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solvcanary · 2 months ago
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Got five S in a row she deserves an art
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wgm-beautiful-world · 1 year ago
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septembergold · 2 years ago
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lou-bonfightme · 2 years ago
Lou was not in his studio when the banging started. He was in the garden, because the garden needed tending. He had had little time with wedding planning and, like every time he'd been long absent from the Nook, the garden had grown unruly. Neither Hades nor Belle had the time, nor the green thumb, to give it the attention it needed.
It was his job. And he enjoyed it. It was quiet. Peaceful. It kept him busy when everyone was at work and daycare.
The banging started. Then the shouting.
The garden was too far from the studio for someone normal to pick up the sound, but Toulouse was not normal. And his wolf was not pleased with someone showing up unceremoniously to its house. So, Lou brushed off his hands and calmly made his way over to his studio, rounding the bend and looking up onto the platform. He was not going to climb the spiral stairs. Not until he understood what was happening here.
"I do not believe we had an appointment," he said in a calm, cold tone as he stared up at Drakken.
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Hold Your Horses || [Loukken]
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nota1eks · 7 months ago
hear me out. au where astrophage doesnt need/use water just to see grace get one single w
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macinthecaac · 9 months ago
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Oh my God. Another cast announcement!! Who is she going to play?? WHO IS SHE GOING TO PLAY?!
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dreamofyouandi · 2 years ago
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various unfinished or otherwise gone-unposted works from this year
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lou-bonfightme · 2 years ago
Toulouse got requests at a much less frequent rate than he had before being outed as a werewolf. Which made sense. Most of his clientele had come from his parents. But, they couldn't exactly brag about their werewolf son to the elite of Paris. So commissions had trickled in. Usually from Swynlake. Sometimes, there was the random Magick that wanted artwork from another Magick.
He never knew how to feel about that. Lou didn't...really consider himself a Magick. The wolf was part of him, but an inconvenient one. Like his bipolar disorder.
It made him uncomfortable. He turned half of those commissions down. And never said anything to anyone about them.
This commission was--basic. A portrait was something that Lou was very well versed in. After his landscapes, they were most popular thing people wanted.
Lou was sitting on one of his stools, sketchbook on his lap, across from this man. Benjamin Drakken.
"You tell me what you want and if I think it seems interesting enough, I will paint it," Lou explained, plainly, almost bored. He hated this part of commissions. Telling people the things they should already know. Like how a commission worked.
Arts & Sciences || Lokken
Recently there had been a discussion on one of the message boards he was apart of about art. People had been sharing their collections, mostly stolen, but it had got him thinking! He did not have an art collection. He was a scientist, what use did he have for things hanging on the wall taking up space that could be better filled with hooks for equipment?
He figured when he ruled the world all of its art would be his, but why not start now? After all, it had been a dream of his to have one of those fancy portraits that royalty had in the movies. It could act as his poster for when he did succeed! And, unfortunately, he couldn't just steal one of those. He had to find someone to do it for him.
Which was how he found this local artist and why he was sitting in their studio. Out in the woods. Above a garage. Almost like a lair! Wonderful.
"So!" he grinned, clapping his hands and rubbing them together briefly. "How does this work?"
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y3llow-dand3lion · 4 months ago
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Erm….what the si*dies*
(Idk Some random ah OC)
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saturn-is-sick · 4 months ago
Eridians are immune to cancer
Grace had a little crush on Dr. Lokken
Eridian book pages are thick, and they read by punching holes in the page
Eridians come in different sizes and colours
Eridians can have multiple conversations with multiple people at the same time
Eridians have instruments and can sing
Eridians CHISEL tattoos into their carapaces
Eridian worker cells are different species!
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solvcanary · 3 months ago
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Ayeee Jayce Talis
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syncopein3d · 1 year ago
Hey, if NLs are voluntarily bringing you into the situation that's actually incredible for these guys. Behaviorally outstanding. Make sure they know that you know how hard they're working to fit in with the family. An occasional raw meat treat goes over really well if you can afford it; if not, a lot of Night Lords are much more responsive to verbal praise than you might think when it's coming from someone they respect (and they clearly respect you and hubby).
I haven't heard of a War Hound being seen in a long time! Most warbands are made up of veterans of the Long War, but the vast majority identify as their Primarch's current chapter (World Eaters in this case - NOT a good family Astartes) rather than their pre-Primarch chapter name. I don't know how your War Hound escaped being implanted with the Butcher's Nails unless he went renegade very shortly after Angron was found - an important piece of Imperial history. If he still wears his original white armor, you can probably get a national grant for historical Astartes rescuers to help with his care. These original pre-Nails Hounds are very empathic, caring Astartes, and he should be great with the kid as well. What a find!
So if ya'll noticed I've been mentioning about a Space Wolf. I think he's a renegade? I noticed him around when I first moved in and was pregnant. I think there's a pack around here of a Space Wolf, Some Night Lords, an Iron Warrior, and I think a Fallen? I'm not really sure I just know there is another one. But yeah he kinda just persistently followed us back to our place after our kid was born.
Not that I'm complaining much but I think his warband (that's what renegades call their companies right?) has noticed him going on walks with my husband and son. Hubby's mentioned he sees the Night Lords watching... there's 2 in the warband.
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fernthewhimsical · 6 months ago
Fern's Nehalennia Deep Dive: pt. 3
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🌊 Animals: Dogs, seals, any sea animals, seagulls 🌊 Crystals/Rocks: Grey moonstone, aquamarine, moonstone, shells, sand dollars, sea urchins, clear quartz 🌊 Flowers/Plants: Seaweed, wheat, apples, apple blossoms, coastal flowers 🌊 Food/Drink: Apples, breads, grapes, pears, fish, salt, fish sauce, wine, fresh water 🌊 Colours: Greys, blues, beiges, whites, golds, bronzes, golden browns, sea greens 🌊 Moon Phases: All, especially full and blue moon 🌊 Festivals: Buddingh ties Nehalennia to a Zeeland's festival called Hanneliesjesdag. A day where the youth of Zeeland would go out and revel. This was celebrated on the first Monday of May, and the first Thursday of November. I personally celebrate Nehalennia at the Autumn Equinox, as well as on the 14th of April, when she resurfaced. 🌊 Magics: Abundance, success in business, protection in travel, sea witchery, mermaid magic, selkie magic, knot magic, when needing guidance, to connect to the land and sea where I come from. Tranquillity and serenity, but also tempest. 🌊 Nature: the sea, apples, wheat, storms, waves, the scent of salt on the breeze 🌊 Other: cornucopia, basket with harvest, front of a ship, canopy shaped like a shell, pereline, anchor, ship’s wheel, Selkies, mermaids, lighthouses, stars for navigation, knots, navigational tools, maps, ships, bow and arrow, Avalon or other magical isles (of the dead) across the sea
How to honour:
🌾 Light a candle, like a lighthouse 🌾 Practice sea witchery or knot magic 🌾 Go to the sea and walk the shore 🌾 Travel by ship 🌾 Tend a garden and harvest 🌾 Go apple picking 🌾 Bake bread or something with apples, pears, or grapes 🌾 Make an offering stone 🌾 Donate to sea or ocean preservation causes 🌾 Pick up litter at the beach 🌾 Go to an aquarium 🌾 Listen to ocean soundscapes 🌾 Walk, feed, or pet a dog
Other Info:
⛵ Nehalennia is the only one to wear her distinct pereline, or short shoulder cloak. No other Goddess has been found who wears it. The significance is not known, perhaps it was a local way of dress. ⛵ There is a rebuild temple in Zeeland on Colijnsplaat. A square roman building painted an earthy orange inside and out. Inside are several historical pieces displayed, as well as a large stone statue that often has offerings in front of it. In "het Archeon", an open air historical re-enactment museum, there is also a small shrine to her, as well as another replica of her temple where they hold daily rituals in her honour. ⛵ The Dutch paganfolk band Heidevolk has a song called Nehalennia, as does the band Twigs and Twine. ⛵ She is the most well known local Goddess of the Netherlands, and many things are named after her: from archaeological magazines to viaducts. ⛵ In 2019 the Dutch contestant of Miss Universe wore a blue dress completely made of trash fished out of the sea. It was called Nehalennia and made in honour of the Goddess.
Deae Nehalennia (in Dutch) In de kolkende golven hoor ik Haar stem. Nehalennia Haar wind speelt door mijn lokken, Haar zilte zegening raakt mijn lippen. Deae Nehalennia. Zij die de storm trotseerd, en sterker er uit voorvloeit Zij die de weg laat zien en onze reis bewaakt Zij wiens woede schepen ten onder doet gaan Zij wiens tedere omhelzing rust en vreugde brengt Vrouwe Nehalennia, Kracht van de Noordzee Hoor mij aan! Want ik ben Uw dochter, Uw gezoute water stroomt door mijn aderen Uw storm raast door mijn lijf Uw kracht en diepte heb ik geërfd Moeder Nehalennia Hart van de Noordzee Wees met mij!
Deae Nehalennia (in English) In the churning waves I hear Her voice. Nehalennia Her wind plays with my locks, Her silten blessing touches my lips. Deae Nehalennia. She who faces the storm and flows from it, stronger She who shows us the way and guards our journey She whose rage causes ships to perish She whose tender embrace brings us peace and joy Lady Nehalennia, Power of the North Sea Hear me! For I am your daughter Your salted water flows through my veins Your storm rages through my body Your strength and dept I inherited Mother Nehalennia Heart of the North Sea Be with me!
Nehalennia chant Stuurvrouw, Oogstmoeder, Vrouwe van de Zee. Ik drijf if uw golven, Draag mij met u mee
Steerswoman, Harvestmom, Lady of the Sea, I float in your waves, Lady, carry me
(to the tune of Horned One, Lover, Son)
[Link to the Masterpost]
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nota1eks · 6 months ago
grace & lokken most underrated duo. stratt put them in a get along shirt bc she’s like that
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i love you mikaela lokken you can do no harm ❤️❤️ not your fault you have a crush on aroace and too stupid to recognize it ryland “lapdog” grace
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macinthecaac · 1 year ago
I had a dream last night about the Project Hail Mary movie. I don't remember much of it, but I remember a bunch of scenes from before the Hail Mary launch, and they were BEAUTIFUL. For example:
Ryland: (looks up from his microbiology stuff) Wait a minute. Am I a guinea pig? (He puts his hand to his chest and gasps, offended) I'm a guinea pig!
Stratt: (yelling from the other side of a glass window) No, it's not like that!
A long, awkward silence passes. He glares at her.
Stratt: (yelling again) Okay, it's exactly like that!
And also Dr. Lokken and Grace sticking their tongues out at each other every time they're not looking. This happened in several scenes throughout the imaginary movie and nobody pointed out that they were both doing it.
I ALSO remember the scene where Grace wanted to watch Rocky eat, he literally pressed his face DIRECTLY against the xenonite to watch. And then slowly retracted it as he realized just how gross it was.
I'm so excited for this movie that it's infecting my dreams. Please help me.
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skrimblyskrimbl · 1 year ago
guys help new question
what would every phm character’s favorite animal be
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