#there is so much itadori family lore...
chuuyanakaahara · 29 days
what are their majors in your jjk au?
i am very basic in their majors adslkfjadlkjsf. fushiguro's planning to be a veterinarian, nobara is getting a degree in fashion design, yuuji is undecided - but he might try to go into paramedical when he figures it out, or maybe fire science, etc etc. maki's planning on getting an undergrad & then a phd in architecture & urban planning, inumaki is majoring in sign language and minoring in sociology, toudou is majoring in physical therapy, etc.
as a side note, though they are not students, choso's been a bartender for about a decade at this little bar called 505, and sukuna did in fact drop out of high school. (my red flag is that in any modern au I require sukuna to be yuuji's weird delinquent older brother by two (2) years who does not get along with choso) (I know he's his uncle in-canon. but no offense. canon... evil).
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cursedvibes · 3 months
My JJK Arc Ranking
Culling Game (ch 159-221) + Baka Survivor (ch 239-243)
Perfect Preparation (ch 144-158)
Itadori's Extermination (ch 137-143)
Death Painting (ch 55-64)
Shibuya Incident (ch 79-136)
Vs Mahito (ch 19-31)
Fearsome Womb (ch 1-18)
Hidden Inventory (ch 65-79)
Shinjuku Showdown (ch 222-262+)
Kyoto Goodwill Event (ch 32-54)
Cursed Child (Vol 0)
Note that this is my personal ranking of which arcs I like the most and least, not any objective statement. Like for example, I think Hidden Inventory is well-written, but it doesn't interest me much, that's why it's further towards the bottom.
With the manga drawing to a close, I thought I'd write down my thoughts about what we've gotten so far and what I like or don't like in the different arcs.
Culling Game
Starting at #1 with the Culling Game Arc. It's where my interest in the story really picked up and I got invested to the point of bothering to write analyses, dig into the lore and historical background and even start writing fanfiction. Culling Game is the meat of the story, where we got introduced to new important lore of characters, further explored their themes and connected dots that had been set up before. It is sort of a lul after the big climax of the Shibuya Incident, but I think that's also what was needed here, since this is more of a section where Gege takes time to explore concepts and characters further. Shibuya is a big payoff for the first part of the story and Culling Game builds on that, it establishes a level ground for the last part of the story. Characters like Yuuji and Maki for example found themselves fundamentally changed after Shibuya and used this time to find their footing again and try to create a new way for themselves to move forward. In Yuuji's case he had to do it twice even with the massive turn of not being Sukuna's vessel anymore aka having his role, purpose and ideal death taken from him. He catches himself relatively quickly though.
Also this arc just had a lot of moments I really like, actually most of my favourite moments in jjk happen here. Like Kenjaku calling Yuuji their son, Yuuji's fight against Higuruma, Maki's awakening, Noritoshi reconciling with his mother having a new family, Kenjaku & Uraume rolling up to the White House, the Yuki vs Kenjaku fight, the Heian trio spa day, Yorozu's backstory, Kenjaku and Tengen getting Sukuna's mummy and much more. The fights were for the most part also great. You always took something new away and I liked how we were slowly spoon-fed information about the Culling Game and Kenjaku's plans. Almost every chapter had something to pick apart and even with the cycle through the colonies there was always tension because you didn't know what this would all lead to. Even when the protagonists were doing well, things could change at the drop of a dime. There was a false sense of security. The main group got a little bit of control only to have it ripped away when they least expected it.
Baka Survivor
I put the Baka Survivor arc up here as well because while it might technically be during the Shinjuku Showdown, I thought it was so far removed from the fight against Sukuna that it's reasonable to see it as its own mini-arc. Plus, I think this section is a lot better than the majority of the Shinjuku Showdown. It's like Gege took some time to play around and write what was fun to them, the stuff they actually want to write. The end was a bit...meh. Mainly because of the context of this fight and Kenjaku's larger role in the story, especially what Kenjaku's death this early would mean (or not mean...) for Yuuji. Yuuta's integration here was also very weak because while he might have reasons to go after Kenjaku that were a little bit explored (although I think you could've done way more with it than just "wants to do it for Gojo" after all a big theme of this fight was connecting with other people and building friendships/partnerships, which is something closely related to Yuuta's character), he was absolutely irrelevant from Kenjaku's perspective. You could've put anyone in his place and it wouldn't have changed anything from Kenjaku's point of view. Well, maybe if you put Yuuji there, but Gege was clearly not interested in exploring their relationship like that....
Anyway, I have raved about this arc a lot on my blog already, but in summary I absolutely love how we explore both Kenjaku and Takaba further, compare them and their understanding of comedy/curiosity and how both of them struggle to open up to others, show their real self and make themselves vulnerable. I especially think that this was actually thematically a very nice end for Kenjaku. They indulge in what they really want, have fun without the need of excessive cruelty (although there was violence from both of them) and they allowed themselves to connect with someone else again and make a friend. Chasing after their superficial goals of merging humanity they lost their closest friend, Tengen, were thrown into doubt and Takaba both offered himself as an alternative and pulled them further away from their insane ideas. Best thing about it is that Kenjaku went for it! They got caught up in the comedy with Takaba, they paid the price for allowing themselves such a close relationship with someone else and lowering their guard, and they still didn't regret it. In fact they were glad they spend their time before their death with Takaba and finally having fun. Of course the merger plan continues, they can't just let Tengen die with them or fall into the protagonists hands and it is too late for Tengen to change back anyway, but I absolutely love Kenjaku's character development here. Just remains to be seen how Takaba will leave this fight and how he will react to having once again lost a partner.
Perfect Preparation
Really like this arc for all the new lore we get as well as emotional chapters like the Zenin massacre and Yaga's death. The introduction of Hakari and Kirara was fun too, but the highlight for me is definitely the meeting with Tengen and Maki's massacre. Ch 145 and 146 might be in the top 5 of the chapters I have reread most often. You always find something new there and there's so much about the relationship between Tengen, the Star Plasma Vessels and the six eyes to take apart, particularly with later reveals like Yuki also being a Star Plasma Vessel. Those two chapters were also what first really got me more interested in Kenjaku and their history with Tengen. It's when it becomes apparent just how much Kenjaku has planned and arranged over the past millennium and it also raises even more questions of why Tengen never mentioned them before and how Kenjaku could stay undercover for so long.
Then we of course also have the Zenin massacre. I like how it starts with giving us some clan politics. I love that shit. Wish we got something similar for the Kamo and Gojo, but oh well. Maki's meeting with her mother when she goes for the weapon storage is already pretty chilling, but it's even better when you see her mother go from "why can't you make me proud of you for once?" to "I'm glad I gave birth to you". Shows how much she suffered under the Zenin as well, despite playing by their rules. Too bad she only came to the conclusion to treat her kids decently when it was already too late. Maki also only found out her mother did care about her and was the one to finish off Naoya when she was already dead. Just like her reunion and clearing conversation with Mai, it all happens just a little too late and that's what makes it so wonderfully tragic.
Also shout-out to Yaga's death scene. I've come to appreciate it much more recently and I particularly like seeing him together with all the other autonomous cursed corpses he keeps hidden away and the hints of the friendship he has with Kusakabe.
Itadori's Extermination
Honestly, I mostly like this arc for its atmosphere. It's one of the instances where you feel the most just how much destruction, chaos and desolation Shibuya and the start of the Culling Game caused. The main characters roaming the streets all split up and sleeping by campfires, the broken buildings and civilians hunting for scraps of food, curses praying on desperate humans...it's great. Wish we got more of that later on, but I only really got a similar feeling when the foreign armies attacked.
And of course we get the fateful Itadori flashback here. I don't know how many hours I spend looking at those two pages and taking the dialogue apart. Just two pages and I've become utterly obsessed by this weird family. Also the first time we see Kenjaku in a vessel that is not Geto, so that's extra nice.
I remember also really liking Yuuta's reintroduction when the chapters first came out. He looked so much worse than in Vol 0, so that was really intriguing. Bit disappointed there wasn't more conflict and it turned out he looks like shit because...well, that's just his look now. Still good arc.
Death Painting
I like this one because it's where Yuuji, Nobara and Megumi feel most like a team going on a mission and solving a mystery. Especially the opening of it, with weird paranormal events that remind you of classic Japanese horror stories is really nice and always manages to draw me in. Kinda wish there were more missions like that just for the sake of atmosphere, even though I don't think the story necessarily needs it. Seeing Mahito and Kenjaku capture a civilian man, strip him, nail him to a wall and then feed him a cursed fetus was also insane. Never get tired of watching/reading that no matter if it's the manga or anime. Vol 7 was the first jjk volume I ever bought and I remember how striking it was to open the book and start with that scene. Gave me chills.
I also love the entire fight with Eso and Kechizu. One because I just like their characters and getting introduced to the background of the Death Painting's existence was interesting, but I also really enjoyed Yuuji and Nobara's dynamic here and their talk about what it means to kill.
Shibuya Incident
Really good arc and what made me more interest in how jjk would continue when I first read the manga, but rereading it there are definitely some fights and scenes that really drag for me and I end up skipping whenever I read it again or when I watched S2. Like all the curse users working for Kenjaku that ended up being entirely irrelevant. The backstory of Ogami and the guy with the big eyes was nice because it gave us an insight into what the life of regular curse users (not big hitters like Geto or Kenjaku) is actually like and how society changed when Gojo was born. That's some world building I very much appreciate. Aside from that all the curse users are very forgettable though. There's a reason I only remember Ogami's name and none of the others'. Some other stuff also just comes down to character preferences like I'm not that interested in what Nanami or Ino were up to and Toji was also...eh. Nice, but I'm not losing my mind over it. Nanami's death scene is great though. I mostly love Shibuya for its later stages. Yuuji's fight against Mahito, how seeing his friends and civilians die through his inaction makes him breakdown, how his world view changes over the course of fighting Mahito and their scene at the end when the roles of predator and prey are reversed. Kenjaku's entrance and explanation of their plan and what was to come is also very interesting and probably the part I reread most in this arc.
Vs Mahito
I gotta say I do really like Junpei's story and his developing friendship with Yuuji. Yuuji's first few encounters with Mahito are great as well. It's nice seeing them get to know each other and seeing the inciting incidents that cause both of them to gradually get more and more obsessed with killing the other. I also really appreciate this arc for giving us some of those slower scenes that are just focused on Mahito, the curse family or Mahito & Junpei talking philosophy. Mahito is a quite fascinating character even in his simplistic cruelty and here you can also see the most just how horrific, but also intriguing, Idle Transfiguration is. This arc has one of the best horror in jjk and I appreciate the anime for emphasizing the comparisons to the Human Centipede movies and human experimentation even further. It's really close between this and Shibuya Incident. I just ended up putting Shibuya higher because when it hits, it hits hard and I still like the high points it has more than the Vs Mahito arc. Still appreciate the groundwork this arc laid for Shibuya to be as impactful as it was.
Hidden Inventory
Like I said in the beginning, I do think this arc is well-written and I think it's a great way to flesh out Gojo and Geto's characters as well as give us more world building and establish the background presence of Tengen and the connection of the Star Plasma Vessel and six eyes to her. I'm also convinced that what we learn here about the Time Vessel Association and the cults that build around Tengen will become relevant again when we get to the Heian flashback and Sukuna's/Tengen's/Kenjaku's backstory. Still have that "Kenjaku created the Time Vessel Association in the Nara period" theory in the back of my mind. This lore is also the main thing I like about this arc. Don't get me wrong, Gojo and Geto's struggles and change in mindset is nice too, but I don't care much about Gojo and don't like Geto, so I ended up focusing more on everything around them. Including Riko. I find her story, the way she grew up and her inevitable death very interesting. Episode 3 of season 2 is still my favourite episode of the season of maybe even the entire anime because it's just that beautiful and I love how they added to the themes of her character by connecting her to the ocean. The inside of the Tomb of Stars is also so eery and entrancing, I could soak in that atmosphere forever. The only reason it's so low is because a lot of this arc is dedicated to Gojo and Geto and their relationship etc. While that is absolutely necessary and was very well done, it's not something I'm much interested in.
Fearsome Womb
Start of the series. It's really those first few chapters and the mission at the detention centre I like about it. It's where you see Yuuji still quite naive and ready to play the hero. I am very interested in his life before joining Jujutsu Tech and when he first got introduced to jujutsu, so this is always nice to revisit and see how he acted before he was forced to become a seasoned sorcerer very quickly. Those glimpses of how Yuuji was always a bit of a loner and also extraordinary from the start due to Kenjaku's meddling. Knowing his family background makes these scenes now even more interesting. His mentality back then is also what makes the moment in the detention centre so special, where he realizes Sukuna isn't Kurama and won't be a convenient power source for him. He could die if he is careless (which he is, of course, he never dealt with anything like this before) and he is scared of it.
Besides that, I also like the introduction of Kenjaku and the curses, how chill it is and how you see them walking among regular citizens undetected by anyone. I think that's especially a fitting introduction to Kenjaku's character. They are unassuming in the beginning of the series, easy to overlook next to flashy Mahito and Jogo, but that's how they have always been throughout history and it's part of the reason for why they never drew much attention besides the Death Painting experiment, which wasn't directly linked to them. Of course Tengen covering for them was the other big reason.
Overall, nice start into the series, even if some parts are a bit slow and don't animate me much to reread them.
Shinjuku Showdown
Shinjuku Showdown fights on a reread do merge well into each other, but it's undeniable that they are very formulaic. Yuuta starts out the same way Higuruma does. Talking about regrets, giving his all, how he has to end everything with a technique only he can use and then he gets cut down. Same with Maki, Kusakabe, Miguel and Larue. It is all the same. We are currently literally watching a slight reshuffle of the fight that started this arc.
Parallel we learn more about Yuuji's new abilities and Sukuna has to gradually exert more force. Technically a good thing, but it's all so repetitive that it loses more and more of it's emotional impact for me. If there is any emotional impact at all. Eventually it just becomes explaining of cursed technique after cursed technique that won't work anyway with minimal depth otherwise. Things get a bit better when most people have been cut away and we start focusing on Yuuji and Sukuna, but by that point I'm already so tired by everything that came before that I can't get that hyped about it and just want a complete change of pace that breaks all rules that have been set up and introduces something completely new. Like the merger for example... Although I have to say, Kashimo's fight might be my favourite still out of the bunch. Has a lot to do with my particular interest and what I'm looking for in a fight. It was short, but we got a nice wrap-up for Kashimo's character, learned more about the Heian era, explored the theme of love and strength and got what is so far one of the deepest looks at Sukuna's philosophy and mindset.
Besides that, on the reread, by the time Kusakabe's fight happens I'm catching myself only skimming the pages. It doesn't help that there's not much initiative happening from Sukuna's side besides the very recent chapters. He's just waiting for others to do something, which lowers the perception of any imminent threat from him. The later half (before Yuuta showed up again) isn't as bad as the Gojo vs Sukuna fight, but I'm still having a hard time staying invested while reading it. Gojo vs Sukuna 2.0 pretty much tanked my interest again. Every week I'm shaking Sukuna to just spit out his backstory already and release Tengen because that's the only thing I care about at this point and I'm bored of this fight. But again, my opinion, others likely feel otherwise.
Kyoto Goodwill Event
Was a bit tempted to put it above Shinjuku Showdown, but at the end of it Shinjuku Showdown still has some scenes I really like, like Kashimo's fight, Yuuji fighting Sukuna and the Sukuna, Uraume and Kenjaku scenes in ch 222. That's more than what I could say for Kyoto Goodwill Event. I don't necessarily dislike it. It doesn't really have any moments that bother me as much as the ones in Shinjuku Showdown, but at the same time nothing in this arc really stands out to me or catches my interest. Often I end up forgetting about it entirely. There's not really much to say about it because I don't have any strong feelings about this one. Not really something I reread unless I'm looking for some very specific information.
Cursed Child
When I first read Vol 0 (right before the Death Painting arc) I thought it was a concept story for jjk. The infant stage of it before Gege made the proper story. Sort of like the original chapter of Naruto where he's actually a fox spirit. Interesting to read to see where jjk started, but not tied to canon. That's also why I didn't question Geto acting very different here. I just though "wow, they made his character way less aggravating". So yeah, Vol 0 is really not something I find interesting or enjoy and I think the writing in it is quite rough. I didn't find Yuuta very compelling. He's an obvious Shinji rip-off, which wouldn't be that bad in itself except I don't find his personality that interesting and him pulling powers out of his ass without any of them being set up prior made me really dislike him. He can just copy techniques now and use them much better than the original person because he's just that overpowered. Who knows how he learned about any of this, who knows what the limitations to any of his powers are, he can apparently just do anything and that makes his fights not very thrilling because there aren't really any stakes. He also has barely any connection to the villain of this arc except that he happens to kill people Yuuta cares about. Geto's ideology is entirely irrelevant. Geto could've said he's killing people because he wants to turn them into Christmas decoration and the fight would've happened the same way. I think putting an ideologically-driven villain against someone whose only care is that his friends are alive and who has also not even the experience to judge if anything Geto says is justified wasn't a very good move. Centring Gojo and Geto's conflict would've been better and also showing us literally anything that would make it possible for us to judge if any of Geto's complaints are justified, if he's talking about real problems. Just going by Vol 0, we don't know that. We can only tell that the bullshit he spouts is an allegory for white supremacy/racism, which obviously is bad. But on it's own it seems like he's just spouting bigotry for bigotry's sake, which doesn't make for a very compelling villain, especially if the rest of the characters and setting don't fit his attitude. Nobody can ever even bring themselves to say something like "genocide bad, eugenics bad". They just don't engage with what he's saying and if that's the case, then why bring it up in the first case. It makes Geto's antics even more unnecessary. On its own it's really not that good of a story and since it's a oneshot with initially no guaranteed sequel, I would expect a bit more.
All that being said, the first time I read Vol 0 I was very annoyed and glad I followed it up with the Death Painting arc, something which is much better written and more up my alley. If Vol 0 was my first exposure to jjk, I don't think I would've continued reading. Having more context from Hidden Inventory fleshes at least out what Gojo and Geto have going on, but my complaints about Yuuta and his lack of meaningful relation to Geto and what he stands for still makes me dislike this arc.
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mania-sama · 7 months
Random ask, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in any media, like anime/manga, tv series, books, etc (can be canon or non-canon)? Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not of why you love them....
Thank you so much for sending in an ask! I would love to answer this question! I didn't go through every fandom I've been in, though I went through quite a few!!! Usually, there is only one ship I really love in a fandom that ends up being my favorite, but I like/love plenty of ships and don't limit myself to just one ship. I will say that when it comes to engaging with fandom and fanfiction, I tend to actually prefer platonic relationships, centered on found family and blood-related family than anything else.
Bungou Stray Dogs -> Shin Soukoku (Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi). I think most of this comes from the way they are quite literally yin and yang (my favorite symbol of all time) in almost every aspect. I firmly believe Asagiri is beating us over the head with a mallet saying "Look! Look what I did! Please look!" I'm under no impression that they will be canon, but BEAST gives me the hope that they can at least become friends, and that's testament enough to the development they go through. There is just so much there. I'm not an enemies to lovers person, but for them, I make the exception. There are so many parallels to draw between them, so much to look at and really dig into. I'm not delusional enough to say they wouldn't be toxic (all of the BSD ships except for, like, RanPoe, are toxic let's be real), but I am lenient enough to say that they can be good to each other in fanfics and decent friends in canon. Also, this applies to their BEAST counterparts, too. BEAST makes them better.
Jujutsu Kaisen -> ItaFushi (Fushiguro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji). There is a sort of trend I have with shipping, I think. I tend to like the second most popular ship, usually the younger generation of the most popular ship, which is arguably a form of torture in and of itself. JJK is not as bad as the BSD fandom is about the popularity difference, but it's still painful. Anyway, I think my love for this ship stems from the fact that Megumi has a big fat crush on Itadori and I will accept, under no circumstances, any other interpretations of his relationship with Itadori. Everything from the SatoSugu parallels (who are one handhold away from being canon let's be real), to their whole shtick being to save each other (physically and mentally), to Megumi literally describing Itadori as his type of person. Gender neutral. Even though it is so incredibly easy to use gendered terms in Japanese as it is in English. I feel like Gege is doing this on purpose because there is just no way he sees this as normal friend stuff. Recent chapters got me in a chokehold. I am SCARED. Besides all this, I think they just work very well together. They are also horribly tragic. Perfect combination.
Genshin Impact -> Xiaother (Aether/Xiao). I debated pretty heavily with myself here on what my true favorite is. I came to this conclusion mainly for one reason: Xiao. I love Aether, but I love Xiao. He is my favorite character, right next to Razor, so obviously he carries this ship. I also think that, of all of the implied relationships Genshin has supplied in plenty, Xiaother has had the most development. Every scene with them is better than the last, and the way that they make each other better is something I adore. And as for the ship being specifically Aether and not Lumine or nonspecific, it's because I chose Aether, so I'm more accustomed to using him as the traveler vessel rather than Lumine, but I'm honestly fine with either.
Identity V -> Elisop (Aesop Carl | Embalmer/Eli Clark | Seer). I haven't played this game in a hot minute for storage and laptop reasons, and I'm also not updated with the lore (nor was I entirely familiar with it from the beginning, outside of the MAIN main lore). But this ship and game were a huge part of my personal development, I think, and I do want to return to playing it in an honest effort eventually (I WANT MY ROBBIE RANK BACK). I think I perceive it differently than other people do, mainly because people oscillate between two sides of the Aesop Carl characterization spectrum. But there is something really fun in the idea that Eli, with his ability to see the future, thinks that he can somehow "fix" Aesop, under the impression that his and Getrude's relationship will never mend. And Aesop, who sees Eli and feels real love for the first time, finds that he doesn't know if he wants to kill and embalm Eli, or if he wants to indulge in this feeling called love. Toxic, probably. Their color schemes also match very well together (which is actually what led me to ship them in the first place, before fandom influence), and they are extremely compatible gameplay-wise.
Haikyuu -> IwaOi (Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru). If you told me two or so years ago that this was my favorite Haikyuu ship, I would have LAUGHED IN YOUR FACE. I hated Oikawa and didn't care much about Seijou. But then. But then. I went through a like. Month-long Haikyuu revival not too long ago and only read IwaOi fics because I came to this revelation. Oikawa is really goddamn relatable. I think we are all, in a sense, Oikawa, at one point or another. He is THE teenager. He is someone you can project every single one of your problems onto because his struggles with being untalented and unworthy are interchangeable with pretty much any self-worth conflict: internalized homophobia, eating disorders, socializing, etc. Iwaizumi can also provide these internal debates, but in a context with Oikawa makes it even better. Does Oikawa carry this ship for me? Yes. I don't care what you think I'm not here to defend myself.
Voltron: Legendary Defenders -> Klance (Keith Kogane/Lance McClain). Do NOT talk to me. They have ruined my life in pretty much every aspect. Also an exception to the not shipping thing because they are kinda the whole reason I even watched this show past season... three probably. I don't even wanna talk about them anymore because it'll just upset me. Just know that as far as the Sheith vs Klance debate goes, Sheithers are wrong for that after Keith called Shiro his brother. There. I added my fuel to the ever-burning garbage fire that is Voltron shipping. I may talk about Klance again in the future but for now I wanna leave my thoughts off here.
Merlin BBC -> Merthur (Arthur Pendragon/Merlin). Thank you Merthur fandom for teaching me what a good fic is supposed to taste like. They are kind of the epitome of the ships I tend to gravitate to: TRAGIC. The ending of Merlin is traumatizing and the fact that all of the cast pretty shipped it (as well as you can see the faint mouthing of the words "I love you" in the final death scene) is like. The first true healthy immersion into a ship I've ever had. I never obsessed over them too hard, I think, but Merlin is still my favorite live-action show, and Merthur is always well and true to my heart. They also got me introduced to the master/servant trope in terms of medieval times, and I had a very long affinity for it in fanfiction. I don't like it as much anymore, but I look upon that time with happiness rather than the usual slight embarrassment.
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power -> Catradora (Adora/Catra). I also make an exception for enemies to lovers for them because they even added that extra-friendly step of friends to enemies to lovers. Genuinely, no show surprised me as much as She-Ra did. Shout out She-Ra for giving me the worst envy I've ever felt in my life. I want to rock a suit as well as Catra did in that one scene. Anyway, I loved their development. I know some people criticize it for being rushed towards the end, but I like the way they were able to forgive Catra so easily. They understood what it meant to be used and manipulated, what it meant to be unable to fight against oppressive forces. People are mad at compassion, even though that's the literal whole point of She-Ra. Whatever. They could never make me hate you Catradora.
Percy Jackson (all book series) -> Percabeth (Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson). The blueprint. That's it. That's all you gotta know. I don't read fics about them because there is nothing to improve upon. One of the best written series and best written romances of all time. It was basically everything Avatar: The Last Airbender failed to do with Kataang (sorry for ragging on them for a second but that's the only thing I didn't like about ATLA; the romances) failed to accomplish, with all the same in-depth and wonderful characters. Like, they are everything I aspire to have in a relationship. The way they are simply meant for each other and aren't rushed, but are always implied to have that cutesy young crushes until they finally got together. I love them. Ugh. Uncle Rick you win again.
Anyway, these were some of my favorite ships of all time!! Sorry, I blabbered a lot. Probably listed more ships than you meant to but I take whatever opportunity I can to talk about things I enjoy IN DEPTH. There were also a lot of M/M romances, which, I swear to God, just happened out that way. I love plenty of F/F and F/M relationships, they just rarely end up as my top favorite. DO NOT accuse me of anything because I WILL NOT hear it.
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bonnvivre · 9 months
A Funny Thing- Ch 22 word dump
shortening the title cus it’s a pain to write over and over, full title in the tags, link to chapter below cut (as if ppl other than the author themselves will look at this but hey)
very much a word dump i have no idea what’s going on below this cut it’s 4am im tired
i read every single chapter out loud to myself- i like to pretend i’m an english teacher reading the assigned story of the quarter to their students and then i give an oscar worthy performance with the dialogue
yeah dr sato as you should lmao honestly i’d dedicate my entire work hours to these two mfs
“After all, she has a feeling their story is still far from over. Who knows what else may be lurking beneath the surface.” girl this is 16 yrs of LORE of course it’s not over 😭 they got BAGGAGE
4 yrs old, born 2007, we’re at 2011 now, gojo is around 22 yrs old (note for me)
“Yuuji doesn’t have a last name.” A
oh my gkd giggling sukuna having beef w the cheater, got into indoor cycling just to best her love that for him 
also love chismosa ‘kuna, telling gojo abt the tea, kettle and all, even giving him a real time show 
“In a feat of superhuman strength-“ LMAO
god im cryimg are those full coherent sentences ??? OJ GODKM GONSN FCRUY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA YUUJIIIIIIIIIII a hundred billions hours oh ur so silly
teehee their son, our son, such subtle changes in the writing but it says so much 🥹
god im sorry i just bursted out laughing while i was reading i couldnt help but think of the memes WHAHSDJ dad i frew up 
damn he didn’t return the handshake that’s actually so crazy
i initially thought it was mainly about sukuna’s “tattoos” that the first two schools were wary about, but i forget that, to others, they’re a queer family and definitely back then, it still wasn’t socially accepted. not sure why it didn’t cross my mind, especially with a conservative country like japan, but i’m glad there’s some light to it as a part of the challenges they go through while navigating their relationship and their lives.
oooooooh the romance is really slow cooking goodness my favorite om nom nomnomnom
ohhhhhh my heart….what are you doing to me, weiserr……wholesome cute family moment…….my cause of death indeed
after chapter thoughts:
imagine if they came across toji dropping off megumi at school or smth (yknow if mamaguro is still alive and their lives are good), i cant even imagine the animosity gojo and sukuna would have towards him
“heyyyy guys sorry i tried to kill you and your son back then crazy times huh”
his new friend is junpei bet (watch me be wrong)
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percabeth4life · 1 year
Their is so much angst potential for kane chronicles fanfics. The act of merging With a god. Where they sometimes remember memories from the gods. Their could be body horror of someone slowly changing. Or the them fighting for control of the body like itadori from jujutsu kaisen
Idk jujutsu kaisen but yeah, there's a bunch of angst potential. And potential for deep lore work. And new families with the Gods just going "host = family now <3"
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macawritesupdates · 5 months
Hey, I really love your fics. My favorite is whichever one updated most recently 💗 until the next one updates it's a never-ending cycle. Anyway, I was re reading the yuuji files, and it made me curious: Are we going to get more itadori family lore? I love the little tidbits that we have, like how they all need to know how to survive and can't tell other people their real birthdays because of a forgotten promise, its so cool. Will we get to learn what the real promise was or meet the underworld God? Even if we don't, it's still fun world building. I just can't stop thinking about the possibilities. Oh man and that's not even mentioning susumu mistaking yuuji for a young God I know it's a bit of comedy but is there more to it I mean yuuji is just out here unintentionally turning curses into cute babies and earning the loyalty of powerful spirits so I wonder if there's more going on here. It would be hilarious if he ascended to godhood entirely on accident that just seems like a yuuji thing to do tbh. I also wanted to ask if you've seen the latest leaks for jjk I have an idea for a prompt based off of them but I don't want to spoil anything for you.
There is going to be much more Itadori lore for sure! That chapter is two away and going to be a big one for sure <3 A lot is going to be answered hehe!
And the god reference...oh it is going to be coming back time and time again! One of those little threats that is weaving forward <3
And I am caught up on the spoilers, so you can be free in your requests dear anon! Thank you for the kind words and the comment! It is much appreciated!!
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shoujoaccent · 3 years
reading jjk is like reading a run-on sentence over and over again bc things could be said so clearly and yet it’s not 😭
#a lot of the plot is actually very simple and direct but this man gotta treat it like a rocket science lesson every time damn#like choso’s technique not working in water is simple like his blood is watery so adding more water mean he deluding it even more#that’s all he needed to say but no lmao#also sukuna is interested in megumi’s technique bc it’s the technique that rivaled gojo#its also a technique that can incarnate cursed spirits so he won’t need itadori as a vessel#but is it explained that way? ABSOLUTELY NOT like bro you are that meme of shounen characters talking too much about their shit 😭#every time I read a technique and it’s explained in a way besides the obvious and simple way it hurts my head#I think the characters are very likable and the lore and world building is nice#but the execution sometimes…. bro LOL#also just the way everything is toji’s fault but no character ever comments that he is a response to a broken system#like especially if ur gonna have maki right there who isn’t allowed to advance bc quite literally it’s her family is blocking her way#which means ur grading system does not matter if it’s biased and NONETHELESS THE FACT THAT A LOT OF THEM AINT EVEN REGISTRED LOLOLOL#I also just hate the power system bc I get it but this story is so heavy on technique that if I’m gonna be explained 85 techniques that#arent gonna be relevant than just….. PICK A STRUGGLE LMAO if technique can beat power then what does it matter#also if all these mf are just gonna be special grades…… then….. fjjjddjksks god I hate it here#also somethin about nobara being the one to respond to mai’s trouble of being a woman—#which btw like WHEW the misogyny from the families outside of gojo is wild like y’all too ugly for this 😭#but it’s just nobara’s storyline about being an outsider esp with saori who was harassed for being a city girl like frjejejej I get it but#it be real inconsistent out here which tells me that their plot lines really aren’t necessary or given the attention it deserves#also like ISNT it important to set up the system that gojo is fighting against like his past arc was so good but it needs to be brought to#the main timeline like the only person who has made an effort in his beliefs is nanami and he ain’t even— LOLOL#it’s just like u ever see such a good premise and characters but the execution be wack#I know half of y’all ain’t even reading bc tsumiki is megumi’s step sister#like he literally said he met her when he was a kid but ppl say that she’s his moms kid from another man fjrjsjs#WHY WOULD HE REFER TO HIS MOM AS TSUMIKIS MOM AND NOT JUST MOM THEN#I’m not even mad it’s just like it’s been a long time since I’ve seen characters solely carry a show vs plot in a long time#but the plot isn’t even that bad it’s just the execution that makes it a mess fjdjdjskjs
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mrskurono · 3 years
uuu!! def the fushiguro family!!
two kids with megumi, kaguya and kyouma !!! we spend the holidays with toji n tsumiki ( bc they live w us lol typical asian stuff ). nobara and itadori come too, but they’re most likely coming over to play with the kids and destroy eat their gingerbread houses. megumi would be the one forced to wear matching pjs w the entire family ( including toji! ) bc me and tsumiki love that idea but both of them dreaded that haha. the holidays would be so festive n super chaotic!! i would drag the family out to lots of picture taking, skating and outdoor activities where toji would rather be caught dead than doing ( he loves us tho lol ). so much christmas shopping!!! me and tsumiki are buying for like everyone we know ( except gojo he can just get a pair of hot cheeto socks, not wrapped lmao ) when christmas comes we would have a christmas family in the fushiguro house, panda would dress up as a reindeer, maki being the meanest elf ever and santa would be inumaki 😭 safe to say the kids would have def cried at how mean maki was saying theyre on the naughty list and won't get anything for christmas. they then declared shes one of the worse aunts and cried to megumi and tsumiki abt it bc ngl i would be laughing. they would also whisper to toji saying "why is the reindeer black and white? does uncle panda know that wearing a red nose and reindeer ears still makes him look like a panda?" we would also have a cookie decorating contest, toji's was just straight up gore with the red frosting and crying face, not to mention he ate an arm off!!! maki didnt participate girl just ate it. itadori's was ok, super basic and added hair to make it look like jennifer lawrence? no one knows how panda did it just it looked like an elf. inumaki was decent, he actually did it right but he put a mask on the gingerbreed man too-- megumi and i helped the kids but when nobara said it was stupid and ate their cookies by accident they definitely cried
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I literally can't decide what's funnier, Gojo getting a pair of Cheeto socks (that flat out you know that bitch acts like they're Gucci quality flashing in everyone's face) or that it would make more sense for big ol' Panda to be Santa but intstead it's lil 5'6 Inumaki with a white beard on saying "salmon roe" with the kids on his lap 😭😂 At least Panda can talk but he's gotta be Rudolph probably bc he begged for it 😂😂😂
Toji gives this air of "I'm going to piss off my son but I love my grandkids and the cool ass person my son married soooo time to piss Megumi off doubly during the holidays" Is Yuji the saving grace during the Holidays? Is that why your husband hasn't committed murder? Maybe his sister is the secret? Maybe Tsumiki threatened Megumi with murder if he does anything? Maybe everyone besides Panda and Inumaki have been threatened with murder during the holidays so everyone is on the best behavior to make it magical for the kids 😂
I'm still scream laughing at Gojo and the fucking socks
Lets be honest it's what cranky Gumi deserves during the holidays and the matching pj set is the least of this mans worries.
Hmm I haven't thought of my jjk selfships in a while...so lets go with Choso! My big sweet baby of a man curse <3 He likes Christmas. I just know he does, lights, food, family, this is where Choso shines. And I have a pretty close knit family so that makes it even better for him. In laws who? As far as he's concerned my side is just his side. As for the kids...he does dress up like Santa for the boys. He really tries but has zero Santa lore and just turns into both his sons telling him how Santa is really and Choso nodding like he's taking all their critiques very seriously (bc honestly yeah he is, he's fucking taking mental notes to up his Santa game)
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Send me your self ship family/holiday headcanons!
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cursedvibes · 2 years
Kenjaku ask
First impression: Chill Exposition Guy
Impression now: The brainrot has consumed me. Reading the current chapters is so crazy. I'm not used to getting that much Kenjaku content at once.
Favourite moment: That's a hard one...I think "I don't remember taking out your brains too" is still their best quote. Aside from that I'm divided between the Kashimo flashback and the theater scene with Choso. Kashimo's flashback gives so much lore and Kenjaku gushing about the possibilities of a giant monster curse shows their true mad scientist colours.
Idea for a story: Man do I have a lot of them. I think I just really want to see them travelling around making binding vows with (non)sorcerers throughout the ages, in Japan and abroad. We've gotten so many interesting Culling Game players and I want to know how they found them.
Unpopular opinion: Kenjaku isn't sadistic. They don't have empathy and don't care about hurting others, but they don't revel in bloodshed like Mahito or Sukuna do. If Choso wasn't barring the way to Tengen, then they probably would've just left. Yes, they're cruel to him because he's "frustratingly normal" (and I think they might be hoping for him to go past his limits) but it's not quite the same.
Favourite relationship: The whole Itadori family. I need to see more of the insanity that went on there. Everyone there was clearly having a lot of problems. Aside from that, I really enjoy their relationships with Mahito and Uraume. Just villains chilling together, scamming the world governments together. That's what I like to see.
Favourite headcanon: I've had the hc for a long time that Kenjaku likes bug and centipedes in particular (the way they used that curse in Shibuya gave me a vision) and I'm very happy that that now turned out to be canon. Akutami and I are on one wavelength there. Aside from that, I think they might've been Tengen's student or had some other close relationship to them. We'll probably find out about it in the coming chapters.
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