#theon and jeyne kill ramsay?????
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greenbloods · 1 year ago
Peace and love on planetos to the fact that the characters get to kill their abusers. Cersei kills Robert. Lysa kills Jon Arryn. Petyr kills Lysa. Dany and Mirri both indirectly kill Khal Drogo. in a world so unjust, theres still some karma in action.
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daenystheedreamer · 2 years ago
i want jeyne to kill ramsay <3
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jeyneofpoole · 2 years ago
his dad kicked him out for being a sissy so he’s crashing with asha who won’t let him sleep on her couch so he’s duking it out over floorspace with qarl’s free-roaming potbellied pig named hamburg. he took the kids ‘trick-or-treating’ once but really he just made them sit in the corner while he got beat up in the bathroom of ramsay’s halloween rager and woke up in a cell. he wears axe body spray. he makes jeyne get her permit so she can chauffeur him around town because he never got his license and can’t afford a car. he has 15 novelty lighters.
modern theon has frosted tips and watched porn on his ipod touch until he was 20 and worked at a movie theatre where he and jon would hate-smoke weed with each other on their breaks and he got sansa addicted to vaping when she was 12 and during the stark family disney trip he lost rickon in the gift shop and when he got robb high for the first time robb got so scared he called his mom and cat kicked theon out of the house but he was back a day later. if you even care.
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vivacissimx · 5 months ago
theon witnessing shireen's execution would be Excellent
all the theon discourses would take thee harshest breath inward when the violence is laid bare. a child hostage's fear of ned stark, northern hypocrisy, nothing truly happened to you theon, after all gared was a deserter, mance was a deserter. the repetition of false identities in/around this situation (rattleshirt for mance & gilly's baby for dalla's, both changelings such monsters; theon presenting the miller's boys as bran & rickon as well as jeyne poole as arya; theon presenting as reek) does inherently present arguments about how we justify violence based on who it is committed upon— which would make witnessing the Horror a unique experience for theon imo. all the other deaths-by-burning have been legitimized by accusing the victim of a crime (treason, cannibalism) and theon is a person who grew up in winterfell aware that he was already judged guilty of the crime of being his father's son. ned keeping him alive as hostage/ward was more akin to a stay in his sentence rather than any assurance of safety based upon his own good behavior. few if anybody would protest should theon's father have rebelled and ned been called upon to serve 'justice.' so the execution of an innocent child would not shock theon as it would the others who'd been content to say well it only happens to the most black-hearted of criminals therefore I'm content to look away. in fact, it'd be a confirmation of what we as readers know he's always known— since theon was a child, since he scoffed at ser rodrik protesting that jaime lannister would attempt to murder an innocent child, since robb forbade the torture/execution of hostages only to allow it in theon's case at ramsay's hands. I'm imagining theon bursting into inappropriate laughter and the disgust laid upon him, but who are you truly disgusted with? how did you think this would end?
I do also smell a little greysnow Implication re: jon ending 'mance's' suffering quickly by having his archers kill him before the flames can. if we are dealing seriously with a bran & theon connection it could be interesting to have bran push theon to end shireen's suffering, perhaps as a result of the melisandre-bloodraven tension wherein she receives power from said burnings. and the idea of bran pushing theon to commit this violence which bran himself narrowly avoided could be quite gritty indeed. the Wall regularly raises questions of complicity, so. could be!
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pessimisticpigeonsworld · 1 year ago
D&D saying that one of their favorite plots from the books is the Boltons in Winterfell is a massive sign of their sexism. Now, for anyone one else, I'd probably not care, in fact, I'd agree it's a very interesting part. However, when it comes to the showrunners who needlessly wrote in excessive rape and violence against women, I see it as a red flag. That's compounded by the way they wrote it.
From the beginning of the show, D&D sabotaged the storyline by removing Jeyne Poole. Keep in mind, ADWD was released in 2008, while GOT premiered in 2011, meaning there was no possible way for D&D to not know everything necessary to bring about that specific plot. Add to that the fact that GRRM was heavily involved in season one, them blatantly ignoring Jeyne makes even less sense if they truly cared about adapting it properly.
Knowing this, that D&D themselves sabotaged their own story, the way it was handled makes a bit more sense, though not nearly enough. Without Jeyne there to play the part of fake Arya, a new bride for Ramsay was needed. Sansa was D&D's favorite character, they were unsatisfied with the story GRRM had written for her, they wanted more screen time and plot relevance for her. It seemed like making Sansa take Jeyne's place was a good solution to both these issues.
Except it wasn't. Littlefinger sending Sansa out of the Vale to marry Ramsay makes no sense. Not only is Sansa the object of Littlefinger's obsession, a replacement for Catelyn in his mind, she also was important to Littlefinger getting the Vale on his side (in the show). She was charming the lords and knights, balancing their intense dislike for him with their desire to help/protect her. Not to mention she was his only alibi to save him from accusations of Lysa's murder. Sending her away from the Vale harms Littlefinger's plans. She also would definitely not be "protected" from Cersei; after all the Boltons were loyal to the Lannisters and hated the Starks, what's to stop them from killing Sansa or handing her over once the Northern lords are more settled?
Speaking of the Northern lords, D&D removed the Northern Conspiracy. Throughout the book plot, the Northern lords are plotting to save Arya and depose the Boltons (in a nutshell, it's actually much more complex, but I'm not going into that rn). It's an excellent expression of how the Northerners loved the Starks and hate the Boltons. In the show, the lords are a bit disgruntled, sure, but they have no interest in deposing the Boltons and saving Sansa.
Another major part of the storyline minimized by the show is Theon/Reek. Theon's struggle with identity is a major part of his character throughout the series, and ADWD is no different. He's been stripped entirely of his identity by Ramsay's torture and Theon's own choices. Part of his arc in this book is discovering himself apart from the Starks and the Greyjoys.
That's definitely not what the show did. As I said earlier, Sansa is D&D's favorite character, so naturally she became the center focus of this arc, while Theon was pushed aside. He's essentially reduced to the method of Sansa's escape and goes on track to return to his pre-season one perception of himself: a Stark. This is a massive disservice to his character, Theon isn't a Stark; his life with them is important to his storyline and will definitely inform what he becomes, but it's not the true culmination of his arc. Basically, Theon was turned into a side character in his own story. It's through his pov we see this story, he's the character most tied to Ramsay. Obviously Jeyne is important and a main character in her own right for this arc, but she is not the central character we see the story through. So why is Sansa? She has no stake in this story, Jeyne is forced there after being sex trafficked and Theon is a captive.
So what does this leave for the show version of the plot? There's no conspiracy, Theon's pushed to the side, and politics and overall story are sacrificed. Well that leaves torture and violence against Ramsay's bride. Without the many moving parts of that storyline, it's just a story of a woman being abused horribly by her husband and eventually escaping. However, the escape isn't even the main aspect of the story focused on, that's always the abuse. It's also purely Sansa's abuse, not Theon's or the many people tortured and murdered by Ramsay, Sansa is the sole focus.
So basically, D&D took a plotline that's filled with the inner workings of Northern politics and the complexities of battling identity loss and reduced it to another excuse to show a woman be raped and abused on screen. The desire to turn this stroy into another way to make Sansa suffer is disturbing, and to make matters worse she fucking thanks Ramsay later on?? This whole storyline in the show is disgusting and yet another sign of how sexist D&D are.
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visenyaism · 2 years ago
You think Theon is getting out of everything alive? I am absolutely desperate for a Theon survival even though tbh I don't think it looks very good for him
that’s one of the ones i do not really doubt. all of balon greyjoy’s sons died and he lived. he spent his entire childhood thinking he could be killed at any minute for something that wasn’t his fault and he lived. he turned his cloak and burned winterfell and killed his kin and he lived. he survived ramsay and he wanted to die every day and he jumped off the walls of winterfell with jeyne and he lived. the person he thinks he should have died with is gone. now he has to live.
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scarareg · 8 months ago
Some of the reasons GOT crashed and burned was because there were major events that went without consequences. For example, let's have Cersei blowing up the Great Sept and somehow everyone, especially the smallfolk, did not have any kind of reaction about it. In HOTD Rhaenys blowed up the Dragonpit,killing thousand of people and no-one cares, and her dragon is beloved by the civilians somehow
Other point is how they changed the characters personalities from one episode to another, without any reason or character arc, just to turn them into villains. Sorry for the reminder of Dany' character assasination. But it reminds me of Aemond, in the sense that he is now acting like an anime villain who does not respects his mom (or anyone) at all and just wants war for some reason, even if in S1 he was completely different
Another point is how they omitted some book characters because their stories may be hard to adapt, or/and because if they were never mentioned in the show, then there are fewer plot lines, so in theory the show would be easier to write. So who cares about Young Griff,right? Just like in HOTD they are acting like Maelor is not important, so they can erase him. Or ,Daeron? Who is that? It doesn't really matter
Lastly, they gave book plots to other characters, so Sansa is now stuck with Theon and Ramsay, which originally is Jeyne Poole's plotline. In HOTD they are giving to Rhaena Nettles' story
But of course HOTD is going to end up ok, right guys? Nothing can go wrong
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agentrouka-blog · 3 months ago
Not that i want Sansa Antis to attack her even more, but i just wondered why they always blame her for Ned's death (he would have died in KL anyways), but they never bring up Jeyne Poole. Like, i was thinking, is Sansa partially responsible for what happened to Jeyne Poole? The only thing that Sansa going to Cersei accomplished is that Sansa could be taken into custody instead of Ned sending her and everyone from his entourage back to WF. If that had happened, Septa Mordane, Jeyne, etc, wouldn't have been in KL for the Lannisters and Baelish to get their hands on them. Obviously, the Lannisters and Baelish are the ones who actually did the crimes and I hate when people put just as much blame on Sansa as they do on them, but: in my head, Sansa has always been unfairly maligned and mostly blameless. But would this be something she could be blamed for? Would she consider this when she finds out about Jeyne's fate? On the other hand, if Sansa hadn't talked to Cersei about Ned's plans to send them back to WF, they would have ended up in WF without Ned or Catelyn, ready to fall into the hands of Theon and or Ramsay.
That's wrong, actually.
Here is a helpful timeline (halfway down into the post) by @istumpysk that gives us insight into what happened when.
The boat Wind Witch was going to leave that evening.
Ned was getting himself arrested that morning, and the slaughter of his household commenced soon after.
Absolutely nothing Sansa did had any influence over anything other than MAYBE giving Cersei the identity of the ship they were leaving on, quicker than they maybe would have gotten it from questioning anyone else. But - again - they were never making it to that ship in the first place.
And it's even doubtful the captain would have taken escaped Arya away that evening all by herself and delivered her to Winterfell when the guy who hired him has just been arrested for high treason, even if Cersei (or spying Varys or Littlefinger) had not known which ship it was. The same would be true for Jeyne and Sansa if - for some unfathomable reason - they had not been in the Tower of the Hand as Ned instructed and somehow escaped the slaughter undetected. Which is ridiculous because we know how difficult it was for adventurous Arya to get away. She had to kill a witness to do it. Jeyne Poole is clearly apprehended with ease and placed into confinement in Maegor's Holdfast with Sansa that night.
And even Arya didn't make to the ship there by the time it was supposed to leave. They made a trap for her that she recognizes as such many days later, surprised the ship is still there.
So.. no. Sansa is absolutely not to blame for anything that happened to Jeyne Poole. If she did blame herself, she would be wrong to do so. That's what makes people's desire to blame her so ridiculous. It relies on not actually reading the text and understanding what happens.
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jedimaesteryoda · 1 year ago
You often miss how similar Jorah Mormont and Petyr Baelish are in some respects.
When it was announced that I was to wed Brandon Stark, Petyr challenged for the right to my hand. It was madness. Brandon was twenty, Petyr scarcely fifteen. I had to beg Brandon to spare Petyr's life. He let him off with a scar. Afterward my father sent him away. I have not seen him since." -AGOT, Catelyn IV Yet with Lynesse's favor knotted round my arm, I was a different man. I won joust after joust. Lord Jason Mallister fell before me, and Bronze Yohn Royce. Ser Ryman Frey, his brother Ser Hosteen, Lord Whent, Strongboar, even Ser Boros Blount of the Kingsguard, I unhorsed them all. In the last match, I broke nine lances against Jaime Lannister to no result, and King Robert gave me the champion's laurel. I crowned Lynesse queen of love and beauty, and that very night went to her father and asked for her hand. I was drunk, as much on glory as on wine. By rights I should have gotten a contemptuous refusal, but Lord Leyton accepted my offer. We were married there in Lannisport, and for a fortnight I was the happiest man in the wide world." -ACOK, Daenerys I
They pursued beautiful highborn women far above their station who, and both being southron women who married northern lords. Petyr pined for Catelyn Tully, and fought a duel for her hand against her betrothed, Brandon Stark. Jorah won a tourney with the favor of Lynesse Hightower, he crowned her queen of love and beauty and managed to marry her when he asked for her hand.
Their stories have a romantic element to them with Petyr dueling for Cat's hand and Jorah winning a tourney with Lynesse's favor, but they end up being subverted with neither getting a happy ending. Petyr loses the duel and is nearly killed, and then SAed by Lysa and sent from Riverrun. Jorah's marriage didn't work out, exhausting his family's coffers to provide her the luxuries she was used to and after selling poachers to slavers, which forced him into exile. Catelyn ended up marrying Ned Stark and Lynesse ended up leaving Jorah to be a merchant-prince's concubine.
After that, they found themselves in service to women with Lysa Arryn having Jon Arryn raisie up Petyr and him later serving Queen Cersei while Jorah ending up serving Daenerys in exile. They also end up betraying the people they serve with Littlefinger having a hand in the War of Five Kings and being behind Joffrey's murder, killing Lysa and Jorah spying on Daenerys.
"I've told the khal he ought to make for Meereen," Ser Jorah said. "They'll pay a better price than he'd get from a slaving caravan. Illyrio writes that they had a plague last year, so the brothels are paying double for healthy young girls, and triple for boys under ten. If enough children survive the journey, the gold will buy us all the ships we need, and hire men to sail them." -AGOT, Daenerys VII "I'm a good girl," Jeyne whimpered. "They trained me." -ADWD, Theon
Another thing they have in common is their attitude towards children and sex slavery. Petyr took the orphaned Jeyne Poole, forced her into sexual slavery at one of his brothels as shown by the whippings she endured for refusing and mentioning "she was trained." He then sent her to Ramsay Bolton of all people, likely not being ignorant of the things he had heard about him. Jorah had no qualms selling kids into sex slavery en masse, and when Dany tells him to stop Eroeh from being raped, he initially pushes back saying the Dothraki are claiming "their reward."
"You shouldn't kiss me. I might have been your own daughter . . ." "Might have been," he admitted, with a rueful smile. "But you're not, are you? You are Eddard Stark's daughter, and Cat's. But I think you might be even more beautiful than your mother was, when she was your age." -ASOS, Sansa VII "What did she look like, your Lady Lynesse?" Ser Jorah smiled sadly. "Why, she looked a bit like you, Daenerys." -ACOK, Daenerys I
It fits their creepy attitude towards the opposite gender with their fixation on young girls after the loss of their previous interests of affection. Petyr fixates on Cat's daughter Sansa Stark who does bear a noted resemblance to her mother while Jorah fixates on Daenerys who he admits looks like his ex-wife.
For half a heartbeat she yielded to his kiss . . . before she turned her face away and wrenched free. "What are you doing?" Petyr straightened his cloak. "Kissing a snow maid." . . . "You shouldn't kiss me. I might have been your own daughter . . ." -ASOS, Sansa VII It was a long kiss, though how long Dany could not have said. When it ended, Ser Jorah let go of her, and she took a quick step backward. "You . . . you should not have . . ." "I should not have waited so long," he finished for her. "I should have kissed you in Qarth, in Vaes Tolorru. I should have kissed you in the red waste, every night and every day. You were made to be kissed, often and well." His eyes were on her breasts. Dany covered them with her hands, before her nipples could betray her. "I . . . that was not fitting. I am your queen." -ASOS, Daenerys I
Their treatment towards these girls can be described as possessive and abusive. While posing to their girls as their protectors, they basically use it to enforce control over them. They force kisses on the girls, and when the girls make it clear they don't want them, simply dismiss them and continue to push. Petyr keeps Sansa in his custody under a false identity, effectively making him her guardian and keeping her completely dependent on him. Jorah tries to isolate Dany from other men in her life from Xaro to Barristan and Daario.
The main difference in Petyr is very vindictive, and works on the downfall of houses Stark and Tully over Cat's rejection and marriage while Jorah stays loyal to Daenerys and tries to seek her favor again. Neither man really takes accountability for the consequences of their actions.
Their fixations will ultimately prove to be their downfalls. Petyr underestimates the danger Sansa potentially poses to him as she is learning from him. Jorah in a desperate act, kidnaps Tyrion, and tries to go to Meereen to regain favor with Daenerys. He likely won't like the Ironborn suitor Victarion, and his actions will likely get himself killed.
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akilahia · 8 months ago
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I just like these expressions.
Perpetrator and Victim.
Wolf and Lamb.
He’s full of anger for being held captive his entire life, to lose his sense of identity and belonging. No one understands what he’s gone through, not his friend whose family held him hostage, or his sister whom he was kept away from for years. To the Stark children all they’ve known was his life with them, he wasn’t anything before that to them. For the Greyjoy’s the Theon they knew died when he was 9 and they hate what he’s become, seeing him as a Stark. He is seen as a Stark and a Greyjoy by opposing side, yet he is nothing. No one could understand, just because he wasn’t tortured or chained up while held captive. For years he knew at any moment they could(and would) kill him, no matter how kind and close they were. And they didn’t understand how that affected him. But he stepped out too far, causing too much harm.
The true wolf led him further down this violent path, and no matter how much Theon tried to prove himself as the brave and ruthless wolf. He ultimately was a lamb led to the slaughter.
A living butchery of agony.
Breaking, snapping, flaying. God.
With the flesh stripped away, his twisted identity became something worse. This thing was a nothing, with no purpose but to appease.
Reek, Reek, it rhymes with meek.
If he didn’t he’d lose more of who he once was, the body of Theon Greyjoy further being mushed and cracked into Reek. Broken in with pain and torture, but he didn’t want that anymore. He wants his fingers and toes and teeth and skin. If he is good Ramsay won’t take it. Ramsay is kind. So loving. So monstrous. So sadistic. What has he done to Theon Greyjoy.
Reek, Reek, it rhymes with freak.
Theon is dead and stupid. He was naive and had no one left to love him. Everyone hated him for his betrayal or betrayed him. There was nothing left for Theon, making him ripe for the birth of Reek.
But it can’t be over for him god. Please no.
Like doomed Robb Stark, Theon Greyjoy also faces an inescapable fate. He must live. He has endured things worse than death but he must live. Jeyne must live.
Asha must see her brother, still barely alive in this terrified husk of himself that has been twisted unnaturally and painfully. She must realize that when she refused to help, he had been left to this fate.
Poor Theon Greyjoy. Wicked Theon Greyjoy. That bitch Theon Greyjoy.
What he’s done is worthy of death, but what he’s endured is worse than that. Has he paid his debt tenfold? What of the millers sons, innocent whom he killed. What of Kyra, innocent whom he’d forced and hurt. Both of whom died guided by the hand of the man who flays and skins and lies of love. But ultimately Theon perpetrated their suffering. The suffering of the Miller’s wife.
But what of Jeyne Poole, scared and young. The love of one whom he once loved. The one he betrayed. They care for each other. He must ensure she lives. They both must, but her above all else.
Theon Greyjoy, how much fright have you known. Do you even know your hair turned white.
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jackoshadows · 2 years ago
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Earlier I had mentioned how ‘Arya’s’ marriage to Ramsay Bolton is the thread that connects all the plots in the North in ADwD and I could not help notice how it’s mentioned or is the driving force for what is happening in four different locations or about 70% of the North plot.
Reek I (Theon I) - We are first introduced to this wedding in the North in this chapter when Ramsay tells Reek that he is to be wed to Arya Stark and needs Reek to stick around in better conditions.
Davos III: Davos is brought before the Manderlys with the Freys and Lannister/Bolton spies in attendance. Lady Wylla Manderly sticks up for Lady Arya Stark by telling everyone what an absolutely rotten fellow Ramsay Bolton is.
Reek II (Theon II): Reek meets ‘Arya’ and understands what is happening. This is Jeyne Poole, not Arya Stark.
The Wayward Bride (Asha I): The Boltons send off the wedding invites. Over at Deepwood Motte, Asha Greyjoy gets one written in the blood of dead Ironborn. This is also where she learns that her brother Theon is alive.
Jon VI: An interesting parallel with Asha and Theon here when Jon also gets a wedding invite at the Wall and learns that his little sister Arya Stark is alive and to be married to Ramsay Bolton. A lot of soul searching and angst happens before he decides he can’t help.
Davos IV: Manderly reveals all and the North Remembers. Manderly and Robett Glover proclaim Ramsay evil by birth and blood and tell Davos they need Ned’s son, Rickon, to prevent the Boltons from claiming Winterfell through Ned’s daughter Arya. They promise to support Stannis if Davos gets them Rickon Stark and Shaggydog.
Melisandre I: The red priestess convinces the Lord Commander to send Mance and the spearwives to rescue Arya based on her visions of Arya fleeing her marriage and heading to the Wall.
Reek III (Theon III): The Boltons get news that Stannis has left the Wall, won Deepwood and is marching on them. They strategize and decide to wait at Winterfell because Roose is confident that the Northmen with Stannis will reach Winterfell come what may to save Arya Stark.
Jon VII: Jon prays for Arya and gets a letter from Stannis with a recap of all that’s happened, promising to do his best to save Arya and find a better match for her (Presumably after killing Ramsay). Jon makes plans to send Arya to Braavos
The Prince of Winterfell (Theon IV): The Wedding of ‘Arya Stark’, given in marriage by Theon Greyjoy to Ramsay Bolton. There’s a feast, lots of interesting dynamics and political games played between various houses. Roose is vary of Manderly and Abel the Bard is there with his ‘Die Hard’ mission to get a Stark maiden secretly out of Winterfell.
Jon VIII: Jon and Val discuss Mel’s visions in her fires. Jon hopes that her visions of Arya are true and that Arya gets to the Wall safely.
The Turncloak (Theon V): Lady Barbrey and Theon Turncloak discuss the intricacies of the alliances between the different houses and the impact of Lady Arya’s tears in galvanizing the North to unite against the Boltons.
The King’s Prize (Asha II): Asha is introduced to the bad-ass mountain clans marching with Stannis Baratheon, who make it clear that they are going to save Lady Arya Stark come what may, no matter that Winter has clearly come to the North. The Boltons were right about them.
Jon IX: Jon’s hopes are dashed when Mel’s visions of a girl in grey fleeing a marriage on a dying horse turns out to be Alys Karstark and not Arya Stark.
A Ghost in Winterfell (Theon VI): Stannis reaches Winterfell! Theon ponders on the uncertain loyalties of the lords who are only there at Winterfell because of Arya Stark. Mance’s Spearwives approach Theon.
Jon X: Jon compares Alys’ bravery to Arya and gives her in marriage to Sigorn, Magnar of Thenns, in a wedding that is clearly meant to contrast the darkness of ‘Arya’s marriage to Ramsay in Winterfell.  Melisandre warns Jon of ‘daggers in the dark’, a warning that Jon refutes because she was wrong about Alys being Arya.
Theon VII: The escape. The Spearwives approach Jeyne and tell her that they are taking her to her half-brother at the Wall, Lord Crow. Even as the Spearwives are trapped and possibly caught, Jeyne Poole and Theon Greyjoy jump the walls to freedom.
Jon XI: Jon walks the Wall, worried and concerned for Arya. He misses her and hopes that Mance succeeds in his mission and gets her home to him.
The Sacrifice (Asha III): While the king’s men and queen’s men complain about the march to Winterfell, the loss of life and lack of food and doubt if they can make it, the Northern army and mountain clans are adamant about taking Winterfell and saving Arya. Asha is then finally united with Theon (and Jeyne).
Jon XIII: The Pink Letter. Ramsay demands his bride back, along with Reek and Stannis’ family. Jon decides to go attack the Warden of the North with an army of Wildlings. This leads to mutiny, assassination and his death.
And this is why GRRM considered Jeyne Poole essential to the story he was telling in the books. Without it, everything changes and story is now different on the TV show compared to the books or two different canons as GRRM puts it.
It’s incredible how Arya Stark is not even in Westeros and yet the entire plot in the North location in ADwD pivots around her marriage to Ramsay Bolton, in terms of House Stark politics in the North.
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atopvisenyashill · 1 month ago
we could be getting the theon durden story and the mystery of who is killing people and all the politics between manderly and barbrey and roose and ramsay and the umbers and the way everyone is slowly getting more disturbed over jeyne’s detiorating state and instead we get this little candle plot and ramsay just making random villain speeches. okay.
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daenystheedreamer · 2 years ago
stark succession crisis is so funny. robb dead. bran and rickon publicly dead. arya married to ramsay but that’s jeyne. sansa the only actual fully alive public facing stark but also she’s disappeared now. jon bastard and married to the wall. 
by laws of succession bran should be heir but only the mountain clansmen know he’s alive. northerners are trying to get rickon on the throne, dont know bran is alive, also trying to save fake arya. LSH, maege and galbart know jon was made robb’s heir. robb didnt know half his siblings were still alive. howland knows jon is a targ. stannis said he’d make jon lord of winterfell. petyr thinks sansa is heir. ramsay married fake arya and now theon is telling fake arya to keep up the pretence or stannis will just kill them both. jon will know fake arya is fake so where is real arya. real arya fucked off to braavos and due to trauma and cults is trying to induce dissociative identity disorder so really is anyone real arya. none of them know whos alive and whos dead. and benjen is also there maybe? 
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iceywolf24 · 11 months ago
Since Bran has been watching winterfell I think we may see him really tested in TWOW.
and her boy lying there broken, the sweetest of her children, the gentlest - Catelyn III AGOT
The Bastard himself was dead Bran learned that evening over supper. Ser Rodrik's men had caught him on Hornwood land doing something horrible (Bran wasn't quite sure what, but it seemed to be something you did without your clothes) and shot him down with arrows as he tried to ride away. They came too late for poor Lady Hornwood, though. After their wedding, the Bastard had locked her in a tower and neglected to feed her. Bran had heard men saying that when Ser Rodrik had smashed down the door he found her with her mouth all bloody and her fingers chewed off. - Bran V ACOK
"Some people hurt others just because they can," said Jojen.
"And it wasn't Theon who did the killing at Winterfell," said Meera. "Too many of the dead were ironmen." - Bran II ASOS
Bran has a gentle heart, but we know he's seen the vile things Ramsay has done through the heart tree.
Bran has already repressed what Jaime did but some of that anger is still there shown when he thinks about how he could "tear out the kingslayer's throat".
In Winds, we may see his gentle heart tested as we learn his thoughts about what Ramsay has done.
Seeing someone truly just torture and hurt people the way he does and enjoy it.
He has heard of it before with Lady Hornwood but to see it personally especially with what he's done with Theon and Jeyne who he's known his entire life, especially the later who has never harmed anyone.
Not to mention Beth, Old Nan, Palla, and the others being held in the dungeons, Bran yielded Winterfell to protect everyone only to see them being hunted like animals.
"If ice can burn," said Jojen in his solemn voice, "then love and hate can mate. Mountain or marsh, it makes no matter. The land is one." - Bran II ASOS
Once outside the godswood the cold descended on him like a ravening wolf and caught him in its teeth. He lowered his head into the wind and made for the Great Hall, hastening after the long line of candles and torches. Ice crunched beneath his boots, and a sudden gust pushed back his hood, as if a ghost had plucked at him with frozen fingers, hungry to gaze upon his face.
Bran's love for his people bringing out a hatred in him.
Bran being Ice that burns away at the Boltons and Freys.
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dyannawynnedayne · 8 months ago
Round Three: Which Character Parallel Is Your Favorite?
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Tyrion and Maelys: art by @mylestoyne (1, 2)
Theon and Jeyne: art by @perunikaart (1,2)
Tyrion and Maelys
Tyrion's Dream
That night Tyrion Lannister dreamed of a battle that turned the hills of Westeros as red as blood. He was in the midst of it, dealing death with an axe as big as he was, fighting side by side with Barristan the Bold and Bittersteel as dragons wheeled across the sky above them. In the dream he had two heads, both noseless. His father led the enemy, so he slew him once again. Then he killed his brother, Jaime, hacking at his face until it was a red ruin, laughing every time he struck a blow. Only when the fight was finished did he realize that his second head was weeping.
Tyrion II, ADWD
Theon and Jeyne
New names from their captor
"No," he said, "no, that was some other man, that was before you knew your name." His name was Reek. He had to remember that. Reek, Reek, it rhymes with leek.
She said the words. By this marriage Ramsay would be Lord of Winterfell. So long as Jeyne took care not to anger him, he should have no cause to harm her. Arya. Her name is Arya.
ADWD, The Prince of Winterfell
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kingsmoot · 2 months ago
Helicent is such a good name and reading what you wrote about her? Incredible amazing showstopping.
I support her medical experiments 💯!!
thank you so much i looooove her!! if only time had not forced her and qyburn to be born a century apart they could've had such fun together.
i spent a long time trying to find a name for her and failing and then randomly came across "helicent" in one of the many lists and wikis i was browsing and thought "that's a northern name, that'll work"
and then i thought "wait how do i know that" so i looked it up and turns out one of ramsay's girls is named helicent. she's a dog theon mentions a few different times, perhaps most painfully here:
The girls were glad to see him. They knew him by his smell. Red Jeyne loped over to lick at his hand, and Helicent slipped under the table and curled up by his feet, gnawing at a bone. They were good dogs. It was easy to forget that every one was named for a girl that Ramsay had hunted and killed.
adwd; chapter 41, the turncloak
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