gonna clean up some posts from this blog and then close the ask box in like,,, a week. i don't see a point to keeping it open anymore and while i think i should delete or like... private this blog, there's a lot of archived information on here.
either way, with time i've decided that blogs/documentation/accounts dedicated to people shouldn't really... be a thing, and i'm frustrated with my past self for putting a foot in the door of being added to this blog.
i hope the victims of this person can move on and heal from their abuse. i hope volt learns to improve as a person and stop hurting others. i hope nobody tries to follow in my footsteps.
thank you to the people who've stuck with this blog for so long but officially i'm killing it here and moving on.
#i just#i have a girlfriend now and i have a good system of people around me#i'm happy and healthy#and after going through life and trying to be part of communities like this?#no thank you#please be kind to one another#please have e#empathy for one another#nobody should ever have to bear this burden#not me#not anyone else#nobody#i am deeply sorry to people i may have hurt in the past#i cannot undo what i have done#but i wish to walk forward#and grow as a person#just as we as people are born to do#i love you all
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At what point will forgiveness be afforded to them? Genuinely asking.
i don't know how long ago this was sent but this blog kind of acts as a way for you to come to your OWN conclusions now.
i've moved past all of this. you make your own decisions based on what you've seen on here.
#it's also up to the victims to decide if they want to forgive them#not anyone else#also i'm still getting asks which is surprising given how inactive i am
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Hey all, I know it's been a while. But I wanted to say,
Please don't forget your daily click.
And don't be afraid to donate if you can, anything helps.
Free Palestine.
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anon that asked if the blog is still around....... have you ever spoken about night terror lore..? because i've been so nostalgic recently but i can't remember any of the lore T_T
@pilot-critical has story stuff, please direct there.
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Hey all, I know it's been a while. But I wanted to say,
Please don't forget your daily click.
And don't be afraid to donate if you can, anything helps.
Free Palestine.
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I've heard some good things about this video, and would like to promote it!
I haven't watched it myself (and don't plan to as i don't want to get deep into this stuff again) but I've heard good things about it.
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answering the DID anon, the way rebornica would "interact" with vincent wasnt really like an alter honestly. saying this bc i used to watch their art livestreams around that time, and everytime it was more like "oh guys im seeing vincent" or saying that vincent was doing something. i remember things like them saying vincent was outside of their house, standing in the rain and that they could see him through the window and stuff like that.
conveniently vincent always showed up on stream
Yeah I remember that. When I was a fan of theirs, I watched their art streams regularly. I recall a stream where it was storming or something, or at least they were in their room. They claimed to have seen Vincent in the shadowy corner of the room they were in and broke out in tears horrified. They had friends on stream with them that they were on call with.
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This is a very random time to talk about this, but I got reminded of the rebornica purple guy hallucination fiasco, looked up stuff about it, and found this, and then saw they no longer talk about the schizophrenia but they do talk about having DID. I wanted to say that, as a person with DID, if they do have it it's genuinely very likely that their hallucination was an alter. Alters can sometimes manifest as "hallucinations" due to the way the inner world interacts with the real world and your perception, and alters can touch each other in inner world and the person fronting can get tactile hallucinations of that touch, even though it's not physically happening. Plus it makes a lot more sense with the way they interacted with Vincent, and it's very common for alters to be based off of characters, even original characters.
i can actually say without a doubt that the DID is fake. sorry.
#mod ven#the situation they claimed to have gotten the trauma that spawned their DID doesnt exist and their reasoning for it isn't legitimate either#they only claimed DID because of a few people who they considered ex-friends at the time also had DID#and they steal situations/illnesses from friends to claim as their own in order to 'fit in'#(verified from ex friends of theirs who i'm close with!)
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Hey, been a long time since I've checked in on here, I swore it off when I wanted to just forget about my brief time where I interracted with Volt, but I saw the video so I thought I'd stop by. I think when I last posted here I used a pseudonym, can't remember what it was, but I am a friend of Crumpets, my name even got mentioned in the video which was kinda surreal in a way. I have my own personal grip about that, but it's petty so I really shouldn't get into it. Anyway, hope you're doing alright. - Katie
if you want something to be removed out of the video you can reach out and ask. i know many people came ahead and asked for things to be trimmed/removed.
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Hello. I've been asked to make a post clearing some things up. I'd labelled Rebornica/Volt/Mx-Bones/Skull_General/etc as a pedophile and a groomer in the past.
The way I'd worded things made it come off as if they were a child sexual abuser, which was not the case and I apologize for it coming off as such.
Rebornica/Volt had spoken with a couple minors in very risqué/sexual conversations and had sent these minors drawn NSFW, one of which Rebornica/Volt knew was a minor. The screencaps I have shown on this blog previously are the absolute worst of the matter, at least from what I can see, as well as first-hand accounts that those in question have given me/given to this blog. I believe I don't have anymore evidence than that, and if I do, I don't intend to do anymore digging.
Since the initial closing of this blog, I've changed a lot of my views and grown as a person (as one does, and my views change an awful lot as I'm constantly learning new information.) and I do believe I handled the initial situation poorly, more so due to personal bias (protecting my friends, as well as personal trauma that heightened the emotions I felt.)
I do apologize for making the initial claims seem worse than what they are and I never meant to harm anyone, only warn others of someone I thought would hurt people. I hope this clears things up.
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Apologies for the long response. Say I'm wasting my breath, but I'm tired of this.
Anon, who are you to come in here and tell us what we should do with ourselves? That if we don't authenticate our experiences by putting ourselves in extremely vulnerable positions, which could lead to outcomes that might risk our privacy and safety; that somehow makes us liars?
What gives you the right to tell us what should or shouldn't have be done? Rather than taking the time to think through and try to understand why we've taken the steps we have for ourselves; you belittle Mod Ven and the rest of the us on here by calling us morons, say that you're 'smart' because you feel like you're superior for knowing more about handling these situations when in reality you know nothing about what we went through first hand.
Because yes, I was groomed. I was abused by Volt, and I'm saying this for the record for those who doubt otherwise. I was underage when I was in a relationship with Volt, and I was very much mistreated during my time with them. Volt baited me with suicide, led me on while making me feel like I was really with them, aggressively belittled me and made me feel inferior and guilty for things that weren't my fault but theirs. For the longest time I felt like I was the problem, and only after a year of moving on and finding better people that I realized it wasn't. And I wasn't the only one who went through it either. Only then did I come to terms with the shit I went through and help others do the same. The evidence is here with the numerous screenshots I've provided last year, so don't say it doesn't exist.
We are victims of Voltergeist, and we do exist, but I don't have to prove that to you, random stranger on the internet. I reserve my privacy and so does the rest of those who have been victims of Volt and their friends. Like I said before: We are done, we are moving on, and we owe nothing to those who continue to deny our experiences and accuse us of dishonesty.
And you know what? I at least have the decency to not stoop down to your level and insult you. Because that wouldn’t be polite or truthful. You know what is, though? The rhetoric you and other like-minded people propagate does nothing for anyone but continues to further the pain caused by people like Volt. Your insulting comments don't make you superior or more thoughtful than anyone else on this blog but give a completely opposite impression. Don't pretend like you care about the truth or what happened with us and Volt when you very clearly don't respect our wishes or have the slightest idea what circumstances lead us to this point.
You can ignore this, send more inept remarks, or what have you, at the end of the day I am frankly apathetic to it. All of us are going to continue doing what is best for ourselves and for others out there by spreading awareness.
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One of the arguments used to defend volt was their age and it felt like they were being infantilized. I 'm not going to ignore that they weren't an adult during some of the drama but they were also not a small child who is incapable of knowing right from wrong -for lack of a better term-
My reasoning for using evidence from when they were younger is that it was behavior I saw in them as an adult.
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I was around volt in personal friend groups ever since they started being on discord. I do not believe they are capable of changing. I do not believe they want to change. They like being an asshole to people. They enjoy hurting people. I remember them laughing from doing it. Any deviation is necessary to continue doing it later. They are not a good person.
They will never be a good person. The only way they stop is if they hit a threshold of consequences where even they don't see it as worth it. That would require physical pain and restraint if they hurt someone. My experience tells me they'd still try to sneak something by. Because that's what their like the more mask off they get around a friend.
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Hello. For those who don't know, I am the person formerly known as Candlewick. I'm one of the few people who was involved with Bones/Volt at a certain point in my life during 2019. I'm not going to speak on my experience since its already here, but rather speak about my feelings about the recent happenings with the blog.
I think some of you are too quick to make a judgment call on Bones/Volt. Just because someone might have underlying mental conditions does not mean it gives them an excuse to act like an asshole and keep doing it. I apologize for pointing out another comment an anon made before, but "teenagers will do dumb stuff so it shouldn't affect their future" is a terrible excuse for forgiving behavior, even though that same bad attitude they had kept going even into their adulthood. Much of it was not because of other people around them, but a consequence of the choices they made.
In the same breath, no-one should be so quick to warrant empathy for Volt/Bones while seeing our experiences with a grain of salt. Terrible things happen to all of us one way or another and I won't lie and say it hasn't happened to them either. But guess what? Terrible people have bad days too.
Like Mod Ven said, this blog hasn't been active in months, and this place is designed to be what they said it is; an archive for the terrible experiences and events that transpired in relation to Bones/Volt throughout the years. They don't "stalk", and thinking of this blog as just a obsessive person constantly looking into anything happening with Bones/Volt is not true. The 9 months of this blog being locked should be a tell.
We aren't going to forgive them. We don't want apologies or any of this business going on with Mali. All of us have our own lives and are actively moving on to other things.
We. Are. Done.
Personally, I believe in the power of change, and I think if someone really wanted to change for the better, they should be allowed to do so in good faith and facing the past with humility. And Bones/Volt could be capable of the same, but ultimately I am not interested in seeing that, nor any of the other people I know.
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I mean, it is kind of creepy stalking someone since they were a teenager.
Teenagers are dumb it will do dumb stuff. But that doesn't mean that it gets to be held over the head for the rest of their lives.
Did you ever think that following someone's every footstep since they were a teenager might have a negative effect on their mental health and how they perceive personal relationships?
And, I don't think it's your place to dictate someone else's mental state. And it's pretty distasteful to say someone feeling suicidal or having a mental break is faking it.
I don't think you really understand what I've said. I haven't stalked anybody. I stopped following Bones sometime after they deleted their tumblr and only occasionally checked their social media (when i found it) afterwards up to 2019 in case they had drawn Vendetta again, in which they didn't. So, I was never interested. Mind you, I was a TEENAGER when I found Bones. I was a FAN of Bones. I was a teenager in 2014. I was literally FOURTEEN. Most of my teen years, I spent idolizing Bones’ art but staying away from them because I heard they were bad news.
I only offered the original owner coming onto the blog because I remembered some stuff from the past that (at the time) I believed was relevant. A lot of information I've received between then and now is something I've been given by other people, who I will never give up their names.
While it's incredibly distasteful to fakeclaim someone, nothing they say adds up as they add lie on top of lie on top of lie. None of their symptoms tend to line up. It's also very hard to verify any of Bones' suicide attempts as some of them have been disproven with evidence I've seen with my own eyes.
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Has nefskull ever been accused of "murdering" someone or being involved in the death of someone? A source told me that their cousin's death was because of this person (only really learned of them today) but from looking at what I could from this blog, that didn't seem to to happen? It's something very sensitive I don't think anyone should be lying about so I just wanted to make sure
I've never heard of that, no.
I've heard that someone involved on an old blog had apparently "killed themselves" but that turned out to be false. idk if that's what you mean.
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ayyeeeee fucking YIKES at how people are treating you over this. I've had my nose in the Reb/Volt shit since I was literally 13 or so (And I'm like 20 now) and despite never hearing of this blog, I know DAMN well most of the people involved in this were minors and no one deserves harassment. I watched the vid (all four hours) and I feel really bad about how you got portrayed. i hope the second part is a bit easier on you and honestly... godspeed bud, I wouldn't blame you if you locked the blog again. my ass would have dipped the second the video went live lmfao. it's like people forget you guys are human too
I feel like if this was six months ago, I'd be more anxious about the video. I had my little freak out at the time of finding out about the video, but now I'm fine.
I don't really feel anything? It's weird. I don't really care about it anymore I guess. Getting older does that, I guess. I've been through a lot.
I do wish people took a moment to realize that we are all just humans who make mistakes. None of us are saints, and we're defined by how we handle our mistakes. I've made a lot of mistakes I regret, but I can't dwindle on them and feel sorry for myself. I can only move forward.
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