#then maria and shadow actually gets to go on earth together
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yyoonk · 1 day ago
The good ending
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Reference <3
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autisticshadowthehedgehog · 6 months ago
OK Guys. I get the skepticism esp after the Knuckles disaster, but we also need to keep in mind "this is a trailer that won't spoil literally everything about the movie." ESPECIALLY in regards to GUN. They're not gonna put in the trailer "the military shot a little girl and that's why Shadow is mad so Sonic is going to never work with them ever." That's a great way to get parents to bring their kids to the theater, especially in America. (/s)
It's WAY more effective as a plot twist halfway through, where Sonic thinks that he's finally being accepted onto Earth via working with the government only to find out that they're exploiting him and Shadow the same. I can't guarantee this is gonna happen obviously but it's like a 90% chance just knowing how, like. writing works.
Esp considering the government has not had a good track record in the last two movies, I dunno if they'd do a heel-face turn into "actually they were always right" in the movie where a little girl needs to get shot by the government.
And I'm not gonna say "trust and form a parasocial relationship with a film director" but we should keep in mind that Jeff Fowler got his start working on Shadow's title game and has stated in interviews that he understands how important Shadow's backstory is to his character. Not to mention how the internet has been exploding the last two years with enthusiasm over this story actually getting shown onscreen, enough that a studio would fucking notice at the very least that this is what the people want. I can't guarantee they'll actually listen, but saying that they're absolutely not because "Sonic was in a GUN helicopter in the trailer" is insane. Especially with the fact that GUN is not with Sonic when he goes to Eggman. We just see Team Sonic alone meeting with Stone, and I will bet you it's because there's no way in hell GUN would let them near him, what with the Robotnik connections to the ARK.
Also the Gerald thing is rather worrying, esp with the lack of shit they gave Pachacamac in the miniseries, but honestly I think that was just a marketing push of "Jim Carrey will be playing TWO characters!!!" Considering he's only seen in one trailer scene AT the ARK (where all of Gerald's technology was and, more importantly, where the Eclipse cannon he needs someone to set off is) AND we know from movie 2's credits scene that there was a fifty-year timeskip, I severely doubt that's the real Gerald who's just completely unaffected by his granddaughter being murdered.
And ofc there's things to be concerned about in the trailer. The lack of Rouge for instance– I obviously keep posting my theory that Krysten Ritter's character will be her undercover but the fact we don't know how much time she'd actually have with Shadow, if at ALL, is worrying. The fact that Rouge might not be here period. The weird pacing of the Knuckles show and the fear that could bleed over into the movie. But there's also stuff to get excited about– the epic fight scene choreography, the brief glimpse we got of Maria and Shadow's bond. Reeves's voice actually fits Shadow and at least from what the trailer showed us it looks like the Green Hills storyline is taking a backseat to the action and mystery of Project Shadow.
tl;dr guys calm down for like five minutes. if the movie sucks in december we can riot then. right now let's just band together against mufasa
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descendant-of-truth · 8 months ago
Y'know, it occurs to me - Movie!Sonic has a lot more in common Shadow than any other version of Sonic that I know of, and that creates a unique storytelling opportunity that wouldn't have been possible before.
Because originally, Shadow having a dark and traumatic backstory was what separated him from Sonic. Their similarities came out more in their confidence, their playful attitude, and even their withdrawn demeanor (though Shadow's is more extreme). Sonic's genuine ability to be carefree and optimistic was his biggest difference from Shadow.
In the movies, Sonic is... not nearly as put-together. Just like Shadow, his personality is shaped almost entirely from the result of tragedy. Both of them had to watch their closest family member get shot trying to save them from raiders (who were specifically targeting them for their powers) by sending them to Earth. The difference here is that, for Shadow, this event is fresh in his mind, while Sonic's had ten years (give or take) to accept what happened and move on.
Except, there's more, because losing Longclaw is itself not the main thing informing Sonic's character - it's the fact that he spent those next ten years in near-total isolation. Also similarly to Shadow, he took the last words his family said to him very seriously, and she told him to stay hidden no matter what. Combine that with the natural fear of what being found did to Longclaw, and the majority of Sonic's life has been spent hidden away, looking out at the world but unable to participate in it.
Remind you of anyone?
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(I swear if the movie doesn't make a point about this parallel specifically I'm gonna lose it)
Normally, Sonic is a silly and upbeat character because that's just how he is by nature, and the feelings he keeps to himself are rarely detrimental to his health. In the movie universe, Sonic is silly and upbeat because he needed to be that way in order for his life to be bearable.
His constant chatter isn't quirky for the sake of it, it's a habit he developed out of necessity because there was no one else to talk to. He compulsively needs to fill the silence because not doing that would only reinforce how alone he was, and it's something he can't shake off even when he's not by himself anymore. His primary method of handling his feelings is to ignore them until they literally explode out of him with lightning firing everywhere.
All of this to say, a Shadow meant to be a foil to this Sonic is going to look very different from the Shadow we're used to. From what little about the movie's events have been described as of writing this, I'm inferring that Shadow's actually going to be a lot more open about his motivations for revenge than he was in the game, and that puts Sonic in the very interesting position of being more closed-off than Shadow.
Because sure, he might try to connect with Shadow's pain like he did with Knuckles. But because Sonic and Knuckles's history was so directly connected, they didn't really have to... talk that much about it. Sonic could acknowledge that they both lost their families a long time ago without having to go into detail about it or the aftermath. And because it had been so long since it happened, it was a lot easier for them to put it behind them and move on.
Shadow can't do that, because for him, Maria was lost very recently. He's not going to accept "you can move on and find new people to care about" as an option, and Sonic can't very well tell him to just ignore it like he did, either. Shadow isn't going to do the whole repression shtick.
For the first time, getting through to Shadow may just depend on Sonic being able to acknowledge his own pain, first. After all, how's Shadow supposed to interpret Sonic, if not as some random guy with a perfectly happy family and an obnoxiously happy attitude telling him that he needs to just, get over what happened to him? How can that come across as anything but naive and shallow without understanding how much Sonic suffered to get to this point?
(It's still a little naive and shallow even with that in mind, but the reason for that isn't because he has no perspective on what experiencing a violent tragedy is like - it's because his only known way of handling it is to leave it in the past and Not Think About It)
Though I do wonder if there's room for Sonic to initially clam up on his emotions even more after meeting Shadow for a bit? Like, he learns to some extent what happened, and is like "aw jeez if this is what could happen if I let myself be more upset about my lot in life then I REALLY need to reign it in" which is the exact opposite lesson he needs to learn but would be really interesting to watch
Point being, I think Sonic and Shadow are being set up as even more like mirrors to each other than usual, and I can't wait to see what they do with that potential
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watercolorsam-arts · 2 months ago
Saw Sonic 3 tonight…. Holy Shit
I have a lot of thoughts, and a lot are really good, I had a blast watching it and I will be going to see it again.
I do however have one “complaint” I guess? Spoilers under break
I need to talk about Maria. But I want to start my little rant with *I did not dislike how Maria was handled in the movie* I quite enjoyed everything she was in. As a stand alone story in the movies, it was awesome (and personally seeing the movies as a sort of au makes the most sense for me). But I want to talk about how one character decision changed a significant amount of Maria and Shadow’s story. (Among other thoughts and things I noticed)
Maria was not explicitly stated to be sick,
It actually seems like she wasn’t sick at all.
Which I feel takes away a lot from Shadow’s creation/discovery.
Shadow in the games was created to be a cure for Maria’s N.I.D.S (Neuro-Immune Disorder Syndrome) his excess chaos energy was a byproduct of being created using Black Arms dna. He was never meant to be a weapon, he was meant to heal.
Maria cared for Shadow beyond just “this will cure me” she and Gerald saw him as himself. He might have been just a cure to Gerald at first, but Maria saw Shadow, not a weapon, or a cure, or an alien, she saw Shadow.
G.U.N saw a weapon, which is why they had to take him, and cut down anyone in their way.
By removing Maria’s sickness, you don’t have any reason for the Ark to exist, and you also don’t need to “create” Shadow. Shadow had to be dropped into the story (kinda literally as he fell from the sky) for him to have a reason to be there.
Maira and Shadow’s relationship in the movie doesn’t have quite the same impact. It even feels kind of… generic? I guess? That the “child” character doesn’t see the “monster/weapon” as one and befriends them. Maria being there isn’t nearly as justified as in the games. “Her grandfather brings her everywhere” and I get why, but still. Even if there was one line of “she gets sick easy, so the professor wants to keep an eye on her.” Instead of just “yeah they go everywhere together”. (Once again, I didn’t hate the version of their relationship in the movie, this is just a comparison to the games)
Maria not being off world also takes away from Shadow’s motivations. Maria wanted to see the world, she wanted to meet the people, and experience everything! She cared so much about a place that would cause her harm just by existing there. No matter what happened, she believed with all her heart that the people of earth deserved to live life to the fullest, even if she couldn’t. So when Shadow gets reminded that he was meant to protect and heal, he chooses to save the world Maria cared so much about.
Movie Maria’s death feels like she was caught in the crossfire for no reason, which, in its own way, has a big impact on Shadow’s arc. She had so much life to live, she was his sister, she didn’t have to die, which fueled Shadow’s hate.
Movie Shadow’s motivations for saving the day are different from game Shadow’s. His motivation is fueled by hate, and hurt, and by love. He hesitates when he hurts Tom after mistaking him for the General. He hurts watching Sonic live a similar horror to what he did. Just like Sonic has to learn, no one wins with revenge, everyone just keeps getting hurt, and he might have wanted to hurt them, make them pay for what they did, he doesn’t want to hurt. He still chooses to heal, and to protect. Maria haunts him in the way a dead star still shines for us, guiding him even though she’s gone, to show love instead of hate and hurt.
They’re both executed phenomenally, and both work in their respective stories, personally, I prefer how the game handled it, but that’s just me. And it’s so interesting to see how different yet similar the two are. The main take away is that all movie Shadow knew was that he was a weapon and chose to actively go against that, while game Shadow knew he could heal as well as hurt.
I will forever cry over the “they’re children!” Line, because… yeah… Shadow and Maria were children, who should have never gone through what they did, I need to hug them and put them back in their blanket fort with a new movie and some snacks.
And this is less of a movie/game comparison, but more so the representation of Maria’s illness. A lot of the time, we see Maria as full of life and energy, but various media like Gerald’s journal, dark beginnings, and the Shadow Campaign in generation has told us she doesn’t always have it that good. She has days where she can barely move, or she’ll need a mobility aid, or she’ll be incredibly sick even with the Arks gravity and atmosphere. Chronic illness’ don’t always impact you the same every day, but you’re still ill, even if you can’t see it, and Maria has become pretty good representation for that, which makes me kinda sad that it was dropped for the movie.
(I feel like my ramblings don’t make sense towards the end? So I think it’s a bit more just, thoughts about the movie and the game. Thanks for reading this far btw :) )
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writingtraumaforever · 3 months ago
A Courtship Christmas: Chapter 2
Notes: I just reeeeally enjoy writing these two in this universe. And I can't say that enough.
Summary: The gang engages in some Christmas festivities, and then Shadow and Sonic try to convince the Wachowskis to allow them to take a trip together..
Courtship Masterpost!
Link to my AO3!
After sitting outside and allowing Shadow the time to gather himself some more and come down from his emotional distress, Sonic is eventually able to lead his boyfriend– Shadow’s words, not his– inside to the others. The reception to his arrival is positive as always, everyone having grown quite fond of Shadow. Even Knuckles, who still sees it as his duty to protect Sonic from Shadow, even if just emotionally, has learned to accept the hybrid as an addition to their clan. Even if not an official Wachowski. In fact, Knuckles and Shadow often tinker with their bikes together, and they’ll even go for rides now and then. Sonic will join here and there, racing alongside them on foot. As much as he likes having an excuse to hold onto Shadow from behind when he rides his bike with him, nothing can ever beat the feeling of the wind under his feet.
All this to say, Shadow, despite his relatively standoffish demeanor, is quite a light in their group of misfits these days. Most consider him the calm and observant one who brings reason to the group– which they desperately need since Sonic just acts far too quickly to actually think anything through, Tails gets too caught up in his inventions and is still just a kid, Knuckles doesn’t think in general, Amy often lets her heart override her brain which isn’t always the best balance, and Rouge–.. Well, Rouge is kind of a wild card, honestly. Shadow brings balance and stability. He’s confident, but not too confident. He carries an air of responsibility and loyalty with him that makes everyone breathe a little easier.
This is a stark contrast to when they first met him and all he did was terrify everyone.
Cream, in particular, is very excited to see Shadow. She jumps up and rushes right over to him, weaving her way through legs until she reaches him and immediately engulfs his waist with a big hug. Shadow chuckles at this, patting her head a bit awkwardly since physical affection is still something he’s working on with people outside of Sonic. 
“Mr. Shadow!” she cheers, beaming up at him with wide, sparkling eyes, “You’re here!”
“I am,” he nods with a small and sheepish smile, not use to children finding him so approachable. Which is a shame since Sonic has noticed that Shadow is great with kids and seems to like them more than most adults.
He kind of assumes this comes from the fact he was raised alongside Maria, often being her caretaker and comfort..
“I apologize for being late. I see you and your mother have integrated nicely with everyone else and the Christmas festivities,” he adds as Cream lets go to take a step back and look at him properly.
“Everyone has just been so lovely,” Cream swoons with her preciously high voice, her eyes so earnest and grateful, “I really like Christmas. And I think I might like earth some more now.” “Good,” Shadow hums, nodding at her warmly, “I’m very glad to hear it.”
Cream grins at this, “Would you like to sit by me while you make your sweater?? I have a lot of good ideas you could use.” “That would be delightful,” Shadow accepts the invitation by taking her small hand and allowing himself to be led to the table where most are finishing up their sweaters by now.
Sonic smiles and follows along, his heart swooning at how adorable the whole thing is.
Once seated, Sonic sits on the opposite side of Shadow as Cream, Rouge scooting a bit closer from her own seat and muttering to him with a quirked brow, “Everything okay?” “Yeah,” Sonic nods with a reassuring smile, “We’re all good.” “Good,” she smiles in return, “Knew he just needed a talk with you, and he’d be peachy.” Sonic chuckles at this, looking back over to see Cream already handing Shadow some black pipe cleaners she has fashioned to look like tires and handlebars. Apparently they’ll be making a festive replica of hit motorcycle for the front of his sweater, which Sonic finds very fitting.
He gets to work on his own that he never got to finish, having Amy help him to embroider some brown yarn on top of his chilidog to make it look like the chili. He and Shadow get into a very brief glitter fight after Sonic accidentally knocks some onto Shadow’s lap by hitting the container with his elbow. Maddie swiftly puts a stop to this, though, since glitter is pretty impossible to clean up. “Sorry, Mom.” “Sorry, Mrs. Wachowski.” They’re both covered in green flakes of glitter, though, shaking off what they could in the backyard before coming back inside with Maddie giving a defeated sigh at the trail they leave behind them.
They finally are able to get started on the tree eventually, Shadow being thrown off that they pull it out of a box rather than out of the woods.
“Didn’t you and Maria have an artificial tree back on the ARK??” Sonic asks with a tilt of his head.
“Yes, but Maria always said they had real trees for Christmas here on earth that they’d chop down and drag back to decorate,” his brows furrow, seeming confused.
“Oh,” Sonic’s ears droop slightly, hoping this doesn’t disappoint the hybrid too much, “Well, some people still do that. But most just buy reusable ones these days. Less trees chopped down, and honestly?? Real ones have been discovered to kinda be a health and safety hazard most days.” “Really??” Shadow blinks in surprise at Sonic.
“I dunno,” Sonic shrugs, “I think I read a Buzzfeed article on it once. Either way! It’s still super fun putting together and decorating the fake tree! Promise.” Shadow hums a moment, looking back to Tom and Randall who are working together to put the fourth and final section of the tree on top to complete the nine foot-er. He seems to consider all this new information a moment before he offers a small smile and looks back to Sonic, “It’s just a tree.” “Right,” Sonic smiles in return, happy Shadow is deciding not to let this minor inconvenience ruin his perspective of the holiday, “What goes on the tree is what matters most anyway. Like all my pinecones I’ve found!” Sonic dashes over to grab the basket full of pinecones sitting to the side and brings them back over to Shadow to show him, “Back with Longclaw? We didn’t have Christmas. But we did do something similar at the beginning of every year by decorating our homes with candles and pinecones and all kinds of other stuff to celebrate life. The owls called it ‘Beginnings’. Maddie and Tom let me kinda merge some of those traditions with Christmas to make me feel more at home.” Shadow listens to Sonic with fond eyes. It’s not often Sonic brings up Longclaw, but he treasures when the hedgehog opens up and talks about it. He knows it’s his equivalent to Maria in a lot of ways.. Losing a loved one so young. He’s proud of Sonic every time he finds the courage and strength to talk about it, big ways or small. 
His crimson eyes look down at the basket to examine the pinecones Sonic has gathered. Some look as though they’ve been dipped in paint, some have red and green glitter glued to the ends, and some are just plain pinecones.
“..They’re beautiful,” Shadow says with nothing but pure honesty, and Sonic’s eyes light up with something akin to pride as well as warmth. “Can I help you put them on the tree?”
“I’d love that,” Sonic replies softly, his smile soft and sweet as he watches Shadow pick one of the plain pinecones and look at the tree as if to find the perfect spot for it.
After about five solid minutes of pondering, Sonic realizes that decorating with Shadow is gonna be a task. The guy is a bit of a perfectionist. But once he places the pinecone on a spot in the center and properly fluffs out the branches around it, the others begin placing their own ornaments, too. And this obviously throws off whatever plans Shadow may have had on pine cone placement. So he very quickly learns that this isn’t an organization game, it’s more of a festive scramble. More about the nostalgia and joy each special ornament brings. 
Sonic takes notice in Shadow’s hesitance and how he begins to get a bit overwhelmed by the others’ careless placement of ornaments, so he steps over to him and takes his hand.
“Don’t overthink it, dude,” he places another pinecone in Shadow’s hand, this one messy with glitter and fake snow, “Just put it where you think it fits best. It’ll all come together in the end.” Shadow looks at the pinecone in his hand. Then he looks at Sonic. The tree. Everyone around him smiling and laughing and enjoying one another’s company.
“Yeah,” he smiles a bit, looking back to Sonic, “It will.”
Sonic smiles back, feeling like Shadow is having one of those profound personal revelations Sonic often misses out on but is grateful for regardless. They get back to placing the pinecones together, Sonic playfully poking Shadow with the pinecones’ spines now and then and Shadow retaliating by sticking them in Sonic’s quills messily. 
Knuckles had wanted to place grapes in the tree, of course, but Maddie said they’d rot and stink eventually. So they compromised with fake ones bought at the dollar tree, Knuckles putting them here and there all over the tree proudly along with some colorful feathers he tied together. He said they reminded him of his tribe’s armor they use to wear to battle.
Tails didn’t quite understand the concept of ornaments initially and started tying string to wrenches and hammers and all sorts of tools. Tom had to break it to him that they were a bit too heavy to have in the tree, but made it up to him by taking him to a local Christmas Market and letting him pick out all the ornaments he saw and liked. He came back with all kinds: ones shaped like tools, ones shaped like candy, and he even found a fox and hedgehog one! No echidna one, though. To compensate for this, he crafted his own and painted it to look like Knuckles with Maddie’s help. Knuckles cried when he saw it next to the hedgehog and fox one on the tree last year. 
‘I am not crying! I just got some fake snow in my gorgeously purple eyes!’
All these ornaments and more went up. Shadow even went and got the ones out of his bike’s bag that he had made at the GUN event with the children. Sonic helped him place those as well, finding perfect spots for them in the front of the tree. One was a bit too high up for him, though, and when Shadow noticed him looking up in thought on how to reach it, he took it upon himself to grab Sonic by the backs of his thighs and crouch down.
Sonic was immediately blushing with wide eyes at him, “What’re you–”Shadow moved his head between Sonic’s thighs and stood up using his legs, careful not to let his spines poke his boyfriend as he hoists him up onto his shoulders with only a small grunt. Like it was nothing. Like Sonic was nothing.
That definitely made Sonic feel things.
“This high enough?” Shadow questions innocently, tilting his head back to look up at the hero now sitting on his shoulders. Sonic, who is now a blushing idiot, just nods stupidly down at him and babbles out something like “Uhhh-yeah uh huh this is good mhm”.
Shadow just smirks a bit at this and watches as Sonic reaches to place the ornament closer to the top.
Rouge watches them from the corner of the room, leaning against the wall with a small smile on her face. They’re really good together..
Her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of Knuckles clearing his throat next to her, blinking as she turns her head to find him standing there with a few feathers in his hand. He’s not looking at her, instead looking away with a very light shade of pink dusting his cheeks. 
She quirks a brow at him, her lips pursing in amusement, “May I help you?”
“It is tradition among the echidnas to deem a woman with the remaining feathers of their armor once done decorating,” he explains with his typical confident voice– except there’s a hidden nervousness in the way he keeps his eyes averted from hers, “I would typically deem my mother with such an honor, but she suggested I find another this year to bestow the feathers on.”
“Oh, did she now?” Rouge smirks a bit, her eyes searching out the room for Maddie to which she finds grinning mischievously into her cup of hot cocoa across the room watching.
It’s no secret that Maddie loves Rouge. Despite her stunts she pulls to make Knuckles uncomfortable at times, she thinks Rouge is good for him. Keeps him in line and is strong enough to stand her ground with him. Knuckles is.. Special. Different. A lot. And Maddie thoroughly believes that he’s met his match with the bat.
She keeps him humble and respectful, that’s for sure.
Rouge’s eyes return to Knuckles then, his still averted away.
“And you chose me?” she chimes, her head tilting with a little smirk, “That’s real sweet of you, Knucklehead.” “You are the next strongest woman of the clan,” he explains and Rouge doesn’t miss how he considers her a part of his ‘clan’. “It is simply the way it should be.”
“What about Amy?? She’s pretty strong with that hammer of hers,” Rouge points out, nodding her head to the pink hedgehog who is off in the corner holding cream up to help her put a chao shaped ornament she made on the tree.
“Indeed,” Knuckles nods in agreement, looking to the pink hedgehog as well, “She is very formidable. And scary,” he shivers at the thought, having been victim to her hammer one too many times before. “..But perhaps sometimes strength isn’t in one’s muscle, but in one’s heart.”
Rouge blinks at this, turning to Knuckles with wide eyes to find him looking at her now. Now she was blushing. Her lips purse into a smile, finding herself touched by his words and unexpected profoundness. 
“Where’d you hear that?”
“It’s a long story,” he says simply, not sharing any more. He didn’t exactly have the time to send her on a whole quest where she’d receive his story told in musical-number format like Wade Whipple had.
“Well..,” she sighs after a brief pause, “Feather me, echidna.”
Knuckles smiles slightly at this, nodding his head to her head and speaking, “May I?” She nods, staying perfectly still for him as he steps forward to lift the remaining feathers and string to the short fur behind her ear and tie them there. This takes a minute since he’s doing this with giant mittens on. Eventually he finishes and they dangle beside her neck, lightly grazing her wings when she moves her head. They’re a deep aquamarine color, much like many of the ones in his tribe used to be..
“They match your eyes,” he mutters without giving it a thought, to which Rouge looks at him in surprise at the unexpected observation. He blinks wide back at her upon realizing his words, his blushing returning even stronger than before as her lips curl into a wicked little grin.
“Didn’t think you’d notice my eye color,” she chimes teasingly, leaning towards him all flirty. 
“Well, I-I am a very observant echidna,” Knuckles justifies with a huff, furrowing his brows at her, “There isn’t much that gets by me.” “Mhm. Sure, Red,” she smirks with a wink, watching as he stumbles back a bit from her close proximity and nearly falls over trying to quickly leave her vicinity.
“Okay well that’s done, goodbye–”
She giggles a bit to herself as he disappears into the kitchen.
Eventually, the tree is done and everyone stands around admiring it in all its glory. Cream and Tails have that innocent childlike wonder in their eyes, Amy sighs happily at its beauty, Knuckles admires it a moment and then lets his gaze fall on Rouge who is smiling to herself as she fiddles with the feathers in her hair, eyes on the tree. Rachel and Randall and JoJo stand together as a family, JoJo holding Amy’s hand to which Amy tears up at. Vanilla stands with Cream, happy to have her daughter friends in this new world. Maddie and Tom stand holding one another, her head leaned on his shoulder as they overlook their family.. Their perfectly imperfect family. 
And Shadow and Sonic are sitting by the window looking at it too. And when Sonic looks at Shadow, he can see all the joy and peace in his eyes. Let him have it. He deserves every moment of it. 
They have a long next few weeks ahead of them..
When Shadow turns to look at Sonic, he sees the tears in his crimson orbs. Sonic is quick to shuffle closer and cuddle up to him without a word, Shadow resting his head on Sonic’s with a sigh. It’s bittersweet. He knows.
His first Christmas tree without Maria.
But Sonic will be there for him through it. And that makes it all better..
“Okay,” Sonic stands in his living room with the tv behind him, hooked up to a laptop to which Shadow is standing beside prepared to help in their presentation. The time has come to tell Maddie and Tom of their plans to visit the Robotniks together, and they have to nail this if they want to convince them to let Sonic go with him alone. So what did Sonic do??
He made a PowerPoint, of course.
Complete with super cool star transitions and spinning texts and necessary gifs.
“So to start this presentation, we have an announcement,” Sonic says very seriously to which Tom’s eyes widen a bit and his hand moves to Maddie’s in concern. “Oh God–.. You two aren’t.. with child are you??”
This results in a resounding “WHAT?” from both Maddie and Sonic and a very appalled and judgy look from Shadow.
“They’re two boys, Tom!” Maddie huffs with wide and disbelieving eyes at her idiotic husband. “They’re aliens!” Tom defends with his hands raising up in surrender, “We haven’t exactly had the talk with Sonic, how am I supposed to know how their reproductive systems work–” “Ew ew ew– Okay! You’ve lost talking privileges, father,” Sonic gags, blushing at the very idea of him and Shadow having sex– let alone having a child!
“Yeah, for real,” Maddie huffs in disgust at him.
“Very distasteful, Donut Lord,” Shadow shakes his head disapprovingly at him from beside the laptop.
Tom just groans and rolls his eyes, “Okay! Okay. My bad,” he then gestures for Sonic to hurry this up, “Just get on with it.”
Sonic clears his throat, “As I was saying before I was so grossly interrupted.”
They all spare a moment to share one last glare at Tom to which Tom just sighs and shrinks in his spot on the couch.
“We have an announcement,” he nods his head to Shadow who clicks a button on the laptop to have the next slide of the PowerPoint appear.
It’s some random public domain picture of a large family hugging each other with a very poorly drawn Shadow the Hedgehog smiling in the middle of them and a big heart over it.
“Shadow has been invited to the Robotnik Annual Holiday Party!” Sonic grins and spreads his arms out excitedly, Shadow pulling out a small confetti popper and popping it in Sonic’s direction. It falls flat on the floor a few feet away from him, but the effort was there.
“Wait-” Maddie frowns now, her brows knitting up as she looks at Shadow, “What??” “That’s right! Turns out Maria has a sister, and she’s invited Shadow to a Holiday Party to meet him and the whole family!”
Maddie seems extremely concerned, and Tom looks a bit skeptical now, too.
“When did this happen–” “No questions until after the presentation please,” Sonic interrupts to which Maddie sighs and sits back in her seat for him to continue.
Shadow clicks to the next slide. “Shadow is very excited about this whole thing, and really wants to make a good first impression!”
There’s another poorly drawn picture of Shadow wearing a suit and bowtie along, he’s giving a thumbs up and dashing smile.
“But as I’m sure you can understand, he’s also very nervous and scared.”
Shadow clicks again and the art of him smiling turns into a frown and a thumbs down, tears going down his cartoon face.
Shadow, this entire time, looks completely unbothered by this whole thing and is simply going along with his boyfriend’s crazy antics– as always.
“Poor Shadow. Whatever could we do to make him feel better?? Well.. I’ll tell you what..”
Shadow clicks again and the screen star transitions into an explosion with sound effects and all, the large text reading ‘Operation Shadow Impresses The Robotniks And Sonic Is His Boyfriend’ spins onto the screen. 
“Operation Shadow Impresses The Robotniks And Sonic Is His Boyfriend is a-go!” Sonic beams, a gif of an audience applauding at the bottom of the screen, “Or OSITRASIHB for short.”
Shadow nods approvingly from his spot by the laptop.
Maddie and Tom just stare at the screen with increasing confusion.
“...Okay, I get the Shadow Impresses The Robotniks part,” Tom points out, “But why the Sonic Is His Boyfriend??” “Oh- because I just really like saying it,” Sonic nods a-matter-of-factly.
Tom nods in return, “Right. Of course.” “Mhm. Anyway! The operation goes like this: we take Shadow suit shopping and get him the perfectly tailored suit for the occasion!” The next slide pops up, a cartoon Shadow standing in front of a mirror in a suit checking himself out.
“Then we get Rouge’s help on getting our hands on the Robotnik’s records so we can buy the perfect present for all the Robotniks!”
A cartoon Shadow is now throwing presents into the air merrily, the presents raining down on the screen.
“And then we get Sonic a suit too because he needs to impress the Robotniks as well since this is my big boyfriend debut, after all–”
“Wait,” Maddie chimes in, leaning forward again now, “You can’t be going–” “I said please save questions until the end of the presentation Mrs. Wachowski, thank you,” Sonic interrupts with a wave of his finger at her. She groans and sits back again, obliging her sassy and over-the-top son for now.
“Once all this is done, we use a warp ring to get to our destination since GUN doesn’t like Shadow using Chaos Control unless on duty– portals opening and bringing more Mobians and all that jazz,” Sonic explains, brushing it off as no big deal to which Shadow just nods supportively at the side.
“We stay for a few days since the party is being held at a mansion, and Shadow is being offered his own room–” “Sonic–” “Mrs. Wachowski, please with the interruptions!” Sonic puts his hands on his hips and taps his toe impatiently at her to which she just rolls her eyes and shakes her head.
He continues, the next slide popping up to show a cartoon Sonic and Shadow now standing amongst the hugging strangers and smiling from ear to ear, “Between my charisma and charm and Shadow’s rugged good looks, we inevitably impress the Robotniks.” “Of course,” Tom nods approvingly, Shadow nodding at him in agreement.
“And they become a big happy family and accept Shadow as one of their own!”
The next slide is another explosion that transitions to a picture of Sonic and Shadow kissing under the mistletoe.
“And then we kiss.” “What?” Shadow blinks.
“What??” Sonic blinks back, dashing over to skip that image and have large text appear over it reading ‘THE END’.
Shadow just smirks and shakes his head at him as Sonic sheepishly smiles and dashes back to his presentation spot in front of the screen.
“I said ‘the end’,” he fibs, “Tadaaaaaa!”
Another confetti popper litters the floor thanks to Shadow who also blows on a party horn for added effect.
Maddie and Tom stare at their son a long moment, processing everything he just threw at them. They then exchange looks at each other. Then at Shadow who is now on the floor very meticulously plucking each piece of confetti from their carpet to clean the mess. 
Then they look to Sonic again who is still standing there with his arms outstretched and a big grin on his face.
“Well..,” Maddie starts, already knowing Sonic is about to be dramatically disappointed, “We don’t really think it’s such a good–” “Yeah, sure, kiddo!” Tom interrupts, beaming at his son with a supportive clap of his hands, “Whatever you need!” “Tom!” Maddie hisses, grabbing his hand to stop his clapping, “Don’t you think we should talk about this??” “He had a solid presentation,” Tom defends with a shrug, Sonic nodding hopefully as he looks at his mother with pleading eyes, “And I think Sonic going along with Shadow to meet Maria’s family is a good idea.” “I don’t think that’s exactly the point,” Maddie argues with a disapproving frown. “Then what’s the point??” Sonic asks genuinely, brows knitting as a frown develops on his muzzle, “Seriously– what’s the problem??” Maddie huffs a little at Sonic’s slight attitude, “The problem is… first off, I don’t know how I feel about you and Shadow going off on a trip all by yourselves. You’re still so young!”
“I’m gonna be eighteen in a few months!” Sonic defends.
“You’re still seventeen now– and that’s just a number. Eighteen isn’t some magic number that just suddenly makes you an adult that’s capable of making adult decisions.” “But it is the age that makes me an adult legally,” Sonic counters with a finger held up matter-of-factly, “And I’m totally capable of making adult decisions! I save the world like– all the time. And Shadow and I hang out alone constantly. What’s the difference in taking a trip??” “It’s different, Sonic,” Maddie says a bit more sternly, “I don’t like the idea of you two sharing a room. You’re both still biologically–” she has to add that in so Sonic doesn’t point out that Shadow is like. Sixty, “--teenagers. And that comes with the hormones and the emotions and canoodling–” “If I may say something Mrs. Wachowski,” Shadow finally speaks, his voice quiet and respectful.
“Yes, Shadow?” Maddie sighs, looking at her son’s boyfriend who is still picking up confetti pieces from her carpet with a tilt of her head.
“Sonic and I wouldn’t have to stay in the same room. From what I’ve gathered of the location of the event, there’s plenty of rooms for him to have his own and I mine. There would be no..,” he clears his throat, “canoodling.”
Maddie sighs a bit at this, feeling a bit better about it all with that bit of information..
But it would still be the first time Sonic has taken a trip by himself overnight like this.. Without Tom, without her..
That’s her baby..
“That.. does make me feel a bit better,” she admits, Shadow nodding and returning back to picking up the confetti mess.
“But that doesn’t change my other problem,” she adds.
“What problem??” Sonic frowns.
“I understand that this is Maria’s family,” she says carefully, not looking to offend Shadow, “...But it’s also Eggman’s. Gerald’s.” Shadow pauses in his motion, freezing up a moment before he eventually continues picking up the confetti..
Tom’s hand reaches for Maddie’s as if to stop her from saying something she’ll regret.
“Yeah, but they’re estranged from them,” Sonic defends, “They have nothing to do with them. They haven’t since Gerald took his granddaughter up to space.”
“I understand that,” she says calmly, trying to choose her words carefully, “But it’s just a little odd that they’ve waited all this time to reach out–” “They didn’t know! They thought Shadow was the reason Maria was gone! They didn’t know the whole story!” “I still don’t know how comfortable I am sending you somewhere with those people,” Maddie argues, her own voice becoming a bit louder now since Sonic’s is. “Why not?? They’re not like them! We can’t just judge them because they have a few loons in their family!” “Sonic, I just don’t see what good can come from a Robotnik!” Shadow disappears. There’s a flash of light, and he’s gone. 
Maddie’s eyes widen at the empty spot he was just in, a pile of confetti left sitting on the end table by the couch.
She instantly feels terrible.
Sonic’s own eyes are wide, staring where Shadow had been before he turns his head to look at his mother with a glaring gaze, “Why’d you say that!?”
“Sonic, I didn’t mean–” “You did! You did mean it!” Sonic interrupts, now yelling and stomping his foot.
Maddie points a finger at him, “Hey! Don’t yell at me like that, young man!” “Shadow came from a Robotnik!” Sonic yells regardless, defending his boyfriend with a scrunch of his nose and a curl of his teeth, “And–And regardless of what Gerald has done, I won’t ever consider that a bad thing! I won’t ever think Shadow being created was bad!” “Sonic, I don’t think that either–!” “He already has problems thinking that himself! And then you go and say that!? What the heck, mom!?” “I didn’t mean it like that–” “But you still said it,” Sonic growls low, fists clenched at his sides, “He’s never gonna forget you saying that..” Maddie frowns, knitting her brows up and pursing her lips. She doesn’t know what to say..
Sonic stomps towards the door.
“Where are you going??? We’re not done with this conversation–” “I’m going to find Shadow! And you’re gonna say you’re sorry!” “Sonic!--”
The door slams.
Sonic is gone.
Maddie sighs heavy and drops her head into her palms, rubbing them up and down her face in frustration with her son– but mostly herself..
Tom sits silently with wide eyes and biting his lips together, blinking at how quickly that all just escalated..
Maddie drops her hands into her lap and looks at him with a deadpan expression, “...Well you were a lot of help.” Tom smiles small and apologetically, moving to put his arms around his wife and rub up and down her back as she leans into him, “Sorry.. I just thought you were handling it.” “We’re supposed to be a team,” she mutters with a sniffle, finding herself beginning to cry from being overwhelmed and feeling like shit currently, “Why’d you just tell him he could go without consulting me first??” “I didn’t see a problem with it,” Tom admits quietly, Maddie huffing at this and lifting her head to look at him. “You? You know how many times you personally have almost been killed by a Robotnik??? Several.” “I’ve almost been killed by an Eggman,” Tom points out with a small smirk, “Not the same.” “It is.” “It isn’t,” Tom argues and shakes her a little to which Maddie just groans, knowing he’s right.
Tom sighs a bit and hugs her back against him a bit tighter, “...I know he’s your son–” “He’s my baby,” Maddie whines and Tom kisses the top of her head with a small smile.
“I know.. But he’s not a baby anymore.. He’s been through enough to know how to handle things for himself. And he also knows Shadow needs him right now..”
Maddie just sighs, “What if I need him still??” “Oh, you’re such a boy mom,” Tom teases with a chuckle to which Maddie huffs.
“I am not!” “You totally are.” “Maybe I am, is that so bad??” “No,” Tom shakes his head, “No, it’s not.. Just means you love them more than most mothers ever could.. They’re lucky they have you.” Maddie sighs, sniffling as she wipes at another tear, “Then why do I feel so awful??” “Because you’re looking at this the wrong way..,” Tom points out as he softly rubs through her hair, “You keep.. Looking at this as losing Sonic. Him growing up and leaving us and you can’t protect him anymore.. But you should be looking at this as gaining a son.. We get Shadow..”
Maddie lifts her head to look at Tom then, her lip quivering at that thought, “We get Shadow..?” “We get Shadow..,” Tom affirms with a nod, “And Shadow won’t let anything happen to Sonic. And he certainly won’t let anyone take him from you. He loves you. You know that..” Maddie nods at that, her forehead pressing to Tom’s, “I need to talk to him..” “Yes, you do,” Tom agrees.
“And apologize.” “Mhm.” “I said a really shitty thing.” “You did, but in your defense, Sonic was pushing your limit.” “He was.” “He’s good at that.” “He is.” “He gets that from you.”
Maddie whacks Tom with a pillow at that, Tom chuckling and trying to block her hits with his arms as she scolds him.
“She didn’t mean that..”
“I know..”
“She was just upset and didn’t mean it to come out that way.” “I know that.” “She’d never purposely hurt you.” “I know, Sonic, it’s just–” Shadow sighs and tries to gather his thoughts, not become overwhelmed and unable to communicate how he’s feeling. Communication is key in a relationship. Mrs. Wachowski taught him that. 
Sonic sits patiently beside him, his legs swinging off the edge of the rooftop they sit on. The roof of the bowling alley. The spot they had their first kiss.
Shadow sits next to him with his legs crossed, eyes staring down at the ground below.
“It’s just that-.. If she can come to that conclusion so quickly.. What’s to stop Maria’s family from doing the same??”
Sonic’s brows furrow a bit, not quite understanding, “What do ya’mean??” “I just mean–,” he sighs in frustration with himself, often getting annoyed easily with how hard talking could be for him sometimes. How hard feelings could be. Sonic’s hand rests on his. That helps some.
“..If your mother.. Who knows me, knows the whole story.. Can think something like that–” “She doesn’t really think that–” “She thought it enough to speak it.” Sonic frowns at this, not arguing his point..
“...If she can think something like that, then what’s gonna stop the Robotniks from thinking the same?? From believing that nothing good could possibly come from Gerald??” “Nothing is gonna stop them from thinking that,” Sonic says softly, his hand squeezing Shadow’s, “..But you can change their minds.” “How?? I’m not– I’m not good at first impressions, I’m not good at-.. At socializing or communicating or any of it.. I’m only good at fighting. At being a weapon.” “That’s not true,” Sonic says sternly, reaching up to make Shadow look at him by turning his cheek towards him, “Look at what you did for Cream. Huh?? For her and her mom. You brought them together and made them feel safe and welcome enough in a whole new world to attend some strangers’ Christmas party. You managed to become friends with arguably the world’s most ornery bat. You won my whole family over– my brother who hates anyone who dares to intrude on his ‘clan’ adores you. I adore you..” Shadow’s brows knit as he looks at Sonic, his eyes looking puffy with tears that threaten to fall but Sonic knows they won’t. Shadow doesn’t like to cry..
“But I didn’t kill your sister..,” Shadow whispers quietly, Sonic sighing immediately and shaking his head as he presses his forehead firmly to Shadow’s.
“Stop saying that,” Sonic whines, his ears folded back as his noses rubs against his boyfriend’s, “You didn’t kill Maria.” “They won’t see it that way.” “You don’t know that, Shadow. You gotta at least give them a chance. They’re willing to give you one, or they wouldn’t have reached out, right??.. You gotta meet them halfway, Shads..”
Shadow sighs at this, closing his eyes and tilting his head to instead nuzzle his face against Sonic’s neck. Bury and hide himself there seeking comfort. Sonic sighs at this and moves a hand up to rub through Shadow’s quills, petting him there to try and work some of the tension out of him.
“..Come back home with me. We’ll talk this over with Mom, and get started preparing for this trip.” “What if your mom says no??” “Love her, but screw that noise. I’ll go anyway.” Shadow snorts at this, knowing damn well if he dared to help Sonic sneak away on a trip with him without her consent, it would be his funeral they’d be planning next.
“I don’t want your mother not liking me.” “She loves you,” Sonic rolls his eyes, “You’re like a son to her. Moms just happen to get pissy at their sons sometimes. Trust me. I know.” Shadow snickers at this, lifting his head now to look at Sonic properly again.
“...Thank you.” “What for?” “Always finding me..” Sonic has. From the very beginning. From jumping out of that GUN helicopter, to Prison Island, to chasing Shadow down in his own backyard that night to now.. Sonic has never once given up on Shadow.
He’s always found him.
“And for always knowing what to say..,” Shadow says quietly, lifting a hand to Sonic’s cheek. Sonic smiles all soft and leans into his palm. “What can I say?? It’s a gift.”
Shadow rolls his eyes and chuckles at that, shaking his head at him and taking a moment just to stare into the hedgehog’s eyes..
He’s such a mystery, Sonic the Hedgehog. A pure wonder of this world and many others..
A hero. A friend. A brother. A son. A god.. And somehow, Shadow has found himself lucky enough to have been a part of all of that.. To have caught the fastest thing alive.
“...So what was that in the presentation about kissing??” Shadow smirks, quirking a brow at Sonic.
Sonic immediately blushes and laughs all awkward, dipping his head down all shy, “Oh that?? Just a little something I threw in– ya’know? Happy endings and all–” He’s cut off when Shadow grabs his chin and lifts his head back up, a tiny gasp escaping Sonic as they stare at each other. Sonic’s eyes wide and Shadow’s half-lidded and looking at Sonic’s lips. Sonic swallows, his tail wagging again at their very close mouths..
“...Well, I’d hate to spoil your happy ending,” Shadow mutters, Sonic blinking as the hybrid lets his chin go to pat his cheek with a low chuckle. Standing from the ledge, Shadow offers a hand to Sonic to help him stand as well. Sonic just stares up at him with an absolutely bamboozled expression before a pout forms on his lips, taking his hand and standing up with his help. Dusting himself off, Sonic mutters, “The Ultimate Tease, I tell ya.”
Shadow’s head tilts back with a laugh and Sonic’s stomach does flips.
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punkinspice · 5 months ago
what r your shadow headcanons?! 👀
👀🖤 Ooooo oh my gosh!!! Thank you for asking op! A lot of them I have are kind of inspired a looot on the future AU I have, and starts from basically the beginning of his life to the potential end... so let's see where this goes...
(Disclaimers: This is written like a week before SXShG comes out so until we learn the new crazy information that I'm sure is going to rock all of our headcanons and theories for better and the worse, this is what I've got for now. Also I base this all on the two world theory, of Earth and Sonic's world being separate universes but currently are being brought together with Chaos Energy and that perhaps a lot of the Earth's magic/energy/gods have somehow been awoken with Chaos Energy, which may have caused the worlds to be open to each other... if that makes sense...😅)
-Gerald/GUN had been messing with the possibility of interdimensional travel for a long time and were eventually able to tap into Chaos Energy, which allowed for the ability of Gerald to be able to do research on Sonic's planet, and for GUN to find and collect the chaos emeralds.
-Gerald needed dna from the (at least what he thinks) is the local chaos emerald's planet because any of the human or animal dna that they've been using back on earth isn't strong enough to withhold the energy of the emeralds and falls apart.
-Shadow is a hedgehog possibly because the part of the planet Gerald was researching was an ancient burial ground of a people who worshipped the Chaos Emeralds and figured it would be easiest to abstract ancient alien hedgehog dna from bones (Jurassic Park Style) rather than upsetting the rest of the planet because who knows what it could unleash, and the last thing GUN needs is ANOTHER alien invasion.
-Speaking of Aliens, the Black Arms were brought in as both a way to appeal Doom's promise of invading again, but also because Gerald needed something genetically stronger that would be able to withstand chaos energy.
-Shadow was supposed to be the start of an underground program of developing super soldiers for GUN but obviously due to the raid, that was shut down.
-We know that chaos is power, power enriched by the heart, and part of the reason so many experiments failed was because the energy could not properly bond without a positive influence, hence the need for Maria's pure heart and soul.
-The Black arms blood only acted as a bonding agent for the chaos energy to sustain the life form they were creating.
-Gerald incorporated the aspect of putting Maria's Soul/heart into Shadow behind Doom's back, and in so doing saving Shadow's life from being able to be completely overtaken by Doom. (Maria helped save his life too 🥺😭)
-Shadow has the same amount of Chaos Energy coursing through his body as an actual chaos emerald.
-His inhibitor rings act like both a seal and storage of his chaos power. Without them the energy would burn away to quickly to be able to regenerate and it would eventually kill him. Eggman is the only one so far known be able to rebuild perfect replicas to replace them (Heroes)
-He uses his inhibitor rings to store chaos energy to use as spears/snapping/skating etc.
-He skates using excess chaos energy that he burns off.
-Due to having so much chaos energy in him, he doesn't get as cold as easily or quickly and can go a little longer without eating. Though if he has recently done a chaos blast or gone super, he definitely notices a drain on his energy and gets really hungry.
-Shadow was only a few years conscious/old on the Ark when the raid happened.
-Shadow is currently deep in his grieving process, but doesn't even know he's grieving. All he knows is that he feel safer and more in control when he's alone and isn't really able to explain or understand why he's so angry.
-Shadow is deeply afraid of accidentally hurting those around him and self-isolates as a way to protect them.
-Sometimes he can feel the amount of energy coursing through him and it scares him. He doesn't fully understand how powerful he really is, or what the limits to his power even are.
-Despite his friends constantly telling him otherwise, Shadow thinks that he really is nothing more than a conscious weapon and doesn't deserve to be anything more.
-He deals with a looooooot of self loathing and survivors guilt, that often comes out as pride and bravado.
-He gradually gets his memories of the events of SA2 after being rescued in Heroes, and was a little hurt at first as to why Rouge hadn't told him everything initially... They had a long complicated talk about it, but soon Shadow realized that how would you even begin to tell someone the things that happened to him.
-Chaos energy eventually will heal his brain of the damage done from the brainwashing and manipulating that Gerald did.
-He is a naturally quiet, reserved and introverted person, but unfortunately the trauma he's suffered kicked it all into overdrive and now socializing is exhausting and awkward.
-Being in cities for too long overwhelms him.
-He is incredibly intelligent and a brilliant strategist, but technology and computers often stump him and it frustrates him (bless)
-Babies and chao are strangely drawn to him. I think they're able to instinctually sense the inherently calming and healing aura he has, and was originally intended to have. This does confuse and fluster him greatly. 😂
-As Shadow heals and moves on he gradually gets more of a sense of humor. It is a dry sense of humor though, and he can get very very sarcastic.
-Rouge was the first person he really allowed himself to get close to or trust himself to be safe around.
-He eventually goes back to live in Sonic's dimension and to suddenly be in a world where everything fits him was a weird adjustment to get used to.
-Shadow sleeps on his back, and only starts to snore when he feels safe and calm.
-Shadow does age, but he ages very very slowly. (think Logan/Wolverine) There will eventually come a time where he notices that he's stopped aging alongside his friends.
-Sometime in the future, Shadow will discover that his powers also have the ability to heal. And he eventually is known to be as great a healer as much as he is a warrior.
-Due to his healing abilities it will lead him to the Master Emerald where Knuckles helps teach him how to meditate and be able to connect with that deeper spiritual aspect that there is to chaos energy.
-He guards the Master Emerald for a time after Knuckles and everyone else is eventually gone... both as a sense of respect and purpose but for solitude and space to grieve again.
-He will have to watch all of his current friends die... but he does become a guardian and a stable rock of guidance and wisdom that the future generations can depend on.
-Shadow is Silver's great great great (idk how many greats) grandfather, and got to see him be born, but due to a calamity threatening the planet was unable to be there for him to help him grow up.
-Shadow and Omega both go out in a blaze of glory together as companions and dear friends as they save the world together to give it a second chance to survive...
AND THAT'S ALL I HAVE FOR NOW... I'm sure I'm forgetting some and will have more come to me later, but I'll start with these.
G o s h so much of Shadow's story is just... so sad. There's so much healing, hope, love and purpose in there too... but at the cost of great sadness... and I think a lot of us can relate to that in deep personal ways. And I think that's what makes Shadow so important and special to us as a character.
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rainyraisin · 25 days ago
Here's some yapping about the Sonic and Shadow swap au I sent to the rulers :3 (I just didn't want to rewrite it lol when I do a post of all the lore I'll do it but not rn since some of this isn't concrete)
Oooo I should tell yall how Shadow The Hedgehog 2005 works
SOOOOO since Shadow is still related to the black arms you'd assume that the game still goes the same and is still about him, right?
Basically Black Doom is unable to control Shadow bc his chaos energy has been too greatly altered by the chaos emeralds to be able to control him (bc like since hes taken the place of Sonic he will have become Super Shadow a LOT), so he manipulates Sonic and gets him to collect the 7 chaos emeralds so he can become powerful enough to control Shadow again :3 (though ofc Sonic doesn't know this, idk what exactly he'll think they're gathering the emeralds for yet ILL FIGURE IT OUT)
He lies to him about being apart of his past bc obviously Sonic still doesn't have his memories back so the boy doesn't know that he's lying 😔💔 and anyway he might actually be a part of his past just in a different way hehe I'm trying to figure out the lore regarding black doom and Sonic atm
Sonic's isn't super strong bc one he was dormant for 50 years and then dormant again after he fell to earth (which also weakened him bc he almost DIED) and hes also just shit at regulating it like thats the whole reason he falls to earth bc his super form fades too fast, so he can kinda mess with Sonic's head hehe I'm figuring that if he never was around in Sonic's past he'll just mess with the guys head so he thinks he was. He doesn't have to do much bc like this guy doesn't have his memories! He just had to convince his brain that Black Doom is familiar to him and boom easily manipulated hedgehog 💅💅
Honestly if he was related to Black Doom in some way I'm thinking maybe Black Doom went to Gerald and tried to offer him another chance at making the ultimate life form but Gerald believed that Sonic really could cure Maria and turned him down. So, in revenge, Black Doom implanted smth in Sonic so if his own plans went awry he could try to use him instead, and even if his plans go ahead it's always nice to have an extra pawn. That's why Shadow only came to earth 15 years ago bc it took the guy a while to find someone who would be able to make his heir (he based him off of Sonic to kind of stick it to Gerald like u won't make me my heir? FINE. I'm stealing your design. Bitch. How do you like that. Also it kinda links them together in some way still bc Sonic may not be black arms but he is a hedgehog like Shadow!!!)
I still need to figure out exactly what I'm gonna do but uh this is the planning phase and yall are along for the ride so!!!!
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official-sonic-team · 2 months ago
sonic movie 3 review
okay let’s discuss the major changes they made in this movie
gerald is alive and well: instead of execution, gerald was simply imprisoned for the past 50 years. he’s 110 and they don’t explain why he’s still alive. assumingly it’s because of shadow’s quill but they don’t actually explain it. he manages to vie for freedom by completeing the eclipse canon schematics for GUN to build. but gerald is very much alive and a very large, active player in this movie
Maria’s death: a GUN soldier does not shoot her. an accident during the shut down of the project shadow causes chaos energy to explode. maria is killed in the explosion. gerald, who was in the blast and roughly the same distance as maria, inexplicably lives. they don’t explain that. but the takeaway is 1) maria dies from an accident 2) she doesn’t even die trying to save shadow. worth noting there’s also no “sayonara shadow the hedgehog”
shadows backstory: shadow was NOT created by Gerald robotnik. a meteor crashed into earth and he was inside. the scientists were researching him as a power source. he is again 1) not created by Gerald 2) NOT a cure for maria. maria probably isn’t even sick they make no reference to it gerald just likes having her around apparently
the final story: ok where to start. 1) there is no space colony ark. shadow and maria and gerald are in some sort of underground military base and that’s where every thing happened- no ark. 2) there is NO biolizard/final hazard. he’s referenced one time as a Godzilla rip off and that’s it since gerald don’t make shadow. 3) the big final issue is that gerald set the eclipse cannon to destroy earth. Sonic and shadow manage to divert the cannon fire. however, the eclipse cannon’s power core becomes destabilized and if it blows, it’ll decimate the atmosphere of earth. Sonic fell from space during them pushing the laser away from the earth so shadow is the one who pushes the eclipse cannon far away from earth while eggman stabilized it long enough for shadow to do that. the cannon blows up and eggman and shadow are presumed dead.
there is no chaos control: shadow uses it like a handful of times during the initial team sonic fight and then it’s not really used ever again. they don’t chaos control the eclipse cannon they just push it around. no fake emerald either.
the moon being destroyed: is an accident. while they’re trying to divert the laser from hitting the earth they accidentally hit the moon. it is not an intentional show of power from eggman, it’s just an accident.
i think those are maybe the BIGGEST changes. obviously no rouge either. they also treat the GUN commander as a good guy who dies Heroically.
one of the other big differences is that there’s a super sonic & shadow fight. shadow critically injured tom by accident and sonic uses the chaos emeralds to turn super to fight shadow over it. sonic eventually decides to not get his revenge, and his resolve in his own character inspires shadow to help him stop Gerald’s plan of destroying the earth.
i think I’ll just break this into pros and cons
this was definitely better paced than the previous two movies. it felt a lot more like a sonic adventure
tails and knuckles have a meaningful role to play and aren’t completely shoved aside
i think they handled shadow vs sonic fights relatively well? im still not impressed by them not entirely being seen as equals but he’s not ridiculously overpowered, sonic manages to do a good job against him.
WAY TOO DIVERGENT FROM THE GAMES. they made so many unnecessary changes. shadow’s backstory is just an entirely different character
the gerald/eggman b-plot was actually unbearable. firstly i despise jim carrey as eggman so he was also never going to be good as gerald. it’s just slapstick everytime they’re on screen together and it’s SO dissonant to the shadow & sonic storyline it’s actually unbearable to watch.
incredibly stupid how they tied eggman to the major plot they very easily could have kept him releasing shadow
they just made no effort to explain anything about gerald. why is he still alive. how did he survive when maria didn’t. like if you’re going to change up your adapation you need to explain WHY and HOW this happened.
honestly im not super impressed with sonic’s revenge plot because shadow and sonic could have easily been tied together by the fact they both lost someone (maria and longclaw). i think it probably doesn’t help that i don’t like tom. also im not usually interested in revenge when the person isn’t even killed? tom still lives and isn’t even like…. permanently injured or something from shadow. so it looses its value to me in that way. i think sonic’s inability to work with a team also doesn’t make a whole lot of sense given sonic 2 and him working with maddie and Tom before. like i understand he has isolation issues but it’s been expressed that these movies have taken place over YEARS so this doesn’t feel like an entirely reasonable arc
all in all i think this is a 5/10. if i didn’t have any knowledge of sonic it could maybe be passable. but the gerald and eggman routine is genuinely unbearable when the movies tried to hit on some deeper levels and themes.
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lilwoofs · 4 months ago
I know it’s been a while but the more I think about it the more I think nothing from the flashbacks in dark beginnings were actually real. Of course there’s the big ones; in the journal it said that ark workers were the ones that calmed emerl down, not shadow (also Maria seems surprised about shadow fighting in shadow generations, but in dark beginnings she asks him to defend them) , and shadow didn’t seem to know he was black arms until shadow the hedgehog 2005 (though he did have memory loss, but even in shadow generations Gerald revealed to shadow and Maria that he made the deal with black doom and Maria seems surprised, that lines up with shadow being surprised in SH 2005, (and also Abe seems to act like it was a secret that he happened to see as a child)) so it just doesn’t make sense for Maria and shadow to have had that conversation. Not to mention so many other things are glitching and out of order (though I think it was confirmed that black doom came back because of the black arms larva on the ark, so it being there was real, even if they might’ve not actually seen it like how the ‘memory’ shows)
It seems like shadows current memories are the ones spilling onto old ones, Maria never confronted him about being black arms (because she most likely never knew) but shadow does know now and maybe that’s seeing a what if. He knows of emerl, and now he’s so used to fighting it’s kinda like a dream, where everything that he knows is getting mixed up.
In sonic adventure 2 we see a flash back (and even though shadows memories aren’t the best in this game, it’s so soon after it would’ve happened for him that I think it’s safe to say we could trust it) that showed shadow expressing that he wants to go to the earth, even saying something like ‘maybe if I go there I’ll find out what my purpose is’
So it makes sense that shadow, having now been to earth and it not doing much, would be concerned about not being about to fit in on earth, and the beginning part shows that, instead of him saying he wants to go down there he’s expressing doubts about being able to fit in, it’s similar to what happened, but also contradicting, which is why I think it didn’t exactly happened as they showed it.
(And I think that makes a lot of sense because the after credits for dark beginning in the PlayStation has shadow again talking to Maria about his concerns fitting into earth, but this one seems more like a hallucination in the present day then a flashback (not real at all because they’re on earth and she disappears afterwards) further showing that this is an issue he is having NOW. And though it could’ve been an issue in the past, I think all together it makes more sense this way)
(That could also mean the very start with Maria running wasn’t just done to be mean, but could’ve been done because that’s a strong memory’s of present that shadow has, again leaking into this ‘flashback’)
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azazel-the-eldritch · 2 months ago
Sonic Movie 3 spoilers!!
I was clapping and screaming like a goddamn idiot during the whole 3rd act! Sonic and Shadow boxing in Super forms zipping across the planet was the most unsubtle Dragon Ball Z shit I've ever seen!! Also we got Live & Learn and the whole theater ERUPTED! As much as I have mixed feelings about the direction the movies are going, as well as how they altered Shadow's backstory, I'm keeping an open mind. I like that Shadow is put forth as what Sonic could've been if he wasn't allowed to heal or react to grief in a healthy way. As well, he isn't an artificial being like the games, he just came out of a meteorite? Which I guess is a more direct setup for Black Doom somewhere down the line. I also have more faith in Keanu Reeves as Shadow. He did great for what he was given. Though, I would've liked one good "Chaos Control". But oh well...
I also like that Shadow and Sonic have a heart to heart about their traumas, not unlike Sonic did with Knuckles. The two hedgehogs having such a conversation in any case is unheard of in the main series, since Sonic is so devil-may-care and Shadow is a hard-ass. So seeing it in this movie was honestly refreshing. Plus that shot of the sun rising over the Earth as Shadow remembers Maria's words is cinema. Sonic and Shadow working together and actually having some good banter and chemistry was good for how much we got.
I have to say, as much as I love Jim Carrey, I didn't much like JUST how much screen time the Robotniks have. They definitely steal the show for better or worse... Shadow is more or less background dressing or Gerald's attack dog half the time up until the Sonic's 3rd act crashout. In SA2, Gerald was long dead, but his presence was still felt throughout. He was the true antagonist all along. Here it feels very self-indulgent, which I guess is the point, but still... Eggman's redemption and apology video did get me to tear up though. Jim Carrey was intending to retire but came back for this movie, and it felt like he was saying goodbye to all of us, not just Agent Stone.
Tails and Knuckles were honestly perfect. Tails is almost 1 to 1 with his video game self, and I like that he's still very much the excitable little brother who also just wants everyone to stop fighting. Knuckles felt like a good middle ground between game and movie. He's definitely adapted to Sonic's sense of humor while still struggling with his literal-mindedness. But he also surprisingly was a bit of a moral center. Especially for Sonic when he was (justifiably) angry demanding the Master Emerald to get back in blood. Knuckles was genuinely trying to talk him down but remain firm. He does decide to have faith that Sonic would come to his senses, which ends up paying off. Knuckles actually respects Sonic as a leader and friend.
As for the post-credit scenes. Rather predictably, we got our girl Amy Rose who is... basically Thor with the flying hammer. We also got Metal Sonic, but also many Metal Sonics. I suspect that maybe the next movie will be some conflation of Sonic CD and Sonic Heroes (and hopefully reference the OVA), since those are Metal's highest points. Mixing together alternate timelines and Metal gaining independence and becoming his own warlord. Which prompts Amy to seek out Sonic and co. I do have to wonder how they'll handle Sonic and Amy. Cuz having mad feelings for Sonic is what she's mainly known for, despite there being more to her than that.
Also Shadow survived... surprisingly absolutely no one haha. I know there was talk of a Shadow series at some point, so we'll likely get more of Movie Shadow's backstory down the line. Hopefully get a proper introduction to Chaos Control.
I have more thoughts, but eh. And despite my nitpicks, I can't say there was anything I found to be bad about the movie. The highs more than make up for any misgivings. I'm overjoyed with how this series has come along thus far. There's a lot of good faith with Jeff Fowler and crew now, and I would never have guessed an animator from Shadow 05 would go on to direct the Sonic movie-verse, much less make a movie with Shadow in it.
It's a good time to be a Sonic fan :)
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maxilsmaster · 2 months ago
i am not normal about these characters: shadow the hedgehog
shadow is special to me. he was the first character i was ever abnormal about. so today you all get to share in my abnormalness
now, if you’ve seen my previous iannatc posts, obviously we’re gonna get neurodivergent headcanons out of the way first. autism and ptsd. i don’t think i need to elaborate on the ptsd. shadow is hypersensitive, is hyperempathetic, has special interests, avoids eye contact, doesn’t understand social conventions, and has alexithymia.
ofc this motherfucker is hyperempathetic. he was created to be a companion for maria as well as to cure her. but he was also created to be a weapon, so he would have heightened senses as well. he gets overstimulated really easily when he’s not in a fight.
he has special interests in medicine/diseases/healthcare in general, motorcycles and bugs. i saw a comic where a bug got onto the ark and now i just think shadow really likes bugs and thinks they’re neat. i’ve explained that he knows medical stuff in a different post
shadow was raised on the ark. of course his ass doesn’t understand social conventions.
my guy does NOT understand his own emotions
shadow has a few different fears, mostly stemming from trauma. he’s especially afraid of heights (acrophobia), tight spaces (claustrophobia) and needles (trypanophobia). needles (and really any medical things) are made 10x worse when he doesn’t have any agency in the situation.
bc of the medical trauma, he strongly prefers colored/patterned bandages bc they feel less clinical/institutional.
he loves physical contact. he is a hugger. he requires kindness and affection. his love language is physical closeness. he does not want anyone to know about this. sometimes rouge will carry him around and he’ll pretend to hate it but he secretly really enjoys it.
shadow is agender (any pronouns, he/him used here for consistency). he learned about trans people and thought “how can anyone feel like a man or a woman?” he then went into a spiral about it (bc of self worth/dehumanization issues) until rouge told him to look up the term agender. this happened with him being aroace as well, except replace rouge with sonic, who is also aroace. sometimes i throw aplatonic into the mix for extra fun.
shadow does not officially work for gun. in fact, he actually got rouge to help him file a lawsuit for all the bullshit they put him through. they settled out of court, and now shadow gets a monthly sum of money from gun. he joins rouge and omega on missions though (rouge works for gun as an alternative to prison, omega wants to blow shit up), and he’s also more competent than any of the medical team, so he’s unofficially in charge of them. he and abe are currently working shit out with the government to get shadow an official medical license.
he lives with rouge and omega. they’re a weird little fucked up found family 💕
shadow is susceptible to hyperthermia/heat stroke. thick black fur gets hot in the summer, plus he’s used to the colder temperatures on the ark/in cryostasis.
shadow will always go see the northern lights if he has any opportunity to. he got to experience them on the ark with maria (yes, you CAN see the northern lights from space) and they both wanted to see what the lights were like on earth. they’re more beautiful than shadow ever could have imagined. he named his chao aurora btw.
sonic and shadow secretly get along, and even have movie nights together. in front of other people (or a camera) they’ll always fight, but they do actually enjoy each other’s company. tails and rouge see right through their facades. shadow also only pretends to have beef with tails when sonic is around. otherwise, he gets along with both just fine.
shadow has no preferred music genre. he likes anything from taylor swift to death metal. sonic got him into crush 40 tho lmao (see iannatc sonic edition)
shadow is a keanu stan. he watched the one spongebob movie solely bc he was told keanu was in it. his favorite franchise of all time is john wick. if he knew keanu voiced him in the scu he’d explode.
shadow thinks die hard is a christmas movie. (he is correct.)
thanks for sticking around lmao
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itz-pandora · 1 month ago
i hope u know that i am so so fascinated with ur android shadow in the misc au, i love him dearly and i need literally every morsel of lore about him please infodump about him as much as you want 😭💖
In his debut, he's mostly following directives, trying to be the soldier he was coded to be, until Amy helps him remember his original directive, to help others. It activates his failsafe, MARIA, and he's flooded with false memories of her. This causes him to help the rest save the day!
Shadow doesn't learn he's an android until Heroes, (which he might learn through Neo), and it's a TOTAL mindfuck. It really makes him feel awful, and that negative feeling gets multiplied exponentially after Prime, where Shadow gets reprogrammed by Nine (which causes him to be deathly afraid of Tails). Shadow, who had grown very close to Amy at this point, decided to separate himself from her as to not hurt her, since he feels like he can't truly ever feel love like she can love him, because of how heavy the weight of being an android isn't him.
SHTH rolls around, and him and Hazard are the protags! This is where Shadow learns he's partially organic, with Black Arms dna. They both end up getting briefly mind controlled by Black Doom, which is TERRIFYING!!!! Shadow literally can't remember anything while being controlled because it doesn't register in his system! Just results in corrupted files. This cements to Shadow that he's never truly free, that the most autonomous part about him is still something that's controlled, just another drone.
He projects his insecurities onto Emerl when Sonic Battle happens. I think I might make this the part where Shadow gets really broken down, to a point the self-repair of the black arms in his circuits just takes too long, so despite protesting, Sonic brings Shadow to Tails for repairs, and Shadow has a PANIC ATTACK. He's actually so terrified of Tails tampering with him that his system overheats and he crashes. After Shadow is repaired, he's less afraid of Tails, because he realized he'd been too harsh, but he's angry at Sonic, and he feels so violated from getting repaired without his consent when Sonic KNOWS what happened with Nine!
Mephiles in 06 doesn't help the feeling of being artificial LMAO, but I don't have specific ideas yet! Shadow gets MAULED in Unleashed by Sonic btw lmao. Also, I don't have ideas for forces yet!
I dunno when this happens, but Shadow does Sonic's top surgery! Shadow wants to go into the medical field so doing this didn't take too much convincing.
After Forces, Metal is freed from the Eggman Empire, and Amy finds her. Amy gets Tails to repair Metal, and she ends up getting cosmetic upgrades to look like Neo! Shadow feels conflicted about Neo, but takes solace in the shared artificialness. Neo dates Amy, and Shadow feels conflicted, since he wants them to be happy, but a part of him never quite got over Amy. Neo and Shadow become close, and Neo is the one who suggests the polycule! They're all nice together 💕
Shadow, Amy and Metal move to Earth when Sonic retires as a hero! (Mobius is different from Earth). Shadow takes college classes to be in the medical field. Even though technically he could download information directly into his memory, he prefers learning in an organic way to feel more real.
When Eclipse comes to Mobius, Eclipse wants to be social with Shadow and Hazard, but struggles. When Eclipse loses his temper he accidentally mind controls Shadow and Hazard in the same way Black Doom did. After a while, he stopped, and Shadow and Hazard were terrified of him. Shadow spent so many years trying to convince himself if autonomy just to be stripped of it again and needing to start back at square one. He has to take a few days off college because it leaves him barely functional due to the sheer stress and trauma he relives at once.
And that's most of what I have planned!!!
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autisticshadowthehedgehog · 21 days ago
A Cluster of Burning Stars - Prologue
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“What do you think it’s like down on Earth?” 
“I bet there’s lots more places to run than up here. It looks so big. All the pictures make it look so open. So much bigger than this stupid ship.” 
“Don’t be rude.” 
“I hope it’s just like those fairytales you read me, Maria! With magic and destiny and true love…” 
“--What about you, Shadow?” 
“...it doesn’t matter. If we go there, we’ll go together, and that’s what’s important.”
“...Stop being a sap, Shadow, and tell us what you actually wanna see.”
“Fine. I wanna hold a spider.” 
“I knew it.” 
“Ha ha.” 
“Stop arguing, boys. We have to go back to lessons in a bit. Let’s just… enjoy the view.” 
“It… it is a lovely view.”
Knuckles the Echidna and Miles “Tails” Prower the Fox had been thorns in the side of Doctor Ivo Robotnik for way too long for him to not lose his mind the second he saw them during his most recent conquest of the planet. Of course, they wouldn’t have it any other way, this was pretty much how they get their kicks. It got a bit difficult sometimes, but that’s what the extended team was for. But for today, it’s just Knuckles and Tails. They should be fine for now. 
Today’s mission brought them somewhere strange, though. When Tails picked up the signal that Robotnik’s ship had reached the general area, he was worried that he was going to a deserted island in order to capture more flickies to turn into robots-- still hadn’t gotten tired of that, apparently. But when he picked Knuckles up from Angel Island and flew over, they had to engage stealth mode incredibly quickly, as they noticed the island was, indeed, not deserted. 
“Hurry it up, Tails.” Knuckles muttered, standing on the wing of the plane and staring down at the huge metallic facility taking up half the island. He could see a protected road and an arched, towering fence over it. It led a little bit off the shoreline, over to what seemed to be some form of landing pad. What drew attention the most, though, were the flashing lights and distant sound of an alarm. Robotnik must already be inside. 
“I’m working on it.” Tails muttered, giving him a quick glare. “It’s a bit hard to scan government files and fly a plane at the same time.” He put a hand to the communicator in his ear, and called, “Vector, Espio, you better be working, too.” 
He heard a few mutters of confirmation from the other end of the line. 
Knuckles glanced down at the land below, narrowing his eyes so the lights stopped bothering him so much. “This isn’t the kind of island I like being around, Tails.” 
“I know.” 
“I prefer silence. Nature. Solitude. No sudden noises.” 
“I’m aware… hold on, Vector got something.” 
Knuckles sighed and reached to his ear, turning on his communicator; he tried to keep it off, mainly, because the static when everyone was silent annoyed him to no end. But once it was on, he could hear the Chaotix from back in Station Square, scanning whatever computer they’d managed to snag. 
“–Prison Island,” Vector was saying, as Knuckles could hear Espio distantly chasing Charmy around the room; the bee seemed to have grabbed something from his fellow detective and was refusing to give it back.
“Prison Island?” Tails asked. 
“Secret Military Base.” Vector affirmed. “Research facility of GUN. There’s a ton of military facilities, but that big thing in the middle should be their prison. Six levels of security. Should be completely impossible to get through.” 
“Okay,” Tails said, “So how long do you think it’ll take us to bust after Robotnik in there?” 
“Less than an hour.” 
“Alright. We’re shutting off communications. Send the emergency alert if you need anything, you know how.” Tails switched off his communicator, and then said, “You ready to break into a government facility?” 
Knuckles finally smiled, and punched his palm. “When am I not?” 
Six levels of security, protected by the best technology and weaponry that the Guardian Units of Nations could offer, were never going to be a match for Dr Ivo Robotnik. He hadn’t even brought his best robots-- he sat in a simple Robo-Walker and blazed his way through hall after hall, hidden elevator after elevator. Security drones would come to attack, but of course they were no match for his technology. Robotnik was the genius of the century, at least according to him, so of course this would be no problem. 
There were six levels of security, he knew, and the files he’d spent days hacking into were a bit more correct than what Vector dug up in a few minutes. While each level had defenses, guards, cameras… everything stopped at Level Seven. GUN never assumed that anyone would be able to get that far, and besides, they didn’t like people knowing what was in there. 
Once Robotnik entered, he approached the large, shining computer in the center. And he looked underneath, to see the frozen tube, holding GUN’s dark, shameful secret within.
“So this is the military’s top secret weapon. A bit smaller than I expected.” 
He was not deterred; size was no guarantee of power. His own Bokkun messenger could carry a multitude of explosives, and that stupid fox couldn’t be over 3’0, and yet he and his echidna friend had been foiling his plans for far too long. Luckily, he had a solution, thanks to the hidden files, the buried research of his brilliant grandfather. And now that he had that information, he could finally defeat those dumb animals, and proceed with his plans for the Robotnik Empire. All he had to do…
“Enter user data, aha… enter password.” 
An easy password. Of course, GUN wouldn’t have guessed it. Robotnik had guessed it due to, as Tails would put it, his inflated sense of ego leading him to believe his family line was superior to all others on the planet. Robotniks had always treasured family above all else, but not always for reasons of superiority, something the girl he was using as a password had once understood. 
The computer buzzed, and then all Robotnik had to do was place the key to open the chamber, a key that GUN had haughtily assumed none but them would ever be able to find, bring to the facility, and reach level seven to utilize. 
But being experienced at stealing these precious stones to power his machines (though Knuckles always somehow got them back, annoyingly), Robotnik simply removed the white chaos emerald from his pocket, and placed it into a console beside the capsule. It took only a moment before the distant hum and glow of the emerald began its work. Robotnik allowed the gunner machine he sat inside to step back as the capsule slowly began to rise, a small amount of smoke clearing from the platform. GUN and their dramatics… well, honestly, Robotnik could appreciate that. Presentation was very important.
The capsule finished rising, and lifted itself in a diagonal position, as if whatever was inside would need to sit up. Then, with another puff of smoke, the lid flipped open. 
And, in confusion, Robotnik watched as a black hedgehog climbed out, shakily standing. 
The hedgehog was still for a moment, eyes narrowed, clearly trying to figure out where he was. He then turned, seeing Robotnik himself. His eyes widened for just a moment, before the emotion was hidden again. Carefully, he observed the room, and then crossed his arms. 
Sensing he wouldn’t speak on his own, Robotnik prompted, “So. The military’s top-secret weapon is… a hedgehog.” 
The hedgehog continued to stare, and then knelt down. Eyes down, he said, in a quiet, dark voice, “My name is Shadow.” He looked up, then stood and crossed his arms again. “Since you were so kind to release me, my master, I will grant you one wish.” 
Robotnik took a moment, trying to decide if the hedgehog was joking. It seemed a bit impossible to tell. But, well, with an ego like Robotnik’s, it was quite easy for him to accept that, of course, this creature would immediately want to serve one as great as him. 
“Well, I could definitely use some assistance getting out of here.” Robotnik said, considering. “I’m sure GUN has already brought in more forces. And that silly echidna and his little friends will probably come in to ruin my fun.” 
The hedgehog once again had a moment where his facial expression changed, a glimmer of something behind his eyes. “GUN? We’re in a GUN facility?” 
“Where else would you be? If you are this ‘ultimate lifeform,’ you are a GUN weapon.” 
The hedgehog watched him for a moment, and then turned and began inspecting the room. He walked to the computer, running a hand across it, before he turned to his capsule. He peered inside, almost confused. 
“Is something the matter… Shadow?” 
The hedgehog looked up. “Am I the only one here?” 
“But of course. You’re the weapon, aren’t you?” 
The hedgehog blinked once. Then twice. Then he turned, so the doctor could not see his face. A small whisper. Tiny enough that Robotnik, who wasn’t paying much attention anyway, definitely wouldn’t have heard it– and if he did, he wouldn’t have known what to do with it, or with the break in the hedgehog’s voice as he spoke. 
“They killed them.” 
They wouldn’t have kept them separate, would they? They’d want all their eggs in one basket. That’s why they were all on the ARK in the first place. 
Maria died to keep them all safe. She died and they killed the others anyway. Of course they would. Of course they would, they’d always said that Shadow was the most useful. That’s why he’d had to protect them, that’s… that’s why it was his fault, he hadn’t protected them enough, and now they were all dead. 
GUN had taken everything. 
Shadow burst through everything in the facility, and when they reached the outside, and he stopped to take a breath, and he looked up at the Earth that had been denied to him for so long, denied to all of them, he held his tears back. 
Two mobians were there, species he vaguely recognized from their textbooks on the ARK. Fox? And… porcupine? Bandicoot? Echidna? Echidna seemed right. The red echidna turned to him, eyes wide with confusion and anger. 
“Hey, you!” he shouted, and Shadow resisted the urge to cover his ears, the noise of the collapsing building inside and the distant gunshots already thundering in his head. “What do you think you’re doing?”
The fox gave him some kind of chiding, but Shadow didn’t listen. He just gave them both a fiery glare. “I’m granting my family justice.” he whispered, not caring if they could or could not hear him. 
He leapt forwards, then, spinning and ramming into the echidna. It sent the red mobian flying back, and Shadow took no time in turning and swinging a kick, sending the fox flying away from him. He heard the echidna leap back up, shouting something in an excited tone– someone who liked to fight, then. The fox said nothing, but Shadow could see him get back to his feet, steadying himself. 
But as Shadow turned to continue the brawl, he wasn’t thinking about them. He was thinking about that first night.
“I can’t sleep.” 
“It’s a new room. I don’t know how.” 
“So why bother me?” 
“It’s your room. How do you sleep here?” 
“I just… do. Other hedgehog, help me out here.” 
“No, I’m with her on this. I feel weird.” 
“...you want to cuddle, don’t you?” 
Two little voices, muttering, “Maybe.” 
“Fine. Come here.” 
He remembered that feeling. He had to be ten years old then, they were all so young. He’d scooted back on the bottom bunk, and then the blue hedgehog had crawled up, cautiously curling up on the bed’s edge, but then the youngest leapt on, bounced, and dragged them all together. She laid inbetween them, hugging them to her, refusing to let go. She had her head on Shadow’s shoulder, then, and whispered, “Night-night.” 
Both of the others had been uncomfortable at first, not used to touch. But they’d realized fast that she needed this, and, well, maybe they needed it, too. Just someone to hold. 
I’m sorry. 
They were gone now. Because he’d failed them. 
I’m sorry, Maria. 
I’m sorry, Amy. 
I’m sorry, Sonic. 
I won’t fail your memory. 
Hundreds of miles away, on a deserted island, a second pod let out a long beep, before falling silent again.
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neometalsilver · 2 months ago
good god please tell me more abt maria and shadow and just. lore in general.
yesssss absolutely. this ended up being very long so i’ve put most of it behind the cut so that it’s not a total bombardment. i also have an ark siblings tag where im more insane about them !!
so long before the main plot of sonic takes place, a girl is born with an incurable chronic and fatal condition called neuro-immune deficiency syndrome (nids). her grandfather, gerald robotnik, happens to be a very proficient scientist who also coincidentally has a space colony that he uses as a settlement and living lab for the greatest scientists in the world to work together on advancing human life etc etc.
the government and gun (guardian units of nations, basically an international military force) are financing this research and after a while they’re like heyyyyy. make weapons for us lol. and at first gerald is like absolutely not this is unethical and wrong and he asks the president to step in and tell gun to back down. the president does not do that and instead tells him to use his research to discover immortality. gerald is upset but then he realises that he can use that to cure maria!! so it works out for him. he invites maria to live on the ark with him.
nobody believes that this could ever work but they give it a try anyway. the first prototype is close to what they want but has too many problems, there’s also an idea involving an ancient being that destroyed a civilisation 4 millennia ago and another involving an ancient god but we don’t need to worry about that rn.
around this time a comet is passing earth that is home to a hivemind race of aliens led by this guy black doom. gerald reaches out and is like yo come here rq look at this shit. help me out. black doom offers his dna in exchange for the results being used to provide him with the chaos emeralds when the comet next passes in 50 years. gerald uses this dna together with some hedgehog dna to create the final attempt at the ultimate lifeform. i do not know how he got the hedgehog dna.
this alien hedgehog hybrid ends up being fully sentient, intelligent, has cool powers, and most importantly he’s immortal. the crazy son of a bitch actually did it. his name is shadow the hedgehog. (also there’s a rarepair crackship between gerald and doom. this isn’t important to the plot but it’s important to me that you know this). gerald gives shadow a soul identical to maria’s so that he will use his power to help the world, rather than be a weapon like gun want.
immediately after he’s born, him and maria become super close like siblings. shadow knows that he’s made to cure her and it stresses him out that they can’t seem to figure out how to do that. he’s angsty because the scientists treat him like a dangerous weapon instead of an actual person. maria is the only person to treat him with love and kindness and they’re inseparable. they have a shared dream of going to earth and seeing everything it has to offer, but until they find a cure for maria they can’t leave. but it’s okay because they have eachother!!
eventually gun are like okay enough is enough the project is too dangerous. they board the ark and kill everyone involved with shadows creation. the plan is to arrest gerald and keep using his brains for weapons, i can’t actually remember if they wanted to kill shadow or not but im pretty sure they did. gerald finds shadow and maria amidst the chaos and tells them that they need to get out right now. shadow and maria try to run to the escape pods but get caught by gun soldiers. maria gets shot by a soldier and as shes dying she tells shadow that when he gets to earth, he needs to make sure that everyone there gets the chance to be happy and live their lives. she sends his escape pod to earth and then dies. also the whole time she’s dying shadow is in the escape pod literally unable to get to her or help her (remember his main goal was to save her).
shadow is captured by gun at some point after landing (probably instantly, they would have been able to track the pod). hes brought to the same prison as gerald, who has gone insane with grief. over an undetermined amount of time he reprograms shadow into believing that the world needs to be destroyed and plants fake memories of maria to make him think that this is what she wanted. gerald is then executed by firing squad and shadow is sealed away for fifty years until eggman frees him and the plot of sonic adventure two happens.
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deltablazin · 4 months ago
A theory of the Sonic Movie 3 Plot.
The trailer: https://youtu.be/ocEv3K_H9o4
Judging by how the trailer ends..I think I have already peiced together what this alternate interpretation of Sonic Adventure 2 will be like, or at least, what a big part of it will be.
Just in case that my theory happens to be correct, I will put a spoiler warning here, because this WILL be going into detail on what might be a serious twist, and you may want to avoid this.
We know that, at least by what it looks, Shadow seems to just be tearing down the world on his own, which is undeniably very cool, further showcasing his ultimate power.
And we also know that Team Sonic will be forced to reluctantly enlist the help of Dr. Eggman, forming an alliance to defeat Shadow.
But, I feel like this team up won't be lasting long, and here's why.
Gerald Robotnik.
At the very end of the trailer, we see that, in THIS interpretation, he's actually still ALIVE.
Gerald and Eggman have their reunion, and around THIS part of the story is where I believe Eggman's allegiance will change.
Eggman finds Gerald, and from there, Gerald reveals the Eclipse Cannon to him, and what it requires, he then tells Eggman of his plan to work together, use the Eclipse Cannon to dominate the world for themselves as grandson and grandfather.
And from here, Eggman betrays Team Sonic and joins forces with Gerald and Shadow.
HOWEVER..and this is when things get crazy, when all the Chaos Emeralds are gathered to the Eclipse Cannon, Gerald drops his facade and reveals that doing this caused the ARK to be set on a collision course with Earth, COMPLETELY betraying his own grandson and using his evil ambition against him to get his ultimate revenge on humanity.
Gerald is WELL AWARE that he will die upon the ARK's impact along with everyone else, but he doesn't care, because he is so done with all of humanity after what they have done to his dear grand daughter, Maria, ruthlessly killing her in her last ditch effort to get Shadow off the ARK upon GUN's raid.
I..am honestly SERIOUSLY hoping that this happens, this has the potential to become the DARKEST version of Gerald, in Sonic Adventure 2, he had no way of knowing that his own grandson would be the one to initiate his revenge plot, but here? He KNOWS that he is screwing over his own grandson to get his way and destroy the world, but he doesn't care because he's so far gone that all he wants is revenge by any means necessary.
Only time will tell what will truly happen, but I'm prepared for whatever that may be to be an amazing experience.
Thank you for reading.
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freys-dumpster-fire · 3 months ago
im not putting an image bc it would take up a lot of space and this post is going to be LONG but if you look up sonic oc on my blog you’ll probably find him
so sol was created as basically a “backup plan” to shadow? Idk gun tried to make their own version of shadow basically and just kinda. Got this random orphan and were like “you are going to be an experiment now” his backstory does not have all of the bells and whistles worked out as you can tell
he has cool powers now though!!! Since gun didn’t have an actual chaos emerald his powers come from negative energy from fake chaos emeralds (he is an edgy little guy ok let me indulge)
but yk project shadow kinda. Ended very badly so he also got put into stasis. He’s mostly angsty about never getting a childhood
so THE MAIN DIFFERENCES are 1. Sonic being adopted by eggman 2. Gun didn’t immediately jump to killing everyone on the ARK and 3. Cosmo is here. Bc i wanted cosmo to be here
im gonna talk about cosmo and tails first because they are like probably my favorite part of the AU!!! Tails met Sonic in a very similar way as they met in sonic X (i really like sonic X can you tell) the main difference being Tails didn’t end up meeting sonic again after that
they met 4 years before when most of the stuff takes place (so tails was 6 and sonic was. 11? 12? I haven’t decided if he’s 15 or 16) and that was pretty much the formative moment for tails ever and he’s kinda always been like “where did he go… i wanna meet that guy again” and then he sees sonic on the news (in disguise but his big ol quills are pretty recognizable) so he’s like “IS THAT” and that leads to him ending up with amy and eventually shadow who are both looking for sonic (shadow because gun was like “let him out of the vault we gotta get rid of this blue guy”) (also tails lives in a plane like in the sonic OVA)
Cosmo is pretty much just Cosmo but with a dash of amnesia in there (girly does NOT know why she’s on earth)— Tails was watching a meteor shower and cosmo’s escape pod crashes down to where he is and they get to be silly together and dark oak does not exist and the metarex do not exist because season 3 ruined me emotionally and i want them to be happy (i’m considering her having some frutiger aero influence in her redesign but idk if i can make it work)
ONTO AMY THOUGH!! She’s pretty similar to normal amy but with some inspiration from Misa Amane in there for her design and personality (i started watching death note a month or two ago and i’m enjoying it alot!)
ALSO MARIA IS ALIVE! (Since the ark was never stormed in this au she gets to live) She’s currently on earth and since Shadow had been un frozen she’s basically the one taking care of him and stuff they are friends yay :) She has to use a cane due to her illness and there is medicine now (not a cure, but it makes things manageable). She’s in her early 60’s :D
and uhhh wowie i talked a whole lot there XD but yeah that is the silliness that goes on in my head
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