#then she gets him pregnant w trunks
saiyansuper · 2 years
tbh it's canon to me that vegeta is pining over goku so bad and thinks he's never going to bag him himself cause goku's married to chi chi so he gets bulma to pity fuck him instead.
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jungle-angel · 2 years
Men of the Woods (Miles Miller x Reader)
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Summary: When wifey’s away, her boys will play
Summer had at last come to Lake Tahoe, the sun shining brightly, the warm weather settling in and the birds chirping in the trees. Yet with it was soon to come the tourist season, the endless array of guests and Otis driving an hour each way to and from the racetrack. 
“You sure you and Benny will be ok until I get back?” you asked.
“We’ll be fine (y/n),” Miles assured you. “The hotel’s all but dead, I’m not working and my mother and father will be at the racecar track until tomorrow.” 
“I just want to make sure, that’s all,” you said, kissing his cheek before you kissed Benny’s little head full of silky blonde hair. 
“Will you be ok?” Miles chuckled, adjusting one-year-old Benny on his hip. 
“I’ll be alright,” you answered. “I just hope the same can be said of my mother.” 
“Tell her she’s always in our prayers,” Miles said, pulling you close and kissing your lips. 
You kissed him right back before the cab pulled up. Miles helped you stick your suitcase into the trunk before you got in, waving goodbye to your husband and son as the cab pulled away. 
“Alright Benny,” Miles said to the wriggly little boy in his arms. “Wanna go and have some fun?” 
Benny babbled something, his screechy little giggle drawing a laugh from Miles.
Miles headed off along a path into the woods, the morning warm and humid as he listened to the birds chirping. Not since he had gotten out of the service had he felt this peaceful. The nightmares had lessened and the weight he had carried for two whole years had finally lifted itself from his shoulders. Miles hadn’t thought he would ever be able to love himself or anyone else again.....until he met you. 
Every time Miles walked through those woods, he saw you in the sunshine and how you lit up his life, the love you had brought to something that had once been so dark and terrifying. Not long after your wedding, Benny had brought that bright light into both your lives. 
Miles hadn’t thought that the sunshine in his life could get any brighter until you told him you were pregnant. Of course he had worried his head off the first three months, more so when you were throwing up every morning and fatigued beyond words. When you began to show, Miles had become like a protective watchdog, hardly wanting to let you out of his sight. Yet one night, as he rested his head on your swollen bump with Benny’s little heart beating in his ear and the tiny little feet pressing against his cheek, Miles knew he loved the both of you in a way no words could ever describe. 
Miles laughed a little as Benny reached up and pulled down one of the branches of a tree on the side of the path. “Whatcha got there Benny?” Miles asked him. 
Benny gurgled a little, sticking his fingers in his mouth as Miles took hold of the branch. Dangling from each one were three bright green caterpillar cocoons, each one still fresh with the pupas resting inside. “You see the caterpillars Benny?” 
Benny giggled before Miles blew a raspberry on his son’s chubby little cheek, drawing a laugh from the one year old. 
They continued on the path, exploring the woods with Miles showing Benny all the trees, the plants, rocks and even the wildflowers that were blooming. The day wore on, getting hotter as Benny’s cheeks began to turn bright pink. Miles took him right down to the lake, stripping off only his and Benny’s shirts before the two of them waded into the lake, the heat escaping their bodies as the coolness of the water went right through them. Miles kept Benny cradled tight in his arms as he bobbed under the water and back up again. When they had finally had enough, Miles dried both himself and Benny off with a beat up red towel. 
One set of dry clothes later and Miles found himself laid back on his old army blanket, playfully holding Benny high in the air above him. Benny giggled and squealed as Miles repeatedly lifted him up in the air and back down again, peppering his son’s cheeks with kisses. The sun had begun to make the both of them sleepy, Benny yawning just as loud as his father as his little head came to rest over Miles’s heart. 
Neither of them knew how much time had passed until Miles felt a gentle hand tapping his shoulder. He gasped a little, startled by the suddenness of it all, but when he saw you kneeling next to him in your homemade denim sundress, his wildly beating heart began to calm. 
“Home already?” he yawned. 
“Everything’s all sorted out,” you answered as he sat up, still cradling a deeply sleeping Benny against his chest, the little one’s tiny hands gripping Miles’s white t-shirt as if his life depended on it. 
“Sorry I didn’t come back right away,” Miles apologized. “Me and Benny had been out in the woods all day and we fell asleep.” 
“I’ll say,” you chuckled. “You both got some color.” 
Miles smiled, the blush in his cheeks making his face redder than ever. “Should we go back to the hotel?” 
“Nah,” you said. “I’d rather lay here with my boys....in the sun, just the three of us.” 
Miles smiled as you and him laid back down, your arms around each other as the afternoon began to wear on into evening. It was moments like that, that you and Miles thanked God every day for. 
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dameronscopilot · 2 years
Hello, love! I'm loving all the asks on your blog today and I was wondering if you had any dad!benny hcs or ideas you'd like to share?
Hi hi hello! Thank you for coming to hang out (and I hope you're having a lovely weekend) 🥰! I was hoping somebody would ask to talk about this because my heart literally explodes at the mere thought of dad!Benny.
Dad!Benny Miller
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As soon as you find out that you're pregnant, Benny would launch into full-out Dad Mode™. Like, you get home from work the next day, and he basically went out and bought every single baby-proofing item that he could possibly find at the store. (Frankie and Santi hate coming to your house now because neither of them can figure out how the fuck to open anything since the entire damn house is baby-proofed.)
Not only does Benny come to all of your prenatal classes with you, but this man takes notes.
Benny turns into a full-fledged mother hen while you're pregnant and refuses to let you do anything that's even remotely taxing on your body in any way. ("Babe, no. Let me open that banana for you.")
When you first bring her home, she's so tiny in Benny's large hands. He's so so so careful with her, and for a while, he walks around the house with his voice pitched down to a perpetual whisper.
Half the time, when you wake up in the middle of the night to feed, you find Benny passed out sleeping in the chair beside your daughter's crib.
Benny will gladly be your daughter's muse whenever she wants to have a field day doing his hair and putting makeup on his face.
He watches YouTube videos to try and learn how to put her hair in pigtails and braids. He's absolutely terrible at it. Your daughter loves it, and whenever you offer to do her hair instead, she stomps her feet and says she wants her dad to do it.
Benny definitely walks around the house singing all the silly theme songs to your daughter's favorite tv shows (even when she's at school).
He loves carrying her around on his shoulders, and she always steals his hats (even if they're huge on her little head).
Benny is literally the worst at saying no to her. The w o r s t. Like, there's no such thing as "Pick one toy" at the store for him. It's "Okay well as long as it all fits in the trunk"
He absolutely teaches her how to burp. And how to properly punch any little boys that bully her in school.
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fyodior · 2 years
Hi my favorite little cum socks. I’m sorry I went MIA but I have work and school and idk not a life though. LMAO. Anyways I’ve come beating fyodor head canons 😍🫶 because I like spoiling y’all like that.
Fyodor accidentally took Viagra instead of his vitamins and he literally had a panic attack because his dick was just randomly hard??? 0/10 don’t recommend
Fyodor’s card got declined at the dollar tree, he was so humiliated he just stole the fucking ramen.
Fyodor ate a caterpillar thinking it was one of those mini pickles. It indeed was not a mini pickle.
Nikola surprisingly convinced Fyodor that, he (fyodor) has a child in Antonio Texas named Ivan. Fyodor has accepted he’s a dead beat
Fyodor stole Ex U.S. president George Bushes nudes .
Fyodor wrote a manifesto but decided not to mail it to the TV station cuz he felt the whole “world domination” thing was too basic 😕
Fyodor can tap dance
Fyodor met Beyoncé once??? Idek how
Fyodor like to slowly pull of the head of gummy bears before he eats them 🫶
Fyodor has a bts Stan account on Twitter and he has quite a large following. Also has been “cancelled” for doxxing a 16 year old for calling bts “mid” Fyodor has also hacked namjoons phone.
Fyodor has been banned from every single Red Lobster restaurant.
Fyodor wanted cheap computer parts and he ended up in the trunk of a 2002 corala Toyota at 3:45am in Spain. He got the parts but he’s missing his left kidney.
Fyodor can’t do a cartwheel.
Fyodor figured out how to cure blindness but spilled tea on his papers and Is to lazy to re-write it
Fyodor watched a middle age lady try to tame three parrots to basically fly her. Like the were trying to lift her into the air. He thinks about it a lot.
Fyodor watched everything, everywhere, all at once and quite literally had a mental break down in the theater, like he was not okay, he was so emotionally distraught the person next to him asked if he wanted a hug.10/10 movie
Fyodor has a fake pair of boobs he uses for a pillow when he falls asleep working
Fyodor stole someones chihuahua and gaslighted them into thinking they never had a dog. It’s name is window. No I didn’t misspell that yes the fucking chihuahua is named Window.
Fyodor hates Ellen so much he ended up stealing half of her assets.
Fyodor pays for a woman’s college tuition he met at a strip club, not out of the kindness of his heart but because she just couldn’t dance LMAO and got 2nd hand embarrassment.
Fyodor ended up chaperoning some high schools home coming and spreader the rumor that Chris G. Is cheating with Sarah P. Jane Y. And Tyler W. And Sarah P. Is pregnant with twins.
Fyodor almost became a sugar baby because he was re-writing the manifesto and he kinda just went “omg this is so much workkkk.”
Fyodor woke up in North Korea because he decided to eat the mini pickle. It was a mini pickle! this time but it was poisoned and is now missing a rib bone on his right side. And ran a tofu business briefly.
-your one and only, Fyodor’s missing left kidney
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wordsbymae · 2 years
OH MY GOD!!! YESSS TO EVERYTHING!!! THIS IS LITERALLY FATE, AND WE ARE MEANT TO MEET EACH OTHER! Two great minds think alike 🧠 ❤️. A little background for the doctor he’s a family man with a lovely doting wife (she’s 6ft btw) and along w/her daughters that also inherited her tall gene. As a short chubby man he can only do so much to protect the women he cares about, putting them in the safest neighborhood, security is best,etc. Leroy didn’t need to threatened to not go to the police because he would lose something way more valuable to him than his life. Yes very funny! He would be sick get of getting thrown in a car trunk. So he just tells Leroy to come in the clinic when he calls them. I can imagine reader being prop up on the table. legs spread. getting her check up. And she’s naturally embarrassed but Leroy is also standing in front of her taking a good, hard stare at her cooch. Then she tells him to step away, but how does he responds? “What nonsense are you talkin’ about girl? I have been down there plenty of times. How hell do you think you got pregnant in the first place?” At this time she extremely mortified and just starts yelling at him and (might succumb to throwing thing too 🤔) she begs the doctor to do soemthing but he makes a quick glance at Leroy but Leroy is already glaring him “to even think about”. But after awhile he steps away and opts to be by her side holding her hand (he got excited because she initial it first). And now all three are comfortable with each other. Leroy calling the doctor “doc”. But he’s still protective. I can see Leroy being less harsh on him after finding out he’s a family man. When they are in his office, and Leroy sees the kid drawings and pictures of his wife and daughters. They are standing in front of their two story house, with the white fence and gold retriever dog. Green, cut grass, he got everything that he wants w/bunny. Doc can see he’s obviously loves bunny despite his questionable actions, especially when they are having the check ups and Leroy is always asking questions about everything, “what’s a pelvic exam” “what’s that” “what’s this”…. He’s never afraid to ask. Leroy has this confidence and strength that the doc wishes he has, Leroy wished he could be educated and good person. I can see him being quiet during the drive home. Reader will try to ask what’s wrong but he would dismiss her. She would later learn the only way to know what’s bothering him is to seduce him at first. “Leroyyyy. Take me to bed~” hugging her milk filled breasts and prominent belly onto his back tightly….. But him having a southern accent!!!!! Yesss girl!!! Idk why but I love southern accents. It’s just so… 💕. I feel like it would definitely fit his traditional strong and a bit dumb character. I can imagine reader asking for a pillow for her back, and her cuddling with it more than Leroy and he gets jealous. So when the baby comes out, he’s shooting the pillow, but usually someone would be concerned. But bunny finds it endearing, “what a dork” because it just means he loves her, right?
It is so funny to me all the thoughts we've had that line-up!!! It's crazy!!!
I love the background of the doctor! I love that he is the complete opposite of Leroy and that both of them want to be like the other in certain ways. Like you said Leroy wants that picture-perfect life, with the fancy home and white picket fence, whereas the doctor wants to be a bit more confident to be able to stand up for himself. I think they would be kinda friends, and it would sometimes shock the doctor because Leroy and Bunny seem like a lovely couple until he's reminded of how they came to be and what type of man Leroy is.
Leroy is also standing in front of her taking a good, hard stare at her cooch. Then she tells him to step away, but how does he respond? “What nonsense are you talkin’ about girl? I have been down there plenty of times. How hell do you think you got pregnant in the first place?”
I ADORE this!!^^^^^^^^ he is such a straightforward person and doesn't see what he's doing as wrong, to him it just makes sense and if anything she's the one whose acting weird.
Yes! He would so be jealous of the pillow and I think it would be funny if he's talking to his brother to get rid of the other "man" in his wife's life and his brother is showing up to the house ready for murder and it's just a pillow that Leroy is telling him to bury in a shallow grave.
I love your thoughts on him and I love that we have practically co-parented him into existence :)
(Sorry its shorter than usual, this arvo, tonight and tomorrow will be busy and I didn't want to leave you hanging)
Lots of love mae xx
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Why did you elbow me? 184
Achilles Castle part 86
Lemonade and lies PART 29
Esposito: pov me and Ryan think we found the spot we are looking for after digging for a while we dig up a metal box that looks like it has papers. I tell Ryan, let's quickly get this in the car and to the precinct, we can look at it tomorrow since it's so late at night and he has a pregnant wife at home.
Ryan: pov it's very late by the time i get home. Me and Esposito spend hours in the woods trying to find whatever evidence was there. We stopped for dinner on the way back to the precinct with the box, the pizza was great. Jenny already put Sarah Grace to bed, I climb into bed since I'm exhausted.
Liv: pov it's now morning, Muncy and Jet are going to use the guest bathroom to shower, i’m going to use the master bathroom, once we are all clean and dressed we head to the kitchen for breakfast. Castle showered earlier, he has therapy today. Phoebe is going to drop Noah off at school for me since it's on the way to work. Kate grabs her pills and takes them while we are talking about what we want to eat for breakfast.
Jet: pov wow that is a lot of pills you have to take Kate. She says one is her heart meds, the others are for her immune system and her vitamins. We decided on waffles since Kate has the waffle maker. Me and Muncy are both stirring the batters. Kate is pouring them into the machine taking turns between the batters. Liv is getting some milk and orange juice out of the fridge and into some cups.
Castle: pov I make my way into the kitchen on my crutches. The food is ready, the waffles look amazing. I talk about my possible upcoming book tour, while the girls talk about work. So Kate I just got off the phone with Paula and Gina earlier. Something about a possible book tour once my leg is 100 percent. Nothing is 100 percent yet but I suggested to them a few stops on the weekends that way you can come with me.
Muncy: pov once we are done eating I help carry the bags to Liv's car she is going to drop Jet off first on the way to the SVU squad room. Jet says she texted Reyes and he will give her a ride home after work.
Liv: pov while Jet is getting her things out of the trunk to put in Reyes car. Elliot comes out to talk to me trying to convince me to have dinner with him. I tell him I will think about it. I've been so busy lately it's hard to find time. I could probably get Cassidy to babysit for me and it would be nice to catch up. Elliot says you just don't want to have dinner with me. No that is not it, it would be great to catch up. I just have to find time. So I will call you when I'm free to hang out. At the 12th precinct we get to work, it's going to be a long day.
Kate: pov Castle is going to help me and the boys at the precinct for a bit before I drop him off at physical therapy then I will pick him up during my lunch break and get food for us and the boys so we can keep working on the case.
Ryan: pov this morning for breakfast I quickly made eggs and bacon. Once the 3 of us are done eating I kiss Jenny goodbye before I head to work she is dropping Sarah Grace off at school. Jenny has plans to soak in the tub. The baby weight is starting to make her uncomfortable and finish some laundry. There are a lot of baby clothes that need to be washed.
Lanie: pov I quickly jumped in the shower, me and Esposito had some bagels for breakfast he had coffee while I had some tea. I have to sign a death certificate today. The guy died in his sleep.
Esposito: pov Kate and Castle are already at the precinct, Ryan just showed up so we get to work sorting through the papers. In hopes we find some evidence or something that can help us solve the case. The papers are mechanical reports, bills, bank statements, calling info and other stuff. Kate says she will be back in a little bit and she has to Drop Castle off at physical therapy. On the way back she will talk to the car mechanic to see if he knows anything.
Castle: pov Kate starts laughing. I ask her what's so funny she says Liv, she is texting me. Elliot is trying to get her to have dinner with him. The car ride to therapy is short since there is not much traffic. . Kate walks me into physical therapy. Tanner says I'm doing so well on crutches already, well I injured my knee a few years ago so I got pretty good on crutches.
Kate: pov Tanner asks how I'm doing. Fine thanks for asking. I have to head back to work. See you later, I tell Castle to behave while I'm gone. The car mechanic shop isn't that far from the hospital. I pull up in front, I ask the receptionist if the owner is in today. I need to ask him some questions in an ongoing police investigation. He might have info that can help us solve a homicide case. If your worried he is not in trouble I just want to talk with him.
Tanner: pov Mr Castle is doing great first we work on stretching then standing. I bet your wife had it rough in physical therapy. Mr Castle says he wasn't there for it, Captain Kate Beckett pushed him away while she was recovering.
Castle: pov from what she told me it was rough, i know in the beginning she was unconscious for the first week after the shooting, she suffered 2 cardiac arrest and even flatlined a machine was breathing for her, she had a chest tube in and all these wires and monitors on her it was so scary. They finally found the right medicine to stop the arrhythmia she was having. Then she started to push me away. She was eventually released into her father's care with a wheelchair until she was stable enough for physical therapy. To be continued. ……….
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1000roughdrafts · 4 years
Baby Winchester 2021
A/N: gift fic for @rileynicole1967. Merry Christmas! Thank you for being such a huge supporter, and for all of your kind words. I hope you like it. I dont have a laptop anymore so this is posted from my phone, hope the format is alright.
Summary: Reader finds out she's pregnant, and tells Dean in a cute way.
Warnings: fluff, puking, pregnancy, mention of sex, a tiny bit of angst but youd have to really watch for it.
W/C: 1.5k
This is also kind of a fix it fic for the season finale but I warped the time to be close to Christmas.
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Excusing yourself from Thanksgiving dinner, after taking a bite of a meal your boyfriend spent hours to prepare, almost made you feel as horrible as the realization that the spontaneous sickness was accompanied by an AWOL period.
You let it slide, blaming the uneasy feeling on those intrusive thoughts, the worries that slip in and mix with hopes, turning into an anxious dream. A dream that involved having a family with Dean.
While you never had that whole marriage and kids conversation with him, you know that somewhere deep inside of him is a craving to nurture and care for a child of his own.
The way he talked about his past with Lisa and Ben was one giveaway, but when the two of you had sex he was careless, and so were you. One of you would courteously offer up the use of a condom, while the other would hear the suggestion with one ear, muttering an "oh, yeah, we probably should," between kisses, but the intention was already lost on the both of you. 
It was like under the surface of "we can't have a kid, we're hunters,"there was a shared hope that maybe it would just happen, and it would become part of the challenges you take on in day to day life. Wouldn't really even be much of a challenge, other than keeping the kid safe, but what safer of a place than a bunker?
You'd be lying if you said you hadn't considered the thought, even if just for a daydream. It was a scary thought, raising a baby in this world, let alone in your world, but regardless, you wanted it. 
Five days from Christmas, another period hadn't come. Sitting on the toilet you cover your eyes with your hands, pressing a bit deeper than you should, hardly able to control the bounce in your leg. On the floor in front of you is a pregnancy test, your heart racing too fast for you to watch it as it decides your future. 
The confliction you feel is enough on its own. The one hand, excitement, the other, fear; a hope for both positive and negative to show up on that little stick. 
Thinking back on the symptoms you'd read online they all seemed to line up with normal PMS symptoms. Your breasts were sore and heavy, but you've never examined them enough to know if they're really changing. You've been nauseous, even puking, but often that's not outside of PMS either. The only thing that really screamed 'pregnant' was your two missed periods… until you open your eyes to a test with two pink lines. 
With shaky hands you bend forward to pick it up, feeling like every sense has been numbed and magnified at once, like your eyes are playing tricks on you. Your body throws out a nervous chuckle, re-reading the test like you're studying for a final before allowing yourself to actually smile. Panic and excitement fills you but you ride out the high, allowing it to consume you for a moment before planning your next move. 
Slipping the test in your bra between your breasts, you throw the box it came in into an empty metal trash bin, setting it on fire to hide the evidence. Dean will find out eventually, but it has to be perfect. 
You already had a world of ideas on how to tell him, and with Christmas just days away, the perfect time. You drive to the craft store to see what you could put together. 
Walking down the aisle you turn to another and see blank christmas ornaments to decorate. Something inside of you screams, thousands of images popping into your head of what you could do with some paint and an ornament. Grabbing a present shaped ornament you head over to the paint section. You pick up a couple small gift bags and stuffing paper. 
Leaving the bag in your car, you walk through the door to see the boys are decorating the bunker with random strings of light and tinsel. 
"Looks great," you smile "now all we need is a tree." 
"Well now that you're home we can go get one," Dean smiles, walking over to kiss you on the cheek. 
You drove to all of the lots in Lebanon, all of which sold out of their best trees and left with the charlie brown's. Both Sam and Dean turned to you at each one with questions in their eyes, and you'd just shake your head. There's no way you'd let a three foot tree sit in a building as beautiful as the bunker. You'd find the perfect one, it just needed to take some time. That's when Dean suggested a different place. 
He drove the three of you to a secluded woods, opening the trunk for a saw. 
With wide eyes and a hidden smile, you jump out, Sam following. 
"You're gonna cut one down?" you laugh. 
Dean shrugs, lifting the saw to examine it. Smiling, he looks at Sam, "give me a hand with this will you?" he says, nodding to the other saw that sits in the trunk. 
While the boys decorated the tree, you found it the perfect opportunity to sneak away and decorate your ornament. You slip into your car for the bag and run to a room you could lock, starting right away.
On Christmas morning, Dean woke you with a warm homemade peppermint mocha. The things that man could do in the kitchen made your head spin, or maybe it was the little life growing inside of you that made you so dizzy. 
You hurriedly set the coffee on the nightstand and run to the bathroom, puking up the sweet, peppermint dream in moments. 
Dean is quick to your side, kneeling down with his hand on your back, rubbing comforting circles. 
"Are you okay?" he asks, and you can only nod. "Was it too much peppermint?"
You shake your head with a chuckle, wiping your lips with toilet paper before spitting into the toilet and flushing it all away. 
"No, the coffee is great," you smile, turning to rinse your mouth out and brush your teeth, "I just don't think I ate enough yesterday," you say, mouth full of toothpaste but knowing it will be the last lie you have to tell him about the showing symptoms. 
You walk out and accompany them as Sam pulls a gift from the tree and hands it to Dean. Dean smiles as you go to sit next to him. 
"Oh!" you say with your best attempt at faking surprise, "I forgot an ornament" you say, barely able to conceal your smile. 
You pull it from your pocket and hand it to Dean, stifling a giggle. 
He smiles, "sure thing," he says, reaching for it. 
It takes him a few steps to look at it, but even with his back turned to you you know when he reads it. He freezes, staring down at the golden letters that read: Baby Winchester 2021. 
"What?" he says, whipping around to face you, and you just smile. Sam is alert, looking up from his phone as if Dean's voice startled him into the moment. Dean's face is tense, but he relaxes it to a smile, "what?"he says again, more excitedly, "are you serious?" he says in a laugh. 
Sam stands and walks to Dean's side, reading the ornament over his shoulder, "no way!" he smiles. 
You laugh, standing to grab the gift bag from under the tree with the test in it. 
"I'm serious," you say, giving him the little gift bag. 
Dean pulls the test out, Sam still at his side and when he looks at those little pink lines his face flushes, tears in the corners of his eyes threaten to come down. Sam is quick to run to you, wrapping you in a bear hug, saying congratulations before both of you have your arms wrapped around Dean. 
There's silence for a moment, and you know what it means just by looking in their eyes. In their minds, just last week they were fighting mime vampires, the hunt almost getting away with Dean's life had he not missed the nail in the wall and fell backwards instead, and this week, they're expecting a baby. A baby in a world with vampires, and ghosts, and creatures that want you all dead. 
You break the silence, "I know," you say almost somberly. 
"What are we gonna do?" Dean asks, fear in his voice. 
"We're gonna do what we always do. We're gonna keep fighting, but now, we'll be fighting for this little guy," you say, hand around your stomach. 
Dean wipes the tear from his eye before it can hit his cheek and wraps his arms around you in a hug, Sam joining in shortly after in an embrace you wish you could stay in forever. 
Sure, it's going to be difficult raising a baby in a hunter family, but with these two goons by your side, you wouldn't have it anyway else. 
PermaTags<3 @waywardblueshun @81mysteriouslyme @drakelover78 @soab1967 @shutupandfeedmethings @pollywantacracker666 @sonnierae26 @obsessed5sosfreak @tlovescoffee @hobby27 @cluz1babe @emptycanvasposts @suckmyapplejacks
Dean’sQueens<3 @flamencodiva​ @akshi8278​ @squirrelnotsam​ @laxe-chester67​ @ellewritesfix05​ @lyarr24​ @mrspeacem1nusone​ 
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obscureamor · 4 years
What do u think will happen in the ukai x manager x takeda realm if she got preggers by one of them💞
boy, oh, boy. so, i’m assuming this is referring to that one messed up scenario and i mean, like… devastation. now, i always have to drag sugawara into these scenarios.
honestly, it could go one of two ways.
t/w  |  mentions of past noncon, alluded abortion in first scenario, kidnapping in second scenario, fem! reader
1. sugawara picks up the pieces.
you’re missing practices a lot. you’re missing school a lot. you won’t talk to anyone on the team. in takeda-sensei’s class— the one you two share together —you always looked so spaced out.
he shows up to your house one day, sitting on your bed as he gently tries to coax the reason why you're feeling this way out of you. you can't tell him no matter how much you want to. the words are on the tip of your tongue, but instead of telling the truth, an ‘i’m pregnant. it— it was a one night stand... i can’t remember the guy.’ comes out. not what really happened, not ‘the coach raped me and takeda-sensei joined’. you can tell he doesn't believe you. he gets that far away look in his eyes and you can tell he’s racking his brain for something.
he knows… you know he knows, but sugawara will never mention the time he lingered behind. the time he stood outside the classroom door when takeda-sensei told you to stay behind. the time he heard you crying as numerous apologies spewed out of his sensei’s mouth. his hand placed on your cheek as you trembled in place, running out the exact second takeda offered to take you home.
it's unbearable sitting in the waiting room with him. suga’s hand finding yours and to any outsider it’s a boyfriend comforting his girlfriend because she’s scared— not a friend offering comfort to their traumatized crush.
2. ukai and takeda pulling a yandere move.
they honestly don’t know what to do. ukai’s paranoid and takeda is riddled with guilt.
so, he makes a home visit. he’s a concerned teacher wondering why his star student hasn’t been attending school. ‘may i…’ he starts. ‘may i go up and talk to her?’ of course, they’ll say yes because maybe he can finally give them a reason as to why you’re acting this way. the first thing takeda sees when he enters your room is you splayed out on your bed, eyes closed, looking peaceful as you sleep. he shuts the door taking a seat on your bed, resting his hand on your leg before looking around. it’s the average room; stuff hung up on the walls, knick-knacks on your desk, a box of pregnancy tests in your trash can, and books— what?
his attention is brought to the bin. a box labeled with those dreaded words sticking out, haphazardly covered up by snack wrappers and paper. no one has been in here except you, so he can see why there wasn’t much effort in covering it up. he makes his way over, dumping the box, different brands of tests falling out. all with those... two little lines. takeda swipes one up, placing the rest back in their place, trash covering the box once again before he leaves the room.
it’s not hard to take you. the day you finally return to school, staying after hours to deal with extra literature club duties from your time away. sugawara had always warned you not to walk home alone late at night. ‘call me and i’ll go back…’ he can tell you’re not taking him seriously, so he continues, ‘i don’t care how late it is!’
ukai does most of the work; snatching your phone from your hand, grabbing you from behind, and throwing you into takeda’s trunk before you can even comprehend what’s happening. as he contemplates, your phone never ceases its rings. sugawara’s dumb face popping up as you smile next to him when he calls for the nth time. takeda looks at ukai with worry laced in his features. he watches as ukai shuts the phone off, staring out the window with his fists clenched. in a way, this is a guarantee that you're his. you’re having his kid— or specs’ —but that doesn’t matter right now. 
you can't leave him.
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sunshinexlollipops · 3 years
so I might be helping a group legally go after my first employer so I stayed up organizing a list of all the things I could distinctly remember happening in the near 3yrs I worked there.
but some of the memories stood out, and I wanted to share some of the highlights.
some of these might be bothersome to read, otherwise, enjoy. 😏
I adopted 5 animals from the store with defects. I'm all about my weirdos.
while listing defected animals the vendor sent, I remembered the hamster with dwarfism (Bofur) and the gerbil with no eyes (Quasimodo)
the leopard gecko I discovered living under the frozen food freezer. no idea when or how it got there, and I named it Cotton-Eyed Joe bc where did it come.from and where did it go
one of my former managers wanted to euthanize a guinea pig bc he had a chronic eye condition and then got a an abscess, so he was tired of paying for vet care. I had named him Pumba and my former coworker and I loved him so much that she adopted him, we faked his death, and we got him to a local guinea pig rescue. he was neutered, bonded with another piggie, and got to live with a loving family! 🥺
that same manager lied and said he gave me a raise, then told me not to talk about it — which btw is illegal in the US. so ofc I talked about it and we found out the company had raised their wages so he didn't do shit lmao
we had a guinea pig who couldn't use his back legs, and the vet did x-rays and gave pain meds to no avail. I decided that wasn't good enough, so through the power of Google, I found out he had scurvy. yes. like a pirate. I gave him vitamin C cookies and he ended up recovering and waking again! but sad that I outdid a vet with Google.
that manager from before still selling 2 hamsters to a guy I said to reject. not only was he going to let them loose in his trunk, but he had a cop come into the store for him bc he threatened to kill his roommate bc "the voices told me he worships the devil and I don't like that"
talking about the vendor constantly not sexing animals and how we ended up with a pregnant guinea pig and I got to help raise the babies (highlight of my career)
my other manager slept w 2 of my coworkers and they got pissed at him, and I caught him before our shifts belting out Kelly Clarkson to an empty parking lot from his Kia Soul bc therapy isn't an option
the time a drunk guy tried to steal a cat from the adoption room and one of our manager's biggest concerns was that another manager said his breath smelled like whiskey over the radio and he didn't want a confrontation over it (we got the cat back tho)
there was a gummy bear on the wall and one of my coworkers let the wrong manager in on it, and the next day it was gone. but there was another right above it that he missed so that's why being a buzzkill accomplishes nothing
a kid wanted to name his hamster something Russian, so I suggest Sputnik or Vladimir, and he replies: "No, I got it............... Steve."
another hamster was named God. literally God. Just God. and so God had a life expectancy of 2 years.
I had a customer nearly get into a fight with another customer over crickets
we got in trouble for having a book of memes in the back
a chinchilla nearly chewed through a fan wire in the backroom
we discovered a hole in the wall that loose hamsters we're borrowing into, insolation and all
in one of these holes we found a mummified severed leg from some big lizard???????
that time someone opened a bottle of premade Betta water and left it half empty. to this day I'm 100000% sure they drank it
a kid came in and told me about how he was getting a new fish bc his dad flushed his old one bc his mom was divorcing him so he was happy to get a new fish, and his exasperated mother dragged him to leave and he told me Merry Christmas in the middle of July
a lady who told me her Betta died and after some trouble shooting I found out she filled her 2.5 gallon tank with water conditioner. just water conditioner.
how I used to mess with prank callers who said their fish drowned and I asked " having you tried turning it off and turning it on again?" + "did you put him in rice?"
there's much more but sadly most of my memories are the bad things that happened there. hope you guys enjoyed the list tho. :')
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vampire207343 · 3 years
Aphrodite de Alger Obelia
hat if... Cedric Diggory and Aphrodite Potter (fem!Harry Potter) both grab the goblet of fire, unknown to both that is unstable portkey.
When both Cedric Diggory and Aphrodite Potter grab the goblet which is unstable portkey instead of tounament ending it end up taking them to another world as well as destroying all the magical Block on her magic and destroy the connection that Aphrodite has with Voldemort so he is no longer her problem.
             They both tried to get back to their own dimension, but nothing they do work that evenutally stop trying, that they evenutally decided to make life in their new dimension in the kingdom of Obelia, the only one who knows where they came from are Prince Claude de Alger Obelia and Felix Robain. And they settle down to their new life and luckly Aphrodite being the paranoid person she is never trusted the goblin with her family's gold that after her name came out of the Goblet of Fire, she melted all her family's gold into bars and putting them into a magical trunks along with all her family's Jewel and books and they all collected over the centuries, so they have money in their new life.
4 years later...
             Prince Claude de Alger Obelia's father Emperor Athanase gotten him Enganged to a woman name Penelope Judith, but Claude never once loved her for his heart already belong to the beautiful goddess with eyes that resemble the brightest Emerald gems, Aphrodite Potter and she loves him as well, but he is already enganged to Penelope Judith and their's nothing they could do.
             Until Penelope Judith betrayed Claude by sleeping with his older half brother the Crown Prince Anstacius de Alger Obelia not that Claude care that Penelope betrayed him since he never really like her to begin with.
                     That Claude's engagement with Lady Penelope Judith became void that Claude took that chance to be with Aphrodite. And it wasn't long before Anastacius de Alger Obelia became the tyrant Emperor and ruin the Kingdom that Claude killed his own brother  and became the new Emperor and Penelpoe judith run away soon after afraid of what Claude would do to her and it wasn"t long before Claude evenutally married Aphrodite and making her his Empress.
9 months later...
On March 27
                 Empress Aphrodite de Alger Obelia gaved birth to twins who took after their father they were given the name of Crown Prince Apollo and Princess Artemis de Alger Obelia the twin sun and moon of Obelia Kingdom.
It wasn't long before Aphrodite's bestfriend Cedric Diggory end up marrying Lady Meaves Andino
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And gaved birth to a son on May 30 named lloyd Andino.
3 years later...
                A dancer by the name of Diana from Siodonna put the Emperor under a love spell but it only work when the twins are no where near him since his children Apollo and Artemis are the symbol of his love for his Empress who's currently sick in Amythes Palace.
                 By the time the Empress got better and found out her husband and Emperor is under a love spell and she quickly broke the spell by then the woman was pregnant with the Emperor's child which made Claude furious that he had Diana thrown in the Dungeon. The Emperor want nothing to do with the wench's child. Who died giving birth to the girl she even dare to give her daughter the name Athanasia de Alger Obelia. The baby was lucky enough to be alive since Emperor vaule the Empress opinion so he let wench's daughter lived and allow the little bug to live in Ruby Palace the former Palace for Concubines. The Emperor care not what happen to the girl every maids and nobles know what happen. The Emperor who has love no woman except for his beautiful Empress Aphrodite.
             The Empress gaved birth to her youngest daughter on January 30 given the name Athena de Alger Obelia, she has the Empress Blood red hair and having the blue Jewel eyes of the imperal family of Obelia like the rest of her siblings. She is only 5 months younger than Athanasia, who is being raised by the former maid of Diana in Ruby Palace.
6 years later...
Athanasia de Alger Obelia wounder off into the ground of Garnet Palace of the Emperor and Empress. Where she took a bite on the Golden Angel Statue.
" What is this little bug doing in my palace?"Claude ask furious. Athanasia  freeze in fear looking at her father who's looking at her with distain in his eyes.
" I'm sure she just wounder off your majesty" Felix said.
"Hm... I know that face, your wench Diana's daughter" Aphrodite said with a hard glear on her face.
"Come now my beautiful goddess remove the glear on your face it dose not suit your beauitful face at all" Claude said to his Empress claim Aphrodite down.
"oh... And Felix return that bug to Ruby Palace I don't want to see her face unless absolutely necessary" Claude said before walking off with his Empress to see their three children in Opal Palace.
              Athanasia de Alger Obelia was not aware the cold hearted Emperor Claude de Alger Obelia is married or that he still remember about Diana, but if he remember her so why dose he treat me with so much distain I don't understand. Even my mother figure who raised me in this new life of my as Athanasia, Lilian York didn't even know about the Empress only the maids of Ruby Palace who work their for a long time and who didn't like me at all.
2 years later...
                   It's been 2 years since the first time Athanasia first meet her father after that one time she hasn't seen him again, but she evenutally heard that she has two older siblings and 1 younger sister. The Empress and her children aren't part ofvthe Noval before so she dosen't know what else change from the story plotline. And she hasn't personally meet her siblings and she heard of them, but she has never meet them before.
In the Wizard World....
                    It's been 16 years since both Cedric and Aphrodite both disappear during the tri-wiazard tournament where the dark lord Voldemort was resurrected with Aphrodite's stolen blood. Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger
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Search for the Horcruxes of the dark lord with the help of the order of Phoenix, until they finally defeat the dark lord after 5 years of war.
                And after 16 years Albus Dumbledor found a Spell that would take them to the where Cedric and Aphrodite's current are that one that went with Dumbledor are Amon Diggory, Hermonie & Ron Weasley, Fred & George Weasley and Sirius Black & Remus Lupin.
They did the spell and all of them appeared in frontbof Cedric, Meave and their son lLoyd Andino who is currently 11 years old and he is a knight in traing the bestfriend of the Crown Prince Apollo de Alger Obelia.
"Cedric?" Amon Diggary ask.
"Dad" Cedric said getting up from where he was seating and giving his father who he hasn't seen for 16 years and he age over the years.
"My boy call Ms. Potter and let's take you back home" Dumbledor said which Cedric gaved his old Headmaster a look that said are you an idiot.
" Ah... you did studied whatever spell you just cast to take you to this world right because if you had you'll know it's a one way travel" Cedric said.
" you got to be wrong" Hermione said.
"Afraid not during the first two years in this world we both tried everything to return home, but nothing every work evenutally we gaved up and lived our life" Cedric said.
Dumbledor tried the spell again to take them home, but it didn't work.
"Ah...Dad who's Ms. Potter?" lLoyd ask his dad.
" That's your Aunt Aphrodite" Cedric said
"Oh" lLoyd said.
" And why did you take Ron and Hermonie here with you?" Cedric question again.
" Their Aphrodite's friends" Remus said.
" Hm... Friends? The last time I recalled both Ron and Hermonie cut their friendship with Aphrodite after her name came out of the Goblet of Fire, so I doubt Aphrodite would give them a warm welcome if she see both Ron and Hermonie.  If she see Fred & George, Sirius & Remus maybe but to Ron and Hermonie not likely" Cedric said.
" you don't know what your talking about" Ron said unsirten in his voice.
"Ah.. I think I know my bestfriend than anyone here " Cedric said.
" Even so we'll still like to see her" Hermione said.
"Hm... alright it's your funeral, but a little advice don't piss off her husband or that's the last thing you will ever do and you might end up lossing your head and Even Aphrodite wouldn't stop him" Cedric said.
" stop kidding around Cedric" Hermione said before all of them stand to go to Aphrodite not believing what Cedric said.
"Ah... Dad where are you going?"lLoyd aak.
"We're going to your Aunt Aphrodite's" Cedric said.
"Oh can I came, I'm suppose to See Apollo after he finish his lesson for the day anyways" lLoyd said.
"oh I been meaning to ask, but Who's this little guy?" Amon ask his son Cedric.
"This is lLoyd Andino my son " Cedric said.
It didn't take them long to arrive at Garnet Palace and Cedric greated Felix Robain the Crimson Knight and the Strongest Knight of the Emperor.
" Hey, Felix where here to see Aphrodite" Cedric said.
"Well your going to wait longer since she just enter Labor to give birth to her daughter" Felix said
"Understood" Cedric said.
"Okay what are we doing in a Palace?" Fred & George Weasley ask.
" well this is Aphrodite's home" Cedric said.
"But we wete expecting Manor like your house not a freaking Palace" Remus said.
"What are you expecting an Empress to live in a small manor? Are you out of your mind that is something the Emperor will never allow" Cedric said.
" Are you saying, my goddaughter Aphrodite is now an Empress?" Sirus Black ask.
"Yes and we are currently in the Palace that the Emperor and Empress Share together, but Aphrodite has her own personal Palace like their 3 children  the Crown Prince Apollo has Opal Palace, Princess Artemis has Amber Palace and they are only 17 years old and then their Princess Athena has Emerald Palace and she's only 14 years old. Even the ignore Princess Athanasia has her own in Ruby Palace it was formerly for concubines until she was born" Cedric said.
" Are you saying that Aphrodite is ignoring one of her daughters?"Hermonie ask in disbelief.
            "Let me correct you, Princess Athanasia is no way Aphrodite's daughter the girl was concived when her mother Diana gaved the Emperor a Love spell while Aphrodite was sick and evenutally became pregnant with Princess Athena that by the time Aphrodite broke the Love spell on the Emperor the Diana of Siodonna was already pregnant the woman was lucky to die at childbirth for if she has survived at all the Emperor would have rip her limb from limb. And the Emperor allow her daughter to continue to live." Cedric said.
" What how could Aphrodite ignore a child" Hermione said.
"It's quite simple really the girl was concived when her father was under a love spell that the girl is recognized by her father as his own daughter" Sirius said.
" why are you all okay with this?" Hermione ask.
"Because it's quite normal in the Wizard world and Aphrodite learn the old tradition of the World and share some of their view." Cedric said. Which shock Hermonie that it was normal to tge magical world and this new world to ignore a child concived from a love spell or potion and pretend like the child never existed.
2 hours later...
The newest daughter of the Emperor and Empress, who look alot like Princess Athena
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(let's pretend she has shappire blue jewel eyes)
having their's mother blood red hair and their father's sapphire jewel eyes along with his face, they gaved her the name Princess Astrea de Alger obelia.
And Cedric was right Aphrodite wasn't happy to see  Hermonie & Ron Weasley and Albus Dumbledor two hours after Aphrodite
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woke up after giving birth to her daughter Astrea. But she help them obtain a house for all of them to stay in while Cedric help them settle in their new home. And get new job since they need money and it's unlikely they took their gold with them like Aphrodite did when they first arrive.
3 years later...
The twins Apollo and Artemis de Alger Obelia
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(Let's pretend Apollo and Artemis eyes are Sapphire Blue jewel)
are now 20 years old and Princess Athena and Athanasia are now both 14 year old their having a debutant ball to introduce them  to all tge nobles along with eveyone who turn 14 years old after the Dance Princess Athena did with the Emperor. Duke Roger Alpheus introduce his niece to the Emperor... and claim Jennette Margarita as the daughter of the Emperor with Penelope Judith.
" Duke Alpheus, it's impossibke for me to be the father of Lady Margarita for it is true she carry sappire blue jewel eyes of the imperial family, but the fact remain that I have never touch Lady Penelope Judith in anyway when she was my Fiancee so I could not possibly have a daughter with her. But she did has intercourse with my brother Anastacius de alger obelia I remember this for fact it is why our engangment to one another became void to moment she slept with Anastacius.
That was when Princess Athanasia de Alger Obelia who's now 14 years old when she saw her father once more and finally meet the rest of her siblings their are the twins Apollo & Artemis who are currently 20 years old and then their's younger sister Princess Athena who is only 5 months younger than her self who is also 14 years old and then their 3 years old  Princess Astrea de Alger Obelia
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Princess Artemis de Alger Obelia took a a drink on her wine when she suddenly cough up blood and the wine in her hand fell down to the floor before Artemis starting to fall down but before her body bcould hit the ground Apollo catch his sister. It was quickly found out that Princess Artemis was poison but luckly the poison was quickly extract before it could do anymore damage to her body.
             It took 5 months to find out that Jennette Judith's Aunt, Countess Rosalia Margarita was the one who poison Princess Artemis. And the Empeeror has the countess excuted on the crime poisoning the first princess of Obelia.
            It's the first time in 3 years since they arrive to that new world did Dumbledor and others first    witness an excution and they were all shock to see someone get behead for poison Princess Artemis.
               This was the time that Athanasia realized that her new life and noval she known Who Made me A Princess are to different with her current life and their are extract characters that didn't belong in the Noval that story of noval can no longer help her in new life. Since the Emperor never fell in love with my mother Diana, she put him under a spell to have me so my very existen is a distain by her father and his family that they pretend I don't even exist.
Heck Jennette isn't even Claude's daughter byt that of the tyrant Emperor Anastacius de Alger Obelia who happen to be the older half brother of Claude de Alger Obelia the husband of Empress Aphrodite de Alger Obelia, who dosen't like me very much because of who my mother is and Claude especially gate me for looking like the woman who spell him to unknowingly cheats on his beautiful Empress.
6 years later...
         Athena de Alger Obelia who is currently 20 years old and recently enganged to Ijekiel Alpheus to her father's rage since he dose not want to give away one of his daughters, but Claude de Alger Obelia knows that Ijekiel makes his  daughter Athena happy so he allow it. Like he did with his daughtet Princess Artemis who married Lord lLoyd Andino last year.
         By that time Claude and Aphrodite de Alger Obelia already step down as Emperoe and Empress of the Empire their 26 years old son Apollo de Alger Obelia is now the new Emperor 5 months ago. While their youngest daughter Princess Astrea is only 9 years old.
     Jennette Margarita is quite jealous that Princess Athena de Alger Obelia the enternal Wisdom of the Kingdom is getting married to man of her dreams. Now all her hope and dreams she want to she with Ijekiel will never come true her shatter. Their is nothing keeping at Obelia and decided to leave so her heart could heal.
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yokohamabeans · 3 years
Liar Liar V1: Chapter 8
Before the silver Mazda could even purr past the boom barrier, Hiroki was already standing by the lobby of his apartment complex with the warmest smile for his family.
"As I thought, the best place to be in is your mother's embrace," he said while circling his arms around the nodding woman. "I've missed you, kaa-chan."
A cheerful voice followed the thud of a closing car door. "Hey! What about your old man?"
"I saw you last week, tou-chan," the younger Sugiyama laughed as he enveloped his father with a tighter hug. "I missed you too."
Sharing only black hair and tanned skin with his son, Sugiyama Bunta was a plump, bespectacled man, having lost the physical finesse he had in his youth to the gourmet cooked daily by his wife. Thankfully, Sugiyama (née Hatori) Nobuko had passed her beauty down to both their children, and could almost serve as the reflection of an older Saeri if not for the latter's larger, friendlier eyes, of which she inherited from her father. Instead, she gave her sterner pair of dark orbs (and personality) to her older child. The two had met through mutual friends while he was in college way back, and despite travelling considerably often for his occupation, Bunta retained the same immeasurable, unshakable well of love and devotion for his wife, something which their daughter often fawned over.
Releasing the portly man, Hiroki then turned to his side, expecting his sister to clamour for his attention as she always did, only to have her looking up at him with anxious eyes.
"Nii-chan, I missed you too but I'm sure you would rather spend time with tou-chan and kaa-chan so can I have your keys and head up first?" She spoke so excitably and quickly that he required a few moments to comprehend what he heard. Quite confusedly, he picked the metal trinkets from the pocket of his jeans and allowed her to snatch them from his fingertips. "Thanks!"
She disappeared into the elevator with her bags before he could even blink.
"That girl has been bugging me non-stop to drive faster throughout the entire trip," Bunta shook his head, closing the door his daughter had forgot to. Nobuko, fishing the trunk for her handbag, chimed in, "something about being late for a date with some guy."
"A date?! With a guy?!" Hiroki snapped to his parents, flabbergasted. "I thought she had to use the bathroom!"
"She does," the housewife answered, sporting a disapproving frown, "to take a shower."
"Since when does she have a boyfriend?! W-Who is he?!"
Shrugs. "Who knows?"
Although he was only twenty, Hiroki felt as though he was about to suffer a stroke. "How can that little brat have a boyfriend?!"
"Why not? Your sister's a good catch," the patriarch said coolly, ushering his wife into the elevator by her shoulders, "don't worry, Hiro, she's a sensible girl, she knows what she's doing. As long as she doesn't get pregnant, we don't have to know who he is until he asks for her hand in marriage. Ah, the springtime of youth!"
"Touch wood!" Nobuko reprimanded, slapping his arm, "don't joke about something like that, dear! And even if it isn't serious," she made a face, "the boy must be Japanese, decent, respectful, polite, responsible, academically inclined—"
"Oh, you're too fussy!"
The university student fell deeper into a state of shock with every floor the elevator ascended. He believed himself an older brother who was totally relaxed with his sister's personal life, unlike his other friends who went crazy the moment they found out that their younger sisters were dating around. Plus, he had handled the little shrimp's heartbreak at the hands of that Akashi brat so well the last time, so why was he so flustered right now? Was it because she was actually going out this time round?
"Oh, by the way, keep the weekends of the following month free, Hiro. Our family may be invited to the Akashi manor for Boss's birthday celebration."
Hiroki grunted in acknowledgement, the pool of questions still plaguing his mind. Has she lost her first kiss yet?! If so, who is that little bastard?! His fists clenched subconsciously. Could she have hooked up with that little redhead after all? No, she would announce something like that on national television. Reason began to set in and the flames in his heart started to quell. Come to think of it, she would definitely tell me if she were to get herself a boyfriend. Plus, her devotion to that Akashi brat was no joke. Could it be that this date is just a normal get-together with a friend who happens to be male? No, he raised his head as the flashing number above stopped changing, I have to ask her.
The elevator doors parted to reveal his target of interrogation, and the sight of her dressed in a casual but fancy attire (she even did her hair!) coagulated his arteries all over again. How could she have dolled up like that in, what, five minutes when she always takes an hour in the bathtub?!
"Just in time! Here are the keys," she wheezed, shooting into the chamber while her family shuffled out, "sorry, gotta rush! I'll be back for dinner, though!"
Once again, she disappeared before he could even open his mouth (or rather, move it, considering how it had been agape all the while in shock). While he continued staring at the elevator barrier, his parents took the liberty of opening the door of his apartment.
Bunta noticed the expression his son wore, and thus warned before removing his shoes, "don't you dare think of tailing her. Give your sister her freedom."
Kise Ryouko dodged for her life as her younger brother tobogganed his way across the living room.
"Sorry, nee-chan!" The teen called from behind the kitchen where he dumped his sweat-drenched basketball gear into the laundry basket. "Ah, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!"
"Such a hurry..." The older Kise sighed as she tried to stabilise the tipping liquid in her tea mug, only to agitate it when the golden force zoomed past without warning once again. Curiosity piqued, she stalked after his steps up the stairway and outside the bathroom door, leaning against the wall and sipping her drink while the hisses of water echoed from within.
The shower turned off faster than she had expected and she could literally hear him grating his head dry. "Calm down, boy! What are you so late for?"
"A date! Um, or something like that!" Upon bursting out in nothing but a towel and dispersing steam everywhere from the toilet, Ryouta made a beeline for his room, slamming the door shut for privacy to dress up. "Sorry, nee-chan, I really gotta rush!"
"Another date? You're becoming a real playboy, Ryou-chan," she chided good-naturedly.
Being the middle child, Ryouko grew up independent and expected her siblings to be so as well. Thus, she rarely got herself involved in their affairs, although, much like the rest of the family, the majority of her concern was centred around baby Ryouta (who rocketed his way out of that status with his incredible growth spurt anyway). Unlike her uptight older sister who was currently living with her husband in another estate, Ryouko had utmost trust in their youngest brother to know better than to indulge in the hedonistic activities associated with his part-time profession, and so often left his choice of lifestyle up to him. Besides, with college heckling her life, she rarely had the time to mollycoddle him (or anybody else for that matter).
"What do you mean by 'another'?" His muffled voice told her that he was tugging a shirt over, "the last date I went on was nearly a year ago! Unless you count those failed mixers with my teammates."
"Yes, yes, you're in a committed relationship with basketball, that's cool," Ryouko waved dismissively after finishing the last drops of her tea, then stepped aside to give her brother space to rush back into the bathroom. She leant against the doorframe once again to analyse his outfit, smiling teasingly, "this girl must be special for you to be so flustered. Either that, or you're really late."
"Well, I guess she is special... In a way... And I'm really, really late!" The younger Kise frowned as a tuft of gold went out of place, but resolved it soon enough. Satisfied with his appearance, he darted out and down to the entryway of his household. "I may or may not be back for dinner!"
"But nee-san's coming over tonight," the undergraduate informed, descending the stairs and watching him mull over the shoe rack. She raised her free hand, "that pair goes well."
"Thanks!" He grabbed her choice without hesitation. Laced up and ready to go, Ryouta turned briefly to offer his sister an apologetic smile for the short, distracted answers he had given for the past half-hour. "I'll see how it goes, alright?"
"I'll be going to Tokyo later too to meet some friends, so see if you can catch me."
"Okay, I'll text you!"
Her smiling nod permitted him to finally leave the house, and Ryouko returned to the living room to resume surfing channels unbothered.
Liar, Liar
Even Eighths
Considering how she had been late herself, Saeri felt guilty for her increasing agitation which rose in accordance with the awareness of her solitude in the middle of the bustling street. But then again, it wasn't her fault that her father had to make frequent stops at rest houses along the way to Tokyo. For the hundredth time in ten minutes, she checked her phone.
At least have the decency to tell me that you'll be late, she growled mentally as the screen remained unchanged, I could have taken the time to iron my shorts...
Another five minutes passed with no sign of blonde hair, and her irritation was slowly turning into uncertainty.
Could it be that... her eyes widened in fear, I'm being stood up?!
Fortunately, an approaching presence behind dispelled her doubts and the brunette whipped around, ready to give the diva a piece of her mind—
"Hey! You're..."
—only to discover that was another diva in her own right. "Shijima?!"
"Oh my, it's you again, Sugiyama," the ballerina sniffed disdainfully, sweeping her eyes up and down her gawking schoolmate. "As usual, your fashion sense is terrible."
"And so is the sight of you," Saeri gritted, convincing herself that it was only prejudice talking and preparing to launch another remark when a third figure strolled in. With a good deal of reluctance, she acknowledged the newcomer, "H-Hayashida-senpai."
"Oh, hey, Sugiyama."
It was not the case that Hayashida Soichirou shared the same pretentious, unpleasant personality traits as his girlfriend; on the contrary, he was known to be easy-going, accepting and generally sweet. However, unlike what his stellar grades implied (which he achieved through sheer hard work), he did not have much of an opinion and was devastatingly gullible. Perhaps that was why he chose to stick with the far more cunning and authoritative Mariko, although Saeri maintained her stance that the heiress deserved to remain a spinster until her next life.
Despite being a non-threat, Hayashida still undermined the brunette's confidence as she would have to be wary with her words to his girlfriend, deciding that it would fall way below her standards to debase her in front of him. Asking just for the sake of it, "what are you two doing here?"
"Hn, inept as always," Mariko scoffed and held up her boyfriend's weighted arms, "can't you see that we are shopping?"
Saeri had a myriad of retorts to offer, but under the eyes of the Golf Captain, settled for rolling her eyes instead.
"Anyway, what are you doing here?"
Sensing a gap for her advantage, she smiled with overzealous bliss. "Just waiting for my Ryouta to come."
"Waiting?" A delicately plucked eyebrow rose, "which decent guy makes his girlfriend wait? Forget it, Sugiyama, I believe that you're being stood up."
Saeri concentrated all her energy into steeling up her smile, trying to ignore the blow to her heart. "Wrong as always, Shijima. Ryouta had basketball practise in the morning, that's why he's a little tardy."
"Excuses," she purred, and the brunette now had to restrain her hands from beating her to death with her own shopping bags. "Honestly, I simply cannot imagine why Kise Ryouta-kun would choose somebody like you. Is it community service to boost his image or what? I mean, you're nothing special. You and your mediocre club are nothing special, that's why my Classical Dance Club was chosen to perform for the Awards Day. Well, it's a good thing for your club too, surely you don't want to embarrass yourselves in front of the minister."
The Street Dancer just knew that she would deal this card; as a prestigious institution with numerous accolades, Rakuzan High often invited guests-of-honours on the ministerial level to their annual Awards Ceremony, where noteworthy individuals of the school would be acknowledged and presented with awards. As such, performing for the visiting Education and Cultural Minister was a privilege that would certainly boost the budding Street Dance Club's reputation, but unfortunately due to tradition, it was given to the far more illustrious Classical Dance Club instead. The torture was especially compounded for Saeri as it was the Student Council who organised the events for the day, which would come in two months' time.
"Be nice, Mari-chan," Hayashida nudged the smirking heiress with quarter-hearted conviction, and Saeri was left dumbstruck by how he could possibly look at her with so much affection when she had practically just shown her ugly personality on full display. "Don't mind her, Sugiyama."
However, Mariko drawled on, donning an expression of mock concern. "I think that it's better if you break it up with him, Saeri, because that would save you the heartbreak and embarrassment that you'll suffer. It's time to rid yourself of your own delusions. It must be a dare or something for him, or anybody else for that matter, to date you."
The only embarrassment that I'm suffering from is being seen with you and getting trashed in front of a senior, you bitch! Her tolerance was already beyond controllable levels, and Saeri was about to snap back when a fourth voice chirped from behind her.
"Oh, Saecchi, are these your friends? Sorry, I got held up by practise."
She could not even bring herself to feel uncomfortable when the grinning model draped a protective arm over her shoulders, extending his other to the surprised ballerina, "I'm Kise Ryouta, Saeri's boyfriend."
"Nice to meet you, Kise-san, my name is Shi—" Mariko gawked appallingly when he withdrew his hand the moment she stretched hers out without even touching it.
"Anyway, Saecchi, I have great news," Kise turned excitably to the stunned brunette, seemingly oblivious to the heiress' disbelief at his snub. "I was just showing my agent and photographer your picture the other day, and they say that they absolutely must have you on the next issue of Zunon."
Catching on immediately, Saeri gave a modest laugh, "o-oh, is it now?"
"Uh-huh! But I'll be a little worried, I mean, you'll definitely steal the spotlight from me. And what if you overshadow my other colleagues?" The blonde beamed with all honesty, but faltered a little as he directed his attention back to the other couple, particularly the girl, "just as you do with others. Oh, and you were saying, Saeri's friend? Sorry, I didn't catch your name."
"No matter," the smile on Mariko's lips felt tauter than a tightrope. Pressing her chest to the arm of her boyfriend, she began to move. "I apologise, we have to make a move. See you on Monday, Sugiyama."
"I hope not," Saeri returned, and the moment the brand-cladded backs of the couple disappeared across the street, dislodged herself from the muscled arm weighing her shoulders with breathless relief. "Oh my God, I was so close to kicking her in the stomach just now!"
Dropping his lips like an anchor, Kise exhaled deeply as well, placing his hands on his hips and whistling as he stared after the direction that Mariko was last seen in. "Is she that rival of yours who you lied to?"
The brunette nodded, taking her final few deep breaths. Realising that she may have just appeared to be a complete loser and pushover in front of the model, she asked embarrassedly, "did you hear everything?"
"Yeah. Sorry that I didn't intercept earlier, I was too shocked by the nonsense she was spouting," he gritted, feeling indignant for her, "I don't think I've ever met a person as mean as horrible as that girl. In addition to that guy you're obsessed with, your life's pretty bad, huh?"
A warm feeling diluted her insides as she realised that he was genuinely sympathetic instead of condescending. "You have no idea."
"I understand why you lied now," Kise professed, "I would have done the same."
The sincerity of her grateful smile tugged one on him too. They stood about for a few moments before the purpose of their meeting suddenly occurred to them again.
"Um, as thanks, lunch's on me?" Saeri offered, a sudden wave of self-consciousness instigating her hand to brush at her hair. "Where are we going, anyway?"
"Oh, uh, I really was busy with basketball in the morning," he confessed, rubbing the back of his head bashfully, "so I didn't really plan for today..."
The two continued lurking around the street in awkward silence as they wracked their brains for possible options, but each seemed to dwindle in feasibility and appeal in comparison to the last one.
"Hey, why don't we go for karaoke today?" A passing girl said to her friend, who nodded enthusiastically. They caught sight of the model before scuttling further down to whisper and steal glances at him.
Both brunette and blonde turned towards each other simultaneously, and a telepathic agreement was made.
Kise shrugged, helpless to the lure of his hobby. "Well, we did meet there after all..."
"I guess so." Although the image of the karaoke box returned with humiliating memories, it was mild enough for Saeri to dismiss it and choose the sentimentality and meaning over it. Plus, karaoke was one of her top favourite pasttimes. They both gave their consent to visit the exact same place they went to in their first encounter.
"I should warn you though," she dropped lightly as they started walking to a bus stop, "I've dominated the microphone and stereo in every single session I attend."
"Oh? What a coincidence," he returned the challenging smirk, "I too, can be quite the Karaoke King."
"Testing, testing, one, two, three..." Saeri bopped the head of the microphone with a palm, puzzled over the normalcy of her volume. "Hello, hello? Testing, testing, one, two, THREE!"
Kise winced as he switched off the stereo he'd just turned on. "Idiot! It was off! And why did you have to scream?"
"Sorry," she chuckled embarrassedly, "my friends and I do that in Kyoto."
The blonde sighed but smiled nonetheless, and gave power to the microphone once again, feeling a positive vibe for this particular session. The bus ride had given the two ample time to tell each other more about themselves, and within minutes, their naturally outgoing personalities settled them into a zone of comfort. Initially worried that their lack of interaction might hamper the enthusiasm in singing, the stories of their own karaoke (mis)adventures soon dispelled any doubts, although only in theory.
"Hey! Don't hog the book!" The dancer bounded over to view the song selections with him, and in less than a second, already had a decision.
She pointed the remote at the machine, declaring in an exaggerated voice, "alright! DJ, put G-23 right on!"
"What are you doing?" Kise could not suppress a dawning laugh as he watched her discard her shoes and climb onto the sofa, donning a pair of shades she had produced from her bag.
"Testing, testing," Saeri mumbled into the baton for the final time, and satisfied with the echoes, turned to the now-shorter model, a mischievous grin overwhelming her face.
"OKAY! Everybody, stand up and welcome your beloved Oricon chart-topper, SAERI S.!" She exclaimed with exaggerated self-importance, sweeping a finger across an imaginary crowd and finally landing it on the bemused blonde, "and featuring, RYOUTA. K!"
"Featuring?!" Her liveliness was incredibly contagious and Kise could not help but grab a microphone of his own and join her on the sofa, "hello, I'm supposed to be the main star!"
"Alright, the first song," she was already bouncing in excitement as she pressed the play button, talking all the while as though she had an foreign accent, "RIMFIRE, by SAERI S.!"
"You didn't compose it!" He exclaimed, recognising its title immediately after many previous repetitions. The familiar scratching of a turntable started playing from the speakers.
"Let's fry now," she nodded according to the beat, to which Kise called out, "it's 'FLY now'!"
"Let's fry now," her continuation told him that it was on purpose, and without warning—
"What the hell, those aren't the lyrics!" Favouring English, he knew exactly what the original lyrics and her rendition meant, and was left quite amazed by how silly her overly invigorated actions were.
He doubled over with laughter as she began mimicking the actions of the engrossed rock star on the television screen. "Oh my God, stop it!"
"Read the words on the screen!"
"Seriously! You think you're an actual rocker?!"
"I didn't choose the rock life, Ryouta," she pointed and declared with dramatic severity to the gaping blonde, her shades adding on to her ludicrousness, "the rock life chose me."
Kise could only watch and listen helplessly as she destroyed the song, obliterating and annihilating whatever coolness it originally possessed with her screaming and nonsensical jumbling of words. Before he knew it, he had joined in on the musical bloodbath, which was massacred even more brutally when she started an impromptu competition to see who could rock out harder.
And neither party wanted to admit losing.
An hour and a half later, a middle-aged worker manning the reception nudged his fellow staff, pointing to the monitor of a computer that consolidated the songs played by every room in the establishment.
"My Lord, it's the eighteenth time for the same song. Somebody stop Room 8!"
Finally allowing fatigue to set in, they slumped against the couch in breathless masses of sweat and smiles after nearly a hundred and eighty minutes of hollering and jumping about.
"The Artist of the Year..." Saeri huffed triumphantly, "goes to... me."
"No," Kise rebuked, panting as much, "it... goes to me."
"Okay... you take Top Male... I take Top Female..."
In the time they took to collect themselves, random clippings of the drunken speech she first made to him resurfaced in his mind, and Kise pondered over the experiences they shared. "You know, it's quite unbelievable that you have never gotten yourself a boyfriend before. I mean, honestly, you're pretty, fun, and unlike other girls, you seem... I don't know, real? You mean, no guy has ever asked you out before?"
"Um, there were a few in middle school," the smug smile she had for his compliment was clear in her voice, "and now too in high school, but I rejected every single one of them."
"Then that's not fate saving you for that guy!" He exclaimed, remembering some of her words, "it's your own fault for being single all this while!"
"Hey, at least I'm not a player!" She shot him a pointed look, then moved forwards to rest her head on the table, a melancholic tinge setting upon her features. "Well, I just couldn't see myself liking those guys in middle school. And as for now, I just cannot see any other guy aside from him."
"You sound like one of my friends."
"Who? The pretty pink-haired one with big boobs?"
"Um, yeah, how did you know?"
"Just woman's intuition. She was all over that transparent guy at the Yakiniku restaurant."
"But the thing is, at least Momocchi had a valid reason to be so devoted to Kurokocchi," he leaned forwards to shorten the gap between them, "you barely know your guy, don't you?!"
"Don't put it that way!" Saeri shot up briefly to nail a look into confused golden orbs. "We actually talked more than once in kindergarten, alright? I just didn't tell you that the last time, that's all."
"It was in kindergarten!"
"S-So what?!" She admitted defeat by slinking back down onto the cold table, revising every experience she had with the redhead. "Well, I don't really know it myself, but I think I like him so much because he sort of makes me a better person."
Kise frowned, but nonetheless waited for her explanation.
"In middle school, I wasn't particularly noteworthy, and the only thing that was going for me was dancing. I was quite hopeless in everything else," she confessed, her dark eyes staring at their own reflection off the smooth wooden top. "Kaa-chan was always comparing me to my brother, who was really an excellent student. In fact, I think I managed to get into Rakuzan simply because of the fact that I was his sister," then, adding in hindsight, "I also think that's why Mariko picks on me so much as well."
She continued, "anyway, after I met that guy again in Rakuzan, something in me somehow strived to better myself. I promise you, you will never meet somebody as flawless and perfect as him, and I'm not exaggerating," she sat up. "Then, I also found out that his father was the boss of my father, and so thinking that I could possibly gain some recognition from my parents, I started doing everything seriously, especially studying, so that I could perhaps beat that guy and prove myself to my family.
Although he's still surpassing everybody else in everything else and the hard work really made me feel like killing myself sometimes, life felt as though it had more meaning to it and I felt more accepted, respected, by my family and peers. Before I knew it, I was noticing that guy more and more, and I didn't know that I was admiring him so much until I overheard him telling Shijima Mariko off."
Saeri faced Kise once again with pensive eyes, resting her cheek on a hand, "it's not something I can put in words, but, I cannot and will not abandon whatever I'm feeling for that guy, even if I really think that he has some serious issues."
While his brain understood her reasoning, his heart could not. "So you mean to say that you don't mind being single for the rest of your life if he doesn't return your feelings?"
"He will, alright?!" The brunette snapped once again, then blinked and mumbled, "well, even if he doesn't... being a s-single career woman isn't so bad... I guess... I think..."
"Okay, say, there's another guy who is not only on par with him, but also somebody who understands you perfectly," Kise sat up straight and gestured about for emphasis, "and you cannot deny the connection you share with him. Let's just say that a guy like that comes along and is truly sincere about you, and you won't get another chance like that. Are you gonna reject him too?!"
He had to stop himself from strangling her in frustration when she nodded without hesitation.
"Look, firstly," she explained while holding up a finger, "there's nobody who can be on par with him. Even if there is one, he'll stamp that person back down."
"Okay, fine, be that as it may," the blonde conceded with much chagrin. "But what if that guy is really your soul-mate or something? What if he has, I don't know, a love that can move mountains for you?"
"I have never met a person like that, so I cannot say for sure, but," with utmost belief, she stood her ground, "even if there's a guy like that, I won't be able to see him. Even if I wanted to."
Kise slammed his back to the couch, sighing. "I give up. You're hopeless."
"I don't need you to tell me that," Saeri followed suit.
A few moments of comfortable silence swept past.
"But seriously, is he so worth it?"
The conviction she had in her reply was undeniably, undisputedly definite.
"Yes. Yes, he is."
They had to escape the establishment before the manager discovers that the 'replay' button on both the machine and remote control had gone faulty.
"I think they hate me," Saeri sniggered as they darted to the adjacent street, stopping by the tables of some café. "You know, that day when I first met you, I practically poured drinks all over their carpets. Nii-chan had to—NII-CHAN?!"
Puzzled and alarmed, Kise followed her line of sight and was promptly confronted with the same man he saw the other day, only that this time, his twitching glare was not only directed to the brunette girl.
"U-Um, nice to meet you...? Again...?" The blonde gulped and bowed his head slightly, shrinking under the male's intense gaze which reminded him a lot of an X-Ray scan. "My name is Kise Ryouta."
"Kise Ryouta?" Although his name bore no familiarity, Hiroki swore that he had seen those golden hair and eyes somewhere before. Forcing a twisted smile, his fingers clamped tighter on his biceps. "I'm Saeri's older brother, Hiroki. Are you her," he had immense trouble uttering the vile word, "boyfriend?"
An awkward silence high on tension followed as both teens struggled to formulate a definition for their relationship. Deciding to simply change the topic, Saeri butted her way into her brother's glare. "Anyway, what are you doing here, nii-chan?!"
Her question struck him off balance as he made it his life's goal at the moment to keep the fact that he was tailing her a secret. With much difficulty (and petrol), the undergraduate had been following the couple so inconspicuously in his car that he fancied himself flying over to Britain and adopting '007' as his alternate name. His mission had to be cut short however, when they entered the karaoke bar, and thus, unwilling to pay for a room within, planted himself in a nearby café to wait.
Realising that he had been staying silent for too long, Hiroki uttered through his teeth, "I-I was just hanging out with my friends nearby, when I s-saw you," and refocused his interrogative stare onto the blonde boy, "with him. So, are you her boyfriend?"
Fortunately for Kise, a familiar voice and face entered from behind the scary, imposing man. "Ah, if it isn't Ryou-chan! I just gave you a missed call!"
"Hmm? Oh my, are you Ryou-chan's new girlfriend?" Saeri now knew what Kise was suffering as the unfamiliar woman paralyzed her with an incredibly expectant smile, her golden beauty temporarily stunning her. "Nice to meet you, I'm his older sister, Ryouko."
"Sugiyama Saeri," the girl bowed respectfully, albeit nervously, "m-my pleasure."
"Sugiyama?" The blonde woman perked up at the familiar surname, and finally turning to the third figure beside her, exclaimed in surprise, "Sugiyama Hiroki-san?"
Both high-schoolers sighed in relief as the pressure was finally taken off them.
"I'm sorry, miss," Hiroki frowned as he extended a hand to the pretty lady, "but do I know you?"
"Well, I suppose not," she took it gracefully, "but I do know you. You're pretty outstanding in our common module. We're in the same year."
"Oh, what a coincidence," he said rather dumbly, but quickly recovered when he reminded himself of his previous purpose. "I didn't know that your little brother was dating my sister."
"Is that so?" Ryouko returned his pointed smile with one of her own. "Likewise, I didn't know that your little sister was dating my brother."
The atmosphere was so thick that Kise and Saeri had to interrupt before they suffocated under it.
"A-Ah, nii-chan, it's nearly evening!" She latched herself onto her brother's arm and began pulling him away. "If we don't go, we'll be late for dinner."
"The same goes for us, nee-chan," he started tugging on his sister's handbag towards the opposite direction. "Nee-san won't be too happy if we don't make it in time."
"You're right," the unison that both undergraduates shared in voice and smile was chillingly uncanny. "Alright, say goodbye to each other."
It was a trap.
Like elementary school kids at the mercy of their parents, Kise and Saeri turned painful smiles to each other.
"U-Um, see you soon."
"L-Let's do this again, sometime."
Hiroki quirked his lips higher at the blonde boy. "Again?"
"U-Uh, I-I mean..."
"Oh my God, let's go already!" Saeri yanked forcefully. "Bye Kise-san and Kise-kun!"
"Goodbye, Sugiyama-chan and Sugiyama-san," Ryouko waved pleasantly to their retreating backs, then turned to her brother with a smile far too saccharine for his comfort. "Let's go, Ryou-chan. She's a pretty girl, isn't she?"
"Alright, spit it out," Hiroki growled the moment he threw his sister into the passenger seat of his car. "Is that guy really your boyfriend?"
He watched unyieldingly as she massaged her sore arm and pouted up at him.
"H-He is!" The brunette proclaimed.
A skeptical glare.
"O-Okay, he's n-not."
Another skeptical glare.
She withered. "It's complicated..."
The twenty-year-old pinched the bridge of his nose and stalked to the other side to enter the vehicle, closing the door with more force than necessary.
"Tell me," he commanded, and with much trembling of her bottom lip, Saeri helplessly spewed the truth that she could not tell anybody else.
It took Hiroki several minutes to digest her story, which caused him more grief to comprehend than any of the labour he was assigned in college. By the time he was ready to speak again, the sky had already turned a deep blue.
"So, basically," he gave up trying to smile diplomatically, "you lied about having a boyfriend."
"Yes," the brunette replied in an infuriatingly willful tone.
"Then," rising disbelief stressed his words as his fingers itched to put her into a coma, "after some crazy misunderstanding, everybody believes that you're attached to a model whom you've never met before."
"Y-Yes." Her previous obstinacy shaken, the girl pressed her cheek onto the window to avoid his stare.
"And you chose to play along, all without his consent nor knowledge."
"...Pretty much."
His head was about to blow.
Respiring heavily, Hiroki sighed and planted a palm over his eyes before starting the engine.
"I'm getting real sick of your shit, Saeri."
2 notes · View notes
capricornus-rex · 4 years
Hey hi!! I just wanna say first that I love your writing and you just capture Cal so well and your talent oml we stan 🙌 would you take a prompt of Cal being very confused as to why his girlfriend keeps crying every five seconds because he has no idea at first what's even happening and like it takes him a minute to put it together (it can be that time of the month or it can be pregnancy hormones, whatever's easiest, I'm sorry hormones made ya girl emotional and moody) pls & thanks!🙇
Hi Anon! First of all, thank you so much!! 🥺💞 Second, I AM SO SORRY that this took a while!! I know I shouldn’t be overusing the excuse that I’m swamped with requests and my fics tend to be more than just oneshots, but that’s the predicament right now. I hope you understand 😭😔 Anyways, I’m glad you still took the time to write to me ;;w;; I just feel reaallly bad that I made you wait long. Still, I hope you enjoy the fic, anon and thank you too!
Chapter 4: Untimely Blessing | Cal Kestis x Reader
Summary: After a long time of running and fighting, you and Cal decided to finally settle down after all these years to raise a family. However, it was never a life of peace whilst the shadow of the Empire looms over your heads.
Other prompt/s in play: Anon 1′s prompt, Anon 2‘s baby prompt & Own fic idea
Also posted in AO3
Tags: Scruffy! Cal Kestis, Daddy! Cal Kestis, Adult! Cal Kestis, Jedi Family, Jedi Offspring, Force-Sensitive Offspring, Settling Down, Rebel Alliance
Chapters: 1 – 2 | Previous: Part 3 | Next: Part 5 | Masterlist
4 of ?
The weather was nice in Cerinda. Cal had been practicing with a self-made obstacle course in the forest, west of the lake where your wedding was held; meanwhile, you decided to take a breather by your wedding venue. You almost hated to admit that you couldn’t walk for perhaps a day and a half after that little private time you had in the Mantis with your husband.
About three weeks have already passed after that.
And for those three weeks, there was this feeling swirling in the pit of your stomach. Cal had noticed you craving for a lot of sweets—especially Jogan berries and space waffles—and you yourself felt sluggish, so you decided to sit by the sidelines of the training course.
While he had physical training, you meditated by the lake’s shore where it was tranquil. The peace helped you in getting into focus.
Your skin suddenly crawled in a good way, even though you were taken aback, you kept your eyes closed trying to keep yourself concentrated; but you ended up reminiscing how Cal’s lips trailed along your body, how his hands wandered and sank into your flesh. The feeling of his lips suckling at the exact same spots where he left his love bites jolted your nerves—your hand rubbed across your neck, chest, and shoulder and then crawled downward to your abdomen. You chuckled to yourself as the memories replayed in your head, struggling to remain focused.
“BD-1, over here!” Cal’s distant voice rang among the trees, but that didn’t distract you enough.
Suddenly, something was bubbling in your stomach and you could feel it rising to your throat each second. Your eyelids shot up and you fumbled onto fours, crawling away to anywhere until your entire body gave way, and allowed yourself to retch behind a tree trunk.
You coughed and spat out the bile, you clumsily crawled towards the edge of the lake, scooping a handful of water to your mouth to wash off the sour acidity that lingered in your cheeks. You did this for a couple of times until the taste was truly gone.
“Oh my…” you gasped, crawling away from the spot where you had your little accident and lay flat on the grass.
Your hand hesitated to crawl downward, to your lower abdomen just below your navel; your heart pounded with mixed emotions—you can’t pinpoint if you’re excited, nervous, or completely taken by surprise. But you’re primarily the latter, you just needed a second emotion to balance it out.
“Could it be…?” you mumbled.
You took a deep breath before your hand slithered below your navel, calming your heart of the eagerness—just to avoid breaking it if it wasn’t the case—and when your whole palm padded against your lower abdomen…
You felt it.
A tiny kick.
A little pulse.
Your heart leapt. You gasped—supposedly a laugh, but you were overtaken by emotion—your fingers rubbed across your tummy again.
There it is again!
“Aww…” you fawned, on the verge of happy tears.
Cal came out of the trees’ trail, spotting you lying down on the grass with your hand on your stomach. He bobbed his head to the side, quizzically looking at you wiping away a tear while standing at a distance.
“[y/n]?” he called to you, kneeling by your side on the grass.
Your attention shifted to his direction. He sat there next to you with a slightly confused look—mixed with a hint of concern for you.
You quickly propped yourself on your elbows, and then shifted to your knees. His nervous eyes followed your position.
“Are you alright?”
“Cal…” you started. Unable to say the words—even though they’re already at the tip of your tongue—you take both of his hands and reeled them to your stomach.
Your husband’s eyes widened. His smile stretched from ear-to-ear when he felt the ripple of life coming from within you. His heart bounced in perhaps the fastest beat it has ever beaten in years.
“Cal, I’m pregnant!” you announced.
BD-1 trilled a long note in reaction, the little droid is just as surprised as his owner is!
The redhead stammered and blinked away several times, struggling to gather all the words he needed to express; when he cradled your face in his hands, you could feel just from his touch that he was bursting with sheer, indescribable happiness. He exhaled sharply, his breath warm as he touched foreheads with you.
“This… This is wonderful!” he gasped. He couldn’t speak further, acting purely on impulse, he closed in to kiss you—he pressed his lips long and hard to yours. “We’re having a baby!”
The forest echoed with your laughter. Cal snatched you into his arms and held you for so long as he buried his face into your neck, muffling his continuous laughing, and slowly rocked you back and forth.
Cal remained with you by the lake for the rest of the afternoon, he couldn’t take his hands off of your stomach; he wanted to keep feeling for the faint pulse of the conceived child in your womb. He started to daydream about the games he and the baby would play, how they would turn out to be—if they’ll have your eyes or his, if they’ll take after their mischievous father or their headstrong mother, whatever the case, he has already loved them the moment he felt the smallest beat.
It was your third month since the conception of your child. The first few weeks were difficult and overwhelming, considering that this is your very first pregnancy. Luckily, you had help with Merrin and Cere. Still, it felt like your energy was slowly ebbing way as the weeks went by.
To avoid getting rusty with your combat skills, you continued to practice your swings, spins, and flourishes without using getting to the more acrobatic moves that required jumps and wide strides. Cal also kept a close eye on you when it comes to practicing, seeing that you’re still eager for sparring.
“I am so against this!” he exclaimed.
“Come on, the training droids aren’t really doing much help!” you whined.
He wagged his finger at you as if scolding a child, “Only one round, okay? Whoever wins, that’s that.”
Even if you were still itching for action, you moved with the greatest caution and care—both for yourself and your baby—you improvised the moves that were usually lively, you replaced the low ducks and slides with spinning, dance-link evasions that still eluded an attack in the same grace.
However, the power and strength of your sword arm didn’t seem to dull over time. You fenced with your husband—the contrast in the lightsaber techniques have become more obvious now, and he was being careful himself, he knew that you didn’t want to take it easy and so he came at a compromise.
“Aha!” he exerted as he had you at swordpoint.
“Okay, you got me. Deal’s a deal,”
“That’s my girl,” he cooed.
“Don’t be so smug, love. I want another try next week,”
When you got back to the Mantis, you staggered on your footing for a few seconds. It was a good thing Cal caught you before you slammed your back against the ship’s wall.
“How are you feeling, [y/n]?” asked Cere.
“A little lightheaded, more often than I probably should,”
“Usually, that becomes quite the norm, especially when a mother’s at her third month,” Merrin added.
“Is that so…?”
A few seconds later, the lightheadedness was gone and you settled yourself on the couch next to Merrin. Like the entire crew, everyone was so delighted to hear the news. First the engagement, then wedding, and now a baby!
But the most excited one is Merrin; if not Cal, the Nightsister was constantly by your side. She was practically your sister ever since. She offered to mix up potions that would help in easing your pregnancy without harming both you and the child; she was also the one who gave the most advice.
“My mother herself was a midwife, besides being an acolyte. She taught me everything, even if I never saw myself being in the same position as her,” the Nightsister disclosed.
Nevertheless, she was still delighted for your bundle of joy. The two of you traded secret wishes and future daydreams revolving around the child.
One evening, in the middle of the night where everyone had gone to sleep, you jumped out of bed, rushing towards the bathroom to vomit… again. For the second time this day. Earlier, Merrin had concocted a potion that was said to help ease the tensing of the belly, so the cramping would lessen for a few hours. For a while, that potion seemed to have worked—but it didn’t stop you from running to the bathroom just to retch it out again.
Cal was awakened by the abrupt shuffling of the bed, he heard the faint pitter-patter of your bare footsteps leave the room and followed you to the bathroom.
“No, not again…!” he heard your hushed voice as you rushed out of the room.
The sound of your retching was muffled behind the door. Bile exited your stomach, leaving a stinging feeling in your core. You ended up crying in exchange of not straining yourself and hurting your baby in the process. You struggled to cough out what’s left, but only clear saliva spat out of your mouth.
Your kneecaps suddenly softened, your grip around the sink’s rim was your remaining support to keep yourself from falling to the ground. Suddenly, you felt an arm coil around your waist and a hand rubbing across your back.
“Hey,” your husband cooed. “Are you okay?”
You sniffled, washing away the dribble on your nose, but you didn’t answer.
“Are you hurting?” he continued.
“I keep feeling sick,” you sobbed, rubbing the bridge of your nose as you try to fight back the tears. “Merrin’s potion works, but only for the cramps.”
Anxiety was also a constant in your visits to the bathroom during the wee hours. You hated yourself for stressing out on bad dreams, you always had to bite your knuckles when breaking down to muffle out the cries behind the bathroom door.
Swallowing the lump in your throat did little in repressing your tears, some droplets escaped your eyes, Cal spotted them instantly and wiped them away with his thumb.
“It’s okay, I’ll stay with you until you feel like sleeping,” he consoled as he guided you out of the bathroom when you were ready.
“You don’t have to do this, you need to go back to sleep,” you gently scolded.
“You’re my wife,” he said firmly, a steely yet gentle look in his eyes glinted. “I’ll be here for you. Anything you need, okay?”
You hoisted and folded your legs, leaning against Cal’s shoulder as you try to calm yourself down. He feels for your stomach again, speaking to his unborn child through his mind.
Don’t give Mommy a hard time, sweetheart. He prayed as his lips nuzzled your temple while stroking your hair.
Two more months have passed. It’s the fifth month now, your belly had grown significantly. The morning sicknesses have seemed to lessen as time went on, however, in exchange it has become a little bit more difficult to move. The weight that you carried along with you has become more apparent; but that didn’t matter to you, all you could think about is the baby and you looked forward to its kicking. You and Cal sat together in the couch by the holotable, he now uses both hands to hold your stomach and found that they could no longer contain your belly.
“Oh, there’s a little kick,” he giggled.
You bobbed your head to the side, leaning against your own arm as you stare at Cal. You didn’t even realize that he must have shaved his stubble for just a little bit. Your knuckles stroked his beard and then your skin suddenly felt the smoothness of his freckled cheeks; his lips followed to where your palm is and nuzzled in for a kiss. When turned to you, his smile dissolved when he spotted a tear that you yourself didn’t even notice.
“Something the matter?”
“I’m a little scared, a little nervous. I mean… I’m so close now, Cal. I don’t even know if I—”
“Hey, you’re gonna be great,” he cuts in. He gingerly caressed your nape, fingernails raking the bottom of your hair, “I promise.”
He leaned closer to plant a long and tender kiss on your forehead. He kept his hands on your tummy, feeling for his baby, and he started guessing.
“It’s definitely a boy,” he beamed. “A kick that hard? Definitely.”
“Oh-ho, so someone’s gonna take your title of being the ‘One Who Kicks Ass’ in the Mantis?” you played along.
“Aww, he’s gonna have to get through me to steal my crown!”
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tw-anchor · 4 years
21. Worm Moon
Stiles Stilinski x Original Character
Episode: 2x09; Party Guessed
Word Count: 5,639
Warning(s): Mature language, canon violence
Author’s Note: Sorry for taking so long to update! I finally got some chapters pre-written so I decided it was time to give y’all a chapter. Hope you enjoy! Make sure to reblog and like!
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Olivia slipped into the abandoned train station, clutching a coffee and the large file she put together to her chest. Making her way through the turnstiles, past the waiting area, and onto the platform, she stumbled her way down to the stairs that would lead her to the car that Derek and Isaac shared. It didn't surprise her when Derek slipped out of before she could enter, shrugging on a shirt with fluffy morning hair.
"What are you doing here so early, Ollie?" he yawned.
"I found something. Here," she handed him the coffee.
Derek quickly downed a large gulp, not even grimacing from the scalding liquid. "What'd you find?"
"Information," Olivia wandered over to the dirty table they kept and sat down, opening the file. "I spent the last week researching and putting together a timeline of all these abilities. "
"From when Peter bit you," Derek nodded, taking the seat across from her.
"Yeah, they first showed up when Lydia escaped from the hospital," Olivia pulled out her timeline and pushed it over to him. "and then again on the day of Isaac's first full moon, when Erica knocked out Stiles, when the kanima trapped you two in the pool..."
Derek read through the instances she could remember. "And these were all the times your eyes turned purple?"
Olivia nodded. "Every single time, someone I cared about was in danger."
"Your pack," Derek stated. "Not just your actual pack but the people you consider pack, too, like Jackson and Lydia."
"Exactly," Olivia confirmed. "And Stiles had told me that there were a few supernatural creatures with purples eyes. There were a couple of options; fairies, pixies, anchorams, and dragons."
"I think it's safe to say you're not a dragon."
Olivia smiled weakly. "So, I looked at the other options. Fairies and pixies didn't fit any of the abilities I've been having, so I narrowed it down to anchorams."
"Anchorams," Derek hummed thoughtfully. "Did you get anything on them?"
Olivia shook her head. "There wasn't a lot on the internet, so I looked in the Argent's bestiary."
"What'd you find?"
Olivia pulled out the pages she had Lydia help her translate. There wasn't a lot in the Argent bestiary, either, but there was enough to get a reading on what she actually was.
"Anchorams, otherwise known as anchors, are caretakers of the pack," she read. "A sub-species of werewolf, the anchor knows when a member of their pack is in danger or injured. If the anchor is powerful enough, they will fall into a fugue state and find the pack member in distress."
"Anchorams' eyes glow purple when their powers are being used," she continued. "The most helpful of an anchors' powers are their ability to calm werewolves with their touch or voice."
Olivia set down the paper and looked back at Derek for a reaction. His expression was blank but his there was a hint of emotion in his eyes that she couldn't quite make out. The longer he didn't respond, the more anxious she got. She knew Derek would accept her, because he had already done so despite the fact that she didn't turn into a werewolf, but it was still nerve-wracking.
Despite the fact that it took her months to figure out what she was, she was so relieved now that she actually knew. The stress of not knowing was weighing her down and it kind of felt like she could breathe again. Now that she knew what she was, she could train and use her abilities to help Derek, her pack, and her friends.
"It makes sense," Derek said finally.
Olivia raised her eyebrows. "It does?"
"Yeah," he nodded. "Ollie, on Isaac's first full moon, you almost completely calmed him down before I stepped in. From what he said, you did it when he broke into Scott's house as well."
Olivia cocked her head thoughtfully. "I guess..."
"And you were doing it before you were even bitten," Derek pointed out. "When Scott had first changed, your voice would calm him down a little. When Cora—when you and Cora were kids, she was always much calmer with you by her side."
"So, I've been this my entire life," Olivia bit the inside of her cheek. "and Peter biting me, what, accelerated my powers?"
"Yeah, I guess so," Derek confirmed. "but this is good news, Ollie."
"Because now that we know what you are, we can train you."
Olivia pressed her lips together and nodded. She was thinking the same thing and it was nice to know that Derek would have her back. The Hale family was mostly gone but at least Olivia and Derek had each other.
Olivia and Derek went through the rest of the research she had, even though most of it was irrelevant, through the rest of the morning. Isaac woke up an hour after she arrived and Boyd and Erica arrived an hour after that so the pack could go over the plan for the full moon that night.
Originally, Olivia hadn't been part of the plan for the full moon for her safety and the fact that it was Lydia's seventeenth birthday. Now, the plans had changed; Olivia would spend an hour or two at Lydia's party and then come back to the train station to help with Isaac, Erica, and Boyd.
Now that they knew she had abilities to calm the new betas down during their transitions, they knew that had to take advantage of that.
Derek pulled out a trunk with the triskele branded on the front, opening the hatch to reveal numerous lengths of chain.
"What is that?" Isaac pointed at the triskele.
"It's a triskele," Olivia told him. "Spirals can mean different things—past, present, future. Mother, father, child."
"For Hales, it means something different," Derek added. "What do you think it is?"
"Alpha, beta, omega?" Boyd spoke up.
Derek nodded at him. "That's right. It's a spiral," he started to explain further. "It reminds us that we can all rise to one or fall to another."
"Betas can become alphas but alphas can also fall to betas or even omegas," Olivia stated.
"Like Scott?" Isaac wondered.
Derek shook his head. "Scott's with us."
"Really?" Isaac looked around as though he was searching for Scott. "Then where is he now?"
Olivia rolled her eyes at the hostility Isaac was showing. It was like he was feeling threatened now that Scott had joined the pack to take down Jackson.
"He's looking for Jackson," Derek informed him. "Don't worry, he's not gonna have it easy tonight, either. None of us will. There's a price you pay for this kind of power; you get the ability to heal but tonight, you're gonna want to kill anything you can find."
"Good thing I had my period last week, then," Erica commented with pursed lips; Olivia sent her an amused grin.
Derek shook his head and picked up a metal band that fit around the head with numerous nails that could be adjusted. He walked over to Erica and presented it to her. "Well, this one is for you."
Olivia grimaced, not envying Erica at all.
Stiles stared down at the yearbook in front of him, his eyes narrowing at the picture of Kara Simmons, the rave promotor that Jackson had killed. She didn't fit the pattern of the rest of the victims; sure, she was twenty-four and had been in the same graduating class but she hadn't been part of Harris' class that the rest of the victims shared. It was infuriating that he couldn't figure out why Kara had been killed.
He wanted this kanima bullshit to be done already. Too many people were getting hurt and the pack was still floundering on how to stop Jackson without killing him dead.
"Hey, whatcha doing?" Noah came up to his door while he was flipping to the next page.
As Noah walked away Stiles went onto the next page of the yearbook, finding nothing that was useful.
"It's spring break," Noah was back; he entered Stiles' room and sighed when he saw the yearbook on his desk. "What do you think you're doing?"
"Oh, I'm just satisfying my own curiosity," Stiles said nonchalantly. He went to turn another page but his dad reached over and closed the yearbook.
"We brought Harris in this morning for questioning," he informed Stiles before correcting himself. "They brought him in."
Stiles eagerly turned to Noah. "And?"
"And they're working on a warrant to arrest him for the murders."
"For all of them?"
"Enough of them."
Stiles raised his eyebrows. "With what proof?"
"You remember the couple at the trailer?" Stiles nodded at Noah's question. "Tire tracks nearby match Harris' car."
"W-What?" Stiles shook his head and opened the yearbook back up. "That's not enough."
Noah closed the yearbook again. "The same car was also seen outside the hospital where the pregnant wife was killed," he sighed. "It's got some bumper sticker on it, a quote from Einstein?"
Well, that rang a bell.
"What quote?" Stiles wondered.
"Something about imagination and knowledge."
Okay, so Harris' car was at the rave, too, then. "Imagination is more important than knowledge," he quoted with a nod. "Yeah, I saw the same car parked outside the rave."
"That means you're a witness," Noah pointed out. "You're gonna have to give a statement."
Stiles couldn't spend time on that. There were more important things. "But what about the concert promoter, Kara?" he asked, thinking of the break in the similarity of victims. "She wasn't in Harris' class, right? I mean, what does Mr. Lahey have to do with Harris?"
"It doesn't matter," Noah stressed. "The tire tracks put Harris at the site of three murders. That's damning evidence."
Stiles shook his head firmly, opening the yearbook once again. "No, that's not enough."
Noah sighed and let him look through the book. "I thought you hated this guy."
"I don't hate him, all right? He hates me," Stiles corrected him as he continued to look through the book. "And, you know, if he killed them all, then yeah, lock the psycho up but there's something missing."
"Hey. Hey," Noah grabbed Stiles' attention. "You don't have to solve this for me."
"I have to do something," Stiles sighed; he couldn't just wait around and not be useful. Since he couldn't do the same stuff as Scott and Derek, then he could do this. He looked back up to his dad and saw that Noah was staring down at the yearbook with narrowed eyes. "What?"
"Look at the swim team."
Stiles looked down at the page, his eyes going straight to the team picture. All of the victims; the mechanic, Argent's hunter, the rave promoter, and the couple were all squished together to smile at the camera. And then, at the bottom of the page, was a picture of Mr. Lahey.
"Dad, the coach," Stiles pointed out quickly. "It's Isaac's dad."
Olivia went through the numerous dresses that Lydia had bought for her party. They were all very cute and all something that both she and Lydia would wear. It didn't surprise her that her cousin went overboard, too, since there were at least five dresses.
"So," she turned to Lydia with a smile. "which one is your host dress?"
Lydia grinned and picked out the bodycon dress with black and gray stripes. "This one," she set it down and picked up a dark blue dress. "and this will be the evening dress."
"What, no after-hours casual?" Olivia joked, earning a laugh from Lydia. "Did you talk to Jackson?"
Despite the fact that Lydia knew that Jackson was the kanima, she still wanted him at her birthday party. Lydia had gone to the school after lacrosse practice was finishing up and had spoken to Jackson personally to make sure he was still going.
"Yeah," Lydia confirmed. "and he was acting weird."
Olivia furrowed her eyebrows. "Weird, how?"
"Like how you told me he was at the rave," Lydia sighed; Olivia nodded worriedly. "Anyway, I touched his arm for a second and he seemed to snap out of it."
"Did he?"
Lydia nodded. "And he told me that I didn't want him at my party," she hesitated for a second. "Liv, do you think he knows what's going on with him and he was warning me or something?"
"Maybe," Olivia crossed her arms over her chest, frowning. "As much as I want to say that it's good that he knows what's going on, now, I don't think it's better for him."
"Because now he knows he's being controlled," Lydia supplied, thinking along the same lines as Olivia. "and there's nothing he can do to stop it, either."
Olivia bit the inside of her cheek; she hated this whole thing. People were dead because of whoever was controlling Jackson and Jackson had no way to stop it. Despite the fact that Jackson was a dick, he didn't want to kill people. Now, all that blood was on his hands even though it wasn't really his fault. It had to be heartbreaking for him. He didn't deserve to be someone's murderous slave.
"Damn it," Lydia sighed, tears welling up in her eyes.
"It's gonna be okay, Lyds," Olivia tried to assure her; she didn't feel confident, though. "We're gonna find whoever is controlling Jackson and we're gonna stop him."
Lydia gave her a sad smile. "I hope so," she sniffed two times before perking up, changing the subject. "So, I got you a romper since you'll be going to help Derek and his pack."
"Are you sure you're okay with that?" Olivia asked Lydia as she grabbed one of the Macy's bags and pulled out a black romper that was actually really cute. "I can stay, if you want me to."
Lydia paused as she rearranged the romper on her bed and gave Olivia a stern look. "Liv, you have the power to help Isaac, Erica, and Boyd," she reminded her. "I would be the world's biggest bitch if I told you I didn't want you to go."
"No, you wouldn't," Olivia disagreed.
"Uh-huh," Lydia rolled her eyes. "Now, I want you to try this on before we start setting up."
Olivia shook her head in amusement, grabbing the romper and heading to the bathroom she shared with Lydia.
Hours later, Lydia party was set up. Olivia had been in charge of the decorations and music, making sure everything was set up to Lydia's standards, while Lydia was in charge of the food and drinks. The food was simple finger foods that Natalie ordered from a caterer before she slipped away from the house to give them space, while the punch was a recipe that Lydia saw on Pinterest.
A couple of people had arrived already, including Allison and Scott, but there wasn't as many people as there usually was at one of Lydia's parties. It was positively bare compared to what Olivia was used to and she could tell that it was bringing Lydia down.
While Lydia was making sure there was enough punch poured for the partygoers, Olivia was assigned the front door. Fifteen minutes after the party started, the doorbell rang once again. When she opened the door, she came face-to-face with Stiles, who was holding a huge box in his arms.
"Hey!" he greeted her enthusiastically, shaking the present.
"What on Earth," Olivia's eyes trailed over the box, which was wider than he was. "What did you even get her?"
"A teddy bear," Stiles answered simply. "Okay, I'm coming in."
Stiles didn't get very far. The present was too wide for the door frame, which meant that he couldn't get it in right away. Olivia watched him with a smile as he struggled for a few seconds, trying to forcefully push the box through the door.
What a dork, she thought to herself fondly.
"You know you can just flip it around, right?" she pointed out, gesturing so it seemed like she was flipping the box vertically.
Stiles stopped struggling and gave her an annoyed look. "You couldn't have said anything earlier?"
"I figured you knew!" Olivia grinned.
Stiles rolled his eyes fondly. "You're so mean to me," he flipped the present like Olivia said and easily walked through the door. "but you're beautiful so I don't mind."
Olivia's heart fluttered but she didn't respond to his comment. "The present can go there," she pointed at the present table, where only four packages laid. "and Lydia made the punch so make sure you get some of that."
"Will do," Stiles nodded, setting the present down at the table. "Is Scott here?"
"Yeah," Olivia confirmed. "and so is Allison but they're on separate sides of the backyard."
"Right," Stiles clicked his tongue. "So, is Jackson here yet?"
"Not yet. Why?"
"Well, I found something out while I was going through the 2006 yearbook," Stiles told her. "All the victims were on the swim team and Mr. Lahey was the coach."
Olivia looked at him in surprise as they started heading toward the backyard. "Are you serious?" Stiles nodded. "Okay, so this all has to do with water, then, right?"
"That's what I think," Stiles agreed. "Remember the way the kanima reacted to water?"
Olivia nodded. "So, whoever's controlling the kanima hates the 2006 swim team."
"Yep and I thought that it may be another teacher but what if we're missing something?"
They stepped out into the backyard, where the party of five was taking place. Lydia was still waiting by punch table on one side of the pool, while two random people were dancing by the stereo, and Allison and Scott were talking quietly with each other.
"I'll guess we'll have to figure it out," Olivia put a comforting hand on Stiles' arm for only a second but it seemed to relax him.
Allison and Scott approached them, each with their own hesitant smiles. Olivia guessed that there was still some awkwardness between them from their fight at the rave the previous week.
"Uh, Jackson's not here," Allison pointed out needlessly.
"Yeah," Stiles' eyes flittered over the empty backyard. "No one's here."
"Maybe it's just early," Scott offered weakly.
Olivia shook her head. "The party started almost twenty minutes ago."
"Nobody's coming because Lydia turned into the town whack job," Stiles commented before backtracking when Olivia frowned at him. "Uh, I mean...yeah, it's pretty early."
Olivia rolled her eyes while Allison spoke up. "Well, we have to do something," she declared. "because we've completely ignored her for the past two weeks."
That's true, Olivia thought to herself, Scott, Stiles, and Allison hadn't really talked to Lydia since Derek tried to kill her.
"She's completely ignored me and Stiles for the past ten years," Scott shrugged, unbothered. "We don't owe her a party."
"Okay, well, she wouldn't be the town whack job if it wasn't for all of us," Olivia pointed out; Peter had bitten Lydia and the rest of them had lied to her about what was going on. "So, if we could please do something."
Scott sighed and looked over at Lydia, who looked uncomfortable with the lack of people. "I guess I could use my co-captain statue to get the lacrosse team here."
"Yeah, I also know some people who can get this thing going," Stiles pulled his phone from his jeans. "Like, really going."
Allison frowned at him. "Who?"
"I met them at the gay club when Jackson was trying to kill Danny," Stiles informed them. "Let's just say they know how to party."
The people who Stiles met at the gay club were drag queens and they were some of the nicest people that Olivia had ever met. With them and the lacrosse team and their girlfriends showing up, the party was actually exciting.
Olivia played her part as co-hostess and answered the door to let everyone in but when the doorbell stopped ringing, she allowed herself to join the party. She didn't usually like parties but it was Lydia's birthday and she wanted to have fun before she had to go deal with out-of-control baby werewolves.
She hung out with Lydia for a while, pointing out the people that Stiles invited because her cousin had no idea who they were, listening to the music that pumped through their backyard, and eating cake. Eventually, Lydia went off to pass out some more punch and Olivia went to find Stiles.
Olivia didn't like dancing in public but the last time she did, she was with Stiles and she had a lot of fun. And she had romantic feelings for Stiles now, so she didn't see a point in hiding them forever. Stiles had told her that he had feelings for her long before she realized her own and they had just shared a kiss—even if it was an absentminded one.
"Hi," she approached him with a smile; he lit up when she stopped in front of him. "Are you having fun?"
"Yeah!" Stiles nodded jerkily, sipping on his punch. "What about you?"
Usually Olivia would play it cool; she'd be casual as she answered him and she wouldn't let on that she was enjoying his company. Not this time. "Do you wanna dance?"
Stiles raised his eyebrows in surprise. "You want to dance?" she nodded. "Are you feeling okay, Livvy? I mean, I practically had to drag you out onto the dance floor last time."
"Yeah, well," she shrugged with a small smile. "I like dancing with you."
Stiles' jaw dropped for a second but it was like Olivia's words gave him a boost of confidence. He quickly set his punch down on the nearest table and firmly grabbed Olivia's hand, twirling her around before pulling her into his arms.
"Wow," Olivia breathed, surprised, as his hands drifted down to her hips while they swayed to the music. "and here I was thinking that we'd be doing the chicken dance again."
"The chicken dance is fun but I like this, too," Stiles grinned at her. "You look amazing, by the way."
"Thanks," Olivia squeezed his biceps. "I like when you wear green."
"You do?!"
"Yeah," she assured him, her smile widening. "but I like blue on you the best."
"Oh," Stiles perked up excitedly. "Well, that's good because my favorite color is blue."
"Really?" Olivia asked in surprise; she would have thought it was red or something. "Why?"
Stiles stared into her cobalt-blue eyes. "Blue is pretty."
Olivia's heart melted right then and there.
Olivia shifted uneasily on her feet from where she stood next to Isaac, watching as Derek chained Boyd and Erica up in the back of the train car. All three of the newbie betas were uneasy as the full moon got closer but it was really a struggle for Erica and Boyd. It was their first full moon, so they all were expecting them to act out of control tonight. Isaac would have a better chance but from how tense he was, he was in for a rough night, too.
This full moon felt different than the last for Olivia, too. She didn't know if it was because she was actually aware of the powers she held this time but she could feel the moon starting to affect her. Not in the way that it did for werewolves, it was like the exact opposite. She felt more in control than ever, like her body knew that she had a purpose and she would be fulfilling it tonight while helping Erica, Boyd, and Isaac stay in control.
"What if we break free?" Boyd asked as Derek finished chaining him up.
"Then you'll do anything you can to get out of here," Derek answered him. "You'd probably try to kill me and Olivia, then each other, and anything else with a heartbeat."
"Hopefully I'll be able to help you with your control so that doesn't happen," Olivia gave him a small, reassuring smile; Boyd returned her smile with a trusting nod.
Derek moved onto to the chains restraining Erica. He quickly made sure they were going to hold her before picking up the headband he had showed her that morning. He looked to Isaac and Olivia and nodded back at Erica, "I need you guys to hold her."
Isaac immediately took Erica's arms behind her back while Olivia laid both of her hands on her shoulders. "So," Isaac wondered. "how come she gets to wear the headband thing?"
"Because she'll be able to withstand more pain than the two of you," Derek set the metal headband on top of Erica's head and slipped it down, making sure it was over her forehead. "I've got an extra one if you really want it."
Olivia grimaced and looked over at Isaac, who quickly shook his head. "I'll pass."
Derek looked to Erica. "You ready?"
As a pack, they all took a deep breath together. Derek started twisting the prong into the skin of Erica's forehead; Erica screamed loudly, fighting against Isaac's hold on her. Olivia held onto her shoulders as tight as she could, but even she felt unsettled with the slight tingling in the same spot on her forehead.
It was hard for everyone to hear Erica's painful screams. At first, it was just the prongs of the headband causing them but then the moon came out and it was all part of her transition. Boyd soon joined her, grunting and groaning while trying to break free of the restraints holding him.
Olivia restrained Isaac while Derek watched over Boyd and Erica. As soon as she was done, they'd switch places and Olivia would take a crack at trying to be an anchor for them.
"How doesn't Derek feel this?" Isaac murmured as she clasped a handcuff around his wrist and tightened the one holding him to the seat.
"I'm sure he feels every second of it," Olivia looked up at him. "He's had more practice, though."
"That's how he controls it?"
"He has an anchor. It's something meaningful to you. You can bind yourself to it and keep your human side in control," Olivia straightened to her full height and glanced briefly at her cousin as he spoke with his betas. "For Derek, it's anger, but it doesn't have to be for everybody."
"Like Scott?"
"Yeah," she confirmed, knowing that Allison was Scott's anchor. "but listen, if you can't find an anchor tonight, don't worry about it. We can work on it," she placed a hand on his shoulder and he visibly relaxed. "It's why I'm here."
Isaac nodded quietly. Erica screamed again, catching Olivia's attention. "Tell me if you need help," she told Isaac before making her way back to Erica and Boyd. "All right, let's do this."
Stiles was officially bored of Lydia's party. The party itself was still hopping, with dozens and dozens of people drinking Lydia's spiked punch, dancing, talking to their friends, and swimming in the large pool. It was fun but not for Stiles.
He was almost positive it was because Olivia had split a half-hour before. Their dancing had been interrupted by birthday cake and after Lydia blew out the candles, Olivia told him she had to leave to help Derek with Isaac, Erica, and Boyd. He didn't know exactly how she was supposed to help keep three new betas in control but it figured it had something to do with the way her eyes turned purple on the last full moon.
So, now he was stuck next to a stubborn-ass Scott, who kept on sending Allison puppy-dog eyes without realizing it.
"Are you gonna apologize to Allison or what?" he asked his best friend, taking a sip of punch from his plastic cup.
Scott gave him a confused look. "Why should I apologize?"
"Because you're the guy. It's, like, what we do."
"But I didn't do anything wrong."
"Then you should definitely apologize," Stiles glanced back at Allison, where she was chatting with Lydia, and then back to Scott. "See, any time a guy thinks he hasn't done anything wrong, it means he's definitely done something wrong."
Scott thought about that for a moment before insisting, "I'm not apologizing."
Stiles pressed his lips together and gave him a knowing look. "Is that the full moon talking, buddy?"
"Probably," Scott shrugged. "Why do you care, anyway?"
"Because, Scott, something's gotta go right here. I mean, we're getting our asses royally kicked, if you haven't noticed," Stiles pointed out firmly. "People are dying, I got my dad fired, you're gonna be held back in school and if, on top of all that, I gotta watch you lose Allison to a fucking stalker like Matt, I'm gonna stab myself in the face."
As he finished, he was surprised to realize that there actually was something going right in his life. His relationship with Olivia was progressing every day. It almost made up for everything else going bad—almost.
"Don't stab yourself in the face," Scott was staring across the pool. "Jackson's here."
Scott left him, probably to go talk to Allison or Lydia about Jackson. Stiles drained the rest of his punch and started to follow after him when he paused, hearing his dad's familiar voice.
"Why am I wearing black? What are you, an idiot?" Stiles whipped around to see his dad yelling at one of his classmates, dressed in a suit and holding a bottle of whiskey in his hands. "I just came from a funeral. You know, people wear black at funerals."
Stiles' eyes widened in shock as Noah took a long pull of the whiskey. Why was his dad even here? What funeral was he talking about?
"Dude, chill," the teenager held his hands up.  "I was just—"
Noah roughly shoved him away. "Get out of my face."
He took another drink from the bottle and turned to Stiles, glaring at him with hateful eyes. "It's you. It's all you," he held the whiskey bottle up like he was making a toast. "You know, every day I saw her lying in that hospital slowly dying..."
This is about Mom, Stiles realized, his eyes stinging.
"I thought, how the hell am I supposed to raise this stupid kid on my own? This hyperactive little bastard who keeps running my life?" Noah pointed at his son, disgusted. "It's all you. It's you, Stiles. You killed your mother, you hear me? You killed her and now you're killing me!"
Stiles didn't say anything, he didn't move. How was he supposed to react when his dad was saying everything that he blamed himself for? His mom had died and he just stood and watched. He didn't do anything as the life left her eyes.
He flinched away as Noah threw the half-empty bottle at him, the glass crashing against the column he had been standing by. When he looked back at the area his dad had been standing, he was gone.
And then he was submerged in cold water.
Stiles inhaled deeply as he was lifted out of the pool, icy water dripping from his short hair down the back of his neck. He blinked rapidly and coughed, his eyes darting from Scott, who was in front of him, to one of their classmates. It was Danielle, who was known to be quite the character.
"What the fuck?" he spluttered.
"How do you feel?" Danielle asked simply.
"Like I might have to revisit my policy on hitting a girl," he glared at her.
Danielle sniffed, looking at Scott. "He's sober."
"Yeah, thanks, Danielle," Stiles rolled his eyes and got to his feet.
All around him, people were going crazy. There was some girl making out with a plant, two dudes were fighting over the last pig-in-a-blanket, and he had obviously had a hallucination about his dad because why the hell else would Noah even be at Lydia's party?
He turned to Scott. "What the hell is going on?"
When Scott had informed him that Lydia was no longer at the party, they both split up to look for her. While Scott took the inside of the house, where more people were freaking out, Stiles looked outside. There was no sign of Lydia, but there was wolfsbane in the punch bowl.
He hurriedly met up with Scott, who hadn't seen Lydia, either.
"Lydia put wolfsbane in the punch," Stiles informed Scott, trying not to think about how weird the situation was. "Anyone who drank it is freaking out."
Emphasizing Stiles' statement, people started pushing unsuspecting guests into the pool. Some of them enjoyed the little swim they would be privy to. But not Matt Daehler. He didn't know how to swim.
Realization hit Stiles and Scott at the same time. Matt had been in the library when Jackson turned into the kanima, he was the one who owned the camera that had footage of Jackson as a kanima on it. He had been at the rave when Kara was killed. The kanima's master wasn't able to swim and neither could Matt.
And the icing on top of the cake; Jackson—asshole extraordinaire—was the one who helped Matt out of the pool. Their suspicions were confirmed when the police showed up at the party and they tried to confront Matt. He was outside waiting for them, the kanima wrapped protectively around his legs.
Stiles immediately called Olivia, who picked up on the first ring. "Hello? Stiles?"
He could the stress in her voice and fighting in the background. "Matt Daehler's the one controlling Jackson," he told her. "Can you come?"
There was a second where she didn't answer and then, "I'm on my way."
(Gif is not mine)
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enragedbees · 5 years
Pairing: Prinxiety, side Logicality
Summary: Roman doesn’t like Patton’s new date.
Warnings: swearing, alcohol and drug abuse (If I missed anything, please let me know!)
Words: 2299
Song rec: Sad Machine by Porter Robinson
A huge thanks to the wonderful @xionbean for being my beta reader!!
A/N: Me: “I’ll start posting W/D regularly in December!” Me: “oh my god it’s been three months since I posted chapter one.” Seriously, thank you all for your patience. I have had a LOT of stuff going on, but I swear the next update will be MUCH SHORTER than 3 months. Love you guys :)
Taglist: @thenewlarislynn @fall-sunflowers @emo-disaster @darkstrange-son @starwarsdestroyedme @endless-rain-of-words
I love reading your comments! Please let me know what you think! :)
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Chapter 2: Lift The Wall
Roman lounged on his couch, watching a Disney movie, not relaxing.
        Patton had been gone too long. He barely knew the guy he went out with; they hadn’t even known each other two weeks. He could have been anyone. He could have been some asshole who just wanted to take advantage of Patton and never speak to him again, or he could hurt him, or force him into an uncomfortable situation.
        Roman didn’t like Logan Schlenke. He was too professional, he always seemed to know what to say. Too calm. It was like he was advertising that he had something to hide and gloating that he was able to hide it so well.
        Roman looked at the clock. Quarter to eleven. Patton should have been home already.
        He sighed. Roman hoped he was just being paranoid.
        Then, he sat up straight. Keys jingled outside the front door. Roman grabbed the remote off the table in front of him and turned down the volume.
        He could hear voices behind the door, but couldn’t make out what they were saying. After a moment, the doorknob turned and Roman leaned back onto the couch, pretending like he hadn’t been trying to hear.
        Patton walked into the living room, flushed and beaming. He turned and closed the door behind him softly. Then he gave a sigh, still grinning, and walked back in to hang up his jacket.
        Roman attempted to look nonchalant. “How was the date?”
        Patton bit his lip. “Amazing. We went for dinner and ice cream, and then we just walked around the city. It was great.”
        “Did he…”
        Patton smirked in Roman’s direction and brushed past him into the kitchen. “No, he didn’t try anything. He was a perfect gentleman, and he was too nervous to even kiss me. Honestly, I wouldn’t have minded if he was a little more forward.”
        Roman scoffed. “He didn’t even kiss you?”
        “He did.” Patton hid a smile. “He just didn’t initiate it.”
        Roman sat up as Patton grabbed a water bottle and came over to sit next to him. “Are you gonna see him again?”
        Patton nodded, still beaming. “He’s a good guy, Ro. I think you’ll like him, if you get to know him.”
        Patton shrugged and smirked, twisting off the top of his bottle. “And…he has a roommate. Who happens to be single.” He took a drink.
        Roman smiled and shook his head. “I’m still not looking for a relationship, Patton.”
        Patton shrugged again. “Just saying.”
        Roman sighed and pulled a blanket off the arm of the couch. “You wanna finish watching with me?”
        “Of course,” laughed Patton, tucking his legs up on the couch and pulling the blanket over himself.
        They sat in the dark, huddled under a blanket, and stayed up late finishing the movie. Roman kept making snarky comments and dumb jokes to make Patton laugh. He focused on the moment, immersed himself completely in the present. He was happy. And he breathed and memorized the feeling.
        Roman couldn’t help but hope things would stay like this forever.
        Roman Kapur still believed in love.
        He had grown up on Disney movies, and he knew that no matter what forces of evil and devastation were thrown at the protagonist, they always came out okay. They got to fall in love and live happily ever after.
        So no matter what life threw at him, he was determined to be happy.
        As a child, his parents had been the model of that eternal happiness. His mother was the youngest daughter in a wealthy, renowned family who made their fortune during the industrial revolution and still lived off that money. But in Roman’s young imagination, she was a princess.
        She fell in love with a commoner, a man who immigrated from a faraway and beautiful land as a child, who couldn’t offer her the luxurious lifestyle she was used to but promised to love her forever. They ran away together, and they were living their fairytale ending.
        Roman used to think about their story often, mesmerized at the romance and the fantasy of it. The princess ran away with the commoner. Away from her overbearing parents, who could never see how much the two loved each other. They eloped and started a new life together, and seven months later, Roman and his brother Remus were born.
        Roman believed this fantasy until he was seven years old, when his mother left.
        He could never really blame her. Maybe she wasn’t as happy as Roman thought. It was okay if she didn’t call him, if she wasn’t around very often, or even ever. Roman could get over his own devastation. As long as she was happy.
        When Roman got a little older, he blamed her even less. She was an aristocrat who hated the lifestyle her parents provided and rebelled any chance she got. She got pregnant on accident and took the first opportunity to escape her life, ran away with a man she didn’t even realize she didn’t love, someone who desperately tried but couldn’t give her the things he promised he would.
        Remus never got over it. From the moment their mother left he decided he hated her. He didn’t waste his time caring about someone who abandoned him.
        Roman couldn’t understand how Remus could just give up on her so easily. She was still their mother. She still loved them.
        “Don’t be such a baby, Roman,” Remus would say. “Love is made up. She’s not coming back.”
        Roman didn’t let it get to him. He would still be happy.
        Roman knew how upset his father was, though. As difficult as their situation had been, he still loved her. He didn’t take the split well. Roman did everything he could to help him.
        He’d watch his father stumble home late at night, not knowing where he had been, and crash unmoving on the couch, and Roman would be terrified that he wouldn’t wake up again. So he stayed by his side through the night, trying to keep his eyes from closing until he inevitably woke up in the morning. He would sit on the floor, watching his father’s chest move up and down, and hope Remus might come in and watch for awhile so Roman could get some sleep.
But he never did. Remus didn’t care if their father was okay. He said that if their dad really cared about them, he’d stay home and take care of them. That Roman was wasting his own time watching over someone who didn’t love him enough to stop getting drunk and high every night.
        Roman couldn’t just abandon his father, though. He was going through a lot. He needed to know that someone was still there for him.
        Roman grew up taking care of himself and his dad. He learned how to cook and he made sure to get his schoolwork done on his own. He cleaned the house and worked odd jobs around the neighborhood to help pay for food and utilities. When he got a little older, he’d find little bundles of green or white hidden around the house and flush them. If his dad noticed, he never said anything.
        Remus kept telling him he was naïve and immature. But every once in a while, he would save a plate in the microwave for when Roman worked late. He’d come and sit across the room from Roman while he was watching a movie. Remus did nothing for his father, but he never abandoned his brother.
        And it pissed Remus off to no end when his father’s carelessness upset Roman.
Roman sat on Remus’ bed, sobbing into his brother’s shoulder the first time their dad didn’t come home in days. He couldn’t understand why, if their dad loved them, he rarely did anything to take care of them. Why he never made an effort to get sober and be there for the only two people in the world who needed him.
        Remus sighed and stroked his brother’s hair. “After everything we’ve been through, I don’t know how you can still believe real love actually exists.”
        Roman sniffed. “I have to. What’s the point of living if it doesn’t? Why would anyone do anything for someone else?”
        Remus pursed his lips. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt, Roman.”
        Roman had to believe. He couldn’t stand the thought that it wasn’t real.      
        Maybe he had had a tough break. Maybe what he had seen and lived through should have made him like Remus, cynical and bitter but overall accepting of the way his world worked. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t find true, real, unconditional love.
        Roman refused to accept that everything worked the way he had seen it. If he knew anything about love, he knew that it made you want to do everything to make someone else happy. Just because he never experienced it growing up didn’t mean it wasn’t real. It was real.
        And Roman was desperate to find it.
        Roman stepped out of the car and took a deep breath.
        He smiled so hard his cheeks ached. His heart sped up and his stomach twisted in anticipation.
        His father shut the passenger’s side door and walked to the back of the car, popping the trunk. Roman met him there and started pulling out suitcases.
        “So, here we are,” his dad said, putting on a tight smile. “You excited?”
        Roman grinned and looked around the campus, the air warmer and heavier than he was used to. The sun glittered through tall oak trees scattered across the grassy parks. The building they were parked at loomed over them, powerful and sophisticated. Roman’s home for the next few years.
        Roman nodded. “Yeah.”
        His father shot him a sad smile as they started up the sidewalk and stairs into the dormitories. “It’s gonna be pretty quiet at home without you.”
        Roman nodded again, smile subdued but lingering. Of course, he was sad that he was leaving home. He knew it was right, and he knew he would be so much happier at school, but Roman couldn’t help but worry what would happen if nobody was there to take care of his dad.
        Remus had left home over the summer, the day they both turned eighteen. He had told them that he needed to, that medical school was expensive and he needed to start working on campus as soon as possible. Roman knew that wasn’t the reason he was leaving, and their father knew it too.
        Roman had wondered if Remus regretted it at all, before leaving and moving across the country, going as far as he could from home, like he had openly dreamed of since they were kids. Roman wondered if he had really seen a glimpse of sadness in Remus’ grateful expression when he saw that all of his birthday presents that year were appliances and gift cards, when he saw that their father made an effort to take care of him, even if Remus wasn’t home.
        Carrying boxes and bags of clothes into his dorm, Roman hoped that his dad would step up and take care of himself, that he’d be more careful, that he’d remember his kids still needed him.
        His dad flashed him a smile as he brought the last box into the dorm, and Roman grinned back, remembering how exciting it was just to be here. Everything was fine, for now. No need to be worrying.
        “This feels like a lot of stuff, kid.” His dad put his hands on his waist. “You have the space for all of it?”
        Roman smiled. “I’ll figure something out.”
        “And where’s your roommate? I was hoping I’d get to meet him.”
        Roman shrugged. “He doesn’t have as long of a drive, so he’ll probably be here later.” Roman looked down and played with the zipper on his hoodie.
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay in town for the night? We just got here, and it’s a long drive home,” Roman offered. “My classes don’t start until Monday. We could explore the town, or something. I’m sure there’s a hotel nearby.”
        Roman’s dad shook his head. “Nah, that’s okay. I’ve got a work thing tomorrow morning; I should probably be home tonight.”
        He looked at his watch and coughed. “Actually, I should get going pretty soon if I want to get back before it’s really late.” He chuckled. “Why’d you kids have to pick schools so damn far away?”
        He was joking. But Roman could see his devastation.
        Roman looked up at his dad. He tried not to take it personally that he wasn’t staying. At least he was putting in an effort at his job.
He looked at the sepia skin and thick, dark hair he had inherited from his dad. The similarities in their appearance always managed to cheer Roman up. He was still here. He had physical evidence that he was connected to his father.
Roman stepped forward and threw his arms around his dad’s shoulders. “Love you, Dad. Drive safe. Call me when you can.”
        “I will.” His dad pulled back and kissed Roman on the forehead. He clasped Roman on the side of the neck, smiled sadly, and walked out of the room.
        Roman watched him drive away from the window of his dorm, fighting the disappointment. But as soon as the car disappeared from view, Roman’s elation skyrocketed.
        He spun around, looking around the dorm, the beds pushed against opposite corners of the walls, the desk in the middle of the room, the walls and floors blank and waiting to be decorated. Roman laughed. He was really here. It had finally begun, everything he had looked forward to for years.
        Roman was free.
        He grinned and began unpacking his boxes.
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99 Problems: Part Two
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2,284
Warnings: typical supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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If now isn’t the right time, then you don’t know when it will be. Things keep piling up, and you’re scared Dean is going to find out about you through someone else which will only make this worse. The guilt is eating at you from the inside, and you need to come clean about what you did.
“Dean, I need to tell you something,” you say while Sam is off making a call to the nicest angel you know.
“Dean, this is important. Like, really important.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, well, no. You see, a couple of weeks ago, I… okay, I'm just going to come out and say it. I—”
“I left Cas a message. I think,” Sam interrupts. He takes a seat and hands you and Dean a beer, and his attention is focused back on the case. “So, uh, what’s your theory? Why all of the demon hits?”
“I don’t know. Gank the girl? The prophet, maybe?” Dean theorizes.
“She’s not a prophet,” you interject.
“She’s not a prophet because she’s not human. Prophets are human. She’s not, so therefore, she can’t be a prophet,” you say with some tension.
“How do you know she’s not human?” Sam asks.
“I just do, okay? I can sense these things.”
“Yeah, well, whatever is going on, sucks. These angels are sending these people to do their dirty work.”
“Yeah, and?” Dean asks after he takes a sip of beer.
“And they could get ripped to shreds.”
“We’re all gonna die, Sam. In like a month—maybe two. I mean it. This is the end of the world, but these people aren’t freaking out. In fact they’re running to the exit in an orderly fashion. I don’t know that that’s such a bad thing.”
“Who says they’re all gonna die? What ever happened to us saving them?” he asks angrily.
Before anyone else had a chance to answer, the church bells toll, and everyone starts to get out of their seats.
“Something I said?” Dean shrugs.
“Paul. What’s going on?” Sam asks.
“Leah’s had another vision.”
“Wanna go to church?” Sam questions and gets up.
“You know me—downright pious,” Dean smiles.
“Dean, seriously, I do need to talk to you. It’s very important.”
“What is it? Tell me now.”
“It’s not the time. Just please remind me when we have a chance.”
“Okay,” he nods, and the three of you head over to the church where everyone is gathered.
“Three miles off Talmadge Road,” Pastor Gideon says once it’s time to begin. Leah stands behind him, and she interrupts by whispering in her dad’s ear. “Five miles. There are demons gathered. I don’t know how many, but a lot. Thank you, Leah. So, who’s going to join me?”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” Rob volunteers.
“Someone’s gotta cover Rob’s ass,” Paul grins.
“We’re in, Padre,” Dean speaks for you three.
“Thank you. I’d like to offer a prayer. “Our Father in Heaven—”
“Yeah, not so much,” you scoff.
“—help us to fight in your name. We ask that you protect us from all servants of evil. Guide our hands in defeating them and deliver us home safely. Thank you, Amen.”
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Pastor Gideon directs his crew to the house Leah told everyone about. There is something off about that girl, but you can’t place your finger on it. She’s not human, then what is she? She’s not an angel or a demon, then what is she? She’s not a witch, then what is she? There isn’t time to think about it since you arrive at the demon house. Gideon and his crew crouch down to see if there are any demons outside, and you look around for them.
“Do you see anything?” Dean whispers to you.
You lift up your right hand and swipe it from the left side of your house to the right. By doing so, you allow your magic to let you see an x-ray version of the house. There are at least half a dozen demons inside, but you don’t know why they’re here.
“Two upstairs, three downstairs, and one in the basement. I’ll get the one in the basement. Be safe,” you say and get up.
“How did she do that?” Rob asks.
“Not the time, Rob. Just listen to her,” Dean coughs and takes two men with him to tackle the two upstairs.
Sam and the rest take the ones on the first floor. You, however, find a door that leads to the basement, and you use your magic to unlock it. It’s dark and dusty, but you ignore the smell and walk down the stairs. You create a ball of magic to float beside you as a source of light since you didn’t have a flashlight.
“I know you’re down here. I can sense you,” you say loudly.
There is a bit of a scuttle from behind you, and you smirk. The demon gave away his position the minute he decided to move. Turning around, you threw your ball of light at the creature. He isn’t expecting it, and the ball slams into his stomach. His body absorbs the magic which causes him to cry out in pain. He lifts his right hand and uses his demonic power to throw you against the wall. It hurt, but not as bad as this might.
You get into a running stance before charging, and you put everything you have when you slam into his body. He grunts in pain when the wind gets knocked out of him, but he recovers quickly. He grabs at your throat in an attempt to subdue you, but he should know better than to mess with a witch. Your eyes flash bright blue, and you do the first thing that comes to mind. Much like you’ve seen Castiel do, you place your hand to the top of his bald head.
His eyes and mouth are wide with fear, and black smoke starts pouring out of every crease and pore. You don’t know how this is possible, but you are exorcising the demon without saying a word. Is this what Sam felt like when he was able to do this with his powers? Sure, he was hopped up on demon blood, but still. Is it weird to say you kind of like it? Maybe it’s the adrenaline talking, but you keep doing it until the demon is no longer inside the man. He drops to the ground, clearly dead, and you get up on shaky legs.
Did that really just happen? Did you exorcise a demon with your magic? You’ve never been able to do that before. It’s like you are unlocking certain things you can do. It all began after you found out you were pregnant. Shit, you were pregnant. You have to tell Dean. Dean! You hadn’t heard anything from above, and you don’t know if that is a good sign or not. Taking the stairs from the basement to the first floor two at a time, you open the door to see all the demons dead, Sam laying on some burlap sacks, and Dean with Ruby’s knife in his hands.
“Are you guys okay?”
“Yeah, are you?”
“Where were you?” Rob asks.
“Basement. There was a demon down there. Is everything okay up here?”
“Yeah, we got them all.”
“Great, we can leave now!” you smile.
It doesn’t take long to gather everyone and head outside.
“I guess that’s what it’s like, huh?” Sam sighs.
“Having backup.”
“Guys I exorcised a demon!” you gasp happily when it was just the three of you.
Rob and his crew packed in their car while you and the brothers did the same with the Impala.
“Yeah, we all can.”
“No, with my magic! Like what Castiel does with he puts his hand on someone’s head? I did that!”
“Congratulations,” Sam chuckles.
“Be more excited for me, huh?” you scoff.
“Dean. Sam. Y/N,” Ryan says as he approaches you.
“Yo,” Dean greets.
“Hey. So, um, is—is that—is that cool that I get a ride back with you guys?” he stutters.
Dean makes eye contact with Rob in the driver’s seat, and he nods to let him know it’s okay if Ryan stays with you three. Rob doesn’t see anything wrong with it and leaves with the rest.
“Hey, you’ve saved my ass twice already. One more time, you can drive,” he laughs before turning to his brother. “Get a beer?”
Sam fetches for four beers from the car, and Dean tosses one over to the kid. Normally, you wouldn’t condone underaged drinking, but the kid earned it. Well, you don’t know how old he is, but he doesn’t look 21.
“Hey, you earned it. Don’t tell your mom,” Dean chuckles.
“Oh, believe me—I will not,” the kid scoffs.
The brothers open their beer and take a sip, but you finger the closed can. You don’t feel for alcohol right now, not when you have so much on your mind. You place the can on the trunk of the car, and before Dean has a chance to say anything about it, Dylan is grabbed by the feet and dragged underneath the car. He screams in pain, and you jump into action. Sam runs to the other side of the car while you and Dean help Ryan. There was a demon hiding underneath the car this entire time, and his only goal was to attack the kid.
“Dylan!” you scream and reach for the kid while Sam takes care of the demon with his knife.
When you see the blank look in Ryan’s eye, you know he is already gone.
“No!” Dean yells.
“Dylan, wake up,” you gasp and place your glowing hands on his face.
Dean pulls down his collar to reveal his throat had been cut by the demon. Maybe your magic can heal him, but you know that won’t work.
“Y/N, he’s gone,” Dean says painfully.
You pull your hand away as it fades to its normal color, and you lean against the car in defeat. This is not how you imagine this going.
“It’s all my fault,” you whisper.
“No, it’s not.”
“I should have known a demon was there! He died because of me! What am I going to say to his mother?”
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It pained everyone when they found out about one of their own. The church obviously put together a funeral to remember Ryan, but you are more afraid of facing Jane, his mother. Rob is his dad from what you gathered before, but it’s the mother you are more scared of. At least Rob knows what the job entails. Janes doesn’t have a clue, not really. Everyone is gathered inside with you and the brothers posted outside of it. People are walking in, and when you spot Jane and Rob huddled together, your heart beats faster.
“Ma’am, we’re just, um, very sorry,” you apologize.
“You know… this is your fault,” she glares.
“Jane. Come on,” Rob whispers.
“It’s all my fault,” you sigh sadly.
“Y/N, why are you taking this so hard? People die on our watch all the time. It’s sad, but it’s true.”
“I know, but I do need to tell you something, and it’s been bugging me all day--all week—and I need to get it off my chest because it’s killing me.”
“Okay, after this we’ll talk, okay?”
“Okay,” you whisper.
Dean heads inside, but Sam stops you before you two can enter.
“You’re going to tell him? What happened to swearing me and Cas?”
“I can’t do it, Sam. When we died, all I saw was the daughter I killed. Daughter. It was going to be a girl. I thought I could do it, but I can’t. The guilt is eating me alive. I shouldn’t have done it. Oh, he’s going to hate me.”
“He’s not going to hate you.”
“Yes! I killed his child! I killed your niece! Why don’t you hate me for it?”
“Why don’t you hate me for what I did with Ruby?”
“You’re family. You’re--”
“Exactly. Dean will forgive you. Just give him time.”
“Thanks, Sam,” you sigh and head inside the church.
“I wish I knew what to say. But I don’t,” Pastor Gideon starts the service. It’s an open casket, and Ryan lays behind him. “I’m so sorry, Jane, Rob. There are no words. Dylan… I don’t know why this happened. I don’t know why any of this is happening. I got no easy answers. But what I do know is—” Leah’s eyes roll to the back of her head, and she falls out of her pew. She starts to have a seizure, and you watch from the back as this happens. “Leah, honey? Leah, honey? Honey? It’s okay sweetie. It’s okay.”
“Dad, it’s Dylan,” she mutters.
“Just rest a minute, okay?”
“No, listen. Dylan’s coming back,” she says with more urgency.
“What the fuck?” you whisper so low that no one else heard you.
Her dad helps her to her feet and lets her take the floor so she can explain what the fuck just happened. This never happened with Chuck. She’s not who she says she is.
“Jane, Rob… It’s going to be okay. You’ll see Dylan again. When the final day comes--Judgement Day—he’ll be resurrected and you’ll be together again. We’ll all be together. With all our loved ones. We’ve been chosen. The angels have chosen us. And we will be given paradise on earth. All we have to do is follow the angels’ commandments.”
“What are they?” someone asks from the crowd.
Oh, this is going to be a long ceremony.
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BEASTARS MINI-STORY #3: “The Pitfalls of Thin Walls pt. 3” by JCL
We're back in Sebun's apartment. Raika looks surprised and bewildered. RAIKA: "Wow, I didn't see that coming!" Ebisu on the other hand looks a little shocked. EBISU: "How can they talk about having kids? They're basically kids themselves!" ZAGUAN: "You think Haru is pregnant with his baby?" Eugen shakes his head at this notion. EUGEN: "The way young people carry on these days, I wouldn't be surprised." Bogue on the other hand nods and looks intrigued as he continues to take notes. BOGUE: "I can see it right now: The hidden condo full of playful little wolf-rabbits. Little... I dunno, what would be the therm, 'wunnies?'" -- Haru begins to cheerfully rant while Legosi looks weirded out. HARU: "There's so many pretty flower names for girls you know. *HIC!*" LEGOSI: (She's not poisoned.. She's DEAD-DRUNK!) HARU: "Rose, Hyacinth, Violet, Daisy, Jasmine, Lily... The list goes on!" Legosi tries to inernally calculate how this could've happened. LEGOSI: (But HOW?! I mean I had some sake in the soba, the way grandad always makes it, but...) Haru begins to pout and begins to scratch her chin in a pondering manner. HARU: "Not a lot of names for boys though, that might be a problem... Hazel? Nah, that's such a typical rabbit name..." LEGOSI: (Wait a minute...!) He grabs Haru by the shoulders in order to gain her full attention. LEGOSI: "Haru, focus. If I poured 1,5 dl of sake into the kind of small cups you have at your family's house, how many cups would I fill?" Haru looks confused; warped scribbles of matemathical equations and numbers holding martiniglasses dance around her head. HARU: "... How many?" She then laughs and gives Legosi a playful slap on the arm. HARU: "SILLY! I can't drink that much! I get tipsy from just one cup, six would just slay me!" Legosi looks horrified. -- Fina facepalms. FINA: "Ooooooh now I see what is going on. You can have liquor in yakisoba right?" The rest of the guys look confused. MUGI: "Yeah?" FINA: "I think that Legosi has made a classic mistake that can sometimes happen when you cook a meal for a smaller animal: He didn't take their different size proportions into consideration." The other guys still look confused. EBISU: "I don't get it." FINA: "It's simple: Lets say he made a meal with proportions adapted for a larger animal like himself, with alcohol." Explanatory illustrations pop up behind Fina as she details what she means. We see a chibi-version of Legosi standing next to a stove, pouring the contents of a flask of sake into a wok containing yakisoba. FINA: "Within those proportions, that amount would have virtually no effect on him." Chibi-Legosi proceeds to eat from a bowl of the same yakisoba. He seems completely unaffected. FINA: "But give it to an animal who has a smaller body to process it, that amount might just be much more potent, and make-" We then go over to a Chibi-Haru who eats from the same kind of bowl. She seems unaffected at first. BOGUE: "That poor little bunny more drunk than a skunk on junk outta some trunk!" Chibi-Haru turns red, puts the bowl on her head and starts to dance drunkedly back and forth. We cut back from this illustration and return to the gang in Sebun's apartment. Zaguan shakes his head sympathetically. ZAGUAN: "Poor Haru, poor Legosi. What bad luck!" -- We're back in Legosi's apartment. Legosi looks incredibly guilty, while Haru looks a little stunned. LEGOSI: "I am so sorry Haru! I didn't mean for this to happen!" HARU: "Oh... So that's why I feel strange..." Then she points and laughs at Legosi. HARU: "Haha, you idiot!" Legosi doesn't seem offended though; just sort of relieved that Haru seems to take this in stride for now. LEGOSI: "Don't worry about it, I'll fix this somehow...!" He gets up in a panic, unsure of what to do. He freezes though as he suddenly hears a voice coming through the wall. EBISU: "Make her some coffee!" -- The gang in Sebun's apartment stares daggers at Ebisu, who is holding down his beak, having realized that he thought WAY too loud just now. Fina hisses at him under her breath. FINA: "Idiot...!" Ebisu looks panicked, but then he suddenly spots a coffee jar on a nearby table with the brand Walker's Instant Coffe printed on the side and gets an idea. EBISU: "W-Walker's Instant Coffee, the brew for every couple!" He then proceeds to sing like it's all part of a commercial jingle, set to the tune of "The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round". EBISU: "Dun-dun-dun, just make her some! Dun-dun-dun, just make her some... He gives the others an imploring look. They get what he's trying to do and joins up in his singing. EVERYONE: "Dun-dun-dun, JUST MAKE HER SOME!" -- Legosi hits his fist in his open hand, completely buying into that it was just a commercial playing next door. LEGOSI: "Coffee, that's a good idea!" He turns around and goes over to the sink, where he grabs a percolator. He opens it and proceeds to fill it with water from the tap. LEGOSI: (And I who thought this kind of stuff only happened in mangas or bad fanfics...!) He suddenly gets a shocked expression though. He turns his head back and looks down to see that Haru has walked over and grabbed his tail. She is proceeding to snuggle with it like it was a stuffed animal. HARU: "I've wanted to touch your tail for the longest time! Heeee it's so warm and fluffy! It's like a steering wheel cover in the winter!" Legosi gives Haru an imploring look. LEGOSI: "Haru... Could you please not touch my tail?" Haru looks up at Legosi in drunken confusion. HARU: "Why? Is there poop on it?" LEGOSI: "NO... Because it is making me a little uncomfortable." HARU: "Oh... Okay." Haru lets go of his tail, looking a bit dissapointed, while Legosi breathes out in relief. LEGOSI: "Phew... HUA!" Legosi looks shocked yet again. It turns out that Haru's attention has moved away from his tail and onto the second best THING. Though we don't see exactly what she grabs, as she is off screen. HARU: "I've wanted have my hands on THIS for the longest time too...!" Legosi looks like he wants to die. LEGOSI: (I AM IN A HELL OF MY OWN MAKING) -- Fina has a little blush on her face. FINA: "I suspect her hands found something else to fondle..!" Zaguan looks a little uncomfortable. ZAGUAN: "Maybe this is getting a little too private?" Bogue on the other hand seem to writing things down in a notebook. BOGUE: "Maybe, but you can't deny it's total gold!" -- Legosi is now carrying Haru in his arms towards his mattress, while she sings a tonedead rendition of Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You". HARU: "And aaaaah-ah-ha-ha *HIC!* Will alwaaaaays love uuuuuu-" Legosi looks anything but enthused by Haru's musical aspirations. LEGOSI: "Haru please... My neighbors will hear you...!" At this, a text bubble with a large sweatdrop spawns from the wall behind them, illustrating the neighbor's sense of irony. Legosi proceeds to put Haru down as carefully as possible. He leans down and gives her an assuring smile. LEGOSI: "Just lie down here for a while. You'll be back to normal in no time." He's about to rise up, but Haru grabs him by his t-shirt. HARU: "Hey... " LEGOSI: "Hm?" She has a come-hither sort look in her eyes. HARU: "... You're not gonna leave just yet, are you?" LEGOSI: "I, um, well...!" HARU: "There's a pretty girl lying underneath you, intoxicated and vulnerable... It hasn't crossed your mind, has it? *HIC!*" LEGOSI: "Wha-wha-what are we talking about?" Haru raises her other hand and proceeds to caress Legosi's cheek. HARU: "To take advantage of the situation. Full and complete, ADVANTAGE." Haru speaks the last of this line with such a low voice, that it is obvious to everyone except the completely stone-deaf that it is an invite. -- Most of the gang in Sebun's apartment has gone red in the face, the exception being Raika and Zaguan, who looks relatively calm. Fina begins to speak in a nervous and high-pitched voice. FINA: "Oo-ho-ho-ho-kay, maybe we should stop listening now!" Raika waves this away though. RAIKA: "It'll be fine, we all know Legosi. He's too much of a gentleman." Zaguan nods at this. ZAGUAN: "Agreed. He would never do something so clearly amoral." -- Legosi grabs Haru's hand and gently (but firmly) removes it from his cheek. LEGOSI: "You´re drunk Haru, of course I wouldn't!" -- Raika smiles and points at the wall. RAIKA: "See? He's a regular Gregory Peck!" The others look a bit relieved. -- Haru suddenly sits up and looks Legosi straight in the eye, a sudden sharpness appearing in her gaze. HARU: "What if I said I'm not as drunk as you think, and I'd like you to?" RAIKA: "OH HOT DIGGEDY DAMN!" Both Legosi and Haru turn their heads to look at the wall. The sudden outcry is then followed by a loud acapella-styled jingle. EVERYONE: "DUN-DUN-DUN! JUST MAKE HER SOME!" HARU: "What the hell?" Legosi's large, muscular arm moves past Haru's face. She looks up, and Legosi appears to be leaning in to kiss her. Haru swallows, thinking that Legosi is about to accept her invitation. But then we see that Legosi was merely reaching for the pillow next to his mattress, which he places behind Haru. He sits back and gives her mature look. LEGOSI: "I'd say you're still drunk, and it would still be wrong." He then grabs her with both hands and pulls her back, putting her head down against the pillow with a gentle, yet strict, care.   LEGOSI: "Now lie back, while I make you some coffee." He stands up and walks back to the sink. Haru looks a bit annoyed, kind of like a kid that has been sent to bed early because she wouldn't eat hear vegetables. HARU: "... Fine." -- The gang in Sebun's apartment looks relieved beyond belief, almost collapsing from the whole ordeal. RAIKA: "The force is strong in that one..." -- TEXT: LATER, AND ABOUT 5 MINUTES BEFORE SEBUN COMES HOME. Haru and Legosi are now sitting next to each other on the mattress, both holding a cup of coffee in their hands. Haru is much more sober now and looks ashamed. HARU: "I am sorry." LEGOSI: "Don't be. It was my fault to begin with." HARU: "But I acted like a complete idiot... I fondled your naughty bits and asked you to take advantage of me...! God I must be so screwed up!" LEGOSI: "I... Think everyone does something they normally wouldn't do when they've had too much to drink. Or in your case, eat food filled with booze." Haru gives Legosi a sad look. HARU: "But I made you uncomfortable. I don't want to make you uncomfortable. Not when you're so nice to me... It's frustrating you know, cause it seems like I can't do anything for you. I just want to do something for you in return and I don't know what..." Legosi blinks. He puts a hand on Haru's shoulder. LEGOSI: "Haru... You know why we can't go too fast. Our instincts tell us one thing, and that is either to eat or get eaten, and we don't want either to happen." HARU: "I know... But our heads and hearts, they want us to do nice things to each other, because that's what people do when they care about each other. I mean, you work so hard to make this work, and now you're making me dinner too? It just doesn't feel fair somehow... It's kind of like Christmas when you exchange gifts; you feel guilty when you don't have anything to give back." Legosi stares at Haru. She sighs, gets up and proceeds to pace back and forth. HARU: "I know it's stupid, but I just feel bad about not having given or sacrificed enough compared to you. I mean you dropped out of school, you're covered in scars, you work your butt off in a restuarant and get involved in all kinds of shady stuff, all for me. Meanwhile, I just keep going to school, I have a good relationship with my family, I don't have any problem with money and I'm not even bullied anymore! I mean be honest with me, doesn't any of that bother you?!" As she turns to Legosi with a frustrated expression, she suddenly trips over the carpet and almost falls over. Legosi reacts with lighting-fast reflexes and catches her. She looks up at him, and he gives her a serious look.   LEGOSI: "It doesn't bother me a bit. What kind of person would I be if I wished my girlfriend's life sucked? You make me feel good, just being you. Coming to visit me, letting me come to visit you and your family, talking to me, looking at me with no fear... You don't have to feel oblidged to sleep with me because I cooked you a meal. This isn't a third world country you know." Haru blinks, then gets a shy expression on her face. She looks away with a wobbly smile and begins to run her finger across Legosi's forearm. HARU: "Hey... Since when did you start to act so adult?" Legosi smiles in response. LEGOSI: "I'd say you're rubbing off on me, and I like it." -- We're back in Sebun's apartment, where the whole gang seems to be nearly moved to tears. Ebisu is rubbing some away as he speaks. EBISU: "That guy is my fricking hero...!" Bogue on the other hand is biting into his notebook with tears running down his cheeks. BOGUE: "I'll have to dedicate my next book to them. They are so inspirational!" Fina smiles with a proud look on her face. FINA: "Gregory Peck can throw something old over himself." All of them look up though as they hear the door opening. TEXT: SEBUN IS HOME -- Haru's ears suddenly flickers. She appears to have noticed something, and she moves her hand up to her nose. She sniffs it and then gives off an amused little giggle. HARU: "Nope, it's still here." LEGOSI: "What is?" HARU: "The smell. I think I was mistaken earlier. It wasn't the apartment. It's probably coming from you." Legosi looks embarassed. LEGOSI: "Oh..." Haru grabs his big hand with her two small ones, takes it to her face and presses her nose against his fingers. HARU: "Don't worry about it." She looks up, and her eyes meets with his. They got more tenderness in them than the entirety of "Love me tender." HARU: "I like your smell..." Legosi blushes heavily and swallows. LEGOSI: "..." (Her touch, her eyes, they're so full of warmth) He grabs both of her hands in his, and begins to lean down closer. Haru looks up. LEGOSI: "Haru..." HARU: "Hm?" She sees in his eyes that there's something Legosi wants; coincidentally, the same thing that she wants. Her eyes begin to glitter with anticipation. HARU: (Really? Now? Is he finally ready, so that we can... we can... finally ki-) She raises her head, he lowers his, they both ready their lips and are about to proceed when: SEBUN: "LIKE HELL YOU CAN!" The sudden, loud voice coming from next door startles them both. Especially Haru, who jumps up and grabs Legosi around the throat. Legosi on the other hand gets so surprised that he trips backwards to the kotetsu, which he violently crashes into.   -- Their screams and the violent crash is heard next door, turning into the exact same scene at the end of part 1. SEBUN: “… Did you say.. That Legosi was making her dinner?” -- We see the disastrous result of the crash in Legosi's apartment. He is sitting in the wok atop the collapsed kotatsu. Both he and Haru, who is lying atop of him, are covered head to toe in yakisoba. Legosi looks tired. LEGOSI: "You know what, maybe we'll just go out and eat next time." Haru looks like she's in a murderous state of mind. HARU: (I am gonna kill that woman next door...!) TO BE CONTINUED...
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