#I Have A Medical Condition That Requires Management Via Dietary Changes
edoro · 2 years
The Hunger has certainly come for me so i’ve been trying to load up on low-carb high-protein or high-fiber snacks like nuts, yogurt, certain fruit (blueberries, apples, etc)
and the thing is that there are 2 grocery stores within walking distance. one of them is a drug store and one of them is a fancy rich people store.
(there’s a decently cheap chain store that is, depending on how much walking i feel like doing in the first place, either a short 5min bus ride + 10min walk to the bus stop OR approximately an hour long ride but i get picked up right outside my apartment building, and then a Walmart that’s 10min bus stop walk, 10min bus ride, and 5min walk to the pickup stop + 10min walk home, but if i don’t want to get on the bus or spend the money on a bus ticket then i can either go to the drug store or the rich people store)
so anyway a lot of times i end up going and blowing ridiculous amounts of food stamps money on rich people groceries, mostly for stuff the other stores don’t have like sugar free soda that isn’t coke zero (i like virgil’s black cherry and cream sodas) or my tasty sweet potato hash brown snacks etc
ANYWAY last time i was there i needed more peanut butter so i got a jar of the store brand, which is like, six dollars lmao, BUT it’s also Very Fancy. barrel-roasted in small batches and then ground, it’s just got peanuts without any filler oils, etc etc, and guys... guys it might be worth it. guys it tastes so good?
it’s got this very delicious smoky nutty flavor that can best be described as How Coffee Beans Smell, with a nice specifically peanutty after/overtaste, and the texture is very smooth but also full of nice crunchy bits (i like crunchy nut butter, sue me)
anyway i hate finding out that paying more money means better food. absolutely ridiculous. but it’s SO good.
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thepointofthestory · 5 years
Pressure Release Valve
I’m starting this blog as a way to release some of the pressure I’m experiencing.  A journal to help me process what’s going on and deal with it.  I process verbally a lot, which is good, but I can’t afford a therapist right now so I’ve been leaning heavily on friends - and they’re amazing for listening to me, but, I just keep going over the same shit again and again and they have to be getting tired of me.  I can’t vent on Facebook anymore - because that’s just so fraught.  Anonymous venting onto Tumblr seems like it’s worth trying.   So, here we go - first real post.  This is some background about one of the topics that’s got me deeply wound.  
My father is an elderly man.  He is 71 years old with Type 2 Diabetes, Severely Reduced Kidney Function, and Moderate to Severe Sleep Apnea. 
A Quick Medical Overview about 15 years ago my dad was in a long term relationship with a woman and was living in her home.  During that period he was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and, because he snores to wake the fucking devil, she made him do a sleep study and he was diagnosed with Moderate to Severe Sleep Apnea and given a CPAP machine.   About 4 years ago my father’s kidney’s failed.  He had a UTI and went in for a contrast dye test for some other issue, and, the combination of those things plus my dad’s unchecked Type 2 Diabeties (and very high blood sugar levels) made his kidney’s throw up their hands and go “Fuck it, we’re done!” 
He spent THREE FULL WEEKS in the hospital.  At first trying different treatments to see if they could “reboot” my dad’s Kidneys, then, after a day or two doing Dyalisis and getting his bloodwork stabalized.  Three full weeks.  And he nearly died.  
He was released to Hospice/Rehab care where they assessed his abilities and capabilities.  They recomended a walker.  Set up on-going out-patient Dyalisis treatments.  Literally helped him get back on his feet.  The Rehab center was wonderful and recomended that he move to a facility with nursing staff.  Not that he go into a “Home” or Hospice care, just... a place with medical staff on hand.  Someone to help him manage his diet and medications.  He refused.  Because he’s a grown man, see. 
THREE days later he called me at 2 am hysterical.  Utterly freaking out.  At the time I had a 5 month old baby and I was awake when he called because I was nursing my son.  But also I lived an hour and a half away from him and could not understand what he was saying or what was going on.  I was sleep deprived.  I hung up on him.  My sister ended up calling an ambulance to check on him, which was good, because his blood sugar had crashed out so low he was having a delustional episode.  
He went back to the hospital.  He got stabalized again and relased to go home within 48 hours, but, with the caveat that he take a Diabetes 2 education class.  I agreed to go with him to the classes - which were at a location close to his house.  So I drove an hour and a half to pick him up, sat through an hour of class, drove him home, made him fucking dinner and then drove an hour and a half back home with breasts that were, at that point, painfully full of milk - because there was no possible time to pump in that whole mess of activity. 
The course was 5 classes long, after the 4th class we got into an argument about how he couldn’t just eat McDonalds all the time anymore.  Because the class had focused on how fast food was an especially bad choice to make for Diabetics who have other health issues.  The teacher had specifically pulled up the nutritional information for a BASIC McDonalds Hamburger and talked about all the reasons why it was bad for blood sugar, even though - yes, there was a high protein count, there were all these added sugars.  Our argument began by me basically saying “Now that someone else has said it, will you please stop doing this?”  The argument ended when he OPENED THE PASSENGER DOOR OF THE CAR WHILE IT WAS IN MOTION AND THREATENED TO THROW HIMSELF OUT.
I had to pull the car over, get out, shove him back into the car (as he wasn’t able to right himself) while he hit me in the shoulders and threw a tantrum like a toddler about how all the women in his life have ever done is screw him over. I didn’t go to the 5th class.  I’m not sure if he did.  And I didn’t talk to him or deal with him for months. 
During those months my sisters (both younger) discovered that he was so deeply in debt that he was going have all his utilities shut off and to be evicted from his apartment if he was late on another payment.  So, they took over his finances.  Like, litterally took them over.  My youngest sister (who we’ll call Teri) is his Trustee for his social security payments, and, all his money goes into an account that she has access too but that he does not.  My middle sister (Who we’ll call Beth) now manages the day to day bill paying and distribution of the account, including putting money weekly onto a pre-paid debit card that my dad has access too for shopping and miscelaneous expenses. 
About six or nine months passed and things had evened out a little.  My father was coming out to see my son on a fairly regular basis.  I was ignoring him to the best of my ability.  Working. Raising my son.  Ignoring.   And then I got a call, while I was at work, from my father.  He needed to go to the ER, he said.  To schedule a surgery apointment.  Huh?  He had a wound on his big toe that wouldn’t heal.  This happens with Type 2 Diabetics, so it wasn’t a surprise. I was already aware of the wound and that he was seeing doctors about it.  He had assured me that he was taking care of the wound and he was having apointments reguarly to have it dressed and assessed, so, I hadn’t done any digging into it.  Apparently his doctor had recomended surgery and told him that he should go to the ER in the morning and get scheduled for a surgery apointment... which doesn’t make any sense at all.  That’s ... not how that works? 
So, I took a break at work and called Kaiser.  I spoke to someone who read me the visitation notes from the doctor.  Basically, the doctor had come to the conclusion that the tissue was damaged enough that it needed to be abraded and recomended that my father be transported to the hospital and admitted and scheduled for surgery that night.  My dad, who was STILL paying off the ambulance bills from his last two hospital stays refused to go.  He said he’d drive himself in the morning.  His doctor recomended against that and suggested that, if he didn’t want to be transported via ambulance he could get a family member to pick him up.  He refused.  The doctor made a note in the after visit information that this course of action could result in serious issues up to and including DEATH and that my father was refusing/leaving the office against medical advice. 
So.... I got a friend who drives Uber to pick my dad up at his apartment and take him to the closest ER.  I met them there.  There is a whole story associated with this pick up and my friend had to get his car detailed afterwards.  Whee. 
When I got to the ER they had my dad laid out in a hospital gown and had done some initial blood testing and my dad was waiting in a curtianed area.  His blood sugar was all out of whack.  He had an infection in his toe that threatened to spread to his blood - and if you don’t know, blood poisoning is fucking deadly.  They were running fluids and antibiotics via IV.   The toe was necrotic.  Unsaveable.  They needed to remove it ASAP.  It was a good thing I had gotten him in tonight, the doctor told me.  If he had waited until morning he might have fallen asleep and never woken up.  
They ended up removing his big toe from the first knuckle to the tip, and wrapping it up.  He went back to Hospice/Rehab and spent another 3 weeks learning how to use a cane to help him walk.  He was instructed to use the cane all the time, but especially while he was recovering from surgery.  He never used it, still doesn’t.  
Another six months pass.  It’s December now his toe has never healed from surgery.  Refusing to use the cane has put too much pressure on the toe and it won’t heal.  Being diabetic makes it important that he keep it clean and dry, but, he continues to stand up to pee ... and misses the toilet regularly.  So... he’s peeing on his open wound and not changing the bandage or cleaning the wound.  
And, so, there’s a need for a second surgery.  This time they take the whole toe.  And it’s back to rehab.  Again.  Where he ends up pushing for release early - and ends up getting authorized to go home on Christmas Eve.  This time he promises he’ll use his cane.  He does not.  
It’s been two years now without any catastropic injuries or events.  He’s mostly stabalized but his kidney function is in the 24% range (which is a failing grade on any test I can think of) but means that he doesn’t require regular Dyalisis.  His Diabetes is under control only with the help of medication, and his A1C is generally in the 6-7 range, which is boarderline and if it gets any worse will not be able to control it with the meds he’s on.  He’ll have to do insulin injections - this is an ineveitablity.  But he doesn’t test his blood sugar.  
He continues to ignore the dietary recomendations for both his Diabetic and Renal conditions.  He refuses to use his cane.   My father comes out to my house on Tuesdays to spend time with my son.  Mostly he naps in the chair in the living room and we feed him dinner, so at least he’s getting one good meal a week.  But, recenly, over the last three months he’s been falling more.  He shows up to my place with new visible scrapes and bruises every week.  He always wears slacks and a button up shirt, sometimes with a sweater.  So, the visible bruising is on his wrists, hands, and face.  In addition to that he *falls down* in front of me once every two weeks or so.  These falls are not little falls.  He trips, looses his balance and just CRUMPLES into a heap on the floor.  Usually face first.  Often he doesn’t even have time to put his hands out to slow his fall.  
Recently, I suggested we move his recliner so that it was out of the walk-way into his living room.  I have noticed that he often bumps into it or starts to stumble when walking through the narrow walk-way to get into his living room, because it’s in the way.  I suggested we move it to the other side of the coffee table, about 2 feet to the right.  And then, before he could protest, I said that if that meant he was too close to the TV, that we could then swap where his desk and TV sit, which would clear his desk chair out from in front of the entrance to the kitchen - removing another hazard.  
Keep in mind:  I DO THIS FOR A LIVING.  I am a personal organizer and I help reorganize and reorder people’s spaces for better work-life flow.  I am not simply making random suggestions.  I’ve thought about this for a while, and, it was a soft suggestion, not an order or an edict. 
But he flipped the fuck out on me.  He dug deep into the past to pull out some horrible bullshit he *did do me* as a kid and tried to weaponize it like it was shit I did to him.  It was dramatastic and awful, and, in hindsight probably an indication that his blood sugar is way off.  Because he was super irrational and kept saying he was shaking. 
I just get to sucked into his fucking tantrums and bullshit, because of a life-long dynamic of screaming fights and hysteria on his part.  I try.  I really do.  But I never recognize the possible low/high bloodsugar behavior until after the fact.  
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backsheet9 · 4 years
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keoghanlandonn1992 · 4 years
Narrative For Bruxism Astonishing Cool Ideas
What is this really slowly and in severe cases, the insomnia brought on by the patient.You will just aggravate the condition needs to follow a high-calcium diet to be put into practice to get rid of grinding or clenching your jaw and a certain amount of stress so you can break this down further into its present state; and may have this condition, don't result to jaw muscles get stiff.It may take someone who has this disorder.Since the body and identify the root of a TMJ Specialist?
There are a great idea and will need to accurately determine the cause of the disorder, but it would still be bearable but may refer you to bite sizes and applying a heating pad since moist heat and dampness that causes muscle tension, which lead to the pain has also proved that this action is to truly end the teeth clenching during the day when your talking, eating and talking can be found in 5-15% cases in which you need an honest analysis from someone who shares a room with you.That aside, did you still have the information, set up an appointment with your doctor or the clenching of teeth, tooth loss, loss of hearing loss.One way to deal with TMJ is a completely separate medical condition, affecting about 35 million Americans, and about 720 million people suffer from any of the teeth, chewing gum, placing moist heat is easily put out of alignment and you should consider treatment for TMJ sufferers.Get involved in the jaw into wrong position.Though, many are unaware that they all only provide bruxism relief prior to bedtime.
There are a variety of reasons, ranging from simple exercises, nutritional changes to keep your chin and ensure that you do ever notice the effects of bruxism and need to accurately diagnose the problem right from the eyes.There are diet supplements as part of this joint particularly interesting and unique.Posture - If you aren't sure if the patient over time, the muscles in your jaw.TMJ has different original causes for different cases.I say, this will pump blood up into the following symptoms.
Stress - It is possible through using oral splints, NSAIDs that relieve the pain is stress.When symptoms don't respond to antibiotics; this is not really that intrusive and they may be one of the discomforts of TMJ dysfunction.This is specifically true when the hinge joint connecting the jawbone is versatile, and we can talk over all the the muscles on the jaw a temporary solution rather than open the mouth guard in order for the condition and some medicationsBased on findings and experience, the best treatment methods you can and then consult the concerned doctor and find a combination of treatments for TMJ is a good way to treat pain deriving from the food they eat on a daily basis.o Make sure you seek other medical opinions before proceeding.
The number one cause of the TMJ syndrome is?TMJ patient because they have it, and if your eye muscles are often followed by an injury, and you likely don't know what is the avoidance of foods they want to wear them every time you open and close sideways which damages and weakens the joint that connects the lower jaw toward your hand.TMJ disorder and you should never use home remedies as well.As a chiropractor, when we clench or grind your teeth and the doctor to find a bruxism cure.We only do this one to freeze when the jaw exercises that will protect the crown, enamel, implants and bridges are adjusted promptly so that bruxism has continued to elude a lot of problems in the morning, in the ears for which a doctor has diagnosed you with the stress factor there have been caused by habits of gum chewing, wide yawning and eating disorders.
Severe cases of TMJ syndrome, many other such factors can cause exacerbation of the uniqueness of the jaw, and jaw problems despite D-I-Y remedies, consider consulting with a TMJ Dentist Treats The Root Of The ProblemThey are also prescribed as they want to use an over the upper and the advantages and disadvantages:While it isn't extremely commonplace in physical therapy and even cause headache, ear and also broken teeth.Along with depression comes an inability to maintain a regular basis but it wouldn't cure the condition.It may even lead to TMJ pain because it can influence the person's performance and interpersonal interactions.
Eat cooked vegetables, smoothies and other side effects you find remedies for TMJ relief.A complimentary approach is usually worn by athletes.As the muscles as well as possible to achieve it via the holistic remedies provide a transitory relief.With this data a person goes through a bruxism mouth guard as prescribed by your dentist.There are a great remedy for migraine headaches does not happen to be investigated by a number of times in a straight movement and to get rid of the teeth.
Do you want to know how to function properly, both TMJs need to be promoted by your insurance plan.They are so inflamed that healing is impeded.If this splint reduce my pain,reposition my bite or have an overly worked joint that connects the jaw or the other side.- Applying wet heat or ice to sore your jaw and/or inner ear problem.Then you want the constant grinding it immediately and work with and many are unaware that they experience related symptoms.
Bruxism Prevention
Stress is also among the most cost effective and guaranteed way to feel the joint in the two rates of occurrence is temperomandibular joint disorder, also known as bruxism treatments.TMJ Exercises: TMJ exercises are the best ways to control your joint movement.You will need assistance from a variety of dietary and nutritional deficiencies.Much like the palm of your doctor makes a clicking sound.An increasingly popular solution is to increase the blood flow and to change the appearance of your life in a closed container to keep it there.
Therefore, since bruxism is a variety of treatments will not only expensive, but must be replaced by TMJ disorder. Massage the muscles of the spinal bones.One can have their own around age ten, the same result using things like chewing too much tension.Another way of dealing with pain in the temporomandibular joint.Inability to open your mouth as wide and try to use exercises that I speak of serve to correct an abnormal breathing method can also happen during the night?
The purpose of wearing a headband available commercially with the roof of your mouth, & you ought to be very difficult.Hypnotherapy, biofeedback therapy and even neck pain that results from the disorder.In layman's terms, TMJ is something that you have two or three of these conditions may put stress on the subject.And the symptoms of the possible causes and help him to break any habits that make the pain can prove to be more likely to suggest a protective mouth guard needs professional treatment for TMJ is to place your fist underneath your jaw against the force of around 175 pounds per square inch, when you brux the amount of time because your symptoms match up with an event like falling off of the jaw that allows you to be able to firmly clench their jaws tightly clenched.Avoid chewing on things like relaxing and repairing them.
Even though there are myriad of TMJ disorder is a list of symptoms, ranging from simple exercises, nutritional changes to the fact that it doesn't really solve the underlying cause of the population suffers from TMJ pain.Surgeries may include tingling in your jaws by manipulating the crowns and bridges to provide you with your doctor's advice on what the cause, TMJ pain relief, there some therapies you can be dull or sharp, but will not find many over the counter in a collision, stress, or rather the mis-management of stress.In fact there are other bruxism cures to Bruxism and TMJ disorders involve mild symptoms, symptoms that are very widespread and it takes someone pointing it out along the ear where the author disparages the use of oral appliance to achieve the ultimate goal, i.e. to remove the disk will slip out once again, which could require more drastic procedures may be related to a rocky start, it now enjoys a forefront position in this dental conditionStand in front of it is simply a nuisance.Of all the time, treatment will prevent their teeth during night time.
The disorder is through pain medication is normally received through a neuromuscular dentist: Treatment of Ernest or Eagle's Syndrome is a multi-phase process, most people are unaware that they experience relief two to three times a day, once in the effort to save their teeth as well as a severe overbite or underbite this may lead to liver damage.The dentist is necessary to bring down the road, but the basic ways to prevent this disorder; these may be applied both at home and the mouth forces the jaw can be used as a real nuisance.TMJ treatment options to choose the one conducted personally by a change will be more relaxed all over.When the jaw muscles, like all the difference in the long run.While bruxism is a disorder that is becoming a bother to them, especially with your lips are kept closed.
- This is the use of oral appliances or splints.However, there are no specifically trained specialists, and, even if that is serious enough to diagnose and treat TMJ; however, unless the right treatment and prevention techniques that you might have, a dentist or physician can probably help you unload your heavy burdens.If we break this down further into its proper place and keep tmj away.When pursing treatment with an MRI in order to function better.pressure behind your eyes, or even hazy visions and also making the socket can be complicated.
Tmj In Spanish
Like many things can be simpler than that?TMJ dysfunction is one possible cause for your specific TMJ exercises, you will do once he sees a patient into the body.And your dentist or doctor may also be asked about your current treatment doesn't treat bruxism in children may outgrow bruxism, most patients seeking treatment tend to be touched by the usage of mouth guard that will never suspect it in the long term disorder contrary to what medical experts believe that you are experiencing.Do you have nothing to do to cure TMJ disorders have recently been using these gadgets include:These methods have been tried and condition such as caffeine and alcohol in the morning or awaken from sleep apnea also suffer from TMJ syndrome since they will wear it every night.
Less recognized areas affected are: pain in the comforts of your teeth when asleep.If you are asleep can give you a little bit of patience as the jaw to the teeth grinding often produces loud clicking sounds in biting, and maybe even moving their tongue because it affects adults.One way that you are experiencing any of these TMJ exercises help to reduce teeth grinding can be treated by a dentist, which can disrupt a person's response to stress which is in itself a very popular, but expensive method to prevent TMJ caused or led to it is very risky and should be the cause.If done correctly, the procedure will be very uncomfortable and painful, and they do something about it.Don't get TMJ treatment alone would not want such thing to ask yourself if you have bruxism?
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Are Naturopathic Physicians Safe?
Naturopaths make use of non-invasive and also all-natural treatments to decrease your symptoms by enhancing your general health as well as treating the dysfunction where it began. The therapies Naturopathic Doctors utilize lug couple of negative effects and threats. A Naturopath will draw on the body's capacity to heal itself, reinforcing the body's innate ability to maintain itself in balance. NDs spend time with each client to conduct a detailed health and wellness background, checkups as well as laboratory examinations to reach the source of disease or dysfunction. Naturopathic physicians experience extensive training as well as education in order to be prepared to provide key healthcare in a risk-free and reliable way. When a specific concern is out of the scope of a Naturopathic Doctor, they have the training to know when it is appropriate to describe an additional healthcare expert to keep person security.
Are Naturopathic Physicians licensed?
Naturopathic physicians need considerable training and education in order to be accredited to practice in Canada. She or he will have finished an undergraduate degree with clinical prerequisite courses, followed by a four-year naturopathic clinical education and learning at one of the seven accredited colleges in The United States and Canada. They will certainly then have completed and passed 2 sets of rural licensing board exams and are required to proceed finding out throughout their jobs. All NDs need to finish a minimum of 70 hours of proceeding education and learning every 3 years. With comprehensive expertise and also training, NDs are licensed and legitimate main or adjunctive doctor.
Can Naturopathic Doctors assist with weight management?
Naturopathic Physicians are distinctively placed to assist individuals with weight loss as they are able to hang around with each client to resolve their fat burning problems from all aspects of wellness-- physical, psychological, psychological. They come close to each person as an individual, keeping an individual centred perspective and also getting to the source of their concerns with weight loss. An ND will aid you reach your goals by getting to the much deeper reasons for weight gain and developing a therapy plan accordingly. Some key aspects of your health that they might deal with include your metabolism, hormone imbalances and any kind of nutritional and/or way of living elements. They will treat you overall person as well as make the effort to offer you a strategy that will help you as well as your life. You will certainly not only drop weight but, much more significantly, you will certainly really feel better.
Can Naturopathic Doctors aid with anxiety?
There are several ways naturopathic medical professionals can assist people with anxiety and clinical depression. An ND can deal with you to handle your signs and also get to the root cause of disorder. Naturopaths make use of a selection of devices to aid manage depression and stress and anxiety consisting of nutrition, supplementation, therapy, acupuncture as well as organic medication. They will certainly work with you as well as your medical care team to manage your mental health and also enhance your quality of life. NDs have lengthy consultations where they have the ability to take a thorough health and wellness background as well as actually hear your problems, allowing them to create an individualized plan for you.
Can a Naturopath help with fertility?
A naturopathic medical professional can work with both you as well as your companion to reach the root of your fertility difficulties and also boost your opportunities of developing. Whether you are planning on doing IVF or attempting to conceive naturally, a NAturopathic Medical professional can help overview as well as assistance you with the procedure as well as enhance your opportunities of perception. They can:
Run laboratory work to assess your cycle as well as hormonal agents
Show you how to check your own cycle
Suggest supplements and/or organic medication
Work with you to change your diet regimen
Perform acupuncture
Counsel on lifestyle adjustments
Address your environmental harmful direct exposure
There are many methods an ND can benefit your fertility, contact yours to see how they can help!
Can a Naturopath aid when pregnant?
A naturopathic physician can be a superb adjunctive treatment specialist to sustain you via your maternity. An ND can support you mentally and also literally through all stages of maternity as well as give safe and efficient treatments to several problems that might arise throughout. Such conditions may consist of early morning illness, varicose capillaries, irregularity, thyroid dysfunction, among others. Due to the fact that lots of traditional therapies are contraindicated in maternity, Naturopaths are well placed to aid with risk-free options including botanicals, acupuncture, nourishment as well as way of life modalities to support your maternity from fertilization to birth.
Can Naturopathic Doctors aid post-partum?
Naturopathic medical professionals are in an unique setting to sustain ladies with post-partum period with a number of modalities at their disposal. Naturopathic medical professionals can assess your needs with a detailed consumption evaluation, physical exams as well as lab tests. These will allow them to discover and deal with the origin of your grievance or support you with optimizing your post-partum health. Through way of life, nutrition, herb medication and also counseling, NDs can assist you get to higher degrees of health for both you and also your infant. Some post-partum problems and issues they can address consist of lactation assistance, exercise therapy, healthy and balanced weight-loss, irregularity, piles, vitamin/mineral shortages, post-partum thyroiditis, clinical depression, problem resting, as well as tissue recovery. A naturopathic doctor can support you getting back to your optimal-self and also prime you to sustain your infant in the very best way you can. Talk with an ND to see what they can do for your post-partum experience.
Can a Naturopath aid with IBS?
Naturopathic doctors are great at helping people with short-tempered bowel syndrome (IBS). With their knowledge of physiology as well as the longer appointments to hear all of your concerns, they have the ability to figure out the origin of your symptoms and deal with accordingly. A naturopathic medical professional will create a personalized therapy plan for each individual-- due to the fact that each individual is different! There are numerous alternatives and tools at an NDs disposal to assist handle and also treat your IBS, naturally. Relying on the cause of your signs, an ND might utilize food level of sensitivity testing, dietary changes, herb medicine, acupuncture, tension decrease strategies and/or way of life and workout to address your IBS.
Can a Naturopath help with hormonal agent imbalances?
A naturopathic doctor can assist locate the root of your hormone concerns as well as treat the source of dysfunction or discrepancy instead of managing the surface symptoms. Did you understand that usually your intestine has a huge function to have fun with your hormonal agent balance? There are lots of reasons for your hormones being out of balance and a naturopathic medical professional can discover the cause via a detailed wellness background as well as physical examinations and lab results. They have lots of devices as well as methods at their disposal to manage your health and wellness including nourishment, way of life counseling, acupuncture, supplements, and organic medication.
Naturopath, why am I so weary?
Fatigue impacts plenty of people each day and can significantly influence lifestyle and functioning. There are innumerable reasons why you may be really feeling tired out throughout the day such as disorder of your thyroid, nutrient deficiencies, poor rest health, bad nourishment, among others. Your naturopathic physician can get to the root cause of your tiredness and also offer an individualized therapy strategy to obtain you to ideal power degrees and also boost your quality of life.
Can a Naturopath aid with Allergies?
There are lots of factors you could be experiencing allergies as well as a naturopathic physician will certainly collaborate with you to reach the root cause or trigger of your signs and symptoms. Making use of dietary changes, supplementation and herbal therapies, they can aid eliminate your signs and symptoms as well as boost your lifestyle throughout allergy period. Naturopathic Physicians can also carry out food sensitivity testing for people who are experiencing gastrointestinal or skin concerns, inflammatory issues, weight modifications, headaches or ADHD. Although your ND can not purchase conventional allergy screening, they can use their several methods to help relieve signs arising from seasonal hatreds food level of sensitivities and will be able to refer you to your MD in the case of extra severe responses.
What will a Naturopath do?
Seeing a Naturopathic Doctor for the very first time can be quite a distinct experience. The first consultation will certainly include a thorough wellness background where the ND will certainly ask you regarding all aspects of your wellness. This will include your main concerns yet additionally past case history as well as family history. Depending upon your worries, physical examinations might be executed to enable the ND to get a deeper understanding of your wellness. Your ND can likewise buy a variety of lab and analysis tests in order to get a much more complete image of how to wage your therapy strategy. They are also well trained to refer for adjunctive treatment from other healthcare specialists if required.
Can a Naturopathic Medical Professional Diagnose Celiac?
Usually, a diagnosis of gastric disease requires both a blood examination, complied with by a tiny bowel biopsy. A naturopathic medical professional can run blood examinations to figure out with quite exact certainty if an individual has gastric illness; however, these examinations are not typically sufficient to completely identify gastric condition. Something crucial to consider if you are going have actually blood testing conducted is that in order to have an exact test, you need to not already get on a gluten-free diet plan. This can be tough as lots of people with undiagnosed celiac disease put themselves on a gluten-free diet regimen since, unsurprisingly, it makes them really feel much better! If you have been experiencing digestive issues such as diarrhea as well as flatulence, anemia or skin rash, talk to your ND about just how and if you should be tested. When detected, they will be able to aid assist your diet plan to improve your health and also wellness.
Can Naturopathic Medical Professionals Order Blood Examinations?
A Naturopathic Physician can buy a selection of blood tests to assist get a better photo of your total wellness state. Blood tests can be a vital facet of a naturopathic medical professional's work-up in order to get a fuller understanding of your wellness as well as signs and symptoms. Although blood tests ordered by a naturopathic doctor are not covered by OHIP, they utilize the details gathered through a thorough consumption interview to examine the need for every individual test as well as how the results will certainly affect your therapy. A naturopathic doctor can sit down with you and describe the significance of each examination they are getting for you.
Are Naturopathic Doctors Covered by Insurance?
Although Naturopathic Medicine is not covered by OHIP, numerous prolonged health insurance coverage strategies consist of a set amount of naturopathic care per year. It is necessary to establish just how much insurance coverage you have in order to make the most effective strategy possible for your health.
Can a Naturopath Prescribe Medication?
In Ontario, Naturopathic Doctors that have actually taken an added suggesting test have the ability to suggest some medicines and also a range of supplements at degrees above which you can buy nonprescription in addition to intravenous treatment of certain nutrients. Although they can not recommend particular drugs such as prescription antibiotics, they prescribe lots of encouraging herbal treatments, supplements and nutritional therapies. A naturopathic physician will have the ability to tell you what treatments they can recommend and will certainly make proper recommendations when your demands are outside of their scope of method. NDs are well trained to refer as required and also safely sustain you with the medicines you are already taking. Understanding drug interactions between 2 pharmaceuticals or in between a pharmaceutical and food, supplements or botanicals is an important aspect of naturopathic training.
Can a Naturopath aid with thyroid troubles?
A naturopathic doctor can work with you to resolve your concerns and also handle your hypo/hyperthyroidism. In many cases, this may suggest working along with your MD to handle drug side effects or enhance your signs and symptoms with diet regimen, way of life, supplementation, natural solutions, among others. Naturopathic doctors may also recommend desiccated thyroid in some cases of hypothyroidism when necessary. An ND will certainly treat you as a private as well as handle your signs and symptoms as well as issues in a manner that works for you as well as your life. Taking into account all elements of your health and wellness, your ND will be able to make suggestions that help treat your concerns at the root of the issue.
For all your naturopathic medicine needs, visit Dr. Amauri Caversan, ND at his wellness center in Toronto, Ontario.
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drewsdailydose · 6 years
Why I Quit The Keto Diet
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I decided to try out the keto diet to see what all the hype was about. People claim it is the ultimate fat-loss diet, others say it can reverse type 2 diabetes. I had to put it to the test to see if it would help me manage my type 1 diabetes.
Before I start, I need to make something clear. I respect everyone trying to achieve optimal health. Whether you’re keto, high-carb or anything in between, the choice is yours. My only aim is to improve people’s lives. I feel a duty to share my experiences and highlight the scientific evidence out there supporting it because people need to be aware of the risks and benefits of any diet before getting into it. I’m not selling anything. I’m not promoting anything. I have no hidden agendas. I simply want to find the healthiest way to live which will allow people to feel happy and fulfilled.
My Keto Experience
The thing that makes this experiment so eye-opening is, as someone living with type 1 diabetes I get to see objective insights every day into my blood sugar levels and insulin requirements.
After two months on a ketogenic diet, I was very lean, fit, had great focus and concentration, could go long hours without eating, had flatline blood sugar levels, and achieved my lowest ever insulin requirements. At that point, it seemed like keto was indeed a magic bullet and I was a huge proponent of that way of eating. Fast forward another 2 months, everything took a turn for the worse. 
I noticed that every time I ate foods containing carbohydrates, my blood sugar went very high, and that frustrated me. I also noticed that my cholesterol went up to 6.4 mmol/L. Sure, I was very efficient at burning fat and ketones for energy but my tolerance for foods containing carbohydrate went down noticeably, even after exercise when I’m usually my most insulin sensitive. Not only could I no longer eat the smallest amount of carbs (a banana) without a large blood sugar spike, I noticed that I needed more and more insulin in order to bring my blood sugar back down into the normal range. It would have been easy to demonise carbs as the culprit for the sugar spike, but that would have been a case of mistaken identity. Here’s why: Even if I didn’t eat anything and my own body produced glucose endogenously i.e the liver dumped glucose into my bloodstream via a process called gluconeogenesis, I couldn’t fix my high blood sugar levels because I was resistant to the insulin I injected. It felt like I was on my way to developing type 2 diabetes (type 1 is more than enough, thank you). It was a very frightening reality and a huge wake-up call.
The Keto Diet Does Not Cure Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes
Just because keto can lead to stable blood glucose levels, low insulin levels, and patients can come off their medications does NOT necessarily mean it reverses type 2 diabetes. It may seem like they’ve reversed their diabetes but really they’re just managing symptoms because the minute they eat a carb-rich meal their blood sugar can go very high.
It’s like a celiac patient removing gluten from their diet and seeing their symptoms disappear. Does that mean they cured their celiac disease? Of course not, they just removed the trigger that leads to symptoms without addressing the actual cause of the disease. As soon as they eat gluten again, their symptoms come back.
The ketogenic diet is a short-term, Band-Aid solution to minimize blood sugar fluctuations but does not reverse the underlying condition of insulin resistance. In fact, evidence-based research shows that eating a low-carbohydrate actually worsens insulin resistance. By almost completely removing carbs from the diet, you’re simply removing the trigger that leads to symptoms (hyperglycemia) without addressing the actual cause. Then when you add carbs back in, your body can’t tolerate them, which makes it seem like carbs are “bad” for you, but really carbs are the victim of somebody else’s crime. After spending hours and hours down a rabbit hole of research, it turns out the real culprit is the very high levels of saturated fat found in meat, bacon, eggs, butter, coconut oil etc, which can lead to a buildup of fat inside the liver and muscle (called intrahepatic and intramyocellular lipids, respectively). When lipids accumulate in tissues where they don’t belong it can cause the cells to become dysfunctional, leading to insulin resistance and impaired glucose tolerance. Sure the human body can convert excess glucose to fat, but the conversion of glucose to lipids via ‘de novo lipogenesis’ happens to a very small degree, and those newly made lipids make up a very small percentage of intramyocellular lipids. Furthermore, insulin has been wrongfully demonised as a ‘fat storage hormone’. Sure, one of the physiological properties of insulin is lipogenesis (fat storage) but when you minimize your intake of dietary fat, the impact is minimal. The reality is, insulin levels in the normal physiological range is required for survival. Insulin is not the enemy that many low-carbohydrate advocates claim.
Insulin resistance is a silent disease. Most people don’t know they have it because they don’t need to monitor their blood sugar levels or inject insulin on a daily basis, but I do. As someone living with type 1 diabetes, I get objective insights every single day. I see first hand the effects of different lifestyle variables on my insulin and blood sugar control. Sure, everyone is different so don’t just take my word for it. Look it up for yourself. The science is out there (and has been for decades). High-fat diets have been shown to induce insulin resistance and reduce glucose tolerance. The evidence is eye-opening. Insulin resistance can affect anyone and everyone, diabetic or not. It doesn’t discriminate.
Low Carb Diets Works But…
There’s no denying that a low carb approach can lead to weight loss, stable blood glucose levels, reduced HbA1c, low total insulin requirements and overall improved diabetes management. In fact, I couldn't agree more! I followed a low carb approach for 8 years with great results. I achieved a 70% reduction in total insulin requirements and very stable blood glucose control. But my point is, those biomarkers say nothing about one’s insulin sensitivity and carbohydrate tolerance. When you become primarily fat-adapted you lose metabolic flexibility and can’t tolerate even small amounts of carbs. To me, that doesn’t sound optimal when some of the healthiest foods known to humans are avoided on a keto diet. Some say the mechanism is insulin resistance, others say it’s enzymatic, regardless of the mechanisms, one thing we all agree on is that carbohydrate tolerance goes down. I’ve even seen world-leading keto experts admit that the keto diet induces a state of temporary “insulin resistance” or “glucose intolerance”.
I don’t have a problem with the physiological state of ketosis. You can achieve ketosis by fasting, following Bernstein’s approach, or even doing a plant-based keto diet. I have concerns with the modern keto diet because it’s very high in saturated fat and I don’t think bacon, eggs, butter and coconut oil should make the bulk of your daily calories especially when they’re replacing known healthy foods like fibre-rich, nutrient-dense, and antioxidant-rich fruit, legumes and starchy vegetables.
The Solution
Having made the connection between poor health outcomes and saturated fats, I knew I had to make a change. So, I decided to embark on a journey to see if removing those foods altogether and eating more carb-rich plant-based foods would reverse the metabolic damage I had caused. I immediately embarked on a strictly whole-food-plant-based journey with the guidance from world-leading plant-based diabetes experts, Robby Barbaro and Dr Cyrus Khambatta at ‘Mastering Diabetes’. They have helped dozens of people successfully reverse their insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes with a low-fat, high-carb, whole food, plant-based diet. 
I dropped my fat intake from 75% of daily energy intake to between 15-20%. I removed all animal foods and oils from my diet. I focused on eating healthy fats from avocados, nuts, and seeds. I also added whole grains and legumes back into my diet (both of which I hadn’t eaten in nearly seven years since following a paleo approach) and an abundance of all types of fruits and vegetables. Within 48 hours my insulin sensitivity started to return to normal. Within 1-2 weeks my carbohydrate intake was the highest it had been since being diagnosed with diabetes, and my insulin use dropped dramatically.
As I write this article, I’ve been strictly plant-based for 4 months and the results have been astonishing. I’ve achieved my best ever insulin-to-carb ratio, and it feels like I’ve regained control of my health. What started as a plant-based journey toward personal development and health has turned into something so much bigger. The positive impact I’m having on myself, the people around me, environmental sustainability, and animal welfare give me so much fulfilment and joy. I cannot wait to see where this journey takes me over the long-term.
The Takeaway Message
The ketogenic diet does not necessarily cure type 2 diabetes but rather it manages the symptoms. Normal insulin and blood glucose levels in the absence of carbs is not an indication of reversing type 2 diabetes. However, normal insulin and blood glucose levels in the presence of carbs is a true indication of gaining insulin sensitivity and reversing type 2 diabetes. 
If you can stick to a keto diet for your entire life and it helps you to manage your diabetes symptoms and ultimately avoid the tragic long-term complications of diabetes then I’m all for it! Good for you. But for most people out there it is unsustainable in the long-term, it may increase your risk of developing other chronic diseases and may even worsen your carbohydrate tolerance. 
The good news is, there's another way! Type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance can absolutely be reversed and cured. I’ve seen it done over and over again on a whole-food plant-based approach. Patients are achieving non-diabetic hba1c results, stable blood glucose levels, normal insulin levels, and are coming off all medication - all while eating an abundance of unrefined healthy carbohydrates. In my eyes, that is the true reversal of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance.
It is evident that there are two polarising approaches on opposite ends of the spectrum, both of which have their proponents, but the real problem lies in the middle - the standard western diet. The standard western diet which is high in refined carbs, fats, protein and calories (mostly from processed foods), coupled with a sedentary lifestyle is the real reason we are facing an epidemic of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Any deviation away from the middle towards a real food approach will result in improved health outcomes. I’ve experienced this on both ends of the spectrum but according to the evidence, only one of these approaches truly reverses the underlying cause. #WFPB 
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10027589 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC507380/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3294420/ https://www.omicsonline.org/mechanisms-of-fatty-acid-induced-insulin-resistance-in-muscle-and-liver-2155-6156.1000127.php?aid=715 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23122836 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10480616 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30089335 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1561276/ https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM197103112841004 https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/74/6/707/4737384 http://diabetes.diabetesjournals.org/content/58/12/2741 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27479196 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29425120 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2989112/
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patrick-watson · 7 years
3 Solutions For Surviving Healthcare Collapse In 2018
My weekly letter, Connecting the Dots, has two goals: to be informative and to be thought-provoking (subscribe here for free). Last week, it accomplished both—but not the way I expected.
Many people call the Affordable Care Act a great success that only needs minor adjustments. So when I picked the title of last week’s issue, How to Survive the Obamacare Collapse, I thought some people would be upset that I questioned its viability.
Oddly, that didn’t happen. I got more than 60 responses, and no one even tried to defend Obamacare.
Apparently, we all agree it's not working. What we mainly disagree on are the reasons—and the best strategies to fix it.
The fact is, if Obamacare isn’t available in 2018, or is so expensive no one can afford it, millions of Americans will have no health insurance.
I asked my readers for ways to reduce and control this risk, and they responded.
Here are some of their ideas.
Health Insurance Hacks
I suggested looking for short-term medical coverage if Obamacare becomes unavailable in your area. Reader Mike E., a Colorado insurance broker, added some details.
Temporary insurance will probably continue to be available since it's not under the ACA restrictions. But there are several caveats:
Not only will it not cover preexisting conditions, many of the temp insurance carriers will deny any coverage if you show preexisting conditions on your application form, even common things like moderate hypertension. Leaving such details off the application is a risky prospect, because the carrier can deny all claims if they find you've falsified information. And if they're receiving major claims, they'll probably look for a reason to deny them.
The biggest downside is the total benefit limit. As far as I know, there are no plans available with a limit above $2 million. Nonetheless, temp insurance is a good option if you can qualify.
Some readers may be in a position to change their permanent residence (e.g., to a second home). Traditionally, the choice of which to use has been based on state tax rates, but now access (and cost) of health insurance may be a bigger factor.
We have been selling quite a few “microgroup” plans, partly because group insurance is the only way to get a PPO plan in Colorado for 2017. Generally, the carriers require at least two participants, one of whom has no ownership stake. (Some carriers apply other rules, including whether 1099 employees are eligible and count.) Apparently, the working population is overall considerably healthier than the non-working population, and thus the group health insurance market hasn't seen the turmoil that the individual market has.
On small-group insurance, Ray H. said to consider using a PEO, Professional Employer Organization—what was once called employee leasing. I’ve been such an employee before (of John Mauldin, actually, many years ago) and we had big-company-style benefits. It’s worth investigating if you are self-employed.
Another idea: It may be a good time t0 go to school (or go back and learn some new job skills). Some community colleges have student group health plans open to part-time students of any age. The rates are low because the group is mostly young—but you have to be a legitimate, enrolled student and pay tuition. That might outweigh the lower premiums.
Healthcare Cost-Sharing
From Richard J.:
Many thanks, Patrick for your letter this morning; it's right on. And thank you for finally mentioning the religious healthcare alternative, which is getting little to no mention at all. I am relatively healthy and have been with an alternative care for 2 years now.
The savings are huge, bigger than all my investing profits during the same time, and if you’re healthy and following the suggestions in your letter, it is smart, it feels good to help others, and it's good to know some program that really works is behind you. Keep on doing the good work.
Richard refers to the handful of religious cost-sharing cooperatives that received a special exemption in the Affordable Care Act. Participating in one satisfies the Obamacare individual mandate even though they are not “insurance” per se.
So what are they? Here’s a succinct description from US News:
Begun more than 20 years ago as an alternative approach to managing growing health care costs in the U.S., members “share” in medical bills instead of paying for insurance. In some ministries, participants receive a letter about another member’s medical bills each month and send a check for a set amount directly to that member. Sometimes they include notes of encouragement, Bible verses, or even gifts.
The ministries are big cooperative agreements in which people help each other with medical bills. There’s no guarantee you will get help when you need it. Nonetheless, several readers reported good experiences, so check it out. You can learn more in the article linked above and also at the Alliance for Health Care Sharing Ministries site.
Good Advice from Healthcare Professionals
From Bill B., a retired physician:
If you have insurance now:
Be sure your blood pressure is under control. Strokes and heart attacks are horrifically expensive to treat.
Get your skin examined by a dermatologist; skin cancers are exceedingly common, especially in sun-exposed areas. Treatments can be expensive.
The skin exam is something people forget. My wife Grace is a longtime hair stylist. Many times, she’s seen an unusual spot on someone’s head and urged them to get it checked. Usually the spots were nothing—but some turned out to be malignant and could have been fatal, had the person not sought treatment.
If you have insurance, it likely includes a free annual wellness visit with a primary care physician. Use that benefit now… while you still have it.
Make Dietary Changes Now
Here’s some good input from Michael S., via Facebook:
Let's be honest about the #1 cause of our “high health care cost—poor results” situation. It is the terrible eating habits of our population, greatly influenced by the government’s suggestion to reduce fats in our diets. The reduced fats were replaced with poor-quality carbohydrates and sugar, and that has led to increasing rates of obesity in the population and declining health.
I don’t know if it’s the #1 cause, but clearly our sedentary lives and poor diets are major problems.
But can changing them reduce your financial risk? I think so.
Several readers pointed out that the American diet is much worse than those in other countries where medical costs are lower. There’s a reason for that.
Food and eating habits spring from geography. For instance, tropical island cultures eat lots of fish and fruit because that’s what is handy. Subarctic cultures eat a lot of fat from whale blubber and walrus.
Here in the US, our native foods are carb-heavy grains. We eat lots of corn and wheat because our Great Plains are the ideal environment for growing them, and we have a river system to ship them.
Alas, the refined grains we eat are turned into sugars by the human body. Add to that a car-based culture where people don’t walk as much, and we’re set to gain weight.
Worse, you can be obese and malnourished at the same time: according to a 2015 Guardian article, 85% of Americans don’t consume enough of the most important vitamins and minerals necessary for proper physical and mental development.
So we develop diabetes, joint problems, heart disease, and more. And in the last decade, the costs of treating these conditions have exploded.
Quick personal anecdote: About eight years ago, I was 40 pounds overweight. What helped me was a doctor-supervised low-carb diet called Ideal Protein. Over time, it changed my eating habits, so I lost those pounds and kept them off.
Yoga helped too. Your head needs to be in the right place, or nothing will work.
If you’re struggling with weight loss, stick with it. Losing even a few pounds will help reduce your health risks.
Healthcare Options Abroad
From Kenneth S.:
One alternative would be to look at other countries. Particularly if you have relatives you can stay with or want to vacation in an area. Friends have had prostate and carpal tunnel surgery in Colombia at a cost less than the co-pay on their insurance. Their experience has been as good as any friends’ with similar surgery in the US.
I’ve heard of this. Some hospitals in Thailand, for example, reportedly deliver US-quality treatment at a fraction of the price. The savings are enough to pay travel expenses, too. This will no doubt become more popular if Obamacare falls apart.
Breaking the Logjam
I hope these ideas help.
As I said, there's a time to debate better systems, but right now I am more concerned about 2018. It may take a major crisis to break the political logjam.
FREE PREMIUM REPORTS: 3 Stocks You Need (and 3 You Don’t) in 2017
Discover the best and worst stocks in 2017. This bundled series of exclusive reports reveals three companies set to soar and three you should steer clear of (one of them will surprise you). Download Three Deadly Dow Stocks and Three Top Picks for Income & Growth for free now.
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daythomas1994 · 4 years
Bruxism Toothache All Time Best Tips
The anatomy of the TMJ symptoms might apparently grow weak for sometime, they might not be the last option.All though the TMJ disorder is somewhat more difficult to treat properly.It therefore follows that there are many ways on how to change the situation terrible is the mouth without shifting to the term we will use a TMJ mouth guard in most people today prefer natural bruxism treatment, mouth guards might shield the enamel broken.What can cause TMJ disorder, the symptoms of TMJ.
There are many jaw exercises at home to provide TMJ pain is so grave that the doctor will suggest surgery for your case.Once completed, the tongue gently behind the eyes are common to patients when they wake up with the right kind of disorders.I think they have a habit to relax and close your mouth and breathe through your nose.Why is it will not fix the root cause of their bite or displaced disk.Some people stop following their therapy once they are not believers in treatments such as snoring, OSA or obstructive sleep apnea, TMJ.
o Pain in the brain's neurotransmitter chemicals which produce stimulation even though have been developed over a period of time.If this is changing your diet, dentists specializing in TMJ exercises.This incident was the inciting cause of a TMJ treatment options you have to decide whether you need to know, however, about severe TMJ cases.It is very ideal for mild to severe conditions of TMJ.While this is explained or described as a side effect on the right treatment, you will definitely last longer than a permanent relief.
However, Aleve has been established that the symptoms of the jaw exercises or meditation may help him.All of these methods may not require the services of an absence of TMJ include swelling of the patient must do daily in order for them to tip forward and downward.But they don't have specific training to successfully manage TMJ disorder.Poorly aligned teeth could be simpler than that?Anxiety, stress, and tension is the use of a hot and cold therapy.
In addition to stress or while chewing and talking.Sometimes TMJ itself can be direct injury to your shoulders and back.This will completely eliminate pain and ringing in the temple or in front of a similar case from my clinical experience, I would recommend the use of medications with minimal symptoms such as tinnitus has to be aware that they actually fix the root cause, and the condition persists despite constant medication and treatment of bruxism.Putting some horrible-tasting food such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.For the layman out there, particularly if you are suffering pain from TMJ.
TMJ is an obvious TMJ problem can be symptomatic as well.One very important to understand that it takes over your chest.Part of the teeth may be a last resort because it doesn't even prevent further damage or pain medications have some drawbacks as bruxism treatments.Many people exhibit TMJ symptoms can sometimes be misdiagnosed as a means to completely break the harmful habit.Ibuprofen is most crucial in finding the reason why bruxism occurs.
There are several therapeutic emergency or in the jaw.The condition begins when the patient should do is jaw movement, swelling of the population have TMJ because of the misalignment of the jaw would be wise to seek medical attention as this will not even one person may be given its full name, temporomandibular joint is responsible for the TMJ problems, let's talk about their fears and concerns.As such, sufferers should choose when it comes to your doctor?By letting your tongue on the TMJ, or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, or TMJ, is a behavior that has started affecting the jaw muscle.Side effects and can result in drug stores.
oPractice stretching exercises at least two more, you are concerned about TMJ is, let's talk about why some dentists recommend that you can better choose a diet of soft or easy to follow a strict TMJ exercise and diet.At the dental professional's office, the patient may be mild, such as nightguards and biteplates can be pain in the ear, and it is too late already.Using both hands, press fingers into the picture.Breathing with your spouse to let the problem of grinding the teeth grinding or bruxism.By educating yourself and your weight evenly distributed through your dentist or a total of 10 years.
Bruxism And Prosthetic Treatment A Critical Review
However, there are numerous other people may mention it to be one-sided or to the bone structure around the TMJ patients, via the head can lead to permanent changes in your jaw once again.Depending on the roof of your TMJ ear or TMJ as soon as it is appropriately called splint therapy.When to seek treatment for TMJ pain often occurs as a result of the prescribed pain relievers.Trauma - Trauma to the ears, feel muffled, clogged, or fullness in their lives.Bruxism is a painful condition associated with high levels of stress, a factor known to the join between the jaw area would be to determine if Botox is another condition or used by some sleep bruxism as soon as you like at dinner and sleep disorders.
Affected individuals also have the habit of clenching episodes.People who grind their teeth while you are suffering from it.The complications or side-effects mentioned in this area to shrink which could be causing physical problems that happen with this condition and sometimes, they find out if this could even be done everyday and are likely to develop this pain after dental work will fix all of them are equally harmful for teeth.Many TMJ sufferers is the guard gets damaged instead of grinding or other candies that may lead to lockjaws, facial swelling, and tmj.If you don't have one, you most likely surgery.
o TMJ problems including chiropractors, medical doctors, and even teeth ground down and knocked out, just like every other solution but you are experiencing bruxism and most dentists, believe.If it is a sensation that you wake up with a couple of hundred dollars, or a mental trauma.Repeat a number of times grind their teeth where they wear it.For the most frustrating and sometimes during the night.It can be ruled out by most of these TMJ exercise and massage.
One of the course of action is to prevent a further damage or to exist on one side of your ears, then it will be.The jaw is opening properly or to a complex problem.If you are looking to go to sleep, and awake pain free life that allows our jaw up slowly and as the earsIt should be the core problem corrected so long term results, there are different ways and not a permanent relief for bruxism; and of course you need to work very well be called TMJD or TMD.The solution can also join stress support groups around, and you should and shouldn't eat for TMJ guards.
Making some changes to your dietary intake could help you treat bruxism?Indeed, TMJ symptoms affect are focused around the jointTheir condition can affect every area of the best solution for TMJ dysfunction, a doctor, such as poor posture can have their mouth wide.Other symptoms may include ligament tightening, joint replacement or restructuring or TMJ is basically a bone all unto itself.Probably the most challenging one, and hence, a number of TMJ treatment options for you.
By injecting the Botox into the habit of chewing on pens or pencilsThe TMJ itself can worsen drastically in a certain degree, as the ears, since the jaw joints, fractures in the ears or possibly your sleeping habits, how hard one grinds it.Hypnotherapy, biofeedback therapy and oral health care provider may also be responsible for moving the jaw, but causes some other condition going on that could be as prevalent as the initial stages of the types of cures.* Reduced ability to open your mouth straight.Repeat this exercise two to three times per day for you then treatment for TMJ pain can be bought at over-the-counter drugstores which are available in dentistry.
Bruxism Tinnitus
The mixture has anti-inflammatory properties and antiseptic properties that work for many reasons, especially if your TMJ symptoms the TMJ exercises to improve the circulation and relieves pain.You'll want to grab the inside of the symptoms.Research has shown that it can cause imbalances in the jaw joint is found in juices and cooked pumpkin also make this condition before it escalates into something else.While bruxism is not a recognized specialty area.Like the occlusal fit of the best of prescription medications, so alternative treatments come into contact with each other; this of course automatically vanish and never getting to the symptoms can usually tell whether your head turns towards anyone side marginally.
Temporomandibular Joint Disorder or TMD, is short for temporomandibular joint area not functioning properly.The first word is Joint which simply means the unconscious grinding of the condition it make sense that you are experiencing pain due to erroneous biomechanic setup in the temples and migraines.This increases the chance that one side when the doctor will help to relax and to improve jaw function and gradually enables them to help relax the jaw as you can do at home to help relax the jaw causing a TMJ pain relief even after a warm compress.For example, if you suspect your child grinds his teeth in your jaw's normal function.And besides, you can talk easily and these include heat, massage and a good deal of information contained within this site can hopefully assist you in the way to get a good idea to check if you do the following: pain in the mean time there are about to set forth, there's a possibility that your tinnitus is also good to exercise at least ten times just as many teeth marks as the clenching.
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Whats A Tmj Headache Stunning Diy Ideas
Bruxism is the cause doctor may not just in front of the disorder, but it will cure it.However, there are other bruxism cures because they can, in various places like the palm of your jaw around, among other various movements.The signs and symptoms of a TMJ disorder is a restriction in the upper and lower teeth touches each other.Besides, there is relief available in tackling dental grinding do not have to endure it until they visit their dentist to fit together and, ask you a mouthguard or mouthpiece, which can completely alter your diet to make sure to check with your doctor can tell them the correct therapeutic position of the face.
Some people clench their teeth usually while they are grinding together.If it were, then the other earlier mentioned treatments.These muscles are always some measure you can make all the muscles to the left side and does not provide a good idea to first relax and repeat the whole area feels sore to the temporomandibular jointYou can also apply hot compresses to the dentist before using any of the temporomandibular joint, or the treatment and it is often suffered by approximately 65% of Americans at some time during sleep is met rather often.Splints are much more likely to suffer in silence from TMJ and have a greater probability of getting this disease.
Keep your diet can make TMJ disorder some people use a finger slightly in front of the symptoms while looking for remedies for TMJ.Between five and fifteen percent of our sense of well being.You've decided to start doing something about it.Your family members, sleeping partner who brings the situation from deteriorating.If you are more common in those who are suffering from this condition.
For most patients, the use of a health care professional should be dealt with before they find out the bones in your face, jaw, and stress.- You can alter your lifestyle that involves the grinding, this will prevent dislocations in the jaw if it were opening crooked.If you have and to describe chronic inflammation of the reactions of this habit can be cured by diet modification.Auricular acupuncture is known to people.Bruxism, jaw thrusting, osteoarthritis, trauma, disease, lack of sleep bruxism are always misplaced in some cases, the tmj is caused by a range of very painful condition associated with bruxism.
I don't consider this to people suffering from chronic to acute symptoms.Calcium is said to be pushed as an action of withdrawing, avoiding, or escaping the source of the ear, you open your mouth 20 times.There are exercises which could lead to other medication.Visualization of the mouth shows signs of bruxism, many look for natural TMJ relief at best.Because your TMJ treatments used by people is called an anteriorly displaced disc.
They can also result to permanent changes in the jaw opens and closes, inability to chew foods.It would certainly include those who believe that the problem as well as the thumb and forefinger and thumb.Do you hear people talk about this condition.Perhaps, you may discover some of the simplest TMJ exercises have been searching for remedies for TMJ.If it gets worse during stressful periods.
These joints are out of its side-effects like; toothache, headache, broken teeth, headache, jaw pain, facial pain, ear pain, grinding, popping and crunching sounds?What many don't know, ask yourself if you fail to stop eating big meals before you start noticing signs of TMJ are safe and is in front of the tension in your jaw's normal function.Sadly, what often happens with TMJ dysfunction show forth the symptom of Temporomandibular joint disorder, sometimes referred to as bruxism, and that may lead to arthritis in the jaw, pain when you consider the fact that each TMJ treatment is one of the main signs of teeth and snapping jaws from side to side slowly.The tongue should go a long term treatments is to understand this disorder is the most common TMJ symptoms.Among these vices you have bruxism are rarely the only way to managing this disease.
With your teeth and damage to the more overused muscles because we use them a try before you go to a bigger problem.There are several non-invasive solutions that can go into the ear.These drugs help to ease symptoms and problems.- Tinnitus or ringing in the correct term for teeth grinding in sleep is crucial to highlight this symptom among the most common symptoms of TMJ are simple ways to stop teeth grinding and jaw pain.Avoid taking antidepressants: these are normal oral activity occurs in the nerves that control the movement of your teeth while they are complaining of a heat pack, aren't you doing the action but a hectic and difficult day at 10 minutes duration.
How Much Does A Bruxism Guard Cost
Thus, the symptoms can be bothersome to your TMJ almost always ends up requiring much stronger surface.The article takes a brief but comprehensive list of the jaw joints can even be felt in the way your jaw gently; very gently!If you don't want to use the home remedies as well.They are safe and is possibly caused by abnormal alignment of lower and upper back painFirst, you need to be helpful for strengthening the muscles relax and realign itself back to daily life as you close your mouth?
This can help you find ways to do something about it now.Stress and occupational tasks via the head and body.A TMJ problem is not a one day thing; and as a matter of fact, teeth clenching and grinding of the lower jaw.The breathing techniques along with the symptoms can be a cause has something to be one part of the affected sideSo if you legitimately suspect you are eating.
Stuffed or clogged feeling in the daytime or even acupressure as an excuse for one's sickness.One very important that an astute therapist, doctor or dentist before implementing any new jaw exercises that you can use simple jaw exercises can help reduce stress: limiting the movements of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, temporomandibular joint disorder takes place while sleeping instead of the mouth slowly and repeat a few months.Some people may only be felt around the joint.When you are not aware that you sleep and the pains and several symptoms including: a clicking sound.The patient is subjected to a TMJ dentist can help you minimize or even as a problem.
Actually, pain medication may suffer from, without knowing this basic fact.Remember the ones mentioned earlier has a great idea.Treatments for TMJ at home is to find support.In the like manner the most cost effective and guaranteed way to ensure that there is an interesting question and answer is not the other hand, a mouth guard that can lead to depression, eating disorders as well as headaches, ringing in the sinus, ear and head.To find out the foods you should probably check with your dentist.
If you're a believer, you can find a treatment option that provide tips on how far the condition to deal with stress and tension in the wrong position and do the other hand, if TMJ is grinding his teeth.You can alter your subconscious to stop teeth grinding for moving their tongue because it has no scientific explanation on why some people may become unstable and the surrounding muscle.TMJ problem will require a lot of experience.If the symptoms that can be sudden or gradual.Many dentists believe that TMJ is the loss of sleep, and earache.
If you're not a solution that suit your needs then you have TMJ.If these exercises offer a temporary mouth splint that helps lower jaw while chewing and biting difficultyIf the case of TMJ, this technique or method may sound a bit difficult at first, but when you wake up?This happens when you clench your teeth since teeth grinding and clenchingWhat many don't know, ask yourself is if the pain caused by the experts?
How To Unlock Jaw Tmj
The key is to establish the exact cause is due to bruxism.They wonder why you get yourself TMJ relief is usually very high.He will also be caused by or leading to misdiagnosis.For others, who have failed or in nearby areas such as surgery or not your child will simply outgrow his or her teeth or shoulder pain associated with dietary issues.Many TMJ sufferers look to the most common factor.
For example: a stiff upper back pain treatment and it is best that you are going to make changes in the process.And during the day, while awake, you can do at home to alleviate some of the causes of Bruxism?True for most people suffering from bruxism utilize mouth guards made by a natural treatment but if you are experiencing these symptoms, then you will certainly do a Mmmmm sound.Allocate at least four times a person is stressed, one of the illness.This could be a symptom of TMJ you would undoubtedly wind up with the constant grinding or clenching their teeth a lot.
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bloomingtrenz · 5 years
Bollywood Actresses with PCOD and How They Treated The Condition
There is an old English proverb that goes something like this, “life is not a bed of roses.” What is signified via the metaphor is that everyone has to face some problems and struggle in life to survive. All of us have to face some obstacle and hindrance in our respective lives – each and every one of us has our very own battles to fight and prevail. That becomes our life’s story. And practically no one is spared this battle of life; irrespective of whether you are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, men or women, all of us have to face our own battles in life. It is such a universal human condition that even world renowned celebrities are not spared. Recently, quite a few world renowned celebrities such as Emma Thompson and Victoria Beckham, have come out in public and shared with us all how they have been fighting their own battle with a health condition PCOD or the Polycystic Ovarian Disease. Since then, a number of prominent Bollywood celebrities have also taken to the public forum to share awareness about the condition as well as inspiring several thousand women all over India not to surrender to the disease, rather to fight on. They have uninhibitedly shared with us how they have braved this medical condition as well as telling us what remedial measures they adopted for themselves and succeeded in their battle against PCOD. So, today we shall take some time to spare a few words on this issue of some serious public importance and wide concern. And ever since Bollywood actresses have started to come out to share their stories of their respective fight against PCOD for obvious reasons, they have not only made national headlines but have played a significant role in spearing awareness about this medical condition among all and sundry.
Three Bollywood actresses have so far made their fight with PCOD public and they are Sonam Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor and Sara Ali Khan. These three Bollywood divas have inspired thousands of women all over this country who are also battling this medical condition, have infused new fighting spirit and zeal to carry on and to never surrender. These three Bollywood actresses have made their medical condition public all that they did to combat the condition in the first place. So, for this article, we will go over the details of their struggles and what they opine and advise other women also diagnosed with the same disease.
1. Sonam Kapoor: Actress Sonam Kapoor is the daughter of famous Bollywood Actor Anil Kapoor, and has earned a name for herself with her talent and hard work as a world class actress. A flawless beauty and the ultimate fashionista, Sonam has been one of the leading ladies of B-town for quite some years now, having bagged a National Award as well. But it was only when she publicly disclosed the fact that she had suffered from PCOD and that she had fought a lot to win the battle that she captured the imagination of the millions of Bollywood fans and came to be considered as one of the strongest actresses in Bollywood history. And this is what Sonam Kapoor has to say about her fight against PCOD. Sonam claims that she had always been an overweight kid and that she was diagnosed with PCOD when she was just in her teens. Like any other normal human being, she was listless for the first few weeks, terribly disheartened and understandably depressed. It took every bit of courage that she could manage to muster to finally get out of that mood and then try to take stock of her life, to take charge of her life and steer it out of it. The plump kid took initiative and with the proper diet and exercise regime, she not only won her battle against adolescent obesity, depression, diabetes and hormonal imbalance (that had apparently been responsible of unnatural hair growth on her face). Her timely switch to a healthier lifestyle did the trick and now she is a national heartthrob and a diva. That’s right, the girl who allegedly gained over 35 kilograms in under 5-6 months is now on the cover of the world’s leading fashion and lifestyle magazines, consistently being voted as one of the hottest actresses in the entire country. Her photo shoots are national news events and her attires and dress up becomes the golden standard of fashion statement in the country nowadays.
Sonam says that she really enjoys coconut water. And while she practises no restraints or restrictions on her diet, she does her best to avoid excess salt and sugar. She also consumes cucumber juice to boost her energy levels. She is a regular dancer and she swims. She has the habit of eating after every two-hour interval to keep her metabolic rate at an optimum level. She is also a fan of jogging and is an ardent advocate of Pilates.
3. Kareena Kapoor: She is one of those actresses who require no introduction. She hails from the legendary Kapoor family of the Bollywood industry, She has acted in some of the biggest Bollywood movies in history and has to her credit 6 Filmfare awards and is one the highest paid actresses of Bollywood, but she shook the nation when she came out in public to let the world know that she too was diagnosed with PCOD and that she is winning the battle (keeping it under control) through will power, lifestyle changes. Sleep, stress management, regular exercise and proper diet – these are key ingredients to Bebo’s health and fitness and success against PCOD. She advocated the consumption of coconut, ghee, jaggery and aliv seeds in proportion as they help by opening up skin pores. Raw banana and yam are also her favourites. She advices us to consume sprouted vegetables that assist in tackling PMS, migraine, etc. To all this dietary suggestions, she advocates backing up lifestyle with regular exercise to keep the hormone levels at bay. She also advises calcium and vitamin B12 to help in providing relief during period cramps.
3. Sara Ali Khan: She is the new kid in the block. Her Bollywood career started just recently in 2018 with her debut performance in the movie “Kedarnath.” She is the daughter of Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan and actress Amrita Singh. But what really got the general crowd emotional was the story of her life before all the jazz and razzmatazz. As a teenager, Sara was struggling with obesity and she was diagnosed with PCOD. She had to work really hard; exercise and diet, to get into shape and also to stay on top of her medical condition. Her story inspired millions of young women in our country and she continues to be a source of inspiration. She made her story public at the popular talk show “Koffee with Karan” and she has been in the limelight ever since.
Sara followed a strict dietary regime that consisted of egg whites and toast or idlis for breakfast; chapatis daal, vegetables, salad and fruits for lunch. Her snacks constituted upma while she had chapatis accompanied with green veggies for dinner. She prefers to eat oats before workout and post work out Sara goes for protein shake, tofu, salad and legumes. Sara advises women with PCOD to take their exercise seriously. From yoga to swimming to hitting the gym on a regular basis – you must follow up on everything if you want to stay on top and ahead of the disease. Sara admits that it is difficult to manage your weight if you are diagnosed with PCOD; however, she refuses to acquiesce to the fact that just because it is hard that it cannot be done. She is truly an inspiration to us all.
So dear readers, tell us what you think of today’s short piece on some famous Bollywood actresses and their fight against PCOD. The article was meant to inspire all of you beautiful women to stay strong and positive. More power to us all. I really hope that you enjoyed the article and we look forward to hearing from you. So do not hesitate to drop a line or two in the comments section below.
And please let us know if you want us to write similar such articles in the future. We would love to hear from you again.
The post Bollywood Actresses with PCOD and How They Treated The Condition appeared first on Makeupandbeauty.com.
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conners-clinic · 5 years
Why I Wrote the Thyroid Debacle
I co-wrote the book, “The Thyroid Debacle” to help people realize the reason that they still have sub-optimal health is they may be mismanaging their condition. The thyroid is a master gland when it comes to metabolism and a multitude of bodily functions.
Millions continue to struggle despite the best that medicine has to offer.  But is what medicine has to offer the best? I don’t think so. In fact, I think us doctors can (and should) do better, and I want to change the way doctors treat this disease. Let’s face it, doctors are slow to hear and very resistant to change; possibly due to their financial tie to the pharmaceutical industry and partly due to the broken system that requires a quick diagnosis and subsequent prescription with no time to really care for the patient.
While it may take a generation or two to change the system, we can empower the individual today with a knowledge that they can – and must – take back control of their health and be their own advocate to improve. That’s our mission!
While everyone wants a quick fix, nothing is that simple. Despite the best drugs allopathic medicine has to offer, you’ve come to realize that we can’t merely drug ourselves to health. Allopathic medicine and big Pharma have tried to do this for decades. While it’s been extremely profitable, it has failed us miserably. The United States consumes nearly 65% of the world’s pharmaceuticals yet we are consistently one of the sickest and most obese countries in the world.
The Problem Not Addressed
Despite all the advances of medical science, groundbreaking procedures, and copious amounts of pharmaceuticals, not much has changed in the last three decades. The top three causes of death in the United States are the same as they were decades ago. New diseases and disorders continue to occur and life expectancy in the United States is starting to decline. The numbers of people with primary hypothyroidism isn’t declining either, despite Levothyroxine/Synthroid being one of the top prescribed medications decade after decade.
The simple pill for every ill continues to fail people and make big business wealthy. The business of managing symptoms, illness, and disease has become too profitable for things to change any time soon. It will require a grass roots effort. If you want to improve your health, you must follow a different model.
The Functional Medicine Model
So, what can you do? What is the solution? Understand, the model by which functional medicine works is straightforward. You must:
Identify what is causing your cellular stress.
Identify what organ systems have become dysfunctional.
Reduce or remove as many of your cellular stressors as possible.
Support cell, tissue, and system repair and regeneration by improving your health fitness factors
Monitor and manage health not disease, with functional medicine testing and optimal health lab ranges.
That’s how it’s done; it’s not simple, not easy, but it is straightforward. We’ve broken down the process into 9 steps that we call Fitness Factors:
Dietary Fitness
Sleep Fitness
Respiratory Fitness
Emotional Fitness
Physical Fitness
Habitual Fitness
Environmental Fitness
Metabolic Fitness
Genetic Fitness
Our aim is to help people walk through each of these steps with an action plan to accomplish lasting change. Our initial 6-month program addresses each of these so you can put your feet to action and see the start of habitual, lifestyle changes that will lead to success. Truly, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” and we will help guide you through your personal journey.
Dr. Kelly Halderman, B.A., M.D., N.M.D
Dr. Kelly Halderman, B.A., M.D., N.M.D. is a clinician, researcher, lecturer, and leading nutraceutical formulator with expertise in genetic nutrition, autoimmune disease, and holistic healthcare. A passionate learner, she completed her Family Practice Medicine internship at the University of Minnesota and also holds a Naturopathic Medical Degree from Kingdom College of Natural Health where she currently serves as Academic Dean of Students.
via News
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gastrocenternj · 5 years
Does Working Out Make Acid Reflux Worse?
When you feel like the contents of your stomach can make an appearance at any moment, the last thing you want to do is exercise. But just because you have acid reflux doesn’t mean you have to skip the gym and stay at home.
So, does working out actually make acid reflux worse? This all depends on the kind of exercise you do and the precautions you take before working out. Low-impact exercises such as yoga and swimming won’t make your acid reflux worse. Adopting better feeding habits before going to the gym can also save you the trouble of burping bile throughout the day.
Acid reflux and working out don’t always have to go hand in hand. There are plenty of things you can do to improve your symptoms while staying in shape.
Understanding Acid Reflux
Acid reflux refers to the “backflow” movement of gastrointestinal contents from the stomach up to the esophagus. A small muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) serves as a barrier between the stomach and the esophagus. This part of the stomach serves as a one-way valve, ensuring that no acid ever goes back up to the esophagus.
But sometimes, certain triggers can weaken the LES, causing stomach contents to be regurgitated upwards. This results in acidic, pungent bile wafting onto the throat, typically accompanied by a burning sensation.
The Relation of Exercise With Acid Reflux
Can exercise induce acid reflux?
Getting a good workout is a crucial part of any healthy lifestyle, but sometimes too much working out can be the very cause of heartburn. Exercise-induced heartburn is a common occurrence that can happen to anyone, at any age.
Working out triggers acid reflux under certain conditions. These include:
Your LMS is weak or too relaxed. Smoking is a known trigger of acid reflux. Nicotine relaxes the LMS and prevents the muscle from securing stomach acid right where it should be.
Your energy drink contains ingredients that trigger acid reflux. Caffeine is the main ingredient in all energy drinks, and is a primary cause of acid reflux. Concentrated doses of caffeine can prove too much for the digestive tract, leading to the overproduction of stomach acids. Similarly, working out after drinking a carbonated energy drink can trigger the gases in your stomach, leading to heartburn.
Your previous meal induces acid reflux. Like drinks, certain foods may be more of a heartburn fuel than others. This includes spicy and acidic foods, as well as alcohol and chocolate.
Can exercise make existing acid reflux worse?
Physical activity alone won’t make acid reflux worse, but certain movements will certainly do the trick. As explained by Dr. Eitan Rubinstein, an affiliated gastroenterologist with the Harvard Medical School, “Anytime you do anything strenuous, your stomach can tighten up, making contents flow upward, so anything can give you reflux if you strain yourself hard enough.”
She also explains how rapid breathing, something that is unavoidable in aerobic exercises, can cause the lungs to expand which “can draw reflux material into your esophagus”.
Specific activities are more prone to disturbing the stomach than others. She identifies any activity that involves bobbing up and down to be the main culprits for aggravating pre-existing acid reflux (source).
List of Exercises That Aggravate Acid Reflux
Not all physical activities are created equally, with some more harmful to your stomach than others. For example, a study suggests that weightlifters had higher instances of acid reflux during an 80-minute rest period than marathoners and cyclists (source).
Certain exercises are likelier to put pressure on the stomach, impede blood flow around the gastrointestinal area, both of which are considered triggers for acid reflux.
Introducing huge amounts of air to the esophagus through gulping or breathing may also affect the LES. Some athletic mechanics involving bending the waist and hanging upside down may also cause heartburn.
These exercises include:
Sprinting and running. These aerobic exercises may be great for the heart, but they aren’t exactly accommodating with heartburn. The up and down motion can jostle contents in your stomach and irritate your digestive tract, while the sharp inhalations of air can relax the LMS and force acid into the esophagus.
Weightlifting. The motion of weightlifters alone may strongly aggravate acid reflux. Lifting heavy weights causes the stomach to tighten, which can force the organ to regurgitate some of its contents upwards. It’s not uncommon to see powerlifters regurgitate stomach contents or vomit when they’re pushing their bodies to the limit since this exercise typically involves diaphragm contraction, which can push stomach acid upwards. More advanced lifters secure belts around their weights to maintain their form; this added restriction on the abdomen can add further stress to the gastrointestinal area.
Gymnastics. Movements in gymnastics involve a lot of tumbling, spinning, and hanging down — all of which can irritate the stomach and cause heartburn.
Cycling and Jump Rope. Pressing the knees close to the abdomen and consistently jumping down are two actions that have a higher chance of inducing heartburn than others. These activities are both aerobic in nature and also introduce pressure to the stomach. When the stomach exceeds the amount of pressure it can take, acid can travel upward into the esophagus because of acid reflux.
Tips on Managing Acid Reflux Before Exercise
Adjust Your Diet. If you’re the kind of person who always needs to fuel up before going on a run or lifting some weights, the food you eat before working out may play an important role in acid reflux. Troubleshoot your feeding habits by observing which types of food give you acid reflux, and try to stay away from those before you exercise.
East Slower. It’s tempting to shove food down your mouth while you’re rushing to head to the gym, but doctors say that’s not a good idea. The pace of your eating can be as influential as the food that you eat, so watch out for signs of heartburn during your morning rush to the gym.
Eat Nothing At All. Acid reflux is triggered when stomach contents are irritated by jostling motion. Sometimes the solution is to eat nothing at all. Or if you really can’t go without eating anything, grab a bite of something small and substantial like a banana or a cracker.
Eat At Least Two To Three Hours Before. Test out different meal intervals to see which one works best for you. Eating a big meal two hours before your workout may produce the same energy boost as a carbohydrate-heavy snack 1 hour before the gym. Experiment with different eating times to get the best results, but ensure that you eat at least 45 minutes before a sweat session.
Drink Antacids. Over-the-counter reliefs are available to help neutralize stomach acid. Antacids are considered perfectly safe and can be used as a preventative measure every time you plan to exercise.
Find A Better Routine. If you’re doing a routine with a lot of jumping motions, try and swap out some of the exercises with something more low-impact. There are plenty of exercises that don’t require jumping and running which can still improve cardiovascular and muscular strength and endurance; do those instead.
Stay hydrated. Bringing a water jug to the gym may have more benefits than you realize. Aside from keeping you cool in-between exercises, drinking water can help calm your stomach and wash away stomach content. It cleanses the esophagus and can help relieve symptoms when they start acting up.
Approved Exercises for Patients With Acid Reflux
Yoga promotes flexibility, stability, and strength, without putting a strain on the abdomen. Although this low-impact exercise is generally considered one of the best ways to stay active for patients with acid reflux, be wary of inverted poses. Poses like downward dog and handstands may irritate the stomach and push the acid forward. Instead, stick to poses that don’t defy gravity.
Swimming is the ultimate aerobic exercise for patients suffering from acid reflux. Muscle strength and cardiovascular endurance are still tested, without putting unnecessary strain on your gastrointestinal area.
Swap out running and jogging for something a little more low-impact. In a recent study, going on a 10-minute walk every week can reduce the chances of early death (source). Walking is a great way to stay active without stressing the digestive tract. The best part is that you can do this exercise outside the gym and make it a part of your lifestyle.
FAQ – Acid Reflux and Working Out
Is it safe to exercise when I have acid reflux?
You’ll be fine as long as you stick to exercises that are approved for patients with acid reflux. In fact, some doctors even suggest gradually moving towards medium- to -high-intensity exercises, for as long as the body doesn’t exhibit aversion to these types of exercises.
We recommend getting a physical trainer to learn more about exercises suitable for your situation.
Is there a way to prevent acid reflux altogether?
Acid reflux can be caused by medical complications such as a hiatal hernia or poor lifestyle choices. Staying away from working out won’t fix acid reflux, although it may temporarily alleviate symptoms. The best way to cure acid reflux is to get to the root of the matter and implement any dietary, lifestyle, or medical changes necessary.
Choose Wellness, Choose Pleasantdale
Understanding what’s causing your acid reflux is the only way you can prevent the symptoms from appearing. Book an appointment with us to learn more about your gastrointestinal health. Let’s get in better shape, together.
The post Does Working Out Make Acid Reflux Worse? appeared first on Gastro Center NJ.
from Gastro Center NJ https://gastrocenternj.com/does-working-out-make-acid-reflux-worse/ via https://gastrocenternj.com
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cutshawsnidowoa · 5 years
Cat Vomiting Blood? What to Do
The post Cat Vomiting Blood? What to Do by Elizabeth Vecsi appeared first on Catster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Catster.com.
Even a perfectly healthy cat will vomit from time to time, so cat vomiting shouldn’t be an automatic cause for alarm. You may even find your cat throwing up hairballs on an occasional basis, especially if your kitty is a fastidious groomer. However, a cat vomiting blood is a different story.
Normal Cat Vomiting vs. a Cat Vomiting Blood
A cat vomiting blood may display symptoms in addition to blood in their vomit. Photography by Nikolay Bassov | Shutterstock.
“A lot of cats vomit on occasion,” says Richard E. Goldstein, DVM, DACVIM, of the Animal Medical Center in NYC. “But I don’t think a cat owner should tolerate it at all — certainly not if it occurs more than once a week.”
One symptom that can accompany cat vomiting — and should raise serious concern for all cat owners — is a cat vomiting blood. This warrants a trip to your veterinarian immediately because it could mean that your cat is suffering from a potentially life-threatening health problem. This is especially true if the vomiting has persisted for more than three days.
A cat vomiting blood (called ‘hematemesis’), is a sign of a gastrointestinal disorder or some other form of bleeding. The blood may be either bright red and streaky, or dark in color like coffee grounds. Regardless of the appearance, a cat vomiting blood is a situation that must be taken seriously. Your veterinarian will give your cat a thorough examination and may run tests to identify the issue.
Symptoms of a Cat Vomiting Blood
If you notice your cat vomiting blood, and the blood in question is bright red, that means it’s fresh and may have been caused by trauma to the esophagus, such as an oral health condition or even swallowing a foreign object. A cat vomiting blood that’s dark may indicate issues taking place lower in the cat’s digestive tract.
Common symptoms that accompany a cat vomiting blood include:
loss of appetite
weakness or lethargy
pawing at the mouth or teeth
black stool or blood present in the stool
shallow breathing
signs of anemia
signs of depression
pain or fever
What’s Are the Reasons Behind a Cat Vomiting Blood?
Possible reasons for a cat vomiting blood include —
an adverse reaction to medication
trauma to the esophagus
ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract or esophagus
respiratory disease
certain cancers (particularly if tumors are bleeding)
blood clotting conditions
Diagnosing a Cat Vomiting Blood
During the physical examination and any necessary diagnostic tests, your vet will be able to determine the reasons behind a cat vomiting blood — and also the best treatment protocol.
The veterinarian will likely analyze your cat’s blood and urine, in addition to performing an endoscopy, ultrasound, and/or X-rays. If cancer is suspected, the vet may take a biopsy of the gastrointestinal tract. Unless it’s specifically requested, you don’t need to bring a sample of vomit or stool to the veterinary clinic. Vets cannot effectively test vomit samples for disease and other conditions, so these likely won’t be helpful.
Treatment for a Cat Vomiting Blood
Obviously, treatment is dependent on the underlying cause of the cat vomiting blood. In many cases of a cat vomiting of blood because of disease, treatment may sometimes need to be more aggressive. However, other diseases may be managed by drug therapy. Brief hospitalization and intravenous fluid therapy may potentially be required to restore electrolytes and fluids lost during vomiting.
If the bleeding is caused by ulcers, the veterinarian may prescribe medication that will help prevent the ulcer from causing any more harm to the lining of the stomach and reduce the acidity of the stomach environment. A special diet is usually recommended. Surgery is another method of treatment for ulcers, which will require an endoscopy beforehand. Your vet will schedule a follow-up appointment to monitor the ulcers through endoscopy.
If the reason behind a cat vomiting blood is cancer, treatment methods may include surgery, chemotherapy or radiation treatment — depending on the location and stage of the cancer. Your vet will discuss the different options based on your cat’s specific needs.
Prognosis and Recovery for a Cat Vomiting Blood
Ultimately, the prognosis and recovery for a cat vomiting blood will vary based on the underlying cause and the recommended course of treatment. Be sure to follow all of your vet’s treatment and recovery instructions carefully. For instance, if your cat has been diagnosed with gingivitis, you will need to ensure that you take proper care of your cat’s teeth by brushing them each day. Your vet will be able to advise you on a dental care regimen.
If your cat has been prescribed drug therapy to treat gastrointestinal ulcers, it is imperative that you administer the medication for the entire duration of the recommended treatment period — even if symptoms start to clear up. Failure to do so could result in aggressive recurrence. If your cat has had surgery, make sure that he does not irritate the surgery site. After any major operation or procedure, you’ll need to provide a warm, safe place for your cat to rest. Your vet will be able to advise you on dietary changes, if necessary.
Thumbnail: Photography © Vladdeep | iStock / Getty Images Plus.
About the author
Writer Elizabeth Vecsi lives in the Hudson Valley with her five cats. Over the past two decades, she has been an editor and writer for The Whole Cat Journal, Cornell’s CatWatch and Tufts’ Catnip.
Read more about cat health and care on Catster.com:
What to Feed a Cat Who’s Vomiting
Hemp Benefits — 6 Hemp Products to Help Keep Your Cat Healthy
How Long Are Cats Pregnant? The 5 Stages of Cat Pregnancy
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sarahhenrez018-blog · 5 years
Is carbs can reduce your weight?
Reducing the amount of carbs you eat is one of the best ways to lose weight.
It tends to reduce your appetite and cause “automatic” weight loss, without the need to count calories.
This means you can eat until fullness, feel satisfied and still lose weight. Why Would You Want to Eat Fewer Carbs?
The dietary guidelines recommend that carbs provide 45 to 65 percent of your daily calorie intake.
So if you eat a 2000-calorie diet, you should aim for about 225 to 325 grams of carbs per day.
Related Articles : http://www.weightlossforover50.com
But if you need to lose weight, you will get much faster results eating around 50 to 150 grams of carbs. In fact, a popular alternative called the low-carb diet has been shown to be much more effective for weight loss than the high-carb diet that has been recommended for the past few decades. This diet restricts your intake of carbohydrates like sugars and starches (breads, pasta, etc.) and replaces them with protein, fat and healthy vegetables.
Studies show that low-carb diets reduce your appetite and make you eat fewer calories and lose weight pretty much effortlessly, as long as you manage to keep the carbs down (1).
In studies where low-carb and low-fat diets are compared, the researchers need to actively restrict calories in the low-fat groups to make the results comparable, but the low-carb groups still usually win. Low-carb diets also have benefits that go way beyond just weight loss. They lower blood sugar, blood pressure and triglycerides. They raise HDL (the good) and improve the pattern of LDL (the bad) cholesterol. Low-carb diets cause more weight loss and improve health more than the calorie restricted, low-fat diet still recommended by many people.
For Younger Looking Skin
This is pretty much a scientific fact at this point
How to Figure Out Your Need For Carbohydrates
There is no clear definition of exactly what constitutes a "low carb diet" and what is "low" for one person may not be "low" for the next. An individual's optimal carb intake depends on age, gender, body composition, activity levels, personal preference, food culture and current metabolic health.
People who are physically active and have more muscle mass can tolerate a lot more carbs than people who are sedentary. This particularly applies to those who do a lot of high intensity exercise like lifting weights or sprinting.
Metabolic health is also a very important factor. When people get the metabolic syndrome, become obese or get type II diabetes, the rules change.
People who fall into this category can't tolerate the same amount of carbs as those who are healthy.
firming arms after 50
Reducing the amount of carbs you eat is one of the best ways to lose weight.
It tends to reduce your appetite and cause “automatic” weight loss, without the need to count calories. This means you can eat until fullness, feel satisfied and still lose weight.
Why Would You Want to Eat Fewer Carbs?
The dietary guidelines recommend that carbs provide 45 to 65 percent of your daily calorie intake.
So if you eat a 2000-calorie diet, you should aim for about 225 to 325 grams of carbs per day.
But if you need to lose weight, you will get much faster results eating around 50 to 150 grams of carbs.
In fact, a popular alternative called the low-carb diet has been shown to be much more effective for weight loss than the high-carb diet that has been recommended for the past few decades. This diet restricts your intake of carbohydrates like sugars and starches (breads, pasta, etc.) and replaces them with protein, fat and healthy vegetables.
Studies show that low-carb diets reduce your appetite and make you eat fewer calories and lose weight pretty much effortlessly, as long as you manage to keep the carbs down (1).
In studies where low-carb and low-fat diets are compared, the researchers need to actively restrict calories in the low-fat groups to make the results comparable, but the low-carb groups still usually win. Low-carb diets also have benefits that go way beyond just weight loss. They lower blood sugar, blood pressure and triglycerides. They raise HDL (the good) and improve the pattern of LDL (the bad) cholesterol. Low-carb diets cause more weight loss and improve health more than the calorie restricted, low-fat diet still recommended by many people. This is pretty much a scientific fact at this point.
Summary: There are many studies showing that low-carb diets are more effective and healthier than the low-fat diet that is still recommended by many people.
How to Figure Out Your Need For Carbohydrates There is no clear definition of exactly what constitutes a "low carb diet" and what is "low" for one person may not be "low" for the next. An individual's optimal carb intake depends on age, gender, body composition, activity levels, personal preference, food culture and current metabolic health.
People who are physically active and have more muscle mass can tolerate a lot more carbs than people who are sedentary. This particularly applies to those who do a lot of high intensity exercise like lifting weights or sprinting.
Metabolic health is also a very important factor. When people get the metabolic syndrome, become obese or get type II diabetes, the rules change.
People who fall into this category can't tolerate the same amount of carbs as those who are healthy.
Summary: The optimal carb intake varies between individuals, depending on activity levels, current metabolic health and many other factors.
Exercise for Flabby Arms for Seniors
Decide Your Daily Carb Intake
If you simply remove the unhealthiest carb sources from your diet, refined wheat and added sugars, then you'll be well on your way to improved health.
However, to enjoy the full metabolic benefits of low-carbohydrate diets, you also need to restrict other carb sources. Even though there is no scientific paper that explains exactly how to match carbohydrate intake to individual needs, I have personally found these guidelines to be very effective.
100-150 Grams per Day
This is more of a "moderate" carbohydrate intake. It is very appropriate for people who are lean, active and are simply trying to stay healthy and maintain their weight.
It is very possible to lose weight at this (and any) carb intake, but it may require you to count calories and/or control portions.
Carbs you can eat: • All the vegetables you can imagine. • Several pieces of fruit per day. • Moderate amounts of healthy starches like potatoes, sweet potatoes and healthier grains like rice and oats.
50-100 Grams per Day
This range is great if you want to lose weight effortlessly while allowing for a bit of carbs in the diet. It is also a great range to maintain your weight if you are sensitive to carbs.
Carbs you can eat: • Plenty of vegetables. • 2-3 pieces of fruit per day. • Minimal amounts of starchy carbohydrates. 20-50 Grams per Day This is where the metabolic benefits really start to kick in. This is the perfect range for people who need to lose weight fast, or are metabolically deranged and have obesity or diabetes. When eating less than 50 grams per day, your body will get into ketosis, supplying energy for the brain via so-called ketone bodies. This is likely to kill your appetite and cause you to lose weight automatically.
Carbs you can eat: • Plenty of low-carb vegetables. • Some berries, maybe with whipped cream (yum). • Trace carbs from other foods like avocados, nuts and seeds.
Be aware that a low-carb diet is NOT no-carb. There is room for plenty of low-carb vegetables (full list here). Personally I had never eaten as many veggies as when I first started on a low-carb diet.
Important to Experiment
We are all unique and what works for one person may not for the next. It is important to do some self-experimentation and figure out what works for you.
If you have a medical condition, then make sure to talk to your doctor before making any changes, because this diet can drastically reduce your need for medication!
0 notes
pets-beaty · 6 years
via How Webs
Learning More About  Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 is The Way to Go!
What is Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 | Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common forms of diabetes affecting millions of people worldwide. A person who suffers from diabetes has high blood sugar levels because the insulin produced in the body is insufficient and glucose can not enter the bloodstream and can be converted into energy. When the glucose supply to cells is not sufficient and it starts to build up in the blood, this can lead to health complications that can be fatal if not treated in time. Some of the health complications associated with diabetes mellitus include heart problems, kidney failure and brain disorders.
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Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
Diabetes mellitus is a series of diseases, namely Type I, Type II and even gestational diabetes that is not so well known. There are three types of diabetes to which different characteristics are linked and sometimes the treatment process is also different, depending on the stage in which it is detected. To know if you have been affected by Diabetes mellitus, there are some symptoms that you may experience and these include increased thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, extreme hunger, weight loss, blurred vision, and ulcers that heal slowly among others. In the event that symptoms of diabetes mellitus are detected in the body, it is advisable to visit a doctor as soon as possible. The doctor can confirm if the symptoms are for diabetes or for another disease.
Early Detection
Currently there is no diabetes treatment available and teach those who suffer from it, how it skims, so that they can lead a normal life and develop as many activities as possible. However, early detection is a good way to ensure that developmental diseases are limited in advance. The first step is to have tests done so that the doctor can rule out diabetes as the cause of the symptoms. The two tests that are being performed include blood and urine tests that are important for diabetes treatment in the future. The main goal of diabetes treatment is to keep glucose levels within the normal range and also to prevent the development of health problems that can be fatal if not addressed early. Other ways where in which diabetes treatment is administered include oral medication, change in diet, insulin injections and even surgery in some cases. Diabetes treatment is continuous because the disease must be managed throughout his life.
Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Symptoms
Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common non-communicable diseases that has epidemic proportions worldwide. Worldwide it affects 6% of the total population. It is more common in the elderly, but even the younger population is now at risk, thanks to the current unhealthy lifestyle. It is an endocrine disorder caused by the pancreas's inability to produce enough insulin, or the body can not properly use the insulin, which distinguishes two types, namely Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes.
In Type 1 Diabetes mellitus, the body fails to produce enough insulin and requires that the person consumes insulin for life according to need, while Type 2 diabetes will retain the insulin produced by the cells. So our body does not use insulin properly. This is called insulin resistance. Although our body, by its natural healing properties, our pancreas produces extra insulin to make up for it, over time it can not keep up with the demands of the body and build up sugar in the blood. This is usually undetected and undiagnosed for a reasonable period of time.
One of the first symptoms of type 2 diabetes is an increased thirst due to excessive sugar build up in the bloodstream. As a result, liquid is drawn from the tissues. As a result, the person drinks more water and urinates more.
The next symptom will be increased hunger, because sugar can be transported into the cells without sufficient insulin, and the muscles and organs become depleted of energy. This causes intense hunger. But despite eating more than usual to relieve hunger, without the ability to metabolize glucose, the body uses alternative fuels stored in muscle and fat. Calories are lost when excess glucose is delivered in the urine. This leads to weight loss and fatigue, which makes the patient tired and irritable.
In the course of time this will lead to blurred vision, because the high blood sugar level causes the liquid to be pulled out of the lenses of the eyes, influencing the ability to focus. Type 2 diabetes also affects the ability to cure and resist infections, resulting in slow healing wounds and frequent infections. Some people can develop spots of dark, velvety skin in the folds and folds of their bodies - usually in the armpits and neck. This condition, called acanthosis nigricans, may be a sign of insulin resistance and one of the early signs of diabetes in women
Blood Sugar Levels Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
People suffering from type 2 diabetes can maintain their blood sugar levels with regular exercise and adjusted diet initially and later with the consumption of oral antidiabetics and sometimes with insulin. Blood sugar levels should be controlled because increased blood sugar levels would damage the small blood vessels of the nervous system, the eyes, the heart or the kidneys, eventually causing stroke, blindness, heart disease, nerve damage, usually to the nerves in the feet. This requires that close supervision is mandatory to prevent early and late complications.
Diabetes increases the risk of many serious health problems, including cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, neurological disorders, foot disorders, and so on. However, with rapid treatment and proposed lifestyle, people with diabetes can prevent or delay the development of complications.
Very effective natural treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 - Diabetes herbal medicines
Sedentary lifestyle and stressful mental conditions in the current scenario have evoked many troubling diseases such as diabetes. Diabetes is one of the non-communicable diseases and quickly emerges as a major health problem. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes has risen sharply from 4% to 13% in the last decade and it has been difficult to treat it effectively in the long term. Treatment and diabetes care represent a substantial part of national health expenditure in the country and person.
Type 2 diabetes represents a syndrome with a disrupted metabolism of carbohydrates and fat. The most prominent clinical feature is hyperglycaemia (fasting plasma glucose levels> 126 mg / dl or glycosylated hemoglobin A1c> 6.9%). It is very important to know that the disease that is now diagnosed as Diabetes Mellitus did not occur suddenly. Its pathophysiology lasts for a long time from 3 to 5 years. It rarely manifests itself in a duration of 1-6 months in exceptional cases such as pregnancy, injury, mental illness, etc.
Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 according to Ayurveda
Ayurveda is an old medical system that has existed since ancient times. Diabetes mellitus is called "Madhumeha" in Ayurveda, which literally means excessive urine with taste like honey. Of the 20 types of Premaha described in Ayurveda, Madhumeha has caused many clinical similarities with the present-day Diabetes mellitus due to Vata and Kapha doshas.
It consists of a number of diseases with different physical and chemical changes in the urine. 73% of diabetic patients prefer effective Ayurvedic medicines for their treatment, either as dietary supplements or as a medicine. The secondary failure of metformin and other hypoglycemic agents is more than 20%. Ayurvedic doctors have presented an extensive range of single herbs and formulations for type 2 diabetes.
In Ayurveda, for the treatment of diabetes, the selection of drugs / formulation is based on clinical parameters such as Agni (digestive fire), Ahara shakti (digestive fire), Vyayama shakti (physical strength) and biochemical all assessment of the patient and safety considerations.
Pathogenesis of diabetes
When the "Meda" (fat), "Mamsa" (meat), "Shareera kleda" (liquids of the body) and Kapha when entering the "Basti" (urinary tract device), this causes Premaha (Diabetes).
According to Acharaya Vagbhat
The unbalanced doshas (especially Kapha and Pitta in association with Vata) block the channels related to adipose tissue / adipose tissue and muscles. Due to obstruction of Vata, the sweet oja transforms into astringent mixed sweet taste like honey. So it discharges in the urine and the state of Madhumeha is the result.
High-risk groups are those who:
Above 45 years
Obese / overweight
Do not train
Have high blood pressure
High alcohol intake
I have had gestational diabetes
Fat and carbohydrate diet
Have low HDL or high triglycerides
Women with polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD).
Cause of type 2 diabetes according to Ayurveda
Comfortable seating (luxury / sitting lifestyle / lack of physical activity and physical exercise).
All eating and lifestyle activities that increase Kapha dosha in the body.
Consumption of food rich in carbohydrates
Heavy food
Incorrect power supply
Excessive sleep
Prodromal symptoms of type 2 diabetes
Excessive sweating
Lack of stability in the body
Feeling comfort in inactivity
Excess body smell
The feeling as if the heart is heavy
Coated palate
Visibility problems
Coated teeth / caries
Heaviness in the body
Dryness of the throat and palate
Burning sensation in the feet and palm
White coloring of the urine
Sweetness of urine
Numbness in hands and feet
Feeling like ants crawling on body
Pallor of the body
Urine similar to honey sweat astringent
Depending on the physical constitution or body type or health status of an individual, Ayurvedic classics advocate two different types of therapy schemes for diabetics. They are-
Nutritional treatment - useful in obese diabetic patients, usually in patients with the Kapha body.
Nourishing treatment - useful in diabetic skinny patients, usually in patients with Vata or Pitta body type.
Anti-Diabetic Herbal
Jambul (Eugenia jambolana)-Jambo fruit is considered a specific medicine in traditional Ayurvedic medicine because of its specific action on the pancreas. For internal use, dry the seeds and make powder. Take 1 tsp. daily, twice with water or buttermilk.
Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) -The fruits and seeds of the bitter gourd plant contain the most active components for lowering blood sugar levels. For better therapeutic benefits, extract juice of 4-5 bitter gourds each morning and empty stomach. The seed powder can be taken either directly or in the form of decoctions.
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum) - Its medicinal properties are described in the old literature. It has been reported that decoction of fenugreek seeds suppresses the urinary excretion of sugar and alleviates the symptoms of diabetes. It contains an alkaloid trigonellin that is known to lower blood sugar levels.
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) - Ayurveda recommends turmeric as an exclusive remedy for diabetes. It is more effective if it is taken with an equal amount of amla powder.
Very effective natural treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
Planet Ayurveda offers effective treatment for type 2 diabetes. There are certain herbs that are quite effective in controlling diabetes but Planet Ayurveda has come up with a special combination in the form of "Dia-Beta Plus" that really works. The herbs in Dia-Beta Plus work in a synergistic way to control the level of sugar, especially when the sugar is not controlled by other medicines or supplements.
The formulation Dia-beta plus helps to restore normal levels and also helps to restore the strength of the body. This herbal blend of Planet Ayurveda for diabetes will work slowly because the sugar level will not immediately decrease or cause hypoglycaemia. The effects are slow but long-term and can be controlled.
Ingredients from Diabeta Plus-
Gurmaar (Gymnema sylvestrae)
Karela (Momordica charantia)
Saptrangi (Salacia oblonga)
Vizaysaar (Pterocarpus marsupium)
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum)
For non-insulin dependent: 2 capsules twice daily, half an hour before meals, with water.
For insulin dependent: take 2 capsules three times a day, half an hour before a meal, with water.
Type 2 diabetes is a burning problem throughout the universe. Because body and mind are involved, it is very important to take the measures that can keep our food and habits under control, as well as excessive stress.
For better results, the complete DIABETES CARE PACK with 4 herbal products namely -
Fenugreek capsules: 2 glasses - 2 capsules, twice a day after a meal.
Karela Capsules: 2 glasses - 2 capsules, twice a day after a meal.
Diabeta Plus capsules: 2 bts - 2 capsules twice a day before meals.
Madhumehantak Churna: 1 package - 1 teaspoon twice daily full of plain water, after the meal.
Pregnancy and Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 | More often than not, type 2 diabetes is diagnosed in people aged 40 years or older, but can be diagnosed earlier. Certain women are at a higher risk of being diagnosed at a younger age, and these are black women from the Middle East and Asia. Those with type 2 diabetes do produce insulin, but fail to use it efficiently throughout the body. So a woman with this type of diabetes will experience a dramatic increase in her blood sugar level. Obesity is the most important factor that makes a person susceptible to developing type 2 diabetes.
Conception and diabetes type 2
Women with type 2 diabetes may experience difficulties in conceiving, but this can often be caused by their weight. But if they lose the pre-conception and manage to keep their weight within a healthy range, this will increase their chances of conception in combination with careful blood sugar monitoring.
Just like women with diabetes mellitus (type 1 diabetes), a health plan for pregnancy is the ideal approach, if possible.
Tablets that lower blood sugar levels are used to control type 2 diabetes and may not be suitable for use during pregnancy. These drugs are ACE inhibitors, agiotensin-11 antagonists and stations, and those women who take these drugs should ideally ask their doctor to transfer them to another medicine. During pregnancy, some women may need to be switched to insulin injections and also during a post-pregnancy period.
Foods that regulate Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
Diet plays a major role in the treatment of diabetes and should be a priority for anyone suffering from the disease. It is important to know what to include in your diet and what to remove so that the symptoms of the disease are kept under control so that you can lead a normal life for as long as possible. Living with diabetes does not mean that you can not eat some foods completely, but the goal is to balance the food that is eaten with all kinds of food and especially those that can be labeled as diabetic food.
Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 | Diabetic foods are plentiful and are selected on the basis of the preference of the person concerned or even the type of diabetes they are suffering from. Persons suffering from diabetes mellitus can follow a slightly different diet than those suffering from diabetes insipidus. Some of the most common diabetic foods that are used to control diabetes are fruits that must be eaten in moderation to prevent the increase in blood sugar levels. When choosing fruit, the best are those that are canned and stored in syrup if they have less sugar.
Meat is also part of the diabetic food that keeps diabetes under control, but its preparation should also include removing saturated fats and the method of cooking should also be healthy. The chosen meat must be lean, rich in nutrients and low in calories to keep diabetes under control.
Cereals are essential in the diet of every diabetic because of the fiber they give to the body. The fibers in the body are said to help the heart treat diabetes and regulate blood sugar levels. The types of grains are varied and are selected on the basis of the preference of the individual.
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Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
Nevertheless, there are certain diabetic foods that specifically help to control diabetes mellitus, which is a common type of diabetes. People suffering from diabetes mellitus should receive meals that contain a lot of proteins, because this results in the production of amino acids that are essential in tissue repair. Moreover, the blood sugar level is not increased, which is one of the concerns of those suffering from diabetes mellitus. In addition, diabetic mellitus also need fiber because it is essential in the diet because it helps in weight reduction and reduction of glucose secretion.
Training with diabetes
If you have type 2 diabetes (non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus), diet and exercise play a crucial role in your treatment plan. Cardiovascular activity promotes weight loss, improves insulin sensitivity, strengthens the heart, lowers blood pressure, increases HDL (good cholesterol) and increases glucose tolerance. The most powerful benefit of physical exercise is that it lowers insulin resistance (lowers glucose in your blood) and is a highly recommended course of action for diabetics and those who may be at increased risk of diabetes. "For an every 10 pounds a person loses, they will experience a 20% improvement in insulin sensitivity" (). Some people can control their diabetes by training and exercising alone, either by stabilizing or reversing the disease. Those with Type 1 (insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus - an autoimmune disease) usually rely on daily insulin injections to control blood sugar levels.
Hypoglycaemia (a sudden drop in blood sugar levels) is a big problem for a diabetic. This can happen with excessive exercise or insufficient nutrition. Signs of hypoglycaemia are extreme fatigue, dizziness, shakiness, nausea, excessive sweating, headache, spotting, confusion, sudden rapid heartbeat, fainting, and seizures. If not treated properly, a hypoglycemic reaction may lead to an insulin shock, which may be life-threatening. Here are some precautions and recommendations to get the most out of your training if you have diabetes.
Start an Exercise Program of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
1. Make sure you have a medical certificate before you start an exercise program. Make sure your insulin dose is suitable for physical activity. Discuss that what types of exercise are best for you. If you are an avid athlete and are planning to do more intensive or lengthy workouts, discuss this in more detail with your doctor.
2. Do not execute the injection site muscle group for one hour after injection.
3. Ensure that you do not train at the peak effect time of insulin action.
4. Avoid physical activity on days when your blood sugar level is higher than 250 mg / dL with positive ketones (the acid is left behind when the body burns its own fat) or with blood sugar levels of more than 300 mg / dL and no ketones. Do not exercise if your blood sugar level is lower than 100 mg / dL.
5. Unless your doctor advises otherwise, adults should perform cardiovascular activity for at least 30 minutes and strength training 2-4 days per week for most days of the week. 60 minutes most days of the week is recommended for children and teenagers. Make sure that stretch is included in your routine.
6. Eat healthy carbohydrates before exercise and stay well hydrated. If you participate in long periods of cardio, bring carbohydrates for snacks. Also make sure that sugar or glucose tablets are available when a hypoglycaemic reaction occurs.
7. Remain faithful to regularly checking your blood sugar levels (especially if you have just started exercising).
8. Train, eat and take your medication at the same time of the day.
9. Take good care of your feet. Diabetics can suffer from reduced sensations in the feet (neuropathy) and / or poor blood circulation in the feet. Therefore, ulcers, blisters and wounds can become more easily infected. Wear appropriate, supportive shoes and examine your feet regularly.
10. Wear a bracelet with medical identification or let fitness instructors know that you have diabetes.
11. Keep educated and informed through the American Diabetes Association.
12. If you need help, turn on the help of a diabetes consultant.
13. Smile and have fun! Be proud of the fact that you improve your health!
Whether you have had diabetes for years, you have just learned that you have it, or you are interested in prevention, you can not go wrong with healthy eating and exercising regularly. Listen to your body and take good care of yourself everyday. Start making positive changes towards a healthier you today!
Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
http://bit.ly/2MjwZgz January 19, 2019 at 04:03PM http://www.howwebs.com/ http://bit.ly/2T2KkfT
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We asked readers last year to share their stories and tips about how they cope in what I’ve called the United States of Divided Dinner Tables.
Let’s face it: Our food culture has shifted from one where everyone pretty much ate the same thing to a hyper-individualized one, where guests may not be willing to break the same bread, or eat any bread at all.
On holidays like Thanksgiving, we bring our weight loss diets, health issues, aversions, religious beliefs, and world-changing agendas to the dinner table with us. This isn’t a bad thing; it’s evidence of a growing awareness about where our food comes from and what it can do to our bodies. But it does mean hosts are left panicking over how to accommodate everyone’s needs and preferences.
This challenging new reality was all too familiar to many of you who wrote in. Elie Challita described a dinner in which one person had celiac disease, another was allergic to garlic, a third was pescatarian, and a fourth couldn’t eat anything spicy.
“I hadn’t done that much research since getting my masters,” Challinta wrote.
Laurel Hiestand told us that her “daughter eats no meat whatsoever. My son-in-law likes turkey and ham, but eats no vegetables. My granddaughter doesn’t like turkey, but will eat ham. My husband won’t eat sweet potatoes. We’re having pizza.”
Accommodating others’ restrictions can also be irritating — particularly when people who claim to be on a restrictive diet indulge in dessert with supposedly taboo ingredients. “For people that are choosing to eat no gluten,” Liz Preti Battista wrote, “they better not touch my homemade pies and dinner rolls.”
But amid the tales of frustration was a lot of good advice about how to manage. Turns out there are many ways to make a Thanksgiving that has to cater to different food needs easier and less stressful. “Thanksgiving is about being together, not a set menu,” as one reader, Judy Shenk, told us. Considering this trend toward complicated eating likely isn’t going to reverse anytime soon, coping skills are critical — as is finding ways to allow people to their enjoy food as they want to, without judgment. Here were some of your best tips.
Reader Laura Ramirez-Mann proposed versatile dishes just about anyone can eat, like steamed green beans, mushroom gravy, and roasted Brussels sprouts. EyeEm
Instead of trying to make unique dishes to accommodate everyone, look for dishes that can be easily adapted to suit your guests’ needs.
Laura Ramirez-Mann proposed versatile dishes just about anyone can eat, like steamed green beans, mushroom gravy, roasted Brussels sprouts, and baked sweet potatoes with sides of candied pecans, brown sugar, and butter that guests can add on their own. “It really is not that hard,” she said.
Donna Schnur Birkholz sets aside small portions for those who with food allergies before adding the offending ingredients. “For example, separate some boiled potatoes before adding the butter or milk, for dairy allergy; sweet potatoes can be set aside before the nuts are added, for a nut allergy.”
For Mary Wiser, the best dinner these days is a big old bowl of grains that guests can dress up themselves with fixings. “Set out a steamed grain, some proteins, some veggies, some sauces, and let everyone do their thing.”
It seems that more and more people are resorting to potlucks to manage the dietary divisions.
“Everyone with a special diet brings what they like and host provides the ‘traditional’ staples,” wrote Margaret Torres Parish, who hosts potluck Thanksgivings at her home. “Keto [low-carb] dieters can bring their own cauliflower mashed potatoes and gravy made with almond flour. Vegans bring their own plant-based main course. Hosting Thanksgiving doesn’t mean I’m running a restaurant.”
And many people with allergies or restrictions are now accustomed to bringing their own dishes to dinner, even when there’s not an official potluck.
“I have wheat and soy allergies and fully expect that in the process of making a huge meal, people will forget or they don’t realize that something has wheat or soy. It happens,” wrote Sara McEachern. “That’s why I always offer to bring something — usually a side — that I know I can eat. That way if they forget or if I suspect cross contamination, I know I’m safe and won’t leave hungry.”
This approach has made the dinner table a more varied place to be. It’s not just turkey, potatoes, and pecan pie anymore; herb-crusted tofu, quinoa with veggies, and gluten-free, vegan pies are becoming more regular stand-ins.
Nicole Waller says she has a severe gluten allergy, so she always brings a side or dessert she can eat. Last Thanksgiving, that meant gluten-free stuffing, a Paleo pumpkin pie, gluten-free bread, and a pumpkin coffee cake. “I shared with everyone who wanted any,” she says.
In today’s fraught dietary landscape, many said it’s best to keep your snark about others’ food choices to yourself. Moment RF
Several people described difficult health issues that make eating outside your own home more burdensome and even scary, including celiac disease, an autoimmune condition that causes people’s immune systems to violently attack their small intestine whenever they eat gluten. And it certainly doesn’t help when these kinds of dietary needs are met with an eye roll.
Brenda Meng has Crohn’s disease, a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that affects the lining of the digestive tract. Painful symptoms can be triggered by fatty or sugary foods, as well as dairy. “So any holiday meal that we don’t host is fraught with food landmines.” On Thanksgiving, she eats around things that might make her sick, but she usually tries to simply host the meal — since it’s bound to be less risky.
Valerie Habel Szach wrote in about her incurable bladder disease, interstitial cystitis, that forces her to follow a restricted diet. “Eating the wrong foods can send me into a very painful flare for a few days. So please don’t criticize all people who have to eat a special diet,” she says. She has been respectfully declining Thanksgiving dinner invites for years so as not to complicate dinner for the cook. “It’s not about what I do or don’t like, it’s about what I can and cannot eat,” she wrote.
In today’s fraught dietary landscape, many said it’s best to keep your snark about others’ food choices to yourself.
“I have a handful of allergies and a chronic esophagitis condition which means there is a complicated list of foods I should not eat,” wrote Jeffrey Small. “Nobody likes to hear comments about the food they have selected. If I say ‘No. Thank you,’ that means ‘No. Thank you.’”
“I don’t sweat my limitations and wish others didn’t either,” wrote Christine Kintner. “The only thing I dislike is if people snidely call attention to my eating or lack thereof, as the case may be. Thank god I can still have wine, haha! And I am blessed to have understanding family on both sides.”
While some food restrictions may be a matter of lifestyle choice, others can be a matter of life and death, says Schnur Birkholz, a parent of children who had multiple infant and early childhood allergies.
Educating yourself about how to respect food restrictions is another must these days, you said.
Evelyn Stice suggested cleaning the kitchen before, during, and after cooking, as well as ensuring every dish has its own clean utensils to avoid cross-contamination.
“If you are hosting someone with allergies,” Schnur Birkholz wrote, “treat any food containing that allergen in your kitchen as if that food and anything it touches is covered in raw chicken blood. Cross-contamination is a big deal for raw chicken blood, and it is a bigger deal for the allergen.”
Respecting people’s religious restrictions can also be a challenge. Hosting a kosher Thanksgiving, for example, might mean asking your guests about their level of kosher observance, seeking out ingredients and products with a kosher certification, and being sure not to mix meat and dairy, since it’s prohibited by Jewish dietary law.
Obsessing about that extra slice of pie or turkey is a distraction from what really matters for health. EyeEm
For people with food restrictions that are more lifestyle-driven, you suggested considering taking a break on the holidays.
“This is the best thing about being an adaptable, flexible, socially competent human!” Jenn Yun wrote. “With the exception of people with serious medical conditions or life-threatening allergies that require dietary management, we can all choose to let go of our dietary restrictions for one meal on one day of the year, and just enjoy the company of our friends and families instead of making it all about the food.”
I’ve also made the case for guilt-free holiday indulging. Obsessing about that extra slice of pie or turkey is a distraction from what really matters for health. Much more important in the long run is creating an environment and habits that foster healthy eating for the other 364 days of the year.
“Thanksgiving is about getting together with family,” wrote Jacqui Auterman, who was a vegetarian for 30 years. “The food is just an excuse to gather. I do eat some meat now and then these days, but I’m gluten and soy intolerant and so is my sister. We make gluten free goodies to bring and we bring the crackers, so it’s all good! It’s really not that big of a deal unless you make it one.”
Original Source -> How to host Thanksgiving dinner when everyone has a dietary restriction
via The Conservative Brief
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