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Jessica Lichtner on "TheOp" podcast 🤗
#jessica Lichtner#TheOp podcast#script supervisor#continuity#scripte#continuité#on set#behind the scenes#film making#movie set#behindthescenes#on the set
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it took me a few minutes to realize what I was looking at here, but it wasn’t predation: these Azteca ants were fiercely guarding this Theope (Riodinidae) larva for the nutritious honeydew it secretes from glands in its rear (photo 2). at first I thought it was a normal caterpillar being eaten by ants, but after walking past a second time I saw what an unusual specimen it was!

not sure what the bulbous ornaments on its head are for, but it did sort of look like clustered ants, maybe some sort of ant mimicry in case no ants were in attendance? literature on this genus suggests they cannot survive without defense from Azteca

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Let's talk about shocks...
Forum: General 4x4 Discussion Posted By: TheoP Post Time: 2025/01/12 at 10:28 AM http://dlvr.it/THJj9Z
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The psychic relief I felt when I realized that people write Theo the way they do because Lapin is actually their favorite character and he’s just the only person around to put Lapin with…… Theo is not their fave, they have not spent a lot of time thinking about and studying him and his choices, they just need yaoi for Lapin and Theo exists to provide it for them. God I wish I had the power to just at a router level block all theop*n content from ever reaching my devices. AO3, please let me just permanently block a relationship tag. i do not want to perceive it.
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☄️ : a shooting star flies by, does your f/o make a wish? what do they wish for?
👽 : does your f/o believe in extraterrestrial life? Do you agree with them?
🪐 : what is your f/o's favourite planet? why?
THorpe! theope! thorpe !/thope!
rubbing my hands in excitement
first off I just wanna say a lil something abizt Thorpe! Reginald Thorpe is a 19th century lawyer, and a minor character in the maritimverse Moriarty audio drama. He's a nervous and very kindhearted man Moriarty encounters while traveling to America. Sadly he dies fairly early on.
The maritimverse, along with some other big german audio adaptations of the Sherlock Holmes stories have been VERY dear to me for many years now :)
Thorpe is one of the characters I ship with for fictive reasons, so my "s/i" is just Moriarty
Anyways that's it with the completely uncalled for infodump!
☄️: a shooting star flies by, does your f/o make a wish? what do they wish for?
He would make a wish, something really sweet, or anxiety driven. To keep a loved one or himself safe.
👽: does your f/o believe in extraterrestrial life? Do you agree with them?
Thorpe does not care enough to have an opinion on the topic, though he finds stories about coming into contact with extraterrestrial life ridiculous.
I have to agree as in I also usually don't enjoy stories about aliens, but I do believe there is a possibility of extraterrestrial life somewhere out there.
🪐: what is your f/o's favourite planet? why?
Venus, because it is fairly easy to spot from earth, and because he is a hopeless romantic at heart :)
#selfship#I have so many thoughts on him I can barely articulate because this goddamn story is so important to me#I should probably talk more maritimverse on here there's so many intricate relationships i have to these characters
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8 Léon Frot

Réception de l’immeuble situé 8 rue Léon Frot dans le 11ème arrondissement de Paris, immeuble étant à usage de bureau, ainsi que de commerce.
Possédant anciennement 2000m² d’espace, l’immeuble datant des années 80 a été surélevé de 2 niveaux, passant de 5 à 7 étages pour une surface de 2900 m². Les plateaux de bureaux ont été rénovés, et les terrasses situées sur différents étages ont été végétalisées.
Nous nous sommes occupés des études acoustiques, du suivi de chantier ainsi que des mesures de réception avec en parallèle une mission de contrôle des nuisances sonores et vibratoires durant l’exécution des travaux.
Belle aventure !
Equipe :
Maître d’ouvrage : Groupe Paref
Architecte : SK & Associés Architectes
BET Acoustique : META
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Names generated from Greek and Ukrainian female given names, excluding the letter "A"
Chloebe Chloi Chlois Chlome Chlomed Chlomeni Chlore Chrine Chrini Chris Chrisi Chrissi Christyni Chriteris Chroki Chrope Chrostuni Chrouni Chryne Chryni Chryse Clemone Clene Cleneodi Cleni Cletirine Cliki Clikiloe Cline Cliopi Cliubov Cosotine Crene Crenemiloe Creni Creno Cresiki Cressi Cynthy Cyone Cyono Cyosi...
Deline Deliubov Demeleni Demirenie Demis Deskeviris Despi Desyniki Diniki Dithe Dithiloe Dochloebe Dochris Domed Doniki Doreis Doreni Doris Dosoulyne Drono Dronoulis Effileni Effiles Effiline Effro Effrodespi Effroni Efpro Efthe Eftheone Eftheope Eftheoris Efthi Efthimoni Efthine Efthoe Eftine Eineone Eirone Ekiliubov Eksero Ektone Ektoni Ektoreni Elekse Elene Elewte Elexi Eliki Elileki Eline Elioubov Elippe Eliubov Elizolee Elpomen Emilili Emiliopi Emine Emini Emiris Emite Emotippe Erine Erines Erini Erithi Eroni Eudmire Eudmyliki Eudmylio Eudmylis Eudmyrodo Eudmyrope Eudokse Eudone Eudorine Eudoxi Euphe Euphi Euphippe Euphoe Euphoebe Euphroki Euphy Evgelene Evgeles Evgeni Evgenthi Evhed Evheki Evheni Evheopi Evictoren Evictoris Eviki Eviothed Evite Filiki Fothe Fothed Fotheres Fotippe Geliki Gelpomele Gione Giope Giorine Hedes Heleni Helippe Henie Heodo Heone Heope Heophi Heopi Hereni Herissi Hloebe Hlomed Hlomireni Hloris Ilewte Iliki Iline Ilippe Ilistimone Iliubov Iloebe Ineodemis Ineondru Iolee Iopine Iorinereni Iotine Ioulilen Iounobini Ireine Ireni Ironi Ironsti Iroullio Irounoubov Iryssi Istemone Judoniki Julidoki Juliki Junced Junis Khloebe Khloi Khlomedru Kilene Klydi Kolexi Koniki Korespi Korgirine Koris Krine Kselefthe Kseleni Kseliloe Ksene Kseris Kyris Kyristuno Kyrodeni Leneopi Liktris Likyrope Lilexi Lilini Lilio Liliudo Lioni Liope Liophy Liopi Liouno Lippe Lissini Liudo Liudoni Lizoe Lizoi Ljuni Ljuno Lugene Luyidoki Luyidoren Luyiniki Luyis Lympi Medru Medruno Melefthe Meleki Melene Meleone Meleris Meles Melexi Meliki Melippe Melis Melpome Melpomed Methe Methine Metippe Mettippe Miline Milistyni Milli Mitesyne Mylikilini Mylippe Myrochris Myroki Myroni Neris Nictone Niktoles Niteris Odokse Odoni Okiliki Oksene Okserenie Oleki Olektru Olene Oleni Oleoni Olerene Oleris Olessili Olewthe Olexi Olexini Oline Olyne Ophoe Opine Orene Orite Oubov Oxiniki Oxisi Pheleniki Phemed Phemis Phigoni Phililoe Philioni Phine Phini Phippe Phrone Phrope Phrynes Phylione Pristine Pristuni Prone Rometippe Rones Rossuliki Rosterodi Rosynthy Rouliope Roulis Runced Seleris Selippe Selis Serene Sereni Sofie Sophi Sophoebe Sothe Sotine Sotinie Soubov Soulileni Soulilile Soulli Souni Souno Sterine Stigone Stunie Styne Stynthine Svictoni Sviki Sviope Teftini Temissili Teren Terene Terine Teris Teryse Tethe Thene Theni Theno Theole Theope Theophi Thereni Theres Theris Theriseine Theroki Thigen Thililini Thilio Thimoni Thine Thini Thippe Thoebe Thylini Tigone Tireni Toniki Tonoubov Toris Ulidoni Ulikili Ulydine Ulyulini Vethi Vetine Vikone Vikyne Violdoki Vioni Viope Viopi Vioris Viteki Vitheno Vithoe Vitine Vitippe Vitrudoki Xenie Xeniktone Xenyubov Xrini Xyliki Xylio Xyliubov Yelethi Yelexi Yeliki Yeline Yelpome Yevgeli Yevgeline Yevgen Yevgene Yevgeni Yevhe Yevherine Yeviki Yevioubov Yevite Yines Yissiliki Yizois Yosyne Yubov Yudmyris Yudoris Zeleki Zeliki Zelio Zeliubov Zenie Zeniki Zeniren Zenis Zoebe Zoistippe Zoleki Zoleni Zolenis Zoretyne Zoris Zorissiki Zoriste Zoryne Zoryseliky Zoryskevio
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My hand in a game of Disney Sorcerer's Arena Epic Alliances. #WhatShouldIDo? #DisneyCardGame #Disney #micky #Aladdin #Wargame #skirmishgame #TheOp #Standees #LearningGame https://www.instagram.com/p/CnpkuKfOAcZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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My #TelestrationsUpsideDrawn party guest & I took turns playing each 20-30 minute game. I had about 11+ game players in total so we had a super fun filled night! Here's a few more pics from that night! We've never laughed so much in our lives! 🤣🤣🤣 .. Thank you again @tryazon for chosing me as a host and Thank you to @theopgames for creating this Upside Drawn version of Telestrations and bringing it to us all at #Tryazon! 🙃🙃 .. Almost every adult at my party has ordered their own game to play with other friends and family-that's just how much fun we had!! This game is truly one of my favorite games to play with groups or even a few people. Either way, it'll keep you awake and laughing-ALOT! .. Without giving to much of the game play away, I'll say-trying to draw with the UP or DOWN commands-ONLY isn't easy but it makes you laugh and enjoy playing the game!!! Trying to GUESS what's being drawn is another level of LAUGHTER 🤣🤪! .. I've also already stated planning a 2nd game night to play Telestrations Upside Drawn again! and am excited for when it's time! .. .. .. #Tryazon #TelestrationsUpsideDrawn #TheOpGames #TheOp https://www.instagram.com/p/CECW4aij6w6/?igshid=10cpmlup0tv7p
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We had a great time playing the Astro Trash board game this past weekend! Tryazon let me host a small get together with my friends so we could try it out. We also got an extra copy to give to the winner of the game! Overall, we all really enjoyed ourselves. Thank you so much TheOP and Tryazon!
Find it Target.
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Astro Trash Game night!!! This game is so much fun. Now this game isn’t for the weak of heart you have to remember you right from your left and be prepared for your kids to call you on being wrong! We even had a smaller group playing to that needed help so we modified the game for them where one set of dice was used and they took turns. This meant even the littles one who was 4 could play.... and SHE won! She can’t wait to play her game again! Thanks to #theOP #AstroTrash and #Tryazon for hooking her up with her own copy of the game! https://www.instagram.com/p/B2IliU4g1mO/?igshid=p1u8lsi13fzu
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Meat in Namibia
Forum: Namibia Posted By: TheoP Post Time: 2025/01/08 at 09:58 PM http://dlvr.it/THFSLy
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