#then they just kinda wrestle around a bit until they are out of breath and giggling (often with winner sitting on top of the loser)
neriyon · 5 months
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Hey look, an idea I stole from @zylphiacrowley (chain of idea stealing haha), feat. very startled Hawu'li. More details for each relationship under the cut for anyone curious.
Tataru: She and Hawu'li are very close friends, all the way from the first days he spent with scions. They like to hang out, talk (mostly gossip) about stuff over tea, and while other scions take to Tataur's big moneymaking plans with a healthy dose of caution, Hawu'li is always ready to go do anything she asks. She's also the one Hawu'li usually goes to when he needs some advice or just someone to listen to his woes.
Y'shtola: I've mentioned this before but she reminds Hawu'li of his older sisters. They used to be on purely professional terms up till ShB, and have since made steady progess to become friends. The two of them can usually be found reading books in a same room or chatting about Y'shtola's research (Hawu'li is always curious to learn more).
Lyse: I actually first marked her as a friend, but then remembered Hawu'li is a Gridania starter so uh, family it is. Lyse has kinda decided to take the role of a caring big sister/mother figure by herself - despite being only 2 years older. These two lively idiots (affectionate) do get along well, and occasionally send letters now that Lyse is busy with Ala Mhigo stuff.
Estinien: "Boyfriend of my boyfriend" haha. They both date Aymeric, so they are part of the polycule together, despite not having too much romantic feelings towards eachother. They do trust and appreciate eachother a lot, and are in some sort of friends with benefits status. Hawu'li's can be a bit much for Estinien at times, but it's pretty common to see them sharing some casual contact which Estinien seems to like after spending time alone. They also share the single idiotic braincell over money related things (do not let them to the market without supervision!)
Thancred: Kinda between close friends and regular friends tbh. I feel like Thancred would get annoyed by Hawu'li's energy levels, but he'd also be smart enough to just dump the catboy on someone else when in need of some peace and quiet. Hawu'li finds him pretty nice and trusts him a lot, but does not really appreciate that Thancred prefers to keep him in the dark about most things - meanwhile Thancred feels he's a good kid but a bit too young and airheaded to be trusted with everything.
Ryne: Cat sees teenager, cat adopts teenager. While not as close as with twins, Hawu'li happily treats Ryne as part of the family and takes care to check in on her regularily after ShB. He often brings her gifts and books, staying over for some coffee and biscuits to talk about how scions are doing. Ryne tends to come to Hawu'li about any relationship troubles, and when she and Gaia start going out he's the first one to hear about it (and congratulate them, haha)
Minfilia: This is an intersting one, since Hawu'li usually befriends everyone quickly (if they want to be befriended). But somehow Minfilia's position as the leader of Scions made Hawu'li kinda hesitant to bother her too much, so kinda like with Y'shtola, their relationship stayed pretty professional. In hindsight, Hawu'li definitely regrets he didn't get to know her more.
G'raha: Boyfriends! As close as can be, spending lot of time together. Reading, talking about anything interesting they've learned, visiting new places, going on dates… pretty much anything. G'raha has great tolerance for Hawu'li's clingyness and doesn't mind some pda, so Hawu'li tends to stick to him a lot. Also just cat things: they will often knock their heads together and even start playfighting every now and then.
Alphinaud: Little brother! While more snobbish during ARR, Hawu'li does see some of himself in the boy, and does his best to keep him safe and help him however he can. Likes to gently tease Alphi (usually with Alisaie), but will be uncharacteristically ready to throw down with anything threatening his lil bro (he may or may not have growled at Fourchenault when he was talking about disowning twins).
Alisaie: Little sister and partner-in-mischief! Like with Alphi, they are very close and protective of eachother, with the exception that Alisaie seems as ready to fight to protect Hawu'li as he does to protect twins. They often tease Alphi together, or go channel their excess energy in some friendly sparring. Or run off to see who can climb some trees faster.
Urianger: Hawu'li likes him a lot, but unfortunately can only understand him like 30% of the time. However he's just happy to sit there listening anyway, and usually Thancred or Y'shtola know to check if he actually got the important parts. They like eachother's company, and somehow just hanging out with Urianger seems to calm Hawu'li down a lot, which has been a godsent to everyone.
Krile: Still a pretty new friend, but one that Hawu'li is eager to get to know more. He is however tiiiiiny bit nervous about it, since Krile and G'raha are clearly close, and he really really really wants to get well along with his boyfriend's close friend. Krile thinks he's a nice lad, and hopes he'd relax a bit and drop the random bouts of overly polite behaviour.
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When he's drunk and gets clingy ⋆˚✿˖°
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Zayne- It was Friday night and you knew Zayne had gone out with his co-workers to let loose after a stressful week. You didn't think much of it until you got a call late into the evening.
"H-hey y/n, can you come get me?" Zayne slurred into the phone. You could hear the loud music and people chatting.
You chucked. "Zayne, are you drunk? Where are you?"
After getting the location, you made your way to the house party. When you arrived, you found Zayne sitting on the front porch by himself, head in his hands.
"C'mon idiot, let's get you home," you said, pulling him up. He leaned heavily on you, arms wrapped around your torso.
"M'sorry, I missed you," he mumbled into your hair, breath reeking of alcohol. You wrestled him into the passenger seat and began the drive back to his place.
After arriving, You practically carried him upstairs and deposited him on the bed. As you turned to leave, his arms locked around your waist from behind.
"Zayne, you're drunk. Stop it," you warned fighting back smile. But he just whimpered and peppered you with sloppy kisses
"Stay with me, please. I like being close to you," he said softly, breath warm on your neck. You smiled, knowing how clingy drunk Zayne was (you kinda enjoyed it). You let him curl into your side as you both drifted off to sleep.
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Rafayel- was the weekend and some friends had invited you both to a party. Over the course of the night though, he had more to drink than usual.
Now tipsy and feeling sentimental, he was getting clingy with you. "C'monnn let's dance!" he said, stumbling a bit as he tried to pull you onto the dance floor. You laughed and protestea that he was in no state for dancing.
"Pleaseeee I just wanna be close to youuu" he pouted, giving you sad puppy eyes. It was hard to say no to that face. You gave in and let him pull you in, arms around your waist.
Rafayel held you a bit too tightly, resting his chin on your shoulder as you swayed together. You could smell the alcohol on his breath but also knew he didn't mean any harm. "I love you so much, you know that?" he slurred in your ear.
"I know, I know. But maybe ease up on the drinks from now on, yeah?" you said gently. He nodded against you sleepily. You danced a while longer before deciding it was time to get him home.
Once back at his place, Rafayel became fully clingy koala mode. "Don't leave me, stay overrr!" Despite his protests, you knew it was best if you headed home for the night. You gave him a goodnight kiss on the forehead. "Sleep it off, we'll talk tomorrow."
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©loveanddeepspaceimagines 2024
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starleska · 1 year
If you're still taking writing requests, could you do possessive Wally headcanons?
*cracks knuckles* oh anon, i most certainly can 😈 yandere!Wally fans (me too 😳), this one's for you! (this is less headcanons and more a oneshot... kinda wanna write the whole thing 🙈)
content warnings for possessive behaviour, manipulation, threats, arson, entrapment and kidnapping!
Possessive/Yandere!Wally Darling x Reader headcanons
👁 it all started so well. Wally was a Darling both in name and behaviour, and you fell hard and fast. such an attentive sweetheart, from the moment you moved into the neighbourhood it was as if he were always at your side. anywhere else, you may have been unnerved, but Wally's simple warmth and easy smile dispelled all of your doubts. while you tried to spread your time equally between your kind new neighbours, you somehow always found yourself in Wally's presence, talking to him for hours.
👁 in time, you found yourself becoming bolder. you start returning Wally's curious glances, and soon allow your eyes to linger a touch longer than they should. curiously (and with a little bit of a thrill), you notice that Wally seems incapable of breaking eye contact - no matter how long you stare, he'll always stare right back, unperturbed.
👁 one day, you find yourself closer to Wally than usual. you're half-pressed against one another on your sofa, Wally's cheek nestled in the crook of your shoulder. he's drawing something in his sketchbook: an indistinct, wobbly shape that you can't make heads or tails of. while Wally's right hand scribbles furiously with his pencil, the fingers of his unoccupied left hand spill at your side, reflexively clenching every now and again with the automatic motions of his drawing.
👁 the closeness imbues you with a newfound confidence. you take a breath, steady yourself...and reach across, brushing your fingers lightly across Wally's own. Wally's eyes snap towards you. for a moment, his pupils blow so wide you think they might just swallow you.
👁 the next day, your house catches fire. such an incident is unheard of in this neighbourhood, and all your neighbours are horrified for you. however, Wally is strangely calm. "I'm sorry you lost so much," he says, still smiling. "Would you like to live with me?"
👁 you're shaken - but accept Wally's offer. the shock of the fire takes a few days to wear off, but nothing could be more unsettling than living in close quarters with Wally Darling. existing within the living, breathing (creaking? squeaking) walls of his Home has an atypical effect on the puppet. Wally's voice is lower, and he moves with more purpose, as if he and Home are one and the same: symbiotic entities which exist in tandem with one another.
👁 to add to your creeping sense of dread, Wally flips the script on your personal space. now he is the one letting his fingers slip easily around your waist, and fixing you with uncomfortable, impossible-to-ignore stares. you try to laugh off his behaviour, questioning him openly if he enjoys having you as a guest so much. for once, Wally doesn't smile when he replies, "I love you living with me."
👁 it isn't until a week has passed that you learn all the doors are locked, and Wally never gave you a key. you try wrestling with the door handle, but it doesn't budge. then you try the windows, but they're sealed shut. 'I'm not trapped!' you think to yourself. 'Wally is just being a good neighbour - he wants to keep me safe.' but that still doesn't stop you from panicking, scouring the house for the heaviest thing you can find and trying to smash the window. the glass does not break. Home suddenly groans with the sound of a thousand old floorboards and overloaded pipes - a dreadful, ear-rending noise - causing the glass in the window to triple in height and thickness right before your eyes.
👁 terrified, you scramble backwards to run out of the kitchen - only to run smack into Wally. you collapse to the floor and gaze up at Wally, standing in the doorway with his hands tucked behind his back, that cat's smile of his holds some private amusement.
👁 "did you try to leave Home?" Wally asks. "Silly, silly." he takes a step towards you, and then another - slow and loping steps, his cute puppet form now moving in a way equal parts unnatural and sinister. he crouches next to you, those eyes now whirlpools of void which obscure all but the slight white rim of his scleras. "Try again," Wally whispers. "I'd like that very much."
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˚◞♡ ⃗ ❝ 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙠𝙞𝙨𝙨 𝙢𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙗𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙢𝙚 ❞* ೃ༄
↳ ♡₊˚. ❝ ¡love and deepspace sorta kinda spicy! eluding headcanons lolz! ❞
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
something about those boys and ripping pantyhose’s… sigh
sure it’s attractive, quite attractive actually but more often than not the boys seem to miss the mark as to why you’re wearing them (and why it’s not okay to suddenly come back not wearing them) until one day you overhear tara and some of your other female colleagues discussing a durable pair of pantyhose’s perfect for the summertime where the typical deepspace hunter pants tend to be a little bit on the heavier side.
however your interest was piqued either way— might as well do the girls a favor and test how really durable they are
you two are so in sync with once another, gentle touches and heightened breathing— your reactions from each other drove each other crazy, it was perfect
which is why he looked like a kicked puppy when he realizes that the pantyhose’s you were wearing were NOT coming off with the hook of his finger
“i… i dont understand…”
oh poor thing they never do
you explain to him that the other female deepspace hunters wanted to test out their durability— you just happened to know a good test for them
he understands, but he still doesn’t know why you’re wearing it with him
you sigh, the initial test was a success but now he was really trying to make you spell it out for him
you pull out the small dagger out of its sheath that rested on your thigh
he looks at you in confusion as you wrap his fingers around the hilt
“i’m sure you can figure out your way around this obstacle.”
and then it clicks and his face of confusion is no more
it’s safe to say, the same trick won’t work on him twice
this man takes it as a personal attack— like you might as well have had called him a lemurian slur
“so you want me to die?”
you loved him, but this man was always doing the absolute most but he won’t admit it
if anything you’re getting ALL the blame, you got him all worked up and then you stroll up wearing the indestructible pantyhose’s from hell
he flickers a flame in between his fingers
talking about some “i wonder if they’re fireproof”
you was not about to let him find out— YOU WERE STILL WEARING THEM
“what? can’t handle a little fire?”
and he had the nerve to act like you did an attempt on his life meanwhile this man was scheming as he poked and prodded the thick mesh around your thighs
you two practically start wrestling until he has you pinned
“fine we’ll do things your way, but promise to let me burn them after they’re off.”
you had been a brat obnoxious all evening it was no wonder he was itching to put you in your place
as per usual it was attractive how he’d reach over your body to pin your arms against the bed as face to face with your torso looking absolutely starved
but right when he was about to tear into you (figuratively and literally), that pesky pair of mesh you always sported were NOT budging
he had to pause and take a minute to reflect
my man was ready to ravish you like how a predator would to their prey but he was being bested by fabric
you were trying so hard not to laugh because you can see the cogs turning in his head
“it seems that i’ve played into your hands.”
you chuckle, innocently claiming that you were getting a tad bit tired of all the pantyhose’s that he’d tear into, it was a lot of money wasted
he insures that it’s never a waste he keeps a collection of all the ones he’s torn
the entire situation is too funny to you, you really can’t help but giggle at him
he really can’t stay annoyed at you, he also did find it a lot funnier than it should’ve been
he still wanted to have his way with you
“it’s no matter, all this is to show that i’ll have to be the gentleman you deserve.”
sure your pantyhose’s were spared that night but you weren’t
❀° ┄───╮
a/n: y’all this idea literally fell from the damn sky— well actually i just saw those instagram promo stories about those hella thick and durable pantyhose’s soooo thank instagram ig?
it’s nothing crazy— i can’t write smut without having a visceral reaction sooo uh… i salute the girlies on here who can bc PHEW 🫡🫡🫡
also i wrote this on the bus lolz, thank god for privacy screen protectors
okay love you all mwah mwah MWAHHHH
╰───┄ °❀
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icequeenlila · 2 months
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Context: They just confessed in a sunflower field. (Bradley has cried a little bc he's secretly insecure.)
"What are you doing?", Bradley asked when Max suddenly pulled away.
He still felt dizzy, his nose clocked up and his face sticky with dried tears and soda. He felt fucking raw. Like his chest had just been ripped open, every part of him laid bare.
It was kinda what happened.
"Picking flowers for my beloved", Max said, his back turned towards him.
Bradley frowned in confusion, a giggle escaping him. It still sounded a bit pathetic, a wet sound to his voice.
"We already vandalized a grocery store today", he said, wiping at his stuffy nose and sniffing softly. "You really want to put theft onto the list?"
Max shot him a conspiratorial grin. "Nobody will ever know." He tipped his head back, inspecting all the sunflowers to choose from.
Bradley crossed his arms, watching with a grin on his lips as Max nodded slightly and went right for the biggest and prettiest one. The flower was easily two heads bigger than him, its blossoms bright yellow and velvety smooth.
"Don't hurt yourself", Bradley chuckled when he watched Max stand on his tippy toes to grab the flower at a narrower part of the stem.
"Do I hear mocking there?", Max joked, hand wrestling with the thick stem.
Bradley laughed at the sight and his heart felt fluttery with it.
"Never", he lied.
Max grinned up at him, now bending the flower's stem until he could swing one leg over it, like sitting on a broom.
Bradley couldn't stop laughing, watching the boy struggle with that poor flower, now hanging half broken on its stem, but it refused to give in to Max' pull.
"What did they water this thing with?", Max panted, pulling and wringing. "Steroids?"
Bradley's belly hurt already, the tears in his eyes now ones of laughter. The dizziness still hadn't worn off fully, his head feeling airy and light. He had to sit down on the ground as the world started spinning around him.
"Just leave the damn thing", he rasped, trying to catch his breath, one hand pressed to his tummy.
"You want that flower, I'll get you that damn flower", Max said through bitten teeth.
"I never said I wanted it!"
"You want it!"
God, Bradley felt giddy. All attempts to calm down thrown into the winds when Max somehow slipped and tumbled to the ground, landing directly next to Bradley.
Bradley couldn’t help it. Max was lying on his back, eyes big in shock, blinking up a Bradley as his brain still tried to catch up with the situation.
"My hero", Bradley said, wiping black strands out of Max' face.
Max' lips split into a grin, dark eyes gazing up at him. Bradley felt his insides twist in that delicious way. Max was looking at him like a love-struck puppy. He had to blink a few times to make sure he wasn't imagining it.
"I got it", Max said, holding up the poor flower.
Its petals, big and smooth before the assault, were now knitted and littered with dark spots all over. The best part: Max had pulled out the whole thing by the root. So now he was holding a half-smashed sunflower, hanging on for dear life on its half-broken stem, roots still attached to it.
"I love it", Bradley said, taking the flower from Max' hand. "Thank you so much."
If possible, Max grin only widened at that, his dark eyes filled to the brim with affection.
"Anything for you."
From chapter 6 of 'Good Luck, Babe!' on ao3.
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yunjardi · 1 year
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my heart bel♡ngs to daddy [series]
[young sugar daddy!jake x fem!reader]
[click here for this series' masterlist to read previous chapters, general warnings, and playlist]
[‼️chapter warnings‼️ : smut [mdni], DADDY KINK, unprotected sex, kinda hardcore sex???, spanking, fluff, taking explicit photos, mentions of food/eating, lmk if i missed anything!]
*sorry for any grammar errors
chapter 14: what happiness feels like
'i was not supposed to hear that. i was definitely not supposed to hear that,' you panicked internally as you heard jake's footsteps coming toward the room. quickly, you began to pretend that you were still asleep once he stepped in the door. you listened as jake shut the door and placed the glass of water on the bedside table. simply thinking about his thoughtfulness made your stomach jump.
he immediately took a few things out of his suitcase and locked the bathroom door and didn't come out until ages later. you still pretended to be asleep despite now being fully awakened by a hairdryer whirring in the background. he probably just took an abnormally long shower. eventually, he opened the bathroom door which made you squeeze your eyes shut. you stirred around in bed a bit, trying to make it seem like you had just awoken from jake's presence and hadn't been awake the whole time and to your surprise, it worked. the feeling of jake's soft lips against your temple caused your heart to flutter as you opened your eyes, jake's pretty lips being the first thing you saw once you fully opened them. "i really didn't want to wake you, but i needed to give you a kiss," jake told you shyly, "you just looked so beautiful, and i couldn't pass up the opportunity." already your face was beginning to turn pink as you tried to hide yourself in the thick duvet. "jake," you pouted, your voice muffled underneath the covers, "you're making me blush." you couldn't help but feel embarrassed at how easily jake was able to make you bashful, his charms quickly infiltrating you whenever he came around. you finally fully looked up from the covers, and to your absolute shock and surprise, jake dyed his hair yet again. "what the hell?!" you laughed, "you're gonna be bald by the time we get home; you literally just colored your hair less than a week ago."
"hey! i'm indecisive... and a bit drunk," jake admitted nervously as he placed his hand on his nape, "you know how it is." you nodded at him while thinking about how soft his freshly-dyed hair must feel. you wanted to tangle your fingers in it while telling him how handsome he looked in every single hair color.
your fluffy thoughts were brutally interrupted by the feeling of jake's body rolling on top of yours from above the blanket you were under. you popped your head out from the covers to see jake giggling as he continued to roll around the bed like a puppy wanting to be played with.
somehow, play-wrestling together turned into you being seated against his hips which escalated into a make-out which then escalated to a point where the two of you were left in your undergarments, eager to begin touching each other.
"god, i'm so lucky to get to fuck you twice in one day," jake breathed out whilst playing with the waistband of your panties. "i'm all yours," you said quietly, letting jake pull your panties off.
"yeah, that's right," jake smirked, "my good girl. now turn around and let me fuck you." you felt yourself blushing while your core burned up with anticipation as you arched your back for him at the edge of the bed. you felt him tease your wet cunt with his thick tip, causing your thighs to tremble lightly. "please put it in," you pleaded quietly, "need you so bad, daddy." you could practically feel the smirk on jake's face as he let his cock pass through your tight entrance. you whined, your pussy feeling overly sensitive for some reason as jake began to fuck you from behind.
jake spanked the soft skin of your ass, the sensation leaving tingles down your thighs as he continued to destroy your cunt. "mmm, fuck!" you couldn't help but moan out, giving up on controlling your volume, "feels s-so good, jake." jake chuckled sexily while he grabbed your ass, pleased with your slutty moans. "mhm, let everyone know that i'm making you feel good right now, baby. let them know how good daddy fucks you," jake taunted in your ear, "as if the sound of your wet pussy isn't enough to let them know." as embarrassed as you were to admit it, you were an absolute sucker for jake's dirty-talk. his dirty-talk alone was enough to have you whimpering. it wasn't long until you were cumming uncontrollably while taking his thick cock from behind, panting and begging him to keep fucking you through your orgasm. there was something about jake giving you back shots that drove you absolutely mad.
"fuck, get on top of me," jake commanded while pulling out of you, "i want to see your pretty face when i cum inside you." you complied, letting jake get comfy against the headboard before sinking back down onto his member. he groaned deeply as you crashed your hips down onto his, eager to be filled up with his seed. you rested your hands on his thighs for your last few bounces before jake came hard inside you, drenching your walls with his warm seed. the two of you stayed in that position for a few minutes to catch your breath before getting cleaned up. jake searched through your unpacked luggage to give you a fresh pair of panties while you gathered up some clothes for him to sleep in. just as you two were getting dressed, jake's phone vibrated. he picked it up and couldn't help but snicker.
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waking up, you automatically felt your back's soreness from what you assumed was from yesterday's two rounds of sex. you felt one of jake's hands resting on top of one of yours while stirring around under the covers which made your heart flutter.
"awake, princess?" jake asked with a light chuckle as he adored how cute you were when you were half-asleep. you grumbled quietly in response, climbing into his lap as he sat with his back against the headboard. "...back hurts." jake put on a pouty face as he helped you get comfortable in his lap, letting you curl up and rest against him. "go ahead and rest more, babygirl. it's only 7 in the morning, so don't worry about sleeping in too long," jake reassured you with his cute puppy smile, wrapping an arm around you and resting one of his hands on your ass in a non-sexual manner; it somehow felt wholesome yet intimate though you couldn't explain how and, as a bonus, he even called you 'babygirl' which made your heart beat fast and your face heat up.
jake wasn't a fan of seeing you in pain (obviously), but he hid his feelings of concern in fear that it would freak you out, which is the last thing he wants to do. he eventually ended up drifting off to sleep alongside you, holding onto you as he fully fell asleep.
it wasn't much, but the two of you couldn't help but feel strongly connected to each other by simply sleeping next to one another.
but that's something to sort out about later.
"geez, who would've thought it would be so hard to wake these two up?"
"i know, right? jake's usually a light sleeper but when he sleeps next to y/n, he sleeps like a rock."
"ah, just leave them. they'll get up eventually. plus, it's like, 9AM, they'll be up in a little while."
is what you woke up to after a few hours of sleeping. somehow, you were still in jake's arms by the time both of you woke up.
"oh shut up," jake grumbled, "we're awake." you nodded with your head still against his chest, eyes closed and not fully awake yet.
"someone's grumpy this morning," sunghoon mumbled under his breath, "we'll be waiting for you two in the lounge area when you're ready to not have an attitude." jay sighed, "let's not fuel the fire, guys." heeseung nodded, "yeah, plus, we have company coming soon, so let's not push each other's buttons." the three walked away and closed the door, leaving you and jake alone again.
"sorry about them," jake sighed out as he planted a kiss on your forehead, his arms still wrapped around you, "they can be a pain at the worst times." you smiled against his chest and shook your head, "it's okay, jake, they're just looking out for us, and let's not keep them waiting for too long. after all, they mentioned that you guys were having people over soon, right?" jake nodded, "yeah, it's the rest of the group that you haven't met yet! i'm really excited to introduce you." smiling, jake helped you up and out of bed to begin washing up and getting ready for the day.
you began to dig through your luggage for your toiletries before heading into the bathroom, immediately starting to get dolled up in the mirror as jake stood beside you doing his morning routine. you left the bathroom for a second to choose an outfit when you remembered that you had packed the lingerie that jake gifted you, that thought giving you an idea. quickly, you changed into one of the sets and put your clothes back on, wanting to tease jake once you were actually taking your clothes off to get changed into today's outfit.
"jake?" you called out from the room, "what color should we wear today?" you asked since you and jake had put together a few coordinated outfits to wear at the same time. jake walked out of the bathroom to go look through his and your clothes. "how about this?" jake asked, holding up one of your outfits. you quickly nodded in agreement, eager to reveal your little surprise to him. smiling, jake turned away to grab his clothes out of his luggage so that you guys could quickly change into your outfits together.
you felt excitement bubble in your stomach once you lifted your shirt above your head, pulling it off and discarding it to the side as you waiting patiently for jake to turn around again.
"okay, i'll go with this outfit-" jake pulled his shirt off, revealing his sexy upper half, and turned to look at you, abruptly ending his speech at the sight of how stunning you looked in the lingerie he'd bought for you. "please don't tell me you're wearing that outside," jake chuckled lowly and sarcastically, "because this is for my eyes only." he began approaching you, quickly pinning you between his arms as he hovered above you on the bed. "i'm gonna take a few pictures, baby," jake let you know before pulling his phone out of the pocket of his jeans, "you look so beautiful for me." you nodded, letting him take as many pictures as he wanted even though you felt a bit shy. though you felt shy, you somehow also felt your self-esteem rise at how jake stared at your body, getting pictures of you from every angle. he ran his sexy hand up and down your waist, watching as your face slowly began to blush at his touch. dragging his hand upward, he lightly squeezed at one of your breasts, causing you to accidentally let a quiet whine slip out of your mouth.
"you're so sexy, might just have to fuck you," jake shrugged his shoulders as he took a few more pictures of his hands all over you. "what's stopping you?" you asked in a teasing fashion in attempt to rile him up.
suddenly, the door burst open without a knock.
"hey, guys, do you wanna eat with us or?-" a now-shocked heeseung cut his question short as he realized what he'd walked into, "i-um, well-" he kept sputtering nervously, "i'll leave you to it."
"they're a little busy right now, um, filming the opening scene of a porno or something!" heeseung hollered at the others who were downstairs about to have a small snack. "bro, what?" you heard jay cackle from downstairs as heeseung finally closed the door and began walking away.
"well, i guess that is what's stopping me," jake chuckled nervously as he rolled off of you and onto the other side of the bed, "i guess we have to save this energy for later." he sighed. you audibly whined as you gripped onto his forearm, shaking it around and begging him with your eyes to touch you.
"just a little bit, please, please, please?" you pleaded needily, "i don't wanna wait 'til later. at least your fingers or something." you eyed his toned abs and long fingers with your begging eyes. jake wasn't very good at not giving you what you wanted, especially when it came to moments like this when both of you were hot for each other, so he caved.
"okay, my princess," jake breathed out, looking straight into your pretty eyes, "you're so cute when you're all needy for me; how do you expect me to resist?" jake asked amorously as he put both of his hands on your thighs and tangling his fingers in the fabric of the lingerie that he wanted to tear off of you. "i'm gonna take this off, okay?" you nodded as you assisted jake in removing the garment. he couldn't help but let out a deep and quiet groan at the sight of your bare body on display for him and him only. "we're gonna have to be quick, yeah?" jake whispered, kissing down your neck. "please hurry," you begged, your eyes trailing down to his toned abs, "i want you so bad." jake felt his core heat up as he moved his knee between your legs, letting you grind your pussy against his denim jeans. "jake, please," you whined as you gripped onto his forearm. he loved the sight of you being needy for him.
jake finally began to unbutton his jeans for you as you watched eagerly. he quickly threw his bottoms aside and got ready to put his hard cock all the way inside you. jake pushed your thighs down flat onto the bed before sliding his thick tip into your needy hole. the two of you moaned in sync as he bottomed out. "please go fast," you requested needily which turned jake on to the max. "anything to please my princess," jake replied as he got into a comfortable position to begin destroying your pussy. immediately, you felt pleasure shooting all over your body as jake dicked you down hard and fast just like you asked him to.
"ah-fuck! jake!" you moaned out while gripping onto his forearms, trying not to leave any marks on him. "goddamn you feel so fucking good. so wet and tight all for me," jake breathed out between thrusts, "i'm gonna cum so hard for you when i'm done having my way with you, yeah?" you nodded the best you could in response, yours and jake's bottom lips being caught between the two of you guys' teeth. jake watched as your pretty tits bounced every time he shoved his cock into you as hard and deep as he possibly could.
"turn around, princess," jake commanded to which you flipped around onto your hands and knees. "do you still want my fingers, baby?" jake asked you whilst caressing your sensitive inner thighs. "please, daddy?" you begged which gave him the green light to slip a finger inside your wet hole and begin pumping it in and out. you let out choked moans as you gripped onto the duvet, hypnotized by pleasure. "jake," you whined out, "i'm gonna cum; please don't stop." that motivated jake to push his fingers in deeper, wanting to reach your little sweet spot to push you toward your orgasm.
next thing you knew, jake's fingers were soaked in your arousal as you panted. "fuck, give me one more, princess," jake breathed out as he began to tease your sensitive clit with his tip, "i need to feel that on my cock." you let out a shy hum in response as you pushed your ass a little closer to him as a signal for him to start, and jake took that nonverbal cue and ran with it. flipping you onto your back, he let you get comfortable before he finished the job.
jake always fucked you phenomenally, and today was no different. you somehow craved another orgasm despite just coming down from one. jake moaned into your neck as he rammed into your pussy balls deep. "fuck, i'm gonna cum," jake breathed out as he kissed down your neck and grabbed at one of your tits. he filled you up to the brim, hot ropes of his seed spurting inside you.
the two of you spent a few minutes recollecting yourselves before getting up to re-get-ready.
after all, you guys just took yourselves to poundtown for a good 20 minutes and are now all sweaty as a result.
you and jake put on your cute little coordinated outfits and were finally ready to meet up with everyone downstairs. 
upon heading downstairs, you noticed that it was oddly quiet considering that you were with all boys. jake raised an eyebrow, wondering if his friends were just playing a trick on him since it took you two so long to leave your room. it wasn't until you got downstairs that you saw a note left on the counter that read:
to our jester jake and beautiful y/n,
we all decided to head out (all meaning even our other friends that came over) because a little someone named sunghoon was getting pretty hangry, and we didn't want to get risk getting mauled to death by an angry sunghoon. if you want, we can go out drinking tonight when everyone's home :)
you couldn't help but chuckle at their greeting because it made jake put on a little pouty face.
"well, i guess this means we have the whole day to ourselves," jake grinned, "let's head out."
after riding the underground train, which jake seemed to be very familiar with considering how many times he'd been to japan, you guys arrived at this extravagant shopping area with all sorts of activities to do.
"can we take a look around? i have no clue where to start first," you asked in awe of the environment. jake gave you a sweet smile and nodded, offering his hand for you to hold, you happily taking up on the offer.
you browsed at every little store, café, and random arcades scattered around the area, becoming more and more excited about the possibility of what you'd do first.
glancing over to the side, something quickly caught your attention:
a puppy café.
excitedly, you pulled on jake's arm, "look! let's go there!" you motioned over to the little puppy café as jake's expression softened, his face turning pink at the thought of you being surrounded by a bunch of cute puppies. "okay, princess," jake replied with a pretty smile. upon opening the café's door, you were greeted by kind employees who were ready to guide you on how things functioned at the establishment. you could tell jake was antsy to meet all the puppies that were rolling around in the various, comfy seating areas around the back of the place. jake haphazardly ordered a few small treats and two drinks for the two of you and hauled himself over to the puppy area.
'he's so cute. jake is cute,' you couldn't help but think to yourself while watching the puppies greet jake by jumping on the bottom parts of his legs. it didn't take him long to sit down and let a puppy sit on his lap as he gently pet its head.
you couldn't help but take your phone out and snap pictures of him while he happily played with the puppies, letting them teeth on his fingers as he made kissy faces at them. jake is cute.
eventually, your time was unfortunately up and it was time for you and jake to part ways with the cute little puppies. jake seemed sulky at the fact that he couldn't spend the rest of his day at the puppy café, but he knew that there was still a plethora of things for you guys to do.
you soon spotted an arcade that specialized in only ufo machines which awakened jake's competitive side.
"i'm not stopping until i win you something," jake declared as he inserted cash into the coin exchange machine. "jake, you know that could take hours, right?" you chuckled in response, "these things are literally impossible to win; it's how arcades make a ton of money from goobers like us who think they can win a prize."
"well, you haven't seen me work these machines like a total pro," jake grinned with confidence after stopping in front of a machine filled with some of the cutest plushies you've ever seen, "watch and learn, y/n, and maybe you'll become a pro too." you rolled your eyes playfully at jake's confident-talk, watching him as he ever so slightly moved the handle of the ufo catcher. you could lie to yourself and say you didn't have a tiny bit of confidence in him but by the way things were looking, that confidence began to slip away. and alas, jake, not surprisingly, did not succeed at winning something for you, and you couldn't help but chuckle.
"i'm really loving those pro skills you've got there," you poked fun at jake, making him put on a pouty face. "hey! that was a warm-up! i haven't done this in awhile, but i'll show you my real skills now," jake remarked with the same confidence he had in the beginning.
"i love your confidence," you said sarcastically as jake jokingly glared in your direction. "yeah, i know you do," jake bickered back while putting coins in another machine's slot.
jake was unbelievably cute when he was focused; you almost forgot that you two were playfully arguing just a few minutes before because of how much you were staring at him. you were startled at the sound of the ufo catcher's 'try again' noise and began to giggle at jake again.
"i'm really not gonna stop," jake told you sternly, "i, jake sim, hereby promises to win you something."
"you're such a dork," you snickered with a soft smile forming on your face.
jake's dedication to his little promise was beginning to surprise you as he tried again and again on the ufo catchers, trying multiple to see if he would have more luck with one than the other. you've truly never seen jake be so focused on something, and it was silly that this was the first situation in which you witnessed a focused jake.
"let's gaur!" you heard jake practically scream, "finally!" he pulled the plushie out of the disposal hole and basically shoved it in your face.
"wow, look at you," you fake-praised jake, "such a ufo machine pro. it only took you a good hour." though you teased him, you were actually warm and fuzzy inside because of how excited he was. "look! isn't it cute?" jake showed it off to you as he gently pet its head. "definitely not cuter than you," you flirted, making jake blush, "c'mon, let's go and explore more before it gets darker out there." you chuckled at the realization that jake was playing so hard that it the sun had gone down.
plushie in hand, you and jake strolled down the street until you encountered an ice cream stand. "jake, jake, jake," you pestered him playfully, pulling his sleeve, "we should get ice cream! after all, you worked hard to get this little guy, right?" jake blushed again, accepting your ice cream offer.
you greeted the ice cream stand employee with a sweet smile before ordering something for yourself and jake who looked like an excited puppy that was waiting for a treat.
after getting your order, you continued your stroll.
"hey, lemme take you somewhere."
your hand was clasped to jake's as he walked you down several streets until you finally arrived at the destination. you never thought that you'd see such a beautiful sight in real life.
"do you like it?" jake asked with puppy eyes as you gazed up at the gorgeous cherry blossoms in the moonlight.
"no," you responded, scaring jake a little bit, "i love it."
jake's face was so flushed that it almost matched the color of the falling cherry blossom petals.
in (comfortable) silence, you both continued to walk around the secluded cherry blossom park that jake took you to until you reached a bench to take a rest on.
things were still silent as the night breeze blew, making more petals scatter. jake rested his head on your shoulder which caused your stomach to fill with butterflies.
"hey, jake?" you broke the silence.
"thank you."
"...making me feel like the luckiest girl in the world."
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a/n: another one done 😩 the next chapter will be even easier for me to write since i've been thinking about it for ages now lol but anyway, thank you all for reading <3 it means the world to me
taglist: @axartia @jjhmk @jayroseyy @ayohahaha @asaheyow @bunhoons @red-xherry @duolingofanaccount @lix-freckle3 @leeis @green-orangeade @imbaeksbae @sunghoonmybeloved @jeondolly @lalalalawon @jckeplanet @meinapricity @jjkshies @bubbleseo @cherryunie @bently-baby @fluffypiesstuff @teti-menchon0604 @rjsmochii @omgjwon @sunshine-skz @wy1999t @oceanyocean @nyfwyeonjun @mxshimoo @multifandombtvh @donghyckl @jinsfavoritedoll @brownsugarbaybee @heehee01 @mesopret @heesitation @heeverseblog @yoursjaeyun @mklhyvn @crazydelulu @kyurizeu @ineedsomezzz @beeomgui @graythecoffeebean
taglist update: i removed those who i have not ever been able to tag in any of my posts. if you do not see yourself on here and want to be tagged, please send an ask and check your tag settings before asking. thank you <3
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channoticedmeuwu · 1 year
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ミ♡ !! ୨🤍୧ ⁸⁹ ↻🍬
p — CHOI LINE × FEM!READER | g — crack, fluff, teenage love type romance | w — beomgyu's is a bit morally grey, mentions of harassment in beomgyu's
A/N — hehehehheehhe this was kinda self indulgent, enjoy !!!
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got an insane fashion sense. calls you before hang outs to confirm if his outfit is hitting or nah. always consumes social media but insists he'll never post, and if he does, it'll be deleted by the next week. started out super excited for ig but now has a black pfp with no posts. begs you to get the apps he uses, telling you it'll be, “funnn pleasee!!!” really flirty. isn't aware of how hard he's gatekeeping his looks until he gets a few compliments for being photogenic (which he's super shy about when he realizes it's not a joke !!!). has a skincare and haircare routine, well groomed and good at whatever he does.
if platonic— your hype man. begs you to send him everything you know about the person you're interested in. finesses his way into getting you an inside scoop. happens to know a lot of people and always introduces you to new people. doesn't share his food unless you beg for it, but really easily convinced because he's a people pleaser. tells you he's okay with everything but has a very visually expressive face— so you can tell what the poor boy's thinking the entire time. insists he's okay with your choices (like a place to eat or something) even if he isn't. gets upset when you post without sending him the pics beforehand.
if romantic— ghosts. no sugar coating, (accidentally) ghosts. overthinks everything, tries to make it look he's not overly interested, but accidentally ends up not speaking forever and it makes it worse. slides up on your stories instead of just liking it a lottt. compares you to attractive popular characters in cartoons & shows to boost your mood. a lot of touches !!! hand grazing, shoulder bumping, pushing, shoving, arm wrestling, YOU NAME IT !!!! got you covered on money too, running less? he's got u.
gets super quiet when overstimulated, follows you around like a silent puppy. holds your hand, super shy. you see him droop his head while he's sitting down, falling asleep, and you let him rest his head on your shoulder. gets super happy at that, cuddles up to your arm and hides his face w his hand when you ask him, “you okay?” loves it when you hold his hand. gets his heart beating all crazy but he's so tired n dizzy he doesn't say a word.
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a sweetie. but also super dumb. always up to no good. face timing his friends saying he'll be late to the meetup because his car fell into a ditch. kind of gullible, can't tell if you're being genuine or just joking. asks you if you, “really meant it?” and you have to assure the dumbass that you were just joking. and then, he breathes in and starts laughing so loud 😭😭
asks you if it's okay to make an inappropriate joke because he doesn't want to offend you. and you have to remind him that you've been friends forever, of course he can. and he sucks in a breath, shy and telling you it didn't matter— he needed to get confirmation. again, like yeonjun, finesses his way into doing you favors. once you couldn't sign up for an extra class on time and lost your opportunity— and he goes out of his way to talk to the professor, and doesn't back down until you're in. again, your wingman, giving you high fives everytime you tell him how you made a smooth move on your crush. makes a lot of puns— whispers the stupidest jokes ab being single to you during class and gives you a fist bump after the both of you are struggling to breathe.
and his fashion sense, he's the greatest shopping partner !!! gets drinks with you first, then the both of you go around talking about crush issues and how people are so difficult to communicate with sometimes !! grabs about 5 different tops and asks you to stand in front and place each one over your body. then tilts his head, and either says yes or no. gets super excited when he sees something that'll compliment you a lot, and forces you to try it on. when you ask him how he knows so much about women's clothing and style, he says, “dude, I got like two older sisters right it's just. I know.”
once you were rush shopping when you two had to 1. buy clothes during peak sale season for his sisters, you & him, 2. grab food for about five people, and 3. make it to the car to be on your way to a friend meetup. all in 30 minutes. you've never seen such a tall guy push you towards the counter (which had a line of about 17 people !?!?), run around a store grabbing clothes and throw them at you, and then run out to the food court.
and then, he called you right before your turn, asking you, “WHAT THE FUCK WERE EVERYONE'S ORDERS!?!?” and you yelled at him, “DUDE!? WHAT WERE DOING FOR THE LAST 10 MINUTES.” and he yelled back with a, “LOOKING FOR THE BATHROOM. THE WORKERS ARE STARING AT ME CAN YOU TELL ME EVERYONE'S ORDERSSSS!?!?” in his hurry, he forgot to mention the order was a take out, so then he was hurriedly stuffing everyone's food into take out bags and really close to tears.
in the end, you two made it in time with so many shopping bags, everyone in the mall was wondering what the fuck two teenagers were running towards the exit like they were being chased.
but if he got a crush on you— he's the most observant person ever. has a type but says he's okay with everything. notices the smallest details ever, like which part of your face lights up first when you're about to smile, or your fav fruits or what you like to do in your free time. socially awkward so he doesn't know how to talk to you. his height got him towering over every one, doesn't realize it's a perk because he's so tall !!!!!! asks his friends to tag along when he wants to hang out with you because he can't bear being alone with you. compliments you— then asks you right after if that was okay or too personal?
cheery, super corny, always giggling. asks if you two can get food, but right after, follows it up with how two more people will also be there because he doesn't want it to be weird. but then, realizes he might have over shared that info, so he's gushing with a blush and telling you “not that I don't want to be alone with you!!!” but that also sounds so suspicious, so he just shuts up. and you have to tell him with a giggle that you get it, don't worry. and he gives u a grateful smile, pressing his lips together and smacking your arm a bit.
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nothing like the people he talks to— is somehow the bestest of friends with them. everyone's (self proclaimed) chauffeur, he's always driving people everywhere. just needs an excuse to drive in big cars (not even his....) and takes a lot of selfies. every pic of him with his friends is either him kissing their cheek, or being the one who's getting kissed.
fashionably late to hang outs. tells everyone its cuz he got lost. calling everyone with a lot of traffic in the back, saying, “GUYS WHAT WAY CAN YOU SEND YOUR LIVE LOCATIONS.” is the unemployed friend meme. always calling people randomly on a Tuesday afternoon and being like “I'm lost....” and he's fucking hours away.
once you all had decided to drive over towards a water park that opened up about two hours away from the city, and boy, was he excited. “IM DRIVING. FUCK OFF NO, IM DRIVING.” slaps people's wrist if they reach over to change the music. doesn't let anyone but his bestie (aka taehyun) change the music. his car takes all da bois 🫦🤟🔥 is also the reason da bois are lost.
gets to the place an hour late. and tells NO ONE. you all walk into the hut you rented and see beomgyu and his boys hogging all the food, under the impression they haven't even arrived. mouth stuffed, blinking and whining to defend himself after he was caught in the act, “YOU GUYS WERE HAVING FUN, I— WE THOUGHT WE COULD HAVE A BITE!!!!!” he paid for everyone's meals that day.
super protective and flirty. lives to see the expression on your face after he teases you constantly. smacks your head from the back, blows raspberries at you, frowns at you rudely, tells you that you smell like shit. but doesn't know what to do if you get upset from his words— whispers that he didn't actually mean it, and you're one of the prettiest people he knows, and that he's sorry & he'll never do it again, and that he never intended to hurt you— you just looked super cute angry at him, and asks you over and over if you've forgiven him and promises he'll never do it again. and when you finally agree, he doesn't leave your side, always trying to cheer you up or something, gives up his food to you or throws in a compliment here or there, or playfully hypes you up.
is actually super passionate too, so if you're dating him, be prepared for a lot of pda !!!! (if ur ok with it, ofc) grabs your shoulders from the back and asks you, lips against your ear, if you got your hair done. from a simple hand in your back pocket to a hand around your shoulder, beomgyu loved to feel you near him. always brushing his long hair out of his eyes, has a habit of biting his lips as he playfully pinches your shoulder, teasing you, “you can't pinch me harderrr— OW! Y/N, Y/N, STOP— OWWW!!”
he's the type to give partner privilege, if no one is allowed to touch the music in his car— well, you're an exception. always picking fights with people he doesn't know, has you pulling him, “shut up!!!! you're embarrassing!!!!” always asking you if you'd go to the party with him, squeezes you in even if you're not on the list bc he got links with everyone.
really protective of those he cares about because he knows how people can be, and their intentions. once, he was standing there awkwardly while you were comforting your friend because of her stupid asshole of an ex, who won't stop driving up to her house to scare her. beomgyu promised that he wouldn't let that happen to her again, “any friend of y/n's, I gotchu.”
forced said ex to make an apology video where beomgyu and his friends stood behind the camera, holding a script for the ex to read. “‘and to (friend's name) and y/n, I'm so—’ I am not saying that.” and beomgyu bent forward, “what did you say? say that again.”
and the ex, distressing, held his hands up front as beomgyu got closer, “OKAY MAN. FINE !!! ‘(friend's name) AND Y/N. IM SORRY, IM SO SO SORRY, MWWWWAH!!!!’ HAPPY?”
and you could hear beomgyu and his friends chuckle from behind the camera as they picked up the phone, “yeah, that kiss was the greatest idea ever. wait til I send y/n this.”
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txt — masterlist
main taglist (hmu to get added!) — @koishua @navyhyuck @allegxdly @daystiny  @kdyism  @neotism  @bluejaem  @radiorenjun  @sleepylixie @oifelixcmerebrou @mrkcore @imdamnconfused  @sicluvz @abhirami20 @tyongishs @emvrd @brxght-world @1921choi @bangchansbae
I’d appreciate if you’d give me a little feedback on the drabble if you read, whether it’s an ask, a reply or in the tags of the rb! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
A Dangerous Game Ch 18
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Emily Prentiss x reader Warnings: language, major alcohol consumption, more terrible coping skills, toxic exes, usual case work.
The next morning in DC was a bit of a whirlwind and Emily was kicking herself for sending the majority of her team off in the field, although the Dewald case was more of a need to know situation at this point. Her and Rossi, along with Will’s team and a SWAT team burst into both the warehouse and apartment Garcia had tracked down promptly at nine am. They found someone in the apartment, but it wasn’t Dewald, a potential new accomplice that they promptly brought in for questioning. They searched through the entire space, bagging up a couple of tablets, a laptop and a burner phone for Garcia to crack through. Over at the warehouse they found most of the more illegal stuff, a second laptop, surveillance equipment, souvenirs from previous killings, a fishing knife kit and a crate with two (thankfully alive) cats.
While it wasn’t as successful as Emily had been hoping, she knew that Garcia would be able to work her magic and find something that would lead them straight to him on the electronics. She gave the order to get everything over to the BAU asap so they could start searching.
Across the country you and Derek buckled up for another day of hell, him insisting that you at least get half a bagel into your stomach. You only agreed because he was withholding caffeine until you did so, grumbling as you finally got into the car. Shortly after lunch you were sent a blessing and Skylar was called away to an arraignment and you were finally able to slip from under her thumb and actually get some time out in the field following a couple of leads that had popped up that morning.
The next five days went on just like that while you continued to work the case. Derek watched as you struggled to continue treading water, barely managing to keep yourself above the surface. Skylar just got more and more under your skin with each moment you were forced to spend around her. Your resolve had started to crumble, where you once would get fiery, fight back, you started to just submit, agree that she was right, apologize and move onto something else. She somehow managed to corner you at least once a day if not more, catching you alone in an attempt to persuade you into dinner or drinks.
You knew the only reason you could still breathe was because Derek was being your life preserver, managing to slip into conversation, shutting down Skylar’s moves. Managing to track you down, saying your phone was ringing, or that he’d found something, or even that it was just time to go for the day. He let you have your space, alternating his running times from yours so you’d have some time in the hotel room to yourself, knowing each time he returned by the redness in your eyes you’d been crying. He never once scolded you or shamed you, never tried to wrestle a cigarette from your fingers or force you to leave the hotel bar. He was simply just there, making sure you were still afloat.
The two of you had managed to escape the precinct for lunch on Friday, Derek trusting your choice of a local diner that had been one of your favourite spots when you lived there. He was relieved when you were actually eating the burger you’d ordered, rather than just picking at the fries. Conversation was limited, mainly shooting ideas back and forth about the unsub, but you were finally perking up being away from Skylar and knowing you were close to closing your case. An alert in his phone went off, he glanced toward it and smiled before swiping it away.
“Savannah?” You asked over a bite of food.
“Nah, well, kinda. I have flowers delivered to her apartment every Friday, just the delivery notification.”
“Gross.” You groaned, rolling your eyes and he laughed.
“Hey, I never asked about the date with Maya, that was what? Two weeks ago? How’d it go?”
“Ugh…” you dropped your head into your hands, running them over your face.
“That bad?”
“No.” You huffed. It wasn’t Maya, and honestly the rest of that Friday had been wonderful. It was the aftermath in the following couple of days that seemed to all start that night. The last Friday you’d spent with Emily, the following one she’d sent you across the country. Thanks to your lack of sleep and focussing on the case, you hadn’t even realized it was Friday until Derek brought it up, “she was fine, cute, nice, we just didn’t mesh. And the restaurant? Geeze! Way too fancy.” Derek chuckled.
“I always tell her she goes too big on the first date.”
“Yeah? You should tell her to let her dates order for themselves.”
“Oh god.” He winced, “I thought she’d stopped doing that. She just likes to try and impress.”
“Not my style.”
“Noted.” He grinned at you and you rolled your eyes.
“If you’re about to say something about next time, I will shoot you right here in this booth.”
“Okay, okay.” He surrendered.
Your phone started buzzing on the table top and both your eyes glanced toward it as you reached for it, the conversation was brief and Derek watched your body tense while your free hand dug out your wallet before hanging up and turning to him.
“They spotted our guy, we’ve gotta go.”
That evening a very tired Derek returned to the hotel room, taking advantage of the alone time to soak in the shower and relish in the fact that you’d caught the unsub. It was only a matter of last minute paperwork in the morning before you could head back home. He tossed on some pyjamas, flicking on the tv as he cracked one of the beers he’d picked up on his way back. Settling against the headboard he got comfortable, picking up his phone and scrolling mindlessly for a bit, chatting with Savannah and the promise of weekend plans once he was home. End credits of the movie that had been playing began to roll across the screen and he shook out of his trance, picking up his phone again to dial Emily’s number.
“Hey, sorry it’s late.”
“Don’t worry about it, I’m still at the office.”
“You get your guy?”
“Unfortunately no.” She sighed, “Will’s got guys monitoring traffic cams, Garcia and I are going through mountains of tech we found during the raid. Wouldn’t be surprised if we’re here all night. You get your guy?”
“Yeah. Wilson did one hell of a job talking him down, I was impressed.”
“Can I talk to her for a sec?”
“She’s not here.” He replied and Emily sighed into the phone.
“You know, for an FBI agent she sure runs a lot at night.”
“Easier to clear your head before bed.” Derek offered with a chuckle, “but she’s uh… she’s out with Carver.”
“What?! Morgan! I told you to”—
“I know, I know. Carver’s been pestering her all fucking week about it, coffee, drinks, dinner, lunch, letting her drive her back to the hotel. It’s been a lot of pressure. Wilson said something to me about trying to distract herself cause it was Friday and then said to her, and I quote ‘if I say yes to one fucking drink will you leave me the fuck alone?’ She’s probably already back downstairs at the hotel bar.”
“Okay.” She let out a weary breath, “tell her I said good job when you see her? She hasn’t picked up her phone all week.”
“Yeah she thinks you’re still pissed about her little field trip.”
“I figured. Thanks for keeping an eye on her, I’ll see you guys Monday.”
“Yeah. Night.”
Emily hung up the phone with a groan, pocketing it and picking up the two mugs on the counter in front of her before winding her way through the halls of the BAU until she was entering Penelope’s bat cave.
“What can I help with?”
“You’re still here?” The blonde turned in her chair, a surprised expression on her face as she accepted the coffee.
“May as well distract myself with work.”
“Hey… just cause we didn’t catch him today doesn’t mean he got away. He’s still in the city, we’ve just gotta figure out where.”
“It’s not that.”
“What’s up buttercup? Derek said their case was an easy close.” Her head tilted in Emily’s direction who let out a sigh over the rim of her cup, choosing to ignore the blonde as she picked up a case file. Penelope let the silence take over, returning to the deep dive she was doing through Dewald’s phones. Three minutes later Emily finally spoke.
“Wilson’s out with her ex….”
“Okay, so?” Garcia raised a brow, “they’re out for a drink. Carver’s a toxic pos who hurt her like hell, who lives all the way across the country, and you my fine furry friend, live right here in DC. There’s a pretty big bonus in your column and some very large cons in hers. It’s one night, if they sleep together, they sleep together.”
“I don’t want them sleeping together!” Emily absolutely was jealous, she knew she was jealous, she could feel the burning in her gut, the similar burning that had been there all week, causing her one hell of an acid reflux flare up. And by the look on Penelope’s face, she knew it too.
“Hmm… looks like you’re finally admitting it to yourself. You know denial’s not a good colour on you.”
“I hate you sometimes, you know that?”
“You love me.” She grinned, leaning in to kiss the other woman’s forehead.
“Get back to work.” Emily scolded, pushing Penelope’s chair so she rolled back to her workspace with a small giggle.
“Alright boss.”
It was nearly one thirty when Derek heard something thump against the hotel room door, a slight fumbling of the door knob before the lock finally beeped and you tumbled into the room. You teetered a bit as you shoved off your shoes, dropping your coat and bag down onto a chair with a hiccup as you struggled to get your phone out of your purse.
“Must’ve been one strong drink.” He teased from his spot on the bed and in your attempt to spin around and scowl at him you toppled to the side, tripping over one of your shoes and landing with a ‘humph’ half on his bed half on the floor. “Okay baby girl, let’s get you sorted.”
He slipped off the bed with no worry, wrapping a secure arm around you and guiding you to the edge of your bed. He grabbed a make up wipe from the basin and you grumbled, tossing it to the ground with a pout and he huffed, shaking his head.
“Alright, leave it on. You wanna change or no?”
“Jus lemme sleep…” you slurred, avoiding his gaze as you looked to the floor and he could see your shoulders slumping already and was pretty sure it wasn’t from the alcohol.
“Well you’re gonna be uncomfortable enough in the morning, can we at least get you out of your jeans?” He asked and when you looked up you stuck your tongue out at him,
“Fine, you leave ‘em on.”
“No.” You whined, fingers fumbling with your belt before you huffed loudly looking back up at him, “help?”
He couldn’t ignore the misting of tears in your eyes, pausing a moment before talking you through what he was going to do, not wanting you to freak out any further. The moment the denim was kicked off your legs you crawled your way up the bed and shoved yourself under the blankets. He turned to the mini fridge,
“Hey,” he nudged at your shoulder, “drink some water for me, please?”
You grumbled at him in response, only taking the bottle after he’d raised a brow in your direction to take a couple of smaller sips before tossing it to the nightstand and flicking off that light. You shifted under the covers, pulling them up to your chin and rolling onto your side like every other night, your back to Derek. The tv was still on, but he turned the volume down, his eyes drifting between it and you.
It started out as small sniffles, shaky breaths as you tried to hide it from him, if you hadn’t been so drunk you would’ve been incredibly embarrassed and likely tried to go hide in the washroom. But your sorrow had you paralyzed to the spot, unable to feel anything but the tears running down your cheeks. You couldn’t hold it in, a wavering gasp forcing its way through your lips and that was the breaking of any resolve you had. A moment later and you felt the bed shift with Derek’s weight, cold air on your back as he shifted the covers, sinking in behind you and wrapping his body around yours, tucking you under his chin.
“Roll over.” He urged gently, nudging at your shoulder until you did, knowing he wasn’t going to move until you did. He tucked you into the crook of his neck as you cried, kissing the top of your head.
“You…” you hiccupped “yo have a girlfrien.”
“And you don’t like dick. She won’t care.” He murmured, one of his hands reassuringly rubbing at your back, feeling you nestle closer to him, “you need to let it out. It’ll be okay, I promise princess.” He was surprised when his reassuring resulted in a louder cry from you, your body shaking in his arms.
“Don call me that… please.”
“Okay, okay, sorry sweetheart.” He squeezed at you softly.
“She… she usta call me that.” You cried, struggling over your slurred words, “an’ now she hates me! She hates me… and I.. I... can’t stop loving her.”
“No!” You half coughed half hiccupped and he pulled back a bit, worried that you might be about to throw up. You glanced up at him, tears pooling in your reddened eyes, mascara streaked down your cheeks, “Emily…” you sobbed again, burying yourself into his chest, “thought… she cared.” You shook against him, “an’ she broke me. But.. but I still love her. M’so stupid.”
You collapsed against him and the bed, cries muffled by the pillows as your body continued to tremble and Derek let out a sigh, holding your tighter to him. A sense of realization washed over him, he’d been right about it not just being work, but there being some kind of crossover between the two issues. He pressed another kiss to the top of your head, rubbing at your back as your cries started to get quieter until you’d finally sobbed yourself to sleep.
Emily had fallen asleep, her head in her arms on Penelope’s desk when her phone buzzed once, then twice, then a third time and she finally roused from her slumber. She picked up the device, squinting at it while she blinked to be able to read the screen.
“They find something?”
“No. It’s my doorbell cam.”
“You live in an apartment.” The blonde replied with a chuckle.
“Yeah, the super let it slide considering I’m FBI. I installed one over the buzzer.” Suddenly her phone began ringing and she nearly jumped, fully waking up, “Oh my god! Its him!”
“What?!” Penelope jumped into action, her fingers dialing DC local pd’s number.
“It makes sense, he’s been outside my place every Friday for months.”
“So go!” The blonde urged her, it was far too early to really be able to function, especially considering they’d been at it all night but someone at DC metro would be ready to go, and this was their prime time.
Derek woke up to a cold bed, which at first made sense so he just rolled over. Then he heard the sound of you gagging, followed by a cry before the very clear sound of you puking. When it didn’t stop he slipped from under the covers to go check on you.
You were hunched over the toilet bowl, feeling like absolute garbage, physically and emotionally. The guilt and embarrassment from last night was strong enough on its own without the pounding headache, churning stomach and overall shakiness. You felt something cold rub against your shoulder before a bottle of Gatorade came into your peripheral vision and you realized you hadn’t closed the door.
“So much for one drink.” Derek’s teased, “cause I know you’re not pregnant.”
“Ha-ha.” You replied dryly, barely able to glance up at him before you vomited again. Coughing a bit, you spat into the toilet, your stomach seemed to slowly be calming down, that, and you didn’t have much left to throw up.
“What happened?” Derek asked, settling on the side of the bath tub.
“Fucking Skylar.” You muttered, staying perched over the toilet bowl just in case, “supposed to split a jug of sangria. Bitch did what she always did, nursed her glass and a half while continually topping up mine while I wasn’t looking, add in a couple of tequila shots….”
“You with her all night?” He asked and you finally leant back, shooting him a glare while you snatched the Gatorade.
“No.” Cracking open the bottle you took a couple of sips, “I had enough sense to get out of there but she followed me out when I was waiting for the cab.” You sighed, cautiously drinking some more of the drink as your resolve started to waver, “and then she kissed me. And I fucking let her. Like some idiot who didn’t remember what she did all those years ago. But I was already drunk, and all I could think about was how they say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else but that’s basically impossible. Then I felt so fucking guilty about the kiss I was downstairs drinking til they cut me off.”
You stomach flip flopped again and you lurched forward, vomiting again, this time you continued gagging until it was nothing but stomach acid. You felt Derek’s hand coming to rub circles on your back, calming your trembling body, somehow helping the spins slow down.
“You know, this is why Savannah and I do our best not to talk work, once you start mixing church and state things get messy. Just talk to Prentiss, open communication and try not to sulk around the house too much.”
“Who said anything about Prentiss?” You groaned, slowly sitting back, leaning against the wall behind you, side eyeing the Gatorade, wondering if it could be trusted yet.
“You did. Last night.” He replied and you risked a glance up at him, “listen, I’m not one to usually bring up things people say when they’re that drunk, but you need to talk this out with someone. You’re hurting. And I’m worried. Why do you think she hates you so much?”
You let out a sigh, rolling your head so you were looking up at him, surveying him for a moment as if you were wondering if you could trust him. Scooping up the Gatorade you distracted yourself with a tiny sip.
“The night she kicked me off the case, she told me to come over. I thought I was walking into an apology, a conversation about moving forward with our relationship and instead she had a whole lot of yelling to do and dumped me. If you can even call it that, we weren’t even technically together.”
“What’d you mean by that?” He asked and you sighed again.
“I can’t believe I’m telling you this.” You muttered, “and you are sworn to fucking secrecy, you cannot tell anyone.”
“Promise.” He raised a finger, drawing an x over his heart.
“We met at a bar the night before I started at the BAU. No work talk, no last names, just fun. When I woke up in the morning she was already gone.”
“Must’ve been one hell of a surprise when you got to work.” He smirked and you scowled at him.
“We knew we couldn’t do it again so we resolved to just be friends, but that didn’t last long. Trips out of town meant rooming together, one thing lead to another and we created this unspoken rule that if we were out of town it didn’t count.”
“Didn’t you guys disappear from Rossi’s together?”
“Yeah. And there wasn’t a case, obviously. I spent the whole weekend at her place, we figured being friends with benefits wasn’t so bad, it wouldn’t affect work.”
“But you were both lying to yourselves.”
“Obviously.” You groaned, taking a sip of Gatorade. “Then you set me up with Maya and it kinda all clicked. I didn’t enjoy the date because she wasn’t Emily. Who, admitted she was jealous and I thought we were good, but there was something off about her that weekend, she got freaked out, cold feet, and that was two weeks ago.”
Derek paused, letting you have a moment to yourself as a tear escaped the corner of your eye and you swiped it away, sniffling softly.
“Do you really love her?” He asked quietly, and you nodded.
“Yeah… and she doesn’t want me around. Probably waiting for me to hand in transfer papers. Oh god…” you hiccupped again, launching forward as you started to puke once more.
“You need a break, a vacation, away from nasty exes.” He rubbed at your back when his phone pinged, moving around you in a half hug motion, dropping a kiss to the top of your head, “and I know whatever mean things she said to you were in the moment and not true. Try to stop dwelling on them, even though I know they probably hurt like hell. I’ve gotta go into the precinct.”
“Yeah.” You groaned, “just give me five.”
“Oh no baby girl.” He chuckled, “it’s just wrap up paperwork. You stay here, try to get some sleep, I’ll pick you up on the way to the jet.”
“You’re a lifesaver.” You muttered, doing your best not to heave as you smiled in his direction before he disappeared from the bathroom.
As he thought, a few extra hours of sleep (even if half of it was on the bathroom floor) helped your physical well being. You were still a little shaky as you got on the jet, but you were at least keeping down the water and saltines. You let out a little humph as you crossed your arms, leaning back in the chair you were in, glaring at Derek as he sprawled out on the couch. He let out a little chuckle, knowing why you were grumpy,
“You can sleep perfectly fine in the chairs too.”
“Couch is comfier.” You countered and he laughed again.
“If you were sick I’d give it up, but this is self inflicted, your loss.”
You huffed, pausing for a moment until a wicked grin took over your lips, “remember when you asked about the mile high club?”
“Yeah?” He raised a curious brow in your direction.
“Emily fucked me right where you’re sitting.”
Derek scrambled up off the couch, throwing a pillow in your direction with a disturbed look on his face.
“We both know they don’t detail the jet that often!” He yelped and you took the opportunity to scurry across the jet to take over the couch.
Derek would have been more offended as he settled into the chair you’d been in, but it was the first time all week he’d seen you genuinely smile. The laugh echoing through the air, your lips in a wide grin as you curled up under a blanket on the couch and he began to laugh too, more than happy to see you smiling again.
@mickey-gomez @momlifebehard @melindawarnersgf @itisdoctortoyousir @emilyprentiss4life @somethingimaginative17 @temilyrights @alexxavicry @daddy-heather-dunbar @evilregal2002 @aliensaurusrex @rustyzebra @ilovemycrayons @mandy-asimp @thegrantwater @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @m00nkn1ghts @augustvandyne @supercriminalbean @daffodil-heart @msvenablesbitch @its-soph-xx  @going-gray @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @hopelesslyfallenninlove @peanutbutterprincess  @kdaghay @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @awolfcsworld @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @s1ut4nat @midnight-sapphic @scorpsik @thisisraes @prentiss-theorem @unsubologyy @strongsassysexysloane @svushots @overtrred28 @hbkswife @happenstnces  @sapphicprentiss
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cozy-mp3 · 2 years
positive reenforcement
abby x female!reader
when she tries, abby is a very good motivator
word count: 3.8k(ish)
warnings: nsfw (minors will be blocked), reader and abby bicker (lovingly), i have never in my sparred with anyone so that part might be written terribly, oral, kissing, a lil bit of biting, overstimulation (kinda), abby is mean(ish) but in a cute way, they say i love you two (2) times
a/n: i havent written porn in a while so hopefully i havent lost my touch 😼 i felt like we needed something cute + lighthearted after the last abby fic, i didn’t expect it to get so long but whatever we made it anyway. idk what im gonna post next but im working on a couple things that im excited to unleash on u all. i hope u enjoy, mwah
“c’mon, get up,” abby huffs, her head tilted so you can see her disapproving eyes, “you can do it, you know you can,” she adds a little more gently when she’s met with a miserable look in response, you can feel sweat collecting at your temples and you can only manage a quiet sound of discomfort as you reach your tired arms up to wipe it away. you don’t know how long you’ve been stuck in the gym with abby, but she’s laid you flat on your back on the mats at least five times already and you’d only started sparring after she’d lead you through a regular workout.
“‘m tired, abs,” you complain in a way that is whiny enough to irritate her had it come from anyone else, though it’s hard to care when your shirt is stuck to your back with sweat and your muscles ache in a way you know means more pain in the morning. abby is unmoved by your whining, as she often is, and she even gives you a performative eye roll as she reaches down and offers a hand to help you up to your feet again.
“you’ve beaten me before,” she tells you when you’re stood before her, your body falling forward until your forehead is pressed to her strong shoulder, her skin is damp with a light layer of sweat but you can’t find it within yourself to move from where you’re leaning against her, “stop being dramatic,” she chuckles, her hand resting on the back of your neck where her thumb rubs circles into your warm skin, “you almost had me this last time,” she hums as she gives your neck an encouraging squeeze.
“you’re too strong,” you mumble against her, your eyes shut tight to block out the harsh white lights of the gym as you soak up this moment of rest, “i can’t beat you,” you sigh, turning your head to rest your cheek against the width of her shoulder so you can crack open one of your eyelids to look at her. her cheeks are tinged a little pink from exertion and her hair is disheveled from the two of you wrestling each other, her brows are furrowed in thought and she furrows them even more when she turns to meet your eyes, contorting her face until she makes you laugh.
“you took down a shambler the other day, i watched you do it,” she says as she gently pushes you away from her, her hands resting on your shoulders and her eyes steady on yours, “and you took down manny last week,” she adds, giving your shoulders another reassuring squeeze.
“manny goes easy on me,” you retort with another sigh, your lips tugging downwards into a frown, “and i had a rifle when we were on patrol, it’s different,” you continue, your voice taking on a more defeated tone as you avert your eyes from hers. she lets out a heavy breath through her nose and squeezes your shoulders again, her thumbs massaging little circles into your sore muscles as she pauses to think again.
“one more time?,” she asks softly, one of her hands leaving your shoulder so she can nudge your chin with her knuckle until you’ve angled your face towards her again, “try one more time for me and i’ll make it worth it, ok?” she urges and that catches your attention, because abby doesn’t often offer you rewards, it’s just not the way she shows her affection, she’s shy with her love most of the time and shows it to you in ways you’ve learned to spot instead of gestures that make it obvious to those around you. 
“worth it how?,” you ask, your brows rising in curiosity and your previous mood lifting, it’s exciting to receive things from your girlfriend, sue you. abby’s lips quirk into a smile at your reaction and she leans over to kiss briefly, her lips catching your cheek as well before she pulls away to look at you.
“that’s for me to know and for you to find out,” she tells you, lightly flicking your nose as she steps away from you and walks across the mats to face you, “you remember what we talked about?,” she asks as she settles into a comfortable crouched stance in front of you, the bulge of the muscles in her thighs pronounced as she squats slightly, her hands held in front of her face in loose fists.
“yeah, i remember,” you nod, stretching your hands above your head and leaning to each side to ease out the tightness building in your hips before you match abby’s posture, bending at your knees and leaning forward slightly to balance yourself. she begins to pace a wide circle around the mats that you mirror, not allowing your back to face her and keeping your eyes trained on hers to try to preempt her next movement.
abby makes the first move after she grows impatient with your passivity, her body lunging towards yours quickly but not so quick it’s impossible to dodge. you’ve sparred with her more times than you can count and over the course of your relationship she’s spent a lot of time teaching you how to overpower other people, especially those larger than you. it’s her way of being both protective and respectful of your boundaries, making sure that you can defend yourself so that she doesn’t feel the urge to smother you to keep you safe because, as you’ve had to point out to her before, you’re a grown woman who’s fully capable of caring for herself. 
she’s always instructed you to go for the legs, to get people on the ground so it’s easier to overwhelm them, so you can get a knife in their neck or their side, anywhere that will either kill them or wound them enough that you’re able to put some distance between you both so you can put a bullet in their head. it isn’t often you’re in situations where it’s necessary for you to get into physical altercations with people due to the gun you carry, but you’re not out of practice and it doesn’t take long for you to spot an opportunity to sweep abby’s legs out from under her.
it feels like she’s one step ahead of you when she rights herself again quickly, her feet hardly stumbling before she’s stable again and lunging towards you, trying to wrap her arms around your middle. you know it’ll be impossible to get her off of you once she’s pinned you to the floor so it’s with a frustrated noise you hook one of your legs around one of hers again, pulling her towards your body until she falls toward you. 
you can feel abby’s hand cupping the back of your head as the two of you fall to the mats and you can’t help but let a smile tug at the corner of your lips, she’s sweet, even if she’ll never admit it. as much as you’d like to lay down and accept defeat just on the off chance she’s down for a sweaty cuddle while you catch your breath, you want to beat abby now, partly because you want to prove to yourself that you can but mostly because you want whatever it is she’s promising. 
you use the time it takes her to recoup from being pulled to the ground to your advantage and wrap your legs around her waist, pulling her towards you and using all your bodyweight to flip the two of you over so that she lands on her back with a grunt. she tries to buck your body off of hers but you hold tight and manage to wrap an arm around the width of her shoulders, holding her against your chest until you can correct the hold so that it cuts off her breathing.
she continues struggling against you until the lack of air becomes unbearable, at which point she desperately taps three times against your thigh to admit defeat. you loosen the hold of your arms immediately but leave your legs wrapped loosely around her as you both regain your breath, hers coming in harsh, breathless pants where she lays on the mat.
“hey,” abby calls after a few quiet moments, her hand patting your thigh again until you turn your tired head and look at her, her face still red from exertion and lack of air but still pretty, “told you you could do it,” she smiles, outright laughing when you groan and dig your heel into the firm muscle of her stomach not at all gently. 
“you never miss a chance to say i told you so, huh?,” you ask as abby turns within the hold of your legs, her body laying heavy over yours and her eyes warm with amusement.
“nope, never,” she affirms, leaning down slightly so she can nudge her nose against yours, “i love you,” she adds when the look you’re giving her stubbornly doesn’t shift into a smile, her lips catching the corner of your mouth before you crack and smile up at her.
“love you too, abs,” you hum, squirming beneath her until her weight settles more comfortably against you, you tighten your legs around her middle and squeeze lightly as you reach up and stroke the warm plane of her cheek, “hey, what’s my prize?,” you ask after a few long seconds of the two of you staring at each other, abby’s eyes immediately leaving yours in an eye roll.
“you’re not even gonna let me catch my breath before you start requesting things from me?,” she asks, her voice full of teasing and her brows raised in question, “you’re so demanding, baby,” she sighs as she shakes her head at you. she’s not quick enough to school her expression when you groan in discontent and once the edges of her lips tug into a smile she’s unable to hold back another laugh.
“abigail,” you huff, furrowing your brows into a frown and exhaling harshly in exaggerated frustration, “stop trying to irritate me, you’re supposed to be proud of me,” you her pointedly as you use the hand still cupping her face to poke the soft skin that stretches over her cheekbone, “a good girlfriend would be praising me right now,” you add when she’s still only able to look at you with affectionate amusement.
“a good girlfriend, huh?,” she asks, her tone only getting more teasing as the conversation continues, “when have i ever claimed to be a good girlfriend?,” she questions and at your angry noise of complaint she can’t help but chuckle again. you allow her a few moments to laugh at your misery, just because you like to see her smile, before you start trying to wiggle away from her, making a big show about attempting to get up and leave.
“hey, wait,” abby protests, using one of her hands to hold you still and tilting your chin upwards so she can kiss the corner of your mouth, “you’re so pretty, you know that?,” abby asks, her lips still brushing against yours though she quickly pulls away with a grimace when you pinch the meat of her hip, “ok, ok, flattery doesn’t work, i get it,” she groans and tilts your head again so she can nip at your jaw in retaliation, though it’s more of a scrape of her teeth against your skin that makes your thighs clench around her.
“tell me what i won, anderson,” you insist again, this time widening your eyes into your closest approximation of a kicked puppy and sticking your bottom lip out in a pout that has your girlfriend rolling her eyes but sighing in defeat, you have half a mind to tell her that if she keeps doing it her eyes will get stuck like that but it seems as though you’ve won, so you decide you’ll save it for the next time you’re bickering.
“jesus, ok,” abby acquiesces, her expression still affectionate despite the exasperation in her tone, “your reward,” she starts, her fingers tightening their grip on your jaw as she uses her weight to press you flat against the mats, “is gonna my mouth on your cunt,” she tells you, her eyes trailing over your face for a moment, cataloging the way her blunt nails dig into the soft skin of your cheek before she meets your eyes again, “‘m gonna make you feel so good, it’s positive reinforcement or whatever,” she finishes, leaning down to kiss you briefly.
you can’t quite bring yourself to string a sentence together when she’s done talking, so instead you lean up to press your lips to hers again and wrap your arms around her shoulders, burrowing your nails into the firm muscles beneath her shirt. she sighs happily against your mouth and lets go of your jaw in favor of gripping your hips, her hands sliding beneath the waistband of your exercise pants where she paws a handful of your ass and squeezes until you moan.
“you’re such a good girl,” abby mumbles against your spit slick lips once she’s broken your kiss, her mouth quickly attaching to the juncture of your neck where she bites down on your sensitive skin. she groans as you whimper and uses the hands on your ass to pull your hips upwards and allow the elastic material of your pants to stretch over your hips and down your thighs. she has to lift her body away from yours to continue pulling them down your legs and you reach out to retain contact with her, sliding your hands beneath her shirt and tracing the ridges of her abs.
she gently encourages you to lift your hips up again so she can remove your underwear and the way her eyes drop to stare between your legs makes you squirm with slightly self conscious delight. you know she enjoys giving you oral, she’s told you before how she loves the way you tug her hair, how she loves the way you taste and the way your thighs squeeze around her head when you cum, but it’s still almost surreal to watch the way she looks at you like she’s hungry for it.
“abby, please,” you urge a few long seconds after she’s removed your underwear, using the hand beneath her shirt to squeeze her hip in an attempt to regain her attention, “you’re about to start drooling,” you add with an amused huff of air when she glances up at you as if she’s annoyed you interrupted her staring.
“just admiring,” abby tells you, both of her brows raised in her usual stubborn defiance, “nothing wrong with admiring my girl,” she hums and under any other circumstances you’d be able to respond in turn, to banter back and forth with her until one of you got tired and found some way to shut the other up. this time, however, abby had slid one of her hands up your thigh and before you could even hope to respond the rough, callused pad of her thumb is pressed against your clit leaving you unable to do anything but moan.
“that’s cheating,” you mumble to her once she’s leant down over you, her lips kissing lightly up the arched line of your neck, the skin already sensitive from the bites she’d left there earlier. she doesn’t bother to respond verbally, only letting out a noncommittal grunt before her lips reach your own and her fingers slide lower to glide through the slick wetness of your cunt, the wide heel of her palm pressing up against your swollen clit.
you gasp out another moan against her mouth as she works her fingers against you, never allowing them to enter you fully, only allowing them to begin to sink into the soft clench of you before she pulls them away again. she knows she’s denying you and nothing manages to sway her, not your legs spreading wider to invite her in or your hands clutching desperately at her shoulders, your choked moans into the bulge of her bicep when you turn your head or even when you begin to arch your hips into her, it’s infuriating.
“you’re so desperate for it,” abby teases when she has to sit up in order to hold you down, her firm grip on your hip keeping your body flat against the mats and your thighs laying spread open on top of her own, “you want more?,” she asks, her soaked fingers stroking lightly from your clit to your entrance and back again, her touch is uncharacteristically light and it makes the muscles in your thighs twitch in an attempt to buck towards her again.
“please,” you respond, your brows tugging together into a pleading expression that only eases when abby returns her thumb to your clit, rubbing tight, fast circles that have you moaning loud enough that it echoes off of the walls of the empty room. you throw one of your arms over your eyes as you get close to your peak, your hand clenching into a fist as your other hand clutches desperately at abby’s fingers where they continue to lay against your hip.
she continues her ministrations until you’re so close to cumming you’re sure it’s going to happen, your toes curled and your mouth open though no sound escapes it. it’s only when you tell her in a tone that’s close to a whine that you’re about to cum that she stops, the hand she has on your cunt lifting away as you let out a noise of complaint that’s somewhere between a whimper and a sob.
it takes a few moments to regain enough of a hold on yourself to remove your arm from over your eyes and look at her, the upset twist of your mouth only deepening when you see her, her lips wrapped around the length of her fingers to clean them off. she has to pull them from her mouth to laugh at the stormy look on your face, the hand that had been on your hip instead patting the mound above your cunt in mocking comfort.
“i told you i was gonna put my mouth on your cunt, so, i’m gonna put my mouth on your cunt,” she tells you, totally unphased by the glare you’re giving her, “what’s that face for?,” abby asks you when she’s able to gather her expression into one of false innocence, her lips immediately tugging back into a smirk when you make a frustrated sound and let your head drop back onto the mats, still not put together enough to argue with her.
“i’m being cruel, huh?,” she asks above you, lightly squeezing the meat of your thigh when you make an affirmative sound in response, “i’m sorry,” she replies in a tone that’s amused but still kind enough it doesn’t invite you to argue with her. you don’t fight her as she readjusts your legs, spreading them slightly wider so there’s enough room for her shoulders to fit when she lays on her stomach between them, her breath is hot against your cunt and it makes you squirm with oversensitive discomfort.
“gently, abs,” you warn her, reaching down to pet the soft hair at her temple as you get comfortable, your feet planted comfortably either side of her. she hums an affirmative noise and presses a kiss to each of your inner thighs before she scoots a little closer, close enough that the tip of her nose is brushing against you, though it takes a whine of her name and then an irritated prod of your toes against her ribs to get her to finally press her lips to your pussy.
abby sighs happily at the taste of you and you can feel the shift of the muscles in her arms and shoulders as she gets comfortable on her stomach, her hands holding your thighs open to prevent the way you instinctually try to clamp them shut each time her tongue glides directly over your clit. you can tell by the tightening in your stomach that you’re close and abby seems to realize it too, her motions never lingering too long on the places she knows you’re the most sensitive. 
it isn’t until you’re trembling that abby picks up the pace, one of her hands letting go of your thigh in order to part your swollen lips so she can press her tongue against your entrance where you’re wet and clenching and sensitive. since she’s no longer holding it in place you’re able to use your free leg to push her against you harder and buck your hips against her face as your chase your orgasm, the moans you’d been attempting to keep to a reasonable volume once again getting loud enough to echo off of the tall walls of the gym.
she doesn’t deny you this time around and as you gasp out a warning that you’re about to cum, abby sucks your clit into her mouth, running the tip of her tongue over the swell of it. through the haze of your orgasm you can feel her moan where her lips are pressed against you, the hand that remains on your thigh squeezing in rhythm with the bucking of your hips against her face and her fingers sliding clumsily through the wet folds of your cunt with each of your movements.
“fuck, abby,” you pant as you return to yourself, relaxing your spent muscles flat against the mats as you catch your breath. abby trails the hand that isn’t between your legs up your side, splaying her fingers wide over your stomach and rubbing circles into your skin with her thumb as she continues to lick broad strokes over your cunt. 
you don’t attempt to push her away, laying compliant as she cleans you up with her tongue, though you twitch each time she gets too close to the tender area of your clit which she soothes with a comforting hum. abby remains between your legs until she’s satisfied with the state of you, your pussy still swollen with arousal and glistening wet from her spit and your own orgasm, so sensitive that even the gentle brush of her fingers as she removes them makes you squirm.
“look at you,” abby smiles as she sits back up on her knees, bending over you until your face is level with hers, “i’m gonna have to carry you out of here,” she chuckles and you nod sleepily in response, smiling up at her face with an expression you’re sure matches hers, tired and content and very much in love. she leans down to kiss you and despite the foreign taste of your cunt on her lips you wrap your arms around her shoulders, tugging her downwards until she lets the full weight of her body settle against you.
“give me five minutes,” you mumble, squeezing where your arms are wrapped around her until she makes an affirmative sound, “love you,” you add after a few seconds, just to make sure she knows.
“love you too,” she replies, pressing a quick kiss to the swell of your cheek.
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buildarocketboys · 4 months
peterick prompt if youre up for taking ideas/prompts
dumbass!pete and traumatized!patrick
so just some unspecified trauma unless you wags get creative
but anyway pete starts messing with pat(pisses him off ofc) and they end up wrestling and pete has patrick pinned under him which makes pat freak out and have a panic attack and ofc pete doesnt notice until he sees patricks breathing speed up, his eyes dart around, he stops responding, etc
just a little thing tho, id love if youd write smt, if not thats cool^^
Tagging @puppyboymikeyway since you've already revealed yourself as the sender :3 Also using this to fill the hurt/comfort bingo prompt "I can't breathe." to Gentle touch for @sweetspicybingo because I'm a maverick like that.
Post-hiatus and unspecified trauma for Patrick (!) Enjoy!
Crossposted to AO3 here
It's good to be back in the studio with Patrick. It's where they belong.
It's always been their natural habitat, the place where their friendship makes the most sense. 
Sure, they've had plenty of fights, verbal and physical, in the studio in the past, but that's all part of the process. 
OK, sure, it had probably gotten a bit too toxic for a while there, but it's still the place they find it easiest to communicate with each other.
Joe and Andy are gonna be in next week, but Patrick had wanted to get in the studio before that, just the two of them, and Pete certainly has no objections.
Plus, he gets the feeling Patrick is kinda nervous to see the others. Apparently it took four hours on the phone to persuade Joe to give the band another go. Patrick's not even sure Joe will agree to work on another album. But he's agreed to try.
Pete knows it'll all work out. He's in one of his optimistic moods, spurred on by his renewed friendship with Patrick and the prospect of getting his band back together.
He and Patrick have been tentatively reaching out to each other for the past few months, the best way they know how - by writing songs.
This is one of the first times they've seen each other in person for ages, though. They had hugged when they arrived, but it had felt kind of awkward. Patrick had been tense, unresponsive to Pete's arms around him.
Pete had let go pretty quickly.
They're just not used to it anymore, he tells himself. Of course, the way Pete wants to deal with that is by throwing himself into Patrick's arms, but he can hardly blame Patrick for being hesitant. Pete's always been the more physically affectionate of the two of them.
They just need something to get them back on track. Maybe if he takes Patrick by surprise, he'll just sink into it without questioning it. Chronic overthinker, that one.
So when he comes back into the studio after using the bathroom to find Patrick standing with his back to him, he takes his chance. He launches himself at Patrick, tackling him to the ground, wrestling him on the floor.
They used to do this a lot - sometimes they were actually fighting, but most of the time it was just horseplay. Boys will be boys.
So it takes him a minute to realize that Patrick isn't fighting back.
In fact, he's not moving at all. His hands are covering his face, and he's frozen, breathing sharp and fast.
"Patrick?" he asks cautiously, still straddling his waist. He tries to remove Patrick's hands from his face but Patrick resists. "You OK, buddy?"
Patrick's breathing kicks up a notch, and Pete feels his heart rate jump in tandem. "I- can't- breathe-" Patrick pants. His face is going purple and- fuck, is he having a panic attack?
Pete finally comes to his senses and carefully climbs off Patrick.
"Patrick," he says tentatively. "You with me, buddy?"
Patrick's removed his arms from his face now and his eyes are darting everywhere, as if searching for an attacker. His breath is still coming out in gasps.
"Patrick," Pete says, firmly and clearly. He wants to ground Patrick, but he doesn't want to touch him and freak him out further. "You're here. With me. With Pete. You're OK." Why wouldn't he be OK?, Pete thinks, his imagination running wild. What the fuck had happened to him to make him react like this?
He tells himself fiercely to calm down. The last thing Patrick needs is for him to have a panic attack too. Patrick will tell him when he's ready.
Or maybe he won't.
Patrick's breaths are slowing now, getting deeper, calmer.
"Pete?" he croaks, his eyes finding Pete's above him.
"Yeah, yeah, it's me, Patrick," he says softly, offering Patrick a hand, which he takes, hauling himself up into a sitting position.
Patrick rests his face on his knees for a minute, just breathing. Then he starts laughing hysterically into his knees. 
Eventually he looks up at Pete, who's watching him anxiously. "Why did you have to do that?" he asks. Before Pete can answer, he shakes his head. "Of course, you're Pete Wentz. You do what you want." He sighs tiredly.
"No, Patrick, that's not-" Fuck. He had sworn it wouldn't be like this, not this time - him all over Patrick, whether Patrick likes it or not. The fact that he's pretty sure Patrick had always liked it is besides the point. "I'm sorry," he tells Patrick, and he means it. "I won't, I won't touch you again." He doesn't know if it's a promise he can keep, but he's damn well going to try.
Patrick raises his eyebrow. "You can touch me," he tells Pete. "Just...a little warning, might be nice."
Pete nods. "Noted." He reaches out for Patrick and waits for him to nod before he puts a hand on Patrick's back, rubbing gently. Patrick leans into his touch, and Pete breathes a sigh of relief.
"What happened, man?" he asks after a few minutes, because clearly something had happened. The Patrick he knew in 2009 wouldn't have reacted like that to Pete wrestling him, even at his most neurotic.
Patrick lets out a humorless laugh. "What didn't happen?" he says hollowly.
Pete waits, staring at Patrick, silently begging him to tell him, but equally desperate not to know.
Patrick sighs and shakes his head. "I'll tell you someday," he says. "Maybe. When I've figured it out myself. It's still all just so fucked up in my head, and I- I can't really talk about it, right now." He looks up pleadingly at Pete. "Is that OK?"
"Yeah, buddy, of course it is," Pete says after just a beat too long. 
Patrick looks at him slyly. "I'd tell you if I could, Pete. And it's not your fault, by the way. Before you start blaming yourself."
Pete can't help but feel a little relieved when Patrick says that. He sighs and lays his head on Patrick's shoulder. "Yeah, I know." Still, he can't help but worry. 
But Patrick seems calm now, his breathing getting deeper and slower with every circle Pete rubs into his back.
For now, he guesses, it's the best he can do.
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Overwatch Headcanons (based on the canon lore and several in-game events and things) that I really want to be true.
A lot of it is Junkers, sorry.
☆ Ever since April Fools, I love the thought that Roadhog watches 'mom shows.' (Oprah, Bachelor, Bachelorette, etc.) I also love to think he gets really into it, like he's dead silent and perfectly focused on the episode or he'll mutter stuff under his breath during The Bachelor or The Bachelorette. Like, "... how dare that sludge talk like that..." or "... you go girl, tell him off..."
Tracer: Why do you sound like a prospector when you're angry, cad flabbit?
☆ Hanzo snorts when he laughs too hard... thats it. But he'll deny it if someone hears it. Hard deny.
☆ Junkrat is the equivalent of that one guy in Ratatouille ("I killed a man, with this thumb." Can't remember his name for the life of me.) when anyone asks what happened to his finger. From 'Extreme Thumb Wrestling Gone Wrong' to the simple one answer that is 'Koalas.' No one truly knows what happened to his finger.
☆ Odessa doesn't know how to write. (Junkertown Education System.) But she does know how to draw just a bit. So when doing autographs, she doodles a tiny version of her. With little stars.
☆ Speaking of Junkertown and Australia in Overwatch, the place is basically like Mad Max and Fallout had a baby. Even Junkrat sees the difference between normal dirt and radioactive dirt. And thats just facts. If you look at the Junkertown map, you'll understand what I mean.
☆ Sombra was an orphan, she hadn't felt a familial bond until Sigma. Come on, the man is like a science dad. He has that energy. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't see him as family. Sigma is the only (from my current research (not counting Doomfists 'jefe.' Jefe justs means boss.)) one that has a consistent nickname that translates (sorry if its wrong) to 'Old Man.'
☆ Moira knows how to dance every single anime dance... no no no, you don't understand. Every. Single. One. Will she ever show it? No. Definitely not.
☆ Tracer has adhd. Not because of her ability. That's a stupid reason. It's cause she just... seems like she does you know?
☆ Junkrat actually has a love of singing. As shown in the random chatter he has and the interactions with Lucio, Jamie likes to sing. Although, from when he's demonstrating to Lucio, it kinda seems like he's nervous. The "Sausage Roll and Batter Sav" tune he sings isn't bad. He's just a silly little guy.
☆ Speaking of my favorite silly guy, Junkrat is actually smarter than people give him credit for. He can keep a conversation with Sigma, he knows Xenos Paradox, he gets Winstons Periodoc Table joke, it's just that he expresses himself differently. I mean he was theoretically raised in the radioactive outback, you're gonna wind up a bit weird. I think he partly hides his genius so no one can take advantage of it.
☆ Opposite of Junkrat, Roadhog seemingly has made friends with a lot of others. They're more willing to talk to him than the rat man. I mean, come on, Mako gets along with D.Va, Ana, Junker Queen, Kiriko (i think), and Lucio. Maybe Mercy as well, but I couldn't figure it out. I have a feeling that Roadhog thought that no one would like him cause he's scary, but everyone on the team just sees him as a gentle giant (which he honestly is, have you seen his cute little interactions and the plethora of Pachimari things he has?)
☆ Mercy really cares about those around her. So much so, that she believes (if going by some of her chatter is anything) anyone can be saved. Even Widowmaker. I'm guessing from what she had done with Genji, she had proved to herself that she could save anyone.
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yelenghs · 2 years
elaborate on femcel gamer yelena please🫡
make out with me, anon. n e ways😋 (i got a little silly w this one yall)
femcel! gamer! yelena is absolutely putrid. not to mention a huge perv as well.
she works from home and goes days without leaving the house sometimes. of course she showers, but sometimes she goes a few days without doing so just to annoy you. usually it ends with you showering with her and letting her feel you up while in there.
MESSY. ASS. ROOM. seeing it from your own point of view, it looks like a train wreck in there. the moment you step in youre hit with musty girl smell, cheap air freshener (that doesnt work too well), and her signature scent (which, SURPRISINGLY, is not that musty). there's piles of clothes, books on her shelves, a trash bin that's filled to the brim, and papers from her jobs scattered around her desk
but to her, it's an organized mess. she knows where everything is, she doesnt even have to look to know where anything is in her room. the one thing that is somewhat clean, though, is her bed. mainly because she likes to sleep with you and knows you wont sleep with her stuff thrown onto the bed.
when youre spending the night at her place, it's pretty easy to notice a pattern in how she acts. during the day/morning she looks completely serious, filing out paperwork and working diligently. yet when she's off work and the sun starts to set, it's like her personality flips a switch!
she becomes completely care free, her words slurred and the alcohol on her breath very apparent. when she's gaming almost all of her attention goes to that instead. and youve gotta say, she does look kinda hot when she's focused like that. you can even hear her cussing under her breath or sometimes yelling at her teammates.
if she gets too frustrated she rage quits and immediately walks over to you. that could end in one of two ways;
A.) you cuddle with her and she completely relaxes into you
B.) she takes her anger out on you (consensually) and fucks you with her strap till youre dumb.
also she has definitely made you sit on her lap while she gamed. she loves to rest her head on your shoulder while she does. sometimes she gives you a few hickeys while she's at it. other times, she'll make you wear a vibrator while she was on a call with her friends who weren't aware of what was going on. the moment they hang up she's shutting of her monitor and dragging you to the bed.
okay now that we've talked about those things, i want to talk about what really makes her a femcel. the absolute downright disgusting things that just complete it.
starting off strong with; sometimes she wears the same underwear she wore before she showered. she just flips it inside out and calls it a day. it disgusts you, but at least she's not going commando all the time.
she forgets to put on deodorant when she goes out. it's not too much of a problem, she doesnt sweat a lot, and even if she does it doesnt smell that bad either. but since youre her girlfriend and practically live with her, you can definitely tell she forgot.
will go days without changing her clothes. they could smell absolutely rancid but she's like 'it's okay it's not like im going out anyways' and then that's when you have to wrestle them off of her.
sometimes lets dishes and trash pile up at her desk and wont bother to take them out until you nag her about it or it starts getting in the way of her work.
now when it comes to the more perverted things..
she sniffs your panties and uses them to masturbate. when you're not home she scavanges through your dirty laundry and finds a pair of worn underwear that you havent washed. she'd hold it to her nose and while she rubs her clit in fast, tight circles.
openly stares at your ass and tits. no matter where you are. even if you two are going grocery shopping, she'll smirk a little bit and watch how your hips sway and your ass jiggle with every step you take. she's tall, so she has the advantage of looking down your shirt as well.
she likes to grope you when it just the two of you alone at her place or yours. even if you two are just walking by eachother, she'll grab your tit or smack your ass. other times, if she's feeling bold, she'll let her hand run across your hips; just shy of your crotch before walking past you.
when you two are cuddling, she likes to seat herself between your legs sometimes and mouth at you through the fabric of your panties while laying her head on your thigh. if she's tired, she just sniffs in the scent of your pussy before taking a nap in between your legs.
the most down bad thing she's ever done, is probably masturbate to you while you were asleep. as well as cum on you while you were resting. she'd bite her hand or a pillow to keep herself quiet. when she came, she wasnt expecting to squirt. she had squirted all over your sleeping form. she apologized in the morning and you just told her to wake you up from now on if she was feeling horny. unless she wanted you to be asleep, you weren't against it.
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snippet (ski trip)
This is just a snippet! It was supposed to go in a real fic but then the fic went in a different direction, so now it's just some memories without an ending sdfs So, uh, here? Backstory: Dick's remembering a time back when Jason was Robin and they went on a three-of-us trip with Bruce.
On the ski trip, Jason had brought a copy of a book he’d been incredibly defensive about for reasons Dick never entirely figured out.  Maybe because it was a book, maybe because the book itself had a kinda girl-centric cover. It had rung a bell as one of Donna’s favorites - Little Women, Dick's almost sure.  He only saw it by accident.  Bruce had rented them all separate rooms in the lodge, but Dick, who didn’t feel like taking charity just then, had rented his own room, down the hall.  
But then… they’d had a good day, out there on the slopes, and Bruce had gone off somewhere, and it was just Dick and Jason for a bit, and - it was kinda fun, actually, despite everything. Dick used his phone to get a photo of the two of them, way at the top, before Bruce came back and started looming around again. Later that evening, he’d gotten the idea maybe Jason would like a copy.  First ski trip and everything. 
So he went to the lobby and paid for a shitty printout and went to Jason’s room. Which was a mistake.  Door unlocked, so Dick pushed it open and - Jason with his nose buried in a book, until Dick cleared his throat and the kid jerked backward, furious and flushing red: Don’t you knock, get the fuck out of my room.  And Dick said tersely, Language, feeling like his mother or Alfred, and Jason - who had pushed the book under a pillow by then - looked him dead in the eye and said, Screw. You. You can’t tell me what to do, has-been.  Look, Dick said, holding onto his temper, I just wanted to tell you I printed a copy of the photo for you.  Here it is.  That’s all. I’m going now.  And he probably should’ve left it there but couldn’t resist adding, dry: Enjoy your book.  And he’d gone back to his room wondering, for the thousandth time, what the hell he was doing there.
But the next morning, Sunday, when Dick came down - deliberately late, so that Bruce couldn’t try to buy him any breakfast - and Bruce went back up to the room for mittens because Jason was complaining about his hands being cold - they were alone together again, and Jason shot him a sidelong look, shoulders hunched, and muttered, Thanksforthephoto, very fast, and then, reluctant, I didn’t - I know - I know you lot hate cussing, so - so sorry about cussing, I guess, but I don’t like people in my room.  Which wasn’t much of an apology, but - it was an apology, which was actually better than Bruce, who hadn’t apologized for anything.  So Dick said, no problem, I get it.  And, guessing at the kid’s concern: I won’t tell Bruce.  And Jason looked relieved.
So Dick thought, okay, maybe he’s just really touchy about knocking, or really embarrassed about the book, and he wondered what was so embarrassing about it - meant to ask Donna, never got around to it.
So the book title stuck in his mind, and later, much later, one night with Tim in Blüdhaven, he’d been flipping channels and saw a movie version playing.  So he told Tim they were watching it.  Tim had been visibly unsure whether they were enjoying it ironically or not, but it was an okay movie, actually.  Not something Dick would’ve picked normally, but fun in its own way.  Afterward, Dick declared Tim definitely an Amy, mostly to tease, because Amy was the littlest and the kinda nosy one, and Tim rolled his eyes and then said, You realize that makes you Meg, and Dick said, No it doesn’t, stop making me the boring ones, and Tim said, Then stop making me the annoying ones, and Dick said sweetly, Hey, if the shoe -, and didn’t get to finish because when he attempted a noogie Tim elbowed him in the stomach and then they had a wrestling match, which Dick won.  
Later, out-of-breath, Tim asked, Why did you really want to watch that, anyway? Does Babs like it or something?  And Dick said, Maybe I just have good taste and you have no appreciation for classic film, and Tim looked smug, and said, So it is because of Babs.  Dick didn’t correct him.
It’s a strange memory, like everything Dick did that was sort of secretly about Jason, trying to understand Jason, wondering about Jason, when Jason was dead.
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midgardian-witch · 10 months
um.. fucking jake in a full nelson in werewolf form...........
Sometimes I imagine you sitting in like a plush armchair in front of a fireplace with the kama sutra on your lap going 'let's see what position I can throw at Fran today to completely ruin their search history' and I kinda love you for that, anon 😂 Just imagine me staring at a diagram for how certain positions work for like half an hour quietly whispering to myself: "How?!?"
when Jake suggested that particular position you were a little apprehensive at first
it seemed a little too risky (that position doesn't have the same name as a wrestling move for no reason after all)
but of course he'd charmed you into it, told you that if something where to go really wrong Khonshu's armor would heal him but that he knows even in your werewolf form you would never hurt him
so on the next full moon you decided to give the full nelson a try
(Jake had spent the whole day going up to this prepping everything, especially himself)
even with your moon-addled brain you feel nervous as you're laying on your specially reenforced bed (a neccessity after an unfortunate incident of using your full werewolf strength in the bedroom)
it's evident how excited Jake is, his cock red and weeping at the sight of you and yet his keen eyes don't miss your worry
"Tranquilo, mi vida. You won't hurt me. Not in a way I won't enjoy anyway," he says with a smirk
you huff at him but can't help but show your sharp teeth as you return his grin
he crawls over you, eagerly sinking down on your cock with his back towards you
Jake groans; even after all this time the way you fill him so completely still makes his head spin
he gives you a quick warning before a slowly leans back, legs raised and spread in a v
you grab his legs and help pull him back until he lays on your chest, his ankles almost next to his ears
he's swearing under his breath; he feels so exposed and the angle is a bit off, your huge cock slipping out of him a bit
it takes all of your willpower to wait and let him ajust until he begs for you to fuck him
only then do you slowly thrust into him
you're careful, oh so careful, as to not hurt him in any way, not fucking him full force like you would have in an easier position
either way Jake seems to enjoy himself or so you gather by his moans
even with your almost tantric pace it doesn't take long before Jake cums, spilling his seed all over himself
feeling him clench around you you follow suit soon after, pumping him full of your cum until it leaks out of his hole
aftercare is difficult when you're in your werewolf form but you do your best to check Jake for any injuries until he huffs and puffs like he is the Big Bad Wolf in this relationship and forces you down to simply lay with him and cuddle
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its-my-whump · 9 months
Whumpcember2023 Day 28 - Abandoned
Tw: kinda pet-whump
Again, he finds himself in the padded room. Again, he's strapped down to the bed with leather cuffs around his wrists and ankles, over his legs, hip and chest.
Again, he has a biting piece between his teeth, that makes it hard to breathe and spit fills his mouth till the point, he thinks he'll suffocate on it.
Again, that mere fact, makes him fight more.
And again, the drugs make his head swim, what doesn't make any of this even a hint more bearable. His instincts just make him trash against his restrained position more. Which sane person would just stand, in his case lay, and watch as every last inch of free will is taken away and he's strapped down, made into a helpless little doll?
But they don't like, when he thinks for himself. They don't like, when he asks unpleasant questions. And they don't like, when he brings other inmates to do so to.
They call it the 'quiet room'. In reality, 3 big build musclar men wrestle him down without warning. What always jumps his survival instincts and gives them the perfect excuse to immobilize him on the bed in the 'quiet room' and drug him up, out of his mind.
But those are not merciful drugs, that make him sleep instantly, when he is left to himself in the padded room, staring at the cushions on the wall. It's those kind of sedation, that only muffs his brain and let him feel how his free will washes away bit by bit, like waves tear down a sand castle at the shore.
It's a routine by now. The syringe stings in his arm, the door closes and he is alone. Not able to move, not able to scream, just breathe, through his nose and endure the all consuming feeling, that he is degraded to be the little quiet training doll, they want him to be.
But his mind is racing, ravinshing inside his fuzzy head, until all thoughs turn into grey clouds and desolve into nothingness.
Afterwards, he never knew, if they left him there for mere minutes, hours or days. It surely felt like the later. When the time in solitary has broken his last defense and let the man he used to be vanish one piece at a time, he is allowed to roam amongst the other zombies, they have already deprived of the personalities.
whumpcember masterlist
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The Rat, The Hog, and The Fox
The dragon and the fox part 18
He had forgotten how alive it made him feel to be racing down the highway with madmen, sirens wailing in the distance as howling laughter rose above the wind to sing into Zayne’s ears like a symphony long forgotten. Wind lashed and whipped his hair into a wild mane as he held tight to the sidecar he and Junkrat were crammed into, the latter standing up and chucking live grenades at their persuers, trusting entirely in the fox at his feet to hold onto him and keep him steady to which the latter did with unhinged glee, knowing the police in this area to be unnecessarily cruel to those they viewed as lesser.
“Heads down, both of you.” Growled Roadhog as his large hand pushed the lanky blonde down into the sidecar as the engines snarled out a loud roar, the bike kicking into another gear as the three screamed into a tight underpass tunnel, high beams all they had to light he way as the police quickly lost their trail.
“We lost em!!! We lost em we lost em!” Cackled out Junkrat with his signature titter, not noticing the deep release of baited breath that came from the larger man at the wheel.
“What a rush!” Laughed Zayne triumphantly as Junkrat finally sat down in the sidecar with him, smiles beaming across both boy’s faces as they playfully wrestled each other for who sat on the floor and who got the cushioned seat.
“I know right?! Mate its so good to have ya back! We’ve really missed ya!” Junkrat cheered, eventually winning the wrestling match sending the shorter man to tuck into the domes bottom of the sidecar as the group raced out of town to wherever the road may take them.
“You enjoy your time in Nepal?” Roadhog huffed, glancing down fondly at the two lunatics he called friends.
“Yeah it was great! I ran into my brother again.” Zayne sighed with a soft smile. “Not the one I ran from that you guys know, the other one, the one I thought was dead?”
“And where is he now?” Asked Junkrat, leaning forward on his seat with an excited gasp. “IS HE INVISIBLE??”
“No no nothing like that!” Zayne laughed heartily, waving off the idea with a flick of his wrist. “We spent a lot of time healing in Nepal, both physically and mentally… it was good for both of us, then, we became a part of the Overwatch again, at least until they fell. After that, we spent some time togetehr, roaming the country, doing what we could where we could and then… he decided to go find our brother… the one I ran from and- I wasn’t ready to follow him yet, so here I am! Bored out of my mind but now I’m back with you guys!”
“Hope we can meet him someday.” Roadhog rumbled. “Your zombie brother, that is.”
“Zombie brother.” Zayne scoffed with a laugh. “Yeah, cant argue with that, pretty accurate, though he’s more of a cyborg now. Actually, being around you dorks before hand kinda helped with that! He’s lost some of his limbs so the prosthetic tips I learned from Jamie have kinda helped out a bunch.”
“Well wouldya look at that! Seems I am useful after all!” Junkrat joked.
“You’re a menace.” Teased Zayne, only to be ensnared into a grapple by the blonde in question, arm wrapped around his throat until he tapped out.
“A menace that youuuuu happen to like!” Tittered the junker.
“And you’re lucky for that!” Zayne coughed out with a smile as the other released him with a smirk, a large hand coming between their two faces as Roadhog glared down wt them breifly.
“Don’t wrestle in the sidecar.”
“Yesss daaaaaad.” Both boys sighed in unison with a roll of their eyes before snickering to themselves yet again, playfully shoving against each other, though a bit more gentle as to not rock the bike.
“So, where ya headed next mate? Gots to be somewheres good!” Junkrat asked with a toothy grin earning a huff of agreement from the strong silent Hog beside him.
“Not really anywhere I guess.” Zayne shrugged in response. “I mean, I don’t really have anywhere to go, just kinda been wandering around doin whatever been trying to tour as many states as I can though! I’ve got through most of the north on my list.”
“Then all ya need is the south right? Well why not tag along with us and we’ll drive ya down there?”
“Aw really guys? You’d do that for little ol me?”
“Sure! Why not? You’re fun to have around and talk more than the big guy thats for sure!”
“Alright! But whats the catch? Knowing you guys I won’t be getting an entirely free ride am I?”
“He knows you have access to Bluey.” Growled roadhog from beside them earning a soft snicker from the ninja.
“Oi! Its a bloody good show and yer gonna respect the Heeler family and their antics!”
“Fine fine!” Zayne smiled with a wave on his hand. “Calm down I probably can get some episodes pulled up on my phone right now.”
That certainly seemed to shut Junkrat up as he quickly scampered into place, cuddled up real close to Zayne as the instrumental theme of the popular kids show began to play, somehow being heard over the rushing air and roar of Hog’s Harley as they raced into the night, a chaotic gaggle of idiots reunited once again for better or for worseZ
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