#theo raeken centric
junkiefox · 20 days
Teen Wolf "Green Creek au"
Where Theo turns into his Wolf form 100% of the time because he can hunt like that, can sleep anywhere, his omega loneliness is easier to face, and feelings are easy to process.
Everyone thinks he left, his truck hidden in the forest where he can lie on its bed when he needs something familiar.
The pack can smell his scent when they go running through the woods, but Theo isn't stupid, he knows where and how to hide, how to slow down his heartbeat until is barely heard. He is relieved that they ignore him, don't look too hard to find him. Theo thinks that's Scott allowing him to stay, even though he doesn't deserve it.
He listens to them howl on the full moon and holds back his own needs to do the same. Because he isn't pack, and he can't out himself.
He should leave Beacon Hills. There are other woods where he can hide, without all the fear and distrust. Where he could relax, not bring alert all the time.
But his truck is there. And everything is familiar, bringing a sense of comfort, somehow. The only thing preventing him from getting insane is this small feeling of belonging.
And then
There's a bunny
A little bunny running and running and theo is hungry, so so hungry
Here bunny here
Just want to play
Bunny don't hide
Here come here
Running running
The moon so pretty and it's singing, singing!
It loves Theo, even though his not actually born from the moon, he doesn't belong to it, but it loves him anyways. It accepts him.
And Theo is happy, so happy. Finally hunting, running, his free, free! The moon loves him, and he wants to sing to it too.
But then, there's pain. So so much pain. His leg hurts, and he howls. He's not stupid, but he got distracted. Silver dents into his skin. And it burns, and Theo howls.
Is not stupid, but he got distracted, too much into his wolfself to be cautious. And now, pain is making him stupid because he doesn't want to die. Not again, not again, please.
Pain pain pain
Someone please
Not again please
It's an old Hunters trap (he hopes is an old one, they can't be there, Scott's pack needs some time without danger. They deserve it). And it hurts. He is not affected by silver itself, but it hurts anyway.
He howls until he can't do it anymore. The moon leaving him, abandoning him too. He's left whining and crying to old trees, the wind taking his sounds away.
There's too much blood and he can't heal because its dents are deep down his skin, into his flesh.
Alone, he's going to die alone. And please not again please
Until, a rapid heartbeat and a salty smell come to him overlapping the pain and the smell of his own blood.
Strawberry and wet earth, autumn and slight acid rage
And oh, Liam
Here Liam please
It's all strawberry and wet earth, autumn and slight acid rage and a heartbeat too fast. Too erratic.
A breathless Liam kneels in front of him. Shaking hands caressing his head. He is into his pajamas, an old shirt and sweatpants. He's pretty, so so pretty. It's all Theo can think about.
Theo whines when pain is drained from him, Liam shaking even more when black veins appear on his arms. He relax into Liam, his scent all Theo can feel.
"Theo, I-" his voice is hoarse, he takes a few more breaths. "You screamed. I heard you howl and it was so-" Theo closes his eyes. There's still so much pain and he's tired but Liam's here. He's here, he heard him and he came.
"Sorry for taking so long. It's going to be okay." He continues to stroke his head, scratching behind his ear. "You're my responsibility, right? You're going to be okay."
And Theo trusts him. It's okay. It's going to be okay.
And it's all strawberry and wet earth, autumn and slight acid rage. Sunlight shines again and he allows himself to relax for the first time since he became a wolf.
Part 2
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belovedbastardremus · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Scott McCall & Theo Raeken, Scott McCall & Theo Raeken & Stiles Stilinski, Theo Raeken & Stiles Stilinski, Melissa McCall & Theo Raeken Characters: Theo Raeken, Melissa McCall, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Stiles Stilinski, Liam Dunbar, Corey Bryant (Teen Wolf), Mason Hewitt Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Light Angst, Nostalgia, Theo Raeken is Loved, he just doesn't remember it, Theo Raeken-centric Summary:
The first time Theo walks into the McCall house after 8 years of absence, he is pinned on his feet by how familiar everything looks. In his time away from Beacon Hills Theo had accustomed himself to the idea of the world being ever-changing. He could not recognise himself in the mirror, nor in his action, and no landscape ever had the time to become known to him. When he’d set foot back in town Theo was ready to discover it, yet everything around him seemed intent on reminding him of what could have been.
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raekensarcher · 2 years
My fics <3 (completed)
All the love we unraveled (and the life i gave away) 3.1k, Thiam.
Thinks I wasn’t sure i even knew how to feel this way anymore. I didn’t think i was capable of doing anything other than harm. I thought all my hands knew how to do was hurt and take and ruin, but you keep proving me wrong. Please, understand i’m trying my best. Please, see me. See me, see me, see me see
Or: what happened between the time they left the hospital and made it to Liam’s house.
Tell me that we’ll be just fine (Even when i lose my mind) 6.3k, Thiam
"What? No 'Thank you for saving my ass, Theo'?, No 'I'm sorry you had to carry my deadweight through this abandoned zoo while hunters are trying to kill us, Theo. That was really brave of you, Theo.'? Oh, wow, Liam! You are so very welcome for saving your ungrateful ass for the millionth fucking time." Theo growls, eyebrows pinched.
"Do you even need me for this conversation?" Liam says, unimpressed.
Or: The five times Theo had to knock Liam out before they were able to leave the zoo.
Close my eyes, fantasize, three clicks and i’m home 3.7k, Thiam
1. a drug or a medicine for relieving pain.
Examples: Ibuprofen, Advil, The way Liam is looking at him right now.
Or, Alternatively; Liam comes home to find Theo bleeding out on his floor when he's been MIA for two months.
Cause everyone’s growing, and everyone’s healthy (i’m terrified i might never have met me) 20.3k, Thiam
He's allowing Liam to step into his space, to see the worst part of him and say ‘See me, know me, understand that this is the worst of me but it is not who I am. I am a better version of myself. I am not the worst of my actions. I am more. You know me.’
And hope that Liam understands and accepts him anyways.
Or, alternatively: A post hell fic and the road to healing.
Of Gods and Monsters 3.1k, Thiam
The definition of Chimera goes as follows:
"(in Greek mythology) a fire-breathing (female) monster with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail."
Which is true, but Chimera can also mean:
"A thing that is hoped or wished for but in fact is illusory or impossible to achieve."
Or: Theo’s battle with religion and his belief in God.
I’m here, right here, wishing i could be there for you 3.6k, Thiam
"I just wanted to let you know I'm not mad anymore. Snail la vie, or whatever."
"What la vie?"
Or: There's a halloween party, Liam is a little high, Theo is a little annoyed and they're both a little bit in love.
Crimson stained hands 896, Thiam (Implied)
No amount of scrubbing is going to rid the permanent red tint to his hands.
or: Theo is trying very hard to keep himself together.
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amethystskeleton · 2 months
Theo Raeken’s original mission in Beacon Hills, given to him by the Dread Doctors, had nothing to do with killing Scott, and was actually about getting Malia to kill her mother instead. In this essay I will-
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You’re crying. It’s one am and you’re crying because of a fanfiction
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All About Control, Chapter 17
Monroe holds pressure with the blade against his chest, smirking when he starts to bleed. She pulls back for a moment, giving him a millisecond to breathe before she plunges the knife into his side, leaving him gasping for air. The initial pain is searing, feels like a fire is building under his ribs. He tries his best to breathe but every inhale brings a new round of pain surging through his lungs.
Monroe is smirking, but his vision is starting to blur at the edges, everything starting to double around him. One Monroe is enough, he doesn’t need to see two of her. He clenches his eyes shut, forcing his brain to think of anything other than the blade that has yet to be removed from his side.
Think of something good. Think of something good. Liam, think of Liam.
Give @raekensarcher some love, because their fic is almost done and we churned out this 10k marvel of whump and torture to get Theo to an interesting place.
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@transdunbar @stitchkiss @luckyvd @thiamsxbitch
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☆ Theo Raeken Appreciation Week 2024 ☆
this event is for Theo Raeken centric fan works and will run from August 1st — August 7th 2024, it can be gen works or ship, all characters & au’s are welcome! feel free to send in an ask with any questions or concerns!
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to participate in this event tag your creations with #theoapprecationweek24 and/or #theoweek24 and then tag this blog @theoraekenapperciation — please make sure to read the rules found here before posting a work for this event
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☆ prompts - these can be mixed & matched however you please and if you don’t want to follow them that’s fine too!
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day 1 — first meet - what was it like for theo when he first met members of the pack? is there a meet scene you want to rewrite?
day 2 — on accident - is it something sweet like the one bed trope? or is it serious and theo has to navigate the consequences of a major accident happening? or maybe someone else is at fault and he’s caught up in the aftermath?
day 3 — rarepairs - is there any pairings that didn’t happen in the show that you’d like to see? any characters from past seasons you want to see interact with theo?
day 4 — canon divergence - rewrite a scene, add theo into a scene, change the direction of a scene, change an entire storyline, anything your heart desires
day 3 — college - what does he study? is he rooming with someone? does he go out of state or to a community college? does he happen to run into someone from the pack accidentally?
day 6 — being a brother - does theo still have those brotherly tendencies? do they come out around the pack? does he talk about tara a lot or is that kept to himself? is he scared of finding himself in another sibling dynamic?
day 7 — dealers choice!
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☆ visual prompts
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day 1 — color theory - mess around with color theory in anyway you please!
day 2 — weather conditions - rain, snow, sun, fog, absolutely anything
day 3 — dancing - any kind, jazz, hip hop, goth! maybe he’s dancing with someone? set the scene, is there a certain outfit you can picture theo in as he dances or a place he dances?
day 4 — hobbies - show theo doing any hobby you think he’d enjoy, or he could’ve gotten roped into it by someone in the pack
day 5 — down in hell - find a way to visualize what it was like for theo in the skinwalker hell
day 6 — found family - it could be the pack or maybe someone outside the pack like a parental figure or someone that only showed up for a limited time
day 7 — dealers choice!
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☆ alternative prompts
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alt 1 — season 5 - any and everything to do with season 5, go wild
alt 2 — season 6 - like season 6 more? perfect, create something to do with any and everything season 6
alt 3 — fluff - anything soft & sweet, or maybe some hurt/comfort, or a canon scene you wish had more fluff in it
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[dividers from @cafekitsune]
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got any theo fic recs?
of course!!! let me pull up my faves, linking them under the cut cause it might get long (also some fics are nsfw some aren't i didnt tag them all bc by the time i realized i had been through so many already)
Theo Raeken Centric (sometimes gen/sometimes w/pairings)
Why are Werewolves Always Teens? by Everlasting_mediocrity 
Crossover. In which Tony Stark is Theo Raeken’s biological father and they’re going to have to do some growing about it. Thiam. Ongoing.
i lost my heart under the bridge by infernal_gay_mess
"The Doctors said, years later, that Theo had taught them that true evil came from corrupting something truly good. What they didn’t tell him was that the best way to make someone into a monster was to convince them they already were one." Angst & Tragedy
blood is running deep, some things never sleep by likelightninginabottle 
Aka theo raeken’s mid-season six hot girl summer. Introspective. Thiam. 
a rose that won’t bloom by wormhusk
not theo centric, but a cute fic about stiles-scott-theo as kids and theo being scott’s first crush. thiam. 
pyrrhic victory of knowing yourself by painting_ethereal
a two part series of stolen memories, theo joining the mccall pack, leaving, and choosing to come back
even in the darkest places, flowers grow by strawberxi (Tupipsie)
a theo raeken-centric fic where he grapples with his sister's birthday, and the implication that he doesn't have to do everything alone. Thiam
On Theo Raeken and Manipulation by wormhusk
Theo Raeken Did Nothing Wrong 2k23. Not A Fic/Pure Meta
Secondary Drowning by marrowbite(wingfooted)
in which theo is a selkie. 
hey i think he likes you (but honey, i do too) by fallingforboys
in which liam is oblivious and wants to help theo get a boyfriend. 
Im not ready to die yet, should i pray? (i’m wasting time, haunted by the ghost of you) by petitommo
the one where theo leaves for Florida. out of necessity, not choice. voicemails, missing liam, waiting–and going home. 
tell me no more secrets, i’ll tell you no more lies by likelightninginabottle
“You were attacked. It was self defense.” Theo. “Okay, but what if it wasn’t.” Liam
when oblivion is calling out your name, you always take it further than i ever can by likelightninginabottle
In which Liam is terribly high and completely smitten, Theo is allergic to emotions and totally whipped, Mason has the patience of a saint, and everybody wins, except for Stiles
when you crave someone (to be there at dawn) by likelightninginabottle
(In which, for once, Liam and Theo aren't oblivious, even if the pack very much is.) Post-Monroe, Pack in College, Thiam Being Shameless
burning bright red till the end (now you’ll be missing from the photographs by likelightninginabottle
MCD, Angst
You Missed, Dumbass by Sailorscout7
(OR 2 times Liam trying to kiss Theo ended in disaster and 1 time it mostly didn't)
a fire without a spark by lexisaurus
Liam asks are you alright? it never occurs to Theo that Liam could be asking him, too.
Commemoration, Cauterized by Ty_Winn_Roa
Meeting his parents for the first time in a decade is terrible enough without having to do it all over again. And again. And again. But Theo's never done anything halfheartedly.
Hunting Hearts by l_t_m
“My heart is missing.” Liam blinked. Theo’s way of saying ‘hello’ wasn’t encouraging.
no angels in this bleeding heart town by fallingforboys
“Please don’t make me do this,” Liam says, pleads. His jaw clenches and he squares his shoulders. Theo’s claws flick out.
Happiness is (where you are) by crier_emperor
in which theo gets a home and a hug. Angst. Getting together.
pride before a fall, wolves will keep you warm by likelightninginabottle
Liam comes out of the closet, in more ways than one. Or rather: his friends break him out. Cute, fluffy, and funny
look at the wonderful mess we made, we pick ourselves undone by likelightninginabottle
In which the supernatural does not exist. But Beacon Hills still went through a war, of which this is the aftermath. Liam and Theo pine for each other, but Liam thinks he cannot have Theo and so he dates other people. And yes. They are roommates. Mutual Pining, Jealousy, Misunderstandings.
your slightest look easily will unclose me by likelightninginabottle
Liam thinks about the people who left and how he is almost alright without them. Post-Canon.
just steps across the tower bridge by eneiryu
Guilt, injury, angst–Theo’s body is failing, and he’s hiding it from Liam. Happy Ending.
Use and abuse me ‘til I’m gone by THENINTH09
5 times Liam makes Theo bleed and the one time (two times) he doesn’t.
don’t you hear me howling, babe? by THENINTH09
Theo and Liam in Theo’s truck, after Gabe and the hospital. NSFW
Iron and Copper by TheOceanIsMyInkwell
Or: A witch grants Theo's wish to turn human for a day and be loved for who he is. Liam shows him just what that wish might look like.
drove him underground by justt_ppeachy
Liam and Theo, but they are Orpheus & Eurydice retold. It always ends the same.
so cruelly you kissed me by wormhusk
A series of two one-shots, one with liam realizing his feelings for theo and the second on theo
this love is difficult, but it’s real by wormhusk
a two part series of oneshots with thiam secretly dating, liam telling the pack, it not going well, and the aftermath
all sunny days are on by wormhusk
Remember the hunger games au? This is an alice in borderland au. A lot of people will die but not thiam. incomplete
the smell of smoke would hang around this long by wormhusk
theo quits smoking 
and in ever crowd, it's you i'm looking for by fallingforboys
in which theo is unfortunately very attractive and needs a fake boyfriend at a party--and oh look, liam is right there
Thiam Fics That Are Part of This One Orphaned Series So I Have Put Them Together 
this is why they shouldn’t kill off the main guy by wormhusk
 a first-kiss fic with theo angst and liam bullying theo into staying with him instead of his truck
and i remember thinking by wormhusk
a fic exploring the theo train track theory AKA where they talk about a past suicide attempt
Oh i love it and i hate it at the same time
Established Thiam, Theo gets his wisdom teeth removed.
The one where Liam calculates how many times Theo died down in Hell and has a panic attack.
cut it out then restart by wormhusk
Theo has a bad day and gives into old habits. Angst. Self-harm
argumentative antithetical dream girl 
it’s a pwp but I'm including it because it's the same ‘verse
i just wanna stay in that lavender haze by wormhusk
thiam get high and and play the 36 questions that lead to love and then have sex about it
and i wouldn’t marry me either
Liam has a plan to propose to his boyfriend. Theo thinks Liam is acting cagey
fighting in only your army
The skinwalkers want Theo back. No one reacts well.
are there still beautiful things
a witch’s curse makes Liam hate the one he loves most–his fiance. Angst.
i know my pain is such an imposition 
the boys finally get to go on their honeymoon. so of course it goes wrong.
long live the look on your face by wormhusk
Theo and Liam go to build-a-bear
he was sunshine i was midnight rain by wormhusk
Liam does a 30-day love challenge
Shall I sleep within your bed by voices_in_my_head
In which Theo wasn't expecting to be rescued
fake my heart by LuthienKenobi
In which Theo is captured and a femme fatale all in one
gonna make you a believer by queerebrum
in which the battle is over, the Anuk Ite defeated, and Scott McCall can finally see things clearly–things like how he has been pretending he is not in love with Theo Raeken
Expelliaramus! by tabbytabbytabby
Gryffindor Scott and Slytherin Theo are secretly dating.
Sons of Monsters and Monster Sons by TheOceanIsMyInkwell
“i think,” theo says slowly, “my father tried to kill me when i was seven.” Sceo+Thiam, bc Theo is terribly in love with them both. Child Abuse Mention, as well as Mentions of sexual assault done to Theo by his Father. Theo did NOT have a happy loving childhood.
Unbreakable Heaven by tabbytabbytabby
Theo thinks he and Scott are FWBs while Scott thinks they are dating. Theo starts pulling away once he realizes he has feelings for Scott. Scott wonders what he did to make his boyfriend distant.
our hands dirtied by the other’s desire; i will declare my love with a slaughter by clementinecalls
When they lay in the grass and stare at the stars, Scott runs his thumb over Theo’s wrist. Feeling his pulse steady under his touch. He thinks about the sun in comparison to Theo. He thinks about how he was Icarus and he loved Theo just as he loved the sun — too close, too much.
Homeless Theo/Theo + Pack
Too Afraid to Follow Through by dangerouscoffeetheorist
for your melissa & theo needs, and theo being forced to join the pack against his will. 
wither under the iridescent glow of the sun, moon, and stars by fallingforboys
Theo digs the bullets out himself, using them to cauterize the wounds, and the air around him becomes hot and a little sticky with the smell of his flesh burning, but he ignores it.
He ignores it and saves himself, because that’s all he knows how to do. He saves himself because he knows that no one else would bother trying. (He’s wrong.) Thiam but mostly pack focused
Heart coming up my throat, think I’m getting worse at breathing by Multifandom_damnnation 
Jordan Parrish & Theo. Thiam
murphy’s golden rule: whoever has the gold makes the law by game_ender
Coach Finstock & Theo. In which Theo gets adopted by the Coach. Thiam
Vanlife Style! by onyxthroughtheages
In which Alec and Theo are bffs, Theo was raised in the sewers and so learns about TikTok scandals and instafame through Google, and mentions Liam in almost every TikTok he ever makes.
built a ship in the morning but the hull’s worn through by eneiryu
in which theo makes a deal with the pack: after Monroe, he gets to walk away. Thiam
waves on the ocean for the wavering kind by eneiryu
a two parter series. part one is where Theo leaves Beacon Hills with exactly the same things he came into it with: his truck, a duffel bag full of clothes, and the permanent taste of blood and grave dirt in his mouth. part two is argent’s pov. thiam
Fics That Deserve a Category of Their Own
You only feel one emotion at a time by likelightninginabottle
Theo doesn't feel pain. It makes him reckless. The pack doesn't notice, until they do. Incomplete. Pack Dynamics. Thiam. Theo’s Past, Theo’s Present, and Hopefully, Theo’s Future.
Take my heart (and put it somewhere safe) by not_carrying_on
​​The one where Theo reluctantly helps the pack capture Monroe, deals with the aftermath of his upbringing with the Dread Doctors, saves the lives of not so few people (despite the will to deny it until his dying breath), practically adopts Alec and pulls his head out of his ass.
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I *need* 2022 Stiles-centric rare-pair fics like I *need blood to live.*
Jokes aside, it would be awesome if you could provide me a nice list :) (and join me in rare pair hell 😈😈😈).
Thank you!
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Mistletoe is overrated Anyway......... by Ififall_TeamCruz
(1/? I 314 I Teen I Stoyd)
Stiles singlehandedly tries to throw Boyd into the Christmas spirit!
Twinkly Eyed Typo by Ififall_TeamCruz
(1/? I 416 I Teen I Stiles/Napoleon Dynamite)
In the midst of a Twitter sub competition. Napoleon is a busy man slash Teen.
One, he has to defeat his Uncle Rico who has taken over his social media accounts.
Number Two, he needs kick ass moves, drawing and seductive lines to get Stiles Stilinski to go on one date.
Just one.
Stupid by TheOriginalSinner888
(1/1 I 1,822 I Explicit I Stiles/Allison)
Stiles and Allison are both in the same boat after Scott kisses Lydia.
(I could) love you with my eyes closed by Rakshasha 
(1/1 I 3,774 I Teen I Stiles/Bret)
Stiles is so damn flabbergasted his mind might be as good as gone, and his voice so thin it might be just as well. “What…?”
Brett rolls his eyes. “You’ve taken me to your prom and didn’t even grace me with a dance. What do you think, pretty boy?” His smirk curls dangerously in one corner, the slant of it waking a lick of pure heat in Stiles’ belly — then he cocks his head, hand stretched out a little closer. “C’mon, Stiles, no one’s here to see.”
Which should be encouraging but it really, really isn’t.
Poison and Power by xcaellachx
(9/9 I 30,228 I Mature I Stiles/Deucalion)
Stiles is being horribly abused by his father. Peter comes back to town after being gone several years and wonders what happened to the goofy, loving boy who used to be part of the pack. He finds Stiles and is horrified. He calls in a group of alphas who could help Stiles get away. Deucalion is shocked to meet Stiles and they change each other's lives for good.
things i do for my pack by damasc
(6/? I 46,806 I Explicit I Sterica)
its been one month after Erica and Boyd have run away stiles and Derek's pack have been searching for them only to have stiles be kidnapped as well
Always With You by Slayer_of_Destiny 
(8/8 I 47,398 I Mature I Stiles/Harry Potter)
Harry and Stiles have been friends since they were children, starting as pen pals Stiles' inclusion in his life changes Harry's path in life. After defeating Voldemort Harry grows concerned when he has not heard from his friend. He makes the journey to Beacon Hills and finds his friend in a bad way. While nursing him to health, the two explore more than friendship between them.
The Sticking Place by Escalus
(36/36 I 147,954 I Mature I Stackson)
McCall pack is happy and healthy. Jackson has graduated high school, he's mended his relationship with his parents, he's more than content with the bond he has with his alpha, he has a wonderful sister, he has friends, and, above all, he has a wonderful boyfriend in Stiles. He wants to enjoy what he has for as long as he can. But the horrific designs of the Dread Doctors and the nefarious schemes of Theo Raeken might destroy everything he's worked so hard to achieve.
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spikeface · 5 months
the rat king
Theo Raeken & The Dread Doctors Mature, Gen, Body Horror, Angst, Dark, Theo Raeken-centric, POV Second Person, Pre-Canon
Theo Raeken, age fourteen.
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junkiefox · 19 days
Teen Wolf "Green Creek au"
Part 2 | Part 1
It was a strange thing to think about Theo Raeken as an omega. Okay. It was expected, Theo was a loner. The one of a kind. The first Chimera. He was selfish, bitter, didn't care for anyone. But Liam was stroked by a feeling of wrongness when he saw Theo's eyes. Purple, so, so purple.
Because Theo was selfish, and bitter, and didn't care for anyone, but Liam didn't believe that they were all true. He was all those things, but he was also the boy who fought with him. Who decided Liam was enough saving or didn't see enough on himself to save. He was the boy who didn't know how to take someone's pain away because no one had taught him. The kid who was manipulated into thinking that to be powerful, he couldn't trust anyone.
"His leg is going to be okay," Deaton said. "It's going to take longer to heal, at least longer than it should for your kind."
Liam was stroking Theo's head, his fingers moving as if it was an instinct. He wasn't awake, Deaton had given him a sedative so he could close his wounds, and stop the unstoppable bleeding. "Why? Silver shouldn't work on him. I couldn't smell any poison. So, what-"
"He's an omega, Liam. Have been for a while. The Dread Doctors have created a perfect imitation of werewolves, even on this thing."
"He didn't have a pack before."
"Didn't he? They could be dysfunctional, and wronged, somehow, but they were all he had. A family born into that mess, or, at least, something he could rely on. He was with ten for what, ten years? They might not had the strongest bond, but they were all he had. And then, well, he had you to rely on, I suppose." Liam felt out of breath for a second, his hand stopping its movement before he relaxed, letting his hand rest on top of Theo's head. The thought was too close to saying Liam was Theo's anchor.
"How long?" was all he managed to say. "How long is going to take to heal?"
"It's not so easy to guess, but I'd say a week. He's not eating properly, nor drinking water, it's not only he being an omega that's doing this."
Liam worried his bottom lip, eyes focused on Theo's fur "I'm going to take care of this."
"He can't go back to the woods. He's hurt, and he's going to be vulnerable. He can't go back. Theo is my responsibility, I'm taking care of him."
"I can't tell how long he has shifted, Liam. He- an omega can be dangerous, they can go feral. He's been missing for what, one to two months? He can be in his wolf form since then. This, combined with him being omega is dangerous. He's unpredictable. Theo might be too lost in his wolf. Besides, we don't know when he actually became an omega and how this works, since he is a Chimera."
"Exactly. We can't tell when he became an omega. Deaton, Theo was unpredictable before, and I chose to take him as my responsibility. I'm choosing again."
The vet sighed, shook his head, and pitched his nose before he looked at him again. "Call Scott. He'll want to know what his beta is doing, and why my clinic smells like Theo. Call him as soon you can."
"Yeah. I will." Liam hadn't thought about that.
Nor had he thought how he was going to hide a huge wolf in his room without his mother finding out.
He ended up sat in his bed looking at a still-asleep black wolf. His bedroom smelled like a hospital, a slight smell of blood. But it was combined with citrus and rain, caramel and lightnings. It made his stomach twist.
Theo was an omega, and I felt wrong. Because Theo deserved a pack, a second chance, and happiness. He was eighteen and was caught up in a mess when he was nine. They had promised him that he would be powerful, he wouldn't need to feel insecure or afraid, and what kid would deny that? Theo was a kid when they came, he had been manipulated and used and Liam felt nauseous.
And then, he was ignored by Liam's pack. They had been betrayed before, they had forgiven those. But they ignored Theo. He was left in the woods, they were happy that he was missing —even if Liam said it wasn't true, that he had to hold himself so he wouldn't go searching for him, he never did, so it didn't matter. They didn't care Theo was still a kid, a kid who was brought up in a broken place.
They had failed him. Liam had failed him. He was his responsibility, after all.
And Liam got it, okay? Theo had destroyed their trust, he almost destroyed them. But now, he was an omega, he had shifted into his wolf form because feelings were easier like that. And even then, he couldn't imagine how lonely Theo must have felt. Wolves weren't meant to be alone.
Liam felt sick.
He needed to call Scott, but he wanted to scream at him, even though it wasn't his fault. He never asked anything to them. However, Liam wanted someone to blame and the Dread Doctors were dead while Theo was still suffering.
He inhaled slowly. Citrus, rain, caramel and lightnings filling his lungs. His eyes were on Theo, his wolf form occupying half of his bedroom.
Liam was going to take care of him, at least until his leg healed. He wasn't going to let him alone, not again. Everything was going to be okay, somehow.
He needed to call Scott.
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boredrxm · 2 years
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Artwork by: boredrxm (me)
Very very excited for you to see what we have been working on for this Reverse Big Bang!! I really really hope you like it!
Title: A Bloody Mistake
Author: @ksbbb
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Tags: Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, Thiam Reverse Big Bang 2022, First Kiss, Theo Raeken is a Tease, Liam-centric, Drunken Shenanigans, Minor Corey Bryant/Mason Hewitt, Emotions, Fluff and Humor, Humor, realizing emotions, The preserve, the sheriff is not amused, Protective Liam Dunbar, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, thiamrbb22, feeling realizations, confession without speaking, Theo Raeken Loves Liam Dunbar
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
“Liam…”Theo shakes his head, staring down at the bloody knife.
“I panicked.” Liam admits
Or the night Liam and Theo are interrogated for murder .
Submission for the 2022 Thiam Reverse Big Bang
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raekensarcher · 1 year
One Single Thread of Gold Tied me to You
“Why are you on the floor?”
And that’s certainly a question. One Liam wishes he had an answer to, wishes he could find the words to explain it. But he can’t, doesn’t think he’s ever going to find the right combination of letters shoved together to make any of this make any sense for him.
Or: Liam might be spiraling and Theo just wants to help.
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pansexual-puppy-pack · 2 months
Post the name of all your files in your WIP folder regardless of how non descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send in asks with the title that intrigue them. Answer with a snippet or something about the story. Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
tagged by @thiamsxbitch and @neoghoulukaku !! (not tagging many people bc i dont have a lot of mutuals KAJDJSH)
come back down to my knees (gotta get back, gotta get free) (this is technically a category of my 6b fixit, puppy pack-centric with a halwyn/parrish rarepair)
"Fifteen years." Liam said, voice low enough to be considered a growl. "Fifteen years—a decade and a fucking half—and you were here the entire time?"
in which theo goes to great lengths to avoid his feelings.
K, Tara called him, because she knew he hated it. Clara, Theo called her back, because nobody else did.
theo raeken, from the outside looking in
tagging @luckyvd @godofstupidsentences @liamdunbarz @jjsstars @believingfaeries :>
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sterek-ao3feed · 2 months
lost (without you)
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/57692419
by siriusly_need_help, yousignedup4this
“I still don’t trust leaving Liam with Theo.” Stiles says.
“Seriously? I thought the whole reason I was here was so that you guys would trust me. It’s not like I’m gonna kill him.”
“I wouldn’t put it past you. You’re still the same psycho who killed his sister when he was nine.”
The McCall pack plus a very reluctant Theo take a trip to London. It turns out differently than expected.
Words: 2671, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Theo Raeken, Liam Dunbar, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Isaac Lahey, Mason Hewitt, Corey Bryant (Teen Wolf), Lydia Martin, Jordan Parrish, Malia Tate, Kira Yukimura, Jackson Whittemore, Ethan (Teen Wolf), Peter Hale
Relationships: Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, Isaac Lahey/Scott McCall, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin/Jordan Parrish, Malia Tate/Kira Yukimura, Ethan/Jackson Whittemore, Corey Bryant/Mason Hewitt
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Slowest of the slow burns, Fluff, sprinkling of angst, Pack Holiday, There Was Only One Bed, Theo Raeken is Liam Dunbar's Anchor, Liam Dunbar is Theo Raeken's Anchor, Theo Raeken-centric, we love ethel, Pack Mom Stiles Stilinski
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