#and now my brain is focused on !!!!!OCEAN!!!! once again
untold--stories · 1 year
I feel I should get chattier on here and my brain is circling a story idea I've had a while ago, not sure if I ever mentioned it.
Basic idea of it is to have two stories that are semi-connected despite being a few centuries apart - One of a viking lady who's setting out on her very last voyage, and one of a young pirate who's at the very start of their adventures
Basically a general theme of ends and beginnings.
(Spoilers for the story:
The two characters never meet, but every now and then something - objects, later on places - from the Viking's story will pop up in the Pirate's story, until it becomes clear that the Viking not only ended up in the place the Pirate starts, but is in fact their ancestor)
Idk if I'll be able to pull this off in a way that's fun to read but I sure can try!!
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xenteaart · 2 months
you are not difficult
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pairing: chan x reader (i wrote it with idol!chan or producer!chan in mind, but it can fit any au, really) word count: no idea but it's short genre/warnings: er, angst, hurt/comfort, implied suffering w depression, implied history of SH. also implied shitty ex. so PLS keep that in mind before you read. also, it's all good in the end. author's note: it's a self comfort thing y'all but i hope you like it too.
it was yet another night where everything felt too much and you kinda hated yourself for it. bad day, maybe some hormonal imbalance due to a certain time in your cycle, history of mental illness — it's hard to put a finger on the exact cause. you're sick of trying, anyways.
chris was, of course, right there for you, and as you were falling apart in his arms, your entire soul was aching so bad that it made you want to crawl out of your own skin. it's usually like that, everywhere in your body like some sort of extreme inflammation, except physically you're perfectly fine.
"'m sorry…" you blurt out somewhere between your sobs and cries, still unable to hold eye contact with him.
"baby, you have nothing to be sorry for," chan shakes his head and keeps rubbing circles into your back, just between the shoulder blades where the ache feels the most excruciating.
"kiss me?" you squeak. almost pathetic, honestly, but it's always been your way of checking, whether he still wants you. whether he still loves you and desires you, even at your lowest, even with your mascara all smudged over your cheeks, eyes puffy and red, lips slightly irritated and swollen. even when there's a gaping black hole where the heart is supposed to be.
chris doesn't even question it, really. he simply leans in and gives you a long sweet kiss full of both a partner's tenderness and a lover's lust, so, so willing to do whatever it takes to calm the thunderstorm inside your mind and ease your struggle.
the kiss doesn't really satisfy you, the feeling is still there.
"sorry," you whisper again as you breathe out into chan's lips but the intimate contact doesn't last long. chris frowns and makes some distance between you two to look into your eyes.
"why? baby, why do you keep apologizing?" he sounds gentle but still slightly frustrated.
"i dunno? cos 'm difficult? for bein' difficult?"
there's a silence as he blinks a few times, processing and putting two and two together.
"just because it was difficult for them to love you and take care of you, doesn’t make you difficult. you are not difficult. like, at all," he puts on his serious tone, the one he uses for you when you can't see the obvious and he has to remind you.
you don't really know what to say to that, so you keep playing with the tissue paper in your hands, ripping it apart piece by piece just to keep yourself busy and focused on something other than the burning ache in your chest.
"dealing with mental health isn't easy, that one is true, baby, but it's so easy to love you. you are easy to love. even now, looking so small and in pain but it's still you, and my duty as your boyfriend is to take care of you when you can't. and, hell, you're one of the most capable people i know, so please just let me hold your hand through it once in a while, yeah?" chan speaks slowly and quietly, as if to make every single word sink in, tenderly forcing it into your stupid lovely brain that refuses to cooperate sometimes.
chris feels safe. he feels like lighting up a cookie scented candle after a long day at work. he's the feeling of the ocean timidly licking at your feet and burying them deeper into warm wet sand. chris is the first sip of coffee in the morning and the cold side of the pillow at night. he's everything worth living and trying for.
"thank you," is the only thing you manage to say, but in the way you lean back into his embrace he's able to read a lot more.
"do you want a nice mug o' hot chocolate and some fairy bread, baby?"
this question makes you hiccup and sob once again. you nod and nuzzle closer into the crook of his neck.
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 2 months
ANYWAYSSS, so i was thinking... what he do if reader suddenly stopped coming to kayak, because they got sick? How would he react when they finally started coming back again?
Love your works btw😉💋💖💖
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Where's my Human? || Yandere Merman x Gn Kayaker Reader
Characters: Ranee
Summary: He gets so worried when you're not there to kayak
Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness, violence, stalking
A/n: Yeah that's how you spell it, I'm so happy you love him nonnie! He's my special merboy! And thank you! Also, mention of Malakai
Let's be real, Ranee has no concept of sickness or injuries. Fin rot is the closest thing he knows, and it's only common within pet fish. There are parasites and other ocean germs, but nothing like human sickness. So if you stop showing up for a while brings up so much concern. He straight up thinks you're dead. Though it takes a bit of build up for him to actually think of that conclusion.
The first day you don't show up to the beach, he just thinks you got busy. You usually don't come to kayak every day. That's something you told him when he freaked out the first time you didn't show up. Something about sore muscles. He was too focused on you when you told him so he didn't listen.
The second day is when he becomes a bit panicked. This is the stage where he starts swimming the coastline and asking other sea creatures that swim the coast about you. When they say they haven't seen you that's when his brain starts to spiral. Ranee just swims up and down the coastline for the next couple of days, watching the beaches for any sign of you in case you moved and forgot to tell him.
Then a thought comes to his mind, much to his distaste. Ranee thought and contemplated on visiting your human friend. One reason he was against it was because your human friend was trying to take you away from him. Didn't this human know that you were his mate? Beside the point, he didn't have you to guide him out once he swims in, and he's so easily lost.
After grumbling and pacing around in his sea cave to the nearest fish who have no clue what is going on, he decides to visit your human friend. He managed to remember the way there, you better praise him if you ever come back.
He groans as he sees your human friend on his dock of his very shiny home. Malakai prepares himself for any mischief Ranee has brought today but is caught of guard by the merman talking using the limited language he has. Malakai eventually catches your name in the merman's garbled up human speak and barely catches on.
“Oh, you mean Y/n? Yeah, they're sick right now. Texted me they won't be by the docks for a few days.”
Thus leads into Malakai trying to explain what sickness is to the very confused Ranee. After a few hours of body anatomy lessons Ranee comes to the conclusion that you are in fact dying. So the merman is trying to find any way to your home only to realize you don't live near any body of water.
A few more days of your absence leaves Ranee all mopy. Just invite him to your funeral okay? He couldn't live with himself if he didn't at least part with you properly. He's slumped over on a rock, holding the things he had taken from you. He peppered each in tiny kisses. Oh, gods please hear him and give your soul back to him. That's the leas they could do for torturing you like this!
All the fish that came past his cave would swim in and nibble on his skin. Sea lions and seals alike would come in to push him out of the cave. Ranee didn't want to come out to play like he usually does. Not without you!
His life is so meaningless without you. The seals were barking at him to come out of his cave until a ray had swam over. His mopy attitude switches when he gets news from the ray that it saw you back on your kayak and was paddling out in the open. Ranee is completely overjoyed that you were back.
Swimming as fast as his fins could take him, Ranee jumps out like a dolphin and tackles you into the water. You're startled and thrashing but Ranee's cold, scaly face calms you down. You can only chuckle at the merman's clingyness.
“You don't have to almost drown me if you want my attention every time, Ranee.”
He shakes his head as his tail coils around your legs. You shiver as you're pulled closer to his cold body. No way is he letting go. You worried the hell out of him! Making him think you were dead. Bad mate! He only hits the top of your head, scolding you in grumbles.
“Never allowed, fish sticks and fries.”
You were practically an expert in Ranee talk at this point. You came to understand that he was demanding you to stay and never leave him again for that long. As much as you wanted to comply with such a request, you were going to get sick again if you didn't get out of this cold water.
Begrudgingly did Ranee help you back onto your kayak and pushes you back to shore. When you're drying off on the dock, you tell him what happen and give him a better explanation of what happened.
You're now stuck on that dock, listening to Ranee talk about what he had done while you were gone. He gurgles at your praises when he told you he swam through the harbor all by himself.
Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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heavenlyysstuff · 9 months
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NETEYAM.s x metkayina!fem!reader
summary , neteyam talks to you after witnessing you being scolded by your parents for his brothers actions.
a/n , guys please request stuff my tiny brain only has about 1 writing idea every few months
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Your mother has you by the arm, dragging you to your marui as the sully brothers and their own parents follow, your own siblings already inside your marui after not wanting to upset your father and followed him when he didn’t even order them.
You were foolish to think something like this would slide past them, a forest boy bonding with the outcast tulkun.
Everyone is stood in your parents marui, with the exception of the two Sully parents as they stand just outside.
You stand between the two Sully brothers, one of which got you into this mess in the first place. You take a quick glace towards your siblings who stand just beside Neteyam, a little ways away from you. Still, their presence brings you some comfort.
As your father walks to stand in front of all of you, your ears pin further back into your head, preparing yourself for the worst.
It’s your mothers words that break the cruel silence, “you allowed him to bond with the outcast!” She stand in front of you and motions her hand towards Lo’ak.
The accusation only makes blink for a prolonged second and let out a heavy breath as you try contain your emotions in front of your parents. Whats worse is that most of the Sully family is present. You can’t break, not in front of them, him.
Your mother hastily releases your arm and goes to pace slowly back and forth behind your father, who’s gaze is now harshly directed at you. “You disappoint me, daughter.”
It was those four words that made your eyes water, the feeling of rejection nothing new, but only breaking you more than it ever did before.
Your lips quiver for just a second before you bite down onto the inside of your lower lip to stop it. You suddenly feel exposed, besides your father you are almost exactly in the middle of the group, nowhere to hide. All you do is lower your head a little.
You feel the eyes staring into the back of your head as you are scolded, and another pair beside you…he’s looking.
You father stands up with a strict posture in the middle of the room, “sit down.” His aggravated voice sounds through the marui. You immediately go into the action of kneeling, not fast enough for him you suppose when his voice booms out again, “sit down!” Now he’s livid, you and the rest of the teenagers kneel hastily, not daring to make eye contact with the Olo’eyktan. All except for one.
Neteyam glares daggers into your father, who only looks at him for a split second before casting his eyes on Lo’ak, it seems a lesson is in order.
At that point you are already zoned out, lost in never ending thoughts of shame and hurt. You eyes appear empty as you stare to the floor infront of you, your head not completely down, leaving a certain Sully to look at you in pity.
You fail to realise how long you’ve zoned out for because when the sudden voice of Neytiri breaks your trance you’re focused again.
“Lo’ak, you speak to Olo’eyktan.” Her voice is harsh. Lo’ak simply glances in her direction before he turns to your father once again.
“I’m sorry, but I know what I know.” Are what might as well be his last words as your mother hisses at the reply.
His father, Jake Sully crawls his way towards his youngest son, and with warning in his tone speaks “that’s enough.” His eyes look towards the your own father “I’ll deal with this one.” Lo’aks arm is roughly grasped and used to be dragged out of your marui, Neytiri following her mate and son.
Your eyes haven’t once left the floor since your scolding, but they’re brought up to your father when he huffs, “You’re dismissed.” And with that he stands up, and turns to pace in the marui.
You’re the first to leave, not a single thought in your head as the headache from the recent events settles in your forehead.
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You opt to go to the shore of the ocean, cool yourself down and most importantly regain the ability to think straight.
So here you sit, on the wet sand of the shore, letting the soft waves collide with your feet. Not a single Na’vi in sight, the sounds of natures music bringing you some peace.
And all is quiet until you hear a voice, right behind you.
“How are you feeling, Y/n?” The foreign accent immediately tells you who you’re talking to.
Quietly sighing as you turn to look at the male that somehow found you. “I’m fine Neteyam, what are you doing out here..?”
He walks to stand beside you before swiftly sitting down to face you, “I came to find you.” His voice softens while he speaks, it’s a nice change that you can come to like. “Back at your marui, with your father…”
You sigh immediately at the mention at the events before “did he send you to come get me?.. I’ll go now.” You mumble when trying to stand, but a hand on your arm quickly stops your movements.
“No no, I haven’t spoken to your father. I just wanted to see you.” His eyes show the genuineness of his words, and it immediately melts you to sit back down next to him.
He chuckles quietly, but then remembers the reason he came here, “I’m really sorry you had to be responsible for my brother, truly.”
Your eyes flicker to his for a moment. “Thanks, but it really wasn’t your fault… they were right I should’ve done.. something.” You tone is quiet but desperate as you try finding the right words to speak.
“No, I understand. But you have to realise it really wasn’t your fault, I know that you must take the blame a lot.” He says and places a hand on your bicep, his thumb running soothing circles on your patterned skin.
When you don’t reply he speaks again, “I think you and I are a lot alike.” You turn your head to face him.
“Why do you say that?”
“Well, both oldest siblings and always taking the blame for their siblings, and others.“
“…yea, I guess so.” Your words are soft, not used to being so open about your family life. You shuffle in your spot on the sand. “Why are you telling me all this.”
He tilts his head a little, almost unnoticeable, but not to you. “Because I want you to know you’re not alone.”
Both of your eyes meet, and suddenly you’re too shy to speak in front of his gaze, so all you can do is look away back to the ocean in front of you. “That’s… actually really sweet. Thank you.”
He smiles at your flustered reaction. “You’re welcome.” He reply’s “you know if you ever need anybody to talk to about this stuff, I’m always here to listen.”
You finally look back to him, looking into his eyes and smiling softly, “thanks Neteyam…”
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whoreish-behaviour · 2 years
Revenant 8
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Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4 Pt5 Pt6 Pt7
Na’vi!Colonel Quaritch x Na’vi!Reader
Warnings >~< = Mild dubcon, restraints, cunnilingus (F!oral), overstimulation, like 2 spanks, implied..activities
The Colonel stepped in front of you, his wide shoulders blocking your view of the two men ahead with masks strapped to their faces.
You tried to ignore the goosebumps that arose on your skin every time his tail brushed against the side of your thighs.
‘I’m over it..’ You bit your lip to hide your smile as the man’s accent reached your ears, ‘I’ve got quotas to meet.’
‘You wanna hunt? ..Let’s hunt.’
You furrowed your eyebrows at the Colonel ominous tone, your eyes bouncing over to Spider who had the exact same expression as you.
Once you both connected gazes, he shrugged - before turning back to the railing he was leaned over.
‘What? Here? Not here, there’s too many villages..’
‘No, no!’ A new voice spoke up.
You saw the Colonel shoulders tense, his head tilting slightly as you peeked around his waist and at the man defying him.
‘Respectfully sir..’ You saw him swallow thickly, throat bobbing at the Colonel’s rigid body.
‘Uhm, you do not understand the distinct bonds between the Tulkun and the ocean Na’vi, it’ll.. it’ll be like murdering a member of their family!’
Your stomach dropped when his words registered.
They were going to hunt the Tulkun.
‘Colonel! You can’t.’ You shouted, fist clenching when he didn’t even turn to look at you.
Your breathes grew heavy with panic as everyone turned to look at you, all except for the one person that needed to listen.
‘Colonel!’ You tried again, lifting your tied hands and knocking them into his back.
Still, he didn’t budge.
Letting out a noice of frustration, you flattened your ears and snarled - flashing your fangs venomously.
‘See?’ The man from before spoke up again.
‘We start hunting here, the hostiles will come after us.’
You hissed, angry they had disregarded you - a horrible state of hopelessness washing over your body as you continued to try and cut in.
Your pleas only fell on deaf ears.
‘Exactly, one hostile in particular.’
Your claws dug into your palms from pure anger as the Colonel’s voice rung out again, your eyes set intently on the back of his head.
'If you hunt them, my people will kill you!'
You wanted him to look at you, see the pure rage running through your system and feel the pain of your claws.
To you, nothing would ever justify the amount of destruction caused and now the heartbreak he was planning.
‘Lyle, take her inside.’
You watched as the blue soldier near Spider turned to you, his face stoic as he walked over to you.
You growled as he came closer, hissing when he picked you up and and threw you over his shoulder, crossing over to the entrance of the ship.
‘I will never forgive you if you do this Miles.’ You spoke, voice quiet and defeated but you knew he heard you.
‘You’re really going to let them do this?’ The Colonel’s ears flicked up as he adjusted his vest, Spider’s voice echoing his distaste.
He didn't look at the boy, instead turning away and following the rest of the team down the ship.
He tried to push the effect of the boy's words, yours also resinating and repeating in his brain over and over again.
I'll never forgive you.
I'll never forgive you.
I'll never forgive you Miles..
Your lack of anger and venom in those words only emphasised how truthful you were being, your defeat not making him nearly as happy as he had thought it would.
He gritted his teeth at himself, instead focusing on following Scoresby in front of him, silently watching as the ceiling of the ship separated - opening up and revealing all sorts of equipment.
He heard Scoresby shout to his crew, everyone immediately following his orders.
In no time, over 5 boats were ready to roll out, the ramp opening up to the raging water below.
The Colonel followed Scoresby onto the biggest ship, unable to help himself when walking pass, reaching out and touching the tip of some sort of harpoon.
The thing was huge, leaving the Colonel to wonder just how big these Tulkun were.
Within minutes, everyone was in the water - the smaller boats following behind as Scoresby led everyone away from the main ship, his yells of excitement making the Colonel grimace.
Gripping the rail, the Colonel looked out at the ocean - not even trying to suppress the images of when he had plucked you clean out of that same water and dragged you back with him.
..where you belonged.
The feeling he had in his chest when he was unable to reach you in that vent, your body just out of reach, was unlike anything he imagined.
It felt wrong to have you so far away, out of the circle of his safety.
Anything could've happened. What if you ran out of air in there? Or fell through and dropped-
'Bingo! Move in, we got em.' The colonel deeply inhaled at Scoresby's voice, snapping his eyes ahead and watching as a man behind him began to shoot canisters at the water.
Almost instantly, large blue creatures began to lift their heads up and out of the water, large splashing sounds erupting.
'Get in there, separate her from the rest.' Scoresby flagged the ships on either side of them, the Colonel watching on as the boats began to circle one of the Tulkun.
The Colonel swallowed as the creature cried out, the boats surrounding it disorientating it and causing it to panic.
Gripping the railing tighter, the boat swerved in the direction of the now lone Tulkun - the thing still crying out helplessly as the Colonel gritted his teeth.
'Now the hard part..' The colonel looked over to Scoresby - who was grinning, happy as anything.
'They ever fight back?' He couldn't help but question.
'No, never seen them even lift a fin. They're tough bastards to kill though.' The Colonel looked away again as Scoresby laughed, tail behind him unmoving as he breathed heavy.
I'll never forgive you.
'Subteams move in - airbags ready.'
Clenching his fist, the Colonel ran his tongue over his fangs - thoughts conflicting him as he saw the Tulkan slow massively - bright red airbags now attached to it's fins.
It's continuous cries strangely reminded him of you - no matter how helpless it was, the beast still fought back.
I'll never forgive you Miles
And that was the last straw for the Colonel.
'Stop! Order a full retreat!' He shouted, moving in closer to Scoresby - who was now stood behind the massive harpoon from before.
The man immediately looked to the Colonel, hands on the trigger - holding the beasts fate quite literally in his hands.
'What!? You-'
'You heard me.' The Colonel nodded once, ears flat.
'You can't just do that! There's-
Snarling, the Colonel stepped up onto the ledge the arguing man stood, his body instantly shrinking back at the threatening avatar before him.
'Full. Retreat. Now Scoresby.'
The colonel felt his fangs graze his bottom lip, snarling as the man rumbled something along the lines of 'you're really starting to piss me off' before pressing his ear piece.
'Everyone stand back, full retreat. Speedboats return to SeaDragon, subteam to me.' Scoresby spoke, his frustration clear.
Turning away, the Colonel looked back over the railing - eyes on the now stationary Tulkun who's head was still above water.
'Now what? It can't swim like that.' His ears flicked at Scoresby's irritation.
'Leave it where it is, the clans will still find it. The message is clear enough.' The Colonel justified, trying to ignore the relief he felt as he watched the boats move back and away from the cornered beast.
The ground was cold where you laid on your side, head rested on your hands, legs and tail tucked close to your body.
You were cheeks damp, the skin red and flushed.
It had to of been hours since you were chucked in here, the Colonels right hand man scolding at you to behave.
You stared mindlessly at the underside of the table above, your whole body physically hurt from the pain in your chest that seemed to spread like a disease.
The betrayal you felt.
Not just from the Colonel, no. You had betrayed yourself, allowing yourself to think, even for a second, that you were able to see a change in him.
You cursed yourself, tears welling up again and threatening to fall.
At the sound of the door opening behind you, you sniffed quickly - blinking away and willing yourself not to cry. With your back to the door, you weren't able to see who had disturbed you.
And quite frankly, you didn't care.
Their silence confused you, your ears perking up to catch if they made any sort of noise to indicate who they were.
Once your confusion wasn't rectified, you huffed out and closed your eyes - willing yourself to sleep and forget everything.
You weren't expecting the hand on your still tied ankles, a gasp leaving your mouth as you were pulled out from under the table, body dragging against the ground.
Immediately your turned, teeth bared and eyes full of anger - ready to attack.
You pushed away your relief when your eyes landed on the Colonel, his sheepish gaze staring you back.
'Get off of me!' You tried to pull your legs from his grip but he refused to let go. Instead, he further pulled you closer to where he was kneeled on his hunches.
He didn't react to your thrashing, instead he just stared at you - not a word leaving his lips.
'What's wrong with you! Skxawng! Get. Off!' You hissed, fangs flashing.
You continued when you felt his hands circle around your waist, pulling you until you were nose to nose.
You breathed heavy as your stared at him, his lack of fight infuriating you even more. Feeling his arms wrap around you tighter, you were suddenly picked up - triggering you to curse him out again.
'Stop ignoring me and let go!'
You gasped as you were dropped on the table, one hand on your waist sliding down to your hips and pulling you to the edge while the other trailed up just under your breasts- pressing you flat to the surface.
His hand was big enough to entirely cover you, his warmth seeping into your very soul.
Your mouth dropped open, the sudden position having your still damp cheeks warming.
'Now your quiet?' His voice threw you off, your confidence out the window.
You didn't respond, only swallowed thickly as he lifted your legs up to your chest, his hands now behind your knees and pressing himself against you- hips flush to yours.
You didn't try and let it effect you, amping yourself up and flattening your ears - ready to tell him exactly what you thought of him.
'Don't touch me!' You hissed, tucking your restrained hands to your chest and swaying your tail slowly.
He was evil, he had taken countless of innocent lives, beings that had done absolutely nothing but exist and you were letting him touch you?!
'I hate you! Get away and let me go!' You thrashed, your entire body flushing when you felt felt him move a hand down your thigh - the other moving across and using his forearm to hold your knees to your chest.
You gasped when the hand trailing your thigh dipped further down, under your ass - fingers slipping beneath the band of your pants before beginning to pull it up.
'S..Stop! Get off of me!' Your voice cracked, your body shivering as more skin was revealed to the cool room.
The Colonel didn't look down at all, his eyes trained on your face - watches your features intently. He watched as your face tensed and relaxed, almost as if you were unsure if you should be enjoying this.
But he knew you were, your scent was already beginning to permeate the air.
He didn't stop until your pants were bunched up at your knees, the arm he was using to keep you in the mating press now holding the fabric in a tight grip.
You didn't know how to react, your heart dropping as you were completely exposed - shutting your eyes in embarrassment when your felt yourself clench.
You could already feel your slick building, your clit beginning to throb from lack of stimulation.
'Get..Get off me.' You and the Colonel both heard the lack of emphasis in your words, your voice quiet and no strength behind it.
'That what you really want?' You could feel his stare on you but you didn't look.
The Colonel waited for your answer, your pure stubbornness making a smirk pull at his lips.
You huffed out a breath when you felt him move further down, his head disappearing out of the corner of your eye.
Your thighs shook desperately when you felt him press his lips just below the back of your knee, his lips and breath warm against you.
He repeated that again and again, lower each time until he was at your inner thigh. You then felt him run his fangs over the sensitive skin, the sharp tips embedding in your skin.
You moaned, body tensing as he repeated the process to your other thigh - this time taking it a step further and sucking the skin into his mouth.
He didn't let go, even when your bucked your hips against him, cunt dripping for him and landing on the surface below.
Once he was sure he had left his mark, he released you - tongue slipping out to running over the new bruise.
Dropping his gaze, his eyes landed on your pussy - the poor thing practically begging to be touched.
'If you want me to stop, tell me and I'll leave.' He knew he had to ask, even though he'd rather bite his own hand off than leave you right now - he wouldn't force you.
At your lack of response, he lifted his hand - landing a clean spank on the back of your thigh. Your gasp made him smirk as he pictured your pouty lips.
'Please Colonel..' You whined, laying your head back against the table, back arching and hoping he'd give in and finally touch you.
You held your breath when you felt him move lower, cheeks tinting as you felt him sniff around - breathing you in like air. His groan made you respond with your own whine, hands clenching into fists.
'We didn't kill them.' The random sentence had you opening your eyes, the light blinding.
'Wh..what?' You voice wobbled.
'The Tulkun. I called off the hunt.' You lifted your head, trying to peer around your legs and at his face, the relief in your body never feeling better.
You were cut off by your own moan, his tongue finally diving between your lips - the hand that wasn't holding your legs to your chest now slipping two fingers on either side of you, spreading you open even further.
'Fuck, you're dripping everywhere.'
You threw your head back when you felt him slide his tongue through the entirety of you - your arousal collecting deliciously on his tastebuds.
'Knew you'd taste this fuckin' good.' You whined back at his muffled voice, arching your back and slithering your tail around the back of his neck.
Once you had be licked clean, he slid up higher - laving his tongue repeatedly across your engorged clit before taking the bud into his mouth.
You screamed as he sucked, his cheeks hollowing out and using his tongue to flick the bud in his mouth, making sure the tip caught the sensitive underside.
Humming around you, he sucked harder - pulling back slightly and shaking his head, your hips rocking against his face.
You stomach quivered, breaths heavy as you moaned out, your high beginning to peak as you begged him, your thighs shaking around his head.
'Fuckin' come for me princess, come on.' You heard him pant against you, before he dove back back, the hand that had been spreading you now circling your clit while he tongued at your hole.
You cried out as he slipped inside you, thumb unrelenting on your clit.
You felt electric when your high crashed through you, your body on overdrive while Miles continued to lick at you, tongue slipping back and forth to draw more of your orgasm out.
You whined when he didn't pull away and the thumb on you clit didn't stop.
You shifted to hips away, crying out when his mouth only followed you - tongue now licking up to where his thumb was, pulling the appendage away to clean away any remaining arousal.
Once he was sure you were clean, your pussy twitching from overstimulation, he let go - kissing his way back up until he was looking over your knees and down at your fucked out face.
You eyes were closed, breaths heavy as your tried to come back - your brain completely disconnecting from you.
'You with me?' He asked, using his hand to lightly smack against your thighs.
Your whine while you nodded made him chuckle, your eyes finally opening and looking down at him.
His chest sucked in at the smile you graced him with, your eyes light and genuine while your dimple popped in your cheeked.
Looking down, Miles reached down and grasped your wrists, fingers sliding under the restraint and loosening it until it fell away. He reached for your ankles next, repeating the same action.
His ears perked up at your sound of relief, using both his hands to pull your legs from your chest and letting them fall limp on either side of him, your pants still around your knees.
While he was too busy making sure you were comfortable, his hands pulling your pants off the rest of the way - thumbs massaging the flesh of your thighs to make sure you wouldn't cramp, you stared at him, your tailing swaying in content.
You felt safe.
Sitting up, you watched as he looked up at you - eyes trying to figure you out.
He was between your now spread thighs, hands leaving you and dropping rest on the table on either side of your waist.
Slowly, you trailed your hands up his chest - fingers spread wide and your tough feather light.
You didn't look at his face, focused on where your hands touched until they were near his neck, your nails grazing the skin lightly.
Only then did you link your eyes, his hooded and intense - almost as if he was staring right through you.
You held your breath as he leaned in, nose lightly brushing yours before he finally connected his lips to yours.
Breathing out, you closed your eyes - pushing back against him while he kissed you, your hands making their way around his neck and running over the hair at the back of his head.
You whined when you felt him press harder into you, his hips now flush to your bare core - the material nudging your clit.
'Miles..' You broke away, eyes still closed why he began to rock into you - crying out when your sensitive clit began to be stimulated again.
'So beautiful..' You heard him say quietly, lips pressing against your throat and the skin being roughly sucked under his teeth - fangs threatening to break through.
'..all mine.' You nodded in agreement, hissing in pleasure when he bit down ever so slightly.
You gasped when you felt something hard begin to press up against your core, his rocking hips letting you feel everything.
'I..I want to help you..' You started, beginning to trail the hand around his neck, down his chest - hoping he'd understand.
The smirk against your throat told you he knew exactly what you were trying to say.
I'm not sure when the next update will be since I'll be away from home for a few days, will keep you guys posted :))
Part 9
Kofi <33
Taglist = @namor-is-the-way @kimqueenofhell @simplefools @gremlinfuck @jupekali @cypherpt5fttaehyung @pturnersblog @girlblogger2002 @inkareds @apollonshootafar @lovejessejay @applesnbannasss @spookyspecterino @s-sabbas @ateandleftnocrumbz @witxhy-lexx @hungrhay @generational-tragedy @anbanananna @honestlyka @perseny @yuugenmomo @oyasumimosura @darkengene @nin3kyuu @blossom618 @dumb-fawkin-bitch @enslique @koolaidjug @kadu-5607 @fourcefulcupid @mangolog @webwix @dakotali @oscarpascal4eva @aerangi @cherrychupachup @sofiebstar @prty-poisxn
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sleeplesssmoll · 4 months
May I request some suitcase family headcannons summer addition?
ill start
1. vertin is definitely rocking a button up pineapple shirt and those long a** dad shorts (Because she's our androgynous king 👑) with a straw hat to top it off
2 if they go to the beach instead of a lake in the suitcase there will be girls thinking vertin is a guy and trying to flirt with her
Confession: I don't like the beach so I didn't think about this at first, but now the brain is WORKING! Also, I love your ideas! You have me thinking about an entire scenario. Although, my mind focuses on Vertin the most lol so these probably won't be that interesting. This is more like a drabble than single HCs. The team heads to the beach because of a mission but they turn it into a vacation. Also, instead of a pineapple shirt, Vertin got this as a gift from the kids:
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Suits and Ducks
Vertin tried to go to the beach with her suit. Desert Flannel and Blonney argued with her for a while saying how hot it'd be and so on. Vertin reminds them she crossed a desert in a suit and survived a shipwreck in her signature suit. She'll be perfectly fine going to the beach in her suit. It was the kids who actually managed to get her to change. Sotheby and the others gifted a silly shirt with little yellow ducks on it. They knew she wouldn't wear a bathing suit but they wanted her to join them! Since it was a gift from her crew, Vertin treasures it and proudly wears it in public at the beach. Outfit complete with bermuda shorts and a boater hat with a ribbon around it. Desert Flannel and Blonney tease her at first but they prefer this casual outfit instead of the stiff suit. Vertin looks like a dork but she's a cute and happy dork so they're secretly happy too. However, they're not the only ones to think that. Instead of deterring attention, Vertin catches the eye of a few beach goers since the shirt is a conversation starter. You know how it goes after that, our charismatic Timekeeper has a way of pulling people in once she starts talking to them. Also, she's pretty. Even if she's being silly, people seem to like Vertin's face. However, they give up on her once they see her crew, which happens to be full of beautiful people (Sonetto, Blonney, Desert Flannel, Druvis, Bun Bun, etc). The bar is high lol.
Eye of the Storm, Center of Attention
Sonetto was shy about wearing a bathing suit since she isn't used to showing so much skin. Desert and Blonney helped her find a modest one-piece and cover up that she felt comfortable in. She turned quite a few heads at the beach. She doesn't like being the center of attention, but she didn't mind the familiar weight of Storm gray eyes on her back while she splashed around with Regulus and the others. She made eye contact with Vertin on the shore. Vertin immediately tilted her hat over her eyes and turned her attention back to the bucket of seashells she and Eagle collected together. Later, the crew painted these shells together and decorated the gardens in the Wilderness with them.
Inner tubes and Ice Cream
Regulus is the captain of a giant floating inner tube. However, the others swarmed her “ship” and stole it. The pirate captain was thrown into the sea! When she went to complain to Vertin, she couldn't find her best friend. Her first thought was the one time Vertin mentioned she's not a great swimmer. Did the ocean claim her when she wasn't looking!? Then again, she survived being thrown into the sea while wearing a suit of all things–
Vertin spawned behind her with popsicles and ice cream. On one hand, Regulus was relieved but on the other, Vertin went to the store without her! The betrayal. They usually buy goodies together so the pirate can show her all the good snacks! Regulus forgave her when she realized Vertin bought frozen treats for all of them, including her. Vertin didn't want to interrupt her fun so she and Lilya went together instead. Lilya wanted to buy more alcohol anyway.
Regulus enjoyed her “rock n roll rocky road”, moved that Vertin remembered her favorite flavor. However their friendship nearly ended when she watched Vertin BITE into her Creamsicle (orange and cream pop). Vertin doesn’t feel pain or sensitivity so she always eats them like that…
Sonetto attempted to eat her blue-raspberry popsicle the same way after watching Vertin and immediately regretted it.
Bunny Bunny’s BBQ smelled so good, other beach goers brought some of their ingredients over and offered to work together, kinda like a potluck where everyone brings something and the food is shared.
Night Fishing
Vertin doesn’t sleep at night because she naps during the day. She decided to try her hand at night fishing on the pier. She slipped out quietly so as not to wake her tuckered out teammates. Sonetto noticed she was gone because she hears everything that goes on in the Suitcase. She freaked out like usual until she found Vertin peacefully fishing on the pier. She sat with Vertin, using the Timekeeper's jacket as a blanket since she was still in her nightgown. Vertin tried to shoo her back inside since was clearly exhausted but she refused to budge. She ended up falling back asleep against Vertin's shoulder. However, Sonetto wondered if she dreamed the whole thing since she woke up in her bed the next morning. She didn't, Vertin carried her back the same way she does for the others. If Vertin is around, she sleeps like a log but if Vertin isn't around, she sleeps more lightly.
Vertin didn't catch much, but Satsuki prepared a Japanese style breakfast with it for her the next day. That breakfast ended up being “sampled” by so many other crew members that Vertin ended up nibbling on leftover BBQ to compensate.
She didn't let anyone touch her tea though. She'll share everything else but Satsuki's tea.
Of course, this beach trip wasn't really a holiday. They were supposed to be investigating sightings of a sea monster. They almost forgot about it until Druvis and Lilya mentioned it in passing. Apparently the sea monster interrupted them while they were flying together on Lilya's broom over the water.
They managed to scare it off, but they need to take care of it since it's still a danger to others. The Timekeeper sets out with her crew to fight the beast.
The Kraken Calamari (Pavia's idea) they made hit different. Vertin made sure to save a portion for Madam Z and Tooth Fairy to try.
When it was time to go home, Vertin decided it'd be nice to have a beach section in the Wilderness for the Summer. While she can't control the weather in her Suitcase, she can reshape the land. The others loved this idea. The Wilderness had other plans and it snowed on the first day of adding the beach. Imagine all these arcanists in summer clothes freezing outside (well, except the SPDM soldiers). They came inside and enjoyed hot chocolate instead lol.
They expected Vertin to get sunburn like some of the other arcanists, but she was fine. The Foundation's temperature training teaches them how to protect themselves from the elements with arcanum, which is why she crossed the desert and stuff without issue. Sonetto can do it too (she's really good at it), but she used sunscreen as a precaution.
Ms. Moissan made the children wear it too and used Sonetto as an example.
This means it was the young adults who suffered the most sunburn. Jessica was not happy about it. She didn't get sunburn, but Blonney did so she couldn't hug as much as she wanted.
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perfinn · 10 months
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let neptune strike ye dead
merman!din djarin x lighthouse keeper!reader - chapter two
wc: 4.4k
summary: you confront the inevitability of your insanity, and finally meet the elusive entity that's been leaving you gifts
cw: nsfw, female reader, DUBCON based purely on lack of communication, paranoia, isolation, oral (f receiving), once again lighthouse keeping inaccuracies, biting, ummmm... monsterfucking?
chapter one, read on ao3, divider by cafekitsune
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You hadn't thought too much about the mythosaur since Captain Fett had told you about it. It had been a short conversation, really, something easy to forget. But you remembered it, always clinging to his stories to think back on later when you truly have nothing to do. 
“That? That’s pounamu,” he’d said initially, gently picking it up to show it to you. “Greenstone, if you like. It was my father’s.”
“Ah,” you’d responded, not disinterested in the material but more focused on the carving itself. “What's the symbol?”
Captain Fett had given you a vague huff of amusement. He handed it to you, and you’d gently trailed the calloused pad of your thumb over the surface. “It’s a mythosaur.”
“A mythosaur? That's creative.”
“A great sea beast,” he’d continued on. “Said to be extinct. But the story goes that when they were running amok, it was merfolk that tamed them, or culled them to extinction. Spared both the land and the ocean of their dominion either way. The skulls are supposed to be their symbol now.”
“Merfolk?” You’d echoed with a chuckle, handing the mythosaur back to him. “So it’s not real then?”
“Well, now, I wouldn’t rule it out completely. Can’t say I’ve ever seen a mythosaur myself, but then they’re meant to be extinct.”
“What then? You’ve seen a mermaid, captain?”
He had smiled, that mirthful chuckle that had been plaguing your late night fantasies rumbling in his chest. “Never can be quite sure what it is you’ve seen out there. Sailors are a mad lot.”
You remember blithely telling him that you must be a sailor too, then. 
You stare intently at the cowrie shell cradled in your hands, trying to force yourself out of what surely must be some sort of hallucination. But you can feel it, you can trail your fingers over the carving and feel every little notch that seems to have been etched with such care. 
(You think tactile hallucinations are a thing, aren’t they? But you’re not certain they're meant to manifest like this.)
There’s obviously the potential that it belonged to another sailor, that it had dropped off their ship and washed up onto your dock in the chaos of the storm. That’s perfectly reasonable. Maybe it’s the answer you would settle for if not for the seaglass and the fish and that tail you’d seen in the water.
With all that in mind, and the echo of Fett’s words in your head, you know there’s only one answer. 
You don’t know if you can let yourself accept that, though. It would be an irreversible acceptance of your complete insanity. There’d be no calling your mother to trick your brain into believing you have company. No satiating the lonely ache with Captain Fett’s occasional company. You’d be well and truly cracked.
But even so, even if you accept that there may be some degree of merperson out there, that doesn’t explain the offerings. You’re not exactly an expert on the extensive lore regarding merfolk, but from what you can tell they’re elusive and solitary creatures. It doesn't seem exactly in their nature to leave gifts to a human. You briefly consider the option of some sort of siren– but then why not just sing to you, drag you to your watery death and be done with it? 
No, it feels like… you’re being wooed. 
This doesn't feel at all like a creature baiting you into a horrible death so they can store you away in their lair and eat you. It feels borderline romantic. Pretty gifts to decorate your home, fish to feed you. 
(The cowrie shell feels a bit like a proposal, doesn't it? Or is that your fractured mind, making sense of the senseless?)
The morning after the storm, the weather isn't much improved. Though the wind has died down some, it still rains lightly and the sky remains overcast. It’ll be clear enough for the fishing boats to go back out, so it's clear enough for you to get to work. No doubt the storm has wreaked some havoc, and you’ll need to tidy up and ensure everything is still in working order. 
So you tuck the shell into the pocket of your raincoat, pull on the matching hat that always makes you feel a bit like a toddler, and head out into the pattering rain. 
You wander through the mud and down the hill that the wretched tower sits on, watching as your boots get covered in the muck. Sometimes there are puddles, and you indulge yourself by jumping in them. But today it's all just sludge, begging for you to step wrong and slip right onto your backside. 
You make your way along as carefully as you can bear, feet carrying you to one of the cliffs at the edge of the island. One of the shorter ones, short enough that you could probably jump and the only risk would be rolling your ankle if your foot landed wrong between the rocks. It's the same cliff the seaglass had been on. 
You gaze out at the watery horizon, hoping to catch sight of any passing ships. A fishing boat, maybe. None would be so close as to be able to see the people aboard, but the implication of their presence would be enough.
At this point, just the notion of other people existing would ease your mind. 
You don't find anything but the empty horizon and the somewhat tumultuous waves and you sigh, lowering your gaze to the bank of water beaten rocks below you.
Sometimes there are seals there. You like to throw fish to them, enticing them to come back and entertain you with their ridiculous little behaviours. You’d like to start naming them, and you would if you could get close enough to tell them apart. 
You think that's something that people on the mainland would call crazy in a quirky way. In an ‘I’m so crazy, I talk to my cats!’ way, a way that indicates they have no understanding of what it actually is to descend into complete and utter madness. 
You can be assured that you know exactly what an actual descent into madness is, because there's no seals on the rocks today. 
There's a merman.
You’d be inclined to think he hasn’t noticed you, or else he’d have disappeared back into the waves to avoid detection, if he weren’t looking right at you. He’s staring, eyes intent and boring right into yours. 
He’s gorgeous, mind you. His skin is tan and his wet brown hair is slicked back by the rain – and presumably the ocean. Though you hadn't been able to make out a face from high up in the lighthouse, he’s almost certainly the head and shoulders you’d seen last night in the water. His tail, huge and strong, lays against the rocks, and as your gaze trails down to his tailfin, you recognise it as the very same one you had thought you’d hallucinated off the dock. His body of his tail is massive, about three times the length of his upper half. The whole thing might even be longer than you. It’s a dark, teal colour– it’s really no wonder you were hardly able to spot it in the waves. His top half looks almost entirely human, the only deviation being the gills that cut along his ribcage.
Slowly, on the edge of the cliff, you crouch, closing the distance between you both by a few meagre feet. It feels too close, and at the same time it feels like miles apart. You move slowly, wary of spooking him and scaring him away. Even as you inch into a crouch, he shifts, looking as though he’s about to make a break for the waves. 
(You’re not certain why he’s so shy if he’s the one that’s been offering you all these gifts for so long. Though, you suppose you’re much the same when it comes to flirting. And generally, you don’t flirt so much with species that have a mythology of hunting and killing your own either.)
You still when you’ve fully crouched above him. He’s close enough to touch now, if both of you were to reach out. You’d like to. To touch him, to know that he’s real. 
(Tactile hallucinations, you remind yourself. It would feel just as real as any visual and auditory hallucination might.)
The two of you stare at one another in silence for a while longer, and you assume that he’s trying to take in the sight of you up close as much as you are to him. You feel a bit jealous, knowing that he must have been watching you so long, getting to enjoy the sight of you when you didn’t even know he was there.
If this had happened maybe six months ago, you’d still have been sane enough to be frightened by this prospect of a silent watcher, leaving you dead fish and most certainly hearing you pleasure yourself loudly at night. Now, the horror you should probably feel doesn’t even occur to you.
“You’re the one who’s been leaving me gifts,” you say, quiet as you can manage in the pattering rain, wanting to be heard but not wanting to startle him. “Right?”
The merman gazes up at you, and there’s only a slight incline of his head in response. You’re not sure how to take it, but it’s not really a question you needed much answer to. More of a conversation starter than anything. Otherwise, he doesn't reply. You wonder if he even speaks your language, if he’s even capable.
You reach into your pocket, movements slow and cautious. You’re petrified of startling him as you take the cowrie shell from your pocket, turning it over in your hands before holding it out to him. He seems to perk up at the sight of it, shifting slightly so he’s propping himself up on his arms. You look down at the shell again, running your thumb over the mythosaur, before stretching your arm out, offering it to him.
His expression shifts minutely, into a frown. His dark eyebrows pull together, and he reaches up a hand. You think he’s going to take it back from you, but when his webbed fingers touch yours – he’s so warm, part of you expected him to be cold blooded – he closes your fingers back around the shell. You meet his eyes, and his intent gaze has never left you. His hand lingers on yours, and for a moment his thumb rubs over the side of your hand. His gaze finally drops, taking in the size of your hand cradled in his. His fingers are tipped off with dark talons that brush over the calloused skin of your hands.
He feels so real. Something so real, so warm and wet and rough and perfect, your brain couldn't make that up. He’s here, in front of you, touching you. It has to be real. 
Then, he murmurs something so quietly that you almost don’t catch it over the soft patter of the rain.
Your eyes dart to his mouth, you catch a glint of sharp teeth behind soft lips before they pull into a smile. And his smile… God, unsurprisingly it’s made him even more gorgeous. It may be the most beautiful smile you’ve ever seen. 
Mesh’la. It’s certainly not any language you know, but it’s a sound you could make. So he is capable of speaking human tongues, maybe he just doesn’t know any of yours. You think briefly that mesh’la might be his name, but the way he said it doesn’t seem that way. It seemed like he was saying it to you, about you. On his tongue, it must mean something. 
“Mesh’la?” you say back to him, unsure of how to convey your confusion without overwhelming him with words he doesn’t know. 
He only offers you a hum in response, still trailing his fingers over your skin, as though he fears the thought of pulling away. 
“What’s your name?” You ask him softly, clearly as you can manage. You place a hand to your chest and slowly recite your own name, hoping he’ll understand. 
(You think, if it turns out he’s perfectly able to understand you, you probably look like a complete idiot. But then, with how long you’re certain he’s been watching you, he’s likely watched you make a fool of yourself several dozen times.)
He seems to catch the hint you’re throwing and after a moment’s hesitation, he speaks again, “Din.”
You breathe the name in a murmured echo, adoring the taste of it on your tongue. You dart your tongue out to wet your lips as though you might catch a lingering taste of the syllable. Part of you had expected something difficult to pronounce, using sounds you’re not even able to make, but Din is simple. It’s beautiful.
You think you hear a soft rumble from his chest, but it’s hard to tell over the rain. He lowers his hand, leaving droplets of water on your skin. Instinctively, you go to follow him, tilting forward a bit and losing your balance. You yelp, and wave your arms around as you desperately try to avoid toppling onto the rocks below. 
You manage to regain your balance and fall onto your backside, but when you look back down Din is backing away, slithering across the rocks and toward the water. You startled him, just as you had so desperately hoped you wouldn't. Foiled by your own centre of balance. You scramble to get back on your feet as he pulls himself away, eyes wide. 
He glances back at you just once before he disappears into the foamy waves, leaving you alone on the edge of the cliff. Leaving you reeling, and suddenly desperate for his return. Din, the merman.
Part of you is imagining telling Captain Fett what you’ve seen, but a bigger part of you knows that you can never tell a soul, lest they think you a madwoman. 
(Which you most certainly are, but they don't need to think it.)
You stand back up as the waves crash over the rocks, erasing all traces of Din except for the droplets on your hand and the memory of him that you’re sure is reflected in your eyes. You’d love to dwell on it, to wish him back and stare out at the waves forever, but there’s still work to be done. So you have to go about your day as though you haven't just met a merman. 
Din makes no more appearances for a week. He leaves you no gifts, and drops no hints that he’s there at all. It’s devastatingly lonely, even with a phone call to your mother. It only lasts fifteen minutes this time, as you have nothing to update her on and the drama with your aunt has simmered to a cool cold shoulder stage.
(Of course, you could update your mother on the merman, but you would like for her to think you’re only slightly unhinged at most.)
You’ve completely integrated Din into your fantasies, at least, and that's added an impeccable spice to your nights. There was even one night, when you were fighting particularly hard to reach a new record for amount of orgasms, when you included both Din and Captain Fett. You went blind that night with how hard you came. 
Funnily enough, it's the next day when Din finally makes another appearance. You’ve got a spool of rope heaved over your shoulder and you’re trudging up to the shed when you spot his head at the end of the dock. It takes all the dignity and sense you have not to drop the rope and sprint toward him like he’s your long lost lover. No, this time you won't startle him. So instead, you wave to him and calmly make your way down the old dock. 
He seems to hesitate before he waves back, as though he’s unfamiliar with the gesture. You surmise that he’s seen it before and guessed that it's a human greeting, but he’s simply never had the need or opportunity to use it. 
“Din,” you greet as you make it to the end of the dock. Today’s a clear day, the clouds are sparse and the sun is blessing the both of you with its warm shine even in the frigid salty air. 
He murmurs your name, webbed hand resting on the dock. He looks infinitely more stunning in the clear sunlight, his skin somehow sunkissed, despite his dwelling somewhere with so little sunshine. You crouch slowly and set down the rope, smiling at him. 
“You disappeared,” you say, thankful when your sudden proximity doesn't make him retreat. “I’m sorry I scared you last week. I guess I got excited, and… you can't understand me, can you?”
Din smiles at you again, giving you a full view of his sharp and pointed teeth. They’re almost sharklike. He reaches up, taking your hand carefully, like he’s nervous. 
You think he might be– you think that might be the explanation for his strange behaviour. Maybe it isn't just the nature of merfolk, maybe Din is just shy. The thought makes you smile, the idea that this gorgeous, dangerous creature could be shy or nervous. It's more than a bit endearing.
Then he speaks again, and even the rough timbre of his voice can’t ease the shock at the word coming from his soft lips, “Fuck.”
Your brows knit together as you tilt your ear toward him, certain you’ve misheard. “Sorry?”
He says it again, seeming insistent. He gently grabs your ankle, guiding you to sit down on the dock. You’re still reeling from his sudden cursing, too shocked to stop him as he moves you so your legs are dangling off the edge of the dock. 
“Where did you learn that?”
(He probably learned it from you, shouting it late at night while you touch yourself, but you don't really have the brain function to piece that together while you're still reeling from the fact he's learned it at all.)
He says it again, and as he begins to tug your shoes off you begin to think he may know exactly what it means. He sets your boots down on the dock and looks intently at you, resting his hands on your clothed thighs. For a creature you’ve decided is shy, he’s being awfully bold. You stare at him with wide eyes and parted lips, willing him to suddenly know your language so he can confirm your suspicions. 
“Yes?” He prompts, and it's well enough. 
And really, you should probably say no. You don't know him. You don't know where he’s been. You don't know his actual intentions. He could be asking permission to drag you under and eat you. But it's obvious what he’s asking, right?
And god you want it, you want it bad. It's been so long since anyone else touched you, and at this point you’d take it even if it meant drowning. Especially coming from such a gorgeous creature. There are worse ways to go. 
So you nod, hurriedly undoing the clasps on your overalls and shifting away from him so you can take them off, leaving you only in your t-shirt and panties. They’re not exactly sexy, but judging by the lust darkening Din’s eyes, your fishy partner doesn't much mind. 
He trails his wet hands over the expanse of your thighs, taking in every inch of them. It takes you a moment to realise that he's probably never been this close to any legs before. He’s admiring them and amazed by them, and you shiver when he drags his tongue over the skin. 
(Or, he’s seen plenty of legs before from drowning and eating people, and he’s savouring the taste of them before he bites a chunk out of you. He’s got those sharp jaws for a reason. Still, you somehow don't mind if that's your fate.)
His tongue is long and wet, noticeably longer than any human tongue. It would be easy, from this angle, to forget that he has the bottom half of a fish until he opens his mouth. But his tongue laving over your thighs and the slight scrape of his teeth wrenches you back to the reality that you may be about to let this supposedly-mythical beast eat you out.
Or… maybe you’re just letting him lick your thighs. He doesn’t seem to be paying much mind to your pussy at all, actually. You think it’s possible he may be fooled by the concept of underwear. So as he damn near gnaws at your thigh, you shift slightly to tug them aside. Din sees your movement and pulls away from your leg, brown eyes filling with lusting curiosity. 
His eyes are on your fingers as you pull your panties aside and tuck the crotch of them between your pussy and your thigh. Din’s eyes dilate, and you can tell he recognises just what it is. It's just what he was after, to eat in one way or another. 
Before you can do much else Din grabs your legs, talons digging ever so slightly into your thighs but not breaking skin, and tugs. 
You yelp, scrambling for purchase as he yanks you off the edge of the dock– this is it, you think, you’ve just invited this creature to drag you to the depths to your unfortunate wet death. 
As you begin to come to terms with your imminent end, though, he stops, leaving your top half still above the surface. You’re distantly thankful that it's a somewhat warm day so you won't get hypothermia from the water if you end up surviving this. 
With more careful hands, like he heard your frightened yelp, Din turns you around so you can brace your arms comfortably on the surface of the dock. 
Oh, you realise. He wasn't trying to drown you. He was only trying to do this in his domain. If you had the brain for it you might think it were some territorial thing, which it is, but any thoughts in your head are melted away by the sudden drag of his lengthy tongue through your folds. 
A strangled sort of noise leaves your throat, and your eyes pop open at the hot muscle dragging appreciatively along your pussy. Even if he hasn't ever seen a human pussy before, it evidently can't be much different from a mermaid’s from the way he seems to know what to do with it. His arms wrap around your thighs to hold you in place, and you’re left digging your nails into the worn down wood to hold you up. 
Because you’ve forgotten how to be, you’re far from quiet. You cry out when his tongue brushes over your clit, the strange feeling of it being played with underwater like this heightening the feeling. 
(Somehow it's so much more than when you touch yourself in the bath, maybe because the water is cold, or because it's a foreign body, or maybe because the man doing it is used to doing it underwater.)
His tongue is rough, like wet sandpaper (but of a low, worn-down grit), and it laps reverently at your clit. Din’s mouth refuses to leave your pussy, and the delighted shouts of pleasure refuse to stay in your mouth. You think that he can probably hear it beneath the current, because he only begins to suck at it more fervently. 
“Fuck!” You hear yourself scream, before Din finally leaves your clit so just his nose bumps against it. He gives you barely a second of soft licks at your hole before he’s plunging his tongue into it. Your nails drag against the dock as your scream of delight is trapped in your throat. 
How is it that Din’s tongue delves so much deeper than your fingers ever have? It prods deeper than anything that's gone in there in months, fills you more perfectly than several of your fingers ever have. It’s like his tongue was made just to fit in your pussy, to find the spot that drives you insane with such little effort. You can't even begin to wonder about his cock. 
He laps at your hole, his large nose prodding against your clit as your entire body goes tight. Your thighs clamp around his head and you sob his name. 
“Din!” You scream, body trembling. “I’m-”
There’s no sense in warning him when it hits you so suddenly, probably more surprising to you than it is to him. Your vision goes white and you let out a guttural groan, forehead banging down against the wood as you writhe in pleasure, pussy trying to milk Din’s tongue. 
(You won’t have the cognitive function to realise it until hours later, but his tongue has stopped moving for how hard your cunt is clamped down on it.)
When your vision returns in spots and you find the ability to breathe again, Din’s tongue continues. You whine, scrambling against the dock to pull your oversensitive cunt away from his mouth. His arms only clamp down harder on your thighs, holding you in place. 
You gasp, tears blurring your vision as you manage to reach down into the water and tug harshly on his hair. That seems to give him the hint he needs to give your poor pussy a moment to breathe. In a second, his mouth has pulled away and left you dreadfully empty. With gentle hands and strong arms, he lifts your body back onto the dock and rolls you onto your back. 
You stare at the blue sky, panting. His hands trail gently over your thighs again, rubbing them in soothing circles. You lift your head just in time to see him press a kiss to your sensitive pussy, like a kiss to a lover. You can't help but feel a bit charmed by the gesture, until he suddenly clamps his jaw down on your inner thigh. You yelp in an odd mix of pain and offence, but before you can say anything, he’s slithering off the dock and back into the water.
You want to scramble after him, but your limbs feel like lead– which is quite the accomplishment considering you’ve built up the stamina for several orgasms in one go. So, instead of fruitlessly trying to draw him back to the surface to tell him off, you flop onto your back and close your eyes, too pleased to really process that you just came on a merman’s tongue.
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httpiastri · 1 year
currently thinking about clement novalak railing me while I wear a flowy summer sundress, the sea breeze coming in through the window (the entire thing obvs being as sweet an playful and intimate and romantic as possible) 🫣 I AM SO IN MY FEELS RN
aaaAaaAaA this... this made me so....... 😶 no because i've been thinking about him every second all day today and now my cousin is in my room bcs she's staying over but i still HAD to write something
also i started writing at maybe 1am? and then i got stuck looking at pictures and videos of him so this took way too long... currently 4am but my energy is 📈
18+ content below the cut, minors do not interact, thank you!
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you loved going on vacations with clement.
you hadn't been to france before, so to have your sweet boyfriend along with you to show you around the cities where he used to go for trips when he was still a little boy was more than you could ever ask for.
your mornings are spent drinking coffee and having breakfasts at cute coffee shops, with clement reading you the french newspapers as you both pretend like you understand what he's saying, holding hands and going through your plans for the day. your days are spent sightseeing, jumping from museums to art galleries to tourist spots, not forgetting to stop by and buy souvenirs for your friends back home. and your nights are spent in the fanciest restaurants, the ones only locals know about, the ones with the best wine and the best cuisine.
this particular night has been spent just like that – possibly with an emphasis on the good wine-part.
you're both tipsy, but not full-on drunk, once you stumble in through the door to your hotel room. your bodies are already clinging to each other and he's placing playful kisses down your neck as he kicks the door closed with his heel.
the hotel is a cozy building owned by a really cute elderly couple, thankfully not overly crowded despite the fact that it's located right by the ocean and yet within walking distance of the city. you must've gotten the best room in the building, because the view of the sun setting over the water is to die for.
not that either of you are thinking about the sunset right now.
your hands reach up to his shoulders, trying to push him away from you to look at him, but his hold on your waist is strong. instead, you settle for leading him towards the bed as his lips move to explore the skin of your collarbones.
this time when you push at his shoulders, he gets the hint and sits down on the edge of the bed. he looks up at you, eyes hazy but smiling as they meet yours. his hands are still holding onto you, and they usher you to come near and close the gap between you.
your hands come up to hold his face in them, thumbs stroking his cheeks as you lean in to kiss him. clement helps you sit down on his lap, moving his lips against yours and tilting his head to gain better access. his arms sneak past and around your waist to pull you closer, dragging you against his already hardening member. his actions elicit a whine from your mouth and he uses the opportunity to let his tongue slip past your now open lips.
your head is spinning already, and you don't think it's purely because of the wine. when one of his hands reaches under the material of your dress, going up your thigh inch by inch, you pull away from the kiss. "clem..." your forehead leans against his, your eyes closed and breath heavy against his face.
"yeah?" he answers, hand reaching further up, stopping right before your underwear before going down again.
"just... please..." you can't find a way to form your sentences, your brain too busy focusing on the feeling of his skin against your own.
his thumb drags along the edge of your panties. "tell me what you want me to do to you, love." he pulls his head away from yours, putting on a small smile at the sight of your already so lustful expression. "i want to hear you say it."
your eyes flutter open as a grin – or, as much of a grin as you can muster in your current state – spreads over your lips. "clement novalak," you start, tilting your head. "are you trying to make me beg?"
"maybe." he pauses for a moment, his own grin growing by the second. "are you going to?"
a laugh escapes from your mouth as you shake your head, lacing your lips with his again. "you're unbelievable," you mumble against him.
clement has no problem flipping you over, laying you down against the sheets before climbing on top of you. taking off your dress is too much of a hassle, he thinks, so he doesn't bother. he's memorized every inch of your body anyway – he could probably draw you like one of his french girls just from memory – so piling it up by your hips is good enough.
he helps you out of your underwear and then pulls his white linen pants off and his boxers along with them. before he throws them away, he gets his wallet out from the back pocket, pulling out a condom. "see? i told you this was a good spot," he says, tugging off the packaging with a content look on his face.
you roll your eyes at him. "sure. now, just hurry up, will you?"
he laughs at your response, and you can't help but join him. once the condom is on, one of his hands reach to take one of yours in it, intertwining your fingers as he positions himself above you. he connects your lips for what feels like the millionth time of the day, making sure you show off no sign of hesitation before he slowly pushes into you.
the sunset casts a pink hue over the room and when it lands on your bodies, it illustrates an artwork much more beautiful than any of the paintings you'd seen on your trips to the museums these last few days. the waves crashing against the beach right outside the window, combined with the quick breaths and quiet moans flowing from your mouth, is like music to clement's ears as he continues making you feel good. your eyes are hooded as you watch him, your mind completely clouded with lust. he's all you can see, all you can feel, all you can think of; it's all him. and you wouldn't want to have it any other way.
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snarky-art · 8 months
Sorry if it is somewhere else, but why is gold a no-no on Andros, in your rewrite?
Aaaah you’re fine! Add this to the list of lore things I thought I had already posted about and then when searching realized no,, it’s just been sitting in my brain for years🥲
The short answer: all ores native to Andros are shades of gray/silver
There are large cracks in the land that stretch far and wide and even dip down into the shallow waters (and deeper still into the ocean too) where the Androsians live.
They have a robust metalworking industry focused on jewelry and combining that with their other preferred decorative pieces too (shells, jewels, stones, etc).
The more fun answer: It being held in such high regard has its origins with a folk story from long long ago that talks about how the Moon (integral to the way the ocean works obviously, just like on Earth) wept upon the separation of the sky from the sea, feeling it lost so much of its sister, the sea, so suddenly.
The Moon’s response was a grand storm shortly after said separation, influenced by the Moons emotions. These tears fell in big streams down into the ocean, and the waves and rough currents swept over everything for a time, spreading its tears throughout the whole planet, pounding it into the newly formed land too.
The Androsians were having trouble surviving this great endless typhoon, and the goddess who separated the ocean and the sky for the benefit of the Androsian people, came to plea to the moon, to ask what could possibly be done to appease it. The moon requested they merge the sea and the sky again, but for the beings of Andros to thrive, that wasn’t an option, said the goddess. The Moon deep down understood this, but was still hurt. The Moon thought for a bit, the storms subsiding some as it did, and eventually it said it was lonely, the sea so far away from it now. They wouldn’t be able to have as much fun as they used to when they were closer.
Thinking on this, the goddess eventually asked if it would like another sibling, one next to it all the time so it would never be lonely. It said yes, and from the land the goddess took some of the earth and formed a smaller moon to exist alongside it, this one containing a lot of the silver from the tears that the waves brought to the land. This will be your new sibling, said the goddess, and with it, some of your tears returned to you from the sea itself, to remind you that you are still connected, even though you are further apart now. The moon was appeased, and finally satisfied, stopped its weeping, and addressed the beings of Andros.
Go forth, it said, and prosper upon what was given to you by the sacrifice of my sister the sea to make the sky. But do not forget, despite there now being sky, you aren’t to forget my strength or my sister’s sacrifice. The tears I have shed are yours to create with to honor what I have lost and what I still harbor my influence over.
Old shrines and ceremonial pieces with silver are commonplace on Andros, to honor the moon and its sibling, whom themself is covered with silver and helps to calm the moon.
At this point silver is synonymous with the moon and its power, the royal family having it present in much of their official garb and accessories. They are in a way seen as ceremonial vessels of the moon and its power, present over land and sea through the tears it once cried and spread through the planet.
Other metals are allowed now due to things like trade and commerce, but they’re nowhere near as popular and some people with more traditional views see it as kinda sacrilegious or unappreciative for Androsians or people representing Andros to wear it.
Musa is dating Aisha and is by proxy supposed to be acting as an extension of her. Like I said in the other post, her being not Androsian at all is a huge fucking problem for their governmental structure, which is already dealing with pushback with the way their current population is pushing more and more for things to be, now she, as someone who is an extension of the royal family, the moon’s vessels, is wearing fucking Gold. They associate it culturally with the sun like on other certain planets, which while a significant thing is far less important than the 2 moons present by a landslide. Anything in the royal court must be silver and must be from the planet itself. Musa wearing gold while being alongside Aisha is considered a big middle finger to those in government and they’re fucking pissed.
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junebugwriter · 1 year
Transgender Dysphoria Blues
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It was around 2005. In my dorms, I made a lot of different kinds of friends, and because it was the mid-2000s, we passed around CD's to show new music to each other. Back then, one of my friends introduced me to a band of theirs from their home state, a band called Against Me!. I said I enjoyed punk and emo stuff, and he said I'd like this band.
From the first moment, I heard the raw voice of the lead singer. This person was straining, yelling, screaming with melodic intensity and purpose, laser-focused on the rage, frustration, and despair that comes with young adulthood in the Bush era. They talked about love, and death, and how our future was sold out from under us. They sang
"Baby, I'm an anarchist and you're a spineless liberal We marched together for the eight-hour day and held hands in the streets of Seattle But when it came time to throw bricks through that Starbucks window You left me all alone, all alone..."
I was enthralled. I had never encountered anything like this music before. Well, that's not true. I'd heard punk before--older stuff, like the Clash, the Sex Pistols, the Ramones, stuff that spoke to a moment in time that seemed ancient to me but was only a couple of decades before--but not punk like this. Not punk that actually had some fucking teeth. Not punk that wasn't afraid to be proudly anarchistic, nakedly political, and darkly poetic in this way.
In 2007, I got the newer album, New Wave, and again, this was more of the stuff I loved. Sure, New Wave was a bit more polished, but it was still filled with all those rough emotions that spoke to a disaffected young "man" like me. There was something to the way the lead singer belted out those bars that really nailed something within me, something ineffable, intangible at the time. Something gestating quietly within my brain, a feeling that something wasn't quite right with me, but couldn't be named.
The final song on New Wave, "The Ocean," threw me for a loop. These lyrics... were different.
"And if I could have chosen, I would have been born a woman My mother once told me she would have named me Laura I'd grow up to be strong and beautiful like her...
There is an ocean in my soul Where the waters do not curve..."
At first, I thought this was simply poetic license, imagining a different life, imagining one in which they could be completely different, living a humble, domestic existence far from the drugs and rock and roll. One of simplicity, happiness, bliss. But... something gnawed at me. Why a woman? Why that name? Mysterious to my young brain.
I had not yet heard the word "transgender." I didn't have any context for it. But I knew the ocean in the soul, whose waters did not curve. I knew the depths that dwelled beneath. I knew that there was so much more to my being that even I couldn't quite understand.
Time passed. I graduated from undergrad, and had moved on to graduate school. In grad school, I had more education about LGBTQ+ issues, and had drawn closer to being in the "ally" camp of things, even in the Methodist church. I was drawn to the cause, yet couldn't quite understand why I identified with so many of the struggles they faced.
Near the end of it, a year before I graduated, news came out about the lead singer of Against Me!. She was transgender. Her name was Laura Jane Grace.
My mind raced. Wait, what? The singer with the raspy, raw, and to my mind, thoroughly masculine voice... was a woman now? I googled furiously. I had to learn more. I read every article about her. I drank deep of the news. I had to understand how this turn of events could be. Wait, someone can just... be a woman? And not know it? You can simply do that?
I watched some interviews with her. She seemed thoroughly natural in more feminine clothing. She smiled far more than I thought possible, knowing what she looked like before. She was... happy.
I was worried. What would happen to this band, now that their singer was different? Would her voice change? Would their songs change? I was nervous. But also... I was oddly excited. I knew what a trans person was. I knew that it was a thing you could be. But now, it suddenly became personal in a weird way. Because now I knew a trans person, if not personally, but through the art they made.
A couple years later, they came out with a new album. For whatever reason, I never took the time to listen to it. I had moved out to the country, and buying CDs was becoming passé, but I didn't know how else to buy music now, because I didn't want to bother buying songs through Apple. So... I never listened to it. Until recently.
Here's the title track of the album.
I no longer worried about the band. I knew that they were the same, just... actually wrestling with the thing that lurked within the ocean of Laura Jane Grace's soul.
With the kraken within the depths of my soul.
I was partly afraid of listening to the album. I was afraid of change. But I'm learning I'm more courageous than I thought I was. I'm learning to face the beast down in the depths, the dysphoria that stares back at me from the mirror each day. It has a name now. It has dimension, and weight, and yes, some days it is overwhelming and too much.
But I can fight it.
She wrestled with it in this album, highs and lows. Regrets, memories, eulogies for lost friends. All through the funhouse lens of gender dysphoria. And suddenly, all the rage, all the fury, came roaring back to the fore. The rage had an edge, and the edge cannot be dulled because it is an edge piercing all the way down to the spinal column. The cracks in the voice, the strain of the vocal cords, the tears and the joy and the endless, rocking waves of emotional turmoil... they can be viewed clearly now. They had a name.
It's a good album. I think every trans femme ought to listen to it, especially if you like punk. Because all the anarchist fury and anti-establishment wit is still there, just with a different set dressing, with a different lens, a different focus. If anything it's sharper. More raw. More powerful.
Happy Pride. This is the anthem of the month for me. I'm trans, and I'm going to help burn this world down build a better one in its ashes.
Thank you, Laura Jane, and Against Me!. You helped me understand the weapons in my hands better than any other band.
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nicolewoo · 2 months
Super Earth Part 13 Heavy Winds
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Pairing: Reader X Roman Reigns
Synopsis: Reader is a space pilot. Dr. Reigns is a scientist. They fell in love heading to TOI-1452 B
Part 13: Heavy Winds
I woke when the computer chirpped.
“Good morning colonists.” It was Becky. “Sorry to wake you all so early.” I looked to see it was 4 am. “Unfortunately, we have an all hands on deck situation. A category 7 hurricane is due to arrive in 36 hours. We have to move the colony. Please report to your hurricane protocol stations in the next hour.”
Roman groaned at the thought. Moving the entire colony was a huge endeavor, and as Becky had said, everyone was needed. I was secretly excited. Scared and excited. We’d all had to train for our hurricane stations. I was stationed with engineering for the start of the day and at the helm for the move. Roman had to secure his greenhouse then help build the protective walls.
Moving the entire colony was an engineering marvel, and one I didn’t think I’d get to see. Although there was danger, I was excited to see the whole process. We got ready quickly and headed to our stations. Roman was certainly more concerned than me, and he made me stop to kiss me and tell me he loved me before we parted.
As I suspected, all of the Explorers engineers were already in the Engineering/Maintenance building hard at work. Tilly b-lined her way to me. “Captain, Should I get on the com and remind our crew and passengers where they’re supposed to be?”
My brain was still not awake yet. “Um… No… we… uh… we trained plenty of times. Maybe just send out a message that if they need reminding to contact you?”
“Oh, that’s better. You ok?” She examined my face.
“I…. neeeeed… coooffffeeeee.” I teased.
“Aye Cap. Whatcha need?” I turned to see Joe Coffey behind me; which made all three of us laugh.
“I need the caffeinated kind, not the engineer kind.” I laughed. A few seconds later Trick Williams brought me a cup of coffee. “Thank you.”
“Y/N” Seth said as he entered the room. “Glad you’re here.” An alarm sounded on a computer station, drawing Seth’s attention away from me.
Orange ran to the station, reading the display, “Fuck! Grid 10 is down.”
“Ten?” Seth asked. He hit a button on the panel in front of him. “Finn? Add grid 10 to the list.”
“Gotcha!” the Irishman said curtly.
Seth focused on me again. “Are you POSITIVE you want to go out into this weather? It’s nasty out there. Wouldn’t you rather go on a normal run… after the hurricane?”
I was itching to get off the colony and see the ocean closer. It was never 100% safe, even in perfect weather. Now, with a hurricane on the way, the ocean churned violently, massive waves splashing over the 20 foot protective wall around and soaking the colony every few minutes. I knew going out today was dangerous. Probably the most dangerous thing I’d ever done, but it was a once in a lifetime chance to see under the colony. It was also a job that HAD to be done, and I never made my crew do anything I wouldn’t do.  
Under the colony were an array of thousands of propellers. On a normal day, there was no resistance to these propellers, allowing the ocean to turn them all the time. 60% of the colony’s electricity came from them. When a storm like this came through though, they functioned as a ship’s propellers. Ideally, this switch could be done from a control panel, but the process had not been perfected, and inevitably some propellers had to be switched by hand…. Under the colony.
“It needs to be done.” I answered.
Seth looked at me as if trying to find my fear. “Our people can do it You don’t have to. We have enough people.”
Tilly answered before I could. “She’s not going to change her mind. Cap’s a daredevil.”
“She gets off on shit like this.” Cassidy added.
“I do not!” I protested. “But I’m not going to put someone else in danger if I can do the job myself.”
Seth turned on the coms “Dexter, Cap’s coming with you.”
“Understood” came the answer. Dexter Loomis was a very quiet man who never talked unless he had to. “We’re leaving in 15 minutes.”
“Thanks” Seth answered. “She’ll be down soon.” I nodded my thanks to Seth. “WEAR THE TEATHER!” Seth yelled out as I exited.
Once on the ground, I took a deep breath. I had 15 minutes. It would barely be enough time, but I was going. I ran full speed to the greenhouse.
Roman barely had time to turn around and see me before I wrapped him in a hug. “I wish you’d reconsider doing this.” He said as he kissed my forehead.
“I can’t. You know why.” We’d had the conversation shortly after arriving at the colony. Roman had repeatedly asked me to send someone else if the colony needed to be moved. He’d begged me not to go this morning too, but he knew by now he wouldn’t change my mind.
“I know. That’s why I’m going with you.” I opened my mouth to protest, but his face stopped me. Roman didn’t put his foot down often, but when he did, there was no talking him out of it. Just as there was no talking me out of anything I set my mind to. I simply didn’t have time to have this argument again. and It wouldn’t do any good.
I sighed resigned to his decision. I kissed him gently and looked in his eyes before sprinting to the boat dock, Roman at my heels the whole time.
“We don’t need both of you.” Seth’s voice yelled over the sound of the roaring ocean.
I started to answer when Roman interjected. “I’m not leaving her side.” It was a command that Seth accepted immediately. I guess he knew what it was like to want to protect your partner.
“Let’s tether you together then.” Orange walked up to us with two harnesses, and we put them on.
“Boat’s full!” Dexter’s voice called over the storm. “Two people need to go to boat 3.” Two colonists raised their hands and Dexter nodded for them to go.
I barely had time to think as we boarded the boat and Orange tethered Roman and I together then tethered us to the boat, which was also tethered to the colony.
“Boat 2, ready.” Dexter shouted and the call was repeated by the crew still on the colony.
Boat 2 tethered
Boat 2 tether check
Boat 2 prepare for launch
Boat 2 check
Before I could even think we were in the water. Massive waves rocked the boat, and Roman held my hand.
I thought the smell of the ocean was bad in the shower. Now it was overwhelming, and I gagged. A high pitched laugh caught my attention, and I looked up to see Finn Balor laughing. I might have been mad if he hadn’t handed me two oxygen masks that hooked up to our harnesses. I nodded my thanks and handed one to Roman. He attached mine, and I attached his.
“Better?” Finn yelled, and I gave him a grateful thumbs up. I could still smell the ocean, but the oxygen watered down the smell.
Boat 2 ready to approach
Boat 2 hold
We could barely hear the announcement made to the colony. Brace yourselves for the colony to be raised.
Before my very eyes, the entire colony started rising. Normally it sat a few feet off the top of the ocean, but the storm swell had caused the ocean to rise up. We couldn’t see underneath until the colony had been hoisted.
The huge metal columns under the colony creaked as they were forced to work, but slowly the entire colony lifted.
Finally, I got to see the propellers which hung under the colony. They weren’t very large, but there were thousands under the colony. 10,463 to be exact, each divided into grids.
40 foot long metal poles poked out from the underside of the colony; each with a propeller that was normally submerged in the water. They dripped now, the fowl smell of the ocean more prominent as they did. I tapped my mask and gave Finn a thumbs up as a thanks. By now, everyone in the boat had an oxygen mask on.
Finn, Damon, Dominick and McDonagh were rowing frantically trying to maneuver the boat under the colony despite the waves and wind. Roman and I were looking for paddles to help, but before we could find any, we were under the colony. It was a truly impressive feat given the conditions. Now that we were amid the propellers, our crew grabbed the metal columns and began to pull the boat to our destination; which was much faster than trying to row a boat through this weather.
Boat 2 is under the colony
Boat 2 proceed to grid 10
Roman and I grabbed columns and helped heave the boat to our destination.
Boat 2 proceeding to grid 10
Under the colony, so close to the ocean, with water dripping off the undersides of the colony…… the smell was putrid. I caught Roman gagging once. “Let’s just get it done” I said to calm him.
I was hoping under the colony would be calmer, but even surrounded by the tall columns, being under the colony was treacherous. The wind whipped harder down here, creating a giant wind tunnel. The boat was slammed against columns on all sides, making the risk of getting thrown into the ocean even worse.  It seemed like I got pushed into one of the metal columns every few seconds. I was going to be bruised for sure.
Boat 2 approaching grid 10
Great job boat 2. Turning settings to manual now
“Let’s get it done quickly everyone.” Finn yelled out, but I wasn’t sure the people on the other side of our boat could hear him over the sound of the storm and the violent water. It didn’t matter though. Everyone was already starting to work.
Finn removed his oxygen mask long enough to tell Roman his only job was to keep the people around us from falling in the water. His determined look and steady gaze said as much as his nod. I had dreaded bringing him on this trip, but now that we were here, feeling his hand on my harness was reassuring. He would keep me safe.
Grid 10 held 567 turbines. Each had the be manually changed to propel the colony. We stood in a big line, each of us handling a row of propellers before we stopped to pulled the boat to the next turbine.
Despite Roman’s steady hands, I slammed into a column hard, my head bouncing as it hit. Roman panicked and almost let go of the others. Hearing the bang of skull on metal, Finn turned to see what had happened. He reached behind my head, pressing his fingers into my hair. When he removed his hand, I saw red on his fingers. He didn’t panic. Instead, he motioned to the others in the boat who all sat down and tried to hold the boat steady while Finn grabbed a first aid kit. He spread a salve roughly over a large bandage and applied it to my skull, using the gas mask to keep it in place. Finn looked at me now, holding up a tentative thumbs up to ask if I was ok. I nodded yes and reached to move the boat to our next destination. Everyone stood and joined in; Roman’s hand on everyone’s tethers to keep them safe.
I heard the bang of metal on metal and turned to see another boat working on a grid to our stern. I couldn’t recognize everyone, but I did notice Dexter and Trick in the boat. He noticed our boat and pointed to my head with one hand while he helped pull the boat with his second hand. I nodded that I was ok.  
90 minutes later, we were done, cheering at our success even though we still needed to get back to the colony before we could be considered safe. I had been thrown into more columns than I wanted to admit, and now that the work was done, the pain started seeping into my bones. Roman by my side had been a game changer. He never took his hand off me unless someone else needed saving. He’d saved Finn from falling in twice.
“Great job everyone.” Finn called out and motioned toward the other boat. A few minutes and one bruised arm later, we arrived at Boat 3. Loomis pointed to a corner of the grid and we started there. It was just a few minutes later that we were done. We pulled our way out from under the colony, and the colonists tied the boats together for more stability.
Loomis took off his mask and pointed at me. “Sit down. We don’t need you to paddle.” Even if I had been needed, I wasn’t sure I could paddle. My head must be hurt more than I thought, because I was getting dizzy and nauseous. I took his advice and sat. Roman handed me the tethers and took an oar someone offered him.
By the time we were back on the colony, I couldn’t stand. Finn helped Roman carry me off the boat. Dr. Thorpe was waiting for me. “Cap, What am I going to do with you?” He inspected my head. “Yup. Almost the exact same place as your last concussion.” He finished and pointed Roman to the medical building.
Seeing me being carried to the medical building was enough to stop everyone from their hurricane preparations. I saw everyone talking. “Oh shit.” I said under my breath.
“Nothing to worry about! She’s got a concussion. She’ll be fine.” Thorpe yelled out, then looked at me. “That should stop them from gossiping.”
“Captain!” Dr. Keith Lee said as we entered. “What happened?”
Roman laid me down on a table. “She got thrown against a column.”
“Probably another concussion.” Dr. Thorpe said. “It’s not her first. Not even the first on this trip.”
Dr. Lee nodded curtly. “Let’s get you into the scanner and see what we can do.”
@mindofasagitarius @lclb13 @serenityfiretrash @lustyromantic @reigns-5sos @bigpsychicbagelauthor @omg-im-such-a-masochist @marlananicole @wickedsunfire @starwithaheart @spookys-girl @pitlissa22 @snowpanda18 @thesamoanqueen @sassginaswanmills
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novaae · 3 months
heavens and oceans
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[Bumizumi, TLOK]
The heavens and the oceans were very much alike, Bumi learnt in his years of service. Both of them endless, dark voids that nobody could study, not the best waterbender in both poles or the only remaining two airbenders. Both of them holding so much mystery and intrigue that he could tire of thinking about them.
And so, when Izumi informs him that she’s never studied the stars the way he has, or travelled by water more than once a decade, he can only recoil in very real and not at all exaggerated shock.
“Isn’t this stuff taught in school?” He asks, once he recovers from the shock and saunters over to the window, his palms pressed flat against the windowsill as he leans out. A waning moon, and the stars in full view. Perfect. He turns back to look at Izumi, and the freezing breeze of the night travels though his bones.
“Not really. We focused on more theoretical subjects. And a better focus on the new history syllabus.” She replies, staring at him curiously from the bed. She’s only dressed in a sheer nightgown, but Bumi’s far too focused on other things to appreciate how she looks. That’s a first.
Bumi glances at the night-sky again, and then his hands move of their own accord, and he quickly takes off his coat, walks over to where his girlfriend sits, and he quickly wraps it around his shoulders. He licks his lips. “Get your slippers, we’re going to the roof. And don’t take off my coat.”
“I won’t.” She says, and then they’re out of his bedroom, and he takes the lead, because Izumi wouldn’t know where the small staircase to the roof right above his bedroom is. He goes up first, footsteps firm with years of practice in his childhood and adolescence. Izumi makes it up after him, and then sneezes.
“Bumi, we could have seen this from the window. Why did you drag me all the way here?” She huffs as she pushes herself up and stumbles right into his arms. The waves from Yue Bay crash into the island, and Bumi’s heart skips a beat. Or two.
“No, no, trust me.” He insists, his breath leaving his body when he looks at Izumi properly. Her grey hair looks silver in the moonlight, and his coat droops off her, except the color somehow suits her. That frown, which means he should get to work soon. Her beautiful eyes, that seem to soften for nobody but him. Him, because she loves him. Him, because while Yue and La know what she sees in him, she sees something.
“You haven’t seen the stars till you’ve seen it right where you can listen to the ocean.”
She looks unimpressed, but then settles down right next to him anyway. Nestled into him, and he wraps his arm around her shoulders, and squeezes tightly, as if making sure this isn’t a dream. “Now, can I interest you in a quick lesson about the night sky?”
Izumi stays silent for a moment before she points at something a little too bright for tonight. It’s almost easy to miss, and Bumi squints at it.
“You got any idea what that is?”
He racks his brain. North Star, Tian Yue, Ullaktut….. nothing quite strikes the bill. He would have stayed silent for quite a minutes if Izumi tapping his temple didn’t reel him back into the world of the living.
“Nope. Not that one. Your teacher’s stumped.”
“You’re not my teacher.” She scoffs, and then accidentally hits the top of her head with his chin. They both pay it no heed. “That’s the comet.”
“Sozin’s comet?”
“We call it Nian Dao, but you’re right.”
Izumi has just opened her mouth when there’s a shout from the ground. Izumi jolts, and he bumps his head right against a tile. Now that’s going to hurt for a while.
“Who’s there? Get down this instant, or I won’t hesitate to call Master Tenzin!”
Bumi sighs deeply, cursing the man in his head before he yells back. “It’s me, Bumi! No need to call my brother.”
“Sorry sir! The White Lotus has just been more alarmed lately!” The voice sounds rather apologetic.
“Sorry about that.” Bumi mutters to Izumi, who’s busy getting up. There’s snow stuck to her ass and he snorts.
“I think we should get back to the bedroom. We can continue this later.”
Bumi rolls his eyes before following her. “I guess. You promise?”
“I do.” She replies, and Bumi grumbles a little more till they finally get into bed.
That night, he dreams of the stars, and of Izumi next to him.
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jeanmoreaux · 11 months
top 9 books
tagged forever ago by @doctorsrose & @rosesau (🫶🫶🫶)
tagging: @lvnchs | @permanentreverie | @tolerateit | @speaknowtv | @henwilsons | @newtmsa | @greenribon | @brimay | @hollyfhumberstone | @tbosas | @alinastarkovz (ofc no pressure <3 would love to hear about your fav books in whatever way you wanna share and if you don't then that's okay too!)
rules: list your top 9 books obviously. like the people before me and probably most people who did this i cheated and put series or several books by the same author as one thing bc rules are made for breaking <3 this is very much both an 'off the top of my head' as well as a 'laboured over this for hours' kind of list that's heavily biased to the present moment.
(1.) all for the game by nora sakavic; i don't even know what to say about this. either you read it and Get why this is on my list or you Don't. and if you haven't read it this is not a recommendation btw. this is just me saying these books did irreparable damage to my developing teenage brain. hit me like no other series probably ever will again because i read this at the Right Time while being the exact right amount of Insane. and just like seed mentioned in her list if you want to know Me and Understand Me then you need to know this series. i am sure there are traces of it in my dna by now.
(2.) the raven cycle by maggie stiefvater; same goes for this one tbh. if you want to know Me and Understand Me then you need to know this series. another instance of Right Time and Right Me. these books burrowed themselves deep into my bones and became a part of my dna. they shaped soo much of my taste in prose, storytelling techniques, tropes, and dynamics. this story and these characters took me apart and put me back together again but rearranged some essential parts inside of me. much like with aftg, i came out of this series irreversibly changed and drenched in blood final girl style.
(3.) frankenstein by mary shelley; a beautifully written story with soooo much room for whatever literary lens you want to apply to it. i know i answered an ask once where i talked about my love for this book in detail but i can't find it. but i found this rant on frankenstein and the creature. i think a lot of my love for this story comes from the fact that i had the chance to work closely with the text several times. but also it's just a heart-wrenching tale about how we define humanity and how love is essential nourishment for the soul. it reminds me of that one quote from the good place: "people improve when they get external love and support. how can we hold it against them when they don’t?" because frankenstein basically answers the question what happens when someone gives you a life you didn't ask for and then opts out of any (emotional) responsibility and leaves you desolate and utterly forsaken.
(4.) the green bone saga by fonda lee; an epic family saga i still think about A Lot. kinda succession without logan but make it fantasy mafia. sibling relationships are a big part of this story too. which if you know me. big fan of that. it's also a series that grows in scope (world building wise) and keeps adding complexity So Naturally it's impressive. amazing storytelling craft at work fr. definitely an underhyped series in my opinion.
(5.) the sword of kaigen by m.l. wang; another fantasy story focusing on family dynamics but also functioning as a character study. it's a self-published work and it shows in the BEST way. there's just something about it that makes me insane one a storytelling level because it breaks so many conventions and you either hate that or love that but no matter your opinion on it i think it's undeniable that this book has some of the best character work written in recent years. i desperately need to reread.
(6.) on earth we’re briefly gorgeous by ocean vuong; another book that fucked me up with its beautiful prose and incredibly gut-wrenching emotional honesty. it really feels like you're reading about someone ripping out the most vulnerable and messed up and complex parts of their soul and laying them bare for you to see expecting nothing but acknowledgement in return. and while my own lived experience is nothing close to ocean vuong's the emotional core of this book rings so true. also i just have to say it again. the prose fucks severely.
(7.) the grisha trilogy & the six of crows duology by leigh bardugo; another (two) series i read in my teens that shaped my taste to a drastic degree. the crows are just forever ingrained in my brain. alina's story will forever fuck me up. you all know. you all understand. w're not getting into it. i think the fact that tgt is so misunderstood and undervalued just makes me love it more. because if you get it. damn. devastating. if you don't. so sorry for you because you're missing out.
(8.) the song of achilles & circe by madeline miller; tbh both of these retellings did something to my brain. you all know these i don't have to elaborate. it's very typical queer of me to fawn over anything to do with greek mythology and retellings but. these two just HIT different. also, the prose? makes me a little insane.
(9.) giovanni’s room by james baldwin; this book has some of the most insane prose i have ever read. baldwin's grasp on language is uncanny fr. every other sentence packs a punch in one way or another. he manages to capture some aspects of the queer (specifically the bi) experience in a way that felt so familiar to me and put words to so many of my internal experiences. it's about the self and identity and being lost and refusing to let yourself be found. it's also about human connections and how you'll wither when you deny yourself to open up to the people closest to you. it's about so many things without being about one think in particular. like all the other books on this list, love and belonging are at the core of it, but in a very distorted way. i don't think you can really understand unless you've read it. it's So Good.
honorable mentions; emma by jane austen (cunty women RULE), wuthering heights by emily brontë (severely fucked up in the most entertaining way. that's how you write drama.) east of eden by john steinbeck (cain and abel shit and deranged women? sign me up), these violent delights by micah nemerever (be gay do crime in the most mentally ill way possible), if we were villains (love it when characters haunt a narrative. also definitely a book about the gay sex that is not happening), women in love by d.h. lawrence (still currently making my way through this one but it's so deliciously messed up and queer i am almost certain it will leave a permanent mark)
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Complict - Jimmy Lanik x Reader
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Tagging: @annieradcliff @cosmic-psychickitty @inator-procrast
It was the blood that Jimmy couldn’t stop thinking about, the viscosity of it as it swept across the tiles. When he’d seen the gun in Chris Davis’s hand, everything had simply frozen. All the muscles in his body had gone rigid and he was sure that the other man was going to point the gun right at him. Gwen had tied his hands regarding the donation for his son and now she was putting a target on his chest.
Jimmy knew desperation, if you worked in the E.D long enough you saw it in all its forms so when Chris pressed the gun to his own temple. Jimmy knew there was no way to stop it. He even understood the decision. He didn’t have a kid, but if it was you in that position, he would have done the same thing one hundred times over.
Both he and Gwen had driven a man to his death and Jimmy felt that cost of that even if she didn’t. It weighted on him. A metric ton of pressure bearing down upon his shoulders. He couldn’t get the images out of his head, the sound of the gunshot, the eruption of brain matter…
He saw it over and over again every time he blinked.
Now he was in the bathroom at home, scrubbing his hands clean because even though he hadn’t touched the blood, he could still feel it on him. There was a tightness in his chest, it squeezed his lungs like a vice, forcing the air right out of his body. His eyes were stinging as rubbed the soap over his hands again, the water blisteringly hot as he forced them back under.  He didn’t do this, he didn’t get emotional, he didn’t lose control.
The bathroom door opened behind him, his red rimmed eyes rose meeting your gaze in the reflection of the mirror. He tilted his head back down, focusing on scouring his hands under the hot water instead. He didn’t want you to the look in his eyes, to see his weakness.
Your palm came to rest upon his shoulder, your thumb tenderly massaging that soothing spot at the nape of his neck. He felt the tension beginning to ebb, the stress of the day flowing from his shoulders as you leaned in close. He inhaled the scent of your perfume, patchouli and orange blossoms, earthy with a citrus undertone and it felt like he could breathe again.
 You reached over and turned off the facet.
“That’s enough Jimmy.” You said softly. “Your hands are raw.”
He looked down at his hands, they were seared a painful pink. He could see the skin already beginning to crack across his knuckles. You took your time drying them, patting them lightly with a hand towel as not to cause any more damage to the epidermis.
“Jimmy.” You said softly after tossing the towel into the hamper. “I’m going to hug you now.”
He didn’t speak when you wrapped his arms around him. Instead, he stiffened in your embrace, trying to hold the pieces of himself together. There was such tenderness in the way you held him, such love and compassion. It seeped through the cracks in his armour like saline flushing through an open wound. The façade began to crumble, and he buried his face into the curve of your neck as his eyes burned once more.
“I killed a man today.” He choked out.
The riptide of emotion dragged him under, the grief and the anguish surging through him with the ferocity of a relentless ocean. The noise that left him was agonising, it tore through your heart as you cradled him close, your cheek pressed against his.
There were no words of comfort, no platitudes. There was just you, and only you, and right now that was what Jimmy needed.
Love Jimmy? Get added to his tag list!
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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Absolutely! Not sure what kind of prompts you write, for future reference—short, long, specific, vague, etc—but for rn, the first thing that popped into my head was an older (like teenage, but whatever works) Mike & Will swinging on the swings? Any context, any au, any tone, etc—post-season 4 or pjo, silly or sad, whatever works for you. Good luck with your writing!
Hello ! I had a lot of fun writing this ! More so, I do dedicate this to @andiwriteordie as a birthday gift <3 I hope you're having an amazing birthday !!
Mike felt content.
For the longest time, Mike's shoulders have been heavy with a burden invisible to most eyes, even his. He felt pinned down on earth, like a prisoner of the soil. His struggles in the form of a vulture eating his insides, which would be untouched the next day, only to be eaten once more. Chains of his worries binding his wrists as he trashes around and screams, eventually giving up when no one turns around.
But now, now Mike never felt as light. Hair flowing in the wind as he swung, his legs going back and forth. And maybe his feet touching the ground was a sign that he grew up, far too old to be here, but he couldn't care less.
Not when Will was giggling next to him.
Will was giggling without a care in the world, chestnut hair dancing to the sound of his laughter. His eyes crinkling with a wide smile, swinging back and forth. At some point, Mike came to a stop, his eyes focused on Will. He was unapolegetically himself, and this was the most beautiful he's ever been. Will has always been beautiful. Beautiful in a way that Mike can't quite put words on. It was in his eyes and the way they catch the light, the way they shine when he's happy. It was in his lips, stretched into a grin, or cherry red and swollen after a kiss. His art, vision of his own mind, screaming Will's personality in the colors, the composition, the strokes of his brush. Mike could write thousands of poems about Will and nothing could ever come close to the real thing.
Because Will was glowing, angel from heaven, and God if that is not a sight Mike would imprit in his mind. Keep it in his brain, replaying this exact moment whenever he'd go to sleep, a smile on his face as he'd sigh dreamily. And maybe it was something he would be ashamed of, years ago, in the darkness of his room, wondering what went wrong when he realized his eyes would instictively follow his best friend instead of his girlfriend.
But now, now he felt free as the wind, and shame left his body, only to be met with joy and warmth and everything he never thought he could feel. Loving Will was beautiful in itself, familiar and reassuring.
But being loved by Will felt even better. Being loved by the kindest, strongest person in the world was absolutely wonderful. Like his heart fluttered with excitement, like he was gifted the best thing on earth. Being loved by Will made him feel six again, when he and Will would roll in the grass, smiles and cheeks tainted with mud and hair messy. When they would wake up in the Wheeler household, and run down the stairs, to devour the pancakes his mom would make, giggling as they mocked the other for being so messy. When they'd stay awake as long as possible, and Mike would stare at Will, watching his eyes dropping, and then open abruptly, shaking his head and promising he wasn't going to sleep. In hindsight, Mike knew he loved Will back then, with his round cheeks and big eyes, his quiet and soft voice reaching him always, even when submerged by an ocean of sounds. Will's voice was always the loudest to him, and his ears naturally picked it up, as if they were made for that entire purpose.
Yeah, that seemed about right.
"If you keep staring at me like that, I'll think there's something wrong with my face."
Mike blinked, and he was met with Will's teasing smile, and only now did he realize they both stopped swinging. The wind still blew softly, and Mike felt his cheeks redden as he smiled back at him.
"Your face is just very kissable." He replied, shrugging. Will's cheeks adopted this lovely shade of red, one that Mike loved with every fiber of his being, which was precisely why winter was his favorite season.
"Yet you're not kissing it." Now Will was cocky, staring at Mike, challenging him.
However, Mike did not mind in the slightest, because there wasn't a second when Mike didn't want to kiss Will. With this in mind, Mike leaned towards his friend, his best friend, the love of his life, and gently pressed his lips against his. Warmth spread across his body, his heart hammering against his chest and he never felt more alive. Fingers gently pressed against Wills cheek, Mike slightly tilted his head, noses brushing and eyelashes tickling. The world shrinked, shrinked and shrinked, and it was just Will. Will and his beautiful eyes, his smile, his warmth. Will's warm hand fondly rubbed his shoulder, and when they parted, Mike stole a peck or two, making Will giggle once again.
"That's so romantic." Mike blurted, and Will tilted his head, confused.
"That's where we met, you know ?" He teased, and Will lightly kicked his leg, chuckling as he began swinging again, the sound of his laughter transported by the wind, and Mike promptly followed, easily matching his rythm.
"You're an idiot !" He yelled out, still flying as if he was a bird, and Mike was hopelessly devoted to him.
"That's why you love me !" He yelled back, and he was met with another laugh, an agreement, a "you're right". Mike felt so light, flying right next to Will, to new places where both of them could be whoever they wanted now that they had their whole lives ahead of them. What seemed impossible years ago was now in his hands, and Mike would keep it safe forever, if it meant having Will laugh without a care in the world.
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quelsentiment · 2 years
for the fanfic asks: 2-6!
Thank you Fee!!
2- Did you have any writing goals?
I didn't have specific goals in terms of word count or anything, because I don't like to put pressure on myself like that. What I wanted was to take part in a few fests again, mainly @wordplayfics and @1dtrickortreatfest because they're both so fun, and I did! I think I also wanted to explore some more pairings I hadn't written for yet, and I ended up doing quite a lot of that (ot5, zarry, nouis, narry aaaand I just started posting for the mcyt fandom, which definitely wasn’t on my bingo card for this year but sometimes you just gotta embrace whatever obsession your brain throws at you 😌).
I do wish I'd had more energy to write over these past few months, but it’s honestly been a very hectic and emotionally intense year for me, so overall I'm pretty happy with what I did manage to write during that time.
3- How many projects did you work on this year?
With the two fics that I'm planning on posting in December, that makes a total of 13 works. Some of them are drabbles related to other works I'd already posted, though, so it's more like 9 works that are "completely new"
4- Favorite paragraph you wrote this year?
Maybe this one from Of Space and Time, but honestly idk. I’d have to go back and re-read everything, and I’m not doing that lol
Niall slid sideways to make space for Liam on the seat. Not wasting a second, Liam started playing, his eyes flying over Niall’s handwriting and singing in a soft voice. Niall had no idea how, since he wasn’t a professional player, but he soon found himself accompanying Liam with his own chords and harmonies. It was as effortless as if they’d been doing it for years. Their sudden proximity should have felt weird, at the very least, but it didn’t. Their arms were moving to the same rhythm, their hands brushing against each other, and all Niall could feel was a complete sense of calm and belonging. The overwhelming sensation of emptiness that had been plaguing his waking moments for days was gone.
The last note of the song was still echoing in the diner when he whispered:
“Would it make me sound crazy if I told you I’ve been seeing you in my dreams?”
5- Favorite line of dialogue you wrote this year?
Spoiler from my upcoming @louisrarepairfest fic!
“You think I haven’t seen the way you were looking at me earlier, while you were dancing with that guy? You think I can’t hear your heart beat faster whenever I get a little too close?” She punctuates her words by taking the last step that separates her and Niall, and now she’s got the slayer right in front of her again. Right where she wants her. “Hell, you think I don’t notice the blood rushing to your cheeks right now?” she adds in a mere whisper.
6- Favorite sentence you wrote this year?
Ugh these are so hard... Not because I think there’s a lot of brilliant sentences to pick from, there’s just nothing that really comes to my mind since I’m so focused on dialogues most of the time.
Okay, maybe this one from my mcyt wip 😅
The ocean is everyone’s and no one’s all at once, Clay knows, but for a minute, he can almost convince himself that George and him are the only people to have ever seen in.
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