#i started playing uke again after such a long break only because of HIM
pardonmydelays · 19 days
i also think it's kinda cool how tyler makes me want to learn stuff
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silent-raven13 · 5 months
One Omega and Three pups
(AU: Miles is an Omega and Hobie is an Alpha. They met through Gwen and started dating when Miles 19 and Hobie 20. In a short time, they love each or so Miles thought- share their heat/rut- after two weeks not hearing Hobie, Miles goes through heartbreak... sooo angst)
Miles went through his long texts and calls from boyfriend, the need to be with his Alpha became like a drug. After two weeks, he has not heard a single word from him, it broke his heart knowing he was a possible 'another Omega' all to satisfied his Alpha urges. His hands tremble feeling his eyes watered, sniffing as he calls again. "Please leave a massage after the beep."
"Hello? Bae, um... Hobie. I've been calling you and you're not picking up- can you call me back? Or at least tell me, what's up?" He wipes his tears as he sniffs, "Um... you just left? I mean... we mated, you know? I'm trying to understand what went wrong or what did I do for you to ghost me like this! This is unfair, because I thought we were good and you just-" His call cut off, "Message ended." Miles sat on his bed wearing his comfort sweater being so vulnerable.
Was he so easy that his boyfriend decided to leave him? He felt sick to his stomach knowing his boyfriend is no longer his boyfriend...
Miles toss his phone at the end of his bed, he broke down crying his heart out. This wasn't fair.
"He knew I didn't want to share my heat! He knew how important it was for me!" He thought to himself, he view being mating with an Alpha so important. How he visions himself being in love and sharing beautiful love through their heat/rut. It's more personal for him, and told many times to Hobie. It wasn't fair.
After dealing with the harsh shitty break up, Miles never thought his ex would ghost him like that. In fact, all of his ex's socials were basically ignoring him, never blocked. It sent him through so many series of anger and depression, photos of his ex living up in Uk or any parts of the world.
Then, one day after a month of being ghosted, Gwen and Peni came by to visit Miles in his room being so depressed. They saw his parents looking upset with their son's heartbreak taking a toll, it shattered their son's belief in everything to the point he had dropped out most of his classes. Jeff tries to be honest about life, and relationships while Rio tries to brighten up his future with small hopes. Miles didn't want to hear it.
"Hey, Miles..." Gwen awkwardly said as they saw his bedroom so messy, covered in all his favorite items to comfort him. One being his ex's leather jacket that he snuggles for a bit. "Um... how you been?"
"Like shit." Miles sniffs, still crying even with those puffy swollen eyes.
Peni sighs going over to hug him, her Alpha scent helps him calm down a bit, "Sorry, you're going through this, Mi."
"Yeah, dude. Gawd, fuck Hobie. I didn't think he'll do this to you- I mean, yeah, he's known to fuck around but I never thought he would ghost you like this!" The blond nineteen year old said out loud sounding more pissed off.
"It doesn't matter. I should've listen to you and waited. I'm so stupid to let him play me like this." Miles sniffs having to wipe his eyes feeling so upset with himself. "I- I TOLD HIM! And now, he's somewhere in the UK!"
The Asian American young woman looks over at her friend, "Gwen, tell him."
"Tell me, what?" Miles sniffs with his big eyes on his close friend.
Gwen looks like she didn't want to tell him, but hearing Peni's sharp Alpha demand, "Tell him, Gwen. You know it's only fair."
"What? Gwen, do you know anything about Hobie?"
"Well..." She began rubbing her neck seeing how her friend hold her hand with pleading eyes. "Um." She took a deep breath then asked, "So, you know, how I know the band?"
"Yeah?" He nodded.
"Well, before you and Hobie were together, that week when you two did it." She tries to not use words knowing his parents might listen over the other side of the door. "Well... before that week, I learn from Riri that they were sign with a label at the UK. I thought Hobie would tell you, since Ri said he was thinking about it."
"And you didn't tell me." Miles felt so hurt.
"I didn't, because Ri told not too! They weren't sure since the band were having issues about signing to the label! So I kept my mouth shut until, Hobie left. I saw how they went to London."
Peni said, "So, Hobie possibly left to be a Star."
"That fucking jerk!" Miles sniffs, "Why he didn't tell me? I would've listen and understand!"
"That's the thing Miles... being a famous star, you drink, party around, sleep around... maybe Hobie wasn't fully committed as much as we all thought." Peni sucked her teeth, "Fucking jerk."
"Yeah, we're all still young, you know?" Gwen didn't want to admit it, since her friend loves the idea of finding the one. "I'm sorry to say this, but maybe, it wasn't all cracked up to be. Hobie loves the wild life and you want to be serious, but the truth is... you are 19 and he's 20!"
"Yeah, not even drinking age, too. You got so much to live for and being depressed about a bum won't help!"
"You guys don't understand I love him!" Miles whines, "You don't get what an Omega goes through! I trusted him, and felt like he was the Alpha for me."
"Miles, the world is changing! Omegas aren't bonded to Alphas and you can't keep using that excuse!" Peni harshly said, "You finally have a chance to reach your career. What? What was your plan with Hobie? Be his Omega and that's it?"
"No..." Miles looks so small with his voice soft. "I would've found a career!"
"Come on, Miles. The way your love sick over him- and we don't blame you, it's our gender! Our primal urges to stay with our counterpart, but you have to admit you would've been a stay home Omega, and having pups!" Gwen points out, "You have a chance to finally to develop and look out for Alpha assholes!"
"Yeah, Omegas are getting more rights, more chances in higher positions too!" Peni points out, "You can be Vice President at a company or supervisor in some tech company! Or be the artist you want!"
"No, Hobie wasn't traditional. I know, we would-" Miles sniffs knowing he would've done anything to stay with his Alpha, yet he couldn't help it. "I just love him so much!" He weeps on his bed a bit more. "It's not fair he didn't tell me! It's not fair! It's not-" His stomach turns feeling the sudden urge to vomit, quickly jumping out of the bed to rush out of his room.
His parents and little sister were on the other side of the door being surprised how their son ran out of the room to the bathroom. They were listening on the situation, and Rio stood worried along side her daughter and husband. Jeff holds his toddler in his arms seeing how they both felt upset. Gwen and Peni look at them knowing this wasn't a good sign, the faint smell of powder sweeten milk lingers.
It went on like this for another three weeks, Miles had terrible sickness and felt his emotions going haywired. There was sudden cravings for fish n' chips and a big bottle of cold Ale, his mother had to prevent him from drinking beer knowing the signs. "Mamí, stop. I just want to-" His mother shushes him, "No! Not until you," she handed him a pregnancy test, "test this."
"Wah? Ma, you must be joking! I can't be pregnant!" Miles' honey brown eyes widen at the pregnancy test tube, "I'm- I should-" Rio gave him a serious look, "Why do you think your having sudden cravings, throwing up, being sleepy? You might be pregnant, Miles! You had tu papí running around all over Brooklyn for food?"
Billie stood with her outfit being ready to go on another adventure with her dad to look for Miles' next craving kick. She giggles, "Yeah, hermano!"
"I- I used protection! I've-" Rio cut him off, again, "Miles, you and Hobie mated during your heat and his rut, where tension is extremely high to ovulate! You two should know this."
True, he does. Yet for him being stupid to do such a thing, he risk very high chances into getting pregnant. He took the test with his head down in shame to check. Billie stood with her big puffy jacket being confused. "Why is Mimi sad?"
"He's facing one the biggest responsibilities of being an Omega, mi vida." Rio finally said to her daughter with a sad look in her eyes, she knows deep down her son is pregnant. The Omega scent of powdered sweet milk lingers, her own primal urges to protect her son from Alphas, too. She's happy her daughter isn't an Omega, she knows the trouble of being a female Omega is much more dangerous.
When Miles came out of the bathroom, his heart drops at the tube in his hand. His eyes widen, the color on his skin wash out looking grey like he seen a ghost.
Rio asked, "Y?"
"I-I-I..." His eyes widen with tears running down his cheek, his heart pounding against his chest. A wave panic runs through him, even his breathing became heavy.
His mother quickly went over to calm him down with her motherly Omega scent, "Relax, mi amor! It's going to be okay!"
"No, it's not! I fail you and dad! I'm pregnant all because I was stupid." Miles broke down in tears without his Alpha, what's he's supposed to do. "I'm pregnant and I can't- I can't ever be with another Alpha." Who would want a used Omega? He really fuck this up!
"No, hermano! Don't cry!" Billie's eyes water going over to hug her brother's legs. Rio weeps for her son's harsh life, so much responslty for being so young.
Jeff came into the house finding his family in tears, "What happened?" He spotted the pregnancy test tube, he stood a serious look and went over to give his son a big hug. Then he brought his wife and daughter into a big hug using his Alpha protective scent to ease them being the main Alpha in the household. The scent brought much comfort and safety that Billie will eventually learn how to be a great Alpha like her dad.
When they went to the doctors, Miles felt so anxious and sick. He didn't want to face reality, all his worries got him a nervous wreck. How many cups he drop when his parents talk to him, his mind thinking about how he's going to take care of his pup? Should he tell Hobie? No, fuck that Alpha, he doesn't care. Why would a pup be on Hobie's mind? He probably think their love child will ruin his future and toss some Abortion money.
Ah, Abortion... there's that choice. Curse being an Omega, his body is very dependent on his pregnancy, he felt his skin soft and pecks more pulp.
At first his parents mentions it as one way to terminate the pregnancy, Rio held her son's hand while his dad wants to respect his son's wishes. "I know this is going to be difficult. An Omega wouldn't pick Abortion compare to a Beta. It's in our DNA, and honestly, I'm worry about the after effects of this."
"Technology has gotten better than when we were young, Jeff." Rio said to him. "I know this can be scary, Miles. But this will be a good option, I'll call for an appointment with one doctor who's trusting, okay?"
Miles sitting in the doctor's office seeing the older man looking through his medical check up. "It is confirmed you are positive for pregnancy." Dr. Oct explained. "Now, going from here, you're going to be a strict diet, regular check ups and testing for your blood pressure."
Jeff and Rio looks at each other then the middle age woman clears her throat, "Dr. Oct, um... what about abortion? Is it possible for my son to have one and what are the side effects."
Their son flinched at the word since he wasn't too sure about this whole thing. He just wished to never got pregnant in the first place, yet his hand rubs around his abdominal feeling protective. Does he want to keep the pup? Is he strong enough to raise one- Is he strong enough to adopt his own pup? After all, his baby was made from passionately love and trust- well, in Miles' eyes. It was in the moment of love, and pure bliss- there was no consequences in that, so why should he go for it?
Then, he remembers a conversation with his parents about foster care. Can he give up his pup? Can he snoop low like his ex? Miles bite his bottom lip, he don't think he's in the right head space to abort his pup- No, he can't. Can he?
"Well, abortion have come a long way. Omegas can a have a safe recover, however as for emotional mentality... it's a bit harder. About forty percent have suffer in child lost grief due to their Omega instincts believing they lost their pup. However," The Doctor went into his desk to pull out a couple of flyers, "there's therapist, psychiatrists all part of this program to help Omegas through the after effects of Abortion. It's a slow healing process, yet it works."
"What about those rumors that Omegas not being the same after the abortion? I heard some have a certain smell after it."
"That is a trauma response and it's due to lack of safety. Now, with the technology we can ensure Miles have a safe process." Dr. Oct said in a serious tone, "Everything will be fine if you wish to go route, Miles."
Rio asked noticing her son looking scared, "Mijo, is something wrong?"
"I-I... I don't know! I-I," He felt tears coming down his cheek, with his arms protecting his stomach, "I wanna keep my pup!"
Jeff looks at his son feeling sorry instead of disappointed. It's not his son's fault to want to keep the pup, it's all instincts. He knows it's a difficult choice. His brown eyes landed on his wife, she nodded at his expression. Years of being together they understood each other by simple stares. So it's decided.
"Okay, what is the process as we continued this pregnancy?" Jeff asked in a serious tone. It won't be bad, his son is an adult, now.
Miles looks back at his parents expecting them to go against his wishes, but saw a small smile on his mother's face. She hold her son's left hand to reassure him as they listen to the doctor.
When they went to pick up Billie from daycare, the family decided to order some Chinese take-out. Billie happily smiles at her little bag with an egg roll, doing a little dance. Miles let out a small smile seeing his little sister, he had dealt raising a baby, maybe he can raise his own pup. He can do this.
At home, the family eat their dinner, Jeff chews his meal as he watch his son not eating as much, "You gotta eat Miles, your eating for two."
Rio snorted with a chuckle. "How come you guys aren't mad at me?" Miles finally asked. "I... I messed up! I messed up big time! I'm pregnant and 19! I still haven't finish college." He felt his eye watered, "All for a stupid Alpha!" He cover his face in shame, "You guys work so hard for me and I screwed it all up."
His parents were upset with themselves seeing how much they made their son believe this was big screw up. It's one way to view it, but they always pride themselves in family and honesty. Jeff finally said, "Miles, me and your mother always wants best for you, and yeah, we're upset that you got pregnant at such a young..." He wants to find the right words, "but things happen. You thought you were with the right Alpha and things went bad last minute, we don't blame you. Anyone who's in love would put all their trust in someone they are sure they want to be with. But mistake happen, this doesn't have to be viewed as a big screw up, this is just another obstacle you have to hurdle your way out."
Miles listens to his dad's words, "Right now, you have the opportunity to figure out a game plan. You can still go to school and finish your degree, you still have scholarships to help you. There's self work option if you want to start working and make money for the pup. You think your alone, son, but in reality, your not. You got me, your mother, your grandma, your friends! You have a community that's willing to help you. You and I, both know we, your parents would never kick you out for being pregnant. You know, your mom would divorce me if I ever considered it."
"That is true, papí." Rio giggles.
"And your my son, I know how much you were in love with that punk. Look, we have time to cry about this, but now it's time to be the man, suck it up and figure out what to do next. You need to focus on your pregnancy and them books, too! You have tests to finish up." Being a bit firm on his son, because this reality.
"Mijo, it's fine to feel upset with all this and you know, your papí means well. But he is right, life is only gonna get harder if you don't buckle down. We are here for you. I'm willing to help raise mi nieto." Rio said, "You made the decision to keep your pup, so it's not about what we feel, but what YOU want to do next? You are going to be a parent and it's a lot more responsibility. Being a parent never stops that's the reality. So, tell us, Miles. What do you want to do for the future? Forget about Hobie, forget about the love you to share. In this moment, it's only going to be about you and your pup!"
Miles listened to them feeling his nerves at ease, this is his responsibility. With a small nod, "I want to pass my classes, graduate and raise my pup."
"Alright. So what we need to do is focus on studying and gaining weight. The doctor saw you lost fifteen pounds and is worried about your health, we need you to gain a good amount for the pregnancies."
"Okay. I can do this." There was no time for him to cry about Hobie, that man is to be forgotten and buries. He needs to focus on his pup.
12 weeks had passed, Miles first ultrasound came by. The nurse noticed how large Miles' belly grew all for eighteen weeks it didn't look like a baby bump. Funny part, his parents thought his son looks like he's five months pregnant by the large belly.
The 19 year old lay on the chair feeling the cold gel on his pregnant belly. "Whoo," He breathes heavily feeling exhausted. These past few weeks had been so much, with school, work, and making sure his pregnancy is going well was tiring. Yet seeing his large belly made him forget all those woes.
"Alright, let see here." The Dr. Oct came by to check on the ultrasound, and heart multiple heartbeats. Rio's face fell at the sound. Miles look confused.
"What is it? What's wrong with my pup?" Miles' asked in a worry tone.
"Pups..." Rio corrected him.
Dr. Oct nodded, "Pups indeed..."
"WHAT?" Miles asked. "Twins?"
"You see this little one right here, and there's his sibling and another one right here." Dr. Oct shows through the Ultrasound as he moves the device around Miles' belly. "Three beautiful heartbeats. Congratulation, Miles. Your gonna be a father of three."
"TRIPLETS!" Miles shouted in a mixture of shock almost in disbelief.
Rio stood with her hand over her mouth being so in shock, "Doctor, triplets? You know how rare that is?"
"Yes, very rare especially when your family never had triplets. What would be rare if they all turn out to be Alphas." Dr. Oct chuckles at that. Like that can ever happen. "You should be happy Miss Morales. An Omega birthing triplets is often view as a blessing or good luck in some cultures."
Rio saw her son panicking, "Triplets! How can I raise three pups! I can't- I- Oh my god, I'mma be sick! I think I'ma throw up!" He felt sick.
"Mijo, calm down! The pups!" She said in a worry tone.
Back at home, Rio and Jeff had a long conversation about all of this. Jeff was so in shock, he needed to sit down and drink a can of beer to take the edge off. They needed to find ways to help their son, seeing how triplets need a helping hand. Rio can't ask for many day offs. Miles just cried in his room being so sad, his little sister came by looking worried.
"Miles! You okay!" Her three year old self went over to snuggle with him. "It's got be okay! There. There." She patted his head.
"Ah, thank you, boo-boo!" Miles hugs her feeling happy to see her. "Did mamí told you, you're gonna be a titi of three?"
"Ohhh, tree?" She pat her brother's belly being amused at the pup. "No pup?"
"Three pups."
"OHHH! Tree pups?" Her eyes gleams, "'m a titi! Titi Billie." She happily rubs her brother's round belly being so happy. Miles should be happy instead, but so many worries piling up. What can he do? How will he do it? How do single Omegas handle twins or triplets?
Well, his bright side did came true. His Abuela arrived from Puerto Rico, the happily older woman said, "MI nieto! Look at you, so big and beautiful! Don't worry tu abuela is here to help!"
"Abuela! How? Why? I though-" His grandmother Gloria wave her hand, "Your mom ask me to live here to help you! You know, your cousins will take care of my house over there! Anyway, let me see your face, your glowing!"
"Abuela... thank you! I really need the help." Miles' eyes watered.
"Shh, it's okay. Everything will be fine. Triplets is a gift, you will be so happy to be with your babies." She began, "Heck, I had your mom young, too! It's hard but not the worst thing in the world."
Miles slowly got over his worries. The day he hung out with his friend, Pavtri's eyes lit up at the sight. "Oh my gawd, you look so good pregnant! I always want pups!" He's the first one to touch Miles' round belly, showing so much love using his Omega scent.
Gwen, Peni, Margo, Kaine, and so many of their friend group went over to touch Miles' belly. "No way! Triplets? Dude, look at you!" Margo said.
"I can't wait to babysit them!" Gwen said out loud with joy.
"Wow, congrats!" Kaine sips his cola. "Have you thought of names?"
"Well, I only thought one boy name, Aaron from my deceased uncle. Then, maybe a girl... Mariana?" Miles admits the names he wants for his pups, "I still need to think of the other name."
"Name it after me, please Miles!" Pavtri pouted.
"Hahaha, Pav chill. Your baby fever is gonna get you." Margo laughs.
"I'm already in baby fever. I want pups now!" Pavtri whines. "I can't wait to bear them!"
9 months later!
Miles is twenty at this point. Babies born in October 31. Scorpio Vides!
Miles gave birth to three beautiful pups, all unique in their own way. Two boys and one girl, they all had different brown shades, and their hair curly. The triplets cries for their daddy needing his presence. "Shh, I'm here." He took two in his arms to breast feed and the third one on his lap seeing how this can be a handful. His heart flutters with joy, a small purring sound appeared out of his mouth.
His triplets happily quiet being with their parent, once he finish with one pup his mother helped him with the other one on his lap. He breast fed him. They all felt safe in his arms. "What are their names, Miles?" Rio asked.
"This one is Mariana." Miles whispers staring at his daughter, "And this one is Aaron." The boy in his other arm, then he looks down at the middle one on his lap, "And this handsome boy is Karl."
At least this will be the last thing, he'll give his Alpha. A name of his best friend, so when his pups ever ask about their dad he'll be honest with them. Hopefully, he doesn't have to talk about him soon.
Bilie's eyes gleam being held by her dad, "Mariana? Like me!"
"Yes, Billie." Miles smiles at her.
"Hehehe, hi babies. I'm your titi!" Billie whispers at the three babies being so happy to be an aunty. Gloria smiles at her grandson seeing Rio teary eye.
"Awe, look at them. So beautiful." She said. Yes, things will be good for them.
~3 years later~
Miles happily saw his babies playing around, "Mari, you need to finish your snack."
"No! No wanna!" Mariana rather play with her dolls.
The twenty three year old sighs at his daughter refusing to finish her sliced carrots. Karl came by taking her carrots to munch on, "Oh no, bebé! That's for your sister."
"I hun-gray, daddy!" Karl pouts at his daddy.
"OKay, you can finish it up. Mariana, I don't wanna hear you want pudding if you don't eat your carrots." Miles hums at his daughter.
"Nonono! Yucky! Pudding! PUDDING!" She rushes over with her big purple eyes on him!
"No, Mariana." He saw her sulking.
Karl munches on her carrots being so hungry, "More, daddy!"
"Honey, why don't we wait. I don't you to get stuffed." Miles always wonder how his son is always hungry, he's sure he's following the portions for three year olds. Big green eyes pouted at the response, "I know. If your still hungry, I'll give you more, okay?"
"OKay." Karl chews on his carrots.
Aaron's big honey-brown eyes on his daddy, " Daddy! I want juice!" He holds out his sippy cup, "More, please!"
"I want pudding!" Mariana whines as she hugs her daddy's legs.
Miles sighs, "No, Mari! I told you to eat your carrots." He got his son's sippy cup to fill a bit of apple juice with water to water it down, he never likes giving them too much sugar. "Here you go, mi bebé."
"Daddy, i'm still hungry!" Karl came by to hug his daddy legs.
Rio came by with Billie coming from work and picking her daughter from school. Billie being six years old saw her niece and nephews being loud and whine. "Titi is here!" Aaron said, "Y Abuela!"
"Abuela!" The triplets went over to see their aunty and grandmother being super happy.
"Y yo?" Their great grandmother came in with a bag of groceries coming from shopping.
"Abuela!" The triplets shouted for hugs and kisses.
Miles came to help his grandmother with groceries, "Oh thank god, they have the pull up pampers." Potty training his three year olds have been one crazy mission. Of course, he tries to lessen the pampers to night time, until they learn on their own. "Gracias, Abuela."
"No problem, mijo!" His abuela picks up Aaron to give hug and kisses.
Rio put Billie down so she can play with her niece. The middle age woman pick up Karl to give kisses. "Hola, Karl. Have you been behaving?"
"I'm hungry!" Karl pouts with his big green eyes on his grandma.
"Aye no! Miles, did you fed mi nieto?" Rio asked her son.
"I did, look!" He show her the tray of apple slices, carrots, and PB&J.
Rio pouts, "Aye, Miles. You and that ridiculous book. He needs real food! No wonder he's hungry. Look, I'll cook dinner today." She never believe in those mom's cookbooks, they were too American and simple. Her grand babies need really Puerto Rican food.
"No, mamí. i'm cooking today. I'ma make pork chops!" That got his babies attention, something about meat gets them happy.
Gloria laughs, "Might as well make Arroz con gandules."
"Ohh! I wanna eat dat, daddy!" Mariana said out loud.
Miles saw how his dinner plans drastically changes from something simple to a more Puerto Rican meals. His mother ended up helping him while his grandmother watches for the triplets, Billie plays with them but had to do a bit of homework and eat a snack.
Mariana watches Billie write her letters for her first grade class, "Wow, how yuh do dat?" The little girl became interested in writing.
"Easy. Like dis." She shows her how to write the letter A.
Mariana got a crayon and paper to write an A but it was choppy and hard to do so. "Umm!" She frowns.
"Keep going, Mari! I use to write like that. Practice." Billie happily said.
"Okay, titi!" Mariana nodded being confident to do another one.
The adults smile at the Mariana admiring her titi so much, it's cute to see. Even Karl and Aaron join on learning how to draw an A. Miles love seeing his babies being together, it gets his Omega so giddy and happy.
When Jeff came home from work, he was greeted by triplets attacking him into hugs. "Hahaha, awe. I miss ya'll too!"
"Grandpa!" They snuggle against him with his familiar Alpha scent.
"How's my favorite grandkids?" He chuckles at his own joke, he picks the all up with his arms seeing how happy they are to be carried by him.
Dinner placed on the table, Miles wipe his hands on his apron. "Okay. Dinner is ready, mi bebés!" His triplets rushes over to their high chairs as his daddy put them in. They got their spork being ready.
Jeff serve some glasses of juice, and Rio being able to serve plates. "Miles, you want steamed vegetables?"
"Yes, mamí."
Then the door bell rang, "Who could that be?" Gloria put on the bibs on her grandson Karl.
"Hmm," Jeff rub his chin being unsure who was at the door.
"I'll get it. It must be a delivery." He did waited for some books for class he went over to the door, his hand turn the knob opening it.
His honey brown eyes widen in shock as he stood silent. Why? Why now? His voice speechless, he could only hear his parents' voice in concern.
"Miles, who's at the door?" Jeff asked.
"Miles?" Rio asked.
Miles' mouth moved without thinking, "Hobie..."
There stood his ex boyfriend in all punker black clothing, probably expensive clothing. His dark inky eyes soften as he looks at him, "Hey, Sunflower. Been a long time, hmm?" He holds out a big bouquet of flowers with Sunflowers in the mix.
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scotianostra · 1 year
Bay City Roller Alan Longmuir was born at Simpson Memorial Maternity Pavilion Hospital Edinburgh on June 20th 1948.
Alan Longmuir was born in Edinburgh, one of four children of Duncan and Georgina Longmuir, who encouraged their interest in music. His father was an undertaker who allowed Alan to wear his top hat and long frock coat when performing for guests at the family home.
Alan and his younger brother, Derek – the Rollers’ future drummer – went to Tynecastle high school, which Alan left at 15. After a year of office work he was apprenticed as a plumber, but the job was secondary to his yearning to be a musician, he eventuallyt hit the big time as the bassist and founding member of the Bay City Rollers, the band that hit the heights of pop fame in the 1970s, of his fame he said he was “Just a plumber from Edinburgh who got lucky” .
The group he started in 1964 dominated mid-70s pop both in Britain and internationally, selling around 100m records – the precise total, and royalties owed the band, have never been established, spawning a long-running dispute with their former record label and their late manager Tam Paton.
In their peak year, 1975, they had two UK No 1 singles, including the signature hit Bye Bye Baby; the end of that year saw them top the American chart with the stomping Saturday Night – a foundational influence on the Ramones. When they played live, fans showed their appreciation by breaking seats; consequently, many venues refused to book them. They were the biggest pop sensation since the Beatles, and of the pop idols who have followed, only One Direction have inspired quite the same frenzy.
Like the rest of the Rollers, Longmuir, the band’s bassist, felt trapped by fame and the concomitant erosion of their privacy. Unlike the others, he refused to observe their manager’s edict against drinking alcohol and having girlfriends. In 1976, he was sacked because he was “too old and too hard to control”, according to Simon Spence’s 2016 biography The Dark History of the Bay City Rollers. Longmuir himself said: “I had a fallout with [manager Tam Paton] because I wanted to get a life.”
The public were told that he had chosen to go; in his first photo session as an ex-Roller, he wore a three-piece business suit – tantamount to sticking two fingers up at the band, who were forced to wear matching tartan outfits during all public sightings.
After his departure from the group in 1976, he released a solo single, I’m Confessing, but spent much of his time fishing and looking after his horses on his farm in Dollar, Clackmannanshire.
He viewed the 70s with wry humour, saying in 2008: “I remember sitting at the bar of the Beverly Hills hotel – there was Patrick Magee, Barbra Streisand, David Soul – and Alan Longmuir, the plumber from Edinburgh.”
In 1978, Paton asked him to rejoin, thinking that Longmuir, then nearly 30, would exert a stabilising influence. He left again in 1983, and repeated the process several times, he returned to working as a plumber and from 2000 until retirement was a bylaws inspector. His fringe show debuted in 2014 and came back to the festival every year since .
The band again reunited for a successful 2016 reunion tour.
Alan Longmuir passed away two years later on July 2nd 2018, in Mexico where he was on holiday with his wife Eileen.
At the time of his death, the band were again inactive, and he was working on the latest version of his successful Edinburgh fringe show, a music-and-memories production called I Ran With the Gang. He was also preparing an autobiography for release later that year.
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My brain is going mental. Anyways, since I did one for Toast and his family, I figured it would be fair to do one for Ghost and his family as well. Plus some Jimmy because why not?
Ghost had alot of questions about her family, mainly her father. Timothy Casket was, in her mother's words, "a kind, modest man" that took his wife's name (much to his family's dismay) and worked tirelessly to keep up with everything. When he heard about being a father, he was ecstatic. He was there for the whole pregnancy, and was often seen looking down at his daughter, cooing and playing with her.
Then he disappeared without a trace, and left them with near nothing. The In-Laws knew what happened to him but wouldn't tell out of pettiness.
Her mother couldn't bare to look at her because she reminded her so much like her father, which led to a disconnect, and Ghost feeling ghosted hehe as she got older. Her mother would feed and care for her, but she didn't do much beyond that. It just ached too much
It was during this time that Jimmy found her. She had been cuddling her stuffed animal, talking to it, as children do, when she heard a response across the room. Looking up she saw a young kid, around the same age as her, looking back at her. She was shocked he was there; he was shocked she could see him.
They soon started talking, and becoming eachother's first friend. Since no-one else could see Jimmy (yet), everyone chalked it up to Imaginary Friend, which made Ghost a bit uncomfortable since Jimmy got defensive at those comments ("I am real! I'm not like them!"). This also started her interest in the paranormal, as Jimmy often stated that he was alive even though it was obvious that he was dead.
If only she knew what would become of them
The start of it all
Ghost was out alot, mainly to get away from the stranger that was her mother, partly to look for the attention she wanted elsewhere. The streets were not kind: stealing became a must, and she was an easy target.
This was how Ghost and Toast met, with her trying to get something off a window sill. Scurring off with her prize, she thought about that boy and why he helped her. She... She hoped to see him again.
And she did: the second time she noticed him across the road, and they waved at each other. The third time was when they finally spoke for real, across the school fence during break and lunch. Toast told her where she lived if she wanted to chat there later, and soon she was there anytime she was out, talking to him from below the branches.
This also led to the end to her and Jimmy's friendship. Maybe everyone was right with him being imaginary, so they started talking less and less. The intense jealousy from him when they did was starting to scare her.
Then she started going over to Toast's house. Oh boy did Jim not like that. Their argument about it led to her cutting ties, and unable to convince her otherwise, he stopped showing up ... For now.
First BlackOut
When Jimmy did come back, it was through possession. he felt... Powerful. He had no idea that he could interact with the world after so long unable to. It went to his head, and the loud cackles were evident of that. Ghost's mother had heard it however, and soon she was in the room trying to see what happened. Jimmy read it as an attempt to get him, and freaked, running out the room and into the kitchen with Ghost's mother head on his heels.
The knife on the side of the counter was just the wrong place at the wrong time. And Ghost woke to a painful headache, and her mother lieing in a puddle of blood, the blade in her hands.
She never worked out who caused it.
After that, Ghost couldn't remember much. It was a haze of faces he swore he could name, researching about the paranormal, working out who he was, and alot of stress starting up P.I.E.
It got less fuzzy when Toast came back from the UK, and helping him through his grief and addiction. It probably help him a little as well.
Oh god— First, congrats to Ghost, trans rights, but from there— Ghost forgot like. Who he was? Almost entirely? At an older age? That’s a fresh take…
It does also add to Ghost reminiscing on the past mid-mission— I can see Toast getting excited if he starts talking about a memory Toast was there for, and getting frustrated if he’s confusing something he saw on TV for a real memory. Also explains how Ghost managed to not learn how to read And go through the American schooling system without evoking developmental issues (I say, out of personal experience).
Ghost’s mom dying because Jimmy was bitter that Jimmy was close with Toast makes me… wonder how that’s gonna go. Both because Jimmy is probably still going to have that grudge against Toast even after this, but also because Ghost might feel like he’s a danger even to the people he wants to be around. Because who’s to say who Jimmy is going to strike next when he’s feeling grumpy about Toast. Whoever is closest? Is he going to try to attack Toast himself? Gavin? Who KNOWS! Horrifying!
Anyways! Thank you for sharing! This was really fun to read and I like the kind of cliffhanger this was left on!!! ^^ there’s clearly more story to this, and where you decide to go next I’m excited to see it!
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
Covert Eyes (Prologue)
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Fandom: Spooks
Pairings: Lucas North x OC (Amy Holland) eventually
Warnings: Stalking, insecurity
Summary: Lucas takes notice of a young woman, Amy, but his obsession and want to get to know her begin to spiral out of control.
Comments/Notes: I've only written out the prologue for now, and mainly to get it out of my system and see if people would be interested in this kind of fic. Thank you to @linasofia for requesting the fic based off my original imagine. Thank you @lathalea for helping me organise my thoughts and get a little more clarity on where I want this fic to go. And, of course, thank you to @legolasbadass and @middleearthpixie for helping me decide to tell this story with the main character as an OC. I haven't written an OC in quite some time, so I'm excited to get back into it.
This is my first fic within this fandom, so please let me know your honest thoughts. I'm happy to take any form of feedback on board. There are also a couple of notes at the bottom, highlighting a couple of things in this fic which may be a little confusing for non-UK folk. By all means ask if you're unsure. I actually work for HMRC myself (which is mentioned in the prologue) so I've got bits and pieces of knowledge which I can use in this fic.
If you wish to be added to any tags, whether for all fics, or for certain fics (or fandoms, characters, etc), let me know.
Amy always blushed whenever Lucas looked at her for more than ten seconds. To her he was handsome in a fairly classic way; steel blue eyes, short, almost black hair, well spoken. Normally he was dressed in a shirt, top button popped open, and jeans. It had started at the coffee shop just down the street from Amy’s flat where she sat most mornings, doodling in her notebook for half hour or so before the gruelling day of work ahead.
She worked in a JobCentre, in central London. Days were mostly filled with desperate people wanting to get back into work and provide for their families. But now and again, security had to become involved. Some people would cross a line and become verbally abusive.
Amy enjoyed helping people, but her empathetic nature tore her down. Emotional mothers were the worst, breaking down into tears before her with a little one sat beside them in a stroller.
Of course Lucas knew all of this. He was an intelligence officer, working for MI5. His training had provided him with the know how to search databases, conduct covert surveillance, and monitor the most secret of the UK’s documents. Gaining access to someone’s national insurance number and then being able to trace work details through HMRC’S tax databases was child’s play.
One morning, a cold and rainy Tuesday, Lucas finally asked Amy if he could buy her morning coffee. She politely told him that he didn’t have to, but he persisted, pulling his wallet out of his back pocket.
Amy remained in the back corner of the café and put her notebook away, smiling to herself. Was he just being kind? Or was he hinting in some way that he liked her? Amy could never tell these things; she’d always been guarded around the opposite sex, finding them to be an enigma. And because of this, she had only ever had one long term relationship, which lasted ten years. The last five years and she had been single, painfully single. Now at the age of thirty two, Amy wanted to move past her crippling shyness with men.
Lucas looked over at Amy, his hand resting on the counter. A pretty, petite, blonde woman was serving him. Lucy, according to her name tag. Lucas was more interested in Amy. She had a meeting after work tonight, meaning that she probably wouldn’t be home until around half six. He calculated the times in his head, reminding himself that he was on surveillance that night. Surely he could pop back to his flat just in time to intercept her in some way and act surprised at the fact they lived so close together.
“Thank you,” Amy told Lucas as he came back with their drinks. She blushed again, and Lucas couldn’t help but smirk. There was a sweetness about her that he found so alluring, a naivety. His worldly experience contrasted much against her ‘normal’ and closed off innocence. Amy was like a woman who had not yet completely shed her skin of a child, and she showed that to the world without even realising it.
“That’s really good. Do you take any classes?” Lucas asked, noticing the drawing which Amy had completed in ballpoint pen in her notebook. It was a sketch of the blonde girl serving and all the cakes surrounding her.
Amy looked up from her coffee. “I thought about it at one point, but I’m not good enough.”
Lucas smirked again. He knew of the application that she’d submitted to a local, quite prestigious art school two years ago. “Who says you’re not good enough? I bet they talk bollocks,” Lucas hissed.
Their gazes met for a few seconds, and Amy felt a shiver race down her spine. It was such a pleasurable sensation, and it pooled between her legs. She had never felt this much attraction for a man sat before her; normally it had only been celebrities that she had been so attracted to. Lucas was on a whole new level of any of the men she’d encountered.
Lucas could sense her attraction to him. And he wanted to act on it. So much. The thought of her kept him up at night, but it was her face that pushed the traumatic memories away. And when the memories did come, the shadows, the water and the walls of prison closing in, she was always there. Her voice swept around him like a mist, and it made him feel safe for the first time in as long as he could remember. But he knew no other way to gain access to her life. Every morning they saw each other and she held back from him, despite the longing in her green eyes being so bright.
Checks on her Facebook and Instagram profiles showed an introverted woman with a love for drawing, rock music, a few close friends and no man in her life, apart from her father. With barely a hundred followers on each account, Amy Holland was nothing special to society. Just another person who kept the cogs within the mechanisms of the United Kingdom moving, a reference number and a date of birth. She was a passport approaching its expiry. A driving licence that had proven useless since moving to London from Coventry three years ago. Her voice, paired with a Midlands accent, was yet another of many that was swept along in the sea of language and dialects of all of those who lived in London.
Their morning ended with Amy dismissing herself from their conversation. She thanked him for the coffee and disappeared for work. It left Lucas sat opposite an empty chair in the back of a bustling café. Would he ever get through to her?
MI5 - UK based security intelligence agency. (Commonly known as the Spooks in the UK)
HMRC - Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs. The UK tax, customs, duty and excise department; part of the civil service.
JobCentre - an office where people who are claiming welfare benefits (usually for unemployment, long-term illness and/or low wages) go to be interviewed and to 'sign on' and receive their benefits.
Follow Forever tag list: @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @middleearthpixie @xxbyimm @meganlpie @linasofia @knitastically @sketch-and-write-lover @msjava1972 @guardianofrivendell @lilacpulse @spidergirla5 @asgardianhobbit98
Richard Armitage tag list: @cryptichobbit @eunoiaastralwings
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ilici · 3 years
a night to remember.
Summary: After a long 4 months of just bickering, they finally decide to meet up. (Second part to 'Pretty Little Lies')
Warnings: Choking, cockwarming, hair pulling.
Word Count: 2892
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Dream had enough of the two bickering at each other, he finally slammed his desk with his hand, making the two come to a halt. “Will you two fucking shut the hell up?” He asked annoyed, and Y/N just scoffed while looking away from the screen. “You two have reached my breaking point.” He said, seeing George just look away and Y/N discord icon stop glowing green besides the few shuffling coming from her side. “All you two do now is just bicker, we get it you guys have sexual tension but for the love of God, please just shut the fuck up.” He begged, while George’s ears burned at the mention of sexual tension. Opening his mouth to speak, nothing came out as Y/N was the first to speak up, “If I buy a plane ticket to go and visit the UK will that help you?” She asked sarcastically, and Dream sighed in relief, “Yes! Yes it fucking would!” he said loudly, while Sapnap just listened in noting to himself that he saw George’s eyes light up at the thought of Y/N visiting him. “I was joking but sheesh fine, I will.” She mumbled, and George looked between the sleeping Dream icon, and the Coraline icon that belonged to Y/N.
“Do I not have a say in this?” George finally spoke up, and raised an eyebrow that disappeared behind his long hair. Sapnap now laughed dryly, “Don’t act as if you didn’t enjoy the idea of Y/N coming to you, you know damn well your eyes lit up at the mention of it.” He said, and George just shrunk down in defeat while Dream laughed at the boy’s reaction. “There I bought the plane ticket.” She said, and they heard a ding indicating someone had joined the call, “Why the fuck did I just get a message saying I bought a plane ticket to the UK?” Quackity asked, and Y/N laughed loudly, “It’s for me but I used your money since you owed me anyways.” She told him, while Quackity just stared at his screen in shock. “That’s it I’m leaving.” He said, leaving the call right afterwards. George was now silent, and playing with the strings on his hoodie, “How long will you be staying?” Sapnap asked, and Y/N hummed leaning closer to her mic, “About three months, I want to meet everyone else, not just George here.”
Nodding, Sapnap seemed satisfied with the answer, “Wear protection.” Dream said, and George snapped his gaze up looking back at the screen, “Shut up.” He muttered, embarrassed while Y/N just laughed to cover up the fact that she too was embarrassed. “Well, I leave for the UK in two days, I still have to find a place to stay.” She explained, and George rubbed his chin before he came to a decision in his head, “You can stay with me, I recently moved into an apartment that has two rooms, you can stay in there. Although I won’t be home until later when you arrive mainly because I’ll be recording a video with Tommy and Phil.” He told Y/N, and she just listened, “Alright, then that’s settled.” She said before she grew confused, “How will I get to the house?” She asked and George shrugged, “I could have Tommy and his dad pick you up when he comes to pick me up.” He said, and Y/N nodded even though no one could see her. 
“Sounds good to me.” She said, “Well I will arrive around 9 am, so.” She muttered, looking at her phone, “That’s perfect because Tommy said he’d be around at my apartment at 9:30, and the airport is only a 20 minute drive away.” He informed her, and she nodded, shooting Tommy a quick text and telling him to keep it under wraps since he was streaming. The other two in the call were silent, enjoying the time where George and Y/N weren’t arguing. “Well I better go, I need to go pack and I also need to fix my sleep schedule.” She sighed out, before saying her goodbye’s. Leaving the call, everything hit her like a brick. She was going to leave to see George in two days. Hearing her phone ring, she saw Sapnap was calling her, answering it she put it on speaker so she could hear him while she got ready to pack. “Hey Sap.” She said, and Sapnap greeted her back, “I was wondering if I could see your face before you leave to see George.” He asked, in a very rushed way which was difficult for Y/N to keep up with.
Laughing to herself, she shrugged as Sapnap was one of her best friends and she planned on face revealing to him anyway. Clicking the FaceTime option, she propped her phone up so he could see her packing. Sapnap answered it, only showing half of his face, before his eyes widened at Y/N. She changed a bit from what George had described four months prior, “Wow, George was right. You are hot.” He said, and Y/N laughed, “Although you look a bit different apparently.” He said trying to pinpoint what looked different on her, “Oh, my hair is longer and I also dyed the the underneath of my hair.” She told him, and he nodded noting that her hair did look different from what George said. “Are you nervous?” He asked her, trying to keep the conversation going and Y/N shrugged, “A bit, mainly because I feel like when we meet things will be awkward, and we will manage to argue.” She said, while Sapnap just nodded in understanding.
“Well, if you ask me, I think meeting Tommy is going to be worse, mainly because he get’s to see your face.” He told her, and Y/N grimaced at the thought of the loud child bragging about seeing her face. “Don’t remind me.” She grumbled, while Sapnap laughed at her reaction, “Well, that’s all I need to pack.” She said after a three hour long call with her friend. “I’ll see you later, sleep well.” Sapnap said, before ending the call leaving Y/N to her own thoughts. Shooting Dream a text, asking her for advice that she’d read when she woke up. Sighing, she laid down in bed looking up at her ceiling that seemed bare to her now ever since she took off the stars. “God why did I do this?” She muttered to herself, covering her eyes with her arm before drifting off to sleep.
Finally, it was the day she was leaving for the UK. She was at the airport with her two suitcases waiting to board the plane. She had coffee in her hand as it was super early for her, and she was on call with Callahan who didn’t speak back but would text responses in return. “Callahan, I board in seven minutes holy shit.” She said, starting to panic a little, and Callahan quickly tried to calm her down making some typos along the way. “Okay I can do this.” She whispered to herself, and Callahan sent a message telling her that she’d be alright and he’d be here for her when she landed. Callahan planned on staying on the call, even though he’d be left alone for some hours. Their plan was as soon as she lands, she’d join the call and let him know she had landed. Thankfully he’d be awake as he was busy coding stuff for the new manhunt. “Well that’s my plane, I’ll see you after I land.” She told him, and he sent a quick goodbye before she left the call.
Y/N got on the plane and decided she’d sleep the entire plane ride. She had thankfully gotten first class, so she had privacy. Reclining back, she put on the movie that seemed least interesting so she wouldn’t get engaged in it. Shortly falling asleep, she woke up a couple times and would restart the movie if it had ended. Finally, after what seemed like days she finally heard the voice saying they were landing. Stretching she groaned hearing her body crack, and got up when they officially landed. Walking out and going to get her luggage, she went to get something to eat and a drink She joined the call back to see that Karl was also in the call along with Dream. “Hey guys, I landed.” She spoke up, and she got a response from Callahan first, and Karl soon unmuted, “That’s good, I hope things go well.” He said, while Dream finally unmuted, “I was about to head to bed, but I’m glad you made it safely.” He said, before he muted again going back to whatever it was he was doing. Karl and Y/N spoke for a bit, till she got a message from Tommy saying he was here. 
Leaving the call, she walked out and looked around for the tall teenager, and finally spotted him looking at his phone with his face covered by a mask. “Hello Tommy.” She said, and Tommy looked up from his phone, seeing the girl approach him without a mask, figuring it was because she had food and a drink. Walking over to her, he pulled her into a hug, “Hello Y/N, I can’t wait to brag to George that I met you before him.” He said while the girl rolled her eyes, as someone grabbed her luggage that she was struggling to bring as her hands were full from the drink and food. “I bet.” She said, and they all got into his car, as she was full on jet lagged. “You can sleep, I’ll wake you up when we get there.” The older male spoke up, and she thanked him, closing her eyes to let the sleep consume her. Feeling herself being picked up, she groaned a bit but kept her eyes closed wanting to go back to sleep.
Hearing muffled voices she could decipher some of the sentences, but the rest were just gibberish to her, “Let her sleep, I’ll wake her up when I get back.” She heard someone say, before she fell back asleep. George looked down at the sleeping girl and rolled his eyes, “First day here and she’s already getting treated like a princess.” He muttered under his breath sarcastically, as he had to carry her into the guest room. Getting up and leaving, he couldn’t help but think of what was to come. After 6 hours of hanging out, George walked into his apartment, and was shocked to see Y/N on the couch watching some random movie. “Hello Georgie.” She spoke, and George just looked at her, “Seems like you’ve made yourself at home.” He said walking over to the couch and sat down beside her, keeping his distance. Y/N looked over at him and her lips tugged up into a smirk, “What are you smirking about?” George asked, looking over at her.
“A little birdie told me that you said you’d give me a night to remember.” She told him, and George froze before he looked over at her once more, “I’m going to kill Sapnap.” He said gritting his teeth, and Y/N shrugged, turning her attention to the movie. “Why don’t you give me a night to remember then Georgie? Hm?” George now clenched his jaw as he turned his head grabbing Y/N’s jaw forcefully making her look over at him. “Someone’s being a bit cocky.” George said, and Y/N just looked at him and groaned when George moved his hand down wrapping it around her neck. “Not so cocky now, are we?” He teased, leaning forwards and chuckled into her ear. Y/N was genuinely shocked at how quick he switched. “It’s the first day, and you’re already wanting me to fuck the shit out of you.” He mumbled, and Y/N shivered, letting out a soft whine.
“Don’t act like you don’t want to.” She bit back, and George just looked at her before laughing dryly, “Who said I don’t want to?” He told her, as he grabbed some of her hair, forcing her head to lean back. Tightening his grip around her neck she whimpered out, and closed her eyes, clenching her thighs together. George noticed this and smirked, “Someone’s enjoying this.” He said, and Y/N was about to let out some curses but she bit her tongue to hold herself back. Moving his hand away from her throat, he started unbuckling his belt while Y/N watched him in a daze. “Stop staring and strip.” He demanded and Y/N immediately obeyed, stripping off her clothes. George looked at her body, and he bit his lips, “Come on then.” He said patting his now bare lap and Y/N quickly straddled his lap. 
“Since you’ve been so rude every time we talk, maybe it’s time I fuck some sense into you.” George whispered to her, as he grabbed her hips lifting her up so she could easily slide down onto his dick. “You’re on the pill right?” He asked, and Y/N just nodded her head, before she let out a loud moan at the feeling of George stretching her out. He leaned his head back, letting out a slight groan at the feeling. Tightening his grip on her hips when she tried to, she groaned, “Why?” She whined, and George just leaned forward moving her hair out of the way as he kissed the back of her neck, “You are to stay like this until I feel like fucking you.” He told her, and Y/N shivered at the kiss only listening because she enjoyed this feeling. “Such a good girl, I figured you would be a brat since you act like one.” His voice rang through her mind, and Y/N just whimpered leaning her head back on his shoulder.
“George, please I can’t wait any longer.” She begged, and George just smirked before he lifted her off of him, and threw her on the other side of his couch. Y/N yelped as she was thrown, before she had the chance to raise up George had a hold of her hips making her ass stick up in the air. Pushing down on her back so she was perfectly arching her back, he was holding onto her hips making sure he left bruises. Slamming into her, Y/N moaned out loudly, gripping one of the stray pillows that was near her. Biting her bottom lip, George kept relentlessly pounding into her while Y/N was now a blabbering mess. George enjoyed this as he reached forwards grabbing a handful of her hair and tugged on it. “You look so beautiful like this, so sweaty for me.” He teased, while Y/N just let out an incoherent ‘fuck you’. 
Not liking this, George brought his hand up and slammed it down onto her ass. Letting out a small scream, Y/N felt herself grow closer, and George reached around now toying with her clit. He himself was feeling close to his climax, and Y/N could tell from how sloppy his thrusts were getting. Using the hand that had her hair in it, he moved his hand up grabbing her neck bringing her up so she was against his chest. “Fuck George-” She muttered, leaning her head back against George’s shoulder much like earlier. George gave sloppy kisses along her jawline and neck, as they both let out a loud groan. Y/N mumbled words, and George let out a quick, “Fuck” as they both felt themself cum. Pulling out, George watched as some of it leaked out and onto her thighs.
Wiping away the sweat that was on his forehead, he picked her up, “Have you seen the bathroom?” He asked Y/N, who only shook her head, “You’re about to see it now.” He told her as the two made their way into the bathroom. It had a shower, and a bathtub, “Pick which one.” He told her, and Y/N looked between both and pointed to the tub, “I would’ve chosen the shower if it weren’t for how my legs could give out at any moment.” She whispered embarrassed, and George chuckled as he sat her down on the side of the tub, her feet in the tub. “Let me how you want the water to feel.” He said, turning it on and Y/N waited till it felt good, and she nodded, “That’s good.” She said, as she sunk down into the tub.
George smiled at her, as he went over to the cabinet under the sink to grab the bubble mixture. Pouring some into the water, he watched as Y/N mixed it around which formed bubbles. Sinking down into the water, he brought Y/N over to his body, and let her relax against him. “Don’t tell Dream or Sapnap, they had a bet. I really don’t want to lose.” He said, while Y/N lightly laughed at his words, as he massaged her shoulders. “I’m still going to be here for 3 more months, so they are bound to know it happened at one point.” She shrugged, and George hummed in agreement.
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falcqns · 3 years
Hii i have this request in mind like Chris Evans x Actress! Singer! Reader like the reader and chris dated for 3y idk but they broke up but the reader always visit chris’ family bc she treated them like family aswell specialy when the reader’s parents died so she spend Christmas there or any occasions bc chris’ family invite her and when chris got a new gf the reader is kinda hurt bc she still love chris but she try to look like she doesn’t care but then she released her new song its called deja vu (by olivia rodrigo) and she release it to her bday so when the song is released the fans knew its abt chris bc of the new gf (chris’ fam doesn’t like the new gf and the fans kinda didn’t support them bc of the girl’s attitude) and chris’ family invites her over bc they want to show the reader something and when the reader got there they surprise her for her bday and congratulate her and turns out chris is there too with his new gf🤨and the reader knew chris’ new gf hated her bc of her look and scott called you all to the living room and watch the mv of the reader’s new song and when the mv ends scott and the fam congratuleted the reader and chris’ gf is giving the reader looks again and chris is noticing it and when the reader is in the kitchen alone getting something chris talk to her and congratulate her and chris’ new gf wrapped her arms around chris and chris tried to stop her to make a scene but she started a scene and scream at the reader but the reader cut her off and embarrassing her and the reader prove the new gf shes first not her (idk if that make sense lol) and the new gf leave(idk you can make her a random name so its not only “new gf”) and the reader and chris talk and they got back together, you can do wha you want at the end this is just so random bc i was listening to deja vu and advance thank you if you do my request! Stay safe! ❤️ and im so sorry if this is so long
Deja Vu
pairing: Chris Evans x singer!reader
warnings: parents death, major angst, fluff. 
a/n: thank you for the request! Hope you enjoy!
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You had known Chris since college, when you had met him in your communications class. You two had grown close quickly, and became best friends. 
He brought you home every Christmas Eve, before you would go home to your parents house on Christmas Day. You had always felt like a part of the family, so when your parents passed a way, you turned to him. 
You and your parents were driving home from a Christmas Day church service, when you were hit by a semi truck. It had completely totalled the car, and your parents had died on impact. You had been sitting in the back, and only had a broken leg from where your moms seat had been pushed back into it roughly. 
You had been pulled from the car and sat in a second ambulance, while your parents were transported in another. You knew you'd never forget watching that ambulance door close and drive away, knowing that was the last time you'd ever see them. 
When the police officers asked if there was anyone you could call, you didn't know what to do. Your parents were both only children, so you had no aunts, uncles or cousins. You were an only child too, so you had no siblings, and your grandparents had passed when you were little, your other ones passing before you were born. 
So when the officer asked you, you told him the Evans’ phone number. Lisa picked up on the second ring, and you tearfully explained what had happened as the shock wore off. She immediately said she’d meet you at the hospital, and not to worry, that she and Bob would take care of you. 
You were taken to the hospital and treated for your broken leg. Less than an hour after you arrived, Lisa arrived at the hospital with Chris in tow. They comforted you, and took you home with them. You stayed in Chris’s room for the first few days, and when you were given your own room, you still had a hard time sleeping alone, so Chris ended up in your bed with you most nights, not that he minded. 
You never went back to college, and instead turned to singing as a release from all the pain you were feeling. You started out posting covers on YouTube, and gradually progressed to getting a record deal with Interscope Records, which didn't surprise anyone who knew you. You had immense talent, and your parents used to tell you that they were counting down the days before you were a celebrity. 
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When Chris graduated college and told you he was moving to Los Angeles, he convinced you to come with him. Prices were high in LA, and he didn't want to be separated from you for too long, so you joined him. He got to be an actor, and you got to be a singer, which is what you both had wanted since you were younger. 
You went to every one of Chris’s movie premieres, and he attended as many of your live shows as he could. You supported him through all his relationships and his breakups, and played the middle man whenever he and Jenny would fight, up until the very end. You told yourself you did that because you just wanted what's best for him, but you both kind of knew that wasn't the reason at all. 
Throughout your time living together, you friendship grew, as did your feelings for each other. You'd be lying if you didn't have a small crush on him in college, and those feelings only grew as time went on, especially since the two of you decided to only get a one bedroom apartment. Mainly because it was cheap, but also because Chris made a decision a week after your parents death to never allow you to sleep alone because of the nightmares that would occur if he wasn't there.
So, when you won your first award for your first album, named ‘hand in hand’, he kissed you the second you came off the stage with your award in hand. It blew your mind that he felt the same, but you were happy nonetheless. You two began dating that night, and everything was perfect. 
Until, you were invited by 5 Seconds of Summer to be their opening act on their newest tour. You had agreed, and Chris let you go. You two had been dating for over 3 years, and you thought your relationship would be fine. 
You quickly realized however that that wasn't the case, when the two of you started fighting less than two weeks into the tour. The fights weren't anything major, more petty things like ‘did you change the Netflix password’ or ‘why did you take this piece of clothing, that was mine and it was my favourite.’ All around stupid fights. 
You had turned to Calum, who you were closest with, and he consoled you as much as you could. You realized however, that you couldn't be with Chris anymore when he drunk called you in the middle of the night while you were in the UK and got angry with you when you answered and told him to call you back in the morning when he was sober, to which he proceeded to brag that he slept with his co star at the time, Jessica Alba, you freaked out and ended things. 
You got a message from Jessica on instagram the next day letting you know that they did not sleep together, and that she was sorry he even said it. You assured her it was fine, and felt relief.
Relief because you got to the bottom of the situation, but also relief from your relationship. You didn't know what happened in those few weeks, but you knew the relationship was turning toxic, and you wanted to stop it before that happened. Neither you or Chris needed that. You told him you’d find a new place to live, and by the time tour ended, you bought yourself a house in Beverly Hills, and moved out of the apartment.
Chris moved out not long after, and bought his own house. He had tried to stay friends with you, but you didn't want that at that point in time. You were still hurting, and needed time to heal. 
Once you felt ready to date again, you were asked to be Calum’s date to the Peoples Choice Awards, you accepted. You knew Chris would be there, and you were hoping to talk to him, and maybe work it out. He had told you during the break up that he would always wait for you to come back, and that he still loved you, and always would. 
But you knew that wasn't the case when he showed up on the red carpet, with a new actress named Myra Woodfield. You had smiled at him, while trying not to break down inside, but he gave you a dirty look and rolled his eyes at you when Calum wrapped his arm around your waist for a picture. You furrowed your eye brows and took a good look at Myra. 
She looked almost exactly like you. Same build, same hair colour, same eye colour. The only difference is that she was slightly taller than you. You didn't know why he was replacing you, but it hurt. You pushed it out of your head however, and enjoyed the night with your best friend. 
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It was a few months later when you were awoken by the constant dinging of your phone. You unlocked it, and saw you had a lot of unread messages from Luke, Ashton, Michael, Calum, and your other best friend Ashe about Chris’s new movie trailer, you sighed. 
You watched the trailer, and sighed when it looked like a recreation of a bunch of moments in your relationship with him, only Myra was in your place. 
Your fans and some of Chris’s had commented on it, and Myra immediately became aggressive with them, and insulted them. She told them that you were a nobody who could make Chris happy, which she was glad about because she made him happy how. 
Within minutes of this happening the hashtag #cancelmyrawoodfield was trending on twitter. You shamelessly went through the tweets and like and retweeted a couple. Then an idea popped in your head.
With a quick google search, you had a plan. 
You had written a new song called Deja Vu after the peoples choice awards, and it was had been recorded a few weeks ago, and you just had to decide on a date to release it, and make a decision on the music video. Her birthday was in about 3 months, which gave you enough time to get everything in place to drop on her birthday. 
Was it evil? Yes. Did you care? Not really. Besides, you inherited your pettiness from your mother and you knew she’d be proud of you. You called your manager and label, and got it planned out. 
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When the new music video had been announced, Lisa called you and invited you home to watch it premiere with the family. You accepted, knowing Chris and Myra would be there, and that her birthday would get overshadowed by the release of your music video.
So, three weeks later, you were sitting with Lisa, Bob, Carly, Shanna, Scott, Chris and Myra in Lisa’s living room, waiting for the video to premiere.
Scott had picked you up at the airport earlier in the morning along with Carly and Shanna, and the four of you had a laugh about the face that no one acknowledged Myra’s birthday, not even Chris. It was mean, but no one liked her. 
Lisa absolutely hated her, but didn't want to upset Chris, so you got a call shortly after the PCA’s from her and the two of you ranted about her for a good two hours. 
You watched as the timer counted down from 10, and then the screen turned black. You took a deep breath and watched Chris out of the corner of your eye. 
You had searched for a while for a guy who looked similar to Chris, and you stumbled on Andrew Siwicki. He didn't look exactly like Chris, but it was close enough that everyone would know who the song was about if they didn't already. Andrew was a fan of Chris and hated Myra too, so he was more than glad to help you out. 
The music began to play, and you watched as the black screen faded in on two people walking along the beach, holding hands. 
“Car rides to Malibu Strawberry ice cream One spoon for two And trading jackets Laughing 'bout how small it looks on you,”
The next scene was a recreation of yours and Chris’s first date where you two had a picnic on the beach, and ended up splashing each other with the ocean water. Towards the end, everyone watched as Andrew picked you up and threw you into the water the same way Chris always did. 
You glanced at him, and could have burst into laughter at how uncomfortable Chris looked, but more importantly how angry Myra looked. 
“Watching reruns of Glee Being annoying Singing in harmony I bet she's bragging To all her friends, saying you're so unique, hmm,”
The next scene was you and Andrew (who was dressed as Ransom) on what appeared to be a recreation of the Knives Out set, running around with a dog that looked like Dodger chasing after you, the two of you laughing. The next shot was the two of you kissing behind a trailer, seemingly hiding from production. 
“So when you gonna tell her That we did that too? She thinks it's special But it's all reused That was our place, I found it first I made the jokes you tell to her when she's with you,”
The next scene was the two of you driving through Southern California, in a car that was almost identical to Chris’s. You two were laughing and singing along to the song, your hair whipping around you.
You took a deep breath, knowing this next scene would piss him right off.
“Do you get déjà vu when she's with you? Do you get déjà vu? (Ah), hmm Do you get déjà vu, huh?”
This scene was you, along with the rest of Chris’s family sitting around a living room that looked like the one you were in now, a Christmas tree full of presents in the corner. The camera panned across everyone as everyone was talking and settled on you and Andrew and the two of you recreated the scene where Chris whispered in your ear how much he loved you, and couldn't wait to start a family with you. 
“Do you call her Almost say my name? 'Cause let's be honest We kinda do sound the same,”
The screen showed you and Andrew saying goodbye at the airport, with 5 Seconds of Summer standing behind you. They weren't actually there when you left for tour, but Luke suggested it to piss Chris off, and you had agreed. 
Then there was a small montage of clips from tour, including a shot of Michael elbow dropping Ashton into a pool, which made everyone laugh, except Chris and Myra. The montage was followed up by you sitting on the floor of a dressing room and crying as you sent a text that said “I’m done.”
“Another actress I hate to think that I was just your type,”
Now you were on the red carpet, with Calum right beside you. You both were wearing the same clothes you wore on that night, you hair and makeup recreated perfectly. The camera unfocused on you as you turned and looked at Andrew and an actress named Alexa Morrison, who looked a lot like Myra, and they were recreating Chris and Myra’s actions perfectly. The camera swivelled around and came to rest pointing towards your face, as you looked in shock, and a single tear fell down your face. 
“I'll bet that she knows Billy Joel 'Cause you played her Uptown Girl You're singing it together,”
You were shown watching a movie trailer with Ashe sitting next to you, while you sobbed at what Alexa and Andrew were doing. You looked at the camera and began singing the song, while Ashe and everything else around you was frozen.
“Now I bet you even tell her How you love her In between the chorus and the verse (ooh) (I love you),”
You were sat on the bed in Chris’s red flannel that you had stolen before leaving for tour, and you were writing in the notebook aggressively with tears rolling down your face and singing.
“So when you gonna tell her That we did that too? She thinks it's special But it's all reused That was the show we talked about Played you the song she's singing now when she's with you,”
You were now being shown sitting on the couch, and watching Andrew run across the TV screen dressed as Captain America, an ice cream tub in your hand. You were wearing sweats and a t shirt, your hair in a messy bun.
“Do you get déjà vu when she's with you? Do you get déjà vu? Oh Do you get déjà vu?”
The camera circled around you before transitioning to the next scene. 
“Strawberry ice cream in Malibu Don't act like we didn't do that shit too You're trading jackets like we used to do (Yeah, everything is all reused),”
You were shown laying down in bed, and your eyes closing before an image of you and Andrew danced, dressed as Steve and Peggy in endgame, a scene Chris always told you the two of you would recreate one day. You had called Hayley and asked if it was okay, and she immediately said yes, and even came and watched you do the scene.
“Play her piano, but she doesn't know (oh, oh) That I was the one who taught you Billy Joel (oh) A different girl now, but there's nothing new (I know you get déjà vu),”
When your eyes opened, you were sitting at your piano, and playing while singing along. 
“I know you get déjà vu I know you get déjà vu,”
Suddenly, the piano disappeared, and you were left standing in an empty living room as the screen faded to black. 
The entire room burst into cheers as the video ended, except for Myra, who looked like she was going to murder you, and Chris who just clapped with a tight lipped smile. 
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Later that night after all the kids had gone to bed and Lisa was driving Bob home,  Scott had pulled you into the kitchen under the pretences of ‘helping him fix a drink’, which ended up just being the two of you gossiping about Chris and Myra, and the music video.
Suddenly, Chris walked in, and nodded for Scott to leave. You cleared your throat and ignored him.
“That was a good song, and an amazing music video.” He said. “I can see you're just getting more and more talented as time-” He began, as you rolled your eyes, and looked at him. 
“What do you want?” You asked bluntly. 
“I just wanted to congratulate you.” He said, and you were about to open your mouth, when Myra came slinking in the room with an evil look on her face. 
“Nice job, Y/N. I’m glad I could inspire your music video.” She said sarcastically, and you could tell Chris was about to defend you, but you opened your mouth first. 
“Well, I’m glad I had such a snake like bitch to draw inspiration from,” You said, and heard Scott, his siblings burst into laughter in the living room. Myra’s jaw dropped and she turned to look at him. You looked up at Chris, who was leaning up against the counter, and biting back a smile.
“You’re just going to let her talk to me like that?” She asked, and Chris sighed.
“Myra, don't start. Not now.” He said, she scoffed. 
“I knew you still loved her. Only a pathetic loser could love someone as ugly and untalented as her.” She spat, and Chris growled. You felt tears welling up in your eyes, and you ran out of the room, your drink abandoned on the counter. 
You ran into your bedroom, where you shut the door, and fell onto the bed in tears. 
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Back in the kitchen, Chris had gotten in Myra’s face, and was yelling.
“You need to leave. If you don't we’re going to call the cops.” He stated, and Myra rolled her eyes before storming out of the house. 
Scott turned back to Chris, and was shocked when he saw him in tears. 
“You need to work shit out with Y/N. It’s clear the two of you are still in love, and you need to figure it out as adults,” Scott said, his sisters nodding. Chris took a deep breath, and looked at your closed bedroom door.
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Chris walked up to your bedroom door, and took a deep breath before entering the room where he used to sleep in every night.
He opened the door, and saw you curled up in a ball on the bed, your body still shaking. He smiled sadly, and walked into the room, closing the door behind him. He sat on the bed behind you, and rubbed your back gently. 
“I’m sorry. Not just for what Myra said, but for everything. For breaking your heart, and for causing you so much pain. I didn't realize how much I was missing you too until we watched that music video and I saw how truly broken you were. I never noticed that before now. And I’m sorry I didn't. If I’d have, I could have fixed this sooner, and we could be together right now.” He said.
You furrowed your brows at his last sentence and sat up.
“W-What?” You asked, and Chris moved closer. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a hug. 
“I still love you. So so much.” He smiled, and a tear rolled down his face. “You're my entire world, and not having you here is slowly breaking me apart. I didn't know just how much until today, but I can't live another day without you.” He said. “I’m so sorry I hurt you baby.” He sobbed, and his head buried itself into your hair. Your body shook with sobs too, and you turned around to face him.
“I love you too.” You sobbed out. “I never should have ended things, but-” You said, but were cut off by Chris’s lips on yours, and you felt yourself melting into it.
He pulled away a few seconds later. “Don't. It was my fault, not yours. I am so sorry, and I am going to spend the rest of my life making up for it, I promise.” He said, as he stood the two of you up and led you out of the room, and to his.
“Where are we going?” You asked, and Chris pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“I have to grab something.” He said. He opened his closet, and grabbed something out of the top corner before turning to you. 
“I said I planned on spending the rest of my life making it up to you, and I plan on keeping that promise.” He said, as he got down on one knee. You gasped, as he opened the box and your dream engagement ring was inside. “I want you for the rest of my life, and the next. Will you marry me?” he asked, tears pouring down his face, just like yours.
You nodded enthusiastically, and Chris stood up. He placed the ring on your ring finger and scooped you up. “I love you,” You choked out, and Chris sobbed harder into you. 
“I love you too, and I’m never letting you go.”
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@nerdypinupcrystal @kpopgirlbtssvt
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mountswhore · 3 years
hey! see u were taking requests so i wanted one with mason related to "london boy" by taylor swift? maybe reader is a singer or something like that?
one of the best taylor swift songs imo, so of course!
𝐥��𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐨𝐲 — mason mount
summary: mason shows you around london during your break, and now you don't think you can ever go back
notes: requests are open again! my asks are open.
Leaving your hometown in New York to visit the world was one of the hardest things you had to do. But you had your dream job, now it was time to follow it. Your recent album was a success, pouring your heart into it as you recovered from your breakup. Your fans had watched your relationship build, and then break apart. Hearing your side of things through 14 songs. Awards, interviews, and traction had come from it, earning you a world tour. It was a scary thing to do, considering it was your first international tour.
“I just want to come back to New York already, I’ve not been on this tour long.” You complained to your sister, curled up in a hotel bed in London. Your first destination was the UK, and there was nothing worse than being homesick.
“Quit being a baby, the UK is so nice.” Your sister replied, chuckling shortly afterwards. “Me and dad visited Manchester, I think? Very nice looking, at least where we stayed.” You sighed, knowing that didn’t make it any easier. You loved your cosy apartment in New York, you were even starting to miss the constant traffic sounds and arguing in the early hours of the morning.
“I guess, and I know London is nice, at least. I think I’m gonna interact with some fans,” you decided, pulling the duvet further up your body, “speak tomorrow at sound check.” You ended the call, liking some tweets and replying to a few things, eventually tweeting something of your own.
“Happy to see a lot of my UK fans tomorrow, can’t wait to scream my feelings out with you,” Declan read out, giving Mason a cheeky look. The pair of them were in Mason’s living room, enjoying their evening of FIFA. The boys had spoken about you plenty of times, in interviews too, Mason declaring you as his celebrity crush.
“Shut up already, she probably doesn’t even know who I am.” Mason stated, resting his arm over his eyes to conceal the blush on his face. Him, Declan and a few other boys were going to your concert tomorrow night, some of the WAGs suggested it as they loved your music.
“You think she’s not going to notice a blue tick in her dm’s? It’s worth a shot.” Declan encouraged his friend to shoot his shot, close to grabbing his phone and doing it himself, but instead he was watching Mason bashfully scroll through your twitter replies. “Do it, or I will.”
Mason sighed, clicking the reply button and typing out a reply, handing the phone to Declan to review. ‘Can’t wait, wanna see you.’
“Perfect,” Declan mumbled, pressing the reply button for him. He knew Mason never would, he just saved him 20 minutes of back and forth debate. Handing Mason his phone back, Declan smirked as he watched his friend's face change from fairly embarrassed, to shocked.
“There’s no fucking way you sent that.” Mason remarked, refreshing his phone to see his tweet attract likes. “You dick.”
Declan just laughed as Mason had turned completely red, watching the likes and replies collect under his tweet. Moments later, you’d appeared in his dm’s.
‘I recognise you.’
It was an ominous message from you, one that had you pacing and replaying the creepy message over and over again. But Mason smiled at the message, all ounces of worry leaving his body as he replied to you.
‘Oh yeah? From where?’
‘Actually, I think I recognise your teammate, Pulisic. He’s all my brother talks about sometimes. But all I know is that he plays for a soccer team.’
He laughed at your reply, Declan watching over in pure disbelief.
‘You have a lot to learn about the UK, and luckily I know all about it.’
‘I’ll hold you to that, come backstage after the show, bring whoever you’re with. I’m in London for the next few days before my next show, maybe you can show me around.’
“There’s no way you’re flirting with Y/N Y/L/N within two minutes of replying to her tweet.” Declan stated, Mason smirking at his best friend before sending another reply.
Your show was now over and you were anxiously waiting for the boys to be escorted back stage. You didn't know much about football, especially over here, but you knew the boys that were coming back stage were professionals. You'd learnt their names, Declan, Jack, and Mason. Jack and Declan brought their girlfriends along, but Mason was 'painfully single', as he put it.
Finally, as you sat down in your chair to relax, you heard a knock at the door. It was them. They had all filed in, the two girls in shock that they were meeting you. You'd given them all a hug, and gotten to Mason. He looked down at you as you pulled him in, squeezing you tightly before letting you go again.
"Did you guys enjoy it?" You asked, ushering them to the couch for them to sit down. You wanted them to feel as comfortable as possible, rushing over to your dressing room fridge and pulling out some drinks.
"It was amazing," Sasha gawked, still in awe over seeing you for the first time, "we saw you have one in Birmingham in a few weeks, so we're going to that one too." You blushed, returning to your seat opposite the couch.
"That's so sweet! I'm sure I can get you some good tickets, I'll dm you on Instagram or something." You suggested to her, Sasha eagerly nodding her head. You conversed with the group of five, Mason giving you a particular look that you had mirrored back to him. You planned on getting his number, and making sure he showed you around London.
Soon enough, the group was heading back to wherever they were staying, as it was beginning to get quite late. "Thank you guys for coming, and I'm so glad I met you."
Mason stayed behind, folding his arms and sharing a smirk with you as his friends voices trailed down the hallway. "So, about this bet."
"Yeah," you replied casually, grabbing your water bottle from the table and taking a sip, being in the presence of an attractive man again was giving you quite the nerves, "I'll take your number, because I'd love to get to know London." He nodded, grabbing his phone from his jacket pocket and handing it to you.
"Perfect. See you."
You and Mason had planned your first meeting in a pub. It wasn't the classiest of places, but your plan was to get to know the UK. Mason had ordered you both a drink, guessing what you like and nailing it when you went in for a second sip and shoved a thumb up.
"So," he began, fiddling with the coaster his beer sat on, "how long are you in London for?"
"Just until Thursday, Friday morning I'm heading to Manchester." You stated, realising you only had four days with Mason, including today.
"Well, we better make the days count then." Mason declared. The pair of you spoke about his career as well as yours, talking about how different school was for the pair of you. Mason had stood up, holding his hand out for you to take, and you'd accepted it without complaint. He led you out of the pub and through the town center, gazing at the stalls set up around you. The weather wasn't so different to New York, both constantly dreary, but you were liking London so far.
On your second day together, you'd taken a cab to another town, this time to just experience the busy streets. To Mason, this was normal. For you, it was only familiar. New York was one of the busiest cities in the world, but London was different, better in every other way. You'd finished your day together, stomachs full of pub food, and in the back of a cab, rain pattering on the windows. You'd shuffled closer to Mason, placing your hand on his and squeezing. He looked at you briefly, smiling his usual smile, before quickly looking out at the street in an effort to hide his tinged cheeks.
Day three, the weather was too bad to do anything. But Mason kept you company in your hotel room. He'd taught you a bunch of British slang, laughing as your accent completely butchered them all. You'd shown him a snippet of your new song before room service had arrived. And the night ended with the pair of you collapsed in your bed, tv playing in the back ground, but your eyes on each other. It was like pure magic, the long-awaited feeling of his lips on yours. You'd been thinking about it all day, missing every opportunity until now.
Your final day was the worst. You both knew it was coming, you wouldn't see him until you had a break, and he had one too. You both had stupidly busy schedules, as well as living in different countries. Maybe one day you could bring him to New York, show him your side of life. And maybe one day you'll branch out and move here.
Mason had helped you carry your things out of your hotel room, which was taking you to Manchester. Your manager had texted you to be in the car before 3, which meant you had just 10 minutes until you had to say goodbye to Mason for a while.
You were stood in the foyer of the hotel, waiting for the car to arrive. You'd secretly hoped it didn't, you wanted to stay with Mason for a while longer, but you couldn't. Duty called.
"Thank you for showing me around London," you spoke, looking up at Mason, who was hiding his deflated feelings, "I really enjoyed it, I might even prefer it to New York."
"That's a given. I'm here." He joked, in an obvious attempt to lighten the mood. These four days had been immense fun for him, different to how he usually spent his days. Different than night at home alone, different than a night on the town. Was it too soon to say he missed you?
Mason looked down at you as you clung to his side, hoping he felt the same way you did. And he did, you just didn’t know that. His fingers slid across your jaw slowly, pulling your chin up to look at him. It was an intense moment, so many different emotions. He’d leaned in and kissed you, it was his parting gift. To say that he’d see you soon enough.
“Enjoy Manchester, I’m sure I can fit another show in somehow.” Mason spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too.” You spoke, the car pulling up outside. He’d dragged your suitcases out to the car, popping them in the boot for you. Finally, he stared at you through the window, which you quickly rolled down. “I fancy you, is that the right term?”
Mason laughed, head tipping back slightly. “Yeah, it is. And I fancy you too.”
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violettelueur · 4 years
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↳ featuring : itadori yuji + fushiguro megumi + gojo satoru + ryomen sukuna from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : grammar issues
↳ form : headcanons
↳ published : 16 february
↳ pronouns : non specified in headcanon
↳ request : Hello~ recently i just deal with my school math test, It's stressing me out since i didn't manage to pass it. Seems random but can I ask for Yuuji, Megumi, Gojo, and Sukuna dealing with their s/o that is stressed? Maybe because of the same reasons as I did while helping them study?Sorry if I'm asking a bit too much (; ̄д ̄)
↳ barista’s notes : this one is going to be the last one for tonight since i am really sleepy  ʕ ﹷ ᴥ ﹷʔ but to who requested this, don’t worry it wasn’t too long and i hope you all are doing well whatever time it is over where you are and have a nice day/night eveyone! i hope you enjoy your cup of classic black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request!) and come again soon ╲ʕ·ᴥ· ╲ʔ
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When Itadori sees that you are really stressed out, he will first try to make you get away from your books but there is no luck on that since you are really adamant about studying.
During those times when he is brainstorming on what he could do for you to de-stress, Itadori will just slide some small snacks to you like packets of crisps (chips if you are not from the UK), sweets/candy, maybe even a bottle/can of your favourite drink.
If the snacks don’t help with your stressed self, Itadori will drag your textbooks away from you and close it before mentioning you to take a break, even a small one if you had to really study.
No matter how much you try to reach out for your book, Itadori is obviously stronger than you and will make the book out of your reach.
He will test you since you are adamant but please know it will take a while for him to ask a quiz question and will take longer for him to find the answer - if you have flashcards, that will be extremely helpful.
After like 10 questions though, he will give up and drag you away from your studying station to somewhere where no books and notes can be seen.
When he manages to take you away, he will make you sit on the kitchen counter before he starts to make you some food - since I know he is a chef, don’t question me on it.
While that is happening, he will start talking about random things like what he has been watching recently, how his day has been, what dates he has been planning, he is just rambling to make sure studying is not on your mind.
He will give you a few kisses here and there to make you smile since you haven’t been for a while and if you giggle at his jokes/antics, that is a bonus for him.
When the meal is completed and eaten, he will continue to make you be away from studying and will probably play a few games with you, online or board games, it really doesn’t matter - anything to make you get away from the stress you were previously in.
In conclusion, when you are stressed out, Itadori’s main priority is to keep studying out of your mind and make sure something else is since he doesn’t like seeing you stressed at all - he actually hates it.
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When Fushiguro sees you stressed out, he will notice it the second it builds up since like I said on many occasions, he is an observative person and notices the frowned look and wrinkles on your forehead.
When he comes up to you, he offers to help you study and, of course, you accept because it’s nice to have his company, and just allow him to help you understand what you are confused about.
Of course, like Itadori, Fushiguro had placed down many things for you to make sure you were eating/drinking like a glass of water/tea/coffee, maybe a plate of cut up fruits or maybe a simple sandwich - he wants to make sure that you are taking care of yourself.
Fushiguro will quiz you in the end to help you reassure yourself that you are done studying and that you are going on a break no matter what he says - if you get a question right, he will go out of his way to give you a kiss.
When he thinks you are done studying for the day - or like a month - he will neatly put away your books, notes and stationary for you before preparing you a bath to help you relax.
If you both are really late into your relationship and really comfortable with each other, Fushiguro will sit beind you outside the bathtub and wash your hair for you to relax - it’s like playing with your hair but also a massge to help you relax.
Once again with the act of service vibes, Fushiguro will help you change into one of his jumpers and help you dry and comb your hair - to be honest, it's really therapeutic for him.
If you apply any cream/moisturiser after a bath/shower, Fushiguro will apply it for you - but please know that he will blush since skin to skin contact, but it feels nice.
When you are done with your show bath/shower routine, he will make you lay your head on his chest, while he has an arm around you to comfort you.
Fushiguro will read a book to you since you have mentioned once that you loved the sound of his voice - I feel like you both have a book that you read together and you both take turns, just a thing I have in mind.
In conclusion, Fushiguro since the beginning will make sure that your stress levels are kept to a minimum since the beginning of your study session and if it goes way too high for his liking, he will act upon his concerns.
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When you are stressed out, Gojo will notice instantly since you are ignoring him and not responding to his jokes/childish antics.
Gojo will sit in front of you with his hands on his chin (acting like a flower) and will just stare at you until you notice that he is there
If you still don’t pay attention to him, he will place his hand over your work or textbook to obscure you from carrying one - you know when a cat just puts their paw on your work like it’s nothing...yeah, that’s Gojo.
Gojo is also the type that will dash the book away from you and let it drop to the floor while you stare at him with widened eyes like “what the hell was that for?”
Once your attention is now on him, he will quickly grab your things and put them in an extremely high place where he and only he can reach it.
After that, he will carry you bridal style to the couch where the both of you will cuddle and probably eat some cakes/sweets he had organizsed on your coffee table before he decided to disturb your studying session.
Gojo will feed you like you are a baby - like I can imagine him saying “here comes the train”...personally, I will smack the fork away from me if he did that.
When you are done snacking on some cakes/sweets, best know that for the next few hours, you are trapped in his arms in a cuddling position - probably you on top of him.
If he feels more playful than usually and if you are ticklish, he will tickle you like there is no tomorrow so he can hear you laugh andsee you smile.
If he feels romantic, he will continuously kiss you everywhere on your face to ‘melt the stress away’ since he doesn’t want to see you look so misable.
In conclusion, if you are stressed while studying, Gojo doesn’t even give you the chance to say anything, matter of fact, he doesn’t even help you study. Gojo is the type of boyfriend that is spontaneous and if he doesn’t want you to study, he will not let you study at all.
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When you are stressed, Sukuna would have no idea why you are stressed on something so minor in your life - it is not minor, but still this is Sukuna we are talking about.
He will look over your shoulder to see what you are doing before scoffing since it looks like nonsense to him - like I don’t think Sukuna would know that quadratic equations are.
I feel like he will laugh at your misery for a second.
If it is an ancient Japanese text you are working on, Sukuna might feel like helping you understand because you are the person that he loves and only loves.
When he is helping you, he expects your full attention - of course - and if you get something incorrect, he will look at you weirdly and will tell you that you are wrong - but he will continue helping you until you are right.
Once he thinks you are done for studying, just know you are done...no questions shall be asked...no argument shall be said….Y/N, you are done.
He will burn your stationary, books and notes if he has to, he will not hesitate one bit.
If you dare refuse to stop studying, Sukuna will just carry you like a snack of potatoes - basically over his shoulder - before dropping you onto your bed.
Before you can even move, he would just keep hold of you in his arms and threaten to burn your study stuff again and demands you to keep still.
To ease your worries or stresses away, he will start to leave kisses on your neck - maybe a few bites - in a way to make you focus on him.
He will also start to get a bit handsy and will begin to caress your body - meaning like putting his hands under your shirt and all that.
In conclusion, Sukuna will make sure you stop studying if you become stressed and he will do anything to make you listen to him - if he knows something really well, he will help you after laughing at your misery for a quick minute.
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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itsallyscorner · 3 years
Play Me A Song
Paring: Tom Holland x fem!reader
Summary: This is based off the video of Tom playing guitar that he posted on Instagram:) Tom facetimes you to help brighten up your day.
Warnings: none
A/n: Not me using fan fiction as a coping mechanism for my stress, yet ONCE AGAIN.
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✧───── ・ 。゚★: *. ☽.* :★. ─────✧
“Hellooo, gorgeous girl!” Tom cooed as his face popped up onto your phone screen.
You let out a nasally giggle, the side of your face snuggling deeper into the pillow Tom would use when he was over at your house.
Tom tilts his head at the phone, a hint of a smile on his blush colored lips. The action caused his mop of chocolate brown curls to slightly bounce, catching your attention. You longed for the feeling of running your hands through his soft hair. You missed the way it felt between your fingers and how it would make Tom nuzzle closer to you.
“How was your day? You sounded a bit upset on the phone.” He checked in, voice soft and sweet, yet full of concern. His brows furrowed, causing a wrinkle to form between his brows.
You breath in, smelling the hints of him on your pillow. He was miles away, FaceTime allowed you to see and talk to him, though it wasn’t the same as him being beside you. If you were together right now, he would probably envelop you with his protective arms, pull you into his warm chest, and press kisses all over any bit of your exposed skin. His curls would tickle against your neck while he buried his head into the small space between your neck and shoulders—though you wouldn’t mind the tickle because it would remind you that he was there with you.
You sighed, “Today was a rough day. My professors have been piling work on us and I got called into work on my day off. I haven’t even gotten to start that research paper for class—I’m just so burnt out. I’m tired of trying, Tommy.”
Tom pouted, bringing the camera near his face to feel closer to you. He only felt the heat of his phone screen against his face, but he could still feel the light vibrations of your voice through the phone’s speakers. He placed the speaker of his phone slightly atop his chest, so he could feel the rhythm of your words against him. It reminded him of the days you two would cuddle after the both of you had long days at work. You would tell each other about your days and bask in the feeling of being in each other’s arms. He missed the feeling of being close to you.
“I know you have a lot of work to do, but you need to give yourself breaks, darling. And don’t tell me that you don’t need a break, you’re human (y/n), there’s only so much you can do in a day.” He began. Tom knew how you could get when college got overwhelming. Sometimes there were weeks where you would throw yourself into work, with no sleep, minimal food, and too many cups of coffee. He adored the diligence you had for your education, he wished he could’ve had that when he was still in school, but he wanted to make sure that you were taking care of yourself.
“Listen, you got this, I know you do. You’re the most intelligent and hard working woman I have ever met in my life. There’s nothing you can’t do, because I know, one way or another, you’re gonna find a way to do it. You always do. I just don’t want you to forget to take care of yourself. I know your education is important, but so are you.” He finished, a small smile forming on his lips. You hum in response, “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of myself Tommy.”
What you say seems to reassure him, his shoulders visibly loosened up and the smile on his face grows a bit wider. Your own lips turn up on their own, reciprocating his smile.
“How about you, how was your day?” You ask him. Tom sits up and leans against his headboard.
“Well they’re still renovating the house, so Harry and I decided to rent out a place not too far from mum and dad’s. We actually had lunch with them, I got to see Tessa—gosh, I wish you were here right now. Tess was bouncing all over the place and giving everyone kisses, you would’ve loved it. And Paddy! He’s gotten so much taller since I’ve last seen him, and his voice keeps getting deeper, it’s actually embarrassing for me to be beside him because I’m older and I sound like I’m the one going through puberty.” He rambled, one of his hands making gestures and his face making expressions as he spoke. You loved the way he could just go on about a certain topic, especially when it came to his family. As sad as it was to see him leave for the UK, you were also happy because you knew he’d get to see his family.
He continued to talk about his day until his leg bumped into something, causing a hollow thump to emit from the object.
“What was that?” He leaned forward, the sound of his sheets rustling as he moved to grab the object filling your speakers.
“My guitar.” He grunted, holding the instrument up. “Remember, you got this for me for my birthday!” He proudly reminded you. You had gotten him the Ed Sheeran edition Martin Guitar after he had been going on and on about wanting to learn how to properly play the instrument. At the same time, he had a little obsession with Ed Sheeran and his music, so when you saw the guitar in the shop, you thought why not? You knew he would love it.
You fondly chuckled at him, “Yeah I do! You even promised to write me a song one day after you opened it.”
The last part of your sentence caught his attention, “I will write you a song one day, I’m very serious about that promise, love.” He pointed at you.
“Oh, are you?” You tease him.
“Yes, I am. In fact, ever since I’ve gotten back home, I’ve been practicing again and I’m doing much better.” He confidently told you.
“Can you play me a song?” You softly ask him.
“I can play you ‘Grow as we Go’ by Ben Platt. It’s the song I’ve been practicing.” He placed his phone against a pillow, using it as a stand. He placed the guitar in his lap, positioning his fingers on the frets and strings of the guitar.
“Yeah, play anything. I just wanna hear you play.” You mumble, your voice coming out in a muffle against Tom’s pillow.
“Just a warning, it’s probably not that good.” He mentions, shooting you a playful look.
“I don’t care.” You smile. He starts to softly strum the opening of the Ben Platt song and you couldn’t help but smile. He looked away from the camera, trying to focus on the notes and giving you a good look at the side of his face. The light shines part of his face, leaving the features you can see dark in the shadow, though it didn’t stop you from making out his gorgeous brown eyes. His long fingers move fluidly along the strings, creating a sweet melody on the guitar.
He stumbles a bit, making him whisper “Bollocks.” The little hiccup didn’t stop him from playing and so he continued to strum the guitar. You decided to stay quiet, letting him be in the zone. He messes up again, this time saying “bollocks” louder than the first time. You see him slightly shake his head as he regains his focus and places his fingers on the proper strings again.
You fondly watch him as he play, admiring the man you call your boyfriend. His fingers twitch on the string causing him to pause. He sucks his teeth, a bit of a frustrated grin on his face.
“Mmm.” He looks at you before turning away, “Okay.” He plays again, brows furrowed together in concentration as he tries to play the part of the song his keeps messing up on. You couldn’t contain the giggle that came out of you when he cringed at the sound the guitar made when he tried to play past the note. He pauses looking at the ceiling and tries to figure out the next notes.
“Alright, last time.”
“You’ve got it.” You encourage him. Your words give him some confidence and he shoots you a sweet smile. He readjusts the guitar in his lap, this time keeping his eyes on the strings as he plays. He strums the song again, starting off slow then slowly getting faster. Though his pacing was off by a bit, the song still sounded great nonetheless. You were thoroughly impressed.
He stops playing sitting back against the headboard, “I don’t know why I speed up though. I don’t know why I decide to do it so quickly.” He says into the camera.
You laugh, “It still sounds great though, I really enjoyed it.”
Tom tilts his head at you, teasingly squinting at the camera, “Even with the amount of times I kept stopping?”
“Yes, even with the amount of times you kept stopping.” You laugh, adjusting your phone. Tom puts the guitar aside and grabs his phone. He lays back on his bed, his head resting on his pillow and his curls sprawling out on the cushiony white surface. One of his hands rest behind his head as he stares at you.
“I’m gonna keep practicing. So the next time I see your beautiful face I can serenade you with a song and my guitar.” He muses, a lazy grin on his features.
“That sounds like something out of a chick flick.” You snort. He shoots you a playful glare, “Shut up, you love it.”
Tom knew you were a sucker for chick flick gestures. Kissing in the rain, watching the sunset, you name it.
You sigh, scrunching up your nose, “Yeah, I do.”
“But only from you.”
🏷Tags ↴
*if there is a line through your blog, tumblr won’t let me tag you:(*
Tom Holland Tags
↪︎ @lovableparker @aprettyfleur @sunwardsss @dummiesshort @thotforcriminalminds @cuddlykoala101 @itstaskeen @whoslili @white-wolf1940 @tomsirishgirlx @roseke @kaylans-imagines @spideyspeaches @slutforsebstan
General Tags
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tarosin · 3 years
the not so great adventures of y/n tommy tubbo and ranboo
this is an extra episode to the great adventures series -
people included: platonic! jack/tubbo/ranboo/tommy
please read what is written in bold
this is an “alternative ending” around 15 years into the future and is heavily inspired by bo burnhams song ‘goodbye’ this doesn’t mean this is actually how the series is going to end im writing it now and including it as part of series as their friendship is already established i can confirm y/n and the group are going to have a happy ending when the series eventually comes to an end this also does not mean the series is anywhere near the end i plan on continuing the series as vlogs come out. i’m sorry HOWEVER i am currently writing how y/n made friends with everyone so you have that to look forward to. i am sorry to the new people who requested to be on the taglist as this is the first thing you’re being tagged in
cw: angst, cursing
it had been around 14 years since ranboo moved to the UK, a year after the day you all met, to be with you tommy and tubbo. you were all thriving; you were living with your best friends, were all some of the most watched creators, you were constantly making new memories with everyone. you even had a wall full of photos of you all from every adventure you had been on with a picture of ranboo poorly edited into the background which made you laugh as you passed the wall every day. almost every evening you would all watch something on the tv, often re watching your favourite tv shows. the past few months had been pretty rough, there were days you didn’t even want to leave the house. you and tommy would fight over the smallest things. for example, a few weeks ago you were both arguing about who was responsible for forgetting something whilst out shopping.
“you were supposed to remind me to get it!”
“i told you to make a fucking list tommy, how is this my fault?”
“because i told you to fucking remind me but you were too focused on playing around!”
“you’re not making any sense tommy!”
“oh fuck off, y/n! i don’t even want to look at you right now!”
“so long tommy i’ll see you when i see you!”
and with that you left to stay with jack until you were ready to go back home, it was around now you lost your love for streaming, however jack encouraged you to stream for a little while so you fans don’t think you’ve left them in the dark. 20 minutes into the stream you felt like you were slowly loosing power even though it hadn’t even been an hour into your stream. A week later you were still with jack, that’s when you got the notification from tubbo.
bo: y/n... we’re sorry we tried our best to make him stay
boo: y/n come home as soon as possible
*tommy has left the chat*
*tommy has blocked tubbo, ranboo, jack and y/n*
bo: he blocked me??
jack: and me
boo: ...yeah
jack offered to drive you back home, which you gladly accepted. the ride was silent, the pair of you still trying to process what just happened, your friend of over 14 years had enough and left you all, until you finally spoke up your voice shaking as you tried not to cry.
“so this is how it ends heh?”
“well at least i’ll save fuel driving taking us all on adventures.”
“youre really joking at a time like this..”
“i was only trying to lighten the mood.. you know you’re being rather selfish not everything is about you. you’ve always been like this.”
“jack, i know you’re upset, i am too, please don’t take this out on me.”
“get out the car.”
“well stop the car then for fuck sake, i’m not getting injured because of you.”
as soon as jack pulled over, you got out and began the walk home, your vision became blurry due to the tears forming as you watched jack drive away. you ended up sitting in a cafe for a while to calm down. none of this felt real you pinched yourself, hoping to find out you were stuck in some nightmare. jack must have returned by the time you made it to the cafe as the community was now spamming questions on twitter asking why jack has now left and unfollowed everyone, followed by your mods telling you to check twitter. your fan base were hurt as their favourite streamers were falling apart and blocking each other. followed by them asking why you’ve not been streaming, you felt like you were going crazy as everyone else was able to stream and enjoyed doing so but you were struggling to stream with no one laughing in the background. you ended up sending a dm to your discord announcements knowing that they’ll share the news.
y/n: so long, goodbye for now. you guys have been extremely supportive over the past 15 years. however there is a lot going on right now (i’ll spare you all the details) i’m going to be taking a break for a while. after all does anybody want to joke when no one’s laughing in the background? i’m sure we’ll meet again, until then my loves!
10 minutes later you decided you should probably go home to the others, after all they’re all you have left.
“i promise to never go outside again.”
as soon as you walked into the house rather than being met with tubbo asking if you were okay, you were met with a notification.
*bo has left the chat*
he stood with his bags near the door
“this is all your fault, i can’t look at you anymore”
“you’re really joking in a time like this...right?”
“you were looking for a reason hide again.”
“trust me buddy i found it.”
ranboo pulled you as close as he could crying into the crook of your neck, you wrapped your arms around his waist as tubbo left the house. it felt like he took the happy memories with him. as soon as ranboo let go, you ran to your room locking the door trying to hide away from the situation, ranboo sat on the other side of the door not wanting to be alone.
“am i going crazy? would i even know? am i right back where i started 14 years ago?”
“y/n let me in.”
you unlocked the door and practically fell into ranboos arms, once you felt strong enough the pair of you sat on your bed, nothing could separate the pair of you right now, you both lost the people you cared about.
“i swear to god all i ever wanted was a little bit of everything all of the time. i’ve finished playing and i’m staying inside.”
“y/n i’m sorry..”
“im sorry too, ranboo, i guess this is the it.”
“at least we have each other.”
“and that fucking photograph wall.”
“that’s a problem for another night..please get some rest.”
it took a while but eventually you fell asleep in his embrace. you may have lost the others but at least one of your best friends stuck around.
taglist (sorry guys)
@dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @uselesssapphickitten @l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @c1loudee
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littlemixnet · 3 years
To me, a good ally is someone who is consistent in their efforts – there’s a difference between popping on a pride playlist or sprinkling yourself in rainbow glitter once a year and actually defending LGBT+ people against discrimination. It means showing my LGBT+ fans that I support them wholeheartedly and am making a conscious effort to educate myself, raise awareness and show up whenever they need me to. It would be wrong of me to benefit from the community as a musician without actually standing up and doing what I can to support. As someone in the public eye, it’s important to make sure your efforts are not performative or opportunistic. I’m always working on my allyship and am very much aware that I’ve still got a lot of unlearning and learning to do. There are too many what I call ‘dormant allies’, believing in equality but not really doing more than liking or reposting your LGBT+ mate’s content now and again. Imagine if that friend then saw you at the next march, or signing your name on the next petition fighting for their rights? Being an ally is also about making a conscious effort to use the right language and pronouns, and I recently read a book by Glennon Doyle who spoke of her annoyance and disappointment of those who come out and are met with ‘We love you…no matter what’. I’d never thought of that expression like that before and it really struck a chord with me. ‘No matter what’ suggests you are flawed. Being LGBT+ is not a flaw. Altering your language and being conscious of creating a more comfortable environment for your LGBT+ family and friends is a good start. Nobody is expecting you to suddenly know it all, I don’t think there’s such a thing as a perfect ally. I’m still very much learning. Even recently, after our Confetti music video I was confronted with the fact that although we made sure our video was incredibly inclusive, we hadn’t brought in any actual drag kings. Some were frustrated, and they had every right to be. You can have the right intentions and still fall short. As an open ally I should have thought about that, and I hadn’t, and for that I apologise. Since then I’ve been doing more research on drag king culture, because it’s definitely something I didn’t know enough about, whether that was because it isn’t as mainstream yet mixed with my own ignorance. But the point is we mess up, we apologise, we learn from it and we move forward with that knowledge. Don’t let the fear of f**king up scare you off. And make sure you are speaking alongside the community, not for the community. Growing up in a small Northern working-class town, some views were, and probably still are, quite ‘old fashioned’ and small-minded. I witnessed homophobia at an early age. It was a common thought particularly among men that it was wrong to be anything but heterosexual. I knew very early on I didn’t agree with this, but wasn’t educated or aware enough on how to combat it. I did a lot of performing arts growing up and within that space I had many LGBT+ (mainly gay) friends. I’ve been a beard many a time let me tell you! But it was infuriating to see friends not feel like they could truly be themselves. When I moved to London I felt incredibly lonely and like I didn’t fit in. It was my gay friends (mainly my friend and hairstylist, Aaron Carlo) who took me under their wing and into their world. Walking into those gay bars or events like Sink The Pink, it was probably the first time I felt like I was in a space where everyone in that room was celebrated exactly as they are. It was like walking into a magical wonderland. I got it. I clicked with everyone. My whole life I struggled with identity – being mixed race for me meant not feeling white enough, or black enough, or Arab enough. I was a ‘tomboy’ and very nerdy. I suppose on a personal level that maybe played a part in why I felt such a connection or understanding of why those spaces for the LGBT+ community are so important. One of the most obvious examples of first realising Little Mix was having an effect in the community was that I couldn’t enter a gay bar without hearing a Little Mix song and watching numerous people break out into full choreo from our videos! I spent the first few years of our career seeing this unfold and knowing the LGBT+ fan base were there, but it wasn’t until I got my own Instagram or started properly going through Twitter DMs that I realised a lot of our LGBT+ fans were reaching out to us on a daily basis saying how much our music meant to them. I received a message from a boy in the Middle East who hadn’t come out because in his country homosexuality is illegal. His partner tragically took their own life and he said our music not only helped him get through it, but gave him the courage to start a new life somewhere else where he could be out and proud. There are countless other stories like theirs, which kind of kickstarted me into being a better ally. Another standout moment would be when we performed in Dubai in 2019. We were told numerous times to ‘abide by the rules’, which meant not promoting anything LGBT+ or too female-empowering (cut to us serving a four-part harmony to Salute). In my mind, we either didn’t go or we’d go and make a point. When Secret Love Song came on, we performed it with the LGBT+ flag taking up the whole screen behind us. The crowd went wild, I could see fans crying and singing along in the audience and when we returned it was everywhere in the press. I saw so many positive tweets and messages from the community. It made laying in our hotel rooms s**tting ourselves that we’d get arrested that night more than worth it. It was through our fans and through my friends I realised I need to be doing more in my allyship. One of the first steps in this was meeting with the team at Stonewall to help with my ally education and discussing how I could be using my platform to help them and in turn the community. Right now, and during lockdown, I’d say my ally journey has been a lot of reading on LGBT+ history, donating to the right charities and raising awareness on current issues such as the conversion therapy ban and the fight for equality of trans lives. Stonewall is facing media attacks for its trans-inclusive strategies and there is an alarming amount of seemingly increasing transphobia in the UK today and we need to be doing more to stand with the trans community. Still, there is definitely a pressure I feel as someone in the public eye to constantly be saying and doing the right things, especially with cancel culture becoming more popular. I s**t myself before most interviews now, on edge that the interviewer might be waiting for me to ‘slip up’ or I might say something that can be misconstrued. Sometimes what can be well understood talking to a journalist or a friend doesn’t always translate as well written down, which has definitely happened to me before. There’ve been moments where I’ve (though well intentioned) said the wrong thing and had an army of Twitter warriors come at me. Don’t get me wrong, there are obviously more serious levels of f**king up that are worthy of a cancelling. But it was quite daunting to me to think that all of my previous allyship could be forgotten for not getting something right once. When that’s happened to me before I’ve scared myself into thinking I should STFU and not say anything, but I have to remember that I am human, I’m going to f**k up now and again and as long as I’m continuing to educate myself to do better next time then that’s OK. I’m never going to stop being an ally so I need to accept that there’ll be trickier moments along the way. I think that might be how some people may feel, like they’re scared to speak up as an ally in case they say the wrong thing and face backlash. Just apologise to the people who need to be apologised to, and show that you’re doing what you can to do better and continue the good fight. Don’t burden the community with your guilt. When it comes to the music industry, I’m definitely seeing a lot more LGBT+ artists come through and thrive, which is amazing. Labels, managements, distributors and so forth need to make sure they’re not just benefiting from LGBT+ artists but show they’re doing more to actually stand with them and create environments where those artists and their fans feel safe. A lot of feedback I see from the community when coming to our shows is that they’re in a space where they feel completely free and accepted, which I love. I get offered so many opportunities to do with LGBT+ based shows or deals and while it’s obviously flattering, I turn most of them down and suggest they give the gig to someone more worthy of that role. But really, I shouldn’t have to say that in the first place. The fee for any job I do take that feels right for me but has come in as part of the community goes to LGBT+ charities. That’s not me blowing smoke up my own arse, I just think the more of us and big companies that do that, the better. We need more artists, more visibility, more LGBT+ mainstream shows, more shows on LGBT+ history and more artists standing up as allies. We have huge platforms and such an influence on our fans – show them you’re standing by them. I’ve seen insanely talented LGBT+ artist friends in the industry who are only recently getting the credit they deserve. It’s amazing but it’s telling that it takes so long. It’s almost expected that it will be a tougher ride. We also need more understanding and action on the intersectionality between being LGBT+ and BAME. Racism exists in and out of the community and it would be great to see more and more companies in the industry doing more to combat that. The more we see these shows like Drag Race on our screens, the more we can celebrate difference. Ever since I was a little girl, my family would go to Benidorm and we’d watch these glamorous, hilarious Queens onstage; I was hooked. I grew up listening to and loving the big divas – Diana Ross (my fave), Cher, Shirley Bassey, and all the queens would emulate them. I was amazed at their big wigs, glittery overdrawn make-up and fabulous outfits. They were like big dolls. Most importantly, they were unapologetically whoever the f**k they wanted to be. As a shy girl who didn’t really understand why the world was telling me all the things I should be, I almost envied the queens but more than anything I adored them. Drag truly is an art form, and how incredible that every queen is different; there are so many different styles of drag and to me they symbolise courage and freedom of expression. Everything you envisioned your imaginary best friend to be, but it’s always been you. There’s a reason why the younger generation are loving shows like Drag Race. These kids can watch this show and not only be thoroughly entertained, but be inspired by these incredible people who are unapologetically themselves, sharing their touching stories and who create their own support systems and drag families around them. Now and again I think of when I’d see those Queens in Benidorm, and at the end they’d always sing I Am What I Am as they removed their wigs and smudged their make up off, and all the dads would be up on their feet cheering for them, some emotional, like they were proud. But that love would stop when they’d go back home, back to their conditioned life where toxic heteronormative behaviour is the status quo. Maybe if those same men saw drag culture on their screens they’d be more open to it becoming a part of their everyday life. I’ll never forget marching with Stonewall at Manchester Pride. I joined them as part of their young campaigners programme, and beforehand we sat and talked about allyship and all the young people there asked me questions while sharing some of their stories. We then began the march and I can’t explain the feeling and emotion watching these young people with so much passion, chanting and being cheered by the people they passed. All of these kids had their own personal struggles and stories but in this environment, they felt safe and completely proud to just be them. I knew the history of Pride and why we were marching, but it was something else seeing what Pride really means first hand. My advice for those who want to use their voice but aren’t sure how is, just do it hun. It’s really not a difficult task to stand up for communities that need you. Change can happen quicker with allyship.
Jade Thirlwall on the power, and pressures, of being an LGBT ally: ‘I’m gonna f**k up now and again’
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scribbly-dee · 3 years
Inspired by this post
I adore corruption arcs, so I graded how well the non-archivist characters would have damned humanity if they had been the archivist.
Sasha James 11/10, would be an ideal archivist, this plus her height is probably why the stranger monster targeted her before she could peak
I have a soft spot for any au that knows Sasha has never seen a brain cell in her life and that any unhinged!Sasha au is really just a regular Sasha au. Picture it with me. Sasha and Jon have parallel archivist tracks, until Sasha (my beloved show off) decides: you know what would make me more efficient at snooping? Becoming a Human Google. And things accelerate. The Web doesn't even need to bother with subtly magic lighters, it slaps all 14 marks on her at once by pulling up next to Sasha in a windowless van with "free secrets 👍" written on the side.
After the Unknowing, Sasha takes over the institute from Elias instead of Martin and Peter. With Tim dead, Jon in a coma, Martin lonely-snatched, Melanie compulsively homicidal, Daisy in the coffin, and Basira on autopilot, she quickly bonds with Rosie, the ultimate nosiness enabler. Sasha is a fully marked archivist for a good long while, but doesn't start the apocalypse right away because she's eager to read ALL the ominous notes Elias left, so the watcher's crown statement is in her to-be-read pile. When the apocalypse starts (Rosie: "Hey, Sasha, I just read something extra fucked up that Elias wrote, wanna see?" Sasha: "God yes."), she books it to become the pupil with Rosie as her anchor. Mayhapse an anchor-archivist polycule with Archivist Jon and Martin? Mayhapse Jon is just a normal eye avatar here and deeply invested in all of Sasha's eyepocalypse statements, so it's Sasha and her plus-three? Mayhapse it's a race across the eyepocalypse wasteland between Archivist Sasha and Archivist Jon to usurp Jonah and become the pupil?
Tim Stoker 2/10 dude's here for a good time, not a long time
The only way I see this working is if Elias disguises not-stranger clues as circus related so Tim is motivated to investigate. Otherwise, his archival assistants are way more curious than him and disobey his direct orders to 🍹chill🏝. Jon, Sasha, and Martin inadvertently bring marks home to him like cats bring home dead birds. He asserts his agency when he decides the best course of action? Actually? Just blow up the archives. This unfortunately puts him in a false sense of security, and Elias makes him read the watcher's crown statement by cat fishing him on grindr and sending the ritual as a dm mid conversation.
Daisy Tonner - 9/10 archivist, would have started doomsday before she was at the archivist job long enough to use her PTO
Daisy already had a lot of experience hunting down fear-entity-related people in sectioned cases, which means she possibly canonically already has all the marks from just hunting avatars who use their powers in self defense. The reason she lost one point is because she's too much of a jock to read, only nerds are culpable to watcher crown statements, so this would be the only delay but oh what a delay it will be.
Melanie King - 7/10 archivist, points awarded for achieving her breakthroughs by smashing her head against a wall until she literally breaks through, points deducted for doing so in full clown makeup.
If Jon got a handful of marks by just asking anoying questions in the same room as an avatar, imagine how much faster Melanie would get marks by bringing her trademark Chaotic Brat personality on fear entity investigations. The apocalypse would have started in like two seasons: one season to hire her off the streets and establish shakey, complex relationships with her new assistants (Jon and Sasha put in the time with the institute but were passed over on this promotion for some random YouTuber (plus they're tighter with Tim and Martin, so proletarian solidarity against the boss)).
Then a second season to stab every mark and get stabbed in return. Melanie would blitz through all 14 marks because what precious little impulse control she starts with is slowly replaced with slaughter juice. One fun moral ambiguity to explore could be if Melanie tries to use her new, dangerous Eye/Slaughter powers to revive her reputation and platform in the supernatural community now that she can, ya know, identify supernatural things for the first time ever. Does she acknowledge her entire career up to her hospital episode apparently only investigated fake sightings? A better question to ask is whether Basira, Tim, and Jon ever let her live down how Ghost Hunt UK's professional dignity was contingent on the legitimacy of her sCiEnTiFiC gHoSt eQuIpMeNt in those episodes, so the temperature spikes set to dramatic music were well and truly just temperature spikes and dramatic music. Sasha found a clip of that music playing as Melanie narrates "it's a message... from the other side..." and made it as her text tone.
Also, it would be hilarious if Melanie tried to kill Jonah on sight in the panopticon, once again botched assassination attempt number 1,963,538, and then Jon quietly snuck in to finish the job on his first try just like in canon.
Jon: "What, like it's hard?"
Basira Hussain 3/10 archivist, her eye alignment manifests as office gossip, like a normal person
Basira has the most formidable super power of all: the power to nope tf out of any conversation or plan she wants. She therefore would probably take 10x longer to start the apocalypse than any other archivist because her fatal flaw is refusal to directly engage with a lot of personally difficult things (like the slaughter bullet surgery she organized, Daisy In General, etc). The marks will be slow going if she resists putting her safety on the line or invests time in making good plans (which is smart, but unhelpful for dooming humanity). She would for sure still get marked and end the world because once she's convinced of a plan (aka Elias convinces her of a plan), she's ruthlessly efficient. So I'd stay out of her way that last year or two, she marks the entities right back at them.
Martin Blackwood 2/10 archivist, considering a prerequisite for creepy eye avatar staring is the ability to make eye contact.
S1 Archivist Martin would probably dote too much on the employees under him to be hugely susceptible to Elias' isolation-dependant manipulation. Any progress Martin inadvertently achieves toward the watcher's crown goal would have to be contingent on it helping his loved ones, which is perfect fuel for a "corrupted by good intentions" arc. This would be key because Martin has superb bullshit and manipulation detection, making the marks are tricky but not impossible to orchistrate considering Jon can't stay put in a safe corner for 10 minutes and Martin's mother would refuse to stay with him where she's safe from avatar threats.
Imagine the petty drama when Jon and Sasha learn he got the promotion they wanted because he lied on his CV.
Other than that, Martin would be even worse about pit stops on the apocalypse road trip than Jon because his Kill Bill mode would have no off switch. Does Archivist!Martin and his anchor Jon ever reach the panopticon? Eventually, but not until after they lose points for significantly reducing the apocalypse fear quantity. Would Annabelle survive to deliver her cryptic MaCHiNAtIoNs and achieve the Web's goal? Hard No, additional point reduction for neutralizing the multiverse invasion. Points potentially earned back if Martin's Web connection is strong enough to come up with the multiverse invasion plan on his own, though.
Georgie Barker 4/10, as a fearless coward, all the fear she feeds to the entities would be khaki flavored. They'd get their apocalypse, but they probably wouldn't enjoy the meal.
Similar to Basira, Georgie has the super power to Fuck This Shit I'm Out. She would overall be a subpar humanity damning archivist; a major archivist success factor of Jon's is that he has enough affective empathy to be afraid with every statement giver he reads, so when Jon archives a statement, he unintentionally contributes to the fear soup seasoning. Combined with how Georgie doesn't want anything to do with entity drama, so any corruption specific to the watcher's crown would stagnate. Even her casual exposition conversations would go like
Georgie: "I've connected no dots."
Melanie: "you've connected a lot of dots??"
Georgie: "I've connected shit all dots."
The reason she gets one more point than Basira is because Georgie's fatal flaw is the passive observer quality the Eye tried to stoke in Jon. Her level of engagement oscillates between two extremes, impulsive over commitment and judging from a distance. This would probably lead her to geting involved just long enough for her involvement to become irreversible, at which point she would try to cut that shit out of her life after it's trapped her. She'd linger, barricading herself on the margins of this problem as the marks that are targeted at her slowly tally up until boom. Apocalypse is on and she only half understands what's happening.
Georgie would wander around an apocalypse hellscape confused, but vibes and physical health fully intact. Anchor!Melanie would have quite the emotional journey starting with Georgie on that pedestal Melanie placed her, and ending with a slaughter avatar stabbing the person who convinced her to work on her slaughter inclination.
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timefadesaway · 2 years
wait hi omg can you tell us more about your band ocs? im so curious
OMG HI YES!!!!! i’ll add a read more i’ll get carried away
ok so the guys are al (lead vocals/bass), lawrence (guitar), cleo (drums) and charlie (keyboard/rhythm guitar/anything else basically). and the band is flyford favell or sometimes just the flyford...
al isn't very good at his job as a bassist and he isn't the best singer in the world like all the other people in the band could probably out-sing him but he's also kind of bonkers. so he sings bc he's a good frontman and he's full of himself. he's a dick and everyone hates him which is very important. charlie doesn't hate him at first and they're close and go on vacation with each other and charlie's wife all the time until they have a mysterious falling out when charlie gets divorced and start having punch ups in the studio. he has a flop solo career and multiple divorces and endears himself to no one
lawrence is the main songwriter and he's very good at it for the short amount of time he's doing it. he also can actually play unlike al but his autistic swag prevents him from being the frontman. he's british for no reason other than i needed a reason to name the band after a random british village and he and cleo become really close friends during the uk tour and he's later the maid of honour at her wedding. he retires in 1972 which is part of the reason for the band breakup and buys a farm back home and disappears from the public eye until the mid-90s when he releases a critically acclaimed solo album which is a meditation on grief. and then he just kind of chills and has a nepotism britpop niece
cleo is probably the like. standout musician of the group and her drumming kind of becomes quite important to their whole sound :) she's been playing professionally since she was about 16 and sneaking out. she plays for a few bands before joining flyford and gets popular off that. she later relocated to london and forms her own band with her friend/then girlfriend sylvia called the mansa musas who are like. a proto-punk/experimental hard rock group. she never really gets the success she deserves but becomes kind of a cult figure and she stays as a session drummer throughout her life before she retires with her husband to the seaside (bc everyone is like 80 now.)
charlie is the only one with any musical training and he went to juilliard as a pianist because i think that's funny. he's my john cale. he's a pretty talented arranger and multi-instrumentalist and fills in on the band's later more ambitious arrangements. he and al have a tenuous interpersonal relationship, the details of which remain unknown to the public. once the band breaks up he disappears for a few years and then comes back and releases like 30 albums because he loves cocaine. and then he gets sober in the 90s. by present day he's hanging out with al again maybe he's about to keel over but people have said that for years and he hasn't yet. he's also chilling
they form in 1967 and break up in 1972. they have like 3 albums in that time, only one of them doing especially well and they tour the US/UK a couple of times. they start quite folk-rocky but by the time they break up they're more prog/hard rock/experimental ig? they're fun i love my guys :) we have a little wiki going for our made-up record company me and some friends + mutuals which is still a work in progress but if u wanted to read some more there's a lot here!! it's mostly full character stories and history and album details etc 😁 not all of it is mine just stuff to do with flyford and its members
this is so so long but thank you so much for asking 😁😁😁
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fabina h/cs?
Oh yes I was hoping someone would ask me this. Warning this got very long I have a lot of thoughts and feelings
They are so sweet it makes everyone wanna barf sometimes
In S1 some of them (Mick, Mara, Alfie, Patricia) place bets on when they're gonna get together. Mick wins
During S2 Amber tries to get them together in a multitude of different ways. She tries mistletoe, the old "trapping them in a small dark room together" trick, conspiring with Patricia and Alfie to ensure they just so ~happen~ to find themselves alone together, etc.
Throughout S3, they literally never stopped thinking about each other
After graduation, it's a really turbulent and transitionary period in Fabian's life, and he has to assess what he really wants. And he realizes he never stopped loving Nina, and he wants to be with her again
Amber actively encourages him to go after her, saying he'll regret it for the rest of his life if he doesn't
Nina realizes the past year without him has been miserable. It's been awful not having her best friend by her side to talk to and confide in and do things with, and she's missed him so much. So when he reaches out, all of her feelings come rushing back with an intensity, and she decides she doesn't want to lose him again, and they get back together. For good this time.
They go to college in America together, and Fabian ultimately moves to her hometown of Cleveland to be with her
After college they work at a museum together looking at historical stuff all day long. They get to nerd out and they work together well; it's a dream job
Nina tries her best to introduce Fabian to American culture. Some of it is a bigger culture shock than others. Nina is always incredibly amused when he doesn't get words right or he gets flustered and confused at certain customs
He's not sure how he feels about American fast food
American pie, however, is his new favorite thing. Especially Nina's gran's pies
The Fourth of July scares him. But barbecues are nice
Nina is a fan of Cleveland's baseball team. She takes him to a game, and by god is he confused. He has trouble following. The first game is a lost cause. But once Nina points out how dependent the game is on math, then he starts to get the hang of it. A little bit
American driving, however, is horrifying to Fabian. Nina's a pretty good driver, and Fabian's fairly good (if not a bit stiff and nervous) at driving in the UK, but in America it's a whole different animal. Not only are they on the other side of the road, but the drivers here are fast and aggressive. It's very scary. The ONLY reason he eventually learns to do it the American way is because he wants to be able to take Nina out and be a competent enough man to drive a car around
Speaking of cars: one summer they definitely go on a cross-country road trip, just the two of them. It's meant to bring them closer and be romantic, and it is. They love looking at all the sights together, and Fabian is amazed by the sheer diversity of landscape and how gorgeous parts of the country can be. He TRIES to split the driving 50/50, but America is just so goddam BIG, like intimidatingly huge, and he's not used to driving for that long. The driving ends up being more like 70/30 in Nina's favor, but she doesn't mind. She gives Fabian the responsibility of making a road trip playlist, and he knocks it out of the park
At home, they enjoy cozy nights by the fireside, reading and snuggling under blankets
Sweaters! They are sweater people and I enjoy the image of them snuggling together in sweaters
Handwritten letters! They write each other handwritten letters all the time, especially in the summer between season 1-2 and the period of time between graduation and Fabian making the move to America. They both keep every single letter they receive and each keep them stored in a sentimental little box
They like to frequent old/used bookstores and antique shops. Their place is filled to the brim with odd knickknacks and collectibles that they find, and they have an entire wall with shelves piled high with books
They don't need a lot of fancy stuff, and they don't care about being high-class; they don't care much about appearances, and they don't need a lot. All they care about really is being together.
They learn to get better at communication and not let anyone else's opinion about their relationship impact their relationship. They're the only ones that know what's best for them, and they take things at their own pace
Nina can get overly emotional and stressed sometimes, and Fabian's her rock. That's how it's always been, and that's how it always will be
They love to watch the discovery channel and the national geographic channel, along with netflix documentaries
They fuckin LOVE escape rooms, they use every excuse they can to go to escape rooms
Nina takes Fabian to the rock and roll hall of fame, and he's like a kid in a candy store
They are frequent patrons of their local coffee shop, to the point where all the baristas know who they are
They are very cheesy and sentimental all the time. Most everything they do is very thoughtful and has some kind of meaning
They like to write cute notes to each other and leave them around the house
It takes Fabian forever to actually propose to Nina, to the point where he gets calls from Amber just about every day asking when she's getting an engagement announcement. He just wanted to be careful and deliberate about it and make sure everything was perfect
He makes sure the proposal is simple and romantic. He sets up a candlelit dinner, the lights are low, he talks to her softly and sweetly and tells her he loves her and pops the question
Nina, surprisingly, does not cry. Fabian, however, definitely does when she says yes
He proposes with a family ring; his grandmother's ring. It's very sentimental and has a lot of history behind it, and we all know Nina loves that stuff, and the history and story makes her very emotional
He does what he should have done in S2 instead of writing a poem: he writes her a song and plays it for her on the guitar. It's her favorite thing he's ever done for her.
After the engagement they tell Amber before they tell anyone else, because she'd kill them if they didn't
They surprise her with a video call, and they don't tell her at first, but then Nina surprises her and shows off the ring, and Amber screams so loud they're convinced she's going to break glass.
Amber is even more excited than they are, she talks with them absolutely non-stop about their wedding. She even tries to take control of it at some point
Their wedding is a fairly small wedding; it takes place at an outdoor venue in the spring, at a beautiful location just outside her hometown in America. Mick is the best man and Amber is the maid of honor. Amber gives an incredibly emotional MOH speech and sobs buckets. Gran walks Nina down the aisle
Her wedding dress looks a little something like this; definitely something with long lacy sleeves
They have 3 kids, all girls
The oldest is Evelyn, named after Nina's gran. She's got dark hair, Nina's curls, Nina’s light blue eyes, and she looks like Fabian. She got Nina's courageous leadership side, she's very adventurous
The middle child is Sarah. She looks like someone legit photocopied Nina. Same hair color, same curls, same eyes, same general facial features. She got the intellectual and bookish side of both of them
The youngest is Eloise, kind of a little bit after Sarah's mother but mostly they just liked the name. Often they call her "Lou" and she definitely goes by that when she's older. She somehow got to be strawberry blonde, has less curls than her sisters, she has Fabian's blue-green eyes, and is a mix of them both when it comes to facial features. She got the part of them that liked to sneak around and break the rules; as she gets older she becomes very rebellious, and Nina jokes "are we sure this child came from me and not Patricia?"
All 3 girls are little troublemakers and they're partners in crime
At some points when the girls are a bit much Fabian gets stressed and shouts "we're outnumbered!!!!!"
Amber is their aunt and showers the girls with expensive presents all the time, especially clothes, which all of the girls LOVE. Nina and Fabian accuse her of spoiling them and she says "If I can't spoil them then what's the point of being the rich beloved aunt?"
The girls do indeed love Amber, all three of them adore her
When the girls get older they find the boxes of letters their parents wrote to each other, they think it's very sweet
Even as they get older, the two of them always set aside time to be romantic with each other
And they remain each other's best friend and confidante forever and ever
yo please feel free to keep sending me these! or asking me my opinions on stuff! this is a lot of fun!
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scotianostra · 2 years
Bay City Roller Alan Longmuir was born at Simpson Memorial Maternity Pavilion Hospital Edinburgh on June 20th 1948.
Alan Longmuir was born in Edinburgh, one of four children of Duncan and Georgina Longmuir, who encouraged their interest in music. His father was an undertaker who allowed Alan to wear his top hat and long frock coat when performing for guests at the family home.
Alan and his younger brother, Derek – the Rollers’ future drummer – went to Tynecastle high school, which Alan left at 15. After a year of office work he was apprenticed as a plumber, but the job was secondary to his yearning to be a musician, he eventually hit the big time as the bassist and founding member of the Bay City Rollers, the band that hit the heights of pop fame in the 1970s, of his fame he said he was  “Just a plumber from Edinburgh who got lucky” .
The group he started in 1964 dominated mid-70s pop both in Britain and internationally, selling around 100m records – the precise total, and royalties owed the band, have never been established, spawning a long-running dispute with their former record label and their late manager Tam Paton.
In their peak year, 1975, they had two UK No 1 singles, including the signature hit Bye Bye Baby; the end of that year saw them top the American chart with the stomping Saturday Night – a foundational influence on the Ramones. When they played live, fans showed their appreciation by breaking seats; consequently, many venues refused to book them. They were the biggest pop sensation since the Beatles, and of the pop idols who have followed, only One Direction have inspired quite the same frenzy.
Like the rest of the Rollers, Longmuir, the band’s bassist, felt trapped by fame and the concomitant erosion of their privacy. Unlike the others, he refused to observe their manager’s edict against drinking alcohol and having girlfriends. In 1976, he was sacked because he was “too old and too hard to control”, according to Simon Spence’s 2016 biography The Dark History of the Bay City Rollers. Longmuir himself said: “I had a fallout with [manager Tam Paton] because I wanted to get a life.”
The public were told that he had chosen to go; in his first photo session as an ex-Roller, he wore a three-piece business suit – tantamount to sticking two fingers up at the band, who were forced to wear matching tartan outfits during all public sightings.
After his departure from the group in 1976, he released a solo single, I’m Confessing, but spent much of his time fishing and looking after his horses on his farm in Dollar, Clackmannanshire.
He viewed the 70s with wry humour, saying in 2008: “I remember sitting at the bar of the Beverly Hills hotel – there was Patrick Magee, Barbra Streisand, David Soul – and Alan Longmuir, the plumber from Edinburgh.”
In 1978, Paton asked him to rejoin, thinking that Longmuir, then nearly 30, would exert a stabilising influence. He left again in 1983, and repeated the process several times,  he returned to working as a plumber and from 2000 until retirement was a bylaws inspector. His fringe show debuted in 2014 and came back to the festival every year since .
The band again reunited for a successful 2016 reunion tour.
Alan Longmuir passed away two years later on July 2nd 2018,  in Mexico where he was on holiday with his wife Eileen.
At the time of his death, the band were again inactive, and he was working on the latest version of his successful Edinburgh fringe show, a music-and-memories production called I Ran With the Gang. He was also preparing an autobiography for release later that year.
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