#there is sooo much to do and plan 😅😭
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n3ongold3n · 2 years ago
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Garden year is starting - let's see where the leftover motivation cat take me
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cha1cedony · 1 year ago
Someday I will remember to dust off my PS4 controller and start playing Stardew again and you will all see my true nature (Alex lover)
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jukipptx · 1 year ago
omg thank u so much for doing my request i loved ittttt!!! <3333 AND YES U SHOULD SOOO DO IT FOR THE OTHER MEMBERS
I’m sorry I disappeared. I have zero reasons about it, I just felt a little bit down in general 😪 but I’m feeling better and I’m still as delulu as ever 🥰🩷
Following the series, next is Jisung 😭 you’re both idols figuring it out I guess 👩🏻‍🦯 this one is so long omg I love jisung so much what do I do 😭😭😭😭😭 🩷 Requests are being written! And they’re still open 🎀🩷
- You both met backstage. It was merely a coincidence, an embarrassing one for Jisung who gets embarrassed about everything, but this one almost killed him literally. You crossed ways on the corridor, both your group and his. You didn’t know, but he already had an eye 👁️ on you. He thought you were cute omg 😭😭😭 but he would never ever EVER admit it. So when you crossed paths for the first time he was soooo nervous, wearing his embarrassing Candy fluffy outfit (embarrassing for him, because you thought he looked so cute). First of all he was so sweaty because they’ve just come back from stage, he was also so red just from realizing you were both about to cross paths. He thought maybe it was the perfect time for him to act cool and impress you, but it went the other way. Both your group and his group exchanged bows as it normally goes, but when it was Jisung’s turn to bow, his big fluffy hat went flying straight to your face because of how hard he bowed. You started cackling, you couldn’t help it, making your member hit you in your arm. Clearing your throat you picked his hat and gave it back to him who was all red and holding his laugh as well. “Nice hat” You said trying not to laugh again. “Nice laugh” He said, then he ran. And that was it, that’s when you knew you loved him hahahahahahaha it wasn’t that hard.
- The start of your relationship was full of what you thought were coincidental encounters, but little did you know they were carefully planned by Jisung. All of them mostly backstage at music shows. Finding him on the corridor constantly, not knowing he was coooonstantly looking at the performance schedule, systematically studying at what time you would perform and at what time you would go in and out of the waiting room. “Hi” “Hi Ji” “Jisung!” turned to “Baby” “Andy” in about 4 months time.
- Your first date was backstage as well. He didn’t want it to be, but it was what you both could manage. You basically had a picnic on your waiting room during your solo promotions where no one could see you. You both brought food from home and made yourselves comfortable with pillows and blankets and music with shared earphones 😭😭😭 Eventually you were caught by one of your members who came by to visit by surprise. Jisung went 😳, but when he was about to leave you held onto his hand and made him sit back down 😡 “This is Andy. He’s my boyfriend.” Is what you told your member. Jisung was speechless, he could only stutter a “hi”, but that’s how it happened.
- After meeting all of your members, he started chilling down. He started visiting your dorm from time to time, until it became an everyday occurrence, and then an every night occurrence 😅 He’s so quiet that no one ever caught him, until he met your manager at the door instead of you 🥶 He froze and then ran the other way. It took him two weeks to come back.
- Everytime he sees you, he brings a totally different and unexpected gift for you. Could be anything really!!! Chocolates, a beaded ring, a gallon of ice cream, anything with the letter J, a single flower or a 50 flower bouquet, a new puffer jacket, one of his hoodies, he’s very lowkey like that.
- Even though he was shy, he was so eager to reveal himself as your boyfriend to his and your fans. You doubted him a lot, but you accepted his idea of carrying each others photocard on your phone case. He said it was such a cute way to reveal it and that it would take some time for the fans to figure it out (it took a day or two…)
Ok it wasn’t as long as I thought… hope you enjoyed 🩷 I may or may not continue these series 🥶
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kaiser-s-bitch · 1 year ago
if u don't mind, can you make a fluff fic with a plus size reader with Barou where their both cooking and doing house chores together :) only if ur comfy ofc
Hello dear anon! No, ofc that doesn’t make me uncomfortable in the slightest, BUT I don’t see how your stature would influence how he would treat you while cooking/doing chores (or in general, for that matter)?😅 Maybe he’d try to make you eat healthier or smth😭👋🏼 Sooo sorry about that, but that’s the reason I kinda ignored that part-
anyway, I hope you still enjoy!!
Barou Shouei - cooking/doing chores with you || sfw
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Barou Shouei was by no means a man to shy away from putting in effort — be it on the court or anywhere else.
On the contrary, this mighty king right here had his very own way of doing things, and he was certainly not going to let anyone get in the way of just that… neither a peasant, nor his queen.
If anything, he would tell you to sit still, not touch anything and just let him do the cleanup the way he always did, else you might disturb his order. This man had OCD, no doubt about it. So if he told you to not get in his way, he meant it.
In other words: most chores were practically off the table for you - at least when he was around - the best way you were able to help him was by just always cleaning up after yourself the way he taught you to. If you could manage that, you were already making (Maid-)Barou’s life so much easier.
"Shou, what would you like to eat tonight?" You inquired over the phone, knowing your boyfriend had just finished his training and was about to make his way back to your shared home. You knew he had given it his all again during training - he always did - so you at least wanted to help him unwind and take some of the weight off his shoulders when he got back by preparing dinner, since you were well aware that you could never talk him out of cleaning up around the house himself. It gave him a sense of accomplishment, some peace of mind, you just couldn’t argue with him on that.
"Huh? Just order some takeout or something, anything will do, I‘m just hungry. Thanks", the man’s familiar, gravelly voice rumbled through the speaker of your phone, eliciting a sigh from you in response. He was not being a big help in the process of choosing what to have for dinner, but at least now he wasn’t gonna be able to complain about whatever you would pick. You had just (basically) received a free pass from the king.
And you decided to make good use of it by whipping out a recipe you’d found online a while ago and had been planning to give a shot for ages, but never actually got around to it.
But as it was usually the case for first tries… they don’t quite go as planned.
By the time Barou arrived home, you had already turned the kitchen into a complete and utter mess, and if it had been anyone else, he would’ve taken them apart on sight, without a doubt. Since it was you, however, he merely ruptured a blood vessel or two at the sight, taking a deep breath before walking over to you and asking you what the hell you thought you were doing.
You flinched at the sound of his voice, not having heard him get back because of all the kitchen devices around you whirring and buzzing in unison.
"I’m making dinner for us, of course", you reply matter-of-factly, sporting a pout at his negative reaction despite knowing damn well that it was not about your food, but about the fact that his beloved kitchen had been forced into such a sorry state.
Barou’s gaze softened slightly at your proud attitude — of course he was aware you had meant well.
You suddenly felt his muscular arms wrap around you from behind as he leaned in to kiss your cheek with a deep sigh.
It was a sight that seemed almost too absurd to be real, it was outright unexpected from someone of his stature and with his intimidating aura — not that there would ever be any witnesses though, this side of him was undoubtedly reserved for you and you only.
You leaned into his touch with a satisfied grin, knowing how soft your boyfriend was for you. However, you also knew he would use this opportunity to glance over your shoulder in order to examine what exactly you were fabricating and just how bad of a mess you were making of his beloved kitchen.
"It doesn’t smell that bad" was the closest thing to a compliment that you were getting from him, earning him a scolding punch to his forearm, which was still snugly wrapped around your waist. He only hissed in response, letting go of you with a scoff. He proceeded to saunter through the kitchen and awkwardly lean against the counter — not before checking whether the space he would be touching was clean enough though.
"Soo, how long do you still need to finish?"
"Oh wow, never thought I’d ever hear that from you in the kitchen", you teased with an amused smile, glancing over at him just to see his expression after your little joke. As expected, he tried his best to ignore it, yet you could see him close his eyes and pinch his nose bridge for a moment in order to collect himself.
You turned your attention back to the stove, smiling to yourself before speaking up again "I’m almost done here. You can go ahead, take them out." He knew exactly what you were referring to, wasting no time crouching down and hurriedly opening the cabinet under the sink — the sacred place where he stored his cleaning supplies.
He looked so serious yet so oddly at ease when he was focusing all of his attention on cleaning up the mess you had caused and even went beyond that, following his preset cleaning routine throughout the whole kitchen. He was so focused on his task that he didn’t even notice you had finished cooking by now and already started setting the table for the two of you. Once you were done, you sat down and just observed him for a minute or two, fawning over your bulky version of a housewife. Smiling fondly, you thought to yourself how despite all of his antics, you had definitely struck gold with Barou Shouei as your boyfriend.
You knew all of his cleaning routines in and out, what products he used where and how long he usually took for each step, and you knew just as well that it was never any use rushing him, so you just sat there for a bit and let him do his thing.
Others might not be able to see any difference at all, but the way he was scowling and furrowing his brows right now looked almost adorable to you — in your eyes, it was entirely different from his scowl when he was mad or annoyed. You simply couldn’t help yourself as you walked up to him when he was almost done, nearly startling him as you suddenly stepped right in front of him and squished his cheeks together with one hand, an amused smirk tugging on your lips as you leaned in and gave him a quick peck on his.
"Hah?!" Barou was taken by surprise by your random display of affection and scoffed in annoyance, yet he could not help the redness now flushing his cheeks.
"Oh my, don’t tell me… I just managed to fluster the King?" You taunted him with a devious grin, stepping in even closer to him and placing your palms on both sides of his face, making him look at you directly.
"What’s that? Why so cocky all of a sudden, little one?", he inquired with a now smug expression, leaning down until his nose was almost touching yours as he placed his large hands on your hips.
"Maybe because I’m so proud of the amazing dinner I managed to whip up for us", you chuckled, motioning over to the table.
"Tch, not without mutilating my perfectly intact kitchen in the process", he grumbled in response, glaring at you with a frown that would’ve made anyone else crumble under his gaze.
Unfazed, you shrugged and curtly replied "Collateral damage", biting your lip to hold back a laugh, to which he let go of you and turned towards the table as he clicked his tongue, gesturing dismissively.
"Crazy woman."
"You love it, neurotic man. Now sit your grumpy ass down and enjoy your meal."
"This better turn out to be a damn good meal."
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starbeltconstellation · 5 months ago
https://pin.it/1Ue6SrYmF first one is literally melanie 😭
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Omgggg! 😭😭😭😂 This is SOOOO hilarious. And so true! 👀👀 As many readers of my fic will know… hehe. 😈😜💕✨
I WILL say I don’t believe Melanie is purposely trying to do this with Anakin yet, for the simple reason that she doesn’t even BELIEVE she has the sway with him to even ATTEMPT something like that. She’s kinda doing it in “nudges” (like with Barriss and Sugi? 👀) by complete accident, just by stating her opinion or snapping in the heat of the moment when the stress gets to her too much and she just can’t handle seeing one more of Anakin’s red flags in a single day. 🫠😖💔😆
But I do think it’s cool you brought this meme to my attention (thanks SO much for that, by the way. 😭❤️💕🥹 It makes my little writer heart so happy when readers interact like this. It definitely helps with writing motivation), specially because this WILL become something similar to Melanie’s arc with Anakin.
Anakin at one point was only seen as a terrifying weapon of destruction by Melanie, which is why she was so afraid of him and avoided him like the plague. 🥶😅 But now that Melanie is growing to CARE about Anakin’s safety (instead of just apathetically hoping his life will also be saved from her MAIN goal of saving the galaxy and the Jedi and clones in the long run), she is starting to see him as someone who is ALSO a shield against danger. Because Anakin IS different than Palpatine, and that’s SO important, because it shows that despite what some of his fans want to try and twist themselves into knots to believe—Anakin’s choices MATTER. And his actions will LITERALLY ruin the lives of all his friends and family to a near irreparable degree. Luke is the hope, and (while the Sequels are highly disappointing to me) the effects of Anakin’s actions are ripples that will be felt throughout the galaxy for GENERATIONS.
The Sequel Trilogy makes it canon that eventually it all came out to the Senate that Anakin and ‘Darth Vader’ are the same person, which basically erases all of his other deeds in the eyes of the citizens of the galaxy who aren’t Jedi monks who believe in forgiveness and ‘redemption’ even after thousands of atrocities. THIS is the legacy he will leave behind. Because while Anakin wasn’t the MASTERMIND behind Order 66, he was still the lead ATTACK DOG, and so many Jedi could’ve escaped without his presence at the Temple that day. Order 66 was a plan long in motion before Anakin even met Palpatine, and maybe things still would’ve gone wrong, but without Anakin’s horrific betrayal—things might’ve not been beyond REPAIR. At least for the next 20 years or so.
Anyway, I’m kinda ranting. 😂 But all of this basically is just to say that the meme is hilarious and SOOO right, because strangely enough—the more Melanie spends with Anakin, he doesn’t just represent the chilling dread of what will happen should she fail whenever she spots his red flags—but he also represents her HOPE. Because with every IMPROVEMENT he makes (to her GREAT astonishment, at least at the beginning 😂💕👀), it gives her more strength to keep marching forward with the belief that maybe she CAN change the fate of the galaxy.
Because if ANAKIN SKYWALKER (who is the literal CATALYST for everything plunging the galaxy into darkness after he chooses to betray his friends and family and join the basically ‘Devil’ of Star Wars) can slowly begin to change into someone better—then maybe… just maybe… the galaxy can be pulled back from the brink of ruin. Anakin is basically like the tipping scale for all of this. People who’ve read my fic will notice how more chipper Mel’s mood becomes when Anakin does or says something out of character that surprises her—and her mood can just as quickly descend into nauseating disgust and hopelessness if Anakin starts spouting off something bloodthirsty or dehumanizing about the Jedi Order that he will one day help genocide with seemingly zero remorse. Her hope is becoming BASED off of him, just as Anakin’s moral compass (for better or for worse) is becoming wrapped up in the idea of “What would Melanie do?”
This isn’t necessarily the BEST mindset to have regarding his thought process if he wants his change to be for HIMSELF alone—but it’s a whole lot of character development compared to Anakin originally not thinking over his slightly darkening actions at all. Change isn’t simple or even LINEAR. In one chapter (slight spoilers maybe for new readers 😂😅), Anakin eventually stops his “kill count” game with Ahsoka—not because he’s suddenly fully seen the light and is all sunshine and rainbows now and fully realizes his bloodthirsty tendencies popping up on the battlefield or the error of his ways—but instead because it “just isn’t fun anymore.” And you can argue that unconsciously Anakin’s mind IS starting to recognize that such actions are not the best, since he feels “a strange curdle in his stomach” at the thought of him and Ahsoka laughing like younglings and stepping over the bodies of clones and Geonosians alike. But it’s not CONSCIOUS yet. He’s not there yet. But it IS a change. And you’ll start to see more and more things like this pop up until he DOES have moments of true epiphany, which is exactly where the “crafting a scenario in which HE betters HIMSELF” comes in.
Just like with Barriss—Melanie cannot MAKE the choice for Anakin. He has to make it himself. And I think once she starts to recognize more of the sway she has in at least making Anakin at least CONSIDER her opinion, the more she’ll try to “nudge” him in the right direction, while standing back and biting her nails and holding her breath to see what choice he’ll make.
In conclusion—sameee, anon. ✋😭😂 This really is SOOO Mel. Right now she’s more in the “I can’t FIX him. How am I supposed to do that? 😭🥶” stage while turning tail to run the other way. But once she starts to RECOGNIZE more of the changes in him? I definitely think—ironically enough—this very thing is what will help Melanie’s deteriorating mental health the most.
So sorry for the long meta post. 😂❤️ I just can’t resist talking about SW and my fic writing process, I suppose.
And so very sorry for the late response! 😭💔😖 Life just gets in the way, and I really wanna dedicate a good and in depth answer to each ask I get so you all feel special! ✨😁💕 I still have four to catch up on…. 🫠🫠 Sorry, guysssss.
Hope to hear from you again! 😜✋💕✨
To any readers that stumble across this and are curious enough to check out my fic:
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candyqueenblog · 2 months ago
OKAY, so, Comet doesn't have a Tumblr, unfortunately... So I thought, why not send these to you directly then? I really wanna show these to them as well, UGHHH😭. I'll try again with AO3 tomorrow. OKAY, LET'S GET ON WITH IT AAAAAHHHH!! SOOO, I HAVE A LOT OF SCREENS. I tried to put them together in each category! 😅❤️
(Main colors: green/blue/white/gold)
Let's start off with the 'decor' (so how it could look at the tables and just the wedding in general).
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Soooo, the one picture with the two people? (hanging white flowers) That's the original Twilight wedding! Based off of that, I kept looking, but in the colors I had in mind!
Okay, so now for the cake! Omg, I could not for the life of me choose which one was my favorite... I LOVE the star/moon concept so much because HELLOOO!? THE NAME OF THE FIC AAAAHHH, but the flower ones were also so freaking pretty...
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I've never sent pictures like this on Tumblr, so I hope you can see them HAHAHAHAHA
OMG these are all so pretty! And don't worry about me choosing something else, because I have NO eye for color or creativity, so I'm just gonna defer to the experts like yourself who know how to ACTUALLY make something look pretty XD
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wanderingmoonmen · 1 year ago
hiiii my kennderland goddess so ive been catching on to ur series of kennderland sooo much im so hooked to it ITS SO GOOD GODLY DELICIOUS KAWAII DELIGHTFUL GOODNESS i love it so much and like its the reason why im into crackship SO like im not rushing u or anything im just worried if theres anything wrong around u cuz u havent updated since july and i kinda worried ..... if u answer this THANKS SO MUCH for answering and i hope ure always doing well in everything !!!!1!1
Oughhh this is such a sweet ask 😭😭😭 There hasn't been anything "wrong" necessarily - I've been struggling to get through this part of the planned story as I am... way more comfortable writing angst/hurt/comfort/more plot nonsense rather than fluff. I love drawing fluffy stuff! Struggle to write 😅
Between that and just general ~adult life~ fun times (job has been stupid, but now I've committed to finding a new one so that's given a lot of relief, after a couple other med changes for the Mental Illness I'm finally finally feeling better) I haven't been able to progress
However! I do have.......... a lot of other stuff written (both for james/Leon and me falling down the rabbit hole of wesker/Birkin and intertwining everyone between SH and RE) that hopefully once I get through this slump I'll have a little bit of backlog (tbh getting this ask has kinda motivated me to wanting to try and work on this :) )
I also literally have an entire sketchbook full of drawings and have been drawing Entire Group Nonsense that I can hopefully post? I won't promise because it's annoying to scan stuff lol so maybe I'll take some pictures if that's something you'd want to see too (I do have some stuff on here already that went to the drawings on ao3)
It also has passed the one year of drowning into this nonsense where I accidentally drug myself and @fly-rye into this. Seeing these awful unpracticed drawings is so funny and scary 🤣 with me drawing Leon with SUPER emo hair
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I'll also in lude some doodles for the last chapters uploaded for PE
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Also James' big beautiful body in unrelated stupid shirts
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(I've done this on mobile so hopefully the formatting isn't horrendous 😅)
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frenzyarts · 1 year ago
Oh that last ask reminds me. Would you consider making a subscribestar alongside your patreon? I wanna see the nsfw art but patreon hates me sooo much
A couple people have asked me if I would use places other than Patreon and the main reason that I don’t is cause I can barely juggle my online stuff as it is, adding another platform would be too stressful 😅
I do still plan to put some on kofi and I know I’ve said that before but I swear I will actually do it this year 😭🙌
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i-have-one-braincell · 1 year ago
What's your favourite usm episode? And which one made you start shipping spideyfist?
Omg I LOOOVVEEEEEE S1 Ep25 it’s my most favorite episode throughout the entire show. I always rewatch it to move on from my writing blocks and its just SOOO GOODD😭😭.
One can really feel the pain that Harry was feeling in the beginning and the viewer (finally) watching how Peter being Spider-Man affected his relationship with Harry at that moment and his hesistance of leaving Harry from the team’s call. I loved how Peter found it how slightly annoying it is to follow his motto of ‘Great Responsibility’ after ditching Harry and even wish to have his Peter Parker life in order, something that wasn’t really brought into light into the season until that episode.
I also enjoyed the dynamic that Danny and Luke had in the warehouse of Danny reassuring Luke to calm down. I adore their friendship in other media and I haven’t seen them fully interact with each other in private or have conversations together so watching that scene in the beginning of the episode completely healed my PowerFist heart ❤️.
Doc Ock backstabbing Norman was very well done. Watching it, I couldn’t help but feel excited when Doc Ock backstabbed him and his cruel method of controlling him like how Norman controlled him throughout the season.
Goblin’s theme in the episode when he transformed was very chilling that fitted the situation soo well from how uncontrollable and violent he was as Goblin considering of how easily he took down the team and Doc Ock as Peter watched, unsure of what to do and hesitant since he’s Harry’s dad.
The fight between them was well done especially when Peter attempted to help Norman and reminding him of Harry and finally deciding that he wouldn’t hesitate to hurt Norman if it meant protecting his team.
Watching Peter becoming angry at himself for being the cause of hurting the people that he cares about was like music to my ears. I never saw Peter express those worries in the past episodes until this one and that made me very happy that I got the Spider-Man that I wanted until the next episode 😅😅.
And to answer your second question, I have to say that the first episodes that made me ship Spideyfist would be S1 Ep5 and 13.
I just thought it was cute of how Danny was the only one who gave Peter decent advice of being his own person than being like Tony Stark and actually believed in him to control the suit and trusted Peter’s plan unlike the others. The last minute of the episode was really cute also of how Peter slid his chair across Danny with a grin and arm around him and speaking so soft towards him. I really enjoyed the fortune cookie joke that Danny gave to Peter as a comeback to what Peter said to him before his suit gotten hacked.
Danny’s trust in Peter’s actions remains true to Ep 13 of Danny only waking Peter up and actually finds him trustworthy. And also Peter’s spider senses matching Danny’s wavelength, like hello??😭😭 Peter trying to get Danny out of his senses in his nightmare and being the first to discover his insecurities and self-doubt was very cute.
I very much ship them from how wholesome their relationship is and how they can relate and learn from one another like in the episodes. They would have problems in the relationship for sure, dating a hero isn’t easy nor the healthiest, but I believe that they would manage to figure everything out as a couple would.
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sungbeam · 9 months ago
alright- because this is way awake me- I didn't read back my tags until today- i wasn't speaking properly in those tags (i said sleeping instead of reading... and other messy tags)- I def didn't convey half of what I wished to- (esp because we're limited to thirty tags...) anyways! scooby doo brains unite hehe~ it was an absolute fever dream to read this at 3-4am- (esp when I knew I was gonna help a friend move but once I start sth *esp a fic this good* I must finish it-) It was worth every second of missed sleep- The emotions were so powerful 😭💖 and I felt them to the nth degree- Omg?!? You wrote it without knowing the ending!? I love that sm- because that ending!? Was beyond what words can express- You tied up every end- And omg!? I was looking for the word foil- and god- I loved the use of it- You're so right the slow burn was def burning that midnight oil at midnight creek!!! 😭😭 Omg?!?! You imagine fics as movies too omg!? Heck yeah 😭 The parallel between the sisters!!! Omg it was one of my favorite little bits- You may have not realized it- but it was just so goooodddd- I was hoping for a brutal fight sequence with Bonnie- and you provided all that and more! I was sincerely left with my jaw dropped it was so good- (what I was trying to express was how it felt fated that after yn named it clyde- he jokingly named his bonnie and once he saved yn from mika- he called it bonnie again. It was as if their relationship was fated for it to happen the moment after the reader named clyde- because bonnie and clyde were together til the end/no matter what- if that makes more sense?) No it's not strange that you liked writing it- it was beyond amazing- i'm so glad you enjoyed writing it 😭💖 because for me as a reader it was clear how much love and thought was put into this fic- I lllloooovveeed that scene- (I def couldn't express it that night and meant to fix my tags but my sleepy brain said *post*)- I loved the other two fics in this series- and I just- even thinking back into the story I'm just so content- it was my everything- (ngl this makes me want to read it all over again). (I wish for you to know that I keep thinking about that little ring and it means sm- I wish I had gotten to talk about the disgrace bit because it was brutal yet a deeper dive into his backstory and I loved it- there's just sm to say about this brilliant fic but I'll stop here). anyways thank you again for writing that lovely "movie" 🥺💖
omg no cuz why do we always stay up when we know we have to get up to do something the next day 😭😭 scooby doo brain fever or sumn @@ PLS honestly if u read half of what i spout out after reading long fics, u wouldn't even understand what im trying to convey 😭
RAAAH I APPRECIATE THAT 😭😭 no cuz i kinda wrote the confession part separately but it was supposed to be closer to the middle?? BUT that was when i planned for the fic to be waaay longer 🤧 the end really was made up on the fly skfbeknfnf so im glad it all wrapped up nicely for u, that puts my mind at ease 😅 i figured there'd be some questions lol
omg i just realized i put midnight creek instead of moonstone creek 😭😭😭 my own fic and i can't even remember akfndknfkd BUT YES I IMAGINE LIKE EVERY FIC AS A MOVIE :'))) it's just so much fun to see how it progresses and to imagine like music and camera angles lol and when the fic is written well, the scenes just flow sooo nicely together yk?
no omg the bonnie and clyde thing def makes sense !!! i didn't know if doing that pairing would be cheesy or not but i think it fits w them well, and im glad u agree :'))) AHHH YEAH im so glad u thought so, this was my passion project, like truly. idt i'll ever be able to write sumn like this ever again and that low-key makes me sad TT
the disgrace part has so much behind it, like i put it into the beginning without quite knowing where it would lead, but now i have a better idea of his back story that i hope to write out some time !! im so glad the little ring part is sticking with u; it makes me so emo thinking abt it 😭
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pixelshary · 2 years ago
I built an entire farm on a 50x50 lot, spent a whole week doing it, and then dropped the game for another week afterward because I just didn't feel like playing. When I finally wanted to play again, I demolished the entire lot and bought a smaller one🤧
It disheartens me so much. Now I'm just going to want to play again when the exam period starts and thats really sucks🤧😓😩
hello dear anon! 👋😊 yea i think the lot i took is 40x50 ... i'm a slow builder and for me i was quite fast with it bc i just liked it so much. and i think bc of the fact that i build so much at once burned me out and my head was not liking it at all! 😅 and the most problem i have is .. i have the idea what i want to do and then i need the lot and there we are at the problem. slow builder ... and after too much time with it i will not do what i planned to do. and that's just a never ending story sadly .. 🙃 and yea that's a big bummer too!! when you don't have the time the urge to play is sooo strong but when time is free ... nope .. no play! 😭😂 but i wish you the best of luck for your exams! and that you have after it the time to play and be happy with it! 😊🧡🌻 wish you a beautiful day/night! ☕🌿 oh and i hope you saved your lot! bc otherwise .. NOOOOOOOO!!! 🙈🌼
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ahundredtimesover · 1 year ago
Fck fck fck!! The chapter mimi!!! Wtf!? How can it be sooooooooooo gooood! I'm freaking out sm rn🫢 I don't wut part of it i liked the most, its the whole chapter ig? It was sooo long and sooo fulfilling. I CAN'T wait for the next chapters!!! Can you see my grabby hands?? Give it to me😭
Also hv you started writing second season? And are you planning on dropping it the same way you're doing rn or are you gonna post em as soon as you finish writing? chapter by chapter?
AHHHH yay! Lots happened, right! And we got to see how much they’re opening up to each other! 😌 so so so happy you enjoyed it!! 🥹
The next chapters will take a while but they will come! As for the second season, it’s quite planned out but I have yet to write it. I’ll probably start posting once I’ve written a few chapters so expect me to dip and disappear after season 1 😅😅
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jisungsdaydreamer · 1 year ago
hi dreamy :)!! i recently read your lee know chapter to of the love playlist series and it was sooo good 😭💗💗💗💗 your characterisation is insane and they felt like real people! it gave me a little escape during finals season. and i mean who doesn’t love a little angst hurt comfort fic?!
just a quick question and no pressure to be added at all! do you ever plan on continuing it? if not that’s okay, i’ll just reread over the lee know chapter and i’ll keep reading your new stuff! but if yes i’m voting for the seungmin one to go up next because idk i just love the way seungmin is written by stays 😭 it’s always so good!
okay thank you so much for sharing your beautiful writings and words to us! i hope you have a great day 🫶
hiii love! thank you so much for sending me this sweet message because make it right is one of my favorite stories that i've ever posted on here 😭😽 i definitely do plan on continuing it! i actually took a break from writing these past few months since im in my 1st yr of college and i wanted to adjust to living away from home, so i didn't have much time to write :(( but i actually just started posting recently (right before finals, which is a bit ill-timed haha) my finals finish in exactly 1 week, and then i'll be updating love playlist soon after that! and actually i was planning to write hyunjin next initially but now i really wanna write seungmin frfr 😅 thank you so much for writing to me and i hope you have a great day as well! good luck on your finals 💫💫🌠
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fullsunstrawberry · 2 years ago
hey love!! i have a LOT to say... so buckle in
one- new layout!
two- boyfriend is back from japan i missed him way too much 😅
my oldest brother has always been an asshole, ive also never been that close to him anyway, but he's still an asshole
and my middle brother is like literally my best friend and loves my boyfriend as well so yk we super close and shit
SO MY OLDEST BROTHER was talking shit about my relationship around my middle brother and my brother slapped him in the face (or maybe punched idek the whole story) so now everyone is like so confused and stuff (including me) and kao feels so bad bc he feels like he started it even tho its not his fault 😭 and my middle brother is stressing out bc he just "ruined his whole relationship with his brother" and my older brother... well idrk about him bc we talk only when we need to
anyway so today like at 12 the fam scheduled a zoom meeting so i can talk to everyone to try and see whats going on yk and there was this big argument between my mom and my oldest bro and now everything is so tense and stuff... BUT ON THE BRIGHT SIDE my exams are done and now i can focus on more things other than math and econ (regretting my major choices HARD rn)
hows your school and stuff? pls stay safe and drink lots of water <33
(omg whenever i ask someone about school i feel old)
i have so many stories i need to tell you but im going to hold it in so i dont write a whole novel
(sorry for my grammar and stuff i do math for a reason man)
i’m buckled in 🫡
firstly: you’re new layout is so cute <3
secondly: ahhh i’m picturing the romantic airport reunion! like running to each other at the airport 😍
NOW HERES THE TEA 🍵 🫖 !! I STAN YOUR MIDDLE BROTHER!! hopefully your oldest brother can see how much of a shit he was being and apologize. Also idk which brother’s wedding your planning but he should either be thankful because a. you’re putting so much effort to help one of your brothers and shut his mouth or b. your planning his wedding so he should shut his mouth…either way he should be quiet 🤐
^^this gets me heated cause i have a good relationship with my only sibling and i would never talk shit about his girlfriend :( !!
eyyy i forgot it’s exam season and i’m regretting not studying because my exams are next week 😢 YOURE MAJORING IN MATH AND ECON??? you’re stronger than me 😰 i’m basically failing calculus rn…i’m a business major basically meaning i don’t know what do do with my life yet hahaha
school right now is basically the calm before the storm, all the teachers are rushing to get everything done before all the exams go down and finalizing all my college stuff…i’m planning on going on hiatus for a week or two during all my final exams but hopefully my haechan smau will be done by then 🤞🤞🤞 and I'll still be online and stuff just won’t be posting and texts/reactions gotta keep my sanity somehow
also it was bring your child to work day today and i never felt so old…
i’m a grammar.ly person so if my grammar is wrong i’ll blame it on the app being stupid,, the amount of times i re-read all my work to make sure everything is okay is honestly insane (if i say i haven’t read over what i’ve written it was because i was sleep deprived)
can’t wait to here all your stories <3 my life is kinda boring rn sooo i’m all ears 😍😍❤️
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here4theheartbreak · 2 years ago
I can’t imagine there being a gay bar here hosting monthly kpop nights. In fact, I can’t even imagine there being a gay bar...!  😅
The cup sleeve itself looks so nice, and so do those pretty decorations! I'm so glad these events are a thing. I think it really builds a sense of (wider) community. 💕
Bouncy definitely has a 'kpop' vibe. The first time I heard it, it felt simultaneously like the least/most ‘Ateez’ Ateez song to date. But I know that was their plan. They’ve been saying for a while that they want to try and capture the interest of KR at large — whilst also being themselves and respecting what they already have. Which, honestly, I think they’ve done. It’s a nice song to just ENJOY and have fun with. 🌶️🔥🐐🥊🤠 
That’s a lot of songs you made your way through over the weekend! I’m impressed. There were a few songs I wasn’t sure about at first...but now I’m actively adding them to my playlists, soooo yeah... 🌟✨
A miniseries would be great!! I’d love it if it was like the MV’s and the teasers — where there are just subtitles and sometimes voiceovers. That’d be pretty cool. I hope they do it. Or that they do something similar! KQ are clearly not afraid to splash a little cash on locations and cinematography. 
Ohhh, I read the new Diary storyline/pages on twitter somewhere. It’s definitely on there if you don’t want to wait!
The Atiny and Ateez relationship is sooo good. Surprisingly good, actually. We’re really lucky that nothing significant has happened to create distance. Especially given how some fans are so invasive and overly familiar sometimes. Still, I think Atiny are mostly chill, and there’s not much guilt involved in supporting them either. Not everyone can vote every single time, or stream all day long. From what I’ve seen, it’s always just been a case of if you can, please do. And, yeah, it doesn't always work out. There have been a few heartbreaking losses on music shows, for instance (the one where they all had glasses of orange juice on stage to celebrate, but then they didn’t win, springs to mind 😭). Still, it’s like San always says, we can support Ateez with our whole hearts, but we should always be the most important people in our own lives!
JFC. YES. THERE'S SO MUCH CONTENT. I can only wish you luck because that is quite a mountain to climb! 😅
Wanteez is so good! I especially loved the latest drinking episodes! Poor drunk San! Someone save him, our tipsy tomato~!
Ah, I also love Woosan! 🦊☂️⛰️ I love their energy. I love that they bicker. I love that they cling. I love that they have matching friendship tattoos. I love: 'we're not always good, but we always choose each other.' I love: 'the best luck I have experienced in my life was meeting you.'
They’re super cute, and silly, and funny~!
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I’m really glad that San is someone you can have as a bias — even if it felt impossible for you at first. He really has such a good heart! Just like Wooyoung!
Honestly, I think people often forget that about Wooyoung, because he’s loud and he’s hilarious. I mean, yes, he's always messing with the members and causing chaos on screen and on stage.... but he’s incredibly kindhearted.
Hongjoong literally said that when Wooyoung gets hurt by other people, he blames himself rather than them. He blames himself for trusting them in the first place, rather than them for what they’ve done to him.
Alsoooo, when that whole Ateez vs Vata dance plagiarism thing happened he was so visible in standing up for their team. Adding the 'driving' move to his The Real dance breaks. Calling out the copying. What a guy.
And then there's that time he called out a sasaeng for continually phoning Jongho when they were doing a vlive together. He's not afraid to speak up and it's such a strength.
Oh! Annnnnnd there's the fact that he cried after Yeosang's ending ment last year because he'd overheard Yeosang talking to his mom about a surgery she was having.... but YS hadn't told anyone in Ateez about it, including WY even though they'd been friends for 8 years. And WY had been so worried about YS's mom but he didn't know how to ask him about it. So, he ended up in tears when YS brought it up on stage.
Really, Wooyoung cares so much. I could list soooo many different examples of him feeling so much, and caring so much, about those around him.
In fact, I could probably do that for all the members! 😂💖
(/you have reached the end of my unplanned Wooyoung rant 😂)
Ahhh yeah, absolutely none of them can stay in their lanes. They're always swerving all over the place. Right now, Yunho is coming for me. The way he laughs shyly into his hand? Let me live, puppy~ 😩
Since day one, my bias has been Kim Hongjoong! I saw our tiny captain rapping with his pretty hair, looking full of passion, painting his clothes and his nails, telling off the younger members like a stressed-out dad, and I was like 'ahhh, there he is. He's the man for me!'
My bias wrecker is Seonghwa. So, I'm all about Matz~! 😂 But I literally love them all so much!
Well, I recently got an Ateez tattoo- lyrics from Promise. So, I recommend the Promise video from 2019 - although the 'Band Live Concert' version is the one I actually like the most, the 2019 one is just the one from when I first got into them, so it has nice memories attached to it!
Don't Stop is a great MV that people sometimes miss because it's not on KQ's channel.
I still recommend Treasure Film because they have to do a bunch of fun tasks - Jongho has to arm wrestle guys at a gym, Yeosang has to conquer his shyness and say hello to people on the street (🥺) etc etc. And there's a really sweet section near the end where they have to call their moms and tell them what they're thankful for. It's so good because they're actually exactly like their moms! 💖
There's also their cover of Black Cat Nero. Both the Immortal Songs stage and the subsequent MV are good!
And there's the song they did for Pepsi with Monsta X (and others) - Summer Taste. It's worth a glance. Changkyun coming in after Hongjoong?? Yessss, please. 😍
Talking of MX, Choi Jongho has got to be the most successful Monbebe of all time! What a king~!✨
Sorry about this being an essay length ask.... 😩😂
Honestly the production quality that KQ has when it comes to their mvs is insane! Right away I asked my friend who owned these guys - given the horrid history with certain companies, there’s some I’m just not comfortable supporting even in a small way - when she said they were fully indie I did not expect much at all - so I was absolutely FLOORED. They know where their cash cow is and they treat them well, it seems.
I actually ordered another copy that should be here sooner of the diary version! Should be here next week I think, so sooner than mid-July lol; I have a friend who is getting into the group with me so I’ll just gift them the extra copy (they don’t collect PCs or anything, so I often end up passing along my spare copies of albums that I don’t wanna tangle with selling 😂)
I sat down today and tried to go and make a list of all their different variety shows and things they appear often on (like their hello82 stuff, etc) and I was floored by just how much there was. Every time I thought I completed the list I scrolled and found yet another show or mini-series I had completely missed 😩 - how does this group have so much?? Do these kids SLEEP? 🤣
I have seen clips of the drinking episode and am so tempted to skip forward to it because it looks so genuinely hilarious, who the hell let them get that drunk 😂
My God I can’t talk enough about Woosan. I’ve always been preferential to bias pairs who have that tom and jerry soulmate energy but I genuinely haven’t had a pair that embodies it SO perfectly. The people you look at and you’re like, yeah, those two were always meant to find each other, it wouldn’t matter how many miles separated them, they’d wind up stumbling over each other in some way. 
“We’re not always good, but we always choose each other.” - the way I almost burst into tears, I watched that episode just last night actually. Or the recent show - when San was asked if he regretted the tattoo and just, entirely unhesitating “never” even tho they’d been sniping at each other all day 😭😭😭
And truly! I didn’t think much about Woo at first; I kinda assumed he was just another dancer/visual type but since San wouldn’t let me breathe without Wooyoung RIGHT THERE I ended up looking more into him and he’s so sweet. My God, he’s such a caring, gentle person. Definitely the embodiment of more than meets the eye in so many ways. And he’s so mindful of all the members, he knows exactly how to play with each of them, even if sometimes it’s a little chaotic, you just know he’s always gonna be the one there if they need something.
I heard about the Vata thing! That took some real nerve on his part, calling him out so publicly - good for him though, there needs to be more people in the industry like him, it might become a little less corrupt and nasty if there were. If more weren’t afraid to call out the bullshit maybe people would be more mindful of not starting this shit.
And frankly his TALENT. Jesus. When I told my friend I’d picked him as my split bias for sure, she explained some of his past and being picked on by other fandoms, etc - it was heartbreaking - he’s got so much talent and deserves the world 😭
I mean honestly - all of them; I’ve never seen a more shining example of a group of just genuinely well meaning people who try their best to do the right thing, and so talented on top of it - like… How did I miss them for so long??? I got into kpop as a whole literally six months before they debuted?! I could have picked them up from day one! The way I’m kicking myself for it 😩
Yunho! Jfc that guy. He was the member I didn’t really notice right away but this comeback and as I watch more variety shows - he’s so cute?! And he’s got such a funny personality, bahh- I figured I’d be safe from him but nah, he’s climbed right up there. Instead of a list of 8 places 1 through 8 this group is more like 1, 2, 2.5 — Woosan; Yeo and Joong; then the other 4 - there’s no least favorite 😭
Ah! Tattoo! That’s so cool; I love it; my friend has an Ateez tattoo from Star 1117; I’m thinking I will probably add one to my sleeve as well, I’ll wait until after I go to a concert, maybe, unless I’m super inspired. I haven’t seen that video though! Another one to add to my list lol - but I have seen Don’t Stop! That video was insane, I loved it sm and the song was great. I remember sending it to my friend when I watched it with the comment ���the sweet little criminal mastermind pirates” (honestly the number of nicknames this poor group has ended up with - my favorite was for Jongho, “the softest insurrectionist you’ll ever see” - and I stand by that. 😂)
Also omg Black Cat Nero - so this video is funny (in another I’m kicking myself square in the ass way) bc I’ve seen it pop up on my dash ever since it came out (the Halloween m/v specifically); and every time I saw it I almost clicked on it bc it looked interesting with San’s makeup… And I didn’t because it wasn’t a group I was into so I just… Ignored it. For two years YouTube has tried to hand me this damn group.
(Also no need to apologize for the long asks lol - I’m sure my non-atiny friends are so so sick o hearing me ramble for hours about these guys so I 100% do not mind 😂😂😂😂
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trippinsorrows · 5 months ago
Ok, small rant because I kinda just had a whole epiphany 🫠🫠
I read your last ask about Joe and Reader, and I wanted to comment that at first, I felt that Joe was being written as just a man hoeing around & it always pissed me off how he brushed off reader when she ended things, at first at least. & I don't know if that was intentional? Because to me there was a switch when it came to his character like man cheating to man in love. But then I thought that, well there was a bizzillion things we didn't know, so the narration couldn't tell us why he wasn't fighting for her. BUT THEEEEEEN I thought that we are the reader, the narration comes from her, so we see things from her pov so it made sense that she perceived him that way? Because in that moment he was in fact just a man hoeing around to her? Idk
And that's where sometimes I have a "hard" time(and I don't even think that's the right word) with With Me cause sometimes I wanna be in his head 😂 and it stressed me that I can't because I'm her, if that makes sense. Like when he was being shady about his plans after WM. Especially cause that man tends to compartmentalize his emotions so he is kinda hard to read unless reader is... well, reading him and tell us how she thinks/knows he's feeling.
And maybe that's why I think I have sooo many questions about them at the beginning because I'm craving to know all the details, like was he in love? What did he think when he saw her? Was he fucking other women at first? Was he really gonna do nothing about his feelings before knowing about Callie!? Etc. Like bro, tell me what you're feeliiiiiiing. (Even with Roman with LTYE I feel we do get his pov from time to time. is it weird that i feel i know Roman better than Joe? 😅).
Anyway, this of course has nothing to do with your amazing writing ❤️ it was just like my perspective reading your story. And I do realize is kind of stupid coming to the conclusion that i am reader 🙃 like duh?
Anyway, thanks if you read all that and thanks for sharing your stories with us. 🥰
lmaooo i love rants! it vibes so well with the adhd in me 🤣🤣🤣
everything you touched on is why, surprisingly, i really don't like reader insert stories. i find them much easier to write than third person, but you're so limited to perspective! like you said, the entirety of that series is told from 'our'/readers perspective, so it's inherently biased. we only know what she knows as she knows it.
so, yes, roman did appear pretty dismissive when she ended things, but as they'd been fucking around for a minute, he didn't take her seriously. until he did and realized she was for real.
reader stories, imo, are just so limiting. you and i seem to be on the same page. we like to know what's going on with characters. 🤣 there's a bit more freedom with that in third person. so, it makes sense you know more about roman than joe because roman has been fleshed out a ton more. we see so much more of his dynamics, get some of his pov from time to time, get to know him better. if that makes sense lol
and tbh, i would love to show more of joe and his family dynamics beyond the twins in the series, but like i said in another ask, i just feel weird about bringing in his real family members who aren't famous when it's obvious irl joe is a very private person. and i know it's literally just a damn fanfiction story, but idk 😭 like i wanted to have a scene or flashback showing callie meeting joe's parents, and then sika died and these rude ass people who don't respect boundaries at all kept sharing the photos and videos, and it just left a sour taste in my mouth idk.
but anyway, i'm going on a tangent lol, yes, you're also spot on that he compartmentalizes a lot of things, primarily his emotions. it'll be interesting to see how that plays out in the rest of book 2.
i do try my best to hint at things throughout the story. so, for instance, and i can't remember all of them, but i hinted at various points about joe dropping the title chapters before it actually happened. the one that's at the top of my head is when the girls are at the club and naomi suggests reader and callie go on the road with joe, but kaylah cuts her off and they change the subject. that's cause they already knew joe wasn't going to retain and was taking time off. or how when reader asked the girls about joe being weird and shutting down conversation about when the post baby arrives. we see bianca being in agreement with reader before she stepped out to talk to joe, but the minute the reader comes back, she done changed tunes. that's cause the ladies informed her of joe's plan.
i know they're not super obvious hints, but that's also kinda the goal? i like to hint and foreshadow in subtle ways that make you go 'ohhhh, that's why xyz happened!' lol
so yeah, now i'm just rambling, so i'm gonna shut up and thank you for your ask, friend! 😭😭😭
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