#then i will have to do the part that cuts accross water
weirdcharacter · 2 years
I'm so happy, my house is coming together nicely and I'm also working on the dino-park, hopefully I'll be done with the first step by next week or in two weeks time 🤗
#I'm working on my first floor#and i realised all of my walls are in the wrong direction#the outside is inside which means i cannot hang anything on the walls#so I'll try to change that for the future floors and i will also try to change that just for the room part#so i can hang a painting above my bed hehehe#also i decided to change where my bed is i want to do a mezzanine#and what else#ho yeah the dino park#I'm soon done with the 'land' part of it#then i will have to do the part that cuts accross water#so they won't swim away lol#but it's not the final version hence the 'first step'#i just want them to have an enclosure big enough for movement for now#but i plan on closing the whoke little lagon#and i have the advantage of natural land and rocks that i can use as natural barriers#so i don't have to craft as much walls#speaking of walls they are made of wood for now but later on I'll try to change them for stone so they are more resistant#so yeah#a lot of things planned!#and i also want to build a base in the redwoods i already have a ground 'house' which really is just a foundation and a few walls#doesn't even have a roof yet 😂 but i want to build one in the trees bc there are too many dangerous dinos on ground level#HO SPEAKING OF I DIDN'T TALK ABOUT IT BUT I GOT ATTACKED BY A TREE CLIMBING TIGER#that fucker jumped out of nowhere from a tree made me fall from my ptera and started attacking me and then a fucking ALLOSAUR JOINED??#and i was like the 'guess I'll die' meme AND THEN I SAW MY PTERA GOING AFTER THE DINO AND I WAS LIKE 'NO DON'T YOU'LL DIE'#well fucking believe me or kot but thay fucking pteranodon killed the allosaur AND the tiger and made it out alive.#(and i thanked myself for boosting my dinos lives and energy like that's where i always add when they reach a new level)#so yeah. that chaotic ptera saved my ass today and i apologised for how i treated him when he got stuck mid air for two days KRLRKRLRKRRKRL#also my ptera is called Tera#he's green and red and awesome and also very chaotic i love him#kay anyway I'm going to sleep now because it's like 2am and I'm tired but i wanted to make a lil upate first hehehe
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bucketsofmonsters · 3 months
Deep Water - Part 4
cw: the ocean, animal carcasses, rotting, malnourishment, more tags to be added as the story continues
merman x fem reader
Word count: 3k
read on ao3
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
You woke up disoriented on an unfamiliar floor, the steady sounds of snoring filling your ears. 
You turned to see Finn, still fast asleep as you rose from your little spot on the floor. He was bundled up in blankets, his head just barely peeking out of them enough to breathe. 
You didn’t want to bother him. He’d done so much for you, the last thing you wanted to do was to disturb his rest. 
In your attempt to begin to get ready without disturbing him, you managed to get your feet tangled in the loose blankets below you and tumble back to the floor.
You quickly righted yourself just in time to see Finn begin to shift, waking fitfully. 
He groaned, eyes barely peeking open to look up at you. “Is… Oh. I forgot you were here.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you.”
He tried to wave dismissively but in his half-asleep state, it looked more like he attempted to clumsily swat a fly out of the air.
He rose from the bed slowly, a little unsteady on his feet.  “I’ll find you some clothes.”
You took him in as he moved to the drawers beside the bed. He was a little scrawnier than the average man working on the docks and only a few inches taller than you, but still, you were sure that his clothes would fit you awkwardly, if at all. “You really don’t have to do that, my clothes are mostly dry now.”
“Nonsense, I have just the thing for you.”
And then he pulled out a dress, a practical one with reasonable skirts and allowance for movement. A dress you’d seen before. 
You reeled back a little as you asked, “Why do you have my sister’s clothes?”
It came out harsher than you’d intended it to. Maybe the shock was to blame, you weren’t certain. 
He deflated at your words, crumpling in on himself, his shoulders slumping as his face fell. 
“I should have told you,” he said, visibly mortified. “I know I should have. You just… you look just like her.”
The realization hit you instantly. “You two were…”
“I wasn’t trying to replace her,” he said, rushing in to cut you off. “I mean, I couldn’t replace her even if I did want to. It was just… it was nice to see you. I could almost pretend, just a little.”
The more he tried to justify it, the more your heart sank. “How long were you together?” you asked, your voice flat and distant.”
“Years. She was everything to me.” His voice was low and sad, sadness that you were sure was for her and not for you, standing betrayed in front of him. Why would it be for you? How selfish could you be?
You almost wished he’d yelled at you. Then maybe it wouldn’t make you feel so bad. He seemed devastated and apologetic and all the things he could be and yet now that you knew you could just tell. You could see him looking at you like you were her, with faux, unearned affection in his eyes behind the heartbreak. 
It made you furious. You wanted to throw something, to shout at him, to demand to be seen as a person, to be removed from her shadow. 
But he was grieving, just as you were. Probably more. 
The least you could to was be kind. 
So you gave him a half-hearted, soft pat on his shoulder and tried to paint as much sympathy accross your face as you could manage.
“You didn’t mean any harm,” you said, and you knew it was true. 
It still stung. 
And then you took the dress from his hands, his grip softening as you reached for it, and you left. 
You found an empty room to change in and went off to work as quickly as you could.
The next few weeks passed quickly, settling into an easy routine. Without Finn hovering over your shoulder as you worked, you were free to move quickly and mindlessly, doing your job exactly as intended and no more. 
You stopped by to see Simon almost every day. The days you couldn’t, held up late at the docks, he no longer threw a complete fit. There was huffing and pouting but he hadn’t kindaped you again and you considered that progress.
In fact, after the stunt he’d pulled, he seemed hesitant to even get near you, like even his presence was tainted now. He was more careful than he’d been, asking before he did anything. 
You supposed it was preferable over the alternative. 
You and Finn had grown distant. He was clearly trying to give you space but you couldn’t quite breach that gap and bring yourself to talk to him so instead you let him fade away, sharing quiet polite smiles when you saw one another and nothing more. Your only real friend here now gone. Other than your monster that you still caught glimpses of below the docks, no matter how many times you warned him that it was ill-advised.
You didn’t mind going to see him. There was very little understanding between you but it felt nice, having him so eager to meet with you every day, shifting uncomfortably in shallow water that he braved for you. 
It had been a bad day. 
Nothing had happened, not really, but that awful ship was back. Every time you saw it, a wave of nausea overtook you, brought back to you kicking and screaming on the deck, inhaling rain as you huffed in breaths. 
Finn had shot you a concerned look or two as he apparently read your nerves off your face, but he had kept his distance, respectful and stomach-churning. 
You wanted him to come check in on you, something he clearly wanted to do, but you still refused to go speak with him first. You couldn’t do it, couldn’t return to him like a dog with its tail tucked between its legs, offering yourself as your sister’s replacement if he’d just speak to you.  
So instead, at the end of an awful day, you scurried off the docks to your spot, content that you’d at least get to see your siren. 
On the shore, where you usually sat, lay the tail end of a sea lion, bloody with bones sticking out, looking almost rotted.
You looked into the water to find amber eyes staring back at you, wide and expectant. 
You knew instantly he’d brought it here, though you couldn’t fathom why. It wasn’t a fresh kill, instead looking like it had been pulled off a beach somewhere where it’d washed up. 
A sense of shame flickered in his eyes, fighting back a grimance as you noticed it. 
“Do you want it?” he asked, head nodding towards the carcass.
“No,” you said, and he reeled back, not looking surprised but seeming upset all the same. 
“It’s the best I could do,” he said, eyes downcast. “I’ve been trying to find something better but I’m not built for this.”
His voice was tinged in a sense of bitterness and frustration and you wished you knew what he was talking about so you could comfort him. Or at least understand why he was upset. 
“Built for what? Why is this here?”
“It was supposed to be food,” he said with a huff. “I have nothing for you. I can’t provide you anything.”
“Provide me… You don’t need to provide for me, I can get my own food.”
“You shouldn’t have to. I want to… I want to show you I can keep you safe but I can’t. Couldn’t even keep you fed.”
As he spoke, you really took him in, sitting behind a rotting carcass that wasn’t fit for anyone to eat. 
What had he been eating if after weeks, this was the best he could bring you?
And then it struck you, the way he’d begun positioning himself in the shallows, stomach carefully down, arms in front of it, shifted away from you. 
“Come here,” you said, trying to keep your words soft. 
He looked like he was about to cry but he shifted forwards all the same. 
You fought back a gasp as he finally let you get a good look at him. 
He looked emaciated. Where soft, plump skin used to be, it instead had begun to pull taught over ribs that looked sharper than the human ribs you were accustomed to. 
With the new context, you could see it in his face too, his full cheeks beginning to bow in.
“What happened to you?” you asked, cursing yourself that you could have missed this, could have let him keep his distance and hide this from you so easily. 
“I’m not good at hunting,” he said, rufusing to meet your gaze. 
“You were fine before, what changed?”
He shifted and you could see a war waging inside his head, the conflict written accrosss his features. 
You waited, owing him patience at least. 
Finally, he seemed to come to a decision and he spoke, still sad and low but with a sense of finality rising behind it. 
“We’re not hunters, we’re not built for it. Not fast enough or sharp enough. We’re built to lure in prey but… you’re a person. If I hadn’t stopped to talk to you, you’d just be gone, drowned and devoured, and I wouldn’t even have known that it hurt, let alone… I can’t do it anymore,” his words had shifted from sad and low to frustrated and sharp. “I can’t hunt so I can’t eat fish but I can’t do it anymore. Every time I look at them I keep just seeing you.”
Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes at the thought that you had done this to him. The revelation that he’d been eating humans fell by the wayside at the sight of sad eyes on a gaunt face that used to be warm and soft.
And you couldn’t even do anything about it. You didn’t have the resources to get him fish, not after the measly few weeks you’d spent here. You had barely managed to find yourself lodgings in a grimy old inn, barely eating enough to keep up your strength. 
But you had to. You couldn’t just leave him to this, in this situation that you’d dragged him into when you’d gotten thrown off that ship. When on the worst day of your life, he saw easy prey in front of him and decided to be kind. 
And then an idea came to you. An awful idea, sure, but the only one you had. 
You muttered a quiet “wait here” before you stood up and sprinted back to the dock, knowing you had to catch him before he left. 
Finn’s face lit up when he saw you nearing him, relief pulling the tension out of his shoulders and bringing a soft smile to his face. 
You grabbed his hand and with a soft noise of confusion escaping him, you dragged him down to your isolated little spot on the beach. 
The whole time you pulled him along, as he followed you without question, you tried to think how to explain any of this to him. 
You kept moving as you wracked your brains, needing to solve this, needing to know it could be fixed, and you came up with nothing.  
Anything would be better than just bringing him in blind, a fact you realized seconds too late, arriving at your spot on the shore. 
You saw the panic in Simon’s eyes seconds before disaster hit. Right before Finn noticed him, he was being snatched into the water, pale arms hooked under his armpits, holding him down in the shallows. It seemed mainly like shock and confusion that kept Finn down. Submerged in deep water he wouldn’t stand a chance, but here, in the shallows, against a malnourished and emotional siren; he could’ve taken him easily.
But he didn’t, instead thrashing a little with eyes wide and he tried to take in the simultaneous facts that sirens were real and that one had just dragged him into the water. 
“He’s here to help, drop him,” you snapped, shooting a harsh look at Simon. 
“I didn’t even do anything wrong,” he said, a grouchy look crossing his face as he let Finn go, drifting nervously back into the water. You recognized it for what it was. He was preparing for his escape, just in case. 
You didn’t blame him for the instinct. To be honest, it was a good one. Blind trust like that in anyone could get him killed. 
You hoped this wouldn’t be one of those times. You hoped you’d prove him wrong. 
Your hand snapped out to grab Finn’s wrist as he tried to stagger away, eyes wide and frightened.
“Finn,” you said, keeping your voice measured and level. “This is Simon. He’s a friend.”
You didn't think you'd ever seen such panic and betrayal in his eyes, his face normally light and happy. He was breathing heavy, eyes darting between the two of you like he couldn't quite believe he wasn't about to get pulled back in.
Finn looked down at your hand encircling his wrist. He tested his strength against yours, almost pulling away before deciding to let you keep him there. Ever patient, he didn’t take the out, he didn't run. He waited, by your side, nervous but steady.
His breaths slowed, taking stock of Simon in the water.
You weren’t sure who looked more frighted, both sizing one another up, ready to bolt should the need arise. 
You left them to it, terrified that any sudden movement would shatter the tentative peace that was forming between them. 
He nodded slowly, eyes not moving from Simon, shivering slightly in newly wetted clothes. “And why exactly,” he began, eyes locked onto Simon, “did you want me to meet this friend of yours?”
“Um. So he wants to stop eating people,” you said, wincing as you heard yourself and the reality of what you'd just said sunk in.
“He eats people?” Finn asked, his voice spiking up in panic as his head whipped towards you.
“And he would like to stop. If we can’t help him, what do you think he’s going to start doing again?”
“It’s not my fault!” Simon huffed from the water. “The fish don’t hate you for eating them, why do you get to be mad at me?”
“The fish aren’t people,” Finn insisted, arms wrapping around himself as he shivered in the cold air. 
“And you aren’t sirens. I thought you were stupid anyway, like fish.”
“You thought we were like fish?”
Simon shrugged. “Not like fish. But the difference from you to fish is like the difference from you to me. Or… I thought so. We might have been wrong. I don’t know, I just eat.”
He seemed uncomfortable with having to explain himself, shifting in the water as he glanced at you every few seconds. 
It took a moment for you to realize what he was looking for. It was approval, you could see him searching for it in your eyes. 
You weren’t sure you could give it to him. Your stomach churned at his words but you could feel how earnest he was, could hear the confusion and distress in his voice.
He hadn’t thought he was doing anything wrong. Why would he? He was just doing what sirens had always done and now he wasn’t so sure about it any longer and his whole past was filled with deaths he didn’t know if he could justify anymore. 
How would you feel, you wondered, if you met a fish one day and that fish told you it was afraid? If it told you that it told stories to its young about your kind and how they’d snatch it up and cook it over an open flame. 
Would it be your fault? Would those deaths be on your conscience?
Would you ever have the presence of mind to see a fish, alone in strange waters, and save it? Could you even do what Simon had done, take that first step?
Your heart hurt for him, alone in his crisis, with no one to talk to about it. His only options were his kind that depended on these horrible deaths to survive and you. And his prey. 
Finn pulled you aside, far from out of Simon's earshot but it seemed to settle him a little bit to at least feign privacy. 
“What do you want me to do here?” Finn hissed.
“I want to help him. He saved my life and… and even if he didn't, is this not for the best? He wants to do better, we can't just not help him.”
He nodded, hesitant but willing. “Okay, so what now.”
“I don’t know. He can eat fish, we know that for sure. Maybe other food too? Do you think he can eat human food?”
Finn pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes. “I don’t know. How would I know? I guess I can get him fish, we could sneak a couple out and buy some before we leave at night. Would that be enough?”
You shrugged. “I have no idea.”
He sighed. “Great."
“I’m sorry I dragged you into this, I just didn’t know anyone else I could go to.”
He gave you a soft smile. “It’s the least I could do. Now, I’m going to go scrounge something up, you keep your little siren company.”
You shot him one last grateful look before settling down on the beach, water lapping at your shoes. 
Simon pulled himself out of the water a bit, trying to get closer to you.
“I’m sorry,” he said, voice barely audible over the sound of the waves. 
You took his hand from where it lay, shifting nervously over some rocks, and gave it a gentle squeeze. 
“I know.”
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majeoeje · 4 months
Thousand suns
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Tanjiro X Reader
I'd give you my heart even if i knew you’ll break it
He changed you. In was subtle and painfully slow, but it was far too late for you once you realized the hold that Kamado Tanjiro had on you. He practically got you wrapped on his fingers without him realizing
"I accidently bought an extra haori, on my last mission, i thought it would look nice on you" he said, with that priceless smile of his
Now you never left the house without it.
"That's a really beautiful hairpin [name], it suits you well!"
Now you always wear it.
"I love how this tea is so fragrant, thank you so much for bringing it to me" he says, still smiling despite breaking countless of bones in his body
Now a cup of warm jasmine tea always mysteriously appear beside his table every day he lay to rest in the infirmary.
You truly could get lost in the echoes of his voice calling your name as your heart swells in contentment.
GOD. It was embarassing. Some part of you resented how easily swayed you were when it comes to him, acting like a lovesick fool, wearing your heart on your sleeve. But how could you not? When the boy right in front of you has the purest heart out of everyone you ever met in your life. If it was him, you wouldn't mind having your heart break again and again until it could only be recognize as a pile of mush.
But nonetheless, you wouldn't give him your heart. you wouldn't want him to see how tainted you truly are, a tarred and rotten soul.
The only thing beautiful that truly came from your heart was your newfound love for him. But of course you knew it wasn't right for him to be with someone like you, it wasn't right... you should do everything in your power to stop it. But your selfish desires wanted to keep this feeling. Even if it's only for yourself, and you hated that.
"[Name] you're spacing out again.... are you alright?"
He touched your hand, you could feel the calloused hard skin of his palm under your bandaged hand. The warmth in itself could set you ablaze
"Ah- sorry Tanjiro, my mind was.. somewhere else.."
"That is quite alright.... But are you feeling better now? That tree demon was quite the handful is it not? Haha!” he says, trying to lighten the mood, as he always do. You layed helplessly with 8 broken bones and a harsh scar that dragged from your right shoulder to your left waist, his existance could soothe all wounds in your body.
"You're right!.. Ahaha..ha.." you laughed uncharacteristically dry, trying to make your point accross for him to just go away.
But he only sat himself closer to you, before he starts chatting away about his wonderful day with the water hashira Giyuu, and his soba eating contest. It was heartfelt, heartwarming and so so precious. How you wanted to just listen to his voice all day...
He was cut off from his story, looking at you confused
"I think.. it's time for you to go. I am rather-...tired, i wish to rest"
The doubt and hurt expression in your face sent strings of guilt in Tanjiro’s heart, he was so immersed in your company that he didn’t realize your discomfort.
"I apologize for keeping you at bay, please rest well [Name]!” he said, before he sweetly tucked your blanket and fixed your pillow for you
“I’ll write to you! I hope the letters doesn’t get lost in the way this time too”
The familliar sounds of his steps gradually becoming more faint as he went away
"I'm the worst." You say (you are, there’s no doubt about it)
You sat yourself eyes glued to the drawer filled with Tanjiro's unanswered letters. You slowly took one, and held it close to your heart. You could still smell the dried wisteria flowers that he gifted you along side it.
"Well that was..” a voice suddenly said not visible to your line of vision
“INCREDIBLY STUPID.” Goto said, an unlucky Kakushi that by some unfortunate chance had to listen to your pathetic teenage love story.
"HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN THERE???!!" you said, surprised. Has your instincs as a demon slayer weakened over the course of your bedridden days? It has only been a week??
"Maybe if you weren't so enamoured by him, then you'd notice i've been standing here the whole damn time." The vein bulging out of anger in hid forehead was far from not visible.
He was right, despite your efforts in trying to avoid him, everyone could notice how your eyes still wouldn’t budge away from him
"Can you not?..Don't you see that i'm a heartbroken mess??"
"AND WHOSE FAULT IS THAT" he said, as he poked your face aggresively.
You looked at him offended before turning the other way. You both knew the answer
He sighed. He was a 23 year old man, consulting 2 teenagers on their love life. Dream job right here..
But despite his irritated tone. You could tell there was sincerity in his words. You had grown used to his counseling daily over these week.
Well it's not like you could go anywhere else.
"Look kid, i know, you think that you're not good enough for him because of something you did in the past.. but, that kid looks at you-"
"He looks at everyone like that-" you cut off again, before earning an earnest pinch on your arm"
"OW OW-"
"LET ME FINISH." He sighed again "he looks at you as if you hunged the stars, it's wildly obvious. i think that despite what you believe, out of everyone... maybe Tanjiro could forgive you for what you did in the past."
Forgiveness.. could anyone ever forgive you for what you did? You were at fault for the destruction of your whole village. To say that someone in this world would think anything else but vicious of you would be something more self serving.
You were glad you were still face the other way. Because at least you could pretend that you weren't crying over this.
"... you're just saying that to make me feel better..." you said pathetically as you layed on that infirmary bed miserably. You haven't missed a day where you haven't wondered if the outcome would've been different.
"Maybe. But you wouldn't know until you've said something. Don’t throw this away, is all i’m saying" he shrugged, before leaving the infirmary. Leaving you to reflect
You look to the side to find Tanjiro's blade being left behind. He left his sword.. you thought
But it's okay.. you can just ask someone else to retreive it. It's no big deal just don't think about him!
Alone at last..
Alone again.
You were always okay with that. But having to meet Tanjiro, some parts of you could bear to stand it no longer. As if a gnawing feeling to seek his presence haunts your dreams and every waking moment. How could you wish to recover from this? How can you recover from him?
You couldn't..
What if he needed his sword..? You said internally, knowing well he was just going to The Water Hashira’s residence for a meet up. What if he encouter a demon on the way there? Better safe than sorry... you thought, knowing well it's 7 in the morning
The sounds of your steps echoing through the corridor of the butterfly estate, at first Aoi was too busy cooking to notice but the sounds of your painful screech and every huff through your painful steps on the hardwood floors
But your instincts maybe had really dulled because you didn’t hear Aoi coming out of the kitchen
"Going somewhere?"
Aoi says, with the knife that she forgot to set aside in his hand. The murderous aura coming out of her wasn't helping whatsoever...
"....Just taking a walk?.... AhaHA- please put that down, Aoi... "
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE RESTING!!" She yelled at you, scolding you for your behaviour knowing damn well you're supposed to be resting.
What you didn't know however was that Tanjiro was already on his way inside the Butterfly Mansion once again, remembering to retrieve his sword.
Though his hearing wasn't that very good after the fight with upper moon 4 making him walk straight to your heated scolding session.
"Sorry Aoi.." you said, in what you could only describe as your defeated cries.
"Aoi-san? What's wrong?.." he said, finally realizing the situation after seeing you sat on the floor while Aoi stood up waving her arms around like a parent after finding out their child did something bad.
Aoi let out a groaned before instructing Tanjiro to escort you back to your bed.
Seeing you carry around his sword though lets him know of your intentions. Seeing that precious smile plastered on his face made you somewhat embarassed... it's as if he could read you easily like an open book. It was as if even if you tried to do anything discreet, he'd found you out everytime. It was as if no matter how many times you run and hide your adoration from him.. that smile would appear and ruined it all.
"Thank you [name], you didn't have to do that...." he said as he sat you on the infirmary bed. "You're
"It's nothing really... but-" you tried to give a rebuttle, trying to downplay your situation.
"And here i was afraid you might be avoiding me for some reason...." he said, maybe he didn't realize it. But that smile could melt you sooner than the power of a thousand suns "I'm glad!.. i really am.."
Oh.. there it is that tingly feeling again.
you're fucked.
"I'm sorry Tanjiro... but, you're actually correct" you could even say he's on the nose... haha.
"I must admit that i have been avoiding you. And trust me it's nothing against you.." oh it's everything against him.
"I want you to know that.. so please do not worry"
You held his hand, the thought he would pull away from your touch hanted your mind, but he sat there intertwining his fingers with yours. You could get lost in him. His touch, his voice, his warmth.. and those eyes.
"Then... would you tell me what happened?.." he asked, the melody of his voice lulling you in a daydream
"I.. i think i fell in love w-" SHIT. That was your outside voice.. you blame him for distracting you in such manner.
"HUH-" Tanjiro were surprised with your words.. pushing a precariously obvious intrest in his tone of voice "W-with who?.. ahaha-" he laughed nervously
"I- it doesn't matter!!" You shook your head violantly feeling him coming closer. The proximity only pushing you to spill all your guts altogether...
"I- it's just that.. it doesn't matter because he doesn't love me back.. you know?... there's no way he would ever accept a heart like mine" you say incredibly negative, waving your hand around like some idiot. Breaking the handholding that was previously established. “Which is why i’m a little down in the dumps lately… but i know i’ll get over it so don’t worry!”
"Ah-" you felt Tanjiro catching your hands in the air and putting them together”
“Anyone who rejects your heart are clearly stupid!” Tanjiro says, rather angrily. “Please don’t be upset.. that person couldn’t began to imagine your value!!”
Well you technically weren’t rejected yet, he may has misunderstood.
“You really don’t have to comfort me Tanjiro.”
“I’m serious..” he pried, wanting you to see his truth “you’re kind. More than you think. You’re sensitive… loyal.. not to mention determined-“
“It’s lovely. Your heart that is..”
You were taken aback by his words. It’s as if you could hear a sweet melody playing along with the uncontrollable beat of your heart as your cheeks grew warm unwillingly
This moment was nothing but tender, you wanted nothing but to melt in his arms.
“You’re probably the only one who thinks of me that way, Tanjiro.”
Your words rang nonsense through his ears. How can that be true when you take his breath away in every second of the day? If he could then he’d happily spend hours of his day explaining every wonderful aspects of you. He’ll hammer that idea in your head if he could.
"Then.." he trailed of. Breaking eye contact. You missed the way flush spread all over his complexion all this time, only realizing the embarassement and hesitance that was plastered obvious so
"Can i have it?"
"Your heart.. May i have it?" He said, fixing his words as he looks into your eyes in anticipation. "That is.. if you're willing to have me of course."
At this point you don't think you could even give your heart to anyone else...nor even him because your heart has probably already exploded at that moment.
It took you more than a while to process with Tanjiro looking at you, concerned for you, he didn't even know if you were lucid by how many times he called out to you.
"SAY SOMETHING YOU IDIOT" Said Goto behind you, as he swiftly hit you right in the head. Yup, that does the job
"But- i- you.. i think maybe you-" your words got caught up in your throat as Tanjiro inspects the back of your head right where goto landed his unforgiving blow, that will surely leave a bruise.
You could hear Tanjiro’s worried comments about how mean it was for Goto to do such a thing as he caress your bruise trying to soothe the pain.
"Fix your breath,kid" he said, clicking his tounge in impatiebce before disappearing again, he knows when you need a moment alone. Reliable as always, though it gets creepy how he shows up out of no where.
Despite his harsh punch, you knew he was right. You took a deep breath and exhaled, calming your nerves, while Tanjiro sat beside you attentively
“Tanjiro..” you called his name, you never wish for it to be the last time you do. So you might as well tell your truth
"You.. you're the kindest person i ever known. But i have a background that is beyond tainted, it's not right for me to keep that from you. Please understand that i'm a person who will forever bear the consequences of my sins, i... there's no reality where i can think that i deserve you."
That would go along a fact that maybe there wasn’t a reality where you didn’t yearn for him.
"Don't say that.. please don't say that!" He yelled, now clenching your hands despretely
“If i have to, then i’ll bear half of your sins so that you didn’t need to feel that way.” He loved you, despretely. And it pains him that you thought of yourself that way when he worship the ground you walk upon
“I want you to know that there’s no reality where i don’t love you”
You intended to say ‘i love you too’ you loved him above all else. But the words got caught up in your throat,replaced by your choked sobs
Tanjiro sat there, comforting you, wiping away your tears patiently.
To help people was something that Tanjiro always aspires to do. He does it even without thinking.. but when it was with you, he can't help but overthink his actions would they like this? Would it be weird if i complimented them? Would it be too obvious? At some point he worries the nice things that he tries to do for you ultimately come from the a selfish desire to woo you. He worries it wasn't genuine and it was self serving. He worries that he wasn't doing this right.
But what he worried the most was that he couldn't stop it. He couldn't stop basking in your smile, your light, your attention, your presence. He knew he was getting spoiled.
"Would you take me, even like this?" You said, you didn’t have to give your heart to him, it was already his
"I wouldn't have you any other way".
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elequinoa-world · 1 year
Saw The LA Little Mermaid tonight and here are my thoughts:
non spoilery tldr; scenes under the sea bad, above the sea really great, halle bailey is freaking amazing and relationship with prince eric top tier chef’s kiss
overall had a fun time especially in second half when she’s human
Full uncohesive thoughts under the cut:
the underwater scenes were so dark and lacked severe colors, fun, life. all the underwater world looked too realistic and bare compared to the cartoon version, especially showed during the under the sea segment, it was so lackluster compared to the original... they could have made a real world with lots of colors and fun patterns but no, they went realistic and it’s very meh i hated all of it
the original songs are so much better than the LA ones BUT i saw the movie in french dub because my mom doesnt speak english so i’m pretty sure the english versions are at least better than that (but in french they lacked so much soul and RYTHM omg sebastian where is your groove?? and ariel’s VA was so bad i didnt like it, and Eric’s new song was so freaking weird because Jonah was out here pouring his soul into the acting and the french VA did not match that energy lol it was very cringe, same for the eureka rap son wtf was that)(i wanna point out that french dubs are usually very good so im very disapointed with this one, they did not get the right tones accross)
ursula’s introduction. W.T.F. you know how the basic of writing is show don’t tell? well they went the exact opposite direction with her and she gets not one but TWO monologues where she explains her villainous thoughts so you know exactly why she’s the vilain and how she’s gonna villain in her next course of villainous actions BRRR so bad
ariel’s sisters were underused they barely had like one line each, why even put them in the movie?? simone ashley you were robbed she didn’t even get one closeup in the final scene smh they should have done more with at least ONE of them (indira cough cough) so we could explore more of ariel’s connection to the underwater world? one of the sister could have helped instead of sebstian/eureka? idk the sisters are important characters in the original tale, they could have done something with that...
Vanessa was also less of an impact compared to the cartoon but I don’t know if that’s bad or good... It makes the ending a bit rushed imo, less heart-breaking than I remember, but it also removed the dumb idea that Eric would genuinely marry her lol so idk
Ariel only got ONE dress i’m so mad (no, the last one doesnt count it’s just a RECOLOR im so pissed)  THEY DIDNT EVEN SHOW THE SCENE WHERE SHE WALKS OUT OF THE WATER WITH HER REAL LEGS I WAS SO WAITING FOR IT i need to calm down but i’m definitely mourning the silver dress, the pink dress, the blue dress, the pajamas, the wedding dress.... GIVE ME BETTER COSTUMING FFS
they cut the cook’s song to add others and i’m not sure i agree with that decision. You know which scene would have used a song? The one where Ariel and Eric dance in the market. This should have been a fun song. *shrugs*
they need to stop with the bad CGI. they could have gone with practical effects on so many things and it would have improved the movie so much more. Ariel’s hair was the worst, it moved so unnaturally at times it really took me off. (while when she’s on land it’s so cute)
Halle Bailey.
She’s amazing and even if the french VA didn’t do so good Halle’s performance still shone and she was really really great i really mean it. She’s gorgeous, has the right emotions, she made Ariel much more likeable. I always thought of cartoon Ariel as a bit of an unlikeable brat with teenage angst, but Halle turned her into a real character and it felt more genuine that Ariel really wanted to be part of that world (wink wink) She felt more in power, with an actual personality, like the movie was really hers. They did change the final scene and have Ariel kill Ursula alone which makes more sense and satisfying BUT i’ve always liked about the cartoon that Eric and Ariel defeated her together so I would have liked him to be a bit more present during the final fight, making it longer and have more impact too. Cause it was really short. Plus they have amazing chemsitry so it would have been good.
Eric. Their relationship. They fleshed him out more and they did it well. I love that they’re kindred spirits, the way they talked all night was so good, you really felt the connection and it was so cute. Really well done. I was really sold on their relationship. All their scenes together, I wanted more more more <3
The kiss the girl scene was so so nice, the way she made him find out her name??? the cutest shit ever, felt so genuine and cute, and you could feel the tension and L O V E blooming YESSSS
Ariel’s new song when she’s on land was a nice addition (better in english i’m guessing)
Eric’s kingdom, all the land scenes, the colorful market, it felt so alive and fleshed out compared to the underwater!! I loved the castle, the palm trees, Eric’s room, loved it.
The Queen was a nice addition to balance Eric. Grimsby was the best wingman. Good doggo Max, loved that Ariel saved him too.
I don’t care much for Triton, he was as he was in the cartoon I guess. Not less, not more. I don’t understand why they made Ursula his sister if they did nothing with it. Meh. Also they did not use the weird worm thingy transformation so when he “died” and came back it was a bit lackluster too. With the “soul corruption” of the wormies we had a better visual outlet for what was happening I believe. Here it felt too hollywoodian to have him come back like that. Or at least have Ariel bring him back if you’re gonna use the trident to do so??
Ursula, once her BAD introduction scenes passed was nice, her song was the best I thought... (remember, in french) good performance if not as good as the cartoon one that is immaculate so hard to top that
Ursula’s lair was MUCH better than the rest of the underwater. They had moe fun with it and it showed. Lights, danger, spooky, some creativeness finnally!!!
I liked the use of a scale from her fishtail to seal the deal, a nice change. Made more sense. Liked also how they emphasized why she stole her voice (siren’s powers, but also metaphorically, a nice touch)
Flounder was cute don’t listen to the haters
Eureka was also fun and less annoying than cartoon version
Sebastian was... Sebastian but without the original flair. (rip Henri Salvador) though i’ll admit he’s probably the one that made me laugh the most
overall, when they tried to replicate the original cartoons scenes it felt lackluster compared to it, but when they went off-book with the new land scenes it was amazing, they should have gone more off-script, this movie would have benefitted from it, they had the right actors to do so. (and i really wanted more scenes on land, and i want to know the lore of this kingdom and who are Eric’s parents??, more of the queen, the king, how is the relationship between the two worlds going to evolve?? this is a huge freaking deal, expand on it please!!)
so long story short, right actors, wrong creative decisions, fun movie overall, adds more character, but could have done. SO. MUCH. more. Disney has the budget for it, be bold ffs and bring back the COSTUMES o m g they gave their all with cinderella and gave up after that smh i blame you emma watson we could have it all
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Interrogating the worker who moved the sign
The stallions brows furrowed and his hooves dug in to his lap slightly. He took a deep breath, then glared seriously at the lawyer. "Whatever happens to this place doesn't matter to me. This is... more important. All I did was move the sign. That's all I did, I swear it. That's.. All I needed to do." He nodded sternly, more to himself than anything, sure of his choice here. "And if I have to go to jail for it then fine, but there wont be any shame."
Spinel was practically holding his breath now. He was tempted to demand the guy just spit it out, only because he knew they were so close. He even leaned a bit and opened his mouth a moment but snapped it shut as he stared with intensity at this suddenly angry stallion. Now that was a feeling he could recognize all too well.
 “Y- You ‘just’ moved a sign? N- No no, Mr. Pranceton, I- I think you are failing to grasp th- the gravitas of your current situation…” Randy got up from his chair suddenly, and started to wander around the conference room. “Do you know how walls are built? Mr. Pr- Pranceton? From the foundation u- up… brick b- by brick…” he came around to the other side of the table, not quite closing the distance between him and the stallion but getting there. “A- And every brick i- is a part of something b- bigger than itself… you’re a brick, Mr. Pranceton. The part y- you played is part of the foundation f- for a scandal.. p- punishable by i- imprisonment f-for 15 years minimum… He sat down in a chair besides Pranceton and sighed, tapping his hoof on the table. “A- A lot happens in fifteen years..” he began, staring out the conference room window, pretending he was in deep thought. “... kids graduate. I- If they’re old enough, th- they get married. A- and a wife c- can only be so faithful f- for so long… u- until they meet new ponies wh- who aren’t in prison…” Randy leaned on the conference table and stared at Mr. Pranceton, waiting for his reply.
The stallion slowly lost his composure as each word bore in, the expression turning in to something that looked like a tired acceptance. His eyes watered up by the end and a smile was spreading accross his face. "That's exactly what I want for my daughter." He looked up, "Brick, prison..." he shook his head. "None of that matters in comparison."
Spinel cursed under his breath and started to stand up. He'd heard just about enough of this guy and was getting impatient.
Randy sighed, feeling a bit bad for stallion. He knew that he was doing what he was doing because he cared about his family. “… Parsley, look at me,” he said, his voice having a tinge of softness. “We can cut you a deal. You can go on living happily and normally with your family. No-pony will h- have to know any of this happened. And I c- can keep you out of jail, ’s long as you tell me wh- what I want to hear…”
Parcely's ears shifted back. He looked cautiously at Randy, but also a little hopeful. He was ignoring Spinel for now, and Spinel had sat down once he saw Randy was doing something else. The 'janitor' pony looked around the room a moment then spoke quietly, "Then what... is it you want to hear...? I'll.. tell you whatever you need to know..."
Randy smiled and got up from his chair, and back to the other side of the table, taking back his old seat. “Y- You seem like a very n- nice guy Parsley.. too nice to have orchestrated th- this whole thing… c- can you tell me who hired you?” Randy took a clean piece of paper from his notes pile, and readied his pen.
The stallion got himself more water a moment, shaking and taking a drink to try and settle himself. He sat back down and crossed his hooves, looking down and sighing. "I wasn't... hired... That day was--" he choked up, "The first time I saw my daughter again in over a month after she went missing..."
Spinel leaned back slowly, his expression going cold. Now everything was starting to connect, and he was more and more certain who was really behind this.
Randy stopped scribbling and stared at the paper. He had a hunch, and some dots were connecting. He cleared his throat softly, but didn’t look up at Parsley. “.. Your daughter,” he began, setting the pen down. “.. she wouldn’t happen to have p.. pink eyes would she?”
He was suddenly overcome with emotion and nodded quickly. "Yes she was-- she was in the store. I was told if I did that they'd let me see her to know she's alive and isn't hurt." He covered his mouth and shook, looking sick. "Th-the paycheck I was getting today, it's the rest of the ransom... Please, I'm just... One day away from having her back in my arms, if they find out anypony else knows then I could lose her...!"
Spinel stood up and started to pace, gritting his teeth. He may have been bitter that those kids had homes, but he still did the work to give them those homes, and the thought of them being taken away from them was like taking something from him as well. It infuriated him, and he was thinking of a million ways he could flat out kill Uncle Candy.
 “I- I take it y- you don’t know wh- who ‘they’ are…” Randy looked back at Spinel with a knowing look. ‘But we do..’ he thought as he turned back around. “L.. Listen, n- no pony will know you were here t- talking to us. Th- there is just one th- thing I need from you.” Randy picked up the first piece of paper he had been scribbling on, making a few changes to words here and there. When he was finished, he drew a line across the bottom of the page, and an x at the starting point of the line. He slid the paper across the table. “This is a confession. D- Don’t worry, th- there is enough legal jargon in there to absolve you of all bl- blame. I need you, however, to sign it. Th- that way, it legitimizes your t-testimony… we will need this i- if we w-want to prosecute th- the kidnappers.”
Mr. Pranceton's eyes widened, and he quickly scanned over the paper. He had to pause to breathe and whipe his eyes before quickly taking the pen and signing on the line, repteating 'thank you' over and over again while he shook. He looked up at Spinel, then at Randy, "S-so what am I supposed to do now? You seem to know more about this than me... She's going to be alright?"
Spinel grunted in frustration. He put a hoof on the wall and thought deeply, mumbling a bit to himself before giving an exasperated groan and turning back around. His horn lit up and gave the stallion's hoof a jolt, which produced a quick yelp. Spinel frowned. "You can go to the 4th floor to pick up your paycheck early. And then you're fucking fired."
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shammyb · 3 years
Ever since becoming a stripper, at the same time my parents moved accross the country, I have noticed them become more loving in their words and messages.  I know they don’t agree with the work I do, and they worry for my safety---as I think many parents would. I think especially with my young cousins passing, they are more aware of the fact that life is indeed short, and it is unknown when our time in our bodies will end. We could live 100 years, we could die in a couple hours. I think due to the risks involved in my workplace, my parents are realizing it is time to love me more. Its sweet and makes me want to cry. This love they have been showering towards me helps me feel less lonely, especially sense moving into an industry that at times can feel extremely extremely lonely.  I have two sweet partners, but neither are too spiritual. My parents are, though I disagree with how they are. I resonate with zen practice and philosophy, there is no god or mythology involved. Them, its Christianity. There is an excuse for violence and corruption. Even though Jesus would disagree. Anyway, I have recently lost my best friend due to her isolation from others and myself. We were so close, then we moved in together, it wasn’t working out, and she got into a relationship and I noticed her slipping further and further away. Once she moved out and moved in with that partner, most contact has been cut off. I saw her somewhat recently. She had been mentioning problems in the relationship. And her depression increasing. So I like to send her text messages on the regular reminding her I love her. But we have no connection these days. Its been like atleast 4 or 5 months if not longer. I miss adventuring with her, staying up til the sunrise, talking about our deepest darkest fears. cuddling and loving one another in a divine feminine way. I haven’t had that in so long. I’ve been around so much masculinity, and when I’m not surrounded by masculinity, i’m more so in isolation.  I wouldnt say I’m depressed. Not atleast in the ways I once was. Depression/suffering is a part of me that I regularly allow space for--feeling my feelings and taking care of myself through the waves of it. But it isn’t fully consuming...Though definitely feels like it in the moment I’m feeling it. But I’ve built good mantras/practices for myself durring my more depressive episodes. Currently, I seek more community and more femininity in my life. Ill find it. This pandemic and the isolation I feel in my workplace has definitely been getting to me a little bit though. Gratitude for my spirituality to keep my head above the water. Gratitude for the sun beaming on my face these last couple of days.
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anna-pixie · 4 years
hi love! if you’re up for another request, what about Poe where he and the reader are always at each other’s throats and Rey and Finn set them up on a blind date with each other to make them recognize the tension between them??
i haven’t proofread so i’m sorry if there are any mistakes
- i’d love to do a second part to this exploring the relationship more so let me know if that’s something you’d want!
request: poe and reader being set up on a blind date by finn and rey to recognise the tension between them
pairings: poe dameron x reader
warnings: swearing, very slight nsfw
You don’t hate Poe Dameron. No, no. You just despise his existence. Yep, that’s about right. From the moment you laid eyes on him, you knew that the two of you would not get along. Your first day on the resistance base, almost a year ago now, was hectic. Your planet had been infiltrated by the First Order and you and only a few others had the opportunity to escape.
The first person you met was General Organa, and she took you under her wing quickly. She introduced you to Rey and you soon realised that she saw the two of you as family. You had never had a best friend before you met Rey, and eventually Finn too. They just understood you like no one had before. Being their friend had its perks, you got to help Rey with her Jedi training, you had sleepovers, you had people to confide in. But it also has its disadvantages, most notably Finn’s best friend who always has to tag along.
Poe freaking Dameron.
He was the cockiest, most overconfident and annoying person you had ever met. It seemed as though he went out of his way to actively poke fun of you every chance he could get. He would constantly undermine you to General Organa. You were a very competent pilot, you had grown up flying with your father. Yet every time you were supposed to go on a mission, he would come up with a reason as to why you should stay behind and work in the comms room instead. Maker, he is the worst.
On this particular night, you find yourself cuddled between Rey and Finn under a mass of fluffy blankets, glaring intensely across the room as Poe sets up the movie projector. He trips slightly, accidentally unplugging the system and you snort, whispering ‘idiot’ under your breath. However, from the way he turns around to glare at you, you assume he heard you.
Rey elbows you, telling you to be nice so she can enjoy the movie. You sigh, rolling your eyes as you listen to her. You know how excited she has been to watch this film, so you don’t want to ruin this night for her. You cuddle further into her side and she smiles, clasping your hands together under the blanket.
��Awww, is Y/N finally coming out of the closet?” Poe comments when he spies your conjoined hands, taking a seat next to Finn as he plugs BB8 into the wall next to him.
“Jealousy isn’t a good colour on you, Dameron.” You tease, your voice monotonous as if you can barely be bothered responding to him.
“Oh, puh-lease. I wouldn’t touch you with a barge pole.”
Rolling your eyes, you bat back, “You would fuck anything that breathes.”
“Says a lot that I wouldn’t fuck you, then, doesn’t it?” He chuckles lightly, wincing when Finn elbows him the same way Rey elbowed you. You grit your teeth, frowning as you realise he has won this argument. You try to ignore the pang of hurt you feel at Poe’s admission of not being attracted to you. You don’t care about that, why would you?
“What is this movie even about, Rey?”
“I’m glad you asked. It is set before the the Empire took charge way back when, and it kind of looks at wh-”
“How about we just watch it, hm? Don’t wanna ruin everything.” Finn comments, causing Rey to smile sheepishly and look down, stuffing her mouth full of popcorn.
You let out a deep breath, your nerves getting the better of you as you sit in the darkness in the small room.
Rey and Finn have decided to set you up with someone, giving you the chance to dress up and get out there on a blind date. It was unconventional, to say the least. You were in a small private room attached to the base bar, and you were literally wearing a blindfold. Rey instructed you only to take it off when you hear two claps.
You perk up as you hear shuffling, hushed voices and maybe a giggle. You hear the chair accross from you scratch against the floor twice, realising that your date must be sat across from you. About a minute passes before you hear the claps, and you slowly remove your blindfold, groaning as you see who is sitting across from you, removing his own blindfold.
“If you don’t mind, I’m expecting company.” You snap, not wanting Poe to ruin your date. You’re finally putting yourself out there and you don’t want anything to go wrong. You ruffle your hair slightly before groaning. Why is Poe still sitting there?
“Um.” He starts, his eyes darting around the room before he looks back at you, an unfamiliar sheepish look in his eyes, “I think we might’ve been set up.”
Your eyes widen as you try to take in what he said, looking to the window only to be met with a giggling Finn and Rey. You groan, placing your head into your hands as sheer embarrassment takes over your body.
Poe chuckles, trying to ease the awkward tension before his laughs trail off when he realises you’re not snapping at him like you usually would. It takes a few seconds of observation before he realises you’re crying, his face falling as he gazes at you helplessly.
You sniffle lightly, cursing yourself for crying in front of Poe of all people. You had been so looking forward to tonight, your self esteem had taken a hit lately and this was your night to doll yourself up and put yourself out there and it turns out to be a giant prank.
You finally look up, praying that your eye makeup hasn’t smudged as you glare at Poe, “Were you in on this?”
“W-what?” You’ve never seen Poe look so shocked, his eyebrows practically shooting off his forehead with how high he raises them.
“C’mon. You wouldn’t pass up a chance to humiliate me, right? I bet Rey told you how crappy I’ve been feeling lately and you couldn’t pass up the chance to mess with me…. R… right.” You can barely get your words out, your tears building up to the breaking point. You grab your small bag and attempt to walk away quickly, but Poe grabs your arm.
“Y/N. Sit down.” Usually you wouldn’t listen to him, but his stern tone doubled with the fact that the room is literally locked makes you change your mind. You huff, throwing your bag onto the floor as you return to your previous seat.
“This is fucking stupid.” You mutter darkly, glancing to the side as you try to prevent your eyes from watering once more, “I get that it was a joke but fuck, it’s not funny.”
“I… I don’t think it’s a joke.”
“I’m confused..”
“Fuck.” Poe curses, smiling sardonically as he leans back in his chair, “Listen, Y/N, this isn’t how I wanted you to find out.”
“Find out about what? Poe, what is going on?”
Poe gazes at you with a look you’ve never seen, that you can’t quite decipher. His eyes are dark and he seems hesitant to speak, his lips moving like he is about to say something before his brain stops him. He places a large hand over his mouth and mumbles something quietly, his eyes darting down the room as if he is ignoring your gaze.
Is… is Poe embarrassed? Your eyes widen, you’ve never seen him like this before.
“I can’t hear you.” You furrow your brows as he repeats the same mumble from behind his hand, “Listen, are you going to tell me or not? If not I’m finding a way out of he-”
“I had a sex dream about you.” You stop mid sentence, Poe’s statement cutting through the air similar to the way his X-wing cuts through the galaxy. You can’t tear your eyes away from his face and you just stare, mouth slightly ajar as you watch his face slowly turn red.
“You… had a sex dream… about me?” You heard him loud and clear but you needed to confirm that your mind wasn’t playing tricks on you.
“Yes, and, fuck.” He can’t get out a sentence and even though you usually take any chance to make fun of him, you give him the benefit of the doubt.
“Poe, I’ve just cried in front of you so nothing is embarrassing now. Just tell me, please?”
He takes a deep breath, finally meeting my eyes properly, “I stayed in Finn’s room the other night, I lost the pass to mine. Um, long story short, I had a sex dream and shouted your name. Finn heard it all and now he’s convinced that I have a thing for you…”
You can’t help the snort that leaves your mouth as Poe finishes explaining his story, giggling quietly to yourself as Poe watches bashfully. You’ve never seen him look at you in any other way than in anger, it’s quite refreshing. Albeit weird, considering the subject matter.
“I thought Finn was smarter than that? You freaking hate me, there’s no way you have a thing for me.” You continue giggling, trying to mask the slight pang of hurt you feel. Look, you still hate Poe. But, you always thought maybe… just maybe… there could be something there. Oh well.
“Yeah. We hate each other.” Poe states, the atmosphere taking a sudden nosedive into very awkward territory.
“I can’t believe they tried to set us up.” You want him to say something, anything to keep the date going. Just to see how it goes. But he doesn’t, of course he doesn’t. He hates you, after all.
“Well, let’s break outta this joint.” Poe leaps up with newfound determination, and you squeal in shock as he makes a beeline straight for the door, not even thinking twice before he shoulder barges it at full force, thankfully allowing it to slide open. He leans against the slightly open door and you realise he’s allowing you to leave first, since when he moves the door will slide shut again. You grab your bag and quickly walk towards him, blushing as your back brushes against his front while you slide past him.
You hurry down the white hall, cringing at the artificial light, stopping only when Poe calls after you, “I’m sorry that your date got ruined.”
You turn ever so slightly, meeting his eyes over your shoulder and sigh when you realise he looks serious, “It’s okay. You can’t control your dreams, I know I’m irresistible.” You tease, trying to lighten the mood. Poe chuckles, muttering something under his breath. He turns in the opposite direction to you, walking away slowly as the door closes behind him.
You’re going to fucking kill Rey.
“How many drinks do I have to buy you for you to accept my apology?” Rey groans, rolling her eyes at Finn as you giggle drunkenly to yourself.
“One more.” You give her a smile and your cutest eyes, knowing she can’t resist. She shakes her head at your obvious manipulation.
“You said that three drinks ago, Y/N. This is the last one, I swear.” She says, as she shouts an order to the poor sod working behind the busy bar. You don’t have a lot of breaks, so when you do, you go hard.
“And you said that three drinks ago.” You cackle, gulping your new drinking down like it’s water and you’ve just finished a marathon. Rey shakes her head with a smile as Finn laughs along with you.
“Have you guys seen Poe tonight? I can’t find him anywhere.” Finn ponders, your eyes rolling automatically at the mention of your least favourite person. Yep. He is still definitely your least favourite person. Though, with the alcohol running through your veins, you can’t ignore the way your heart swells as you think of the arrogant pilot. Fuck.
“I’m pretty sure he went to… you know what… with that new pilot. What was her name? The blonde?” Rey questions, your heart dropping as you think of Poe hooking up with another woman as you speak. Of course he’s hooking up with someone else, why would he ever think of hooking up with you? He hates you.
You hadn’t spoken to each other a lot since the failed blind date last week, save for the several insults shouted at each other when you disagreed on something in the comms room, and the awkward glances when you passed each other around base.
No! You don’t want to spend your fun night thinking about Poe.
Oh, speak of the devil and he shall appear. Poe comes stumbling out of the dark forest, his hair messy and his face pulled into a stupid smirk. The blonde pilot Rey mentioned follows close behind, buttoning up her shirt and swiping her thumb over the edge of her mouth. Wow.
Before your brain has a chance to catch up with your body, you’re walking (more like stumbling) over to Poe, who is now stood talking to Snap, a shit eating grin plastered over his smug little face. All your drunk brain can focus on is the horrible feeling of jealousy flowing through your veins. Rey and Finn watch with wide eyes as you stop in front of Poe, looking up at him with a pout as he wonders what the hell you want.
“Can I help you, short stuff?”
“Don’t call me that, asshole. And yes, I need to talk to you.” You cross your arms and tap your foot lightly, trying to present a facade of casualness, “Now?” You press when he doesn’t say anything, just stares at you with a shocked expression.
He coughs slightly and excuses himself to Snap, who raises his eyebrow with a wry smile. He places a large hand on your back, you can feel the warmth of his skin deliciously through your thin dress. He leads you to a quiet area where there aren’t many people but you shake your head, silently taking his hand and leading him further into the forest.
You stop when you reach a large tree stump, sitting atop it as you try to regain your confidence to talk to him. He stands in front of you, his arms behind his back as he waits for you to speak.
“Um, so. I need to tell you something.” You let out a nervous giggle, swinging your legs back and forth.
“Wh-” Poe starts, but you cut him off quickly.
“No. If you talk I’m not gonna say it and I really need to say it.”
“Sorry, okay, go on.” He isn’t used to you acting like this, and he wonders for a second if you may be pranking him. Those thoughts leave his mind when he sees the tear travelling down your cheek.
“I don’t hate you, Poe.” You finally admit, a weight lifting off your shoulders as another tear falls. Your voice is thick, heavy with emotion as you continue to ramble, “I don’t think I ever hated you. I think I was intimidated by how much I liked you, and then it turned out you really did hate me. So I just told myself that I hated you. I thought it wouldn’t hurt then, when I saw you with other girls, but it does. I was excited the other day, you know. I thought maybe that stupid date could be our chance but… then I remembered that you hate me. I mean, you should, I’m a comple-”
You let out a slight whimper as Poe slams his lips onto yours, stepping forward quickly and slotting himself between your legs. He doesn’t give you any time to breathe as he pushes his tongue into your mouth, meeting your own and giving you the most intense kiss you’ve ever had.
He pulls back briefly, shutting his eyes as he rests his forehead against your own, “I’ve wanted to do that since the first fucking time I saw you, Y/N.” He kisses you again, long and hard as you crumble beneath his strong arms.
“Then why didn’t you?” You’re out of breath as you try to respond, wrapping your arms around Poe’s neck and threading your fingers into his dark hair. He attacks your mouth once more, speaking a broken sentence in between kisses.
“I,” Kiss, “thought,” Kiss, “you,” kiss, “hated,” kiss, “me.” He pulls back then, a goofy grin on his face as he gazes down at you. You bite your lip slightly, trying to hide your smile as you meet his eyes.
“So Finn was right after all?”
“I guess so.” He doesn’t let the conversation carry on, kissing you once more before he grips your thighs, pulling you flush against him so you can feel his hardness against you. You gasp and he pulls you closer, putting even more pressure on your most sensitive area. His large hand caresses your inner thigh as his lips begin to mark your neck, and you shiver in anticipation as he gets closer to the place you need him the most.
“You know what would be really sad?”
“If this was just another dream.”
“Well, if it is, you’d better make it a good one.” You smile innocently at him as he grumbles, his eyes dark as he finally reaches your sweet spot, gaging your reaction as he goes.
“Oh, I will baby.”
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rosesanthology · 4 years
Across time | Akaashi Keiji x F!reader [soulmate!AU]
for this one i tried a little bit of world building to put more context into some stuff as i suck at accurate and realistic historical aeras, this ended up being WAY longer than planned oof also YES i 100% took the well idea from Inuyasha👉🏽👈🏽
- Moeru Fukuro means blazing owl
- au where the reader finds themselves enamored far beyond the limits of alternate timeline and universes
[Tags] : @raevaioli @chenle @lcaita and @lceiji
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- it was all because of a stupid dare
- it's a shame you agreed to do anything when more than 50$ were on the line (O.O)
- your friends from high school thought it seemed like SUCH  a good idea to dare you to spend 3 hours in the woods next to your house in exchange for 60$
- the 3 hours of course starting from midnight
- but you weren't one to back down from that kind of stuff
- no sir
- the only thing you had to do was to wait by the abandoned well surrounded by trees without anything to distract you (you trusted them with your phone anyway)
- tonight wasn't even that cold anyway
-so here you were, waiting for time to pass as you listened to the sounds around you
- you found it absolutly mesmerizing, how everything around you had its own identity through the sounds made
- you had always felt calmer in moments like these, by yourself at nighttime, just taking everything in
- you had been to this well many times before, the old lady who lived accross from your appartment told you that it was used as  a wishing well most of the time
- she spoke of how many people through the times had thrown coins into the unsettling darkness of the pit and wished for true love and stuff like that
- the other day, you had found her there and she told you about how that very same well helped her meet her soulmate
- you hardly believed her
- the wishing part ? Okay. It's a normal thing to throw coins into fountains and wells and pray for things. But soulmates ? That seemed like a reach
- so you felt pretty dumb for staring into the dark pit of most likely freezing water as intensely
- you also felt pretty dumb for making sure that you brought a coin with you on this outting
- okay maybe......the idea of finding your soulmate was not so repulsive.... (◡‿◡✿)
- you didn't hope it would work too hard but still.....just sayin that it would be nice
- so, you threw the coin, listening to its sound as it came in contact with the water at the bottom after a long fall and you started praying
- "i don't really know how this is supposed to be done but....if the stories are true can i please meet the love of my life ? If not possible i also accept checks and cash (▰˘◡˘▰)"
- you didn't really mean the money part
- but you know.....getting rich isn't that bad
- at that moment you felt smart for bringing a hoodie because ???? The wind was extremely strong all of a sudden like ?? Sheesh
- you were about to sit down and cuddle into your hoodie for warmth but then u SWORE U HEARD A VOICE COMING FROM THE WELL
- and you aint crazy but you're about dumb enough to lean your head above the opening to hear better
- i think you know where this is going....
- the wind's strength had you tumbling down the well in no time
- time seemed to slow down as you plummeted toward the surface of the water
- soon you came in contact with it, cold soaking your clothes and hurting all the way to your bones. You could see the moon thru the suprisingly clear water as well as the bubbles from your last reserve of air, all this caused you to pass out.
- in the capital of the kingdom MoeruFukuro, they were many things ; from kind townfolks, to golden rice paddies and from a gorgeous royal castle to roaming forest demons
- you heard me right
- the lands around were infested by demons and spirited who manifested at night, some benevolant and others not so much
- thankfully for the royal priest Tsukishima's magical talismans placed all around the town, the people could leave in peace, the malignant creatures knowing better than trying to overcome the spells
- the capital could pride itself all around the country for having ones of the most powerful and smart array of people there ever were in addition to being prosperous from the folks' trade businesses
- for example, in the royal palace, you could find as forementionned priest and mage; Tsukishima Kei, legend has it that he was blessed by Kaguya, the goddess of the moon herself in order to have such knowledge of spells
- there was also General Kuroo Tetsurou, who had his fair share of tales and admirers alike, the biggest one being the one in which he had saved a thousand men from a demon by sacrificing himself, earning its respect and protection in battle
- obviously there was the crowned prince, Bokuto Koutaro. Well he might seem a little air headed and childish at first sight but he takes his duties very seriously even if they consist in little things such as gathering the peoples' eventual complaints himself, some people going as far as saying that he is the closest thing to a god on earth
- and then, wherever Bokuto went, it would be near impossible to forget about his right arm and advisor, the wise and renowned astronomer Akaashi Keiji. If Tsukishima had been blessed by the moon goddess then many people believed that Akaashi was the one who tought Omoikane, god of wisdom and intelligence himself, everything he knew. He was everything people wished they were, calm, good looking, creative, reasonable and intelligent beyond mesure. No wonder he was the one Bokuto trusted the most by his side
- studying the sky also brought Akaashi much knowledge on seasons and the movements of stars and such, providing help to both the people and Tsukishima
- Akaashi did not live in the castle however, well technically yes but he did have a workshop of his own a bit farther in the territory, where he could dedicate himself to staring at the night sky he loved so very very much from his makeshift observatory/rooftop
- he also had a lovely well near his observation tower that Tsukishima had passive agressively insisted on cleansing for him (>.<)
- so there he was, in this particularly enchanting night
- something about that full moon, shining stars and clear sky just about almost got some tears out of him
- but he was interrupted when he heard a low growl from beneath his observation tower
- naturally he looked down to where it came from and saw a fire fox spirit inching suspiciously close to an unconscious girl on the ground near the well
- the demons avoided the talismans yes but that far from the heart of the city trickster spirits and ghouls could just about do as much chaos as they pleased
- rushing to get down, Akaashi took his bow and arrows ready to get rid of the spirit and make sure the girl, no matter how strange her clothes looked like, was safe
- it was fast work, his arrows reaped through the night air seemingly at lighting speed and quickly made the spirit disappear
- muttering a small banishing prayer he picked up the passed out girl and brought her on top of his observatory
- she was dry but she was still shivering from the cold
- "she must not be used to the cold" thought the young astronomer, taking off his haori to put on top of her frame and sitting down next to her, looking downwards at her now relaxed features
- he did not know why he brought her up there but right now it just felt right. So he went on with looking at the sky, resting his hands flat on the ground near his sides
- you were awake, enough to feel a warmth next to you but not enough to open your eyes yet
- you thought that you'd fallen asleep after making the wish and that your friends had carried you back to your room or something
- but it was to cold to be true
- you peaked slightly from between your lashes and were met with a GORGEOUS night sky
- usually in your city, the sky was too polluted to be able to see that many
- and the full moon seemed closer than usual, bewitching, enchanting, almost asking you to come to her, so in a way you did
- now fully awake, you outstretched your hand toward the celestial body, not really thinking in the moment
- "you're awake ! How are you feeling ?" said a silvery soft voice, almost similar to a whisper
- so similar you thought that you were still dreaming as it was the same one you've heard before imagining falling into the well
- your train of thought was quickly cut short by the feeling of warm hands around your own outstreched one
- oh this was definitly real
- you sat up im a swift movement, looking around you and only seeing trees and rice paddies, as well as the lights of a town in the distance
- you almost didn't hear the man's voice over your own rapidly beating heart
- almost
- "Everything's okay now, calm down" he said, probably noticing your panic and rubbing his thumb over your knuckles
- his words seemed to immediatly sink into your very soul at the second they came out of his mouth, and worst is that you thought that if it meant to be marked in such a way you would be glad to have your soul inked all over with just his words
- but you still didn't know him so you kept that thought to yourself
- "who are you and where am i ?" Your voice was so shaky and your mind so foggy that you weren't even sure if they ever made it out of your throat
- but Akaashi heard you loud and clearer than anything before, just touching your hand had seemed like such a common task but the needle like sensation that ran up his whole arm begged to differ, he regained his composure fast though
- "my name's Akaashi Keiji and you're in the kingdom of MoeruFukuro" he made sure to speak as softly as possible, never letting go of your hand, fearing that maybe, if he let go you would disappear back into the wind
- ".....my name's Y/N L/N....listen i don't think im supposed to be here- well more like...now"
- "what do you mean ?"
- and so you explained to him how you actually came from the 21st century in what you could only assume to be another timeline and universe, trying to sound as calm as possible
- because well, you weren't dumb, and castle as "cool and fantasy anime looking like that" were not so common
- Akaashi kept drinking in your voice, painfully aware of every movement of your face, every little speaking quirk and tones, never breaking contact
- he was fast in reassuring you on his own world, he spoke of his life, of his friends and of the castle, not leaving out the fact that demons and spirits were a common factor, carefully choosing his phrasing and explaining with the most concise words
- explaining so well that you felt as if you already knew all these things, deep in yourself
- and time passed
- you soon found yourself laying on you back, fingers still intertwined with the royal astronomer, talking about your lives, as if you were desperatly but as easily as breathing trying to make the other remember your existence, trying to get a part of your souls back
- the silence of the night made your voices reach the other in an almost pieircing melody, the deep blue and silver sky as your only witness of this moment
- "so you're an astronomer right.....why do you like the stars so much Keiji ?"
- oh man did he love hearing you say his name, it sounded like the rarest music he's ever heard coming from you
- "i guess it just comes easily to me....i've never felt lonely in the castle, my friends are supportive and strong even though i've never been particularly good with people....when i come here for reasons other than work and stare at the sky, it feels like im finally walking in my own feelings, finally able to search for something that i somehow always wanted..."
- he turned to your face and swore that he saw many more stars in your eyes than he has in his whole life and continued on
- " it feels- it felt like trying to find a part myself that had been fragmented and thrown into the universe....a part of myself that was very much more human than i thought"
- "oh" was all you could muster between that and the flood of feelings that was inside your heart
- you felt like you were running out of time.
- you felt like you had to make the most out of this precise instant.
- you suddenly jerked up, making Akaashi jump at the sudden move
- he sat up with you, facing you, unsure of what  that was all about
- " Keiji !" You said, full of determination despite the advanced hour of the night, and when he nodded and smiled, humming slightly as response you took it as your greenlight to continue
- " Let's find each other again ! Whether it be in this life or another ! We're bounded together now and im sure whichever gods brought me to you will make it happen again no matter what. So you have to promise me before it's too late....don't forget about me !"
- Akaashi's eyes bore into yours with as much intensity as yours and returning the smile you wore on your face
- he let go off your hand for the first time that night and you felt as if an invisible countdown just started somewhere
- he took of a teal and marine blue colored thread bracelet that he wore and put in on your wrist, it had a small crescent moon symbol made of nacre on it....how in character
- how....him
- "there. That way i won't ever forget you. I sure hope you don't forget about me either"
- the last thing your remembered was the gorgeous yet so undoubtfully sad smile of the astronomer before waking up, warm, in your own bed
- you looked around in a hurry and little did you know, you were back into your appartment's bedroom
- you figured it was just a dream
- and yet your heart was still beating against your ribcage and tears were stinging your eyes
- you looked at your phone to check the time since the sun had already went up and your eyes fell on the bracelet you were wearing on your wrist
- you wasted no time in DASHING out of your appartment straight to the old lady's, well too aware that what had happened last night was definitely not a dream
- as you rung the doorbell you were too busy trying to calm your heart that was still trying to beat out of your chest to hear an all too familiar voice from inside the appartment saying "i'll take this"
- the door opened and you almost fainted
- "hi ! Im Akaashi Keiji your new neighbor from next door.....have we met before ?"
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saroob · 4 years
Part 1
... A swimming pool ...
She came back to what she calls a second home. Enormous buildings compared to the Sacred land. Located right to the edge of the cliff, ovelook where the non nobal farmers are working. No matter how many times she looks to the city, the stones cravings at the gate , the castle where the waterfalls draining right behind. the architecture that was designed to reach every single house in meredian with water from the water falles starting from the castle, then houses of the nobles, at last farmers under the cliff. it was a spectacular view.
Avad is a great king, caring, and justice. as he promised Aloy that he will pay attention to those non-nobel individuals in the sundom, goods start to be more noticeable on them. And that what Aloy saw when she decided to visit meridian after a long trip. Riding her srider, sweat is shining on her forehead and suddenly scaring those guards as usual thinking that the strider is gonna attek them. Aloy laughing at the gaurdes and cutting her way towards the gate.
She knew where she was heading to, She was walking directley to where Avad usually sits. Gaurds have never sopped her, they knew her for along time now and they know when she comes, she definitely has something important to inform the sun king.
Except this time one of the gaureds actually stopped her and said "king Avad is not there, he went by the swimming pool" she thought "oh he has a privit swimming pool. Why not he's the sun king" She walked to where the gaured told her to go.
there was avad just chilling in the water, it was a hot sunny day more than the usual. Looks like that time of the year was the peak of the increasing heat. She called to inform her coming " excuse my interruption of you relaxing time" he stood whil he still inside the pool half naked as usual but this time in a swimming suit. he didn't look so different from what he always looks like . He looked at aloy "Hey aloy.. it has been along time, is everything alright?" he asked. She smiled " yeah everthing is fine just a bunch of killers who are trying to build a bandint camp near the north mountain. a couple of vanguards will be enough to scare them away, other than that everything is alright"
Avad " hmm, concider it done" silence was between them for a moment the he gestured at the pool saying "I thought today will be a good day for dipping in the pool .. the sun is shining strongly upon us... do U wanna join me?"
She looked at him for a while, she was Astonished abut the quistion, she didn't see that coming, but who cares a little dip won't hurt anyone.
she started taking off her clothes, nothing but a bra and a pare panties on her.
she jumped into the pool as a professional swimmer, didn't cause alot of splashes avad was impressed. she reached her way towards him. popping out of the water laughing. " I'm not gonna do nothing and just sit there soaking" she said. " U can do whatever U want .. enjoy"
she kept swimming once on her back and once her face was under water or sometimes just lying on her back letting water carrying her as if she was flying. she was just thinking about whats going on in her life.
Suddenly someone comes into the pool area and shouting to the gaurds" what's wrong with U, I just wanna talk to the king in an important matter" that guy kept staring at the swimming pool for a moment as he entered to the pool area " Aloy?" he said. " Oh Errend, hi" Aloy responded. he kept shifting his sight between Aloy and Avad as if there was something between them. That's when avad spok " It's a hot day we were just enjoying the pool " while avad was speaking aloy reached one of the pool edges it was right accross errend and near avad, and she pulled herself out of the water. errend just staring furyly after seeing how aloy was dressed "she's literally almost naked WTF is wrong with her" thinking to himself. A maid was standing next to Aloy handing her a large towl to cover her body. "so, what did U wanna say Errend ? " avad asked.
errend just kept silent for a moment while still looking at aloy as she's covering herself "Maybe another time" errend said and
turnned his face and walked away.
Aloy thanked avad and went to a room that the maid guided her to, she dressed up and thinking about what just happened. she was concerned about that look errend gave her as he was walking away. " I've never seen him this angery since Ersa's murder, what's going on?"
The day has past and it was night already when aloy just woke up from her nap and running to the market to catch up the merchant who is still there, ut was already late just a few were still there and about to close. she sold what she could from the parts she collected and looking to her right side she saw errend sitting in on of the bars alone drinking. she took the money from the merchant and walked to the bar. Errend lookd upsit somehow.
" hey, can I join U?"Aloy asked, he gasture to the chair nex to him as if he was sying yes U can take a seat. she sat next to him and said "It's been along time, how is everything?"
" good" and took a sip of his beer.
the atmosphere is so quiet between them, neither of them was talking. Aloy looked at hime just staring at his face and his eyes, she realizing he has such a long eyelashes, and staring again to his eyes color " yup, just beautiful as always, although Ersa didn't habe them. I wonder if he took that after his mother or his father..."
" Is there something on my face?" errend asking without looking at her.
"No nothing" Aloy said. and looked down to the bar table.
" when did U arrive here?" he asked.
Aloy "this afternoon"
Errend "Hmm, and went directly to jump into the pool?"
Aloy didn't say anything and just looked at him for a sec. and then looked down again to her fingers as she was resting her armes on the table.
Errend " immm, nice.. U know it's getting late so..."
Aloy " Oh .. yeah sure, good night then"
Errend" night"
Errend left the bar, but she stayed there for a moment and suddenly jumped up and ran outside. He is about the corner that leads to his house, " Errend" a voice calling behinde him. he turned his face and it was Aloy " Are U ok ?" brething heavley from runningas she is asking.
They just keps staring for a sec. errend is confused. " I mean.. U looked so down and quiet today. Is something bothering U?" aloy clearing the confusion.
Errend didn't know if he should be happy or angrey he's kinda experiencing both at the same time, but both feelings ended up feeling sad and depressed " maybe I really don't deserve her. Maybe Avad IS the right person for her, I'm just a f***ing loser, yeah sure a king why not?" he said to himself.
with a cold face " no it's nothing thanks for asking"
She didn't like his respond, but she couldn't do anything, so she just went home.
The next day Avad asked for aloy to come to the conference room at the palace. As she is walking in, her sight is rooming who is around the table. Avad, Errend, and 2 soldiers who errend can relay on.
"soory to bother U I just need your openion on this. we are transferring a huge amount of weapons and supplies to the soldires in the west. I'm afraid that the carriage might be caught up in the middleof the way buy illegal hunters. This is tha path they're taking, they are moving today night, so they should be there by tomorrow. "
Avad rotating the map to Aloy.
she is looking and walking her finger with the path drawn on the map. Errend staring at her face, eyes lips, hair dangling from both sides of her neck, her long fingers and beautiful nails, thinking " maan she is really beautiful"
"there!!" Aloy spoke.
all looking where she stopped her finger at, it was right next to a mountain in the very west side.
" Here 2 behemoths are walking around, templers, and longleg, it's better if they walked inside a cave right here before they reach the site where the machines are, and cut through the mountain to the other side. That would be much safer for the soldiers and the weapons."
Avad" good I knew U would know the roads better .. since U eplores all the time. thank U so much."
Aloy "No problem" she looked at Errend, Errend quickly swiched his sight to the map and then to Avad listening to his instructions. She went outside and waited in the balconey accross the conference room. Everyone is leaving the room, Errend looked at her as he was walking, she smiled and took a step towards him thinking that he will walk as well towards her to have alittle chat, but instead errend just turened his face and went down the stairs.
He totally ignored her.. she starting to feel angry and really sad, Avad saw Aloy as he was the last walking outside the room, he reached Aloy, he said" Aloy can I ask another favor ?.. I'm being very selfish by asking U alot on your rest days"
Aloy " Oh no not at all"
I see since U mentioned the machines around that area Errend insisted to go on that trip to make sure everything goes smoothly, so I was thinking if U can join them as well just in case something happen, U can handle machines cery well, actually more than any solder I have here. This is a personal favour I'm asking U, if U have another plans I can totally understand. "
Aloy " No Avad it's fine I really have no plans and I'm not gonna turn U down, I'll go"
Avad " I really don't no how to repay U, I appreciate it"
Aloy" no problem"
Avad " U can go and discuss the plan properly with Errend"
Aloy " Ok"
At night the captain and the soldiers are at the gate ready to start their trip. The plan is to reach there by tomorrow and maybe sleep there util morning and then go back to Meridian.
A steider approched them fast as if it was planning to attack them.
" what the heck" Errend said. Errend was about to smash that strider with his hammer he saw Aloy's red hair, he stopped and said " aloy?!"
"I'm coming with U" she said
"what? " errend said
Aloy "It's a command from avad"
Errend just stared at her he looked annoyed " let's go we have to move now"
Aloy was heading the group to make sure no machines are approching them and when there are machines ahead, she recommends another route instead of fighting since they have alot of blaze carring on. She thought it's safer to avoid any contact with any type of machines.
However there are times when errend and aloy have to fight watchers, broadhead, sometimed scarappers, but it's never been a problem they fight well together, as if they knew the movements and attacks of each machine.
they're almost at the mountain, it's quite at night,
it's like they were the only poeple on the planet.
One of the soldiers stepped on a trap that sent small lights up to the sky, just like rhese ones that the stalkers have.
Aloy " damn it"
arrend "U idiot" to the soldire.
the saw people pooped up from behine the sand hilled and rumming towards them to take the carriage. Aloy already firing arrows to them still on her strider. Errend and the soldires are fighting with the vanguards weapons. a flying arrow almost hit errend just when aloy cut it off with one of her fire arrows. They killed them and aloy said "We go fater to the cave inside the mountain"
they are now inside the mountain, soldiers are injured and errend has a cut in his hand, Aloy is fine. they light up a lantern beought from Meridian. they are dressing their wounds. Errend is sitting a little bit away from them and putting some sort of medication he has on his cut. Aloywent to Errend "are U ok?" she ssked. He looked up to her and said " Yes it's just a small cut"
he stood up" Ok..everyone, we need to move on, we can't rest for along time" errend said
they walked outside the cave from the other side of yhe mountain.
Aloy got on her strider and going a few steps ahead of the group. They are almost at the location where they suppose to drop off the supplies and weapons.
Errend was a little bit spacing out behinde the group, his head was filled with alot of thouts like "why is she here? why Avad sent her to with us? Dosen't he trust me enough?! or maybe she asked him to do this to brag! this is not what I've palnned for.. I thought she would leave Meridian tom., this yhe only way I have to avoid her..."
Out of no where! A sawtooth jumped on Errend
aloy sceamed " errend!!!" she took out her fire arrows, she is about to fire, but she is afraid to hurt Errend. she jumped of the strider and carriying her spear in her hand, she thought near distant fighting will be safer for Errend. " stay near the carriage " she ordered the soldiers.
She ran to the sawtooth and struck it with her spear. that's when Errend got the chans to smash it's face with his hammer.
Aloy breathing heavily " what the f*** is wrong with U? how in the world you didn't see it coming, a huge machine like that .. you could heve bern killed! ...first the arrow and then this! what's your problem ?"
he shouted " YOU, you are my the problem. I insisted to go on this mission so I don't have to see your face.." he looked so frustrated, but then he stopped speaking and thought "maybe I shouldn't have said that"
he runned one hand on his face and sighed " I'm sorry Aloy ... , I.." he looked at Aloy and her eyes were filled with tears.
Aloys voice shaking" when this is over.. I'll go to sacred land, so you won't be bothered by seeing my face again" she hoped on her strider and reached to the location before them.
Ereend end the soldiers arrived, Aloy was on her strider, she was just checking their arrival. Errend was about to call her name to apologize "Al.." she immediately pat her strider to move away.
I'm still working on part 2.
thanx for reading 💕💕
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iguanasarecute · 5 years
One shower stall, Two pairs of legs
[Bakugou x Reader]
summary: For the love of god, UA had a water shortage. A laborius training made all of you debilitated; the exhaustion gave all of you the thirst for being refreshed. Hitting on the limited showers connected to the lockers, well umm... someone crashed in with you. {from their third year}
warning: smut, profanity
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"Fuck you bastard!" The feral classmate of yours growled at you; his PE uniform marinated with sweat, dripping blood from the scar you gave him during your training.
Your neon duffel bag slunged to your shoulders, "I'm just better than you. Admit it," you rolled your eyes as the towel on your hand roamed around your face. Your fellow classmates had their way on the locker rooms, while this goddamn pomeranian keeps barking at you for the past ten-minutes.
"Piss off (Y/N)! I'm gonna make you fucking suffer!" His husky voice thundered as the ash-blonde stomped his way in the Men's lockers, finally. You shook your head, eyeing the stubborn Ash-blonde, while you also jolted to your locker.
The familiar faces waved and offered you a sweet smile; your pink friend, Ashido, chuckled, "That's what you get for beating Bakugou's ass," she adjusted the towel wrapped around her body.
Momo gave you a sympathetic glare, "Bakugou's voice were heard here. Such harsh words!" Her soft hands patted your shoulders, "Though, he did hesitated to throw you punches. He went easy with you,"
You bit the inside of your cheeks, "Geez, should I thank him for that?" you sarcastically said, as the three of you giggled. You shifted your eyes to your classmates, exiting the room and having their way to the connected shower rooms, "They still haven't fixed the pipes, eh?"
Ashido nodded, "The Villain attack from two days ago did cause a massive destruction. Mostly affecting our water pipes," She grinned at you, "I'll be going now, I feel soooo sticky with all this sweat from beating up Sero," Momo and Ashido gave you one last glare as they walked out the room.
You grabbed the hem of your shirt and raised it; leaving you fucking naked alone in the room. Your fingers combed your sweaty hair, as you sandwiched yourself in a white towel, making your way inside the shower room.
The monotonous sound of flowing water entered your ears; searching an empty stall while you let yourself in, as the towel you're in, dropped. You turned the squeaking lever in a clockwise direction, awaiting the water flow down to you. You turned the lever again, nothing, "Ahh. Fuck!" your foot kicked the wall.
"(Y/N)?" Hagakure's voice called at the stall beside you.
You wrapped your body with the towel again, "Yeah?"
"Your shower's busted?"
You tied your hair into a bun, "Yep. I'm not so lucky today," you groaned.
Hagakure giggled, "There's an extra working shower across the gym. Give it a go. We don't have enough water supply at dorm soooo,"
The thought of a chilly shower lit up your face, "Oh god, really? Better get my ass there. Thank you!" You galloped as you poked your head outside, seeing if the coast is clear. You can't believe that you're sprinting across the gym, with only a towel covering your temples. But hey, you need a fucking shower.
You eyed the shower meters away from you as something catched your attention at the corner of your eyes. Oh fuck, oh fuck. You were ready to hit that something. Turns out, it was just a cat. Must be one of Aizawa's cats.
You shrugged as you continuously walked to the shower room. It was a single pristine stall, just for any emergency showers or whatsover, but it did, have running water. You tossed your towel at the corner as you felt the water touch every single corner of your body. You sighed in relief. This frigid shower couldn't be better.
[ time rewind ] : BAKUGOU
The Ash-blonde snarled at that nosy extra who embarassed the hell out of him. Though with that fortuitous battle with (Y/N); he did admit to himself how he was amused because of his opponent's eagerness. He smirked as he reminisce the training battle with (Y/N). Katsuki went easy with his rival; just because he kinda, sorta, has a soft spot for her. Well all he does was yell at her, or slap her with nasty words... but he isn't an expressive person, and he has his ways of showing it; for example, he adores everytime the both of them punches each other with insults.
Bakugou growled at the shower room, where all stalls was occupied, "One of you extras get the fuck out or I'll explode this shit!" He wrapped a piece of cloth at his wound.
"Calm your cock bro. Just wait in line," Kaminari yelled.
The crimson-red eyes of his twitched, "HAHHHHHH?!"
Kirishima cackled, "You yelled at (Y/N) dude! Not a manly move. The water pipes' goddess is punishing you,"
"Do not make obnoxious conversations!" Iida's voice shouted, probably chopping on the air right now.
Denki coughed, "Bakugou there's a shower stall at the other side of the gym. The single-stalled one. We're going to have a looooong time with this,"
"We're like fucking prisoners so thirsty for a goddamn bath," Sero sighed.
Katsuki clicked his tongue as he mumbled under his breath; making his way to the said shower stall. An abyssinian cat licking its paws, blocked his way as the crimson-red eyes of his rolled. He sprinted in the shower stall; while Bakugou raised his eyebrows. Why the fuck are the lights opened, and an irresponsible bastard just stranded the fucking water flowing.
His warm rough hands grabbed the cool door, and shot it open.
Oh shit.
Your fingers combed your saturated hair, nuzzling every drop of the rigid water. You were confident that nobody would infiltrate your shower. Since everybody in your class was already freshening up, on their own.
"WHAT THE FUCK BAKUGOU?!" Your arms spreaded accross your body, struggling to cover your breasts and your pussy. You gave him a stare, but the Ash-blonde just stood there, ogling at your exposed body, "WHAT ARE Y— GET THE FUCK OUT!"
Bakugou's cheek flustered as it turned red; avoiding your gaze, and looking at the floor, "Don't you know how to fucking lock the goddamn shitty ass door?!" He thundered.
"The water is fucking running! Don't you have fucking ears?! Or a brain atleast to conclude that somebody is inside?!" You kept your arms locked on your private parts. Your eyes were darted on his annoying brainless head, when you just realized, that he's completely naked too, except for the towel covering his lower part. You gulped, and memorized the sight of his eight-pack. You won't repudiate, he does have a fine body.
"The fuck are you staring at?" He spat. Shit he caught you, "What a perv," He playfully smirked and rolled his eyes.
"Says the person who's in struck just by staring at my goddamn body!" You growled.
His iconic devilish smirk just got wider, "You noticed?" His hands slid on the door as he locked it, advancing towards you, his Crimson-Red eyes glued to you, in libido. His tongue clicked, "So, deadass extras took all the showering stalls," the water flowing down his body as well.
Your arms, shielding your chest, now brushing on his hard abs, "What are you implying," you whispered in a monotonous way.
Bakugou's husky voice chuckled, "Wanna share?" You looked up to him, squinting your eyes to avoid the chilly water. He leaned to you, giving you a soft kiss, were diminutive water entered your mouth. The feral Ash-blond, sure is a good kisser.
His lips were warm, as it collided with yours. He aggresively osculated you, while it slowly parted, asking permission to get in you. How can you refuse? Your lips split, as a sign of acceptance. The both of your tongues' battling, devouring each other; as he licked every corner of you. Bakugou breathed, "So you do wanna fucking share," You felt the inside of you burn, as the Ash-blonde gripped on your arms, and slid it to your sides; revealing your bare breasts, and your pussy, to his.
The rigid water touched your chests, while you grabbed the soaked towel veiling his member, "Your towel's getting wet, Bakugou," your voice shaked.
He bit his lips to your obvious statement, "What are you implying," he mocked you by imitating your voice, "Rightttt, (Y/N). It's getting fucking wet," he coughed, "Would you... Would you be a goodgirl and get it off me?" Your hands touched the towel, as you complied with his command, "Goodgirl," Bakugou gripped your ass and pulled you to his hard frame, "Touch my dick and feel how hard you just fucking made me," he whispered, while your shaking hands grabbed his... long, hard, trobbing member.
"I want it in me Bakugou," your voice commanded, as the Ash-blonde chuckled at your unexpected response.
He cupped your breasts, "Let's take it slow (Y/N)," he nuzzled on your neck, marking what was his. He agressively squeezed your butt while giving you hickeys as you moaned. His hard cock was brushing over your pussy, which made you moan harder. He sucked your breasts, biting it; as he made circles on your tummy, down to your clit. His finger went in your tighthole, while you moaned his name. Another finger entered, as he chuckled, "So wet, and tight, and we just got started," he added the third finger.
"Katsuki ughhhhh— Baby that's so good," you shrieked while your arms tangled around his arms.
His husky voice giggled, "(Y/N)... be a goodgirl and suck my dick,"
"Depends if you'll cum," you smirked while you stood on your knees, ogling at his member, "Katsuki, that's uhh... huge...,"
His warm hands grabbed your hair, "...And you like it like that," he pulled your head nearer his cock, "Come on now, babygirl," you parted your lips as it came in you, pumping, as your tongue played with it, "Goodgirl, ughhh," he moaned deeply, "Shit! Shit!" He mumbled as his hot cum went in you. You catched your breath as the Ash-blonde pulled you to stand, "I have a punishment for you for giving me this bruise," he eyed his cut wrapped with a cloth, "Turn around," his husky voice commanded as you turned around.
You bit your lip. Shit anal. Bakugou adjusted his position for an enter; just then, he was pumping. The shower stall contained by your moans, "Ka—Katsuki, I'm liking this punishment," your legs felt jiggedy as his cock exited. The warm hands of his, grabbed your hips, pushing your body at the corner, "What are you—" your eyes shifted down, Katsuki setting his dick directly at your hole. His intense eyes glared as you, signaling he's coming in. You moaned at his huge member entering you, pumping, Shit. Fuck the water shortage I love it.
"Gagghh! Oi, dumbass you're taking so long!" The Ash-blonde yelled impatiently outside your locker-room. Well, both of you kinda, (not kinda) enjoyed your moment, at the separated shower stall. While you and Bakugou was devouring each other; your classmates obliviously headed back to the dorms; wondering where in the goddamn world the two of you were.
You changed into your spare clothes dumped inside your locker incase of emergencies. Yet, you didn't know, this emergency, would be having fucking sex with the Katsuki Bakugou. You whimped at your sore body, while the Crimson-red eyed man leaned on the wall outside, his warm hands burried inside his sweatpants; lingering. Bakugou was staring at the abyssinian cat, as he gawked at your jelly-legs, "You took so fucking long, your highness," he sarcastically mumbled while his muscular arms grabbed your waist to support your sloppy walking, "You look like a fucking idiot with those legs,"
A deep exhale went out your lips, "Your fault,"
His devil smirk etched on his face, as you and him, walked to reach your dorms, "I'm good at fucking, right?" He clicked his tongue, "You don't need to say so. I fucking know so,"
"Geez, I bet you did that to tons of girls already," You scoffed, while your heart felt like sinking with the thought of his rough hands groping a body that's not yours.
He clicked his tongue, "Nah just you," his warm hands collided with yours, "Wouldn't fucking do that other than you,"
Well then, you just made the moths inside my tummy dance YMCA
— • —
"(Y/N)! Bakugou! Where have you been?!" Kirishima thundered inside the common room; as the familiar faces gawked at the two of you in worry and curiosity.
Iida started chopping at the air, "This is unnacceptable! The both of you should orient your class where you'll be going!"
Oh fuck. Oh shit. What would we say.
You were about to open your mouth for excuses, when the Ash-Blonde whose arms are around your hips, groaned, "We just took a fucking walk! Finding the owner of a goddamn stray cat!"
Nice one.
The familiar faces blinked, some of them nodded in understandment; while the others raised their eyebrows in doubt. Deku coughed, "Are you okay (Y/N)? What happened to your legs?!" their eyes darted on your jelly-legs.
You nervously laughed, "Oh! Uhh legs? What legs? Ohhh— Uhhh... Funny story actaully— I Uhhh... It was from Uhhhhhhh," you felt Niagra falls forming on your fucking forehead, as sweat dripped all over you.
Katuski clicked his tongue and rolled his Crimson-red eyes at your bovine state, "The cat went out and then she chased it. Too much running, she got kinda sore. Then dumbass fell to the ground," He gave death-glares to the extras who gave him suspicous looks, "That's it. Don't fuck around,"
Holy shit. I love this Pinocchio right here.
The Ash-blonde thinks that jabbering fabrication was utterly noxious. He doesn't like lying, stating that there's no point at it. Though, this perplexed, yet wonderful moment he had wih you; would be risky to be publicized. It was both of your moment, and was yours to keep.
Fucking water pipes started it all.
by: i.k.
r e b l o g !
i promised on my last that my next post (this) would be a soft one...it got delayed. i accept requests rn!
more lemons by me:
U.A.'s lingerie collection ; Self Pleasure's Mishaps ; FUCK.DATE.KILL ; Sext...with a Pro-hero? ; House Arrest
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radiant-flutterbun · 5 years
Pixel and the Shapeshifter Part 2
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The next portal took Pixel to a bright land full of pine trees and wind that brought the taste of salt water with it. Just a short walk away was a huge stone tower.
Pixel attempted to take a step forward but immediately fell. Something didn’t feel right. They looked down at themself and screamed. Their body had transformed into a bird-like dragon.
Inkdrop snorted and transformed into a bat-like dragon “Oh! You’re a skydancer! Those dragons are pretty neat.”
“Uh, you didn’t say anything about my body transforming when I got here.”
“Oh didn’t I?” Inkdrop tilted her head “Sorry it must've slipped my mind! Anyway you’re a dragon now congrats! It may take some getting used to, but I’m sure you’ll figure it out! Everyone else did!”
“Great. Cool,” Pixel struggled to their feet “Would be really cool if I didn’t have to relearn how to walk. And how the fuck am I supposed to hold anything?” Pixel nudged their phone that had fallen to the ground with their nose.
“Oh you can walk around on your hindlegs and grab it with your front. It’s easy for a skydancer to do that!” She shapeshifted into a skydancer to demonstrate and picked up the phone.
Pixel stood on three legs and took it from her “Thanks.” The phone disappeared “Ok cool. Good to know that I can still summon my weapon at will here, and also make it disappear when I don’t need it.”
Inkdrop allowed Pixel to adjust to their new dragon form before leading them to the clan’s entrance. The doors were much bigger than Pixel had thought once they were up close.
A panel on the door flipped open and Pixel was greeted with a huge grey eye peering through.
“Inkdrop. You brought a guest?” A booming voice asked.
“Yes Obsidian, and don’t worry I vetted them. They’re not dangerous!”
“Very well. You may enter.” The doors opened and behind them was a huge black dragon with blue gemstones coating his scales.
As Pixel stepped inside they were at awe with how big the place was. Dragons or all shapes and sizes were walking about, they barely paid Pixel any attention.
“So, where’s Sagacious?” Pixel asked Inkdrop.
“Oh her? She hasn’t moved from the history section of the library since she got here,” The shapeshifter snorted “Why do you want to see her, anyway?”
“I have something I need to settle with her.”
“Ok but please don’t mess anything up. I promised Nike not to bring anyone in who will mess things up!”
“Me? Mess things up? Never! Now where's Saga?”
Sagacious was enthralled by the history and creatures of the dragon planet. On her world she already knew everything. But here she knew nothing, and that simply would not do.
So she found a nice spot in the clan’s library (which was the majority of the tower), and curled up with a pile of history books. For months she read book after book and only took brief breaks. The clan’s main librarians Lakra and Masika adored her. It had been awhile since the library had seen some use by the newcomers.
Now for the first time since her arrival, Sagacious’s reading was interrupted. 
A metallic skydancer with dreadlocks approached her, their teeth showing as they snarled.
Sagacious snapped her book shut “Excuse me?”
“You fucking heard me!” The skydancer pulled out a smartphone. Wait no a knife. An electric knife and pointed it at Saga “I’m Pixel Pronoia and you killed my friends! Now I’m here to return the favor!”
Sagacious sighed “Oh it’s you,” She stared at their knife, unamused “Did you really think that’d be threatening?” She was an imperial. They were merely a little skydancer.
“Hey I can cause permanent damage to you here! One stab and you’re scarred for life!”
Sagacious placed a claw on Pixel’s arm and forced them to lowered the knife to the ground.
“And I can squish you like a bug.”
The commotion attracted the attention of two other imperials, Lakra and Masika.
“Saga, is something the matter?” Masika asked.
“Is that skydancer bothering you?” Lakra added.
“Yes, they interrupted my reading to threaten me.”
Lakra gasped “How dare they!”
“I’m getting Nike,” Masika said “This is unacceptable.”
Pixel growled and thrashed, but Saga had their arm pinned good.
“Fuck you! Fuck you so much! I fucking hate you! You’re a fucking murderer!”
“No matter how many times you say ‘fuck’, the situation will not change,” Saga said with a smirk “You really just should have stayed home.”
A bright blue and green Plague mirror arrived “Sagacious, what is going on?” She asked.
“Nike, this skydancer just threatened me with a knife.”
The mirror, Nike approached Pixel and sniffed them “You’re the one Inkdrop just let in. What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“She’s a murderer!” Pixel screamed “She killed my friends and then locked me up in my own home!”
Nike’s antenna flicked toward Sagacious “Is this true?”
“Of course not.” Sagacious answered.
“YOU LYING BITCH!” Pixel’s voice cracked.
Lakra scoffed “Sagacious is one of the sweetest, kindest, dragons I’ve ever met. All she’s done is read since she got here. I cannot believe some nobody dragon would enter our clan just to threaten her and accuse her of such horrible things!”
“Hmm,” Nike circled Pixel “I’d really rather this not become another ‘Naperone Situation’. Obsidian! Could you come over here?”
At her command the guardian that allowed Pixel to enter arrived.
“Move this skydancer to the prison. They threatened a clan member.”
“Yes. Of course Nike,” Obsidian plucked Pixel up by their chest and scruffed them like a cat. Sagacious let go of their arm, and they dropped the knife. A cracked smartphone now lay beside Sagacious’s feet.
Pixel struggled and screamed as Obsidian carried them up to the very top of the tower, where he then threw them into a dark, damp cell.
“Wait! But I wasn’t lying! She really is a murderer! And give me back my fucking phone!”
Obsidian didn’t say a word as he left Pixel in the dark.
“Sucks when no one believes you, doesn’t it?” A voice echoed in the dark.
Across from Pixel’s cell was a black and white skydancer with bright yellow eyes.
“And who the fuck are you?”
“I am the true God of Death, Match Solstice. And I know who you are, Pixel Pronoia.” 
“Oh gross, a Solstice.”
Match snarled, showing his bloodstained fangs.
“So what the fuck are you in here for, vampire boy?”
Matched frowned “Eh. It actually sounds pretty bad now that I think about it.”
Pixel lifted an eyebrow “Oh well now you gotta tell me. I’m invested.”
“... I killed my brother.”
“Holy fuck. The winged one? Spirits you’re a bigger asshole than I thought.”
“Hey. hey before you paint me as the bad guy you got to understand that he was a weak god that was never meant to exist. He was a failure to the Solstice name and-”
“Fucking hell. I hope whatever brain rot you’re suffering from isn’t contagious.”
“You’re an annoying little bastard aren't you?”
“Yeah well at least i’m not ugly.”
“Wow i’m so hurt by your creative insult.”
“You’re right I can do better than that,” Pixel grinned “I wonder what your parents would think if they saw you right now. Would they be disappointed? Angry? It must be pretty embarrassing to be the son of two of the most powerful gods and to end up in another world, in prison, sick and alone. I bet they won’t ever want to call you a Solstice if they knew how weak you were right now. If they knew you were mortal right now.”
Match growled, but mid growl he began to cough. As he coughed blood splattered all over the ground. Crimson red instead of the indigo blood that normally flowed through the Selcouth gods’ veins. 
“Oh did I hit a nerve?” Pixel’s grin was wicked and their pupils narrowed “You’re exactly what you think your brother was. Is that why you killed him? Did he remind you too much of yourself?”
“Shut,” Match’s voice was only a whisper but it cut accross the silent air of the prison like a knife “Your fucking mouth.”
“I’m sorry. Maybe that was a bit much. Hey I know! Why don’t we be friends instead? I think you’re a piece of shit but hey a shitty friend is better than no friends!”
“I’m not going to be your fucking friend you freak.”
“Well too late cause i’ve already decided you’re my friend! In fact I’ll promote you to my BEST friend because I ain’t got no one else! Because my last batch of friends were fucking MURDERED. But hey! It’s fine! I can move on!”
“Sounds like you’ve got some problems, and I don’t want anything to do with them.”
“Yeah well, you’ve got problems too! You killed your fucking brother! You’re an entitled piece of shit! This’ll be a great friendship! Just two pieces of shit trapped in dark lonely cells cause no one else in the entire world gives a shit about either of them!”
“You can stop talking anytime now.”
“Do you think if either of us died here anyone would notice? Are we just going to be trapped here forever until one of us starts rotting away?”
“Dragons come up here multiple times a day. I think they’ll notice if one of us died.”
“Yeah but like would they care? I wonder what they’d do to our worthless corpses? Neither of us would get a funeral that’s for sure!” Pixel clawed and kicked at the walls of their cell, tears falling from their eyes “This sucks! This fucking sucks! I hate this! Trapped in one shitty place to the next! I fucking… hate this…” 
Pixel slumped to the floor, silent for once.
“Done with your little temper tantrum?” Match growled. 
“For now,” Pixel sighed and took a deep breath. They just needed some rest and then they’d figure a way out. So they shut their eyes and drifted off.
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deadbydelight · 6 years
I'm in love with soulmate au so maybe a dbd killer of your choosing x reader with soulmate. Like name or the first thing they say. Would be awesome if you did Max the hillbilly with something written on him. Thank you if you do! 😊
This somehow took me so long to finish because of life being harsh lol but I did it and I made it sweet and fluffy cuz why not ? Hope you like !
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Hillbilly x reader (soulmate AU)
You had heard about the rumors around the Coldwind farm. How supposedly a monster or something like that was haunting the place, how you could faintly hear a chainsaw sound if you were close enough to the property...
And you intended on discovering exactly what was in there. You were what you might say, an explorer of haunted places, you had a video channel as well as a blog where you had quite the number of followers and subscribers. You were curious and adventurous, a lot of people said that it would be the death of you... As the expression said, curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.
You had everything with you, a bagpack with everything necessary for exploration, a flashlight, food, water, ropes, a heavy jacket with a scarf and gloves, your phone and last but not least, your faithful camera.
"Alright guys, here I am, ready to explore the famous Coldwind Farm, you know the one ! Wish me luck!" You exclaimed happily to the camera, your breathing making cloudy pattern in the chilly air of the night.
You were well aware of the fact that no one would answer to your ask for cheering, but it was mostly for the sake of the video. It wasn't easy to stand out in all the people doing exploration stuff, let's not forget you were a lone wolf too, but you were quite proud of what you accomplished so far.
"I'll begin with a brief tour of the farm, then I'll try to get inside, so far so good, haven't heard the famous chainsaw at all... for now."
As you advanced in the unfamiliar place, you felt a shiver ran up your spine. You felt... observed. However you weren't one to back off from such a place just because you had a feeling about it.
"Damn..." you muttered as you made your way in an abandonned corn field.
You had come accross a really large tree on which several cows were hanging, grossly killed and their body pierced by hooks. You made a mental note of putting a warning for this in the video because it might shock and terrorize people and you didn't want that. You were starting to feel a little nauseous yourself, but would that stop you? Nope.
After 20 minutes of exploring you finally heard the famous chainsaw noise... But it was far from where you were at the moment.
"Urg I don't know if I'll have enough content to post this damn video... Am sure as hell ain't sleeping here" you grumbled under your breath (a bit that you would cut from the video of course).
You decided to finally go explore what remained of the actual farm, hoping that you'd find something nice and scary (some might call you crazy but hey, this was how you paid the rent so yeah). Nothing really extraordinary happened either as you went inside. The wood was creaking everywhere, eaten by thermites and the many days of rain that made the walls rot. All in all, the greatest danger here was to be killed by the farm collapsing on itself.
You sighed dramatically, deciding to stop the recording here. But as you looked down on your camera you froze. There was a very big shadow on the floor, and you knew for sure it wasn't yours. You even stopped breathing all together, a sudden wave of panic crashing through you, yet you stayed perfectly still, staring intently at your camera and the shadow. How could you not hear this guy come? Maybe it was all the noises made by the old wood, but now you could hear the mysterious stranger clearly. It was breathing so heavily, it sounded like a mix of an animal and an actual engine.
You began walking, mechanically. Acting like you didn't notice the silhouette that was clearly right behind you. It followed, walking at your exact pace so that you wouldn't hear its footsteps. So whatever it was, it had some kind of intelligence. You gulped as silently as you could, and when the abrupt noise of a chainsaw being turned on right behind you roared, you didn't think twice. You made a mad dash out of the building, throwing the camera without any second thoughts for the rents or anything video related, you just wanted to live.
The wind was cold on your teary face and it was difficult for you to run on the muddy ground, since it rained the day before that. You felt like the mud was slowing you down more than anything and you almost lost it here and there when you heard the chainsaw so close to you. In a desperate attempt, you plunged to your left as you arrived near a tree, getting mud all over you and hurting your ankle along the way. It seems like you were lucky, because whatever was pursuing you with its chainsaw literally crashed on the tree you were just nect to. It yelled, so loud you swore you could have lost an ear right here and there with the decibels. Finally, you had a clear vision of what exactly was haunting the Coldwind Farm. To your surprise it was still... Mostly human.
Still an impressive height, but its face was somehow very diformed, skin completely twisted on its face and shoulder. You could see some actual features on the face, but you could tell that whatever this guy was born as, it wasn't treated as it should have been. It's spine was totally torn and you could see that there was some effect of heavy malnutrition.
You should have run away here and there. Sprint home and never look back. But you couldn't help the slight fascination and curiosity bringing you to stay right here and observe it... No, observe him. You were now fairly sure that he was as human as you. He was still yelling, his chainsaw stuck in the tree and moving his arms wildly as if it had been... Hurt?
You got up as silently as you could, noticing that, indeed, splinters of woods were struck on his right arm. You winced at the sight, it looked really painful. You took the risk of stepping toward him, but this caused him to pay attention to you once again. He stared right back at you and you swore you lost your breathing at it.
So many emotions swirled in those pupils, almost hidden by the skin difformity. Pain, anger, sadness, confusion... But what you mostly saw was fear. He started growling at you, like an animal endangered, and it's where you noticed that even though his chainsaw was stuck in the tree and he was hurt, he still had very nasty looking hammer in his other hand, covered in what you assumed was fresh blood. You took a deep breath. After all, this might just be the end of you.
"Look, I promise I want to help you alright?"
At first he didn't seem willing at all to listen to you, still thrashing around and growling menacingly. But as you approached him while keeping your hands raised to show you wouldn't try anything he seemed to calm down. When finally you were right next to him you shivered, not exactly sure of what you were doing.
"I'll take a look at your arm alright ?"
You were sweating heavily and you could feel his ragged breathing caressing your skin. It was like trying to reassure a wild animal. You made a face  at the shards that were stuck on his arms, they were stuck deeply, blood spilling in thin tricklets. This looked painful.
"I'm going to open my bag and use some product to help you heal. Ok? Ok"
At this point you didn't care anymore, you just wanted to try to help him at least. He was still looking at you warily, but at least he stopped moving so much. You pulled some tweezer that you had in your emergency case and looked straight back at him.
"This is going to hurt. You're ready?"
He stared at you, his eyes boring into yours, then closed them, a silent way to give you the go ahead. You stopped breathing and went to work. He tensed when you began pulling out the shards but he didn't make a single sound. You almost let out a "good boy" that you thankfully kept in your head. You kept caressing very lightly his arm after each shard, trying to soothe as him much as you could.
Why did you want to help him so much? There was something in those eyes that entranced you. You saw more humanity in those eyes than a good number of people you met.
When finally you pulled out the last shard, you allowed yourself to be less tense.
"Good job. This is going to hurt too, but I need to clean your wounds."
He tilted his head at you, maybe wondering what you were doing... or why. He seemed to somewhat understand what you were saying. He grunted when you cleaned his wounds but stayed perfectly still, allowing you to work just fine. Finally you reached for the bandages, rolling it slowly around his arm. You froze as you noticed a little detail on his upper arm. There, on the malformed and bruised skin was a neat handwriting.
Look, I promise I want to help you alright?
Was this really..? You so didn't know what to do. You started panicking a bit inside. Were you hallucinating? You had lost hope of finding that one person so long ago, part of you couldn't believe it. How could you be sure anyway? This guy didn't seem to even know how to talk. You finally came back to your sense when he started to get his arm back. You didn't even realise you were gripping him so hard.
"Oh..." you blushed awkwardly, not really knowing what to say and embarassed by what you just said. "Sorry, I uh, I didn't mean to..."
You were having difficulties forming the words out of your head. Everything was going too fast. He was still staring at you, warily but also curiously. He probably had no idea of what you were doing. And to be honest, you neither.
"I need to go!" You finally cried out all of sudden, making him jump.
You didn't give him the time to react as you ran away from Coldwind Farm. You took a look back, he was still there, staring and unmoving.
"I'll come back alright?! I promise!" you yelled, and you could tell was more and more confused.
But he made a noise. As if saying "alright". This was fine by you. And come back you did. At first it was once a week. Then it became everytime you could actually visit him. You did some research on who lived here before. Turn out it was a farmer couple. They had a son named Max Thompson Junior that was never even brought to school. It didn't take you long to put two and two together, you had deduced that he had been abused by his parents, never properly taken care of and possibly never allowed to have affection in any form.
It made you sick to know that parents would reject their own kid like this... moreover he possibly was your soulmate, so that struck a chord. You still weren't entirely sure that Max was indeed your soulmate, after all he never really said anything understandable apart from noises, their intensity varying with his mood.
At first he was still wary of your visits but you warmed up to him so much, he actually got used to your presence. All that you had in mind was to see him, the more the better, the video could wait... you also discovered that he loved all types of little snacks you brought to him and you were more than happy to make him discover all the delicious food he had never even had the chance to taste before.
Once again you were off to see him, bags filled with all types of food rather than survival supplies. He was there, standing near the corn field, his eyes seemingly lost in the scenery.
"Hey Max!" You called, waving your arm around.
He jumped a bit a your voice (he was quite sensitive to sounds) but turned toward you his face lighting up and the hint of a smile forming on his mishapen lips.
You froze at the first word that were finally formed by his mouth. It had been weeks. And finally after hours of you talking to him almost non stop, even though no one took the time to teach him how to speak, he had put the effort to salute you back, just like you always did when you went to see him.
His voice was raspy and almost inaudible by the lack of use but it was there. Tears started rolling on your cheeks and your bag fell on the ground, forgotten in your rush of emotion. He whined alarmingly, not liking seeing you cry like this. Were you hurt? Did someone upset you ? Did HE upset you? His eyes were lit by  worry and panic and you hurriedly dried your tears with your arm, hiccuping a bit.
"Don't worry Max, those are not tears of sadness or pain... I'm just... so happy!"
You showed him your own arm, sleeves rolled up. There was written one small little world. One word that made you go crazy at first. After all what kind of soulmate would just tell you Hey? But right now it felt like the most beautiful word you could hear. After all, he took it upon himself to say it to you.
"You see this? This means we were made from one another !"
You abruptly ran to hug him. He didn't even move with the force but he tensed a bit, not used to the contact, but he eventually relaxed and hug you back, a light but secure grip around you. You weren't even sure if he had any idea about the soulmate thing, but somehow you had a feeling he knew. As he started slowly dancing in a circle with you still in his arms, you had a feeling that he knew.
And you couldn't be happier.
All the fluff for this sweet boy , I hope it's good enough aaaa
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freddiefcknmercury · 5 years
You really think I didn’t know? Pt4 (A Promise pt 1)
Pairing: Black/Enby Reader & Bucky Barnes Word count: 1.9K+ Warnings/disclaimer: Some Swearing/cursing; notes of depression; alluding to death. A/N: This is version one to the Final part of this story. I'll also be posting an AU to this with Steve so look out for that one. This is gonna count a solid part 1/? for a Bucky Series called “A Promise”- essentially the spin off. Summary: After the events of Endgame reader is still waiting to hear from Steve.
As always be nice to me I'm delicate • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
You're at the stove cooking... something. You zoned out again honestly and that's probably why the knocking startled you as much as it did. It turned to pounding by the time you noticed it. Who ever it was knew you were home and seemed urgent. 
"Alright alright I'm coming! Gimme a sec.."
You turn the heat down on whatever your meal was supposed to be and try to adjust yourself and look like a person as you walk towards the door. Hoping to find an expression that resembles pleasantry to greet whoever is on the other side with.
"Sorry! I was kinda stuck in my own head just now, I didn't-"
You'd been to the Captain America exhibit at the museum just like everybody else, not to mention seeing his face briefly plastered across international news years ago, so you know what James Bucky Barnes looks like. The man in front of you was definitely him. A worn down version of the bright boy in all those photos but nonetheless. You also know there's only one reason he would come out of where he's been hiding to be here right now. You stood there in silence staring at each other for at least a solid minute. He hasn't said anything because he knows you aren't fucking stupid. Under different circumstances you might even be flattered by this. He tries to straighten himself a little and lightly clears his throat, which knocks you back into the moment. You shake your head attempting to think of something a human would say at a time like this.
"Do you want to come in?"
He didn't. He wanted to deliver his message and leave but you're both secretly afraid of what might happen if he just skipped away after dropping a bomb.
He shuffles inside, jaw clenched, hands still in his jacket pockets, trying to look as unimposing as possible. You slowly take him in; absorb his presence. Make sure he's real and actually here with you right now and not part of some fever dream. But staring is rude so you avert your eyes, causing you to notice the door leading to what used to be Steve's bedroom for the first time in who knows how long. Still empty and unopened five years later. 
You'd been too afraid of what you'll think or feel if you stood in there too long, so you pushed it to the back of your mind with everything else. The world had stayed the same shade of depressing it was before. Most people moved on, some... didn't. It kept on like that until one day people, almost everybody who vanished, just started popping back up all of a sudden. No one could explain it. But you knew it meant whatever they did, Steve and Tony; all of them, it worked... but it's been over a week since and you haven't heard from either of them yet. And you're scared. You slowly lower yourself onto the couch, arms folded across your middle, hoping that would be enough to hold your pieces together for whatever is coming your way. "So... lay it on me."
It was almost a whisper. You can tell that didn't make him feel any better about this. He dropped his gaze to the floor. You like to think he rehearsed before he got here but if he did, it's seems like he's lost it all again.
"It's hard to explain. I don't even understand it. I just know what happened to me and what I was told... what I saw." You lock eyes. The heartbeat pounding in your throat makes it swell up. "Steve went back-stayed. To be with Peggy."
There's a long silence. You can feel the confusion crawling over your skin. This isn't at all what you thought. 
You parrot, blinking at him. "Carter."
You shut your eyes, nodding quickly at his words. You know exactly who that is. "Agent... Carter."
You saw her at the museum too. She did seem rather fond of Steve in those videos but you didn't think much of it until right now. Why would you, she died a few years ago. "They were... an item? at one point."
He pulls his arms out of his pockets and they land lifeless by his sides. It's silent for another long moment while you wrap your mind around this.
“What do you mean he 'went back'?" "Back..."
He hesitates, realising how this might sound. Anybody else would think he's lost his mind, but you know things.
"In time."
You rub your face in your hands while this information runs in and out of your mind and settles thick in the air. Finally you take a deep breath and lean forward, arms folded in your lap, gaze trained on the ground.
“He went back." "Yes." You shake your head at yourself, at the accusation tumbling around in your mind.
“Not, got stuck or... died. He went, he left?"
You're not even really asking at this point. Bucky takes a noticeably large breath. This is the part he wasn't completely prepared for. There aren't really comforting words that soften the blow on 'yeah sorry he left you here.' You lean back against the couch shaking your head more vigorously now. Mostly in disbelief but with an ever so sharp twinge of anger.
"...did he tell you anything? At all, about us?" "Not until recently."
You scoff. "I know what this looks like, what it must feel like. But he said he wanted you to know the truth. And I promised-" "Yeah well-"
You cut him off but stop yourself short. Smoothing your hands over your thighs and standing back up.
"...he promised me he'd come back."
His expression didn't change. It's not indifference on his face, he's just as tired as you are. Shouldn't shoot the messenger.
"So who cares what he wants."
You turn away, waving off his sentiment, just about done with trying to be strong and understanding. Bucky, eyes closed, lifts his face towards the ceiling. Searching for the right thing to say.
"If you could've seen his face. Heard him. He cares about you, I know he does."
You can hear him take a cautious step in your direction.
"It's shitty. All this. It really is... But I can't say I wouldn't start over too if I were in his place."
You stop. Triggered just enough now. Snapping back in his direction and face him square on with an expression of pure disapproval.
"Just like that?"
You can see him put a shield up in response to your reaction. 
"Without a second thought to anybody you  might be hurting or leaving behind? Just skip back to a new beginning without giving a fuck about anybody you might've made love you...?" His expression was almost blank and it kind of scared you.
You can feel your face harden-
“...not after seeing you like this."
-and soften.
You can hear his breath become shaky.
“I'm not Steve. And I'm not who I used to be... I just started figuring out who I really am now. How to love people and know whats important."
You looked deep into each other and locked onto something you both understood. He can see through you. Not like Steve, different. Past all the stuff on the surface, deep down in your soul at all the hurt because he knows where it lives.
“You clearly don't need my help. I was asked to look after you... but tell me to leave and I wont bother you again." Your heart sinks and you finally lose it. Face hot, blood boiling just under the surface, the wells of cool tears begin to roll down. You can feel the ugly spreading but it's all too heavy for you to carry anymore. You practically fall onto the floor. Bucky closes the gap between you in three quick strides reaching out to catch. Pressing the palms of your hands against your eyes you make an attempt to manipulate them into turning off the water works but it just stings with salt. He places a firm hand on your back to steady you, and himself. You lift your face towards the ceiling in an attempt to coerce oxygen into your lungs. Chest heaving. "I'm supposed to just take this..."
You practically gasp each word out. He looks you in the eyes as if to say 'Obviously' but they're filled with dread and something that reads like regret. You snicker and nod lightly just to yourself.
"Not that I have much of a choice, I'm not chasing down an old man to slap him accross the face..."
You push a lose hair out of your way to look at him seriously. He stares back, you can tell he's half expecting you to scream at him. You shrug instead.
"I hate both of you. Decades of unique life experience and neither of you thought that just maybe I'd be better off thinking he died?"
He straightened himself, knowing that lying to you about Steve's decision might've been the better option but he made promises. "The last time we tried to spare someone's feelings it didn't go so well."
You're half interested in whatever story he's referencing but that's for another time, the look on his face says 'Please don't ask.' "I want to be mad but... that doesn't really seem fair either, huh?"
You smirk, amused at your own shitty situation, and wipe away a few stray tears.
“None of this is fair."
You prop yourself up against the wall and he follows, making sure to not get to close, but your knees are touching. It's weird to have someone next to you again while you're this vulnerable.
"Why are you still here?"
Your eyes are locked on the door to the bedroom. There's a sharper edge to your voice than before that neither of you expected but you don't apologise for it. He inhaled deeply, you can tell he wants to be offended. He hands you possibly the oldest flip phone in exinstance and it seems like the world goes quiet. You look it over, passing it back and forth in your hands. "That's why he didn't come."
You see him turn to look at your face for some kind of explanation. "You said if it were you, that you wouldn't be able to go through with it after you saw me... like this." 
He drops his head and rubs the back of his neck.
“I just kept telling myself that if he didn't come back it was because... and when everybody else showed up, and he still didn't... I got used to the idea. It never occurred to me that maybe he'd chose to go."
You let the last five or six years roll around in your head. The endless empty feeling of 'what if' never really leaving you. Now you know the truth and you're right back where you started. The weight of the phone anchored you back into the moment.And just like that something flipped a switch inside you. Like your ass kicked itself back into gear when it realized you might still have options and choices. A life. You took a deep breath and drop the phone in Bucky's lap. 
"I won't need it if you're going to stay around."
You get up to toss out the mess you made on the stove.
"I'll order pizza."
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ick25 · 6 years
Rockman.EXE Episode 32 Review.
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No, not that one, this one.
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 Gray and boring Internet city from the early 2000′s.
The episode opens with Meiru-chan arriving at Netto’s house, she runs up to his room and turns on his computer while Netto is just waking up. She is excited to show him the new Net City aka Internet city, where she then proceeds to plug-in Rockman before the title card appears.
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“You call my mom an old lady, come into my house, enter my room, log into my computer, and wake me up just to send my Navi to the very thing that made this game based anime even exist?”
Okay, to be fair, Internet city represents a solid place in cyberspace where Navis can walk freely and interact with eachother, all the times we’ve seen Navis travel through the net it is a tunnel created by electrical waves, which is basically what the internet is (and the Wave world, but thats another story).
After the title card, we see Roll taking Rockman somewhere that has strange cube like programs that gather around him, pressumely security programs since Roll is able access something leaving him behind. As Rockman starts to be scanned, Meiru tells Netto how to create an account to enter Internet city, you know, so he can get spam mail and stuff.
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Roll takes Rockman by the hand and they run together to the gates that lead to Internet city, which was cutted from the dub for some reason.
Netto and Rockman are amazed to see the huge city, Roll-chan takes Rockman’s arm and shows him around like they were on a date. As they walk, Rockman recognizes Aki-chan on one of the floating screens.
American viewer: Hey, who is that? Why does Megaman know her?
Dub: She is obviously a famous pop singer in their world, Megaman knows her because she is famous, not because they met in some episode we never aired or anything.
American viewer: O_O ...Ok.
 Rockman and Roll are then greeted by Glyde who asks them if they are shopping together.
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Yes, Rockman, shopping. Have you heard about something called Amazon?
Roll continues to show Rockman around internet city, making me wonder why is there a bank out in the street, but if that wasn’t weird enough they also pass by a Navi fitness shop where a program is saying that Gutsman is fat.
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Navis can get fat? How? Wouldn’t it make more sense if they were saying that he was heavy because he had too many programs installed or something? That would at least explain why Gutsman is too slow compared to Rockman and maybe why he doesn’t have enough memory to articulate words. XP
We cut to Yaito in her very own tennis court where Glyde tells her that he is done with his errands, and mentions Roll showing Rockman around internet city.
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Because she is not in the mood to use the gold bathtub, I’m serious, that is what she says.
One of Yaito’s butlers tells her that her order of strawberry milk shake is delayed and that he is going over with some maids to get it, meaning Yaito is gonna stay home alone for a while, I’m sure that is not gonna be a problem later on.
Yaito leaves to her bath humming Aki-chan’s song who we see in the next scene singing live at internet city for its grand opening. After hearing the long version of Aki-chan’s cheezy song, Roll gets pissed after noticing that Rockman is making a lovey dovey face while listening to Aki’s song and decides to take him away. Aki seems to recognize Rockman leaving by waving her noodle arms at him, something that didn’t made sense in the dub since the episode where they met Aki was skipped.
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American viewer: “It looks like Aki knows Rockman”
Dub: “She would wave to any fan she sees leaving”
American viewer: ...I guess.
They are surprised to find Higureya in Internet city and decide to enter where they are greeted by both Numberman and Higure.
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Netto, it’s the internet, anyone can put up a buisness site for free, which would eventually lead to many internet frauds.
Higure tells Netto about an exhibition match that he is gonna take part in to show everyone the Net coloseum and explain how Net battles have changed since the N-1 grand prix, I’m guessing this is a reference to BN2 that changed the battle mechanics from the first game.
Speaking of BN2, we hear a strange conversation going on with the exact same lines from the beginning of the game before heading over to the Net colloseum.
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With Roll and Rockman joining the audience, Midorikawa appears to explain that the Net colosseum has different battle arenas, sadly, not once in any of the seasons of the anime do we get to see a different scenerio in the colosseum.
We are also introduced to Midorikawa’s Navi Toadman, who will battle Numberman for the exhibition match. During the battle we see Toadman’s musical note attack, and also, he moves so fast that I just now noticed that he is surfing on a lilypad.
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Higure sends a Fire Tower and a cannon, Numberman summons the fire tower, but the cannon appears on the battlefield where Higure can control the fire, for Netto’s surprise.
Though, this seems to be the only change in Net battles because after this the rest of the battle goes on normaly, until Midorikawa attacks Numberman with three mini Bombs and Higure tries to send the Dream Aura only to realized that it is a rare chip, and poor Numberman is blown away.
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Midorikawa and Toadman are the victors, and before logging out, she reminds everyone about the colosseum being the only place in internet city where Navis can use Battle chips.
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Because it’s not like somebody can sneak a virus into the city or anything.
After commercials, Rockman and Roll-chan are enjoying the view of the city, until Rockman notices a strange Navi on top of a building.
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The Navi is dressed in a cloak and seems to be scanning some data before jumping off the roof and dissapearing as he falls, leaving Rockman confused.
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Shortly after this, Rockman receives a call from Glyde telling them that Yaito is in trouble. It looks like somebody infiltrated her mansion’s security program and started to leak poison gas during her bath.
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I guess she should’ve went with the gold bathtub?
Netto and Meiru rush over to Yaito’s mansion with Rockman and Roll going on ahead through the network. The Navis arrive at the entrance of the system, that for some reason has gas in it, and they find Glyde on the ground who tells them that they must fix the water heater program. Rockman tells Roll to stay with Glyde as he enters the gate that takes him to a factory like place where gas starts to blow up from the floor.
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The program is unstable for Rockman accidentally causes a path to fall apart. Needing to get to the other side to fix the water heater program, Netto developes an idea after seeing a screw nut conveniently fall into a pressurised air vent that blows it to the other side.
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Netto tells Rockman to close the valve, then jump above it as he fires his Rock buster to open it up again, he then uses the air pressure to fly accross.
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After Rockman successfully reaches the other side, he finds the water heater program where he is ambushed by three tornados. The attacker is a Navi named Airman who won’t allow Rockman to fix the program. Airman continues to attak Rockman with a series of wind attacks, but Netto, who finally arrives at Yaito’s mansion, protects him with a barrier.
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“What? First you tell me I’m late, and now you complaine about me leaving you with a sword to defend yourself? It’s not like an actual human life is more important than you right now.”
Yaito’s butler comes back with her strawberry milk only to find Netto and Meiru trying to open the door to Yaito’s bath. After seeing that Airman’s intrusion doesn’t allow the butler to open the bathroom doors, Netto decides to use his classic bandalism skills to throw a probably expensive vase at Yaito’s glass door, (causing Meiru to lose her socks in that shot). Gas starts to pour out and Netto uses a folding fan to blow it away for Meiru to run inside and carry Yaito out.
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With Yaito finally safe, Netto can focus on Rockman’s battle. Rockman asks Airman why he is doing this, and Airman’s netop, who’s name is Arashi, tells him that it is because she is the only daughter of the head of Gabgom.
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Netto naturally gets pissed over this reason and begins to battle with everything he’s got. When sending a cannon battle chip, the cannon appears on the field making Netto remember the exhibition match from earlier and starts to fire at Airman.
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Arashi sends in a triple tornado attack making Airman create a giant twister, this causes Netto’s PET to automatically activate the Style Change and Rockman uses the Heat Guts Style to destroy the twister.
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But I think he might have deleted Airman in the process, always use the Heat Guts with caution, kids.
Yaito finally wakes up.
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That is actually what she says in the game, and it’s just as uncomfortable.
Arashi tries to flee from where he is, but he is surrounded by the Net Agents. So I guess the whole conversation in episode 12 about “criminals only being arrested over the net” is thrown out the window here.
 After the police takes Arashi away, Commander Beef receives a call from the public phone where a mysterious voice tells him that Arashi was working for an organization named Grave aka Gospel, and that things are gonna get worse from there.
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And the episode ends with giant dark clouds appearing over Internet city where it starts to rain.
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Well, time to sing.
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My thoughts?
I know, for a place called internet city, it isn’t what we would imagine the internet to look like, it focused more on the economic part of the web because all we see are businesses, shops and banking systems. Internet city is like the “kid friendly” and “safe” version of the internet where Net Battles are the only source of entertainment.
As always the dub changed lines and edited scenes, like the Navi fitness center where Gutsman finds out that he is fat, its changed to him losing in some game, like a cyber casino or something? I guess the idea of Navis getting fat would be a little confusing.
 The poison gas in Yaitos mansion was compleatly recolored to look like steam, instead of attempting to kill Yaito with toxic gas, Arashi had her trapped in a super sauna.
The idea of Internet city is a reference to the cyber squares introduced in Battle Network 2 that are virus free areas where Navis can hang out, buy stuff and enter chat rooms.
This is the first mention of the net mafia Gospel. In the game, Arashii was never arrested, after he lost to Rockman he recieves a call from the Gospel leader saying that they have no need for him anymore, Arashii soon finds out that they planted a bomb in his briefcase that explodes and destroys part of the metro station. We have to keep the anime kid friendly, though they stopped doing that once Axess aired.
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Your Diet And Reactive Hypoglycemia
KetoCut - https://ketocut.net/. One within the staples regarding a bodybuilding weight loss program is milk. Consuming skim perhaps whole milk packs some serious meats. The benefit of milk for muscle gain has even been built into the GOMAD (Gallon of Milk a Day) dietary regime. 1 cup of milk contains 7.9g of protein, 3.9g of fat and 11g of carbs.
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I could no longer eat like before. It was not respectable no longer train hard like . I had no idea what was going on, what in order to do and couldn't seem to getting a straight answer from anyone on a few things i should be going after. and yes, anyone included my doctors! There has been much discussion recently about whether the cyclical keto diet can be maintained accross a long time frame. The discussion usually targets the imbalance associated with low carbohydrate consumption. A part of the eating habits includes carbohydrate loading for a 36 hour period, usually on the weekends. During this time, you are free to eat carbohydrates. This does two tasks. First, Keto Cut it gives the dieter an inducement during the week; pizza on the weekend! Second, it replenishes the carbohydrates lost which helps in balancing the system and giving energy for that next bicycle. As the phrase goes, 'hard work pays off'. Your abs won't simply appear overnight, but during the course of your training and diet, you will slowly commence to see that dream physique unfold. Ads for the Mediterranean diet claim obtain "eat solar power keto diet facts want" and "never experience hunger." That sounds great, but things that sound too good to be true often are. There has become a new set of bars called Crunch pubs. These will be reformulated MedifastBars that have started much magnified the other nutritional supplements and theyve now interchangeable with the shakes and also other products. So that you could crunch considerably five bars a morning! They contain either 12g or 13g each to choose depending the amount bar your site. Ketosis is a state exactly where your body goes on fat burning autopilot. How's that! Excess fat that is stored within your body actually starts to get used as energy which permits for fat loss of fat, not water or has a muscle physique. The intent being alternating 72 hours diet with 4-5 regular eating days is to assist your body restore the fats found on lost inside of the process in the 3 days diet and to keep the actual body from disease. Extreme low calorie intake for KetoCut 3 days causes shape to slim down and shifts your metabolism leading the particular body to a ketogenic reaction. But lower carb diets are extreme measures and folks assume can shed without reduced carbohydrate protein meals. Although some believe carbohydrates are fattening, in fact , they aren't. Most people can easily lose weight by increasing their activity level or eating just a little less and most healthier foods. There are much easier and better methods to reduce weight: eating small frequent meals, controlling portion sizes, cutting upon saturated fats, avoiding sugar, drinking lots of water and eating lean protein at each meal.
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Personality type and how it plays a role in shipping
*not edited cuz I have homework*
(I have spent a solid three months on this research and Im exhausted. So cut me some slack. It gets the point accross)
Destiel: Why do people ship it? Are some more likely than others to see it? I conducted a research study for the past few months regarding the ship Destiel. This is my conclusion. In april, i began research by conducting several surveys regarding possible traits of shippers and non-shippers, and how this plays a part in their views. Including culture, age, and ever different neurotypes. None of these factors played a significant role within the data as there was a wide variety of different people for both sides. So if age, culture, or even neurotype didnt affect it, then, what did? The answer was within the myers briggs personality test. This test s incredibly accurate, and is often used by employers to get a better read on what jobs and environments would work best for the employees. I swear by this test. All other the traights of the personality types are split up very evenly, except for intuition, and sensing. 70% of the population is sensing and only 30% are intuitors. Sensors see the world for what it is, if something is in front of them, then that is exactly what it is. Intuitors are more likely to look at the bigger picture. They find alternate meanings, identify paterns, and connect far flung dots into a single trend. On the survey, which involved almost 300 people btw! (Scientists would kill for this much data). The percentage of intuitive vs sensing was FLIPPED for the destiel shippers. And that makes sense! We’re less likely to believe that Dean is straight because we’ve seen many instances of Dean’s past behavior that indicate otherwise. From cake, to booty shorts, to cucumber water, dean repeatedly claims to like something, then goes on to enjoy said thing! We spot these things and make connections. (70% of nonshippers were sensing which also makes sense) being a sensor isnt a bad thing either. It just makes us different. In my experience, nonshippers refuse to acknowledge any possible subtext, or evsn see it. They see the show for what it is, and thats okay too. We have different ways of enjoying the same thing.
Just putting this out there! I know this study isnt very refined, and I will revise this later. Just getting this done so people can see the results.
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