#there are a lot of more beautiful artworks in that folder
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lafaiette · 3 months ago
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Matt Rhodes' depiction of the "Crestwood scene" ⬆️
Even though it's included in his Trespasser works, I believe it's supposed to depict the Crestwood romance scene - you can see Solas' hand near Lavellan's face, and the filename is "tattoogrove".
... That, or they played with the idea of Solas bringing Lavellan back to Crestwood during the events of Trespasser.
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Rhodes also made this ⬆️
The filename says "comewithme" - Solas asking Lavellan to join him, instead of refusing her help.
I'm sure it's a choice all we solasmancers would have chosen, had we been given the opportunity (how many of us picked the "I agree with your goals/Let me help you, Solas" option at the speed of light?), but I'm also really glad he always refused to let her join him - it makes much more sense for his character and their love. He loves her too much to let her become a monster 😭
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erebus0dora · 7 months ago
some of you asked if you could print/chew/otherwise consume my Devil's Minion art, and i did ask if you needed a masterpost on the topic, so-
may i offer you this Google Drive folder, o gentle creatures..?
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i'll add more, and i believe it's sensible to add the links to the original posts with these images, but frankly speaking i am chill with whatever way you use or share them if that's for your personal use
just keep them free, that's my only request
what was born as a free art should remain free art
any questions left? ask them, i don't bite unless you would really like that
now, have a peaceful day and my digital hug
it feels appropriate to make it a fully shaped masterpost, links and all, so... links to each and every artwork on the theme - below the cut
the Tarot cards (Hermit/Death)
"...rest" (but mirrored)
first take on Armand that looks like anime
some thoughts on the age of the magnolia tree
human!Daniel deliberately thinking of beautiful things
The Magnolia Tee Print
animated Daniel (literally, as in, a gif)
a very vampire!Daniel, thoroughly researched
Byzantine Icon Armand
a tender moment which is vague but there you go
sleeping Armand from a fic
hugs (the quiet)
more hugs (abrupt)
more hugs (headphones on, updated)
Daniel gently cleaning Armand's face
some extra somfte quiet gremlin
crack!chibi!Daniel on tees
crack!chibi!Daniel on teefs
sneaky sleepy uncertain hug for another fic
moar tender touch for another fic
beige pillow
the return of the beige pillow
"i see you"
kissing the maker's hand
more tender face-touching, couldn't choose one
Daniel comes to Louvre
Daniel collects art
four pages of Armand running and Daniel chasing
Hug The Gremlin
Hug The Gremlin For He Is Art
Armand as a candle, literally
Armand and magnolia petals (the art)
Armand and magnolia petals (the sculpture)
(slightly off-topic, but) Perforated Heart because ffs Eric knows his shit
good old don't you maître me thing which i keep forgetting to include
Only Fangs Molloy - keep in mind there's a JPEG and a TIFF version in the Drive folder, the TIFF works better if u wanna print it
(+bonus TALK SHIT GET BIT file is also there)
A LOT of traditional stuffs, scanned in 350 dpi for your entertainment
Daniel gently feeding his feral master, which is honestly one of the most tender things i have created
cozy sated hugs on a sofa
an inspired old dogboy Molloy because face it, the world needs more hot aged people
a domestic scene of Daniel waiting for Armand to enter his space, i suck at descriptions
trad art bonus! fighting with graphite dust, vol. 1, Luke
trad art bonus! fighting with graphite dust, vol. 2, Assad
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meanbossart · 22 days ago
So I've noticed you've been getting a lot of asks along the lines of "how do I make good porn like you?" and I just thought to add in my two cents, and if you agree with what I'm saying perhaps you could publish this and it might help others, if not feel free to just ignore xD
So first of all the fact that you're also a horror/gore artist adds to your skill, there's a lot of overlap between erotisim and horror in artwork because it involves being extremly familiar with anatomy and how the body moves, and in art, like a lot of things, you needs to know how something works before you know how to break it.
People also really don't appreciate how difficult horror is as a genre, it's not enough to draw someone covered in blood holding a knife, it's mood and lighting and expression, and these are also transferable skills to erotica as so much of what sells an image as erotic is everything happening around the people involved. Colour choices, the lines around the eyes, how you depict the shine of their sweat and saliva, all these little things are part of the greater whole.
Finally, I think when it comes to improving your craft when it comes to depicting erotica is that you have to make peace with the fact that the physical act of sex is wierd and gross when you look at it objectivly. You're in wierd, undignified positions, there's a lot of mucus involved, you're sweaty and red-faced, and if you're looking at it without your brain swimming in sexy hormones it's just kinda rediculous. I think once you get over that hump of "no, I have to try and make this as pretty and aesetic as possible" and reach "okay, sex is wierd and ugly IRL" you're able to start creating things that feel more real and seemingly paradoxically become able to create things that people find arousing, because it reads as 'true' to them.
Your art is beautiful and erotic because I can believe that these guys are sticky, covered in sweat and working hard to bring each other pleasure.
Like, IDK that's how I ended up being a fairly decent erotica author, you let go of the dreamy hollywood version of sex and embrace something a bit dirtier and closer to life. If you draw enough silly 'O' faces you'll eventually find one you like!
Anyway, I hope someone finds this helpful. Also the picture of Astarion with Cazador's skull is my new favourite, the way he's pushing his thumb into the eye as the head burns in the sunlight and the blood drips down is just... so powerful, I wanna print it out and stick it in my BG3 scrap folder xD
A really useful breakdown of what makes compelling erotica and/or effective pornography!
Not a disagreement perse, but I just want to clarify to anyone reading this that being familiar with horror and gory art isn't a necessary step in this process - it just so happens to have a lot of skill-overlap, like eyesofthrone said, making the transition from one to the other easier.
Thank you for doing this write-up, and I'm extremely flattered if you or anyone reading this finds my saucy art especially compelling for any of these reasons!
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k-hippie · 10 months ago
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Let's begin with the Sims 4 ... April has been a bit disappointing I suppose, even we worked hard on numerous projects.
First, a flash and silent update for the Vertical Impasto Artworks. A little something in the interior frame of the painting that wasn't good enough : correction has been made and you can download again :)
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Almost of our time has been about the k-707 Nature Mod ;) There are great satisfactions but also big frustrations ... We probably lost more braincells that it was needed. BUT … we have 95% of those damn trees covered.
We are stuck on some trees ( 5, maybe 6 ) and we search and search and search again some informations related on vertex paint which matter a lot since both colorimetry and rustle are enclosed in it. But we are still unable to extract the maxis information into the leaves and so, modify the trees from the deep in a way that is still ok for the game ...
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Release a tree or a plant of 30k polygons only for the glitch and the fame is not at all our style. What is beautiful is not always suitable ;) and sometimes, what it seems to be beautiful in a picture is not not at all inside our favorite games :D
But let's talk about the Sims 3 now :) and more pleasant news ! At first, the big news : a NEW S3 WORLD is coming :) soon soon soon !
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Shetland Harbour ... An island turned to the sea but filled with sheep. A good place to have whatever life you want for your lovely ( or not ) Sims ;) Shetland Harbour is a fishing town of course but not only. There's a true downtown and lot of places. And sheeps. A medium/large world, the first island we create since Lost Cove.
And for the first time, it won't be based on an EA known world ;)
But we'll talk much more about it in the coming weeks ;)
Then, will come quite quickly 3 Worlds UPDATES with significant changes inside, and various fixes that were long overdue :) Also, all community lots and some residential will be released too.
Oaksoak Hollow - Eureka Valley - Lost Cove
All 3 will come with their ANTS, CC, and Lots in separate folders ...
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In addition, we are AT LAST working on some Sims 3 stuff and conversions, mainly build stuff and artworks ( for now ) :) 88 Patterns will be released quite soon, as soon as updates will be made on our website ( tech-hippie.com/sims3-lounge/ ) by my co-team partner :)
The Dark Terracotta roof and the Wood Skandi walls ( in both .sims3pack and .package ) will be released with Shetland Harbour.
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That's it, that's all and that's a lot of work :D Happy May everyone !
\o/ blackgryffin
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atompalace-official · 2 months ago
hello!I hope this finds you well ^^ the names magpie,I was wondering if you could tell me some basic tips for your art style or a time's lapse of one of your drawing for me to analize? I love the art style so much and I want to be like you! if you cant/won't I completely understand!sorry if its to much to ask,have a good day/night! ><
hello magpie! thank you so much for sending in a question and I’m delighted you like my art! 🩵✨
to start off with, the only person who can truly do the atompalace art style is me- it’s my own uniquely personal way of drawing, so I cannot tell you how to wholly replicate it nor would I encourage it. BUT! every single artist’s art style, including my own, is a patchwork of effort and practice, techniques you enjoy using, and influences from the things you love- and that’s beautiful!!! 🌈💕 so instead I’ve written four ways to help develop your very own art style:
1. Gather Inspiration 🌟
what inspires you? this can be any type of art, photography, character design and so on, or anything made by a favourite artist, but also delving into nature, places, feelings... now try and identify what specifically you love about these things!
I like to save any artwork or photo that particularly resonates with my tastes into a folder, then I analyse the specific traits about each piece that I admire, especially if I aspire to improving that trait in my own work. artists who have influenced my style recently include Mia Ikumi, the Kamikita Twins, Lisa Frank, Naoko Takeuchi, and Elena Kucharik; I also find lots of inspiration in Sanrio character artworks and Pretty Cure cards and merchandise ✨
it’s a wonderful feeling to reach a stage where you’re naturally drawing the type of art you love to look at, and by delving into why you enjoy the art you enjoy, you can use that knowledge to your advantage to achieve that!
2. Practice, Practice, Practice 🔥
I always tell aspiring artists that the most important way to develop your skills is to draw as much as possible. yes, fundamentals and going out of your comfort zone are important, and many artists tell you to focus on these when you start out… but personally I think drawing the things you enjoy and often is an equally valid method, because it gets you into the habit, and you will still learn lots!
when I was in school, I drew OCs and Pokémon on spare paper using ink. I didn’t really focus on anatomy or composition at that point, but it certainly helped develop my line control/confidence and drawing speed- and my art style, too!
a good specific way to practice is to pick artworks that you love and make studies of them! this way you can learn from the various techniques of the original (such as ones you identified in the previous section!) by trying to redraw them. IMPORTANT: if you make studies/reproductions of illustrations, particularly by contemporary independent artists, please keep them private and don’t post them, because that can give others the impression that you’re imitating them 💧
another fun way to do studies that you can post publicly is by choosing a TV show, film, comic, or video game with a style you like and try to draw your character (or even a character from a different media) in that style! for example, I enjoy drawing my Pokémon trainersona in the official Pokémon style occasionally- I improved with every attempt because of the time I spent practicing and looking closely at art made by professional illustrators, which helped me really understand the trademarks of that style. learning by doing!
3. Making It Yours 🎀
a recognisable or “iconic” art style is made up of multiple trademarks; no single trademark is ever exclusive to one artist, but it’s a unique combination of them that makes a style stand out.
for instance, I love drawing heart shaped shines in my characters’ eyes, which is something lots of artists do. but in tandem with multiple other trademarks common to my works (pastel colours, lineart quirks, typical subject matter and more), that’s what makes them say- “I’m an atompalace piece!”
to make sweet, glittery art, drawing your very own effects brushes or textures is a fantastic way to express your own style effectively. I programmed all of my sparkle brushes! some of my base brush shapes are referenced and some are entirely from my own imagination, but I drew them all myself. you can find free tutorials on making your own brushes for most art programmes online if you need help, or just edit default brushes that came with your art program!
4. No Restrictions 🪽
don’t be afraid to experiment! especially as a digital artist, a good few of the exclusive techniques I use were ones I discovered unintentionally or by trial-and-error, and when you work with digital layers it’s a lot easier to play around with colour palettes. tweak colours and mess around effects, and you might come up with a happy accident that you can use in the future as a building block to your style!
this might seem contradictory to the previous section, but you don’t have to tie yourself to any one art style. we all change and grow all the time, and especially if you’ve only been drawing for a relatively short time, it’s good to keep an open mind and allow your art to evolve. (for me, only the last 2-3 years has been the longest my own art style has been consistent!)
even if there’s a main style you always return to, it’s absolutely fine to deviate from it. I do, and I have fun with it, too! switching things up every so often is fun and can even help your main art style improve! conversely, if you try too hard to stick to a method that you don’t truly enjoy or have become bored of, it can be creatively stifling, so allowing yourself to branch out is key.
if you’re a hobby artist, your own enjoyment and personal satisfaction should be your priority- not the approval and attention of others. one of the best ways to let your art style shine is by letting yourself draw as self indulgently as you like without holding back!
before I sign off, I do have two timelapses of two detailed illustrations to share with you! The Sylveon Sanctuary and The Mermaid and the Fairy 🫧 notice how I use the golden spiral or a grid to help make balanced compositions; I don’t always make a colour draft, but I did for these; and I sometimes do “mini sketches” to help me visualise from my base sketch.
thank you again for your message, I enjoyed answering this and I hope you find it helpful and motivating to draw lots of lovely art!!! 🎨
- Princess Sol ⚜️🎀🩵✨
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painted-bees · 1 year ago
May I make a request ( and this is a huge one I know) is it possible you could tag your drawings with your oc names? I'm getting really into your work, but as you're talking about them and answering asks about them, I scroll back and there's just a lot of different things to wade through, it would be super helpful if I could just zip to their tags. You don't have to answer or anything. I think it would help more than myself to get a easier experience too. I love your work, you have a beautiful style <3 Have a good one!
I can certainly start doing that, going forward! I shall try my best to remember! Once I get time, I can slowly go back and retroactively apply it as well. In the meantime, the Hi-Note masterpost has a bunch of entries sorted by character: https://www.tumblr.com/painted-bees/722464162870067200/cortes-blorblos-masterpost?source=share and their respective Toyhouse pages contain all their character-specific artwork as well!: https://toyhou.se/painted-bees/characters/folder:4367913
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borninwinter81 · 1 year ago
You ever get the feeling that sometimes the universe thinks the time is right for a specific project?
Earlier this week, heavily inspired both by @rattusrattus3 and their collage box youtube tutorial, and the gorgeous corvid boxes posted by @korva-the-raven, I decided to make something similar myself. THE DAY AFTER that decision was made I found this wooden chocolate box in a charity shop for £1.99. It could not be more perfect for purpose.
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I had been thinking the collage part would be difficult as I "don't really keep interesting bits of paper." As it turns out, the hell I don't.
That same evening I found this stash in my old art folder. I thought all I had in there were a couple of greetings cards.
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Of particular use were the William Blake and Exploring the Gothic art exhibition guides. These are both really high quality prints and contain some gorgeous artwork. Thankfully I have a paper guillotine so I could cut out the pictures really neatly.
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This is what I ended up with. I could make several boxes just from these!
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Korva's boxes have individual compartments made out of matchboxes which are also decorated. I don't have any matchboxes, but then I recalled that I know how to make an origami box - I had a friend in school who was Japanese and her mother taught me. So, what if I was able to find some nice paper and make small boxes to go inside? Again, the universe provided...
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These are from a pad of scrapbooking paper, 24 double sided sheets, 30x30cm (12x12 inches) for £4. Very thick and high quality and excellent for making sturdy boxes that are fit for this purpose. I didn't love all of it but these designs are beautiful, and I will have more than enough for this project and tons left for the future 😁
I thought to save it looking too "busy" I would just use one plain colour and one floral. Since the internal boxes need to be quite small I thought a smaller print would work best, and paired that with a plain purple. I used the guillotine again to cut the paper into squares that were the right size (after a trial run with some cartridge paper to make sure they would fit) and...
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This box is super easy to do, probably why I still remember how to make it after being taught at the age of 5! Here's a tutorial.
Meanwhile the outer box got a couple of coats of black acrylic paint.
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Then it was time to decide how to arrange my collage pieces. I quickly came up with this for the inside (Edgar Allan Poe themed, the large picture is an illustration to "The Raven" which is super appropriate for a corvid box, and the small one in the top right has lines from the poem "Lenore"). I'm still unsure about whether I will also do the base as its going to be covered most of the time anyway. I may just line it with more of the floral paper.
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The outside was harder, but I've gone with some anatomical drawings, plus a couple of space-fillers which look pretty.
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The edges are a little narrow so I'm not going to collage those for now, but I might see if any of the charms from my shiny things box would look good glued onto the sides instead.
Unfortunately I can't finish it just yet, as the only thing I haven't been able to get is modge podge - every shop I went into said "we used to have that but don't stock it anymore". So I ordered some online and I should have it within a few days.
Then all I'll need to do is decide how I want to fill it, I have lots of items to choose from 😁
Huge thanks to those who inspired this, it has been a project that I've absolutely loved, and I'm going to be on the lookout for more nice boxes so I can make another, I still have plenty of supplies!
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porcelainmortal · 1 year ago
📚 what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
A running tally of the money I've won from online gambling. 😂 They give you free credits to play but if you win, the money is real. I've been doing pretty well... 😏
🐚 do you like or dislike surprises?
I love good surprises! Unfortunately, I've had more than my share of bad surprises, so I'll happily pass on those. But surprise me with a gift or a party or something I'll enjoy? I'm all about that.
🎨 link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
OMG this feels impossible! A lot of my favorite ones come from @marz-rm's Patreon - and are NSFW or Tumblr - which means I can't link them here. (But seriously, if you love firstprince, you should sign up - it's well worth it.) A special shoutout to the full versions of these two. I'll also share one of the PG-rated ones that I think about all the time. It's @shirmirart's Notebook artwork. I'm always there, just a little bit. But there is a crazy number of talented artists whose work fills up the RWRB folder on my laptop, so these are just a drop in the bucket. Mostly, I love fan art that displays emotion. As much as I enjoy something that's beautiful or sexy, if the feelings aren't practically jumping off the screen, I'm not really interested.
Writer's Truth or Dare Ask Game
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shanaraharlyah · 2 years ago
Hey, so great to see you take part! I look forward to learning more about your writing! I was wondering if you could tell me a bit more about the following (sorry, I'm greedy lol)
A Life Together (Hogwarts Legacy)
DAI Trespasser for Kartaelin Lavellan/Dorian Pavus
An Elven Tale from your original fic
Thank you!!
Thank you for asking, Cat! 😘 Let me just say I really only started writing more than a couple sentences for artwork descriptions just before and during the pandemic and my first of these was the Dorian/Kartaelin Trespasser fic. I sent it to a friend who told me she thought it was really good and very in character so I continued and have a whole docs folder full of WIPs now. So I'll start with that one.
DAI Trespasser
(Kartaelin Lavellen/Dorian Pavus)
I got really attached to these two on my fourth playthrough of Inquisition. Kartaelin is one of my OCs from the Elven Tale brought over to Dragon Age and had a similar rough go regarding his attraction to men, so I really just wanted both of them to be happy. And Trespasser is rough. I really wanted to do something with the in between scenes. Things we don't see in the game. So this part takes place directly after meeting Solas, Dorian finding him passed out and missing an arm. I have actually posted most of this one along with the artworks I wrote it for here if you'd like to read it - Never Gonna Be Alone. The incomplete/unposted portion involves the trek back, being seen by a healer and the council being postponed again for him to begin to heal.
A Life Together
(Hellendil/Sebastian Sallow)
This one is partially in response to some gorgeous artwork and headcanons I've seen in the Hogwarts Legacy fandom of Sebastian growing up and growing a beard or not because of trauma triggers. It takes place 10 years after the events of the game. Their friendship and budding relationship survived everything they went through during 5th year. The two have grown up, have jobs at the ministry and are living together. The wizarding world is more accepting of same sex relationships than the Victorian muggle world so they've settled in Hogsmeade. It's softness, a little spice and a lot of hurt/comfort around a shared traumatic experience. I'll share the first two paragraphs below the cut.
The early morning sun shone into the second floor bedroom through partially closed curtains.  Dust motes danced in the air as it crept across the room to light the forms of the entangled pair sleeping there.  As it traversed the warm tan skin of Hellendil, he began to stir, cuddling up closer to Sebastian to enjoy their shared warmth and deny his wakefulness for just a moment longer.  It was a rare day that he awoke before his partner, so he decided to take advantage of it.  He let out a soft sigh and raised his head, pushing his long hair back from his face in order to watch the sleeping brunet.   Sebastian's skin was fair but slightly flushed around his nose and cheeks and he was covered from head to toe with freckles.  Every now and then his breath caught in a snore and he seemed on the verge of waking.  He'd thinned out somewhat since their school days, more in the face than elsewhere.  Hellendil appreciated the extra softness of his lover's body.  A marked contrast to his own lithe frame, he found it great for cuddling and had taken to sleeping with his head resting on his chest, in spite of being the taller of the two.  An admiring smile appeared on his face as he observed him.  "Beautiful,"  he whispered.
An Elven Tale
There's really very little of this written yet just a couple of scenes in this document and the other so far. The rest is scattered thoughts, sketches and the beginnings of an outline. It follows Sarovanya and Tarwen as they begin to find their place in the world. Saro has always loved Tarwen, but his love is unrequited. She's known him since they were both very young and his exhibitionist ways and desire to be the center of attention are big turn offs, even if he's doing some of it for her. When they leave their home land to grow their skills, Tarwen meets a quiet and kind dark elf with whom she grows close. But there's a secret darkness lurking under the surface that he hides and tries to keep at bay.
Here is a little snippet from one of the scenes and the link to the render that goes with it.
“What’s wrong!?” she gasped as she began to move toward him.
“Leave, Tarwen,” the dark elf replied, cringing in pain.
“Get away from me!” he snapped, lashing out and upsetting the table in the room they had restored together.
Torn between worry for Morcundu’s ailment and fear for her own life, Tarwen stepped back with tears welling in her eyes. A flash of his… inhuman eyes set her fleeing into the forest. Her thoughts and surroundings were a blur as she ran, the rain stinging her face and mixing with tears. From somewhere nearby, she heard a familiar and welcome voice calling her name. Instinctively she turned toward the voice and within a few moments had crashed into the open arms of Sarovanya. She clung to his vest, tears streaming down her face, as he enveloped her in his protective arms.
Sarovanya relished the intimate moment, but worry soon washed over his handsome face. Taking her by the shoulders, he queried, “Are you okay? …Did he hurt you?” Tarwen shook her head in reply. Realizing his previous questions were a bit agitated, he took a deep breath and asked more gently, “What happened, Tarwen?”
Thank you again for asking about these! I haven't shared much about them before. ☺️
Throwing the link to the ask game in case anyone wants to send more!
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essiekuko · 4 months ago
wednesday’s child is full of woe: a rant for wednesday ☆
i looked at the artworks folder and it was insane how much was in it
i genuinely dont want that folder ever again, its probably gonna make my laptop explode
but i also love looking at all the artwork
this isn't even half of everything that was in it
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this game is for big backs, foodies and pro-4norexlcs <33
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its so useful for curbing hvng3r. i used to think playing food games did nothing to curb it but it kinda lowkey does. just think of it as a reward, in a way, if food is a reward to u. a reward for f4st1ng as long as u do. im 2 hrs away from hitting 24h in the f4st and im so sooo tempted to 3at, but i'm trying everything to ignore the feeling. so im playing the tea time buffet on roblox!!
and yes, when the guacamole beef burger from carl's jr ad played on tv, a big ahh growl filled the entire room
slaying, blood still on the weapon
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i love this genre of images sm. like those photoshop ones <3
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this is what makes us girls...and the girlblog is so useful for avoiding talking about ur feelings and ur eyes watering in public!! ^^
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trying to get just like her fr xx
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can confirm 💗
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awwhh i cant wait to be a retired girlblogger
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november was probably wildest month of the year. mental disorders spiraling, i started sh for the first time, sm new short-lived obsessions, lots of new music, big final exams, strengthened relationships....this is what i call 'pre-christmas sadness' where u experience the worst ever all in one month so that christmas can be ur big break
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i love these images, and i relate to everything, if only ppl made some photos like it replacing spotify (i have personal beef with spotify) with soundcloud or apple music (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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my personal beef with spotify, hmmm, where should i start. i started collecting all my music in one big playlist in 2020 and ofc 2020 was a very conflicting year of my life. start of teenage era and lockdowns. i was so obsessed with things, and usually when i have obsessions (i still do) they're short-lived and after they die out, i refuse to look back at them. and lockdown gave me lots of time to obsess and no time to let it die down. and since i was so big on spotify in 2020 i dont want to look back at it. and it wasnt just 2020. 2 close friends i lost, each a year after the other, used to share their spotify playlists with me. and also, like, spotify has gotten so stingy nowadays, u can't play like 1/2 a song without double ads rolling in. and it's so confusing to navigate actually, thats part of the reason why i only kept one playlist. i also only keep 1 playlist cause thats just how i like it lol.
i love lizzy grant sm, she gives me an outlet for all my emotions and helps me to see the bright side of things when i romanticise the melancholy!!
im going to admit i used to not be so keen on sabrina carpenter initally when she blew up viral this year. i always remembered her as that purely authentic, original, true to herself disney star. and i have a hard time liking the disney-made stars (miley cyrus is an exception, bc she managed to distance herself from disney) bc it feels like they're just handed the success on a silver platter what with disney's incredible influence in hollywood. but sabrina has become more endearing lately, and im rlly loving her little 50s-60s babydoll starlet theme. and yk how i feel abt that, given im a diehard lizzy grant fangirl. so now i rlly do see the originality and authenticity of her image, and i found out she'd been working to be noticed in the music industry for 10 years now. its admirable and relatable, the struggle for success. it humanizes her more, apart from being promised success since she signed with disney from the very begininng. now i just dont focus too much on what goes on behind the scenes, and learn to appreciate these artists and their themes/images, as something to just find beautiful
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talesfromthebacklog · 1 year ago
Tales From The Frontlog: Persona 3: Reload
It’s titles like Persona that make me go: “God damn, anime is so fucking cool.”
These are people who KNEW what they were doing when working on this remake. My only previous experience with Persona 3 was with Persona 3 Portable. And it shouldn’t be shocking that while good it didn’t have the same impact as Reload did. (Though I did still pick up P3P on Switch through Limited Run! As that was likely the cheapest we would ever see it.)
Reload completely blows P3P out of the park and has asserted itself as my favorite Persona game. (Persona 4 being my previous first favorite.). I completely destroyed this game and am sad the experience is over. (Had to get done quick so I could play Final Fantasy VII Rebirth on release!)
Persona 3: Reload is elegant, mature, wickedly stylish, and very sad. I love well written sad things. I’ve heard people call this title edgy, but that edge is what defines and makes this Persona so great. If not the best. You know what they say. The third time’s the charm! And Persona is an experience, for anyone who loves JRPGS, that people should have at least once.
Join me as I talk about Persona 3: Reload. A story of a teen named Makoto. Who just transferred to Tatsumi Port Island and awakened a powerful force by shooting himself in the head.
Persona 3 Reload is painfully stylish and cool. It’s gotten a lot of upgrades including a new voice cast. Which I think does a better job sounding more natural. Especially Bebe. The old crew did a phenominal job but I just like new performances better.
Also the amount of voice acting we got. Wow. Practically the whole thing has voice acting. Even all the social links. I think that might be a first, but don’t quote me on that.
Then there’s the art direction, which has been somewhat of a hot topic, but I like the new art assets better. The original artwork has an undeniable charm but the new stuff has this great polish.
Though I dare say the older art better lends to the “creepy” tone of the game. The traditionally beautiful anime faces do take away from that a little.
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And this new look isn’t just the art assets and sprites, it goes as far as the menu.
I don’t say this often, but that’s hot. That menu is everything. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so strongly about a menu. I would fight a stranger in the parking lot if they told me this menu looked bad. It is so slick and sleek. It hurts because of how good this looks.
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This? This gives me math folder vibes. I think this was why I was so much more drawn to Persona 4 in the first place.
Well. Not because of the menu. The menu is functional and doesn’t look awful by any stretch of the imagination. We all know that fully functional is a high bar for developers to reach nowadays.
But each Persona, from 1 - 5 and now to Reload, was a step into stronger art direction. Each Persona contributed something new artistically to get it to its current state of intense stylization. Persona 3 Reload is simply a culmination of all these steps forward. It makes me feel bad for not touching the main Shin Megani Tensei series at all. Because I don’t get to see the artistic history from it that could have contributed to Persona. I’m aware I’m missing out and need to correct that! Ha!
TLDR: Persona 3: Reload is so ✨PRETTY✨.
Then there’s the gameplay. Persona ranks among my favorite JRPGs because it has so much side stuff to do. Persona at its core is two different kinds of games. A life sim and a JRPG. If you get bored with one half you can go hang out in the other. Excellent. Brilliant. Love it. Persona is a great ADHD person game. It also gives the game a nice contrast between the light and dark elements. A narrative rest, so to speak. Also the difficulty modes. I’m not afraid to say I prefer normal mode. Some grinding is fine but I hate excessive grinding in games. I feel it overshadows the game. Though without some grind you just have a glorified visual novel. It’s all about balance and personal taste I suppose. But I’m of the belief that grinding doesn’t make a game hard. It makes it time consuming which makes it look like the game is hard. But this is not the same thing! Persona just… GETS that I don’t want to grind for that long.
I love JRPGs, but I tend to run hot and cold with them. I think a lot of them do really suffer from being too samey in their initial presentation. The style and identity the Persona series has is 100% what kept me playing after a friend lent me his Vita to play. He insisted upon it as he handed me Persona 4 Golden.
He was right. Persona was awesome. Persona 3 Reload makes me feel those same feelings when I had that initial introduction to the franchise. I do feel genuinely wowed by this title. Which I don’t feel often in gaming. My favorite part about it is it is set in the modern era. Swords and dragons are nice, but different time periods come with different ideologies, cultures, and challenges. Persona takes the “familiar” and uses that premise to flip your world upside down. And that each one goes with a different aesthetic.
God I hope they remake or rerelease 1 or 2. Or both.
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Persona 3 additionally is just so… sad. Persona 4 has those sad moments too but I just feel those main and side stories hit harder in Persona 3. The ending is a sad gut punch. I love it. Like any great visual novel character interactions and story can make or break the experience. And Persona 3 only managed to sharpen those interactions with the newer voice acting and the retranslated script. The whole feel is a lot less awkward.
Then there’s the music. If you didn’t watch the intro I posted in the beginning, do yourself a favor and do so as you read please.
Oh? You’ve heard the song before? Are you saying you don’t want to listen to this jazzy and funky soundtrack again? Heresey I say!
Oh? You don’t want to scroll back up? No problem fam. I’m gonna post the full track here.
And the whole soundtrack is this good. This is just a taste. Ugh. It’s so good. It is both energizing and soothing. I ask you to listen purely because my words can’t do it justice.
I am recognizing what a mistake it was not to play the full console version and what a crime it is that they ported P3P over Persona 3 itself. It had an anime too, did it not? Like a movie or something?
Let’s not start with the FES mess. They’ve basically said it’s not being included even as DLC. I’m just going to play it separately, and by the good grace of god you don’t have to play the whole game over to play “The Answer” arc. (Which I’ll post an update on that when I do that. Someday.)
I can take or leave the female protagonist. I want a female protagonist, but in P3P she was always kind of an empty husk that you knew wasn’t the “real” main character. I don’t mind games where I play a character instead of myself. But I feel they could do a new unique perspective if they switched it up for Persona 6. Especially since they are nailing down some of the problematic elements of the series.
I’m aware that they’ve changed a lot from the original Persona 3 to Reload. But to be frank my memory has just never been that long lasting or great. I can genuinely come back to most games after a certain amount of time and it’s like playing it brand new over again. A blessing and a curse. But I can remember Tartarus being a bigger pain in the ass than it is now. Tartarus also seems notably more varied in design as you climb. I feel like I am having a distinctly better time than the first time. (I may have to play a brief stint in portable to see if this is true.)
Side note: The Dark Hour as a concept in itself is a topic I want to cover in its own post at some point. This isn’t unique to Reload which isn’t why I’m not talking about a lot of elements like this (Because remake reviews should be more about what is improved) but it was still a genius way to fit in an alternate world.
At the end of the day, and right before the dark hour, Persona 3: Reload had no excuse to fail. The bones of the beast itself were so good. As long as you left it to simmer and caramelize this remake always destined to be great. It takes elements and tricks that made later titles great and Atlus applied all their learned skills here.
It’s stuff the Persona, and SMT, community already loved. And for good reason. It was already a compelling experience and it’s one I’m really glad I came back to. Playing it this way really changed how I felt about the game as a whole. Even without the extra content I’m going to say this is THE WAY to play Persona 3 from here on out. We’ll see if I feel that way after playing Persona 3: FES. But don’t expect to see that critique any time soon.
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intothegenshinworld · 2 years ago
I'm back again, lol. Hope you're doing good and that I'm not bothering you.
How do you think genshin characters would react to you making art of them? It doesn't really matter whether it's a drawing or song or a story of them(all of it is considered art after all). But I think that if you were to write a song or some kind of fic of them, Kazuha, Venti, Xingyan, Yae and all characters interested in those areas would be even more touched.
Also, imagine if Albedo finds a way to get a hold of a drawing of him by you(if it's digital he can probably find a way to materialize it with alchemy) and he just frames it and keeps it in his office or at his camp just to look at it as a reminder that his beloved creator loves him enough to spend time making such a beautiful artwork of him. Or if you draw on paper or canvases, suddenly a few of your pieces might be missing. And if it's a painting specifically he'll probably spend a lot of time researching the techniques used to draw the painting. It can go from what materials and brushes you used to at what angle and how much force was used in individual brushstrokes.
And you can bet that if Yae gets a hold of one your fics they're getting published or if it's a drawing maybe used for a cover or posters.(Just copies ofc, she's keeping the original)
And the embarrassment you'd feel if one of the fics they found was one of those x reader smut fics 💀 Reactions will most definitely vary between smug flirting and flustered shutdown(a.k.a Xiao)
P.s. Sorry, I really can't write short asks for the life of me, huh? TvT
No worries! You're not bothering me at all!! I'm doing well, you too? :D Earlier today I posted another ask, but it didn’t show up on the tags. I ended up reposting it, and in the end it showed up the second time (which was a relief, it was a big ask lol) so let’s hope this one will go alright! If not, I hope it at least notifies you XD
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Albedo is extremely self-aware. He can feel your gaze shift when you move the camera, and while he doesn’t get the full picture, he believes Teyvat to be your playground.
In the time spent with you, Albedo has memorised your patterns in behaviour. He can predict your next move accurately. You want him to move this way? He’s already moving into that direction without the code leading him.
Unlike most others, he 'favours' the code. It restricts him, but it never stops him. He memorises the numbers that barricade the world and recognises the patterns in them. It doesn’t take long for him to enter a new world, your dektop.
You're not in that 'world'. You presence is none existent. And while it's not you, it’s a step closer to knowing more about you.
This new world has lots of information, useful to him to get to know you more. And so Albedo starts doing what he does best; experiment.
He starts bending the code further and plays with the numbers barricating Teyvat. It only takes him a few days to finds your personal information. 
Albedo tries to make sense of the newfound information. Your location is indeed unknown to Teyvat. It must be another realm which you call home. It's purely coincidental that he stumbles upon your folder of 'fanart'. Not that he minds. Perhaps he took a few souvenirs. No one has to know, right?
There was a short period where he tried to materialise the 'artwork' you made. He succeeded, but only temporarily. The code would delete your masterpiece as soon as your presence arrived.
But Albedo isn’t one to give up. He likes the chase you give him. It's no fun if the creator gave him everything in one go. So, he tried to look for alternatives.
At the end of Albedo's adventure in the code, he succeeded.
There is now an exact replica of your 'fanart' framed and stored away at his camp. The figure in the portrait is uncannily similar to Albedo himself. It's the reason why he grew obsessed with it. 
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You don't care much about the books in game. You gather them for achievements but never look at them again once they entered your inventory.
Perhaps it's a good thing you didn't.
If you did, you'd have found an item only available to you.
It's got more text than the others. It contains content you're too familiar with. 
Worst of all, it's signed with your full name, published by Yae, and spread all over Teyvat.
Hmm... maybe you should keep track of the items you hold, traveller.
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prisonhannibal · 3 years ago
Do you stick to just your current obsession or do you draw things outside of it? I ask because I vaguely recall seeing some beautiful sapphic artwork and would love to see some more sapphic art of yours if you have done any.
Lots of love,
your gay little fan
thank you! I do some other art, sometimes personal stuff but mostly saami stuff and especially saami lesbian stuff. I mostly post hannibal art though because that’s what my followers are here for, and I also draw more fanart in general because it’s way more motivating to post stuff and get interaction than just draw something and leave it in my art folders lol. I have some stuff under tagged/original+art and i can reblog some for you rn!
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tsukkiseasalt · 4 years ago
Eyes That Won’t Wonder
“What, what!?” You shriek.
Another low laugh erupts from him as he leans against the door, his large frame blocking any potential view of the inside.
“I believe that is a compliment.” He mumbles his lips curling up into a sly smile. 
“Y-yeah, it was.” You stammer, words barely making themselves out of you as your stomach begins to do cartwheels.  
“As much as I'd love to stay right here and chat, you’d probably find it to be much more comfortable inside.” He says, smile fully present now, and you take a moment to admire the sight-storing it in your mind. He moves enough for you to slip right past him and pause the moment your feet touch the dark hardwood floors. 
The aroma is the first thing that invades your senses. It smells of pine and a rich tobacco, with slight hints of something sweet- maybe vanilla, you can’t really tell. The home is just as beautiful on the inside as it appeared from the outside. The dark hardwood floors complimented the ivory walls and dark rust colored trim. The living room was sparsely decorated though, it had only one couch, a chestnut loveseat and a matching recliner. He obviously doesn’t get many visitors. 
“Your home is beautiful.” You say breathlessly, eyes roaming the space in awe. 
“Thank you.” He exclaims, a large hand grazing the small of your back as he slips behind you and towards the kitchen. His touch makes your knees go weak and you steady yourself by placing a shaky hand on the door.
“Would you like something to drink?” You hear him call from the kitchen.
“Ah, water please.” You answer, taking a few deep breaths before you saunter over to the counter placing your folder in front of you. He slides the glass in front of you and you nod as a thank you before you begin to sip.
“I don’t think I ever caught your name.” He says leaning back onto the fridge, arms folded over his massive chest.
“Oh, uh, my name is y/n y/ln.” You mumble your index finger rubbing the rim of the glass. 
“Lovely, it fits you.” He says, eyes catching your own. You can't help the blush that arises on your cheeks. 
“T-thank you.” You manage to stammer out, silently cursing yourself for getting so flustered so quickly. He was a patient not some guy at a bar, you needed to get a grip and you needed to get it fast. “Uhm, you’re a bit younger than most of the other patients i have worked for. Is there actually anything wrong with you?” You quiz, but the words come out a bit harsher than you intended. “Oh goodness, I did not mean that in a bad way at all sir- Mr. Wakatoshi, oh my goodness. I am so sorry.” You exhale letting your head fall into your hands. Your words are all becoming a jumbled mess and you can't help the shame that creeps up your throat. Great, now he probably thinks I'm some kind of asshole.
“No, it's okay. I understand what you were trying to say. Two years ago I had to get a disc in my back replaced and it took a lot out of me. Though I can still get around pretty well, there are still certain tasks that I need help with. I am also set to have another surgery on my knee two months from now, so I thought it would be better to have someone get accustomed to me and my habits beforehands.” He says voice monotone. Is he angry?
“Mr. Wakatoshi, I am so sorry if I came off as rude earlier- I didn’t mean to offend.” You say feeling guilty. 
He shakes his head. “You’re fine sweetheart, I’m actually quite flattered that you think that.” Before you have a chance to relish his words he starts again, “I’m going to go put some clothes on, but here. I made a list- well a schedule really- of how my day usually functions. You can look over it and if there is anything that seems to be a bit much for you let me know and we will make alterations to it.” He says walking out of the kitchen and returning with a piece of paper. “Here, I will return shortly.” He says handing you the paper. Your eyes skim the page as you read the text.
7:30am- Arrive & make coffee ( I prefer mine black)
7:45am- Read the newspaper
8:00am- Feed Randy & Lyle 
8:15am- Pour second cup of coffee & wash dishes
8:30-9:30am- 2nd Workout (If you could have a bowl of fruits waiting that would be lovely)
10:00am- Post shower stretch (Help isn’t required but appreciated)
10:30-12:00pm- Take Lyle to the park (You are more than welcomed to join us) 
12:30pm- Lunch / with Aone* (*Mon. & Thurs. only)
1:00pm- Stop at farmers market
1:30pm- Arrive home & check on Randy
1:35-4:00pm- Varies (You may leave at this time or you may stay for dinner.)
4:00-6:00pm- Prepare dinner
6:05- 6:45pm- Eat then wash dishes
All that is required of you is bolded, the italicized text is completely voluntary, though I would enjoy your company.
“Goodness.” You mumble, placing the paper down. “This is even less than I did with Washijō.” You thought you had it easy then just checking his oxygen, helping him up, and taking him wherever, but you were basically an in-home barista.
“I hope it isn't too much.” The voice startles you as he appears beside you now fully clothed- well not really. He had on a pair of dark sweatpants and a gray sleeveless shirt putting biceps on display for all to see.
“Uh, no, not at all sir. I was expecting much more actually.” You admit eyes darting between the paper and his arms. 
“Oh, well I'm sorry to disappoint you.” He says voice low as he bends down to tie his shoes. “I’m sure that there will be more for you to do after my knee surgery.”
“Yes, and I'm not disappointed sir, I'm honestly kind of relieved. I haven't worked with anyone in quite a while, so this is a good refresher to allow me to get back into the routine of things.” You say words falling from your lips before you realize it.
“Is that so?” He asks standing back up to his full height, face full of curiosity.
“Yes, my previous patient passed away and I took some time off. He and I were close, friends even, and the death really hit me hard even though I knew it was coming. It still hurts ya know.” You exclaim as feelings of sadness wash over you at the thought of your friend. 
You didn't know what you were expecting when you told him that, maybe an ‘i'm sorry for your loss’ or nothing at all but it is safe to say a hug was not one of those things. His body was warm and his chest was solid- it felt good. You wrapped your own arms around his waist and closed your eyes. 
“I hope that one day you and I could be friends as well.” He says quietly pulling away. 
You don't fight the smile that graces your face, “Yeah, I feel like we will.”
The words seem to liven him because a large smile spreads across his face again. “Well I’m gonna go lift now, feel free to look around. There's food in the fridge and snacks in the pantry. Make yourself at home.” He says walking to the back of his home.
“Oh, Mr. Wakatoshi!”
“Yes love?” He asks, turning back around, a smile still lingering on his lips.
“Who are Lyle and Randy?” You ask looking back down at the paper, partly to hide the blush that you are now sporting. “Are they your children?” 
“Yes, they are my children. I’ll introduce you when I return.” He laughs before turning back around and disappearing into a hallway.
You sigh as soon as he is out of eyesight dropping your head onto the cool marble countertop, raising your head just enough to read the time on the clock that sits unwavering by stairs. 8:37. You had just under an hour to get somewhat acquainted with the home you would now be in for ten hours a day for six days a week. You decide to begin with the kitchen, opening and closing drawers & cabinets identifying the contents within them, occasionally rubbing a light hand over them. Next is the living room. The wide open space is mostly vacant and you take a seat on the loveseat sinking back into the cushions. “Nice.” You mumble.  
Pushing yourself up you wonder to every room opening the door just enough for you to peek in and see what it is. You hesitate though when you get to the room at the end of the hallway. It’s his. You could sense it, nonetheless you slowly push the knob down and peek inside. It’s clean just like the rest of his home. You don't linger and decide its best to close the door & move onto the next. 
By 9:15  you’d looked throughout his entire home, and it was more beautiful than you could have imagined. The ceilings in the bathrooms were high and had beautiful artworks painted atop of them, they looked as though they belonged in a museum rather than someone's guest bathroom. The spare bedrooms were just as lovely. Each had a shelf that was littered with books and knick-knacks that looked foreign. All of this just fueled your curiosity- what did he do & how long did he do it?
You shrugged as you went back into the kitchen jumping when you saw his large frame in the fridge. He was shirtless, again, but this time his hair was wet and clung to his head. The small gray stripes were clear as day against his dark olive locks.
“Oh, hi. I didn’t think you’d be done yet.” You say awkwardly scratching the back of your neck.
“Yes, I finished early and decided to shower & grab a snack.” He says waving the bowl of strawberries.
“I was about to prepare one for you.” You said.
“Oh, thank you. You don't really have to do anything today, just get accustomed to things.” He says popping the small red fruit into his mouth. 
“Would you like me to stretch you out?” You ask, remembering the list. 
His eyes shoot up to yours as soon as the question escapes your lips and you realize how wrong it sounded and before you had a chance to correct yourself he spoke. “You stretch me out, I mean i’ll try anything once but i’d prefer the opposite..”
His words startled you to say the least, and almost instinctively the words flowed from your lips, “I’d like to see you try.” 
His eyes widened at your remark and at that you began to spew apologies. “Shit, fuck, DAMMIT. God, I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to say that, the stretching part I mean. Well I meant that, but not what I said afterwards. Ok, let me start over. What I meant to say is do you need help stretching considering you just got done working out. There, that's what I meant.” 
Your eyes are frantic as they lock with his. God, it's the first day and I'm already gonna lose my damn job. Just great. His lips are pressed in a straight line for a moment before he finally lets the edge of them glide up into a small smirk. 
“I’ve already stretched, but I suppose I could go a little deeper, maybe a little harder this time.” He says emphasizing the two words as he pops another strawberry between his lips smirk still evident.
“The stretches of course.?” You ask for clarification.
He hums and pops another strawberry between his lips setting the bowl down onto the counter stalking towards you, his large figure quickly engulfing your much smaller one almost instantly. “That’s not quite what I had in mind.” 
You can feel his warm breath on your lips as he leans down, “But if that is what you insist.” 
A loud bark bellowed throughout the kitchen causing you to jump. He smiled and wrapped a protective arm around your waist. “No need to fret, he was probably just getting anxious to meet you.”
“Yes, my son, or at least one of them. Come on so I can introduce you.” He says guiding you down the hallway, to his room you assumed. You were correct, you realized as he pushed the door open revealing a large dog. 
“Don’t worry sweetheart he doesn’t bite. Daddy made him promise to be on his best behavior.” He whispers lowly into your ear. 
Fuck, this may be harder than I thought.
hiiiiii, this is the second chapter & you can just check the tag eyesthatwontwonder to read the first. anywaysssss i hope you enjoyed! likes and reblogs are always appreciated <33
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talesofstyles · 5 years ago
Happy Anniversary
look, we all need lawyer harry in our lives. and we need to shag him in his office at least once. this piece is a mix of pure filth in his office and cute dad harry moments with his little girl at home. anywaay i’ll just shut up now. hope you lot like it! xx
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Balancing two cups of coffee and a yellow folder in your hands, you stride off the lift and onto the 30th floor of your building. Your own office is just two floors below on the 28th, but you have a meeting scheduled on this floor in about twenty five minutes and you thought it would be nice to surprise your husband before you head to the conference room together. To maintain your professional image at work, both of you don’t make it a habit to pop into each other’s office even though you work in the same building unless it’s absolutely necessary, but today you thought you’d make an exception since it’s your anniversary after all. And you sure he wouldn’t mind.
Hell, you know he’d be elated.
You gracefully navigate through a sea of cubicles, stopping for a second here and there to greet back some of your colleagues as you make your way to Harry’s office in the corner. He got the corner office a little over two years ago after he got full equity partnership, and God, you love Harry’s office. There’s not much of a difference regarding the interior with yours, but the view is ten times more spectacular.
You stop as you hear your name being called, and as you glance to your right, you see his secretary smiling at you. “Hi! Happy anniversary!”
“Thanks Claire,” you smile back at her. “Is Harry in?”
She nods. “He’s got a conference call earlier but I think he’s done now.”
“I’ll be quiet just in case then,” you reply, walking past her. “See you!”
You shut the door with care and slowly turn the lock as you enter Harry’s office. You can see that he’s frowning ahead in that silent way he gets when his brain is dealing with some huge, knotty problem, but as he looks up from his computer and sees you, the frown immediately turns into a grin. “Hi wifey.”
“Hey,” you feel a pleased little smile coming to your lips as you creep along the edge of his desk until you’re in front of him, turning around for a second to set the cups of coffee and your folder on the table. “Got you some coffee, thought you’d need it.”
“Thank you my love,” he reaches out, curling both of his hands around your hips. When he looks up at you, he’s smirking. “I think we both do.”
His eyes are sparkling as he licks his lips, scanning the length of your body. Without a doubt reminiscing last night after you tucked your little girl in bed and had a little pre-anniversary celebration right there on your kitchen island. 
It still gives you jolt sometimes, the way he’s looking at you, as if he’s looking at a breathtaking piece of artwork. You feel like you’ll never get used to it even after four years of marriage and two years of being together prior to that. It never fails to make your heart skip a beat every single bloody time.
It’s not much help, the fact that he’s in a suit. You see him in a suit every day yet it never gets old. Whoever invented the phrase ‘a man in a suit is to a woman what a woman in lingerie is to a man’ is brilliant and you can’t agree more with them. Your favourite piece of clothing on him is a long sleeved button-up shirt, and you’re pretty sure it has something to do with your attraction to your husband’s shoulders. There’s just something with the way they look when he’s taking it off — and how much you enjoy unbuttoning it. And when you layer a coat on top of that, it’s like getting to enjoy it twice. Like a very beautifully wrapped gift that you just can’t wait to rip open. 
You choose his left thigh to sit on, the one with a tiger tattoo hidden underneath his black trousers. Your favourite thigh. His face is only inches away from yours, you can just smell the scent of his Armani aftershave and hear the crisp cotton rustle of his shirt as he moves.
“Happy anniversary,” he mumbles against your cheek. His lips warm against your skin, and you can feel he’s smiling as he layers kisses down your jawline.
“Four years,” you turn your head to have a proper look at his face when he’s done doting on your face. Your fingers dance along his jawline this time, before sliding back into his hair. He lets out a happy sigh when you rub his scalp, leaning closer to lock your mouths in a sweet, light kiss.
“Don’t chuck me just yet,” he jokes, and you can feel the words said against your lips at the same time as you hear them.
You give him another quick kiss, giggling as you pull away. “Don’t worry,” you shake your head. “Not for another fifty years.”
“Make it seventy, will ya?” A sly smile playing at the corner of his lips.
“Sixty five,” you deadpan. “Give or take.”
He’s chuckling as he lets one of his palms slide up your leg, the other running down your back, stopping just above your arse. His grins widen when he doesn’t feel anything else beside your work dress covering them. “You’re not wearing anything under this?”
“Not a stitch,” you murmur.
“Fuck,” he breathes heavily just inches away from your ear, sending a ticklish sort of shiver through your whole body. “We’ve got a meeting in twenty minutes.”
“We can do the whole ‘make love and explore each other’s bodies’ thing later tonight,” you shoot him a smirk as your hands wander south to undo his belt buckle, turning around to straddle him and letting him pull your dress up until it’s bunched around your hips. “Now you just have to quickly shag the hell out of me.” 
Harry growls in your ear as you unzip his trousers and reach inside, feeling him go from interested to rock hard within seconds, and the sound of it makes your core flex around nothing. He adjusts himself in his chair, pulling down his boxers just enough to get his cock out before he settles back, giving the full control to you.
You hold onto his shoulder with one hand and lift your hips, not wasting another minute before you let him in with a quiet moan. He’s nibbling your bottom lip before tracing it with his tongue.
“Fuck, love,” Harry swallows every small sound that you breathe, crafting them into a low, desperate moan that rumbles from his chest. “So bloody wet f’me.”
“Been thinking about you all morning,” you whisper in his ear, your voice as seductive as he’d ever heard, making him growl and shift his hips upward. 
You lean back with your elbows on the edge of his desk, letting him have a better view of where he disappears so deep inside of you, filling you nearly past your limit.
“I love you,” he groans softly, biting his bottom lip as he brings his thumb where you need it the most, pressing down in small circles. 
“Oh, fuck,” you moan, one of your elbows slipping off his desk but he is quick to catch you. You’re about to protest when he moves his hand up instead, his fingers digging into your hips, but the feeling of him basically shoving you down onto his cock definitely making up the loss.
He lifts you up without warning before setting you down on top of the scattered draft contracts and financial reports on his desk. He is far from gentle, every thrust sending you further and further across his desk that he needs to pull you back. Every drag of his cock out of your sensitive core sends delightful shivers of euphoria racing through you.
You desperately try to find something, anything, to hold onto. His arms, his shoulders, finally settling with hair as you pull him down by his tie closer to you. With a gasp of his name, you fall into bliss. Your eyes closed as he kisses you intensely, breathing against you deeply as he lets go of himself, spilling all he’s got into you.
He chuckles against your jaw as you both try to even your breath, giving you one last kiss. He pulls out and quickly reaches out for tissues to clean you properly before wiping himself and tucking his dick back into his trousers.
He gives you a moment to come down your high, certainly not complaining about the view of you laying on top of his desk with your dress still bunched up around your hips. There’s no way he can look at his desk the same again.
He reaches out to help you to sit up, stealing another kiss or two as you try to stand. Your legs are quivering and his lips quirk into a gentle smirk. “Are you alright, sweetheart?”
“Yeah,” you nod as you adjust your dress and fix your hair. “How do I look?”
“Freshly fucked,” he teases you, but hastily amends himself when you look like you’ve seen a ghost. “I’m joking, I’m joking. You look amazing as always, my love.”
“Oh shit,” you mutter as you glance towards the clock. You quickly grab your yellow folder and your cup of coffee and head towards the door. “We need to go. The SC and HSBC people and the insurer must already be in the conference room by now.”
“Wait,” Harry suddenly stops you as you walk towards the door. Pulling you close, his eyes fixed on yours before he leans even closer, giving you a wink before he whispers, “you’re the best fuck I’ve ever had. Happy anniversary.”
You’re smiling through the mirror on your dressing table at the reflection of your two and a half year old peeking her head into your room. She’s wearing an adorable pink smocked dress with the cutest fabric bow at the back and she’s clutching a painting she must’ve just done. 
“Hi poppet,” you turn around to smile at her, opening your arms to sweep her into a hug.
“Mummy, look!” She proudly shows her painting. “It’s a pish!”
She still can’t say ‘f’ so she always pronounces ‘p’ instead, and both you and Harry can’t get enough of her baby talk. She grows way too fast but the way she talks reminds you that she’s still pretty much your baby. And you love it.
“Wow,” you gasp admiringly. “That’s a beautiful fish, my love. Shall we put it on the fridge later?”
“Uh-uh,” she nods as she climbs onto your bed. When you’re sure she doesn’t need your help climbing up, you turn your attention back to the mirror and continue with your makeup.
“Where’s daddy?” You ask her, glancing towards your bed where she is sat before you do your eyebrows.
She shrugs casually. “Seepin?”
Honestly, she is so petty. You wonder where she gets that from. Now every time you ask her about Harry she’ll say that he’s sleeping. It all started the other day when Harry was putting her to sleep. Minnie was telling him about her day but Harry was so tired that he fell asleep on her bed in the middle of the story. And you can’t really blame Harry because as much as you love your daughter, you know she sucks at telling stories. It takes ages and there are so many times where you smile at her but actually all you want to do is to yell ‘GET! TO! THE! BLOODY! POINT!’ (but of course you don’t do that, that’ll make you a terrible parent). 
You laugh and shake your head. “No he’s not.”
You barely finished your sentence when Harry walks into your room. He’s changed out of his work suit and into his fancy one. It’s slate gray from Prada, with an unbuttoned black shirt underneath (that you’ll definitely ask him to button them up later just so you can unbutton it for your pleasure). He looks so dashing that you can’t help but stare through your dressing table mirror.
“There you are,” he strides to the bed before plopping himself down to sit beside Minnie. “Turned my back for a second and you already ran off.”
Minnie giggles as Harry attacks her with tickles. “Daddy!” 
“Oh, I almost forgot,” Harry suddenly stands up, walking towards his wardrobe and takes out a wrapped box before walking back towards you. He’s smiling sheepishly. “I know we said no gifts, but I can’t resist.”
You roll your eyes comically. “I knew it.”
“Open it,” he hands you the box, before leaning in to kiss your cheek. “Happy anniversary.”
You can’t believe your eyes when you open it. It’s a black Alexander McQueen dress. The black Alexander McQueen dress. The one that you’d been saving for and promised yourself that you’d get it as a reward after you’re done with the big case at work that you're currently working with Harry, because it’s the biggest case you’ve ever had, and it’s just so stressful that the idea of a reward is basically the only thing that keeps you going. 
“Harry,” you look at him, dumbfounded.
“Thought you’d like it,” he smiles at you as he sits back down on the bed, and Minnie quickly sits on his lap.
“I don’t know what to say. I mean… how-”
“Darling, you’ve been looking at that dress on the iPad before bed every night this past month,” he chuckles. “Hope you like it?”
“Of course I like it!” You grin. “I love it! Now, I knew you would get me something anyway even though we clearly said no gifts, so I got you something as well.” 
You head to your wardrobe and rifles at the back behind your shoes. As you turn, you’re holding the wrapped present and you hand it to Harry.
“You shouldn’t have, darling,” he shakes his head, smiling at you. “But thank you.”
“Open it, daddy!” Minnie exclaims excitedly and Harry nods.
He sets it down on the carpet and carefully opens the wrapping paper. “A suit carrier!”
“Now it’s not as fancy as the dress, but I know you need a new suit carrier. You’ve got your old one for ages.”
Harry buttons your lips together for a proper kiss, earning a shriek of “eeew!” from Minnie as she closes her eyes with both of her dimply baby hands, and you both can’t help but laugh. 
“M’gonna get you!” Harry playfully growls and catches her into his arm before she gets the chance to run away, kissing her little face over and over. It’s the sweetest sight and seeing them together always makes you more broody than you already are.
“Daddy, stop!” She giggles as she tries to hide her face from Harry who is now trying to blow raspberries on her cheek.
You take the dress that you were going to wear back into your wardrobe and pull out your new dress from the box instead. And as you slip into your brand new dress, both your husband and your daughter are looking at you like you hung the moon.
“Wow!” Minnie gasps. “Beautiful, mummy!”
You smile sheepishly. “Thank you, my love.”
“Mummy’s hot isn’t she, Min?” Harry nudges Minnie gently, tilting his head towards you.
“No!” Minnie frowns. “Mummy’s not hot. She’s warm. Mummy gives warm hugs,” she enunciates carefully.
Both you and Harry are dying with laughter. “You’re right, you’re right,” Harry hastily amends. “Mummy’s warm. Sorry.”
You check yourself once again in the mirror and you finally put on your lipstick, before quickly realising that you’ve made a mistake. Minnie has been obsessed with your lipsticks these days that you can’t put it on without her asking to do the same.
“Mummy!” She yells in delight as she spots the lipstick. “Miiiine!”
“Minnie,” Harry turns to her, scolding her gently. “We don’t say ‘mine’. What do we say?”
“Please mummy?” She looks at you with puppy dog eyes. “I do it, please?”
You just can’t say no to your little girl. So all you can do is just sigh and sit her down on the dressing table, helping her to put on the lipstick. When you’re done, she gasps admiringly at her own reflection in the mirror and you can’t help but chuckle.
“Beautiful!” She exclaims. “Like mummy!”
“You are, my darling,” Harry walks towards the dressing table and stands behind Minnie, squeezing her from behind and kissing her on the cheek. “Just like mummy. Gonna be a little heartbreaker, aren’t you?”
Minnie lets out another fit of giggles as Harry blows raspberries on her neck. And Harry’s about to give her another kisses attack to her cheeks when suddenly the doorbell rings and Minnie’s eyes light up. “Auntie Gem!”
“Shall we go and say hello?” 
Harry is taking you to Wolseley in Mayfair, one of your favourite restaurants which also happens to be the place where you went on your first date. Technically it wasn’t a date, it was supposed to be a dinner meeting with some other people from the firm who were working on the same case with you and Harry, but one of them was stuck somewhere dealing with an even bigger case, and the other one had to go home for family emergency, so that left only you and Harry to deal with it. 
You’re looking at your husband in front of you as you take a sip of your champagne. He’s clearly trying to ignore his phone, but after the 10th time it vibrates, he gives up.
“It’s Halford isn’t it?” You ask him, guessing the person who’s been texting him for the past hour.
He nods, taking a gulp of his champagne before finally setting his phone down. “What?” He’s gazing at you, a quizzical expression on his face.
“I didn’t say anything.”
“You still think they need to go with the merger,” he accuses.
“I didn’t say anything.”
“You don’t have to, it’s written all over your face.”
“Fine,” you give up. “Since you insist, I still stand by my opinion. There’s no way out of it. They need to accept HSBC’s offer to merge.”
“Are you insane?” He looks at you in disbelief. “There’s no way Standard Chartered people would accept that. Halford would never say yes to that!”
“Harry, SC is going bust,” you retort. “They’ve been in denial long enough, don’t you think?”
Much to your surprise, he suddenly smiles.
“What?” You look at him in annoyance.
“I’ve missed this,” he’s hiding behind his champagne flute but you still see him smiling. “
This time you give him a quizzical look. “What?”
“This,” he makes elaborate gestures with his champagne flute before taking another gulp. “Working on the same case together. Reminds me of the good ol days, you know?”
Of course you know. That was how you met, in a conference room (in fact, it was that very conference room you both went to earlier today), working on a case together. You didn’t particularly get along well in the beginning, and that’s just to put it nicely.
“Darling, I love you,” you begin. “But I don’t really like working with you.” 
He laughs. “Oh come on, I’m not that bad!”
“Minnie is the only case that I actually enjoy working with you.” You roll your eyes comically and Harry can’t help but snort.
“Speaking about that kind of case,” he clears his throat before he begins. “I know it’s been perfect. You, me, our… case. But, I s’ppose we could, um, try for another case now?”
“Harry,” you reach across the table to squeeze his hand. “I’d love to have another… case. But,”
“No, listen to me,” he breaks off into silence and you feel terrible at how hurt he sounds. “I’d love to have another baby, believe me I do, I really do. But right now we’re both just so caught up with work that we barely even see Minnie. I want us to try and learn how to have a better work-leisure balance before we go through that again.” 
You sigh in relief when he finally smiles at you. “I understand.” 
“Christmas,” you say out of the blue and Harry looks at you in confusion. “Christmas. Let’s try for another around Christmas. Which gives us around six months to figure this work-leisure thingy. That’s enough time don’t you think? Or when we’re done with this Standard Chartered case. Whichever comes first.”
“Darling, there’s no need to rush,” he assures you. “Honest. I’m ready when you are.”
“Actually there is,” you joke. “I’ve still got some vouchers for Mothercare that’ll expire by December next year.”
He chuckles. “So I’ve got to knock you up by March the latest?”
“No, February,” you reply and Harry appears a bit bemused. “Minnie was born way past her due date and I’m almost sure this one will come late too. We need it to be born before December, because- what?”
“Nothing,” Harry grins wider. “It’s just crazy, you know. Us. This. If someone came to this very table back then and told us that in six years we’d come back here to celebrate our four years wedding anniversary and talk about having a second baby…”
“Oh my god, I’d be livid,” you can’t help but laugh. “God, I hated you back then. I thought you were the most arrogant bastard I’d ever met.”
“Look at us now,” he makes another elaborate gesture with his champagne flute. Clearly making reference to that Paul Rudd meme.
“Who would’ve thought?” You laugh, playing along.
It turns out that Harry has another surprise for you.
After dinner, instead of driving back to your home in Kensington, he drives you both to Covent Garden instead. Turns out he’s booked a room in Rosewood for the night, and he didn’t want to say anything because he was sure you would say no. And he’s not wrong. You’ve never been away from Minnie overnight ever since she was born, and you would definitely overthink it and ended up saying no.
God, you love your husband.
The suite is amazing. It has panelled walls and plush sofas and a massive bed that looks insanely cosy. Now that you’re here, you’re fully convinced that it is not a crime to have a night off, and that Minnie will be just fine. In fact, you’re almost sure that she’s having a better time with Gemma than she is if you and Harry had stayed home. Gemma adores Minnie and Minnie is obsessed with her.
Harry hands you a glass of wine as he kisses your neck lingeringly. “The bath is ready.”
“You’ve got a text,” you murmur, tilting your head towards the coffee table where his phone is.
“Don’t care.”
“No, you do,” you insist. “Just look at it.”
He rolls his eyes but he listens to you and walks towards the coffee table. He grabs his phone, taking a second to read before he looks at you in astonishment.
“Oh my god.”
“What?” You play it cool, trying not to smile because actually you’ve read the notification about three minutes ago.
“Look,” he says, showing his phone to you.
Halford (Standard Chartered)
Harry, we’ve had our internal meeting and we’ve come to a decision to proceed with the merger.
You grin. “I don’t like to say I told you so.”
“You fucking love to say that,” he’s beaming at you. “Sweetheart, I know you said we can try when this case is over, and it is now. But just so you know I’m happy to wait til Christmas before we try too. There’s no rush.”
“Just shut up and put a baby in me, Styles.”
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icypantherwrites · 4 years ago
How do you get people to interact with your work? Especially on something that you spent hours slaving over and not a single person has interacted with it (except for the exception of my friends, who I'm very thankful for)? It's very disheartening. You know, I used to be kind of against the fact of 'interact with artists/writers/etc because it inspires them' because I thought 'why not just do it anyways, who cares if you get interacted with? You don't need to beg for comments' but now I totally understand what that means. I still want to write, I'm starting to love it honestly, but I wrote almost 2,000 words (which is a lot for me) and it took hours and no one seems to like it. I'm not sure how to feel about that yet. Did I post it at the wrong time, or do people just not care?
Ah, you have found the largest difference between "writing" and "posting." Writing, as you noted, is something you love to do, as do I. It's a fantastic feeling to get ideas down on a page, to pull together ideas, to write that line that just speaks to you. Writing is glorious and I'm glad you've found the beauty of it ♥
Posting, however, is very different and just like how they say everyone should work retail once in their life to understand it and learn some patience and empathy for those workers, I honestly I think everyone should have to spend hours creating something -- whether it's a story or a piece of artwork or a music video or even an in-depth analysis -- to post online and then get to experience that awful feeling of barely anyone (or even no one) engaging with it.
You write for you. You post for others. And that is a huge difference. People, even yourself as you noted, don't feel that they should have to engage with a creation. The person creating it should just enjoy the process and not care if no one stops by to say if they enjoyed it, what it made them feel, that they appreciate you sharing your time and talent and craft. But as you learned, we do care. And so we ask ourselves, why bother posting if there's no one there to appreciate it? You may as well just keep a personal folder of your works like a dragon and their hoard and never share it with anyone. I posted this quote a bit ago and I'm gonna paraphrase here, but if you have an audience of 1,000 people but no one engages it may as well be an audience of zero because you don't know those people are there. You don't know you have fans. You don't know people are looking forward to what you create. You have no idea they exist and it's a terrible, awful feeling.
It's why I so strongly advocate for reader engagement, in making that author, artist, creator feel appreciated. They spent their time to create something and they had the urge to share it, to connect to others. That's what being human is: connecting with others. And in this case it's connecting with others through art and a shared love of something (fandom) and wanting to get back just a little bit of what you put out. Because when a creator does get that engagement they crave it's amazing. Wonderful. Inspiring. It makes them want to create more (or maybe just post more often, cough, me) because they have an audience saying that they're here and that they appreciate you and it makes you want to continue to share your works rather than hoard them because you have now connected with someone.
And so now that you know firsthand how important that engagement is, be a part of the solution. Engage with stories and artworks and edits and whatever may have you that you enjoy. Tell that creator thank you. Quote back a favorite section or pull out a specific detail because that tells that creator you don't just care about quantity but about quality, that you see them and their efforts. I've made a post previously about some ideas to try to encourage engagement if you were interested and maybe a couple will give you some ideas to try to help with engagement on your stories. I can't say I use all of these things anymore myself, but sometimes all you need is a launching pad and some ideas. To your question about the time to post, I struggle very much with the timing as I've done polls and seen every day and hour suggestion there is so it's very difficult to say when to post, but I know for myself I do prefer posting earlier in the day.
I hope things improve for you and good luck with both your writing journey and your future engagement :)
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