays now no matter how he growls.
Yes JW is just a rescue dog to me and I will never get that thought out of my head ever again but I have one and the similiarities of it are striking. Funnily enough that also means most people should just ignore him (for now). Let one person get closer for now, more than that would be too much and if he starts to feel cornered he will growl and then he will bite. Its an intricate play ot trial and error to figure out when to actually step back and give more space and when to take him by the scruff even if he tries to bite. So MNQ got a lot of work and figuring that out ahead because thats his rescue now (has always been really) and JW will always remain a little more at ease with him than the rest of the world.
At last those who caused the pain have died and after that, by all means, it was all a grasp for control because for as long as he has control he can never be hurt. I believe we all try to hold control over at least something in our lives and its natural to do so. We are all scared to be hurt. But nobody can control everything (much less forever) and he needs to learn to live with that fear and uninternalize the mask of anger that hides it.
No matter what he needs to feel safe first. Not ultimatly safe but at least safe to show that hes afraid. Safe enough to stop wearing a mask of stirkes to hide the vulnerabilty. He needs to be scared and he needs to be vulberable and it need to be safe and okay for once.
And who better to grant that safety than that started the whole tale of his demise and his crimes by telling our main character to the face that this man shone so much brighter than he ever did. A fact i will never get over. The contents of what MNQ tells XL and us is like: War crimes, attempted murder on me, wiping out the heavenly capital, bringing ruin to Multiple kingdoms and how does one start such a tale best? Logically by refering to the man in question as the sun. But thats not enough. He wasnt just any source of light. He outshone you and all of us and all the other gods which are now dead because he murdered them.
MNQ is crazy for that and I absolutly adore that and that is literally all it will ever take for me to ship this. You can not tell me that is not a subtle love confession?? JW attempted to murder him multiple times i don't think people normally talk about such a guy like that??
Uhhhhhhhhhh anyhow
*subtly slides discord link*
I also made this where witch is also inside and so far nobody else but uh yes in case you want that because I dont know how to tell people.
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fate-defiant · 2 months
See the thing is its not even the question of wether blue or green is a better color on him its that he doesnt look good in *bright* colors. More subdued shades look absolutely fantastic on him, thazs why he has so much black in his wardrobe. Its just that very unfortunately he is stuck in an early 2000s show aimed at tweens and is thus doomed to tacky shades that dont work with him.
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thephantomcasebook · 11 months
Are the show writers aware that the Blacks are not the underdogs of the story? These guys have more dragons and more houses on their side. The only issue is Rhaenyra's sex but she has that more or less covered by marrying Daemon who is viewed by the misogynistic lords as the true power behind team black.
On the opposite aisle there's the Greens with fewer dragons and fewer houses. They are led indirectly by the Queen Alicent and Otto. Only by grit, stubbornness and spite did the Greens pull a surprising twist in the end, wiping out Rhaenyra and Daemon not only physically but also from the histories of Targaryen Kings and Queens. Many people assume the greens are the top dogs because they have a male heir and tradition favors their side. But the show has given almost no indication of any of these being an advantage. In fact the characters and their cause is treated with outrage and scorn in the show writing itself...as if they're making a grave mistake of challenging Rhaenyra's claim.
So which is which with these writers? I for one don't see The Blacks as the underdogs of the story. But thaz just me.
The show was built up and pitched as "The Avengers" of ASoIaF - basically GRRM's favorite characters - coming together to fight the evil-doers.
Now, on the surface, GRRM's world and writing doesn't work that way. However, when you get a bunch of room temperature IQ HBO Executives who are agenda minded over story telling, you get the good progressives vs. bad conservatives narrative that is germinated through-out the show. And I know that for a fact because - a now fired - former executive from HBO admitted that personally at a party that "Progressive Agenda" in their content was mandated in the "Trump Era".
So, to be fair, The Greens didn't stand a chance of getting a fair shake from the get go. It was basically mandated by the Studio Heads of the time that the Greens had to be an allegory for Trump Supporting Catholics. It was actually a selling point to Sapochnik who felt so fucking strongly about American Politics that shit for brains had to make some artistic statement - or his wife did.
They've dog whistled the Greens being bad from the beginning, from Criston beating to death a gay man to trying to make Alicent look like a Hypocrite by actively skewering Aegon's character from the beginning to make her both a bad mother and Stockholm victim of her own ideology.
Cause let me tell you as a minority - who looks like Criston Cole/ Fabian Frankel could be my brother (I'm not kidding) - and who is Roman Catholic and staunchly in support of Trump, there is nothing that a privileged white progressive hates more than a conservative woman - especially if she's a minority.
Alicent is and remains a lightning rod for every sexist and bigoted progressive to take out their weird and creepy hatred of women on and still claim themselves virtuous because of their assured cultist beliefs, it's fucking strange.
Also, the other problem is that the Normie fandom has been trained by "Game of Thrones" to root for the people with silver hair and the traditional Red Three-Headed dragon on a sable field. while the book readers, who should know by now from "Fire and Blood" and especially "Dunk and Egg" that the Targaryens are the fucking worst - which is the whole point of Dunk teaching Egg to be better than his family throughout the series. The hardcore ASoIaF fandom read obsessively but don't question the narrative as a whole.
@duxbelisarius did a 12 part Military Breakdown of the conflict and all the inconsistencies. But still, your average GRRM fanboy will agree it's fucking stupid, but let GRRM's bias in the narrative dictate their point of view. And in the end they just crave the blood shed and darker elements. Which - to be fair - has always been a part of the fandom since I joined it in 2009 when I was 19.
There's just a ton of factors, but those are the big ones.
Studio/Showrunners political mandates in the "Trump Era"
"Game of Thrones" residual bias for the normie fandom
GRRM bias toward characters creating false sense virtuous protagonists.
And a near fandom wide conditioning of disliking institution supporting moral characters.
I could write an essay about it all after 14 years, but that's what I've got tonight/this morning
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starpros-sunshine · 6 months
Sometimes I wonder why cold symptoms always get worse in the evenings there has to be a logical explanation for that
#i need to know#i might have only choosen the biology major because I had no other choice but i do genujnely think the human body is a fascinating object#we should not exist there is no reason we should exist but here we are and here we are exactly the way we are isn't that funny?#it's such a silly body too what you're telling me I could produce an entirely new person in here#but one falsely mutated cell that brances out and has a personal problem with me specifically can kill me in a year or less?#that doesn't seem right.#if you think about it children are a little bit like cancer actually#i won't be opening that can of worms actually lets keeo that locked away in zhe cupboard#oh yeah and you can inherit the murder cell mutation because of course you can#and then we came up with thousands of ways to cure thousands of ailments and what did we do we put them behind a paywall#come onnnnnn where's the fun in that#we have this cool stuff why do you not let us use the cool stuff#i don't do meds on principle if I have anything I jusz sit that out raw and painful but hey it's not my place to tell others to do it my way#i just don't like the thought of building up a resistance against stuff so I just take my ibuprofen if there really is no way to function#without them anymore#luckily that's not the case a lot of times#i can work fine with the headaches they're just annoying#make the head foggy and words take a second to comprehend and the light hurts but i can work with it#have you ever had two kinds of headache atbthe same time thazs an experience#dealing with a tensuoj headache and then also the clogged nose headache is. it sure is something#you don't know where exactly it hurts and it's not so bad that you have to lie down but then you hold your head the wrong way#and Boom a bomb goes off up there#fascinating stuff#how did I even get here
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sparrow-orion-writes · 3 months
if you still do the pride month themed oc asks:
3. How did your OC discover themself? Did something cause them to question, or they always know?
6. How does your OC feel about labels? Theirs, or in general?
7. Is there something thaz could question their identity? What?
for any oc of your choice hehe
I love talking about my characters, and I love talking about pride, so! endless questions always acceptable. I'm going with Ari because I love him and also because I'm writing book 2 a lot atm.
Ari is biromantic and asexual, possibly demisexual, or an asexual who likes to give but not receive. He is also transgender.
How did your OC discover themself? Did something cause them to question, or they always know?
Ari has never felt a particular affinity in either direction, for a large part of his life it was just something he didn't think about. He was very much focused on every other element of his life. When he did have feelings for someone, he honestly didn't even process them as romantic feelings at first because the sexual attraction wasn't there. It never would be there for him, either. It wouldn't be until his mid-20s that he would really clue himself in that he actively doesn't desire sex.
During the books, though, he does discover elements of sex that he enjoys. He is very forthcoming about the fact he doesn't like being touched - even non sexually, he finds it overstimulating, he doesn't like the feeling of holding someone's hand or being hugged without time to prepare, and absolutely loathes crowds.
But, there are some things on the more giving side that he enjoys, even accidentally turning Edward on because he was practically using him as a human stim toy...we've all been there.
As for being trans, it was always there at the back of his mind, but he had a dream where he was a man and it haunted him so long that he hallucinated the voice of the goddess coming down to tell him to get the hell out of his little cult town and be free. And so he left, at 16.
How does your OC feel about labels? Theirs, or in general?
Indifferent. Ari isn't very social and doesn't tend to make new friends or meet very many new people - and his sexuality is very much private to him and his partner.
In the world in general, the labels still exist but very few people use them outside of situations it would be needed. It's fairly common and normal for there to be an even spread between straight, gay, bi, etc.
Having said that, Ari doesn't really have the language to explain his sexuality in that sense. A lot of that old world knowledge didn't make it through to the present. The same happens with April, who is aromantic, and January, who is aroace. They both generally self-describe because this is important to them and they're both open to discussing it.
Ari isn't, though, Ari doesn't want words to his experiences and is a very private person. He finds it really difficult to talk about his life, and the person he is.
So whilst April describes himself as "loveless," or "less inclined to marry," and January explains he is "uninterested in the workings of the body as much as the raw material of the mind," (hello can someone spit that sheer poetry at me? Thanks), a lot of the context for Ari's sexuality comes from his avoidance of speaking about it. Or, like, other people's input.
In a conversation between Ari and Eli, he explains that he dislikes the company of most people, which makes it difficult to marry. When the topic of sex is even fleetingly mentioned, he completely throws the conversation away, showing that he really is quite uncomfortable talking about it.
In another conversation, Eli mentions that Ari doesn't pick up on social cues very easily, which makes him more anxious than he lets on, explaining why Ari hyper-emphasises his learned behaviours. Neptune then points out that she knows because she tried to hit on him for two years straight and he wouldn't have noticed if she'd spray painted it on his house.
But when it comes down to it, Edward asks Ari if he'd ever date a man and Ari - bless his soul - basically goes "I don't particularly think gender is a factor in how much I don't want that."
As for being trans, both Ari and Edward being trans is revealed in relative closeness to each other, and neither of them use the term "transgender."
Edward describes himself very typically as "being born one way, and wanting to look another," explaining that he's on testosterone. Edward uses solely he/him pronouns but he is happy with some of his more feminine characteristics.
Ari, here, describes himself as "born a man, in every way except body." in an earlier version, he explains that he could see his mind as being female and his body being male, and some parts of him reflect each - which would probably put him closer to being nonbinary but, hey, we'll see how that turns out together.
Is there something that could make them question their identity?
Short answer: Edward, and new information.
Long answer: Over the course of the story, Ari engages in a sort of shaky trial-and-error with his own boundaries. Largely because he receives new information about himself that he hadn't quite processed before. And that's that he actually does not dislike Edward's company, but, even worse, actually feels like he can learn from Edward.
From there Edward gently coaxes him through the stages of un-repressing his emotions, and that reveals more new information, and so on.
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owmylasagna-blog · 8 months
i'm going to take this moment to thank you for writing this work of art?? is so interesting and so fresh and so amazing! (i'm only at chapter three? but daaamn?)
it's so funny and so real yet so crazy and at times adorable! i'm going to keep reading!
really thank you <3
plus your writing style is so goooood!
Thaz me! You’re very welcome!!! And thank YOU for reaching out and sharing your thoughts on it ☺️ hope you continue to enjoy.
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sallufix · 1 year
Hellooo everybody my name is markiplier and i have nothing to post so have this little sneak peak of a work in progress comic which one page takes like one whole damn day. I dont even know why im making this. No one cares for my ocs let alone oc × canon 😭😭 ugghh whatever im trying my best
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Theres also this thing with more doodles of different pl ocs erm they're all connected to one story which i like to call Professor Layton and the Oblivious Prison. Its basically set 3 years after Unwound Future and next week is Clive's death penalty. Let's say that things get pretty juicy in prison (don't mind the guy with the antennae though thaz me)
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Ok I had a few people ask me how knowing another language can make it so you have less people to share your jokes with in response to m poem "jokes" on @peoplecallitpoetry qnd the answer is thaz when you learn a new language tue opportunities for jokes grow exponentially because now you can make jokes that only work if you know both languages involved. So the only people who will get to wnjoy those jokes are the other people who speak those languages .... and the more languages you get involved... the less people you have to share the joke with.
My favorite bilingual joke is "Tenk juri veliku mačku" it's pronounced simmilar to "thank you wery much" bit it means "a tank is chading after a big cat"
Another is simly the word gorilla because in serbo-croatian "gori" means "it burns so Goir LA means Los angeles is engulfed in flames
The list foes one and on and on and that's not even counting for bilongual dissonance where the same phrase can have a completely opposit meaning
For example smoking someone in USA= Shooting them
Smoking somwone in the balkans= giving them a blowjob
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