#liam dunbarxtheo raeken
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equallyloyalandlethal · 1 year ago
For the OTL Valentines Day event, I present my "What's a Soulmate?" edit!
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raekensarcher · 2 years ago
What a feeling to be right here beside you now 1.8k
Summary: “Hi,” Theo says, more breath than actual words.
Liam goes softer then, eyes crinkling at the edges. Theo’s heart is doing something so fucking weird inside of his chest he thinks he might be dying all over again.
Or: Theo gets high, eats s'mores and falls into bed with the boy he loves.
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equallyloyalandlethal · 1 year ago
There’s only one where he’s not showing his teeth and only one, if I remember right, where he’s looking at Liam/smiling because of him…
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happy/smiling Theo (✿◠‿◠)
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equallyloyalandlethal · 1 year ago
The ghost of him
Here's a present for @outcastpack bc I noticed it was his birthday and I jsut read this fic of his (The ghost of him) and was INSPIRED, so here ya go!
Happy birthday to a great human bean!
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equallyloyalandlethal · 1 year ago
Thiam Fic Rec & Edit
Realizing that I never actually posted this when I made it a month or so ago, so here we go!
This is a present for the amazing @theoceanismyinkwell and their insanely beautiful story.
I'm thoroughly obsessed and encourage EVERYONE to go read it. Seriously. It's just... I have no words. It made me cry and scream and whoop in happiness, like visceral emotional reactions.
Go read! -> Regression To The Mean
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equallyloyalandlethal · 1 year ago
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My art contribution to the Thiam Big Bang 2023! for @imjustafangirl-nobodylovesme and her awesome fic, which she has finished!
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equallyloyalandlethal · 2 years ago
This hurts.
The way they’ve both grown up SO much in such a short span of time. There’s like maybe a year between the two looks. Maybe. Like grand max. But you can see exactly how much has changed between them.
Liam is still trying to be stoic with the clenched jaw, and failing miserably bc his eyes tell the whole damn story, just as they always have. Angry in the first one at the sheer audacity and snark, and a stubborn, resigned affection in the second.
Theo is rippling with cocky confidence, utterly unconcerned about Liam’s glaring or Stiles not believing him, just being his suave manipulative self, as opposed to the softness he’s trying to cover up in the second look. He’s two completely different people, but both of them are entranced by Liam.
Urgh, I just can’t with these boys. So many layers they might as well be onions!
I didn't want to cry, but I did-
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equallyloyalandlethal · 1 year ago
Yeah, you read that right. The FINAL chapter is posted. The final chapter of one of my dearest fics is FINALLY done.
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I hope you guys enjoy it, because I sure had (mostly) fun writing it. This fic has taught me a lot about myself as a writer and as a person, things I don't think I could have learned otherwise.
Plus, without it, I wouldn't have made the most amazing friends. BIG THANK YOU to @raekensarcher for helping beta this monster and keeping me going. Also, huge shout-outs AND thank yous to @transdunbar for helping quite at the end, and @smile667 for the encouragement, and @outcastpack & @rd-eternity for fueling the love of this verse. You guys really, really did make a difference for me.
Without further ado, here's the chapter!
@theoceanismyinkwell @stitchkiss @thiamsxbitch @nuxmediocre
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equallyloyalandlethal · 1 year ago
Show of hands who would read a human-verse Thiam fic with blind!Theo and his trusty guide dog Chimera, day to day called Chi (Kai), that are newly returned to Beacon Hills/LA as a promising young CFO of a upstart business venture and move in next door to Liam, the natural history museum docent that’s friends with the two high school best friends that run a local animal rescue?
It’s already in the making (1800 words in under 12 hrs), just seeing if y’all would be interested in it.
So far, Chi is MVP and deserves the best wingwoman award, because she is awesome and dedicated to getting these two to pull their heads out of their asses. Very dedicated.
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equallyloyalandlethal · 1 year ago
What A Nice Surprise; Bring Your Alibis
Multi ship; Thiam, Nett, Morey
The puppy pack is preparing to leave for college in a few months and has decided to combine some mid-summer away scrimmages with a bonding trip. What could go wrong when they stumble onto a motel on a dark desert highway?
Big thank you to @rd-eternity for helping plan this whole thing out and continuing to support me as i make it longer and longer and more in depth. This fic is gonna be fun! We get to take a look into each of the puppy pack members’ heads as the Motel screws with them.
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equallyloyalandlethal · 1 year ago
Got some bangers, for sure! I love seeing what other people associate with these idiots (affectionate).
Heyy I made playlist <3
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equallyloyalandlethal · 1 year ago
New chapter update
After four months, thanks to @raekensarcher and @transdunbar, here is the next installment in the Dandelions story. Be forewarned, this chapter is legitimately straight smut mixed with emotions. Here is CHAP 16 - See The Beauty Of The Moon? and the edit I made to go along with it.
Also special thanks to @smile667 , @rd-eternity , and @rieccentricity for helping me to get this fucker finished, because lemme tell y’all, I’m not any sort of experienced at writing soft smut, and that is ALL this 8k chapter is. So, have fun.
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@thiamsxbitch @outcastpack @theoceanismyinkwell @pansexual-puppy-pack @nuxmediocre @fruchtfliege
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equallyloyalandlethal · 1 year ago
So, I’ve been on a little bit of a kick lately reading and re-reading some of @eneiryu ‘s awesome works, and got inspired. I made an edit for two of their stories that have firmly captured my mind and imagination both from a fellow author standpoint and an overall artist view.
Here’s edit number 2!
the lanterns were lit but they didn’t lead home
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equallyloyalandlethal · 1 year ago
omg pls I wanna know more about the blind Theo fic 👀
You Might Not Like Him is the title I'm testing out
The blaring ringing of an alarm that’s distinctly not his has Theo blinking himself awake. He stretches an arm out, easily finding his phone on the nightstand, and presses both volume buttons. There is a two-second delay, same as always, and then:  “6:30 AM,” says a mechanical voice as he drops it back onto the table.
Beyond the obnoxiously thin wall, the alarm suddenly shuts off. It’s got to be Liam’s, despite being earlier than it normally would be. He’s not going to dwell on the fact that it could possibly be weird that he knows his neighbor's schedule. It’s not. He scrubs a hand over the lower half of his face, gentling the touch as he nears his eyes, skipping over the raised, still-sensitive skin between his left eye and nose entirely. Their walls are thin, not built for some whose hearing is better than most, and Liam’s alarms are loud as shit. Most everything about the idiot next door is loud, despite the fact that he lives alone. 
Beside him, Chi huffs and shifts, chasing a surprised Oof! out of him as she drops her head onto his abdomen. 
“Fine, fine. I’m up,” he grunts in return, shoving the weight of her skull and neck off his bladder. 
He doesn’t rush going through his morning routine. Far from it. There’s enough time to get everything done and done right without cutting corners or going fast enough to make a mistake. Liam’s never quick in the mornings. Or he has yet to be in the couple of months since Theo had moved in next door.  Even mostly sightless, he knows the guy’s least favorite time of day is morning, especially early ones, which this clearly is. If the thought of his neighbor’s sleepy voice makes him smile a little, well, that’s between Theo and his mirror. 
Chi’s excited whine, distant like she’s perched in the doorway between the bedroom and hall, pulls him around, his smile widening. The thought that maybe she understands what he’s doing crosses his mind, after all she seems smart enough for it most days. Maybe she does, maybe she doesn’t. Regardless, she eggs him on through getting dressed with little pleading sounds every time he dares to stop moving even for a second. He only gets a little frustrated at it when he’s holding a shirt in either hand, feeling the bottom buttons of the work shirt he swapped out ages ago — square for blue, triangle for black, hexagon for red, and circle for white — and the one he’d sewn into the t-shirt himself. 
“Gimme a minute!” he hisses at her when she whines again, head turning towards her even though with how dim the apartment is he can’t see even her vague outline. 
He’s not usually short with her, even when she’s excited like this, but his gut is twisting around in ways that make him debate running to the bathroom. There’s no reason to put this much thought into it. Grab a shirt and go. All he’s doing is taking Chi out. The only thing that’s off about this is that he’s doing it now rather than later, when the sun’s actually risen and he has any shot at seeing the fuzzy shapes of people or cars, as he normally does. He’s almost kicking himself over it, left hand falling away from the button down to rub uneasily over the thick scar down his chest. There’s a reason he’s doing, just not one that will stand up to any real scrutiny. 
Maybe he could conceive of conceding that it’s a little strange to know Liam’s schedule. Maybe. But, at the same time, it had been one of the most regular, regimented things in his chaos-ridden life for two months. Eight straight weeks of the standard iPhone alarm tone going off at 8:15am every single morning, followed by another at 8:30am. Every day. But, this last week, it had been anything but, changing daily in unpredictable ways. That alone wouldn’t have bothered him. Work was work, and he hasn’t quite figured out all that being a docent entails, or which institution he works at. If he could see, maybe he would have figured it out by now, since most places had logos that were at least semi-identifiable.
His face twists as he rubs at his chest again, fingertips kneading the stiff scar tissue. 
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equallyloyalandlethal · 1 year ago
This made my morning infinitely better, and that was much needed bc hospitals suck.
So glad my love of randomly throwing ideas at people was helpful. Lemme know if you ever want random ideas or help stringing a couple together.
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken Characters: Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken, Corey Bryant (Teen Wolf), Mason Hewitt Additional Tags: Maybe I Wanted to Scratch My Damsel in Distress Fetish, Scent Marking, Come Marking Summary:
“Going running in a forest you know is filled with fairy folk, during a full moon, on Halloween,” Theo dryly summarizes. He snorts. “You’ve had better ideas.”
Liam stretches his grin wider. “Maybe I knew you were around,” he challenges, “and wanted to scratch my damsel in distress fetish.”
(With thanks to @wolfboy88 and @equallyloyalandlethal)
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equallyloyalandlethal · 1 year ago
Tough Like Dandelions!!! Ch 17 UPDATE
Voila, ch 17 for you guys! It’s mostly beta’d, but i got excited (re, my brother and fiancé came home from a bar night hammered and i caught up in 2.5 hrs, so posted with no impulse control).
Hope you have fun!
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