#but but but! if it keps the buisiness afloat and you need to have that. thaz is important
starpros-sunshine · 6 months
"Eichi charges the idols to stay in the starmony dorms he's so horrible" he is literally just doing business you think he's going to pay for all of that out of his own pocket why should he what reason would he have to pay for what other people do it's not like they can't just leave any day as seen with Shu and Izumi they live in entirely different countries and they're still fine why in the world shouldn't the idols pay rent????
"Oh but he pays them in scrip" I see the problem but, again, from a buisines perspective this is smart. This is a reasonable way to keep your business afloat. This makes sense when you're a CEO.
Where's your utilitarianism people where is your sense for how capitalism works you'll find a lot of the managing decisions at ES actually make a lot of sense and are pretty well implemented when you start seeing it through the "How do keep this a lucrative thing that makes money?"-lens.
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