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larsteven-amedot · 7 years ago
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i need to upload more art
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cursed--alien · 7 years ago
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snaatheduck · 8 years ago
It's okay to ship whatever you want
I think it is okay​ to ship whatever you want because there is reasons why they could be shipped. People who dislike a ship should not put up hate against it. I dislike Lapis x Jasper, but I think that it is still okay to ship it and I will not show either disgust or hate against you and the ship. People shouldn’t make fun or hate people for liking or disliking a ship. You cannot tell people who they have to ship or they cannot ship. It’s their own ideas and thoughts, not yours. So please, have respect for people who think differently about the fandom and just let it go. (Sorry I just had to make that joke)
Just, don't ship real life people or minors with adults please. Thats kinda gross, ngl
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thatiscrash-blog · 8 years ago
Imagine Your OTP
OTP: *is playing "would you rather"
Person B: *is trying to get Person C's attention*
Person C: Yes?
Person B: Do you want to play with us? *Seductively pulls down collar of shirt to reveal bare chest (no nipples are shown) while talking*
Person A: *doesn't see what Person B is doing*
Person C: What?
Person B: *seductively pulls down shirt again while speaking* Do you want to plaaay with us?
Person A: *laughs at the voice but still doesn't see what Person B is doing*
Person C: *expresses bewildered disgust* No.
Person A: WhAT? Why nOt?
Person C: A, do you see what Person B is doing?
Person A: *turns to look at Person B*
Person B: *snickers* I was doing this. *Repeats shirt thing* Do you want to play~ with us?
Person A: *turns bright red*
Person A: Oh...
Person A: Well, we were playing "would you rather", wanna join?
Person C: *hesitates* Sure.
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lesbian-bassist · 8 years ago
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Larsteven + Amedot
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larsteven-amedot · 7 years ago
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I had to draw and paint these babes.
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larsteven-amedot · 8 years ago
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they flirt
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larsteven-amedot · 8 years ago
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I wanted to post something before I go to my orthodontist appointment so I drew this because I can't stop drawing this ship.
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larsteven-amedot · 8 years ago
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A Noodle based on a traditional sketch I made earlier.
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larsteven-amedot · 8 years ago
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A fusion of Amethyst, Peridot, Steven, and Lars that I made last night. Their name is Startine, a mixed name of Stars and Ametrine, because I think a fusion of Steven, Amethyst and Peridot would make an ametrine. But that’s just my thought.
Also sorry if part of their hair looks like the skin colour. I used that same colour, but made it a little darker, but my camera makes it look brighter.
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larsteven-amedot · 8 years ago
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Here’s version one and two of my drawing of Noodle! Referenced from this picture:
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larsteven-amedot · 8 years ago
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Fan art for TheNamesJunkie. You should check out his videos if you haven’t!
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larsteven-amedot · 8 years ago
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Larsteven + Amedot
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cursed--alien · 7 years ago
Rules: Pick three fandoms, answer the questions
My chosen fandoms:
Steven Universe
The Lion King/Lion Guard
Warrior Cats
The first character you loved:
Firestar (bc I was a basic bitch)
The character you never expected to love so much:
The character you relate to the most:
Amethyst, because I also used to be insecure about being disabled
Fuli, the introverted cheetah
Bluestar, because we both have the Mental Illness Goblin in our brains. Also because kin.
The character you’d Slap:
I’ll pass this question
Three favorite characters:
Garnet, Amethyst, Peridot
Vitani, Nala, Simba
Bluestar, Yellowfang, Firestar (no I’m not biased towards cats from my kin memories stfu)
A character you liked first but don’t anymore:
Honestly I don’t dislike anyone I used to like
Kopa (he’s overrated and only semi-canon, I only liked him because the fandom made me feel like I had to)
Ashfur (I was 12 and didn’t fully realize how PATHETIC he was)
Three OTP’s:
Amedot, Larsteven (antis fuck off), Rupphire 
Kiara x Vitani, Kion x Jasiri, Fuli x Angel (crossover ships are fun)
Bluestar/Yellowfang, Tallstar/Jake, Ravenpaw/Barley
Everyone feel free to do this!!! It’s fun!
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lesbian-bassist · 8 years ago
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A lil Lars icon I just made for myself in MS Paint. It was so much fun to make it and it looks so cute! x3 I plan on making more in the future! Steven will probably be next. Or Peridot or Padparadscha. Maybe a Larsteven one and an Amedot one, too. Who knows. 
If you guys use it, please credit me and do not steal this, please!
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