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thenamesjunkie01 · 6 years ago
Apologies for not uploading too much on here. Been paying attention to mostly twitter and youtube. Here’s my newest video I have which is on The Raging Red Heads. An old channel that I helped out and they ended up going rouge for a while. So I decided to bring up the reasons as to why it disappeared for a while. Hope you all enjoy it! ;3;
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crowleymoist · 7 years ago
Youtuber’s I like (List)
So, I’ve gotten messages of this on my other account (Hnn, not @ ing because it’s a cringey account so) so here’s a little list of all the tubers I enjoy
Shane Dawson Dodie Clark Paint Thomas Sanders Jacksepticeye Markiplier Crankgameplays Pewdiepie PettyPaige PonderSprocket TheNamesJunkie Chaos55t Spoctor Tech/Theory Doodletones Pkrussl DigbyTheGoat Daniel Howell and Amazingphil [Danandphilgames] Brandon Rogers Heflawless Lordbung Kittydog Memeulous
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ephrom · 3 years ago
Oh, CarmenRider
I admit, I had to watch this video a couple of times in order to understand what Septy's crimes are. Best as I can tell, Septy said spur of the moment out of anger that they could leak Carmen's full name if they wanted to, which they then quickly took back. In fact, Septy took it back so quickly that we don't even have screenshots of these messages. However, the title of this video says that Septy threatened to do that, which is just wrong.
Or, I guess it's more accurate to say that we don't know if they said that. Septy said in later messages shown in Carmen's video that they just meant they could as revenge, not that they were going to:
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Septy also said the same thing to Redd Gier, a moderator in CarmenRider's discord server, after they were informed Gier told Carmen about these messages:
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Septy also denied it was a threat for a third time later--and might I remind you all, these are literally just screenshots from Carmen's video:
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Carmen calls this an obvious lie based on--well, nothing. She doesn't have the message of Septy saying anything that would lead anybody to believe this is some kind of threat, so how the fuck does she know what Septy really meant? The only messages that might be able to confirm this have since been deleted--and even then, Septy took this back so fast that any chance of this being an actual threat is basically non-existent.
You know, in her call with The Senate, Carmen noted that her opposition was engaging in the same tactics somebody Just A Robot fought with in the past, specifically name dropping Kai Weiss.
In her response to Septy's and Neko's video on the situation, she made it clear that she was doing this because, since SeptyPaws works for Just A Robot, that means that they shouldn't be doing the same thing Kai Weiss did--or something. She also responds to Just A Robot recommending a video from Kai Weiss by saying she was incredibly surprised he'd do such a thing.
Never mind the fact that Just A Robot has never held a mindless vendetta against those he covers. To give just one example, Just A Robot went from making videos on Doodletones, to defending Doodletones against xX Icyhazard Xx, to working with Doodletones in a video on TheNamesJunkie from this year.
But I mention this because this tactic of taking somebody saying they can do something and using it as evidence they want to do something is the same thing done by somebody else Just A Robot battled with, TMossBoss. Specifically, Just A Robot told TMossBoss that he could flag TMossBoss's channel down, and TMossBoss took that as Just A Robot saying he wanted to flag TMossBoss's channel down, or even that he actually planned on doing it.
Anyway, I saw this video--the first one I showed, not the like seven I've embedded since--and was incredibly confused--so I took to the comments and expressed my lack of understanding with this video.
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According to Google, Bobby Kotick is the CEO of Activison Blizzard and I have no idea what he has to do with the conversation Carmen and I were having. I seriously mean this, if somebody can please explain to me the connenction--well, send it as a submission or question.
And yes, this is part of Carmen's long history of randomly bringing up people she doesn't like that have nothing to do with the thing she's talking about. If you want to know more about that habit of hers, I pointed it out in this post:
Class Edgelord then joined the conversation:
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I did type out a reply, but it appears to haven't been sent so I'l paraphrase it here: What exactly does Class want to do to hold Septy accountable? The best I can tell is that Class wants is either preemptive justice or punishment for what basically amounts to a thought crime. I mean that literally, because both Carmen and Class have said that the issue is that Septy even thought this in the first place--not that they were seriously going to do this.
Also, aren't these the same people who have told us over and over again that thoughts of pedophilia do not turn into child molestation? Why is it that thoughts turn into actions now when it's convenient?
Anyway, after this happened, I did something that it seems like neither Carmen nor Septy did, I actually tried asking Septy what happened. They confirmed to me exactly what I assumed happened, Septy got angry and said something regretful before quickly taking it back:
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Septy also notes that they were not on their normal medication at the time, and that greatly impacted their decision making:
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Some people might be wondering why I'm dedicating so many words on this topic, and it's because it's such a great microcosm for how Carmen acts. Even when she catches somebody she doesn't like doing something wrong, she decides that she has to hyperbolize it and engage with things in--and I don't like this term personally, but it really does fit--bad faith. And Carmen's fans are perfectly willing to go along with this.
Take this comment by a fellow named BurningSpeed:
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That can't be the actual explanation, according to Burning, Septy has to be convincing themself of this. Funny how this is totally unfalsifiable. This is yet another example of why people should never support Carmen, even when she's right she still makes sure that what she said is wrong.
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pegagamer · 8 years ago
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I... I see this... I adore this too much!
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larsteven-amedot · 8 years ago
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Fan art for TheNamesJunkie. You should check out his videos if you haven’t!
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razzledoodledazzle-blog · 8 years ago
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Hello everybody  this is a art gift to TheNamesJunkie  Here is his account go follw his youtube/ Da and Tumblr account
http://thenamesjunkie01.tumblr.com/ http://thenamesjunkie.deviantart.com/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4PyDld5YDFbceX1f8tLz1A
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nefskullcritique · 3 years ago
Ponder Sprocket and the rest of the YouTube "ranting/commentary" community are just as toxic as Volt, straight up. That's why Ponder sided with them and laughed at the victims because she [Ponder] and the rest of that "community" are BUILT off of harassing people and making videos about them. Just look up TheNamesJunkie, Loulabeiie, Spoctor Tech, etc. Wouldn't be shocked if Volt was friends with them already. :/
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f-n-g-r · 8 years ago
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jipkZODDQIk)
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thenamesjunkie01 · 7 years ago
Feel free to jump into our discord! :D
It’ll be expired by the next few weeks, so join as soon as you can. ^-^
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deathly-vt · 5 years ago
TheNamesJunkie had followed my second Twitter account and uh... Thought I was the artist who created the character I was role-playing as on that account but I had referred him to the original artist. So uh.. artist of the Character I'm RPing as uh. Your welcome- you got noticed by the mustard dragon himself--
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witchofleviathan-blog · 6 years ago
List of Youtubers I Watch Pt. 1
MrCreepypasta - Does horror stories RarityDash - Reviews and react to a number of shows, MLP, RWBY, The Admazing World of Gumball, etc Phoenician Sailor - Does roleplay themed ASMR. ParkerGames - Plays mostly Minecraft but also branches out to other games. YouAlwaysWin - Plays a random assortment of games. The Infographics Show - As video’s covering a wide range of topics that are simplified. AyChristene - React/gaming channel, Roblox, Hamilton, and animations. GinjaNinjaOwO - Art and animation. The G Team Paranormal Investigators - “Investigates” paranormal activity, does live EVP sessions. JackSucksAtStuff - Minecraft video gamer. Spill - Covers drama within the YT community. AngryJoeShow - Right wing gamer reviewer. Aphmau - Minecraft storyteller and animator. Jesse Cox - Gaming channel. LINH-ASMR - ASMR channel. ACRacebest - MLP and racecar channel. FBE - A group of people that does reactions, challenges, and food tasting. Psych2Go - Mental Health channel. Rooster Teeth - Makes animations, Red Vs Blue and RWBY. SAS-ASMR - ASMR channel. SomeOrdinaryGamers - Reacts to games, dives into the Deep Web and makes Youtube Videos, covers a wide range of topics on the Dark Web. SSSniperWolf - Former cam girl now Youtuber, reacts to different things. ASMR PPOMO - ASMR channel. Crowne Prince - MLP animator. Cuestar - Reddit readings/reacts Huff Paranormal - Christian paranormal investigator. JUST A ROBOT - Right wing critic, covers community drama and MLP drama. Kalvin Garrah - Right wing trans person, covers topics such as issues within the trans community and LGBTAQ+ community. Markiplier - Gamer, reactor, and doggo lover. MisAnthro Pony - MLP reviews and game reviews. No Bullshit - Right wing critic covering various topics.  VoiceOfReason - MLP animator  Bronymonster44 - MLP reactor. CountessRose - MLP animator and storyteller. DaWillstanator/Thespio - MLP vlogger. DRWolf001 - MLP reviewer and “therapist”. It's a Southern Thing - Comedy show.  Jan Animation Studios - Did MLP animations but Hasbro removed them due to legal issues, now he just does animations. LaurenzSide - Gamer and reactor. MidNightVixenGamer - Plays Minecraft. Strange Places - Vlogger The Proper People - Vlogger Vito - Right wing youtuber. YogsLomadia - Gamer. Allison C - Animator Channel Awesome - Critic of movies  CinemaSins - “Sins” movies eighthsun [HITA] - Animator FallofMeerkat - Reactor for TV Shows  FANTAVISION - Podcaster ForNoGoodReason - Covers MLP drama. Jordan Reacts - Reaction channel. joshscorcher - MLP vlogger and critic. Mad Munchkin - Reviews TV shows, MLP, and movies READY TO GLARE - Podcaster Shubble - Minecraft Youtuber TheNamesJunkie - Covers drama within communities and critic. ThePinkDiamondDiva - Minecraft roleplays. VanillaHamHam - Hamster channel. White House on the Hill - Farm/urban life channel. SuriNoel - Japan based cat channel. 2CAN.TV - Ripley & Toupac the Toucans! - Toucan channel. Bearing - Right wing youtuber. Brennen Taylor - Food reviewer and vlogger. Chaos55t - Wiccan and gamer. Ephemeral Rift  - ASMR channel Jojo's ASMR - ASMR channel Katrinci - Animator
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theartofthefart · 6 years ago
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Drew the youtuber called: TheNamesJunkie as a furret
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niximous · 8 years ago
@ the fandom blog questions,, 3, 11, 21 ^^
3. Do you watch any YouTubers you think are underrated?Hmm.. BigJigglyPanda, for one. I love his content and he honestly deserves more followers than he does. My gal, Breezy (Kuledud3 on YT) and her boyfriend Robin (Xycron) make great content, they're both super funny, and their vlogs are super cute! I've been a follower of Bree for around six years now? Still thoroughly enjoy her content. TheNamesJunkie and IndieAngelo are both in the ranting community, and their content is A+. They're funny, entertaining, and definitely worth checking out. All these beautiful people are, honestly. Seeing their videos makes me smile and they definitely deserve more subs then they currently have. ^^4. What YouTuber do you relate to the most?I don't know any of my favs on a personal level, so I can't really answer this. That or I'm thinking too hard on this. I tend to do that a lot. ^^'5. Do you have a favorite fanart of a YouTuber you've done one for?Hmmm... Thinking on it, probably these three:Gift Drawing for BreezyM'boi Vanoss lookin' coolFire Tamer CryI was super happy with how my pictures of Bree and Vanoss came out, especially color wise. Plus Bree liked my drawing, so that makes me grin every time I see it. The Cryaotic one I did forever ago, and was my first actual attempt at a bigger digital art piece. I was so proud of it, but the program crashed while saving, so I only have the screenshot now. Maybe I'll redo it one day...
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thenamesjunkie01 · 7 years ago
And yes before you ask, I know, the title has a pun in it. Sue me. XD
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