#then you MASH potatoes
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audible-smiles · 7 months ago
lost M*A*S*H episode from a funnier parallel universe: everyone in camp keeps drunkenly confessing their gay thoughts to Hawkeye because they assume he can relate (due to his actions and behaviors). he’s been sworn to secrecy half a dozen times and is quietly going insane because he can’t tell anyone, so he has to arrange a series of tightly managed hijinks where his friends will ‘accidentally’ discover they’re all queer and he can stop being the Gay Thoughts Priest. he still thinks he’s straight for about 90% of the episode and doesn’t understand why any of this is happening.
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thetragicallynerdy · 11 months ago
got a new shelf yesterday and now i know exactly how flat my hamster can make herself! because there's a tiny 3/4" gap at the base of it and you're never gonna guess where she went!!!
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ryllen · 1 year ago
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poke dog thoughts
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jellyvibes710 · 8 months ago
Part 2
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I realize that for like 80% of the first half I forgot to add Donnie’s googles and I was too lazy to add them so they blip in and out of existence haha
You can see when the burnout hit me like a freight train too :p
Originally I was going to add Donnie’s reaction to the feedback before Mikey came and gave him a cup of cocoa but I decided to remove it cus I was running out of space, darn 10 image limit
Off to the next part! >:D
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tiredsurvivoronmain · 7 months ago
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Code Veronica edition
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choccy-milky · 10 months ago
I can imagine Clora reading the "Final Problem" where Sherlock "DIES" and being depressed for like a month and sending hate mail to Conan Doyle while Sebastian tries to cheer her up.
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seb would 1000% find clora crying during their seventh year when "the final problem" is published LMAOO and he'd freak out wondering whats wrong. and when i read about how tons of doyles' fans sent him hate mail and were outraged i was like yup, clora would've been one of them BAHAHA. ["Obituaries for Holmes appeared everywhere. Petitions were signed and “Keep Holmes Alive” clubs were formed."] CLORA WOULD HAVE FORMED ONE OF THOSE CLUBS TOO LMFAOO
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all the outrage made doyle resurrect sherlock a decade later, so that also means when they're older + married + have kids, clora's just gonna burst into the room one day and be like "HES ALIIIIVEEE!!!!!!!" BAHAHHAA clora's hate mail to arthur conan doyle is what brought back sherlock, CONFIRMED!!💯💪✨
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napping-sapphic · 2 years ago
Picture this: we eat a truly absurd amount of mashed potatoes and then go to sleep
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sermna · 4 months ago
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I made coconut thumbprint cookies + coconut caramel from Claire Saffitz' Dessert Person cookbook :]
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audible-smiles · 7 months ago
obviously I did go into the MASH tag on AO3 and I must say I particularly enjoy the genre of post-war fic that's just various friends and family members trying to get Hawkeye on lithium since the timing works out well for that. because you know a character is sad, wet, and beloved when the fandom includes psychiatric medication on the list of things they want for them alongside the usual (a hot meal, a service top, etc). this one is particularly good I think.
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homeofhousechickens · 7 months ago
My problem with a lot of bird communities is that there is so many people out there on social media who have very little experience who want to try to be a resource of knowledge for other people when they themselves are still beginner/novice keepers. I constantly see them parrot incorrect information they themselves don't really understand then get offended when more experienced people correct them.
When seeking information about whatever animal you're trying to learn more about , please seek advice from MULTIPLE experienced people, not someone who has kept the species for a year or less. People with different backgrounds, whether that be breeding,rescue, pets, ect, are all going to have experiences and knowledge you can learn from. Sit and listen and digest the information you learn. Don't be the person to share this information with others without truly understanding. This is my biggest advice I can give to people trying to become better keepers/owners.
So many times I see younger people get their feelings hurt because they said something that was incorrect and were upset at being corrected. Your learning and it's not your job to teach others and wrong inexperienced advice can lead to an animal suffering poor quality care.
Oki rant over its Princess Cream time
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afoxysunny · 2 years ago
You thought I'm done just bc I drew an animal for all six Calorum kingdoms? Fear not! For I had so much fun that I couldn't just stop.
This time we're starting off in Candia
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Want some more candy?
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forgeofthenine · 1 year ago
No requests tonight guys. This is another self indulgent comfort fic, this time because we had a police call out at work tonight. I, and my coworkers, are all fine thankfully but I still wanted to write a little something for myself :)
Anything for you
The fireplace crackles and pops, bits of log exploding with the growing heat. That, and quiet breathing, are the only noises to break the dead of night. Nothing moves other than the wavering light given off by the red-orange flames as they lick over the wood.
On the two person love seat sits Dammon, you sitting in his lap as he wraps a blanket and his arms around you. The fire doesn't need to be going, the tiefling is a heater by himself, but it gives you somewhere to focus your eyes. Rough, calloused hands rub soothingly over your back, eyes drooping as you press your cheek against Dammons shirt.
Soon it's his voice that breaks the silence. Hesitant, quietly he murmurs in your ear. "We should make our way to bed, my love, or we'll be stuck here all night." A whine leaves you in response, eyes finally closing. A chuckle shakes you as Dammon shifts, not able to stop the laugh from bubbling up.
"Carry me?" You ask, looking up at the blacksmith with bleary eyes. He pauses at that before scooping you into his arms, standing carefully. Even without your own arms around him, you feel safe in Dammons grasp, resting against his chest as your eyes drift closed again.
"Always, anything for you."
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the-withering-system · 3 months ago
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He's just a lil guy who begs to be kicked
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months ago
I was makin myself a potato waffle. And had a fun realization/idea.
I bet that there's at least a small waffle restaurant in Gotham. Look me in the eyes and tell me there isn't a place that sells Spoiler-themed waffles.
Chocolate filled, batter with edible glitter and purple dye, Spoiler Waffles that Stephanie absolutely loves.
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major-alenko · 1 month ago
anyway it’s kind of depressing and scary in the USA today so here’s my ✨shenko wedding headcanons✨ for Kaidan and Tara
Kaidan proposes in the back half of ME3, before Thessia. His comment during Leviathan about “Let’s make sure we never let time slip by us, okay?” is him thinking about it. to me.
They decide to do it on shore leave and have a private civil ceremony on the Citadel. (Citadel DLC elopement!!)
Liara and Steve are their witnesses. Kaidan and Tara want to keep their wedding low-key because of the war and they don’t trust their other friends to keep quiet (lovingly).
They get married in their dress blues bc those are the nicest clothes they have!! But they get matching cheap silicone rings bc of work lol.
Anderson busts them immediately when they get to the apartment bc they’re goofing around and Kaidan’s trying to carry Tara over the threshold like a dork while he’s on the comm lol
Joker does not notice the ring when Tara meets him for dinner. In his defense, however, he doesn’t really get a chance before they’re under fire.
When everyone comes over, Kaidan and Tara are sweating bullets, bc they’re gonna notice. Someone’s going to figure it out.
And they do, in the Archives when Wrex overhears Tara joke about “This isn’t how I expected to spend our wedding night…” “Your WHAT???!” *sounds of absolute chaos and betrayal over the radio*
The party at the end is a combination of shore leave celebration and belated wedding reception. Even though they swear they’re going to have a “real” wedding after the war is over for everyone.
Kaidan: “Are you gonna tell your mom that we’re married when you call her?” Tara: “…” (she will)
Tara does take Kaidan’s name, but for identification purposes, she probably hyphenates. Or at least accepts the fact that no one is going to ever stop calling her Shepard, especially not their friends lmao
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runwayblues · 2 months ago
mutuals i am making milk bread rolls come over
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