#there are a few he won't be able to answer because he just doesn't kNOW
appocalipse · 2 months
the same thing ・❥・b. barnes
summary: during a mission, you put yourself in harm's way to protect bucky. back at the avengers compound, he wants to know why. | 1.4k words, angst with a happy ending
"You should be resting."
You don't turn your head as the familiar voice comes from behind you, too focused on the delicate art of making the perfect sandwich to look away. You are a woman on a mission. "I was hungry."
A few seconds later, he's standing next to you, leaning back against the countertop with arms folded across his broad chest. "It's been less than twelve hours since they patched you up."
He's not going to stop hovering, you realize, because that's what Bucky does when he's worried.
"Want half?" Maybe you can distract him with food.
He regards the towering monstrosity on the cutting board and the chaotic layers of meat, cheese, and veggies sticking out at all angles.
You can't help but grin as you slap another slice of bread on top. "A quarter, then?"
Bucky has the audacity to look offended. "I'm not eating that thing."
You cradle the plate in your left hand, holding the sandwich with your right, and give him a pointed look. "Your loss."
Bucky just watches, arms still crossed, as you take a huge bite. His blue eyes remain narrowed, his mouth pressed into a thin line. He's like a one-man intervention waiting to happen. You shrug and wander over to the kitchen table.
Sitting down is a bit of an effort. The wound on your side pulls as you slowly lower yourself onto the chair, but if you can keep from grimacing too hard, Bucky won't be able to tell, will he?
Your smile probably gives you away. He narrows his eyes further. "Why did you do that?"
"Because I'm hungry?"
"No." Bucky takes a step forward. "I meant why did you get between me and that shot?"
Good question. The answer is embarrassing and you'd sooner walk barefoot over hot coals than tell him the truth.
Another step. "I have superhuman healing powers."
"I'll live."
"It was stupid."
"You're ruining my—ow," you mutter, dropping the sandwich as you instinctively put your hand over your bandage. There goes the carefully maintained poker face. You force yourself to remove your hand and look up at Bucky with what you hope is an innocent expression, even as your side throbs in protest. "My sandwich. You're ruining my sandwich. Are you sure you don't want a bite?"
Bucky is too smart to take the bait. He moves around the table, coming to stand in front of you. The whole 'arms-crossed-stern-glare' thing again. It would be intimidating if you didn't know him so well.
"You could've been killed," he's like a dog with a bone, you swear.
"But I wasn't," you say pointedly. "I'm fine."
"Fine? You were shot."
"Will you just let it go? It doesn't even...hurt...that much," you lie.
It will take a while for the super-soldier serum in your blood — a weaker variation of the same stuff that runs through Bucky's veins — to kick in and accelerate your healing.
Bucky exhales. He looks about ready to give you an earful, but then his gaze shifts and he notices the way you're holding your side, how stiffly you're sitting.
You move your traitorous hand away like you've been burned.
"How bad is it?"
"Huh?" you say in a deliberately casual tone. "It's...totally fine. Not bad, really. Don't worry. I don't even feel it."
There's the reason why you've never been a spy. You can't lie to save your life, apparently.
Or maybe just not to Bucky.
"Okay. It hurts, like, just a little bit...like—like not even hurts hurts, just..." you trail off with a grimace as he comes closer. "More of an itch?"
"An itch?" Bucky sounds dubious.
"More of a burn," you concede. "A...mildly annoying but totally manageable sort of a burn."
"You are a terrible liar."
"Okay, so it hurts," you snap, the last vestiges of your patience vanishing. "I have an extensive hole in my side, I get it. It's not—I don't want you to feel bad about it. It's really not terrible, I can take it."
Bucky shakes his head. "What if it had been worse? What if they'd shot you somewhere vital?"
"They didn't."
"But what if they had?"
"Then I would have died!"
Bucky looks at you like you just kicked him. "Yeah. That's what I'm trying to say."
You open your mouth, then close it.
"You think I want that?" he asks softly.
"No." You suddenly feel very small. "Of course not, I just...just..."
"Just what?"
"I don't know," you admit with a sigh. "It's just that you are...people need you, you know? And you have a life, people who care about you, but I'm just..."
A nobody. A girl with no past, who can barely make sense of her present.
"...it would be better if it was me. That's all."
"It would never be better if you were hurt."
"You don't get it, do you?" he asks in a low voice. "People need you too."
You roll your eyes. "Please. You mean the team?"
"Me," Bucky says pointedly. "You think it's easy for me? When you get hurt? It kills me."
The sandwich lays forgotten on the table, squashed flat under your clasped hands. "It...kills you?"
He just looks at you for a long moment.
Your heart flutters in your chest. You have a sudden, intense urge to break the silence with a terrible joke, a quip, something light and witty to dispel the heaviness in the air and make this moment go away. But before you can open your mouth, Bucky shakes his head.
"You kill me."
Okay, that's not where you thought this was going. "What?"
"When you say stuff like that. When you make it sound like you don't matter, like it's okay for you to get hurt. Or worse. It's not."
"Bucky," you try again, with a more serious tone. "I don't—"
"Stop saying that," he cuts you off.
You realize your mouth is still hanging open and snap it shut.
"You want to know what I think?" Bucky is so close now you could reach out and touch him, if you were brave enough. "I think that you got this...thing in your head, that you're not good enough, or strong enough, or that you're broken somehow. I think that you forget that it's okay to want things. I think that maybe you think nobody needs you. That no one wants you."
You swallow. You're afraid to say anything, to move, because your heart is hammering against your ribs and Bucky is looking at you like he can see straight into your soul.
"But I do."
"Do...what?" you whisper.
"Want you."
It's the last thing you expect to hear. "Bucky, you don't mean that."
His voice drops an octave. "Don't tell me what I mean."
Your cheeks are burning. You feel pinned under his gaze. Your side is throbbing again and you have a mouthful of butterflies and it's all just too much.
You move to get up but only make it halfway before the wound pulls again and you wince. "Shit."
"Where do you think you're going?" Bucky reaches out to help you, one hand braced against your shoulder as you sink back down into the chair. His expression has softened. "You need to rest."
You really want to kiss him right now.
It's the closest he's ever been to you, perhaps. You can feel his breath on your face.
"I need to...? You really confuse me, Barnes."
"How so?"
"Well, first you tell me that I kill you, and then you say you want me. It's kind of a mixed message—"
"I'm not interested in being just friends with you," Bucky cuts you off abruptly. "Is that clear enough?"
Your lips part but nothing comes out. There's a warm, tingling sensation in your chest and you suddenly can't breathe properly. "That's—you—"
Bucky smirks, just a little. He looks almost...proud of himself? Like he's happy he's rendered you speechless for once.
You decide to take a page from his book and put him on the spot. "And what do you think I want?"
"I don't know," he murmurs, leaning even closer. "But I hope it's the same thing."
His lips brush against yours, soft and gentle. He pulls away and you want to chase after him but then he's back again and kissing you harder this time, all teeth and tongue and ragged breathing and heat.
You close your eyes. Your head is spinning and you can't get enough air but you're kissing him back now, both hands coming up to fist in his shirt, holding on for dear life.
His mouth trails down your neck, leaving hot kisses along your jawline. You let out a breathy sigh.
"Is that...supposed to help me heal faster, mhm?"
Bucky just smiles against your skin.
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ddiidi · 26 days
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bf!Bangchan x gn!reader (ot8 mentioned)
When he calls you clingy, so you distance yourself
Previous Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Next Pt. 3
!Warnings: angst, swearing, fun at the end bc reader needs fun in life (lmk if i missed anything)
Important!Side-Note!: Should I do a happy ending for them?
It has been 3 days since that incident. 3 days and still not a single message from Chan, not even an apology for yelling at you, nothing. You've been texting him every now and then, to ask if he's okay, eats and sleeps. He never replied to any of them, nor has he seen them, so you spend most of the time packing your stuff and working from home. You were glad you had a job you also could work from home for. Every now and then, you went over to the building, to check a few things, walking extra detours, to make sure, you won't bump into Chan.
A few of the other members texted you the past days, asking if everything is okay and why the haven't seen you around for a while, to which you just replied with "Busy with work and private stuff, dww:)". It made you happy they actually care that much about you, just because they haven't seen you in a few days, but also anxious and sad, since they care, but chan hasn't even shown any intress in you the past days. You weren't even able to tell him that you're moving.
More days pass, and a few days, turn into a week of no textes from Chan. At this point, you wondered if he even knew that you still exist.
So here you were, in your old apartment, stuffed with boxes, not being able to get your mind off chan and his well-being, even though, you're still deeply hurt from what he said, you couldn't just not not care about him....He pointed out two of your insecurities, just like that as if it was nothing and he doesn't even care...not about you not your feelings.
You let out a deep sigh. You should be getting ready for a day with your friends. Not think about some man, who happened to be the love of your life, who calls you his partner, but doesn't even know how to cherish you.
You let out another, heavy, sigh as you drop to the floor to put on your shoes, Let's just focus on having a great time today, you thought to yourself and left the apartment.
Well, maybe it was not the best decision to go out today...
Chan for his part, had to listen to a lectur from Felix, after you ran out, crying. "Chris..you really shouldn't have said all that to her. I understand that you were annoyed or whatever, but that was no reason to yell at her" "Really now? They were just being a fucking, clingy and annoying crybaby that couldn't take no for an answer, for whatever reason." chan sighed out, at the younger member. "That crybaby...was really uncalled for chris. They're your partner, not some random person on the street you can yell at. I wouldn't wonder if they took that "Leave me alone" to heart and actually leave you after that action." "But I-" chan starts, "I'm just saying chris. You better fix this before it's too late. After what you pulled, partners are faster gone than you could blink" with that, Felix leaves the room, leaving Chan alone, again.
Since that talk, Chan locked himself in his studio, thinking about the best way to apologize for what he said. But he couldn't find one. No matter how long he thought, days, a whole week, there was nothing but regret. He just had to apologize in person and beg for forgivness, hoping that you'd actually forgive him.
So there he was, with a giant bouquet of flowers, fresh clothes and hope.
He had the code to your apartment, so he opened the door, ready to be greeted by the warm, wide open hallway, but was greeted with the cold gray of bunch of boxes instead and the first thing he felt, was panic."Y/n? Y/n are you there?" he yelled, as he ran through your whole apartment, but as he saw that even all your date polaroid pictures where gone, he couldn't help but panic even more.
He let's the flowers fall on the floor, running to your room and nearly collapsed when he found..nothing. Where were you? Did you actually go? Did you actually leave him? All these questions consumed his head and that's when he broke, crying to the point he couldn't breath. He took out his phone and called the first number he saw in his recent calls. It peeped a few times, before someone took the call.
"Hey Chris everything alr-" "They're gone! Felix they're gone, they're not here i don't know what to do! I've never meant it I was just-" chan cried and gasped out at felix on the other line. "Woah there calm down, try to breath I don't understand a word. Relax, I'll be there okay? You know there is an explination for everything, that's what you always say, so try to relax it's okay" Felix tried to soothen the older man, while grabbing his keys and running out to his car. Chan didn't reply anything to that and continued soobing.
I have your location, I'll be there in 5." that's the last thing chan heared from felix, before he collapsed on the floor in your apartment.
And you? You were drinking coffee with your friends, while your bestie told you guys a story how she saw a horse that nearly drowned.
@finnbbl @wolfs-howling
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tenisperfection · 18 days
Worship, a Buck/Tommy drabble. A few months post S7.
It's during the seventh time Tommy kisses his left temple that it clicks for Buck.
Buck from five years ago would've needed to check in with his partner immediately. Buck would've wanted to know, would've wanted to beg and then given in to want, pleading for them to say it in all but those exact words, yes, this is where I kiss you, this is the spot I claim. I have favorite spots now. I leave traces of me on you and then I return home to them and to you.
When Buck clocks Tommy's spot, he says nothing. He's pretty sure this is a recurrence though, and for the next few days, Buck counts one, two, five, eleven more times that Tommy kisses him there, each one lingering longer but just as affectionate as the previous one.
Buck says nothing but begins to wait for them with the desperation of a man spotting water after days without.
"Did you finish that book, baby? Gemma wanted to borrow it if you're done," Tommy says after dinner one night, mussing up Buck's hair as he passes by to grab their empty plates. Buck's chest tingles when Tommy doesn't move away.
"Okay," he says after three seconds of distraction, and only realizes when Tommy moves towards the sink that he neither answered Tommy's question nor did he get kissed.
Tommy, because he's Tommy, doesn't miss a beat.
"You okay, baby? You seem a little distracted." Buck hears the faucet turn on, the clink of porcelain as Tommy deftly washes them.
"Um, yeah, just thinking about the book. I'm getting to the good part," Buck babbles, and though he'd been reading it less than three hours ago while on shift, he can't for the life of him remember what the good part was.
Tommy, because he knows when Buck is looking for an out, doesn't ask. Buck watches the muscles in his back as he bends over the sink, the way his thin blue t-shirt billows around his waist. It's not a shirt that Tommy wears with company, and Buck knows when he turns around, he'd be able to spot a tiny hole at the collar from the time that Tommy had bit into it, too invested in winning a game of Mario Kart against Eddie.
That night, after Tommy slips out of him and they jump into and out of the shower, Tommy kisses his temple twice as they wrap up in the biggest towels Buck owns. It's somewhere around this kiss that Buck loses count.
It's months later when Buck finally asks, and Tommy smiles so wide that Buck has no choice but to kiss him.
"You're starting to get a few gray hairs at your temple," Tommy says, expression abashed, like he thinks Buck would revolt. Five years ago, Buck would've gone down a tailspin of horror at this revelation, reaching for the internet and the bottle of hair dye within seconds.
Now, Buck wiggles his eyebrows. "Me going gray does it for you, old man?"
Tommy swats his ass even as he pulls Buck in with the other arm, surrounding him with his body. "Maybe. But being here to witness it definitely does. Per my last count, you now have three."
"You're lucky you didn't tell Buck 1.0 this," Buck kisses him because he's irresistible like this, eyes twinkling with so much fondness for Buck, watching and kissing him as they watch the night slip into day, week after week, month after month.
"Eddie says you've gone through more versions than a Windows computer," Tommy grins, then tilts his head at Buck. "You think we'd have hit it off if we met back then?"
"I don't know," Buck teases, drawing back, "you won't have my grays to kiss then, so who knows, maybe we'd have fizzled out."
"So you're saying our entire relationship hinges on your grays?" Tommy quips back.
"No, you said that," because he can be a brat with Tommy. Buck's starting to think he can be anything with Tommy.
Tommy's eyes grow serious in that way where he switches between emotions effortlessly. "I'd have found something else, Evan. Maybe the freckle on your nose,"—Tommy kisses the arch of his nose—"or the birthmark behind your ear,"—"Tommy kisses behind his right earlobe—"or this one right here." When Tommy kisses the birthmark over his left eye, Buck shivers. Tommy lets Buck kiss him and pour everything he's feeling into Tommy even if he can't quite find the words to say it, like how Tommy makes him feel iridescent, though he feels the most settled he can remember being. Like how his chest fills up with bubbly joy every time he open the cabinet above his sink and spots Tommy's favorite yellow bowl on the shelf, the one he claims is perfect for cereal or pasta or rice or anything, really, even though it is clearly a soup bowl.
"You realize you just signed up for kissing every single gray hair on my head from now on," Buck says when they're sated and sleepy, limbs tangled up on top of sheets that Tommy will change tomorrow because Buck hates doing the bed.
A few years ago, Buck would've wanted to beg, say you'll stay. say this means you'll stay. say you'll be here when I have more gray on my head. say you'll be here when I'm fully gray, still kissing me, still wanting me, still loving me.
Today, Buck doesn't beg. Tommy's mouth finds its way to his spot, and Buck knows that Tommy would still say it if he asks.
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yandere-daydreams · 11 months
tw - forced marriage, unhealthy relationships, possessive behavior, and border-line shitpost energy.
It is common knowledge that Lord Scaramouche, Sixth Harbinger of the Snezhnayan Fatui, the nationally acclaimed and universally feared Balladeer, does not like to share his toys.
The timeline of your relationship should be proof enough of that -courted after only a handful of chance encounters during his time in your humble village, married as quickly as he could find an alter and an officiant willing to misinterpret your frantic sobbing as an 'I do', hastily locked away in an estate populated solely by masked guards and servants under strict instruction not to speak a word to you - but, if there was a soul in Teyvat who dared to ask for more evidence, you would happily point them towards the smoldering remains the book that you'd been too caught up in to keep track of one of his frequent one-sided rants, the patch of sand and stone that had once been the flower garden you lavished with all of the love and attention you'd withheld from him. He's as savage as he is predictable. His precious things, from his vast collection of porcelain dolls to the ancient sword that he keeps hidden in a velvet-lined box in his study, are safely stowed away, while yours are swiftly and mercilessly destroyed.
If there's something you'd like to keep, it has to be bargained for. You'll spend weeks singing his praises and cuddling up to his side, cooking all his favorite meals by hand (much to the distress of his small legion of private chefs) and letting him speak at length about the bloody, visceral vengeance he plans to rain down upon his countless enemies. It's only when you have him content and assured of your love for him that you pounce.
His lips purse, eyes narrowing. "No."
"Please, my lord." You lean forward, clasping your hands over your lap. "Won't you at least try to consider it?"
"Absolutely not." His tone is surprisingly haughty, especially considering his current position; head resting on your thighs, gaze pointed at some indistinguishable point on the far wall as you rake your fingers through his hair. "You expect me to strain my staff and myself just so you can... what? Visit your sister for a few boring days?"
"Her son is turning five, and she just had her first daughter. I thought it might be nice to see how she's doing and lend her a hand."
He scoffs. "You expect me to be so patient with you and yet, here you are, practically begging me to let you run off to the countryside just to see another man."
"Surely, you aren't denying my request because you're jealous of an infant."
"No. Whatever. Be quiet." If you didn't know better, you would think he's pouting. "My answer hasn't changed. I can't afford to spare that much thought on such a petty errand, not with the Tsaritsa as demanding as she is."
You hum, letting your head lull to the side. "You know," A weighted pause, your nails scraping against his scalp. "Her home isn't as... accommodating as yours. Her only spare room was converted into a nursery some years back, so we'd have to stay at an inn."
His lips quirk downward, unimpressed. "And?"
"And, there's only one in my village. It's quite a meager thing, too. Even this time of year, there's only going to be a few rooms available." Your touch lingers near the nape of his neck. "I know I usually insist on separate bedrooms, but given the circumstances, there's a good chance neither of us will be able to be so selfish."
There was a beat of silence, then another. You think, for a moment, that Scaramouche might be holding his breath, but you quickly remember that he doesn't breathe at all.
Finally, he responds. "A few days would make for a pathetic visit. Tell her that we'll be staying for a month."
As savage as he is predictable. That's all you could expect from your husband, wasn't it?
You lean down, pressing a fleeting kiss into his temple. "As you wish, my lord."
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mythicmanuscripts · 2 months
his favourite position for handjobs is to sit between your legs and lean back against your chest, it gives you full access and he feels so safe.
Also while doing this you play with his nipples which are just so sensitive. He looses his mind when he’s got dual sensory going on no thoughts only pretty wife’s hands making him feel so good
I just went back to the end of my askbox and I was so so so certain that I answered this? Anyway, sorry for the delay!
NSFW sub!aemond with his wife below the cut.
I can't stop thinking about dual sensory stimuli with sub!aemond now and I honestly think it's such a good idea? Aemond gets stuck in his head sometimes, and no matter how much he wants to be present in the moment, he sometimes just can't.
The first few times this happens he really beats himself up for it because he wants so badly to just relax and focus on you and let you do whatever you want with him. But it's like his head just won't shut off and he doesn't know what to do. You can feel how stiff he is every time you touch him, and when you suggest just stopping for the evening, he gets even more distressed? Because he wants this, he just can't seem to make his mind agree with him.
You stumble on dual sensory stimuli completely by accident the first time. He's kneeling for you, trying to relax and when you see that isnt working you move him to the bed and have him sit between your legs. Originally you just did this because you know he loves to be held and you hope that this will make him feel safer.
Once he's in position, you start by just running your hands up and down his body, gently scraping your nails across his skin. You end up gently pinching his nipples and then touching his cock and he just instantly gasps? It's that beautiful, breathy gasp he makes when he's overwhelmed in the bed way possible.
So you do them both again and again, and then it's like you can physically feel him melting into you. He relaxes back against you, turning his head to nuzzle into your neck and whimpers when you swop to scratching down his inner thighs and playing with his cock.
"You with me?" you ask him gently, kissing his cheek. You want to make sure he's happy and not stuck in his head anymore, even though you can tell by his reactions that that is almost certainly the case.
In response, he simply nods against your neck and mumbles something that sounds a lot like 'wife' in Valerian. Then you know you've got him exactly where you want him.
You consider edging him, but decide against it. He struggled so much to get into this calm, plaint headspace and you don't want him to be pushed too hard now. You just want him to float.
You give him permission when he starts to beg, and almost immediate his back arches away from you and he's cumming. He gasps and shakes in your arms, mumbling his thanks in between pants.
When he finally relaxes, he curls his legs up across your lap to be sideways against you and nuzzle against your breasts. He's completely plaint now, not an ounce of tension in his entire body.
When you try to move to a more comfortable position, he whines and clings even tighter to you.
"You happy here?" you ask him, giggling ever so slightly because he's just so perfect like this.
He simply nods and closes his eyes, finally able to relax properly.
(Also, very quick sidenote: while Aemond obviously loves dual sensory stimuli and it's something that Aegon would actively ask for, I think it's quite possibly the worst thing you could do to Jace? The poor thing is already so so sensitive when only one part of his body is being touched, two is simply too much for him)
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11rosebunny · 4 months
Hiiii, just to say I love your Shishitoren and Bofurin contents, I'm so glad that I found your blog 😊. Personally, I prefer Togame, but your writing of them all is so great ^.^
Could you maybe do a jealous story like them reacting to you beings jealous or just them being jealous/possessive (I love this trope)?
Like Togame and Suo being jealous, just give me life 😂
It's okay if you don't want too no worry ^^❤️
(Sorry if it's not clear. English isn't my first language)
When they are jealous
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—Haruka Sakura, Toma Hiragi, Jo Togame, Hayato Suo
Haruka Sakura
When it comes to someone else taking your attention away, as much as he'd like to convince himself he's chill about it, inside he is jumping around in circles.
For the most part, he's able to control himself and differentiate when you're being just kind and flirting back, so usually, he doesn't mind it if another guy speaks to you in a nicer tone.
However, if he comes to notice that the guy begins to go on a tangent, ultimately speaking a little too much to you than he'd like, starts to grow a bit irritated. Of course he won't go up to the guy and punch him, after all, the person he so happens to be usually jealous of is Nirei.
His face transforms into a small scowl, while trying to shift his eyes away from the scene. At the same time he keeps repeating to himself,
'I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care.'
Spoiler alert, he does care.
The worst part is, he can not blame the air-headed male for acting like how he acts, when it's literally his personality. So when he witnesses the both of you becoming a little too friendly, the best he will do is force himself into the conversation, regardless if he was even in it or not.
Afterwards when Nirei finally leaves, he waits till he's far enough before launching his body towards yours in a flash.
Toma Hiragi
If you've never seen jealous, then you have now. It's not the usual for Hiragi to explode on sight at another dude that seems to be hitting on you, other than if it was a random guy, then he's surely dragging you away with him to wherever, while cussing out the boy to leave you alone.
But when it comes to people he knows, he's jealous of Umemiya, and not for those reasons. Hiragi is aware that he's best friend simply has an outgoing and extroverted personality, he doesn't blame him whenever he gets a little too close. But jeez does it drive him crazy on the inside.
His mood instantly shifts, but not in way anyone would expect it to go. Rather then blowing up at the grey-haired male, instead, the atmosphere around him grows calmer, almost as if he's trying to avoid its not happening. The tactic for him, is it straight up ignore it by any means possible.
He'll start responding with dryer answers to anyone and spends a hefty amount of time on his phone to get the scene off his mind of Umemiya guiding you with him around the place on the roof top. He might even throw in some earbuds and blast rock music.
Afterwards when you two are back together, you can't tell if he had a scowl on his face while walking away with you by his side.
"Is something the matter?" You asked looking up at him. He doesn't say anything, still too pissed about what happened earlier so instead, he reaches his long arm behind your back to the side of your hip and brings you a bit closer to him without saying another word.
Jo Togame
Whenever he finds himself in a tight situation, specifically in public when a guy that's being friendlier than usual comes by to say hello, he's able to hold himself together very well for the first few minutes.
He even adds himself to the conversation whenever he sees a chance to—purely because he does not want to seem like a loose thread just watching the both of you speak when he's right beside you standing like a weirdo. However, when he starts to take note of how the other guy is getting closer, all up in your face, flat out ignoring whenever your boyfriend chimes in, and worst of all throwing in hints that you two should meet another time, he knows right away.
This is one of the very few times where he finds it extremely hard to keep his cool and usually, he's able to do that.
Seeing that he can't really talk to the guy because he keeps ignoring him, he'll slickly wrap his arm around your shoulder to lean on you or he'll wrap his arm around your waist and at the slightest—pull you closer to him. He stays quiet the entire time, he won't see this situation as such a huge deal where he has to hammer the guy into pieces, but there is a tiny part of him where his ego begins to escape.
He'll never cut your time short simply because he wouldn't want his time to be cut short either, but the most he'll ever do (which is quite intimidating), he will whisper in your ear.
"Are you trying to piss me off?" All while putting a smile on his face.
He only does this when he feels like it's going too far and for him, it works. Hearing his deep voice whisper in your ear to watch what you're doing makes you do a reality check that if Togame really wanted to beat up the guy right in front of you, he would without a doubt.
Hayato Suo
It's extremely hard to make him feel jealous. He knows how to keep his cool and trained himself to never lash out at all, only if something absurd had happened right before his eyes. But aside from that, even if you try to get him jealous, chances are—it's not working.
Even speaking to another guy, spending more time with your friends, or replying late, he will never get jealous or mad at you for that. So what is the only circumstance where he does feel a slight hinge of jealousy?
That is only when you get physical with another guy. He can flirt with you for all he cares and yet, he will never get upset at the sight of the random guy calling you pretty (he might even add on and say "She is, isn't she?") but the moment he sees him trying to lay a finger on you, there's a chance where he'll grip his arm in midair to stop him from touching you.
"I think that's enough yes?" He says while pulling you closer to him and putting the guys arm away.
Afterwards, the whole mood of the conversation changes, in fact he might be the only one who continues his happy go lucky personality and on with the conversation. It's awkward, the way he flat out rejected the guy for you without you even asking. Not to say that you didn't appreciate it, but now it made the other guy uncomfortable which was what Hayato was striving for anyways.
He's pricky whenever someone tries to touch you and the only time where you'll see his attitude changes.
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aemnd · 5 months
Crybaby!reader being cradled by rafe!! She just needs her daddy, he’s tough but soft at times and he just reassures her, calming her down from her little tantrum 🤍🤍🤍
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𝓇.cameron. ┆ lovin' on you.
◟ ㅤᡣ𐭩ㅤㅤ ݁.﹒ won't be able to write much today… goin' shoppin' for my new apartment. 💐 here's a lil' somethin' for the soft girlies . <3
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"c'mon baby, stop your cryin'—you're gonna make yourself sick," he sighs softly, cradling you in his lap, keeping a firm pressure around you as he gently rocks you, and you feel so safe in his thick, strong and protective arms, so loved.
"i.. 'm sorry, daddy, jus' can't help it sometimes," you mewl with a cute pout, another stream of fresh tears falling down your cheeks, making you bury your face into the crook of rafe's warm neck, and he sighs again, pressing a gentle, loving kiss to the top of your head, getting a whiff of those feminine hair products that he loves on you, something sweet and vanilla scented, just utterly and perfectly you.
"just needed dad, huh?" rafe chuckles softly, giving his head a slight shake to himself in amusement, and he can still hear you sniffling softly, trying to be quiet and not upset him, which he hates, because he's been trying to work on you and your shyness, always so nervous to upset him in someway, somehow.
it probably has something to do with your daddy issues, rafe thinks, slightly smug and malicious, but that's why he was the man who stepped up—not just as your man, and not just as your boyfriend, but as someone you can always look up to, someone you can go to for guidance, someone who'll be firm with you and punish you if need be.
and it was too easy, becoming that someone you desperately needed as he manipulated his way into your life.
however, rafe wasn't the bad guy—no, he knew you needed him, needed that extra love and attention, always so needy and whiny when you didn't get it, but now that rafe was here, with you, now that he has you under his control, you're the most perfect, docile little angel, all submissive and obedient and so, so sweet it's almost sickening.
"don't worry, dollface," rafe croons sweetly, before gently lifting your face up with two light little love-taps to your jaw, catching your attention as you instantly look and perk up, locking eyes with your handsome boyfriend.
and fuck, rafe thinks you're so pretty when you're crying.
"no more crying, ya' hear me?" rafe commands, though he keeps his voice light and gentle, but still firm, knowing he doesn't truly need to keep you in check, you know his rules already, and you've always been rafe's good girl.
sweetly, almost tenderly, rafe carefully wipes away the flowing tears down your flushed cheeks, already knowing you'll wanna redo your makeup once you see that your mascara and eyeliner had run down and created quite the mess—but again, rafe still thinks you're the prettiest girl in the world.
"sorry again, daddy—jus' love you 'nd missed you," you answer meekly, eyes watery and bloodshot, and your pouty lips swollen slightly from you always anxiously biting them, another bad habit that rafe is trying to work on getting you to stop.
"don't worry 'bout it, baby—daddy's here now, yea?" rafe hums softly, pressing a few soft, loving kisses all over your face, making you giggle sweetly and playfully roll your doe-like, misty eyes, which makes rafe smile.
"how about we put on a film and stay in for the rest of the night, yeah?" rafe offers politely, not minding watching one of your stupid romantic movies if it makes you smile, and get you outta this terrible mood of 'missing him' as you always like to complain.
but again, rafe finds that he doesn't mind his girl missing him, not one bit—in fact, he enjoys that fact a bit too much, but he would never admit it aloud, not even if he had a gun to his head.
"okay!" you chirp happily, already over your little tantrum from minutes ago, snuggling even deeper into rafe's lap as you both get comfortable on his bed, looking for one of your favorite movies to watch.
afterwards, once you decide on the film 'the notebook', rafe can't help but release a small, little grin to himself, because he already knows in just the next ten minutes, you'll be hysterically crying all over again, and he'll have to comfort you as you watch noah and allie's love story.
and if rafe already secretly knew that was the film you were gonna pick, and that 'the notebook' was one of your favorite romance films of all time... well, he didn't mind that too much, either.
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celestelunia · 2 months
Yk what would be sad. A Vil x GN!reader who keeps changing themselves because Vil keeps insulting everything about them (not on purpose) but he doesn’t realize what’s happening until they just stop talking to him all together because being with him hurts them too much. Nice ending maybe? (I’m a baby and can’t handle angst endings😭)
Hi! So sorry this took a while! Hope you've been well!
First time writing for Vil, but I tried my best lol. Hope you like it!
TW: self-esteem/image issues
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"Straighten up"
"That color doesn't look good on you. Try something ligther."
"Hm. That clothing style isn't right. This just won't do."
"No. No. No. It's all wrong."
As you walked down the halls of NRC, you kept a couple of style magazines pushed up against your chest as your once bright eyes seemed darker and less happy.
Vil Schoenheit was someone you always admired, and when you were able to become a part of the rare few people who he considered a friend, you couldn't have been happier. You knew being next to someone like Vil wasn't going to be easier, but you never expected something on this level.
At first, it started with little words of improvement. Ones that you gladly took to help improve yourself, but over time, that's all you heard. Negative words on how you could do better. Look better. Nothing was very good enough, and now it was starting to ware you down. Suddenly, it felt like Vil was saying "you" weren't good enough.
At that thought, you came to a stop as you looked down at the magazines in your hands. It was all too much, and it was getting to the point that you couldn't even look at yourself in the mirror anymore. With a sigh, you turned and walked towards the nearest trash bin before you threw away the very magazines that had become your life.
A month had passed, and Vil was starting to wonder what was going on with you. You had slowly stopped coming by his room, attending meetings, and just having lunch together. At first, he figured it was because you got busy since he understood time restrictions and all, but after a couple of weeks, he felt like something was off.
The few times Vil saw you in the hallways the moment you caught his gaze, the model watched as you would turn and head in the opposite direction. It almost felt like you were avoiding him, but that couldn't be right?
......could it?
Over the last couple of weeks, you felt like you could breathe again, but despite that, you didn't feel happy. You couldn't bring yourself to talk to Vil, so you did the next best thing you could think of.
You avoided him.
And that alone was painful. You missed his voice, his company, and when you saw that look of surprise in his eyes when you obviously avoided him cause pain to shoot through your chest.
Despite all of these feelings, you knew the relationship you had with Vil wasn't healthy. You couldn't constantly keep up with his approval, and you wanted him to accept you for who you were.
Faults and all.
Hearing the very voice you were thinking of calling out your name caused you to freeze. In that small moment, your fight or flight senses went off, but before you could make up your mind, you felt Vil grab your hand.
"Do you have a moment? I need to talk with you." Vil asked as he had noticed that look in your eyes that you might run, so he did his best to cut off your options to do so.
You paused as you considered his question. While you weren't ready to talk about this, you got the feeling you never would be, so you decided to just nod your head as the popular model led you towards his room for some privacy.
Once alone in Vil's room, you glanced around the familiar setting and scent.
"What's going on?" Vil asked, getting to the point.
At the question, you turned to look back at him without answering the question. You could feel that nasty and unpleasant bubble building up in the center of your chest. Did he really not know?
"You've been avoiding me, and I think it's only fair that you explain why." Vil said in his usual confidence.
Feeling that tightness in your chest, you wrapped your arms around yourself as you lowered your head.
"Y/N, if you slouch like that, it will be bad for-" Vil had started to say but stopped when he heard you mutter something. "Speak up. Muttering is very unbecoming."
"This!" You snapped, which caused the blonde to jump as he was startled by your sudden outburst. "The constant complaining and everything!"
Vil froze as he watched your beautiful [colored] eyes glare at him as fresh tears welled up in them.
"I'll never be good enough for you! Why can't you just accept me for who I am? I can't keep being with you as you constantly put me down!"
"Putting you down? I-" Vil said, surprised, but his words got cut off in his throat when he watched you storm over towards him.
"Maybe think a bit harder before you finish that sentence." You said as you told yourself you wouldn't apologize for getting your feelings out. "Not everyone is perfect, Vil. Not everyone can be like you....."
The model just started at you for a moment, but before he could speak, he watched as you walked past him and out of the room. Now alone, Vil just frowned. He had never seen you like this before, and your words echoed in his head.
He didn't put you down. He would never do something like that to you....right? You were the only person (outside of Rook) who he could be himself around. He adored your company...
Taking a deep breath, Vil left his room as he headed towards his vice housewarden room. If anyone could help him right now, it would be Rook.
The next day, you decided not to go to classes as you stayed crawled up on your bed. While you did feel better getting your feelings out, you felt sad at the fact that you might lose your friendship with Vil.
It was weird how the world "friendship" had changed for you over time as you started to notice a change in your feelings, but it wasn't something you were ready to drive into it.
Hearing a knock on your door, you let out a moan as you pulled your blankets over your head. "Go away." You called out as you figured it was one of your friends checking up on you. After a couple of seconds of silence, you thought they had left, but instead, you heard your door open. Holding back another groan, you kept yourself hidden, hoping your friend would get the message that you weren't in the mood to talk.
"Staying in and resting is important."
Instead of your friends voice, you heard Vil's as you suddenly sat up in your bed and removed the blanket from your head.
Standing in the room was Vil as he closed the door behind him.
"What are you doing here?" You ask as even you could hear the coldness in your tone.
"I came to talk." Vil said as he just smiled softly. "And to apologize."
At this, you gripped the blanket that was resting in your lap. Vil apologizing? That didn't sound right.
Noticing that you weren't moving to kick him out, Vil decided to continue. "I want to apologize for my words. I know it's not an excuse, but I didn't even notice I was saying those....things to you. Or how often."
While Vil was a proud man, he also wasn't that proud to lose someone important to him due to his own mistakes. After talking with Rook, he finally had a good understanding of how he had been treating you. "Perfection..." Vil said with a sigh as he looked off to the side of your room. "...is something that has been pushed on me since a young age, and it appears I've picked up a rather nasty habit. I never meant for my words to make you think you weren't good enough." He said as he walked over towards your bed and took a seat on the side of it. "You're already perfect enough. Just knowing I can be myself around you and knowing you won't judge my imperfections..." Vil said as he reached out and placed his hand over yours that was gripping your blanket.
"...It means the world to me, and I'm sorry for making you feel like you weren't good enough. I understand if you don't want to be around me anymore, but I wanted you to know I never once thought you weren't good enough."
At Vil's words, your eyes widen before you glance down at his hand resting over yours. It was like a weight had been lifted from your chest. "It hurt..." You whispered as you closed your eyes. "I just want to be with you and not to embarrass yo-"
Before you could finish your sentence, you felt Vil gently hand on the back of your head as he slowly pulled you forward into an embrace.
"You've never embarrassed me. I was just wanting what was best for you, and that ended up turning into nagging stepmother's territory." Vil said with a small smile as he tried to lighten the mood. "And I'm sorry I hurt you...."
With your forehead resting against Vil's chest, you let out a long sigh as you took in his warmth. Something about his scent and being next to him always helped you to relax.
"Do you forgive me?" The model asked bearly above a whisper. The longer the silence went, the more he was starting to worry you wouldn't.
"I do...." You said before pulling back to look at Vil. "...but I hold the right to punish you if you make me feel like this again." You said with a playful smile.
"Deal." Vil replied as he mirrored your smile. "I've already spoken with Rook, and I plan on being more mindful. I don't make the same mistake twice."
Taking in a deep breath, you nodded your head.
"Now." Vil said as he suddenly stood up from your bed. "I've cleared my schedule for the rest of the day. How about we watch a movie and catch up a bit?" He asked before holding out his hand to you.
Surprised that Vil cleared HIS schedule for you made that familiar warmth spread through your chest again as you smiled. How you've missed it. "Who am I to turn you down?" You teased softly as you reached out and placed your hand in his.
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hyunjilicious · 1 year
most to least kinky [skz ver.]
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A/n: this has probably been done a million times before but I thought I could make my own list, right?
Warnings: this isn't full on smut, but A LOT of things are mentioned (from slapping to ass eating to crying to cnc) I can't possibly mention them all. Needless to say, this is strictly 18+, please proceed with caution!!!!
Disclaimer: I'm sorry. I'm incredibly sorry, ok? I don't understand Seungmin 😭😭 I absolutely love him with all my heart, but he's a mystery to me. I've also only been in this fandom for a few months so maybe with time I'll be able to write for him but until then, I'll just keep apologising to my Minnie biased readers for doing their baby dirty. I'm sorry, I promise I'm trying!! 🥺
Please let me know what you thought and if you have other ideas!! I'd love to hear different opinions!!!
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1. Lee Know 
Do I even have to explain? At this point, you could basically write an entire encyclopedia only using the stuff this man is into - he knows it all and wants to try it all. The thing is, whether he trusts you enough or not, because if he's too shy to bring up the one thing that's on his mind, he'll bombard you with hints, hoping he'd "manipulate" you into mentioning it first. Not that he'd ever do anything you're not 100% comfortable with, but he'd much rather you be the one who asks. He'd slap your ass, bite it, mark it, grope it, eat your pussy from behind and send you porn links - all while hoping you'd finally get the idea and ask him to eat your ass. Because he's shy like that. But once you do catch on and tell him about it, he's all in. 
And then, as he grows more comfortable around you, all these little games you two play will slowly start to shift. His main priority will always be you, but with time, his teasing nature will replace the old Minho you used to have sex with, and literally everything this man does will be about driving you insane. 
He'd make you beg, whine, crawl on your knees, hump pillows - hump his leg, just so you can prove yourself, only to deny you again, always with a grin on his face. A loving smile as he looks at you, right before he throws a very swift "No" in your face and makes you start over. You have to be spent, exhausted, dumb and drunk on him before he finally gives you what you want. But when he finally does, it's everything you ever wanted and more because he doesn't.hold.back.
2. Jeongin
To be fair, it might be because he had to go through the "Watch your mouth, there's a child in our grup!" phase, which - cute and all, got old very fast. Maybe this side of him would have never surfaced like this, but you can't possibly know, there's only one Jeongin and he's a meanie. He's stern, he's serious and there's only one way, his. 
He takes the safe word very seriously because otherwise, he doesn't take no for an answer. There's no "too much", "too hard", "too fast". He doesn't care. He knows you can take it and you have to. 
You don't move, he moves you. If you don't shut up when he tells you to, it's 'ass up, face down into the pillow' - no questions, no warnings. 
It all starts nicely, though. His good little girl, his angel, who needs to do absolutely everything she's told otherwise his punishments will be downright cruel and you'll be nothing more than a "dumb, fucking whore" until he's done with you. 
One thing that makes him draw the line though, is crying. He loves to see little tears at the corner of your eyes as he fucks you into oblivion, just so he can mock you for it, "Oh, is my sweet, little baby crying?" and then go faster. But if you let out anything more than a cute, little sob, or if you start actually crying, even though you're still down to keep going, he won't. He can't. He's cruel, but not that cruel, it hurts his heart to see you like that and absolutely never lets things get that far.
3. Felix
This man is into… everything. His eyes light up every single time there's something new for you two to try, and he puts his whole soul into it. 
On one hand, he's into the basics - he goes crazy for your tits, will lick, bite, suck and eat anything off of them (absolutely adores eating cream off your body, but yeah, your tits are his favorite spot). He loves lingerie, loves ripping it off of you, loves seeing you dress up, pretend to be a nurse, a teacher or the girl next-door who just so happened to leave the window open. 
Doesn't have a daddy kink but he's just so obsessed with doing absolutely anything for you, he'd go with it. Most likely prefers 'Sir' but it isn't a must. Will melt and cry if you allow him to fall you 'Mommy'
The definition of a switch. When he's a dom, 90% of the time he's soft, full of praises and encouragements, loves making you feel all safe and loved as you degrade yourself for him. He'll whisper in your ear the absolute sweetest, most loving words you ever heard in your entire life, all while completely breaking you in half with his cock. But also, there are times when there's just one way for him to relax and let loose, and during those days, he's lazy and he's condescending, judgy and a little bit mean, and these are the absolute worst moments for you to be brat. 
But all of these are only half of him, because this man is probably the most dedicated and enthusiastic sub in the world. He'll do absolutely everything he's told and then beg for more. Way too eager to humiliate himself for you. Also very, very vocal, he'll cry, whine and beg and will also never fail to let you know just how obsessed he is with worshiping the ground you walk on. 
4. Chan
Also a switch, but it takes months, if not more, for you guys to get there. He's a leader by nature, used to having a lot of responsibilities and a lot of control over the things around him. He likes to be in charge, knows how to do it, and loves the responses he gets. Probably one of the best doms out there because even though you have a safe word, he's so fucking careful with you at all times that he knows to slow down before you even have to think about using it. It only happened once, and your voice still rings in his head - he still hasn't forgiven himself for it. 
But since he's so observant and trusts you to put a stop to whatever is going on in case you need to, he feels free to go crazy. Unlike Jeongin, he likes to hear you cry, likes knowing he has that power over you and the fact you know how easy it is for him to absolutely wreck and ruin you, but still allow him to go crazy, drives him wild. Trust is probably what gets him off the most, he absolutely adores how you give up control and leave yourself at his mercy. 
But then again, as your relationship strengthens and he slowly realizes that maybe he doesn't always have to be the one to do it all, that others can take care of him too, that he can actually let loose and renounce all control, you start to see another side of him. 
He's an exemplary sub, not one brat bone in his body. He tries sometimes to test you, but he goes back to being doe eyed and whiny for you in no time. He's not as vocal and not as eager to let all his enthusiasm show, but just like Felix, he'll do absolutely anything you tell him, and then thank you for allowing him to do it. 
5. Han
Another switch. He can be a dom and he can be a sub, but I think there are two other sides of him. This man will go back and forth between being the absolute, most cocky motherf on the planet, to being absolutely wiped and wrapped around your finger. And while these for aspects of him can pair up in any way, leaving you with a teasing dom, a loving and soft one, or a bratty sub that will try to make you prove to him just how badly you need him to worship you and so on, I think he's not always like this.
You can't really tell whether there's a pattern, but maybe if you spent more time together you'd be able to spot one. Maybe it depends on how his day went, how tired he is, how his social batteries are like at the moment, but I think there are many, many days when this man just needs to feel you, to smell you, hear you. To collapse into the sheets with you, forget about the world and melt in your arms. Yeah, he's down to try a lot of stuff, but what he loves the most are the simple things. Like missionary late at night, with the lights on so he can see every glimmer of anything in your eyes, to wipe the sweat off your temples and to be able to smother you with kisses. Impromptu sex in the morning, lazy sex in the shower, cuddling that turns into you riding him on the couch while watching a movie. That's what I think he's into the most.
6. Changbin
Thank god this man is not the kinkiest because he'd probably break you in half and no amount of aftercare would be able to fix that. This man goes hard. No matter if you're the one that woke him up, all needy and clingy, or if he came home riled and ready to go, he's already ready to give you his all. That dumptruck isn't there for nothing, he doesn't even have to try that hard to make you scream. 
But it's not just physical, he goes all out in all ways. He doesn't just want you on your back, legs spread open so he can eat you out, no, you have to be on his face, full weight down on top of him, and you have to ride. Other than that, you don't really have to do much, because he's a sucker for handling you. He'll hold up your weight when he fucks you against the dresser and he doesn't mind being the one who gets rid of all the clothes in the way when he randomly decides he wants to fuck you bent over the kitchen table. 
So I don't think he needs much more than you two already have. Of course, he's usually fine with trying things you're into, and yeah, he likes them, but that's just more like 'fun' to him. He's not the kind to call you degrading names or spank you until you cry, through he might enjoy a little bit too much seeing his hand print on your ass or the bruises he left on your hips just from hard he was holding onto you while fucking you into oblivion.
Out of all the things you'd get him to try, I think one of his favorites would be wax play. He'll probably ask you to do it again, maybe like 3 months later. Also, one other thing that gets him going and that he still might be shy about it, is just how hard his cock twitched when you called him daddy. Oops. I don't like it, please do it again.
7. Seungmin 
Ok, again, disclaimer with this one. I wanna start by apologizing to Minnie and to all the Minnie biased readers that are here with us today, but I can't read this man. At all. And that's the reason I put him so low on the list because while I do have some ideas, associating him with certain kinks and stuff felt completely empty to me. Like I have no idea what he'd like? But in case you've read this far, lemme tell you what I did manage to come up with and please let me know how you see it!!
I think trust, communication and fun are the most important to him. I feel like he'd have so much fun guiding you and giving you instructions on how to do different things, from how to suck him off just the way he needs it, to how to use a toy on yourself. And I think it goes both ways, he'd love to have you tell exactly how and what to do at all times.
I also think he can be stern and commanding, serious and totally focused, but he also probably adores being a giggling mess, unable to control himself as you give him your all, worship him and make him feel absolutely cherished. I'm sorry, but I feel like this man thrives on love and appreciation. Other than that, my brain is empty, please help me!!
8. Hyunjin
Ok, maaaaybe I shouldn't have put him last. But fuck it. Sue me. I don't think he's kinky at all. I think that again, he'd be the type to try out most of the things you come up with, but I don't think he associates them with sex like that. I think it's just some form of fun you two have, I don't think there are too many crazy things that necessarily get him going. 
He's a romantic, ok? His main goal is pleasure. He's the kind to absolutely not give a shit about anything, all that he needs is you. If he has you and a surface (not even mandatory) he's satisfied. He'll do absolutely anything, worship every single inch of your body. The kind to kiss his way up your leg before eating you out, to kiss you before you even finished swallowing his cum. Nothing to him is gross, to him, bodies are beautiful and made to be worshiped. He'd paint your body, lay back and allow you to do absolutely anything you want to him, he's just full of want and passion. 
I don't think he'd ever be the kind of person to associate pain or humiliation with pleasure. Like he knows they're valid kinks and will not shame anyone about it, but with him, you have to feel like the most beautiful woman in the world, loved, cradled and appreciated in absolutely every way. 
Absolutely the type to eat your ass and then be like "What? People don't do that?". Doesn't think spitting in each other's mouths is degrading because, "We literally kiss all the time, what?" 
Will ask you to slap him just to see what it's like but will probably malfunction if you ask him to do it to you. 
I think he'd be down for a lot of stuff, but doesn't see any of them as kinks. Doesn't need any of them. They don't get him hard. It's all just for fun. 
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Please let me know what you thought!! I'd love to talk about this!!! ❤️
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lyahh483 · 3 months
prompt: in which matt forgets to end the switch stream.
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Matt invites me over to hang out because he just finished streaming on Twitch with Chris and Nick for three hours. I tell him he doesn't need to stream for that long, but he feels like he needs to because he loves the fans so much. Before I could knock, Matt swung the door open and gave me a kiss, pulling me to his room and shutting the door. Before I could react, I felt him push his lips against mine. "I've wanted you all day; you were all I was thinking about on stream.".
Matt says, staring at me with his needy eyes. "Now you have me," I say, putting myself on the bed and staring at Matt's every move. He crawls on to me, keeping eye contact the entire time, until he starts kissing me again, this time the kisses being sloppier and wet. I could hear Matt quietly whimpering, wanting more of me. He goes down to my neck and gives me a slow kiss, going all the way down to my pussy and giving it a kiss before going back up. 
"Matt, please," I beg, squirming from the need for him and the throbbing of my pussy. He doesn't say anything but lick his lips, giving a soft smirk before pulling off my shorts and panties. He pulls me by my legs, making sure he has enough space, and rubs his tip against my clit, entering himself slowly and starting to thrust inside me. "Right there, baby," barely being able to let my words out. He then looks down at himself, fucking me, and gives a soft smirk again, fucking me faster and faster, seeing how I react to it.
"You're pussy is taking my dick so good, baby." as he stares at how my pussy is taking him. Before I could say anything, Matt started to get calls, but he ignored them. Someone was spam-calling Matt. "M-matt, stop. Someone is calling you, and it's probably important," I say, sitting up on the bed. Matt clenches his jaw slightly and answers the phone: It's  Chris." "MATT END THE FUCKING LIVE STREAM," Chris says, panicking. 
Matt freezes and slowly goes over to his setup because Chris has to be joking. I sit there confused, following Matt's movements to his setup. Matt gets to his computer and sees that the stream is still live. "Oh fuck," ending the stream quickly. "MATT WHAT?" I was irritated by him not answering me.
"Baby, about twenty-two k people saw us fucking," he answers, looking the most deadass he has ever looked. "You're lying, Matt. Are you fucking kidding me!"."I know I'm sorry. I thought I ended it... I thought Chris ended it?. "THERE IS NO FUCKING WAY TWENTY TWO K PEOPLE SAW US FUCKING YOU HAVE TO BE LYING." I respond standing up and yelling at Matt. 
Matt didn't say anything; he didn't have anything to say; he just let me yell at him. "UGH AND CHRIS SAW US FUCKING AND ME NAKED MATT FUCK," I say, panicking. "Baby, calm down. It's okay. It’ll be okay. This probably won't even become a big thing." rubbing my back, trying to calm me down. After a few minutes of silence, I started laughing.
Matt looks over at me, confused, scrunching his eyebrows. "Matt.. we have a sex tape," i said, looking over at him. "I guess we do; I guess we gotta own that shit now,".
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sophsicle · 1 year
Dial Drunk
He's drunk.
Sober enough to know he's drunk. But drunk enough not to care.
"James please--"
Sober enough to hear the crack in Remus's voice. But drunk enough not to stop.
"I want to call him," he says, defiant. Childish. It feels good to say those words. He doesn't know why he didn't do this before. It seems so simple now. "I want to call him."
Sirius is across the room. A few seconds ago he'd been on James's other side, holding his arm, helping Remus pull him to his feet. He isn't touching James anymore.
"Where's my phone?" his words are a little thick. A little slurred. The world around him blurry in a way that makes his stomach squirm.
"I don't know," Remus mutters, struggling to support James all on his own. "Here, will you just sit down please? Sirius, maybe get him some water?"
"Sirius where's my fucking phone?" because he knows Sirius knows. Because he wants Sirius to look at him. Because he wants Sirius to feel this too.
Predictably, Sirius doesn't answer either of them. All James can see is his best friend's back, his vision splitting him in two. Sirius has always been good at blocking out the things he doesn't want to hear. Which might be the most unkind thing James has ever thought about him.
"James please sit down," Remus tries to guide him towards the nearest chair but he's not going. They found him on the floor, and he'd been happy to stay there. But now. Now he has a mission.
"I want to call him, get me my phone!"
"Christ James," Remus hisses under his breath, pleading. He wants James to stop. But the whiskey in his blood has other plans. "What's going on with you tonight? I mean, should we be--should we be worried? Were you trying to hurt yourself or--"
"Oh fuck off!"
He sees the surprise on Remus's face, thinks about apologizing, but his thoughts are watery and hard to hold.
"I want to call him," he repeats instead. It's the one thing keeping him standing.
"Yeah we heard you," Sirius says finally, his voice is thin, cold. It's enough to get James's attention, even in his current state. "But you can't call him."
Something pointy and sharp pricksJames's chest but he shakes his head, ignoring it. "I know the number by heart," his drunken mind supplies helpfully.
"James," his name sounds so sad in Remus's voice.
"I'm sure you do," he thinks Sirius laughs. It's not a pleasant noise.
"Just give--give me my phone? He'll pick up. He always picks up when it's me. I want to call him. Let me c-call. I want--"
"You. Can't."
Sirius finally turns back around, he is so still and so stiff and James is so wobbly. He stumbles even though he's standing still, Remus fumbling to keep him upright.
"He'll pick up Sirius, he will. If it's me--"
"--he always--always--I need him. I need to tell him. I need to ta-talk. Please? Please I need--"
"You know why you can't call him."
"Sirius," Remus says warningly, but James doesn't think either of them are paying him any attention.
"I--don't have my phone." That makes Sirius frown harder but James doesn't care right now. "Just give me a phone. Any phone. I know his number. I--"
"You know why you can't call," Sirius repeats.
The pricking in his chest is getting worse. A stab. A slice. A tear. The sensation burns right through the alcohol. It demands to be felt. Demands to be heard.
"No," James repeats. "No I--no. No. no."
"--dead. He died."
"No!" James's voice is a terror. "I--no. I just need to call. Just let me have--the--cause I--and he'll pick up--he always--for me," he can't get them out, the words, the thoughts, his breath. He's choking on his own memories. His own grief. Shaking so bad he's surprised Remus is able to keep a hold of him.
"Regulus is dead. You can't call him. He won't pick up," Sirius sounds cold and distant. But then, he's always been like that about Regulus. James is on the ground again. The world in front of him blurry as Remus wraps his arms around him.
"You're a sloppy drunk James," is the last thing Sirius says before James hears the door closing.
The pain is deep and all consuming. It's been months. It's been years. It never stops. It never gets better. The minute the world gets still or quiet the grief is there. He feels like he spends every second of his life trying to outrun it. He's so tired. So fucking tired.
"I need to t-talk to him," he sobs, as Remus holds him tighter. "I can't never talk to him again. I can't. I have so much to say. I have so much--what am I supposed to do with this? What am I supposed to do with all this? I need to call him. Please. Please. I need him. I can't sleep. I can't eat. They're taking up all the space in me Remus. All these fucking--these fucking words. I need to call him. I need to. I need to. I can't bear this. I don't understand how I'm supposed to bear this?"
Remus kisses the top of his head. "Just breathe okay?" James doesn't think he's imagining the tremor in Remus's voice. "I just need you to breathe okay?"
But he can't.
He hasn't.
Not in months.
Not in years.
I'd die for you, he'd told Regulus once. And oh god did he mean it.
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byfulcrums · 1 year
Seeing people saying that Satoru doesn't actually care about Suguru and that the only reason Kenjaku caught him was bc he was surprised to see a person he killed alive is fucking wild, man
Like. Gojo's entire life revolves around Geto. The entire series happens because he loved Suguru too much to kill him, even though he knew he would have to do it eventually. The world literally went to shit because he wasn't over him
Geto Suguru's life would be completely unimportant to the story without Gojo Satoru, and Gojo Satoru's would be completely unimportant without Geto Suguru. They complement each other. They need each other
Two male betta fishes can't coexist. They will fight and one will die. They can't see each other — even if they're in different tanks, they won't be able to live. They'd eventually tire each other out, resulting in death. The only way for Satoru and Suguru's lives to be able to continue without the other would've been for them to never have met at all. And they can't be together. Not now, not ever again. Not while they're still alive. Not after everything that's happened
The entire story revolves around their relationship. Yuuji is a boy who ate a curse('s finger[s]), and Megumi is the prodigy who befriends him. Satoru is a prodigy, the strongest, and Suguru, the boy whose technique is eating curses, befriends him. The Jujutsu Kaisen story is all about parallels and they all connect to fucking Satosugu. It's all about them
The only reason Kenjaku's plan worked is because the body he used didn't belong to some random person Gojo killed, it worked because the body he used was Geto Suguru's, Gojo's one and only, his best friend. He must be thinking “Thank god they're gay” right now lmao
Gojo fucking hesitated. He hesitated multiple times when it came to Geto. He was supposed to kill him, yet he let him go. He has the Six Eyes, he could've easily tracked him down. He probably could tell if he was nearby (he can recognize Suguru from his scent) and just didn't go looking for him. And he could've so very easily escaped the trap that was set up for him, he was going to run away from it because we see him about to take that step but then Suguru's body shows up and says “Yo, Satoru!” with Suguru's voice and Satoru freezes and hesitates
They weren't able to let go of each other even after years of being separated (like a decade). When they meet, Suguru still greets Satoru warmly
Suguru is pretty much Satoru's moral code. He was the only person Satoru took at least mildly seriously pre-Toji (and we know Satoru just didn't do serious back then). He actually took his words to heart. He was kind, of course (especially from Suguru's PoV, since he's the person that knows him most), and not a bad person, but he wasn't nice. Suguru was always the ‘nice(r) one’, the one who actually had a moral code, while Satoru was more of an asshole to literally everyone and everything (some more, some less), thinking he and Suguru were above everyone else
When Suguru finally snaps (which, honestly. Fair) and goes genocidal (not so fair), Satoru slowly starts to be somewhat nicer and starts applying Suguru's old moral code to his own being — their roles weren't exactly reversed, but now they're not together anymore, so they might as well be. And Suguru was shown for having faith in the school and its system while it was Satoru the one who absolutely abhorred the higher-ups and all kinds of authority, but then it ended up with Suguru being the one to leave and become a cult leader with the blood of hundreds on his hands while Satoru was the one that stayed behind in the same place of the people he despises so much
(Imagine someone saying something like “Sometimes I doubt you even have a moral code” and Gojo answers with “Oh, my best friend my one and only is pretty much my moral code. He went homicidal a while back but it's okay haha” “...Actually, that explains a few things”)
Gojo doesn't have a god complex, but I wouldn't blame him if he did. I mean, he might as well be the closest thing to god human beings have ever seen. He used to put himself above everyone else, when he was a teenager. He thought that, the higher he was, the more he could do. And no one was better than him. But not Suguru. Back then, it wasn't “I'm the strongest” it was “We're the strongest and “We're the best” and “We're the ones that will beat you” and “We're the duo” and it was all about “us, us, us, us, us” instead of “me, me, me, me” like people thought it was — they were a pair. They still are
We know people thought and still think of Gojo as a weapon. As something that must be controlled, because on the moment he decides he doesn't want to be around them anymore, he could just straight up kill then without any effort (but getting rid of people in positions of power only gets other people in positions of power and it'll be a neverending story, and Gojo knows this so he's trying to do his best to fix it all through the younger generation, by letting them live). And we also know that Suguru is one of the very few people who did not believe that at all
Like their personalities and characters and stories and literally everything, their names complement each other. Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru are such similar names, I get them mixed up all the time (the amount of times I've called them “Gojo Suguru” and “Geto Satoru” is embarassing. Also, “Saturu”. “Goto”. “Gejo”. Ugh). Both of their last names start with a G, end with an O and have 4 letters. Both of their given names start with an S, end with an U and have 6 letters. They complement each other. They need each other
The only times we've seen Gojo with an expression of actual pure, raw emotion is when it's about Geto. When he finds out about what Geto did, when he realizes how thin and wrong Geto looks, when he sees him again for what we assume to be the first time in years, when he dies, when a thing wearing his corpse and using his voice greets him (“Yo, Satoru!” oh my god)
Suguru was able to fight back when in Kenjaku's control after Satoru said his name. Kenjaku himself says that had never happened before
And you don't even have to see them as romantic. You don't have to ship them if you don't want to. But you can't deny that they care about each other more than they will ever care about anyone else
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audreyscribes · 9 months
🍇DIONYSUS; God of Wine making, fertility, theater, festivity, and insanity. 🎭
author's note: I had a sudden idea about writing some headcanons Camp Halfblood demigods being claimed and what it's like for each respective god and cabin, followed by a small blurb afterwards. Thank you for reading and please like and reblog! The order is not in order of the cabin numbers. [PJO DEMIGOD HEADCANONS MASTERLIST]
You get claimed in an untypical manner. You heard of demigods waiting for a sign of their godly parent claiming them, with a glowing symbol above their head. Instead, when you get introduced to the camp members, Mr. D appears carrying a can of diet coke and casually states “No need to put them in the Hermes’ cabin. They're one of mine's”
Cue the record scratch. This immediately brings a lot of confusion and gossip. Many eyes look between you and Mr. D who doesn't seem bothered at all. You saw Chiron sigh and place his hand to his face, giving your godly father a disappointed headshake. Then you hear Castor and Pollux yell that they have a new sibling that they didn't even know about?!
You get a lot of looks of sympathy and jealousy. You don't figure out why until a little bit later on. Chiron fills you in with a reassuring voice but also speaks with an exasperated tone to Dionysus 
Although you guys can't make wine or touch anything alcohol related, you did inherit Dioynsus' wine making skills. This includes also being good at making infused drinks or mixing drinks that range from mixing soda flavours together to making your tea blend. Even if the flavours shouldn't work together or whatever the drink type you're making, you just can. You are your own personal barista.
Putting this first and out of the way, you're both in a blessed and awkward situation where you are able to see and interact with your godly parent. Mr. D tries to treat you like every other demigod in Camp Halfblood, and that makes it awkward when you don't know if you should call him “Dad” or “Mr. D”, but at the same time, you know you have it better then others. 
It doesn't mean Mr. D doesn't keep an eye out. When you dedicate your offerings to the gods and look at him when you do it, you can just see Dionysus’ face soften and his eyes have a hint of affection. 
Don't ask how you or your other half-siblings came to be if Mr. D was sentenced to Camp Halfblood. You won't get an answer from but at least you know you're not alone and the twins are glad to have a baby sibling. Get ready for the youngest sibling treatment. 
Dionysus is the God of Theatre so you have a theatrical flare. Even if you're introverted, you're not exempt; this can be applied in how you do certain things or be rather convincing at times. If you're extroverted, well, you're automatically the Theatre kid. 
This turns out to be rather useful in events like Capture the Flag in a state of mania. When the heat of the battle starts to get to you, you feel your godly parent's power begin to rise in you and you can use that theaters flair to rouse your teammate's spirits up. You can also get a bit maniac and effect your teammates and enemies alike and become rather terrifying. 
You have a bit of a green thumb so you can find some solace with the Demeter kids. However, unlike the Demeter kids who can just make plants grow and flourish, your green thumb only really applies to plants you have an interest in like Dionysus with his grapes…or now strawberries. Regardless, you can keep a houseplant alive at least. 
Aside from a few very selected people within Camp, you're one of the few people who has seen Mr.D's true form. Not his godly form or the Mr. D you've seen, but the form he usually shows in front of mortals. Then it becomes very obvious how your other parent became so enamoured. You thank him silently for taking up his current form because you’re not going to be ready to hear about Mr. D being a DILF.
“Welcome to Cabin 12!” greeted Castor and Pollux as they opened the door to the cabin. You looked inside and saw how lived in the cabin was. It was clear the twins didn't expect to have another sibling and judging by the absolute shock that your shared father was supposed to be stuck in Camp, they really didn't expect him to have another mortal child.   
You also noticed on one of their nightstands there were stacks of Coke and Pepsi, each belonging to one of the beds. There were copious amounts of it, and you wonder if being a child of Dionysus was a prerequisite of having a drink as your go-to drink. Like wine fo Dionysus…though you heard he had to switch to Diet Coke due to his punishment. 
“Yeah, sorry for the whole…mess,” said Castor as he looked sheepish. “Pollux and I weren't expecting anyone else to be here, especially since it's been so long since we've first arrived. And you know, our dad, being, well-”
Pollux cleared his throat, “What Castor means, despite everything, we're thrilled to have a baby sibling. We've always been together so we're not that alone, but every now and again, we kind of get envious of the other cabins and having other siblings.”
You smiled when the door is knocked and a new bunk bed is being brought in, Castor and Pollux grinned at you. “Come on, let's get your stuff and space ready, and let's go see our dad.”
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kennarose1108 · 8 months
Rio x Reader (YOU SAVE HIS LIFE) Part 3
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You woke up lying on your stomach and the blanket over your back, covering your naked body. You reached out to touch Rio but all you found was a cold and empty bed.
He had been gone for awhile.
You opened your eyes and shifted up in bed before letting out a yawn. You felt disappointed he wasn't in bed with you and most likely left the apartment but you shrugged off the feeling and started listing off the things you had to do today...
Take a shower, clean the house, go to the grocery store... Make a grocery list. It feels weird not working. Rio says you don't have to and being gone for over two months means you don't have a job anyway. One day, he gave you a card and told you to go nuts with it. Anything you wanted. But you mainly use it for necessities, you feel bad using it for anything else.
Just as you were going to get out of bed the door opened and Rio stepped inside. He smiled at you, "Hey mama." He says before walking over to you and kissing your head. "I have to go out today. I'm seeing my son." Rio says to you. You smile at him and nod... You completely forgot he had a son. Rio walks over to his side of the bed and grabs the airplane he had been working on for the last two months that was sitting on the nightstand.
"I won't be home until late." He says while shuffling through the drawer in the nightstand. "Why?" You ask while running your fingers through your messy hair. He didn't answer, which was odd. He always answered your question. You turned to look at him and saw him stuffing something into his pocket. You got a glance at it and you recognized it as the bullets you took out of him when he got shot by Beth... Beth...
"Are you seeing Beth?"
He didn't answer again, he just sighed deeply. "Rio-" "Does it matter?" You narrow your eyes. "Yeah... It matters." You say. He sighs again but decides to ignore you for now. He walks over to your side of the bed cups your face and kisses your lips slowly and sensually for a few seconds before he pulls back, "I'll see you later baby, okay?" He then moves away from the bed and heads towards the door. He opens it before freezing and looking at you, "Don't be upset. I'll make it up to you. Okay?" He says. You nodded and gave him a small smile before he left the room.
Your day went by smoothly... Other than the lingering thought of Beth in the back of your mind.
And he did in fact come home late. You didn't hear him come home until 3AM. You heard him rustle through the kitchen before making his way to the bedroom. You were pretending to be asleep and facing away from the door when he entered. You heard him shuffling around before he got into bed. But he did something that he never did... He wrapped his arms around your torso and pulled your back against his chest. He buries his face into your shoulder and takes in your scent.
You were confused... Was something wrong?
"I know you're awake..." He mumbles into your neck.
You still don't say anything. You were just confused. He sighs deeply against you and holds you tighter. Yeah... There was something definitely wrong. "What's wrong?" You ask. No answer. After a few seconds, you decide to repeat yourself.
"Rio-" "Beth's pregnant."
Your heart stopped and your breath got caught in your throat. You knew they had slept together a few times as Beth told you when you were a part of her group. You knew she wasn't dead as he doesn't hurt children or pregnant women. You knew that. But... What now? Does this change anything? Is it Rio's or her husband's? Your mind was racing and your heart was pounding.
"If this is a deal breaker I-" "No." You don't even let him finish his sentence. It was insane to for him to even think that... Then it hit you. He was hugging you in bed because he felt like it was the last time he'd be able to hold you...
You shake your head before turning your head to the side to look at him. "Why would you even think that?" You ask. "Though it would be a dealbreaker..." He mumbles. "You think her being pregnant is a dealbreaker but not you killing her?" You say before letting out a chuckle. You turn your body around so you are facing him, "I'm assuming you're a possible father..." You ask. He nods slowly.
"But she's full of it." He says with contempt in his voice. "Once she gets an ultrasound I'll end it." He says. "You think she's lying?" "I know she is." He says. His thumb rubs circles into your hip giving you a fluttery feeling in your chest.
He moves the hand on your hip to brush the hair on your face behind your ear. "But... Let's ignore that now. I want to spend time with my girl." He says before pulling you into a tight embrace. You enjoy how he held you as he usually didn't in bed, it made you feel safe and comforted. Even after you had sex he didn't cuddle much. He let you rest your cheek on his chest and he had his arm loosely around you but that was it. He just wasn't a cuddly type of man.
But... Maybe this changed him because he...
Liked it.
He actually liked it. He even felt himself dozing off as he held you. He even felt comforted with you in his arms. You were changing him...
Maybe even for the better.
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lancermylove · 3 months
Thank You (HC)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: All x gn!Reader, minus Ortho.
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Heyo, finally made it when requests were open!!! May I request the twst boys reacting to a gn!reader accidentally saying "thank you!" When replying to an "I love you" because they happened to say it while the reader was distracted with something only for reader to notice a millisecond later and apologize??
A/N: Yay! Lol, that's funny. 😂 Poor guys.
Leona raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed by your reaction. He finally confessed to you, and that's your response?
"Yeah? Well. Thanks to you, too," he said in a slightly sarcastic tone.
Though initially annoyed, the prince realized it was an accident on your part. When you apologize, he quickly brushes the incident aside.
"Are ya sure? I can find another person to confess to."
Seeing your panicked reaction to his words made your mistake worthwhile.
Even though he doesn't hold a grudge against you, Leona teases you about it occasionally. Sometimes, when you say you love him, he replies with a 'thank you.'
Ruggie stared at you blankly for a second before laughing loudly. "You're welcome. But y'know I said I love ya, right?"
The hyena was content just by the fact that you didn't straight out reject him. It wasn't that he didn't think you were interested in him, but Ruggie wanted to be prepared for all outcomes.
When you apologized to him, he pinched your cheek. "Wanna try again? I love you."
Regardless of your answer, Ruggie teases you about this incident for a few months. He truly appreciates the humor of the situation.
The wolf was confused and froze. Did you not like him back...? Did he make a mistake? Jack's ears were slightly lowered when those thoughts were floating in his mind.
He cleared his throat. "Uh...you...are welcome?"
As soon as you apologized to him and explained that you were distracted, the wolf sighed in relief. For a second, he thought that was your way of rejecting him.
Jack won't be able to forget this moment for a long time. Next time he wants to say he loves you, Jack will make sure he has your undivided attention.
The prince was stunned and speechless. However, he quickly regained his composure and found your response amusing.
"My pleasure. However, are you certain you heard my words, Child of Man?"
When your eyes widened, and you profusely apologized, Malleus chuckled. He teased you for a while, finding your red cheeks and embarrassment charming.
While he isn't the one to bring up past incidents repeatedly, this is one incident he will never forget and will tease you.
Lilia burst into laughter, not expecting such a response from you. He thought you would blush, stutter, try to avoid meeting his gaze, but thank you?
"Well, what a unique response. But, my dear, I said I love you."
Your apologies, embarrassment, attempts to explain you were distracted - everything was entertaining to him.
Now that Lilia knows you can't focus on two things at once, he will use this to his advantage. He looks forward to seeing what kinds of reactions he can get out of you.
He was confused and thought he had misheard you. Silver neither attempted to correct you nor tried to repeat his words. He was just that embarrassed at the thought that you instantly rejected him.
"O-Oh, wait....I am so sorry!"
As soon as you said those words and gave him an explanation, Silver relaxed. He chuckled, accepting your apology.
Despite that, to this day, he still thinks you half rejected him but changed your mind at the last moment. However, he will never tell you this.
Sebek turned red, mostly from embarrassment. But his mind was too jumbled to register anything other than your words.
"Human! I said I love you!" He yelled, thinking you didn't hear him correctly the first time.
Once you gave him an explanation, he lectured you to pay attention when someone speaks to you.
Though, Sebek didn't actually mean to lecture you; it was his way of hiding the fact that he almost got a heart attack. The half-fae honestly thought you rejected him.
Just like some others on this list, Azul thought your response was a plot to get out of the situation without straight-out rejecting him.
When you apologized profusely, he realized it was an honest mistake and nervously laughed. A part of him wanted to hide in his octopus pot for comfort.
In the end, though, he thinks the situation is humorous - at least you didn't reject him. But Azul will never bring this situation up again.
Jade smirked at your response and maintained his composure. He figured out from the blankness in your eyes that you didn't hear what he said.
"I believe you meant to say 'I love you,' not 'thank you'. Would you like to try again?"
Whatever response you give him after that, Jade will find it endearing. He doesn't take anything to hear and realizes you were too distracted to register his initial words correctly.
He will definitely tease you about this for months or until he can find another topic to tease you about.
Initially, Floyd laughed, finding your response hilarious. But then, his mood quickly deflated.
"Heeeey, Shrimpy. Are you rejecting me?" He whined.
Even after you apologized to him and tried to explain the situation, Floyd's mood remained off. He refused to talk to you for the rest of the day, but Jade assured you he would come around soon.
The following day, Floyd teases you about your response. After all, who says thank you to I love you? Be prepared for his endless teasing. Oh, and everyone on campus will know what you said to him.
Kalim grinned, thinking you were appreciating him for confessing to you. "You're welcome!"
Once your mind registered what he said, you quickly said sorry. This only lightened his mood even more. Reassuring you it was okay, Kalim continued to openly express his love for you.
But as soon as you tell him you love him back, Kalim completely forgot about what happened earlier. The only thing he remembered was you loved him, too.
Jamil's jaw dropped, and he froze. At first, he thought you were politely rejecting him. Then, he thought you must have misheard him.
With a sigh, he touched his temple and repeated his words. "What exactly are you thanking me for?"
Then, it clicked with you. After your apology, he exhaled, relieved you didn't reject him. Jamil apologizes for confessing when you were distracted.
After that day, he never brings up the incident again. Sometimes, he has nightmares about you rejecting him by saying thank you.
He was taken aback and frowned. Being a man of logic, Vil figured you were not paying attention to his words. With a sigh, he regained his poise and repeated his words.
"Would you kindly pay attention to my words? Allow me to repeat my words. I love you."
Vil found your nervousness, apologies, and return confession endearing. Even though he was initially irritated, repeating his words made it worthwhile.
Considering your honesty, Vil doesn't make a big deal out of the incident and never brings it up again.
Rook was shocked and dramatically gasped, resting his hand on his chest.
"Ah, ma chèrie/mon chère, is that truly your response to my declaration of love? Are you perhaps rejecting Moi? Oh, mon coeur."
As he sulked, you quickly apologized. "That's not what...uh...I was distracted! Rook, I love you too!"
Once he heard your response, the hunter instantly switched from sulking to poetry mode.
(Spongebob narrator: An eternity later) Rook returned to his dorm. Now, everyone on campus knows the two of you love each other.
Epel was confused and didn't know what to think. He was also too embarrassed to repeat his words or ask if you heard what he said. He had spent the last few days practicing in front of the mirror and imagining your reactions, but thank you was not what he expected.
His cheeks resembled apples, but as soon as you said sorry, Epel relaxed slightly.
Both of you were so embarrassed that he didn't wait for your response, and you didn't bother to give a response.
Next time, Epel is determined to get a proper response out of you...as soon as gathers enough courage to confess again.
When he heard your response, Riddle went through an array of emotions. Shock - did you just thank him? Confusion - was that what you meant to say? Nervousness - did you politely reject him? Anger - why did he bother? Logic - hold on.
It took him a moment to realize you were distracted when he confessed. Mentally slapping himself, Riddle sighed quietly.
"My apologies. Please pay attention. I...I love you."
When you respond positively, Riddle can't contain his happiness, and his cheeks turn red. For the rest of the day, he skips around the dorm, scaring every student he passes. They all think he is possessed.
Trey maintained his calm because he noticed you were distracted. That was the reason why he confessed to you. It wasn't that he was nervous, but he thought it would be less of a shock to you if he said I love you while your mind was elsewhere.
"You're welcome. Just to make sure, you are not rejecting me, right?" He teased.
Seeing your flustered face and hearing your stuttering apology, he had the urge to kiss you right then and there but controlled.
At times, Trey brings up your nervousness as a way to tease you.
Despite his confusion at your response, he laughed.
He wasn't expecting that response, but the unexpected element made the experience all the more cute.
"I should have recorded your reaction," he chuckled after you apologized for your mistake. So, what do you have to say to me~? Do I have to put #Rejected or #CaterisDating on Magicam? My followers have to know."
Cater doesn't bring up this moment often, but when he does, he makes sure you are sulking and flustered.
He had a hard time processing your response and rubbed the back of his head. Once he analyzed your reply, Ace immediately thought you rejected him. He wanted to run away from there.
"Seriously? Aw, man," he mumbled.
"Thank you...did I just...wait, did you just...? ACE!"
Once you told him what happened and said sorry, he laughed. It felt like a heavy weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
You would think Ace would tease you about your 'thank you,' but he doesn't. The feeling he had when he thought you rejected him caused him pain that he doesn't want to remember ever again, so he never brings it up.
Deuce's mind short-circuited at your response. He was prepared for I love you or I don't feel the same way about you. But thank you?
"Uh...welcome...I g-guess...?" He stuttered.
"Wait!" The moment you realized he confessed, your world started to spin.
Somehow, you managed to give him an apology and explanation, which made Deuce all the more embarrassed. He didn't think you were distracted and mentally punched himself for not paying attention to where your mind was.
He never brings up this incident, even though you said you love him back. Remembering what happened makes him embarrassed all over again.
When Idia heard you thank him, he backed away. He wanted to run and hide under the bed.
The previous night, he discussed the possible outcomes of his confession, but thank you was not one of them. He even practiced how he would respond if you rejected him. However, Idia was at a loss.
Even when you apologized and told him your mind was elsewhere, Idia couldn't get over the initial shock. Both of you were embarrassed, and the two of you quietly stared at each other awkwardly.
It takes him a little time to get over what happened. But when he does, he tries to confess to you again, hoping you don't thank him. But in case you do, he practiced his reaction, so at least he won't freeze up.
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dandylovesturtles · 3 months
Decided to write a quick little something for @whumperless-whump-event Day 4: chronic pain/"I'm used to it."
featuring, of course, Sidelined Leo!
like I said before, since it's disability pride month I'd like to do a few things for the Sidelined AU, so hopefully I will find time for more as the days go. For now, I hope you enjoy this!
Leo can tell it's going to be a bad day the moment he wakes up.
The pain in his arms and legs has grown from it's constant dull thrum to a more present burn, and there's a pinch between his eyes that tells him a headache is on the way. Really, he's not surprised; the last few days have been really good. He even went out on a mission two days ago, and did a little skateboarding yesterday. It stands to reason that his body has crashed out on him.
Sometimes he feels angry and bitter about it. Today, he just feels a sort of resigned acceptance. And that means maybe it won't be such a bad day after all.
He hits the button on the side of the bed so it bends him into a reclined position, then fumbles around on his side table until his hand lands on his pill organizer. He should probably text someone to bring him water, but it feels like a pain, so he dry swallows them one by one and just resolves not to mention doing that to Dad or Raph.
Then he finally blinks the sleep out of his eyes and looks around his room and... darn it, his chair isn't here. Where'd he even leave it...
His memory is a complete blank on that one, so he sighs and clears his throat.
"Hey, Shell-man?"
There's only a second of silence before Shelldon's voice echoes from who even knows where. Donnie rigged his new room with more electronics than Leo will ever know about.
"S'up bro?"
"You know where my chair is?" he asks, like Shelldon can't track it instantly.
"You left it in the arcade, dude," comes the answer. "Want me to wheel it over?"
Yeah, no way he's getting himself to the arcade today. "Sure, thanks, Shelly."
"No problem, dude!"
Leo lets his head flop back on his pillows while he wants for his chair to be delivered. He fumbles around for his phone this time and takes a look at his reminders.
6:00 PM: Concert with Mikester
"Crap," he mutters, closing his eyes. Right, that yokai hip-hop group Mikey wanted to go see. Leo had promised he'd go with him, but he doubts he'll be able to do it now.
It's not that big a deal. Raph or Donnie will probably go with him if Mikey makes big enough puppy eyes at them. It's just, Leo had been kinda excited about it, too...
The dark buzz that heralds his anxiety flares up, and he sucks in a deep breath and lets it out slow. He doesn't want this day to turn terrible. He needs to relax and accept the things he can't change, like April always says. Even when it sucks.
There's a whir of electronics that signals the arrival of his chair. Leo waits until it parks itself next to his bed, then he swings his legs over the bed and stands up just long enough to sit down in the chair again. Even that leaves him feeling a little winded, but he doubts his arms could have handled the transfer so he doesn't bother trying.
He wheels around his room until he finds his big comfy unicorn hoodie, then drives out into the rest of the lair, making his way up the ramp to the kitchen. He can smell breakfast cooking, and hear Raph's voice.
"Morning fam," he says as he comes in, trying to keep his voice upbeat even though he already feels tired.
"Morning Leo!" Mikey echoes, turning around with a whole plate of waffles. His smile falters a little when he sees the chair and the hoodie. "Oof. Flare up?"
"Yeah," he admits, steering his chair into the empty part of the kitchen table. Mikey sets the waffle plate down, and without having to be asked Raph starts fixing some for Leo, with blueberries on top.
It took work for them both to find the line between helping and babying, but they're better at this now. Leo doesn't mind Raph helping him out this way, especially because he'd rather not make a mess of the kitchen table.
"Mikey, can you grab my fat fork?"
"It has a name," says a tired voice behind him, and Leo smirks as Donnie comes around the side and makes for the coffee machine.
"I just used it. It's the fat fork."
"It's a GeniusBuilt Secure Grip Adjustable Fork-"
"I'm not saying all that."
Donnie huffs. Mikey snickers, swinging around him to deliver the fork with the thick grip to Leo. He has another set with a loop that can secure to his hand if he needs it, but this one is fine for now.
"Thanks Angelo."
"Did you take your meds this morning?" Raph asks.
"Yes, Mom," says Leo, rolling his eyes as he cuts off a bite of waffle.
"Really? 'Cause Raph didn't hear you ask anyone to bring you water-"
"I had some leftover Gatorade in my room," Leo lies quickly.
"Uh-huh." Raph looks at him skeptically. "Leo, you know taking pills without water hurts your throat."
"Meh meh meh, you'll hurt your throat," Leo repeats in a mocking voice. Raph reaches over like he's going to cuff Leo on the head, then seems to rethink it and steals some of his blueberries instead. "Hey!"
"You are all so noisy already," comes Splinter's voice, and he finally comes into the room to join them, wearing the robe he slept in. He looks up at Leo in his chair. "Are you in pain, Blue?"
Leo hums an affirmative. "It's not that bad, though," he adds, because it's not. Comparatively.
Now it's his dad's turn to look skeptical. "Are you sure?"
Leo grimaces. "It's... a little worse than normal," he amends. "But I can handle it."
"Mmm..." Splinter walks off to get in his own seat. "Let us know if it gets worse."
"Yeah, yeah..."
The conversation moves on to other topics, up until Leo's wheelchair beeps at him. He groans, glancing down at the battery indicator, which is firmly in the red.
"You forgot to charge it, didn't you?" asks Donnie, looking amused.
"Shut up, I've been busy!" Leo snaps back.
"If you left it on the charger when you aren't using it then this wouldn't happen."
"Alright, anyone else have any criticisms for me today?" he says, except it comes out a shade too bitter and Donnie's grin falters.
Good job, Leon, way to be a dick. He winces, focusing again on his waffles. His arm is sore from the effort of eating and he wants to crawl back in bed and stay there, which is exactly the sort of attitude he's been trying to avoid.
"...I have the backup chair in the lab if you need it," says Donnie. A peace offering.
"Thanks," says Leo, returning it.
So after breakfast, Donnie helps him swap chairs. His main one is put on the charger and he wheels himself to the living room with the backup, then calls for Raph.
"Think you can help me get comfy, big guy?" he asks.
"Of course," says Raph with a grin. "What do you want?"
It's nice that he asks now, instead of assuming.
Leo directs him to help him onto the couch, then Raph gets him his fluffy blue blanket to cover him up. Even though he took his meds, he can feel the pain radiating at his hips and knees and he guesses he's going to need more later. He sets an alarm on his phone and settles in with a Jupiter Jim flick to fall asleep to.
He's not out yet when he hears the pad of feet, then feels the couch dip as Mikey sits next to him.
"Hey Leo," he says softly, and Leo gives a hum to let him know he's still awake. "You think... you're gonna feel up for the concert tonight?"
Oh right. Shoot. It had already slipped Leo's mind, and now he feels guilty all over again.
He opens his eyes and tilts his head so he can see Mikey. "I don't think so. I'm sorry."
"You don't gotta apologize!" says Mikey quickly. "I'm sorry you're having a rough day."
"It's fine," says Leo. "I'm used to it."
"I'm still sorry," says Mikey firmly. He gets up, then comes over so he can give Leo a very awkward couch hug. "I wish you didn't have to hurt," he says, sincerely.
Leo leans into the hug. Feels the dark buzz of anxiety ebb away.
"Hey, it's alright. All you guys make it easier."
Mikey beams at that, bouncing back up. "Hey, I know," he says. "I'll get Donnie to help me set up a sweet livestream so you can see the concert from right here!"
They don't have to go to all that trouble for him. But Leo looks up at his little brother's shining smile and can't say no.
"That'd be really cool," he says, and Mikey claps his hands.
"Yes! Okay, I'll go get Dee and we'll get on it!"
He races away. Leo chuckles, curling up under his blanket.
Maybe it won't be such a bad day after all.
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