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ghastly-poltergeist · 1 year ago
Take a Break. (Leon Kennedy x James Sunderland)
Heyo people! Hope you're all doing well :3
I have a couple asks in the mailbox which I will get to soon, for now I come bearing fanfiction. I wrote this a while ago and had posted it to AO3, so I thought I would repost it here as well, why not. Errm no warnings for this one I don't think, word count is a little over 2k
Obligatory friend tags (moots if you wanna be added to the tag list just ask): @linminty
A week had already passed before Leon returned home. Another mission went sour, although he wasn't gone as long as he usually would be. This job was unforgiving, it seeped into your bones and ate away at you until there was nothing left but a husk. Leon was a husk. A husk of a man who once yearned for justice, a man who once was determined enough to take on the world. Now he was a man who barely had enough will to get up in the morning. He felt like a sleeper agent, totally detached from everything around him, the days passing by until he was summoned for whatever he had to do. Like clockwork, almost. The same old process that was wearing down on his tired bones.
But, now he was home, standing in the doorway of his shared apartment as he stared silently into the darkness. It was very late, and the space felt darker than usual, more empty. But it was the same as when he left it, save the few smaller items shifted around. He had owned this large apartment for years, but every time he returned to it, he felt more and more like a stranger. It was clearly lived in, and he of course knew that, but that didn't stop him from feeling like a visitor in the only place he could ever seek comfort. And seek comfort he did. Leon felt the mishaps and inconveniences of the week bear down on him heavily, he wanted to rest. Without second thought, Leon quietly closed the door and dropped his bag, not bothering to change clothes or even shower, he didn't have the energy for that. 'Maybe tomorrow, not tonight.' He thought. Not wanting to waste any more time, he stripped down to nothing but his boxers and the shirt he had underneath his work uniform, sleep weighing at his eyelids. Something deep down told him that he wouldn't get any sleep tonight, but that was okay, he didn't get much sleep anyway. All he wanted right now was rest, and he knew exactly where he was going to get it. Slowly padding his way towards the shared bedroom, Leon contemplated just going to the couch so as to not wake his partner up, but his yearn for comfort enabled him to keep walking- plus, James would probably get upset to find out he slept on the couch. And so, Leon walked up to the door and slowly turned the handle, not wanting to make too much noise. The door creaked at first, but made no further sound as it was opened all the way. Leon peered into the room, and there on the king sized bed was James, seemingly asleep, quietly snoring as his chest gently rose and fell with every breath he took. Leon, for a moment, forgot about everything that went down that week. His mind had cleared and his nerves felt calm for the first time in a while, but only for a moment. He hung his head low as a deep sigh left him; he didn’t want to wake up James. But, although his brain told him to just turn around and go to the couch, his sore body made its way to the bed. James was slightly sprawled out under the covers, and Leon quietly laughed to himself. It was often where they would both wake up practically on top of each other, they’d go to sleep curled up neatly before ending up in a position they weren’t in before. To refrain from waking James, Leon crawled into the bed, not bothering to go under the covers as he laid his exhausted body down, the warmth and comfort almost unfamiliar to him. And, although Leon wished he could hug James, cuddle into his side and listen to his heartbeat as he fell asleep, he opted to simply lay on his side, back facing James as he nuzzled into the soft pillow, feeling exhausted, yet so restless. As he closed his eyes, praying that sleep would come to him, he felt the bed shift, and he internally cursed. ‘Great, I woke him up…’ He thought, “You’re home…”
James was clearly very sleepy, his voice husky and his movements sluggish, but his voice was so full of love. It made Leon’s chest swell, hearing how much James truly missed him, and how happy he was that Leon had returned home. Leon couldn’t help but smile as he felt James wrap his arms around him, pulling him in close, holding him tight. “Yep, I’m home.” Leon responded, leaning back into James and resting his head on his shoulder. “Why didn’t you wake me up?” “You would’ve seen me in the morning, wouldn’t you?” “I haven’t seen you in a week.” Although it was lighthearted, Leon knew his sarcasm didn’t work well on James. He sighed somberly; “I… I just didn’t want to wake you up, Honey.” James didn’t respond, instead he leaned in close, pressing a tender kiss to Leon’s cheek. “Was it bad?” James asked after a moment. “Yeah. Not as bad as usual, but bad enough.”
Leon could tell just by James’ mannerisms that he wasn’t happy to hear that. James let out a deep sigh, holding Leon just a bit tighter in a comforting manner. This is exactly what Leon didn’t want. He didn’t want to have to burden James like this. This was something he’d rather talk about in the morning, not so late at night where he would have James worry. This was something he would rather not talk about at all. He wished he could come home from his job and sleep without having to relieve the horrors of it. He wished he could feel more energetic, wished he wasn’t in constant pain, wished he could spend more time with the man he loved, but it was unfortunately inevitable, and he hated that. Hated that he couldn’t have even a sliver of a normal life, hated that he couldn’t control his life the way he wanted too. The only time in his life that he actually felt like he had control over something was when he was with James. James kept him grounded, reminding Leon that despite everything, there are still people around him who care, people who truly love him. It was a shame that time was so short lived, constantly having to scurry off from one mission to the next after finally getting used to being home, being in a safe space where he wasn’t being hunted down or hunting something. Albeit, it would live with him forever, having James with him made it worth it, he wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Leon pondered for a while before he shifted to face James, cuddling into his chest. He reached for James’ hand and held it with a gentleness he knew they both appreciated, especially with the scars they both shared that littered their hands. “Hey… Don’t worry about it, okay? I’ve been through worse, I'll be fine, James.” "I just think you should take a break, that's all." James replied with some sadness in his voice, but returned the gesture, gently squeezing Leon's hand. "Sweetheart, you know I can't do that. They really need me out there, after all, where else are they going to find someone as strong and capable as me, huh?" Leon smiled up at James, using humor to be dismissive of the situation at hand. He tended to do that a lot, sometimes without even noticing. But even then, it was nothing more than being dismissive, a mechanism used to cope with the merciless requirements of his job, refusing to question his health and other needs, and even more so, not taking into consideration those around him. James was very quick to catch on, however; "Leon." James said firmly, looking Leon dead in the eyes. "I'm being serious. You really need to take a break. It's taking a toll on you, it's been taking a toll on you." "James." Leon mimicked. "I don't want you to worry about me. I'll worry about myself, and-" "That's the problem. You never worry about yourself." James cut Leon off, tired voice filled with anxiousness and minor frustration. "You're always so dismissive, it's hard to even take you seriously sometimes. I know you don't like talking about it, but every time you dismiss it, you're already gone before you even entertain the thought of changing something. Do you know what that's like for me? I worry because I'm afraid one day you won't come home, and… I think about that too often."
It looked like this barely even phased Leon, but it did, he just didn't show it. Deep down it actually felt terrible. This wasn't something that was ever verbalized before. Of course, they've both had their own experiences, witnessing and living through things people would only see in their nightmares. It wasn't a stretch to assume one would be afraid to lose something so close to them, after already losing everything else. Despite everything, James' hold on Leon remained, not faltering in tightness, a comforting grasp. After a moment of deafening silence, James spoke up again, this time more somberly. "... Sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I know it's bad-" "No! No… It's alright!" It was Leon's turn to cut James off. He quickly reassured him, reaching his hands up to gently hold James' face, bringing him in close. "It's okay, James. You don't have to say sorry, I should be the one apologizing. You're right, I'm not… being a good partner." "That's not what I-" "Shh, quiet. I know that's not what you mean, but it's true. I'm not listening to you. I've put you on the back burner and haven't heard you out at all. I've done nothing but worry you more than I actually wanted too. And that's… not what good partners do. So I'm sorry. And y'know what? I promise, I'll talk to someone. I'll talk to Hunnigan, and maybe I can work something out." Leon gently caressed James' face as he spoke, causing James to lean into his touch, smiling. "... You promise?" James mumbled as he nuzzled into Leon's hand, taking it into his own and kissing it. "I promise, sweetheart." Leon replied, genuinely. "Thank you, sweetheart." James answered, sweetly. "Hey now, I'm the one who uses 'sweetheart' here." James giggled quietly, any tension slowly fading away as they got lost in each other's little quips. "You haven't shaved, huh?" Leon commented in a lighthearted manner. "Neither have you." "I haven't been home, what's your excuse?" "I'm forgetful." "Heh, yeah, sure."
They both quietly laughed, continuing their friendly banter until sleep weighed heavy on them. Somehow, like usual, they both ended up in a different position from how they started, Leon almost on top of James as they snuggled together, resting silently. James ran a hand through Leon's messy hair, and placed a kiss on top of his head; "Goodnight, Leon." "Woah, hey. How about a proper kiss?" "I gave you one of those before you left, you can hold out till the morning, can't you?" James mocked, but leaned in closer to Leon anyway. "Yeah yeah, you're so amusing." Leon shook his head before he closed the gap between them. He missed the feeling of having James' lips on his, missing the feeling of being held with such delicacy and passion, missed… James. The kiss was sweet and short, they couldn't hold it for long as they both started to laugh, exhaustion from the night no doubt taking over them. "Okay… goodnight now, Leon." "... Goodnight, James." After such a long, hard, exhausting week full of complications and issues that were out of Leon's ability to solve, he felt calm and comfortable for the first time in a while. He wished he could spend every waking moment like this; curled up next to his loved one underneath a warm blanket, his troubles feeling miles away and the outside world nonexistent. Leon could feel his own heart beating faster than usual, and for once it's not out of fear or adrenaline, but instead out of love.
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wanderingmoonmen · 1 year ago
hiiii my kennderland goddess so ive been catching on to ur series of kennderland sooo much im so hooked to it ITS SO GOOD GODLY DELICIOUS KAWAII DELIGHTFUL GOODNESS i love it so much and like its the reason why im into crackship SO like im not rushing u or anything im just worried if theres anything wrong around u cuz u havent updated since july and i kinda worried ..... if u answer this THANKS SO MUCH for answering and i hope ure always doing well in everything !!!!1!1
Oughhh this is such a sweet ask 😭😭😭 There hasn't been anything "wrong" necessarily - I've been struggling to get through this part of the planned story as I am... way more comfortable writing angst/hurt/comfort/more plot nonsense rather than fluff. I love drawing fluffy stuff! Struggle to write 😅
Between that and just general ~adult life~ fun times (job has been stupid, but now I've committed to finding a new one so that's given a lot of relief, after a couple other med changes for the Mental Illness I'm finally finally feeling better) I haven't been able to progress
However! I do have.......... a lot of other stuff written (both for james/Leon and me falling down the rabbit hole of wesker/Birkin and intertwining everyone between SH and RE) that hopefully once I get through this slump I'll have a little bit of backlog (tbh getting this ask has kinda motivated me to wanting to try and work on this :) )
I also literally have an entire sketchbook full of drawings and have been drawing Entire Group Nonsense that I can hopefully post? I won't promise because it's annoying to scan stuff lol so maybe I'll take some pictures if that's something you'd want to see too (I do have some stuff on here already that went to the drawings on ao3)
It also has passed the one year of drowning into this nonsense where I accidentally drug myself and @fly-rye into this. Seeing these awful unpracticed drawings is so funny and scary 🤣 with me drawing Leon with SUPER emo hair
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I'll also in lude some doodles for the last chapters uploaded for PE
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Also James' big beautiful body in unrelated stupid shirts
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(I've done this on mobile so hopefully the formatting isn't horrendous 😅)
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buckyboop · 2 years ago
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I think I might of made kenderland in Character Ai
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fly-rye · 2 years ago
oops, i didn't get around to posting this forrrrr like three weeks lol. another james/leon one-shot for the half-doomed and semi-sweet collection <3
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oyoshiart · 4 months ago
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This post attacked me violently with psychic visions
can someone draw leon kennedy and james sunderland making out i need to see something
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dammjamboy · 3 years ago
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happy pride!! the horror video game men are in love 🏳️‍🌈
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loudmound · 3 years ago
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i think they're so silly goofy
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solvcanary · 2 years ago
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I just love ‘em
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motsiop · 2 years ago
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Kenderland, love is love
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ghastly-poltergeist · 1 year ago
My name is Ghost :3
She/her, 19
This masterpost features some information about my blog, along with the masterlist of my writing!
This blog is a little bit of everything, I will be posting about my OC's and original stories, however here is other stuff I'm majorly into and will also post about:
Half Life/Portal/TF2
Resident Evil/Silent Hill
All horror in general, movies, video games, analog, ect...
My asks are currently: OPEN ☝️🗣️‼️🔥
I do oneshots, headcanons, ships, the whole shebang! 👉 I am currently NOT doing x reader because I fear I will be ass at writing them, that may change in the future tho
Two little things:
1. I am currently in college, so please don't mind if I randomly die every once in a while
And 2. If I ever post NSFW, it'll only ever be slightly suggestive content OR tasteful nudity, nothing more than that. I will always put warning beforehand of course, same goes for gore and any other darker themes that may appear in my writting, I will always add trigger warnings ☝️
Finally, check under the cut for the masterlist! There isn't a lot but there will be more to come.
Stu Macher trans hcs
Take a break. (Leon Kennedy x James Sunderland)
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wanderingmoonmen · 2 years ago
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Drawings for Chapter 17: Photos
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fly-rye · 2 years ago
oh hey, i wrote something
the first of my leon/james one-shots based on the half-doomed and semi-sweet series that katie (@wanderingmoonmen) and I have been doing! (also the first thing i've ever posted to ao3, damn)
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solvcanary · 2 years ago
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It’s time to join the #kennderland club
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wanderingmoonmen · 2 years ago
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We started playing the Sims forever ago (with all the packs) and some... insanity occurred. These were my dramatic artistic recreations of some of the incidents.
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fly-rye · 2 years ago
more james/leon nonsense from yours truly <3
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wanderingmoonmen · 2 years ago
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Alright here’s the first installment of stupid Sims 4 nonsense with the Resident Evil + Silent Hill crew. Summarized below the read more.
1. Harry Mason judgement of James just sitting there
2. James is just trying to have a nice spa time and Leon is showering with his clothes on
3. Mary is watching her husband make out with a new man while in lingerie (good for them)
4. Chris oblivious to James and Leon being horny
5. Harry being dramatic
6. Harry and Chris weren’t part of the household yet and unprompted they started flirting with each other
7. Harry and Heather bonding in the snow after crashing on their sled
8. ditto
9. Both Claire and Chris had the hots for Maria (Maria and Claire randomly got engaged and then Maria started making out with Chris in front of Claire??)
10. No one is ok here. I don’t know why James and Leon are naked. Harry is looking at James’ ass and Claire is zoned out. What the hell is Chris doing over there... just a disaster
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