#thena is yearning
sunshinethena · 2 months
partner confirmed that we’re dnp coded
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fanficapologist · 4 months
Of Dragons and Maelstroms
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Themes and Warnings: slow burn, enemies to lovers, blood, violence, explicit language, sexual violence, period-typical misogyny, sexual themes, smut, tension, marriage, jealousy, pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, attempted sexual assault, breastfeeding, major character death, divergent timelines
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon/Fire & Blood/Game of Thrones characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
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Chapter Seventy-Nine
Bed rest was incredibly difficult, even though Maera knew the Maester had recommended it for the sake of her health. She couldn't remember a time when she had actually kept still for this long. The days stretched into weeks, each hour feeling like an eternity as she lay confined within the four walls of her chambers.
She recalled how, even as a child, she had defied the orders of the Maester at Rain House. No matter how ill she felt, she would quickly sneak out of bed to play with her toys or climb atop her bookshelf to reach her favorite fairytale. Her septa would scold her, but Maera never cared. The thrill of independence and the joy of losing herself in stories had always outweighed any reprimands.
Yet now, despite feeling like a caged dragon, Maera adhered to the Maester's orders for three long weeks, for the sake of her unborn child. Each day, she reminded herself of the precious life growing inside her, finding strength in the small kicks and movements that signaled her baby's vitality.
Maester Cain visited the Princess daily, diligently re-dressing her wounds, checking her stitches, and monitoring the progress of her healing. He applied various ointments and prescribed medicines to aid her recovery, though his options were limited by her pregnancy.
Lord Unwin also made regular visits, keeping Maera up to date with the happenings within the castle and the council meetings. His updates were a lifeline to the outside world, yet each visit brought a pang of shame. She felt weak and pathetic, dependent on others for information and care, a stark contrast to her usual self-reliance.
The usual young maid attended to the Princess as well, quick and efficient in her duties. She changed the sheets regularly, careful not to disturb Maera’s injuries as she dressed her in fresh clothes. The maid also brought Maera her meals, ensuring she was fed and comfortable. But that was the extent of their interaction. Unlike Thena in King's Landing, who had always chatted with Maera and made her feel less isolated, this maid performed her tasks in silence, leaving as soon as her duties were complete.
The combination of these visits—necessary though they were—only served to deepen Maera's feelings of helplessness. She longed for the days when she could move freely, engage with those around her on her own terms, and reclaim her strength and independence.
Another thing that didn’t help was hearing Ēbrion’s calls from outside her window. Maera had not seen her dragon in weeks and she desperately wished to be near him. The great beast was her oldest friend here, and she yearned to feel his presence, to fly and escape these prison-like walls.
One day, Maera managed to get out of bed and walk around a little. The wounds on her arm and thigh were incredibly sore, but Maester Cain had assured her they would be fully closed in a few more weeks. Each step sent a jolt of pain through her body, the few paces leaving her breathless, unused to the exertion after weeks of bed rest.
Determined to regain her strength, Maera set small goals each day to walk a little further. At first, it was just a few steps from the bed to the chair. Then, a few more steps to the door. After several days of this slow progress, she finally managed to make it to the window and sit on the ledge, a welcome change from the confines of her bed. The fresh air and the view of the outside world were invigorating, even though her body still ached from the effort.
As she sat on the window ledge, Maera looked out and saw the distant figure of Ēbrion. His calls seemed to echo her own longing for freedom. She knew it would still be some time before she could fly with him again, but the sight of her dragon gave her hope. Looking out past Harrenhall’s broken walls, Maera saw her mount in the same place she last saw him in person: the burnt lavender field.
The sight brought back a flood of memories, haunting her with the vividness of her encounter with Alys. She could almost feel the blade piercing her skin again, the sharp, excruciating pain that still echoed in her body on the worst days. The smell of burning flesh and lavender wafted into her mind, a stark reminder of the moment she had ordered Ebrion to incinerate Alys.
The guilt about what she had done, particularly concerning Alys's unborn child, had begun to fade. The relentless waves of remorse were now replaced with a cold, clear anger. As the fog of guilt lifted, Maera's rage toward her husband grew and grew.
Aemond had still not returned, and there was no news from the ongoing battle near Rook's Rest. Despite Maera's growing anger toward him, she couldn't help but be concerned for her husband's wellbeing.
A thousand questions raced through her mind. Surely no news was good news? But what if it wasn’t? What if something had happened to the Lord Commander? Or to Aemond? What position would that leave her and their child in? If the Blacks won at Rook's Rest, would she find herself at Rhaenyra’s mercy? Would Rhaenyra even grant them mercy?
The thoughts made Maera shudder. Her mind spun with the uncertainty of their future. The possibilities loomed over her like a dark cloud, each one more terrifying than the last. She tried to push them away, but they clung to her, dragging her down into a well of anxiety and fear. Desperate for a distraction, the next time the maid had returned, Maera pleaded with her to provide her with something, anything, that would provide solace and a brief escape from the prison of her mind.
The maid had brought Maera a large fresh bouquet from the gardens, along with some charcoal and parchment. Maera was extremely thankful for the thoughtful gesture. However, due to her low spirits, she found herself unsure of what to draw. Her dragon Ēbrion, visible from her window, only made her miss the freedom of the skies. The outside world reminded her of the confining walls of Harrenhal, and she had never excelled at drawing portraits of people.
With a sigh, Maera hobbled to her desk where the lovely bouquet had been placed. The vibrant flowers were a glimpse of the beauty that lay beyond the castle’s walls, a fragment of the life she yearned to return to. Deciding to capture this piece of the outside world, she picked up her charcoal and began to sketch the delicate petals and intricate leaves.
She started with the red geraniums, their rounded petals forming clusters of vibrant blooms. The delicate veins in each petal were carefully rendered with gentle strokes, the charcoal capturing the depth and texture of the flowers. Next, she moved to the black snapdragons, their tall, spiky stems and intricate blossoms creating a striking contrast. The dark blooms seemed to absorb the light, and Maera took care to highlight their shadowy allure.
The deep orange marigolds came next, their ruffled petals and dense heads a challenge to capture with charcoal. She meticulously shaded the layers, bringing out their fiery intensity. The red petunias, with their trumpet-shaped flowers, added a splash of brilliance to the bouquet. She sketched their soft, velvety petals, capturing the delicate folds and curves.
The black poppies were a somber addition, their wide, papery petals dark and mysterious. Maera rendered them with a mix of light and heavy strokes, emphasizing their dramatic presence in the bouquet. Finally, she turned her attention to the white rose that had begun to wilt. The edges of the petals were tinged with brown, the delicate flower showing signs of its fleeting beauty. She carefully sketched its drooping form, capturing the fragility and grace of its decline.
As she worked, a pang of sadness washed over her. In King's Landing, she would have painted these flowers, bringing out their true colors with vibrant pigments. Here, she only had charcoal, and while it allowed her to capture the forms and shadows, it lacked the ability to convey the vivid hues that made each flower special. The monochrome sketches were a pale imitation of the bouquet's true beauty, and Maera longed for the days when she had a full palette at her disposal.
Gazing at the blooms, Maera could not help but be reminded her of her dear friend Helaena. Just a year ago, they were strolling through the gardens of the Red Keep, hand in hand, their laughter mingling with the rustle of leaves and the hum of insects. Helaena, with her boundless enthusiasm, would gleefully point out the bugs wandering amongst the blooms, her violet eyes lighting up with childlike wonder.
The joy she shared with Helaena felt like a distant dream, yet it was a dream she clung to, a beacon of light in her darkened world. Maera's heart ached for the simplicity and innocence of those times, and she longed to walk through the gardens with Helaena again, free from the burdens that now weighed her down.
The Princess felt a twinge of guilt for leaving Helaena behind to follow Aemond to Harrenhall. She wondered if things would have been different if she had stayed in King's Landing, remaining by her oldest and dearest friend's side. Perhaps, she thought, none of this would have happened.
She silently prayed for Thena, hoping that when the time was right, the maid would be able to get Helaena out of the Capital to a place of safety. Maera wished with all her heart that Helaena would find happiness once more, allowed to walk freely amongst blooming gardens and enjoying the simple company of the insects.
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On the day Maera felt strongest, she finally left her chambers. The maid had dressed her in a soft, black silken gown that felt light and airy against her large stomach and the healing wounds on her arm and thigh. The fabric flowed gently around her, offering a semblance of comfort and grace she had longed for during her bedridden weeks. Maester Cain assisted her down the corridor, his cautious presence a constant reminder of her recent ordeal. He helped her into the carriage, ensuring she was settled comfortably before taking his place beside her, his eyes filled with both concern and encouragement.
As the carriage pulled away from Harrenhall, Maera opened the window, letting the fresh air fill the space. She gazed out at the mountains and valleys, their majesty a balm to her weary soul. The sun's warmth on her skin and the gentle breeze in her hair made her feel alive in a way she hadn't for weeks. The rustling of leaves, the distant calls of birds, and the rhythmic clatter of the carriage wheels on the path all combined into a symphony of life that she had missed so dearly. Inside her, the baby seemed to share her delight, kicking with great strength as if to express its own joy at being outside.
Maera stepped out of the carriage, her movements slow and deliberate. Maester Cain offered his arm, supporting her as she limped forward. Together, they walked towards the great expanse of the Gods Eye, the lake shimmering under the midday sun. The sunlight glinted off the water, creating a mosaic of dazzling reflections that danced across the surface. Just as Maera took in the serene beauty, the sun was momentarily blocked by a large shadow, followed by a distant, resounding thud. A grin spread across her face as she recognized the sound.
With the Maester's help, Maera settled onto the grass, her eyes scanning the sky. Moments later, Ēbrion, her giant dragon, came striding towards her, his deep roars echoing across the mountain range. His massive wings flapped once, sending a gust of wind that rustled the nearby trees.
Upon seeing the dragon, Maester Cain quickly retreated back to the carriage, his face pale with trepidation. "I will remain in the wheelhouse until you need me, Princess," he called, his voice trembling slightly. "To give you some privacy."
Maera couldn't help but giggle at his hasty retreat. She outstretched her arms and watched as Ēbrion approached, his blue and black scales shimmering in the sunlight. The dragon lowered his massive head, nuzzling against her ever-so softly. She ran her fingers over his warm, scaled skin, feeling a profound sense of relief and joy at being reunited with her mount.
After their initial greeting, Ēbrion curled up around Maera like a cat, his enormous body forming a protective circle. The contrast between their sizes was striking, akin to an elephant and a mouse, yet Maera felt the safest with her dragon. Their bond was unbreakable, and she knew without a doubt that he would never harm her.
Leaning back against his warm, scaled body, Maera sighed deeply. Her fingers danced along her belly, feeling the rhythmic kicks of her child. The gentle pressure of the baby’s movements brought a small smile to her lips. She missed soaring through the sky on Ēbrion’s back, the exhilarating freedom it brought. It felt almost as if she had wings of her own, cutting through the clouds and leaving her troubles far below. But for now, sitting together by the lake's edge, wrapped in the comfort of her dragon’s presence, would have to suffice.
As she sat there, the sun's rays filtering through the trees, Maera's thoughts wandered. Although she loved Ēbrion deeply, her visit to the Gods Eye wasn’t solely for their reunion. She had arranged to meet a small number of Harrenhall's residents outside the castle walls to discuss an urgent matter.
A simple horse and cart pulled up alongside the carriage Maera had ridden in, its wheels creaking as it came to a halt. Atop the cart, the Princess could see four guards, their expressions grim and apprehensive. Beside them sat Lord Unwin, his face stern, none of them looking particularly pleased.
While Maera had trusted Lord Unwin to handle the guards who had neglected their duty on the day she was attacked, she felt an overwhelming need to assert her own authority as Princess. It was not enough for a Lord to enact justice on her behalf; she needed to demonstrate her strength and resolve personally.
As the men approached with Lord Unwin leading the way, Ēbrion growled lowly, a deep rumble that resonated through the air. The dragon bared his teeth menacingly, his orange eyes narrowing with protective intent. The men’s footsteps faltered, their faces paling as they stared up in horror at the massive beast.
"Lykirī, Ēbrion," Be calm, Maera murmured, patting her dragon reassuringly. The growling subsided slightly, though the dragon's gaze remained fixed on the approaching group. Maera then turned her attention to the men, her voice firm and commanding. "You may approach," she beckoned, her green eyes unwavering.
With visible reluctance, the guards and Lord Unwin continued their approach, their movements cautious. Maera's presence, coupled with the looming figure of her dragon, left no room for doubt about who held authority here. The men stood before her, clearly intimidated but now fully aware of the gravity of their previous actions, or lack thereof.
Maera noticed the men varied in age and stature, all of them male relatives of the members of the war council at Harrenhall. Two were lower-ranking guards, evident by their basic armor and weapons. They were young in age, similar to Maera’s brothers Faran and Luthor, just a few years older than herself. Their eyes betrayed a mix of nervousness and guilt, fully aware of their transgressions.
One appeared to be an archer, with a large, noticeable bow and a bag of arrows attached to his back. He bore the orange and black sigil of House Peake on his chest, so Maera surmised that he must be the nephew of Lord Unwin. His stance was slightly more confident, yet there was an undercurrent of unease in his demeanor, his eyes flicking nervously to the towering form of Ēbrion.
The remaining guard appeared higher ranking, his armor meticulously polished, bearing the green and black sigil of House Vance. He was about the same age as Maera’s eldest brother, Guston. His face was stern, and his posture rigid, suggesting that he would not take kindly to being ordered around by a girl. His brown eyes were hard, revealing a man used to command and control.
Maera knew she would have to approach this assertively, yet diplomatically. The situation required a delicate balance of authority and tact to ensure her position was respected and her commands followed.
“Thank you for meeting with me,” the Princess began, her tone gentle yet firm. “I must apologize for the unusual location. I have not been outside for some time, nor have I been away from my mount for so long since I claimed him.”
Ēbrion trilled softly behind her, his presence a silent reminder of loyalty and protection. Maera affectionately patted his scales. “He is a loyal beast, my Ēbrion. I owe him so much, and just a few weeks ago, he saved my life. This is what I wish to discuss with you today.”
Turning her gaze to the guards, Maera noted their discomfort under the watchful eye of her dragon. “In your own words, pray tell me why you were not at your assigned postings when an attempt on my life was made by Alys Rivers,” Maera declared, her voice steady but commanding.
The men shifted uneasily, exchanging hesitant glances. Lord Unwin, growing impatient, interjected sharply, “Your Princess has just asked you a question, you fools.”
The archer, Lord Unwin's nephew, pushed the highest-ranking guard, a knight of House Vance, forward. He glared back at the others before stepping forward and nodding respectfully to Maera.
"State your name, Ser," Maera commanded.
"Ser Willard of House Vance, Princess," the knight replied.
"Do you speak for the men you command?" Maera asked, tilting her head slightly.
"I do," Ser Willard confirmed.
Maera leaned forward, her gaze unwavering. "Then please answer the question I asked."
The knight hesitated, glancing back at his comrades before turning his attention back to Maera. “I had known the witch for a long time. I knew what she was capable of… what she had done to your family in Morne.”
Maera winced at the memory, letting out a shaky exhale. No doubt Alys had boasted of her alleged power to anyone in the castle who would listen, and unfortunately, it looked like it had achieved its desired goal; that Alys would be known as a force to be reckoned with.
The Princess pictured her poor Aunt Viserra, Maera’s last link to her mother, who had been slain consumption, as well as her family. All at the order of Aemond, which caused Maera’s blood to boil. Her fingers clenched into fists, the sharp pain of her healing wounds a reminder of her recent ordeal.
“We did not know what she would do, Princess, I swear,” Ser Willard assured her.
But Maera found no comfort in his words. “I thought you said you knew what she was capable of?” Maera retorted sarcastically.
“She threatened us. She knew things about us that she should not have known. My wife, my daughters…” the knight trailed off, and Maera felt a pang of sympathy for the man in that moment.
The knight's voice trembled slightly when he spoke, his fear for his loved ones mirroring Maera's own fear for the child in her belly. Yet it was because of their fear that Maera and her child were at risk in the first place. The complexity of the situation settled heavily on her, a reminder of the constant balancing act she had to perform.
Clearing his throat, Ser Willard continued, “All she asked was that we leave our postings for an hour, so she could labor in peace in the lavender. So she could give birth to her son.”
Maera tensed her jaw. Mayhaps Alys had spouted lies about her supposed prophecy as well. That her son and Maera’s daughter would bring forth the Prince that was promised, this so-called ‘King of Kings.’ It was absolutely ludicrous how the men in Harrenhall, including her own stupid husband, had fallen prey to the witch’s words, without thinking about what Alys’s own personal gain from this would be.
The scenery at the Gods Eye provided a stark contrast to the turmoil within her. The water lapped gently against the stoney shore, creating a soothing, rhythmic sound. A soft breeze rustled the leaves of nearby trees, and the sunlight shimmered on the lake's surface, casting a golden glow, a similar colour to the flames at had been launched out of Ēbrion’s mouth upon Maera’s orders.
The Princess fixed her forest green eyes on the knight with determination, as she declared, “And yet the witch is gone, Ser.”
Ēbrion craned his neck, bringing his snout close to Maera’s body. She petted the beast lovingly before ominously warning the knight, “For you see, the threat to life does not lie within foresight or words of prophecy. It is here,” she declared, gesturing to her dragon, who growled lowly, his gigantic teeth showcasing a potential fate to those who crossed his rider.
The knight seemed taken aback, stepping backward slightly as he gazed up at the Princess’s dragon, fear in his eyes. “We were fools, Princess. Men led by fear, and we are ashamed to have been so reckless,” he said shakily, his eyes still fixated on Ēbrion. “Please, we ask for your forgiveness.”
In the past, Maera would have walked a different path. She would have forgiven the guards for their lack of action, trusting them to fulfill their duties and keep her safe. But time and time again, the allies around her had not prioritized her needs, much like her husband. Now, she needed to prove she was not to be crossed.
The Princess glanced sideways at Lord Unwin, his orange and black attire standing out against the mountain range backdrop. He had been mostly silent during the meeting but had watched her every move, following her lead as she chastised the men. She grinned at him before addressing the guards.
“A friend told me recently that not only do I have the Mother’s mercy, but I also have her strength,” Maera declared, before looking down at her huge stomach lovingly. “I admit, carrying my child has induced a ruthlessness within me that I did not know I possessed.” For Maera, a mother's love for her child was like nothing else in the world. It knew no law, no pity, no forgiveness. It defied all logic and crushed down remorselessly all that stood in its path.
Her gaze flicked up to the men, and her expression hardened as she looked each of them in the eye. “You may count yourselves lucky that my husband is not here. I daresay you all would be in Vhagar’s stomach by now.”
As idiotic as the one-eyed Prince had been, Maera knew one thing about her husband: he was merciless. Such a lapse in security and disregard for their duties would have resulted in death for all those who had deserted their post, and he would not have lost a wink of sleep over it. Aemond's cold pragmatism and ruthless nature had always been his way of ensuring loyalty through fear, and he wielded that fear with a deft hand.
Despite this, Maera did not feel such an act of brutality was necessary... yet. Putting the guards to death meant fewer bodies on the war front, weakening their defenses. Moreover, such an act would send a clear message to those who supported the Greens, potentially driving them to flock to the Blacks in retaliation. The realm was already teetering on the brink, and she did not wish to push it over the edge with reckless cruelty.
The Princess shifted with a groan in her seated position on the grass, uncomfortable from sitting still for long. Ēbrion raised his head, his mouth opening slightly as he let out a puff of smoke, causing Maera to stroke his scaled hide reassuringly.
“Therefore, I will give you all a choice, rooted in honor and allowing you to keep your integrity as knights and guards.”
The men exchanged confused glances at Maera’s words before watching her grab onto one of her dragon’s scales and pulling herself up from the grass slowly. Ser Willard and Lord Unwin stepped forward, offering their hands of assistance, but she refused. Determination flashed in her eyes as she braced herself against the dragon's warm, sturdy scales.
Pain surged through her body. The freshly healed wounds on her arm and thigh burned as she pushed herself up, and the weight of the babe in her stomach felt like a leaden anchor pulling her down. Her muscles trembled with the effort, and she gritted her teeth, willing herself to stand.
Eventually, with sheer determination, Maera stood, holding onto Ebrion for balance. She was breathing heavily, her face slick with sweat, and every nerve in her body seemed to scream in protest. Yet, she did it. She stood tall, a silent testament to her resolve and strength, despite the pain coursing through her.
After taking a steadying few breaths, she looked at each of the guards, one by one, before pressing on. “Swear your oath anew to House Targaryen and your King Aegon, second of his name, to protect and serve his kin, the Princes and Princesses of the blood.”
Ebrion leaned forward sharply with a growl, causing the men to jump, their eyes wide with horror, their breathing becoming rapid. The dragon's immense presence, combined with Maera's stern demeanor, created a palpable tension in the air. The knights could feel the ground tremble slightly beneath Ebrion's massive weight, and the sheer power emanating from the beast was enough to make their knees weak.
“Or,” Maera continued, “if you feel cowardice and fear will rule your ability to fulfill your duties, declare it now. And you will have a quick and honorable death.”
The beast opened his mouth, a fireball forming slowly in the back of his throat. The sight was terrifying, the heat radiating off the forming inferno making the air around them shimmer. It was as if the dragon's thoughts were synced with those of his rider, reflecting Maera's anger and determination. The glowing embers within the dragon's maw cast an eerie light on the faces of the men, highlighting their fear and desperation.
“However, if you choose deceit, declaring yourselves loyal now only to crumble and submit to the pressures of your duties, putting myself or my family in danger,” Maera paused, looking up at her dragon, then back at the men. “Know you will die. Screaming.”
The guards' faces paled as they realized the gravity of their choices. They could feel the weight of their mistakes bearing down on them, the threat of imminent death a very real possibility. One by one, they knelt before Maera and Ebrion, heads bowed in submission. Their bodies shook slightly, and the stony ground beneath them felt cold and unforgiving.
The silence was heavy, the only sound being the low, menacing growl of Ebrion and the crackling of the fireball in his throat. Maera looked down at them, her expression stern and unyielding. She had their attention, their fear, and their submission.
The Princess sighed, her expression softening slightly as she knew she had won the men’s respect. “Rise now and remember your oaths.”
She looked at the men before her as they stood, their faces a mix of fear and hope. They had families, loved ones, and a cause they believed in. Their mistake had put her and her child at risk, but they were still assets in the war they were fighting. Maera knew she had to find a balance between asserting her authority and maintaining their loyalty.
“Let this be a new beginning, and may you never forget the consequences of breaking your word.”
Each of the men bowed respectfully, their movements hurried and jittery as they made their way back to the horse and cart that had brought them there. They were eager to leave the presence of the fearsome dragon and the Princess who had so sternly chastised them. The sound of their hurried steps and the clatter of armor filled the air as they mounted the cart and quickly urged the horse away.
As the men departed, Maera exhaled deeply and leaned back against Ebrion, the strength to hold herself up any longer waning. The adrenaline that had sustained her was ebbing away, replaced by a wave of exhaustion. After steadying her breathing, she turned and looked up at Lord Unwin, who was staring her with concern.
“Do you think I was too harsh on them?” She asked earnestly, taking a few more deep breaths.
“Not at all, Princess,” the Peake lord reassured her. “It is about time that those idiots learned that abandoning your duties have consequences.” Lord Unwin then chuckled to himself. “I think it is wise that you were the one to deliver the warning, Princess.”
Maera raised her brow. “How so, my Lord?”
“Well,” he began. “As terrifying as I can be, I am nowhere near as terrifying as someone with a dragon at their disposal.”
The Princess giggled, not noticing how the Maester had departed from their carriage and was striding towards them, the chains on his body clinking as he walked.
“May I suggest we return to Harrenhall, Princess?” The older man asked. “We do not want you overexerting yourself.”
Maera had no more energy to argue and nodded in defeat. Maester Cain and Lord Unwin each offered an arm to Maera, supporting her limping form as they guided her back to the carriage. Her legs felt heavy, her wounds aching with each step. She was grateful for their support, though she resented the weakness that necessitated it.
As she walked away, she turned to see Ebrion preparing for flight. The dragon flapped his gigantic blue and black wings, the powerful beats stirring up dust and leaves around him. With a final, majestic leap, Ebrion soared into the sky, his roars echoing across the valley as he disappeared into the horizon.
Maera watched him until he was a distant speck in the sky, a pang of longing in her heart. She missed the freedom of flying with him, the feeling of leaving all her troubles behind. But for now, she had to return to the confines of Harrenhal, her mind already grappling with the many more battles that had yet to be fought.
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Notes: Floriography girlies I’m looking at you 👀 also is it just me or did Maera fucking EAT this chapter? She is literally fed up of everyone’s shit at this point 🤣
Tags: @0eessirk8 @magicseahorse @blue-serendipity @abecerra611 @saltedcaramelpretzel @marvelescvpe @watercolorskyy @shesjustanothergeek @thelastemzy @kckt88
Thank you so much for reading! Comments, feedback, likes, and reblogs are greatly appreciated 🖤
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Patience (@cherry-spot / @cherryspotart) vs. Valerie Wester (@toa-arania)
Patience info:
Description: Born as one of the truest forms of the fire element, Patience represents the virtue of her namesake and is the self-declared leader of the high court of heaven. She's roughly the age of the universe, is married to the virtue Humanitas, and has one daughter named Melodia. She's regarded as a kind, selfless leader, but only to the ones she tries to save face for - the truth would come from her family and the other gods of the realms.
She yearns for heaven to be a perfect paradise, with only the most worthy of holy beings enjoying the realm. She often "encourages" her siblings and the other virtues to be equally perfect, not wanting them to dare be a bad influence or role model for the citizens.
Most of her lore is honestly in her crimes, but her influence can be found throughout the story. From the people she drives away, to the ones she actively seeks out to harm, there's a lingering stain of the damaging grasp she holds on the divine beings of the realms. Her formal introduction in the story, though, ends up being the beginning of her downfall as her victims are done with putting up with her awful treatment.
Is an overall asshole to demons, pushing propaganda that they're horrible beings no matter what Pushed away her little sister, Thena, to the point of Thena running away to hell and soon hopping universes as a whole, and when Patience went to look for her and found out she had a demon lover, she disowned her Encourages fire other sister, Tempy, to be an absolutely perfect role model of heaven, convincing her that her husband cheating on her was her own fault so she "could improve" Convinced her brother, Mili, to be heaven's executioner when they do NOT enjoy that job at ALL Back to Tempy; when her husband, Karit, cheated on her, Patience worked out an elaborate scheme with Mili to frame him and his mistress, Ria, for the "murder" of Tempy's understudy so fi could banish Karit and Ria from heaven Tempy's understudy wasn't even actually murdered, Patience just shoved her in a magic stone because fi felt she was not acting up-to-par for the role Has shoved many other people and demons into magic stones, some of them she just…""forgets about"", leaving them there for hundreds of years Got a (fellow demon-hating) cult leader to be fire own understudy Nearly had the god of gluttony, Gula, killed as his brother Ira was trying to convince Patience to let demons into heaven Fi thinks everything fi does is for the good of heaven, wanting nothing but a perfect, holy experience for all the citizens (fi doesn't understand why the reapers, essentially the higher beings, practically disowned fire)
Other notes from the submitter: My premade propaganda (/j): My friends are often split on calling her either the worst being in existence, or desire her carnally so have fun with that
Valerie Wester info:
Description: A witch living in midwestern america and doing a combination of high-school antics, cursing anyone who remotely slights her, and (sort of) helping some people solve mysteries. She grows Fun Plants (deadly poisons) and comes from an enormous family of people who are also completely unhinged.
Constantly stealing personal possessions to use in curses (the more sentimental the better) Breaking and entering to abandoned building sites, locked areas of her school, and occasionally people's houses to either steal things or hook up with people Actively interfering in her ex's current relationship (initially just by cursing him to look like he copied her hair, but she is now actively plotting to give him long-lasting attachment issues) That one time she killed a guy with poison and the various times she's used smaller amounts to make people sick Also that one time she made herself throw up so she could get out of a thing she didn't want to do. Instead of going to see the school nurse, she broke into a classroom to steal things Liberal use of what she calls "The Migraine Spell" Cursing half the school to see terrifying demonic visions, triggering the ptsd of an ex-infernalist and traumatising multiple other people General lack of ethical consideration when spellcasting and refusal to apologise if it goes wonky and causes problems Publicly accusing someone of running a cult and of trying to kill her as a way of flirting, and genuinely enjoying plotting the systematic social dismemberment of this person who, to be fair, did actually try to kill her (not as a flirt, though, that's just Val projecting) Agreeing with a friend to lie to all of the other ones so that said friend can get his back blown out Using magic to spy on her friends so she and another witch friend could read a book about elder gods Allowing someone to think he's being haunted because it's funnier than telling him the other witch is fucking with him Plotting with the other witch to try to outsmart the literal god of knowledge, trickery and magic Wielding the fact that she's useful to forcibly extract permission to Continue Causing Problems Frequently excusing any and all of her fuck-ups by saying that "we learnt something new in the process" Just so much fucking hubris
Other notes from the submitter: I have played Val for a total of three sessions so far and not only has she managed to do all this shit in that time, but I have already trained all of the other players to be scared whenever she uses the word "fascinating" because it signifies the impending arrival of a Val Moment.
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Alright Darling!
I need to ask you this because I need to see it happen! 👀
Would you write Gil proposing to Thena?
Pretty please?😁❤️
"You okay?"
Gil blinked, finding his Ice Queen looking up at him with a knot between her brows. He smiled, shaking his head slightly, "I'm fine. Just...surprised."
"Indeed," Thena murmured as she resumed sorting out her work that his aunt had interrupted. "I never imagined she would make the trip for herself."
Gil just nodded, mind turning over seeing his aunt for the first time in he had no idea how long. Thoughts of what she would tell the rest of his family--hoping it was over but knowing better than to think it was.
The living room at home was still littered with flower petals. He really had blurted out some of his intended speech during his little outburst and he still had the ring in his pocket. None of it had gone to plan and he had absolutely no clue how to proceed with any of it now.
Maybe he could suggest they go for food and order a cleaning service to dismantle what he had done at home. He would just have to try again later.
He blinked, once again needing to be pulled out of his thoughts. It was typically the other way around. He sighed, taking Thena's hand in his and raising it to his lips, "sorry, Princess. Guess I'm a little more stunned than I thought."
Thena brushed her thumb over his knuckles, "do you have regrets over what we told her?"
"No!" He really hadn't expected that. He held her hand tighter in his, "no, of course not. I meant every word, Thena. I'm here because you're here, and I don't want to be anywhere else."
Thena gave him a gentle look, some of her hair slipping over her shoulder as she tilted her head at him. But it seemed to suffice for her, and she leaned up to kiss his cheek. "Shall we?"
Gil pulled her back to him, though. He could figure out the speech and the proposal and the living room later. He leaned in, "hey."
Thena sighed as their lips met, gentle and tender and as familiar as saying each other's names. Her hand slipped into his suit jacket to find and claim its place over his heart.
Gil sighed, resting his forehead against hers. When he did finally manage to propose he would tell her all about his failed attempt today. Maybe they would have a pleasant laugh about it. "I love you, Thena."
It was faint, but he could hear the little hitch in her breath. He pulled her closer to him, his hand on her back, her hands on his chest. She tucked her head under his chin, "I love you, too."
"I-" he paused, letting out a little more of his tension - and disappointment and stress and yearning - in another sigh. "I saw this day going differently."
"These thing can't be helped, sometimes," she soothed.
"I meant it, though," he pulled back, holding his hand over her hand over his heart. He stared into those sparkling green eyes of hers, losing himself in them. "I meant every word. Thena, you are everything to me. Every morning starts with you, or it doesn't start. I only want to be with you."
"I can't imagine what my life would be like without you. Sometimes I can't believe we only knew each other through work, and now I go to bed early so I can watch you read beside me. I keep lilies on my desk so I can think of you and if I could spend every day just lying around watching you work, I would."
He released her hand, only so he could move his hands to cup her cheeks. "You are perfection. You are happiness, and joy, and pain, and love, and stress, and I would endure anything at all to spend five minutes with you."
"You're it, Thena. You're the only one--the love of my life. You already know you have me--mind, body, soul, anything. It's all yours."
He was speeding along, now, the words almost overlapping as his feelings became too much to bear. He was barrelling towards an end.
"I'm yours, and you said you're mine too," he gulped, his throat tightening. He felt some tears collect in his eyes, and she was already ahead of him. "And that's enough. It will always be enough, but...but I guess I wanted to be selfish. I wanted to ask if you would give me just a little bit more."
Thena nodded.
"Give me the mornings, and the nights, and every minute in between," he whispered, every breath they gasped out moving around them as she nodded to everything he said. "Give me your hand everyday and let me know that I never have to let go."
"Tell me you love me and never stop, tell me we can go home and ask me to make dinner every night. Say you'll stop reading in five more minutes just so I can look at you for a little longer."
"Say you're as much mine as I am yours." He held her eyes. "Say you'll marry me."
Thena leaned up, looping her arms around his neck and throwing herself into a kiss that echoed every word he had said back to him. He held her tight, letting her push against him with every move of their lips together.
"Say it again," she whispered--pleaded between kisses.
"Marry me," he repeated, as asked. Her lips rewarded his and he felt a kind of giddy squeeze in her chest against his. "Marry me."
"Yes," she gasped out again, her lips forming a smile against his.
Gil responded as he always did, because if Thena smiled, then he did too. "Marry me?"
"Yes!" she laughed, letting him pick her up and spin her around in the soft light of her office.
Gil stared up at her, her hair tumbling around her in a waterfall of blonde. It wasn't their home, with flower petals and candles, and a perfectly rehearsed speech and a romantic mood. But he supposed he fell the rest of the way in love with her in here ,more than a year ago. Maybe there was something poetic in that.
Thena leaned down to kiss him again, "did you plan this?"
"Yes and no," he sighed, setting her down again but keeping her close. "Some details are a little different, but-"
Thena cut him off with another kiss. She really was feeling giddy. "It was perfect."
Gilgamesh smiled, taking in the woman now his wife in more ways than one. He tilted his head at her, as she often did to him, which he found so utterly adorable. "Shall I?"
Thena laughed a little, brushing some of her tears from her eyelashes. She made room, letting him get down on one knee as he had intended. "You think you're so charming."
"I think you do too," he grinned at her as he reached into his pocket.
"Insufferable man."
"And yet here you are," he returned the very familiar words to her as he pulled up the ring box, "suffering me."
Her breath died in the air.
"Thena," he held up the ring, his hands shaking despite having already proposed, and then asked, and asked again. He took in a trembling breath, "will you marry me?"
Gil caught her in his arms as she collapsed to the ground with him. He rubbed her back as she let out her joy--so much of it that she was weeping against him. He pressed his lips to her hair, "I love you."
She didn't have the words yet. She pressed herself closer to him, emerging only as he wrestled her hand away from his chest to slip her ring on her.
"I thought about getting it in your lace design," he murmured gently as he got it situated on her delicate little finger. It really looked half the size of the one of his that matched it. "But your tattoo is already. I wanted this to be different."
It was still bands of gold, delicate and woven intricately. At every intersection of gold sat a tiny but sparkling diamond, like snowflakes just big enough to catch the light.
Thena looked at his as he held it up. It looked less like a ring and more like a piece of stone carved out roughly in the shape of a ring.
He turned it, revealing its shining gold interior, with the same shape of Thena's ring carved out from it. "Yours is made of the interior of mine."
Her eyes sparkled.
Gil blushed, "so I can keep a piece of you with me, and vice versa...I guess."
Thena smiled, blinking away more tears at his bashful explanation of a deeply thoughtful concept. She reached forward, slipping his ring onto his finger as he had done for her. Their fingers laced together, right to left and left to right. Both tattoos and both rings matched perfectly. "This is...you are perfect."
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lilbuddie · 1 year
find the word challenge
rules: share snippets of your work containing each of the words the previous poster selected for you (optional addition: if you can't find the word in your WIPs, or you simply don't have any WIPs, you can just write a sentence around the word)
tagged by my besties @the-likesofus and @thosetwofirefighters ily both, cannot state how proud of you I am 🤍🤍
my words are: home, care, love, make, dream; quiet, hold, cover, first, together, small. (lemme just squeal right quick)
home | the horny name kink fic
“Neither of us, not Chris, nor me—definitely not me—want you to go. We want you there, at home, always.” He says ‘home’ with such reverence, and Buck’s heart is drumming. Eddie’s eyes are warm and fond and… Inviting. His eyes are inviting. Hopeful. Buck disobeys his order, glancing straight at his best friend’s lips. They’re a heartbeat away from doing something to that line in the sand they’d drawn a while ago.
care | the girldads buddie fic
“Mommy,” the little girl says, with carefully measured words, “can I have another cookie?”
love | the yearning fic
Do you know that feeling when you love someone so thoroughly that when you’re in their presence, your entire body feels like it’s constantly being marshmallowed over an open flame, and you’re being slowly but surely roasted, torturously turned and turned over the fire? Yeah.
make | the horny name kink fic
Buck can almost hear his heart breaking in his chest. His ribs burn and he lets out a strangled breath, and grits his teeth so as not to make another audible sound. He’s pretty sure he’s over-exaggerating, but the world around him seems to break too.
dream | the girldads buddie fic
Eddie’s still unsure if all of this isn’t just a weird, painfully realistic dream. Buck’s dramatic sigh of relief as he leaves his signature brings Eddie back to the present.
quiet | the girldads buddie fic
Chris’ quiet “‘Thena, where’s Harry? I have his present,” earns him a soft smile and a small “aww” from Karen. Athena points him to the boy’s bedroom and Chris almost flies to the door.
hold | the girldads buddie fic
“What’s the hold-up, Superman?” “I don’t know if this movie’s too ‘grown up’ for me,” Chris replies, miming the air quotes.
cover | the fake dating fic
“If I can help in any way, I will. You need me to look after Chris for a while? I’m there. You need me to fix the plumbing?” Eddie snorts. “No question, I’m there. You need me to bully Ferguson into covering your shifts? Yep, still there.”
first | the girldads buddie fic
First call of the long shift. And what a nightmare of a call.
together | the yearning fic
Well, it all starts coming together after the poker da—night! Poker night.
small | the girldads buddie fic
...watching her small chest rise and fall with each breath. She thinks about tiny socks with elephants embroidered on them; thinks about fluffy hair scrunchies and pink butterfly earrings; about a bright toothy smile and cheek dimples.
words for people I tag: moon, hands, smile, believe, fall
tagging people I genuinely want to be friends with forever (no pressure, and not sure if some of yall have already done this already): @shitouttabuck @mister-babygirl @tsunamibuckley @writtenmemxries @spotsandsocks @sibylsleaves as well as anyone else who wants to join in on the fun!
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helaintoloki · 3 years
pairings: Druig x eternal!reader
notes: this is kinda short bc i’m still getting used to writing for the character so my apologies
warnings: angst, pining, unrequited love
summary: in which you come to terms with your life of eternal loneliness
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Your existence is lonely.
Having been given extraordinary gifts and near-immortality, you should have considered yourself blessed to be granted the life of an Eternal. The people of earth adore you no matter where you go, the planet’s elements bend to your will with ease, and you get to spend your time here on this world with people you consider family, so you should be grateful. What more could you possibly want?
But as you witness the laughter spill from Druig’s lips and the smile he saves for Makkari’s eyes only you’re harshly reminded of the one thing your existence is missing.
Requited love.
You aren’t quite sure when it happened or even why it did, but you had foolishly fallen in love with the man you considered to be your closest friend, never once considering the possibility that your closeness could lead to heartache down the line.
There had always been a sense of understanding shared between the two of you, a balance that kept you both from falling off the edge. When it all became too much you looked to Druig to chase away the monsters and put your emotions back in order when you couldn’t. You kept him from making rash decisions and often talked him down during his times of frustration with the humans and his inability to interfere. It wasn’t always perfect, and there were times when neither of you could see eye-to-eye, but it worked, and it was what kept you sane throughout the years. Druig was your confidant, your best friend, but he would never be yours.
He would never look at you the way he looked at Makkari, would never shower you in compliments and give you coy smiles when you melted into his touch. Though you were a friend, you would not be the one he went searching for in the middle of the night. You would forever be a second choice, but you had learned to be okay with that. You would accept his scraps, cherish the small moments shared in the shadows of the domo, savor every spared glance and lingering touch. A single brush of his fingertips against your own could satiate the hallow pit of longing in your chest for centuries— you’d take what you could get no matter how pathetic if it meant maintaining your friendship.
“Sulking so early in the evening, my dear?” His voice is teasing, smile mirthful as he pokes at your side and breaks you from your contemplative state. Brought back to the present, you are reminded of the party taking place before you. The locals play their music and dance, taking extra care to include you and your group in their festivities, though Sersi seems to be enjoying herself the most.
“I suppose I’m not in a very festive mood,” you reply with a meager shrug and a timid smile. “You go on and enjoy yourself.”
“I’ll be coming back for you,” Druig promises with a wink before heading off in search of Makkari. Your heart pounds in your chest, close to bursting at the seams as you longingly watch him disappear into the crowd.
A new presence joins you then, following your yearning gaze in silence before returning to carefully analyze your features. You huff in mild annoyance and shift uncomfortably where you stand, but the woman says nothing. “Don’t poke fun, Thena.”
“I wasn’t going to,” she replies calmly. “Gilgamesh sent me to check on you.”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re in love.”
“Is that so terrible?” You muse quietly.
“Are you ever going to tell him?”
“Look at him,” you whisper softly, swallowing to keep your forming tears at bay as you watch him and Makkari banter playfully from across the way, “he’s happy. How could I ever be selfish enough to ruin that?”
“And what of your own needs? Your own happiness?”
“We each have a job to do here on earth, a duty to fulfill, and my happiness is not a priority,” you reply solemnly before looking over to meet Thena’s neutral gaze. “You must think I’m pathetic.”
“No,” she replies carefully. “Cynical, maybe, but not pathetic.”
Her attempted jest brings a faint smile to your face, and for a moment the ache in your chest is relieved. There are times when your fellow Eternals make your world deem less empty, and for a while you feel as if perhaps your existence isn’t so isolating after all. But you know better, and you know that when the festivities are over and the moon hangs high in the sky you will be alone again, and no one will be able to stop the loneliness from swallowing you whole.
Not even Druig, who has heard your every thought and felt your every emotion since Thena approached you.
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spideyspeaches · 3 years
Let me be your purpose ↬ [druig]
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A/N: fianlly got something written jsdksjkl based on this request by anon! beta read by mi amor @darling-im-moonstruck <3<3
WC: 2.2k+
Warnings: smut (18+ only!), mention of canonical character death, canon nudged to the left :D
Pairing: Druig x Eternal!Reader (fem)
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For someone who was meant to live forever- a supposedly synthetic sentient being, one who wasn’t aware of yourself until your leader was sacrificed for a greater purpose, you were pretty good at holding grudges. It was the 21st century and you learnt that being stubborn was a common trait, and that it was okay to do so if your not-really partner left you wondering for five fucking thousand years if he felt the same for you or not.
Five thousand was a long time to dwell on feelings. And while you met other men (and women) during those five thousand years, you felt yourself yearning for the one man you've known since your existence on this planet.
Now that you think of it as you walk through the thick jungles of the unfamiliar lands of Amazon, you can’t help but wring your hands nervously, only sparing Sersi a glance as she looks at you with pursed lips, a coil of dread and nervousness making itself apparent in your gut at the prospect of meeting him again, after admittedly, a very long long time. An eternity, a romantic poet would call it.
You were standing just outside the rumoured kingdom, only at the insistence of Sersi and Ikarus, both of whom were aware of your… fling with him, if the way they glanced at you with familiarity in their eyes was anything to go by. Your head flashed to their wedding, feeling phantoms of his hands encircling your waist as he stood next to you, Makkari to your other side as she gave you a smirk at his actions.
For years, you both had denied having a label to your relationship- for the best too apparently, seeing as the only two of the eternals living together were Sersi and Sprite. You may have lost connection with them, but you never really forgot about him. Him and his flirty jokes, soft shoulder nudges and feather light kisses on your neck that left you shuddering at the sensation.
Thena- bless her, was oblivious to your predicament, as was Gilgamesh- seeing as he was left taking care of her. Smiling at their friendship and the devotion they had for each other, you felt your throat constricting. In a moment of weakness, you were left feeling strangely human at the thought of being able to see him with your own eyes, not just a figment of your imagination this time.
Yes, you could make a human sculpture with a twirl of your fingers- one command and the dirt and stones around you would turn into the most beautiful, lively sculptures made, be it from the temples of India or the Pantheons of Greece. But no amount of pristine sculptures could replicate his beauty to an extent. Your powers may be the exact opposite of those of Sersi, but in a way, you were both way similar.
“What’s on your mind?” She asks quietly as if reading your mind, absentmindedly kicking a dry log, looking at you with an unreadable expression that made you clench your fists.
“Nothing,” You mutter, squinting your eyes at the sun on top of your head, “Just..uh tired. Long day walking y’know.”
"You sure? I mean it's none of my business, but seeing your ex after thousands of years can be a little intimidating." She shrugged, sending you a smirk that said that she did not regret saying that statement, "I would know, I had to tell my human boyfriend that Ikaris was a pilot."
"Little would be an understatement," You muttered under your breath, "and he's not my ex, we never dated anyway."
"In theory," Kingo piped in, "You know bollywood has a movie, where soulmates meet in a different life, it's called Raabata, it means "connection" in Urdu."
"And how exactly does this fit my story?" You smiled, pursing your lips in amusement. You found it endearing, how connected and obsessed he seemed to be with these movies.
(You have to admit though, however weird they were, those movies were addictive.)
"If I may Madam, I think sir wants to say that maybe you and whatever God we're meeting next is your soulmate and that you're destined to meet!" Karun explains, a bounce to his step as Kingo pats his back.
"Aw, that's sweet Karun," You chuckled, feeling a strange heaviness in your chest. Clearing your throat, you looked ahead of you, “we’ll see about fate and soulmate though, as of now, we just need to find his goddamn kingdom, who lives in the middle of a forest anyway?”
Smiling at the chuckles, you shake your head, trudging your way ahead.
Only this time, your eyes met the sight of a small village, a small beautiful village with a very intimidating gatekeeper too.
“We come here in peace, we don’t want trouble.” Ikarus initiates, looking back at everybody as you all nod in affirmation.
“No one is supposed to know about this place, now tell me who you people are?”
“Let them go, they’re with me.” Druig’s voice suddenly echoed, making everyone snap their heads to the source of his voice.
"We're gonna go meet the others." Gilgamesh piped in, giving others a look as they all nodded in unison.
The guard bowed his head before backing away, your eyes meeting his.
And it felt like your lungs took in too much air, puffing your chest, leaving your heart to burst out of your body. Everything came to you in flashes, his hands touching spots on your skin, his lips leaving imprints of him on your neck, his smile and his sweet words echoing in your head.
Walking towards him through what felt like molasses, you let go of your surroundings, your gaze trained on his sharp features.
"Hey there sunshine." He whispered, only heard by your ears, a tiny smirk making its way on his face.
"Hey yourself." You muttered, before puffing your chest and aiming right for his nose, punching him so hard that you could hear the bone of his nose crunch.
“Ow ok I missed you too princess!” He said, his voice nasally and eyes mischievous, stepping back when he saw your fuming expression.
"Don't call me princess," you growled, moving forward so that you were close enough to feel his breath fanning your skin. The others at this point had retreated to other places of the camp, leaving just the two of you- standing firm on your ground as you felt yourself soften up.
"What do you want me to call you then, beautiful?" He smirked, bringing a hand up to lift your chin, finally getting a look at his icy blue eyes.
"Call me what you want once I give you a taste of your own medicine." You said back, pushing him aside and making your way towards the others.
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“I’ll only come if she stops the silent treatment.” He smirked, everyone’s eyes now trained on you as you rolled your eyes, standing up from where you were leaning on the wall of the small hut.
“That’s a stupid deal.” You muttered.
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“How’s my sunshine this morning?” His sweet drawl echoes in your ear, his soft hands slowly encircling your waist as you huff at him, hooking your hands to his as you begrudgingly sway with him, the nightly breeze hitting your bare hands, making goosebumps appear on your skin.
You didn’t know at what point it had started, maybe it was three thousand years ago when he took a spear for you during a war, angering you at his stupid self sacrificial behaviour, or maybe it was with how he had abandoned everyone to live in some discreet village with pesky little humans, your hatred for him ran deep in your veins, discolouring your once golden blood and leaving a sour taste in your mouth at every glance he spared at you with his stupid, beautiful, gorgeous fucking eyes.
Those stupid fucking eyes that left your heart racing and mouth dry, hands shaking in anticipation of what might come out of his mouth next, sounds of his moans and pants coming in muffled waves like you were deep under the ocean as you saw his tiny smirk directed at you. Rolling your eyes, you huffed another strangled sound, pushing your hand on his chest and another on the headboard of some poor local who was out at the moment as your hips rocked in sync with his. You were glad that the others had left you two alone, albeit with a knowing look.
You had the house to yourself- you and that stupid oaf of a man, Druig.
And as you flipped him with all your will and power- his mind control powers never really worked on you, for the first time you felt as if he had a spell on you, your mind going blank as your sweaty bodies clashed against each other, and yet you couldn’t bear to look at his face right now, afraid that anger still hot and boiling in your chest would leave your wounded mouth unzipped, accidentally bringing out the wrong message to him.
Scrunching your eyes, you bit your lips as your stomach roiled with pleasure, the sight of him under you as you rode him mushed up your thought process of why exactly were you angry with the man you were in love with.
“Still the silent treatment princess?” Druig grunted, clenching his hands around your waist as you looked up, sweating and out of breath but still ecstatic at the feeling of his cock inside you, your own walls clenching like they hadn’t in thousands of years, "You know this isn't going to work if you don't speak right? That was the deal."
For years and years, you and Druig had… something. Something that was, unfortunately and to the eternal vexation of the others, unnamed. Something that had the potential of being beautiful, like the thing he and Makkari had. No matter how mad you were with him, their interactions always made your heart swell.
"Now you want to talk huh?" You huffed, squeezing his shoulders, feeling closer and closer to your climax, the bed creaking with both your added weights and movement.
"What do you mean by that love?" He sighed, squeezing your hips to grab your attention.
For the first time that night, you got a proper look at his features, his sharp cheekbones and dark eyes, the flat mushroom he called hair, his piercing blue eyes meeting yours that meant business, a shine to them that you couldn’t get, and yet a dark sheen to them that made your heart stutter.
"What I mean is, that you're a fucking asshole!" You seethed, sneering at his confused expression, "why do you always leave? Why do you always promise you'll stay when you know that you won't keep that promise!?"
"No! Don't you sweetheart me Druig! You're a fucking liar and I hate you!" You cried out, frustrated and tired and angry, pounding on his chest as you pulled out of him, “are you even planning on staying if you do join us?”
A moment of silence, one that felt like a knife slicing through your chest was all it took for the dam to break. Getting up, body exposed under the thin moonlight coming through the curtains of the ten, you curled up in a tight ball, flinching when you felt his arms encircling your body, mouth close to your ears enough to feel his hot breath on your skin.
“I didn’t want to leave you beautiful, I just, I was so angry at Ajak for not letting me stop all those awful wars, I couldn’t bear looking at them y’know?” he explains slowly, rubbing his palms back and forth on your skin, “What’s the use of my powers if I can’t even stop wars?”
“But that’s the thing about you,” You murmur, bringing his palm closer to your lips, feeling his pointy hair tickle your neck, “you have powers and you use them for good. But there are certain things that just… cannot be prevented Druig, you just have to let them happen.”
“And I’m sick of hearing those words.” He whispers, “they make me feel like I have no real purpose.”
Whipping back to see his face, you scrunch your brow, tenderly caressing his cheeks in your palm, “but you do have a purpose! Your purpose is avenging Ajak! Your purpose is stopping those disgusting deviants and protecting the humans on this beautiful planet! You have.. You have me. Let me be your purpose.”
“Damn right I have you princess.” He smirked, caressing a hand under your hair to pull you in for another kiss, this time slow and passionate and warm, and so much like him that it made your chest ache at the familiarity, “damn right you do.”
"I'll come with you guys." Was all he said, the others looking at you with a knowing smile as they nodded.
The fight for your life was exhausting, losing Gilgamesh was exhausting, but knowing that he had your back was as refreshing as knowing that saving the life of these mortals on this planet was as worth disobeying the very being who created you.
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A/N: Lemme know what y'all think!! <33
Tagging some moots (hope u don't mind 😬): @tommysparker @selfcarecap @annathesillyfriend
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nyctophicbtch · 3 years
Artemis and Apollo - Drukkari
[ Druig x Makkari!daughter ]
Request: Artemis was sooooo cool? You're such an amazing writer. Do you think it would be possible to see more of Artemis and Apollo's childhood? It would be sooooo interesting!!
Author's note: this is a prequel to the requested fic, Artemis, of the tales of you and your twin's childhood.
Warnings: injury
Word count: 2,616
In case you haven't already, read part one, Artemis - Druig x Makkari!daughter
Other prequel to Artemis Night Patrol - Peter Parker
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‘Stay here,’ your mother signed, ignoring the pure look of satisfaction in your brother’s face that soon reconciled as your mother ordered him to stay as well. 
‘You too, Apolo.’ Now it was you who gave him a satisfied smirk.
“We’re old enough to go out there too,” he argued, though you didn’t stick long enough to hear the rest of the argument where your father had joined in.
Walking through the city wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. In fact, you found yourself enjoying the company of humans whenever the eternals were on their hunt for deviants. Least to say, the humans also loved your company. To the people of the city, you and Apolo were sweet children, yet outsiders viewed you as a higher source of power, despite your young mental age.
You were Artemis and he was Apollo.
Many rumors claimed you had powers of the moon, and your brother, the sun. Others claimed you spoke to animals, which was partially true. But the most irritating thing your young mind couldn’t manage to comprehend was how as time passed, they could never spell your names right.
The humans praised you for being multilingual by the mere age of nine, and their progress in language translated your name even more, so you’d have various different names throughout ages.
“Árktos,” called a woman from her market stall. It was another name they had called you, which  meant ‘bear’ in their common tongue.
You smiled as you approached the familiar woman. After the years you’d spend around the city, people began recognizing you and your brother as the children who never aged, along with Sprite of course, though Sprite wasn’t living amongst the people as much as you were.
The woman adored you and your sweet personality, letting you pick whichever item from her shop when you wanted to. And you, as innocent as you were, happily requested a bunch of sweets, ending up coming back to your mother scolding you for taking so much after she returns from her mission.
Your parents offered to pay, of course, but the woman humbly refused, reasoning that spending time with their daughter was enough payment as it was.
As you roamed the halls of the eternals’ quarters guiltily, Kingo came up to you, offering you an encouraging smile.
“If it makes you feel better, I’m here to tell you that this is your first day officially training,” he whispered softly as he sat beside you on the polished floor. Your eyes lit up and you immediately jumped off the floor, forgetting about the glum mistake you made earlier on today
Training wasn’t an unusual thing for you. However, training before only meant controlling your powers and never truly learning how to fight deviants. After so many years of yearning to join in their fight, you and your brother were desperate at this point to start official training.
“Polo and your father managed to convince your very concerned mother.” Kingo winked, holding out a hand for you to take. WIthout any hesitation, you took his hand and he led you through the fields, to where most of the eternals trained and polished their abilities.
It was a large area, with all sorts of gadgets -- courtesy of Phastos -- for each eternal to use. Thena was wielding her sword in the side, gracefully slicing nothing but air. And your brother was watching intently as Sersi demonstrated her powers with the ground and plants.
“Hello there. Took you long enough, Kingo,” Thena protested, beckoning you to come closer.
“She is a very difficult girl to find,” Kingo defended, giving your back a gentle nudge of encouragement to enter the grounds.
You were mostly sure your mother was observing from somewhere, although you couldn’t see her. She was probably up in the city’s center building -- also your temporary home -- where you had a clear view of the training grounds. At least that was how you and Polo managed to observe the eternals all this time.
Finally getting to train here after all those years felt surreal. You’d often see Thena in the most unusual timings, gracefully moving her weapons around. Once, you caught her in the grounds at midnight when you snuck out to grab a snack, and she gave you a wink as she spotted you running down the corridor.
However you had also coincidentally heard the conversation your parents were having, and unintentionally listened in.
“Don’t worry too much. They’re both stronger than we give credit for,” your father said softly whilst signing as he approached from behind and wrapped an arm around your very concerned-looking mother who watched the training grounds along with Thena in it.
‘They’re not immortals, Druig. They’ll die one day,’ she signed, turning to look back at your father.
“Then we should cherish the time we have left with them.”
“You know how to use that bow of yours, don’t you?” You nodded wordlessly. “Good. We won’t be needing it today then.”
Your brother couldn’t help but let out a small laugh as he noticed your confusion. You both knew you were waiting for the day you could finally thoroughly train with your bow, and just a few minutes ago, you thought today would be the day.
“Here, try this.” Thena handed you a sword, smaller-sized than regular swords.
Thena gladly taught you how to wield weapons, finding a range of weapons for you to try out, other than the bow and arrow you were already able to create. 
She tested your abilities with each one in terms of fighting and hunting, often letting you out into the forest to fend for yourself to see how much you got done in a certain period of time to test your hunting skills, along with your transformation skills. After a few months of observing, Thena noticed your better skills in hunting knives and your certain fondness for deer.
Phastos created mechanisms that shouldn’t even be invented in earth’s current time period to help test out your abilities. Complex moving targets were your favorite, since you get to challenge your shooting skills.
Meanwhile, your brother had your father to help with his abilities. Although your father did not possess the ability to read the future, his mind reading experience helped to at least control where and when he used them. Ajak taught Apolo how to properly heal wounds, and even taught him how to manually heal without his powers. Ikaris taught him how to properly use his light-bending skills and put them to good use.
Along with you and your twin’s many different names, humans also conspired your abilities over life and nature, claiming the eternals as gods. Over time, you had become the goddess of the moon, wild animals, forests and hills, though the most known was your title as goddess of the hunt from the humans’ observations of your skills in the wilderness.
“You’re late,” Gilgamesh pointed out as you finally made it to the usual training grounds all disheveled.
"What were you up to this early in the morning?" Apolo pushed, pausing from his training to look at your flushed state.
"Nothing of your concern," you replied, grabbing the knife laid out on the weapons table before throwing each one in the center of each target, letting a relieved exhale afterwards.
“Ten minutes,” Gilgamesh ordered. Though you didn’t really need the ten-minute warmup after running all the way here. Your mother would be proud of how fast you even managed to get here from the tower that felt galaxies away.
“What’s on your neck?” You quickly brushed your hair to cover the left side of your neck, scowling at your twin who stood just a few feet away. If only you could just reach out and strangle him.
“If you tell dad-”
Apolo nonchalantly ran to the woods with a wooden bow and arrow before you could even continue your sentence, causing you to follow him in a hurry as your own golden bow appeared in your left hand whilst you ran after your brother.
"Teenagers," you heard Gilgamesh grumble lowly under his breath as he fixed the armor that covered his wrists.
You shot every target you saw as you passed by, including the more difficult moving ones Phastos had developed all around a section of the forest. Your eyes focused on the targets as your ears did all the work in tracking Apolo, a hunting skill you picked up over the past years.
Although Apolo was also skilled in hunting, he was nowhere near as precise and calculating as you were, and his loud footsteps often gave him away to all the possible animals he could prey on. It didn’t take long until you caught up to him, arrow hitting at the target he was about to get.
“Twenty one,” you stated as you usually did and he groaned in response.
“Ten. This isn’t fair. Your arrows appear out of thin air.”
“I had always been the better aim than you,” you shrugged, bumping at his shoulder playfully. Even though the two of you were twins, he had always been the charming little sibling towards you. He just wouldn’t admit you were born six minutes earlier.
And now you just had to hope your charming brother would hold his tongue about your state of arrival earlier on, but unfortunately, he was never one to keep secrets.
“You what?! Your mother and I left for one day.” Your father looked enraged as he sat on the opposite side from you.
As you said, your brother was never one to keep secrets.
“We didn’t do anything, he just invited me over for dinner and I fell asleep by accident. What was he supposed to do? Throw me out?” you argued and your father pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.
"You only have a few years until we need to move locations," he mentioned. Your father was right. With people noticing how the eternals never aged, you were forced to move several locations, having to move on from a single place to another no matter how much you loved the place.
It hadn't always been this way. People used to commonly know how the eternals were immortal, which was where the whole god conspiracy came from, but as time passed, it could no longer stay as a known fact throughout mankind.
"I know." You gritted your teeth as you got up, walking away and out of the room, unaware of the conversation that took place right afterwards.
Not long after, your mother slowly approached your father who was slumped in his seat, hands in his hair.
'She loves him. She's young, give her time,' she signed, gently laying a hand on his shoulder.
"He's human. He won't live forever."
'And neither will she.' Your mother gave him a sad smile, lightly squeezing his shoulder as he sighed in frustration.
"His hands were under her nightgown," your father argued stubbornly.
'Yours were under mine as well just last night,' your mother smirked knowingly, earning the shake of his head and his smile for the first time today.
"You're insufferable," he murmured onto the crook of her neck, wrapping his arms delicately around her waist.
Chess wasn’t really a favorite game of yours. Every move counted and you needed patience, which you didn’t really have much. So as Sersi taught Thena when she heard that the warrior never bothered to learn the tactics of the play, you stood the side aiming your arrow at nothing.
“I’m going to hunt,” Apollo said as he got off the grass where Thena and Sersi sat. After the little incident, you never even gave the thought to speak with your brother. But Sersi, who hated seeing the two of you in this state, convinced you to spend a day with her, out of the city and in the peaceful forest where you and your twin felt most at peace.
“No- Thena-”
“What?” Thena interjected as Sersi tried to stop her from moving the wrong chess pieces.
Ikaris, who leaned against a tree with his arms crossed over his chest, watched as you kept your eye on guard and aimed at any possible things that would make good targets, whether it was a certain part of a tree stump, a single leaf that was falling from a tree, or a particular Apolo that was strolling deeper into the woods. Though you didn’t release your arrow on that last target, no matter how badly you wished to.
“Careful, Aphrodite,” Ikaris playfully warned. He started to make use of the love goddess’ name when you grew up and caught the attention of innumerable humans with your rare beauty. “You’re going to get wrinkles if you keep glowering like that.”
You quickly pointed your arrow at the eternal, your face showing the disapproval of his remark.
“Don’t taunt her, Ikaris,” Thena cooly warned as she kept her eyes on the moving chess piece. Ikaris uncrossed his arms, lifting both up into the air with the smile still on his face. But the smile quickly dropped when the sound of a deviant’s screech pierced the air.
All heads turned in the same direction, the chess forgotten as you all ran towards the source of the sound. Ikaris flew faster, leaving you all to witness the fight that went on as you arrived.
Apolo was surrounded by three deviants and Ikaris attempted to clear them all off. You watched from the sidelines with Sersi as Thena joined in, already aiming your arrow at the creatures.
You managed to hit two straight through the head. One that was lurking behind your brother, and the other being the one Thena had just attacked with her spear. The other one was handled by Ikaris who shot the deviant against the trees.
“Apolo!” Sersi called out before making her way towards the scene, forcing you to follow behind her.
“Ikaris, get Ajak,” she breathed out as she examined him. 
As Ikaris flew, you trudged around to get a clearer view of the situation and that was when you spotted your brother, a big wound on his shoulder.
“Can you heal yourself?” you questioned, panic laced in your voice as you knelt down. It was the first word you spoke to him in days.
“He’s too weak,” Sersi responded when Apolo couldn’t manage to get the words out of his own mouth.
“You idiot,” you muttered, staring hopelessly at your brother who was sprawled across the ground, head on Sersi’s lap. “I said I wanted to kill you. Not let a deviant kill you.”
That managed to get a laugh out of him, however it turned into terrible coughs as the pain in his shoulder worsened. 
A few seconds later you felt the rush of wind hit your back as your mother appeared with Ajak who quickly made her way towards your brother. You stepped back, letting Ajak hover a hand above Apolo’s shoulder as you stood beside your mother.
Ikaris came flying in not long after, your father trailing behind him as they watched the scene unfold.
“What happened?” your father asked as he made his way beside you, not bothering to observe the scattered deviants that laid unmoving.
“Deviants,” you plainly stated, rushing out of his grip as Ajak finished healing your brother’s wound. As soon as Apolo stood up, you came over to smack the shoulder that was once injured, causing him to wince and hold a hand to caress the spot.
He gave a grin as he noticed the concern in your face before feigning disappointment.
“I’m not dead yet, unfortunately. You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
Your powers: shapeshifting into animals, turning others into animals, wielding and creating a bow and arrow (like how Thena creates her weapons out of thin air)
Apolo's powers: bending light, healing, foretelling future events
150 years is equivalent to a one years old (in terms of maturity and physical growth).
471 CE: 1,350 years old (9)
1371 CE: 2,250 years old (15)
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oceanspray5 · 3 years
Drukkari Best Friend's Brother AU where Kingo and Druig are sort of friends (it's a weird dynamic but they get along surprisingly) and Kingo helps Druig out when he can't take living at home with his golden boy brother Ikaris anymore especially cuz his parents always take Ikaris' side. His older sister Thena and her husband Gilgamesh live too far away to help so Druig crashes with Kingo's family but falls in love with Makkari (and vice versa) plus the pining and angst that goes with falling for her knowing Kingo would never approve but they're so attracted to each other like it's a gravitational pull or invisible string pulling them together and they can't help it so there's all the yearning and stolen glances across rooms.
Makkari 100% makes the first move cuz Druig can't move beyond flirting out of respect for Kingo and the entire family, including Makkari and she knows this so she realizes she'll have to take things into her own hands otherwise she'll never get to kiss those gorgeous lips that have driven her insane since the moment Druig stepped foot into their house. And Druig is so glad because he was being driven equally insane by her own gorgeous lips and his hypothesis that they taste sweeter than any of his favorite candies is proven absolutely true.
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sunshinethena · 1 year
“fionna and cake is really just a simon show huh?”
-my partner watching the final fionna and cake episode
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stydiaeverafter · 3 years
The eternal silence of beauty
Chapter 2: Holding on & letting go
Summary: Makkari reminisces over the lost years without Druig, until the day he finally returns.
Read on ao3
Eternity didn't seem like forever when you were a speedster, and Makkari was used to running around the world.
Over the centuries, she had met many diverse humans, unearthed ancient artifacts, and explored hidden places.
Makkari was always busy, in one way or another.
However, loneliness was her full-time roommate. She missed her Eternal family, and often people didn't know how to communicate with someone using signs.
She had found the Eternals throughout their time apart, even living with Ajak and then Gil and Thena for some time. When finding Sersi, she had been sad but committed to making a life without Ikaris, so Makkari hadn't wanted to burden her more. Even still, she and Sersi had grown closer over the years, and their love for the humans only grew.
After some time, though, Makkari would get an idea of what she aspired to study and collect next, then she'd be off in a flash. Truthfully, she had a difficult time remaining still.
The one Eternal she thought of most was Druig. Of course. The others knew her well and had connected from the start. But none of her relationships were as deep as the one she shared with Druig.
They were two peas of an immortal pod, and they both had fun fiddling around with their powers and exploring the world around them in only the way they knew.  
Makkari chose to believe that they balanced each other out. He would playfully tease her yet had always given her the nudge to search what intrigued her, never letting bounds hold her back. And she'd always attempt to make him smile, which worked the majority of the time, usually only with her. Makkari also wanted to add some ease and peace within his stubborn manner.
But Druig had been the one who had left first. Like the rest of them, he didn't enjoy seeing the humans suffering, and it was most challenging for him to stay on their mission of not interfering. Mentally, it was too much of a divide. Druig banished himself from Ajak's ropes, never looking back.
It wasn't that she could blame him—Makkari disliked seeing the people tear each other to shreds; it angered her even, but she worried what too much of their influence could do to the humans.
However, she regretted not following Druig on his path to creating a life he visioned for so long. Although, Makkari wasn't sure he wanted her to follow him, not when he had others stepping closely behind him.
Why did he need her when he could create his own family out of the image he saw fit?
These deep-rooted feelings had been what kept her from his pathway. That didn't mean, though, that she had just forgotten him.  
No, she thought of Druig every day and had found him repeatedly over the years. He hadn't seen her, not that Makkari was aware of, but she was always around.
Makkari had desired to understand if he needed that companionship she desperately hoped he would. Only Druig had seemed more content than ever before—at peace. That was all Makkari had ever wanted for him.
So instead of making her presence known to him and opening up, she'd run away.
Then after a few years, Makkari searched for him once more. It was reasonably easy to locate Druig because there was always a trace left in a familiar face with mind-controlling.
The last she saw of him was in the rainforest. He was busy running a colony of sorts, and the years had been kind to him. She could see Druig laugh as he would point to this task and command a new idea. He was a leader, and Makkari finally understood that he didn't need her as an ally, a comrade, even a friend.
This realization made her sad, especially because seeing his handsome face showed her just how much she truly yearned for Druig.
Every place Makkari went, she hadn't quite found that same playful banter that they had. Not to mention those hidden moments of knowing there was something more between them than friendship.
But maybe it was too late. Druig had established a life here on earth, and while Makkari loved the humans, she was always ready to return to their home of Olympia.
It just never occurred to her that Druig might not be coming along.
With a few fallen tears, Makkari signed goodbye to Druig from a distance. She was ready to run when Druig paused and started to turn around to where she was standing. Makkari had a choice to make, let him see her or run away for good.
Let him continue to be free. That's the true power in loving him.
So before he could meet her eye, she was gone.
More time had passed, but Makkari was growing tired. She was ready to go home. The closest home she knew was the Domo. So she had settled in, bringing her artifacts with her.
Makkari's favorite piece was the Emerald Tablet. Somehow, someway, it felt connected to Druig. He had always teased her about finding it, especially with her trading schemes.
It held great importance to her, without ever truly knowing why. Perhaps it had the answers to this human world, which felt lovely to a speedster on the run. To finally, slow down and take a breath to learn every detail of this planet.
Finding it years before had felt like it was written in the stars. Makkari was able to find the right connections and the precise time. Sometimes she liked to believe that Druig intentionally helped bring it into her existence.
Each day, she would stand by the Domo's entrance, where she and Druig had their first conversation. It had more than a few millennia, and yet, she could remember it as if it were yesterday...
When Makkari's eyes had first opened, she emerged not knowing a thing, only that she couldn't hear. Ajak was the first face she saw, and she signed “hello” to her. Luckily, the commander signed back. It was as if they knew how to communicate, even though they had never met.
Makkari had walked to the entrance looking at the door, wondering where they would go.
She could feel the vibrations of footsteps behind her and turned to face a boy around her age. "Quite a mystery, eh?" Makkari frowned, not entirely understanding the meaning, yet surprised she could read his lips so easily. He smirked, "Not knowing what's out there, what our purpose is, nothing. The possibilities are endless, don't you think?"
Makkari nodded, opened her mouth, then closed it. She turned away from him, staring at the door, wanting to open it.
His hand went on her shoulder tenderly. The touch sent a shiver down her spine in the very best and comforting way. It had her looking back at him. "What's your name?"
Not knowing if he'd know her translation, she signed, "Makkari."
He smiled, "Makkari. That's a beautiful name."
The boy understood her, and Makkari felt great joy. Makkari grinned back, "What's your name?"
Moving up his hand, he signed and said, "Druig."
"Druig," she repeated back with her fingers. "You know how to communicate with me." It wasn't a question.
"Of course I do. Which is impressive," Druig had exclaimed. "Somehow, it comes naturally. Maybe telepathically." He smirked and then winked, which made Makkari's cheeks grow hot, "But feel free to teach me more."
She nodded, "Anytime."
"Good." He signed, then tilted his head up, and she concluded right there that Druig was very handsome. "I think you and I will get along just fine, beautiful Makkari."
And they had. The two explored and learned together. For so long, Makkari concerned Druig to be her other half. So maybe that's why it hurt so badly he was gone.
Makkari decided she had to move forward, let go, and wait for the day they'd return. Until the day they did.
She felt a rumble as the Domo moved. Makkari hadn't even bothered to climb out of her chair. She smirked and continued flipping through her books.
About time, Makkari thought.
From her peripheral vision, she could see the door open and felt their footsteps down the hallway.
They were home. 
Makkari just prayed Druig had come, too.
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hi! I have a request for your amazing actor au!
I don’t know if you know this but there was a photoshooting with the train to Busan cast where Ma dong seok lifts the actress up in his arm.
Thena and Gil have to do a photoshoot for their upcoming new movie and both of them are just looking amazing. the director ask if Gil can lift Thena up in his arm so they look like a powerful and elegant couple. You can make it a bit playful for example Gil pretending to struggle only to lift her up in one smooth movement suprising everyone how easy it is for him.
Looking forward to read it I’m pretty sure it will be amazing as any other work you have done❤️
Here are both gifs as links so you know what exactly I mean :)
"Okay, great," the director of photography announced, declaring his satisfaction with this set of shots and being ready to move on to the next.
Thena and Gil both fell away from the stiff poses they were hitting with laughter. Thena shook her head hair out, "where is one of those wind machines when you need one?"
Gil just chuckled, picking up one of the nearest props - a clapper board - and fanning her. "I know what you mean. These lights are brutal."
Thena sighed as the light breeze hit her, "what would I do without you?"
"Hey, this isn't free, y'know."
She laughed, utterly glowing between her actual smile and the lights on them. The shutter clacked a few more times, capturing the moment of her genuine laughter.
"How much longer?" Gil whispered to her as the lights were moved for the next few promo shots.
Thena took the clapper from him, fanning him this time, "I think we have the space for three hours? I imagine it's only been half as long as it's felt like."
"Yeah, I get that sense too," Gil mumbled, tugging at the collar of the clothes they had him in for the promos. It was a nice suit, he had to admit, and it fit his character. But it didn't help him in the comfort department. He looked at her, particularly down at her feet, "how're you doing?"
Thena tilted her head, ever charmed by how caring he was. She had complained about the exceedingly tall heels they had her in only twice now. She thought she was showing admirable restraint, considering how uncomfortable they were. But of course Gil still noticed. "I suppose I can't really complain."
"Well, you could," Gil shrugged, "a little. I don't have to wear them."
"That is true," she pursed her lips at him, earning a laugh from him as a reward. "Seems a little unfair."
"Okay," the DOP spoke up as the lights were settled for their next shots. "We're looking for romantic-lead energy. I want the drama, the tension--I wanna feel how bad you want each other!"
Gil fidgeted with his suit but nodded.
"Get in character if you have to, but we're looking for sexy. So sexy I feel like I'm a voyeur just for takin' the picture--and, go!"
Thena took the advice freely, much more comfortable in the mind of her character for direction like that. When she lifted her eyes Gil also seemed in the mind of his character--the man who had leapt through the wall of a burning building for her (character...her character).
Gil pulled her to him, his hands on the slope of her waist. He was always saying that he didn't want to hold her too tight, startled by the itty-bittiness of her waist in comparison to the surface area of his palm.
Thena inhaled as his hand trailed down until it could settle on top of her hip. It hovered there, his fingers dancing the line that separated the platonic and the quiet yearning of desire. Her eyes flickered up to his.
Gil had a hell of a smoulder. He didn't think he did, but he could get this look in his eye that really made her think he was going to slam her against a wall and just...take her--do anything with her, and to her. And he didn't even know he could look like that!
They stayed in the moment--in the character of the moment. They were used to having directions shouted at them in the middle of a scene; it was part of their jobs.
"Kiss, but don't!--get in nice and close and then-"
Thena inhaled as his lips hovered around hers.
"And you're being dragged away from each other.
Back to the sultry staring. Thena kept her eyes on him as her fingers trailed down his suit jacket lapel and even dipped under it faintly.
"Okay, got it!"
Thena and Gil fell away from each other again, although this time they were quiet, clearing their throats and brushing off their clothes. Thena instinctively moved to twist around and play with her hair before remembering there were people whose job it was to style it. People who would kill her for messing it up out of a nervous habit.
Gil caught the natural movement as she stopped it, smiling to himself at how cute it was.
"Gil, can you pick her up?"
"Y'know," the director motioned vaguely, looking more as if he had never lifted anything in his life. "Pick her up--can you?"
"Uh, well, yeah," Gil stuttered, glancing at Thena fleetingly. "I have for, like, scenes...I guess."
"You guess? Can you or can't you?"
Gil wasn't particularly amused by the line of questioning, or how it was being asked. "I can, but what are you looking for? Do you want me to hold her bridal style or do you want me to fuckin' deadlift her?"
"Okay, okay," the DOP rolled his eyes, although he clearly understood Gil's need to clarify the method. "Well, how 'bout just up on your shoulder? Could be kinda cute, right?"
"Me just," Thena looked at Gil beside her, visibly skeptical, "on his shoulder?"
"Yeah," he waved off her concerns, already looking at the monitor for lighting, "it'll be great. Show off those muscles we're payin' for."
"I don't know," Thena frowned, more at Gil than anyone else.
"What, don't trust him?" he snorted.
Gil frowned, "she doesn't have to do anything she's not comfortable with."
Thena's hand landed on Gil's arm before he could really get into it with the photoshoot director. He would, she had no doubt, if it was in the name of protecting her. She frowned, though, "it's not that. Gil, don't you think all of my weight on one arm will be...too much?"
Gil's eyes travelled over her briefly, in just one smooth swoop from top to bottom. Thena's stomach flipped over itself. "No?"
"Gil," she huffed, crossing her arms. "I know how strong you are--I know better than a lot of people, actually."
Not to make it sound like something it wasn't.
"But on one shoulder?" Thena insisted, staring up at him stubbornly. "You don't have to prove anything to them. And I wouldn't want you to strain yourself--ah!"
Everyone looked over as Thena squeaked, leaning over Gil's head as he scooped her up like it was nothing. He secured his arm behind her knees, shoulder under her backside with a hand on her knee. He kept his back straight, using his legs to do the bulk of the lifting while physics kept her securely in his grip.
"Gil!" Thena squawked, although she quickly learned he was only swaying because of her squirming and stilled herself. She was still leaning over him slightly, one hand clutching at his far shoulder while the other one was gripping his shirt collar.
"How's this?" he asked, really and truly looking unfazed by it.
"Uh," the DOP, and several others in the room, just stared. "Y-Yeah, that's great! Thena, loosen up!"
"Sorry," she murmured, trying to relax her posture while Gil was holding her the way he might have a two-by-four of wood thrown over his shoulder. She twisted herself slightly, angling her hips and her waist and her bust just-so. Her hand gave Gil's shoulder under her a light squeeze, "are you sure I'm not too heavy?"
"Thena, stop worrying about it," Gil chided, although he couldn't quite get his neck twisted enough to look up at her. He gave her thigh a pat with his hand, "you're perfect."
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reds-burrow · 2 years
Have you watched Eternals? I'm trying to figure out their sorting
Well, it's been several months since I've seen it. Hold on, lemme do a re-watch. Be back by the time you finish reading this sentence.
Unsurprisingly there's a lot of Loyalists in a Chloe Zhao movie. Also not a surprise: the Eternals' individual powers have a heavy influence on their Secondaries.
Sersi: Badger/Badger
Sersi's love for humanity is what has driven her from the moment she arrived on Earth. She gravitates towards humans, spending time with them as much as with the other Eternals. When deciding what to do about the Emergence, what convinces her to go through with her plan to stop it is when Thena reminds her that Sersi is acting out of love. Saving humanity is less about the right or wrong of it, and more about protecting those she loves. Sersi also questions why Ajak chose her as the next Prime Eternal because she is so used to playing a support role, being one of the team, a common theme among Badger Primaries thrust into a leader role.
After being attacked by a Deviant, Sersi's first instinct is to find help from Ajak. Ikaris's suggestion that they gather everyone to discuss how to proceed is a great relief to Sersi, as she is repeatedly shown that she prefers working with others. Her life in the past showed her engaging in hard work, such as building houses and working in the fields, but she was always a part of a team as she did it. We also see her fumble situations where she's caught off guard, such as when she is interviewed for Kingo's documentary, and she struggles to do what turn out to be instinctual processes for her, like getting in contact with Arishem or transmuting a living being. Badgers tend to rely on their previous experiences to guide them through new ones, so it can be difficult for them to rely on only pure instinct. For Sersi, it was only through the other Eternals' encouragement that she is able to trust these instincts.
Sprite: Snake/Snake
Sprite yearns for a true connection, above all else. She holds a grudge against Kingo because he abandoned her, and only seems to begin forgiving him when he explains how the movies he makes are inspired by her, proving that he continues to love and think about her. Sprite envies Sersi and humans because they are able to experience love and the freedom of choosing their own way of life that having or growing into an adult body grants them. The personal freedoms of being able to chart your own path tend to be motivating factors for Internal Primaries in many stories. Also, while Sprite does mention she doesn't think they should stop the Emergence, as Kingo points out, she decides to go with Ikaris because she loves him.
In battle, she always uses her powers to hide or distract, when she just as easily could use her illusions to intimidate or feign attacks. We also see that the illusions she casts while storytelling are something she easily improvises when she uses her abilities to remind Thena who she is on the fly. She also enjoyed embellishing the stories she would tell her human audiences, such as the legend of Ikaris flying too close to the sun that Dane mentions after Ikaris first shows up.
Ikaris: Badger/Lion
When it is finally revealed what Ikaris thinks about the Emergence, he makes it clear that he is an External Primary, guided by Arishem as his moral beacon. But unlike a Bird, he doesn't try to argue or explain his reasoning to the others. The only reason he gives for his actions is that he believes in Arishem's vision, a sign of his Badger loyalty. There is no changing Ikaris's system. Arishem's work is all that matters, and Ikaris is willing to kill his family to see it completed. And he is a threat because he's such a natural fighter, one of the Eternals who is always charging into each battle, relying on his strength to pull him out of any situation. There are no tricks nor strategies to rely on in his fighting, just pure strength to overwhelm his opponents.
Ajak: Badger/Badger
It's telling that Ajak decided to spend her time waiting for the Emergence on a ranch, a labor intensive environment. She is also shown as a sort of mother figure for the Eternals. She guides them with a steady hand, observing and encouraging. She tells Ikaris to confess his feelings to Sersi and later has Sprite visit Sersi because she knows that that is what her family needs for happiness. This ability to read others comes from the rapport her Courtier Badger has built with them over time. It is also how she knows to trust Sersi as the next Prime Eternal and arguably also what changed her mind about humanity. After the Eternals went their separate ways, Ajak finally took the time to get to know humanity, living amongst them. As a result, her Badger Primary bonded with them, opening Ajak up to counting humans as a community worth protecting. Her loyalty shifted from being solely devoted to the Celestials and Arishem's vision, to prioritizing humanity.
Kingo: Snake/Badger
Kingo's concerns are always first and foremost for the people close to him. When we first see him on his movie set, he worries about abandoning everyone depending on him for a job even though he just learned that the Deviants are back to threaten the entirety of humankind. Karun convinces him to go help by quoting one of Kingo's favorite movie lines, "Life affords no greater duty than to protect one’s family!" Later, he is ready to give his loyalty to Ikaris until it comes out that Ikaris has crossed the line that Kingo cannot accept: hurting a member of his family. Kingo then refuses to take part in the final battle because he can't stand the possibility of crossing that line too, even though he makes it clear he believes one side is right. That belief is not enough to overcome his Snake Primary instincts.
As showy as Kingo is, he is earnest in his interactions. He acts the same with the Eternals as he does with Karun or with workers on his movie set. His movies are all based on what he knows, his previous experiences with the Eternals. He also shows a keen ability to read and understand the people he's invested in, such as when he is able to understand what's motivating Sprite.
Gilgamesh: Badger/Badger
He spends his time cooking, baking, and fermenting his own beer through long processes that require steady work. While any Secondary can be a good caretaker, Badgers commonly take up this role, for they have the patience and penchant for hard work that being a caretaker often entails. Gilgamesh displays these traits while looking after Thena.
His first response to learning the truth of the Eternals' mission is that they are actually the bad guys, killing innocent people, and he is the one to suggest putting Tiamut to sleep in an attempt to save everyone, including Tiamut. It's an idea focused on saving as many lives as possible.
Thena: (Burnt) Lion/Lion
In the past, Thena is shown fully enjoying the glory and thrill of battle. Her Lion Secondary makes her a natural fighter, and she is shown rushing in, almost gleefully, to attack Deviants. Going through Mahd Wy'ry, however, burned her Primary. She questions herself and if she still is the person the others remember her as. She is shown to be dependent on Gilgamesh to tell her what to do in stressful situations like the Deviant attack on Druig's village. At the same time, the Mahd Wy'ry gives us a glimpse into how she reacted to the Eternals' true mission in the past, with her rebelling and even attacking the other Eternals in an effort to save the people of Centuri-Six. Though it's unclear how much she has recovered, her victory over Kro was also a victory over her condition, and Thena seems much more comfortable with herself at the end of the movie.
Druig: Lion/Bird
When we first meet him in the present day, he is more concerned about dealing with what he is feeling, having just found out he's an artificial lifeform, than the fact that the world is ending or that Ajak is dead. His focus on his inner turmoil points to his Lion Primary, which we also see in how he interacts with humans. When he breaks away from the other Eternals he explains that it's painful for him to have to follow the rules set forth by Arishem because he knows them to be wrong. He balks at the idea of blind loyalty and hates the thought of leaders using their soldiers as pawns, though there is irony in that hate, for his powers can force that same sort of relationship on others. And we see him using people as living tools and weapons, speaking through someone when the Eternals first arrive in his village and having a group shoot at a Deviant when it attacks. The fact that he decided to put down roots suggests a Built Secondary when, with his powers, he could have roamed the world seeking to end conflicts as they arose. Druig is also the one to suggest they have a back-up plan if they fail to put Tiamut to sleep and is the one to come up with the idea of Sersi using her powers to kill the Celestial.
Phastos: (Burnt) Badger/Bird
After Hiroshima, Phastos burned and gave up on most of humanity. His focus in the present day is only upon his family, the one thing he believes he has a chance of protecting. It's through them, that he says, he still connects to humanity as a whole. As burned as he is, that desire to protect all humans is still there.
His powers make him a natural builder and inventor, and in the final battle, we see him get the upper hand by using devices and traps he'd set up in advance.
Makkari: Bird?/Lion?
Unfortunately, Makkari suffers from lack of screen time, making her difficult to sort at this point. She does show a penchant for collecting different artifacts, though this isn't about collecting tools or information for problem-solving. As she tells Sprite in a deleted scene, she collects these artifacts because she hated seeing humans destroy their culture and knowledge. She places great value in knowledge, which could point to a Bird Primary, and reiterates this at the end of the movie, when Thena asks whether or not the other Eternals will accept the truth. Makkari answers affirmatively because she believes the truth will set them free, just as Makkari seems to feel it did for her. When first told about the truth of who the Eternals are and that the world is ending, although troubled, Makkari also shows relief because her boredom was finally ending. Her powers do make her appear like a Lion Secondary, with her superspeed not only making charging the natural thing to do in battle, but also increasing her thinking speed, making her quick to make decisions and jump into situations. But for all we know, she is going through another Secondary's thought process, just too quickly for us to tell.
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magnoliabloomfield · 2 years
Garden of Heathen 20- The Lion's Den
Song suggestion: Sweet Surrender- Against the Current
Aussie awoke to an odd sensation. She was toasty and warm despite the chill in the air that nipped at her nose, and she felt... cocooned? As sleep slipped further from her she became more aware. More aware of the bicep that was her pillow, the arm curling around her and holding her by the shoulder, the other arm wrapped around her waist, the hand pressed to her ribs holding her firmly against a solid and warm body.
Gally, she thought as a warm smile spread across her face. She could tell from the very faint light that it was early in the morning. She tried to look at her watch but her arms were pinned in front of her. She lifted her head slightly, looking for Gertie over Moo's fluffy body. Gally's grip tightened, his hand moving up her body slightly and a leg was thrown over her, warm breath hitting the back of her neck. She broke out in goose bumps despite her body temperature skyrocketing.
Moo popped his head up and saw Aussie's eyes were open which prompted his good morning routine. Aussie helplessly lay there as Moo began to give her kisses, getting more and more excited. He nosed himself under Gally's arm, whether to get closer to Aussie or to free her she couldn't tell, but Gally started to stir. His grip relaxed and he rolled onto his back, allowing Aussie to use her arms again. She wiped the dog spit from her face and sat up.
Gertie was still asleep, curled up snuggly in her blanket, a tuft of hair peeking out from under it. As Aussie pet the still spastic Moo, she checked her watch. The door would open soon. She looked over her shoulder at Gally and smirked.
He was laying there, sprawled out as best he could in the small tent, and it reminded her of the day he came up in the box. But he was even more beautiful now that she actually knew him. She wished she had savored being in his arms a little more, that feeling of contentment and safety was something she'd yearn for every second of her life now that she'd had her first taste of it. Plus, it was cold without him. She bit her lips as she got up and left the tent, knowing that if she stayed she'd probably lay her hands on him like the day she touched his cheek when he'd passed out.
The doors seemed different today when she laid her eyes on them. They felt taller, thicker, and more alive than ever before. The maze had been a mystery for years now, but there was a new mystery behind those doors now: what happened to Thena?
What would they find when the doors opened? Or would they even find anything at all? Maybe she'd be dead, laying in a pool of blood somewhere in the maze, maybe she made it out... maybe they'd never find out what happened.
Aussie placed her hand on the cool stone and felt a surge of hatred and disgust. These weren't doors, these were teeth. The maze was a monster that ate their hope and occasionally them too. It was like a guard dog between them and a real life in a real world, and the most frustrating part was that there was no reason why.
"I'm coming for you, monsters," She whispered to the doors.
Part of her felt ridiculous for that, she was the weakest little scarecrow in the whole Garden with asthma to boot, but she also felt something else. Like a solid rock in her chest, she knew what had to be done and she had the determination to do it. She'd die just to make them bleed.
What she didn't know is that someone heard her that morning, and they didn't think it was a ridiculous threat from a little girl. They were afraid.
"Hey," came a groggy voice behind her.
She turned to see Gally standing a few feet away, hands stuffed into his pockets.
"Hey," she answered back, warmth returning to her cheeks as she softly smiled at him. "Did you sleep ok?"
She watched his freckles disappear in a blush as he broke eye contact with her and her smile grew a little.
"Yeah, eventually," he mumbled before clearing his throat. "So, how long till the doors open?"
She checked her watch again. "About 15 minutes," she answered.
Over his shoulder she noticed some of the girls making their way across the field toward them. In front was Joan and Hedy. Aussie wasn't exactly pleased to see Hedy, but then she remembered how she woke up a moment ago and would hold that over Hedy in her heart for as long as she could.
"Hey!" Gertie's voice broke the awkward silence that had started to grow as she stumbled out of the tent. "What are you leaving me all alone for? The dog tried to eat my face!"
Aussie gave her a look and sighed. Gertie stood by Gally and wrapped her arms around herself.
"God I hope she's waiting for us right on the other side. I gotta pee," Gertie said as she jiggled her leg.
"Would you shut up," Gally whispered as he flicked her arm.
"Ow! Jeez!" Gertie complained as she rubbed her arm. He flicked like a bullet. "Sorry, Aussie."
Aussie hadn't thought of that- well, not peeing in particular, but what they would really do. Part of Aussie expected to see a bloody mess right on their doorstep as it were once the maze opened, she didn't think of preparing to search the maze in depth.
Joan and the others had reached them by then.
"Hey Aussie," Joan greeted solemnly.
"Hey," Aussie nodded back. "Listen, I had a thought-"
"Uh-oh, she's thinking," Hedy muttered under her breath.
"Excuse me?" Joan asked her sharply but quietly, not wanting to put the rest of the girls on edge.
"It's fine, there's not much time," Aussie said, placing her hand on Joan's shoulder to get her attention again. "If Thena isn't nearby when the doors open we need a plan, right? How far should we look before we come back and grab water and food before making an in depth search?"
Joan looked down thoughtfully for a moment. "Well, depending on how many branches we have off the main corridor today, I'd say ... four corners."
"Ok, and what do you think about doing groups of four, one to keep an eye in each direction?" Aussie asked.
"Four people? That's a bit overkill isn't it?" Hedy interrupted. "Just do pairs of two like usual."
"Overkill?" Aussie repeated as she glared at Hedy now.
Gally watched as Aussie straightened up, the way she squared her shoulders reminded him of a dragon unfurling its wings.
"I'm sorry, I'm not willing to be that cavalier with everyone's lives," Aussie replied.
"You're not in charge anymore, remember? You don't get to call all the shots," Hedy fired back, raising her voice.
"And you're not in charge either!" Aussie squared up in front of Hedy. "We are both on the counsel and I was discussing options with some of the counsel members- you know what? No. There's no time for this crap. Those doors are opening any second now and the important thing is not who's in charge. It's Thena. We're going to look for her the way we'd want someone to look for us."
"Aussie, she ran into the maze on purpose!" Hedy argued, gesturing at the doors. "That's suicide. You don't really expect to save her, do you?"
Aussie felt tears brimming, hot like lava with anger. How dare she throw that word in Aussie's face, how dare she act like this was just Mary all over again. She wanted to punch her in the face, pull her hair, heck she'd willingly claw her. But she didn't lift a finger. She wouldn't be provoked to break the rules.
Hedy leaned in closer, aiming her next words just at Aussie. "The two people who spent the most time alone with you both killed themselves. What does that say about you?"
The doors began to rumble open and at first Aussie mistook the sound for her heart breaking. And then Gally was there, wedging himself between them.
"Hey, why don't you shut up if you're not going to be useful," he said angrily as he towered over Hedy, intending to be as intimidating as he could be. She suddenly became very sheepish. Every step back she took was a step forward for him. "How the hell did you end up on the counsel anyway?"
He gave her a disgusted sneer before shaking his head and turning away from her, her face red in embarrassment. Gertie was holding Aussie's shoulders and whispering encouragement to her when he got back to them.
"You ok?" He ducked low to ask her, trying to be as close to her as he could without touching her. He wished he could wipe away her tears.
She nodded fervently but avoided his eyes, angrily wiping away her tears before facing the now opening doors.
Rani appeared by Joan, a bundle of weapons in her arms from the vault and they distributed them among the guards. Rani doubled back and nudged Gally's arm with the butt of a machete to get his attention before handing the weapon over to him. He nodded his thanks as he took it, too surprised at the amount of trust it took to arm a yeti like him in a world of girls. He attached the sheath to his belt.
The doors seemed to open slower than usual, as if the makers were capitalizing on Aussie's agony. She stood as close as humanly possible, peering through the gap for any sign of Thena, just waiting till the gap was big enough to slide through. She hated to admit that Hedy had gotten to her, but she had. How could she live with herself if she was the reason people had killed themselves?
"Aussie?" Gally's voice called as Aussie had finally fit her head in the gap and her shoulders turned to follow. "Aussie! Joan, grab her- grab her!"
She felt hands grip her arm and pull her away.
"Aussie, come on. You're smarter than that," Joan said softly as she loosened her grip but didn't let go. "We have to be safe. We wait till we can go in together. Single file is a bad idea."
"We gotta find her," Aussie whispered desperately.
"Hey, don't listen to that snit for brains, alright? Just shuck it because she's wrong," Joan assured her firmly. "Ok? Tell me you're ok or I'm not letting you in there."
"I'm ok," Aussie nodded as she took a few calming breaths. "You're right... I'm ok."
Joan patted Aussie's back as she stood there and tried to shake off her nerves and control her breathing again. Gally stood over her from behind, worried out of his mind and wishing he had that rope again to tether Aussie to his side at all times. If only he could just take her by the hand.
They all waited until the doors had settled into the walls and the Garden fell eerily silent after all their grating and rumbling. Aussie felt a weird mix of dread and relief when the main corridor proved to be empty. She wished Thena was alive and well, just waiting for the doors to reopen, but she was glad there was not a corpse waiting for her either. The dread was from the thought of finding the corpse later.
Aussie looked at Joan to her right, then Gally to her left, both of them nodding to her that they were ready. Aussie took another deep breath that sounded way too loud in her own head, and took a step forward. The moment she stepped from the lush grass of the garden onto the rough stone of the maze the still, silent air was cut with an ear piercing alarm.
@mrbillymontgomery @frequentlychangingfandoms @sweetseunghyun-poulter @a-ravenclaw-into-tardis-221b
I'm leaving out the usernames that did not turn into links on my last chapter, I'm assuming they're not getting notified of the tags since they either changed their account name or deactivated it. I'm putting chapters into the queue but I have no idea when they're going to be published, I just knew it was easier than trying to remember what date to schedule each chapter for, my brain, to us the Spanish i have been learning, estoy muy mal.
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kamisathoes · 3 years
Hello! If there are still slots available for match-ups, I'd like one :) If not, no worries!
My preferred pronouns are they/them and I like any gender. I'm a Childe main, Capricorn with lotsss of Aquarius placements. My favorite Genshin element is electro in terms of vibes but pyro reactions are the most satisfying. I like to draw, play video games and read, especially about psychology and law (and smut lmao). I write too, smut and """poetry""".
Take care of yourself 💕
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i ship you with. . . EULA !
this message comes with a dandelion and an old library book regarding ancient laws of decarabian's city.
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eula needs somebody to give her a rest from her conquest for vengeance, and you seem like the perfect candidate!
drawings and playing games are some of her favorite distractions, as they remind her of things that other children played that she was forbidden from. her strict upbringing in the lawrence clan prevented her from indulging in many age-appropriate activities, so she treasures the fact that you allow her to explore her own creativities alongside you and that you have the patience to teach her games that you enjoy so much. she doesn't necessarily view it as a childish activity, though there's something about the innocence and freedom of your hobbies that she yearns for. perhaps you could persuade her to teach you chess or similar high-brow games, she’d be more than happy to!
furthermore, i think that she knows a decent amount regarding law and psychology. the former is definitely something she learned growing up, with politics being central to her lessons. she'll share book recommendations with you and listen to any that you think she would enjoy, and she is always willing to discuss any topic with you. do be warned, it can end up looking like a mock trial debate, eula staring daggers at you whilst presenting counter-arguments, but it's all in the name of learning, really. besides, she'll never overstep the mark and will always be a little bit extra affectionate towards you after any heated or sensitive topics arise.
overall, the pair of you are the kind of couple that strives to see the other grow: whether it be softening eula's rigid and perhaps even uptight exterior, further exposing the sweet and innocent side of the spindrift knight to the world, or her teaching you skills that she had picked up throughout life.
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© kamisathoes, part of the valentines event. — apologies for the delay !
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masterstrange · 3 years
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𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐘 𝐖𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄 / @aetern​ (thena)
Track 28: I Wanna Get Better - Bleachers (Strange Desire)
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𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 𝐍𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐊 𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐆𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐃, his eyes casting towards her as they stood on the edge of the crowd. He was never too good of a companion at events like these, ones that hyper-focused, celebrated or yearned for the past. Stephen understood the general need for these kind of remembrances, especially when dealing with something as catastrophic as the infinity stone events --- yet that didn’t mean he had to be very good at them.  “ I've trained myself to give up on the past because I froze in time between hearses and caskets. ”
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