#there are also a lot of songs i like that i don't know the artists
queenoftheimps · 3 days
Artistic Expression as a Form of Love: aka Some Meta About Interview with the Vampire
hey guess who spent all of today putting off a really boring work task
So I'm just suddenly just having a lot of feelings about how love is tied to creation in Interview with the Vampire.
Specifically, each character's artistic impulses and what they say about their relationships, and how they use their creative output as a sort of love language.
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From the very first episode, we see hints of this. Miss Lilly asks about Lestat's music box, which plays a song he wrote for Nicholas once upon a time, evidence of his love for someone who's been dead for over a century.
He later writes his own song for Louis, 'Come to Me', and Claudia makes the connection explicit while deliberately poking at him -- he wrote a song for each of his true loves, but does one signal love more strongly than the other?
She's being facetious to prod at him, but the show seems to genuinely make the point that we can track each characters' relationships through the art we see them create.
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After all, we see it with Claudia herself later -- even before there's any discussion of becoming companions, we can feel Madeleine's compatibility with Claudia in the way she makes dresses for her.
Madeleine dresses Claudia as the grown woman she wants to be seen as, as she really is, even before she fully understands the circumstances of Claudia's age. It's telling that in Madeleine's dying vision, the one that convinces Louis of her love for Claudia, that Claudia is wearing a dress that Madeleine made for her.
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By contrast, we see how Claudia is incompatible with the coven in the role that they have quite literally written for her. If Madeleine shows her love by treating Claudia as an adult, the coven shows their lack of caring by creating artwork where Claudia is forced into playing a part that diminishes her.
In turn, we can see Claudia's enthusiasm for the coven tied into her willingness to perform -- she starts off trying to smile her way through the situation, before quickly growing tired of the performance (and, relatedly, the coven itself).
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But then again, how does the coven show its real loyalties? Well, with a painting.
We don't know who painted Lestat (Armand, possibly?), but having artwork of him in a place of prominence is pretty telling. But then again, the theater's creation is itself a reflection of art as a signifier of love & bonding -- Lestat suggests a theater to a lonely Armand as a way to regain a family/coven structure, after the last one fell apart.
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Which makes particular sense for Armand, the character who most explicitly equates artistic expression with love and understanding. We see him underline it in his own telling of his backstory -- "No one has painted me in over 400 years." He associates painting with being seen and cared for by his maker --
-- and yet we, the audience, can plainly see what a warped, toxic relationship it was from the painting itself : a whitewashed version of Armand's face that doesn't truly look like him.
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Hell, we even see Armand's betrayal of Louis in the form of creative expression -- to quote Daniel, "He directed the play!"
His treason isn't just that he sold Louis & Claudia out, it's that he participated in a creation that would condemn them. Artistic expression shows us love and loyalty in this world, yes, but it can also be used as a tool of abuse or betrayal.
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Which brings us to Louis, he who has the eye for art but maybe not the skill for it, who never said 'I love you' to Lestat and wouldn't call Armand his companion, who ultimately gives up on creation in favor of becoming a collector.
It's especially interesting that his abandonment of photography is also explicitly tied to the end of his visions of Dreamstat. Even the one photo he takes that garners praise is one he tries taking of Armand & Dreamstat at the same time -- as if the closest he can get to expressing love through creation is something that blurs the lines between both men he has complicated feelings for. (Note that the scene where he develops the photo is directly after the "Show me the only way you know how to love" sequence of Louis bashing some guy's head into a wall.)
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Hell, if we want to take it even further, we can even see some of this pretense in the inclusion of the Fred Stein photos (assuming Armand actually did sneak them in). On one level, we can see it as Armand trying to build up Louis' happiness, but on the other, it's him trying to build up the image of their romance.
After all, if artistic creation is a sign of love -- especially to Armand! -- what does it mean if Louis is openly disparaging his own abilities to make anything at all?
Taking it further, what does it say that he and Armand have a collection of photos of various boys over the years and expensive artwork hanging on every wall, but Louis doesn't seem to have taken any pictures of Armand in almost eighty years?
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And hey, speaking of fascinating boys: what does it mean when Louis hasn't made anything creative of Armand since the 1940s, but he has no problem writing a book for ten hours with some guy he picked up at the bar?
Hell, writing a book where Louis spends ten hours talking about his life and hasn't even gotten up to the part with Armand yet? The supposed love of his life doesn't even garner a mention, to the point where Daniel didn't even know he existed when he arrives fifty years later.
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And what does it mean when that book you never wrote is a giant hanging thread in your life, enough to create a connection strong enough that you remember that guy fifty years later and go back to that writing it? Even over the objections of the love of your life?
Especially when find out that Daniel's entire writing career is sparked in part by inspirational words given to him by Louis -- a sign of their bond withstanding the test of time, enough to make them friends after a fifty year absence.
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That said, if we're working with the idea of artistic expression as proof of connection -- especially when it comes to Armand -- then it also makes perfect sense why Armand would insert himself into the interview once he's been revealed.
Then it's no longer about Louis & Daniel, or Louis & Lestat, it's about Louis & Armand and artistic proof of their connection! They're both now creating a story, a book that will include their entire romance! It's the first time that Armand has had the possibility of being an artistic subject in decades, so no wonder he's quick to latch onto it.
Even then, though: I think it's interesting that when Armand is talking to Daniel alone, the first story he thinks to tell him about is his relationship with Lestat. Make of that what you will.
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(Also, I've said this before, but I am very curious what Armand's feelings towards Daniel will be after having an entire book written in which he plays a starring role.)
I think that this is all very rich with subtext and possible further progression, especially since we are about to enter a season where a new book is being written by Daniel and there's going to be an entire tour's worth of music being performed, all of it ripe with potential for further relationship nuance.
And while I don't want to wander too far into book spoiler territory, I think this might even neatly factor into a potential Season 4 -- especially since book fans will know that a specific musical performance is the catalyst for a lot of what happens in The Queen of the Damned.
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I can't believe I missed the fact that your requests are open! I've failed you, Mr. President... ;_;
Request time: could I get some headcanons for what kinds of music the housewardens listen to?
The Housewardens' Music Taste
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Summary: Having your own private dorm room at NRC means having the freedom to blast whatever you want through your speakers. But just what exactly are our dorm leaders listening to when nobody else is around?
Characters: All Housewardens Pairings: None CWs: Swearing, she/they pronouns for Idia.
A/N: I'm sorry this took *checks calendar* almost ten months for me to answer, I promise it hasn't been for lack of interest! Sometimes writing is hard and my brain is mean. Thank you for your patience! These takes are admittedly heavily biased by my own music taste and knowledge, so feel free to let me know if you think I missed any artists!
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Riddle Rosehearts
You can't convince me his mom wasn't constantly playing classical music for him when he was growing up. I honestly think he still defaults to classical music, especially to improve his focus while reading or studying.
I also think Cater has definitely exposed him to a lot more modern music and, though he is undoubtedly very picky, there's even some of it he likes.
Artists that come to mind for Riddle include Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, Red Velvet, and Mitski.
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Leona Kingscholar
For the most part, I'd imagine Leona mostly listens to pretty chill music that's easy to nap to, like R&B or soft rock.
That's not to say he doesn't actively enjoy listening to music though. If he's in the mood to jam, I could see him turning on some hip-hop or even some angry punk music.
Artists that come to mind for Leona include Lil Nas X, Gorillaz, Gym Class Heroes, and The Weeknd.
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Azul Ashengrotto
Lounge music feels like the easy answer here. Lots of smooth jazz and easy listening.
However, I also can't resist suggesting that Azul might have a secret fondness for electro-swing that he keeps secret due to the genre's reputation for being considered "cringe".
Artists that come to mind for Azul include Frank Sinatra, Kenny G, Michael Bublé, and Caravan Palace.
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Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim strikes me as one of those guys that would say that he likes every genre of music, only he would actually mean every genre- rap and country included.
That being said, his preference definitely skews heavily in the direction of songs that he can dance to. Bonus points if the composition and instrumentation have a clear Scalding Sands influence.
Artists that come to mind for Kalim include Cascada, Saint Levant, Shakira, and Christina Aguilera.
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Vil Schoenheit
For Vil, my brain immediately jumps to all the gayest, poppiest, cunt-serviest stuff I can think of. Imagine every song you and your friends might put on a playlist for pride with some sad girl music sprinkled in for flavor.
Being in Film Studies Club, I'd also imagine he spends a decent amount of time listening to and analyzing movie soundtracks, though whether this counts as part of his "music taste" is up for debate.
Artists that come to mind for Vil include Lady Gaga, Todrick Hall, Britney Spears, and MARINA.
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Idia Shroud
This bitch's playlists are absolutely filled with Vocaloid songs, nightcore remixes, anime openings, and video game soundtracks. She is an absolute fucking nerd and I know her music taste reflects this. Let's not forget she is canonically an idol stan.
As for "normal" music, I think they probably listen to about what you'd expect- weird emo shit.
Artists that come to mind for Idia include My Chemical Romance, Utsu-P, Yasuharu Takanashi, and Will Wood.
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Malleus Draconia
I genuinely don't even know where to start with Malleus. I feel like this guy listens to Gregorian chants and spooky Halloween sound effect compilations.
In all seriousness, I feel like Malleus would greatly enjoy pieces involving stringed instruments, seeing as he has a talent for playing them. The rest of his music taste probably stems from whatever Lilia and the others have exposed him to, and so is likely very strange.
Artists that come to mind for Malleus include The Correspondents, Burn the Ballroom, Scissor Sisters, and Lindsey Stirling.
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twopoppies · 2 days
I know that sometimes Louis and Harry are very obvious in their writing like they both have songs that are direct and with an obvious meaning (unless you're an anti who insist on playing dumb) but at the end of the day they're both artist and artist get inspired by a lot of things...
So maybe loml is really about england but Harry snuck up one or two lines that remind him about Louis, maybe the song is not about england the physical place but england the spiritual place he calls home and Louis is also his home so is about both things at the same time or maybe one day he was talking with his brit friends that not longer live there and everyone got nostalgic so he wrote the song.
I really don't understand why some people feels the need to prove that every song Harry writes is about Louis. I mean if it is a love or sex song, there's a 99.9% chance it is about Louis but I personally think Harry is talented enough that he's capable of writing songs that are not completely autobiographic
Thank you. Totally agree.
Also, we may look to their lyrics to learn about their romantic relationship, but that doesn’t mean letting the world in on their relationship is their top priority.
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othellotron9000 · 1 year
What are your favorite songs/song artists? 🤔 (I’m a bit of a music freak lol)
Some examples of my favorite artists (in alphabetical order): Bo Burnham, Daft Punk, Jack Stauber, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, Lemon Demon, OMFG, SharaX, The Fat Rat, Toby Fox, Tom Cardy
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yardsards · 2 years
i would like to post a playlist on this fine aro awareness day
it was compiled from a mix of my own music and submissions from my friends and followers. the criteria to get on the playlist is:
-no mention of romance
-has lyrics (that are primarily in english)
-fandom-related songs are allowed but ONLY if they are fully understandable with no knowledge of the source material
-joke songs are *allowed* but kept to a bit of a minimum bc otherwise they'd both overtake the playlist
-^similar deal w multiple songs by the same artist
-"love songs" that are confirmed to actually be platonic/familial by the creator are allowed and encouraged
-songs about giving up on/denying romance will NOT be added because that counts as mentioning romance. UNLESS the artist themself is out as aro
song suggestions in the replies are encouraged BUT check the lyrics first bc a lot of people miss stuff and end up submitting songs w romantic verses. (also, submit individual songs, not artists). and if they fit the above criteria and i personally like them, i will add them (this may take a while if i get a ton of recs tho)
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pardonmydelays · 27 days
i also think it's kinda cool how tyler makes me want to learn stuff
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mushroomjar · 11 months
I don't know why exactly but that last post got me curious: Saw blogs, what music do you listen to? One of my favorite things about the franchise is the soundtrack so it feels appropiate to ask
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bnnuy-wabbit · 5 months
this entire Music Taste debate thing re:rap is getting annoying really fast. Im not USian enough for this.
#tho like. ''ohhhh i dont like it its too violent'' this argument is lame as shit. youre weak lmao. coming from a funk enjoyer#its just annoying as fuck how are always supposed to care about the us and everything about us culture all the time#i listen to rap. i dont listen to us rap however.#i literally spent an entire week last month going thru historical archives of brazilian rap n shit#which is MY culture i guess#n im not even trying to tote my metaphorical horn or anything. i like music history. and the story of br hiphop ties to br funk n SAMBA!#and its really cool! i like a bunch of them. i know the history of rap in my country and how THAT ties to racism and shit#but noooooo if i dont listen to List of 15 artists whether you want to or not youre racist#if youre going to make recommendations at least make them appealing? lmao. not guilt trippy!!!!#i dont listen to rap in english very often because i cant process english that fast. skill issue time. the vibes from the songs are cool!#but its just not my go to music!!!! if i want to listen to hiphop ill just grab my trusty Brazilian oldies#i know dj marlboro got me.#i listen to a lot of genres. from us country to caipira raiz to japanese grindcore. i enjoy a buncha indian songs even. the scales FUCK#idk#i know this is the American Racism website but can't i just enjoy my countries shit in peace. if i don't listen to yours in racist now????#i dont even got anything against it. in fact i like it. but why do i have to listen to (insert large unfiltered list here) of yours Or Else#i know you wont listen to mine if i recommend it???? like none of it.#a lot of it feels like virtue signaling lol listen to this or youre racist watch this or youre racist#and you do not want to be a bad person do you?????#sometimes just understanding why things are the way they are is enough. you dont need to enjoy everything. thats ok. if hiphop isnt for you#then thats fine#just like. stfu. stay on your lane when people who know more about it than you are talking about it#it isn't that hard#one just needs to acknowledge things. hiphop and jazz and blues are extremely important to modern music and culture#but not everybody likes it. and thats fine. the same way a lot of people dont like white girl breakup song number 469. thats also fine#and like. i listen to hiphop! not my go to but i like it. blues is also nice vibes sometimes. but idk the artists that deep.#as a foreigner thats fine ig#but a lot if those posts sound guilt trippy as fuck for the a lot of us arent from your country 👍
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errorbouquet · 29 days
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so true kafu
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ereborne · 7 months
Song of the Day: February 25
“Watermelon Crawl” by Tracy Byrd
#song of the day#I just remembered to go back and edit this song file on my comp so it has the correct artist#it was so stupid funny--last week-ish Duncan and I were talking about the playlist I'd made for him to veto things off of#(neither of the boys are any good at telling me what songs of mine they /do/ like so we've landed on this variably-successful strategy#where instead I make a playlist of my best guesses for their taste and then as it plays through they tell me which songs I was wrong about)#and we got to 'Brown Chicken Brown Cow' by Trace Adkins and I was like 'yeah you probably don't want this one do you'#and he was like *extremely flat expression* No. Thanks.#and I told him I'd already remembered to remove 'Ala-Freakin-Bama' (also by Trace Adkins. same album and all) so I should get partial credi#and he was like mm. sure.#and I told him how I'd started with my 'all country music on my laptop' playlist for scaffolding#and then added in pretty much everything I had by other artists he'd seemed to enjoy before#(Duncan's more tolerant of this playlist-winnowing process than Nick is so his playlist starts with a much wider net#Nick's playlist I was a lot more cautious with because if I lose him at an early stage we'll never get a successful final product)#anyhow so Duncan rolled his eyes so mightily at the mention of Ala-Freakin-Bama and I was like actually you know what#here's all the songs I have by Trace Adkins. tell me which ones you /do/ want and we'll pull all the rest now (to save your eyeballs)#and he looked over the whole list (about twenty songs) and finally he said 'oh! Watermelon Crawl! I do like that one. at least there's one'#and I had to laugh and tell him 'actually I'm pretty sure that's mislabeled. that's a Tracy Byrd song' and he rolled his eyes again#turns out there's actually no Trace Adkins song Duncan will tolerate! no respect for the artistry of the Honky-Tonk Badonkadonk
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allthegothihopgirls · 7 months
i think i sit in a very narrow middle-ground where i'm not a die-hard swiftie, but i also wouldn't say i'm a casual enjoyer of her stuff. i have a lot of fond core musical memories that involve taylor swift, and i know a large portion of her catalogue, and i still do enjoy her music. but i'm not super duper insane about it most of the time. but did i also go to eras tour and scream and cry a lot and fangirl? yeah. but i still wouldn't say i'm 'die-hard' about her
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pronouncingitwang · 1 year
#truly no faster way to make me so so ill than the seol and the seolite diaspora DE tag on ao3. not in a bad way not in a good way either#also last week i hung out w a friend i hadn't seen in a while and we joked about diaspora lit bingo a lot#but yeah idk. the way my sister is reconnecting w her asianness through like. kdramas/cdramas and kpop etc#the way i only have about 4 chinese language songs liked on spotify and they're like#one from the CRA soundtrack two bc i looked up an artist whose photos were on tumblr and who i found hot#and one from my white roommate who's learning mandarin#and i wonder if my parents are like. so bummed that we ignored them and made fun of their shows and music and accents as elementary schoole#and now they see her doing this and me. idk. claiming POCness via something i never engaged with in a way i find satisfactory#or idk. the whole immigrant parents being your passports to your language/culture and once they die it's game over#ESP bc you only ever took enough chinese classes to graduate hs or college no more#and kim kitsuragi is suchhhhhhh an interesting look at that bc like. he is an orphan and he does have zero cultural or language ties to seo#like. he would absolutely dannyamericanbornchinese himself if he could#and i want him to reconnect like i imagine him reconnecting w being asian and it causes feelings of comfort and such in me#but like. he shouldn't have to obviously and#one of the notes of a fic in that tag is from a biracial person who says#I flip between wish fulfillment and scrutinizing the degree Kim 'needs' to reclaim his heritage#and like yeah. yeah. that thing#and idk i don't think there's a distinct chinese-american culture the way that chinese-american cuisine is like. A Thing you know#maybe i'd feel better if there was that#and if there was just one other seolite person in disco elysium but i think kim's racial isolation is purposeful#what is there for me but to idk. reread the joy luck club and have another crisis about it#personal
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thatgirlissopeculiar · 11 months
Dream’s dnf fanart likes
November 14th
an animation of Dream and George, Minecraft skin style, getting tacos
Dream, George and all three cats in bed, George and the cats laying on top of Dream
Stardew Valley style, Dream and George outside the house on their farm, Patches on Dream's lap
tiny!George amongst giant things (Patches, a laptop, a glass of juice etc etc)
Dream and George, in each other's colours, wearing Spider-Man themed cat beanies
a gif of tiny!George tying 'ILY' on a laptop
Blade Runner inspired George
George sitting on the Nimbus 2000 (a broom from Harry Potter)
various moments of Dream from George's birthday stream, including George pouring sprinkles on Dream's face, and Dream hugging George
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paperlovesadness · 2 years
Tuned into the Grammy's for a bit & it was honestly the reminder I needed on why I don't tune into these things.
Funny thing is that there's legit info out in the world on how the Oscar's work & how it has nothing to to with the movies & everything to do with the money, branding & merchandise (sent over to the members of the academy who usually do not watch the movies at all & are often v open about it 🙃) & we still somehow as a society treat it as some sort of indicator.
Haven't looked into the inner Grammy's workings too close but it's probably a twin situation.
Even 'fair' awards would be controversial in most categories -with art being so subjective. But man oh man why would we ever trust a bunch of members of an American organization made up of super-privileged & out-of-touch folks to - of all people - tell us what music is actually "the best" 🫠
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bellhopping · 1 year
honestly britney spears was popping off when she made toxic by britney spears
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noxtivagus · 2 years
i'm rlly happy i started listening to the 1975
#🌙.rambles#at first i thought they had more sus songs so i didn't listen to them for a while#n the first song i listened to them was fallingforyou n the only song i rlly listened to for a while#n then. i listened to some other popular ones at first which were more on the ballad slow type yeah#which i like too but then. i listened to more n now. oh my god#i really appreciate their views on society ! in abiiof i rlly. understand where they're coming from#that kind of thing is smth that means a lot to me yk? just. a lot of things in society in general n then#while i may not relate personally to the ones more on the topic of love n uhm yeah yk#i do understand them well n probably more than i shld 😭 i don't have experience myself but for me it's just#understanding n learning is just really important to me. so i know of more.. mature things still#i rlly love how. w their beats n the music. n then the meaning behind it. i really appreciate it. i love it so much#n then live they're just !!!! really performers#i really love how they just. do what they want yk? be who they are#n then. particularly since i know more of him w stuff i've watched n read#matty really is intelligent. he looks at life deeper than most. n i relate to a lot that i know of him#also like getting more into music w the bands n all rlly reminded me of how i rlly want to make my own one day#like. a lot of my goals n dreams r like. relating to literature n games n science n music#both in like learning or taking n then creating in a way#specifically in music here yk i really grew up w music. a lot of influences from so many artists n then#i played piano ever since 8 n then i rlly learned well but we stopped having lessons n i got more busy w my studies#since i'm.. an academic achiever as well n my grades have always been great in general n then#i love all genres. i can't even rlly write abt that rn bcs my love for music is rlly just so much#n then i don't know how to explain it but.. when i listen to music i really really Listen to it like. yk i take in everything abt it#i love music so much. oh man#i cld ramble on even more abt the 1975 too i think they're rlly special in the industry#i rlly love how they juxtapose darker topics w their upbeat songs?#i'm gna be productive now phew i'm rlly glad we have a long weekend. i'll make the most of this time.
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