#there are daily games you can play to slowly learn
tarantula-hawk-wasp · 1 month
At a certain point blaming the school system for failing to teach you every fact becomes an excuse to absolve yourself from learning on your own time as an adult. Maybe you had bad teachers and curricula, maybe you never did the assigned reading, maybe you were taught propaganda, but it’s okay to start now. It’s okay to learn geography from online games. It’s okay to get entry level books from the library on a subject. It’s okay to explore Wikipedia and other reputable websites as a start. You can learn as an adult. You should continue learning as an adult.
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bohemiandeer · 6 months
You know what hits me hard? When 5 to 6 year old children, all the way in Southeast Asia, knows about what's happening in Palestine right now. That children their age is getting bombed, that they're starving to death, that they're getting shot at, and sniped in the head. Because, just this past 2 or so months, I heard some of the little ones in the Kindergarten classes I'm TAing in as an Intern talk about it. Hell, one of the little boys downright said he didn't like Israel, because Israel is bad, because they do scary things. Another was questioning whether Palestine was bad too, because, "why else would they shooting at them?". A little girl in one of my classes doesn't want to finish her food at all, because she wants to save at least half her meat and rice for kids in Palestine, because she heard that, they don't have food. And that's just the ones I remember. Namely the inciting cases before their classmates slowly follow suit. The littles are fricking SCARED. We had to sit these kids down, and tell them that the topic is too mature for them at the moment, that they shouldn't even be concerned because they're KINDERGARTNERS, they're not even old enough to properly understand. The one teacher I was TAing for had to make a class announcement saying that. What gets me is, these are 5 to 6 year olds, the youngest I've worked with in this specific age group is 4. 5 years old on average, and they've already been exposed to the worst horrors genocide has to offer through the news and snippets of conversation among adults and hell, considering how many of them say they like to play games on Mama's phone, or their IPad, even from fricking social media. And the fact that, these literal babies, from all the way in Cambodia, has more empathy in their entire body and soul, than full grown fricking adults have in the nail of their pinky finger, gets me. FFS we as adults could LEARN from them I feel sometimes. I honestly don't know what to feel about it anymore. On the one hand, this is the next generation I'm working with. And if the next generation's default response to a tragedy such as Palestine, is what I've seen come up on occasion so far? Perhaps there's some bloody hope for this world after all. At least in this country. Especially since a majority of them already come from families who survived a genocide. These are the 3rd - 4th generation descendants of those who survived the Khmer Rouge. They've got grandparents at home, who no doubt are more than intimately familiar with what Palestine is going through right now. And it shows.
But on the other, it makes my heart sink because these are CHILDREN, these are LITTLE KIDS, they should be playing with their toys and watching cartoons and talking to their friends about everything from Spiderman to Speakerman to Kuromi and her friends, and be worried about whether or not they can go to playground that day, guranteed they're well behaved, or if Mama remembered to pack in their costume for swimming lessons that week. NOT JUST MY KIDS. But the little ones in Palestine too. They deserve better. They all deserve, so much better. Hell, it's come to the point that whenever I look at my kiddos right now, whether they'd be working in class, playing, doing something as mundane as eating lunch or getting ready for their nap. I think of the children their age in Palestine that didn't even get the chance to survive. I think of the ones whose memories from this age, is nothing but absolute horror and pain, rather than what has slowly become my normal, who never got to experience what my littles do on a daily basis right now.
Children shouldn't even be concerned about "War", about a Genocide. The last thing that should be on a 5 year old's mind, is pain, and suffering, and the worst horrors imaginable ever to be inflicted on a human being. ESPECIALLY WHEN IT'S INFLICTED, ON OTHER CHILDREN THEIR AGE. And for that alone, the world has failed them. Especially the kids in Palestine who didn't ask for any of this. They just wanted to carry on with life as kids do, the same way as my littles do on a daily basis no doubt, learning, playing, chatting with friends over their favourite cartoons and characters, worrying about whether they'd get to go to the playground or not that day.
I apologize for talking about this on this blog. I know my blog tends to be lighter in feel, a lot more unhinged and light hearted typically. I mean, I'm just a fricking nerd who likes to draw and write, and lurk about her favourite fandoms to consume and support what is shared among other nerds who also like to draw and write. But I couldn't stop thinking about it. About contemplating it, especially since I'll be back on a roll tomorrow, working with my kiddos again after not seeing them for 5 days straight because of Holidays. And, I just had to talk about it. This is something I felt I couldn't keep to myself this time, I don't think my soul'd be able to carry it. I had to talk about it.
FREE PALESTINE. Our children deserve better.
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foreveradreamaway · 3 months
streaming- MV33/1
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summary- a compilation of moments from maxs streams
i really loved writing this as i always have small idea that aren’t long enough to be their own post, if you have any small idea that goes with this or just in general then please comment it or send it to me and i will make a part two or another post similar <3
max loved to stream every now and then. he loved the interactions with fans and getting to play with his friends. you also loved when max streamed because it gave you some peace and quiet for a while, it also allowed you to do some house work without max following you like a lost puppy.
you had made numerous appearances in his streams and his fans loved it. probably enjoying seeing you both as actual humans and getting to see how you both live your daily lives together. some fans had made a compilation of the many times you made an appearance in one of maxs streams.
max sat in his gaming chair immersed in whatever game he was playing. you needed something from the room he was in and it couldn’t wait.
you opened the door as slowly and quietly as possible and creeped over to the thing you needed. apparently you weren’t quiet enough and he heard you. he moved one side of his headset off his ear.
“sorry, i just needed to grab the end thing for the hoover.” you sheepishly smiled. he only grinned in return. you took this as the opportunity to walk up behind him so you were in the frame.
“what are you playing?” you questioned as your face finally came in shot.
“im playing cod with lando, charles and carlos”
“aww cute” you sent a quick wave to say hello to everyone that was on the other end of the camera. however your eyes were quickly caught by the top of maxs head.
“can they hear me?” you questioned, he nodded. “okay. hello everyone, it’s your favourite person in the world here and i just needed to show you something” max had a confused look on his face as he watched you through the camera, wondering what you were about to show.
your hands reached for each side of the head set that was on his head and slowly removed it and handed it to him. your hands then went to either side of his head and tilted it down.
“max gets really bad headset hair guys and it will literally stay like this for the rest of the day” max’s hands quickly went up to his hair to attempt to fix while you and the chat couldn’t help but laugh.
“shut up” he grumbled as he lifted the head set back onto his head. “love you baby!” you called over your shoulder as you left the room.
“i hate her”
“i heard that!”
“mijn liefste, wil je zo pasta? Ik ben er nu een paar aan het maken” you can’t be seen as you poke your head round the door.
“Het gaat goed, dank je schat” he replies while not taking his eyes off the game but removing one side of his headset. “welke pasta ben je aan het maken?”
“i know i’m learning but im not that good yet max” you laugh.
“i said ‘what pasta are you making” he replies, suddenly feeling hunger bubble his stomach.
“i’m not sure yet. are you sure you don’t want any? i’ll surprise you” making food has always been one of your love languages, your mum had shown you to cook as soon as she could and you picked it up quick.
“yeah go on then” he finally turns to you and smiles as you walk away. when he finally turns back he sees the chat filled with questions and people telling him how cute you both are.
“yeah she is learning dutch. i’m teaching her” his face lights up as he talks about you. “it’s very easy for her though because she already knows other languages so she picks it up quickly” his smile never leaving his face.
max is looking intensely at the chat in-front of him, reading everything is the chat. answering a couple questions. he does this until he sees a familiar name come up.
“‘answer your phone’ what?” he quickly picks up his phone to see that he has ten missed calls from you. he is quick to call you back.
“max stop putting your phone on do not disturb and silent” you scold. he always did when he was streaming, he always said it was because he didn’t want to be disturbed however sometimes it was important. like now.
“sorry schat.”
“do you want anything from the shop? i’ve already got your m&ms and tomato soup.” max had a soft spot for m&ms and everyone knows about this man’s love of tomato soup.
“no i’m okay thank you baby. what are we having for dinner” max had a massive smile on his face. half because he was talking to you and because he knew how much everyone watching would love the conversation.
“well you’ve got mean prep” you couldn’t help but laugh as max groaned loudly and threw his head back. he hated meal prep. don’t get me wrong he loved being healthy and eating nice food but sometimes he just craved your cooking. “and i’m having a stir fry.”
“ugh whatever. i want stir fry”
“i know baby. ill make you one as soon as your nutritionist will allow me too”
“okay fine. when will you be home?” max kept the phone close to his mic to make sure everyone would be able to hear you on the other end of the phone.
“not long, i took the ferrari so it won’t take me long to get home. i don’t have my keys so be ready to pick up your phone and open the door! okay, i love you bye” you ended the phone call quickly before he could say anything about you taking his car.
“i swear she prefers my cars over her own” he laughed as he read through the chat again.
when you moved in with max you demanded that a sofa be put into his gaming/office room. he got you the cosiest sofa he could just to make sure you were comfy. max spent a lot of time in the room and you missed him when he was in there.
before you lived together, you tried to sit on the floor when you were round but you just weren’t comfortable enough so that’s when you demanded a sofa. if max was streaming or just had some admin stuff to do, you would just sit on the sofa and enjoy each-others company.
max was streaming, as per usual, while you sat all snuggled up on the sofa across the room. you had one the comfiest jumper of his that you could find, his joggers, a blanket covering your whole body and tucked under your chin and you glasses that sat on your nose.
max had specifically bought a pair of joggers that were too small for him. one day he came home to see you wearing a pair of his that were far to big for you and when he questioned you, you said that you just enjoy wearing his clothes. so the next day he went and bought a pair that were to small and placed them in his waldrobe. from then on they were yours.
you were also a secret iPad kid at heart. your iPad was literally your prized possession and you took it everywhere with you. now was no different as you sat there with your ipad resting on your legs as you watched tik tok.
“look” you turned the ipad around so that it was facing max, he leant on the arm rest of the chair to get a better view of what you were showing him. it was a cat.
“we should get sassy and jimmy one” he laughed as you nodded. he sat back into his chair and caught what the chat were saying. many people asking where you were.
he grabbed the camera from its holder and turned it to face you, showing you under the blanket. he got up out his chair and moved to sit next to you on the sofa.
“you are actually such an old man” you laughed as he struggled to hold the camera so that it would get a view of both of you. “give it to me” you took the camera from his hand and wrapped your other arm around his neck to bring him closer to you.
“hey guys, it’s your favourite person in the world here” the camera now had a perfect view of both of you as you put a quick peace sign up to the camera. you quickly nudged max and his fingers quickly went to the same position as yours. “i want to show you all my outfit, hold this baby” you handed the camera to max and threw the blanket onto him as you stood from your seat.
“max, show them my whole body my love” you laughed as he was only showing the camera your legs. “i’m trying Schat” you leant forward a bit and moved maxs hand so it faced where it should be.
“okay so my glasses are from specsavers, they are the only people i trust with my glasses. even if i need a new pair i would rather fly home than get a pair from anywhere else. because if they messed my glasses up i would just hear my mum in my ear saying ‘should have gone to specsavers’. my jumper is maxs- where is this jumper from?” you questioned him.
“umm its a zara one i think”
“okay so the jumper is from zara and these joggers are from nike. can i even say that? do they even sponsor you?” max’s laugh could be heard from behind the camera before he replies. “yeah it’s okay. i think” his face fell into a sheepish grin behind the camera.
“my socks are from god knows where. and the blanket is from also god knows where.” you gave the camera a big smile as you fell back into your previous position.
“you are the new version of maxplaining”
“shut up”
“can we play fifa?” you were sat on the floor, cross legged, next to max while he sat in his gaming chair. “you only want to play fifa because you always beat me” he huffed.
“exactly” you grinned at him.
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biggestsimp12 · 15 days
Ticci Toby x Childhood friend genderfluid Reader We'll meet again...Some sunny day..
requested by: no one. I just had a dream last night this scenario and NEEDED to write it down. (the requests in my inbox can wait a little more hehe.)
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(I know this song is about war but the part with the ''We'll meet again, don't know when, don't where. but i know we'll meet again some sunny day..'' matches a part of the story i have in mind-)
The sun dipped low in the sky, casting a warm glow over the playground. Toby, a small figure with unruly hair and a slightly crooked smile, clutched a worn teddy bear. He was five years old, and every day at kindergarten felt like navigating a minefield. The laughter of the other children rang out, but it was a sound that brought him no joy. For Toby, the playground was a stage for his daily struggle, a place where he was both audience and performer in a play he never wanted to star in. The sudden jerks of his body and the strange words that slipped from his mouth when he was upset made him an easy target for their teasing. Yet, amidst the sea of unkindness, Toby remained hopeful, a beacon of innocence in a world that was slowly learning to be cruel.
He sat on the edge of a wooden bench, the paint chipped and faded from countless summers of use. The teacher had placed him there after another failed attempt to integrate him into a game of tag. His eyes darted around the playground, watching as the children squealed and ran, their shadows stretching long on the yellowing grass. Toby's chest tightened as he wished he could join them, but he knew better than to try again. They had made it clear that his peculiarities were not welcome.
As the laughter grew louder, a stray soccer ball sailed through the air, propelled by the clumsy kick of a child too eager to hit their target. It headed straight for Toby, a silent missile of rubber and plastic. His instincts took over, his arms shooting up to catch it before it could smack into his face. The sudden movement sent a spasm through his body, his muscles tightening like a bowstring. He threw the ball back without looking, a reflexive reaction to the fear that had become all too familiar.
The group of kids who had been playing nearby froze. Their giggling ceased, and their eyes locked onto Toby. He knew that look, the one that said he had done something wrong again. They approached him, a pack of hyenas closing in on their prey. The biggest kid, Billy, a towering figure in Toby's eyes, stepped forward. "Why'd you throw it back, weirdo?" he sneered, his teeth glinting in the fading light.
Before Toby could respond, a small, unassuming figure stepped in front of him. It was Y/N, a kid from his class who rarely spoke up. They was the kind that hovered at the edge of groups, never quite fitting in, but always observing with a gentle curiosity. Their eyes were wide and their voice trembled as they faced Billy. "Leave him alone," they whispered, their fists balled at their sides.
Billy, caught off guard, took a step back. He looked from Toby to Y/N and then to his friends, who had also stopped in their tracks. Billy barked a laugh, his eyes glinting with malice. "What are you gonna do about it?" he taunted, his chest puffing out.
But Y/N didn't flinch. They held their ground, their small body a sudden mountain between Toby and the looming threat. "I said, leave him alone," they repeated, voice a little stronger this time. Billy's smirk faltered, his eyes narrowing as he sized up the unexpected challenge. Then, with a snort of disbelief, he turned and stomped away, his pack of followers trailing behind him like a shadow retreating from the light.
Toby stared after them, his heart racing in his chest. He looked down at Y/N, whose hand was still outstretched as if to ward off the bully. "Thanks," he murmured, his voice thick with relief. Y/N nodded, their gaze darting to the ground before looking back up at him with a tentative smile. "Are you okay?" they asked, the words echoing with genuine concern.
Without waiting for a response, Y/N reached into their pocket and pulled out a small bag of Haribo gummy bears. "Here," they said, holding it out to Toby. "My mommy gave them to me. I don't like them much as i like peach gummy rings better, but I thought maybe you would."
Toby took the bag with trembling hands, his eyes wide with astonishment. "Thanks," he managed to say, his voice barely above a whisper. He took a few of the bears and sat back down on the bench, expecting Y/N to leave now that the danger had passed. But to his surprise, they sat down beside him, their legs swinging in unison with his.
"I'm Y/N," they said, their voice soft and unassuming. "What's your name?" Toby looked over at them, the first time he had really seen them up close. They had a smattering of freckles across their nose and a mop of hair that looked like it hadn't seen a brush in days. There was something endearing about their disheveled appearance, something that made him feel less alone.
"Toby," he replied, his voice still shaky. He took a deep breath and popped a gummy bear into his mouth, the sweetness washing over his tongue.
Y/N giggled at the sight. "I'm so happy to meet you, Toby," they said, their eyes lighting up. "You know what happens if you eat too many of these?" They leaned in conspiratorially, their breath smelling faintly of mint. "I heard that if you eat a whole bag of gummy bears, your boogers will turn into gummy worms!"
Toby's eyes went wide with a mix of horror and fascination. He looked down at the bag in his hand as if it contained the secrets of the universe. The idea was ludicrous, but at five years old, reality was still a malleable thing, and Y/N's imagination was as vast as the playground around them. He took another gummy bear, turning it over in his fingers. "Really?" he asked, his voice filled with awe.
Y/N nodded solemnly, their eyes sparkling with mischief. "Yeah, my cousin did it. She had these huge gummy bears stuck in her nose!" And with that, they proceeded to demonstrate, pushing two of the small, squishy candies up their nostrils. Toby watched, his jaw dropping as the gummy bears disappeared, one after the other.
Then, without warning, Y/N's expression changed. They began to make strange, guttural noises that sounded like a cross between a T-Rex and a choking kazoo. Toby's eyes widened in surprise as they leaned over and started tickling him, their fingers like tiny feathers dancing over his ribs and belly. "It's the Haribo Gummy Boss!" they exclaimed, their voice a mix of laughter and the prehistoric sounds. "They've taken over my mind!"
Toby squealed and squirmed, his body convulsing with giggles. Without thinking, Toby bolted, his legs pumping as he squealed like a little girl, the bag of gummy bears forgotten on the bench. Y/N followed, their dinosaur noises growing louder and more ferocious as they pretended to be the terrifying Gummy Boss in hot pursuit. The chase was on, and it was all in good fun, the kind of fun that didn't care about the stares of the other children or the rules of the games they didn't understand.
As they darted around the playground, dodging swings and sliding to a halt at the bottom of the slide, Toby felt something new, something he hadn't felt in a long time—joy. The kind of joy that didn't come from being the fastest or the strongest, but from the simple act of playing with someone who didn't care about his flaws. Someone who saw him not as the kid who talked to himself and had weird tics, but as a fellow adventurer fighting off imaginary monsters made of sugar and gelatin.
"Why do you have to move out?" His voice was soft, almost lost in the rustling leaves above them.
Now, at sixteen, Toby's tics had become less pronounced, but the whispers and glances from his peers remained. Y/N had grown into a gentle young person, their quiet strength unshaken by the passage of time. They had always been there to protect Toby, their loyalty unwavering. So, the idea of them leaving didn't sit well with him at all.
Y/N sighed, their eyes scanning the horizon as if searching for the right words. "Someone broke into our house," they finally said, their voice laced with a sadness that was palpable. "Mom and Dad have to fix a lot of stuff. We can't stay there right now. At least, I can't stay there now. I have to stay with my grandparents for a while."
Toby's heart sank. He knew what it was like to leave a place because it didn't feel safe anymore. His own father had a temper, one that had often left bruises hidden beneath his clothes. The thought of Y/N being torn from their home, from him, was too much to bear. "But, you can't just go," he protested, his voice cracking. "What about school?"
Y/N looked at him, their eyes filled with a mix of sadness and resignation. "I'm gonna be home-schooled until I can go back," they said softly. "It's only for a little while. Lyra promised me she will take care of your bullies until then." But the way their voice trailed off told Toby that they didn't believe it any more than he did. They had always been the one constant in his life, the one person who didn't treat him like he was made of glass. Now, they were being taken away, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.
"But when?" Toby pressed, desperation creeping into his voice. "When will we meet again?"
Y/N looked at him, their eyes filled with a sadness that mirrored the clouds gathering above. "We'll meet again…don't know when…don't know where," they admitted. "But I promise, Toby, I know we'll meet again.." They reached out and squeezed his hand, a silent promise that no distance could break.
Toby tried to smile, but it was like trying to hold back a storm. "Okay," he murmured, his voice barely a whisper. "Some sunny day, right?" He tried to cling to the hope in those words, to the idea that no matter how dark the clouds looked now, the sun would always find a way to shine through.
Y/N nodded, a tear slipping down their cheek. "Some sunny day," they echoed, their voice equally as soft. And with that, they turned and walked away, their shoulders slumped as if carrying the weight of the world. Toby watched them go, feeling a part of himself leave with them.
In the months that followed, everything felt even more isolating without Y/N's presence. Billy and his band of bullies grew bolder, their jeers and shoves a constant reminder of Toby's aloneness. His father's alcohol-fueled rages grew more frequent, the house a minefield of shattered glass and slammed doors. Even Lyra, his fiercely protective sister, couldn't shield him from the harsh realities that seemed to close in around him like the shadows of a closing curtain.
Then, one fateful evening, Toby's world shifted on its axis. He and Lyra had decided to escape the tension at home with a rare nighttime drive. The wind whipped through the car windows, carrying the sweet scent of blooming lilacs and the distant hum of the city. The radio played a soft melody that seemed to soothe the chaos within them, a temporary balm for the storms they weathered.
Toby's eyes were glued to the road ahead, lost in thought about Y/N. He barely registered the car's drift onto the gravel shoulder. The sudden jolt snapped him back to reality, just in time to see the tree rushing towards them, a silent sentinel in the dark. The world spun into a blur of metal and glass, the sickening crunch of impact echoing through his mind. The airbag deployed with a violent pop, stealing his breath.
In the weeks that followed, Toby's heart felt as shattered as the glass that had showered him that night. He retreated into himself, the once-vibrant boy now a ghostly shadow. His laughter was replaced by silence, his appetite by a void that no food could fill. His eyes held a faraway look, as if searching for something just beyond the horizon of his vision. The only thing that remained was the pain, a constant reminder of what had been lost.
The days grew shorter, and the nights grew longer, filled with the echoes of machines and the smell of antiseptic. The hospital walls closed in around him, a prison of white and beige, a stark contrast to the colorful world he had once known. Every time he tried to recall Y/N's face, it was like grasping at smoke, slipping through his fingers. The memories grew hazier, as if someone had taken an eraser to the pages of his life.
Then, the hallucinations began. Figments of his imagination playing cruel tricks on his fragile mind. He'd see Y/N standing outside his hospital room window, their hand pressed against the glass, their smile as bright as the day they had met. But when he'd look again, they were gone, replaced by the cold, unfeeling stare of the world beyond. And then there were the nights, when the hospital was at its quietest, and the only sounds were the whispers of the nurses and the beeps of the machines. He'd see Lyra, her spirit lingering in the halls, her eyes filled with a sadness that mirrored his own. Her corpse was a twisted reminder of the night that had changed everything, a specter that haunted his dreams and his waking moments.
The voices grew louder... They spoke of injustice and vengeance, urging him to right the wrongs that had been done. They whispered sweet nothings of release and peace, painting a picture of a world without pain, without fear. Toby's mother, her eyes red-rimmed and desperate, took him to a psychiatrist, hoping that medicine and therapy could mend what was broken. But the doctor's calm demeanor and gentle probing only served to fuel the flames of anger and despair that raged within him.
One night, as he lay in his bed, the vision of Lyra grew clearer than ever before. She stood at the foot of his bed, her eyes filled with a fierce determination that made his heart race. "You have to do it," she whispered, her voice echoing through his mind. "For me. For us. For all the nights we cried together." The room grew cold, the air thick with the weight of her unspoken words.
The voices grew louder, more insistent, weaving a tapestry of anger and grief. They painted a picture of a world where the scales of justice had been tipped by the cruel hand of fate, where the only way to set things right was to take matters into his own hands. The whispers grew into a cacophony, a symphony of vengeance that filled every corner of his being. He knew what he had to do.
With a swiftness that belied his fear, Toby plunged the axe into his father's chest. The man's eyes shot open, his face contorted in shock and pain. A garbled cry was the only sound that escaped his lips before they went slack, his lifeblood staining the bed sheets a deep crimson. Toby stared, unable to comprehend the reality of what he had done. The voices grew louder, screaming in triumph, urging him to complete the purge.
He moved through the house with the precision of a predator, setting fires in each room, watching the flames dance and grow. The heat grew intense, the smoke thick, stinging his eyes and filling his lungs.
He stumbled through the smoke, his eyes burning and his lungs filled with the acrid scent of burning wood. His father's lifeless body lay behind him, a grim testament to his rage. The heat grew unbearable, licking at his skin like the flaming tongue of a dragon. His breath came in ragged gasps, the smoke stealing the oxygen from the air.
But amidst the chaos, he heard it—a voice that cut through the roar of the fire like a knife. "Toby!" It was Y/N, their voice a beacon in the dark. He turned, his vision swimming, and saw them standing outside through the bedroom window, their face contorted with fear and desperation.
Y/N had come to visit, not knowing what they would find. They had felt something was wrong, an instinct that had driven them across town to Toby's house. The sight of the flames had filled them with dread, and they had sprinted through the smoky halls, calling his name. Now, as they watched Toby's silhouette collapse, the world around them seemed to melt away.
Three years had passed since the fire. Toby had survived, but the voices had never truly left him. His eyes darted around, searching for the one that Slenderman had sent him to find.
On the day of the fire, amidst the chaos and the smoke, he had seen a figure—tall, thin, and dressed in black. It had moved with an unnatural grace, the shadows seeming to bend around it. The figure had reached out a long, pale hand and pulled him through the flames, saving him from the inferno he had created, making him his proxy in exchange. In the aftermath, Toby's memory was a jigsaw puzzle with too many missing pieces he wasn't bothering to find anymore.
Now, as the moon cast a silver path along the river, he saw a silhouette. The figure was small, almost delicate, with a gait that seemed familiar. His hand tightened around the handle of the hatchet, the metal cold and unforgiving. As he approached, the silhouette grew clearer, the outline of a person walking with their head bowed, lost in thought. The voices in his head grew louder, urging him to complete his task, to serve Slenderman without question.
But as he stepped into the moonlight, Toby's heart skipped a beat. The figure looked up, their eyes wide and filled with confusion. And then, like a puzzle piece snapping into place, he realized it was Y/N. The years had changed them, but the kindness in their eyes remained the same.
Y/N squinted, trying to make out the person approaching them. "Who's there?" they called out, their voice trembling. "What do you want?"
Toby froze, the hatchet heavy in his hand. The mask he wore to conceal his identity from the townsfolk who feared him was now a barrier between him and the one person who had ever truly seen him. He took a step closer, the moonlight glinting off the lenses of his goggles. "It's me," he said, his voice gruff from disuse. "It's Toby."
Y/N stopped, their breath hitching in their throat. They took a tentative step forward, their eyes searching his face, looking for the little boy they had once known. Slowly, they reached out and pulled the goggles from his face, revealing the hazel eyes that had held so much innocence in the past.
"Toby?" They chuckled in disbelief, their eyes watering as they said, "We finally met again. But not on a sunny day, huh?"
Toby's body twitched, his mind racing as he tried to piece together the fragments of their conversation. The hatchet felt foreign in his hand, a tool of a life he couldn't remember choosing. He nodded, the motion stiff and unnatural. "Yeah," he murmured, the word barely leaving his lips. "Y/N, right?"
Y/N's eyes searched his, looking for a spark of recognition that wasn't there. They nodded, the corners of their mouth turning down slightly. They stepped closer, their arms wrapping around him in a fierce embrace. Toby's body tensed for a moment, unused to the warmth of human contact, and then he melted into it, finding himself hugging back, the hatchet forgotten at his side.
When they pulled away, Y/N led him to the river's edge, the water splashing slightly at the shore. They sat down on the cool grass, the soft fabric of their shirt brushing against his worn clothes. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and the promise of rain. Y/N took a deep breath and turned to him, their voice quieter now. "Remember when we used to sit here and gossip?"
Toby's eyes searched theirs, desperate to find a connection, but the fog of his memories remained. He nodded, even though he couldn't recall those moments. "I'm sorry," he murmured, the words sticking in his throat. "I don't remember much.
Y/N gave a sad smile, patting his hand gently. "It's okay," they said. "You don't have to remember everything. We're here now." They picked at the blades of grass, their fingers deftly weaving them into a chain. "But do you remember the day you caught the soccer ball?"
Toby nodded, the memory a flicker in the back of his mind. "The day you protected me from Billy," he murmured.
Y/N looked at him, their eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "I didn't just do it because you were my friend," they confessed. "I did it because I had a crush on you, Toby. I've had one for as long as I can remember. Though I was too much of a coward to tell you at least on the day Ieft. What happened to you after I left is still unknown to me, but I want to apologise for any pain that I caused you. Emotionally, I mean, since you can't feel phisical pain."
Toby stared at them, his eyes widening. He had never thought of Y/N in that way, not really. They had always been his protector, his confidant, but love? The concept was as foreign to him as the words that had just been spoken. The voices in his head fell silent, their whispers replaced by the thundering of his heart.
Y/N's cheeks flushed, their eyes darting away from his. They picked up a pebble and tossed it into the river, watching the ripples spread. "I know it's weird," they murmured. "But I had to tell you."
Toby sat in silence for a moment, the weight of Y/N's words pressing down on him. He didn't know how to feel, but he knew one thing for sure—he couldn't let Y/N get hurt. "You have to go," he said, his voice urgent. "They're looking for innocent people. If they find you here with me, they won't hold back."
Y/N frowned, their confusion deepening. "What are you talking about?" they asked, their voice trembling. "Who's looking?"
But Toby was beyond words. His eyes grew wild, the voices in his head screaming at him to protect Y/N. In a split second, he made a decision that would haunt him for the rest of his days. With a trembling hand, he raised the hatchet, the cold wood heavy with the weight of his fear. "I-I'm sorry," he mumbled, his voice a hoarse whisper. "I'm s-so sorry."
With a swing that was more a plea than an act of violence, he brought the handle of the hatchet down on Y/N's head. The sound of impact was muffled by the thunder of his own pulse in his ears. Y/N's eyes rolled back, their body going limp as they slumped to the ground, but quickly being caught by Toby.
When Y/N woke up again, their head was pounding and their ears ringing. The cold, damp earth of the woods was replaced by the familiar scent of their own bedroom, the darkness pierced by the moonlight streaming through an open window. They sat up with a gasp, their hand flying to the tender spot on their head. It was sore, but there was no blood, no wound. They looked around, their heart racing, trying to piece together what had happened.
The last thing they remembered was the feel of the hatchet handle connecting with their skull. But here they were, in their own bed, dressed in the same clothes they had been wearing when they had found Toby—or thought they had. They reached over to the bedside table and turned on the lamp, the soft glow casting shadows across the room.
There, on the nightstand, lay a crumpled piece of paper. Y/N picked it up, their trembling hand smoothing out the wrinkles. The handwriting was messy, a scrawl that looked as though it had been etched by a child. Yet, there was something eerily familiar about it. Their heart sank as they read the words:
"Never walk in the woods alone at night again unless you have some death wish. Meet me tomorrow at 4 p.m. at the tree with lots of centipedes on it. You should recognize it by the bzbzbzbz sound they do. Cya."
Yep, definitely not a dream-
The end <3
(a rather ugly lazy sketch made by me with my new phone's pen that i don't know how to use-)
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(Sorry if he seemed too OC or anything like that, I tried to keep him on the slightly canon track-)
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barcalover86 · 1 year
loved your jealous gavi fic .
Could we get a angry bird gavi fic where his always moody but reader knows how to deal with it 🥺
Thank youu!
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Pablo was always in no mood when he would lose a game, knowing that it was somehow his fault after all, which often that wasn't the case.
You learned that your boyfriend needs time to calm down and then you can go talk to him.
The truth is that he isn't calming down before he touches you in some way. Holding your hand, feeling your fingers playing with his..
You had some type of magic in you. Your eyes could make him get lost, and your voice would make him stop everything he is doing to listen to you.
Now, it was one of those days when he was really moody. It wasn't really because he lost the game, but also because some players would have told him something that really bothered him.
You didn't live in the same place, but decided to go to his after Lewa called you to tell you that your boy is not feeling too well. You wanted to make him feel better and stopped somewhere to buy some food for both of you.
You were standing at his house in Barcelona with food in one hand, and in the other a picture of him with a pen.
It was really late, and you texted Gavi right before the match that you are going to sleep earlier because you have some things to do tomorrow morning. He saw the text and only decided to say back one good night, hoping to see you soon.
You managed to knock on the door with all your things in your hands, and after 3 or 4 minutes, you saw your boy with a tired and sleepy face opening the door.
When he saw you standing right there, he immediately smiled and took the food from your hands.
"Holaa!" you said childish.
"Amorrr" he said after putting the food down and going for a hug.
"If my favorite player isn't too tired right now, could he sign me something?"
When he saw the picture of him and the pen from your hand, he chuckled.
"Ayyy, for sure, cariño, but come in first."
You laughed and came into his house. Now, that you could see him better, he wasn't tired anymore. His eyes were sparkling. He was only wearing some shorts and when he hugged you again, your cold hands on his warm body made him shiver a bit.
"Lo siento!" you chuckled.
He kissed you and then he started to ask a lot of questions. "How did you get here?" or "Why are you here?" or " Are you cold?" and a lot more. You answered him honestly and then sat at his table to eat the food you bought.
"You still didn't sign my picture!"
He immediately took it in his hands and signed it before he went to you to kiss you all over your face to sign you too.
You were laughing hard. He was always like this when he saw you after a bad game, and you were thankful that he wasn't that type of boyfriend who was letting his anger on you.
"So, why were you moody with your teammates, cariño?"
He sighed and explained all to you. How did he behave to his teammates, and how did he get angry because of some player. He blamed himself again for the loss, saying that he didn't play like he wanted tonight.
You explained to him that your teammates are as sad as he is, and having a bad behaviour with them wasn't going to make things better, but even worse. You told him that some games are better and some are the opposite, because even the best one have to lose sometimes to not get bored of just winning.
At that, he slowly laughed and promised to you that tomorrow when they had training, to go and apologise to his friends.
After you ate, you went to sleep because you knew how tired Pablo was. You cuddled, and the next morning, you two had to go to your daily tasks.
He went to training and apologised like he promised before being teased by his teammates that you are the only one who can calm him down. He was really thankful for having you in his life and smiled proudly that you were his and he was yours.
I don't know if this is exactly how you wanted, but I hope that you liked it.
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ladylooch · 1 year
I’ll paint the scene for tonight! The Devils are playing but Captain Nico isn’t and he isn’t traveling to Long Island to see the guys, however, he is inviting some of the guys over (or not) but he is watching the game because he feels that is his duty as captain to watch and support everyone. But you have been missing the captain, as you went from spending every day together to him having daily training sessions and actual games, and you’re in the mood! But he refuses to pay attention because of the guys and his “commitment” and you do what every petty girlie would and tease the fuck out of him… 😂😂 you can continue I just enjoy imagining Nico sweating for it!
Ohhh captan Nico… always focused on his captain duties and not on you. When will he learns? Maybe tonight 😈
That’s how many times you and Nico have had sex since he returned from Switzerland. You had gone to visit for 6 weeks during the summer, but eventually had to return home to your job. As much as Nico begs you to quit, you’re not comfortable relying on him for your survival… yet.
Nico sits on the couch with an iPad, making little notes every so often as his team plays without him. He is perfectly healthy, but they wanted to give rest to the NHL roster for the last pre-season game against the Isles. 
You thought, this would mean you were going to get lucky, completely forgetting about the burning responsibility Nico feels for his team, whether he is on the ice or not.
Annoyed with his lack of attention, you clear your throat from where you stand in the hallway.
“Hm?” Nico mumbles without looking at you. Your lingerie is too damn sexy for him to be so disrespectful. 
“Babe.” You murmur, looking down at your plumped breasts then back to his face. He begrudgingly takes his eyes from the screens. His mouth drops open when he sees all the peeks of your skin between the garters and silk. 
“Holy shit.” He moans, licking his lips and tossing his iPad. You slowly step forward. You drag your fingers along the swells of your cleavage until his focus is completely off the game. He reaches for your hips as you come to straddle him. His hands immediately go to your ass. His long fingers pull your cheeks apart, working his hard erection against your folds. 
“They score!!!!!” The announce booms behind you. Nico’s eyes drift around your body. You grip his chin, bringing his brown gaze to yours and making him absorb your tongue.
“You look at that game again, I’m walking outside like this to see if there are any other takers.”
“Babe.” He whines, melting into the couch as you rock your hips.
“The boys…”
“Aren’t going to choke on your dick tonight.” His eyes sparkle, slight smirk tugging a corner of his lips up.  
“No, they aren’t.” He agrees, nostrils wide as he watches you crawl, one leg at a time, to rest between his spread thighs.
You look at his straining erection, biting your lip, then giggling at how desperate he looks when your fingers work the waistband down. His firm cock pops out. You lean forward, letting your hardened nipples trace along his thighs. His breathing stutters. Your tongue traces his plumped head. 
Suddenly, the New Jersey Devils captain doesn’t remember his team is playing an hour and a half away.
Instead, his focus is on your soft mouth stroking his rock hard length.
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They call you what? - Jake Seresin and Bradley Bradshaw x Roomie! Reader
A/N: So this is part of the new beginnings universe and I have loved getting to explore this universe with these three!
Read the first part here
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Living with two naval aviators was proving to be a pretty steep learning curve. Their terminology, jargon, and abbreviations were usually lost on you and more often than not you ended up googling things to keep up with conversations.
You were sitting in the living room reading a book when one of these conversations were going on, Jake and Bradley walking in the front door both still clad in their uniforms from work. “Can you believe the new guys call sign? That’s just brutal.” The words came from Jake’s lips as Bradley shook his head in return, both their eyes falling on you.
“What’s a call sign?” You never took your eyes off the book as the words left your lips, eyebrows just scrunching up in curiosity as you tried to place why what they were talking about was so funny. They spoke navy, as you liked to tell people, and it felt like a foreign language to you. You had been trying, you really had. But, there’s only so much a girl could do.
The silence in the air was palpable as you looked up from your book, awe-struck looks on both of the pilots faces. They were frozen in shock, Jake’s look more exaggerated than Bradley’s as was his dramatic tendency.
“You really don’t know what a call sign is?” Jake wasn’t even trying to hide his amusement and clear disappointment as he leaned against the wall, eye brows raised in his cocky and arrogant fashion. “Nope, not everyone knows your secret navy language.” You shrugged and put your bookmark in your pages, being able to tell this was going to be a long conversation.
You sat the book down as Bradley sank down into the couch beside you, looking over at you. “Think of it as nicknames that we go by almost exclusively.” He shrugged, making it sound super simple. The answer made you nod, looking at both of the men as you waited for them to tell you what their call signs were.
“Mine is hangman.” Jake looked pretty damn proud of himself and you tried to hold in a laugh, which earned you a scoff in return. “Hangman? Like the child’s game?” You finally let out the laugh you were holding in, covering your mouth. “D-does that mean people think about strangling you when they say that to you daily?” You were uncontrollably laughing now, getting a glare from Jake as Bradley cracked up beside you as well.
“Well, rooster. Why don’t you answer that for her? And I swear to god if you play the dead dad card.” Jake’s voice was sharp and cold as you slowly stopped laughing, your face softening at the end of Jake’s words. “Yeah, mine is because my dads was goose. But at least I gave mine to myself. Hangman here, wasn’t so lucky.” Bradley deflected the conversation back to a fuming Jake, who walked into the kitchen and grabbed a beer. He immediately brought it up to his lips, taking a long swig. “Well, I’m still the only aviator with 2 confirmed kills, so it doesn’t matter. Clearly I’m the best.”
You just scoffed at his words as you sat there deep in thought, looking between the two boys. They were best friends and yet they bickered like an old married couple; it was very amusing to you. You waited out the silence and the dramatic fuming before speaking up, your voice thoughtful and hopeful. "Can I have a cool call sign?"
Bradley smiled and immediately nodded as he went to work thinking of one, Jake smirking and chuckling to himself. "What's so funny?" You huffed as you looked at him, his cockiness practically oozing out of his pores. "AAR; that's what it is." Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you tried to decipher what on earth that could mean, "Annoying ass roommate." You huffed and threw a pillow at the blonde, making him yelp quietly before Bradley spoke up.
"You know, I think it's time we let the professionals pick out her call sign. Y/N, it's time you meet our squad. They're going to be the ones who pick it out for you. You meet them tomorrow." Bradley patted you on the shoulder before he stood up off the couch and walked towards his room, hangman frowning in the kitchen. You were not supposed to be integrated into his life like this. This is not how it was supposed to happen. But, now, you were slowly starting to take hold.
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sagethegaywitch · 2 months
TFP Autobot Headcanons (Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, Ratchet)
GN reader
TW: none
Genre: fluff
You will be a human assigned to an Autobot to keep you safe after you discovered their hideout with the rest of the human gang.  For now, the Autobots will have a platonic love for you.
Optimus Prime:
He was reluctant at first to take you under his wing, but he worried that Ultra Magnus and Ratchet wouldn’t have time for you, and Smokescreen and Wheeljack are equally bad influences.  He also doesn’t have much time to look after a human, so he’ll be very apologetic, telling you bluntly how this partnership will go.
He’s very busy as the leader of the Autobots, and he’s often spending most, if not all, of his time patrolling for threats or Energon.  Your relationship will go very slowly, but eventually, with a bit of pestering from you, he might take you on his daily drives to get to know you better.
He soon falls in love with driving you around in his cab.  You’ll be listening to your own music, working on some homework, or playing games on your phone, but you remain quiet because you know Optimus likes his peace.  It’ll start slow, maybe he’ll allow you to play your music aloud or even let you connect to his speakers.  Eventually, he’ll make comments on your music taste before transitioning to full on conversations.
He enjoys learning about human culture, and in return, he’ll tell you about Cybertron and his life before the war.  He treasures the rare moments when you get too lost in your thoughts and you ramble for hours during the long drives.  When you realize you’ve been talking his audio receptors off, you’ll apologize, but he’ll always reassure you and ask you to continue.
If you ever fall asleep in his alt-mode during the long drives, he avoids all rough terrain and will try to drive a bit slower to not jostle you too much.  He might even play some soft music or park completely to let you sleep peacefully.
As you two grow closer together, he’ll hang out with you when you’re at the base.  Instead of retreating to his room to work more, he’ll become a more common presence in the common room.  He’ll hover over your shoulder as you do work or watch from a safe distance when you play games with the other humans.  If you ever struggle with school subjects, he’s downloading everything off the internet revolving around the topic, and he’ll let you sit on his shoulder as he projects a small diagram to help teach you.
Although he has a lot of respect for you already, his affection will only skyrocket if you manage to get Ratchet to relax a bit.  He cherishes his friend and only wishes for him to take a break and relax, so if you manage to do what Optimus has been trying to do for centuries in a few months, Optimus will be so grateful for your persistent human spirit.
As time goes on, he lets you ride on his shoulder because he doesn’t like it when the humans run around on the ground where they might accidentally get stepped on.  He even got Ratchet to make him a necklace-like thing that can clip onto a harness you wear just in case you slip off.  He converses with you often as you sit there and likes that you’re on the same level as him now instead of him talking down at you.
When he tried to pick you up from school one day, you got a lot of questions from your friends the next day about the large semi-truck that took you home.  You think of a quick excuse, but Optimus is deflated to hear that his alt-mode is not a common human vehicle.  He’ll reluctantly have Bulkhead or Bumblebee pick you up from now on.
Overall, he’s very dad-like and will scold you if you ever get too rowdy.  He sees you as the reason he needs to defeat the Decepticons once and for all, just to protect you.  Although he was reluctant at first, he’s glad that you're his ward and that he gets to grow closer to you everyday and exchange knowledge.
Ultra Magnus:
He complained to Optimus when he assigned Magnus to be your guardian, and he did it right in front of you too.  He made it well known that he didn’t want to watch over you, saying he was much too busy to be concerned about a little human.  A quick talk with Optimus has him grumbling to himself about being demoted to a human babysitter.
Since he made his distaste of you known from the first day, you try to be more reserved and not be a burden to him. Eventually he caves with some persuasion from the other humans and Autobots.  He’ll schedule a formal meeting with you to get to know you better, and it’s kind of funny to see you sitting on Magnus’ desk, him glaring down at you in what he thinks is a friendly manner.
You eventually have to lecture him about human customs and how this is not how you make friends, which eventually leads to you telling him that you feel abandoned and lonely when you see the other humans interacting with their guardians.  He finds your sudden change in attitude enlightening, not knowing that you felt that way.  He will apologize and relax only a bit to have a real conversation with you.  After the talk, you two commit to working on developing this new relationship and friendship between a human and an Autobot.
As you get to know him, he will remain uptight around the others, not wanting to let his guard down and be seen as weak.  But, in privacy, like that one rare time he took you for a drive to get away from the idiots he works with, he softens up and rants to you about his emotions and the pressure he feels.  If you listen to him without judgment and even offer him helpful advice, he’ll listen to any frustrations you may have with your friends, parents, and/or school.  He’s a very good listener and he also has wise advice to give, although he does make Cybertronian analogies that you don’t quite understand.
He’ll start to take you out for drives more often if he sees you struggling mentally, and he’ll let you sit in silence to take a breather or let you speak your mind.  He’ll always make up an excuse to save you the embarrassment and questions from the others.  Eventually, you just ask to go on drives just to spend time with him, which he finds shocking, but he enjoys your presence.
If you ever fall asleep in his alt-mode, he’ll let out a loud sigh before driving right back to base.  Others will ask him why he’s remaining in his alt-mode, but he’ll just drive right past them to his room.  He can’t risk you being in danger in such a vulnerable position, but he also does not have the spark to wake you up when you looked like you needed the nap.
When he takes you on drives in his alt-mode, he’ll usually be distracted looking for Decepticons or anything out of the ordinary.  At first, he wouldn’t let you play music from his stereo, and he still doesn’t unless it’s music he approves of beforehand.  He’s very picky with his music, but he’s not very selective when it comes to podcasts.  He loves listening to all sorts of podcasts to better understand the human world.  From true crime to the news, he’s interested in all of them, and he’ll listen to whichever ones you enjoy.
At base, he does keep an eye on you, but he’s not actively watching out for you when you do your homework or play games with the others.  As your friendship grows, if you need a quiet place to work, he’ll let you sit on his desk and join him as he works.  He’ll be secretly delighted if you take an interest in his work.  He loves talking about his work and his duties, so he’ll gladly talk about the reports he has to write and might even tell you a few stories of his favorite past battles.  He’ll also be intrigued by your homework, wondering what’s the importance of human history or math.  He might even download some human textbooks to learn more about what you are taught in school.
He is a wonderful tutor if you ever need homework help.  Although he’ll pretend it’s a chore, he wants you to have the best education and be an intellectual, so he’ll dedicate one of his precious I-pads for human textbooks/knowledge and will use it to tutor you in subjects you're weak in.
Overall, he has a rough exterior, but he is capable of having emotions.  It just takes a bit more effort to break through to him, but he’s huge on communications, so talking to him about both of your issues will have him respecting you more.  Your relationship is based on mutual respect, and if you don’t turn your back on him, you have a very protective and knowledgeable guardian at your side.
Similar to Ultra Magnus, Ratchet did not want to be your guardian, but at least he complained to Optimus in private.  He claimed he was much too busy with his research, fixing things up around base, and manning the spacebridge to be concerned with human affairs.  Optimus managed to convince him to give you a try and if you became too much of a hassle that you could be transferred to a more willing member.
Ratchet will have the dignity to not ignore you, but he’ll do the bare minimum.  He won’t pick you up from school because his alt-mode is too unusual for that kind of setting, but he’ll at least say “hi” to you each day.  One of the only ways to get his attention is if you’re an intellectual like him and point out a mistake he’s made in his work.  Since you’d probably be friends with Raf, he’d teach you all about Autobot science and math, which allows you to see Ratchet’s miscalculation.  Ratchet will just stare at you, shocked, as you explain what he did wrong before walking away.
It will literally keep him up at night, even though he doesn’t get much sleep to begin with.  Eventually, he’ll have you start checking his work.  He’ll probably attempt to email you his calculations, but it overwhelms your computer, leading to him just putting you on his shoulder and bringing you over to his computer.  You two spend hours looking over his research, checking for any mistakes.  After a few weeks of this, he’s startled to find that he doesn’t trust his own work without you approving it first.
Like you help him with his work, he’ll help you with your work.  He’s very smart, so he quickly understands human math, but he’s very old school.  He’s like those older parents who are confused and upset about schools changing the way certain things are done.  He gets particularly upset if you have math issues and you tell him the way he is teaching you isn’t the same way the teacher told you how to do the problem.
He rarely lets you sit in his alt-mode because he doesn’t do a lot of driving or patrolling.  But, if Optimus forces him out of the base, he’ll take you on a driving break and will drive around the mountain ranges where the base is located.  More often than not, he’ll just park on a nearby rock formation and watch the sunset with you, wanting to see the stars and constellations.  He’ll say they’re different from the ones on Cybertron and will love it if you point out the more prominent ones and tell him the stories behind them.  If you’re lucky, he might project some images of the ones on Cybertron and he will teach you about their history and significance as well.
If no other humans are at the base, he’ll let you play music on the speakers while the both of you work.  He doesn’t let a lot of people do this because he’s afraid Miko will abuse the power and play her loud music.  He’ll appreciate it if you play softer music like jazz or even songs without words.  He’ll start to tap his foot if he likes the song, so you have a playlist of songs that you notice he likes.  He’ll eventually realize that you only play songs that he likes, but he’s too proud to point it out.
If you have a sleepover at the base and if you’re an insomniac like he is, he will scold you and try to force you to go to sleep.  You’ll just use his words against him, trying to persuade him to get some sleep too.  You both will just be bickering with each other for a bit before you two come to the same agreement that you both need your rest.  As part of the deal, he will transform into his alt-mode and you will sleep inside.  He won’t let you bring your phone inside or any other distractions so you have to go to sleep and you’re inside so he can’t transform to do his work.
Overall, he’s very grumpy, but after he warms up to you, he’ll become very interested in the human mind.  If you are able to match both his intellectual talk and his sarcastic comments, he’s more likely to admire you and offer to work with you.  He’s just a very tired bot, and he appreciates that the younger human that follows him around is making him feel more lively and youthful.
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moonpool-system · 6 months
Plural Coining: Fronting Spoons
[pt: Plural Coining: Fronting Spoons]
There's a subset of spoon theory that specifies "types of spoons". This is the concept that different categories of activities can take different types of spoons, meaning that you could have spoons for one activity, say, going to the post office, but not the spoons for another activity, like doing the dishes. This is equivalent to how you, of course, couldn't eat soup with a grapefruit spoon- I mean you could try, but it sure would be slow and painful.
What I'm presenting is an expansion of that concept, for plurals trying to learn to hold front intentionally/on their own. Fronting spoons refer to the amount of energy you have to hold onto front, before the body/brain puts in whomever it deems "correct". For us, that's almost always me & my frontstuck subsystem, but it could be anyone for the individual system at any time. With examples though, I'll be using the same "default" headmate for simplicity. It takes energy to use the body and to stay co-conscious when you're trying to stop switching/coconning uncontrollably, and that's what fronting spoons are all about.
Let's go over some specifics and examples!
🥄 Fronting spoons work similarly to regular spoons, in that if you push past your limit, you'll likely end up burnt out later and regenerate your spoons more slowly while you recover. For example, Headmate A is the brain's default, and Headmate B is used to fronting a little bit daily. One day, B gets caught up in a long event, and stays in front the whole time. This exhausts B's fronting spoons - A stays in front for the next three days brcause B isn't able to access front due to needing to recover.
🥄 Fronting spoons are likely to be affected by any other differences and sways you find normal in the fronting schedule of your system. For example, the system is inside deciding on a video game to play. Headmates C and D like video games and indoor activities, so they might find they have a larger pool of fronting spoons at the moment than Headmates E and F, whom like outdoor activities and socialization.
🥄 Your system may find that being co-conscious and fronting take up a similar pool of spoons, with simply being conscious taking up less and using the body taking up more. This is how we experience it as the coiners and how systems we've observed do as well, but every plural is different, so please let us know if you find co-consciousness and fronting to have separate spoon pools! We would find it very interesting. As an example for this one, Headmate A has been in front all day, with Headmate B in co-con. Headmate B now wants to front for a short time, but B is exhausted from spending all day aware of front in co-con, and will have to wait until tomorrow.
🥄 Many guides for various types of created systems stress practicing switching little by little and building up skill over time. This is a possible way to build up your pool of fronting spoons so you can do more with the body in time. For example, Headmate G struggles with fronting and instead usually watches Headmate H. With Headmate H's permission, G tries to control only the body's voice for a short time, and finds that takes less spoons. G works on controlling the voice for slightly longer and longer periods, until G can now control limbs of the body as well. Now, G fronts for very short periods and slowly is able to stay for longer each time. Like exercise, G goes to the limit but doesn't push past it, and is able to strengthen G's personal pool of fronting spoons over time.
Feel free to add your own experiences or even contrast the details we've outlined here - we want this to be a concept that's community-built, and we're only one system's perspective. We hope everyone finds this useful!
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insanecowboy · 3 months
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⚠️ warnings :: stalking , thoughts of murder , one sided obsession / love .
if anyone wants part 2 let me know
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The first time you met, you were in the hallway. A tall boy with black spiked hair standing next to him. Ranting about god knows what.
But he looked unreal. You had to rub your eyes and make sure you weren't just imagining him. You learned from your friend that his name was Kenma Kozume. This scrawny cat-like gamer incel that you saw in the school hallway was all you could think about for the next few days. At first, you just stared from a distance. Watching him eat lunch with his friend Kuroo, going to volleyball practice, and taking the train home.
You quickly memorized his daily routine. Kenma was always very aware of his surroundings. He knew he was being watched. Unsure of what to do, he confided in his best friend.
"You're probably just being paranoid" is what Kuroo said.
Next, it turned into stealing. Anything Kenma used was yours. His chapstick? In your possession. A dirty tissue? Pinned on your bedroom wall. A sweaty black t-shirt? You use it as a pillow case now.
On the day before nationals, Kenma was more worried than ever before. You, on the other hand, were having the time of your life. You stood in the bleachers up top. Watching Kenma play was troubling. What if he got hurt? Or worse, he loses the game and lets all his teammates down. You couldn't let that happen. But you couldn't do anything now. It was too late into the game to intervene.
After the game was over, you couldn't take it anymore. You needed him to love you, to cherish you, to forfeit all of his possessions to you. That's when you thought of a brilliant plan to make him yours. You would start by introducing yourself to him. This part of your idea was probably the hardest. However, it needed to be done. Then, you would slowly make everyone he knows detach from him. To dislike him. All he would have left would be you. Finally, you can have him all to yourself! The only problem was Kuroo. He's been Kenmas friend for so long. How would you ever get rid of him?
You thought of muder, but that felt too far. Besides, that would cause a mess. What you needed was help from a girl. You would make her and Kuroo fall in love just how you love Kenma, then he would be too busy with her to realize how he hasn't talked to his best friend in weeks! You don't know anyone that would be willing to be Kuroos fake girlfriend, but that doesn't matter. You can figure it out later, right?
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afvenvs3000f24 · 7 days
Unit 1 Blog post:
My current relationship with nature is very therapeutic and spiritual; I find that whenever I'm feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, or even anxious, I can always rely on nature to ground me and put into perspective how minimal some of my worries are in the grand scheme of life, and what it has planned for me. Although this relationship hasn't been consistent throughout the past decade, I feel I needed a certain disconnection to learn and appreciate it from a different perspective, through a lens that now allows my inner child to live in the present while holding an immense amount of gratitude, thoughtfulness, and to connect with nature.
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This is a photo I took while on a walk with my cousins in Milton, Ontario.
Growing up, I was always outside, and most of my happiest memories from childhood include whenever my family would take us on camping trips, have our birthday parties in provincial parks, and when we would go to our trailer every weekend during summers, having a blast with my cousins catching frogs. Throughout this, I didn't realize how much I truly enjoyed being outside and how it shaped my relationship with nature. In a way, I took it for granted at the moment, and it wasn't until quarantine, when the world took a pause, that I could be away from the whirlwind high school was sometimes and reconnect with my roots. Spending those warmer days outside playing board games or just having some quality time in our backyard with my family reminded me why I used to love being outside and how much it made me feel whole in life.
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Picture of me at my 5th birthday party at a provincial park.
Also, during this time, I found an interest in discovering different isolated trails and hiking spots to take my dog Bruno along for walks. When I started this new hobby, the experience was fitness-related and just some time for Bruno and me to enjoy the peace and quietness those places offered. Eventually, on these walks, I began to notice and truly take in the nature around me and all the critters whose homes I was passing by. In the following years leading up to today, I slowly leaned into a more religious/spiritual view of the world through practicing meditation, journaling, being more observant, as well as taking a world religion class in grade 12 where one of the many things I learned was how different religions honour nature and our planet. This pushed me to make a more conscious effort to be mindful and grateful for the opportunity to have accessibility and be around such a beautiful and relaxing environment whenever.
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Photo of Bruno while on our favourite daily walking route by my house.
As for who offered me a sense of place, in general, I would say, my family, being that they introduced me to all the outdoor activities I love to do; but more specifically someone who introduced me to a more psychological view of nature as my "safe place" would be my mom. My mom is a very Catholic woman who often sees nature and many other things in life as gifts from God. Throughout my upbringing, I would consistently hear her stories and adventures of when she lived in Venezuela and all the beauty and phenomena she witnessed within nature personally (the ones that always stuck with me were about the Relampago del Catatumbo (a never-ending lightning storm) and Angel Falls). Through her interpretation of the world of God giving us blessings and lessons to grow, she’s always told me to be grateful and mindful of everything around me in life, regardless if it was a specific moment, place, or person because you never know when one day you won't be able to experience it again. Although throughout all those years of hearing that, I never truly understood the value of appreciating or noticing the simple things in life that we can take for granted, such as a 30-minute walk along a trail, or even enjoying the beauty of the trees we walk by daily; but I can confidently say now, that my relationship with nature has grown more than I ever thought it could, and it remains as one of the most impactful and relaxing things in my life.
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A picture of my mom and I at our trailer in Whitchurch-Stouffville, Ontario years ago.
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samkat10423 · 3 months
Lately I've been following @tiaamorosa's Sunset-died story. If You haven't seen it, be sure to check it out. Anyway, I've played this world before. Mostly during a sim world-hop challenge we had over at the old Sims Daily forum, with my all-time favorite sim, Theo Kaplinski. Who was created using my good friend @franglishetchocolat's self-sim that she created and shared on that site. Anyway, it was while Theo visited this world, that she adopted her cat, Marley, and the rest - as we say - is history.
This world was created pre-Seasons, which was fine. But once Seasons came out, sims could actually die from exposure. No so good. When Theo landed on shore, she found a roofless, partially wall-less structure to live in. Again, pre-Seasons it didn't matter. But now - since I have all the EPs and stuff crap - it presents a bit of a problem. So, I'm lending my current sims a hand by upgrading their shelters. In my game, the destruction of SV was due to an alien attack. I used a crash site lot from Into the Future for the downed craft in my town. Several months have gone by and sims are slowly beginning to get their lives together.
One of the first community lots they built was a medical clinic. I ousted VJ Alvi from the Monotone house that he had squatted in and converted it into a small clinic.
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The local scientists have provided some solar panels for electricity, since the main power lines are still down. BTW, I haven't placed the rabbithole rug yet, but it will be accessible via those stairs on the side of the building that lead to a basement.
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There's a tiny waiting area, furnished with dumpster finds and a general exam area with a chemistry thingie. The other room is the surgical suite. There is also a room where x-rays can be done and a small space for consults. In my town history, most of the equipment was looted from the spacecraft that crashed, since sims wouldn't have had time to get it from the hospital that was nuked - nor would they have anyplace to store it. So, I figure they stole it from the spacecraft. Some of it is pretty advanced for these sims - they are nothing if not backward - so, they are still learning how to use it. Have only killed 3 sims in the process. Anyway, most of these items came from Sandy @aroundthesims3. If you're wondering, those 2 aqua-colored items outside the back door, are porta-potties. There wasn't enough room inside, so this is their work-around.
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These are the Wolffs down on what was once their lot. There isn't much left other than a tent and those boxes. I took both of them into CAS and gave them make-overs. Both will be moving elsewhere. Since their marriage was already on the rocks, they decided to call it quits. Actually, Thornton just upped and abandoned Morgana.
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And this is who he dumped her for - the ever-lovable Jaime Jolina. They now live in that trailer next door to Erin Kennedy's lot. Jaime is currently jobless, since the clinic hasn't officially opened yet. Thornton has joined the criminal track since that building survived the attack. Because she is in the medical field and considered a necessary worker - a lot like I was at the height of Covid - Jaime's housing was given priority status and was one of the houses renovated first. (I'll share some pics of it in my next post).
Anyway, for now, I plan on only having essential careers in this town - political, medical, police, and science. Then military. And criminal, since whenever disasters strike, it always seems to bring out both the best and worse in people.
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silentwillowwhisperer · 11 months
Day 15- Monsters and Mana
I could take this seriously. I could be serious about this but....
(Also mom-queen Adam.)
I’m just using the characters, I know nothing about dnd so I’m not gonna attempt to write a game play through.
Was this my excuse to write royal Keith? Possibly…
”Presenting, His Royal Highness, Princess Keith.”
Keith has gotten used to that line, he’s heard it almost daily for the past three months.
As a kid, he was lucky enough to be trained with a knife and taught anything he wanted to learn. But he should have seen this coming.
He’s sitting upon a throne high above the head of their visitors. The Queen Shiro sits in the middle of the three seats, with Queen Consort Adam at his right.
Keith knows if Shiro had any say in this matter, he would stop it immediately. Thaur doesn’t stop Keith from being mad, though.
The minute he turned 18, the royal court insisted that Keith must be married as soon as possible. Having an unmarried princess of that age is frowned upon, of course.
So Keith is being forced to watch fluffed up princes with fluffier words try to ‘woo’ him.
Spoiler alert: it’s not working.
He’s gone through a whopping 43 princes, including this one, because he can already tell this guy is more obnoxious than the chickens in the farm down the road.
You would think they’d run out at some point, huh?
The visiting prince is going on about his disarmingly attractive features and Keith tries his very best to look as unattractive as possible. If he makes a weird face, maybe he can scare this guy off.
He pushes his tongue into the space between his top teeth and lip and rolls his eyes as far back in his head as they’ll go.
The prince makes a choking sound.
Adam snickers.
Shiro pinches him.
The prince keeps on hung with his Narcissistic speech after a moment, which means Keith won’t be getting out of this one that easily.
Keith just wants to sleep. He’s stuck at the ball thrown in the visiting prince’s honor, and it’s about dead o clock in the morning.
His gown poofs out around him, deep ruby red and covered in sparkling gems. There’s a silky scarf wrapped around his shoulders that does nothing to sheiks his otherwise bare arms from the cold night (morning?) air. He has a knife strapped to his thigh as well. (Adam helped him hide it there.)
He’s in the middle of plotting his escape hen a dark blur flashes in the corner of his vision.
When he looks in that direction, there’s nothing but the tall white pillars that line the edge of the ballroom.
Nothing except…
He walks forward slowly (mostly because he’s wearing heels and would rather not faceplant) until he’s close enough to identify the brown smudge peeking out from behind a pillar as a tail.
And as any sensible person would, he decides to poke it.
As soon as he does, a tanned hand shoots out to grab his own. Another slaps over Keith’s mouth.
He’s tugged face to face with a man a few inches taller than him with tall animal looking ears and stripes down his cheeks.
The guy next to them is much taller with pointed ears and heavily built. He has soft brown eyes and eyebrows creased with worry. His eyes widen as he takes in Keith’s indignation.
“Pike! This is bad, really bad. That’s the princess.”
‘Pike’ looks at him closely and his jaw drops too. He quickly unhands Keith.
“Are you a princess? Because I’ll treat you like royalty.”
Pike is pointing finger hind at Keith and looks absolutely notified. He places his hands on Keith’s shoulders and says, “I am so sorry I just said that, I panicked. But are you the princess? And the name’s Pike, and that’s my buddy Hunk.”
Keith stares at him blankly. “Like the fish?”
Pike scowls. “What? No! Like the cool weapon!”
That’s kind of dumb, but Keith has decided to go with it. This is the most entertaining thing that’s happened in forever.
“Why are you here? You’re clearly not here for the party. And yes, I am the princess.”
Both of them gasp. Hunk looks a bit faint. They both squeal and flounder around a bit.
Keith’s wolf chooses that moment to teleport in, his aim off just enough so that he lands heavily on Pike. He immediately starts licking the strange man, which takes as a good sign.
Pike pushes the canine off of him and stares at Keith. “This is gonna sound bad, but hear me out. We may have broken into the castle to steal some things to pay this guy in a tavern a few miles from here who might also be a witch. I already made friends with your wolf when we first got in here.”
That was too much information at once.
Honestly, Keith can’t even be mad, because that all sounds absolutely wonderful. Instead, he starts laughing, loud and bright.
He fixes the 2 thieves with his intense purple stare. “I’ll lead you straight to the treasury if you take me with you.”
Pike grins at him. He has sharper teeth in the front of his mouth that make his smile look sharkish. “Can do, princess. Lead the way.”
That, Shiro will find a note on his bed that reads, “Later, sucker -Keith,” with a middle finger drawn on it. He’ll laugh wryly at his little brother’s free spirit and tell the council the next morning that Keith is long gone.
And he is. He’s already ridden off into the sunset, sitting behind Pike on a horse stolen from the royal stables, and bag of riches and a wolf by their sides.
That was fun. Princess Keith is the best.
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
(Potentially) Daily ask №6
Music edition!
Have you got a Fault playlist? Or a playlist for any of your works for that matter?
If the fault crew were songs, which songs would they be?
What style of music would each character listen to? Despite the fact that they probably don't have much time for it on the run
Enemy (the arcane version) animatic of fault. Yes or no. I won't be able to make it just got the idea
Slowly pushes Welcome home, Honey, Revived, Injustice/Voices (I couldn't choose cause voices is more epic but it's not rly about him is it) and Doomsday towards the crew just to see the reactions (presumably while explaining the concept of alternate universes)
Also update on the whole being afraid of insects and reading fault. I might have accidentally stopped being afraid of bees- which I think is an amazing confusing side effect
I use randomly generated playlists on YouTube when doing anything, so not really.
Got this one down! In this post that (I'll probably also rb) I discuss the top 3 songs I have for each character. But for bonus, I also like Sugar Pills by idkhbtfm for Phil since it captures his confusion/obsession/spiraling in the amnestic arc; Envy Green by the Arcadian Wild for Wilbur and his relationship with humanity; Ghosts by Danny Schmidt for Tommy. Not so much the part about killing the guy cheating on his wife, but it absolutely captures that guilt and self loathing, plus the extra juice of Tommy being both the hangman and the gallows. "If you've never touched someone you love/It'll burn them if you try"; and a general Razzmatazz by idkhbtfm for the Hallway Massacre/Foundation in general. I think it's about fame but it's also about fascism so idk. I mean the Foundation notoriously doesn't have a dictator but it checks off basically everything else.
Philza is probably really deep into some genre that died centuries ago and is like 'oh yeah you've never heard of it....it's really underground..' and people think he's a music snob but literally an avalanche wiped out the one village doing it, erasing all records. Tubbos' is very hectic given the Hivemind. There's definitely Disney princess songs in there for Jasmine which everyone just grits their teeth (..bees?) and deals with. Some old stuff from the 50s. Tends towards lowkey stuff. Tubbo canonically is bad at singing. The Blade canonically is a Swiftie. Or will be once that part is out. He avoids violent music bc the voices will ensure he literally never gets it out of his head. Tommy feels like he mostly listens to pop hits that are all on the billboard 100 list. Wilbur goes for literally anything. His exposure to music is mostly like. Walmart shopping tunes while he's robbing the place, so he doesn't exactly have an understanding of just how much is out there. But it adores creating its own music, and sings to calm itself down and control the void. Phil discovered the love and nurtured it by helping Wilbur get and learn a variety of instruments. The first was a woodwind Phil carved from cane. Wilbur's last mentioned instrument was a guitar with everyone's names written on it. Well. Besides the stuff the Foundation did...
ohhhhhhh yes. I can deffo see pieces of it. "Your words up on the wall as you're praying for my fall/And the laughter in the halls and the names that I've been called" with a shot of all the dehuminizing language used on the anomalies smeared in Tommy's Red, "The road is long, so put the pedal into the floor The enemy on my trail, my energy unavailable" capturing their constant fleeing, and just that leaving with "I'll never be a saint". Mmmmm delicious.
Mmmm dangerous games you're playing here with void madness, but I'll allow it. Welcome Home: Tommy finds it crushingly relatable. The part about colors turning Grey is a gut punch to him. I mean what hahhaha that guy is so depressed, he clearly can't be me.
Honey: Tubbo is just like. Muffin this other Tubbo clearly has nothing going wrong in their life- his? huh ok. Wait he isn't a bee?? Why is he so obsessed with honey then???? That's thievery. We're gonna sue.
Revived: Wilbur: .....this guy sounds like an edgy lil muffin. (Phil in the distance: mate you are an edgy lil muffin!) Shut up. Why is he so mad about dying? Like kinda inevitable with my -our?- lifestyle. And does this imply I'm going to die soon? (Phil: NOT ON MY WATCH). Whatever. The part about everything being mine sounds nice tho.
Injustice: At first The Blade is like uhhh this guy sounds a LOT like The Blood God and is on way too good of terms with the voices, but the line about yearning for peace wins him over, reframing it as purposeful violence in his eyes. He's entranced with the idea of committing violence as himself, almost.
Voices: The Blade: man it's like having a double dose of madness! Guys why can't you be cool like these voices? You never harmonize! Get good! These are clearly the superior voices. Also...am I really a scrawny pink haired nerd in that world?? bruuuuuuuh...
Doomsday: Philza: is it justice? I don't really know the context, but- (gets smacked by Tubbo) -ah, murder is illegal, even if it's rather effective at solving most prob-(SMACK) Ow! Muffining hell mate...I thought you were the one preaching that violence isn't the answer.
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encorific · 1 year
what the dog doin???
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more about him below break!!! :]
this is my stupid dog he's a workaholic and plays bonescape on the job at HQ
art is a bit old, ham looks kinda different than i draw him now, and i wanna change the spider logo on his back, but dogg..
he and ham have that coworker love-hate-but-usually-hate dynamic because i say so‼️
stupidly long dog infodump incoming vv
-his entire dimension is populated by silly dogs !!
-chased a frisbee thrown by his Uncle Bernard during a game of fetch into a bush with a spiderweb in it. this is when he was bit by his spider
-hes a medical journalist/intern at the Daily Beagle in his dimension. he got a veterinary degree since he wanted to learn more about his abilities on that level, and had always been interested in the concept, but ended up being stuck with an internship instead of a vet job. he uses his Spider-Hound battles to get photos of rare injuries and the like.
-speaking of the Daily Beagle, Spider-Ham physically attacked him once, accusing him of plagiarism.
-he juggles his internship with also being the head of the medical wing at HQ. most work he does is logging information about the various Spider-People that come and go, so he and anyone else there can more easily treat them in the future. he's gained a lot of dumb jokes and weird looks when a dog steps out to treat wounds, though, and every time he does he's gotten used to saying 'i don't shed' before anything else.
-he will sleep in his office under his desk on a dog bed a lot, just so he can go right back to work easily the next day.
-while his world has a somewhat cartoony appearance, toon force is a lot less significant than in universes such as Ham's.
-he has heightened hearing and smell because he's a dog, but it was heightened further after the spider bite. he often wears earplugs, only taking them out when in his office, so he can hear when someone walks into his wing.
-organic webbing, but it usually doesn't hold well since he's always exhausted.
-he can run on all fours, able to outrun most Spider-People like this.
-he's weaker than other Spider-People, and while the toon force's resilience provides some protection, he still struggles to physically fight your usual, non-dog villains.
-he hates any kind of smoke.
-he is 100% the guy to tell you to sleep and drink water and then stay awake for 5 days straight only drinking room temperature pepsi.
-he made a translation collar for hq so that he could talk to others. otherwise, he just makes huffs, gruffs, and woofs. (100% inspired by dug)
-he can be understood by standard quardopedal dogs without the collar on, and can understand them regardless. they don't usually have much to say that anyone would find interesting. food! squirrel!
-if someone is rude to him about being a dog and their ailment is minor, he'll refuse care until they own up to their actions. he's been reprimanded for this before, but knows he won't get fired.
-he's kind of on Miguel's side, but only because he's put his entire life into HQ and wouldn't risk losing it. once he's attached to something, he's locked down, loving like a dog.
-he loves great pyrenese (his gwen was one, named gizmo)
-when miguel came to recruit him, he had to write down 'give me a dictionary and come back in 48 hours' on a notepad, and made his translation collar within that time. miguel was a bit impressed by his dedication, which helped him get his position.
canon events: vv
-a rabid dog broke into his home, still somewhat conscious of decisions and continuing his life of crime in his haze. Pawter had let the man go earlier that day, before the furious rabies had set in, and Pawter had thought the guy was just a bit strange. the rabid dog bit his Uncle Bernard, leaving him to not die then and there, but slowly, with nothing to do to help. this both encouraged him to become Spider-Hound, and encouraged his medical interest onwards.
-lost Gizmo Stacy and Harry Pawsborn in a similar way to the classic 616 Peter Parker
-when his Aunt May's health began to deteriorate, after he'd lost his uncle and closest friends, he began to work at HQ more than back at home, ashamed of it, but too scared to watch as his aunt faded away too.
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lcs-library · 2 years
hi hi, can I request something for itaru? I don’t have anything specific in mind but just considering my love/hate for him how ‘bout just silly moments with him and some playful teasing where it’s like “I hate you so much” “aww, no you don’t ;)” and stuff like that haha. Just need to get that out of my system, he’s too strong rn 🙃
SCREAMING AND CRYING ONE OF MY FAVE A3! ARTISTS ASKING FOR WRITING??? FROM ME???? I AM NOT WORTHY😭😭😭😭😭 anyway. Ahem. Yes!! I love writing Itaru he’s such a gremlin. I had too many ideas banging around in my head, so I decided to write a bunch of lil drabbles n stuff instead of a headcanon list or a oneshot, so I hope that’s okay!! Thanks so much for requesting!
Request rules
1. Though he’d never admit it to anyone else, Itaru’s a huge sucker for affection, and loves taking time to laze around with you, even if you’re just holding hands.
On one particular afternoon, things got a little…silly.
He’s just a silly little guy, though, can you even blame him?
Anyway, the two of you were watching a show together on his couch, which slowly evolved into being fully wrapped around each other, then turned into play fighting? Which wasn’t uncommon for him, surprisingly.
It’s hard to tell if it could be classified as “fighting”, though, since it was more of the two of you holding hands and pushing each other away.
Point is, it was just a goofy way of showing affection.
Somehow, Itaru managed to get his flimsy body on top of you, and he lifted your shirt up, blowing the biggest, loudest raspberry on your stomach.
You couldn’t help but laugh despite being so done with how lame and cheesy he is.
Overall, stupid lil guy has stupid way of showing affection.
2. One night, while waiting for him to come home, you found yourself falling asleep in the middle of grinding one of his online games like he asked. Yes, he needed his dailies done, but he also needed to realize that you were infected with tired sleepy.
After about an hour or so of your nap, Itaru finally came home with a sigh, tossing his things to the side before laying his eyes on you. An affectionate smirk played at his lips as he came over to where you were sleeping.
“Guess I shouldn’t have asked you to help me out, my bad. GJ~,” he said softly, lightly patting your head.
Just then, a terrible idea popped into his head. The only question was: could he pull it off?
There was only one way to find out.
So he maneuvered his arms underneath your body, barely managing to hold you up.
And the second he barely lifted you off the couch, his arms gave out on him, dropping you right back onto it, waking you up.
“‘taru, whaddahell…” you mumbled lazily.
“Ah, morning, love,” he replied sweetly, acting as if nothing happened.
“What did you do?”
His face didn’t even falter at that being your default reply.
“I tried to carry you to bed.”
“With your noodle arms?”
“You’re so lame.” You replied fondly.
3. The two of you game a lot(surprise, surprise), with 2D fighting games usually being the favorite. Or really anything you could label as something that would ruin friendships. Like he’d get rid of you over a game.
On this particular evening, you were playing one of said 2D fighting games, but you just couldn’t win a single match.
This was a common occurrence, but this time, there was a specific technique that he was using with his character that you couldn’t seem to dodge, no matter how hard you tried.
“How the hell do you do that?”
“Want me to teach you?”
Without waiting for a reply, he shoved his controller in your hands, placing his over yours to guide your moves.
“So you wanna move the joystick three-quarters to the left, then X-X-B. Nope, too slow, try again. Okay, left, X-X-B. Mm-m. Don’t tell me you’re not paying attention and just like holding hands?”
He caught you red-handed.
“I hate you.”
“No you don’t,” he replied smugly with a wink.
You did learn the technique, though. Eventually.
4. After each one of his regional tours with the Spring Troupe, Itaru wants nothing more than to hold up in his room and play games for twelve hours straight.
As if he could have that now that you were here.
The second he opens the door, he’s greeted by you practically tackling him in a hug, causing him to crash and fall to the floor.
“Hey, calm down! I was gone for three days!”
“Haha, you’re so pathetic. Can’t even stand a welcome back hug?”
Oh, two could play at that game.
He pulled your body down to join him on the ground, practically showering you in kisses, to both your embarrassment and delight.
“Alright, fine, I missed you too.” He says with a goofy grin on his face, his tone of voice trying to make it seem as if he wasn’t desperate to give you attention not even two seconds ago.
He’s the worst<3
5. On his days off, Itaru usually wears big, comfy sweatshirts to lounge around in(that you may or may not have stolen one or two of).
An annoying thing he does with them is sneak up behind you and shove you in there with him.
He’ll sneak up behind you, and the next thing you see is a blur of fabric before being held close to someone’s chest.
“Hi??? Can you just come up and talk to me like a normal person?”
“No can do, sorry. Gotta shove you in here with me. Can’t let you go unless you ask for it.”
Fortunately, you weren’t going to any time soon.
Fortunately for him, you weren’t going to anytime soon.
“No can do, sorry. Gotta shove you in here with me. Can’t let you go unless you ask for it.” Fortunately for him, you weren’t going to anytime soon.
“Hi??? Can you just come up and talk to me like a normal person?”
“No can do, sorry. Gotta shove you in here with me. Can’t let you go unless you ask for it.” Fortunately for him, you weren’t going to anytime soon.
“Hi??? Can you just come up and talk to me like a normal person?”
“No can do, sorry. Gotta shove you in here with me. Can’t let you go unless you ask for it.” Fortunately for him, you weren’t going to anytime soon.
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