#then it was very cheap. then it was SO TASTY AND A LOT OF POTATO
saintirulan · 2 months
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some kyoto street food faves 🥒🍙🍵🍠❤️
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indnwitch · 1 year
Vegan/Vegetarian shopping list:
Pre Made salad bags (it’s a lot cheaper to just buy bagged salad and add to it, then buying a bunch of ingredients that will go bad if not used)
Make a list of fruits and vegetables that you like and get them (some times if you get the funky shaped ones you get a few cents off, even if you don’t that stops the funky shaped produce from being tossed)
Nut butters (most almond and peanut butters are vegan, jelly and Jams aren’t because they’re made with gelatin)
Bread, check the ingredients because a lot of breads are accidentally vegan/vegetarian ( Vegetarian/Vegan (link) Sandwiches will be your best friend)
Pasta (like bread a lot of pasta is accidentally vegan, CHECK THE INGREDIENTS)
Rice and beans are some of the cheapest things to buy, buy them dry and you can have them for a while in your pantry
Google vegan ramen, (if you’re like me and love spicy ramen then you’ll be happy to know Samyang 2x spicy hot chicken flavor Ramen in the red pack is VEGAN they use artificial chicken flavor rather then animal products. Vegan Kimchi regular and spicy is a lot easier to find then you may think just look for ones without fish sauce and shrimp)
Tofu (tofu is very versatile and it’s great source of vegan/vegetarian protein made from soy, it takes flavor beautifully and it’s relatively cheap firm/extra firm is best)
Cheese (there are so many vegan cheese options, for grated parmigiana follow your heart has both grated and shredded, Violife has a block. Violife has the best shredded substitutes, and singles. Daiya is a little weird in my opinion however they’re cheddar dairy free Mac and cheese is amazing (you just gotta use different pasta then it comes with)
Meat substitutes ( We’ve come a long way with decent vegan meat substitutes, beyond meat makes a whole variety of plant based meat substitutes that are very tasty especially if you’re still craving that meaty texture. Impossible meat substitutes also has amazing plant based meat substitutes, Impossible also has vegan chicken nuggets that tastes like McDonald’s and even have dino shaped ones. Light life has everything from vegan sausage crumbles to Bacon, the vegan bacon and hot dogs are amazing)
Eggs (just egg and simply egg are planted based substitutes for eggs, they’re liquid like an egg beater but can be used in place of eggs from a scramble to a baking ingredient)
Dairy (Vegan milk/coffee creamer you got options coconut, almond, soy, oat, pea protein. Pick what you like best. Personally California farms Oat milk in original and California farms oat vanilla creamer are my favorites. I’ll throw cream cheese and Yogurt in here as well Kite Hill regular and Strawberry cream cheese are my favorite, Kite Hill blue berry, and Strawberry vegan yogurt are my favorite. MIYOKO’S vegan butter)
Snacks (Lenny and Larry’s plant based chocolate chip cookies, Spudsy sweet potato puffs they have a million different flavors I like the hot fries. Vegan rob’s dragon puffs these are the vegan equivalent to hot Cheeto puffs but without the red dye 40. Vegan rob’s also has cheese puffs)
Sauces (Anne’s goddess dressing is very tangy, Diaya blue cheese and Caesar dressings are amazing, can be thick though, they also have ranch but I got a vegan homemade ranch recipe. Hot sauce, Franks, Cholula, Tabasco, and Tapatío are vegan. Ketchup& mustard are vegan. Hellmans and follow your heart have vegan mayonnaise,Sir Kingston’s and Follow your heart also have chipotle Mayo. Follow your heart also has vegan sour cream)
Seasonings (seasons you should have in your cabinet click here, the dollar tree sells all these for a dollar and most grocery stores sell adobo)
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saint-ambrosef · 2 years
cheap food anon. dinner is either curry, chili, or soup. Chicken, tomato, onion are usually involved. lunch is salads and wraps. usually lettuce, chickpeas, cucumber. breakfast is attempted but rarely eaten, eggs or oatmeal. I know rice and beans is go to cheap meal but lord is it boring. Smoothies sometimes
Beans and rice does indeed get boring fast.
One of my go-tos is ground sausage, the kind that comes in a little one pound tube. I get it for $2.25 at Aldi but you can get it for $3-4 at other stores. It can do anything ground beef can, for cheaper. You can make it last many meals by mixing with plant protein (like beans for tacos or lentils in a ragu sauce), and it will still add so much flavor and texture.
I would also recommend shredded chicken. Works well with the cheapest cuts, like whole leg quarters; just throw them in a slow cooker (or a covered baking dish in a 225F oven) for 6ish hours. Shred up. Put some in the freezer for later. Use for tacos, wraps, fried rice, salads, casseroles, stews, pizzas, quesadillas, etc.
For cheese, opt for "extra sharp" cheddar, you only need a little to add a lot of flavor (compared to mild cheeses) so they stretch.
Frozen vegetables are a great resource too. I can usually get a pack of peas or broccoli for under a dollar each. Kale and spinach are often very cheap fresh; they can be eaten raw or cooked, so I throw them into all my soups and sauces. Button mushrooms are also inexpensive. Sweet potatoes make GREAT homefries.
If dairy is an option, you can make creamy soups/sauces with a roux. Good with pasta, you can make a rich and hearty mac and cheese too.
It doesn't sound like you do much Asian cuisine? Stir-fried chicken and vegetables (carrots, cabbage, bell pepper) over rice is an economical, easy meal. You only really need soy sauce and a little fresh ginger root to get the flavor profile.
Homemade baked falafels over salad with some sour cream or homemade tzaziki sauce would be a different spin on your usual lunch. Try it with quick-pickled onions (legit just throw chopped red onion in 1/3 white vinegar and 2/3 hot water mix, let sit in the fridge at least 20 min).
Lentil Bologense over mashed potatoes is the cooler older sister of beans and rice.
Quiche is a tasty way to use up any leftover bits of meat, cheese, and veggies. If you don't have cream, try subbing for evaporated milk.
Try canned cannellini beans roughly smushed in a bowl with garlic, salt, black pepper, and olive oil: spread on some toast and top with fresh tomatoes, fresh cilantro, and a healthy squeeze of lime juice. Spinach would be good too.
Black-eye beans, corn, fresh tomatoes, red onion, bell pepper, and cilantro tossed in olive oil and balsamic ("cowboy caviar") is great with corn chips.
Also, quickbreads are your friends!! Cornbread is super easy to make and goes so well with chili and stews. And just good snacking.
I hope at least some of this helped or at least gave inspiration!! It's well passed my bedtime so I gotta leave it there for now. :( Feel free to ask for more advice if there's something in particular you are struggling with!
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edoro · 2 years
The Hunger has certainly come for me so i’ve been trying to load up on low-carb high-protein or high-fiber snacks like nuts, yogurt, certain fruit (blueberries, apples, etc)
and the thing is that there are 2 grocery stores within walking distance. one of them is a drug store and one of them is a fancy rich people store.
(there’s a decently cheap chain store that is, depending on how much walking i feel like doing in the first place, either a short 5min bus ride + 10min walk to the bus stop OR approximately an hour long ride but i get picked up right outside my apartment building, and then a Walmart that’s 10min bus stop walk, 10min bus ride, and 5min walk to the pickup stop + 10min walk home, but if i don’t want to get on the bus or spend the money on a bus ticket then i can either go to the drug store or the rich people store)
so anyway a lot of times i end up going and blowing ridiculous amounts of food stamps money on rich people groceries, mostly for stuff the other stores don’t have like sugar free soda that isn’t coke zero (i like virgil’s black cherry and cream sodas) or my tasty sweet potato hash brown snacks etc
ANYWAY last time i was there i needed more peanut butter so i got a jar of the store brand, which is like, six dollars lmao, BUT it’s also Very Fancy. barrel-roasted in small batches and then ground, it’s just got peanuts without any filler oils, etc etc, and guys... guys it might be worth it. guys it tastes so good?
it’s got this very delicious smoky nutty flavor that can best be described as How Coffee Beans Smell, with a nice specifically peanutty after/overtaste, and the texture is very smooth but also full of nice crunchy bits (i like crunchy nut butter, sue me)
anyway i hate finding out that paying more money means better food. absolutely ridiculous. but it’s SO good.
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jacks-tracks · 8 months
Birds Flowers and Butterflys
Happily healthy again, as normal as I,m going to get! Dengue laid me pretty low, actually considering "is this it? Is death near?" Felt like it.
Back on the road to health, and on the road to the mercado. Made an exploratory trip to Super Che for big boxes of juice, some cheap chicken legs, free run eggs, avocadoes , "Look, they're cheaper in the mesh bag!" Yeah,because they are so small you are buying avocado stones. Hrumph... And as always at Che it took longer to checkout than to find things." Why put on more clerks? these people will stand in line for a half hour. They have a cart full!"
Anyway, flushed with success, I went the next day uptown by combi to shop the big mercado area. Actually don't go in the mercado anymore, having found all the same goods nearby in tiny stores for better prices. A cast west from the collectivo stop and there was the shrimp shop, a regular storefront filled with chest freezers. 2 kilos of medium shrimp in a box for 360pesos, about $24 canadian. It was only when i got home that I saw these shrimp were from Nicaragua, product of mangrove clear cut grow farms. Not eco food. Damn tasty though! Next to the tortilla factory where dangerous unguarded machines press corn dough into 6 inch tortillas and cook them on hot rollers,mass production. 24 pesos a kilo($2) and I got a half kilo, which is some 15 tortillas. now tortillas only keep about 4 hours before they dry out and roll up into tire patches, but seperated by paper and plastic bagged, they freeze very well. I had enough used (washed bags from produce) to freeze a lot, packed between coffee filters as paper dividers. Ate 2 fresh with 6 boiled shrimp and mayo. Major meal!
Chocolate is a big agricultural crop in the mountains, second only to coffee(and dope). The Mayo Domo chain sells fresh ground chocolate(mixed with sugar) cheap. A kilo cost $4, still hot from the press. They also sell pure chocolate in cubes at a much higher price, used for hot chocolate drinks and Mole which is chocolate mixed with various hot peppers used as a sauce on lots of food. And the shop is AC, so I tend to linger. Stopped buying their chocomil drink, a sweet blend of choc and milk blended in an old fashioned milkshake mixer. Too much dairy!
While I had planned to hoof up the street 4 blocks to the nicer fruit stand, I caved and went into the chaotic "Cabelleros" store, a wholesaler where the public shops as well. Aisles filled with toppling bags of carrots, onions,potatoes, bins of tomatoes, red, yellow, and green peppers, avocados, bananas usually overripe, mushrooms, mandarin oranges, papayas,onions, cilantro, dried peppers, cinnamon ranging from pure powder to sacks of bark rolled into 3 foot long sticks, and all that in skinny aisles filled with aimless shoppers debating the ripeness of tomatoes et al.and a steady chain of overloaded workers packing in the full sacks off a truck conveniently double parked on the street, shouting to make way as they stream into dark back rooms or upstairs to crammed lofts. Anything a shopper at the till can't find gets brought out by calling a boy to fetch it from the caverns. Not unusual to see someone carry out 40 pound boxes of tomatoes, cabbages, cauliflowers, or onions. I think that many of the stores in the mercado across the street send runners over to replenish stock. While it seems chaotic, the stuff gets selected and rapidly sold at one of 3 tills. No half hour waits here. Electronic scales and tills that print a detailed receipt. Of course things are much cheaper here which makes it all worth wading through the discarded leaves and squished oranges, or risking an avalanche of fruit from the shaky pyramids. Cash only, always busy, it works. Got all my list, 40 pounds of stuff, shopping bags(bring your own) groaning full, stagger up to the combi corner to truck on home.
Oh yeah birds /flowers etc. Totally different experience. There's a lookout near my hotel with a clear view of the beach and the endless rolling waves. Steep bank covered in trees and a favorite place for local birds. The "pea tree" which yields a red circular pod of pea like seeds is in bloom, cascades of frothy creamy blossoms, loved by hummingbirds, and frequented by both the tiny jet black zipper,and the slower greenbacks. A bird new to me was a robin sized one with a red breast and shoulders, black throat and cape, and white and black wing bars. Sounding like a sparrow cheeping was another bird, upright posture, sparrow sized but very slim, grey with black marks. All those in one spot with a convenient bench providing an eye level tree top view.
I count it a good day when i see something special, and this week it was flowers. Bouncing along in the back of a combi pickup on the carretera(highway) we passed an African tulip tree in full scarlett trumpet flowered bloom. Next in an arroyo(gully) was a red bouganvillea, climbing a jungle tree and filling the space with a tree covering cascade of flowers. Then deeper in the arroyo was a full blooming pink blossomed tree looking just like a cherry tree but much bigger. Pretty nice to see so much beauty.
Blabbed on far too long. Just catching up after a 3 week involuntary pause. More as it happens.
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tielt · 10 months
I just want to drop my quick bites for vege/vegan's who are gluten-free shortlist that I do. It's been fairly simple for me for the last few years. Simple ones. It far more affordable to cook stew/bean soup from scratch but here is my routine these days for anyone who doesn't have the attention to soak beans. I'll update this when I figure out how to make the burger from dry powder because it's I think worth the time to invest as the pea-protein burger is expensive.
If vegan not vege you can substitute olive oil for butter, but the flash point might be different for the carbon-steel.
Yeah, anyone can do this who can't cook for anything. My ADHD is unhinged lately and I'm lucky I get a meal a day in because I'm disabled so this is literally survival guide level for my dietary restrictions.
Please don't bother me about this unless you have tips. It's meant for people like me that are disabled that aren't looking to be on Iron Chef, but we're also picky and autistic.
Protein I'm starting with the protein, I suggest having this all the time in a separate container you can throw into anything. I use pea-protein burger or fresh ground burger (Impossible or Beyond Meat). Saute in butter first onions a few min, garlic a few min, protein till browned/dice if burger. I usually use a whole onion, tablespoon of garlic. Touch of spice, pepper. Sometimes a whole jalapeno or chili powder.
I'll use this for a few days in quick tub-ramen. This also works for lots of things like I'll throw this on pizza with pesto halfway through reheating of at the end of cooking.
Rice The main thing I eat lately is I'll cook, rice if going cheap, quinoa otherwise. A few servings rice/quinoa I'll throw in 1 TBs butter melted inside pan before grain, I'll add 1-2 TBs vegetarian 'better than boulion' soup paste or meat one. I use a instant-pot 10 min high for rice or 5 min high for quinoa then 7-10 min release or however you normally cook rice/quinoa.
Soup Then I heat 1/2 can Amys soup or whole can for 2 people in a pan 5 min. The two I use lately are "southwestern vegetable soup" and "thai curry sweet potato lentil" because they are vegetarian, gluten free, and tasty without much additional seasonings. I'll usually reheat the protein and either add liquid aminos or soy sauce. Liquid aminos is cheap but it has a taste not everyone likes and I generally prefer soy sauce but it's more expensive.
Fixit When the rice is done you can throw in a serving of rice, heated protein and top with soup.
You can throw in pickled green jalapenos or canned vegetables like corn to space it out even more to add value.
Carbon Steel Pizza I'd suggest people invest in getting a *Large carbon-steel skillet with a metal handle. I heat the oven at 415 with the previously used skillet inside and when it finishes preheating you can wipe the skillet off with a paper towel, throw in 1/4 TBs of butter and a frozen pizza or reheated delivery and sprinkle minced garlic around the pizza. Back in the oven for most (6min reheat, 8 min frozen) of the 10min/12min. Pull it. Add the protein you made in the above recipe across generally. An option, if the rim of the pizza is dry add BBQ sauce very lightly around the rim and optionally diced pickled jalapeno in a thin layer and spread around the rim. Add some grated cheddar on top of that along the rim if desired. I like this because it can melt into the pan and crisp around the pizza on the carbon-steel. Back into the oven for the last bit (4min reheat/6min frozen).
Ramen I use the snapdragon Vietnamese Pho ramen bowls (Costco), heat above protein. Throw 1/3 fresh jalapeno and fresh basil if desired into bowl with seasonings. Pour boiling water, 3 min pour into bowl throw protein on top add aminos or soy sauce to taste. Sometimes this is all I eat for a day and it is extremely low effort and cheap.
Potato Preheat Oven/Pan 410 and when it's done preheating wipe clean with paper towel. I will clean red or yellow potatoes with a clean dobie sponge rather than peel, but you can peel. I figure some minerals is good. I will melt butter onto my hands and liberally sprinkle sea salt and rub onto potatoes before putting into preheated pan. Cook for 50 min and then use as an additive carb for several days. Has really good synergy with the soup/quinoa/protein previously mentioned.
Often just the soup/rice is good as a staple.
This is all creative commons so feel free to redial it however without credit to myself I'm just looking to be helpful.
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onejamtart · 11 months
OJT EATS | Shinjidai 44
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Always on the lookout for a nice cheap and cheerful place to eat, we stumbled across Shinjidai 44. It was after a day trip to Mt Fuji so we were pretty knackered and just looking for something quick. This place didn't have an English menu so through a mixture of looking at what other people had ordered, Google Translate and hand signals, we ordered our food.
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This place seemed to be all about their chicken skin skewers which I had absolutely no issue with. They came in plates of 5 and so this was the first thing we ordered. They were very very good. They were crispy but still had a little bit of chew which is how I like my chicken skin but am aware that it's not for everyone. It was marinated beautifully and was a perfect accompaniment to a glass of beer (which they sold for cheap too).
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The other thing we saw that a lot of people were having were these long thin fried sticks. After a bit of googling, we realised that they were tempura burdock sticks. Intrigued, we ordered a portion and they were a pretty pleasant surprise. As usual for Asia, they were fried very well with an incredibly light batter. The burdock was a little tough but still, very tasty.
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The potato salad arrived deconstructed with cucumbers, onions, potatoes (of course), a slightly disappointingly small amount of mayo and a nice dollop of mentaiko. After some mixing from our side, it came out pretty good; surprisingly refreshing!
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We also ordered a little bit of veg which was nice enough but definitely the least interesting thing we ate.
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It was a pretty chilly evening so we decided to go for a nice warming broth with tofu, daikon, fish balls. Considering the weather, this was ideal as it warmed us right up and was just super comforting.
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Our last dish was a tsukune meatball with an egg yolk on top. The meatball was seasoned perfectly and came in a little pool of sweetened soya sauce. It was juicy and tender; delicious!
All in all, this really hit the spot in terms of what we were looking for foodwise. The atmosphere started to get a little noisy as it filled up with people grabbing some food either after work or after already getting a few drinks (either before getting there or with their food). Ordering was a bit of an experience but this place was a lot of fun.
Shinjidai 44, 1 Chome-13-6 Shinbashi, Minato City, Tokyo 105-0004, Japan
Cheers, JL
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therecolte · 2 years
Ways to Use Leftover Rotisserie Chicken
From shredded chicken tacos to creamy rice casseroles, there are tons of ways to use your leftover rotisserie chicken. Whether you have last night's roast or a chicken from the store, these cheesy dinners are a surefire way to get your family's taste buds buzzing!
These recipes are so easy to put together and will feed your whole family without a lot of work. Try one of these creative dinner ideas today!
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Rotisserie chicken is a quick, healthy and cheap way to add protein to a variety of recipes. It can also be used in soups, salads, sandwiches and more.
One of the best things about rotisserie chicken is that it can be made in just minutes, so you don't have to spend hours in the kitchen to make a nutritious dinner. It's also inexpensive, and many of these recipes can be made with just one or two rotisserie chickens!
click here for more
If you have some leftover rotisserie chicken and are feeling under the weather, there's nothing like turning it into this comforting soup. It's packed with collagen, amino acids and electrolytes that help support your immune system while warding off a stuffy nose!
This recipe also includes hearty beans and tortillas, making it a deliciously filling meal. It's also a great option for lunches!
These shredded chicken tacos are easy to make and a perfect way to use up some extra rotisserie chicken. They're a deliciously cheesy and spicy dish that's sure to be a hit with your family!
Another great recipe for a quick and easy rotisserie chicken dinner is this creamy rice casserole. It's a tasty meal that takes less than 40 minutes to prepare, and you can easily swap out the vegetables for other ones or other proteins for a completely different flavor.
Stuffed potatoes are always a delicious way to make something special with leftover rotisserie chicken, but this one is even better because it's baked twice! It creates a crispy crust and a super soft, spoonable interior.
What is rotisserie chicken?
Rotisserie chicken is a popular, ready-to-eat meal option that’s sold in grocery stores. These seasoned, whole chickens are inexpensive and quick to prepare. They’re also very versatile, and can be used in a variety of dishes.
Many people enjoy rotisserie chicken because it’s a tasty, easy and healthy choice that’s low in saturated fat and calories. Plus, it’s high in protein, which is essential for building and maintaining muscle.
The downside to rotisserie chicken is that some store-bought varieties are loaded with salt and additives, which can negatively impact your health. Fortunately, you can find healthier rotisserie chickens in many supermarkets and club stores.
CR’s nutrition experts analyzed 16 rotisserie chickens from seven major supermarkets (Kroger, Safeway, Stop & Shop, Walmart, Wegmans, and Whole Foods), three club stores (BJ’s Wholesale Club, Costco, and Sam’s Club) and one fast-casual chain restaurant.
For each rotisserie chicken, CR’s nutrition experts evaluated the nutrition facts label and ingredients list to see what was in each product. They then compared those ingredients with a database of 1,500 products that have similar ingredient profiles.
Some of the chickens had more sodium than others, and the higher-salt ones were often higher in calories. Luckily, you can easily control your calorie and sodium intake by choosing light or dark meat, choosing skinless or with the skin, and choosing a chicken that has less than 500 mg of sodium.
How to make rotisserie chicken?
Rotisserie chicken is a great way to get a quick and delicious meal on the table. This dish can be made in a number of different ways, and it can be used in many different recipes, so it's a fantastic option for dinner on busy nights.
You can make rotisserie chicken using an oven or a gas grill. However, if you want to make it on a grill, it is important to truss the chicken before placing it on the rotisserie rod to avoid flopping wings and wobbly legs that can easily pull the chicken off of the rotisserie.
The first step is to season the chicken with a dry rub that includes salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, paprika, dried thyme leaves, and a bit of cayenne. This will help to mimic the flavor of a store-bought rotisserie chicken.
Once you've seasoned the chicken, place it on the grill and cook until it is golden brown and cooked through. This will take about 30 minutes to an hour.
Another great way to enjoy rotisserie chicken is to use it in casseroles or soups. These dishes are easy to make and are sure to satisfy any appetite.
You can also reheat leftover rotisserie chicken in the microwave or oven. This will help to keep the meat warm and will ensure that it is safe to eat. This method is also a great way to ensure that you get the most out of your leftovers.
Ways to use leftover rotisserie chicken?
If you have leftover rotisserie chicken, there are plenty of ways to turn it into a delicious meal. You can use it to make casseroles, soup recipes, fresh salads and more.
For example, you can make a delicious chicken pot pie that everyone in the family will love. All you need to do is assemble some of your favorite ingredients and bake it in the oven.
Another popular recipe using rotisserie chicken is lasagna. Just layer the chicken with no-boil lasagna noodles, marinara sauce, ricotta cheese and mozzarella cheese. Then you can finish the dish with shredded cheese and bake it in the oven.
You can also make fried rice with your leftover rotisserie chicken. This is a classic recipe that you can make at home and save a lot of money.
This is one of the most healthy chicken salads around and it only takes a few minutes to prepare. You can mix in a few bell peppers and some other veggies to make it even healthier.
Soup is always a go-to when you are sick or under the weather and this particular chicken noodle soup recipe is especially good for those who are suffering from colds and flu. The soup contains high levels of collagen, amino acids and electrolytes that can help reduce the symptoms of a stuffy nose and improve your immune system.
A spin on a gourmet pizza restaurant recipe, this Spicy Peanut Chicken Flatbread is a simple and convenient way to use your leftover rotisserie chicken. The flatbread is topped with a light and slightly spicy peanut sauce and the flavors are sure to please!
How long to make rotisserie chicken?
Rotisserie chicken is an incredibly versatile ingredient that’s perfect for meal prep. You can use it to make sandwiches, salads, casseroles, and more! However, you must follow proper storage and consumption guidelines to ensure that your rotisserie chicken stays safe and tasty throughout the week.
To prepare your rotisserie chicken, you will need to remove any skin, truss the legs with twine, and season it with a simple spice rub. You may choose to brine your rotisserie chicken before cooking it to increase tenderness and moisture.
Next, you will need to assemble your rotisserie grill and set up the rotisserie rod. You will need to make sure that the rod is high enough to let the chicken rotate completely.
Once you have a rotisserie ready to go, insert a meat thermometer into the thickest part of your chicken’s breast or thigh. Then, take the temperature every few minutes as it cooks to ensure that your chicken is fully cooked.
The chicken should reach 165F/74C in the thickest part of the breast, which is considered “cooked.” If you want your meat to be more crispy, you will need to cook it for a little longer (see notes).
Once you’ve finished cooking your rotisserie chicken, you can serve it warm or cold. If you choose to reheat it, it should be eaten within two days of reheating or stored in the refrigerator for up to four days before consumption.
Whether you're a rotisserie chicken fanatic or just looking to add more meat to your diet, there are many ways you can use this hunk of protein to your advantage. For starters, you can make soups, casseroles, and pasta dishes that taste like they've been cooking all day without the complication of boiling, sauteing, or grilling your own bird.
In addition, a rotisserie aficionado can keep his or her hands clean by avoiding the usual kitchen cleanup, saving money on fresh groceries, and reducing waste and landfills along the way. The most obvious benefit of all is the ability to enjoy a wide range of nutrient-rich foods without breaking the bank, especially during those times when you're on a budget.
What's more, you can easily convert the rotisserie aficionado's leftovers into tasty meals that the whole family will love. With the right amount of forethought, you'll never have to go without a homecooked meal again! So get out your cookbooks and let's start spicing things up around the dinner table. Good luck! Hopefully you'll see your rotisserie aficionado smile as he or she enjoys the results of your labors of love.
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
What do you think, in today’s world, the Akatsuki members’ favorite foods would be? Doesn’t have to be their canonical faves either. Love your blog/all your quirky little posts! ❤️
thank you for the love for my blog, I appreciate it!
and I like your question. let’s see, um, well Hidan and Deidara I can see being typical young guys and just living off of fast food. I can see Deidara eating like 40 McDonald’s chicken nuggets in one sitting, covered in a mix of bbq and sweet and sour sauces, and still complaining about being hungry. Hidan I can see being a burger guy, the bigger and thicker, the better. And not just a burger but a burger loaded with pickles and tomatoes and onions and half a cow’s worth of cheese. Topped with a mountain of ketchup-drenched fries that Deidara (if he’s eating with Hidan) will filch half of. Oh, and soda. These two can down an entire 12 pack of Coke each or just guzzle two liter bottles.
Kakuzu and Kisame, I can see being a bit more evolved in their tastes. Kisame being half-shark probably has an appreciation for fine sea food, like salmon or mahi mahi; or I can also see him being the type to go to one of those conveyor belt sushi places and just amassing stacks of plates at his elbow. Kakuzu, well the old guy is cheap af, but on the few occasions he’s not, I can see him enjoying a nice steak, rare, maybe with sautéed onions and mashed potatoes, and some sort of cruciferous vegetable. Kisame strikes me as a water drinker and Kakuzu (again when he’s not being cheap) either a good glass of wine, or a scotch.
Sasori doesn’t eat, but if he DID, I can kinda see him having a thing for soufflés. Like wanting to make them on his own and always working on perfecting his recipes to make the fluffiest creations ever. Making a soufflé requires a lot of precise baking work and attention to detail, which I feel someone like him would be good at. Also see him as being the kind to enjoy a cold glass of milk, and *chocolate* milk if he’s being “adventurous” that day.
Konan, she has such a lovely slim figure and I imagine she eats in a way to keep herself in shape, so mostly healthy foods like salads, yogurt, lean proteins and a variety of fruits and vegetables. But when she allows herself a “cheat” day, I can see her being just as big a fast food eater as Deidara and Hidan. For some reason I picture her going to Taco Bell, ordering a nachos bell grande and like 4 chalupas, eating it all, hiding the evidence and working out twice as hard the next day, to make up for it. Also see her being like Kakuzu in that she enjoys an occasional glass of wine, maybe a hard drink every now and then.
Obito and Itachi, they grew up in the Uchiha clan and the Uchiha never had a lot of money or resources, instead learning to stretch what they had to make delicious meals. So I think each of their favorite things to eat would be home cooked things, simple yet tasty. Maybe for Obito garlic-roasted chicken and potatoes, or possibly a marinated roast beef. For Itachi, I can see breakfast as being his thing, like big homemade breakfasts like his mother used to make: pancakes, fried potatoes, sliced tomatoes, eggs, bacon, or maybe once in a while something like an apple tart. Both of them strike me as tea drinkers, although I see Obito as drinking his tea plain/black and Itachi using a lot of honey or lemon or sugar as sweeteners.
Nagato, I think he’d really be a fan of pasta. Easy to eat, easy to digest, and so many different types. I think a vegetable lasagna would be his favorite type, noodles and ricotta and mozzarella, spinach, zucchini, carrots, peppers … and he’d ask Konan to make this for him at least once a week. He’s not a big eater in general but with this I can see him having 2 or 3 servings. Also see him as being a coffee drinker, although he’s trying to cut back because the caffeine probably isn’t very good for his heart.
and Zetsu … well, his eating habits would be hard to stick into a modern day world, right? But maybe he’d enjoy some unique cuts of (cooked) meat, stuff like roast rabbit, or herb-crusted rack of lamb, or maybe even quail or squab. Like Kisame, I see him as being solely a water drinker.
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nevermindrussia · 3 years
Russian winter holidays' features - part 3. New Year meals
As I said in the 1st post of this series, most Russians prefer to celebrate the New Year at home. So you gotta know what Russian home parties look like. Generally they consist of what is called застолье [zastol'e], from «за столом» [za stolom] - "at the dinner table". It may be translated as "a banquet", but it's not precise, because what we call банкет [banket], "a banquet" is at restaraunt or cafe only, but застолье usually is at one's home.
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So, one of the most important parts of celebratond the New Year is festive meals. Many (maybe even most) families in Russia have a tradition to cook lots of food for the New Year table. LOTS. OF. FOOD. In Russia we have the таз [taz] word - it means a large bowl, used for washing clothes or the like. So, the popular phrase of тазик салата ("bowl of salad") very often is not an exaggeration, especially when застолье is set for big family with many relatives. And that's not about some light vegetable salad! Below is described, for example, traditional Russian Olivier salad, which is very caloric.
Also Russian families often stock up delicacies for the New Year table. Sometimes they start doing it in month or more before. That habit definitely goes from USSR, when deficit of diverse and tasty foodstuff made people hunt for some копченая колбаса [kopchyonaya kolbasa] - summer sausages - or красная рыба krasnaya ryba], lit. "red fish" - salmon. For it was rare and expensive, it was not everyday food, so it was kept for a festive table to delight the hosts and surprise their guests. Today you can buy various delicacies in almost any store everyday (unless you're living in a remote country). But the tradition is still alive. So we make jokes of this, saying that when our fridge is stuffed with food before December 31st, we say: Ничего не трогай, это на Новый год [nichego ne trogai, eto na novyi god] - "do not touch, it's for the New Year"; and when the same is after it, we say: Ешь скорее, а то все испортится [esh' skoree, a to vsyo isportitsya] - "c'mon, hurry up to finish it, otherwise it will get rotten")) And we actually consume the food left from the New Year celebration at least the first 2-3 days of January, that's true))
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The caption is: The "don't touch , it's for the New Year" season is officially open
So, we have reviewed the meal issue in summary, so let's see, what kinds of food have almost every Russian family on their festive table.
1. Салат оливье [salat oliv'ye] - Olivier salad
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This dish has become a real symbol for the New Year celebration in Russia. Idk why, maybe because sausage in it's recipe was one of meat products that one could get rather easily. The fact is the original Olivier salad by recipe of the beginning of XXth century has nothing to do with modern Olivier - quite cheap, easily cooked, nutritive meal.
It's main ingridients are:
some special sausage called Докторская [doktorskaya]. Yes, it descends from "doctor") The point is in early Soviet Russia doctors had been recommended it for dieting instead of other sorts of sausages, cause it's low-fat. It looks like that:
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and also:
boiled potatoes
green peas
marinated cucumbers
hard-boiled eggs
boiled carrots
somebody also add green or bulb onions. I don't like onions, so I do not.
Everything diced and mixed, seasoned with mayonnaise.
2. Селёдка под шубой [selyodka pod shuboi]
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I've tried hard, but seems there is no appropriate translation for this salad) and the literal is "herring under a fur coat")))) don't worry, ot doesn't include any fur))) "The fur coat" here is a name for the rest of the salad, except herring itself, which is layered upon it. So these layers are:
boiled potatoes (diced or mashed)
onions (diced finely)
boiled eggs (grated or diced finely)
boiled carrots (grated)
boiled beets (grated)
mayonnaise (on every or almost every layer)
And under everything of this - filleted herring, chopped finely. Yummy 😋 Sometimes we make thin layers of everything and repeat them all twice - so it's even more delicious!
3. Нарезка [narezka] (from нарезать, "to slice") - sliced meat and fish
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See above of the stocked up delicacies. That's time for them. We usually have at the New Year table at least 2 plates: one with slices of sausages, carbonado, carpaccio etc. of various sorts; other one with slices of salmon and sometimes any other delicacy fish, for ex. butterfish. Sometimes there is also a cheese plate.
4. Красная икра [krasnaya ikra] - lit. "red roe", salmon roe.
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A total must-have for the New Year table! Even those who consider оливье and селёдка под шубой a lowbrow food, too heavy and rough, definitely won't refuse some salmon roe on a buttered slice of a baguette. Btw, as you can see, we don't use the salmon (лосось, [losos']) word in it's name. Just "red roe". And famous caviar, a sturgeon roe, is "black roe". Everything is very logical, isn't it?)
5. Мандарины [mandariny] - tangerines
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This tradition goes from USSR too. For a long time tangerines had been the only exotic fruit Russian could buy, and only in winter - before the New Year exactly. Today we can buy it every day, but many people remember of them just before the winter holidays. The smell of tangerines is a kinda official New Year smell in Russia) as well as smell ot the New Year fir tree.
6. Шампанское [shampanskoe] - champagne
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The essential New Year beverage is, of course, champagne. If one prefers any other wine or strong drinks, he or she may have it at the New Year table, but at least one glass of champagne - right at first seconds of the year - is required. Since 90th we have even "children's champagne" - soft fizzy fruit-flavoured drink in bottles of remarkable shape with special corks. As I refuse alcohol at all for today, I guess I will have such for myself at upcoming New Year party)
That's all the main parts of новогоднее застолье I could remember. Of course that's not all. Every family adds something as they wish. Some have a special festive dish of their own, for example, in our family it's chicken stewed in sour cream. That's a hot meal; another popular hot meal is French meat: it means beef or pork steaks baked with cheese, mushrooms and sometimes tomato, served with mashed potatoes, and idk what does it have to do with France)) But these are details, after all. Anyway, now you know the most traditional Russian dishes for New Year party, and you may have it on your own table if you wish to feel like a real Russian!)
Follow me and read more to know about more Russian New Year features! The next ones will be of the New Year TV shows and movies - so stay tuned!)
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lowspoonsfood · 3 years
Not sure if this qualifies as a recipe, but here goes. I haven't got through the whole archive yet, so I don't know if this has been mentioned, but-
There is a brand of instant soup called Bear Creek that has a lot of different varieties. I've seen potato, cheesy potato, and minestrone, I know there's more. You just have to boil water, then mix in the soup mix and let it simmer. The potato soups are fantastic; they taste like actual cooked-from-a-recipe food, and are very filling. (I'm not a big fan of the minestrone and haven't tried any others, but they're all the same in terms of cooking.)
Around here, the stores have it for around $3.50-$4.00 a package, and one package makes enough for my boyfriend and I to get a few meals out of it; your mileage may vary but if you're only cooking for one or two you'll probably have leftovers.. It's dehydrated, so it'll keep for about two years according to the 'best by' date, and probably longer if you want to just keep some around.
It reheats really well in the microwave, and if you make it in a pot with a lid, you can just pop the lid on and stick the whole pot in the fridge. I like to take leftovers with me to work in some microwavable bowls with lids we have, which saves me from actually having to make my lunch.
So, yes, cheap, easy to make and reheat, makes a lot of food, filling, tasty, and really warms you up in cold weather. Unfortunately, I have no idea if they're vegetarian/gluten free; I know the potato soups at least aren't vegan (they have milk in them). The other types might be different.
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cptsdstudyblr · 3 years
How I feed myself well as a mentally ill person
CW: food; brief discussion of disordered eating, dieting, weight gain, and food insecurity in the first paragraph
Food has always been something I struggled with. Growing up, my view of food was skewed in so many ways from food insecurity, parents who were constantly on extreme diets, etc. To this day, I struggle to have a positive, healthy relationship with food. I don't have an eating disorder, but the way I eat is somewhat disordered, if that makes sense. Recently, despite really struggling with my mental health, I've been making efforts to fix my relationship with food and gain some much-needed weight. It took me a really long time to get to a place where I figured out how I can ensure that I still eat well despite not being a functional human most of the time, and I want to share what I figured out.
Foods I have on hand
Starkist premade tuna salad packets - they look like this and there's a lot of flavors
Canned soups - I usually go for chicken noodle and loaded baked potato, but get ones you like
Instant mashed potatoes - you can get flavored ones if you want to
Some sort of premade food mix you like - this brand makes incredible Cajun mixes, and I always have them in stock because they are comfort food from my culture, but you can get just about anything you like - even Kraft Mac & Cheese
Ramen - even the cheap, low-quality stuff is totally fine
Rice - this is such a staple food
Bread, I guess:
Bread - pick what kind you like, I usually go for honey wheat
Bagels - I vary my flavors to avoid repetitiveness, but you don't have to
Granola and/or cereal - I usually have both mixed berry granola and cereal of my choice
Snack-sized chips - I love sour cream and onion Pringles but go for whatever you want; I get snack-sized ones because they are so much easier and keep me from eating the entire package at once
Premade pastry - I usually just grab whatever looks good from the bakery section; mini muffins are some of my favorites
Granola bars and/or pop tarts - I cannot recommend S'mores pop tarts enough
Plain sausage - I also like to keep andouille and Jimmy Dean breakfast patties and sausage crumbles on hand for some variety
Frozen shrimp - Cajun food has a lot of seafood, plus it's a great way to mix up your source of meat
Lunchmeat - make sure it's one you like before you stock up, they vary a lot
Dairy and dairy-adjacent:
Milk - It's milk, it's necessary
Eggs - I usually get 1 dozen eggs plus 6 pre-hard-boiled eggs for egg salad
Cream cheese - for the bagels
Mayonnaise - key condiment
Mustard - key condiment
Ketchup - I'm actually allergic to tomatoes, so I very much don't keep ketchup on hand, but you might want it
Chocolate milk - I love this in the evenings before bed
Individual servings of rice pudding - this is a super filling, tasty snack
Sandwich cheese - make sure to get a type of cheese you like
Fruit juice - I'm obsessed with mango juice at the moment, so I recommend that, but any juice is fantastic
Berries - I usually just get strawberries but get what you like
Apple sauce - this is a really easy, refreshing snack and a good way to get in some fruit
Chopped onions - you can freeze these if you don't use them
Chopped jalapeños - very much optional, but I like to add flavor to everything; you can also freeze these
Frozen mixed vegetables - I use these for fried rice, and they're fantastic
Fruit cups - I don't keep these anymore because they're a little sweet for me, but they are such an easy way to get in a serving of fruit
Soy sauce - can't make fried rice without this
How I use the food
Bagel + cream cheese (with juice or chocolate milk)
Granola with milk + berries (with juice or chocolate milk)
Cereal with milk (with juice or chocolate milk)
Some sort of egg - fried, scrambled, omelet, etc. (with juice or chocolate milk)
Not breakfast
Made weekly for several servings:
Egg salad sandwich (with chips and fruit)
Shrimp fried rice
Various premade Cajun dishes with sausage or shrimp - replace this with whatever premade food you like
Made for one serving:
Ramen (usually with rice)
Normal sandwich (with chips and fruit)
Some sort of egg, often on toast (with chips and fruit)
Tuna salad sandwich (with chips and fruit)
Soup from a can (sometimes with rice, sometimes not)
Sausage and mashed potatoes
Bagel + cream cheese
Fruit cup, apple sauce, or fruit in general
Pop tart or granola bar
Rice pudding
Chocolate milk
This adds enough variety to my diet that I don't get bored while also being very predictable, easy to keep track of, and straightforward to make. Of course, sometimes I buy things to make something else specific, but this is just a general idea.
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spookieloop · 3 years
👁🍁 hey friend :) U have unlimited access to a supply of the best ingredients. How would you make the perfect sandwich.
Oh man I have so many sandwich opinions 😲
QUICK FUN FACT: My Grandparents used to own a popular Sub Shop before I was born, and their most popular sandwich was a Roast Beef sandwich that had mashed potatoes and gravy on it. I am not a gravy fan, but I do enjoy mashed potatoes on a sandwich.
That said, my FAVORITE sandwich lately is turkey and cheese with a fried egg, with a little bit of avocado ranch(I got it as a gift and will be sad when it’s gone because I KNOW that shit was expensive) and that’s just on plain super cheap white bread.
If I had unlimited budget, I’d get REALLY nice flour and yeast to make a very tasty bread at home, I’d have Havarti cheese on it, and I’d have real avocado on it(in addition to the ranch; or perhaps I’d make mayo with Duck Eggs instead of ranch). Perhaps I would toast the bread in butter on the stove, maybe even brown the butter with some garlic and chives if we want to get REALLY fancy. Maybe even have spinich! Fresh spinich is expensive af.
Or I could make a KILLER autumn sandwich by making my own yeast risen apple bread, making a flavorful applebutter spread, making a turkey/cranberry salad filling out of thanksgiving leftovers, and topping it with a nice slice of smoked Gouda before closing the sandwich. That would be dirt cheap and easy to make though, since we buy cheap yeast in bulk because I make a LOT of bread products. (TIP! If you’re making yeast risen apple bread/doughnuts, use freeze dried apples to give it maximum flavor. Blend them to a powder and mix them right into the dough)
Thank you for asking! I hope this was a satisfying answer!
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Lunar New Year Gift for stardust-writer!
For @stardust-writer, I wish you all the best for 2021.
No turning back
Lan Wangji had never minded running errands for his brother-in-law’s restaurant.
After all, The Beast Within was Nie Mingjue’s pride and joy and it was getting more and more attention in the culinary industry, now that it offered both delicious meat entries and creative and tasty vegetarian options.
And since Nie Mingjue and Lan Xichen, Lan Wangji’s older brother, had tied the knot earlier this year, Lan Wangji was even more prone to help the restaurant whenever he could.
At The Beast Within, Nie Mingjue was the chef.
Nie Huaisang took care of the restaurant’s publicity and was decently managing the numbers, to everyone’s surprise, while Lan Xichen was in charge of the food supply and the customer service.
After all, diplomatically dealing with annoying costumers had always been one of his strength.
And when Lan Xichen was too busy with said annoying costumers to do anything else, Lan Wangji did not mind taking care of the food supply in his stead.
Like today.
The sun was shining, a few birds were chirping,  he did not have any uni classes until the end of the day and he had managed to parallel park successfully.
Really, things were going well so far this morning.
Until he discovered a very long line of angry customers who were waiting to be served at Yiling Greens, the restaurant’s organic food main supplier.
Lan Wangji took a deep breath. 
He did not like to be surrounded by a lot of people, but since he had told his brother that he was going to do this for him today, he had no other choice but to wait in line as well.
 After all, there were worst things in life, he supposed.
As Lan Wangji waited and waited, enjoying the fresh spring air, a young woman close to the entrance of Yiling Greens winked at him.
He simply ignored her.
After all, he was used to being flirted with.
People often said that he and his brother were handsome.
Still, Lan Wangji wasn’t one for flirting. 
He had never been.
Lan Wangji had been infatuated with one person and one person only; and that person had left the region more than a year ago, never to be seen again after an obscure family quarrel that had resulted in him being disowned by the Jiang Family.
And Lan Wangji had decided after that, that he would remain single forever.
In fact, he was still thinking about this; about his old crush, when he heard someone groan in front of him.
"Another Karen is causing a scene," a customer complained, while another sighed.
Lan Wangji sighed internally as well.
He was used to that type of customer by now, all thanks to his brother’s work, but it did not mean that he had a good tolerance for such a thing either.
And yet, there was nothing he could do about it.
So he continued to wait.
Finally, after another fifteen minutes, the entrance of Yiling Greens was in sight, all thanks to the employees who were taking care of the rest of the line, while their manager was busy with the unhappy customer.
Another ten minutes later, Lan Wangji had finally entered the food producer’s store.
"It sprouted! Aren’t you supposed to be the best organic potato seller in the region?" Lan Wangji heard the Karen complain and he froze for a second.
Because that voice was familiar.
"I can’t believe you would charge such a big amount of money for such a cheap product! Do you want my son, the blood of my blood, to get sick?" the voice continued and Lan Wangji’s heart began to beat faster and faster as he stepped to the side and he gave a good look at the Karen in question. "Will you pay for his medical bills?"
Lan Wangji gasped.
Close to the checkout counter, a pretty man with messy long black hair tied with a red scrunchie and with a child at the hips was the one causing all the troubles.
And it wasn’t just any ordinary complaining costumer that was arguing with the manager.
It was Wei Ying.
The crush who had vanished from Lan Wangji’s life more than a year ago.
“I’m sorry,” Lan Wangji exclaimed at once as he moved forward; a few customers complaining loudly as they saw him skip the line.
Yet, Lan Wangji did not care about the line.  Nor about whatever Yiling Greens sold anymore.
All he cared about was Wei Ying. 
Wei Ying was here!
Lan Wangji had finally found him after more than a year…
“Sir, I can assure you that at Yiling Greens, we are always offering the best products at the best of price,“ the manager repeated, clearly on the verge of losing patience.
“Best products?  You are scamming us,“ Wei Wuxian countered, shaking his head.
“Wei Ying,” Lan Wangji called as he finally reached the checkout counter, his voice shaking slightly.
Wei Wuxian’s breath caught in his throat as he slowly turned around; the child he was holding against his hips staring at Lan Wangji with curiosity.
“Xian-gege, who is this?” The little boy pipped up.
And for a second, the manager seemed worried that Lan Wangji was going to argue with Wei Wuxian and he shared a look with the closest employees.
But Lan Wangji simply paid for whatever Wei Wuxian wanted;  the latter complaining loudly that this was not necessary, before Lan Wangji grabbed his arm and pulled him outside; the other customers cheering loudly as the door finally closed behind them.
“Lan Zhan, you did not need to buy these! I was about to get them for free,” Wei Wuxian grumbled as soon as the three of them were outside Yiling Greens, the potatoes he had been complaining about now in a reusable bag Lan Wangji was carrying.
 “Mn,” Lan Wangji replied, doubtful.
He wasn’t sure what he should say next.
Glad to see you, Wei Ying?
Where have you been for the last 13 months Wei Ying?
"So, Lan Zhan, you found us," Wei Wuxian sighed as the little boy he was holding looked worried at once.
"Xian-gege," the little boy  said as his brow furrowed. “Will the Rich-gege get us into troubles now?”
Wei Wuxian burst out laughing as Lan Wangji studied the little boy’s face.
Who was that child?
“My son,” Wei Wuxian confided, probably guessing what Lan Wangji might be wondering right now. “A-Yuan.”
Lan Wangji nodded, before he internally groaned. 
Did this mean that Wei Ying was married now?
“I gave birth to him,” Wei Wuxian added and Lan Wangji felt hot and bothered so fast, it wasn’t even funny.
‟What are you doing in this part of town?” Wei Wuxian then asked after a beat as Lan Wangji tried to hide his red ears with his long hair.
“Buying things for my brother and his husband. For their restaurant,” he managed to say calmly. Finding my soulmate and his son, he added mentally.
The two of them continued to walk in silence for a few minutes, before they stopped at a street corner where they waited for the light to change.
Wei  Wuxian smiled softly. “I’ve heard about it via Wen Ning. I live with him and Wen Qing now,” Wei Wuxian explained, as Lan Wangji nodded.
There were so many things he wanted to ask him.
Why had he ran? 
Why had he not called his sister or his brother since? 
Why had he not contacted him either?
And yet, Lan Wangji wasn’t sure where to start.
“Lan Zhan, I need to go home. I was supposed to get back there a while ago already,” Wei Wuxian explained as Lan Wangji felt slightly worried that this was going to be the last time that he would get to see him. Until he found him again. “ Granny Wen is going to worry. I really can’t bring you with us today,” Wei Wuxian added pensively as Lan Wangji braced himself for yet another rushed goodbye. “The next time, perhaps.”
 “Wei Ying, are we going to see each other soon?”  Lan Wangji gasped, frightened by what Wei Ying was going to say next as he handed him the reusable bag.
The light changed and a few pedestrians walked past them.
“We will,” Wei Wuxian replied with a smile, grabbing the bag and pressing a soft kiss on A-Yuan’s head, before he crossed the street. “I’ll visit your brother’s restaurant. Soon,” he added with a wink. 
And Lan Wangji felt hopeful at last as he looked at Wei Wuxian until the latter vanished into the crowd.
When Wei Ying would be ready, he would get back to him.
It was really a lucky thing that Lan Wangji had ran the restaurant’s errand today.
Although Xichen and Mingjue might be disappointed if he did not show up with the goods he was supposed to bring back to the restaurant after all.
Back to Yiling Greens for him then…
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jimjamthehorrorman · 5 years
Unconditional Love
This was the first time you let the big man in the mask around your dog. You were anxious because she was jumpy and you don't know how HE will react to HER.
You bought a beautiful Husky three years ago, prior to your move to Texas. You wanted a "guard dog" but you ended up with a sassy, lazy dog who steals crackers from the counter when you aren't looking. She's absolutely a sweetheart to everyone she meets in your little town, but she is afraid of masks and intimidating people. Halloween is her least favorite time of year and everyone knows because while you're handing out candy to the few kids around, there's a deep bellowing bark coming from the windows on your porch.
You met the Sawyers when you picked up a side job at their gas and barbeque shack about thirteen miles down the way. Drayton was a blessing, overly polite and insistent upon you working as little as possible.
"Y/N, you oughta head on home now and get you some rest you're looking awful weak."
"No, I'm alright! I've only got about an hour left and I wanted to lock up with you-" you felt as weak as he thinks you look. You'd been sick all day, lightheaded and spiraling. "-It's fine, I'm fine!"
Drayton looked you up and down.
"Alright. Just don't come crying to me when I catch you sleeping on the job!" He chuckled as he started taking the meat off of the hooks inside the glass case.
"Taking it home to the family?" He never talked about his family and you were curious. You could not keep yourself from asking. Everything was such a mystery, hell, you didn't even know the man who sat outside washing the cars that came for gas.
He stuttered, holding the back of his neck like a child caught in a lie. "H-Ha! I've got to feed grandpa and my brothers. They usually go hunting for their meat but no one can resist my barbeque! It's the best meat-" He smiled coyly. "-Anyhow, you need to head on home young m/w. I've got my brother coming up to pick up some firewood from behind the shack. He's a skittish fella and not real good at talkin so I don't want to embarrass him. Now head on out! Tomorrow we'll make a big jar of Sun Tea to sell and I'll save some for us. It's gonna be hot as hell out!"
He nearly shoved you out the door. It's obvious either you looked like you were DYING or he had a BIG SECRET to hide.
"Alright, I'll head out. Tell the boys I said hello!"
He smiled and shut the door behind you. You started to hop in your truck and realized your keys were still inside.
You tried to slide in the backdoor before Drayton saw you were there, but getting back out of the truck you felt awful dizzy and fell to the ground on the way in. You felt yourself falling in and out of consciousness and the as you finally start to lose the battle, you hear a rattling.
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You lose the fight and the next thing you remember is waking to the face of a dissapointed and fuzzy Drayton helping you out of your own truck with a man with a very deformed face, but maybe it was just your eyes.
The deformed man was incredibly tall and squealed like a child as he sat you on the porch swing. He patted your face to try to fully wake you. A man with a strange mark on his face drove Drayton's truck all the way here.
"What a fall huh?! Rough fall, hard fall. You must be tired or something. He/Her/They must be dying. Looks sick, pale like Grandpa."
"Nubbins, you and Bubba help Y/N into the house. They're my best employee so you better not screw this one up! If you drop them I'll beat the tar out of you fools!"
You could tell Drayton was serious. Who knew he appreciated you that much.
Barking eminated from the house. A horrible screech. You knew that sound.
"What?" Drayton looked confused.
"I'll go in on my own. I'll go lay down don't worry about me. Thanks boys I really appreciate the help but you can't come in. I've got a dog that might eat you alive!" You hurriedly told them, finding your way to the door in the dark. "I'll see you tomorrow Drayton! I'll see you boys again sometime soon!"
They all stood in disbelief on the porch as you slammed the door and turned the light on so they could get to the truck safely. Your dog met you at the door and she was PISSED. Not only did you keep her from seeing guests, but you're late and she's hungry.
"Sorry -pet name-, I'll get you some food."
You poured the bag of kibble quickly and clumsily, half of it on the floor. She could tell you were off and after she ate she climbed up on the couch and laid beside you. It was a long night for you both.
It had been two weeks since the incident, Drayton laughs it off that he went through all the trouble to take you home and make sure you were safe. Perhaps he had invested interest in your health, perhaps he had no friends but you and the gas guy. Either way he appreciated you. A lot.
"Y/N, I'm making dinner tonight do you want to back here this evenin'? Now you don't have to come, and you don't have to feel pressured to come over but I wanted to have you over. Just remember to feed your vicious pup before you come!" He chuckled, clearly nervous.
Shit, does Drayton like you?
"Now don't you worry this isn't a romantic thing, no, my brothers and I wanted you over to be sure you're eating good. You living there alone, you ought to have you a good meal!"
He wants you to come back to the gas station for dinner? What's wrong with his house? Doesn't matter, you won't turn down homemade food. You've been living off of cheap pot pies and snack foods. Your stomach rumbles at the thought of fresh steak and vegetables.
"I'll be here! Don't you worry." As the words escape your lips he gives you a huge smile and waves you off.
You feed your pup, give her a good pet and head out the door.
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The sound of sizzling comes from the kitchen, but Drayton is sitting beside you.
"Who's our chef tonight, Drayton?"
He looks at you smiling ear to ear.
"My youngest brother Bubba wanted to make sure you eat well. He felt so bad about you being sick and all that he made you something special."
The boy with the strange birthmark comes out of the back room smiling. He's so strange and erratic that it's almost comedic.
"Bubba makes good food! Normally Drayton is 'The Cook' but tonight me and Bubba made some good meat! Not quite headcheese or anything real tasty but we got some good uh.. some good steaks! Yeah steaks!"
You laugh. Drayton makes a face at him real fast thinking you didn't see. You did.
Your stomach growls, the smell from the tiny kitchen is alluring. Savory, like good meat with flavorful spices.
"Nubbins go tell your brother our guest is getting hungry! I knew I shoulda made dinner you two bafoons!"
Nubbins blows a raspberry at Drayton and runs into the kitchen, he yells at Bubba and you hear a grumble.
Nubbins returns a moment later with a bunch of full plates. Steaks, potatoes, greens, hell even a pan of brownies. As you're perusing the food, a large man in a painted mask and suit comes walking out of the kitchen, barely clearing the door frame.
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He's looking you over and honestly you aren't sure if you're frightened or bashful. A tall and burly man just made you dinner and yet you sit in silence trying to make out the face behind the mask. When he sits down across from you, you can barely see facial hair poking out of the side of his mask.
You bet he's cute under there, you're practically sure of it. When he looks back at you, you smile sheepishly and start eating.
Wow, he has some beautiful eyes behind that.
"I love your mask, Bubba." You were nervous. Flirting with a literal mystery, also your boss's brother.
Bubba hid his face in his hands and made little noises. Drayton chuckled.
"You made his day Y/N, he damn well may never take that thing off!"
Dinner last night was great, and you shared some eye contact with a presumably handsome masked man.
Drayton picked up on this, as your face was as red as the lips on his mask. You entered work with a smile on your face, until Drayton smiled back. Your heart sank nervously. What if you lose your job? What if he hates you for it? He grabs your hand.
"I think my brother may like you. He's not a talker and he's not too keen on people, but you're different. Anyone else woulda looked at his mask and said 'oh hell what a freak' but you were very kind to him. He'd been bothering me all night and morning to ask if you'd have him over to see your dog. See we've only had pigs and chickens and cows. Poor boy has never seen a pet type'a animal."
Oh god this is moving fast. You aren't sure how that's gonna go.
"I don't know Drayton, she's not good around strangers... especially ones who have such a... strange look."
Drayton frowns. You feel sick to your stomach. Not like the night you forgot to eat and passed out, but like guilt was building up inside and about to explode.
"Okay okay... I'll try to get her to work with me. Can you bring him over this afternoon? I know we close early today so that would work,...right?" You feel yourself pulling at the edges of your shirt. You're nervous she might hurt him and then Drayton would absolutely KILL you.
"I'll bring him up and take him around to the back porch, you just have him home after dark. People don't take kindly to a giant with two faces." He smiles.
You are in a panic. Your dog is already stirred up, she can sense the fear and is acting up in rebuttal. You hear a knock at the back door.
Oh god it's them.
They're here.
The dog.
You put her on a leash and keep her inside, meeting the giant man outside.
"Hey Bubba! How are yo-" he lifts you into a tight hug when you close the door behind you. He is squealing and laughing in joy. He's wearing his suit and mask from the other night. The one you said you liked. "-ou! Wow you're strong big guy! The pup is inside and she's a little wild today.. I'll bring her out here. No one should see us in the side yard. Okay? Just stay right here!"
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You can tell he's as nervous as you are. When he sat you down he gave you a look that said "I'm alright!" But.. You weren't so sure.
When she barked coming out the door he held his ears. You tried to quiet her down but relentlessly she barked and howled in the sight of this massive man.
He didn't know anything else to do so he began to whistle and coo at her.
She quieted down, practically crawling up to him. He held his hand out and she snapped like she was trying to bite and instead of jumping back he just cooed louder. Eventually she started to smell him, walking around him in circles.
Please don't hurt one another. That's all you want is for them to be civil.
Then it happened.
She PULLED until you couldn't hold her leash and you screamed. You closed your eyes and waited for the worst.
Once your heart had slowed to near silence, you heard chuckling and the sound of your dog panting.
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"Bubba! I think she likes you!" You yelled with a shaky voice. You were still nervous but he was having a great time and so was she. He was petting her and she didn't even care he had a mask on. Hell, she even licked him! You were in the clear, and you had never felt so relieved in your life.
This big man was petting your dog and having a blast, and just watching and hearing him laugh... You were too.
Damn. He's pretty cute.
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(This is my first time trying to write a fic so I apologise for it's length and content 😂😂😂)
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kelliejelly · 4 years
I want my control back.
💎I want back the way I completely ignored the possibility of eating alone. I used to be able to stay out of the kitchen for days and until my mom would force me to go to a family dinner. I was doing stuff and thinking about food way less. Basically, I was too busy being depressed and exhausted to the point where I wasn’t getting up, but it worked. I had a drawer full of different foods in my room, it was the only place that was never messy, but I took stuff out of there very rarely. I still have some candy from over a year ago that used to be there.
💎I want back the way I didn’t feel like I can have a little snack, or grab a pretzel from a big bowl. I knew it wasn’t worth it. I understood that my goal is way too big for me to just delay it with empty calories. I love how people were commenting on how everyone in a sleepover is eating some cookies and nuts and bread sticks and I was only drinking my tea. ‘Just because food is there doesn’t mean you have to eat it’ was my motto.
💎 I want back the way I felt knowing that I’m drinking my 3rd bottle of water and it’s only 9 am. Going through the whole school and using all the stairs in the building and then heading to the class to refill my water on every recreation was an everyday routine. My friends was joking about how all the water in our classroom is gone just because of me. I felt so strong and comfortable cutting and squeezing lemon juice into my water bottle for breakfast. Sometimes, I would get lectured by my mom on how I can damage my kidneys by drinking so much water.
💎I want back the way I was a little bit nervous so I went to the bathroom during lessons to do jumping jacks and squats. When our lesson was canceled because a teacher didn’t show up or something I was excited not because I don’t have to study now but because I had extra 40 minutes to walk around the school. I remember my mom being mad at me because instead of going straight home I was spending about 2 extra hours in the middle of a cruel Russian winter. The fact that I needed to burn calories was more important to me than the fact that it’s -15 °C and it’s snowing very fucking hard. It was such a party when I found a position in my head where I could do crunches without making my bed crack loudly.
💎 I want back the way I was comfortable with my body for a few seconds when I heard my classmate whispering to my friend ‘wow Ophelia got so thin! Wtf her stomach?? I remember her being a chubby potato’ and she told her ‘yeaaah is it me or even my stomach isn’t that flat?’ I was wearing a hella tight dress, it was my birthday and I didn’t eat before that for like 3 days. I was wearing headphones so they thought I didn’t hear it but I sure did. Later, that classmate told me that I lost weight and look better now, but she said ‘yeah but you still have such thunder thighs lol’. But I knew I’ll prove her wrong. I got a lot of compliments that day, and this will keep me going.
💎I want back the way I always chose the one restaurant whenever going out because they had calorie tags on the menu and their lowcal food was delicious. I felt so safe when I was getting information about any restaurants that we were visiting with my friends for a birthday or something the day before and sitting all night writing out the menu options, calculating calories, searching for photos of food to get the idea of portions and finally choosing positions like ‘diced cucumbers topped with Jesus’s tears, a side of a fresh steamed air and 0% fat gluten free vegan water’ and eating a half of it anyways. I didn’t get a ‘welll I was barely eating for a few weeks I think I can let myself get that pizza’, I knew I would regret it so much later.
💎I want back the way I was spending the most of my money on food (I eat separately from my parents) on fancy vegetables, protein meal replacement bars and packs of gum. I was very limited on my cooking time so I would use it as an excuse to eat air. Sometimes, I would delay my homework and stuff to bake some brownies for my parents and just sit for hours and smell it. I loved visiting my favorite small cute grocery shop near my school. It was so calm to go to there, get some kind of frozen mix like tomato, bell pepper, zucchini and onion, a small pack of sporty high protein cottage cheese with yogurt, a packet of instant lowcal mushroom soup, and a special bright purple energy drink. It was so tasty, cheap and high quality and I can’t find it anywhere else in my city now because that shop is closed.
I want back the way it was regular to see numbers drop on a scale. I want it and I will achieve it. I’m not that weak. You don’t know me.
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