#then again. maybe he's just wondering why Ryan is staring at him so intensely
eternally obsessed with the fact that there’s a scene in Death Rides a Horse where the 2 main guys are not at church on sunday and just silently stare at each other across a mostly empty street while the good churgoers of the town sing hymns from down the street like they actually gave us this
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question to anyone especially if you have no idea what this movie is about. what is Bill’s expression here. I am going to hazard an “he is having his weekly religious crisis” and perhaps “he wants to rip God to shreds with his bare hands and feels guilty about it”
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ihearthes · 4 years
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Golden Rod
(inspired by Golden MV)
Author: @ihearthes Pairing: Harry x Reader Insert (2nd person) Rating: Smut (18+ only) Word Count: 2829
“Thanks for the ride, Ryan!” you call, waving at Lambert’s assistant as he drives away to the garages on the Vesta. “Ciao!” 
Excited to show Harry your new lingerie, you enter the villa where the team has been staying. “Is he done for the day, Ben?” The words are muffled behind the cloth mask you’ve insisted is essential despite the drop in Italy’s coronavirus cases. 
The Fulwell 73 producer points upstairs without a word before bending over the video footage he’s scouring with the director. The opulent surroundings have been modernized, and you grin while mounting the stairs to the top floor where the master suite consumes the entire space. From the expansive open windows, you view the Tyrrhenian Sea, causing you to literally pinch yourself. How had life blessed you in such a way? Giddy, you continue up the stone steps.
Kicking off your sandals, you curl your toes into the cool, smooth tile. Fuck. This had been the perfect day. Swimming in the infinity pool during the morning with endless fresh fruits at your fingertips whenever you stepped out of the water to feel the warm sun on your skin. A socially distanced lunch of Insalata Di Mare Campanese (Seafood Salad) with Molly in a local restaurant. A trip to the stores with the adorable stylist Ryan -- where he’d introduced you to a new designer of gloriously sexy lingerie! 
You’d bought four pieces. 
Harry was going to love all of them, and you couldn’t wait to showcase them in your own private fashion show on the secure top floor of the Italian villa. 
Stopping in the marbled bathroom, you draw in a deep breath at the chill on your heated feet. Quickly, you wash your hands, singing “Happy Birthday” twice like you’d been taught to ensure 20 seconds has elapsed. No way were you going to be responsible for inadvertently passing along the virus to your boyfriend during the Golden music video shoot. He’d end up missing out on filming the music video and the upcoming Don’t Worry Darling if he tested positive. Carefully removing your mask, you toss it into the laundry hamper before washing your hands a second time. 
Tiptoeing out of the bath, you wonder where the man of the hour might be. Napping? Nope. Not in the bed. On the loggia, you spy Harry settled in a chair, staring into space. 
“Can’t blame you, Styles. That’s one hell of a view.” Gazing over the colorful boats moored in the sea near the coast, your eyes feast on the sky with its tints of reds, pinks, yellows, and oranges as the sun begins to sink into the water. Honestly, you expect to hear a sizzle as the bright ball of gases descends into the blue serenity of the sea. 
“Indeed.” His quiet voice doesn’t sound normal for Harry, and you approach slowly, like one might a wounded deer. Wouldn’t want to frighten him away. 
“Harry!” The gasp leaves your throat, and you press your hand to your mouth to capture the sound too late as it has already escaped. “What the hell happened to your knee?”
He shrugs, finally glancing in your direction. “Skinned it. Hi, love. Did you have a good day?”
“I had a beautiful day, but what the fuck did you do to your knee?” Crouching down, you examine the spot where blood is flowing. It’s not an overwhelming amount, but enough that you want to clean it. “My poor baby,” you coo, “Let me clean that for you.”
Rising, you glide to the bathroom again. 
“Bring some ice too, love,” he requests, tacking on a “please” at the last minute. 
Stopping in the suite’s tiny kitchen, you search the small freezer for ice as requested. Ransacking the cabinets in the bathroom, you manage to locate cotton balls, an antiseptic, and a bandage. Returning to Harry, you kneel at his feet. “This might sting a bit.” Cautiously, you cover the cotton ball with the antiseptic and press it to his wound. 
He winces, but the only sound he releases is a mild hiss. 
“Sorry, baby.”
“It’s not a big deal, love.”
As the blood vanishes with its absorption into the cotton ball, you agree with him. The wound is relatively minor. Should form a scab in the next day or so. Carefully, you remove the adhesive from the bandage and press it over the small scratch. 
“Don’t worry, darling,” you tease, “you’ll heal soon enough.”
“Gonna run that one into the ground, aren’t you?” he jokes. 
“Might as well,” your shrug, grinning. “Don’t worry, H. You’re so golden.” His smile gives away his mirth at the pun. “Soon enough, you’ll be done filming, and moving on to something else. And I’ll give you hell about whatever the next thing is too.”
“I’d expect nothing less,” he confesses with intense eye contact, and your insides start to flutter. 
As an afterthought, you hold up a bag of frozen peas. “No ice, H. I’m so American that I forgot Europeans don’t do much ice. Will this do?”
“Sure.” Grabbing the bag of peas, he smirks before placing it on his crotch. 
You raise an eyebrow. “Your dick needs ice?”
His eyes rake over you. “Kind of went running without an athletic supporter today.” 
Planting your hands on your hips, you glare at him. “Why would you damage the goods like that?”
Raising his shoulders, he grins, “The fans will love it.”
Your lower lip juts out as you pout at him. “Does that mean it’s off limits to me?”
“It’s sore, love. Not broken.” Harry emphasizes, but that doesn’t make you feel any better. 
“But I’ve got lingerie,” you state clearly. 
He sits up quickly, shifting the bag of frozen peas on his crotch. “You do?”
“Yep.” You allow the ‘P’ to pop. “Ryan introduced me to a new designer. I bought four sets.”
“Fuck,” he breathes. 
“Not with your dick wounded,” you remind him with a tiny hitch in your breathy voice. 
“Fuck,” he repeats. 
“Should I model the first one or wait until tomorrow?” You’re definitely pushing the envelope here, yet how dare he give fans priority to his most precious bits?!
Eyes darkening, he sweeps his gaze over your light trousers and loose shirt. “Ummmm...now please.”
“Are you sure? Wouldn’t want you to hurt your dick more.”
The exasperated roll of his eyes makes you smile. “I wanna see, love.” 
Examining him, you come to the conclusion that he’s an adult and knows what he wants. With a nod, you grasp the handle of the bag from the designer. “Be right back!” Hurrying to the bedroom, you set the bag down before rummaging in it for the most sedate look: a white lacy baby doll bit that hits mid-thigh and comes with a long peignoir. Putting on frilly high heeled slipper with it, you strut in front of him with the robe tightly covering your body, watching as his eyes darken. 
“Like this one?”
“Shit, love. It’s…” 
When you part the edges to reveal the concoction underneath, Harry has to catch his breath, shifting in the seat as he adjusts the frozen peas. 
“Hot?” you taunt.
“Mhm. Come here, and check my temperature.” His voice is throaty, and you recognize the signs quite easily. 
“Nope. Three more to go before I get within touching distance, H. Sorry.”
“Dammit,” He mockingly shakes his head. “You know I could easily see all of them on separate nights. Let’s just start with this one.”
Purposely, you push your lip out in a pout. “But then the other lingerie would get jealous, and Ryan went to a lot of effort to get me a private viewing. After all, this stuff isn’t available to the general public.”
“No?” He sighs, and you catch the hitch in his comment. “Bring on the second one then.”
Confidently, you swagger from the room. With shaky hands, you withdraw the bright red lace camisole and boy short. Is this the appropriate one to wear next? The red might just push him over the edge. Best to stay out of his reach then. Smirking, you pull the outfit on and waltz onto the balcony with a twirl, your hair on pointe as its curls bounced with you. 
“Holy fuck. That’s the second one?” His strangled cry makes you laugh in joy. 
“How’s that cock feeling now?” you gesture in the direction of his crotch. 
“The peas have melted I believe.”
“Mhm. Maybe you should go get something else from the freezer then.”
“Nah. I’d rather you come get this bag for me. I might be too injured to walk inside.”
“Oh, you’re so funny. I know this game. I get close to you, and the other two lingerie outfits never see the light of day. Nope. You want more frozen food for your genitals, you can get it yourself.” Laughing, you smack your rounded ass as you amble into the bedroom again. 
“Fuck!” Harry yells behind you. 
The dialogue combined with the strutting has your pussy feeling damp as the waves of arousal rush over you. Sure you’d fucked last night, but today was a new day, and you wanted to feel that dick inside you -- regardless of the damage he did by jogging in the city for the video. 
The third one is pink -- and you’re well aware from experience how much Harry loves pink. The baby doll dress is silk and lands just at the top of your thighs with a black lace bodice that laces in the middle. Kind of laces anyway. Plenty of boob still visible. Or barely hidden. Whichever you prefer.
“Oh my god. You’re killing me!” Harry whines as you parade just out of his reach. When he starts to rise, you shake a finger at him. 
“No, no, H. You need to recuperate from running today. Better stay seated.”
He chokes as you twist around to show him all sides, including the g-string with its bare backside. 
“You’re evil!” he calls as you dance back into the bedroom. 
This is the final one, and you prepare carefully. It takes extra time to put on, and you smile as you observe your image in the room’s mirror. Deftly, you slip a couple of condoms in the bodice of the bralette. 
You find a playlist of romantic Italian music and set it to play on the Bluetooth speaker in the bedroom, ensuring the volume is high enough to be heard on the loggia. 
Harry gasps the moment he sees you. “You’re not wearing anything under that!”
Playfully you glance down at the last lingerie set. “Oh, damn. I guess when I put the garter skirt and stockings on, I must have forgotten the panties. Forgive me?”
His head bobs up and down as he gulps. 
“Now,” you murmur, approaching him. Grasping a pillow from a nearby chair, you plop it on the floor in front of him, settling on your knees there. “I think the best thing is if I take a look at this dick to make sure you didn’t do too much damage.”
Removing the no-longer-frozen peas, you toss the bag to the side. No one will be eating those. Ever. Silently, Harry waits while you carefully peel down the top of his elasticized shorts and remove his cock. You have to catch your breath every time you get to glimpse it, and today is no exception. 
Your mouth waters, and you lick your lips as you hold his rigid length in your hand, your eyes flickering up to his where he’s staring intently at you. Maintaining eye contact, you run your tongue over the tip of his cock, paying extra attention to the slit there. 
“Mmmm,” you murmur. “The tip seems to be okay. Let me check the length.”
Using your saliva as lubrication, you run your hands down his shaft to his balls. “Doesn’t appear to be broken,” you smirk, “In fact, seems pretty solid and firm to me.”
Harry raises an eyebrow, “Might want to apply some suction there, love, just in case.”
You don’t really care what he means by that last phrase. You’re more than happy to test out the equipment to ensure that it’s in full working order. Spreading his legs more firmly, you lean in, sliding his entire dick into your mouth until the tip hits the back of your throat. Harry grasps the hair at the back of your hand, bunching it in his hand as he guides you along his length. You hear him sigh, and you’re confident he’s tilted his head back and closed his eyes, but when you glance at him, you find that his eyes are still on your lips. 
Fuck. It turns you on even more, and you can feel your pussy dripping onto the pillow. You make a mental note to remove the cover and wash it before leaving the villa. 
As your lips glide along him, you’re frustrated at not having full access to him. As you apply suction to his tip, you pop off him with an audible sound. Both of your hands reach for the waistband of his shorts, and you gently encourage him -- “Lift your bum, H” -- so you can fully remove the garment, throwing it over your shoulder and hoping it doesn’t sail into the pool below. Harry smiles, adjusting his stance into the biggest man spread you’ve ever seen. 
Before you return to your ministrations on his cock, you grasps your chin, drawing your face forward and upwards until he can lock lips with you. 
“Not much longer, love, or I’ll explode.”
“I don’t mind,” you purr. 
“Mhm. But if we’re fully going to test the equipment, then that should include more than a bj.”
“Ah, I see,” you grin. “But of course. We want to be thorough.” 
First, though, you are compelled to play with his balls, so you take him into your mouth again, adding one hand to his length while the fingers on the other play with the balls underneath. Fuck. You could do this all day. Breathing through your nose, you deepthroat him and suck for a solid ten seconds before you release him completely. 
With a grin, you stand, kicking aside the pillow. “Hmmmmm...trying to decide the best way to do this.” Your voice has a catch in it, and you wipe your mouth before bending over and capturing his lips in a searing kiss. Tongue darting forward, you taste him, allowing him to suckle your tongue briefly. 
As you come up for air, Harry moves his legs together while slipping his hand between yours and nudging your legs apart. With one finger he teases your clit, flicking it from side to side as he watches your face and eases another digit inside you. Oh hell. This feels…
“Fuck, H.”
“You’re so tight, baby. Come sit here. Let’s test out the equipment. Make sure everything works properly.”
At his invitation, you step forward as he shifts his bum down on the chair a bit. 
“Shit. I forgot…”
With his words, you remove the first condom from your bralette where it has conveniently been nuzzling your nipple, the hard corner of the foil packet hardening your nip. 
Grasping his dick, he uses the tip to slap at your pussy a few times before using your internal juices to lubricate himself. Your eyes roll back into your head as the two of you work together so you can slide onto him without any additional moments wasted. 
When you’re fully seated on his dick, you grind just for a moment. 
“Hmmmm...seems sturdy enough,” you pant. 
“Oh, you’re so funny,” he drawls, but his eyes roll back in his head when you glide along his length, your stockinged thighs surrounded by his large hands. “Fuck, love.”
“Working on it,” you laugh breathlessly as the rhythm becomes easier. His hands move to your arse as he assists you in riding him. 
Draping your arms over his shoulders, you shake your tits in his face, and he grins as he bends his head to press a kiss at the juncture of your boobs. 
As your climax begins to arrive, your movements become less steady and more sporadic. Harry, knowing you as he does, reaches between your bodies to tease your clit as you throw your head back and cry out two thrusts before his seed spurts into the condom and his eyes roll back into his head. Spent, you collapse on his chest, still joined. 
“I think,” you whisper as you kiss his neck while playing with the curls at the nape of your neck, “we can agree that the equipment still works just fine. No damage here.” Picking up your head, you glare at him. “But no more, H! What’s mine is mine. The fans get enough of you.”
He laughs as his arms surround you, and he buries his head in your shoulder. 
“Of course, love. Whatever you say.”
A/N:  Reblogs are love, my readers.  If you liked this even just a little tiny bit, please take a second to reblog so that others might find it.  Getting likes is nice, but it doesn’t help me grow my readership.  Thanks for your consideration!
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angstyaches · 3 years
Again, this is quite heavy for this blog. Please heed the warnings! DM me for a summary, if you don’t want to actually read it because of any of the tags (I’ll make a post if anyone asks on anon). Stay safe, friends.
CW: disordered eating mention, alcohol, heights (inc. character struggling with fear of heights), angsty and dark thoughts, relationship problems being discussed, very brief but intense death ideation, mention of gore/injury (described by character, not real), danger of falling, mention of broken glass, emeto, food mention, blood mention
Shayne had hoped the bad thoughts would take longer to find him, but they were waiting for him just on the other side of his bedroom door in the townhouse. For the past two weeks, he’d eaten three meals a day with Charlie at his parents’ house, even if some of them were small, and he’d been imagining himself keeping it up once he got back, but now that he was alone, the shame and the feeling of helplessness that had always surrounded food came flooding back.
When dinner time rolled around that evening (he knew it was dinner time because his stomach remembered), he felt Madelyn’s phantom breath on his neck and ignored the hunger. He crawled into his bed and tried forcing himself to sleep before his body could realise it was being deprived.
But god, he was just a needy, greedy little black hole of a creature, a sap on the world so long as you’re not fulfilling your duty, an insult to flesh and bone, nothing but darkness and hunger and waste and –
Shayne sat up in bed and squeezed his head between his hands. He’d gotten so used to Charlie’s constant presence and warmth, that he was already feeling unbearably lonely without him.
Stupid Charlie, he thought, feeling a flutter of affection in his chest as he pictured Charlie’s head resting on his shoulder. And then, a sinking feeling.
In the absence of Madelyn’s voice in his head, Shayne realised how… quiet everything else was. Ryan and Nancy were probably still travelling in Europe, but Elliott and Felix should have been here.
He’d half-expected Felix to come pounding on his door around this time, raving about whatever he was cooking and asking questions about Shayne’s Christmas. But the fact that the townhouse was this silent was extremely unpleasant.
Shayne let himself into the hallway, pausing and holding his breath, scanning for any signs of life. He could have done this easily if he’d been in a forest, but houses and urban settings were always trickier. He picked up a flash of something, a thrum of a heartbeat, but it sent his head spinning and he had to stop concentrating. It seemed to be coming from Elliott and Felix’s room, even though he hadn’t heard a single stir in there since he’d gotten home.
“Hello?” he asked softly, pushing the door open slowly.
He wasn’t surprised that it was cold in the bedroom beyond, but a breeze took him right in the face. Papers had been gently blown across the floor, and a vase holding a fake rose had been knocked from the windowsill onto the floor.
Nobody was in here. This wasn’t where he’d sensed somebody.
The view of the town was incredible from this height, four storeys up. It was around dusk, so there were lights blinking to life in houses and office buildings even as Shayne stood by the open window and rested his hands on the sill.
“Elliott?” he called out quietly, leaning his head outside. The distance from his face to the street below was dizzying.
“The fuck do you want?” came a curt reply, which made Shayne look to his right. The moulding on the outside of the building was about a metre wide, enough for Elliott to slump against the brick wall with a glass balanced on his knee and a bottle grasped in the opposite hand.
His hair was loose of its usual ponytail, as well as being greasy and dishevelled from having fingers constantly dragged through it. He was scraping it back with his left hand at that very moment, eyes glazed over as he looked up at the sky.
“When’d you get back?”
“Uh, today. Earlier.” Shayne could hear how high-pitched his voice had gotten, but what could he do about it? He couldn’t stop wondering how Elliott’s weight wasn’t forcing him to slink further down, legs pulling him over the edge. “El, what are you doing? Someone’s gonna see you out there.”
“So?” Elliott shrugged. “Maybe I’ll become a Reddit legend.”
“I have no idea what that means,” Shayne sighed. “What’re you doing out there? Are you okay?”
Elliott blinked, the motion slowed by the darkness and an unknown amount of whisky. “Come here, and I’ll show you.”
Shayne would have really preferred not to, but it didn’t look like Elliott was coming to him anytime soon. He turned around and sat up into the windowsill, slowly shifting his legs around so his feet touched the moulding. He breathed hard, tried not to look at the fall below, and told himself that if it could hold Elliott’s weight, it could hold his.
“You know, inside, there are floors and – and chairs,” he stammered, edging closer to Elliott before lowering himself to a seated position. He didn’t slump like Elliott though; his hands were pressing the concrete, stiff as pillars. “Lots of nicer and safer places to sit and drink whisky.”
The words barely seemed to reach Elliott’s ears.
“So, what’s up?” Shayne asked.
When Elliott smiled, it was a sick thing that twisted the lower half of his face without touching the rest. He looked past the rim of his glass and out across the town. Shayne wouldn’t have been surprised if his glare had caused a sudden flash of lightning to tear through the clouds.
The silence seemed to press in further, the sound of traffic fading away as though a bubble had descended on the rooftop.
“Where’s… Felix?” Shayne already had the feeling that the answer wasn’t going to be good.
“I don’t know.” Elliott pursed his lips. “Think he’s left me.”
A cold stone seemed to drop through Shayne’s stomach. He couldn’t begin to imagine what the equivalent of that felt like for Elliott. “What? Why?”
After a slight roll of his eyes, Elliott reached into the pocket of his trousers, fidgeting with something before pulling out a ring. He twirled it between his thumb and his figure, examining it up-close for a second before holding it out.
“Oh.” Shayne eyed the ring for a moment before reluctantly lifting one hand – one of his supportive pillars – and letting Elliott place it in his palm. “I take it he said no?”
“No, he didn’t say no. He didn’t say… anything.”
“Is that – is that better, or worse?”
“Fuck if I know.”
“Sorry, El.” Shayne gulped and stared at the ring, only managing to hold onto it for a couple of seconds. Elliott had already taken his eyes off of it, his attention snagged by his drink again. A slight breeze across his skin made Shayne shudder, as though it could possibly throw him off balance. Mostly, it was just cold and unpleasant. “Here, take it back. I’m gonna drop it or something.”
“Why would you drop it?” Elliott asked with a grunt, reaching to pick up the ring. His fingertips lingered a moment as he realised how badly Shayne’s hand was trembling. “Fuck, man, are you okay?”
“Mmm.” Shayne put his hand down next to him again, fingers aching under the pressure he was putting on them.
“What’s up?” Elliott scoffed lightly. “You gonna hurl?”
“Maybe,” Shayne admitted. “I’ve never been up this high before.”
“Jesus, you’re such a drama queen.” Elliott planted a hand down and pushed himself to his feet. His movements were as swift and graceful as a panther, even while drunk, and he seemed to tower unreasonably high over Shayne as he straightened his back and stretched his arms over his head. He almost reached the roof tiles that jutted out over the top floor. A strong gust of wind could probably have toppled him, especially considering how much whisky was probably flooding his system.
Elliott’s feet made a scraping sound on the concrete as he lowered his arms, laughing deep in his chest.
“Elliott, stop! Just sit the fuck down.”
“Why?” Elliott’s voice was no stronger than a breath. He closed his eyes for a worrying amount of time, his shoulders swaying slightly as his arms hung by his side like weights. “Would you care if I fell?”
Shayne got a sinking feeling, for what seemed like the hundredth time in ten minutes. “What kind of question is that?”
“Do you think I’d die, actually?” Elliott perked up again, unnervingly so. He opened his eyes and lifted his glass slightly. He craned his neck to look over the edge of the moulding. He hummed, like he was pondering whether he should buy a pair of shoes in black or in brown. “I’m fairly sure that fully-developed vampires can only die if they’re burned alive, but… I wonder how thoroughly that’s been tested.”
“Elliott –”
“I’ve had a decent run. In human years, I’m almost seventy, you know? That’s longer than a lot of people end up with…”
Shayne didn’t know if he should have been trying to grab Elliott to stop him from teetering so close to the edge, or if that would make everything worse. He could barely breathe, let alone think.
“It’d still fucking hurt either way, though.” Elliott threw back the last mouthful of his drink and smacked his lips. “Bones poking up through my organs, probably bits of me exploding on impact –”
“Elliott, seriously, you’re just being an asshole now, just sit down!”
“Would it make him come back, if I was injured like that?” Elliott demanded, his golden eyes piercing and intense. He was beginning to lapse into clumsy arm gestures, his voice rising higher with emotion. “Would it put everything into perspective, Shayne? Would it fix everyone’s problems if I was maimed? Or if I was completely and utterly de–?”
Shayne’s stomach turned, his hands flying to his face, as the whisky glass shuddered and dropped out of Elliott’s hand. It disappeared from view, faster than the sick grin could fall from Elliott’s face.
The shatter was tiny; Shayne had to really strain his ears to hear it. He watched Elliott blink tears down his face and slowly lower himself to his haunches. He opened his mouth wide, like he was going to scream, but no sound came out.
“Hey,” Shayne whispered, letting go of a breath he hadn’t known he’d been holding. He stretched out one hand, trying to gently catch Elliott’s attention. “El. Elliott.”
Elliott didn’t move. He stayed crouched, one hand gripping the edge of the moulding, his face hovering over the side. When he blinked, tears fell and missed the building completely, dropping straight to the sidewalk that was four storeys down. 
“El, come on.”
All the way down to the sidewalk –
He turned his head, swaying a little, and for a moment Shayne thought that was it, that he was gone, he’d lost his balance. Shayne sat forward on his heels, instinctively making an uncalculated grab for his cousin’s hand, but luckily Elliott was reaching back too; two fumbling hands happened to fumble in the right directions at the right time.
“Fuck,” Elliott whimpered, steadying himself on his feet again. Shayne could feel both their pulses in their joined hands, Elliott’s almost explosive. “We should… We should probably get off this thing.”
“Oh, you think?” Shayne snapped, though he clung to Elliott’s hand like a toddler to a parent as the two of them edged back over towards the window. He hopped in through the window first, turning to make sure Elliott was following him. The taller man hit his head on the open window, making the frame shudder as he shut his eyes and winced.
“Shit, are you okay?” Shayne held out a hand to help him make it the rest of the way.
“I’m fine, get off me,” Elliott growled, shoving Shayne away from him and storming over to the bed.
“Fuck heights,” Shayne murmured, pulling the window shut with more force than was probably necessary. It released some of the fear that had been pinching his nerves though, and his head felt clearer. “We should probably go down to the street and clean that glass up before someone –”
“Shut up.”
Shayne shrugged, gazing at Elliott as he sat at the edge of his bed, head resting in his hands. “Is – is your head okay, or –?”
“What’d I just say?”
“You said to shut up, but how the fuck do you expect me not to ask you if you’re okay? You almost fell off the fucking… roof!” Shayne smacked his hand on the bedpost as he walked by, partially on purpose. “Fuck you, Elliott.”
“Calm down, man,” Elliott snarled, his head shooting up from his hands. “Come on, you seriously think that’s the closest I’ve ever come to dying?”
“You can’t…” Shayne stopped by the door to the hallway, eyes lowered. “You can’t do shit like that, you can’t talk like that. I don’t care if he’s left you, if the world’s falling to shit, if you think nobody cares about you being around, you can’t…”
A sob broke the air, and Shayne froze, turning to watch as Elliott hunched over at the edge of the bed, his head ducking and disappearing from his silhouette.
“I’m… sorry.”
Having never heard such a heart-wrenching sound from Elliott before, Shayne found himself hurrying back to the bed. He sat down next to Elliott and let him sink his head against his shoulder and cry, his body convulsing with what seemed to be days’ worth of pent-up agony and sadness. Shayne felt utterly useless; he couldn’t guarantee that everything would be alright with Felix, because how the hell could he possibly know that?
“Ugh, fuck,” Elliott exclaimed, his shoulders jerking forward with a sob so deep that it sounded more like a hiccup. He clamped a hand over his mouth, the other lifting to tentatively cover the front of his head, where he’d hit it on the window.
“You okay, man?” Shayne asked hoarsely.
Elliott shook his head, face paling even in the dull light.
“You gonna hurl?” Shayne murmured, wondering if the irony would be lost on Elliott in his current state. He was already getting to his feet, remembering that Felix kept a metal bin under his desk.
“Mmmph.” Elliott nodded furiously, only releasing his mouth from his hand once Shayne had thrust the bin at him. Saliva glistened on his lips as he hovered, breathing heavily. His eyes were red and swollen and he was still gently kneading his head.
A deep retch rolled his shoulders and made him duck his head further into the bin. Shayne grimaced and almost put a hand on Elliott’s shoulder before remembering that that would have been a terrible idea. He stood by the desk instead, arms folded around his waist, flinching in time with Elliott’s horrifying gagging.
When Elliott’s face resurfaced, he was gasping and spitting out mouthfuls of thick bile and saliva, tinged only slightly with the golden hue of the heavy liquor.
“Jesus,” he choked out. “How hard did I hit my head?”
After a disbelieving glance towards the window, Shayne scoffed. “Your head? What about the god-knows-how-much whisky in your system right now?”
“Alright, whatever,” Elliott groaned. He pawed at a thick strand of his hair that was stuck to the side of his face and trailing into the bin itself, tossing it over his shoulder. Just in time too, since the next retch was deep and abrupt and dragged a rumbling belch up alongside a gush of foamy alcohol and stomach acid.
Between gags, Elliott let thick liquid drip from his mouth into the bin, body shivering with the effort it took to bring everything up. It went on for so long that Shayne was certain Elliott was going to fall asleep with his head in the bin.
Eventually, Elliott sat upright, grabbing a tissue from the nightstand and dragging it across the lower half of his face. He tossed it into the bin and reached for another one.
“Want me to get you some water? Or, like, blood?”
“No.” Elliott sighed deeply, dropping the second tissue into the bin before he began to scoop his hair back from his face and neck. “I’ve been drinking on an empty stomach for two days. I wanna go get chips.”
“Yes. Can you grab one of Felix’s scrunchies from his side?”
Shayne did as he was asked, mostly in a daze, rounding the bed to get to Felix’s bedside locker. There was a pile of hair ties sitting alongside a handheld cassette player.
“Can you even eat?” Shayne asked, leaning across the bed to hand one of the hair ties to Elliott. “You know, with all of your full-vampire shit going on?”
“Seriously, you little asshole?” Elliott snapped, his voice scratchy and weak. “My life is falling down around me and you’re trying to deny me chips?”
Shayne quickly shook his head, a little bit grateful for the bloodcurdling glare that Elliott was currently treating him to. He got up from the bed again as Elliott tended to his hair. “Let me just grab a jacket.”
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riversofmars · 3 years
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Hi all! So sorry this update took a while, I got side-tracked with the RiverDoctorPromptWeek which was a lot of fun :D But now that that's over, back to business! Hope you like this next chapter! <3
Chapter 13: Into the Lion’s Den
Torchwood Two Hub, 2021
“I did not expect that to be down here,“ Jenny observed, sounding thoroughly impressed as they followed the Doctor into the Torchwood Two hub.
“Looks can be deceiving,“ Vastra mused but she was surprised as well. Humanity really had improved on their defences since the time they lived in.
“Thank you for coming, Doctor,“ Kate greeted them, her expression one of relief. She felt better already for having them here. She looked the Doctor up and down, her new body would take a bit of getting used to but her identity was still unmistakable.
“That’s… the Doctor?“ Gwen raised her eyebrows, mumbling to Martha who was just as surprised.
“I’m sorry to be pulling you away from whatever you’ve got going on…“ Kate hadn’t expected the Doctor to arrive with as big an entourage as she had. She eyed the Doctor’s numerous companions with interest and, in the Master’s case, concern.
“I actually think both our problems might be connected.“ The Doctor didn’t stop to chat, she carried on along the corridor to where she presumed the main working area was.
“You wouldn’t happen to have a cell, would you?“ Vastra asked, giving Kovarian a little shove to walk along.
“Who is she?“ Kate asked with a frown.
“Long story but locking her up would be most helpful,“ the Doctor retorted.
“I’ll see to that,“ Gwen volunteered. They were set up for all eventualities in the hub.
“These are my friends Vastra, Jenny and Strax.“ The Doctor made their introductions as they reached the main area.
“And this…“ Kate had read the files on what had happened with Daniel Barton. It couldn’t possibly be…
“Oh don’t mind me…“ The Master looked around the room, hands in his pockets managing to somehow look bored, and yet scan his surroundings with interest. It was disconcerting.
“Doctor is this a good idea?“ Kate reached for the Doctor’s arm and stopped her in her tracks.
“I told you, I was busy too, there is a lot going on…“ The Doctor replied, watching, as the two Osgoods regarded the Master with surprise and distrust. The last time they had encountered the Master hadn’t ended well. She chose to disregard it for the moment, there were far greater concerns. “You said there were disappearances and potentially experiments going on? Any idea where I can find whoever is behind this?“
“We lost contact with Ryan, Graham and Jack when they were following a lead to an address that seemed to be connected to this project.“ One of the Osgoods spoke up, trying her best to ignore the Master who seemed to be intent on freaking them out as much as possible. He maintained a predatory smirk and mumbled threats. The Doctor hated his sense of humour.
“Daniel Barton is providing funds, that’s about all we know. The address was planted as a trap, we should have realised that,“ Kate continued ruefully.
“We had but they wanted to investigate regardless,“ Martha interjected. It wasn’t that they hadn’t realised that it was a trap, they had just decided to take the risk and it hadn’t paid off.
“Daniel Barton, eh?“ The Doctor regarded the Master with a frown.
“I don’t know what you’re looking at me for,“ the Master snapped, taking her meaning.
“Well, it’s quite the coincidence, isn’t it,“ the Doctor shot back sarcastically.
“Well, who knows maybe it was the Thirteen all along that’s been playing you and been working with the Kassavin.“ The Master rolled his eyes at her.
“Very funny.“
“Just saying, maybe I have been a good boy all along,“ he carried on mockingly.
“Shut up,“ the Doctor groaned, annoyed. She felt herself being pulled back and forth between wanting to trust him and remembering that experience had taught her not. The Master had been a genuine help at Demon’s Run - in his own destructive way, but a help nonetheless. But for whatever reason, the coincidences just kept happening, stacking the deck against him. It was beginning to look purposeful.
“So what is he doing here?“ Martha asked with distaste, recalling her own unpleasant experiences with the renegade Time Lord.
“I found him,“ the Doctor answered vaguely.
“Is he connected to this somehow?“ Kate asked, wondering if it might not be advisable to put him in a cell as well.
“Don’t know yet,“ the Doctor replied thoughtfully and the Master groaned, exasperated.
“Doctor, for the last time, I was sitting on Gallifrey while all this happened…“
“Then why does he have your face?!“ She snapped and he just stared her down, holding her intense, questioning gaze.
“I’m not following…“ Martha shook her head to herself.
“Nothing for your weak little ape brains to worry about!“ The Master exclaimed with surprising rage.
“Get it together,“ the Doctor snarled, her voice threatening as she stepped up to him.
“Stop goading me. I don’t know anything about it.“ The Master didn’t move back, if anything, he stepped even close, his eyes twinkling with madness, his darker instincts seemed to be struggling for control and he was just about holding them at bay.
“Perhaps if you could tell us what you have been doing… you said you thought there was a connection?“ Kate interjected, hoping to calm the situation.
“We have to find where their hideout is.“ The Doctor turned away from the Master, abruptly changing her priorities. She made her way over to the Osgoods at their workstations. “What sort of scanning equipment have you got here?“
“State of the art and then some but what are you looking for?“ One of them asked, relieved to be back in an area they felt comfortable with.
“Time Lord life signs. Scan for people with two hearts. If we connect the hub to my TARDIS, we should be able to do it,“ the Doctor explained, crossing her arms in front of her chest as she considered the logistics.
“You believe other Time Lords are behind this?“ Kate asked, surprised.
“If things are connected then yes, for sure. One particular Time Lord, that is.“ The Doctor nodded. “Chances are the Thirteen will be wherever they’re keeping Ryan, Graham and Jack. And my son.“
“Your son?“ Martha was the first to echo in disbelief while the other UNIT members just stared at the Doctor in shock.
“He was kidnapped, we have been chasing after his kidnappers ever since,“ Vastra interjected sensing that the Doctor’s mind was already on other, more practical matters as she leaned over the computer screens.
“Doctor I’m so sorry, I had no idea…“ Kate started saying but the Doctor wasn’t paying attention.
“He’s bound to have a Time Lord life sign too… between River and me…“ She explained to the Osgoods and took one of their keyboards off them to start typing.
“Right, okay, let’s get to work,“ Martha interrupted the stunned silence, calling them all to action.
Unknown location
“Tempting offer, mate, but I don’t think you can just turn people immortal,“ Ryan replied, looking around the room.
“Talking of immortal people, where is Jack?“ Graham asked, noticing his absence.
“Oh, he will be quite useful. He may not have the kind of immortality we are looking for but he might be just what we need to differentiate the genes,“ the blonde man answered graciously.
“Is that what your experiments are about? Making people immortal? You’re not doing a very good job, are you, if you’re killing them,“ Ryan snapped, pulling against restraints that had been fixed to their wrists. They had to find a way of getting out of here and get help, else they would be next in a long line of dead bodies.
“Every attempt takes us closer and we’re confident, we’re almost there now. You could be our first successes,“ the man carried on with charismatic confidence. He seemed awfully convinced of what he was promising.
“If you’re so sure about that, why don’t you try it out on yourself?“ Graham shot back, trying to get out of his restraints as well but to no avail.
“No need, I already have that ability, it’s your species I’m concerned with,“ the man answered and Ryan and Graham exchanged confused glances.
Before they could ask any more questions, the door opened at the far side of the room.
“Padrac! There you are!“ A familiar voice barked.
“What…“ Ryan and Graham couldn’t believe their eyes as they watched the Master strolling into the room.
“Impossible.“ Graham shook his head. “She said you’d died on Gallifrey!“
“Did she now?“ The Master barely regarded them with a glance but it seemed to have picked the other man’s interest, who appeared to be called Padrac.
“You know of Gallifrey?“ He raised his eyebrows, surprised. He clearly hadn’t realised who they were.
“’Course we bloody do!“ Ryan snapped but focused his attention back on the Master: “We stopped you once and we will do it again. Just you wait, the Doctor will be on her way, once she realises this has been you all along.“
“The Doctor, ey?“ Padrac smiled, intrigued.
“I very much doubt that, you see, she’s pretty busy right now,“ the Master retorted. “You are the last thing she’s concerned with.“ Then he grabbed the other man by the arm. “Padrac, we need to talk.“
Luna University, 52nd Century
“Wow,“ Yaz breathed, looking out of the window as they made their descent to the moon’s surface. The university campus was quite a sight from above. Large domes were keeping the emptiness of space at bay and provided pleasant living conditions for the people below. They docked to what appeared to be a space port, for lack of a better word. It was a tall structure that stuck out between the domes and provided passage into the area below.
“What time period are you from?“ River asked, watching the fascination play on her young face.
“2020,“ Yaz answered absentmindedly as she moved away from the window.
“Ah, a little way off then, Luna University is the hub of academia in my time.“ River gave her a kind smile as she picked up Dorium who scolded her for tipping his box a bit too much. River chose to ignore his protest as they left the shuttle.
“What is your time?“ Yaz asked as they found their way to an elevator that would take them down to the surface.
“That’s a question and a half…“ River chuckled. “My parents were from your time, 2010 or something there about… and I lived there for a while… until the Doctor whisked me away and stranded me here, 52nd century… I guess I consider it my time, that’s where I spent most of my linear life… and it’s where I died. A time traveller doesn’t really have a home but Luna University is as close as it gets for me,“ she explained as they rode the elevator to the surface.
“It’s where you live when you don’t jump through time?“ Yaz understood what she meant. The elevator opened and they stepped out into the foyer of a large building of massive stone and impressive architecture. It reminded Yaz of a class trip they had taken to Oxford once where they had passed by the university. This appeared to be the Oxbridge of the future and it was very impressive.
“I teach here, too,“ River revealed with a smile. “This way.“
“Archeology, wasn’t it?“ Yaz asked as she looked around the entrance area, signs and arrows on the floor indicating which way each department was situated. “Isn’t that cheating when you can visit any time period?“ She realised she was falling behind a little bit, getting distracted by the sheer impressiveness of it all. She quickly caught up to River again.
“I certainly am the most hands-on archeologist out there,“ River chuckled. “Admittedly, not everyone is a big fan of that… but I don’t usually mention the time travel bit. Here we go…“ She grimaced a little, then put on her best smile as a middle aged man hurried to meet them. Quickly, she closed the door on Dorium’s box so as not to draw attention. A muffled protest came from the box but River gave him a little shake to be quiet.
“Ehh… Professor Song?“ The man greeted her, stammering, utterly surprised to see her by the looks of it. He was rather short and unimpressive looking, his suit was ill-fitting and there was a stain on his tie.
“If I have missed any classes, I’m very sorry, my last expedition ran over,“ River explained.
“Ran over? We received word from the Lux Cooperation that you died during the expedition,“ the man replied, utterly stunned upon seeing her. It was understandable given the circumstances.
“As always, accounts of my death have been vastly exaggerated.“ River gave a brilliant smile and a crystal clear laugh, hoping to put the matter to bed, just like that. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to get to my quarters…“ She didn’t want to waste time on idle chit chat.
“Well…“ The man went slightly pale around the nose and uncomfortably tugged at his collar to loosen it a little.
“Where are my things?“ River frowned.
“Storage. We tried to reach out for your family but when thirteen different people turned up claiming to be your spouses we decided it best to keep your affects sealed for the time being…“ He answered awkwardly.
“What can I say, I’ve had a good life, didn’t expect them all to come back and haunt me after my alleged death,“ River sighed, though oddly touched that the Doctor would go to such lengths.
“Quite.“ The man cleared his throat. “I’m just gonna need some identification, bio-scan or… just to prove you are who you say you are, you understand… doesn’t happen every day someone returns from the dead…“
“Here, hold Dorium.“ River handed Yaz the box. Dorium complained loudly and the university clerk jumped away from them in shock at the talking box. “Lead the way,“ River sighed at him exasperatedly. “There better not be anything missing!“
Torchwood Two Hub, 2021
“Here we go, that should do it.“ The Doctor had finished linking the Torchwood computers to the TARDIS and transferred Time Lord biodata prints across for reference, now it was just a matter of time.
“Scanning now…“ One of the Osgoods announced.
“Two here, that’s the Master and me…“ The Doctor smiled enthusiastically when the first results came in. It was working.
“I still can’t believe you brought him here,“ Martha huffed.
“As it happens, I have been very helpful through this process,“ the Master shot back.
“I’ll believe it when I see it,“ Mickey backed up his wife.
“It might be easier if you start scanning where you lost track of your friends?“ The Master ignored their quips. “Idiots.“
“Doctor, does he really have to be here?“ Kate asked softly, stepping closer to the Doctor. “No-one seems comfortable with having him around.“
“Well, I don’t like being here, and I don’t like playing nice, I would quite happily murder each and every one of you but we can’t all have what we want, can we?“ the Master bellowed, losing his temper at last.
“Master!“ The Doctor snapped, her eyes shooting up to him. They had been toeing a fine line and it was becoming increasingly hard to justify his presence to the others.
“Sorry. Sometimes my emotions run away with me,“ the Master took a deep breath and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
“Doctor!“ The Osgoods chanted in unison and the Doctor returned her attention to the computer screens.
“There we are!“ She exclaimed excitedly. Finally they were getting somewhere! “But… that’s not possible…“ She frowned, leaning in closer, doubting the findings and her ability to interpret them in equal measures.
“What is it?“ Vastra asked, concerned.
“There are three Time Lord life signs there…“ The Doctor revealed after a moment’s consideration. “Even if the Thirteen really came here and that is where they’re keeping my son, there should only be two…“
“They must have succeeded,“ the Master announced. “With their experiments.“ He laughed and shook his head: “Making more Time Lords, just after I thought I’d wiped them all out… that’s what you think they’re doing, right?“ He looked to the Doctor.
“We have to go now,“ she said, straightening herself up. They had no time to lose. They had no idea what exactly was going on in that place but it was entirely possible that the Master was right.
“I hope you’re not expecting to go alone,“ Kate spoke up and the Doctor looked around, finding everyone getting to their feet, determined faces looking back at her.
“No, I’m not. I’m quite happy to bring down the full force of Torchwood and Unit down on them… whatever it takes to get my son back and stop them,“ the Doctor smiled with vengeful fury behind her calm facade.
Luna University 52nd Century
“I can take it from here, thanks.“ River took the key card from the university clerk that had insisted on walking them to the storage area personally. He also insisted on asking the most impertinent questions about what had actually happened to her during the expedition and why she was only returning now. By the time they reached the storage locker, River had had enough.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to…“ The clerk started but River interrupted curtly:
“Quite.“ He handed over the key card and when River made no attempt to open the room in his presence, he finally got the message and departed.
“How long have you been dead for?“ Yaz asked as the archeologist unlocked the door at last.
“I’m not quite sure… but it is getting dusty in here, isn’t it,“ River commented as they stepped inside the room and flicked the lights on. They were garish and bright, almost clinical and all of River’s personal effects, her furniture, her books, her life - for all intents and purposes - looked incredibly lifeless, as if they were entering a morgue.
“What exactly are we looking for?“ Dorium asked, as River opened up his box and set him down on a sideboard.
“Well for a start, this,“ River replied when she opened the top drawer of her desk and pulled out a blaster gun. It appeared out of charge as she checked it over but that was easily remedied.
“Is the Doctor happy about you carrying a gun?“ Yaz raised her eyebrows, remembering many passionate speeches about how terrible guns were.
“Never but they’ve given up arguing,“ River answered with a smirk and attached the gun to her belt.
“Is that ‘cause they always lose the argument?“ Yaz chuckled. Her eyes fell on a box on the desk, full of picture frames that had probably once decorated said desk in the professor’s office. She picked up a picture of River and a tall, white-haired man. They were standing on a balcony, a beautiful sunset stretching across the sky behind them and two large towers of stone in the distance. Yaz turned the picture over, there was a note on the back that read “The Singing Towers, Darillium. “She said she used to be a white haired scotsman…“ Yaz mused as she turned the picture back around and smiled. It was a beautiful picture for sure but what was even more remarkable was the expression on the Doctor’s face. So full of joy and adoration. While River was looking at the camera and smiling, he was looking at her, as if the rest of the universe ceased to exist.
“Yaz?“ River drew her attention.
“Yeah?“ Yaz looked up, blushing a little, quickly she put the picture frame back where she found it, embarrassed. She probably should have asked before looking at her personal effects.
“Can I trust you?“ River asked, searching her expression for a truthful answer.
“Of course, why do you even have to ask that?“ Yaz was genuinely surprised.
“I don’t know you. Vastra, Jenny, Strax, Dorium even… I have history with them, you’re… new,“ River explained and it was obvious that she wasn’t trying to be unkind or distrusting, she simply had to ask before they got any further. “And for what we’re about to do, I need to know I can trust you, completely.“
“Of course. The Doctor is one of my best friends and to think what you’ve been through, both of you… whatever you need, River. I mean it.“ Yaz nodded, her assurances genuine and determined. After everything that had happened to the Doctor, Yaz wanted nothing more than to make sure she got her family back and found some happiness at last. It was long overdue.
“Good. I thought so.“ River smiled and waved her along.
“What exactly are we going to do?“ Yaz asked and picked up Dorium’s box as they carried on further into the room.
“We’re gonna be the cavalry,“ River revealed, she seemed to know exactly what she was looking for.
“And how do you intend to do that?“ Yaz frowned, stopping as River did too, in front of a large cupboard.
“Here we go!“ River announced, full of enthusiasm.
“An old cabinet?“ Yaz asked, confused. It was pretty, solid oak and classical craftsmanship but she couldn’t see how it would help them in their quest.
“I would have thought by now you would check every cupboard for extra dimensions,“ River chuckled as she opened the door.
“It’s a TARDIS?“ Yaz exclaimed as it opened up into a vast room in its own right, fully furnished with computer screens and a control console.
“Let’s go and see what that wife of mine is up to. I imagine there might be trouble as she hasn’t been around to pick us up yet.“ River grinned.
“Are you sure it’s such a good idea to just fly in there?“ Kate attempted to be the voice of reason as they piled into the TARDIS.
“I’m done messing around,“ the Doctor retorted as she started working the controls.
“Just like back in the old days…“ Martha hummed looking around the control room. The Osgoods had agreed to stay behind and provide intel as needed. Everyone else was crowded into the control room.
“Everybody ready?“ The Doctor cut through the chatter. She was tense, it felt like they were finally getting somewhere and she was eager to get going.
“Ready when you are,“ Kate confirmed and there were nods all round. Without further ado, the Doctor launched the TARDIS. Their journey only lasted a few seconds as suddenly, they were knocked forwards, almost as if they had crashed into something. The TARDIS was shaking, instead of grinding to a halt as they had expected, it felt more like they were spiralling.
“Not as easy as all that, is it?“ The Master called over the racket with amusement.
“They’re using some kind of force field, I bounced right off it,“ the Doctor explained, ignoring the Master’s quip.
“If these are Time Lords we’re dealing with, I’m not surprised they prepared for that eventuality,“ Vastra pointed out, just as the Doctor managed to stabilise them.
“Let me try,“ the Master stepped up to the console, pushing her away.
“Don’t be stupid,“ she snapped, giving him a shove in turn but he ignored her, focusing on the controls.
“I’m not being stupid, in fact, I’m being extremely clever, now move,“ he snarled and after a moment’s consideration, the Doctor gave him room.
“Doctor, is this a good idea,“ Vastra mumbled to the Doctor who was watching him work. Before she could reply, the TARDIS ground to a halt.
“We’re in,“ the Doctor realised, surprised. She started laughing with relief. “How did you do that?“ She had watched closely but she couldn’t quite explain what he had done but she didn’t care, he had succeeded. She reached out to touch the controls, scan their surroundings when suddenly, the power started draining. The TARDIS wheezed and whined, almost as if she was in pain. The yellow crystal pillars started dimming, the lights were going out.
“Doctor, what’s happening?“ Kate asked, trying to remain calm as concerned mumbled erupted amongst the companions.
“I… don’t know!“ The Doctor’s fingers flew over the controls, trying to work out what was going on, trying to hold on to her oldest friend but the screens flickered off, the buttons stopped responding and the humming died down. “She’s shutting down!“ She exclaimed, in near panic. They had just landed in enemy territory and the TARDIS stopped working. Why was this happening?
“Oops… we’ll isn’t that unfortunate…“ The Master chuckled and utter silence fell around them, all eyes on him. Before anyone could say as much as “Told you so“, the silence was interrupted by a loud transmission:
“How nice of you to join us, Doctor, raise your hands everyone as you exit the vehicle in an orderly fashion.“
“Padrac?“ The Doctor mumbled, recognising the voice instantly, she was stunned. How was he here? What did he have to do with this? Maybe the Thirteen wasn’t working alone after all… Working with Padrac and probably even working with the person that had led them into this trap. The Doctor looked to the Master who grinned. Despite her better judgement, despite the many lessons she should have learned over millennia… she couldn’t believe she had fallen for it again. He started laughing now, clapping his hands together, enjoying his moment of triumph as silence fell in the lifeless TARDIS.
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pollylynn · 3 years
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Title: Equal and Opposite WC: 800 Episode: The Third Man (2 x 14)
She wonders what it says about her life that the only person who has reacted normally to the idea of her going on a date is Richard Castle. Well, normally is probably not the word for anything Richard Castle–related, but he’s reacted predictably . . . and maybe as intended? She’s filing that existential question away for later.
Right now, she needs to devote her mental energy to some seriously pointed glares at the other occupants of her very exclusive social world. She’ll start with Lanie, a woman who has been on such an intensive, multi-year matchmaking campaign that Kate often wonders how any autopsies actually get done in this part of Manhattan.
And now, when she’s ready to put herself out there, Lanie is suddenly staring at her with roughly the same level of bewilderment Kate imagines she might otherwise reserve for a vic who’d just leapt up from the table and launched into a soft shoe. And then—and then—she spills the Brad Dekker beans to Esposito? She’d count up all the best-friend protocols that have been absolutely shattered here if she weren’t carefully counting to a billion so that she doesn’t snap and murder Lanie.
It’s important that she keep it together and not murder Lanie, because she is definitely going to need her help when she murders the boys and possibly the Captain. She’s not sure what the order of operations should be there. Probably Esposito first, because he is definitely the one responsible for puppies being the word most likely to be whispered around the water cooler.
Then again, Ryan, in his supporting role, with his solemn, wide-eyed Yeah. For Real . . . Puppies nod, is like a rock in her shoe, so there’s an argument for bumping him up to the top of the order. The Captain, at least, has the good sense to meet her glare with a twinkle in his eye when he hops on the puppy train.
But it’s not really the puppy train that’s the problem with the non–Richard Castle men in her life. She may hate, with the white-hot fire of ten thousand suns, that anything about her personal life is driving the current bullpen buzz. But the precinct is a workplace like any other, and the Puppy Legend was bound to make the rounds.
The problem with the boys—the problem with the Captain—is the strange, sudden seriousness that descends on them all when she suggests that canceling her perfectly normal, perfectly non-remarkable date might be wise, given where they are in the case. The Captain practically orders her off the premises, and Ryan and Esposito’s faux casual Yeah. Totally. Go. Need the Overtime. response is about as authentic as a Wile E. Coyote tunnel painted on the side of a mountain.
It looks a lot like pity. They’re looking at her with this weird, earnest, cheerleading energy behind their stiff smiles, as though she’s some awkward wallflower who actually got asked to the prom.They’re looking at her like she hasn’t had a date this decade, which is only true because the decade just started. She dates. She has dated. This date does not call for a getting-dressed montage set to a moody cover of some 80s emo ballad.
She expects him—Castle—to blink at her in confusion when news of her evening engagement reaches his ears, and blink he does. Before that, she had even expected him to miss entirely that she was pointedly asking him about the kinds of restaurants to which one would go on a D-A-T-E, and true to form, her going on a D-A-T-E was not on his radar at all.
Which is probably why he ended up at the same damned restaurant as her and Brad. Which may be . . . what she intended? There was never any suspense to how he would react once her date was on his radar—she had steeled herself for childish jabs, obviously born of jealousy, and he had delivered. She had dropped the name Drago into their conversation and left him to—at long last—draw his ultimate conclusions.
And here they are, in a packed restaurant vestibule. She can hardly hear Brad Dekker, and from what she has been able to hear, she’s not missing much. She’d like to spend some time wondering if he can hear Bachelorette Number 3, ifhe wants to hear her.
But it’s time to face the question of what exactly it is that she’s doing here. It might well be time to face the fact that she doesn’t know. She doesn’t know. And the existential truth may be that Richard Castle is the only one who is reacting normally to the idea of her going on a date.
A/N: Beckett's plans to steal away for upscale restaurant sex with Castle have so much morphousness. This has no morphousness or less.
images via homeofthenutty
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louezem · 4 years
Saying Yes
Summary:  Katniss and Peeta had a bitter break up years ago and went their separate ways. Katniss knows nothing of Peeta’s life now, until a stunning blonde walks into the exclusive bridal salon were she works, to buy her a dress for her wedding - to Peeta Mellark. 
Part Four - Sisters…..
Part 4 - Sisters  
“Prim?  Are you here?”
Katniss threw her keys and bag down and toed off her shoes with a sigh of relief.  It had been a long and frustrating day at work.   All she wanted was to shower, eat and then sleep.   
“I’m in the kitchen!” her sister replied.  “Dinner’s almost ready!”
Katniss offered up a silent prayer of thanks that she wouldn’t have to face another takeout or frozen pizza for dinner tonight.  She knew how to cook but was lazy about it when she only had to cook for herself.  Prim, however, loved to cook.
She followed the delicious aroma wafting down the narrow hall to the tiny kitchen.   It was barely big enough to hold a small table and 2 chairs, but Prim had set it with the nice plates and cutlery and a small bud vase holding a single, yellow dandelion.
“What’s all this?” Katniss waved at the table.  “It’s not my birthday.”
“Does it need to be a special occasion for me to show my appreciation for my favorite sister?” Prim asked, lifting a spoon to her mouth and offering it to her for a taste. 
“Mmm, that’s so good.” Katniss licked her lips.  “It tastes familiar. What’s in it?”
“It’s lamb stew with dried plums.” Prim smiled as she added an extra dash of red wine to the simmering pot.  “I remembered how much you love it and I thought I’d try to recreate the recipe.  Besides, lamb was on special at the market today.”  
Still thrifty with the budget.  Katniss thought.  Old habits die hard.
“Go get cleaned up.  Dinner will be ready in ten minutes. I just need to warm up some crusty bread to go with this.”
“I love you, little duck,” Katniss said, pulling her sister in for a hug. 
“I love you more, duck potato,” Prim grinned.
An hour later and Katniss was feeling full and sleepy as she curled on the sofa with her legs tucked under her, sipping on a second glass of red wine.  
“Thank you Prim, that was wonderful,” she sighed, patting her full tummy.  “I always appreciate a home cooked meal but I thought you had plans to go to the movies with Rory tonight?”
“I did but he caught an extra shift so I decided to come over and bug you instead.” Prim said, joining her on the sofa. 
“So, did you happen to catch any news today?  Hear any juicy celebrity gossip at work?” she asked, taking a sip from her own wineglass.
Katniss looked sideways at her sister, wondering why she was asking such an odd question. Prim knew Katniss was not big on the news or gossip – celebrity or otherwise.
“No, I was run off my feet all day.  I don’t have time for gossip.  There’s a trunk show on all week and they can get a little crazy.”
“Huh,” Prim starting tapping on the screen of her obnoxiously large smart phone. “Then you haven’t seen this?”  She slowly turned the phone screen to face her sister.
Katniss fought to keep her composure as she watched the images unfold in front of her.  The video captured a gorgeous smiling couple standing close together, hands intwined, on a gilded balcony overlooking the park.  A fireworks display was lighting up the night sky behind them.  Once the fireworks come to an end the couple and their guests start to clap and cheer and someone pops a champagne cork as music begins to play and other couples start to filter onto the dancefloor.  
Dressed in the one-of-a-kind flowing white and gold reception gown created by Cinna, paired with custom Jimmy Choo couture heels and her golden hair flowing in loose waves almost to her waist, the bride was every bit as breath-taking as Katniss knew she would be.  Holding her close to his side with an affectionate smile on his face was Peeta.   He looked equally handsome in a perfectly tailored white suit with gold accents at his throat, breast pocket and cuffs.
Though Cinna never talked to her about it – most likely to spare her feelings - Katniss knew he’d worked closely with Portia, the designer who created Peeta’s outfit, to ensure the bride and groom perfectly complimented each other on their special day.   
She couldn’t help looking carefully at Peeta’s left hand now placed on Glimmer’s waist expecting to see the shiny glint of a new gold band on his finger but he didn’t appear to be wearing one. 
That’s odd. She thought. No wedding ring?
She always thought Peeta was the type of guy would like to wear a ring when he got married. 
When they were dating he was always very open about showing his feelings for her, and would tease her gently when she got embarrassed by his frequent public displays of affection.  “I want the whole world to know I’m yours,” he’d told her, more than once, gently tugging on the end of her braid as she’d scowl.
Unable to continue watching him display affection for another woman was more then she could bear and she pushed the phone away.
“They make a very lovely couple,” Katniss said quietly. “I hope they’ll be very happy together”. 
Prim snorted out loud. “Katniss did you even read what’s under the video?” she held the phone up again.
“The Show Must Go On!”
An official spokesperson for the Snow family declined to comment following the cancellation of the nuptials between heiress Glimmer Snow, granddaughter of Coriolanus Snow, and her fiancé Peeta Mellark, Culinary Director for the “Arena” chain of restaurants owned by the Snow Corporation.  However the brother of the groom, Mr Ryan Mellark, confirmed that the decision by the couple not to proceed with the wedding was both “mutual and loving” and that the couple would remain friends.    
“I don’t understand,” Katniss looked to her sister, confused.  “Are you telling me they didn’t get married?”
“Yep.  No wedding. They called it off at the last minute but went ahead with the dinner and reception anyway, which is kind of cool.  One of Rory’s classmates was working the bar for the evening and he says it turned into one hell of a party. But then I guess the Snow family does know how to do things in style.”
“Wow. I wonder what happened to make them call it off.” Katniss stared into space as she tried to process this new information.   She’d purposely avoided all news and social media over the weekend, hoping that if she distanced herself the sooner she’d be able to forget the intense look in Peeta’s eyes as she’d driven away from the hotel.  “So much time, money and effort went into those dresses, poor Cinna worked for days hand beading the reception dress—"
Prim rolled her eyes. 
“Lord almighty Katniss, you can be so dumb sometimes,” she took another sip of her wine.  “Isn’t it obvious what happened?  Peeta claps eyes on you again for the first time in forever and the next day his wedding is called off.  He still loves you.”
“That’s not true.” Katniss jumped off the sofa and quickly gathered her wine glass and the near empty bottle.  “Don’t say that.  Why would you say something like that?”
“Hey, give that back!” Prim tried to grab the wine bottle from her as she stomped past into the kitchen and began angrily slamming their dirty dishes into the dishwasher.   It wasn’t long before she heard her sister’s soft footsteps behind her.
“I’m sorry Katniss, I didn’t mean to upset you.” Prim apologised quietly.  “I’m worried about you, that’s all.  You haven’t been yourself since you found out Peeta was getting married.”
Katniss sighed.  “I’m fine Prim, really.  You’ve no need to worry about me.  Peeta and I were over a lifetime ago.  I’m over it.  I know absolutely nothing about his life now.”
Prim tilted her head and regarded her sister with cool blue eyes.  “Will you ever tell me what happened between the two of you?  You’ve never given me a straight answer.”
“Does it matter now?”
Prim shrugged. “I’d like to understand.  I was still a kid when you two broke up and no one bothered to explain what was going on to me.  It was confusing.  All I knew was one day you were getting ready to leave for college, the next you were staying in District 12 and applying for any low paid job you could get.  Why didn’t you go?”
“Because things changed,” Katniss scowled. “Family comes first.”
Prim squinted. “Really, Katniss? You’ve fobbed me off with that line for years.  I was hoping you were finally ready to open up with a few more details. I know you loved Peeta, don’t bother denying it.  Your feelings for him weren’t the problem.  Or his for you, everyone could see how bad the guy had it for you.  It wasn’t Mom, or money issues.  She was fine then and you had a full scholarship.  There’s something else you’re not telling me.”
“All right, if you want to know I’ll tell you.”  Katniss reached up into a small cupboard a produced a bottle of whiskey and two shot glasses.  “Follow me.  This conversation is going to require something a bit stronger than wine.”
Settled back on the sofa once again, she tossed back a shot and took a deep breath.
“Peeta accused me of cheating on him,” she began.  “When I tried to defend myself, he didn’t believe me.  He chose to take his brother’s word over mine.”
“No way.” Prim gasped, her eyes widening.
“It’s true.  Rye told Peeta he caught me making out with Gale after a graduation party at Madge’s house.  Rye didn’t believe me when I told him that Gale kissed me, that I didn’t invite it and I didn’t kiss him back.  After cussing me out and calling me a few choice names he went straight to Peeta and told him.”
“Oh, shit.”  Prim’s mouth dropped open.  She picked up a full shot glass and threw it back before fixing her sister with a stare.  “Okay. In the interest of full disclosure I have to ask – did you make out with Gale?”
“Of course not!” Katniss yelled.  “Gale was my friend!  I’d known him since we were kids.   Besides, Madge liked him and I wouldn’t do that to a friend.”
“But did you like him?  Let’s face it, Gale is attractive.  In a Hemsworth kind of way.”
“No. I only ever saw him like a cousin, or maybe an older brother.  I never felt anything romantic for Gale.  It shocked the hell out of me when he kissed me.  We didn’t talk for a long time afterwards.”
“Okay, okay, I just needed to clarify that.  Continue, please.“
“Peeta and I had a huge fight and he broke up with me.  He was horrible to me Prim.”  Katniss voice cracked a little as the memories assaulted her.   “He wouldn’t give me a chance to defend myself. He was so mean, I’d never seen him like that before.  He was like a totally different person.”
Katniss felt the familiar sting starting to build behind her eyes and bit her lip in order to try and gain some control over her emotions.  It still hurt, remembering the words that came out of his mouth.
“He asked me had I led Gale on, and told me to crawl back to the slag heap I came from.” 
“Oh my god, Katniss,” Prim’s eyes softened and reached towards her sister “I’m so sorry—"
“Wait! It gets worse!” Katniss let out a hard laugh.  “As if that wasn’t bad enough, somehow Peeta’s evil bitch of a mother found out about what happened.  She called Mom and threatened her. She told her that if her seam slut of a daughter went ahead with her plans to go to the same school as her son, that she’d report her to Child Protective Services for neglect.  She’d tell them about Mom leaving us alone at night while she worked, and that you would be left at home by yourself at 14 if I left town for school. She even knew about the bouts of depression after Dad died.  All stuff I’d confided in Peeta about.” 
“I can’t believe what I’m hearing.” Prim jumped of the sofa and started to pace up and down. “It’s so unfair.  And untrue!  Mom and I talked about what would happen when you went to school, I was going to stay overnight with Hazelle at the Hawthornes when she was on nights!” 
“You know that and I know that, but Mom was terrified.  She didn’t know what to do.”
Katniss downed another shot. 
“After she threatened Mom, I tried talking to Rye one more time.  I begged him again to believe me that what he saw wasn’t real, but he insisted I was lying.  That Gale had been seen at the slag heap with a girl from the Seam, and I must have made it worth it when he could have had Madge instead of my skinny ass.  His words.  I never really understood that part.”  She frowned.
“I told him about his mother’s threats and he finally said he’d talk to his Dad about keeping her off our Mom’s back, but only for your sake and only if I agreed to stop trying to contact Peeta.  So I did what he wanted.  I gave up my college place and started applying for jobs and signed up for a few classes at the Community College.”
“So, it was me.” Prim’s eyes filled with tears and she crawled towards her sister and wrapped her arms around her in a fierce hug. “You did it for me.”
Katniss shrugged like it was no big deal. “You’re my sister. I’d give my life for yours in a heartbeat.”
“You’re such a dumbass but I love you.” Prim began to cry harder. “You sacrificed so much Katniss.  Your education.  Your future.  Peeta. I’ve never seen you as happy as when you two were together, not even when you were with Darius.”
“Hush now, no more of that talk.” Katniss soothed her crying sister, tears forming in her own eyes. “It all worked out for the best in the end.   I was here when Mom got sick and I took on a second job to help pay the bills.  We got by, and we stayed together. That’s what Dad would have wanted.  Family comes first.”
“Peeta was a part of our family. He was like a brother to me when I was a kid.” Prim sniffed.  “Why didn’t he believe you?  And what the fuck was Rye’s problem?”
“I don’t know.  All I know is his mother always hated me, but I never knew Rye did too. Peeta and Rye were always close, and once Rye started filling Peeta’s head with lies I just couldn’t get through to him after that.  He never spoke to me again after he broke up with me.  A few weeks later he left town for school and I never saw him again until that day on the steps of his hotel.” 
“Katniss, I don’t know what to say. I am so sorry.  It sounds like his mind was poisoned by his brother and that horrible old witch who gave birth to him.  God, I’d love to give her a piece of my mind.  As for Rye? I swear, if I ever see that guy again I will dick punch him.” 
“I saw Rye the day before the wedding, he has mellowed quite a bit,” Katniss continued to stroke Prim’s blonde hair soothingly, taking comfort from the continuous motion herself. “He was almost pleasant once he realized I had a legitimate reason for being there.”
“I owe you so much Katniss,” Prim sat up, wiping her eyes on her sleeve.  “Because of your support, I got to come here, go to school, do everything you missed out on.  Everything I’ve achieved is because you.  How can I ever repay a debt like that?”
“Don’t worry, you can pay for my luxury retirement home on the beach in District Four when you find the cure for cancer,” Katniss quipped and laughed as Prim hit her with a cushion. 
Later that night, after Prim had left and Katniss was getting ready for bed, she couldn’t help but look for a small box she kept hidden in the furthest corner of her closet.  
Inside were a few sentimental items that even after ten years, she never had the heart to throw away.  
A pencil drawing of a dandelion he’d put into her locker one day, after she told him they made her think of him.
A movie stub from their first date.  She smiled at the memory.  Peeta had taken her to see “I Am Legend” and got embarrassed when he cried over the dog, Sam, dying.   It was still one of her favorite movies.
A photo of them together at Senior Prom, and another of their High School Graduation, big smiles on their faces just days before he broke up with her and her world came crashing down.
“Oh Peeta,” she mumbled, “why didn’t you believe me?”  She sniffed.  No, she wasn’t going to cry.  She’d already done enough of that for this lifetime. 
“… maybe you should crawl back to the slag heap you come from.”
She felt a spark of anger in her own stomach when she recalled the things he’d accused her of.  It was an old spark, but one that had helped her keep going and moving forward over the years.   She slammed the box shut and shoved it back in the darkest recess of her closet before crawling into her bed.  She had run from the bakery that day.  Run from his words and the rage and hurt in blue eyes that had only ever looked at her with softer emotions.   
She closed her own eyes and pulled the covers over her head, hoping she wouldn’t be hearing them over and over in her nightmares that night.
~*~    ~*~   ~*~
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youngerdrgrey · 3 years
the mile don't die club // a Batwoman oneshot
summary: Slight canon divergence for 2x08 where Ryan and Sophie chat post-Coryana, first right after and then again at the clinic. (Some angst but let's have some fun. This was a rough episode.) WildMoore + read on ao3 notes: Pretend with me for a moment that they don't have to think about the Kate of it all for, like, a split second after the Coryana meltdown, okay? Like the news of Kate being dead isn't a thing. We get to have a split second of fun. We open on the plane with Sophie and Ryan-as-Batwoman, while Jacob Kane flies them home.
Ryan winces as the turbulence jostles her again. The heavy shaking reignites the fire in her body. One particularly strong one sends Ryan away from the window and spilling over partially into the empty seat beside her.
Sophie quickly unbuckles and crosses the row to sit beside Ryan. She softly lifts Ryan from the half-bent position and props Ryan against her shoulder.
“Sorry,” Sophie says. “It’s been a while since he’s flown a plane.” She chuckles, but there’s a nervous edge under it. “I think I’ll stick to commercial flights.”
It’s not a good joke, but the fact that Sophie’s trying is a comfort. Why joke when the other person’s dying, right? Plus, talking kind of helps Ryan stay awake.
Ryan swallows around her tight throat to say, “This is my second flight ever.” A labored breath. “I’m glad to have done it before dying.”
“Whoa, Luke has a cure. You’re not dying. And you’re not giving up. Kate was… one of the best people I ever knew, and I’d really like her legacy to continue.”
It’s a more honest side to Sophie than Ryan’s ever seen with her own eyes. They’re shoulder to shoulder for the second time tonight. The view of the burning Desert Rose was definitely better than the inside of this stolen plane, but the warmth and steadiness of Sophie beside her is the same. Still comforting enough that it stops up her emotions like a lump in her chest. Ryan’s breath shakes around it. Sophie takes her hand again over the gloves of the suit. If Ryan has to die on this plane, let it be like this.
Her whole body’s heavy, tired, and she sinks closer to the comfort Sophie’s offering so willingly. “Don’t look.” She’s dozing off, so she can’t fully tell if she says it aloud. “You won’t… like me if you look.”
Sophie stares down at her, and her voice comes out soft and contemplative. “Why’s that?” But Ryan can’t get the energy up to answer. She shrugs.
Ryan jolts awake with a gasp. She yanks at the cowl when Luke stops her. His hands warm and steady on hers. “Hey, breathe. Batwoman , wait.” His eyes dart towards the door to the clinic hallway. “We’re not alone in the building.”
Her whole face crumples in confusion. “Who—”
“Sophie. She, uh, waited for you… to wake up.” He looks more confused than worried.
Ryan’s adrenaline kicks in for a moment of clarity. “Did she look?” If Sophie knows, then everything gets more complicated. Their begrudging partnership, their very real world problems.
Luke shakes his head. “I-I don’t think so. I feel like your secret’s safe. But she did want to see you so…. Can I bring her in or…?”
Ryan blinks a few times to try and clear her head. Take stock of the room. Luke’s closest to her. Right at her bed. Mary is near the door. Mary saved her. God, she loves Mary. Best friend / roommate / illegal doctor around. Mary smiles at Ryan.
“I’m all for it,” Mary says. Ryan doesn’t remember asking, but it makes sense that she might’ve asked something.
Ryan clicks back on the voice modifier in the suit. “Fine. Bring her in.”
The Sophie who enters isn’t the Crow that Ryan’s interacted with time and time again. This is someone unsure. Someone curious and nervous and worried in a way that doesn’t feel misplaced or condescending. It’s confusing to see the way that Sophie’s face splits up with relief at the sight of Batwoman sitting up in the bed. Also confusing — Ryan recognizes the worry. She’s seen this crinkle around Sophie’s eye, this tension in her jaw that snaps free with a tiny sigh.
How long has Sophie cared about Ryan? And would she look this visibly relieved if she knew it was Ryan under the mask?
Ryan shakes her head to clear the thought, but then Sophie’s crossing a few more steps in to be close to the bed. Mary and Luke stay guard, on either side of the room, and they cut glances between each other like they can’t decide if giving privacy would be better or worse in the long run.
“At ease, guys. I just… wanted to see with my own eyes that you’re okay.” There’s a roughness in Sophie’s voice, a graveled out roughed up core like she’s been worrying herself into a lower register.
Ryan nearly smiles. “Thanks to you. You, uh…”
“Saved your life?” Sophie offers with a grin. “Repaying the favor.”
Right. Ryan had chosen to save Sophie rather than keep the map to Coryana. It’d worked out well in the end, given that then Sophie could get Ryan back out of there.
“Consider us even.”
“I’ll consider it,” Sophie says, a tinge of humor in her voice, “but getting you all the way back here without endangering your identity…”
Ryan cuts her eyes to Luke, as her eyebrows shoot up. He can’t see it with the mask, but Ryan would love to spit an ‘I told you so’ to him. There’s always an ulterior motive with someone like Sophie.
Sophie shrugs. “It’s gotta be worth a drink at least.”
Ryan sputters. Mary squeaks on the other side of the room. As everyone turns to her, Mary quickly says, “She can’t drink on medication. Even with a magical cure all. It’s just, you know, normal… doctor… stuff.”
Sophie nods. “Of course. Another time then.” It’s not a question, but she does turn back to Ryan like she’s waiting for a response.
But Ryan’s stumped. How does she respond to something like that? She’d expected Sophie to be intense. Sophie’s always been this person who favors responsibility and all this stuff over everything. She only makes jokes when she has the upper hand. She literally got Ryan to spy on her ex and cost Ryan the latest take with Angelique. And now, what, she wants to be friends? Or is she looking to add another Bat-shaped notch to her bedpost?
It should make Ryan upset, but honestly, Ryan wonders which version of Sophie would be there if they got a drink. If Ryan were in the Batsuit, then maybe Sophie would be more open, more like… talkative maybe. But the suit would be so uncomfortable. It’d be better out of it. Better at The Hold Up, or on the couch in the loft. Sophie’s raspy voice giving way to a rough laugh, and Ryan could be as warm in front of a very different fire than the wild one on Coryana.
Ryan blinks the images away. Her face burns as her brows scrunch. She doesn’t even have a fireplace. Why would they need it? Where would they have that? On a vacation, just the two of them. No flying this time. A boat maybe. Wind in their hair, some nice bikinis.
Wait. “No.” Ryan shakes her head. “No, thank you.” She needs to clear her head, and having Sophie here right now is not helping. Especially not when Sophie smiles at her after Ryan says no.
Sophie nods. “Copy that. We can pass on the drinks. We’re not done — not with looking for Kate, or this conversation.” Then she turns to Mary and Luke and sort of nods, like giving them her okay to keep going. Ryan can practically hear the ‘Take care of her’ in Sophie’s stare. Mary nods back, clearly accepting the mission. And then Sophie’s gone.
They can hear her footsteps get further and further away. Hear the clinic door shut.
Mary’s got a shit-eating grin on her face. She does this sound that’s somewhere between a squeal and a groan as she crosses over to the bed. “I cannot believe Sophie just asked you out.”
Ryan’s thankful for the cowl still covering her flushed cheeks. “Yeah, well, I’m not interested in eating Crow.”
Luke snorts, which makes Ryan rethink her words. Mary full on cackles. Ryan sits up to throw the closest thing across the room at both of them.
“Eat! I said EAT! Not eating ou—“
“I didn’t say anything!” Luke says, but he keeps laughing. Mary too, and Ryan joins in. Ryan wills her brain not to procure any images to follow that train of thought. The last thing she needs is to start having sex dreams about Sophie. Though, if it’s between that and the kryptonite nightmares…. There are worse ways to go.
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mystiphying · 4 years
Pulled To You
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PAIRING: Randall Carpio x June Sutton (OC) SUMMARY: In her first year at Belgrave University, June somehow goes from having a little crush on her RA to hiding in supply closets and sneaking around with him. And later finds herself a little in over her head, once a mysterious book leads her down a path she can't un-walk. CHAPTER THEMES: Tiny bit of sneaking around, Very soft foreplay, Implied smut CHAPTER WORD COUNT: 1.2k
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 June closed the door behind Randall for the second time that day and returned to sitting on the floor. As much as she had enjoyed his company that stupid book had been nagging at her thoughts. There was something about it that was like nothing she’d seen before. Or maybe felt before. This pull that wouldn’t leave her alone. She pulled the book from under her bed, and flipped through the pages once more. The once completely unintelligible script was now a little less confusing, but still incomprehensible. But there was something that urged her to follow it. Like some kind of dowsing rod. The thought made her feel uneasy but she still held the book out in front of her, seeing if it would lead her somewhere. The weight of the book suddenly felt a little lighter as it pulled her to the door, and her feet followed it as it drew her out. June let it take her further, out the dorm, down the stairs. Her feet bare, slapped on the stone pavement leading out of the campus and eventually met the warm earth of a forest path. Sticks and twigs poked at her feet, but wet leaves softened the blow. Her usual fears guided by self-preservation seemed to be dampened by whatever was compelling her to follow the book. How far or long she had walked was hazy, but the blur ended once she met the end of the trees and found a clearing around a large old house. Aged and unkempt, it somehow still seemed lived in. She looked around, eyes landing on a large gate dividing the house and an open road. June’s common sense was telling her loud and clear to get away from the building, to go home. The book pulled her closer, or at least tried to. But the mysterious book lost to safety precautions and the fear of having to use her whistle.
 The walk back to the school was confusing until she remembered she had her phone in her pocket and Google Maps, and from there it was a piece of cake. Despite the frighteningly loud howl and the anxiety she felt when the trees would rustle, she had made it back to her dorm in one piece, returning to a room she didn’t quite remember leaving in such a mess but tidied it up before heading to the showers. The dirt on her feet and elsewhere from her weird walk in the woods needed to be washed off and she needed to get into bed. By now it was probably daylight and she hadn’t slept all night. Her entire shower was spent confused by what had happened that night. The lingering thoughts followed her out of the steamy shower and down the hall, into bed. Her head hit the pillow, and despite her intense tiredness, she took one last glance at the book before she finally drifted to sleep.
 Waking up the next morning, June felt like she’d been dreaming all night, but the book was still there, and her towel was hanging on her chair, where she had left it after her shower. She tried to ignore it all and decided the best way to kick off the weekend was with a nice breakfast. She got dressed, pulling her jeans on, then a large jumper over her tee-shirt and she was out the door. A pep in her step, an excitement for pancakes and maybe a fruit smoothie. Her shoes met the pavement, instead of bare feet, and she walked to one of the campus cafés. The weather was fine and the air felt crisp. Music played through her earphones as she bounced down the path. June loved Saturdays, and especially when they started off right.  “Can I get some pancakes and… a…” June’s finger ran over the menu, trailing down the list of drinks.  “Banana and berry smoothie.” A voice said from behind, completing her thought. June looked over her shoulder to see him. She turned back to the cashier and made the order before saying anything to him.  “So I sneak up on you, you sneak up on me. Is this going to be our thing?” Randall smiled and she still couldn’t help herself from smiling back. “You know, you’re making this whole,” she dropped her voice to a whisper, “sneaking around thing kind of hard.”  “Oh, in what way?” She couldn’t see it from where she was standing beside him but she knew he was grinning, well aware of the affect he had on her. She shook her head and crossed her arms.  “If you’re willing to sit with me through my lunchtime breakfast,” She looked over to him before finishing her sentence “we can maybe go somewhere after?” She suggested, giving him a smile he knew suggested something more as she nudged her shoulder into his.  “God, I’m making it hard?”  “That’s what she said.” June said, biting her lip to stifle a laugh.
 Instead of their usual favourite spot of the supply closet in one of the science buildings, they opted for something a little closer to where they had just been. Although Randall shared his dorm with his roommate, his roommate took a weekend class for some reason. As much as he thought it was a weird choice, he wasn’t going to think about it much past the convenience it brought in that moment. They walked back to the dorms, making small talk and pretending to talk about an issue she was having with her room whenever someone passed them in the hall. But as soon as he closed the door to his, oddly minimalist, dorm room, she pounced on him, almost knocking him over in the process. They couldn’t keep their hands to themselves, her hands desperately trying to get his jumper over his head and the shirt beneath with it, his hands down her back, then attempting to peel off her clothes as well. Caught in layers, they pulled their own clothes off, not leaving much room for anything romantic and slow, instead driven by the desperation to be held and felt. His lips attached to her as she fell onto the bed, kissing her between the readjusting and preparation. And in the middle of it all he caught her eye and they stopped to breathe for a moment. Her hair spilled across his pillow and deep enchanting eyes stared back at him as he held himself above her. A hand moved to rest on his face and stroke his cheek. She smiled and pulled him back down into her, kissing him again. They rolled to their sides, suddenly preoccupied with each other’s lips and not tearing the rest of their clothes off. She pulled herself from his lips and kissed at his neck, sucking lightly here and there. He moaned quietly. Touch, scent, sight; consumed by the girl beside him. He brought her back to face him with a call of her name and kissed her again. June moved to sit on his hips. She bit her lip while smiling shyly, looking into his deep brown eyes, catching their glimmer and warmth. The way he looked at her was so full of affection, like he was looking at someone he adored. She did wonder what he thought of her, what she meant to him. They hadn’t really talked about it; about what they were. And as he rubbed circles on her wrist, she chose to push the thought aside. She ran her hands down his chest before shimmying herself down to pull at the waistband of his sweatpants. Randall shifted beneath her, quickly getting back to where they had been before. Muffled moans and a swaying bed frame, this is how they liked to spend their free time.
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A/N: When I wrote the shy smile thing in that last bit... Why did Debby Ryan come to mind... Sorry if it made anyone reading cringe...
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raleighcarrera · 4 years
platinum | raleigh carrera x mc (cadence dorian)
an au where raleigh is still raleigh but cadence is an actress on a teen tv drama.
~5.4k words | M (18+)
raleigh tag list: @omgjasminesimone, @choicesarehard
cadence rolled her eyes from the makeup chair, prompting the artist that was working on applying her eyeshadow to let out an annoyed sigh. “sorry, katie,” she apologized, before cutting her gaze over to her co-star, sitting in the chair beside her.
“what’s the big deal?” cadence asked, still not seeing what made today so vastly different from any other day on set. “he’s just a guy.”
jaylen looked like she was about to have a stroke. “raleigh carrera is not just a guy. please don’t ever say that again.” 
cadence snuck a glance at katie, but the older woman only smirked silently as she waved a strip of false eyelashes in the air, waiting for the glue to try. “okay,” cadence started slowly, “i just meant -- that he’s probably like any other guest star we’ve had?”
jaylen scoffed. the set hairstylist finally walked up and started pulling the curlers out of her long, brown hair, running her fingers through it to loosen them. “he is so not. seriously, stop acting like you didn’t camp out all night for sunset skatepark tickets at one point in your life like everyone else.”
she definitely had, but -- “that was, like, a million years ago. i was thirteen. besides, he’s totally different now. i’ll be amazed if he even manages to show up on time today.”
cadence was due on set in an hour, which, if katie could get her eyelashes on in one try, was going to give her just enough time to grab something to eat before her first scene. at this point in filming the show, she was hardly nervous about anything, anymore, even having to film with one of the most famous people she’d probably ever meet -- so there wasn’t much she’d need to do to prepare, except maybe pop a mint before their big scene.
from beside her, jaylen was sulking. cadence watched her in the mirror as best as she could with katie curling her eyelashes. “his visit is totally wasted on you,” she whined, “i can’t believe the writers gave you the kiss.”
“it’s not like i asked for it. besides, rosa --” jaylen’s character “-- and trevor just got back together. it wouldn’t have made sense for it to be anyone else.”
she blinked rapidly as katie backed away, testing the weight of the false eyelashes. they were in the middle of filming the third season of the show, and while her eyes had definitely stopped watering, by now, that didn’t mean that it didn’t still feel a little bit weird, to have so much makeup on all the time.
just a few years ago, she was making smoothies for forty hours each week, barely pulling in enough money to afford her rent. now she was part of one of the most popular teen dramas in the world -- and about to get paid to make out with the guy that literally performed with justin timberlake at the super bowl.
so, life was surreal, sometimes. 
once her hair was set in the waves her character always wore, cadence left jaylen pouting in wardrobe and strolled to craft services, making a bee-line for the breakfast table. she was piling mini-muffins into a napkin when she saw him.
his hair was shorter than she’d expected it to be; when she thought of raleigh carrera she pictured the way he looked on the ‘famous’ album cover -- long hair, dark smile, lots of tattoos. the guy sitting in the chair in the corner of the room was undeniably the same person, but he looked...
hungover, that was the word she was looking for.
raleigh had sunglasses on. inside. he was cradling a cup of coffee in his hands.
cadence gathered up the corners of her napkin and made her way over to him. “hey,” she said, her voice perfectly level -- not, as shane always called it, monday-morning-chipper. “i’m cadence, i’ll be your scene partner today.”
raleigh stared at her -- or she assumed that was what he was doing. for all she knew, he was asleep. she arched her eyebrows at him, and a minute later, he tilted his head, letting his sunglasses slip down his nose. 
sheesh. he was hot. the look in his eyes caught her and pinned her in place. 
“cadence dorian, right?” she nodded, trying not to look too surprised. so -- he knew who she was? he didn’t seem like the type of guy that would be familiar with her work -- this teen drama and a number of big-studio romantic comedies. “my agent said we’re filming romance today. lots of kissing.”
cadence felt her lips spread into a grin. “yeah. i hope you brushed your teeth.”
raleigh let out a bark of laughter so loud that a few of the production assistants turned around to look at them. he was smirking when he said, “don’t tell me chadley fortnum’s got bad breath.”
she gaped at him. chadley had played her character’s boyfriend for the last two years, before the writers finally killed him off. he was an awful kisser. “do you seriously expect me to believe that you actually watch wicked midnight?”
now he was smirking in that way she’d expected. he looked a lot more like the guy from the ‘famous’ album cover. “maybe i catch an episode here and there.”
“this is hilarious. do you also watch gossip girl? riverdale? is your favorite movie fifty first dates?”
he reached up and pushed his sunglasses up into his hair. “i prefer how to lose a guy in ten days.” 
of course he was funny. why wouldn’t he be? it wasn’t like he wasn’t already drop-dead gorgeous and effortlessly cool. 
maybe jaylen was right. she’d only known him for three minutes, and already cadence could see he wasn’t just a guy.
“we should get going, or we’re going to be late. i’ll show you where the soundstage is.” 
raleigh nodded at her and they started walking to set together, him with his coffee and her with the four or so muffins in her hands that she was suddenly too shy to eat. “so,” she asked abruptly, for a distraction from thinking about how handsome he was, “why the sudden interest in acting?”
cadence glanced at him and watched him shrug his broad shoulders. “for the positive pr, mostly. i think my team’s just hoping to generate some headlines that aren’t about something i destroyed, for once.”
she laughed. “fair enough. i guess raleigh carrera guest stars in wicked midnight midseason finale is a lot better than raleigh carrera crashes motorcycle into wildlife sanctuary, kills family of endangered pandas.”
“okay, i would never do that,” he argued, “pandas are adorable. there’s nothing cool about anti-conservation.”
“but there is something cool about breaking into and wrecking a cruise ship?” so -- she read her fair share of gossip blogs. sue her.
“totally,” he confirmed. he drew her eye as he tipped his head back to drain what was left in his coffee cup. “would you believe me if i said it was a statement against capitalism?”
“i think i’d be more likely to believe you if you said you were drunk and bored.” they stepped onto set as the last scene was wrapping, and cadence hung back while production transformed the high school set into the one for rosa’s home; jaylen’s character was supposed to be throwing a house party -- that was where cadence and raleigh would meet.
her eyes scanned the room, but jaylen was no where to be found. “huh.” though her scenes weren’t filming until later today, cadence didn’t think she’d want to miss a minute of time with raleigh. 
she’d forgotten he was still standing beside her. “what?”
“i was just wondering where jaylen is,” cadence explained, “my co-star? she was pretty excited to meet you.”
raleigh turned towards her, then, smirking again. “finally. i gotta say, i was pretty disappointed you didn’t seem more star-struck. you know -- when girls treat me normally, it really hurts my feelings.”
she laughed, leaning over to playfully shove her shoulder into his. raleigh made a face at her as though she’d actually hurt him, reaching up to rub at his arm. “hey, easy! save it for the bedroom.” he looked back towards the set. “or... the fake kitchen counter.”
“cadence?” one of the production assistants jogged up to her before she could form a retort. “we’re ready for you.”
she found her mark in the fake kitchen and started making herself a drink. the extras milled around behind her, and as the director called for action, she wondered what the props team had put together to fill the bottles before her with -- on her birthday, they’d given her a full glass of vinegar disguised as water as a prank, and she’d spit it out all over ryan summers in the middle of a take.
raleigh walked into the scene and strolled right up to her. “hey.” he nodded coolly at the red cup in her hands. “what’s your poison?”
cadence surveyed him from behind the plastic rim as she took a sip. thank god it was just water with food dye in it. “i’m not picky when it comes to free alcohol.”
he pulled a red cup from the stack on the kitchen counter and made a drink for himself. “fair enough.” she watched him flick his wrist to swirl the liquid inside the cup around, mixing it together. “what’re we drinking to?”
cadence lifted her drink into the air, smiling sardonically at him. “to my dead boyfriend. his funeral was on tuesday.” she tilted her head back and chugged until the cup was empty, looking challengingly at raleigh once she finished. “cheerful, i know.”
she stared at him as his tongue poked into his cheek. he was a better actor than she’d expected him to be. “i’m sorry for your loss.”
cadence laughed humorlessly. “don’t be.” she sniffed, rubbing her nose with the hand not holding her cup. “any idiot who drives drunk deserves what they get.”
she chewed on her bottom lip, watching the extras leave the kitchen set. when she looked back at him, his gaze was intense -- it felt like he was staring into her soul.
“i’m jason,” he said, holding out his hand. cadence dropped her gaze to it and snorted, rolling her eyes. 
after a beat, she begrudgingly introduced herself. “lexi. you go to brentwood?”
he smirked at her, pushing the hand she refused to take smoothly through his hair. wardrobe had given raleigh a long-sleeved shirt, but she could still see his tattoos peeking out from under the cuffs. “nah, i’m a senior at p.s. 119. i just come to parties like this one to pass out favors to rich kids like you.”
her eyebrows lifted. with intent, she trailed her gaze up and down his body. “what’ve you got?”
raleigh dug in his pockets and pulled out a medicine bottle. he shook a pill into his hand -- the prop department had found something that looked almost fluorescent, under the artificially dim party lighting. “something that’ll help me cheer you up, i think.”
she shrugged, like it was all the same to her. “you can try.”
one of the cameras moved in for a close up. raleigh leaned in. “you’ll have to come and get it,” he said, right before he laid the pill on his own tongue.
cadence laughed, the sound low and throaty. her eyes dropped to his lips, and then she leaned in, pressing their mouths together. 
raleigh gathered her into his arms as the sweet taste of strawberry candy exploded on her tongue. he pushed the candy into her mouth and kissed her hard, his hands moving swiftly to her hips. cadence responded in kind, winding her arms around his neck and slipping her fingers into his hair, holding on tightly.
kissing him was... nothing like kissing chadley. it was nothing like kissing anyone, it was -- something she didn’t think she could have prepared for, even if she’d tried. already, she knew she’d never forget this kiss for as long as she lived. she was going to spend the rest of time comparing everyone she kissed to him, to this, to right now --
raleigh lifted her easily onto the prop kitchen counter, settling his hands on her thighs. cadence shivered as he stepped in close between her spread legs, the hushed noise of the set around them fading away. she wasn’t acting when he pushed his hips forward against hers and she let out a breathless moan of ecstasy, her grip on his hair tightening so she could pull him closer.
“cut! great work, guys. let’s reset and run it again.”
her mouth broke away from his in a daze. cadence dragged the back of her hand across her lips, breathing hard. raleigh barely looked rattled, but she was struggling to get herself together, staring at him with wide eyes.
he smirked at her. “that good, huh?”
cadence blinked. “what -- i --” she reached out and whacked his shoulder. “shut up.”
his thumbs were rubbing little circles on her bare thighs, where the hem of the denim cut-offs she’d been given ended. his laugh was fond and warm -- it didn’t feel like he was laughing at her, exactly. it felt nice, like they were in on the same joke. “it was pretty good for me, too.”
“just pretty good?”
“guys?” the assistant director was looking at them like they were insane, and cadence startled, remembering they’d been instructed to reset. right. now wasn’t the time to be flirting with raleigh carrera, even though he’d just given her an earth-shatteringly good kiss. she was supposed to be working.
she cleared her throat, scrambling to stand again. raleigh waited a beat before moving away, so there were a few heart-stopping seconds where the full length of her body brushed against his. cadence shot him a look from under her false eyelashes as he slinked away.
they ran the scene an agonizing nine more times. by the end of the morning, her lips felt swollen and raw, and her jaw was tingling from the stubble that dotted raleigh’s face. 
and that wasn’t even to mention her nerves, which were alight and on edge after a seemingly endless few hours spent kissing the hottest guy on the face of planet earth. 
raleigh wrapped an arm around her shoulders as production broke down the set around them. “so, can i buy you lunch? i feel like it’s the least i can do.”
“i bet you say that to all the girls,” cadence hummed, leaning against his side. from across the room, she noticed jaylen watching them with narrowed eyes, a frown set on her face. cadence looked away. “did they set you up with a trailer?”
“yeah, but i bet yours is nicer,” he grinned, “since you’re the star, and i’m the guy who brings property damage everywhere he goes.” he had a point. “want to show it to me?”
cadence wondered if he meant the words as the invitation she thought he did. her pulse was racing. still, she nodded. “definitely.”
raleigh wasn’t shy about looking around when she let him inside her trailer. he seemed particularly taken by her large jar of pink starbursts, which he immediately dug his hand into as she dropped down onto the couch. “woah, okay, diva. you make them sort out the other colors?”
“no,” she laughed, “i tweeted once that the pink ones are my favorite, so -- now they just send them to me.”
he grinned obnoxiously at her as he popped one in his mouth. “aren’t the pink ones everyone’s favorite? you’re not so special.”
“god, i hope you don’t talk to every girl you make out with like this,” she laughed, kicking her feet up onto the table in front of the couch. “no wonder everyone thinks you’re such a dick.”
raleigh laid a hand over his heart, looking wounded. “it’s not everyone. just the MARCs.”
“the marks?”
“M-A-R-Cs. mothers against raleigh carrera.” he said the words with a completely straight face. cadence looked at him skeptically.
“no way is that real.”
“wanna bet?” he pulled his phone from his pocket before dropping down onto the couch beside her. the long line of his body took up an inordinate amount of space in her trailer. “see for yourself.”
“huh. they even have a facebook page.” her eyes drifted from the phone screen back to his face, which was suddenly very close. “i guess you are every parent’s worst nightmare.”
raleigh laughed, staring at her for a long moment before moving away, putting some distance between them. “cadence, you flatter me. now -- what do you want for lunch? you need to carb up for this afternoon.”
she rolled over to the end of the couch, grabbing her stack of takeout menus off the side table and presenting them to him with amusement. “we have to film one scene.”
“yeah, but you’ll be in bed with me. that’s -- understandably, of course -- going to be a lot for you.”
cadence leaned over and kicked his ankle. “the show airs in primetime. we’re just going to be waking up together. it’s all in the subtext.”
“hmmm.” his eyes were on the menus, even as he said, “doesn’t mean we can’t bring it into the... foretext.”
she blinked at him. “i don’t think that’s a word.”
raleigh lifted his head. his eyes were serious and intense when they locked on hers, and again cadence found herself helplessly caught in his gaze. “you know what i mean.”
oh, god. was raleigh carrera hitting on her? 
“um.” her eyes dropped to his lips, which quirked up at the corners as soon as he noticed. yeah. he was definitely hitting on her. raleigh carrera. hitting on her. she wondered what jared from ninth grade, who’d told her she was too ugly to go to homecoming with, would say if he was here. 
presumably tired of waiting for her to try to make sentences, raleigh leaned in and kissed her. not because they were rolling, or because he thought they should run lines for later -- but because he wanted to. 
cadence gasped, leaning back against the arm of the couch. raleigh shifted to lean over her, the takeout menus that’d been in his lap falling to the floor as he moved on top of her and pressed in close. 
since they’d filmed wicked midnight’s pilot, there had been a lot of famous people who visited the set. but she’d never done this before with anyone, and she felt more than a little out of her depth as raleigh’s knees pushed her thighs open so he could grind down against her. 
she felt like she was floating. he was a truly exceptional kisser, and the way he looked at her made her feel more than a little dangerous. if she was being honest, cadence wasn’t entirely sure what he thought he saw when he stared at her like he kept doing, but she was hardly in a position to question it when he tore his mouth away from hers, breathing hard, and started kissing down her neck instead.
her head tilted to the opposite side encouragingly, and her fingers found his hair again. “i thought you had a girlfriend,” she panted, the detail stuck in her mind, for some reason. she’d definitely read about it. she had a ridiculous name. peach? pear? plum? 
“who, apricott?” that was it. “god, no. that’s just for press. and i can’t stand her.”
she did seem pretty terrible. “so why do you --”
raleigh lifted his head. cadence had trouble focusing on the expression on his face when one of his large hands was spanning what felt like the entirety of her side under her costume shirt, his thumb mindlessly stroking the skin beneath the waistband of her denim shorts. “look, i like you. so if you want to do this -- i’ll tell my publicist it’s over.” 
what the fuck was happening? “if i want to... do what?”
he shrugged. he had all the confidence of someone who was never turned down. “hang out. see where this goes.”
well, she wasn’t that stupid. “i -- yeah, of course i do. like -- you mean... date, right?”
for a half-second, it looked like he was going to argue with her use of the word ‘date,’ but then that unreadable look was back on his face. raleigh nodded decisively. “yeah. date.” 
“okay, i think you’re asking me out.” her voice was playful again and her racing heartbeat was starting to calm, her thoughts finally getting back on track. she could fake the same level of confidence he had, right? “in which case -- i totally accept, but... you’ll need to pull out all the stops.”
raleigh smirked at her, his grip on her side tightening before his hand relaxed. “oh, yeah? you want a limo full of pink starbursts? dinner on top of the empire state building? a helicopter ride to a walk on the beach? i’ve heard it all before.”
cadence laughed, running her fingers through his hair. the warm smile raleigh gave her made her heartbeat skip. “oh my god, are those your moves? yes, definitely. i want the full raleigh carrera experience.”
his eyebrows bounced up and down, and he wiggled his hips pointedly against hers. “you sure? it could be a long night.”
the laugh she gave him was breathless. cadence felt unbelievably giddy as she sunk her teeth into her bottom lip and watched raleigh’s eyes narrow in on it. “i’m kinda counting on that.”
they made out until their call time, rolling around on her couch like teenagers. cadence couldn’t remember another time she’d kissed anyone for literal hours before. the way raleigh looked at her, disheveled and wanting and flushed, when the pa finally knocked on her trailer door to call for them, made her want to play hooky and blow off returning to set -- just so they could keep doing this. 
her indecision must’ve shown on her face. raleigh pressed his thumb against her bottom lip and sighed heavily. “you are so, so, so beautiful. i can’t wait to introduce you to second base.”
she laughed. “i have been there before, you know.”
raleigh’s hands slid slowly down her body, full of intent. “not with me.”
the poor pa knocked on her door again. “um, ms. dorian? you’re really needed on set, now.”
cadence lifted her hand to push at his shoulder. “get up, you’re going to get me in trouble.”
his fingers trailed ever-so-lightly over her bare thigh. “what’s life without a little trouble? besides, they literally can’t start without us. they can wait a few minutes.”
her hands moved to his messy hair, trying her best to smooth it back down. “they’re going to have to. we’re going to need another round of hair and makeup. and zadie’s going to kill me when she finds that thread you ripped.”
raleigh shrugged unrepentantly. “it was loose.” the unimpressed look she leveled him with made him sigh again. “fine, goody-two-shoes. we’ll go to set. but you’re in for it, later.”
anticipation sang through her, quick and thrilling. “oh, yeah?”
he groaned and rolled to stand. “don’t start, or i’ll never let you go. come on.”
every eye in the studio followed them when they stepped into the bedroom scene. they separated to get changed, and cadence blushed all over when she traded her nondescript top and shorts for just a bra and panties, prompting zadie to hone her gaze in on the fresh hickey starting to bloom across her collarbone. “i love the commitment. very method.”
cadence stalked off back towards the bed; raleigh was already shirtless and under the sheets, scrolling through his phone. for a moment, she pretended like they were at home in her apartment, and let herself really look at him. he looked good -- great. incredible.
he whistled at her when he saw her. that didn’t help her blush. a few members of the lighting crew laughed, double checking the scene when she slipped into the bed beside him.
katie from makeup came over with powder. she didn’t say anything about cadence’s hickey, even when raleigh very obviously leaned in, pressed his thumb against it and laughed, “oh, shit. sorry about that.”
it would have been a perfect time for the ground to open up and swallow her whole, but they started rolling, instead.
cadence had her back to raleigh, his arm slung low across her waist. lexi was supposed to wake up first, so she did, holding up a hand against the artificial bright light of the fake sun-filled window in her face. she groaned, pressing against her forehead, and then noticed the arm around her and slowly turned towards raleigh. 
her eyes went wide. “jason?”
she had to bite the inside of her cheek to stifle the smile that threatened as raleigh woke up so adorably. he made a soft, sleepy sound of confusion from beside her, cracking one eye open. “lexi. i thought i dreamt that.”
her expression was gentle for a split second before it hardened. she shook her head. “it was just a one-time thing,” she insisted brusquely, pulling away. “i was drunk.”
“you weren’t that drunk.” 
cadence was pointedly not looking at him. “we were high.”
raleigh laughed. “that, i’ll give you.” as she moved to get up out of the bed, his arm swung out and grabbed her, holding her still. “hey.”
she looked back at him expectantly. raleigh was great at acting nervous, swallowing hard while his eyes darted around the room. “can i see you again?”
cadence shook her head. “i don’t think so.”
“why not?”
“because... i’m a mess, jason. look at me. i deserve to be alone.”
she shook her head, pulling out of his hold. raleigh let her go, and she started moving around the set by the bed, picking up the pieces of her outfit. “forget it.”
he slid to the edge of the bed, sitting on the mattress in just his briefs. both she and her character were trying not to stare. “you know, for what it’s worth... i don’t think you’re a mess. i think you’re pretty cool. and you’re -- you’re going to be okay, lexi.”
her lips pursed. her voice wavered when she said, “you don’t even know me.”
raleigh stood, crowding into her space. “actually, i think i know you better than you think. so that’s why... i’m okay with saying goodbye.” his eyes searched her face. “can i kiss you one last time?”
cadence drew in a shallow breath and nodded. raleigh cupped her face in his hands, holding her jaw steady, and kissed her hard. she had to actively fight the urge to pull him closer, knowing that lexi was still resistant to letting him get close -- but it was hard, when raleigh was such an expert kisser, the movement of his mouth against hers making her weak in the knees.
she was almost relieved when the director called, “cut! that was great, guys. we definitely got it. raleigh -- thanks for coming out, man. awesome stuff today. hopefully we can have you back soon.”
he reached out and ruffled her hair, grinning brightly. “only if you keep sticking me with this one.” cadence elbowed him in the side. “seriously, thanks for having me. this was really cool.”
zadie was holding out a robe for her. cadence reluctantly stepped out from raleigh’s body heat and put it on, smiling softly at the way he pouted when she tied it closed. 
he stepped up close and lowered his voice so none of the many, many people moving around them could hear. “so, are you done for the day? can i buy you a drink?”
“ooooh, are we going out for drinks?” somehow, jaylen stepped up between them, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “hi, i don’t think we got a chance to meet, yet. jaylen riaz -- i play rosa martinez.”
“...right. good to meet you. i’m raleigh.”
jaylen laughed as though he’d just made a funny joke. “of course i know who you are, silly. do you think i live under a rock?”
raleigh’s eyes were begging for help. cadence leaned in between them. “you should totally meet us when you’re wrapped for the day. i’ll text you where we wind up, but -- first we need to grab some food.”
“right.” raleigh’s lips twitched. “we skipped lunch.”
the memory of what they’d been doing instead threatened to make her blush, but cadence fought it off, wary of the way jaylen was looking back and forth between the two of them. “okay,” she said finally, her voice slow and thoughtful, “sounds fun.”
fortunately, they made it back to her trailer before she lost it, dissolving into giggles. cadence leaned her back against the closed door as her shoulders shook with laughter. “god,” she grinned, “you are such a dick.”
“me?” raleigh demanded, “what about you? you should totally meet us.” 
“okay, i do not sound like that.” cadence dropped her robe and started getting dressed in the clothes she’d wore to set that morning, what felt like a hundred years ago. “and i was just being nice. she totally likes you, she’s going to be so pissed at me when she finds out this is, like, a thing.”
“i guess i am irresistible,” he sighed, expertly ducking the t-shirt she threw at him. “i can’t fault her for her good taste.”
“it’s amazing your ego even fits in here.” she reached for her purse, pulling out her phone. she’d hardly looked at it all day, and it was alive with activity -- her manager had texted her about... forty-five times. cadence scrolled down to the bottom and saw the message that started it all: what’s this i hear about you getting cozy on set with raleigh carrera? sure you want to go down that road?
she grimaced. “let me guess,” raleigh said, cutting through her thoughts, “someone doesn’t want you getting messed up with me.”
cadence hesitated, her non-answer an answer on its own. he dragged his tongue across his teeth. “it’s really up to you, though, isn’t it?”
it was. “yeah,” she nodded, “and i don’t care about any of that, anyway. are you sure i’m not causing trouble for you? what about your fake girlfriend?”
he rolled his eyes. “she’ll get over it. as long as you’re okay, i’m okay.”
she smiled. “i’m okay,” cadence confirmed, “whatever happens -- i can handle it.” the look he was giving her was difficult to decipher, but she thought he might be pleased. she hesitated. “you’re... sure you want to do this, though? it’s okay if you just got caught up in the story.” 
“uh, hello? i already slept with lexi d’agosto, remember?” the obnoxious grin he was wearing softened at the sight of the expression on her face. “cadence, i’m sure. i like you. i want to hang out more -- see where this goes. you’re the one i should be double-checking.” 
“no way.” she gestured for him to follow her out of her trailer, into the film lot. “you’re not going to get out of giving me the full raleigh carrera experience. i don’t care what it costs you to buy out the empire state building.”
he laughed, his hand finding hers to link their fingers together. “i think you’ll change your tune after the blogs get wind of this, but -- fair enough.”
eventually, they reached the security gate. she’d have to walk them out into the street to find the car that was waiting for her, and if her manager had already heard the rumors sparking from their day on set, that meant that it was likely a few photographers had, too. once they left the film lot, there was no going back.
raleigh squeezed her hand. “ready for your life to get messier?”
things had been awfully predictable, lately. “definitely. ready for yours to get more awesome?”
“oh, absolutely.” together, they started off down the street. camera flashes exploded behind her eyelids, but she kept her head down, fighting a smile all the way to the car.
at least whatever happened next was bound to be interesting.
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Normal People, Abnormal Jobs. [Chapter 3]
Normal People, Abnormal Jobs. Relationships in the entertainment industry are never easy. Scheduling is nearly impossible, paparazzi hound you down every date, and everyone seems to weigh in their opinion. Is it possible to have a soulmate with such a demanding career?
Loosely inspired by the 2020 Hulu drama, Normal People, this story explores the possibility of finding true love in a world motivated by reputation, scandal, and money. Touching on themes of love, mental health, and adulthood, Normal People, Abnormal Jobs navigates how two musicians from opposing worlds maneuver a destiny that consistently pulls them together. It’s challenging, yes, but if it’s true love, it’s worth it.
Chapter 1. Chapter 2.
The next few weeks passed in a blur. News of my performance had made the rounds, and Shane made sure my exposure didn’t die down in the slightest. I’d been traveling around the country, making radio and television performances, performing pop up shows, and hosting meet and greets with fans I hadn’t seen in too long. Lucky for me, having a packed schedule was enough to keep my mind occupied so I wasn’t able to focus on my anxieties. I also tried not to think about… Niall.
“Did we sleep together or something?” I jumped out of bed, my tongue jamming against the roof of my mouth and my gag reflex ready to burst at any second.
Niall sat up slowly. “No, of course not. Ya said you didn’t want t’ be alone last night. I didn’t think you should be alone either. I watched ya sleep.” He rubbed his eyes, where I noticed dark circles had formed.
“Oh…” My jaw unclenched. “Well, thank you.”
A silence surrounded us as we stared at each other.
“I have to start getting ready. I have my interviews.” I rubbed the back of my neck, which was beginning to grow warm. “You can stay here and sleep, if you want. You look tired.”
“Put yer number in me phone.” Niall reached in his pocket and chucked his phone over to the side of the bed I was standing near. He settled back into the bed, blinking at me.
“That’s not a good idea.” I felt my gag reflex beginning to creep up again. “I’m not… We can’t.” I shook my head.
I couldn’t tell if Niall was just too tired to argue, or if he was respecting my decision, but he shrugged slowly and closed his eyes. 
The memory played over and over in my head. It made my stomach twist and turn. For someone with an intense phobia of vomiting, I sure spent a lot of time with stomach issues over my fear of vomiting.
I’d made my way around the country, hitting many of the major cities before returning home to LA. It felt nice to be on the road again, exploring cities I hadn’t been to in so long. Post-Pandemic world was much friendlier than I imagined. People seemed happy just to interact with strangers, as we all realized we’d taken social interaction for granted. I realized how much serenity traveling brought me. The ability to have an ever changing surrounding kept my mind active. Not to mention I would make it a point to learn an interesting fact about every city.
As nice as it would be to return home, I was a little upset as I boarded my flight back to Los Angeles. I had one final radio appearance, a coveted interview with Ryan Seacrest at KIIS-FM. Shane didn’t seem to want to disclose many details as I pestered him on how he secluded such a coveted spot, so I decided not to press it further. I thanked him once again for his hard work, and let my mind wonder about the possible questions I’d have to answer. Most of the radio stations asked the same questions, but Ryan had been known to create fun segments and ask obscure questions, leading me to feel excited for the following morning.
Friday morning in late September in Los Angeles was warm and misty. I woke up early to go for a quick jog around the neighborhood before heading to Ryan’s morning show. The concept of sleeping in for the weekend grew more and more exciting as it dawned on me that I had no real schedule lined up after this interview. 
The drive to the studio was surprisingly easy, considering Los Angeles’s propensity for traffic. Perhaps it was a good omen. A successful interview could mean a lot, not only to the listeners, but also to my team, my record label, and any members of the industry that were considering me for future appearances and awards. I was heavily trained in media and public relations, perfectly dodging and rerouting the invasive and extensive questions interviewers asked me. I knew how to make my answers sound polite and refined but without losing the quality of ‘realness’ that my fans loved. Shane believed this was my greatest talent overall, noting there was never a question he could get by me, even though he knew me like the back of his hand.
“Mina, it’s been too long! We missed you. You’ve been doing big things!” Ryan enveloped me into a hug and I gave him a pat on the back. He could sound superficial at times, but the man truly had a heart of gold. He took a seat in front of his microphone, pulling his headphones over his ears, and preparing for the morning show to start. I took my own seat, watching as one of his producers flashed a warning that the show was about to go live.
“In 5… 4… 3… 2…”
“Good morning Los Angeles! We’ve got a busy morning on this beautiful Friday. Not one but two celebrity guests for me to interview. First, we have Mina Peace, right off from her career changing performance at New York’s Gov Ball Festival. We’ll hear from her in just a minute. Later down the road, we have Niall Horan in studio to answer some of your questions about his next tour.”
My heart sunk into my stomach. No wonder why Shane was iffy on the details. I’d let it slip to him that I had seen Niall at the after party. I didn’t go into detail about the night, but Shane, an expert on my body language, pretty much decoded that feelings were brewing deep in my core.
Ryan and I began to chat about the standard topics- touring, recording an album, my songwriting process. I felt rehearsed answers falling out of my mouth as I couldn’t concentrate very well. Suddenly, I heard a door open from behind me and some commotion occurring.
“Mr. Seacrest, I couldn’t wait to see ya!” Niall chorused, taking a seat directly across from me and grabbing his own pair of headphones. Ryan began to laugh. “Ya can’t have me waitin’ around. I know ya like to play hard to get, but not like dis.”
I felt my palms growing sweaty.
“Mina, have you met Niall?” Ryan grinned at me.
My mouth opened slightly, unsure of what to say. I was still in shock Niall and I were in the same room to begin with.
“We actually met at Gov Ball!” Niall chimed in. “She performed right before me. Legend.” He grinned, extending his foot under the table to graze against mine for a millisecond.
I squeezed my hands together, the recurring feeling of nausea growing inside of me. I looked out the studio window to see Shane staring at me from the hallway, giving me a thumbs up. His eyes looked apologetic, but he gave me a reassuring smile.
I took a deep breath. “Yeah, I didn’t get a chance to see his performance, but we bumped into each other before my set.” I felt the grip in my hands loosening as I relaxed my shoulders. “Or should I say… his soccer ball bumped into my shin.”
Niall grinned. “I told you, petal, it’s football!”
Ryan laughed. “You guys clearly have a nice little friendship going on! Do you think you’d ever collaborate?”
“Dat would be wicked.” Niall winked at me.
“I don’t know, Ryan. Not sure if Niall can keep up with me.” I winked back.
Ryan’s mouth dropped as the rest of the team reduced to laughter. “Look at you two!” He was clearly loving the antics the two of us were bringing to his show, along with the thousands of listeners.
The more we chatted, the more the knot in my stomach loosened. Perhaps it was because I knew Shane was just feet away, or maybe because the more I listened to Niall’s voice, sweet as honey and warm as fire embers, the more I became comfortable around him. As the interview came to a close, Ryan exclaimed how time had gotten away from him, and he was too caught up in our conversation to ask a fair few of the questions he was intending to. A smile radiated on my face from within me as Ryan pulled off his headphones and began chatting to Niall. I looked to see Shane staring at me intensely, and motioning for me to come outside.
“We need to talk.” Shane grabbed my wrist, pulling me into one of the empty rooms down the hall. “You can’t be seen with him.”
“This is going to destroy everything we’ve built up, Mina. You both are from different circles. I know you like him, but your career is more important. Think of who he’s been seen with. Julia Michaels, Ashe, Hailee Steinfeld. Now think about you. Machine Gun Kelly, Alex Gaskarth, Yungblud. You’re not the same. When people blend like this, the lines get blurred, the public gets confused, and you lose it all.”
I stared at Shane as his eyes pierced into mine.
“Think about everyone who relies on you. Your crew, the label, me.” He took a breath. “Don’t do this, Mina. Get out while you still can.” And with that, he exited the room without giving me a chance to respond.
I had to imagine that this conversation hurt Shane as much as it hurt me. He put up a cold front, but in reality, he was one of the softest and most caring men I’d ever known. But it didn’t matter to me anymore. I felt heat bubble inside of me. I didn’t care about what Shane had to say. I wanted Niall.
My feet carried me through the hallways as my mind felt blurry. It felt like I was walking on air. I could only think of one thing. After scanning the rooms, I finally found my destination. Niall was sitting on a couch, idly strumming a guitar, with his back facing me. I heard him humming something, mumbling softly, and gravity pulled me closer to him.
I walked over to him, and he looked up to see me standing directly in front of him. He opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off. My lips crashed onto his as I leaned down, placing my hands on his chest. He quickly laid his guitar down against the couch, allowing me to crawl into his lap.
“I really love you, I do.” I breathed out. “I’m not just saying that.”
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ladyreapermc · 5 years
Fic: Sympathy for the Devil (John Wick x Reader) 2/4
Summary: Your best friend is getting married and you’re very excited until you find out that your ex is coming to the wedding. After a night of too much drinking and without a date for the big day, you summon a demon to make a deal.
Part 1
Author’s notes: I was gonna wait until Wednesday to post this, but you know what? F*ck it! Let’s be chaotic! Have some more demon!John my good people! I was pleasantely surprised at how many of you responded to this. Thank you for being as interested as Demon!John as my crazy brain and @toomanystoriessolittletime (but she doesn’t really count because we already established we share the same brain! lol Kidding! I love you). So here’s chapter 2 and a brandnew cover! Thank you @themanthemyth-thelegend for lending me your photoshop skills to add the title. Love you lots!
Wordcount: 3470
Warnings: once again mentions of alcohol and nausea and hangovers (but no one throws up, I promise!)
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It took you a moment to finally open your eyes after the kiss. You didn’t think anything could feel that good and that might have been the best kiss you had in a long time. Maybe in your entire life. You were almost disappointed that John had broken away because it made you feel a strange sort of loss.
When your mind finally stopped racing enough for you to pay attention to your surroundings again, you noticed John was nowhere to be found and there was no trace of him. No sign he had even been there in the first place. Maybe your inebriated and horny brain did conjure him up after all. Shaking your head, you returned home, setting the jewelry box on your bedside table and crawling under the covers. As you closed your eyes, you were convinced the entire thing had been a weird dream.
The next morning your head was pounding, your stomach churned with every movement and your mouth tasted like something had died inside. You stumbled blindingly into your bathroom, fighting off nausea. The shower made you feel a little more human and awake. The fresh pot of coffee, the stack of pancakes and a bottle of aspirin waiting for you when you got to the kitchen finished off the job.
“Didn’t hear you come in last night,” your mother commented while you shoveled pancake goodness into your mouth.
“Went drinking with the girls,” you replied around a mouth full and your mother grimaced in disgust, making you roll your eyes. It wasn’t like you were doing that in public. It was just you and her, but she always made a big deal about your manners. It wasn’t as bad as in your pageant girl days, but it was still annoying.
Back then your mother would control every aspect of your life and behavior, because being a pageant queen herself, she always dreamt of passing on her legacy to her daughter. You lost count of how many times she told you how she and her dad struggled to conceive for years and had pretty much given up hope when she found she was pregnant of you, their little miracle, and her dream had come true at least.
You kind of enjoyed at first, the whole pageant life. All the tiaras and pretty dresses were fun, but as you grew older, your interest shifted and you always felt like she never had forgiven you completely for not going forward with it, choosing college and police academy instead of state and national pageants.
“I ironed your dress for tonight and hung it in the laundry room,” she said conversationally bringing you back to the present and you winced, appetite gone.
“Thanks, mom,” you said pushing the plate away from you.
You had blissfully forgotten the entire wedding/rehearsal dinner and the fact that you’d be running into Ryan on both but here was your mom bringing it all back. It wasn’t really her fault. She didn’t know he was in town, much less the details of your breakup. All you told your parents was that you two were done. They didn’t ask for details too relieved that it was finally over.
After washing your plate and refilling your mug, you went back to your childhood room, planning on doing some work before it was time for dinner, but stopped at the sight of the jewelry box and book of shadows.
Part of you wanted to believe you didn’t go to the middle of the street like a lunatic to play summoning demons, but the cut on your finger was still there, so was the box. That did happen. Could John had been real? He couldn’t be, right? What was more plausible? That you summoned a demon from the pits of hell or that your hallucinated a gorgeous man due to too much alcohol?
You cleaned the box and put your necklace back on with snort before powering your laptop so you could write up some reports, being confronted with the low battery light. You dug through your bag, searching for your charger but apparently, you had left at home. This was so not your day.
“I’m heading into town,” you called out from the front door as you put on your shoes. “Anybody want anything?”
“Could stop by at Callum’s, see if the books I ordered arrived?” your father asked and you called a quick agreement before you stepped out into the sunny spring day.
You considered taking your car but decided that a walk would do you some good so you put your earbuds, blasting one of your playlists and after twenty minutes you were at the heart of town, waving at familiar faces as you made a beeline to the electronic store to buy yourself a new charger, before heading to the antique books dealer a couple of blocks down the road.
Callum’s bookstore was a little place that had been standing for as long as you could remember and it was one of your favorite places in your home town. As you stepped inside a small chime rang out, announcing your arrival. To your surprise, it wasn’t Callum that stepped out to meet you, but a young man who smiled brightly at you.
“Welcome to Callum’s books. How can I help you?”
“My father ordered some books,” you said, offering your last name and watching as the man – Clark according to his nametag – typed on a computer. Apparently, Callum was beginning to modernize his business.
“They’re in the back. I’ll pack them up for you,” Clark replied with another smile, before disappearing behind a door.
You wandered aimlessly, browsing the book spines, picking up random titles that caught your attention to flip through it. There was something magical about reading through words that someone else had read one day or even made notes. It was a unique story inside a story.
As you read through a dedicatory in one of the books you picked up, you felt the familiar prickling on the back of your neck, the strange, uncomfortable feeling of being watched that always made the hairs on the back of your neck to stand on its ends.
You breathed slowly left hand falling to your waist but coming up empty. You didn’t have your holster with you because you weren’t on duty. This wasn’t New York, this was your hometown a city where the worst kind of crime that had ever happened in the last ten years was someone vandalizing the high school principal’s car.
Setting the book back, you turned around, breath catching in your throat when you saw John there, leaning against one of the bookcases and watching you with his intense dark eyes.
“Hello, darling.”
Your mouth moved wordlessly for a couple of seconds as you tried to make your brain work through your shock. He was real? You didn’t hallucinate or dream him?
“No, you didn’t,” he said, lips drawing into a smirk as he took a step towards you. “We did indeed meet at the crossroads and make a deal.”
“Right,” you croaked, the memory of kissing him enough to make your knees weak.
Fortunately, you heard Clark calling your name and had an excuse to look away from John and focus on the friendly seller instead. As you reached for the pile of carefully wrapped books, John swiped in, picking them up for you.
“Why don’t I give you a hand, darling?” he said, not giving you a chance to answer, his gaze shifting to Clark. “Tell Callum I’ll meet him tomorrow to see the other book.”
Before you had a chance to protest, John had already stepped outside his long legs giving him an unfair advantage and you had no other choice but follow. He made his way to a gorgeous Mustang holding your books under his arm, as he opened the passenger door for you.
You stood there still too stunned to know what to do. Were you really about to get into the car of a strange man, possibly a demon? Before your mind could finish processing that thought, your legs had already moved you forward and you got in. John flashed you a smile as he handed your books before closing the door.
“You look like you could use a drink,” he teased, turning on the engine and you snorted. It was ten in the morning and you were still nursing a hangover but he was absolutely right.
“I’ll settle for some coffee,” you said instead and John nodded, driving the short distance to the same diner you had been at with your friends yesterday. The two of you even sat at the same booth nursing the burned coffee as you just stared at each other, the air heavy with tension.
“You have questions,” John said, finally breaking the silence. “Ask them.”
“You’re really a demon?” you blurted out and he chuckled, giving you a quick nod. “Prove it.”
“You want me to grown horns and a tail or something?” he asked with a smirk and you snorted. That would be quite funny and ridiculous. “It would.”
“And you can read my mind.” It was an assertion, but John still nodded. You wondered how that would feel, to listen to everyone’s thoughts.
“A little bit like listening to a radio that’s picking up interference,” he replied, startling you and he even looked surprised himself like he wasn't expecting to tell you. “I can hear yours much clearer. Other people, they’re usually just whispers, and I need to focus a little more.”
“So, I guess I have to be careful about what I think around you, huh?” you said with a smile, which John returned.
And just because you could, you conjured up a mental picture of him with bright red horns sticking out of his dark hair. John nearly spat out of coffee, laughing and you chuckled too, relaxing.
The silence stretched between the two of you again, but strangely it wasn’t uncomfortable. John set your nerves on edge, but not in a bad way. It was more like eager expectation, the same you used to feel every Christmas morning before coming down the stairs to find your presents. He was a fascinating surprise you were anxious to unravel.
“What exactly happens with this deal?” you asked, drumming your fingers on the table, just to have something to do.
“You get what you want and I get what I want. Simple as that.”
“And what you want?” you met his gaze that seemed to electrify your body and steal your breath with its intensity.
“What you think I want, darling?” he asked, tracing the brim of his cup as he watched you and you swallowed hard, looking away.
“My soul?” You guessed and for the third time, Joh just nodded. It was refreshing to meet someone this honest. “But I didn’t give you that in the deal.”
“True. But there are other ways to get it. Just takes longer.”
“Is there a way to break the deal?” you asked.
“Do you want to?”
You thought about it and you should want it. You were sitting across a literal demon who just told you point-blank that he wanted your soul. You should want to stay as far away as possible end this before it even began but something was stopping you. A sort of morbid curiosity, the same one that pushed you to the crossroads last night. That part of you wanted to see how far John would go to have your soul and how far could you push back, challenge him.
“No,” you said finally and John smiled, it was almost wolfishly, predatorial and made you shudder.
“Then what time should I pick you up tonight?”
Eight on the dot John pulled up in front of her house, dressed in one of his best dark suits, his hair pushed back and away from his face. He surveyed the two stores Greek revival style construction, the picket white fence and perfectly manicured lawn. The embodiment of the American dream.
With a smile, John walked up the stone pathway to the front door and before he could even reach for the doorbell, it was pulled open and there she stood in a navy-blue dress falling just above her knees and a deep neckline that commanded his eyes to take a peek at her generous cleavage.
The dark color of the dress complimented her porcelain skin, just like the dark shade of red of her lipstick that kept pulling his eyes to her full lips and the way her hair was pulled up exposing her neck almost dared him to kiss it. She looked irresistible and John couldn’t help but want to wreck her, taint the pristine purity he could feel on her.
“You look beautiful, darling,” he said and she actually blushed, lowering her gaze, a shy smile across her lips.
“Thank you.”
She took the hand John offered her, letting him lead her to his car. He could feel her hesitation, doubt filling her mind again, along with concern for her friends at the thought of bringing a demon to the rehearsal dinner.
“You have nothing to worry about, darling,” John reassured. “I’m bound to you until our deal is completed. I will not harm you or anyone you care about. I have no reason to do so. Not unless they threaten me.” John could tell she was inclined to believe him, but there was still a hint of uncertainty. “Rest assured that I will never lie or deceive you. Not when the truth can get me everything I need.”
She met his eyes, holding his gaze for a moment, searching for the truth in them. John knew she was very apt at spotting lies if due to her training or natural talent, he had yet to discover, but John was very happy that he was being completely honest with her. Apparently satisfied with what she saw in his gaze, she nodded and got into the car.
It was a short drive to the Italian restaurant the rehearsal dinner was being held and when John handed his keys to the valet, he also included a healthy tip. It was much easier to assure the safety of his car by being generous than being threatening.
He offered his arm, noticing how small her hand looked tucked by his elbow as he guided the way to the entrance. As they stepped closer to the door, John was flooded with her anxiety, the fear of running into her ex and his new girlfriend and uncertainty about her looks. It was overwhelming and unsettling and John was getting nauseous himself, so he entwined their fingers together and squeezed lightly. She looked over at him almost surprised as John offered his reassurance.
“Everything will be fine,” he said against her ear, making sure his lips grazed her skin just to see her shiver and gasp. Once again he was overtaken by her scent, making him unsteady with want. He pulled away, noticing the way her eyes were a little glazed too. It was good to know that he wasn’t the only one affected.
They quickly located their table, sitting side by side and John ordered her some sparkling wine to settle her nerves and bourbon for himself.
As the night progressed and conversation flowed, John could tell she had relaxed considerably as she talked and laughed with her friends. He piped in every now and then, but his focus was mainly on her, making sure she was enjoying herself, that her glass was always full, but alternating with water so the wouldn’t get sick.
He kept an arm around her shoulders, fingers either playing with the loose strands of hair on her nape or with the delicate chain of her necklace as he sipped his own drink. John didn’t quite understand his need to have a constant point of physical contact with her but didn’t question it and she didn’t seem to mind. As a matter of fact, whenever he pulled his hand away for any reason, she searched for it, leaning against his touch like a cat starved for affection.
When she stood up to make her toast, John tried to ignore the loss, focusing instead on scanning the rest of the guests. He had noticed a blonde man staring at her all night and wondered if that was the ex-boyfriend. Regardless, John made sure she remained oblivious to him and he didn’t dare to come closer.
From the corner of his eye, he saw her hugging the bride after her speech, the two of them exchange quiet words. A rush of pleasure shot through his body as she lied about him to her best friend. It was small, but it was a sin and her guilt tasted like rich coffee in his tongue, bitter but delicious. He grinned into his bourbon, glancing to where he saw her, but finding the spot empty.
As John looked around for her a sudden ache in his chest chased away any enjoyment that came from tainting her soul, confusing him because he never felt bad about corrupting anyone before. Then again, he never really met anyone like her before.
He took a moment to tune into her thoughts, listening to how she chided herself for lying to her friend and for being smitten by John. He almost smiled because she was a very intelligent woman. She could tell John was manipulating her, using his ability to be privy to her thoughts and feelings to give her everything she wanted, but she still couldn’t fight her attraction any more than he could fight his.
There was a moment of silence and then John was overcome by panic. It squeezed his gut and made him stood up in an instant, ignoring the strange looks he was receiving. She was terrified and the need to find her grew impossible to ignore or fight against. John let their bound guide him, finding her cornered by the blonde man just outside the restroom. Apparently, he was indeed the ex.
She looked like a deer caught in headlights and it brought forth a savage urge in John to ripping this man to shreds. He could actually feel the thrum of power barely contained under his skin and knew that if he looked into a mirror right now he would find his eyes were pitch black.
John pushed down at his impulses, a little shocked at his lack of control and protectiveness towards her. He never cared about the ones he made deals before. They were just meat sacks carrying around the prize he wanted. Not her though. She was different to him and he didn’t know why.
“There’s something you need to know about our breakup.” John heard the man said just as he moved closer to them, making the other man shut up.  
“There you are, darling,” John said catching her gaze and her relief was obvious.
He moved towards her with sure steps, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her close to his body, giving into the possessiveness he seemed to be feeling for her. He was rewarded by the feel of her tense muscles relaxing in his embrace as she hugged him back, her thumb hooking on the belt loops of his trousers.
Once he felt she was safe and protected, John shifted his attention to the ex-boyfriend. Examining the other man and enjoying way too much the terrified look in his face as he confronted the darkness of John’s eyes.
“Hello. I don’t think we’ve met,” he said offering Ryan a hand. “John.”
“Ryan,” the blonde said, his voice cracking slightly, and John smiled. Spineless asshole, not worthy of his time. He shifted his gaze to her, dismissing Ryan.
“Are you ready to go? It’s getting quite late.” She nodded quickly, letting John guide her away from Ryan, her relief growing at each step they took.
“Thank you. How did you know?”
“We’re bounded, my darling. I will always know when you need me,” he said caressing her arm soothingly and pressing a quick kiss to her temple. The action surprised both of them. John didn’t mean to be this gentle and he realized she wasn’t the only one getting too involved.
He waited while she said her goodbyes to the bride and groom, another lie slipping easily through her lips. The rush of sin wasn’t as big, neither was her guilt. Once she was ready, John led her outside where his car was already waiting. This time, she didn’t hesitate on getting in the car, as a matter of fact, as John took the driver’s seat, all he could feel coming for her was comfort and relief.
Permanent Taglist (give me a shout if you want to added or removed)
@poisonedjoinery @ringa-starr @curly-minnie @i-cant-remember-my-old-login @caryled @beyond-antares @kathorax @krazycags01 @meetmeinthematinee @red-pill-blue-pill @baphometwolf666 @soarocks @imagine-the-fanfics @moonlit-raven-haven @cumberbatchbaps @coolbreezeinkeanureeves @kindainlovewithkeanu @sgt-morgan @hisdeadwife @generalgoldfishldrm @thesadvampire  @a-really-bi-girl @solariumss @sagekeanu @fanficsrusz @ehggowo @nonsensicalobsessions @howtoruin-someones-perfect-day @flaaff @sanctuarygirl @mikaneonox @futuristic-imbecile
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riversofmars · 4 years
Take What You Want
So this turned out a lot longer than anticipated. It's a response to the @thirteenfanzine prompt week so I didn't want to split it in two parts lol. The prompt was Space Heist but I will say that this fic has very little actual plot and is pretty much just about the smut. Sorry not sorry. Having just finished a long not so graphic fic, I fancied just a bit of this, next one will have story again lol. In the meantime enjoy 13 and River having a lot of fun together... don’t read if you can’t handle a bit of D/s... oops. Again, apologies for the sheer length of it but it just sort of happened like that lol.
Rating: E
Ship: Thirteen/River Song
Wordcount: 7445
Summary: The Doctor and the Fam set out to steal back a painting that has been put up for sale on the Redemption and Harmony by no other than River Song. Posing as the buyer, the Doctor impersonates the Master and attempts to distract her wife without her realising who she is. Things only get more complicated and intense from there... Pretty shameless smut with a bit of plot, be warned.
Take What You Want
“Okay, this is totally gonna be fine, quick and easy, we know the painting is being sold here, tonight, it’s probably already on board. So all we have to do is to steal it back. I’ve responded to the ad as a potential buyer. Just got to be smooth, buy the painting without using actual money as we have none and return it to its rightful owners. Easy peasy.“ The Doctor explained as she made her way through the console room, the fam following close behind.
“Nothing about that sounds easy.“ Ryan commented as he was sorting out his tie. They had all gotten dressed up for the occasion. They had gone back to their James Bond outfits apart from the Doctor, she had gone for something completely different.
“It’ll be fine.“ The Doctor shrugged off his concerns.
“You always say that.“ Graham added, while Yaz asked:
“What’s so important about this painting?“
“The Astari hold it in high regard, once they realise it’s missing, they will mobilise every bounty hunter in the galaxy to track down the thief…“ The Doctor explained as she turned back to them.
“So they’ll get their own painting back, why do we have to do it?“ Yaz frowned, there didn’t seem to be much point in their interference.
“Because… the person that stole it was very inconsiderate and probably didn’t realise the mess they would get themselves in and probably didn’t mean any harm by it so I don’t really want every bounty hunter in the galaxy going after them.“ The Doctor answered.
“They’re selling it for a profit. So if you ask me, if they steal something they’re getting what’s coming to them.“ Graham argued and the others nodded.
“Well… things are not always black and white like that…“
“They usually are when there is a crime involved.“ Yaz pointed out.
“Jean Val Jean had a good reason to steal.“ The Doctor retorted.
“A loaf of bread, this is a priceless painting we’re talking about.“ Yaz rolled her eyes at her.
“Well, she probably did it for a good reason… Anyway… how do I look?“ The Doctor took a twirl.
“Nice suit, very…“ Yaz didn’t quite have the words for it. Was it even a suit? Black tight fitting trousers, black blouse, scarlet red waistcoat…
“Stylish in a mad villain sort of way.“ Graham offered.
“That fits the bill just right then.“ The Doctor rubbed her hands excitedly.
“Hot though…“ Yaz couldn't help but add.
“Even better.“ She grinned. She wasn’t usually going for this sort of thing but the mission demanded it and she intended to make an impression of the seller. “One thing that is going to be important is that whatever you do, do not refer to me as the Doctor… There are a lot of people here that would want to see me dead. Remember our cover story.“ She straightened her collar and tugged on her waistcoat until it sat just right.
“Yes, we know.“ Ryan rolled his eyes, they had been told several times now.
“Did you have to pick him for your cover?“ Yaz couldn’t help but ask.
“Only person that makes sense if I’m being scanned.“ The Doctor answered as she pulled on a black coat that was more like a cape than anything else. “It’s important that we blend in, try not to talk to anyone. We’re dressed up nice, gonna get a table and we will blend right in. I will pose as the buyer, I need you guys to watch my back and grab the painting when they’re distracted.“ She checked her pockets to make sure she had everything. “I’ve been here before, in the future, the ship crashes after I’m found out so it’s important that we do this without much interference. No-one can know we’re here, and we need to leave everything as we found it, so that the future can happen. Can’t get carried away trying to stop someone or mess up their plans or anything like that. These people will get what’s coming to them but it can’t be today, we need to keep the timeline intact.“
“Right…“ Ryan nodded.
“No-one can know who we are, not even the seller.“ She emphasised.
“Yes, we get it. “ Yaz sighed.
“Who is this seller?“ Graham was curious. “Do we know anything about them?“
“I know her, she knows me, that’s why you can’t give me away. She hasn’t seen this body yet so it should be fine…“
“Can’t you just tell her who you are, and get her to give the painting back?“ Yaz asked surprised by the fact that she actually knew this mysterious thief.
“I could but I’d rather not… don’t know what consequences it would have on her timeline… she’s got to keep on track as well. Don’t want to risk it if I don’t have to.“ The Doctor replied. She had considered it of course, it would make things a lot easier but she judged this to be the better option.
“Then you better get your act perfect, you’re such a terrible liar.“ Yaz pointed out and the other chuckled knowing it to be true.
“Yes got to get the persona just right…“ She drew herself up to full height as if asserting herself. “Let’s get ourselves a painting and maybe later I’ll incinerate a planet, who knows.“ She trailed her best maniacal smirk.
“Not bad.“ Ryan laughed a little.
“Ready everyone?“ She stepped up to the Tardis door looking back at her Fam.
“Yes Master.“ The three of them chanted in unison with great amusement. The Doctor smirked with a mad sort of twinkle in her eye and for a moment Yaz genuinely wasn’t sure if it was put on or real.
“What sort of place is this? A restaurant on a spaceship?“ Ryan asked as they stepped outside the Tardis and found themselves in the cargo hold of a spaceship. The Doctor lead the way as she remembered her last trip here rather vividly.
“Not just any old space ship, it’s the Redemption and Harmony, a billion credits for a ticket and a proven record of having killed innocent life forms, even the staff… this is where the worst people in the galaxy come to have their dinner.“ She explained some fun facts.
“And you want us to walk in there?“ Yaz breathed quietly.
“Yeah, it’ll be perfectly fine, just play it cool.“ She winked at them as they walked through into the foyer.
“Hello, how can I help?“ The head waiter that the Doctor remembered to be called Flemming greeted them.
“I believe you’re expecting me, I’m the Master.“ She stepped up to him doing her best to sound dismissive.
“Ah! Yes, of course…“ He looked at her clearly expecting someone or something else entirely. “I’m sorry, I didn’t recognise you…“
“New face, you like it?“ She smirked as if taking great pleasure in his confusion.
“It certainly is a change…“ He looked almost doubtful. The Doctor realised she wasn’t coming cross quite as convincing as she had hoped, she would have to up her game. She took a deep breath, she had to get more into character and let out an annoyed sigh.
“Incompetence.“ Her arm shot out and she curled her fingers around his throat with surprising strength. “Are you planning on making me look like an idiot standing in the doorway? Where is Professor Song?“
“Apologies, I’m… so sorry…“ He managed to croak and she let go. “This way please, Master.“
“Find a table for my… associates.“ She waved at another waiter and shot a glance at her companions who were staring back at her in shock. “What? Too realistic?“ She mouthed and then grinned and winked following Flemming into the restaurant.
“This way Ma’am.“ He gestured towards a the same table she had once sat at with River when she had tried to sell King Hydroflax’s head with the diamond inside. Or that she would sit at, depending how you looked at it. River was already there mulling over the menu. She wore a navy evening gown and looked stunning of course. The Doctor reminded herself to keep her facial expressions in check.
“So this is the infamous Professor River Song.“ She grinned giving her a once over because why the hell not, the Master certainly would. River raised her eyebrows at her and looked her up and down as well.
“Not what I expected.“ She retorted.
“Is it the face? People keep telling me I look too … sweet… these days. Nothing like being underestimated is there.“ She pulled out the chair and sat crossing her legs and folding her hands as she leaned back. “So where’s the husband?“
“Probably off saving one planet or another.“ She shrugged. “Where you expecting him?“
“Nah, just wondered. I do admire your nerve meeting me on your own.“ The Doctor leaned forward a little. Was it bad that she was sort of enjoying this? When she had first encountered River in her previous regeneration, she hadn’t recognised her - him - either and it had been very instructive. Where it was right or wrong, she was interested in finding out how River would respond to this situation.
“Strictly business, this is a pubic place, no need for any sort of drama, we can both walk away happy.“ River answered playing it cool like she always did. Nothing could ruffle this woman’s feathers. It was these moments that the Doctor remembered her wife was actually a trained assassin who was more than capable of looking after herself.
“As if a public place had ever stopped me before.“ The Doctor grinned and in the impulsive bipolar sort of way characteristic of the Master she shouted. “Flemming?!“
“Yes Ma’am.“
“The menu if you please, do I have to spell everything out for you? Are you trying to get yourself killed?“ She snapped at him.
“Of course, I’m ever so sorry.“ He scurried away to get another menu.
“Are you planning on staying for dinner?“ River raised an eyebrow but didn’t even flinch at her outburst.
“When in Rome. The fish is meant to be excellent. Besides I am rather curious about you my dear Professor. I am shocked that we haven’t come across each other. Would have loved to attend the wedding. Such a shame. But here we are at last, what a rare treat it will be to get to know you.“ There was also the fact that the Doctor hadn’t seen her wife in a very long time so she was eager to make the most of this opportunity regardless of the false pretence.
“Yes it does seem rather odd we never came across one another.“ River admitted. She would have expected in all her travels with the Doctor she would have encountered the Master. Of course she knew everything there was to know about him - well her in this regeneration apparently - but a meeting in the flesh was a lot more interesting.
“I am certainly eager to rectify that. Find out what exactly it is the Doctor was so fascinated with. Apart from the obvious.“ The Doctor allowed her eyes to wander once more. “You don’t mind, dear, do you?“
“As a time traveller I have all the time in the world.“ River answered graciously looking back at her menu.
“Splendid.“ The Doctor grinned. As they looked over their menus, the Doctor watched River carefully, trying to work her out. She didn’t seem to recognise her but she wasn’t sure if she was buying the act either. Either way, there was such a strange freedom in not having to censor ones thoughts, being able to say whatever you wanted. She wondered if she should feel bad about this, about tricking River like this… but her frame of mind was warped right now trying to imitate the Master, somehow she didn’t really care.
“Are you not interested in seeing the painting.“ River asked looking up from her menu remembering why they were here in the first place.
“Nah. Really, I only responded cause I saw your name.“ The Doctor waved it off. “Don’t worry, I’ll still buy it off you. Wouldn’t want your hard work going to waste would we but you are the far more interesting commodity of the two.“
“So what do you want with me?“ River asked raising her eyebrows.
“Ah let’s see… I mean I could kill you, obviously. Be a great way to get back at him… But so far I think we’re having a lovely conversation. I like you Professor, your upbringing, your numerous attempts at killing your husband, it does something for me. The Silence did a fantastic job with you didn’t they but just not quite perfect. Shame you had to go fall in love with him in the end. I do wonder what you see in him.“
“I could ask you the same thing. Centuries worth of obsession…“ River was quick to respond.
“Touche. She’s smart too, tell me professor, what's the catch with you?“
“Always in the wrong place at the wrong time.“ She answered.
“AH yes, being out of sync with each other, that must suck… not being able to just call on one’s pet when the mood takes you.“ The Doctor wasn’t quite sure what made her say that but it seemed like a fair point. And it really did suck not being able to be together whenever you wanted.
“We make do.“
“That’s good, I was always worried our dear Doctor didn’t have enough fun.“ She carried on, remembering how particularly in her last regeneration had been the more reluctant sort. She didn’t have the same inhibitions this time around, so she carried on more flirty. “Oh he probably still has the baby face doesn’t he, hard to take seriously when you’re trying to get going is it? You don’t strike me as the woman that would just settle for all that, only seeing each other once in a blue moon, never knowing what place of the timeline your on. Are you two exclusive?“
“What are you suggesting?“ River smirked ever so slightly and the Doctor picked up on it.
“Well, I’m just observing that you and me probably have a lot more in common with each other than either one of us does with him.“ The Doctor knew she was getting herself into deep deep trouble. If River found out it was her… or if she didn’t find out it was her, which was worse. They had never been exclusive but the Doctor didn’t like the idea she would sleep with her worst enemy… but then she was parading as her worst enemy… terrible terrible idea and yet…
“Hm. Two psychopaths with a mutual obsession for the same man, dear oh dear, that could be complicated.“ River mused.
“Doesn’t have to be.“
“I suppose not.“
“I think we should continue this conversation in private, don’t you.“ The Doctor leaned forward smirking, she didn’t overthink it, the Master wouldn’t. Surely she could allow herself this one slip, this one step off the path. River was her wife after all. And it would be the perfect distraction while the others got the painting.
“What about the painting?“ River asked.
“I’ll transfer you the credits, you can leave it with my minions.“ She didn’t wait for a response. “Flemming!“
“Yes Master, how can I be of service.“ The waiter hurried over knowing it was in his own best interest.
“I will need a room.“ The Doctor stated.
“Just for the night or…“
“Right now.“ She interrupted him impatiently.
“And you think I’m just gonna go with you, do you?“ River asked slightly amused.
“What makes you think you have a choice?“ The Doctor retorted raising her eyebrows.
“You know what I like about you Master?“ River leaned forward a little with a smile.
“Apart from the obvious I presume? I can see the way you’re looking at me Professor Song.“
“You’re not afraid to ask for what you want, not apologetic in the least.“ She observed.
“Nice people rarely get what they want.“ The Doctor pointed out. Unfortunately that was the truth, a lot of the time blatant demands were more effective. But that didn't mean it was always the right thing to do.
“Indeed, sometimes it’s okay to just take what you want.“ She winked. “I’m glad you’re finally learning that lesson sweetie.“  The Doctor’s face fell and River burst out laughing.
“When did you realise it was me?“ The Doctor stared at her dumbfound. Her aloofness and swagger disappearing in a flash.
“About two lines in. You are a terrible liar. I mean you tried and there was a couple of times you had me genuinely doubt but… I would recognise you anywhere. Even with a new face and what a fine face it is.“ She smiled approvingly. “Care to share why you’re here impersonating your nemesis though?“ She leaned back folding her hands looking at her expectantly.
“That painting you stole is gonna get you into a whole lot of danger, I’ve come to take it off you and bring it back.“ She answered knowing there was no point pretending.
“God, that’s no fun at all.“ River rolled her eyes.
“Why did you play along for so long?“ The Doctor asked.
“I like a bit of role-play, darling.“ She winked and got to her feet circling around the table to where the Doctor was sitting. “And I must say the outfit, the confidence, the flirting… certainly did something for me.“ She perched on the side of her chair and ran her hand through her hair.
“Did it now?“ The Doctor looked up at her with a smirk. Her heartbeats quickened a little, having River so close, she could smell her perfume and feel her body leading lightly against her.
“So unless you have somewhere to be, I suggest we take advantage of that room you just got.“ She leaned down and whispered before placing a kiss just below her ear. The Doctor extended her neck a little to give her better access.
“Well, Doctor, I think that’s a good idea.“ She retorted and brought her hand up to grab her chin, a little rougher the she usually would have done.
“Doctor? I’m a professor now, thank you very much, as you’ve called me several times already.“ River chuckled a little.
“Oh do catch up Doctor.“ She whispered ever so close to her lips and bit her lower lip seductively.
“Ooohh. I see.“ The penny dropped and an excited smirk spread across her face. “I think I’m going to like this new regeneration of yours, women are just so much more imaginative. Well it seems I am all yours Master with no way of escape.“
Flemming returned with the key card for the room. The Doctor stood and took it off him without another word, back in character. She gestured to her companions a few tables over.
“Look after that bag for us.“ She instructed in an offhand comment and headed off with River. The three of them just looked at one another wondering were they were going. One thing was clear though, they had the painting and the seller was certainly distracted.
It didn’t take them long to reach the room, the Doctor took a deep breath as she unlocked the door trying to summon her confidence and maintain their little game.
“After you.“ She stepped aside to let River through who gave her a flirtatious smile as she walked past swaying her hips at her. God, that woman. She followed her and closed the door being absolutely sure she’d locked it. There wasn’t much in the room, a wardrobe, a dressing table, a bed. That’s all they really needed, a bed. The Doctor’s attention snapped back to River as she turned towards her with a challenging smirk and stepped close.
“Well then, what are you planning on doing with me, Master?“
“You’re about to find out.“ The Doctor retorted and pulled her into a passionate kiss. She flung them both around and urged her backwards against the door. She pinned her there, one hand in her curls, one on her hip. River moaned into the kiss appreciatively.
“What an unexpected turn of events, was this your plan all along?“
“Just taking advantage of an opportunity.“
“Please, take away.“ River chuckled and half wrapped one of her legs around her, the fabric of the dress fell away through the long slit up the side of the skirt. The Doctor ran her hand up her leg and that was how she discovered the gun strapped to her thigh.
“River.“ She raised her eyebrows accusingly.
“Precaution dear, you don’t think I would be in this place without being able to defend myself, do you?“ She retorted with a chuckle. “How about you disarm me?“
“Thought I’d already done that.“ The Doctor hummed kissing the side of her neck.
“Hmm… smooth.“ They kissed again but the Doctor felt her confidence waver a little. What exactly did River expect from her? What would being with the Master actually entail? How would she go about it? When she had been a man, things had been more straight forward. She had been at a natural advantage, height and strength, now she had to rely on her confidence, be demanding and commanding with words. That was a whole different skill set… River sensed her hesitation.
“What’s wrong darling?“ She asked breaking from their game for a second.
“Fine, everything is fine.“ The Doctor replied quickly. “I uhm… should we take this to the bed…?“
“Thought we weren’t doing asking nicely.“ River teased and grabbed hold of her collar to pull her in for another kiss.
“Yeah, well, I…“ She swallowed hard feeling incredibly self-conscious now.
“Oh darling, come on now.“ River chuckled, she took her chin in her hand forcing her to look at her. “Doesn’t come natural does it?“ She shook her head a little embarrassed. This should be easy, they had sex a million times but she couldn’t summon that same confidence she had managed to channel in their flirting. It was a lot of pressure all of a sudden.
“Do you need me to give you some pointers?“ River asked huskily and a chill ran down the Doctor’s spine. She flipped them around and suddenly, the Doctor had her back to the wall. God, River had always been the more confident one, the more demanding of the pair. “Come on Doctor, it’s really not that difficult, just tell me what you want me to do.“ River whispered, a smug smirk on her lips. She was taunting her now and the Doctor would thought it mean if it didn’t turn her on so much. She blushed, she couldn’t hold her intense gaze.
“I- uhm…“ She mumbled, trying to find a way out of the situation but there was only the solid wall behind her and River looking like a prowling lioness in front of her. What would the Master do now? He wouldn’t have let it get to this, he would have just…commanded the room instead of being overpowered himself.
“Oh darling.“ River sighed looking at her almost pitifully. “How disappointing.“ She let go of her wife and turned to walk away. The Doctor was immediately missing her closeness and there was this terrible ache in the pit of her stomach and between her legs, she hadn’t even realised how laboured her breathing had become and how terribly aroused River had made her with a few simple words and that godawful confidence of hers.
“No, River, please.“ She reached out and grabbed her arm.
“Please what, darling?“ She looked around raising her eyebrows in amusement, she knew she was winning.
“I just… sorry, it’s not really something I’ve ever done, so I don’t know how…“ She broke off looking away embarrassed.
“Oh sweetheart.“ River smirked. “Would you like me to show you?“ She stepped back into her personal space and ran her fingertips along her collar bone.
“What, you mean…“ She blushed and couldn’t even finish the thought.
“Maybe if I show you how to take control, next time you’ll have a better idea, hm?“ She leaned in close and placed the softest and briefest of kisses on her lips. The Doctor leaned forward wanting - no needing - more but her wife avoided her kiss and instead kissed her cheek and whispered into her ear. “Would you like that my dear?“
“I, uhm…“ The Doctor could hardly think, let alone form a coherent sentence.
“Come on sweetie, it’s not as hard as all that, just answer the question.“ River chuckled, she was enjoying the effect she was having on her wife. Yes, she had been rather excited to see a more dominant version of her but this was delicious and perhaps a lot easier for both of them. River did somewhat struggle submitting to someone else, perhaps due to her defiant character. After everything that had happened to her, she longed to be in control at all times whereas the Doctor, well… maybe carrying the fate of the universe on her shoulders all the time, she wanted to give responsibility and control away if she could. There was always so much pressure on her, so many expectations… maybe she could do without the added pressure of playing a role that didn’t come naturally to her. “Let me take the responsibility away from you, hm?“
“Yes please…“ The Doctor breathed feeling an incredible sense of relief. She immediately felt more comfortable.
“Oh my dear Doctor, I can tell this will be a lot easier for you.“ River whispered looking at her again while she took hold of her hips. “You can follow simple instructions, right?“
“I… of course, I mean…“ The Doctor looked up at her. She wasn’t even much shorter than her, but but heels and the way she was leaning into her…
“Simple yes or no, sweetie.“
“Good girl.“ River smirked letting go of her and the Doctor blushed. She pushed her blonde hair back behind her ears self-consciously, not knowing what to do with her hands. River was looking her up and down as if wondering what exactly do with her now. The tension was palpable and the anticipation maddening.
“Take your clothes off, Doctor.“ River said at last and the Doctor felt her breath catch.
“Right, uhm…“ She looked up at River unsure but the look in her eyes made clear that this was not a discussion. She looked away, she knew she probably shouldn’t like this feeling but she really did. It was an intoxicating mix of humiliation and arousal, it made her exhilaratingly uncomfortable wanting to both obey and refuse at the same time. She slowly began unbuttoning her waistcoat and dropped it to the floor beside her, she was a little bit more hesitant with her blouse, her fingers were trembling.
“Don’t keep me waiting dear.“ River took a step closer again and reached out to push her chin and gaze up. “I thought you said you could follow instructions?“
“Right yes…“ She tried her best to focus but she could hardly think. Her head had gone fuzzy. She carried on unbuttoning the blouse and accidentally tore off a button. “Shit…“ She muttered.
“Language, dear.“ River tutted. She circled around her and helped her ease her shirt off her shoulders. Her eyes were all over her, every inch of revealed skin, she liked what she saw. River bit her lower lip. She had always loved and wanted the Doctor, no matter what face he had worn but this was… “You are a pretty thing, aren’t you.“ She commented coming to a halt in front of her again. She hooked her fingers under the strap of her plain black bra and pushed it down, watching in delight how the Doctor’s chest rose with every laboured breath. God, this was almost too easy. “Kneel.“ River said softly and pointed to the floor.
“Fuck…“ The Doctor breathed her head spinning. She hadn’t really just said that, had she? She looked back at River almost pleadingly just as she slapped her. It wasn’t hard but it was enough to startle her and make her stare at her in shock.
“I think I just told you to mind your language.“ River raised her eyebrows.
“Sorry…“ She whispered in response, she couldn’t quite figure out why but she felt breathless all of a sudden.
“Well?“ She looked at her expectantly and the Doctor swallowed her pride. Slowly, she sunk to her knees. This wasn’t like it had been with the Master when every fibre of her being had cried out in protest at being made to sit at his feet repeating his name… this was… It was almost like a weight being lifted, like giving up responsibility and ownership of herself and her actions for a while. Not having to worry, not having to overthink and second guess every action, every decision. In that moment, she didn’t have to worry about being the Doctor anymore, the stuff of legends, the hero always there when needed most, inciting fear and hope alike in the hearts and minds of those she came across. None of it mattered anymore as she looked up at her wife as she knelt by her feet. “Good girl.“ River praised as she took her chin in her hands. “Doesn’t that feel better?“
“Yes…“ The Doctor admitted softly.
“Taking control away from you is easier than stealing sweets from a child.“ River observed in amusement.
“I don’t mind giving it up to you.“ She replied.
“Good answer.“ River smiled and the Doctor smiled in turn, she couldn’t describe why but her wife’s praise made her heart swell. “Give me a hand with this then.“ She smirked and placed her high heeled foot on her thigh revealing her leg that had the gun still strapped to it. The Doctor reached up and carefully unclasped the gun holster. She was secretly glad to be able to take if off her, she didn’t fancy it getting in the way later. She placed it on the ground next to her before running her hands up her wife’s long toned legs, feeling a sudden urge to reach higher and find out if this was turning her on just as much as it was her. She pushed her fingertips up against the silky fabric of her underwear just as River grab a hold of her hair and yanked her head back to stop her.
“I think you should ask permission before you do that, don’t you?“
“Sorry…“ The Doctor winced and River let go of her hair. She took a deep breath. “May I?“
“Seeing as you asked so nicely.“ She smirked.
“Thank you.“ She breathed, not wanting to make the mistake of impoliteness again and River raised her eyebrows surprised at the natural response but she didn’t comment, she just waited and the Doctor reached up and pulled down her underwear. River stepped out of them gracefully and her wife put them by the gun on the floor. Then without too much thought about her actions, she knelt up, pushed the fabric of her gown up and pressed her tongue into her core. River moaned appreciatively.
“Now that’s the right kind of initiative.“ She hummed and buried her hands in her silky hair. She felt unsteady on her feet, particularly in heels, they would have to get to the bed for this but God, the sight of her wife kneeling between her legs, her talkative mouth occupied with other things. She bit her lip, she was good at this. The Doctor hugged one arm around her leg and used her other hand to gently trace the wetness between her legs. It certainly answered her question, River was just as turned on by this as she was. She drew circles with her tongue and gently pushed a couple of fingers inside her, River moaned and grabbed her hair tighter. The Doctor pushed a little harder, feeling more confident and her wife got a little unsteady. “Bed.“ River groaned and pushed her away. The Doctor nearly tumbled over but she caught herself as River turned towards the bed. “Help me out of this.“ She instructed undoing the top of her dress. The Doctor didn’t need to be asked twice, she quickly clambered to her feet and unzipped the dress for her. River dropped it where she stood and made her way to the bed in only heels and a lacy bra. The Doctor took a deep breath, her head swimming in hormones. She followed her to the bed and River turned and perched on the edge. “Take the rest of your clothes off.“ River instructed as her wife came to a halt right in front of her. She grabbed the waistband of her trousers and pulled her a little closer still standing right between her legs. The Doctor nodded and undid her bra. River traced her fingertips up her flat stomach watching her closely. She dropped her bra to the floor and River continued up, brushing ever so lightly against her nipples, teasing and exploring her new body. The Doctor groaned, River clearly had made it her goal to drive her absolutely crazy and she was succeeding. “Carry on.“ She pulled her out of her trance. She nodded towards her trousers but carried on caressing her breasts.
“God, River…“ The Doctor breathed but didn’t argue, she kicked off her boots and unbuttoned her trousers. She felt so vulnerable, she blushed bright red but she trusted River like no-one else so she kept going. She pushed her trousers down, her underwear with it, and stepped out of them. “This okay?“ She breathed feeling incredibly insecure.
“More than.“ River whispered. For a moment, she forgot all about their little game, she just looked at her full of adoration and awe. She was absolutely beautiful and River could hardly wrap her head around the fact that she was hers. Not just right in this moment but always, she was her wife and even if their time was limited, they would always have opportunities and moments like this. “You’re beautiful darling.“ She took her hand and placed a kiss on top of it. The Doctor felt her heart melt, overcome by emotion she blinked away the tears that unexpectedly came to her eyes and captured her wife’s lips in a deep and loving kiss. River smiled into the kiss as she ran her hands down her body coming to rest on her hips.
“Can we keep going now?“ The Doctor bit her lip. She didn’t want to sound too eager but her body was betraying her. River raised her eyebrows at her in amusement.
“Why of course dear, are you enjoying yourself by any chance?“ She teased her and the Doctor blushed.
“You know I am…“ She huffed and River smirked as she pushed her hand between her wife’s legs feeling the wetness there. The Doctor gasped and blushed even more deeply as River whispered:
“Yes you are. If I’d known you’d like this that much, I would have done it sooner.“ The Doctor whimpered at the sudden loss of touch as River pulled her hand away. It was true, she probably had never been as turned on as this. “So where were we?“ She looked her up and down one more time, looking almost timid
“I know…“ The Doctor answered in a low voice and before River could say anything, she knelt down in front of her again, right there between her legs and leaned forward pushing her tongue into her wetness. River moaned, yes, that was just right… she brushed the Doctor’s hair back and spread her legs a little wider. The Doctor looped her arms around her thighs pulling her in close and hooking her legs over her shoulders. She ran her tongue over her, she remembered well how River liked her to touch her, how to flick her tongue just right, where to push and press. River groaned buckling her hips against her as she allowed herself to fall onto her back on the bed as her wife worked wonders between her legs. She grabbed hold of the bedsheets, she needed something to hold on to. Her wife swirled tight circles around her clit lighting her nerve endings on fire.
“I forgot how good you are at this.“ River moaned through laboured breaths. Pressure was building up in the pit of her stomach radiating down. She was becoming hot and flushed, panting as she could hardly seem to get enough air.
“May I get up?“ The Doctor asked and River barely registered the question, she just nodded frantically, she didn’t really care what she did at this point, so long as she kept going. River groaned in disappointment when she pulled away from her but within second, the Doctor had replaced her tongue with her fingers. She pushed inside her as she climbed on top of her and they shuffled up the bed. She used her other hand to push up River’s bra, the last item of clothing between them and assaulted her breasts with her lips and teeth. River couldn’t think clearly anymore, she just rocked against her wife’s thrusts, swimming in a sea of sensations. Her muscles started tensing up, the Doctor could tell she was close, she sat back between her legs, pressed a kiss against the inside of her thigh and brought her other hand down to rub little circles against her clit. It did the trick. River’s whole body tensed up for a moment, she ground her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut before wave after wave of pleasure released the pent up pressure.
“Fuck…“ River whispered breathlessly wiping the sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand. She took a few moments to recover, thank god for those two hearts helping restoring blood and oxygen flow more quickly. She pushed herself up a little on her elbows, she could sense her wife’s eyes on her. The Doctor was still sitting between her legs with a hopeful sort of smile on her face.
“Was that alright then?“ She asked with a little bit of a smirk, she knew full well that it had been more than alright but she wanted her praise.
“Hm, yes.“ River breathed. “Very good.“ She watched her wife for a moment, how she was kneeling there, her thighs pressed together tightly, biting her bottom lip subconsciously, balling her hands into fists in the sheets. She desperately needed some release but she was doing her best to wait. She had certainly understood how these games worked. River smirked feeling more like herself again. “Now, dear, is there something you need?“
“I, uhm…“ The Doctor averted her eyes quickly blushing.
“Oh darling, still not any better at asking for the things you want?“ River teased sitting up.
“I… I think I like it better this way around…“ She admitted self-consciously.
“I thought you might.“ River chuckled. “And believe me, that is perfectly fine by me.“ She pulled her into a passionate kiss and flipped them over. She pushed her leg between hers and the Doctor moaned grinding her hips against her leg, finally having some contact. River grabbed her wrists and pinned her hands either side of her head, there was really no need for it at this point but she was curious to see what else she would do to drive her wife crazy, for future reference.
“Please River.“ She was absolutely breathless.
“I didn’t think the almighty Doctor begged.“ River hummed as she trailed kisses along her neck and down to her breasts.
“River…“ She breathed pushing herself against her leg.
“No, please, darling, keep going, I love hearing you beg.“ She smirked as she let go of her hands and sat back up, she budged back and the Doctor groaned in frustration at the loss of contact. River reached down placing her hands on either one of her thighs keeping them apart.
“River, come on…“ She tried to move but she was holding her down.
“Ask nicely darling.“
“I did…“
“Say it again.“
“Please, River, please, just… I can’t wait any longer.“ She breathed a desperate plea that seemed to satisfy River at last.
“Not so hard, is it.“ River chuckled and pushed her fingers inside her. The Doctor moaned and eagerly moved against her. “Aren’t you forgetting something?“ River hummed as she leaned over her again and buried her other hand in her hair. She pulled her head back exposing her throat that she carefully sunk her teeth into. The Doctor gasped.
“Thank you.“ She just about managed and River grinned at her like a cheshire cat.
“Good girl.“ She sped up and pushed another finger inside her, she could tell she needed more, after all this, her body was so tightly strung. The Doctor grabbed onto River for support, digging her nails into her shoulders, the little bit of pain only urged her on. She rubbed her thumb against her clit as well as she could manage as she kept up her rhythm. The Doctor’s moans became increasingly more desperate and she began to tense up. “Nearly there dear.“ River whispered into her ear and bit her earlobe. The Doctor gasped for air, she felt like she was going to black out at any moment as the sensations mounted and rose inside her. She tightened around River’s fingers and released the tension at last. River held her through the intense spasms kissing her deeply.
“Bloody hell…“ The Doctor was barely in control of her senses as she came down from that high.
“Language dear…“ River chuckled as she pulled her into her arms so she could recover.
“I feel like… it’s one rule for you… and one rule for me…“ The Doctor mumbled and River laughed lightly.
“Fair point…“ For a little while they just lay there, neither one of them saying anything. They didn’t want their little adventure to end but they both knew there were things that had to be done, places they had to be. There was a painting that still needed to be dealt with…
As she felt more like herself again, the Doctor rolled over and reached for the top drawer of the night stand. It had taken a while but she was starting to remember why they were actually here.
“What are you looking for?“ River asked raising her eyebrows curiously.
“Well, this is the cruise ship of the evil masterminds, I figured… ha! Yes.“ She pulled out a pair of handcuffs from the drawer dangling them in front of River who grinned in response. “So… you think I can have a go at this after all?“ The Doctor asked trying to look confident.
“Well dear, if I had known we had those at our disposal…“ River smirked but held out her hands to her. “Well, be my guest.“ The Doctor grinned and made quick work of cuffing her wife to the headboard. Then she quickly got up and got dressed.
“Darling, what are you doing?“ River asked trying to sit up but struggling to.
“Sorry dear but I know you’re more than capable of getting out of handcuffs after a little while. I just need a bit of a head start.“ The Doctor explained with a grin.
“What do you think you’re doing?“ She demanded to know.
“Remember that painting? Just stole it back. Keep you out of trouble.“ The Doctor quickly buttoned up her waist code. “Ace distraction, wasn’t it. “
“You’re gonna get yourself into a lot of trouble if you leave me here like this and make off with my painting!“ River shouted angrily.
“Not your painting, technically.“ She felt the need to point out.
“You wouldn’t leave me like this, Doctor.“ Her wife tried to reason.
“No… but the Master certainly would.“ She grinned mischievously and kissed her wife’s cheek. “Till the next time Professor.“
“Love you! Let’s do it again some time soon!“ She fled the room to the sound of River’s explicit curses and made for the restaurant where the rest of the team was waiting with the painting. Yaz, Ryan and Graham were waiting looking extremely bored.
“Time to get a shift on Fam and quick, River is not happy, bring the painting.“
“What were you doing all this time?“ Graham asked.
“Ah you know…“
“Doctor, you didn’t actually…“ Yaz exclaimed.
“Don’t think I mentioned she’s my wife, did I? My bad. Let’s go!“ They hurried back to the Tardis, rushing past Flemming who stared after them in confusion. Heist accomplished.
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slurrmp · 5 years
thirteen x reader the doctor finds out reader’s pregnant. reader isn’t sure what to do because she thinks she can’t be a mom
All three of them were lined up in a row, balancing precariously on the edge of the sink. Teeth sucked in your lower lip as you paced back and forth the length of the rather large room, hands clenched in front of your stomach, as you tried not to let yourself have a major break down. You didn’t know how exactly sound proof the TARDIS walls were, but you know you didn’t want to risk letting anyone know that you were having a moment. Two of the pregnancy test showed that small tiny plus sign. While the other spelled it out in pink lettering, mother fuc- They were now pointing out that there was now a tiny living person inside your stomach. Okay, well they don’t technically live inside the stomach, but that’s close enough. You had all just come back from helping Nikola Tesla save the world against giant scorpions, but you couldn’t help but feel like you had slowed the group down the entire time. The cold that you had caught the last time you had visited home had somehow gotten worse. Turning almost flu like, you weren’t exactly good at the running and the saving the world. Mostly you were just stuck in Tesla’s lab throwing up everything that was in your stomach.
Poor Tesla, he was a little put out by your sudden dismissive attitude towards everything that was happening but, bless him, he tried his best at comforting you, even as you were throwing up into his many rubbish bins.
Running a hand through your hair you paused in front of the sink again and stared down at the pregnancy tests. You couldn’t help but narrow your eyes at them. “Stupid things.” You mumbled to yourself before you swiped them off the sink and onto the floor. “Not even accurate…” You weren’t ready to be a mother and you certainly weren’t ready to give up this lifestyle, not when you had just found it. Staring at the mess on the floor, a low growl escaped you before you stormed out of your bathroom, made your way through your room and out into the endless feeling hallway.
You didn’t exactly want to go and join the others in the console room. You knew that they would be busy talking over what they had just been through, and they would start to question as to why you were suddenly in a foul mood and you definitely weren’t ready for small talk. So instead, you shoved your hands into the pockets of your tracksuit pants and just started wandering down the hall, letting your legs and the TARDIS herself, decide where you were going.
It wasn’t long until you found your way into the library. It was massive, just imagine the library from Beauty and The Beast and times it by twenty. There was always something about a library that calmed you down, maybe it was because you used to spend your days as a kid in the school library, reading during lunch when everyone else was out playing on the oval.
Then during your teenage years, the local library was where you went when home seemed a little too overstimulating.
Falling back onto the couch that you had claimed as your own when you all had first joined the Doctor, you stared up at the ceiling. Squinting slightly, you couldn’t help but place your hand against your stomach. There was no bump, no feeling of something living in there, it was just … well your stomach. But you knew, it was like all the emotions that you had been experiencing previously all suddenly came flooding back making a lot more sense.
You were pregnant.
“This is bullshit.” You mumbled to yourself. You hadn’t seen your boyfriend in the last … eight weeks. Scrunching up your face, you couldn’t help but groan. Loud and annoyed as you fell face first onto the couch. You had just broken up, he was complaining that he never saw you anymore, that you were hanging out with people that were not your type. That you should stop hanging out with them. ‘What kind of name is The Doctor anyway. Sounds like someone wanting to sell you to a sex ring or something.’ after that you promptly punched him in the nose and told him to piss on outta your home.
But then the evening came and you were hanging out with friends you hadn’t seen since Christmas and there was a shit ton of drinks involved and he was groveling on his knees, in public no less. You had thought he really meant it and you know you shouldn’t have, but you were drunk and hadn’t had sex in over three months. You were desperate.
“I’m a fucking moron.”
“Oi!” The voice sliced through the silence of the library and you shot up into a seated position so fast that you had to press a palm against your eye. Well, guess vertigo will be a thing of this pregnancy. “No kind of talk like that in the library.” Squinting against the bright lights, you spotted the Doctor making her way over to you. A bunch of books in her bare arms, a brow shot up as you noticed that she wasn’t wearing her typical white undershirt, just one of the many short sleeved maroon shirts. Swallowing, you couldn’t help but blush. “Or ever on my ship.”
“Sorry.” You mumbled and sighed. “But it’s true. A complete and utter idiot.” Leaning forward, you pulled your legs up onto the couch, resting your elbows on your knees. “Doctor, what am I going to do?” The Time Lord gave a small frown, before she took a breath and placed the books on the coffee table.
“What’s wrong…?” Your name sounded like honey when she said it. When he said it, it sounded like a burden, like he couldn’t be bothered loving you anymore. The blonde sat down next to you on the couch, a look of such intensity that you started to feel warm underneath it. Maybe it was the hormones?
The two of you held gazes for what felt like hours. You heaved a sigh and rested your forehead against your knees, shifting your arms to rest by your sides on the couch. Well, here goes nothing. “I’m pregnant.” And it was silent. Your heart was beating out of your chest, you didn’t know whether or not she would ultimately chuck you out of the TARDIS now. Did she even do pregnant ladies?
There was a slight whirring noise and your head lifted. The Doctor had taken her sonic out and was now scanning you over. The little dimple on her forehead was prominent as she concentrated, before it softened out when she looked up at you. “Seven weeks.” She finally spoke and a pained expression crossed your face. “Oh …” Your name was spoken again but this time much softer, it caused a shiver to rush down your spine. “What’s wrong?”
“I can’t do this…” you almost sobbed the words. “I … I can’t be a mother?” Heaving in a breath, your whole body shook. This wasn’t in your plans … this wasn’t on the list. “I barely have a stable job, the father is an asshole and when I’m not at home, I’m running around the freaking galaxy with you!” Unexpected pregnancy was something you absolutely did not want. It was then that the Doctor put away her sonic and shifted closer to you. Her arm wrapped around the back of your shoulders, as her fingers dug into the fabric of your shirt, before she pulled you against her. You stiffened just as you fell into her, as you crossed your legs instead.
“Listen, I was just as nervous the first time around.” That made your frown. “Having kids is never easy, especially when you come from my planet.” Oh my god. “Time Lord’s don’t have children the same way as Humans do, well, when I say that, I mean we used to but overpopulation became an issue…” Snapping your head up, you almost whacked the Doctor in the chin. Your eyes met hazel and you really couldn’t believe that she was saying this. Any of this. “But when my first arrived and I held him in my arms…” The Doctor looked away, focusing on something just over your head. You could feel her tense up suddenly, almost like she realised what she was saying … before she took a breath in and snapped a grin onto her face. “You, my love, are going to be a wonderful mother.”
A hesitant laugh escaped your lips. Holy shit, you swallowed as you tried to move past the fact that pieces of her past had literally tumbled out of her. She had been a mother? She had kids, she had a family. A husband? Or a wife. Where the hell were they now? Sniffing, you ran the back of your palm underneath your nose, before you nodded your head. “I just never saw this coming.”
“It’s going to be hard,” The Doctor continued, snapping out of the slight trance she had found herself in and looked down at you. A hand reached up and fingers brushed away the stray tear that was falling down your cheek. “And it’s definitely not going to be fun but that’s why you’ve got me.” The Doctor paused. “Us. All of us, I’m sure Graham and Yaz will be thrilled and we know that Ryan has a soft spot for kids.” The blonde continued and you couldn’t help but notice the slight slip. A soft smile crossed you lips as you looked down, hands twisting together in your lap. A slender finger reached down then and rested under your chin, pushing your head back up to meet her gaze. “And if you really don’t want to do this …”
Your breath caught at the back of your throat. “I can … I can try.” You replied. You didn’t want to instantly give up but you know that you had time, you had time to decide whether or not you could do this. “Thanks Doc.” The blonde beamed down at you, before she pulled away. Your lower lip almost pulled out in a pout at the lost of contact, but before you could complain, the Doctor had placed her hands on either side of your face and pressed a kiss against your forehead.
“You’ve got this…” Your name now sounded like a prize more than a burden. “I know you can do this. Now come on!” The Doctor stood up and you followed her with your eyes, the smirk growing wider on your lips. You just couldn’t help but be happy when you were near her. “I’ve got a special place for you all. The people may be a little violent, but the sunsets on Qo’Nos are to die for!” Holding out her hand, the Doctor looked at you expectantly and you couldn’t help the laugh that left your lips.
“As long as there’s no running.” You took her hand and bounded off the couch, following right behind her.
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softboywriting · 5 years
The Pull | A Place To Call Home | Werewolf AU | Shawn Mendes
Summary: In which you find out there is another member of the pack and that Shawn is more than just an alpha to you and how you feel may effect how you shift. [fluff] (Follows directly after Begin)
Word Count: 1.6k
|Masterlist In Bio|
Rest. It's what Shawn says when he leaves in the morning. Rest today. It's Friday, a few days after your talk with Shawn, and more importantly your date. The date had gone incredibly well, the two of you got dinner and went back home for a movie on the couch that involved a lot of cuddling.
Currently you're alone in the kitchen eating lunch. Everything has been quiet lately, you've been resting like Shawn wanted you to, talking with Rosa and feeling more relaxed. You've just finished your sandwich when the back door opens, being unlocked from outside, and in walks a tall guy with dark hair and glasses. You freeze, plate hovering over the sink, eyes locked on this stranger, heart going a thousand miles a minute.
“You must be new,” he says quietly.
You drop the plate and it clatters loudly in the metal sink. You don't respond, you just back away toward the archway to the living room. Your heart is going to explode, eyes darting around for anything you can use to defend yourself. You back into something, someone more like it as you exit the kitchen.
“Whoa, you okay?” Jeremy asks, hand on your shoulder. “I heard the plate fall.”
You point into the kitchen with a shaky hand. “There's a wolf in there.”
Jeremy puts you behind him and goes into the kitchen with a growl. “Ryan? Holy shit! Pup it's okay!”
You creep closer, enough to look into the kitchen and Jeremy is hugging the stranger.
“It's fine, he's part of the pack. Remember I told you I met Shawn through a friend? This is Ryan, he introduced us.”
“I'm sorry I scared you. I didn't think anything of it, just coming in.”
Jeremy comes over to you and rubs your back, clearly sensing you are uncomfortable. “It's okay, I didn't expect him either.” He turns to Ryan. “Does Shawn know you're here?”
Ryan shakes his head. “I was going to surprise him. I have a few weeks off from school and I thought I'd come visit. I stopped by the old place but it was empty so I came here and my old key worked on the backdoor. Clearly I should have called.”
You step closer to Jeremy, eyes glued to Ryan. “Why wouldn't Shawn tell me about you?”
“I'm not sure. Maybe because I'm not here except for Christmas usually?” Ryan shrugs, leaning against the counter.
“She’s wary of unfamiliar wolves, she's had a bad time with her former pack.” Jeremy says as he wraps his arm around your shoulders. “I'm really sorry we didn't tell you about him. It just never came up, though I should have said something when we talked the other day.”
“Yeah...it's okay.”
You pull away and go up to your bedroom. You don't like surprises, especially not like this. You were sure Ryan was there to kill you, someone from your ex pack having hunted you down. Why had Shawn not warned you about him? Or even mentioned another member of the pack? Why didn't anyone say anything? You were part of the pack, you deserved to know.
Shawn gets home around one, having had another early morning shift at the clinic. He finds you in your room, opening the door slowly as not to startle you.
“Pup? Are you okay?”
He walks in and sits beside you on the bed, hand going to your back and rubbing gently. “I heard you met Ryan.”
“I'm sorry I wasn't here.”
You keep your eyes down, focused on your hands in your lap. “Why didn't anyone tell me about him sooner?”
Shawn sighs. “It just hadn't come up, I promise I wasn't hiding it from you. I was more concerned with us here, getting you settled and accepted. Ryan isn't with us most of the time, and we only talk maybe once every few months. I honestly haven't spoken to him since you joined us.”
“He scared the shit out of me. I thought he was a wolf from the other pack.” You tremble, picking anxiously at your shirt. “It was like a nightmare come true.”
“Look at me Pup,” he says softly and you shake your head. You don't want to, you don't want to show him how weak you are for being scared over what turned out to be nothing. Shawn grabs your sides and pulls you gently over onto his lap so you're facing him. “Pup.”
You try not to look at him but it's hard because he's inches away from you. You just stare at his shoulder hoping he will just talk to you this way. You're no longer feeling anxious about the Ryan situation, but now more so because you're straddling Shawn's lap.
“Hey,” he tilts your head to look at him. “What did I promise you?”
“That you would keep me safe.”
He hums. “Yes, and I broke that promise today.”
“But you didn't...”
“I did. You felt unsafe when Ryan showed up. I didn't warn you about him, I didn't tell you that he could get into our house. It's my fault you’re scared and you felt like you were in a nightmare. I shouldn't have put you through that. I should have remembered to tell you about Ryan. I'm so sorry.”
You stare at him, his eyes boring into yours, pleading for you to accept his apology. It's strange, you never knew an alpha to be so considerate, to show such compassion for his pack mates. This would be twice this week he admitted his fault to you, apologizing for his actions or lack thereof.
“You didn't mean to make me feel unsafe. Mistakes happen. It's okay Shawn.”
Shawn takes your hands in his and curls his fingers around yours, bringing them up to kiss gently. You feel warm, flushing at his tenderness, heart aching at his softness. His cheeks flush, eyes turning a bit more golden than usual. He feels the same way you do, you can tell. There is something else between you. Like this was more than just an alpha and his pack mate. Rosa's words come to mind, how she said he's a certain kind of tender with you. You can see it now, feel it. You want to be closer, to feel him against you. You ache for him, needing to feel him completely.  
“You're burning up,” Shawn murmurs, his hands flexing against yours.
Suddenly you feel strange, too hot, itchy all over. You push away from Shawn, tumbling to the floor as you feel your skin ache. It's familiar, the burning itching as if something were trying to get out of you. You're shifting and you can't stop it.
All at once you feel your body relax, the itchy tightness and ache subsiding. You're laying on your floor, staring under the bed at a dust bunny in the corner. You're confused, trying to sort out what just happened.  
“Pup, you shifted,” Shawn says worriedly. He kneels down and lifts your head up, kissing your nose. “Are you okay?” He buries his hands in the fur at the nape of your neck and you press your head against him.
Suddenly you're itchy again, changing back already. You shake your head, body aching intensely and then you're human again. Sitting before Shawn on the floor naked, your clothes in shreds underneath you from the shift. “What's happening?” You ask shakily, body exhausted from shifting.
“I'm not sure,” Shawn says, brow furrowed. He grabs your blanket from the bed and wraps it around you. “You weren't trying to shift right?”
You shake your head. “I don't know what happened.”
Shawn puts his hand against your forehead. “Are you feeling okay?”
You nod. “Just tired.”
“What were you feeling right before you shifted?”
“Um...” You flush. How did you tell him how you felt? It was weird like a connection, like you wanted him to be part of you. It wasn't just one emotion. “I can't explain.”
Shawn cups your face and rubs his thumb along your cheekbone. “You felt that connection too then? It's called “the pull” and it's a unique attraction between wolves. I wonder if that caused you to shift.”
“I don't know what you mean.”
Shawn smiles softly, hand falling away from your face. “I don't...I don't want you to freak out, but feeling that pull means two wolves are mate compatible.”
“Mates? Omegas can't have mates.”
“Omegas most definitely can have mates. In fact, they are more likely to be mate compatible with an alpha than a beta is. The pairing is just more likely to produce omega children. It's one of the reasons purist packs hate omegas and want to eliminate them.” Shawn takes your hands in his. “It's okay if you're not ready for that. I understand if you don't want to. Just because we're compatible doesn't mean we have to be mated.”
“I don't know how I feel.” You shake your head. A mate. A mate to an alpha and one like Shawn no less. You couldn't be. Surely someone like you didn't deserve this. You...you couldn't possibly be a mate. “I need some time to think. Everything I've known about omegas is wrong. It's like every time I start to feel normal something changes.”
“You have a lot to learn Pup. I'm doing my best but I don't know everything you don't know.”
You pull your blanket around yourself tighter and nod. “I don't even know what I know. Can I be alone for a while? I need to think.”
“Of course Pup.” Shawn stands and goes to the door, pausing before he steps out. “If you need me for anything I'll be downstairs. Anything.”
Thank you to everyone who has read this series so far. I’m excited to announce it’s return after a very long haitus. I’m not sure how many many more parts it will have right now. Please reblog and read and reblog the other parts of this series so I know people are interested in it’s continuation. And as always please feel free to send me your thoughts and ideas for this series. Thank you so much!
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revisionaryhistory · 4 years
Three Days ~ 4
What in the hell is he doing with his tongue? He's licking his lips and flipping it around. Is he trying to drive me crazy? I'm not sure he even realizes what he's doing. Its like a nervous habit or he's thinking. Either option is sexy as fuck.
I'd wondered how and when the subject of him being The Winter Soldier would come up. It had to eventually. Like I'd said it's difficult to get to know him without hearing about his friends. It just so happens that his friends are famous people and super heroes.
I could make this easier. I could tell him a story to let him know I'm not starstruck or looking to attach myself to a celebrity. But that would open up a conversation I'm not ready to have and, frankly, he's not earned. Yet.
After I said to talk about his friends, Sebastian told me stories of dinners in Atlanta, nights out, and practical jokes galore. He used nicknames and told me about the people. I wasn't learning about a bunch of actors. I was learning about Evans, Mackie, Chace, Will, and Scarlett among others.
I must have had a look on my face because he stopped, "What?"
It took a second for me to track back to what I was thinking. "Just because I can match names with faces doesn't mean I know the people. Thank you for telling me about the people."
He smiled and his blue blue eyes lit up. It was like he was surprised he'd been talking so easily. He squeezed my hand and nodded once, "You're welcome."
Our dinner arrived and broke the moment. I'm glad. Like when the appetizer came and stopped the flirty comments. The interruptions kept us from going to far. A first date is like a dance. You flirt, you back away. You get into a deep conversation, then go back to a safer topic. Too much intensity and you run the risk of regretting what you shared in a moment. Out of control flirting just lands you in bed.
While we ate I took over telling stories about my friends. By the time they took our plates we'd built the foundation for future conversations about our days. I didn't doubt there would be those conversations.
We had to stop holding hands while we ate. Almost immediately I saw him shift and felt his leg brush mine and come to rest with his calf pressed against mine. With the plates gone, Sebastian reached across the table. I put my hand back in his and felt a frisson of energy travel up my arm. His hands made mine look tiny. Us holding hands wasn't a passive activity. We played with each other's fingers. Every so often we'd twine fingers and be still for a minute or two before the movement continued. Sebastian seemed especially fascinated by my finger nails. He’d run his fingers over the sides, push against the end, or almost pull on on them.
Another pair of beers arrived and conversation restarted. “You grew up in Georgia and now you're in New York. How'd that happen?”
I grimaced, “There's an ex in this story. You up for hearing the ex story?”
“If you're up to telling.”
“I went to the University of Georgia in Athens. About four hours away from home. First semester of my Junior year I took an elective in American Legal Foundations. Most of the class was taught by a second year law student named Jimmy.” I quirked an eyebrow to clue him in. He smiled. “He was handsome, smart, and very driven. We dated through graduation. Him law school and me undergrad. He got a job at a firm in New York City. I applied to NYU and started working on my Masters. You can work as a teacher in New York with your bachelors, but you have to have taken some prep classes, which I didn't have. So I worked as a server for the first year.”
Sebastian groaned, “I did too. I don't think I've ever been so tired in all my life. And is why I tip ridiculous amounts.”
I laughed, “I remember how bad my feet hurt.” He groaned with me. “It worked good with my school schedule. In the fall I got a job teaching Kindergarten. We had this one bedroom apartment in Brooklyn. I loved our neighborhood. There was always something going on. I got to be friends with this local musician and his wife. She taught first grade, which is how I learned I would prefer first grade. The next year I moved to first grade and we team taught. I thought I was set. A man I loved, job I loved, neighborhood I loved, friends I loved.” I paused to take a drink.
His thumb moving against my skin would have been soothing if I wasn't past all this. Still, it felt good. “This is where it falls apart.”
“Part of what I fell in love with was his drive. I didn't count on it turning on me. Somewhere he started to think I was less than him. He was better than me. His friends were better than mine. At his firm's Christmas party I noticed when he introduced me or if someone asked me about myself he would say “she's just a teacher”. We got into a huge fight that night. He hated my best friend and her wanna be rock star husband. My salary was always going to hold him back.” I smiled. “Hold him back. His phone rang and I saw the name of one of his coworkers. She was the one he'd been fucking for months.”
Sebastian hissed in a breath, “Ouch, sorry.”
“Ancient history now, but thanks. My parents wanted me to moved back.  I just couldn't, but I couldn't afford our apartment either. I searched around and found a long term sub position near here for a teacher on maternity leave. They didn't have a spot for me the next year, but I found a first grade position in another school. I've been here three years now.”
“Very different from Brooklyn.”
I laughed, “Very. I loved the city. I'm not telling you anything you don't know. The energy is different there. You can walk around doing nothing and have the best time. I go back and visit friends, especially if Eli has a gig and I can see Angie. Most people come up here to get away from the city. I go to the city to get away from the peace and quiet. Where do you live?”  
“Soho.” He looked uncomfortable. “When I first moved to the city I lived in the apartment with three other friends in a scary neighborhood right near the subway. Good times. Acting isn't a steady paycheck. I just bought a place last year. I put it off for a long time. Part of me kept expecting the work to dry up and be worried about making rent again. My manager had to practically forge my name on the mortgage. I shook for a good three days. Then it got fun. I liked decorating and picking out stuff. Everything was painted white when I moved in. I left most of it, but I painted a wall in my bedroom a blue gray. Evans told me I couldn't paint it black.” He shrugged, “I like black.”
“My kitchen is black.”
“Good girl.” He brought his beer to his lips and smiled, “So is mine.”
We talked about New York for a long time. Best places for people watching. Live music places. Hidden restaurants. Things we loved and things we hated. Somewhere in this I decided this was the best first date I'd ever had. Or maybe it was just him.
The place was crowded, noisy with conversation and the clinking of tableware. His attention was never pulled away from me. I felt like I was the only person in the place. If he had first date nerves they weren't showing. He seemed relaxed and natural, which made it easy for me to be relaxed and natural. Facial expressions showed interest and kept me talking. He became more animated as he told his own stories. It was like he focused all his energy on listening, but let it go when it was his turn. As we talked about New York we were talking over and around each other and reacting to things said. It didn't feel like a first date.
When that conversation died down he brought his other hand to the table and motioned for mine. He held both of mine and his face went serious. “Alright. You're stranded on an island.” I snorted a laugh. He shook his head and laughter filled his eyes, “Wait for it.” He huffed a breath and got back into character, “You're stranded on an island. All your needs are taken care of. There's shelter, food, water, indoor plumping. But . . . there's no internet. In the middle of main room, which has an amazing ocean view by the way, is a jukebox. It only has five songs. What are they and why?”
My eyes grew wide, “Only five!”
He sneered and nodded, “Only five. Better make them good ones. Who knows how long you’ll be there.”
“You're gonna tell me yours aren't you?”
“When you're done.” He stared at me while I was thinking. “Only five.”
“Shut up, I'm thinking.” The first three were easy. “Ok, first, foremost, and always is Black by Pearl Jam.”
He made a face, “Ooo, good choice.” He started singing. “I know someday you'll have a beautiful life. I know you'll be a star. In somebody else's sky. Why oh why can't it be mine.”
I had joined in after the first line and could feel the smile on my face. “That's the reason. The feeling and rip your heart out emotion is those lines.” I closed my eyes and thought back, “Seeing that live the first time when I was sixteen was incredible. Watching Eddie on stage with his eyes closed, pouring out the pain. Then it switches to that Doodoo-doo-doo-doodoodoo over and over, almost like a mantra or sitting in the corner rocking back and forth to comfort yourself.  Start a Fire, by Ryan Star. It's memories of falling in love or maybe falling in lust. It's got an intense part kind of like Black. Probably because he's a big Pearl Jam fan. It says things like taking chances in the back of your car, give in to the beat of your heart as my hand touches your skin, and wake up dreaming and lie here with me.” I was on a roll now and kept going. “Shatter Me. Lindsey Stirling is a violinist and the lead singer from Halestorm does vocals. It's about being afraid and wanting to feel alive again. Starts kinda soft with the soothing violin in the background then works up to a frenzy. The first line is “I piroutte in the dark” so as the music builds I just picture spinning faster and faster trying to break free from the fear. There's an old song by Jefferson Starship. At least I think they were still Jefferson Starship. Miracles. It's from the seventies and it's one the dirtiest song I've ever heard.  Not in the filthy I wanna fuck you like an animal way, but sexy dirty. Have you heard it?”
He scrunched up his face while he thought, “I think so. Something about if only you believed in miracles so would I. Is that right?” I nodded. “I don't recall the dirty part.”
“There's a short version they play on the radio that doesn't have it. It's almost at the end and says I got a taste of the real world when I went down on you.”
I watched a slow smirk form and his eyebrow quirk. “The seventies had lots of secret dirty parts. Afternoon Delight. That song by Donna Summer full of sex noises. When I went down on you isn't really hidden.” He held up a finger. “One more.”
“This one is new and I'm currently obsessed. Chances by the Backstreet Boys.” He snickered. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. I sang the first line, “What if I wouldn't have asked for your name and time wouldn't have stopped when you said it to me.” He just stared and I switched back to speaking, “It’s a simple love song about fate. All the what ifs that have to happen for two people to fall in love.” I shrugged. “Your turn.”
He threw his hands in the air, “I can't compete with yours! You've got all these intense songs about heartbreak, fear, love, and lust. I've got, I've got Jessie's Girl.”
I laughed at the way he threw up his hands, made faces, and collapsed back into his chair. His over the top level of exasperation was funny. “I like things that make me feel.”
Sebastian clapped his hands then rubbed them together, “I'm going to have to up my game.” He took a drink of his beer, shook out his arms, cracked his knuckles, and finally reached out and took my hand again.  “I'm going to stick with Rick Springfield's Jessie's Girl as my number one. Playing air guitar and singing into a hairbrush. Good times. I love eighties music so I'll add INXS. Love lots of their music, but if I have to pick one and conserve my choices I'll go with Disappear. Love song about how the right person can make all the problems disappear. And it's got a great beat you can dance to like Molly Ringwald in Breakfast Club.”
“I'd pay money to see that.”
“The night is still young. Umm, number three. Sound of Silence. The Disturbed version. A classic made over. Could have been Careless Whisper, but they messed up the rhythm of the best part. I like it because it's familiar, but completely new. There's this group out of Vegas called Adelita's Way. Invincible is this high energy rock song. Never fails to get me up at the gym. Incidentally, it was also a WWE theme song and that was my fall back if acting didn't work out.” He hummed again and closed his eyes. A second later he was doing that thing with his tongue again. Must be him thinking. “And lastly, anything by Tool.”
I shook my head, “Nope.”
“I didn't think I'd get away with it. So I'll go for Puscifer and Rev 22:20.”
“Thought you said Tool.”
“Puscifer is one of Maynard's side gigs. It's got a line that say if I've got to sin to see her again then I'm gonna lie lie lie. Straight up sacrilegious filthy sex music. Intense too, so you might like it.”
“Your going to use that against me forever, aren't you?”
He nodded, “But you've got Jessie's Girl.”
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AU Supernatural (story rewrite) 
Warning: Dark Gabe one-shot. Smut. Dub con. Trigger warning 
Words: 2,236
Summary: You are tired of Gabriel ignoring you. After sneaking out when being told not, you quickly learn that pissing Gabriel off can be a good or a bad thing. 
Pairings: Gabriel x Reader
“Gabriel, please. I need you.”
You sighed. It was just another prayer. Another prayer that was wasted. Just a GIANT fucking waste of your time! You sat down on the hotel bed with an exasperated sigh.
It had been months since you had seen Gabriel. After being with someone for two years then absolutely nothing as far as contact was miserable!  He didn’t mind to keep her up in a fancy hotel but heaven forbid if he made contact.
After Gabriel returned from the empty, he was different. He was cold and dark. You were convinced that after AU Michael stabbed him, any bit of good was drained from your favorite archangel. You had to get used to a whole new lover! 
You were used to Gabriel staying away for long periods of time. He had started helping Cas with a pending war with Michael. You understood that but what you didn’t get was why he couldn’t give you any sign that he was okay. You were not asking him to walk away from the conflict or give up just a hey I am okay. I’ll see you soon.
The last time that you had seen Gabriel something was off. He wasn’t 100% there. He seems almost on autopilot and was rougher than he had ever been when it came to making love. In fact, he had threatened you when she mentioned going back home to your mother’s.
“You’re mine. You aren’t going anywhere.  When I come back, you better be right here waiting for me.”
You only nodded, not sure what to say to your lover as he turned and disappeared without another word.
Now here you sat on that same bed staring at the wall like a caged bird.
“Gabriel, if you can hear me you better get down here! You have a lot of explaining to do.”
Again nothing
“That’s it! I’m going out.”
You said, coldly. When no archangel appeared in the room you stood. You were tired of being the dutiful lover. If Gabriel didn’t have the time for you then you didn’t have the time to sit here and let your life waste away. So what if he was keeping you young and healthy? If he didn’t come at the threat of you walking out then he would probably have no clue that you went to do something outside of the hotel room.
Walking into the nearest most sleazy bar possible, you took a satisfied breath. In your mind, you were mentally shooting your boyfriend the bird as you walked inside. You didn’t care that your black dress was too short or if when you bent over the whole world would see your lady bits. Right now alcohol, lots of alcohol, was on your mind.
Sitting down on the first stool, you smiled as the bartender walked over.
“Time for some fun.”
You thought. The bartender handed you a small menu.
“What can I get you, sweetheart?”
You smiled.
“Jack and coke.”
The bartender nodded before going to prepare your drink.
“I like a girl that can handle whiskey.”
You turned to face a man with dark eyes and neatly styled brown hair. He looked taller than Gabriel but would stand no match when it came to the archangel. No man in this bar would! 
“Yeah? Well, I can handle it pretty well.”
You said with an innocent smile. Normally you would be ashamed of your behavior. Tonight, however, not a fuck was to be given.
“I think that is amazing. My name is Ryan.”
You eagerly shook his hand.
It didn’t take long and very many shots of Jack before you were forgetting all about your pain over Gabriel. In fact, you hadn’t thought his name in a while. Ryan and his funny stories were almost too perfect. He was making you laugh about the smallest things.
“Hey wanna go outside? I need a smoke.”
Ryan asked with a funny grin. You quickly picked up the small handbag that you had brought before following Ryan outside. You didn't notice that Gabriel's name was lighting up on your cell phone until you reached the door. With a drunken shrug, you pushed ignore and walked out.
Ryan quickly lit a cigarette before looking to you.
“I've had a good time tonight. You're really pretty. Do you got a man?”
You shrugged.
“When he wants to be. Haven't heard from him in a while.”
Ryan nodded.
“Works out of town.”
You laughed coldly.
“You could say that.”
Ryan took a drag on his cigarette before looking a little more intense.
“Why don't you come home with me? You look like you haven't been fucked enough.”
Before you could respond blood shot out of Ryan's mouth and a bloody gash appeared on stomach immediately soaking through his white shirt. Your eyes widened as the man hit the ground. Your eyes rolled up to see Gabriel standing behind the now-dead Ryan looking like he was ready to raise hell.
You managed to squeak. Gabriel's honey eyes looked cold and here was something sinister about them as he looked at you.
“Having fun, honeybunch?”
You blinked as Gabriel stepped over Ryan like he was a piece of garbage in the road. Before you could respond, Gabriel's hand was around your throat.
“I asked if you had fun? I suggest you answer me.”
You swallowed as Gabriel increased the pressure.
“Well, I was. What are you doing here?”
Gabriel seemed to ignore your answer as he looked at your scantily clad appearance.
“Are you a fucking idiot?! I could hear everything you were doing! It was all over the damn angel radio! Where the hell are your clothes? I know you have them. What did you expect to get out of all of this? Some mortal to take you back to their place and fuck you silly. I have news for you sweetheart that isn't going to happen.
You pushed Gabriel off and yanked the shoulder strap of your dress up.
“What the fuck does it matter to you?! You don't ever show the fuck up anymore! So what if I want to go out and have a little fun. Not like you give a good god damn. Oh look at that I said god! Naughty me!”
The look on Gabriel's face showed nothing but fury and rage!
'That's it! I have had it with you! You have gone way over the line! I tell you to stay in the hotel room and here you are like a damn streetwalker.”
Gabriel reached out grabbing your hand. The next thing you knew the two of you were standing in the hotel room. After the room stopped spinning, you looked back to Gabriel who was still beyond livid. He walked over pulling you to him for a rough kiss. You cried out the moment his teeth latched onto your bottom lip and his hand roughly squeezed your left butt cheek.
You moaned his name as his kiss eased up into a gentle and almost romantic kiss. Gabriel quickly pushed you away and onto the bed. Your eyes rolled up as he towered over her.
“Time for a little lesson on how our relationship works. You do what I tell you and you won't get punished like you are about to now. I am done being sweet to you. You're mine and that's it. I'll kill any worthless person that gets in my way. You were about to put out for another man so I am going to fuck you like the whore that you are.”
He reached down quickly ripping the black dress from your body leaving you naked below him.
“Gabriel, what is wrong with you? This isn't you.”
You cried out as he yanked his own shirt over his head in a blind rage. Gabriel looked down at her with a cold smirk.
“This war has changed me, peach. You get what you fucking get!”
You were scared! Scared and slightly turned on....however, you were afraid to admit the last part. Maybe you could pray to Cas for help. He would show up if she needed something.
“I wouldn't do that if I were you.”
Gabriel sneered coldly as he reached down slamming a finger into your wet core.
“Ah, you're wet...just like I expected. You really are a slut. You know the safe word.”
He growled as he curled his finger letting his thumb stroke over your clit. You threw your head back into the pillow as Gabriel continued his assault. Maybe you were going to enjoy this after all. 
“Gabriel, please. I love you.”
“Ha....yeah right and I was born yesterday. Let me tell you a thing precious...”
Gabriel took his hand away as he began to undress. You couldn't help wondering why he wasn't just using his grace to undress like normal.
“You are all mine. Mine to pleasure. Mine to taste and most importantly mine to love.”
Gabriel elongated the word “love” before his grace slammed into your body at full force. You cried out as the pressure inside of your body intensified. It felt just like Gabriel fucking you, yet this was different. There was something that made this even more intense. It went on until you were unable to cry his name instead you were praying. Gabriel chuckled.
“That's right sweetheart. Pray to me. Look at us. Me using my god-given powers to fuck you into next week while you moan like a dirty harlot. We would both be fucking crucified in heaven for this. It's worth it though...seeing you spread open like this just waiting for me to touch you. I could look at it all day.”
You cried out again. This time you were finally able to get some verbal words out.
“Gabriel, please. I'm sorry. I was so angry. I was worried about you. It has been too long since I saw you and I needed....”
“Shut up.”
The archangel said coldly before making his grace stop. You gasped, as your chest heaved. You were thankful that he had given you a few seconds break. It wasn't long until his cock was slamming into you.
“You just thought that you were going to get away without this huh? Did you think that I wouldn't claim what was mine? Well, you're wrong.”
Gabriel's hand found its way back to your throat as he forced you to look into his eyes.
“Don't you dare shut those eyes. If you do it will be the last thing you ever do. Do you hear me?”
You squealed as Gabriel's increased the pace of his thrusts each time his cock feeling bigger than it was the moment before.
“You leave this hotel room again...”
You shook your head, however, deep down you were wondering if you left again would it get you this rough sex a second time? Whether you wanted to admit it or not you were enjoying this..
“I won't....not without you! I've learned my lesson.”
Gabriel raised an eyebrow.
“I don't believe you. Sugar snap, I have seen hell and I know what liars look like. You are just saying shit to make me happy. Best thing you can do is hush. Ah, what the hell. You don't need that voice. I took John's voice away in the bible not to mention that overgrown Dean Winchester and his brother. What does yours matter for a little bit?”
Gabriel snapped and you no longer had the ability to speak. He grinned looking like a mirthful child at Christmas.
“Much better.”
Gabriel said softly as he went back to pummeling your body harder with his. Focusing his honey eyes on your clit, Gabriel focused his grace on the tender tissue. Your eyes were open wide as you raised your hips to meet his thrusts.
“That's a good girl. I love you Y/n. I love everything about you. You are the only human that I have never been able to get enough of. Mhm, I love the way you take my cock. Come for me sugar.”
Gabriel growled as his cock made contact with your cervix. Between repeated hits to your cervix and his grace on your clit You were spiraling out of control. The moment your orgasm started to wash over you,  Gabriel immediately gave your voice back. You were shrieking his name as Gabriel closed his eyes coming hard inside of you.
Neither moved for a moment. Gabriel sighed happily.
“I'm going to be coming back home more often.”
You looked up at him with timid eyes.
“Is that a threat or a promise?”
Gabriel's eyes darkened taking on that sinister expression as he smiled coldly.
“That's up to you and your pussy to decide. Time for you to be doing your duties to me. My suggestion to you, princess, is to remember what I can give to you. What I can do to you and most importantly no one will ever be able to make you come like I can. Also, it wouldn't hurt remember the hell I can bring you. Got that cupcake?”
“Yes sir...”
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