#then it's later and I go
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ephemeralgalaxies · 8 months ago
"oh it's great to have a community of writers so u can ask each other about different experiences!" "oh it's so nice being able to get an info dump on someone's interests that winds up helping ur writing!" "we can help support and encourage each other to keep going!" yes yes all this, love connecting with my fellow writers.
aLSO THOUGH having my allo friends help me figure out if I'm being too cringe in trying to describe a character as hot. Always forget how aroace I am until I got a character pov that is NOT and suddenly all understanding of *attraction*
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literallyjustforlurking · 3 months ago
Daughters of Ancient Greece (I met you by the garden)
We all know that Zoe was alive during the time of Heracles and since there is no definitive answer of when Heracles and Odysseus's stories happened in reference to eachother I decided that they happened at the same time and as such Penelope and Zoe met after Zoe was betrayed by Heracles and ousted from the garden of the Hesperides for helping him steal a golden apple.
At this point Penelope was unmarried and still lived in Sparta and when a spartan princess sees a demititaness/nature spirit who looks ready to start biting people they welcome them with open arms (lol). But Penelope helps Zoe get back on her feet and helps her deal with the betrayal and no longer being welcome by her family, all the while Zoe is acting as one of handmaidens to keep her parents and sisters from intervening.
(Helen and Clytemnestra both remember this handmaiden who showed up out of nowhere and kept scaring off all of Penelope's suitors but they never bothered to ask until they meet Zoe and it's like *insert suprised pikachu face*)
One day Artemis's hunt is in the region and both Zoe and Penelope get an invitation, while accepts, and is very excited to do use, Penelope thinks on it an declines, Zoe is devestated but promises to come visit and Artemis says it is an open inviation for as long as Penelope remains a maiden and even if she does not she will still be under Artemis's protection.
(It's another headcannon of mine that Zoe was one of the fist members of the hunt and that's why Artemis is so attached to her, so P!Percy is really suprised at how big and organized the hunt has gotten because she's used to it being really small just a few girls and less than a century old!)
And the moment Zoe leaves Odysseus appears and falls head over heals for Penelope and then romances her and Zoe shows back up like a year later only to find out Penelope married the lying, cheating, tricky king of Ithaca who Athena's training to die. Zoe is pissed. Zoe takes the rest of the hunt and storms but to Penelope's place and is like "What the fuck were you thinking? You could have done so much better? That one looks like a drowned rat and all men do is lie! And he's famous for lying!"
Odysseus fears for his life as a goddess and her lieutenant shit talk him to his wife's face while his wife invites them in for dinner. Zoe has also met Telemachus and is like "if there will ever be a not bad man it will be the one you raise old friend"
After they see each again, (Probably around the begining of book three right after Annabeth falls off the cliff), Zoe trys to convince P!Percy to join the hunt because while Zoe knows Penelope loved Odysseus she was still alone for 20 years and stuck with the suitors that whole time and you know Zoe came and visited sometimes and saw what was going on and was pissed at Odysseus and kept being like "Penelope, Penelope, just leave him, fuck your husband, we'll even let you bring the boy"
Penelope doesn't leave but Zoe still greatly dislikes Odysseus.
And that means since Telemachus never met any of his mothers sisters (Odysseus has a sister Ctimene so technically Telemachus does have an aunt) Zoe was practically his aunt and Artemis and Athena have beef because while Telemachus trained with Athena more he knew Artemis for longer (and maybe Artemis taught him how to shoot since him father was away)
This post really got away from me so I hope you like i! :)
(What are you talking about homoerotic undertones? Where are you getting that from? Nooooo)
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alinalioness · 8 months ago
Surprise for Alina 2 Chapter:Meeting with the suprise.
Meanwhile, with others characters.
The characters went to the theater in Highland Isle and carried gifts for Alina.
Freddy:No wonder Balan decided to arrange a celebration in his theater.
Wander:I can't even imagine how happy Alina will be and we'll arrange it.
Krash:I also wonder what kind of gift they have prepared for Alina.
When they came to the theater, they did not notice that they were not there. But they decided to call me anyway.
Freddy:Mr. Balan! We're here!
Bonnie:We have brought gifts for Alina!
But there was no answer.
SpongeBob:Strangely, he doesn't answer.
Chiko:Maybe they're on Tim's island?
Lan:Then we need to hide the presents. Suddenly the girls will come with Alina and she will see. Because she might get suspicious.
Chica:Balan's office is a good fit, and Alina won't find it either. Because she knows that you can't go without permission. She's adequate, but sometimes she has too much fun.
Sandy:It's her personality, but it's a good idea.
The heroes put the gifts in Balan's office and went to Tim's island. When they arrived, they saw a restless Pikachu who, along with tims, was looking for characters from BWW. He immediately noticed his friends and approached them.
Mario:Pikachu, what happened?
Pikachu began to talk in his own language about the surprise from Balan for Alina.
Heroes:A new world?
Tricky:Wow. And where is Balan?
Pikachu explained that he, along with Lance, Leo, Emma, inhabitants, the costume representatives and Negabosses disappeared.
In Krasnodar.
Mr. Gatteria was at home making a bracelet with a radio for Alina's birthday, and put it in a box.
Mr. Gatteria:Okay, I need to check on my friends.
In the house of heroes.
The girls heard a call on the computer during a board game. When they turned it on, mr. Gatteria appeared on the screen.
Girls:Good afternoon, mr. Gatteria.
Alina:How is your life and health?
Mr. Gatteria:Everything is fine. I'm even wondering how you're doing here and how are your friends?
Alina:They're fine, they're busy with their own business.
Later, Ella called Alina's phone and Alina turned on the bell.
Ella:Alina, we have problems at Wonderworld.
Alina:To wonderworld? Are you all free already (Are the girls worried)?
Ella:Well... yes... It's just that Balan, Lance, Leo, Emma, inhabitants, costumes representatives and Negabosses have disappeared.
Alina:How did they disappear?
In wonderworld.
The girls just came and saw their friends who, along with tims and costumes, are looking for the lost BWW.
Cristine:And there really aren't any.
Alina:Why did you say they were busy?
Girls except Alina:Uh...
Later, Gatteria joined the heroes and noticed what had happened.
Mr. Gatteria:I barely caught up. (To the characters) Guys, can you tell me how it happened (Everyone stopped and approached him with the girls)?
Freddy:Pikachu told us that they disappeared when Balan remembered something and accidentally clicked.
Julia:And what did he remember?
Freddy:I remembered about the costumes.
Alina:Okay, let's all get out of the world of wonders together and set up investigations.
Everyone nodded and went into the hall. While they were being watched by 7 silhouettes and followed them.
In the hall.
The characters, tims and costumes sat on chairs while Carlin and Alina were on stage.
Carlin:So, listen carefully, everyone! Don't make any noise in the hall!
Alina:We had a disappearance today. Our friends from wonderworld accidentally disappeared when Balan remembered something and it's unclear what especially about the costumes. Are there any versions?
There were the same silhouettes at the top of the stage. One looked like an anglerfish, another like a caterpillar, another like a cockatoo, another like a bear with a sleeping hat, another like a mermaid, another like a buffoon. And the other one is surprisingly almost like Alina, who had pink eyes. She watched Alina curiously.
Mermaids:(Whisper) Has Balan the hatter himself disappeared?
Anglerfish:(Whisper) We wouldn't get burned in front of them, especially... (She noticed that the lioness robot was on the steps) Emoji, what are you doing here?
Emoji:I'm just taking it slow. I'll be ri-
She accidentally tripped and fell on the stage. Her appearance was similar to Alina's. The only difference is the clothes, hair, face and the fact that she is a white robot. Her hair, clothes and eyes were pink, but when she saw the heroes, they turned yellow from fright.
Caterpillar:Emoji are you okay?
The others saw the heroes and were also scared.
Anglerfish was white with blue hair. She was wearing a red bathyscaphe and her fishing rod with a small beach ball was sticking out on her head.
The caterpillar was green, but his body had a spring and he wore a cap, but only backwards.
The cockatoo was white, it had hands on its wings. His eyes were completely blue except for the pupils.
The Brown Bear was wearing blue pajamas with yellow stars and he was sleeping standing up now.
The mermaid was white with pink hair. Her ears were marine. The turtleneck was lime-colored and had a rainbow tail.
The jester was wearing a blue, lilac hat. One eye was black with a yellow pupil, and the other was normal. His arms and legs were figurines.
Alina, looking at the Emoji, does not understand why she looked like her.
Alina:Why do you look like me?
Emoji:It's an accident... I was like that...
Cristine:But who are you? Balan didn't tell us.
Anglerfish:Well, it's about to start.
Emoji:We... lost costumes.
Heroes:A lost costumes?
The costumes have a memory of lost costumes.
Fixer-upper:It sounds familiar.
Alina:Did you have any lost costumes? So that's why Balan remembered.
Prince Puncher:It was a long time ago when you were gone, but so were Leo and Emma.
Katya:It turns out that the costumes do not appear, but are created.
Tricky:Please tell us about them and the one who created them.
Elastiplant:With pleasure. Just make yourself comfortable.
The characters, including the new costumes, sat on chairs, and the costumes stood on the stage.
Pumpkin Puncher:Well, listen up. When the theater appeared and later the world of wonders, Lance got involved with negative people and became angry.
Telepotter:He created Balan to keep the Balance.
Super Skater:But Lance was so angry that he wanted to take over wonderworld and Balan began to monitor both the theater and wonderworld.
Pounding Duck:When the inhabitants appeared, Balan decided to create a friend named Olivia.
Air Unicorn:She was like a mother to us and created us right away.
Jolt Tiger:And Lance created an assistant, Sicily, so that she would let him know what was going on.
Lovely Lantern:When it came to the representatives of the costumes, Olivia thought about which ones. If each representative costume inspires the problems of the inhabitants.
Web Wrangler:Sicily, seeing this, realizes that being too negative is really bad and decides to help her.
Fire Blaster:That's how the lost costumes appeared. The costumes of the representatives were completely different from now there were not 12 of them, but they added the rest who are not representatives.
Dainty Dragon:But Lance recognized their friendship and decided to attack. But Balan saved them.
Speedy Cheetah:He wanted to send her to a safe place, but instead it made Olivia, Sicily and the lost costumes disappear.
Leap Frog:Days passed and we forgot.
Alina:But it's still terrible. We need to find not only our friends, but also theirs.
Squidward:But we don't know where they are.
Rainbow Dash:Maybe I'll try to find them with my super soon?
Bokko:I don't think so, my rainbow friend.
Sparkle:But just in case, you need to look for them.
Rainbow Dash nodded and took off with great speed to search.
To be continued...
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hangezoeenthusiast · 4 years ago
Not saying I love you (tiktok prank)
multiple x reader
word count: 972
warnings: cursing, fake crying, food mention in george, dream, quackity, and karl's, fake fainting, you calling wilbur a whore hehehe,
note: y/f/f is your favorite food. quackity's part is probably my favorite, and also i didn't have the motivation to do every single person i write. so it's just feral boys + wilbur
“hi honey, do you need anything from walmart?” “i don’t need anything, i'll see you later.” “love you!” “byeee!”
“SAY IT BACK!” he exclaimed. “first of all, calm your ass down, and second, say what?” “ohh don’t play coy with me, say it back.” you squinted your eyes, "i still don't know what you're talking about." he crept closer to you, and closer, until he trapped you into a corner. "you better say it before i do something very bad to you." you laughed, "oh, what are going to do to me?" "i'm going to take y/f/f away from you." "HEH?!" you shouted furiously. "yep, that's right, no more y/f/f for you my dear y/n." "mkay, so that's what it's going to, well then, i'm going to take patches away from you." "NO YOU CAN NOT." he rebuked. "yes i can, i'm her other parent." he frowned, "well, at least can you say i love you?' "yeah i guess so, i hate you." you coyly smiled. "WE ARE GETTING A DIVORCE RIGHT THIS INSTANT!"
“y/n, can you get me some popcorn so we can start the movie?” “yeah sure babe, let me just get some stuff for myself.” “ok thanks, love you!” “mkay.”
he got off the bed, and walked out of your shared bedroom door, and peeked outside to see you preparing the snacks. “honey, can you come back here?” “yeah sure.” you put down the snacks you were about to carry to your guys’ bedroom, and walked towards his sulking self. “do you love me?” “yeah.” you blankly stated. “then say you love me.” he begged, trying to get some type of validation from you. “why, it’s not important.” he looked at you funny, then went to your bed and hid himself under the cover, pretending to cry. you quickly went over to the bed, and pulled off the covers. “i’m sorry love, it’s just a prank for tiktok.” “HAHA, I KNEW IT.”
“hey babe, i’m gonna take a shower real quick, can you pause the promised neverland for a second?” “yeah sure, but hurry up, i’m going to start it soon.” “ok, love you!” “ok.”
“say it back.” he puppy eyed you. you tried to look innocent, “what do you mean sap?��� “come on, just say that you love me.” “i still don’t know what you’re talking about.” “well ok then.” he jumped on the bed, and started to tickle you, your hands trying to reach for his to stop this mini torture. “STOP!” “NEVER.” he continued, and continued, until you finally told him that you loved him. “I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, JUST STOP TICKLING ME.” he stopped and smirked, “thank you, now i’m going to take a shower.”
Wilbur Soot
“darling, say hi to chat.” “hey guys, how are you?” “they’re ok, they’re just being their regular selves.” “well i’m going out with some of my friends, i’ll be back in a few hours.” “ok lovely, love you!” “byeeee!”
he got out of his chair, and caught your hand before you went out the door. “you forgot to say something.” “no i didn’t.” he eyebrows frowned, “you don’t love me anymore is that it y/n? i knew it, i wasn’t good enough for you.” he kept on rambling on and on about how he didn’t deserve your undying love, and dramatic things like that. “wilby, calm down, it's just a tiktok prank." he smiled innocently, "yeah, i already knew that, i just wanted for you to confess." "YOU LITTLE WHORE."
Karl Jacobs
“hey darling, can you get some popcorn from the convenience store?” “yeah sure baby, do you want anything else?” “nah, i don’t really want anything more, have a good time.” “mkay, love you!” “bye my darling.”
he turned back from the door, pushing his body on the frame. "bye, love you." he repeated, expecting you to say the same. "bye karl!" he walks towards you on the couch. “hey babe, are you ok?” he asked. “yeah i’m ok, what’s wrong with you.” he pouted, “come onn, say it.” “say what?” you teased. “now you’re just being mean.” he cried out. “i’m not being mean, you’re just being stupid.” “EXCUSE ME, WE ARE BREAKING UP.” “ok, i have no problem with that.” “ok then, i’m taking your air bison.” “ok, ok, i love you too, just don’t take them away, they’re my baby.” “aren’t i your baby?” “nah this beautiful bison is :)”
"hey babe, can you help me with this pasta?" "yeah sure, i'm practically Gordon Ramsey at this point." "oh shut up." "yeah yeah." "but thanks babe, love you!" "yeah."
"NOOOO, WHYYY!" he yelled up into the ceiling. "woah buddy, what's up with you?" you feigned ignorance as you went towards the fridge to get something to drink. "YOU ARE BREAKING MY HEART, STOP IT!" "why the fuck are you yelling?" you glared at him, your ears being blasted with unnecessary noise. "SAY IT BACK." he put the back of his hand onto his forehead, and pretended to faint, therefore landing him on the cold wooden floor. you laughed at him, not caring if he even genuinely hurt himself. "babe, calm down, it's just a stupid word." he got into a sit-up position, and placed his hand that was previously on his forehead onto his chest. "a stupid word you say, what if i was to say that you were stupid?" "well then, i would beat you the fuck up." he did a suprised pikachu face, and then got up onto his feet, "well then, i would lock you out of our room." you walked closer to him, "well if you did that, i would make you sleep outside for the whole week." "oh really?" he smirked. "oh yes really." you smiled back.
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ellienettie · 4 years ago
okay but imagine if Gabriel and Audrey both wanted to mentor Marinette
Like they’re both just fighting for her. Gabriel’s like “No one’s better than me!” And Audrey’s like “I made you!” and then Gabriel (since he’s focusing on how to get Marinette to let him be her boss) doesn’t do his work as hawkmoth. 
And at first Gabriel is like “I guess I’ll be your mentor, since obviously no one’s better than me, and you need to reach your potential” and Audrey just steals Marinette from him like “I made him, I can make you. I’ll make you bigger than him. I’ll be your mentor” and gradually it went from discrete to literally fighting over her while grabbing her arms.
Audrey: *showing off a scarf Marinette made her on twitter* would be such a shame if someone just mentored her!
Gabriel: *tweeting* I’ll literally adopt her. Don’t try me.
Marinette: please don’t, I have parents.
Audrey: ridiculous how you think that’ll stop me
*a random fan*: MDC leave some parents for us please
Marinette: take all of them.
And they’re both overprotective of her. Gabriel makes sure that no akuma is near her or harms her and Audrey sends bodyguards. Then Gabriel found out about Lila. 
Lila: I’m just trying to make sure your son is safe, M. Gabriel! Marinette is a bad influence on him!
Gabriel with an *I ship Adrinette, you can pry that ship off my cold dead hands* shirt in the car: ...say sike right now
Lila: *not seeing the shirt* She’s so mean, and she’s a bully too! 
Gabriel, holding a cup that says “Marinette is the best”: ...I ain’t having this.
*cue him spilling the tea on lila with Audrey and her going “ridiculous! I’ll ruin her!”
And then Marinette starts dating Adrien and Gabriel’s just “... SUCK IT” 
Gabriel: ...I see... Nathalie, open my twitter account. Nathalie: *opens twitter* Gabriel: *tweeting out* SUCK IT AUDREY I'LL BE HER DAD IN LAW. MY SON WILL BE HER HUSBAND. Audrey: *Responding to tweet* I CAN STILL BE HER MENTOR Gabriel: *responds* THAT'S NOW RESERVED FOR ME. SUCK IT.
and it just blows up on the internet (Stuff like #MDCunderGabriel or smth) 
And imagine if Gabriel’s like, working late at night then suddenly thinks “holy fuck I have Marinette by my side LADYBUG DOESN’T HAVE A CHANCE” and him telling Marinette and Adrien that he’s hawkmoth.
Marinette: ...but...why
Adrien: *internal panic* Oh so that’s why you ignore me-
Gabriel: My wife is in a coma cause of a broken miraculous. I need a wish to wake her up.
Marinette: *the guardian* ...no. You know what- we’re talking about your punishment later. Come on kitty we’re reviving your mom
Adrien: *midlife crisis* ...mom?
Cue Gabriel with a suprised pikachu face
(He sulked for a week after her realized that the punishment was Marinette would let Audrey mentor her for a month. Audrey had this smug look on her face all the time when she was near Gabriel with Marinette and Emilie’s like: ...That’s not my kid why are you acting like Adrien betrayed you? *cue Gabriel dramatically looking out the window despite there being no window* “You don’t understand... I loved her like a daughter” Adrien: *patting his back* It’ll only be for a month father)
...also imagine [especially since they never announced it that hawkmoth was defeated] if everyone in the family uses akumas to get out of meetings now. (mostly Gabriel and Adrien but Marinette needs the sleep sometimes)
Like imagine if Gabriel and Adrien are stuck in a boring meeting
Adrien in a boring business meeting: *texting Gabriel* dad pls make an akuma this is so boring Gabriel: *also in the meeting* I can't I'm literally with you in the meeting Adrien: well who's at home? Gabriel: Nathalie, Emilie and Marinette Adrien: ...well we need a ladybug... Gabriel: ask your mother Adrien: *after a few minutes* she said no Gabriel: ask your wife Adrien: *after a few minutes* she also said no Gabriel: I know Nathalie will say no. We're doomed Adrien: hold on I'll use my charm Gabriel: atta boy *an akuma appears to trap them in the meeting* Gabriel: who did you ask                                                                                Adrien: mom                                                                                                Gabriel: never ask her again.
*cue Gabriel dramatically reacting over how his wife betrayed him*
Gabriel: *draping himself over the couch* My heart! Oh! My own wife!
Marinette: *sipping on some coffee* I would’ve done the same
Adrien: *gasping while dramatically draping himself on the curtains* My own partner!
Emilie: Sometimes I wish I didn’t wake up
Marinette: and sometimes I wish I chose Audrey
Gabriel: *falling on the floor with his hand over his forehead and chest* Betrayal!!
All the kwamis: ....is he always like this?
Nooroo: there’s usually a speech to go along with it.
Dusuu: the hand movements are always there
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nick-thecreator · 2 years ago
Some more shit to munch on while I cry over notes for Cars: Rewritten
Now it's funny tho
So, in between the events of 2 and 3, Cal tells Lightning and Bobby that he has a GF, that he met her over a COD lobby (cause gamer headcanon go brrr-), and that he's going to a convention in California with her in a few weeks.
Of course, Lighting and Bobby don't fully believe him, cause this is Cal their talking to, but they humour him until he shows them pictures of her-
(The first picture w/ the second picture's hair was the closest I could find to what I was picturing in my head lmao)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
He says that she works as a cosplay model and is going to that convention to model this new cosplay she made using different products from her sponsors. Now they certainly don't believe him, telling him that's a great joke before they leave, Cal saying that he'll have proof in a few weeks. Lighting and Bobby brush it off and forget about it until they get a skype call weeks later.
It's Cal.
They don't put the pieces together at first, so they answer it like it's Cal just wanting them to play COD Ghosts again. However, once they answer, they call tell this isn't a regular call. Cal isn't at home, rather, they can tell he's in a hotel room, and noises in the background prove he's not alone. He's also half naked (at least that's what they assumed, he just wasn't wearing a shirt), and kinda sweaty. They say hi to eachother, basic greeting stuff, before hearing in the background,
"Oh! Is that them?" A woman has appeared lol-
Lighting and Bobby ask who that was as a the background noises get closer. "Oh, that's Edith, here she is!" He then panes the camera to her, and yep. There she is. Clear as day, wearing Cal's t-shirt.
Insert suprised Pikachu face here
I might make this a fic if I get enough time (and energy lmao) to do it, I just thought it was nice
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shyrose57 · 4 years ago
Brothers anon, sorry I've been gone for a while. To be honest I found out about Pokémon Uranium and I've been playing it non-stop for the last few days. And now I have a massive brain fart and can not remember a certain event in the story for the life of me for some reason. I know it happened I just don't know what happened. 
14: They'd both roll into a ball and if you throw them fast and hard enough it'll be like playing bowling! It happens when their all asleep, and about a month after Foolish. It happens because while everyone else is sleeping, Ranbob isnt, as he just cant sleep. So he's sat just outside the cave they stopped in, staring at the stars. When Raq sneaks up behind him, originally he planned to get Ran by using a mix of posion and slowness, but upon seeing Ranbob he takes advantage and gets him instead. So he shots him with a slowness/fatigue arrow and when Ranbob eventually falls asleep, he comes and gets him. Because he wants Ran though he leaves a message in enderian, then takes Ranbob to a camp with a few other hunters. 
Ran is pissed and acts impulsively, though his anger is used to mask the desperation, horror, and sadness he feels. Everyone else  are also mad yet scared, and are stuck between immediately going to help or taking time to come up with a plan. Specifically between Watson, Isaac, and Benjamin wanting to wait to come up with a plan. And Grievous, Cletus, and Jackie wanting to immediately go rescue him. While Charles focuses more on making sure Ran doesnt run off without anyone else...which he does anyway. They eventually settle on planning but that's ruined when Ran runs off and everyone has to scramble to wake up and follow after him. 
They get him back within a week actually so very fast. They get him back by Ran running off to the camp he had seen remains of eailer (it looked like a often camped at spot so it makes sense to check there) and since he got there at night no one saw him. Which gave him a chance to look around and find where Ranbob was. By the time the others caught up to him, the sun was rising and he was running to hide in the forest. They spend the next day observing the camp and what everyone does, then that night they launch a suprise attack where Ran manages to grab his brother and run away. Though he does get shot. 
In the aftermath Ran is poisoned with the same stuff his currently barely lucid brother is, and barely manage to get them to a safe spot. Where the others eventually find them and take to watching over and eventually grabbing them and running futher away. And when their finally in a safe spot and the brothers are awake and left alone, theres a bit of a heart to heart between the two that allows each to tell their side of things, and opens tons of doors for them. The heart to heart ends with them both apologizing and hugging, and at a later time (not sure when yet) during the night they comfort eachother and end up sleeping next to eachother. 
Not super often, but it comes into play for little stuff. Like the entire group is just mining when Ranboo just runs into a gaint vein of emeralds. Oh yes, he actually walks into a lake to get something he dropped when suddenly he's in extreme pain. And while the others treat his burns his brother is just silently disappointed that he didn't know he couldn't go into water. Ran knows well enough to avoid it from his time alone, Ranbob after the above accident tries to avoid water but forgets at time, while Ranboo will avoid water he also is the kind of person to just step into water because he can (its like that moment in one of his streams where they where talking about lactose intolerance people and how they just chug milk because they refuse to let natural selection take them.). 
Stealing items (which will get them almost killed), hiding things from people, the typical putting their bedroll over a hole, pushing Phil into water and running from him when he emerges pissed, etc. 
They have 3 main ones 1. Something malfunctioned with Karl's time traveling watch and sent all of them back to a time already visited, and because of the malfunction the watch as almost completely broke, leaving them stuck until its fixed. 2. Dream is behind it since he's in both worlds and found a way to break the time barrier and sent them back so they wouldn't get in his way. 3. God hates them. 
They do! Because they are stuck in the future. And because everything else that used to cause the anger and sparks the fights are gone now, and any current existing spite or problems between people are put on hold so they can find out how to escape. And with those factors out of the way they manage to actually talk and get to know eachother. 
I like to think that Techno and Phil have never gotten along with Dream (the only reason Techno ever worked with Dream is because it was for a common goal/interest, and it took more priority than killing eachother), and want to kill him for multiple reasons (Tommy, Wilbur, Ranboo, Fundy, etc) and will gladly take any excuse to kill him. The fact Dream went this far to harm this many people makes them disgusted and determined to finally follow through and kill him. There no real start to the ire between them all, they just never liked Dream from the start and all he's done has done nothing but depend it. Brfore knowing their reasons for being hesitant, their mad that Tubbo and Karl are even hesitanting in killing Dream. But after their explanation for their hesitation, everyone actually freezes and realizes, "Oh shit their right." And instead start to plan to find a soild way home first that won't collapse on them, then kill Dream. Which is easier said than done. 
He said what I said last time with the Technoblade stuff. But he also just kinda yelled at them about how Ran needs to stop ignoring evidence and how Ranbob needs to stand up for himself. He also empathizes that they need to think of how the others view this all, how it affects them, how they focused solely on themselves and now need to start focusing on others. 
Also you got a cat? May I see cat or no?
Pokemon are always awesome. Is the game any good? But good to have you back, Brothers Anon.
14: They could make a game out of it, when they're bored. Ill-advised, but certainly an interesting time!
Why does Raq know Enderian? How's Ranbob's time at the camp, if he's even aware of it, since you said he's out of it? Ran gets shot? If Ranbob's barely lucid, how does it effect Ran? How does that go, with both of them out of it?
They hug? Does Ran admit he was worried? Do they do this when they're more lucid, or no? How's the morning after this whole show go?
Can you imagine how everybody feels? They're mining for hours, Ranboo, five minutes in, comes out with half a stack of emeralds. The confusion, the bewilderment. Beautiful.
Ranbob: Oops, dropped something.
Water: *burns him*
Ranbob: *shocked pikachu face*
*Months later*
Ranbob: Oops, dropped something-
They just? Walk into water sometimes? Good lord, their poor groups. Imagine having to try and keep your endermen friends from taking a tip purely out of spite.
It sounds like these guys have more of a death wish than anything. Pushing Phil into water is just asking to die.
Pfft. God hates them? Who proposed that one? Hilarious image that invokes. They're all just sitting in a circle, throwing out ideas, very tired. Someone throws out theory number three. Everyone agrees immediately.
Very nice! Are we getting more found family here?
This implies Techno to be fairly closer with the mentioned people, if he's angry with Dream for what was done to them. What's his relationship with them all in this AU?
How does that whole thing go, with them originally being upset with Karl and Tubbo? Is it something that just comes out immediately, and is quickly resolved, or is it something that rolls out over the course of a few days?
Ranboo has very good advice, but also, like? Mr. Typically And Possibly Literally Spineless telling his descendant to stand up for himself? How did his group react to that?
Here is the kitty in question, Muff.
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She's very energetic, but she plays a bit rough, and keeps gnawing on my fingers.
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thechangeling · 3 years ago
Me: I don't think I'm a routine person despite having autism
Also me: *is mad because my bus wasn't where it's supposed to be* *hates random events popping up without at least 3 days notice* *cannot go a day without pacing as soon as I wake up, when I get home, and right before going to sleep*
Dudeeeeee story of my LIFE!!!
I'm always like "no I don't need a routine" and then someone will suggest going a different route to get somewhere and I'm like, "so I see you have chosen death!"
But honestly thatd just the story of my life in general. I always think I don't have certain traits of autism and then five minutes later I'm like *suprised pikachu face*.
By Talos this can't be happening! 😂
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what’s that? divorced mociet au for maximum angst? don’t mind if i do!
they meet in a local park, deceit probly says something like “Nature is so beautiful, it’s a shame man tries to own her” and patton is like “omg so deep take me”
they go on sum dates
patton dives head first into love and drags dee with him
pat wants to get married, dee is unsure, but want to make pat happy so he accepts
they adopt a 3 year old logan and 1 year old twins roman and remus
tensions rises as they have two distinct styles of parenting
a friend of patton gets pregent young and asks him to raise the baby (trans!remy for added angst maybe idk)
pat agrees without talking to dee
dee finds out and they have their 1st big fight
dee agrees to raise the babe but the tension has snapped and is poisening their relationship
lil babe virge joins the famILY
deceit goes “i’ve only know virgil for a hour but if anything happens to him i will kill everyone and then myself”
they divorce and there’s an ugly custody battle
dee: “you aren’t responble enough to raise children!!!”
pat: “my baaaaabbbiiiiieeeessss!!!”
Logan (5) and Roman (3) go with Patton
Remus (3) and Virgil (2) go with Deceit
Patton moves away to a new town and they break off contact
pat enrolls his sons in a K-12 school and they do really well
dee works long hours to support his sons
he puts remus in a public school, but remus doesn’t do well in school
he gets into fights and gets expelled
dee sends him to a new school
this happens alot
dee wants to keep remus and virge in the same school, so every time remus gets expelled, he moves both of them
they never stay in the same school for more than a year
this is very stressful for dee who eventually has to move around to keep up with remus’s school-switching
this is also super hard on virgil who never learns how to make friends
dee, who is always stressed and not always there, and remus, a fuck-up who couldn’t care less, become his contants
they move to a new town before virgil’s freshman year
virge and remus go to the local highschool
remus meets roman in their classes (surprise! they have ended up in the same town patton moved to earlier!!)
they don’t reconize either other (obv they were like 3)
remus chalenges roman to a fight durring lunch
virge is like “remus no” and remus is like “remus yes”
crowd gathers and roman wants to protect his pride
they fight and it gets bloody quick
roman’s older brother, logan (:O), comes rushing in and breaks it up
he reconizes remus and virge (he got good memory or sumn)
and leaves
Logan is surprised pikachu face
the whole school is buzzing with gossip of new kids und log and rom
virge skips class and hides in the liberary
logan finds him after school
logan: “bro i’m like ur older bro” virge: “wth no way bro” logan: “no no i got this picture with both of our now single parents in it” virge: “fuck dude that’s sum pretty solid evidence”
virge opens up a bit to lo
they go to the dention room together but!! patton is there (gasp) and virge is like “omg i can’t let him see me” and lo is like “ur tots right, i won’t say a word”
pat and boys leave and virge goes into dention room
but remus is gone????
suprise bitch he went home early- virge learns thru dee’s “wth are u!!” phone call
dee and boys have dinner, which doesn’t happen often
dee: “im so sorry we can’t have this more often” remus: “whatever ur cooking stinks” virge: *internal panic* cantlethimfindoutcantlethimfindout
back to pat- he’s not angry, roman, just disapointed. fighting=bad
everyone goes to be tired and upset except remus, bc he’s a bastard (look i love him, but he is a bastard)
next day is school day
people whisper about virge and reem in the hallways, but he indimidates them with his Insane Looks TM
Roman “”””forgives””””” Remus when the meet and remus shrugs and insluts his non-existent mother
logan is there and calmly reminds roman not to retaliiate
things go okay for a few weeks
virge is loney, remus is bastard, roman is trying so hard to not punch him in the face, and logan is a nerd
virge needs lo’s nerd skills to pass a test
lo teaches him at the school
ro joins one of their study sessions
at 1st he’s rude to virge but then he reliezes virge is not a bastard like remus
they become friends, an lo and virge tell ro ~The famILY Seceret~
later ro begs virge to join Drama Club
virge is like “nuuu” ro is like “pleassss” virge is like “...ok fine.”
they are doing a play version of The Parent Trap
Ro and virge gets the role of the twins 
rem makes fun of virge for his growing interest in the-ay-tar, but dee’s happy he’s putting himself out there and making friends
logan finds the play ironic lol
pat is excite!! and support!! for roman and his starring role
but then!! lo ro and virge Relieze both parents will Be There and See their Sons or Each Other
remus shows up like an eavesdropping bitch and is like “lol what if we dedicated it to them lol it be funny”
lo’s like “welp nothing we can do bout it now”
ro: “wait! what if u and remus took the other parent of the child on stage out of the theater so they only see their child!!”
lo: unrealilistic
virge panic tm
remus gives a ton of really bad ideas
everyone goes home with this big fat problem in their minds
remus starts dropping onimous hints about the play and dee is Concern
the day of the play comes
ro and virge decied that no matter what, the show must go on
they perform and do really well, breaking both their legs (jk)
(remus throws a tomato onto the stage at the climax lol)
after the show virge finds dee an ree in the crowd
dee is super quiet and looking around (he has the program in his hand)((the program with roman’s full name)) (((which would have patton’s last name)))((((u get it))))
virge panic pt 2, but remus saves the day (whaaa) by asking to go for icecream
dee agrees and they go for sum BR
BUT! ro lo and pat had the same idea!!
they’re in the same icecream parlor!
remus stiffs a laugh
dee cooly glances over to where the pat and boys are sitting before heading over to the country to order
virge quietly follows
lo notices them and nudges ro who abruptly stops talking and looks over at dee and boys, alerting pat of their prensence
flashes of grief on pat’s face
the table is quiet before ro awkwardly picks up the conversation where he left off
dee gets a table as far away from pat &co as possible
however, he looks up once and locks eyes with patton
both tables are quiet
dee breaks the eye contact and starts talking to his boys
patton smiles sadly at his icecream
“I thing we should go home kiddos.”
at home, lo explains everything
pat nods numbly and locks himself in his bedroom
logan comforts roman
at the ice cream, dee talks to virge and remus about the play until patton leave
“so do you know them?”
virge breaks down and admits everything
remus isn’t as much as a bastrad now
dee ods calmly and they eat ice cream in silence
they next day is saturday
virge stays in his room despite remus atempts to play 
remus also locks himself in his room
dee finds logan’s cell number in virgil’s backpack and calls him
surprisingly patton picks up
they talk for a while
they agree to keep the kids in the same school
“I miss you somethimes, dee.” a pause. “Your mistake.”
dee hangs up
he looks up to where virgil’s room is and sighs.
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yeeiguess · 5 years ago
I lost the ask but if I remember correctly it was : Denki having vitiligo and hiding it with makeup and Katsuki finding out about it
(Warning for really fucking shitty parents who force him to hide it/think it’s disgusting etc and a panic attack )
Denki’s vitiligo started when he was around 6. As soon as the doctor explained what is was, his parents told him to hide. Which was pretty easy at first, when it was just a few discoloured patches here and here, but as it grew his parents’ disgust did too. Eventually, he started disliking it too.
He thought it was pretty, at first, strange but pretty. He wasn’t allowed to talk about it but he liked to draw the outlines and try to see what it reminded him off. He stopped pretty fast. After all, if wasn’t anything to be proud of, according to his parents.
When he couldn’t hide it under clothes anymore, his mom dragged him to a store -they rarely went out together- so they could buy makeup. The person who helped them find the correct shade was really kind, and didn’t comment on anything. Their hands were gentle when they took Denki’s to apply the product, and he got embarrassingly close to crying at that. He was a big boy, though, he wasn’t allowed to cry. Especially not in the middle of a store.
So he learnt to hide it, came back to the store and looked for the person of that day everytime. He hoped High School could be a new start. That he would be old enough to make his own decisions. But that’s just wishful thinking, and his parents don’t get any kinder with him. It’s worse, even, when they learn he wants to be a hero. There’s the habitual “you’re too stupid to do that” and a new “You really think you can be a hero when you’re like that ?” that hurt just as much.
He works his ass off and loses half his hours of sleep studying, and he gets accepted in UA anyway.
He makes sure to always have his makeup on- and if Mina asks about foundation he says it’s because he gets red easily and it’s embarrassing. He doesn’t draw on his skin anymore.
There’s no one like him, after all. The doctor said he wasn’t the only one who has vitiligo but he sure as hell hasn’t ever seen anyone else like him. Even less a hero. Heroes are perfect, and he’s not. (A part of him knows it’s stupid, because no one is perfect, but the idea that he’s wrong because of that thing he has no control over is so deeply implanted in him that he can’t think otherwise.)
Of course, his peaceful life where no one knew about it doesnt last. It gets so much harder once they get in the dorms -his parents happily send him there but not without threat and reminders that if people knew they would kick you out of school.
It’s Friday night, he received yet another bad grade and he’s exhausted. He turned down Sero when he asked if he would come to Game Night, inventing a headache that wouldn’t go. He scrubs the makeup off as soon as he gets in his room. He looks at the white patches all over his body for a few seconds before shame settles in his stomach and he looks away. He puts his pajamas on quickly and falls down onto his bed with a sigh.
His sleep schedule has been terrible ever since those months he spent studying to get into Yuuei, so he knows that even if he’s tired sleep won’t come until at least 1am. He tries anyway.
He gives up at midnight after turning around in his bed more time than he can count. He’s thirsty. He takes the empty bottle on his bedside table and opens his door quietly. Not everyone’s asleep, he knows, and being caught right now would suck. He takes the stairs and doesn’t switch the light on when he arrives to the kitchen. There’s no need to- he just has to do a quick wash and fill it again.
He’s rinsing the soap off when he hears footsteps. He stops breathing, hoping with all he has that whoever is coming won’t put the light on and see him. He turn back to the sink and hurries.
When he turns around, he can barely see Katsuki in the dark. They both look at each other, surprised, before Denki nods and run back to his room. He keeps his head low until he’s passed Katsuki.
The next morning, he’s woken up by knocks on his door. He groans and open an eye to see the time: it’s 7:47. Oh, he slept in today. Wow, he slept in ! He hasn’t woken up so late in... a very long time.
The knocks don’t stop and he gets up before one of his floormate complains about it. He puts a sweater on when there’s a chill dressing the hairs on his arms and open the door with a sigh.
Katsuki looks at him for two seconds before he pushes him out of the way and sits down at his desk. He let the books he has on his arms plop down on the wood and the sound it makes make Denki wince. It’s early.
“What is it ?”
“I know you got a bad grade, so we’re studying.”
“Now ? It’s Saturday ! It’s not even 8 !”
“Yes, now. You’re awake anyway.”
“Well, I wasn’t before you knocked.”
Denki’s standing next to Katsuki with his arms crossed when he looks up and see his reflection on the window.
He run to the bathroom, locks the door behind him and forces his breath to slow down. He doesn’t have any makeup on. And Katsuki saw it.
He’s going to think it’s disgusting and wrong, like Denki’s parents do and he’ll tell everyone and-
“What the fuck are you doing ?”
Denki can’t think, can’t breath, can’t look at himself.
“Opens the door, Pikachu. Fuck, I’ll open it myself and you don’t want that.”
Denki blindly reaches out to unlock it and get away as fast as he can. His rational mind can’t seem to work at the moment and he can only prepare himself to be hurt.
But when hands lay on his skin, they’re soft and hesitant. They open his finger gently but firmly so they stop gripping his hair, and when the silence becomes too much, Denki opens his eyes.
Katsuki’s looking at him, their hands together. He’s kneeling, non-threatening.
“Are you like that because I saw your vitiligo ?”
Denki closes his eyes again and tries to wrench his hands to his chest but Katsuki doesn’t let go. He puts their forehead together instead, and Denki can feel his breath on the wetness of his cheeks.
“You’re... beautiful.”
It’s a whisper, but they’re so close that Denki hears it clearly. It doesn’t make sense, though. He’s a mess, a total mess, and yet Katsuki’s eyes look back to him with affection. Or, thats what it seems like to Denki, at least.
He hugs Katsuki with all he has and sons and cries, for whoever knows how long. There’s knocks on his door at some point but they both ignore it. Katsuki is obviously not used to hug, if the way he put his arms awkwardly around Denki after a few minutes is anything to go by.
Later, they stand up and Denki does his best not to look in the mirror. They sit on his bed and he explains, just a bit. Talks about the diagnostic years ago and his parents reaction, and the way he used to love it. Katsuki gets angry, of course, but not at him.
“Your parents are shit, and they’re wrong. There’s nothing wrong with you. You don’t need to hide it.”
“Did you...”
“What ?”
They sit next to each other, shoulders touching. Denki wonders what would happen if he took Katsuki’s hand again.
“Did you mean it ? What you said earlier ?”
Katsuki looks away but his hears are red and it makes Denki smile. They start talking about something else, and before either of them notice they’re laying down, side by side. Katsuki’s fingers find Denki’s arm and he begins to trace with a feather like touch the light spaces, until Denki’s speech dies down. He closes his eyes and allow himself to appreciate the feeling. No one has ever touched him so delicately. Maybe his parents did, once. He can’t really remember.
It makes him cry again, and he remembers when he used to draw on it too at the start.
He still wears his makeup for a long time, but he slowly gets used to Katsuki’s eyes and hands on his bare skin. It gets easier to look at himself in the mirror, and Katsuki sends him links and pictures of heroes and other famous people with vitiligo, too. It helps a lot.
When they graduate, he moves out of his parents’ house and gets a flat with Katsuki. They tell their friends they’re together, and when he’s finally comfortable enough in his skin, Denki tells them about his vitiligo. They’re suprised but understanding, and they tell him they love him how he is, vitiligo or not.
Here’s another thing that ended up super long and the actual thing you asked for was super short 😎😎😎 I wanna write about him being trans...
Also I really need to learn how to put a ´next part under the cut’ thing because this must be SO annoying to scroll through
I did a few research on vitiligo but I hope I didn’t write/portray anything too incorrectly !
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thepandragons · 5 years ago
Rant: Merlin’s The Dragon’s Call
Hi everyone. It’s been a while since I’ve posted any original content on this blog and the only explanation I can offer is that I have a debilitating time management issue :’). But anyways I have fully watched Merlin so I’ve decided as my coming-back (coming out? hahahahah- I’m sorry) post that I should start from the very beginning of this emotionally tormenting show. It’s all downhill from here folks :’)
Ok for starter’s in Netflix’s description of this episode Merlin is described as a “country boy” I don’t know about you but the way that the description frames the show I’m expecting this to be a hallmark movie about a coming of age. And as we know a common trope in Hallmark movies is poor people ending up with princes...coincidence? Nah fam. 
Quick side note: It would be illegal of me not to notice how small our boy Merlin looks. Like, you have to love him :)
Anyways, after the small little montage of Merlin looking at Camelot with wide-eyed wonder, we are taken out of that moment abruptly. As an audience we see Uther is sentencing someone to death for magic and condemning magic. Merlin is clearly horrified. We are not aware he has magic yet but most people know that the name Merlin is associated with a sorcerer so....we been knew. While we don’t know Merlin yet we have been told he has a great destiny by a mysterious voice over so this just further grabs our attention.
 For fans of the show, it just goes to show how brave and selfless Merlin is. Merlin wasn’t just a brave magician gallivanting around saving people, who then realized that magic was illegal later on and was too attached to Camelot to stop helping out. No, Merlin was brave from the get-go. One (or Gaius) would even say stupidly brave. Merlin could’ve easily been so scared off by this initial encounter that he decided to keep his magic to himself. Instead we see Merlin become deeply moved by this display of ignorance and be further moved by the outburst of the mother of the man who has been executed (before it took a creepy turn). And while this may not be the gay light hearted Hallmark story you clicked on this rant for, these experiences will shape Merlin and his relationships with those around him (*cough,cough* and Arthur)
Mary being the mother of the accused who got executed takes on Helen’s appearance. Helen is an opera singer set to perform for a royal party. While the show presents a magical protagonist, the show also shows how magic can be used for evil. No doubt this is going to be a moral dillema that Merlin has to face in future episodes. 
But let’s get to one of the gayest parts of the episode! Merlin’s first meeting with Arthur can hardly be called romantic. They meet when Merlin comes across Arthur using a servant for target pracice. So things are not looking too hot right now. Our brave boy Merlin decides to speak up because being used as target pracitce is not in the servant’s job description as far as I’m concerned. Unfortunately, Merlin doesn’t know he’s talking to the prince. Or fortunately, because this is the first step to Arthur’s character development in viewing all classes equally. But most importantly for the entertainment value of this post it leads to some sexual tension :’). What an eventful first episode. 
Now although Arthur and Merlin are clearly irritated Arthur is laughing in a way which makes me think he is somewhat entertained by it. Dare I say...attracted? We can safely assume no one has ever talked to Arthur in this way before so it is a new and (sexually) confusing situation. Like the boy says “Do you know how to walk on your knees” this is some Shakespeare level sexual tension. He said “Would you like help” I can’t ya’ll. 
However, Merlin throws a punch and Arthur says he’ll have him thrown in jail. Merlin, our brave but very reckless boy says “Who do you think you are, the king.” and Arthur reveals he’s the king’s son. The sexual tension is dead and it replaced by shock and anger. Arthur is making a suprised Pikachu face because he is shocked that someone he threatened physically would attempt to fight him. 
Later, Merlin walk through town and passes Arthur and his crew and Arthur provokes him. When Merlin retaliates Arthur’s best comeback is “I could take you apart with one blow” Yes I know that it wasn’t intended to be dirty but that doesn’t make it any less entertaining given modern language. Once again Merlin’s bravery is asserted in a fight with a dubious vicotry. Arthur stops guards from arresting Merlin saying “There’s something about you Merlin, I can’t quite put my finger on it.” could it be Merlin’s magic? I highly doubt it, Arthur is fooled by magic people all the time in the series. I believe Arthur is perceiving the weird chemistry that comes from meeting someone who is brave enough to disregard their rank in comparison to his. The chemistry of meeting someone whose destiny is intertwined with his. Plus the sexual tension.   
The next event of importance to this analysis is Merlin meeting Kilgarrah, the dragon imprisoned in the castle. Merlin is told by Kilgrarrah that Arthur needs Merlin to succeed in uniting Albion and that Merlin’s destiny is to help him. Merlin says “But I'm serious! If anyone wants to go and kill him, they can go ahead. In fact, I'll give them a hand.” and for anyone who has watched at least five minutes of the show that statement is laughable. Merlin calls Arthur an idiot and Kilgarrah says maybe its his destiny to change that. Kilgarrah is telling Merlin that Arthur needs him and his help. He needs him to help him unite Albion and make him a better person. This shows how intertwined their destinies are, which gives them a completely different dynamic that they can’t replicate with anyone else. This is what intrigues viewers about the ship.
The epsiode ends with Merlin saving Arthur from dying due to the hands of the woman posing as Helen the opera singer. The same man who said he would help someone kill Arthur saves his life and is “rewarded” with the postion as Arthur’s manservant. With seemingly no reason to like Arthur this shows how Merlin is a good person. It also demonstrates that the words told to him about destiny hold more weight to him than he lets on. 
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blogging-not-my-forte · 5 years ago
Uhh do you happen to have any more TDI Nerds headcanons? I absolutely live for those
Dude, yeah of course! I’m Super Pumped Someone Else is Interested in this Friend Group!
Noah no longer makes fun of Cody in public, because now Cody has too much power
Like, Cody will gush about Gwen and Noah will go to be a jerk, but Cody Knows Noah Likes Owen And So He Can’t
Noah used to make fun of Cody for having his favorite song be a default Ringtone, but then for some ungodly reason Cody figured out that Noah’s Favorite songs are a tie between a Pop Song from the Early 2000′s and that song from that movie where the boat sinks, And Noah Can’t Let Any One Else Know.
Cody is the best at comforting the other two, and is also the best at telling when they’re down.
Harold is good at telling when Cody’s down, and can Kinda tell when Noah is, but he’s only decent at comforting Cody and he will have to Call For Help if it’s Noah
Noah can tell when they’re Down But is Extremely Powerless to do anything about it.
If they’re only a little bummed he’ll try to lighten the mood with jokes
but if they’re super sad Noah just Hovers awkwardly, every now and then patting their head or shoulder like “There, There?”
If they start Crying Noah Is Frantically Calling Someone Because He Can’t.
The first Time Noah saw Cody Crying was when he walked in on it, and was like “Uh Oh.”
Cody was all by himself and didn’t notice Noah Walk in, and Noah Just Hovered in the Door Way for way too long
He Finally sat down next to him and placed the stiffest hand on Cody’s shoulder
When Cody saw it was Noah he just latched onto him in a Hug and Noah was like
‘Oh No Oh No Abort ABORT’
And that’s when Noah sent a very frantic text to Harold Telling him Cody Was Crying and That He Can’t
Immediately, Harold Burst into the room, Phone in hand like
“WHY IS CODY SAD?!?!?!?!”
Then the hug transferred to Harold as Noah sat Awkwardly next to them
When Cody started to calm down, Noah cracked a few jokes to get him to laugh
Cody Appreciates Both of His Friends
Harold asks Cody to Draw him stuff all the time
He insists on Paying but Cody refuses cause they’re friends and If he didn’t want to do it he wouldn’t draw it
Harold always praises Cody for being Honorable
Noah Always tells Cody He’s an Idiot
They’ve had quite a few sleepovers
At the majority of them Noah goes to sleep at, like, 8:30 pm
Cody and Harold are always like?????? Cause they’ve each gotten texts from Noah at like 3:00 am before So What’s The Deal???
One time they got him to stay up later via movie marathon, and they realized why he went to bed so early
See, the later Noah is up, the Dumber and More Giggly he Get’s
Cody and Harold Agree it’s Very Unnerving.
They Also Agree It’s The Best Thing.
They had a very Lengthy Conversation about Why People Don’t Eat Everything warm, which ended with Sleepy!Noah putting Grapes in the Microwave, making them explode 
Sleepy!Noah’s Face was a mixture of that gif. with the guy blinking and Suprised Pikachu.
Cody Almost Woke Up Harold's Mom Laughing
Harold was very upset because He Said this Would Happen and Now his Microwave is Sticky
Harold got on to Noah about it who replied
“First of All, It’s Called Science.  B: You Didn’t have a Watermelon for the Oven, So.... Really, this is your Fault.”  
Noah Remembers None of this and Will deny it cause “Obviously they’d explode.”
Fun Fact: Sleepy!Noah Is How Cody Knows Things the Basic!Noah would Never share, like Noah’s Favorite Songs, Color, Movie and Anime
Cody Drew Noah Fan art of his favorite Anime as a Power Move and Noah hasn’t Known Peace Since,
Cody refuses to Tell Noah how He Knows these things
Harold and Cody try to get Trent and Justin into Nerd Stuff
They successfully got Justin to watch some Anime and Trent to Play Pokemon
Trents current strategy is “Use your only starter and win”
Harold once was like “What about IV’s and EV’s?”
And Trent was like, “I Don’t Know which one is Ivy, but I Like Eevee fine :)”
Noah and Harold have had very Heated Debates over whether Dogs or Cat’s are better 
It normally ends with Harold Shouting Facts About How Cats are Misunderstood and Are Actually Social Creatures Who Love You 
And Noah Shoving his Phone, that currently has a picture of his Dog on it, in Harold’s Face Yelling “LOOK AT THAT GOOD BOY!! HAROLD LOOK AT THAT GOOD BOY AND TELL ME CAT’S ARE BETTER THAN THIS ANGEL!!!!“
One Time, in a fit of Rage, Harold Reached up and deleted the picture
And that’s how Harold and Noah Didn’t Talk For Two Weeks
I Hope You Liked These!!! Thanks So Much For Requesting them, Cause it was Super Fun!!!! 
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nosparkles · 6 years ago
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in wellington paranormal,   when nick hypnotizes the cops into letting him go,  he gets all pikachu suprised face and says that that’s the  first time  his hypnotism has worked.  which is all fine and good except for the fact that he clearly hypnotizes stu in the movie???   so,  to avoid clashing canon,  i’ve taken this to mean one of two things.
option one ( tired ):   nick is just a dumbass who forgot he hypnotized stu when he first turned...  which i mean...   it’s likely but also boring af.   plus it makes more sense that nick at 5 years old would be stronger and able to successfully hynotise than he was right out the gate.  which leads me to the obviously superior option...
option two ( wired ):   he never hypnotized stu to begin with.   every time he thought he did and spoke openly about being a vampire in front of him,  stu was just too polite to speak up.   it’s why his reaction to nick’s coming out scene was so anticlimactic.   he already knew.   he finally admits this to nick like a year later which is why nick gets so excited at having finally  --  successfully  --  hypnotized someone.
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smilingperformer · 7 years ago
SM074 - Thoughts
Holy cow... that was some tough ride. First it makes you laugh, then it crushes you, then it rekindles your inner light. So to speak. If you ask me, I’d say this was an episode well executed. Ula’Ula Arc continues on strong!
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Satoshi is finally on Ula’Ula island Territory, and we get some others news during the scene before opening song kicks in: Alola League is being set up and both Kaki and Satoshi are fired up! We don’t have to argue about Alola League possibility anymore! : D
(Warning, I went quite analysive on this post, specifically about Sakaki and Kuchinashi. Be prepared for a really long post. lol)
I won’t like, it kinda feels hard to figure out where to start. So, why don’t we start with Rocket Gang, because well, the classmates aren’t here, and our only shots of them was from the beginning where Alola League was confirmed by Kukui, who then asked everyone to help out with setting it up. I wonder when it’ll be up for attendance!
Anyway, Rocket Gang!
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While their role in this episode was more of a sideplot and to foreshadow future events, their scenes were very enjoyable and each episode of Sun & Moon makes me love them more and more. Musashi is daydreaming about Mimikkyu-Z move, and Kojiro & Nyarth are just a bit farther looking at the overjoyed Musashi, a bit bummed? Apparently she’s not letting the Z-ring up lol. Typical Musashi. When they see Satoshi the Brat Boy come to Ula Ula via Ship (this kinda reminds me of how they always used to following him on the same ship, esp. at the start of both Hoenn and Sinnoh.), they notice no classmates and immediately realise they might have a chance at winning against him. While we all know they’re doomed to fail (because they really are, nothing is confirmed but I find it hard to believe they’d win, as much as I want them to), I wish them luck! :3
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We then cut to Kuchinashi, who seems to be sleepy, and wants to go take a nap somewhere else than the Police Station. It seems like he’s actually an active policeman in Pokeani. Was he in the games? Local Junsa calls him out in slacking, tho he pretends he’s on patrol and then heads back to Police Station, claiming he forgot something.
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Looks like he was just trying to avoid his over a dozen Alolan Nyarth who keep on asking for food. I’m not cat owner, but apparently this is very relatable. :D This was a cute scene and all, but the next scene is the most intriquing one.
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Kuchinashi receives as call, and while he tries to avoid answering it at first, hoping whoever is phoning him would give up, he eventually picks it up and oh guess who’s there:
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Had I not seen the preview, I’d have been more suprised! But I did gasp at the scene while seeing it live thou.
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And Sakaki is addressing Kuchinashi as an old friend? What is their deal here? I mean, SM073 already explained that the two know each other, but it looks like their relationship is deeper (And I mean more mysterious by it). Sakaki doesn’t seem to be aware of Kuchinashi being both Island King and police officer thou so... did they know each other before Kuchinashi became Island King or before he even became a police officer? Is Kuchinashi in Pokeani actually an ex-con who turned to the right side of the law? There’s more to this dialogue that makes me really curious. After small talk, Sakaki says that “he now gets it”. Get’s what exactly? He then tries to pry info out of Kuchinashi about “Kagayaki-sama“, which we localisation fans know as The Blinding One (see what’s being foreshadowed?). I didn’t know what exactly this was until later during the episode when I watched it live, but I had a hunch he might be asking about it. And I was correct. This is the first hint of an incoming arc about Necrozma, and with Sakaki being involved, a possible Rainbow Rocket arc!  I am beyond stoked and excited!
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The way Kuchinashi reacts to the question is really interesting as well. I bet he does know, as we later know it is part of another legend told on Alola. But he seems certain on not letting Sakaki know, telling him he's never heard of it (the man keeps on lying to everyone, pffffft). So, I doubt he’s in league with Rocket Gang but, he might have had some past with them before. More specifically with Sakaki. What kind thou? Guess we’ll find out later this... summer? Autumn? Winter? This arc specifically? I’m finding it hard to predict future stuff for Sun & Moon, it always suprises me in different ways.
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Sakaki expected a lousy answer from Kuchinashi, but like, this line has me so curious? Just what is Sakaki planning? I think he’s gonna have a big part in Necrozma arc, and Pokeani might try doing something original with merging ideas of Rainbow Rocket, Necrozma and the post-game stuff from Sun & Moon games (NOT Ultra ones, since Ultra replaced the Post Game from original games to Rainbow Rocket). Anyway, this quite intense Phone Call is finally hung up (Sakaki didn’t seem too pleased, calling his name just when Kuchinashi says he’s hanging up. He didn’t sound mad or anything, it was quite a calm and collective voice, but it was like he was trying to intimidate him? Idk) after Satoshi starts shouting outside, looking for the Island King himself. I guess our depressed Nyarth cop got off the hook, so to say? At least for now.
Maybe I should have put this part of this post as a seperate one, but... I’m not sure how to format it. If people want me to put it seperately, I can do so. But, moving on!
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Well, before we move on with the plot of this episode, Satoshi gets piled up with Kuchinashi’s Nyarth, and Bevenom causes bit of chaos by shooting some... stuff, at them. Then Bevenom provokes the cats and a fight between Satoshi’s friends and Alolan Nyarth occurs. The cats won. lol Poor Satoshi. Rought start for this Island Pilgrimare.
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And once again, when Kuchinashi gets asked himself as an Island King, he lies, saying Kuchinashi is his co-worker and currently on a patrol. Pfffft. He’s got some tough nerves to keep on lying to strangers. On top of it all, he tricks Satoshi into keeping company to the Alolan Nyarth “until Kuchinashi comes back“. Ruuuuude! He seems to be quite fed up with life. : D But this keeps his character interesting, he’s totally my fav Kahuna now. Sorry Lychee.
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Kuchinashi does take note to Lugarugan and Bevenom specifically before tricking Satoshi into playing with the Nyarth thou. Doing a good job as Island King :)
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So... Satoshi is dead from keeping company before the break time. Poor thing. These Alolan Nyarth sure are attention-hungry. (The Commercial Breaktime part is announced by Sakaki and somehow it gives me shivers lol)
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After showing how exhausted Satoshi is, which is possibly because of playing with the cats for hours, Acerola shows up, searching for Uncle Kuchinashi. I have to say, the way she’s animated during this scene is so cute and gorgeus at the same time? She’s absolutely beautiful in Pokeani, they nailed here so well ♥
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Well, after Satoshi explains Kuchinashi isn’t here and how he’s staying there until the “other officer“ comes back, Acerola blows the old man’s cover. Satoshi’s reaction is a lot calmer compared to Rocket Gan Trio’s, but you can see he’s a bit suprised. He’s also quite calm about Mimi-tan being a ghost. The pictures Rotom took were quite spooky... Acerola then offers Satoshi to take him to Kuchinashi, as if knowing she’ll know how to find him. This girl knows this man well, huh?
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And just look at this animation, it’s perfection. The leg movement, the pose, the cuteness, the gorgeusness! That’s it, she’s my fav Pokeani character now. I’m gonna be sad when Ula Ula Arc is over I’m so sad she’s not a classmate ;_; She better appear more later on!
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Back on topic, they head to the library Acerola works at, and after a small introduction to the place, Acerola brings up a book about a local legend, to which Bevenom seems to show being curious on. And so am I!
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To explain it shortly, legend is about The Blinding One (Ultra Necrozma), Lunala and Solgaleo bringing light to a newly founded Alola Region, which was without a light at the time. If you want a full recap, I’ll point you to this post.
So, we now know some lore about Alola in Pokeaniverse! I love lore, and I was stoked to learn about Pokeani’s version of the Necrozma legend. It’s a bit different to the game one, where the Blinding One is a legend told in Ultra Megaopolis instead of Alola, and it’s actually about Necrozma itself instead of Ultra Necrozma. I wonder how they’ll showcase the hostile, incomplete Necrozma, who’s supposed to be in constant pain unless it fuses with Lunala/Solgaleo... hmmmmm. I’m worrying over Hoshigumo/Nebby now. Because of the Pokedex entries.
Acerola then informs Satoshi that Uncle Kuchinashi believes The Blinding One to be an Ultra beast. This bit also confirms Kuchinashi knows about the legend, and lied to Sakaki about. XD Ofc, the mafia boss didn’t believe him.
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Well, what we didn’t see until the last second of the scene is that Rocket Gang is back to tailing Satoshi, and they have now learned about the tale of The Blinding One. They don’t know that Sakaki knows about it already, because they want to go and inform him right away. Weeell, they get scolded by Matori later in the episode for not bringing in new info anyway. Poor buffoons.
Small bits I like about this episode: How Mokuroh is absolutely adorable throughout it (I want to see the part where Satoshi feeds Mokuroh giffed it’s so CUTE) and Mimi-tan actually fancying Pikachu, unlike some other Mimikyu we know :))
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I gotta say, the dynamic between Satoshi and Acerola is quite enjoyable. Satoshi is shown a bit restless here, wanting to go search for Kuchinashi at the Police Station, while Acerola just with proudness claims that there’s no need. Because she’s got the ultimate weapon for getting him to her: the hostage! Of his Kendama toy.
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She’s adorable. How did Kuchinashi end up becoming her carer. That’s it this is my new Discord avatar. Welp. Her hostage works, because Kuchinashi comes right to her house.
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I think this line confirmes Satoshi is gonna do another trial before SM077, and I think it’ll be the Ghost Trial. Maybe it’s a bit different to the games, since SM076 is gonna be Musashi’s Mimikyu VS Satoshi’s Pikachu. And they’re hyping it with different summaries, a lot. We’ll see, I’m not really having any ideas how they could portray Totem Mimikyu in the same episode. But I can see him getting the Ghost-Z Crystal. Anyway, let’s move on.
Kuchinashi denies Satoshi’s challenge, stating he can already see that he’s not strong enough to challenge them. He even tells him to go back to Melemele. Kinda harsh. Acerola convinces him to give the boy a try thou (by giving him glares and claming Kuchinashi is just finding his job a pain), so they’re gonna do a Pre-Trial for Trials. : D Which btw, is the highlight of this episode. I love how Kuchinashi seems to be unable to say no to Acerola. What a duo they are.
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So, Kuchinashi uses Waruvial with the Intimidate Ability, while Satoshi uses Lugarugan, who showed interest in fighing earlier. However, we can see Lugarugan getting intimidated by this ability, and as we know, he’s got anger issues.
Btw, Kuchinashi doesn’t show a single interest in this fight. He looks bored. He knows he’s gonna win.
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Well, each time Lugarugan gets intimidated by Waruvial, it gets angrier, and Satoshi notices this. He tries to calm Lugarugan, and well, so far it’s still listening, but...
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None of Lugarugan’s move have an effect on Waruvial, and Kuchinashi manages to get Lugarugan trapped in a Sand Tomb. And well, this is where things get really serious.
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Red-Eyed Lugarugan is back, and it’s not because of dirt, but because of not being able to control his own anger. I feel bad for thinking it was due to dirt. SM069 already kinda showed that it wasn’t related to dirt, because Lugarugan was dirty there. But let’s continue. Because this is where I start feeling ache in my heart.
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Honestly, Satoshi looks terrified here. He knows what’s gonna happen. He knows already he won’t be able to control him! And he’s right!
The fight turns into Lugarugan not listening to any words Satoshi says, and it just keeps on biting Waruvial like a wild raging dog. It’s scary. It’s terrifying. And Satoshi has every right to be scared. But Kuchinashi?
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He’s just being rude ass here, like he’s enjoying this scenario here. He seems so savage during this whole scene. Like he’s toying with the boy. And I sort of want to slap Kuchinashi for this, but then again, I love what Pokeani is doing with him here! We haven’t had Gym Leaders like him before, and to top it all, this is the first Dark-Type specialist Satoshi has to beat. Acerola is scared at Lugarugan here.
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Kuchinashi does creepy smiles here while waiting for the right moment to counter enraged Lugarugan. You can see he’s a dark-type specialist. It sort of flows around him. Once the following scenes happens thou...
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Cue the screenshot that starts breaking me. Seriously. We haven’t seen him look like this in whole Alola! He’s breaking!
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And when Kuchinashi orders Waruvial to use Crunch, and it lands on Lugarugan perfectly...
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Cue the most heartbreaking scene I have ever seen of Satoshi. I mean it. This is what breaks my heart! XYZ’s loss against Wurfic wasn’t enough, thou it was close! And I just had to see this similar shot of someone else in another show, so to see it this soon in Pokeani, with Satoshi, hurts so god damn much!
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Lugarugan falls down, and the fight is over.
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With Satoshi in disbelief. Seriously. I started crying few moments ago already. He looks so devastated. He’s lost before. But somehow this loss hurt so much more than other losses.
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When he goes to Lugarugan and asks him if it’s alright, seriously, he looks like he’s about to cry. He’s at the line of the breaking point.
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And he’s certainly keeping it in! He’s about to cry! ;_; And so am I hold on. I have to point out that Rica Matsumoto’s performance in this scene, and the next, is absolutely beautiful and I applaud her for a job well done.
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Kuchinashi just straight up tells Satoshi that he should go back to Melemele Island. But the way Satoshi says the following line?
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He’s saying it with the kind of voice that implicates that he’s so ready to cry and he’s determined on not giving up! I love this boy, and due to how impactful this scene is, I love the whole sequence of the scene, from start of the fight to the finish of this scene, whole lot!
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This is the Satoshi we’ve learned to love. Determined to never give up. Determined to stay on the Island and train to become stronger, to be able to beat Kuchinashi. It’s admirable, inspiring, and I was once again reminded why this boy is such a golden one. I can’t believe I used to think lousy stuff about him years ago. I feel awful.
Anyway, Kuchinashi then tells him to do as he pleases. We then have another foreshadowing from Rocket Gang for the SM076, and I kinda explained the scene before, so, moving on! (Sorry Rocket Gang you know I love them D:)
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The final scene is a good one as well. Lugarugan is sulking alone about the loss, and Satoshi goes to him, talking about how he’s frustrated, and how they weren’t able to do anything during the battle. It was very one-sided after all. He’s clearly disappointed. But then he apologizes to Lugarugan, like he seems to believe it’s his fault he can’t control Lugarugan’s anger issues. And well. He’d never blame his Pokemon. His friends. He then asks Acerola about where he could train on Ula’Ula Island, and Acerola suggests on meeting with Kapu-Bulul. Which is next week’s episode!
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The end of SM074! I don’t know why I went such detail on this one. I’m blaming it on plot elements, creating my new favourite scene in Pokeani, making me love Acerola and Kuchinashi more, etc etc etc. If you guys managed to read this all, I applaud you. And sorry for sucha long post. :’D
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Pokeproblem of the episode is stunning. Kuchinashi loves teasing his Nyarth.
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While the preview talks about Island Kings resembling the Island Deityes by their personalities (bless the preview dialogues), we’ll be heading to the Ruins of Abudance, where Kapu-Bulul resides. And they’ll be crossing the desert to get there! Time for some slacker training!
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Kapu-Bulul! Intense Slacker Training! Cya all next week!
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pokeconomics · 4 years ago
Artist’s Statement: Pokeconomics
At first glance Pokemon have a lot in common with any other currency.  They are controlled and distributed by a massive institution--a collection of corporations, which functions in the same regulatory capacity as a government backing and issuing currency.  People trade pokemon for goods, services, even real money.  Their value is not fixed; a pokemon's value depends largely on its rarity, and what people are willing to trade for it, which can change at any time.  Confidence is key.  Like any form of money, a pokemon's value is not inherent: they are images, copies of images really.  Like capital, they are investments; the more Pokemon you have, the more you are likely to have access to, because you can use your current Pokemon to catch or breed more pokemon, or to acquire resources.  Not only can you trade a pokemon directly for resources (like the candy mechanics in Let's Go, or Pokemon Go) but you can also battle them for a chance to acquire resources, which is directly analogous to the stock market.  
Many factors can affect a pokemon's rarity and therefore its value.  Some species--known as mythicals and legendaries--can only be obtained a maximum of once per game.  Others are not strictly mythical or legendary, but cannot breed--for instance, Ditto and Arctozolt.  Some species can be bred, but are rare to spawn, like Wishiwashi.  It is much quicker to trade for someone's Wishiwashi offspring than to catch one in the wild.  Some species are exclusive to one game, or one version of a game, such as the Sword/Shield versions.  Other attributes can increase or decrease the value of a pokemon, too, like what kind of ball it is caught/bred in, what special ability it has, what moves it has, its markings, and what its stats are.  Pokemon with perfect stats - known as "6IV" - are very rare, and also very useful for combat.  Lastly, the most rare pokemon, "shinies," are differently colored members of a species.  These are valued very highly.
Pokemon are only the most abstract representations of actual labor.  A shiny, for example, can take dozens of hours to find or breed--or it can be encountered instantly, almost by coincidence.  
Although pokemon can be treated as a commodity, the premise of the fiction which gives them context is that they are living, sentient beings.  They love, they fight, they evolve, they learn, they eat and can be eaten.  While these qualities are only real if you suspend belief and accept the premise of the game, you must also suspend belief to accept the premise of pokemon value.  It is interesting to me, this relationship; the delicate balance between a creature that can feel, can react, can remember, and that of a commodity which can be traded.  It is a relationship that exists in the world of the game, but is barely ever addressed by it.  Some species MUST be traded to evolve, indicating that there is some value to the pokemon themselves in their commodification.  I hope some of the images I make and present in this series speak to that tension.
My project "Pokeconomics" consists of two practices.  One involves a "run" or "runthrough" I did of the game to generate the screencaps presented here.  I named my trainer (game character) after Karl Marx, which resulted in many humorous and thought-provoking instances of dialogue as the character went through the game's main story.  I named my Pokemon in this game after various forms of currency.  For instance, I named Slowpoke "Yen," because the design for it is inspired by a Japanese Yokai.  "Euro" is an Amaura, an ice type with both rock and electric attacks.  Grookey (who later evolved into Rillaboom) is named Dollar, because he is green and because he was my "starter" pokemon (the pokemon one starts the game with.)  Yuan is a Gyarados, whose design is based on a Chinese dragon.  Franc is a Hoothoot who later evolved into Noctowl.  Dinar is a Pikachu, but a special 6IV Pikachu you receive in the game for having completed Let's Go.  He is both extremely strong and extremely rare.  These are the main pokemon I used to play through the game.  I was amused to watch them grow at relatively even rates; normally, a good strategy for beating the game is to over-strengthen one pokemon and use that "leader" to crush opponents quickly.  I did make an effort to nurture Euro as my "leader" but the other pokemon were quick to follow.  It should be said that a pokemon's level does not necessarily influence it's value, outside the game; many people prefer to trade for "untouched" pokemon (never used in combat) but otherwise it is highly unusual to specify a desire for a pokemon of a certain level.  Yet there was a kind of ritual aspect to watching the numbers associated with these pokemon increase, to tracking their relative strength against each other.  Late in the game (after the final gym) I caught a level 60 Shiinotic that I meant to use for the final challenges.  I named this pokemon Leu (after a Romanian currency).  It amused me that something so strong could be introduced suddenly so late in the game.
There were a few pokemon I named after currencies but did not end up using in the run.  Bitcoin is a Nickit I caught very early on.  Ruble is a Pidove and Rupee is a Gossifleur.  Because I did not use these pokemon in the run, they did not acquire strength.  By the end of the game they were nearly worthless.
The second practice in my "Pokeconomics" project involves manipulating the actual real-world Pokemon economy.  I breed highly valuable pokemon, then use r/pokemontrades or the in-game online trading (Suprise Trade, Link Trade, and Wonder Box) to connect with other users.  Whenever I can I give away the valuable pokemon for free (or in exchange for other users’ “garbage mon”) destroying their scarcity and affecting the market.  Sometimes I send a valuable pokemon out in a Suprise Trade and then release the more common, easy-to-catch pokemon I got in return.  In this way I dilute the market, causing a kind of Pokemon inflation/deflation.  Unlike monetary inflation, the effect of this on the community is one of joy and abundance--more pokemon for everyone is regarded as the ideal state.
0 notes
its-whitetomorrow · 3 years ago
The gatcha and the supposed "random" Pokemon (but really just whatever Pokemon seem to fit the theme of episode or deliver niece bit of comedy) isn't such a bad idea - I approciate it despite the flaws, at least it's something fresh. BUT one reason why the gacha may appear annoying in a larger narrative is what you mentioned, that they fail miserably far too often and many of the Pokemon seem so weak that they can be sent blasting off like in a couple of seconds. There were some episodes where it was done better, particularly closer to the begining of the series, where rocket mons - while still with a bit of comedy - showcased pretty awesome moves and it took a combined power of Satoshi and Go, sometimes more, to beat them. But as the series went on, with gacha only ever used in one single purpose which is catch of the day or their pikachu attempt, things have gotten more stale and the impression that gacha mons are shitty much stronger. The core problem, even though many wouldn't agree with me here, is as always - writing problems and limitation with the TRio. If they were allowed to do bigger schemes/missions sometimes or be actual allies for Matori during her missions the power of the gacha could have been an important element of it. The missions would still fail because as villains they can't win but no doubt fighting would be more epic with bigger stakes and more firepower from the good guys so those gacha pokemon would feel like actual assets, not some regular mons that might as well be replaced by their SM mons and nothing would feel different. And the entire setup with the gacha seem like the one where important agents who actually do some shit get to use it (premise similar to those Deliberd-delivered mons that were supposed to go to Butch and Cassidy back in the day, was in Hoenn ep I think, but instead went to JJM), not the ones who never really use it for anything more crucial and definitely not the ones that HQ has no intended use for (so annoyingly demonstrated by Matori's writing/her opinion of them which is the complete anti-thesis of the very gacha existence and how Giovanni seems to view them!). But as I said other times - most likely the result of a good creative intention among some (or even many) among the anime staff but there is some kind of embargo that stops them in their tracks, and it's possible TRio VAs are like the holy guardians of said embargo (at least ideologically, and whether they have a say in this or not - I can easily imagine that they're not willing to help based on how they view everything bw). If not the embargo many things could have made more sense I believe.
I still can't get over that first Galar two-parter with Dande. Their mission was to aquire a Pokemon that later ended up in gacha as TR slave, the gacha mon they used in a fight looked pretty weak but actually showed some suprising firepower causing trouble, they never really blasted off in this one but instead retreated and, by a twist of fate, actually achieved their objective in the end. It was clearly an attempt at something there... but things went siedeways somewhere along the way and we are where we are. Again. Apparently all they could do (Yonemura in particular) was say "fuck it, we WILL use TR for a change in Dialga/Palkia heist but they'll be alt TR since we can't use our guys, shame"
XXIV. Rage Against The Machine
Robo-Lotto is sold as proof of Giovanni's special regard for his mewling pets, a mighty gift in reward of service.
Draining 'em of all charm, fun and character will finally mean something.
It's gonna be worth it, kids. Oh yes.
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What says favour better than degrading Meowth to glorified key card, pain shooting through him like a shockwave?
I've played these things.
In goes twenty pence, twist the handle, and out comes a plastic toy.
Unless his charm is torn off when the meter turns, this doesn't work as intended.
Lovely polishing service, mind.
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Blood sacrifice summons Gyarados and Tyranitar, hulking titans reared for war.
Yeah! Fan favourites appearing at random!
This is souped-up bio-weaponry; an army of genetically engineered warriors trained to kill.
Yeah, still lost.
Still lost as quickly and predictably as Jessie and James's real Pokémon did.
I'm beginning to see a flaw in this.
But that's only the first wave. There's plenty of steely-eyed, soulless juggernauts to come.
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What promised an endless flood of power and destruction delivered also-rans, infants and those doomed by the status quo.
This lucky dip isn't useless, it's derisive of the entire background of Pokémon.
Which fits in so well this year.
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Team Rocket the company was a shadowy unit of sleek, successful thieves, smugglers and gangsters, hidden puppeteers in the greater scheme.
Our trio were inept, lazy and downtrodden, but their failures didn't diminish the threat posed by the wider organisation.
Yet losing isn't their fault now.
Jessie and James aren't bone idle Trainers as every Pokémon they have is supplied by the Boss, and he's not providing the goods.
We expect ruthless, lab-enhanced monsters.
We get hopeless, un-evolved cannon fodder.
These three were incompetent minnows in an empire of merciless, intelligent villainy.
Now they're thick, boorish representatives of a thick, boorish criminal syndicate, and, having risen so highly, are morons in a way they weren't before.
And that's just the first problem.
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For a system supposedly based on chance, I've yet to find the same Pokémon twice.
So-called prizes often reflect a theme, which is a complete coincidence, I'm sure.
• Drapion and Scolipede tackle Bug maniac Kricketina Kylie and Heracross.
• Carvanha and Kingler versus Milotic in a Water event.
• Best of all, TWO Dusclops face Gengar.
For twins come out together, like the womb.
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Wailord is the most egregious example of several risible aspects:
1. R2-D2 habitually pisses about by birthing one ball, with no explanation, suggesting Team Rocket's tech. department can't do better than bog-standard tat.
2. In a random choice, a whale emerges in the sea, the single suitable environment.
Had it been land, he'd beach, dry out and die!
If indoors, he'd smash through the floor, and crush those below to death!
3. Wailord knows only Splash, but got sent on missions regardless.
Yer what?!
What happened to the good moves?
They must've bred him that way!
We are to accept the 'wisdom' of this when they show its drowning potential, but that's not what Splash does in any circumstances.
That's Surf, yer twat!
Too fat to blast off, Wailord now roams the seas in peace, which neatly solves all of the above.
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• Own-brand Pokéballs ought to be stylish and black, not dingy purple with a red-raw aureole like an Ursula witch tit.
• How do the instructions get in as well?
Do they slip the paper in, close it and then recall the occupant?
What if its data merges with the Pokémon and out comes a deformed freak next time?
• As Robbie the Robot is so heavy it crashes to earth...
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How the bloody hell does Pelipper fly?
He couldn't even stand up, never mind the weight ripping his face off.
No, I won't accept cartoon physics from a series acting like a ponderous documentary.
• Who heaves it in the pouch?
• Does Pelipper open wide, clamp it with his beak, and slowly edge forward?
• Or throw it in the air and catch?
• And folding up the legs fits it snugly inside?
• If Dusty Bin belongs to Team Rocket, why doesn't Pelipper live with them?
• How is he always just above when they call?
• Where does he go after?
• What happened to Delibird?
He used a sack.
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I knew this was a bad idea from the start.
Fans love drawing and writing about Team Rocket Pokémon, but this stunt deprives them of that opportunity.
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Come on, they ain't fussy!
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