Currently obsessing over Oscar and Sebastian. Maybe a little Chris.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Three Days ~ 119

My heart grew at least three sizes that day. I was proud of him for how he handled the IG thing. He stayed present and with me. I trust he would have said something if he was upset. I think we can handle anything as long we're in it together. I was proud of how he reacted to his friends. So matter of fact. And while I have absolutely no idea what he said to Olivia, I was proud of him for that too. A man being authentically good to one's little sister is heartwarming, makes those butterflies in my stomach take flight, and is quite the turn on.
I showed him how proud of him I was before we left for the airport. Let’s face it, sex as a reward for Sebastian is also a reward for me. Not a hard ship at all.
Since we were going to Los Angeles for D23, our flight back was with the California crew. Kelli and I talked while watching a movie. The four men were providing feedback as Ethan and Will edited their little movie. They thought part one would be ready tonight.
Back in the seat next to him I wrapped my arms around his bicep, "Are you ready for it to be out there tonight?"
Sebastian tuned and kissed me, "Yup, I'm good." He cocked his head, "You?"
I nodded, "I'm fine."
"I scrolled through the comments. Nothing too bad. I wish I could say I expect that to last."
I turned in my seat and held his hand in mine. "Let’s make this interesting." I watched his eyebrow quirk. "If it's posted tonight, you are not allowed to look at comments until after tomorrows panel thingy. You don't look and you can dress me for the party."
Sebastian's eyes glazed over and he started to smile, "And what if I do look?"
"I get to pick out what you wear to the panel. From the stylist’s selection anyway." I held out my hand, "Deal?"
"Deal." He shook my hand. "I'd rather kiss on it."
"That can be arranged."
At the airport we hugged our friends goodbye and hopped in a cab to our hotel. First thing we did was send everything in our suitcases out to be laundered. Sand, salt, copious amounts of booze, and humidity demanded to be freed from the fabric. The hotel had very nice fluffy robes. We had both avoided anything work related while on the island. Those who needed to know, knew how to contact us. Tonight we would catch up. I considered it a slow return to real life. I had a little more than a week before school started with the kids. A week later my doctoral program started. I love my summers off, but there comes a point in the summer when I’m ready to go back. Ready for the structure and routine. I’ve never been sure if that’s because I like the structure and routine or because I know it’s coming anyway and my mind has tricked me into thinking that’s what I like. Either way, I was at that point. Sebastian sat on the couch with his laptop on his thighs. I laid down with my laptop on my thighs, and my feet tucked under his. I aimed my eyes over the top of my laptop and looked at my beautiful man. His skin was tan and the sun had brought out highlights in his hair. He was concentrating on something, evidenced by him doing that thing where he plays with his tongue. I sighed. “I miss our bed.”
He didn’t move, except the corner of his mouth turned up a little. “Which bed is our bed?”
“No preference.”
“Which ever one you’re in.”
Sebastian made a face like he was saying “oof”. He turned his head, “I like it.”
I wiggled my toes under his thigh, “Me too.”
We went back into our emails. I had dates for my before school professional development. My first-grade team was in charge of teaching the other grades to set up online classrooms. We had that ready to go. We’d written things down as we went so we wouldn’t forget what we’d done and we edited as we found better ways of doing things. We put that on a training classroom. We would teach how to create a classroom from a classroom. Had a couple of emails from the university with house keeping things. Online trainings for the new students about sexual harassment, alcohol/drug abuse, safety, and suicide prevention. Pretty much the same yearly things I had to do as a teacher. I finished and put my laptop on the table. I closed my eyes for a moment.
“Hey, Sleeping Beauty, time to wake up.”
I stretched and opened my bleary eyes. For a second I didn’t know where I was and panicked. My heart rate shot up and I gasped while pushing my feet into the couch to sit up.
I felt a hand on my face and jerked away.
“Hey, hey, Em, it’s me. You’re ok. It’s me.”
Sebastian’s voice grounded me in the present and the bottom dropped out of the panic. I looked in his eyes, seeing concern and love. “Sorry, I didn’t know where I was for a moment.” I leaned into the hand against my face.
“Traveling will do that.” He pressed his lips to mine softly. “Know where you are now?”
I chuckled, “LA.”
“Well, shit!”
He sat back on his feet, kneeling beside the couch, “I was hoping for a no, but as long as I’m with you I don’t care.”
“I messed that up.”
He shrugged, “Another time.” He pushed up to stand, leaning over to kiss me again, “I know that’s what you meant anyway.”
We decided to order in food and stay in the bathrobes. It’s amazing how you need rest after a vacation. Even though we had our own room and plenty of alone time, this felt like the first time we’d been alone in a long time. Ethan texted us a warning when they uploaded the video. We had a good laugh rewatching our antics. Part one covered the beginning with them dousing us in water, the reactions of all of us to the somehow ruined muffins, and the men pouting with their signs about price of admission. Fuck, that had been so fun.
After putting the leftovers in the minifridge we curled up on the couch with a couple of glasses of wine. We picked up where we’d left off on Schitt’s Creek, going to bed when we couldn’t keep our eyes open.
A dozen soft kisses rained over my face. I smiled with the ones on my eyelids, “Baby, wake up.” I made a noncommittal grunt. “Baby.” He’s a cute whiner. “We have twenty-four hours to see all Los Angeles has to offer.”
“We’ve both been here numerous times.”
“True.” He laid on his back, right up next to me, crossing his arms across his chest. “Since this afternoon is all about me, I was thinking you might like to go walk around a cemetery.”
I gasped happily, “Really?”
Sebastian chuckled, “You look very excited to go to a cemetery. You’re strange.”
I rolled my eyes, “Yes, I know.” I thought of something and smiled softly with a sigh.
“Can we go to the Hollywood Forever Cemetery?”
He shrugged, “We can go wherever you want.”
I wasn’t going to wait for him to ask or wait until we got there. “My uncle Chris is buried there. Chris Cornell. Audioslave . . .”
He interrupted me, “I know who Chris Cornell is. Amazing voice.”
I nodded.
“Is this a bad idea? I don’t want to upset you.”
“No, I won’t be upset. I’ve only been there once and I wanted to explore, but it wasn’t the time. I’d like to go wander and at some point drop by for a visit.”
There was a knock at the door. Sebastian got up, “Breakfast.” He spoke as he walked away, “That sounds fun. Well, not fun, but something I’d like to do with you.” He waved his hands in the air, walking away, “To find out what you find so fascinating.”
We'd have to come back and shower before heading to D3. Our clothes were brought back and we threw on shorts. It was as hot here as it had been on the island, but without the breeze. Our breakfast dishes had been removed and Sebastian had apparently held back the vase with a small bouquet of flowers. I didn't notice until he grabbed it off the coffee counter, "I thought you might want to take these." He looked uncertain.
I went to my toes and kissed his cheek, "Thank you. I'd love to."
We held hands down to the valet and into the car. "I know you think cemeteries are about life as much as death. Tell me more."
"I fell in love with cemeteries on a family trip to Savannah. They have amazing old cemeteries with moss covered trees. We took a cemetery tour and heard the stories. I was fascinated. Now I don't know, but along t winding paths and headstones are love stories, tragedies, and mysteries. The stories of people's lives." I raised my shoulders "It's peaceful." I decided to tell him the slightly crazy part., to see how he held up.
Sebastian nodded, "I've not really been in a cemetery except for a funeral."
"So you're a virgin?"
Even the driver snorted, "Sorry."
Sebastian glared playful at both of us, "Maybe I am?"
I raised an eyebrow.
"I am willing to pretend.”
I patted his hand, "Oh baby, you're not that good of an actor."
He put his hand over his heart, "You wound me."
At the cemetery he kept hold of the vase and I wrapped my arm through his. The entrance was gorgeous. Palm trees, iron gates, and classical revival buildings. I stopped a moment to take it all in.
Sebastian turned his head to look at me, "Will you stream of consciousness this? So I can see it how you do?"
I smiled and started talking. “The buildings remind me of a fort in St Augustine. Even the high palm trees. Stepping through the gates feels like entering a sacred place. The air just files different. Swirling with the energy and emotions contained here. I mean we're in the middle of LA and Paramount Studios is right over there." I pointed. "But here is an island of quiet." I took a deep breath, "Peaceful." I heard him breathe in beside me. "Manicured grounds, like a park, but quiet and serene. Some of the headstones are works of art."
We wove our way through the graves, stopping at the large mausoleum by a pond. This was me taking a moment to prepare. I squeezed Sebastian's arm, "Chris's grave is behind this, across the pond."
I headed that direction and pointed, "Its right beside that rock." I smiled when I saw flowers and items around the grave.
I let go of Sebastian at the gravesite. I righted a plant that had fallen over, moved one that had died along with some dead flowers, and moved some items and letters off his headstone to the grass around. Once I'd finished tidying up, I took the vase from Sebastian, sat down by the headstone, and put the vase on the corner. I looked up at Sebastian, "He would love that this is stolen."
He smiled and sat beside me, "Will you tell me about him?"
"Sure." I told him stories and laughed with the memories. "He was a good guy. He and dad had some crazy stories. They hadn't seen each other for a long time, but they texted and talked all the time. They'd come up together in Seattle with the music. They were like brothers."
Sebastian held my hand, "Uncle Chris."
"Yep." I brushed my fingers over the cold stone. "Dad took a lot of shit for not coming to the funeral. His brother died a year earlier in Africa while rock climbing. I know he wasn't anywhere near finished grieving that loss when Chris killed himself. He talked with his family, but he couldn't do the funeral. He really tried to put it out of his mind until he felt in a better place to deal with it. I took Olivia to the funeral. We represented the family. Chris' oldest daughter Lily is around a lot."
Sebastian filled in my pause, "I think grief is different for everyone and personal. If Ed didn't want to grieve publicly that's his business."
I put my hand on his face to bring him closer for a kiss, "Me too. He came here when he could. "I looked back at the headstone. I kissed my fingers and laid them on the cold marble. "Love you, uncle Chris. Miss you, we all do."
I took Sebastian's hand and stood up, "Let’s go get ready for the Mouse's party."
Sebastian waved his hand, "No worries if we're late. Mice can't tell time."
Back at the hotel there was definitely a higher security presence at the front entrance. Nothing like roped off areas, but more officers to handle the small, but I suspected, growing crowd. Finding a hotel isn't hard. It just takes one staff member to tell a friend or one person being at the right place at the right time. Ed has never been one to reward hotel stalking. I knew Sebastian sometimes did.
Sebastian looked at his watch, "Not stopping." He took my hand out of the cab and we walked in. The rule is, if you're not stopping look where you're going and not at people. Same rule women follow when walking down the street alone.
I leaned against the railing in the elevator, "I wonder if fans will be looking for us?" I hadn't looked at the response to the vacation video, but Mallory had texted some obscene number of views and comments.
Sebastian ran his finger through his hair. "They're staking out the venue for you."
I tried my best to look innocent, but there was no way he wasn’t going to peek at the comments. "How do you know?"
"Shit!" The look on his face told me he’d either completely forgotten about our deal or he’d planned on playing like he hadn’t and had just outed himself. Hard to know which one.
I pointed at him laughing, "I get to pick out your clothes." I skipped and laughed down the hall to our room.
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Three Days ~ 118

I woke up with Emma draped over me, her soft long hair against my skin almost tickled. I used my fingers to separate the strands. Glancing outside, the sky was bright blue with equally bright white fluffy clouds. It was a beautiful day for our last day in paradise. Not as beautiful as the woman in my arms. I moved my head to the side so I could see her better. I just like to look at her.
It couldn't have been five minutes before Emma started to stir. Just a little movement, almost a stretch. I brushed her hair away from her face and pressed my mouth to her forehead. She made a happy humming noise and I felt her cheeks turn up with a smile.
Her voice was hoarse from sleep, "Buna dimineata, iubire." <Good morning, baby.>
"Buna dimineata iubire mean" <Good morning, my love>
Emma looked up, her green eyes full of love. For me. "How are you so beautiful in the morning?"
"Witchcraft. You?"
I smiled, "Blood of virgins."
"Can you get that from Amazon?"
"Basement of my favorite pizza place. They deliver."
She leaned in and I got my first kiss of the day. I should keep count. I need a lot of kisses. I'm greedy. Suddenly I remembered waking up in the middle of the night. "Olivia called last night. Is she ok?"
Emma snickered while rearranging herself to prop her head on her hand and lay her other on my chest. Her fingers stroked my skin in random patterns. "Her hand was hurting so she took a pain pill. She dm'ed you saying I'm a good shot and didn't I tell you the Vedder girls had skills."
"That's cute." I laughed, "You did tell me the Vedder girls have skills."
"I did.” She nodded and went on, “Olivia fell asleep and when she woke up a couple of hours later she went to see if you'd replied. That was when she realized she hadn't dm'ed you. She'd commented on your post."
What's the big deal with that? Then it hit me. "She used your username?"
Emma nodded and tried to hide her smile. Not too successfully. I started to grin. Her smile grew. Mine did too. We were like two kids who'd gotten away with something then got caught. Smiles turned to snickers. Snickering turned to laughter. Then we were holding onto each other laughing hard enough for tears to run down our cheeks as we fought for breath.
I am. I was afraid of her name getting out. I knew it would and I didn't know how I'd react when that happened. I certainly didn't expect this.
Emma knew me well, "Are you laughing hysterically or laughing because you're hysterical?"
I pulled her into me, "Relief. No more worrying about if, when, and how your name would get out. It's done and we move on."
She bit my chin, "I wondered if you might think that when I was talking with Toby."
OK, now. Something is interesting. I cocked an eyebrow, "Talking with Toby?"
"I went downstairs to get a snack and ran into him. He apologized and we ate ice cream."
"Do you believe him?"
"Yes." She nodded and kissed me, "I choose to believe him." She started to smile. "I told him straight up not to fuck with my family."
"That's my girl."
"I am."
"Did you go look at comments under Olivia's?" Emma shook her head. "Let's take a peek." I was glad she hadn't, I'd rather do it together. I rolled onto my back, reaching to the nightstand for my phone. A couple of touches and we were in. I smiled, shaking my head. "Olivia did it well. I bet you have many follow requests."
While Emma went for her phone I went into my tags. Lots of pictures. Pictures of us, pictures of Emma with family (both of them) and some I hadn't seen.
Emma was looking over my shoulder, "Fuck. They stalked everyone I know."
I frowned and looked up from under my eyelashes, "Yes, that's what they do."
She shivered, "Very invasive."
Now, she's catching on. This is what I didn't want her to feel. Hundreds, hell thousands of prying eyes poking around in her life. I felt Emma's fingers rubbing my forehead. That's when I noticed my face was drawn together and she was trying to smooth out the wrinkles I'd created. "This is a huge con when it comes to being with me. Lack of privacy."
"You're right, it is in the con column." She kissed my nose. "Luckily for you, your pro column is way overflowing Your kisses are enough to pay for the private invasion. Chatty comments will need oral sex."
"I better loosen up my tongue." A slow smile crept onto my face when I realized I'd found an upside. "This is a win-win. You get an orgasm. I get to give you one."
"Five years from now I hope you still see that as a win."
I snorted, "Unless I have a head injury affecting my sense of taste and smell we're good."
Emma shivered, "Can you even imagine?"
"That happened to the lead singer of INXS." I paused in thought "Maybe just smell. There were lots of articles after he killed himself about how that contributed. Besides food, supposedly he'd said he missed the taste of a woman."
"I would miss the taste of your kisses." She kissed me to prove it. "Your skin." The feel of her tongue tasting my neck made me shiver.
I stopped her by pushing her onto her back. "I need to reacquaint myself with the taste of you."
Hopefully, she won't point out it hadn't been twelve hours.
We were the last to arrive downstairs for breakfast. By the way the others fell silent it was clear they had seen Olivia's comment and the subsequent flood of responses. I had my arm around Emma's shoulders and dropped her off at a chair with a kiss, "I'll get coffee."
I felt eyes on me as I walked to the coffee station. I assumed from Emma's words that one of them had mouthed the question.
"Yes, he's seen it."
I turned my head and raised my eyebrows.
Ethan narrowed his eyes in my direction, "Have you been in the slumber party tequila?"
Alyssa laughed, "We drank all that."
They were quiet as I finished making our cups and joined them.
Charles looked wary, "Called your therapist?"
Before I could say something smart assed, Chaced piped up. "He's fine. They were going to get her name eventually and since she's not going anywhere they need to get used to her."
I looked at him with a smile, "Vedder number two stoned on pain pills outing her big sister is fucking hilarious." I shrugged before looking around the table, "The universe thought it was time.” About half the eyes were narrowed at me. I smiled. A real smile. I could feel the lines at the cover of my eyes crinkle. "I swear, it's ok."
The eyes went back to normal and Charles said, "Last day. What do we do?"
Before anyone could answer, Emma's phone rang. She showed me the screen, "This is for you."
I smiled and took her phone, "I'm going out there." Privacy seemed in order. I jogged toward the beach, slowing down to answer when I was far enough away. "Good morning, Livvie."
Olivia was in bed and looked like she'd either just woke up or didn't sleep. She didn't seem surprised it was me who answered "I’m sorry, Sebastian. I feel horrible. I understand if you're angry with me."
I shook my head, "I'm not angry. I am sorry your hand was hurting." I shrugged, "We've all fucked up on the internet under the influence."
Olivia laughed, which was my intention. “I spent all night watching online. They posted pictures of Emma off my Insta and the one's from Chicago. I thought about deleting my account, but it's too late."
I cringed and shook my head, "Absolutely not. Don't delete anything. One of my favorite things is you guys, your family. I don't want to be the reason you do anything different. Because you didn't do anything wrong. Accidents happen." I waited for her to nod. "Besides, now I can leave rude comments on your posts."
“I'm going to DM so I don't mess up again."
"Do whatever works for you." I was confident she'd been schooled on what was acceptable. No way Eddie missed that. "Nothing was wrong with you're comment, Livvie.”
"Except you weren't ready for the world to know."
Not entirely true. "Sure, I was. I did that Instagram live and there have been pictures. To tell the truth, this was probably the best way to get her name out there. It was very... organic." Pretentious words for $1,000.
"I guess." She let out a breath.
Something told me there was more going on. "What are you worried about, Olivia?"
"I don't want to mess things up for you two. Emma is always happy, but she's a different happy with you. She loves you a lot."
There's not a man alive who doesn't like hearing he makes his girlfriend happy, from her
family. "Can I tell you a secret?"
"Not us less your ok with me telling the world next time my hand hurts."
We laughed together. "I'll risk it. I'm happy and love her a lot too. I’m not going anywhere she's not."
The corner of her mouth turned up, "Does Emma know this?"
I couldn't stop my laughter, "She knows everything."
We talked for a while before I joined my friends for our last day on the island. We did all our favorite things. Relaxing on the beach, sunset cruise, a delicious dinner, and a drunken night of laughter and dirty dancing.
I woke up before our alarm and used the quiet sound of the waves and defuse light from the sunrise as a background for meditation. It was incredibly easy to clear my mind of thoughts and be present with my feelings. Lots of things going on, as usual, but the overriding feeling was of ease. Right now, I feel comfortable in my own skin. Career, friends, family, relationship. Nothing is perfect, but everything is working together. I'm not anxiously anticipating what's going to go wrong to steal my sunshine. I am confident that life is going to be good. Bad things may happen, of course, they will, but bad things happening are universal. What I've known, but never felt as deeply, is that bad things don't equal unhappiness or suffering. They're experiences. No more, no less.
I felt Emma moving beside me I turned my head and caught her eyes starting to open. Sleepy green eyes and a small smile made my chest ache in the best way possible. "Good morning, beautiful."
"Good morning, lover," was her reply.
I held out my arm, inviting her to cuddle up. She didn't turn me down. Emma scooted close where I could feel the warmth emanating from her body in the moment before I felt her lips "Make love to me, Bastian."
I wasn't about to turn her down either.
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Three Days ~ 117

This was fun! The water was cold as fuck, but after that we kicked their asses. Alissa and Mina did not eat those muffins. We're not stupid. The spider in the shot glass did get me. I thought it was fake until I looked closer and it moved. I may have kicked it a bit harder than I'd planned. I heard the crash and breakage. Hope that furry eight-legged fucker died.
After pelting them with Nerf balls and running to our rooms, we waited to make sure they weren't coming and assembled in my room. While out borrowing Nerf guns from a rec center we stocked up on snacks and booze. We had a very drunken slumber party.
The men were gone when we got up. It was nice to not have to lick the food before eating it.
Mina looked at Alissa and me, "I'm ready for this to be over."
I snickered, "Turning him on the other night has left me..."
All three of us said, "Horny."
Charles and Kelli were with us. Charles was smiling, "Crook your little fingers and they'll give in."
Alissa screwed up her face in thought, "Should we let them think they won?"
"No." Kelli said and she shook her head quickly.
There was something in her face. "You know something."
Kelli raised her eyebrows and shrugged.
My heart leapt when Sebastian came through the patio doors. His tan made his blue eyes look like the ocean. His smile made them sparkle. He's beautiful and I adore him. The butterflies in my stomach took flight. I fought against my desire to jump up, tackle him, and cover him in kisses.
All of them were carrying large bouquets of flowers. Sebastian grinned, "They don't have French cheese here. Do these look like cheese?" The flowers were yellow that darkened to orange. They did kind of look like cheese. My hand was over my heart. I started to stand and he stopped me, "There's more."
They pulled out white boxes with dark blue lettering. I remembered seeing the shop when we were out shopping. Inside were a pair of silver earrings. A beaded hoop was attached to a French wire with a small blue stone hang from the bottom.
Will was holding the same box out to Alissa, "A symbol of your sisterhood."
Ethan tossed a box to Charles and looked at Kelli, "Didn't want to leave you out."
That was incredibly sweet. Sebastian winked at me. He knew she'd been feeling on the outside.
Sebastian dug in his pocket and pulled out another box. The others were doing the same. He didn't need to do this. None of them did. I glanced a Chace, who was filming, and quickly realized this was part of the game, part of the fun. My box held a necklace with a chain similar to the beaded hoops. A silver disk was stamped with the words, "May the sun warm your heart and the waves soothe your soul." There were two small beads, one white and one the same as the earrings, hanging in front of the disk.
The necklace was perfect. The words were very me. Waves did soothe my soul. The first touch of the ocean on my feet seemed to right things that were askew, even if I didn't know they were. I put both jewelry boxes on the table with the flowers and wrapped my arms around him.
I snuggled my nose against his neck, breathing him in. He smelled like Sebastian with a side of the sea. My two favorite scents. I felt my body relax like I do at the ocean and felt the butterflies flutter around as warmth flooded over me like it does when Sebastian is near. I kissed the soft stretch of skin below his ear lobe, my tongue darting out to taste him. I whispered, "I love you."
Sebastian squeezed me tightly, "I love you too, baby."
We kissed before sitting down. Sebastian took my chair, pulling me onto his lap, and using his fingers to eat off my plate, "You ladies just sit down? You haven't touched your food."
The three of us shook our heads. My hand went to my stomach, as did Mina's. Alissa put her hand over her mouth, "Hungover."
I grinned, "Too much tequila."
Mina's smile matched mine, "And junk food."
Ethan asked the question I’m sure they all had, "How? You were locked in the bedrooms."
We laughed. I ran my fingers through Sebastian's hair, "Doors weren't locked."
"Only were for five minutes that first night."
"You all gave up way too easy."
Sebastian's mouth hung open, "I slept on a top bunk for no reason?"
Chace pretended to take offense, "Do not disrespect my hospitality."
Sebastian's face lit up with faked enthusiasm, "It was a fun slumber party."
Will wasn't ready to move on, "What went on last night? We heard the doors slam."
His wife stroked down his nose, "Oh sweet summer child. After slamming the doors, we went upstairs."
Mina smacked the back of Ethan’s head, "You all didn't even check?"
Ethan rubbed his head, "After the muffin incident, we stayed away from the doors. Thought you might have booby-trapped them."
The three of us laughed, "We didn't eat the muffins."
Sebastian gasped, "I have a bruise on my ass." He stood up to show me. There was a mark on the back of his thigh.
"Not really your ass, babe."
He sat back down, "Close enough."
At some point during the day the tiny bruise on his "ass" was posted on Instagram with the caption, "Nerf gun snipers. We deserved it. Video soon."
We had two more days in paradise. Today was make-up play day. We all headed out on a boat and spent the day on the water. After dinner, the guys started editing all the footage from the last couple of days. The girls looked over their shoulders. Neither of us had seen the reaction and planning videos we'd shot separately. Since Chace had filmed them he would point and say, "Watch this.", "This is good." and "Idiots."
They were all sucked into transitions, voice-overs, and captions. While it was interesting, there were other more interesting things I wanted to do. I moved behind Sebastian, running my hands from his shoulders to his chest, and kissing his neck. "I'm going to bed."
Sebastian turned his head to kiss me, "Ok, I'll be up in a little bit."
I moved close to his ear and whispered huskily, “Am nevoie de tine pentru a-mi trage dracu, Sebas-tian." <I need you to fuck me>
"On second thought I'll go with you." He stood up so fast I had to jump back. "Night everyone." He grabbed my hand and took off toward the door. He stomped up the stairs, pulling me behind him, "You are going to be the death of me."
"I hope you mean that in a good way."
"The very best way." He slammed the door behind us and pulled me against him, "I missed you. I missed being in your bed."
I giggled, his scruff tickling my neck, "You could have come up last night."
He pulled back and looked at me, "And kicked the other two out?"
"Brought their men to carry them off."
He scooped me up, "Like this?” and headed to the bed.
"Exactly like this."
I wrapped my arms around his neck and kicked my feet. "Such a big strong man."
He started to smile, "Such a gorgeous strong woman." Sebastian climbed onto the bed and set me down gently. The touch of his lips was soft, lingering a few seconds before backing away. A whisper, "I love you." Another kiss, this time firmer, more needy. His voice was stronger too, "I want you." He backed off the bed, pulling his shirt over his head before his eyes raked up my body with a look that burned. "Take off your fucking clothes."
What could have been laughable was incredibly hot. I kicked my panties off before stripping away my dress, leaving me naked, "This what you want?"
Sebastian's tongue slid over his lips, "No, but it's a start."
My eyes were drawn to movement. He was rolling the condom on what looked to be a painfully hard cock. "You first?"
He nodded slowly, "You know I'll take care of you."
"I do know."
The bed dipped with his weight as he moved between my legs. I reached for him only to be stopped by his hands. He pinned my hands beside my head, our fingers laced. Sebastian shook his head slowly, "I just want to feel one thing." With that he slid inside me in one slow long push.
I gasped in slow motion, "Oh god." I pulled at my arms, wanting to touch him.
Sebastian wasn't having it, "No." He kissed me hard and increased the pressure holding me down.
Between him holding my hands, the weight of his body, and the pounding of his hips into mine, I was left me unable to get away. Not that I wanted to. I was completely under his control. And completely safe. There was something to be said for being taken. No responsibility. No choice. Just pleasure. First his, then mine.
Sebastian didn't release my hands as he came. He dropped his weight completely on me, his labored breathing against my neck. "I love fucking you."
"You do it so well."
He lifted his head, a huge grin on his face, "Good response." After giving me a smacking kiss, he pushed off my hands and went down on me. He didn't let up. He pushed my body hard. Still, it took me a while. His warm mouth on me, his tongue sending shockwaves through my lower body. It built and built until a wave broke over me, knocking the air out me. I cried out for him as my back arched off the bed. Before my back hit the mattress I started laughing. I ran my hands through his hair while he left wet kisses up my body. Squirming and laughing, I said, "Thank you."
This kiss was slow and sensual. It stopped the laughter for the duration of the kiss, but it picked right up again. "I'm so happy."
"Me too." He rolled to his side next to me and gathered me in his arms. "I love when I make you laugh."
The occasional giggle was still coming, "What's the equivalent for you?"
"Your special blow jobs. With or without rimming. Preferably with."
"I already knew that." I laughed louder.
Sebastian flipped me onto my back, laughing and tickling me, "Then why'd you ask?"
I shrugged while trying to avoid his fingers, "Seemed the polite thing to do."
"Polite?" The righteous indignation in his voice brought on another wave of laughter. "And you're still laughing."
"I'm still happy."
His face fell, "I can't exactly be pissed about that."
"You weren't pissed anyway." I stretched up to kiss him.
Sebastian scrunched up his nose and shook his head, "Not really."
The ringing of my phone woke me from a very sound sleep with a very warm man using me as a teddy bear. It was Olivia's ringtone. I answer quickly and started climbing out of bed, Hey, Livvy. "
It was two am here, so eleven in Seattle. My little sister's voice sounded panicked, "Sissy, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I thought I'd DM'ed. When I saw I hadn't it was too late."
I pulled on my robe and headed onto our balcony, "Liv, what happened? I don't know what you're talking about."
"I'm sorry."
"Is anybody dead?"
"OK, We can handle anything else." I smiled when she laughed a little. "Take a deep breath for me and start at the beginning."
I heard her do as I'd said. “My hand hurt so I took one of my pain pills and went to my room to lay down. I saw Sebastian's post where you'd shot him in the ass."
I laughed, realizing what she'd done. "Commenting while high rarely works out well. What did you say?"
"I’m so sorry, Sissy. I said, "Didn't Emmaplays-90 tell you the Vedder girls have skills? I fell asleep and when I woke up. I had about a million DM's asking about you. The pictures are all over everywhere. There weren't tons of you on my Instagram, but there were lots. Nobody knew who you were until I outed you. I can't do anything to fix it. I feel so stupid and guilty."
I wanted to hug her, "No need for either. You're not stupid, you'd taken a pain pill. People were going to figure out who I am. Sebastian put pictures of us out there. Really this might be a good thing. It's no big deal, just a little sister teasing her big sister’s boyfriend." It was kind of brilliant. Maybe not the best timing.
"Are you mad at me?" She looked so scared, as she wiped away tears.
I shook my head, "Absolutely not. I think calling me as soon as you realised what happened was very responsible and brave."
"I didn't want you to wake up and be blindsided."
"Thank you."
Olivia laughed, "You shouldn't be thanking me."
"But I am."
"Is Sebastian going to be mad?"
"He'll worry about if you or I are getting hate." I smiled, "How's your hand?"
"I don't know." She held it up for me to see. "Too much adrenaline from freaking out." She huffed out a cleansing breath. "You should go back to bed. It's the middle of the night for you."
I nodded, "You alright?"
"Yes. I love you, Emma."
"I love you."
I hung up and leaned onto the balcony railing. Well, it's out there. I'm out there. I'd said I wasn't concerned. Now, I'm not so sure. I don't know what my predominant feeling is. A snack would be good.
I stood there staring into the fridge. Salty or sweet. Sweet or salty. Ice cream. Salted caramel. Perfect.
The voice in the dark house made me jump.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."
I shook my head, "I'm jumpy." I held up the carton, "Want some ice cream, Toby?"
"Sounds good." He started opening drawers to find the ice cream scoop while I grabbed bowls and took off the lid. "I'll scoop, tell me when."
A couple of scoops later, "That's enough. Thanks."
Toby filled his bowl. "Can we go outside and talk?"
Shit. "Sure." I shoveled a couple of spoonfuls in while we walked out. I sat down and waited. His invitation. He needed to start.
Several spoonfuls Later...
Toby spun his spoon around in the bowl. "I want to apologize. I’ve been a dick." He rolled his eyes, "More of a dick than usual. I was unkind. I said a lot of shit I shouldn't have and I was wrong to fuck up your birthday surprise. What you did meant a lot to him. I'm sorry."
"Thank you. I like when he's happy."
"Yeah, me too." He ate a spoonful, "He's happy with you. I didn't want to see that." He cringed, "I can't say I like it, but I’m trying."
I nodded, feeling sad for him. Wanting something, someone, you can't have, sucks. "Ask me anything."
"Ask me anything. You're one of his oldest and best friends. I’m an unknown. ask me anything."
He laughed, which was my intent. "What are your intentions?”
I circled my hand around. "All of this." He looked confused. "I intend to keep loving him. Keep working on our relationship. Keep doing anything I can to make him happy. Cause he does these things for me."
Nodding, Toby still looked skeptical.
I'm ok with that. Skeptical is good. It means he cares. Maybe a little pathologically, but in the right direction. There was something in the wrong direction and needed to be addressed. "Hey, one thing. I get he's your best friend and you’re protective. I have protective friends too." I took a breath. "Don't fuck with my family. You don't know my history. You don't know what I'd be without them."
Toby's eyebrows were raised. I think I surprised him, "Point taken. I'm sorry. You're right. That was too far." He pointed at himself, "Jealous asshole."
"I can live with that."
"That's good because I think we're stuck with each other."
We stared at each other then started laughing. My spoon clinked against the side of the bowl.
Toby sat his down without noise, "Why are you up so late?"
I smirked and laughed a little, "My little sister is high on pain pills." My plan had been to get a snack and sit down to look at the comments. I opened my phone to Instagram and moved next to Toby. "She called to tell me she'd accidentally left a comment instead of Dm’ing Sebastian."
"Oh shit! "Toby cringed, leaned away, and laughed. "Is Seb up there pacing and saying fuck?"
I shook my head quickly and turned my lips in, "He's asleep, I'll catch him up in the morning Reaction?"
"He may lose his shit. Not pissed, but worried about you. He cares about you more than himself."
Fuck. Here we go again. I'm so damn tired of hearing about the past. He was kind of a dick. So what. I was a kind of a... nevermind.
"Hey, Emma, you ok?"
"You drifted away."
I took a deep breath, "I'm fine." Mixed emotions.
Toby looked at me with raised eyebrows.
"Mixed emotions. I don't care if they throw hate because they don't know me. I'm sure something will hit me wrong. I don't want Sebastian worried There's also this excited part of me that is in love and wants to scream it from the rooftops." I cringed, "Sorry."
He waved me off, "I get it. He likes showing you off too."
I laughed. Not that I ever would, but I want to wrap around him with a wide-eyed look of surprise and say, "Look, he's mine! I love him and he loves me too." I'll just do that in my head. Or when it's just us. Sebastian would get a kick out of it. I know he'll be worried about my name being out there. I also think part of him will be relieved. It's out there. Organically.
I sighed and stood up, "I'm going back to bed. Thank you for keeping me company."
"No problem. Thank you, too."
I smiled and picked up my bowl.
"Leave it. I'll clean up."
Upstairs I crawled into bed beside my lover. He looked so sweet and peaceful. I scooted in close enough to feel the heat from his body. When he moved I got closer, laying my head on his chest.
Sebastian purred, "Mmm, you feel good."
"You too."
I brushed my lips over his, "Go back to sleep."
"Mmm, yeah."
Three seconds later he was snoring softly. I was close behind. Only without the snoring.
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Three Days ~ 116

The beautiful ladies were in their bathing suits spread out on the couches around the firepit. They each had a drink and looked very happy and relaxed, I guess spa day was a big hit. As I got closer I could see fluorescent pink toes on my girlfriend. I dropped my filthy ass on the couch next to her, laying my head on her shoulder. "Is that a milkshake?"
Emma screwed up her face like she smelled something rancid. Oh yeah, me. "An alcoholic one."
"Gimme gimme." She moved the drink closer and I took the straw between my lips to draw in, "Yummy."
Alissa was holding Will an arm's length away, "You all are foul. Did you roll in pig shit?"
Will banged his fist on his chest, "We were out being men."
We all made ape sounds and beat our chests.
I laid down with my head in Emma's lap, "Conquering mountains."
"Slaying pterodactyls." Chace oversold.
"Pterodactyls?" Kelli questioned.
Chace and Toby looked at each other. Toby said, "There was a spider."
Emma shuddered hard.
Ethan noticed, "It's ok. Seb picked it up and moved it."
She slapped my head, "Don't touch me with whatever you touched a spider with."
I rubbed my hand along her leg, "Can you feel its hairy legs against your skin?"
She slapped my head again, only this time she meant it. "Sebastian Stan." She paused between the words. "You really need a middle name."
Charles stood up, "Don't anyone move." He walked around taking pictures of each couple. Toby and Chace being a couple. He handed his phone to Chace, "Take me and Kelli." He flipped through the pictures and didn't take more, satisfied. He looked up, "Anyone have a problem with me posting these as stages of relationships?"
I looked around and it was clear where each of us were in the progression. I laughed, "Hilarious."
Everyone agreed. I stood up, "I’m going to shower. I'm disgusting." I looked at Emma, "Wanna help?"
Emma shook her head quickly, "Hell no, that spider could be crawling around somewhere in all that dirt."
Will slapped my back, "Ouch."
Alissa was nodding, "Relationship stage husband knew better than to even ask. You made the mess, you clean it up."
Emma was laughing, "I'd help clean up the mess, but spiders are a no."
"I am not infected with spiders."
"Do not underestimate my fear of spiders."
I leaned over and kissed her, "I love you.”
"Good." She waved me off. "Go wash."
All of us with cocks were banished from public spaces until we were mud-free. A couple of us were pretty excited by the prospect of being checked for being dirty.
I laid down on the bed after my shower and scrolled through Instagram. Charles had evidentially showered faster. He'd already posted. I flipped through his post and laughed. He'd made a graphic saying, "Relationship stages: Island Edition." First was the picture of Chace and Toby with their arms crossed over their chests, covered in mud, with the label "Single”. "Dating" was Charles and Kelli, joined hands resting on his thigh. Next was us. My head was on her lap with her fingers in my hair. We were smiling and looking at each other. Our label ~ "In Love." Mina was turned sideways with her shin along Ethan's thigh and her other leg over his. "Engaged." The "Married" picture was Will leaning in and Alissa's hand on his chest pushing him away while they laughed. Charles was right, they had been perfect for showing stages of relationships.
I left a comment, "Sitting high on that arc!"
I had an idea. I threw on clothes and ran downstairs. Will came out of his room and we almost collided. He held onto my arms, “I have an idea. Does this seem like a video opportunity or is it just me?”
I grabbed onto his arms, “I was just coming to find you to say the same thing.”
We sat down in the kitchen and came up with the beginning. Usually, we had the whole thing roughly scripted. This was more organic. Meaning we have no idea where it’s going to go. We texted Chace to come, filled him in, and asked him to film.
“You think if I walk out there with a camera they’re not going to know something is up?”
“One, they’re drunk. Two, you’re not going to just go out there and film them. You’re going to make up a bullshit story about getting the ocean and film out that way then pan around.” Will was the brains of our pair.
Chace saluted, “Where’s the camera?”
Will gave him a quick lesson on how to use the camera while I grabbed a couple of buckets from the cleaning closet.
We filled the buckets with water and ice before sneaking across the pool deck. The ladies were outstretched on the loungers, Ethan and Charles were at the end. They had drinks, there was music, and we could hear them laughing. Toby was sitting on the wall and Chace had just turned to talk to the girls. Specifically, Alissa and Emma. Mina was between them. She was going to be collateral damage. We'd apologize later.
Toby saw what we were doing and hid his smile, "I wonder where Will and Seb are?"
Chace laughed, "Getting in trouble I’m sure."
Alissa agreed, "Those two together are idiots."
Suddenly any guilt we were feeling about what we were about to do disappeared.
We crept closer, being very quiet. I was behind Emma and Will was behind Alissa. We looked at each other and counted down, fighting laughter. We dumped the ice water over their heads then down their bodies. There was an ear-piercing scream followed by a gasp when the cold water chased the air from their lungs.
Emma was the first one off the lounger. Her mouth was open in shock and when she found me she laughed, “You fucking asshole.” I should mention her laugh wasn’t a happy sound.
Alissa was a split second slower getting up, but she was faster in coming after us. Slowly. Pacing, like a caged and angry animal. Emma looked the same.
We started backing away. Will looked at me and shrugged, “That looked cold.” I nodded.
Alissa glared at him, “It was cold, fuck head.”
I snickered and met Emma’s eyes, “Are you going to retaliate?”
“You bet your ass.”
They were out in the open and getting close. We turned and took off down the stairs. Alissa caught Will when his foot slid in the soft sand. Last I saw was her shoving him down. My watching let Emma get close. I felt her fingertips graze my skin and took off down the beach. She drifted a little back and I turned to head back. Mostly because we were getting out of good camera range. I dodged back and forth trying to get past her, but she grabbed me. I tickled her to get away and headed back to the Villa. About halfway I stopped to let her catch up. She slowed too. I yelled, “Psych!” and took off, running past the stairs and toward the dock.
Emma cut toward the stairs, “You have to come home eventually. And I know where you sleep.”
I pulled up and walked back until I could see her sitting on the stairs. I sat at the water’s edge. We just watched each other for a long time. I stood up and yelled to her, “I’m thirsty. It’s hot out here.”
Emma stood up and looked at our friends still watching from the lawn. “Toss me a water.” She held it up toward me, “This what you want, baby?”
“Yes, please. Time out?”
“Sure.” She walked out to me.
She was about two feet away when I held out my hands, “Stop. I don’t trust you.”
“Smart, but you said time out.” She took a step forward and handed me the water.
“Thank you.” I was still wary while I unscrewed the cap. She didn’t move so I tilted my head back and drew deeply on the water.
Emma moved fast, grabbing the bottom of my swim trunks and pulling them down. She took off running back to the stairs.
Our friends screamed and laughed.
I was shocked for a second then grabbed my junk on the way to retrieving my pants, “I think I might have deserved that.”
Will leaned over the railing, “And I deserved the pants full of sand.” He scratched his crotch. “Something bit me.”
Alissa had her arms crossed, “You deserved that too.”
Marcus made us a light dinner and chiffon cupcakes filled with each of our favorites. I bit into my chocolate peanut butter filled cupcake, savoring the creamy filling. "Oh god." I opened my mouth, letting the chewed-up dessert fall back onto the plate. What should have been peanut butter was mayonnaise. I looked up to tell the others not to eat them. Too late. Will and Ethan were repeating my actions. I pointed at Ethan. "How are you in this?"
Mina, Alissa, and Emma raised their joined hands, "Solidarity."
All of us looked at Kelli and Charles. He bit into his cupcake without hesitating, "Mmm."
Kelli shrugged, "I'll support, but not participate."
Ethan had a mouth full of hot sauce and somehow Will had garlic.
Alissa looked at Chace, "You get it?"
Chace nodded. It had looked like he was fucking around on his phone.
Will glared at him, "Traitor."
Chace laughed, "Playing both sides for recording purposes.”
There weren't replacement cupcakes. I was sad. We moved to the beach watching the sunset, moonrise, and talking about the day’s adventures. It was late when Will stood up, "Truce for the night?"
Everyone agreed and went to bed.
Things were back on in the morning Chace filmed the three of us talking about last night. There was no way we could pull off the same thing. They were going to be cautious and looking. So we went simple. We cut the tops off all the breakfast muffins. They acted like they didn't mind. Of course, they minded. Everyone knows the tops are the best parts.
We spent the morning out on the water parasailing. Not me. I hate flying in a plane, screw parasailing. The guys gave me shit. They always do. I like to do my own stunts. I enjoy fight training. Somehow that means I should like being flown behind a boat like a kite.
Emma moved in front of me, legs wide, and her hands on her hips, making a wall of herself. "Leave him alone."
I grinned and peeked over her shoulder, "Yeah, leave me alone."
Emma ignored me, "He's going to film the rest of us."
She turned and kissed me, "If you change your mind, I will hold your hand and go with you."
"I will pee on myself and likely you."
She laughed, "This is the only time peeing on me would be ok."
"What if I'm drunk or sick?"
"Sick is ok, Drunk is pushing it."
Toby, the traitor, laughed, "Drunk is more likely. What sickness would make you piss on her?"
"I don't know, but it’s possible." Hey, wait a minute. Toby is kind of siding with Emma. I wonder if there's something I'm unaware of. Silly question. There most likely is something I'm unaware of. That's good. If neither of them are telling me, I think that's a good thing. I ask later. Emma, I'll ask Emma.
Standing on the boat watching them be reeled out high behind the boat and being lowered to dip their feet in the ocean looked absolutely fucking terrifying. All of them were laughing and screaming. It didn't look fun at all to me. Mina wouldn't do it either, but she thought it looked fun. Chace filled in for me and Toby doubled for Mina. I was jealous of Chace. In a fun way. They looked like they were having a ball. Emma would not be having fun if I was up there. I'm glad Chace was with her.
We went to dinner and left Toby to find his fun for the night. Chace wanted an early night. The rest of us went back to the Villa. Each couple separated into a different part of the house. Emma and I went to the media room.
Emma put in a movie before curling up beside me. Her hand snuck up my shirt so her fingers could play on my chest. The way she absentmindedly touched me set fire to nerves a bit further south. Which she ignored. I loved that too. I was all in for a slow burn sort of night. Soft kisses and nibbles along my neck kicked things up a notch. I pulled her into my lap where I could run my hand along the smooth skin from her knee up to her ass. I kept my hand on her ass as we kissed. Emma managed to not break the kiss while she rearranged herself to straddle me. My cock was very happy to be nestled in the warmth between her legs, even more so when she moved against me. Just when things were getting good, I felt her hands pushing at my shoulders.
Emma stood up with a wicked smile, "Give me fifteen minutes."
Oh yeah, she could do a lot to set a scene with fifteen minutes. I watched her leave then watched the clock.
Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock
I passed Ethan on my way, "Can't talk. Things to do."
He grinned, "Me too."
That should have been a sign.
I ran up the stairs and was reaching for the door handle when I saw the note. "Price of admission: One blueberry muffin top." Emma must have heard me mumble, "You've got to be kidding." I tried the door and as expected, it was locked.
From inside the room I heard, "Not kidding, Truce over, baby."
I took a step back and looked down into the living room. Will was there looking up with a note in his hand, "Price of admission is one cinnamon muffin top."
Ethan came out while I was heading down the stairs, "Chocolate muffin top."
"We should have saved them."
Turns out all three of us had enjoyed what we thought was foreplay only to be told to come to bed in fifteen minutes. Evil, evil, women. We sat on the couch whining about sexual frustration and the uncomfortableness of sleeping on patio furniture and pool loungers. Then we remembered Chace had bunk beds.
We gathered up some bribes and went to Chace's room. I knocked quietly. No answer. I saw Ethan's fist heading toward the door and threw my hand up to catch it, "No! Don't scare him awake. He’ll make us beg to use his beds."
The door opened, "I'll make you beg anyway.” He looked at the three of us and the bottle in my hand. His eyes rolled as he looked back at us, "What did you idiots do?"
Will wagged his finger, "It wasn't us. It was them." He pointed out toward the rest of the Villa.
Chace stayed blocking our entry, "What did they do?"
Ethan said, "Separated us."
I said, "Seduced us."
Will said, "Made promises."
Chace snickered, "Then locked you out of your bedrooms.” The snicker grew to a hearty laugh. He moved to the side, "Slumber party."
“Thank you." I lead the way and started pouring bourbon into the glasses. "All we did was dump cold water on them."
"That's what they did too." The snickering Chace picked up his glass and drank.
Ethan shrugged, "He's got a point."
We stretched out on the beds, our heads together in the middle and watched a movie until we fell asleep.
Will woke us up in the morning. I was disorientated and nearly fell from the top bunk, "I hate them."
"Exactly. Let's go." Will headed to the door. "Chace... camera."
We marched into the kitchen. The three of us put our hands on the breakfast bar, trying to look as exasperated as we felt. At the same time we said, "Muffins."
Marcus got to work on the women's muffin preferences while we drank coffee on the patio. As soon as they were ready we headed inside to perform surgery on the muffins.
From behind the camera, Chace said, "So you pussies are giving in."
Our heads popped up, "No."
The cinnamon muffin had strudel made of butter, brown sugar, flour, and mostly sand. The chocolate chip muffin had chip sized chunks of ridiculously hot peppers poked into them. And my blueberry offering was accompanied by a shot glass containing a spider I found outside. I'm not a complete ass. I put plastic wrap over the top and used a rubber band to secure it. I'd set him free later.
Chace filmed us setting the muffins outside the doors. We moved into position to film not our girlfriend and texted them to check outside the door. I was outside Will's room. I waited until Allisa closed the door before creeping closer to the door. I'd barely hit record before the coughing and retching started. Behind me, I saw Mina fly across the kitchen and head the refrigerator open. She was going for milk.
I walked toward the stairs. Our door opened, there was a loud scream, and then the plate, muffin, and shot glass spider flew down the stairs and crashed against the wall. I heard vomiting from the kitchen and cringed.
The three of us stood in the middle of the living room, a little shell shocked and maybe a little guilty. We definitely got them back for the blue balls. Might have gone a little too far. Our phones went off with text notifications. They all said the same thing. "Asshole." then, "It's on, baby."
I think that was supposed to be intimidating, but it just made us laugh.
Chace shook his head, "You're idiots."
We cleaned up the mess before heading out to the beach. I just wanted to sit in the sun and read. Might need to spend some time looking for the spider that escaped when the shot glass shattered. No idea where he ran off to.
No idea about the women either. Mina had disappeared back into their room. The other two never came out. Toby got home and joined us, looking around, "What did you do?"
We snickered and recanted the hours he'd been absent for. Toby shook his head and rolled his eyes, "You all suck at this. They've won."
Ethan disagreed, "No, they haven't."
"Yes, they have. They've locked you out of the bedroom. They've won. It doesn't matter what you do now. They've locked you out of your bedrooms. They win." He pointed between us, "You need to check which of your credit cards has the lowest balance, start shopping, and practice your apologies."
We just looked at him. Fucker was right. I looked behind us, up to my room, "Did you see them when you came in?"
"Yes, they got in the van I got out of. They're on a boat drinking and laughing. They had a suitcase. Maybe they checked into a hotel and are chilling by the pool. Chace is with them. I bet he's recording for you." He laughed and laid back in his lounger. "You are idiots."
The three of us had our phones out texting.
Sebastian ~ Hey, where'd you go? Emma ~ Out shopping. Be back this afternoon. Love you xoxo Sebastian ~ Love you too
The other two got the same sort of reply.
Will made a clicking noise, "I don't trust them."
Ethan and I said, "Not at all."
Toby laughed again, "Smartest thing you've done in twenty-four hours."
Whatever they were plotting we were safe right now. While they were away, we could relax and have fun on the beach.
We were coming out of the ocean to head in for dinner when Ethan yelped, "Ouch."
Will's hand flew to his stomach, "Fuck, something bit me."
I grabbed my ass, "What the fuck?" I saw something hit the sand between us. I picked up the yellow foam ball as we got hit again. "Nerf balls." We looked around and found them standing along the railing where they could hit us from every angle. There was nowhere to hide.
"Where the fuck did they get Nerf guns?" We were jumping around trying to avoid the projectiles. Fuckers stung. I jerked when one hit my thigh, "What do we do?" I was frozen.
Ethan winced, "I say we rush them and take away the guns."
I threw my hands in the air, waving them wildly, as I ran screaming toward the stairs.
The balls hurt more the closer we got. They took off running back inside. We stopped chasing them at the far side of the pool. They had too much of a lead. We heard bedroom doors slam.
Will growled, "Locked out again."
We went to the fire pit. Will went for the bourbon. Chace walked up with the camera, "They're vicious. I think you underestimated the importance of muffin tops and Emma's fear of spiders."
Will poured for us. I picked up the glass of amber liquid, "At least we have really good bourbon."
"Here here."
We raised our glasses. It was going to be a drunken night. Our mistake was in not noticing that Chace was still filming. We drank together, which meant we couldn't warn each other. We spit the liquid, hitting the fire pit, causing it to flare.
That night Will, Ethan, and I recorded a video. Chace filmed. The three of us sat squeezed to gather on the bottom bunk, shirtless with a blanket around us. The room was dark except for a small light. Just enough to see us and make it sound scary. We might have been a little drunk.
Ethan started, “It’s been two days since these two idiots thought it would be funny to throw buckets of ice water on their girlfriends.”
Will pointed at me, “His idea.”
I rolled my eyes, “Fine. I screwed up. I didn’t know they’d retaliate. With a vengeance.”
“We’ve been locked out of our rooms. Sleeping in Chace’s room in bunk beds.” Will glared at me.
“One of you snores like a fucking cow.” Chace said from behind the camera.
Will went on, “They are better at this than us. We concede.”
“I have a bruise on my ass.” I whined.
“We’re apologizing tomorrow. Wish us luck.”
We snuck out the patio side of Chace’s room and went into town to find offerings for our goddesses. When we got back, they were all having breakfast. We kept our gifts hidden until we got next to our partner’s chair and waited for them to scoot back. We dropped to our knees at the same time, pulled the items from behind our backs, and said together, “I’m sorry.”
Ethan added, “Even though I didn’t start this, but somehow got co-opted in.”
Will and I glared at him then turned our attention back to the one in front of us. I held the orange tipped yellow roses out in front of me, “They don’t have French cheese here. Do these look like cheese?”
Someone was laughing at my cheese flowers and called me an idiot. I am an idiot when it comes to this woman. Said woman smiled and pulled me up to her, “They’re beautiful. Thank you.” She put her hands on my face and kissed me.
I sighed happily, “But wait. We have more peace offerings.”
We’d found this local jewelry store and bought them matching earrings to symbolize their island sisterhood. They were beaded silver hoops with larimar balls. Each of us bought something different for just them. I chose a silver circle stamped with “May the sun warm your heart and the waves soothe your soul”. That last part is so her.
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Three Days ~ 115

Back on the boat Eithan and Dante had pulled out some toys. They hadn’t inflated the inner tube or raft and there was a wakeboard, “I don’t know how to do that.”
Eithan smiled, “It’s a cross between water skiing and surfing.”
Emma threw her hands in the air, “Yes, please.”
Emma fell down a couple of times and then did great. She got the feel for it with the tow robe and then dropped it and fucking surfed along the boat’s wake. Fuck yeah, that’s my girl. I filmed the whole thing with background music of me screaming my head off.
Then it was my turn. Emma filmed it too. I was still screaming my head off. Lots of curse words. Lots of falling. When I managed to stay upright it was fun.
I was exhausted. We decided to float on the raft for a while. We lay on the raft holding hands and watching the clouds. We took turns pointing out shapes, animals, and when there was nothing we pointed out ghosts and nonsense shapes. Admittedly, often the shape of the cloud only vaguely looked like what we named it. That was part of the fun. How much could we get away with? Who had the most creative imagination? Who could bullshit the best? It was a tie.
I turned to my side, "Five years from now where do you see yourself?"
Emma turned to face me and smiled, "Five years from now."
She chuckled and I wasn’t sure if she was uncomfortable or amused.
"I absolutely suck at goal setting, but here goes. I will be done with my doctorate by them. I'll continue refining my project while teaching. My students will be my guinea pigs. That will work if I create my own platform or review what’s there. You'll be my adult tester. See if it's adult friendly too."
I liked how I appeared early and with a function. I leaned in to kiss her.
"It's summer and right around your birthday. You've just finished a thriller, mind fuck movie like Coherence, Triangle, and The Invitation. You're tired. It was a great script and shoot, but challenging. It's an ensemble piece, but it all revolves around your character. You loved the challenge and sank into the role. That took its toll and you felt pressure with it being you carrying the movie." She smiled and ran her fingers along my cheek. "But you were ready for it and I was so proud of you. Watching you prepare and work. Since the beach recharges you we go there. These friends, but by now Angie and Eli are part of our group and they're with us. It's a great vacation. Everyone is rested and recharged by the time we head home."
"Where is home?" I knew, but wanted to hear it anyway.
Emma smiled so softly and the look in her eyes, I could be there forever. "Where ever you are. In five years we're definitely living together."
I nodded, "Probably have been for quite a while."
I love how she talks about the future without a thought to if it will freak me out. She doesn't know the commitment phobic me, but my friends have been sure to tell her about him. I don’t want to say I’ve worried if some fear was sinking in like I did in the beginning, but it has crossed my mind. She only knows the history, but it's not part of us. I can not explain how wonderful that feels. It is like having a second chance, a clean slate.
"Remember the sunset in San Diego when I said that was the favorite thing we'd ever done?"
"I do." She ran a hand down my face.
"I’m ready to tell you why." I kissed her and watched our fingers tangle together. "It felt like a full circle. Our first sunset was everything. We'd been together for three days, having fun and getting to know each other, but kinda stuck." She smiled, knowing what I meant. "You asked if you were reading things wrong. You said, "We've never kissed". Not why hadn't I kissed you, not why anything. No accusation, no judgment, no blaming. Just a request for information. So I told you what was going on with me. You didn't tell me I was being silly. You didn't patronize or even blink and instead of wanting to talk about it you basically said "you're looking for the perfect moment, let me show it to you.” In those few minutes I was different and I knew you were different. What we were doing, what we were becoming was different. It was good. Better than good." I smiled and kissed her. "That first sunset felt so good. I felt so good. So happy, and hopeful, and already a little in love with you.
"Then in San Diego, it was just us on that rock watching the same sunset. So much had happened since the first one, but I felt the same. I was different. I knew you were different. And we were, we are, better than good. I felt even happier, more hopeful, and more in love than ever. The in love where you’re doing the work and know you're both imperfect people doing the best you can. But still, the butterflies where the other person is the best thing ever. You are the best thing ever. The time between those sunsets felt like a minute and forever. The first sunset was everything and that one was everything all over again plus everything since. Sitting there, holding you, feeling at all. It is my favorite thing we've ever done. Today's a close second.
Old me would have freaked out about you presuming it was okay to insert yourself into something that is so much a part of my history and me. But because of us, because of two sunsets, you putting my history and my future together is the best gift I've ever received.”
While we’re sitting here talking about us and the future, I should go all in. “Back when Olivia told us fans thought we were engaged, you were right, the conversation had been a lot and I didn't know my opinion on marriage. I used to, but I wasn't sure if it had changed with everything else"
Emma's thumb was rubbing soothing circles on my hand. I didn’t need it, but I liked it. "Has it?"
I smiled, "I don't think my opinion has changed too much, but my attitude around and willingness to share it has. I agree with you that a ceremony and paperwork don't change a commitment. There is something optimistic and hopeful about promising forever, even if it doesn't last. I like other people's weddings. They're beautiful and I like celebrating friends’ love stories. I can't say I want to get married, but I can see where I might. Calling someone "my wife", would feel different than "my girlfriend." I think. Definitely a societal convention of bonding and togetherness. I'm not against it. I like the idea of belonging to someone in that way." I chuckled, "Does that make any sense?"
"Sounds like the tradition appeals to your hopeful romantic side. You're not actively seeking, but aren’t against finding it."
"Yes." I smiled a little, "That’s different than your opinion, but I don't think incompatible." I laughed and ran a hand through my hair. "I love that I feel comfortable talking about shit with you."
She cupped my face with her hand, "I love that we can talk about shit too." Her lips touched mine, "And yes, compatible. If somewhere in our five-year plan it becomes important to you, we'll figure it out."
I cocked an eyebrow, "And what if it becomes important to you?"
"I promise to let you know."
We watched the sunset from the back of the boat with glasses of champagne. Good thing the sun wasn’t out, because I remember one of us falling off her bed after a day of champagne in the sun. I held Emma close on the way back to the dock. The day had been wonderful. Fun, romantic, and full of intimate conversation.
Back at the Villa, Will and Alissa were out by the fire pit. We joined them for some quiet conversation. They'd gone into town to an open-air market and a casual dinner. Charles and Kelli had taken off to another island for the day. Mina and Ethan had gone somewhere and still weren't home. Chase and Toby had gone to a public beach and were out partying. Tomorrow the women were off to a spa and we were taking jeeps into the backcountry and to the cliffs.
Will grimaced, "Are you and Toby going to be ok tomorrow?"
I shrugged, "That's up to him. If he's adjusted his attitude, we'll be fine. If he's still up my ass, not so much."
"He and I have talked."
"Fun!" My voice dripped with sarcasm.
He glared at me, "He was thrown by how angry you were with him. He's a little worried. You gonna be chill when he apologizes?"
"Does he mean it?" Because Toby has a history of apologizing to smooth things over, but not really being sorry.
Will nodded, "I think so, but that's gotta be up to you."
I took a deep breath and shook my head," We'll work it out."
We headed upstairs and as we were crawling into bed I realized I was tired. I held my arm up for Emma to lay next to me, “I’m nervous about tomorrow. Dealing with Toby.” She patted my chest and kissed my cheek. “Are you going to tell me we’ve been friends for a long time and I should cut him some slack?”
“Nope.” She propped herself up on her elbow where she was looking down at me.
I saw nothing but concern. Not like the judgmental number I was pulling on myself. I was going back and forth between not wanting to fight with one of my oldest friends and his behavior toward Emma being completely unacceptable. The story I’d told Emma about breaking up with the girlfriend who made it clear she didn’t like it when I let my beard grow had felt similar. The way I was questioning myself. Like then, I knew what was right for me, but it was hard. If Toby couldn’t get through this it would affect our friendship. Even if Emma and I broke up. He’s fighting against me be healthier. Girl or no girl that’s not being a good friend.
Emma’s voice brought me out of my thoughts, “He’s your friend. You know if you need to cut him slack or kick his ass. I’ve got your back for whatever.” She leaned in and pressed her lips softly to mine. “It’s scary to think about, that you might outgrow someone.”
I felt my breath catch, “It is.”
“He doesn’t have to like me, Bastian.” She kissed me again, “It’s not about me really.”
I genuinely smiled. “No, it’s not. It’ll be ok, no matter what happens.”
“Is that a new feeling?”
“No.” I had a second thought, “Maybe?” I looked at Emma then up and to the right. Several seconds later I had an answer. “That everything will work out isn’t new. Applying that to possibly losing a friend is.” I shook my head and shrugged, “I usually ignore shit, overlook stuff. Keeping friends is very important.” I grinned, “Apparently, I have a line.”
Emma laughed, “I’m not the best to talk about lines. I let people get away with too much.”
I knew that. “Your parents fucking with me. My friends fucking with you. We have a similar line.”
“Seems like.”
The other was the precipitating factor, but the problem had been there long before. It took having a relationship, caring for someone, and knowing it was good for us and deserved protecting before either of us was pushed far enough to say “Enough.” I would hate to distance myself from my friend as much as Emma hates distancing herself from her biological family. But our relationship is good for both of us. If they can’t see that, they’re not good for either of us.
Fingers in my hair and against my chest brought me back to the moment. “Te iubesc, Sebasti-an. Mai mult decât toate stelele de pe cer” <More than all the stars in the sky>
“Mai mult decât toate boabele de nisip de pe plajă.” <More than all the grains of sand on the beach>
She smiled widely, “That’s a lot.”
“I know.”
We had two jeeps. I was with Chace and Ethan. Chace was driving.
We were going to die.
The guide was with the other three. We drove for miles on the main road before heading off-road. Then it was everything you want in an off-road adventure. Scenic, bumpy, exhilarating, and a little bit frightening. Made more so by Chace's crazy ass driving. He wanted to race, to prove he was the better driver. So naturally, we got stuck and had to get out and push the jeep out of the hole he'd dug us into. Lots of laughter and lots of screaming of curse words.
At the top of the island, they had long tables set up, covered in newspaper. We grabbed bottles of water and beer. There were open fires with huge pots of boiling water. They dropped in a mesh basket full of crab, mussels, fish lobster, conch, potatoes, and corn. We weren't halfway through our beers when they brought the basket, drained the water, and threw the contents along the table. We just picked up what we wanted and tossed the scraps in the garbage cans at the ends of the table. Of all the amazing food we’d had this was the best. Simple, rustic, and with an incredible view of the ocean off the cliff.
Plan was to relax for a bit before heading down via another path. No one wanted all the bouncing around to cause lunch to reappear. When we were finished the layers of newspaper were balled up and tossed. There was a break in conversation as the paper was thrown away and Ethan filled the space, "Can we just get this over with?"
Chace mumbled, "Awkward."
Charles added, "No way around that."
"Word." Will smirked.
That left me and Toby. Oh, this was me and Toby. An intervention?
"I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing."
Ethan rolled his eyes, "Nothing."
Toby leaned onto the table, "I'm the one who has to do something." I waited while he looked at his hands, then up at me, "I'm sorry."
I didn't mean to, but I raised my eyebrows.
He held his hands up in surrender, "I know. I know." He put his hands down on the table "When you first told us about Emma and all the things you were saying, I was happy for you. I will admit I didn't completely believe what I was hearing."
I pointed at the other three, "Neither did they." Point being they had doubts, but weren’t an ass to her.
He ignored me and keep talking. That was when I thought he might be sincere. He didn't make a joke or take an out. "When I saw you with her... I knew everything you'd said was true. You are different and she is good to you." Toby's eyes met mine and I saw hurt and fear. "I tried to make her like everyone before her. I treated her like that too. Even though you didn’t. You don't. I was wrong. This isn’t about Emma. Or you. It's me. I am sorry, Seb. I am happy for you. I've been ugly to Emma and I owe her an apology too."
"Ok." I stood up and went around the table. "Stand up, dumbass."
"Why?" He did anyway.
"Because I forgive you and am going to hug you." He was close enough where the others couldn’t hear, "I'm sorry this hurts."
"Not on you."
"No, but I care that you hurt."
"Thank you."
I wanted to say of course I cared because he's my friend, but that would be like rubbing salt in a wound. I wanted to tell him I loved him, but that would be cruel too. One wasn't what he wanted and the other he did. I couldn't give him what he wanted and I hoped he could get past it and accept reality. I didn't want to lose him.
The other three joined us in a giant group hug. It started out as a nice supportive hug. Then things went weird. As usual. This time it was Chace sniffing my neck and rubbing his crotch on my hip. I sighed, “Please, stop what you’re doing.”
“Why, you like it when Emma does it? You smell good.”
Ethan leaned over and sniffed me, “You do smell good. How do you smell good after that drive? I’m sure I pissed my pants.”
“There’s your answer.” I laughed.
Toby’s voice came through, “Will smells really good too.”
“Oh good, maybe Chace can go hump his leg.”
This is my life. Friends who are able to support me and the friend I’m angry with. First through words and then through some strange bonding ritual that also served to diminish the awkwardness. Sort of, anyway.
The trip down the other side was truly terrifying. Huge ruts in the road, mud sliding, and a creek we had to go through. I understood why this was the way down. I don’t know that we had the skill to go up some of what we came down. And there was no way would have lunch after this. We were filthy. Muddy water and thick clumps of mud were everywhere.
“We should shower.” Now showers at the tour place made sense.
“Oh hell no, we’re going home as men who’ve been doing manly stuff.”
“And stink like men who’ve been doing manly stuff.”
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Three Days ~ 114

I love our emotionally charged conversation. It feels good when he lets me in and I can help him maneuver around and through. The way I help him is different than how he helps me, but the result is the same. We muddle through together. I know he likes that as much as I do. Tonight part of my help was refuting what he thought. Knowing about Toby's feelings put all the pieces together. I was glad they'd told me. Still, I understood Sebastian's annoyance.
I headed to the beach while he talked to the others. I'm not sure if he wanted me not to hear them or him. Either way, sitting alone on the beach, taking in the sight and sound of the water wasn't a hardship. I sat on the end of a lounge chair, digging my toes into the soft sand. The grains felt cool against my skin. I took a few deep breaths to clear my head and took in the moment.
I was surprised when Charles sat down on the foot of the other lounger, “You’re allowed to come back.”
I laughed, “I was voluntarily exiled.”
“Everything ok?”
I looked over with a smile and a nod of my head, “Yes.” I thought better of my answer, “I wish they weren’t fighting and I wish both weren’t dealing with stuff. I also wish I wasn’t the catalyst, but it’s not really about me.”
“No, it’s not. One’s moving forward and the other is stuck hoping for something that was never going to happen. Even if it did, it would have ended very badly.”
I cringed and hissed in a breath, “I agree.”
“Seb and I could hear you and Kelli talking earlier today. The first of it. Kelli filled me in on the rest.” The purpose of Charles coming to get me was now clear. “I’m sure you’ve noticed us being apart from everyone sometimes. I’ve been balancing her comfort with wanting to be with you guys. She feels better if only for having talked about what she was worried about. You didn’t just dismiss her concerns or tell her to deal with it. Just like Seb has said you do with him, you accepted her and wanted to help her figure it out. Thank you.”
“No problem. Comfort level is comfort level.”
“You are very kind. Not that you need my, I don’t know, approval isn’t right. I think you’re the payoff for Seb working through all his shit and we’re all better for it. I’m sorry if you’ve been hurt or scared by us talking about how he used to be. The changes are good, the way he is with you is consistent with the guy I know. He’s still going to overthink and be anxious, but he’s never done that pulling away with us and he’s not doing that with you. You’re getting the version we know. The funny, kind, compassionate, and slightly neurotic version. You guys feel good together.”
I understood he was trying to undo any possible damage and alleviate any concerns I might have. His friends clearly love and want good things for him. I put my hand over his and squeezed, “Thank you.”
He smiled, “Ready to go back?”
“Not quite.” Since we were having a moment, I thought I should share too. “I heard you and Toby on the patio the other morning.” He looked a little panicked trying to remember, so I continued quickly. “I don’t know where I came in and left. He said I was a fanfic Mary Sue who Seb thought he was in love with. He didn’t buy it and wondered what my endgame was.”
“Shit. No wonder Seb went after him.”
I shook my head, “I didn’t tell him. You took care of it.” I shrugged to one side, “Now it may have been part of why I went in quicker.” Charles laughed with me. “Thank you for having my back.”
“I would have said the same thing if I knew you were there.”
“I believe you.” I stood up, pulling his hand with me. I waited for him to stand and hugged him, “I’m impressed Sebastian hasn’t shown up to find out what’s taking us so long.”
“Na, he trusts me with you. Now, if I was Toby? Maybe Chace.”
I snickered and headed back to join the others.
Charles used our brief walk to tell me embarrassing stories about my love. "Did he tell you about the time we were bicycling, his tire got stuck in a grate and he started to fly over the handlebars, but his knees caught on them, jerking him down on the crossbar? Iced his balls for hours. Then there was the time he showed up for a Halloween party and since everyone was in costume it took over an hour for him to realize he was at the wrong place. And the time he ate cupcakes with his movie kid and walked around for hours with blue teeth."
We were still laughing when we reached them.
Will asked, "What have you two been up to?"
Charles slung his arm around me, "Making out by the water."
Chace jumped up, "Is it swap time? Come here, Mina. Maybe I can change your mind about marrying that loser." He grabbed Mina, dipped her and dove into her neck. She laughed and pushed at him until he just dropped her on the ground. "Ooops."
Ethan shook his head while helping her up, "You're such a pain in the ass."
Chace grimaced, "Should you call your fiancé a pain in the ass?"
The next day Sebastian and I spent alone. We were walking down a dock to find our boat by ten. "It's orange."
I looked down the length of the dock and along the docks on either side, "There are lots of orange boats."
He turned to look at me, "Yeah, I'm noticing that."
I covered my mouth to hide my laughter. He looked annoyed as he turned back around. A few steps further and a short man with a wide smile leaned over the edge of a boat with a wide orange stripe, "Sebastian?"
I was startled by the heavy Jamaican accent.
Sebastian held out his hand, "You must be Eithan."
"I am."
Sebastian looked at me, "Found it."
I clapped my hands together in front of my chest, "My hero."
Sebastian had researched and selected the Jamaican boat company because their promo videos looked fun. He wanted a day of laughter. Eithan and Dante seemed like a good bet for both. They had the day planned out. We had wakeboards, tubes, and a large inflatable raft. For lunch, they were dropping us off on a private beach for a couple of hours.
But first, we were snorkeling and going fast around the islands. I loved the going fast and bouncing over waves. I laughed and screamed with the joy of it. Sebastian was with me. We stretched out on the open bow, grabbing onto each other and yelling curse words when we took flight. Our drivers laughed along too.
Snorkeling was a good break from the direct sunlight. It wasn't as colorful as the coral reef or as exhilarating as The Wall, but it was beautiful. The water was so blue and sparkled like diamonds. Kind of like Sebastian's eyes.
Eithan drove into the shallows near the beach. Dante jumped out, taking a cooler, towels, and blankets to the shore. Eithan gave us a smile, "A'right. The beach is yours. No one will bother you. There's a path, you can’t miss it, and I highly encourage you to follow it. We'll be patrolling offshore to make sure you're not disturbed. When you're ready to leave stick the flag in the holder. Have fun and remember you are totally alone"
Sebastian jumped from the boat and held his hand out to me. I wrapped my fingers around his, letting him balance me as I joined him in the thigh-deep water. We passed Dante, Sebastian high-fiving him. Onshore Sebastian turned toward me, looking over my shoulder, "Boats leaving. What do you want to do first?" He crossed his fingers. "Me?"
"I would love to do you. Right after we eat." I anticipated his frown. "Let's negotiate."
Sebastian barked out a laugh.
"A quick blow job before lunch to tide you over or we eat and go down that path and discover what we can get into there. I have a thought about what’s there and I think it will be perfect for some alfresco lovemaking."
He perked up. "Lovemaking? So my choice is a blow job or honest to god lovemaking in an exotic mystery location." He sat on the blanket and pulled things out of the cooler, "Get down here."
I walked to the others side of the blanket, letting my bikini fall beside his knee. I sat down in lotus position. I wonder if he'll notice I’m naked?
"You're naked."
I nodded, "I've never been on a nude beach. I want to be nude."
"I'm down for that. We should sunscreen quickly. I don’t want a contest for whose parts are most burned." Spreading sun lotion on each other’s naked bits threatened to ruin my plan, except that sunscreen tasted like shit.
"Have you noticed we have several dates involving picnics baskets?"
Sebastian laughed with a mouthful of something, "I hadn't noticed, but now that you mention it, it is something we do."
"We like eating outside."
"We like to do lots of things outside." I stood up, pulled on a t-shirt, and held out my hand toward him, "Let's go see if we can add something else we like to do outside."
He let me pull him up, put his trunks back on before taking my hand and grabbing a bottle of water, "Ok, but I can answer that one now. I mean, we like outside, we love sex, therefore we will at least really like sex outside. Bonus points if there's a waterfall. I've always wanted to have sex under or near a waterfall. Love waterfalls."
"Hawaii has many waterfalls."
"We should plan a waterfall tour."
"Consider it done."
The path wove through a tropical jungle. The upkeep told me this uninhabited island drew a lot of visitors. I'm sure we're not the only ones willing to pay for a private nude beach, skinny dipping, and where ever this path led. We weren't far from the beach when the path opened up onto a turquoise blue pool with a twenty-foot waterfall at the far end. I looked behind me, "You knew about this?"
Sebastian tried not to smirk while he shrugged, "I made the reservation."
"One hundred percent." He pulled my hand to bring me closer then wrapped his arms around me. "We're making memories."
I ran my nails against his scalp, "Yes, we are."
We kissed for a little while before he took my hand again, "Let’s go see what kind of trouble we can get into."
Wading out into the water we found it never got more than knee-deep. The waterfall itself was in two streams flowing over a ledge of rock. We held hands and stepped back into the twin streams. The water was cool and the force was less than I expected. I guess the height gave an illusion. I didn't even try to fight my laughter. Pure and simple joy. I pulled his hand, "Come here, handsome."
"Sure thing, gorgeous."
We met in the middle, making out with the streams against our backs. The brightness of the sun, the cool spray of water, and the warmth of his body was a heady combination The joy and relaxation I always feel near the ocean was multiplied by my feelings for him. On his birthday he talked about how being surrounded by these friends and me was perfect. For me, it's being in Hawaii with my family and I am so excited to add him to the mix. That anticipation overtook me. I felt like I was swimming in all the good neurotransmitters and I could not touch him enough. The feel of his chest and stomach, hard and smooth against me. His back muscles moved under my hands. The taste of him with the always exciting way we kissed.
Sebastian was feeling it too. He was hungry and couldn't touch enough either. We touched and kissed for what felt like forever. His hands set my body on fire, stroking my skin with light and deep pressure. I love the way he grabs me when his pleasure escalates. The grabbing turned into stripping of what little clothes we had on. Not surprisingly he’d stashed a condom in his zippered pocket. I put my back to the rocks and hooked my leg over his hip. Sebastian kept an arm around me to cushion my back as he moved inside me. There were no words, just sound. The water and our moans. After he came, he slid his fingers inside me to take me over the edge. We went back to the kissing and touching where we'd started. The after lasted as long as the before.
"Fuck, I need to sit down." Sebastian walked away from the waterfall and sat down in the lagoon. I moved under the bigger of the two falls and reached above my head to stretch. I did need to stretch, but I was aware of the visual I was giving my love.
He hissed in a breath before speaking, "This is the best birthday ever."
I laughed and walked toward him. His legs were stretched out and he leaned back on his hands. I stood with my feet outside his thighs and sat down between his legs with my knees up. I draped my arms over his shoulders, my hands dangling behind his back, "It's not your birthday."
"Close enough." He stretched toward me and I took the hint. "Mmm, kisses good."
"Kisses are good." I sat back and looked around the water. "I wonder if they have those penis fish here?"
Sebastian stood up so fast he knocked me into the water. I caught myself before going under and laughed loudly.
"You're kidding, right?" He had his hands on his junk checking things out. "They don't have those here."
I managed to choke out, "Amazon", while laughing. "The look on your face. The way you tossed me away." I flung an arm out to the side.
He leaned onto his knees laughing, "Sorry."
I stood up, "No, no, don't worry about me. I know my place now. Your penis, then me."
"No." He took my hand and headed to the shore. "The terror of a fish swimming up my penis, then you. The stuff after you is really really far after you."
"I get it. Penis fish is a big no."
We spent the next hour or so laying on the beach and playing in the water. We shared memories of other beach trips with friends then drifted into family. As a child, we'd spent summers along the coast from the Carolinas to Florida and later beaches in Seattle and any chance we got on tour. Sebastian had been to more islands than I had. He liked the lack of access.
"There was a beach not that far from our apartment."
"The one from the picture?"
He smiled, "Yeah. Oddly enough, it's called Aloha Beach. We walked there a lot. You'd like it, lots of shells."
"Did you collect them?"
"Nah." He shook his head. "They hurt to walk on. There were rocky parts like in San Diego. Sandy parts. I liked to build sandcastles. I had a bag I'd carry whatever I found to build with. A big spoon for a shovel, cans, the bottom cut off a bottle, measuring cups, bowls. It was simple. Fun."
I watched him drift back into memory. From his eyes, it was mostly happy but tinged with sadness. I let him roam around for a while, keeping close and making sure to keep part of me touching part of him.
"One trip with the guys there was a sandcastle contest. I spent the entire day watching. It was fascinating. A lot more than I ever did with a spoon and a tin can."
"I can never get the sand to come out in one piece."
"Maybe we'll practice."
I smiled and kissed him, "Anytime."
"You ready to go back on the water?"
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Three Days ~ 113

Olivia called after we finished eating. She was cute when she was high. Ed and Emma spoke at the same time telling her she’d get sick if she didn’t eat. After they hung up Charles said, "Tonight and this morning you Eddie said exactly the same thing with exactly the same tone."
I laughed "Since I’m around Emma more, I notice her voice coming out of her dad." I loved it when it happened.
"Yeah, but he's not really her dad."
I cocked my head and looked at Toby. Patient isn't a word I'd use to describe myself. I'm trying, but Toby keeps yanking on a thread that's threatening to unravel. I get my friends need a minute to get used to changes with me. On the whole, I even appreciate their doubts. Doubt is the wrong word. Concern. I appreciate their concern. Or I did two months ago. Not so much now. Not these people. They've had time to get over it. And they have. Except for Toby. Emma had said something about not knowing how to take him. I’d told her he didn’t mean anything. Right now, I thought he did. He was being an asshole.
And he's targeting and taking it out on the one person he shouldn't.
She had a look on her face similar to when she backed down that asshole in the bar. I put my hand low on her back. "Not biologically, but in every way that counts. Would you tell someone who's adopted that that's not their family?"
"No, but you're not adopted either."
I stared at him, waiting for him to look at me. As soon as our eyes met I pointed to the ocean. "Can I talk to you for a minute? Out there."
No reason to make anyone more uncomfortable. I walked a straight line out onto the beach, turning around once we were off the hot sand onto the hard pack. "What the fuck are you doing, Toby?"
"She's changed you."
I can't even. "No, she hasn't."
He held up his hands, "Wait! Hear me out. When you first started talking about and even after she left Rome, I was all in. You've done the work and you deserve someone to love you. But seeing you two together. It's too much. She's got you jumping on calls with her family and talking about kids. Your grandmother gave you that key chain and she's got you thinking it’s ok for her to do stuff to it and put her damn fingerprint on it without your permission."
I'd heard enough. "She's got? Toby, she doesn't have me doing anything. Just because I haven't done something before doesn't mean she's controlling me. It's normal to talk to your girlfriend's family. It's normal to talk about kids. I've not done that before because I wasn't normal. I was all closed off. I get it's different seeing me in a functional relationship. One where I let someone love me and love them back. Fully love them and work at it. I did the work and chose wisely. We work at it. It’s hard to be vulnerable, let someone know your past, and be afraid they'll accept you and love you anyway. We do that. Emma is smart, funny, kind, and empathetic. With me, my mom, my friends. She's a good person." I paused and remembered another point. "Toby, that keychain is my only connection. When it tore I was hurting. I keep it with me to feel Nana and a symbol of home. It grounds me when I’m anxious. I've had it since I was eight and had no idea what to do without it."
"That's what I mean you would never let anyone do anything to that. We all know it’s sacred and she put her fucking fingerprint on.”
I ignored him and kept on, “I told Emma all of that. Her making it strong again and putting my future into my past." I shook my head. "No one's ever given me something that means so much. She fixed it and made it more."
"I'm just saying there's a lot going on in a short period of time and I'm not buying it. I think you've grown and I’m proud of you. This stuff with Emma. I think she's changing you and I don’t think all the changes are good. I don't think they're you. It’s too far."
I thought I'd heard enough a couple of minutes ago. I'd heard enough plus now. I was furious. He thinks she's manipulating me.
I was screaming at him, we’d fought before but this was the angriest I’d been with him. "I don't fucking care what you think!”
Toby was pissed too. "See, that right there. We've never fought over a woman before."
"I've never let myself care enough to fight for one."
"Whatever, Seb. Can't you see if she's coming between us it can't be right?"
Wow. I didn't see that coming. "We're going to take a break from this. Before one of us says something not easily taken back. It's ok if you don't like her, but it’s not ok to be rude to her."
"I can't believe you're choosing a girl over a friend."
Now, I'm very tired. "I'm not, Toby. I’m calling a time out so you don’t push me to choose. You wouldn’t like the result. Whenever someone makes you choose between them and another person, you should always choose the one who isn't making you choose."
I headed toward the stairs more sad than angry, but still pretty damn angry.
I walked up the stairs and quickly realized I wasn't in a place to be around people. There would be uncomfortable silence, unasked questions, and I was likely to pop off asking if the others felt the same. I am so fucking tired of "Sebastian, you've changed, change back." Maybe that last part is only Toby. Could be any of them except Will. I'm not thinking clearly. I’m hurt and angry. Nothing good can happen if I sit down with my friends.
I locked my eyes on the patio door and headed straight up to our bedroom. I paced the width of the room in front of the patio a couple of times while replaying the conversation with Toby. I needed to stop that. Slow down. I stopped the pacing, folded my arms over my chest, and stood looking out toward the sunset. Great, I was going to miss a beautiful sunset with Emma.
I wonder what wonderful stories they'd told her to while Toby and I were arguing? Maybe some more shit I have to explain and feel bad about.
I heard our door open and felt Emma in the room. "I need to use the bathroom."
This place has something like ten bathrooms. She could have used any of them, but she chose to walk all the way upstairs to use ours. She may have to pee, but what she's doing is checking up on me. I wonder how this is going to go?
I have no idea how I want it to go. Part of me wants to rant. Part of me wants to stew. Old me would pick a fight, which was the last thing I wanted or would do. Thankfully, the moment I felt her arms wrap around me and her hand splay on my stomach I knew exactly what I was going to do.
I needed a minute and a few deep breaths. I didn't doubt for a second Emma would give me all the time I needed. She'd wait for me to be ready. I loosened my grip on myself and tangled our fingers.
Emma kissed the back of my neck. I turned my head to get lost in her green eyes, "I'm sorry. I told you even if one of my friends didn't like you, they wouldn't be rude enough to let you know. I was wrong." I have thoughts about the argument, but it had started with him hurting her feelings. Making sure Emma is alright is more important than me. I turned around in her arms and put my hands on her face, "He's been snippy with you for days. I should have said something to him. I promise I thought it was just Toby being Toby. I didn't think he meant anything. I'm sorry." I kissed her very, very softly. I hadn't stopped my friend from being an ass to her.
Emma smiled, "I promise had it bothered me I would have told you."
"You did." My stomach tightened.
Emma shook her head, "I didn’t take it personally until tonight. Maybe the birthday thing."
"Yeah, I don't think it was an accident like he tried to play it off as."
She laughed, "I was pissed. Chace talked me down."
Oh good, I can not be pissed at Chace too. Chace and Will. Two out of five.
Her hand moved around front and laid on my chest, "I came up to check on you."
"You, and us, being ok are more important." I was feeling insecure, but with reason, I hadn't protected her. She wouldn't know what I needed unless I told her. "I feel bad because I didn't protect you."
Emma nodded, understanding like I knew she would. "Yes, you did. You didn't dismiss what I said. You thought he was being his normal self and when it was clear he wasn’t, your hand on my back supported me until you invited him to the beach where I’m sure you spoke about adjusting his attitude."
My overthinking brain can now let that go. I kissed her, "Thank you."
"So how are you?"
"Pissed." I shook my head, "Hurt." I wasn't sure how much I wanted to tell her. "I'm so fucking tired of defending changes. Toby doesn't believe I've grown. He thinks you've changed me and wants me to change back." It was pissing me off again and I was going to spill it all. I didn't want to be angry and holding onto her, so I paced some more. Emma stood with her back to the sun. "The things he was bitching about are healthy relationship stuff."
"Like what."
"Me talking to your family. Talking about the future. What am I supposed to change back into? That lonely guy watching other couples be happy and knowing I'll never have that because I won't let anyone close. That's stupid."
"Any idea why?”
"Cause he's alone in being miserable." The look on her face told me she had other ideas. The only way she had other ideas was if there was talking after I left. "What did my friends tell you?"
"Toby has a crush on you.”
"Oh fuck," I rolled my eyes and let out an exasperated sigh, "They can not keep their fucking mouths shut about anything."
Emma was suddenly in front of me, her hands on my waist. "No, no, no. This is different."
I cocked a disbelieving eyebrow, but I was aware I was sensitive.
"Toby is being an ass because it’s hard to watch you being in love with me and being happy." She stretched up to kiss me. "They were not questioning, they were explaining what's going on. They think he’s out of line."
"Ok." Still wary.
"Other girlfriends haven't been an issue because you're different with me. You've changed, but you also made a good choice."
That made me laugh, "That's what I've been saying!"
"No one but Toby is doing the change back thing. Will, Ethan, Chace, and Charles are proud of you and happy for you."
"You have no idea how glad I am to hear that. I'm happy. You make me happy. That's a good thing. I want my friends, these people, to see it's a good thing."
"They do." She spoke slow and quietly before kissing me again. A kiss that calmed and excited me.
She is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. "I guess making you the manipulative girlfriend is easier than accepting I don't want him."
"His behavior is still not acceptable."
"No, but I'm not going to let him cast a dark shadow on our vacation. He's only hurting himself and maybe making our friends uncomfortable. You're still hopelessly in love with me." Emma cracked a smile.
I followed with my own, "And you're still hopelessly in love with me."
We kissed a bit and hugged twice as long. Emma looked up, "Ready to go back to our friends?"
"Am I being childish if I don't want to deal with Toby?"
"Maybe, but I'll allow it." She pulled out her phone and texted someone She looked at me without saying a word, but tapped her foot. There was a ding, "He's gone out. Said not to wait up."
"Who'd you text?"
"Does it matter?"
I thought a second. I want it to be one of the guys. I want her to feel accepted and comfortable enough to ask one of them. "Not really." I took her hand and head back downstairs "Would you mind giving me a few minutes alone with our friends?" I like how she’d called them hers too.
I felt like I needed to explain. I wanted to have it all out and I didn't want her to hear. I wanted them to be able to say anything without fear of hurting her. I opened my mouth to talk and her fingers on my lips stopped me.
"No need to explain."
Outside the door, I hugged her, "I love you."
"I love you, Sebasti-an." The backs of her fingers ran over my cheek. "I'll be on the beach."
“Where else would you be?” I watched her walk away before veering right to join the others. I grabbed a beer out of the outside fridge before sitting down.
I expected a comment about sending her away. Instead, I got, "Is Emma alright."
I nodded at Chace, "And thank you for being there for her on my birthday."
He laughed, "She was pissed. Cursing up a storm."
"I feel bad for not realizing he was being an ass sooner.”
Will made a face, "You were giving him the benefit of the doubt, assuming he was being his normal level of dick. Plus, he wasn't doing it in front of you most of the time."
I gaped at him, "There was more? Why didn't she tell me?"
Alissa put her hand on my arm, "Don't you think if Emma was upset about it, she would have spoken up?"
I took a beat, "Yeah."
"She let it go except him blowing the surprise and her family." Chace got up and went toward the fridge. "The other shit was just annoying and rude. I told him he needed to stop."
Everyone but Kelli said, "Me too."
"He's acting like a spiteful ex. Mean to her behind my back. Trying to convince me she's playing me. Only thing he missed was bad-mouthing her to my friends."
Ethan made a face, "No, he did that too."
Mina asked, "Are you two alright?"
"Yeah. I was worried about her and she was worried about me. She takes things in stride much better than me. We're fine." I tapped my fingers on the table, "Shit like this makes us better. The way we talk and work through it. We both care about the other more than ourselves," I laughed, "New experience."
Ethan clapped a hand on my shoulder, "Congratulations and welcome to how relationships are supposed to work."
"Took you long enough." Will laughed.
Chace ruffled my hair as he walked back to his seat, "Almost forty."
"Fuck you, Chace." I laughed. This felt good. "She's the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"No one sitting here disagrees."
Mina cleared her throat, "This was sweet, but I meant you and Toby."
I felt my eyebrows raise, "Oh, we're not fine. He thinks she's fake, presumptuous, and manipulating me. Then he said if she's coming between us, it can't be right."
There were hisses and oofs.
"I don't think he'll like the outcome if he pushes you to choose." Will cringed looking at me.
"Nope." I shook my head with annoyance. "Hopefully he'll think about what we talked about." I looked out toward the beach where Emma was. "I'm going to go get her."
Ethan laughed, "Why'd you send her away?"
"In case this conversation went badly."
Charles held his hand up as I went to stand, "I'll go get her."
First reaction, oh fuck. Second thought, more likely about the partial conversation we overheard between her and Kelli.
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Three Days ~ 112

Dinner was over, but we were still sitting around the table when Olivia called. I hit the green button and waited for her face to pop on screen, "Hey sweet baby sister."
"Hi, Sissy." She was a little blurry-eyed and her voice was off. "I'm very high."
"Good for you. Does it hurt?"
"I can't feel anything. We're supposed to keep it iced and me drugged the first twenty-four hours. This is the first time I've been awake. Dad's making me eat."
I said, "You'll get sick if you don't eat." I heard my dad's voice saying the same thing.
Sebastian leaned in, "It's weird when that happens." He smiled brightly, "Hello, Livvie."
"I feel like I should apologize or be embarrassed."
"Nope." He shook his head, "Free pass with pain meds."
Olivia shifted and winced a little, "It really hurt when it happened."
"I bet it kind of freaked you out when your thumb was the wrong way?"
People around me laughed. "Way to make her feel better, Sissy." Chace snarked.
"Who’s that?"
I turned the phone around, "Chace."
Chace waved, "Hello, Olivia."
"Is the entire cast of The Covenant there?"
"Just me and Toby." He reached across and turned my phone to Toby. "Say hi Toby."
"Hi, Toby." He gave a wave.
I moved the phone to Kelli, "Kelli had the same surgery."
"Ice is your friend. By day three I didn’t even need Advil."
Olivia had questions, "Can you move it ok now? Can you feel the screws?"
"I don't even know they're there. I had a couple of physical therapy sessions and it was like nothing happened. Maybe once or twice a year it gets achy, but just a nuisance."
"Thank you." Dad’s voice, "She doesn't believe me."
"Cause you haven't broken your hand."
I snickered when dad said, "Teenagers."
"Hey, Em, love you."
"You too, mom." I turned the phone back where I could see "Did you bring her mac and cheese?" Mac and cheese was the cure-all family favorite food.
"Of course. You're the only one who wants bologna too."
"Gag," My sweet boyfriend said.
"Disgusting," from my dad.
Olivia took her bowl, "You're weird, Sissy. Sebastian should know." She made everyone laugh. "Have fun. I'm going to eat and go to sleep. Love you, guys."
"Love you, sweetie."
Dad's face popped incredibly close to the camera "Love you."
Sebastian yelled, "Love you, too."
"I meant my daughter."
"Love you, dad."
Sebastian put his arm around me as I hung up and kissed my head, "She seems good. Is she good?"
I smiled and nodded, "Yeah, she's fine."
Charles said, "Tonight and this morning you Eddie said exactly the same thing with exactly the same tone."
"Happens all the time."
Sebastian laughed "Since I’m around Emma more, I notice her voice coming out of her dad."
"Yeah, but he's not really her dad."
I'll give you three guesses who said that, and the first two don’t count. This is not ideal. Worry about my sister has worn down my self-control and he's poking at a spot he shouldn't. He's implying my family isn't my family.
I turned my head toward Toby, "Not biologically, but in every way that counts. Would you tell someone who's adopted that that's not their family?"
"No, but you're not adopted either."
This was the first time Toby had been openly and directly an asshole. His previous statements and behavior had straddled the line. I had been giving him the benefit of the doubt. Not now. As usual, I felt the warmth of Seb's hand in support, but that was where the similarity ended.
"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Sebastian looked at Toby and pointed toward the beach. "Out there."
Toby nodded and headed in that direction. Sebastian followed without a glance at me. He was pissed.
I made a "hmph" noise with raised eyebrows and pursed lips. All eyes were on me until they very quickly weren't.
Kelli looked around the group, "What's going on?"
"They’re going to have a fight." Chace is tonight’s Captain Obvious.
I looked around to see if anyone else was up for answering. Probably wanting to see what I knew. "Sebastian has done a lot of work on himself and has changed." I looked at Alyssa and Will. They nodded. "This is the... third time people close to him have questioned him and combined with Toby being short with me, Sebastian's had enough. Toby doesn't like me, but it doesn't have anything to do with me."
Ethan cringed, "Yeah, I can understand why you’d see it like that and you're not wrong."
Mima groaned, "Except she totally is."
Alyssa's lips were in a tight time, "Mmm hmm."
Kelli looked between us, "I'm confused."
Will asked, "About which part?"
It only seemed logical that Charles should answer his girlfriend. "Historically, Seb is afraid of commitment and can run hot and cold."
Kelli laughed, "Not with her he isn't." She looked at me, "Sorry, don't mean to talk about you like you're not here."
"Thank you." I didn't mind.
Alyssa pointed at me, "Which is why Toby doesn't like you."
Kelli and I looked at each other with confused faces.
Mina filled in the holes, "As long as Seb was afraid to commit, Toby had a shot."
"Seb's not gay."
"That's irrelevant. A crush is a crush. He doesn't like you, because Seb does."
I thought for a second then sighed, "I'm sorry he's struggling. We'll have to find a way to share."
A loud voice from the direction of the beach disagreed. "I don't fucking care what you think!"
All heads turned toward the beach. Ethan stated the obvious, "That’s not good."
I’d never heard Sebastian yell like that. Hell, I'd never seen him this angry. We'd had disagreements but nothing I'd call a fight. For many reasons, I wish this wasn't happening. Our vacation, first time meeting these people, I can’t imagine Sebastian enjoys fighting with a friend, and if what they said is true, and I have no reason to think it’s not, then Toby has been having a tough time watching Sebastian being in love with me.
I looked to the friend I knew best, Will. "Does Seb know about the crush?"
Will nodded, but Chace was the one to explain. "It started while we were shooting The Covenant. We knew he was bi and he knew we weren't. Toby started to look at Seb a little too long and joking around became a little flirty. Seb noticed and he was careful not to avoid but not to lead him on."
Will continued, "Then Seb did a couple of TV shows where he kissed men. Seb did a really good job with the characters and Toby thought “maybe”. He knows playing a character doesn't mean shit, he just wanted it too."
"One drunken night Toby pushed too hard with the maybe talk and the next day Seb sat him down. No idea what they talked about. That was over five years ago."
Chace looked at me, "Why haven't you backed Toby down until now?"
I shook my head and lifted my shoulders in a shrug, "I don't know him. I don't know how to take him and how he talks. Seb made it sound like he can be a little abrasive. Me firing back at borderline rude comments might be overreacting or make everyone uncomfortable. Then there's the part about me being the new person in the group. I didn't want to start trouble."
All the guys smiled. Charles took over, "He hasn't been borderline rude, he's been an asshole. So the trouble wouldn't be you."
"Yeah, but until right now I didn't know that and if there's a jealousy thing... doesn't make it ok, but I understand." I shook my head, "He shouldn't have gone in on my family. It’s complicated and a touchy subject."
Will agreed, "No, he shouldn't have."
I was curious, "Was Toby rude to other girlfriends?"
"I sense that’s only half the answer."
"You won't like the rest of the answer," came from Ethan.
"I disagree." Chace shifted his attention from Ethan to me. "When Seb would pick at and bitch about a girlfriend Toby would join in and kind of egg him on, feed his insecurities, and doubts. He didn't have to be an ass to her, Seb already was. Toby can't do that with you because Seb isn't full of insecurities and doubt anymore."
Mini was looking at me strangely, "Are you upset with Seb?"
"Why would I be upset with Seb?"
"Because he didn't say anything to stop Toby before now."
"I wasn't bothered all that much until tonight. I knew he had my back. If he didn’t, we would be having a conversation. I don't need him to fight my battles, but I don’t think this one is mine. I’m just caught in the crossfire."
Chace got up and moved to where Sebastian had been sitting. He put his arm around me. "I like you. I see how Seb has grown and changed. But... you are also a good choice."
"Thank you, I think."
He raised his eyebrows, "It's a compliment. You are ..."
When he paused Charles finished for him, "Calm and rational are the words you're looking for."
I started to laugh and give examples of how that is not always the case, but Seb came up the stairs. His face was tense and his lips were set in a tight line. He was looking at the patio doors and didn't look in our direction. His long strides and balled-up hands showed he was still angry.
I mumbled, "I guess that didn’t go well."
Ethan smiled, "As if the yelling wasn't enough of a clue."
I watched him go up the stairs two at a time and head to our room. We were all quietly watching for I’m not sure what. I gave him a minute or two then decided it was long enough. I stood up, "I'll see you guys in the morning. Thank you for telling me what was going on."
"I... nevermind." Will had stopped himself.
"What were you going to say?"
He smiled, "I was going to tell you to let him cool off, but I think you might know better than me."
I went around the table to kiss his cheek, "Thank you."
I have to admit that due to Toby's cumulative comments, Sebastian's obvious anger, the reasoning behind Toby's problem with me, and yet another episode of how my boyfriend was an asshole, I was unsteady. Will's words meant a lot. It felt like he recognized a change in his friend and was entrusting him to me.
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Three Days ~ 111

We procured our drinks of choice and circled up around the firepit. The two men making up the rules brought over every shot glass in the house and filled them with tequila, bourbon, Jager, and Fireball. Will explained, “In case an answer is bad or so good.”
Chace did a shot of Jager, “You two are gonna fuck with rules the entire time like in Mexico. I couldn’t walk for twenty-four hours.”
“That says more about you than our rules. If you didn’t suck so hard it wouldn’t have mattered.”
He flipped them off, “I’ll pick first.”
Most likely to hurt themselves in a humiliating sex accident. Everyone but Kelli and I instantly pointed and said, "Toby."
Kelli and I cringed at each other.
Charles smiled, "Proven true many times over."
Toby didn't look humiliated, "You two who didn't answer, drink."
What’s quiet, sticky, and ashamed? Chace grinned, “The sheets on bunk bed three. They’re traumatized.”
Sebastian countered with, “The socks of my teenaged self.”
No one else had an answer, and realistically couldn’t top those two anyway. Chace insisted we all do a shot. I think the rest of us got punished because of Will’s smart mouth.
This was going to go south quickly.
What you should never whisper as someone falls asleep. Kelli ~ Do you hear it too Toby ~ One day I'll kill you Will ~ Soon Ethan ~ You smell different awake
Emma ~ I used to be a man Mina ~ No one will ever believe you Sebastian ~ I'm sorry Alissa ~ Don't struggle Chace ~ It's happening again Charles ~ I want to hear you scream
Sebastian had asked the question and he shivered, “No one here is sleeping tonight.”
Toby cocked his head to the side, “No one less than you, buddy. Was that a confession?”
Sebastian rolled his eyes, “Her IUD would say otherwise. And for that Mr. Creepy “One day I’ll kill you”, have a drink.”
“Ah, there’s the grudge fuck part.”
What song captures the essence of your first sexual encounter? Kelli ~ Mr. Wrong
I quickly added, “Girl, weren’t they all?”
Mina and Alissa chimed in with their agreement.
Emma ~ I Wanna Be bad
Mina ~ Get Mine, Get Yours
Alissa ~ Good Girls Don’t
Chace ~ Why Don't We Get Drunk and Screw
Toby ~ Love in this Club
Sebastian ~ Sex on Fire
Will snarked, “Do you get fries with that?”
Charles ~ I Can't Feel My Face Will ~ Insatiable
Ethan ~ Woah oh oh It's Magic
Mina snorted a laugh, “I’m sure it wasn’t.”
Which superhero is most likely to cry after climax?
Sebastian had some blank cards, "I wrote some superhero names down. Pick one and answer."
I got Antman ~ He needs orange slices
Will got Wanda ~ She misses Piedro.
Alissa shoved him, “Ew, your disgusting.”
Alissa got Bucky ~ Hold on, is Bucky really a superhero?
Sebastian explained, “Maybe, maybe not. But I ran out of names.”
No one believed him. Ethan said, “Spiderman, Batman, Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, any number of X-men.”
Sebastian held up his middle finger.
Alissa shook her head, “Fine. He cries because whoever he just fucked wasn't Cap.”
Chace got Hawkeye ~ He missed
Toby got Hulk ~ His come is green
Kelli got Dr Strange ~ Embarrassed that his cape helped him out
Charles got Cap ~ Can't feel alcohol. Can't feel an orgasm either
Ethan got Ironman ~ Forgot to set up camera to watch himself
Sebastian got Thor ~ Not so much a God of Thunder
Mina got Nat ~ Remembers she can’t have kids
Ethan had asked the question and looked at his future wife, “You lose because you went too hard on the real. Alissa wins because she fucked with Bucky. That’s an automatic win.”
What is the secret kink of the person on your right?
Chace to Seb ~ Bondage
Will crinkled up his nose, “That's not a secret.” He looked at me, “Or was it?”
I grinned dirtily, “Not a secret.”
Seb to Emma ~ Role Play
Emma to Alissa ~ Tentacles
Alissa gasped, “You bitch. And you know it was hot.”
Charles laughed, “Now we know what’s in Alissa's porn history.”
Alissa to Will ~ Alien Abduction
Toby, Charles, Ethan, and Sebastian swung their heads toward Will, “What?”
Will pointed at Sebastian, “He made me watch that documentary.”
The other four went eyes wide and nodded, “Oh yeah.”
Will to Toby ~ Fisting
Sebastian grinned, “Please refer to previously referenced humiliating sex accident.”
Toby to Charles ~ Exhibitionism Charles to Kelli ~ Food play
Kelli to Mina ~ Toe sucking
Chace looked intrigued, “Give or receive?”
Mina to Ethan ~ Voyeurism
Chace again, “Before or after you’ve sucked his toes.”
Ethan to Chace ~ Golden showers.
Chace glared at him, “That was an accident.”
I was a little drunk, “How is that an accident?”
Chace looked at me, “She peed in the shower thinking I wouldn’t notice. I did. It’s yellow.”
I nodded, “I can see how that would happen.”
Sebastian cleared his throat, “Do you pee in the shower?”
“Not when you're in there.”
Charles sighed, “The two bathroom relationship conundrums. Who pees in the shower…”
Ethan interrupted and added, “And how do you take shit when you're together.”
Several said, "Spare bathroom."
I said, "What?”
Chace explained, “Only in the guest bath. If you go in there to pee it’s on you what you walk into.”
“I did not know this rule.”
“Anything you want to share Seb.”
“Not a damn thing.”
If you could grow a secret dick where would it be?
Mina held up her hands before anyone could answer, “Wait, is it hidden or hanging there like a normal one?”
Chace said proudly, “Mine doesn’t hang.”
Alissa looked at him drolly, “Then what does it do?”
“Always’s hard.”
Sebastian laughed loudly, “I know one girlfriend who would say otherwise.”
“Ass.” He kicked Sebastian, “You can decide.”
Alissa ~ Where it’s supposed to be
Emma ~ Hidden on my hand
Will looked at Sebastian, “I think the tentacle sisters have discussed this.”
Ethan ~ My big toe
“Makes sense given Mina is a toe sucker.”
“I’m not stupid.”
Toby ~ A tiny one behind my ear, so I can get off discretely when bored Chace ~ About two inches higher than the first one
Seb ~ My chin
I made a noise that started a bit like a moan and ended like a coughing laugh.
Mina ~ Similar, my nose Will ~ Also similar idea, my belly button to make the boobs easier access Charles ~ Knee Kelly ~ Hidden in my armpit
Your entire high school class hearing a love poem of yours read aloud or your crush discovering your porn?
Alissa cringed, “There is no good answer to this.”
Will gave her a disbelieving look, “Yes there is. Poem.”
Mina asked, “The whole high school class?”
Will again, “Yes.”
“What freaky shit is in your porn history?”
Will pointed at Toby, “That crazy assed circus porn he made us watch was on my computer.”
Sebastian cringed, “Thank you. I'd blocked that from my memory.”
Chace closed his eyes and shook his head, “Not enough drugs in the universe to make that go away.”
Toby jumped in, “You'd rather Emma see your porn history than your high school hear a love poem you wrote?”
“Hell yes. What do I care if she sees my porn history? Nothing she doesn’t know or is gonna figure out eventually. And there's no furry pissing on a hermaphrodite clown in there so I’m clear.”
Chace added, “Don't forget the trapeze anal double penetration.”
Ethan said, “Or the contortionist orgy.”
Everyone laughed until tears were running down their faces.
Alissa choked out, “I want to see that.”
All the boys yelled, "No, you don't"
Sebastian was shaking his head, “It was Cirque de Soleil meets The Exorcist. I had nightmares.”
Mina looked between them, “There is ethically made porn.”
Sebastian laughed and looked at her, “Why?”
Will agreed, “I don't want politically correct porn. Just give me two girls going at it and I’m happy.”
I groaned, “Overacting.”
Alissa added, “Unrealistic.”
Ethan pulled a disgusted face, “I don't want realistic porn. Real is real, porn is fantasy. I need about five minutes of girl on girl unrealistic porn.”
Chace smirked, “You women are awfully quiet. What dirty secrets lurk in your search history?”
Kelli held up her hands, "I don’t watch."
Toby took a drink, “We know Alissa has tentacle porn.”
Mina confessed, “Guy on guy. I don’t want to see pussies and boobs. I have my own.”
I ran across to high-five her, “I'd much rather see two hot guys going at it. Same reason you all like girl on girl.”
Beside me, Sebastian snickered, “And they don't overact?”
I shrugged, “Sure, I just don’t mind so much.” I looked at Alissa, “Remember when Angie didn’t understand something she'd read and we got to a bad place?”
Alissa shuddered, "Fat guy in a leather mask and a black Labrador."
I laughed, "That's our circus porn."
Mina raised her hand, "What the fuck was she reading?"
I shook my head, but Alissa remembered, "Some alpha omega thing with knotting and male pregnancy."
Chace cackled, "Never google that."
"What is it?"
"And how do you know?"
"Male penis swells... knot... and gets stuck. Like when dogs get tied together. My family bred dogs."
Sebastian added, "Bucky gets pre-serum Steve pregnant like that."
Charles looked at him, "Why do you know this?"
"Curiosity is a dangerous thing."
"Thank fuck I’m drunk since we’re at circus porn, bestiality, and fanfic about people I know."
The next morning...
Sebastian was face down with his mouth hanging open and a wet spot on his pillow. I ran my fingers through the shorn hair above his ear. He didn't move. He's beautiful. I watched him breathe for a little while before I needed the bathroom. The guitar case caught my eye as I headed back to bed. The sun was up. The water was sparkling. I picked up the guitar and headed onto our balcony. Instead of doing warm ups, I just played something slow. Then I kept going.
Sebastian was awake when I stepped back across the threshold. He lay propped up on pillows with the covers pulled up to his stomach and his hands behind his head. He pulled his hands out and gave me a slow clap with a slight smile, "I approve of waking up to the sound of waves and guitar."
"I'm happy you enjoyed."
"I bet I'm not the only one."
I cringed a little and crawled into bed next to him, settling on my back.
"What's that face?"
"Just a little self-conscious." I didn’t want to go into detail about why. "Too much attention on just me."
He nodded, "I can help with that. You have my total attention. Do you feel self-conscious?"
He kept his eyes on mine while he slowly untied my robe, "How about now?"
"Good to hear."
My stomach twitched with the pressure and warmth of his hand.
"When I touch you?"
"That's not the word I'd use."
"What word would you use?"
Sebastian pursed his lips, "Good word." Fingers played with my nipple, teasing it to a tight peak. "And now, when I've made your body respond to me?"
I shivered.
Sebastian smiled. "That's not self-conscious." He kept his eyes on me while he circled his tongue around my nipple. "Just going to have to keep looking."
Needless to say, he never found anything.
We lay in each other’s arms kissing for a nice long time. Sebastian sighed dramatically, "I’m disappointed."
I snickered, "I'm not. I loved all your talking. Your sexy time voice is sexy."
"Thank god." Another bit of kissing. "How worried are you about Livvie?"
I liked how he didn't start with asking if I was. I held my thumb and forefinger an inch apart "Small worried. She'll be fine."
"Yeah, but she's your baby sister."
I smiled, "Thank you."
"One of the many services I offer.” He kissed my nose. "I love you"
"I love you." I started to smile, “Probably get more worried later.”
“Usually how it works.”
Today we were staying at the villa. Saturday was a busy tourist day and many cruise ships. We had kayaks and paddleboards. I was confident Olivia would be fine, but I wanted to be sure of phone service. When the call came I was on the pool deck having some potato chips. Salty greasy amazing plain old regular potato chips. One of my favorite stress-eating foods. I liked them anyway, but they were a go to for comfort. I pulled my feet out of the pool and walked to the chair where my phone lay.
I answered to see my dad looking like he always does after he's no longer worried about something. Hair looking like he's been nervously running his hands through. Eyes tired. Face drawn from not drinking enough water and smoking too many cigarettes. "She's out?"
He nodded, "Everything went well."
Sebastian, who had been on the beach, was suddenly sitting behind me on the end of the lounger, his hands on my waist and his face next to mine. "That's great." There was a friend somewhere to thank for fetching him.
Dad gave us a nod, "They put in two screws. An incision about two inches. She'll be in a splint for a week then get the stitches out. Cast for around six weeks."
I leaned onto Sebastian. Relaxing with the warmth of his body as much as dad telling me Olivia was fine. I guess I was a little more nervous than I thought. I smiled because I was feeling like dad looked, "So we can relax now?" I noticed my hand holding the phone was shaking a little.
Dad laughed, "I didn't know how worried I was about anesthesia until your sister woke up from it."
Sebastian leaned toward the phone, "Denial ain't just a river in Egypt."
"Apparently." Dad and I spoke in unison with the same intonation before sharing a smile. I was remarkably like him.
"Give her kisses for me and when she's feeling up to it have her call me. I need to see her little face."
"Will do. I love you and I'll see you later." He looked over my shoulder at my boyfriend, "You got her?"
I laughed, "I love you both."
Sebastian kissed my cheek, "See you later, Ed." He reached around me to end the call, took my phone out of my hand, and turned me where he could hug me. “She’s fine.”
I held onto him, probably a little tighter than I thought I was, “Yeah.” He pulled back just enough to see the relieved tear run down my face. “Sorry.”
“Shhh.” He wiped it away with his thumb. “She’s your baby sister, Emiliana.”
He never uses my full name. I don’t know what that means. I can tell you how it feels. It feels safe. It feels protective. Like "I know who you are and I'm here." Names are important and carry meaning. That's why I asked which pronunciation he preferred. I'd never really thought about mine. No one pronounces it right. It comes out Emily -ah-na. I hate being called Emily. My name is pronounced Emile-e-ah-na. Subtle but important difference. Like the difference between Sebastian and Sebasti-an. The similarity ends there because I've only ever been Emma. Emiliana is a name only my family pronounces right.
I whispered, "Thank you."
Sebastian kissed me tenderly before holding me close again and whispering in my ear, "I got you."
My holding onto him now had less to do with Oliva and more about knowing that he did have me. He was there for me no matter what happened. That's a pretty major thing to realize. All because he used my full name.
I took a final deep breath of him before letting go. I looked out at the ocean. "I need to go out there."
Sebastian took my hand before standing up, "Let's go."
We joined Charles and Kelli on paddleboards. Kelli asked and I updated her on Olivia. She shared more about her experience, showing me her scar and we compared mobility and flexibility. The men were quite a bit away from us. Either Sebastian's idea to give me talk time or Charles' idea to give Kelli talk time.
After talking for a few minutes, we were quiet. I stopped paddling and sat down, legs dangling into the water, "I love it out here."
Kelli sat too, "The water is incredible."
"Not enough waves for me, but there’s a place for peaceful."
She looked toward the patio where our friends sat. "I‘m comfortable out here. Not always so much up there."
I'd picked up on that, "I'm sorry. I take it we're less inhibited than you're comfortable with?"
She laughed, "A little. I don't talk so openly about sex. No issue doing it, not so much sharing. Then I feel like everyone thinks I'm judging or disapproving. I'm not doing either."
"I haven't felt you were doing either. I was concerned you were uncomfortable or felt outside."
"A little of both, but that’s me. Not on you guys. Do you think the others think I'm judging them?"
I smiled, "Nope. And if any of them did, they don't care. I don't mean that ugly. They've all known each other for years. They accept each other. They're confident in that and this is a safe space. Unless it's huge they're not going to be bothered. I'm like that with my friends back home. Something I might get hung up on one on one I won't even notice in my group. Plus you've not been judgmental. You've been a little surprised by things said, which so have others. I think you've distanced when it’s been uncomfortable. It's harder on you than anyone else. I'm sorry for that."
Kelli shook her head, "No, that's good. I don't want to upset anyone else. Me dealing with being uncomfortable is on me."
"What can I do to help?"
"You already have." She smiled, then added. "I don't have anything against porn. It just doesn't do anything for me."
I laughed, "That means you don’t care for or you haven't found what does it for you. I don't think anyone on their deathbed said I wish I'd watched more porn."
"Thank you, Emma."
"Us new girls gotta stick together."
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Three Days ~ 110

I was very nervous about Sebastian's birthday. I wasn't at all sure about what he'd want to do, but I wanted to have plans. Luckily, Will was more than willing to help me out.
Toby telling Sebastian the nights' plans pissed me off. I had been trying very hard not to take his behavior personally. Some comments and the tone of his teasing were suspect. It felt a little like he was making fun of me for my fear of The Wall. It's hard to know if this is about me or he's just kind of an asshole. I leaned heavily toward asshole when he blew the surprise.
I tried to cover my anger with sarcasm. Me going off on Toby wouldn't help anything. It would make things worse. I used the bathroom break to take a moment alone to rant to myself then take a few deep breaths. Chace was trying to look like he wasn't waiting for me at the end of the decking. Unsuccessfully.
Chace slung his arm around my shoulder. "How angry are you?"
I held onto his waist, "Am I doing a shit job covering?" Fuck.
"No, you're good. It was a fucked up thing to do. I thought I'd give you a minute to bitch and cover you."
"Aren't you sweet." I was going to take him up on his offer. "I want to punch the asshole in his nuts. I get it if he doesn’t like me, but the surprise was about Sebastian. No reason to ruin it for him. I'm mad as a wet hen."
Chace laughed, "That's what my grama would say."
"Mine too."
"Ok, I know the key to calming you down. You ready?"
"Maybe?" He grabbed me from behind and half carried, half drug me across the sand toward the water. Instead of fighting to get away, I laughed. This was awesome. He hauled me into the ocean and tossed me away from him.
He stood there with his hands on his hips looking at me, "How you doing, Em?" He held out his hand.
I took his offered hand. "Good. Thank you."
Present time was anxiety producing too. First vacation with friends. First time meeting all but three of his friends. First birthday together. First presents. I feel like I know Sebastian very well. I know what scares him, what's hard for him, what makes him happy, what he likes to eat, how he runs, where he likes to sit to read and watch a movie, and which side of the bed is his. But I don't, I didn't, know what he'd want for and to do on his birthday. Will helped with plans, but not presents. I was on my own for that.
I don't know if I had him open them in increasing level of intensity for him or to give me time to prepare. I knew for certain the coupon for “Yes Day” would be fun and go over well. Ethan was right, it's not always about sex. It's a day to do exactly what you want without regard for anyone else. Being the one to choose often comes with worrying about others not actually agreeing or enjoying the activity. Yes Day eliminates the concern. I wasn't sure if after a day of Yes, when all of us went to bed, Jill and Ed had their own private Yes time. Now that I think about it, it seems likely.
The book wasn't high risk either. There was no question in my mind that he'd enjoy the quotes and would make connections to the actual story. We'd have great conversations. I was excited for him to read my thoughts. Some were very private and some were things he wouldn't know about me. It would be fun to learn more about each other.
The key fob. The gift I was most excited and most anxious about. At the time I'd thought only how sad he'd seemed with the damage and I could take the sad away. At Lily's workshop, I'd been a little leery of stamping it with my fingerprint, which is why I didn't want it colored and made sure it could be buffed out. Now with him about to open it, to see what I'd done, I'm 85% excited and 15% nervous.
At first, he seemed confused. It wasn't until he picked it up that he understood. I guess it felt right in his hand. He asked and I explained, biting the side of my lip while he processed.
Sebastian ran his thumb over my thumbprint and said, "So... I'm feeling you?"
The look on his face and the quiet of his voice made my nervousness evaporate. He put his hand on the back of my neck, pulling me closer, and said, "I fucking love you" before kissing me. My heart skipped a beat. I was so happy my gift had touched him. From his explanation of the looks his friends were exchanging, my nervousness was appropriate to the previous version of Sebastian, but not the new and improved one.
And there was Toby asking how my Seb felt about it. With no hesitation, he said, "I love it." He looked back at the item and ran his finger over the part of me on it. I felt his emotions shift. He had back what he thought he'd lost and it was better than it had been. He pulled me up with him and enclosed me in his arms. I knew, even without words, that whatever was going on was good. He held on tight, but not desperate. His body was relaxed and molded to mine. I spread my fingers out to hold on to more of his back. I turned my face toward the center of his chest where he laid his cheek against me. I have no idea how long we stayed holding each other. Long enough that I lost track of where I began and he ended.
We went out to the dock to watch the sunset. I love the way he absent-mindedly plays in my hair. When he started speaking, I brought my attention to his blue eyes.
“I never expected to fall in love like this. I never knew I could be this happy and relaxed in a relationship. Comfortable. I know part of that is being comfortable in my own skin, but a big part of it is you. It’s the hundreds of little things you do that are just you. Like how you picked where we’d go to dinner the night we met and considered what clothes I would have at mom’s and had another outfit in case you needed to change. And going out tonight first so my friends wouldn’t be left out. Big things are easy, but you do those little everyday things that matter most. For me anyway. That you went to the trouble of not just fixing my key fob, but keeping everything possible to keep it mine.” He shook his head with a little smile. “The hole in it. I didn’t know what was missing. I couldn’t remember. You filled it with the future, which is exactly what it needed. Me too. You know how you have those times when everything fits together and for that moment, your life is perfect?” He didn’t wait for me to answer, “I’m having a perfect moment. This is the best birthday since the one where I was born. Thank you for that and thank you for being the kind of person who talks to homeless drug addicts in the grocery store. I don’t know how to tell you how much I love you, but I hope like hell you can feel it."
Wow. That was unexpected. I don't know why you'd expect such a thing or how you'd prepare for it. He didn't know the words? Everything he'd said made his feelings more than clear. Nothing I didn't know, but I would never tire of hearing. His voice, his words, both as soft as a caress and as warm as an embrace.
The rest of his birthday had been fun. Sebastian loved the beach party. We danced and laughed all night. Although, I must admit Sebastian's idea of dancing is quite original. It might be he doesn't think he's a good dancer so he goes over the top. Most importantly he was having fun. We continued back at the Villa. I don't think he had any idea how loudly he was singing while we danced. At least not until the morning when Will showed him.
Those of us who valued shopping over hangover recovery went to the shops. We were walking between shops when my notification went off. I mumbled, "Oh shit" when I saw my face clear as day posted on Sebastian's Instagram. Chace, Mina, and Alissa converged on me and looked.
Chace looked at me warily. "You didn't know about this?"
I gave him a one-shouldered shrug, "Kind of. After the live with fans asking to see me, he said he wanted to. I didn't know now." I knew the real question by the way they were looking at me. "He's worried about negative stuff. I'm not. Except for how it affects him."
Chace draped his arm around me," Anything awful isn't about you. It's about you not being them. I promise you're not an ugly, fat, clout-chasing troll. Not because he wouldn't date one. He would." He put a hand on his chest, "I wouldn't and let's not forget I hit on you first."
Alissa shoved him, "Don’t ever say that in front of anyone but us. That will make them hate her even more."
"I'm sure something will hit a nerve sometime." I looked at Chace. "You'll help?"
He nodded, "It's up in the air how he'll react, but of course."
Karaoke night was a hoot. Their version of Bohemian Rhapsody was appropriately campy. Again, it was a group of friends having fun. My long-gone anxiousness at meeting them and feeling a part of the group, while understandable was also unwarranted. I’m not a huge karaoke person and had never done "I'm Your Man", but it is in my playlist of fun songs. You know, great for ass shaking and house cleaning. Also, great for boyfriend teasing.
I don't remember anything of the night terror Sebastian awakened me from, but I must not have slept well. When I woke up it was very bright and I was alone. A quick peek outside showed me almost everyone was out on the lawn. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, threw on my bikini, and headed downstairs.
The curtains on the patio doors from the kitchen were pulled, which is how those around the table didn’t see me. I'd veered off from my path to the lawn to grab some fruit. I stopped when I heard my name in Toby's voice.
"What's the deal with Emma? It's like she's some fanfic Mary Sue. I get that he thinks he's in love and she's perfect, but I don't get why everyone else does."
"Maybe because she's a genuinely nice person." Charles' voice.
"I don't buy it. I don't know what her endgame is, but something’s not right with him."
"Toby, you may want to notice that Seb is happy. Not how he usually is with a girlfriend happy, but how he is with us happy. You don't have to buy anything, but you're wrong."
I'd heard enough. I walked to the living room patio doors and made sure to make noise. I didn't look in their direction, acting as if I didn't know they were there, focusing on the group on the lawn. I walked behind him, reaching out to put my hands on his shoulder. Sebastian looked up and smiled, “Good morning.”
I leaned over to kiss him, “Good morning.”
“You extra tired?” Ethan smirked.
He was probably going to feel awkward. “Had a night terror.”
Ethan cringed, “Sorry.”
I laughed and walked around to sit beside Sebastian. “How would you know?”
Mina leaned forward, “Emma, your boobs look great.” She looked at her chest. “I’m jealous.”
I put my hands on my boobs, “Thank you. I wish I had your thighs.” I looked at Alissa and started to speak but was interrupted by Sebastian, Will, Chace, and Ethan, jumping up and running toward the patio. The four of us laughed and I scooted back onto the cushion still warm from Sebastian's body. "They're funny."
"They recognized a conversation they shouldn't be in."
We continued our mutual admiration for a while longer. We each had beautiful but very different bodies. No matter how much weight I lost I would never have the model bodies of Mina or Kelli, and the only way they were getting mine or Alissa's boobs was with surgery. We decided the day the guys went out on their jeep safari we were going to a spa.
Chace strode into our group, "I was sacrificed, I mean asked, to come remind you the boat will be here soon."
Mani handed him her phone, "Take a picture of us."
"Are you going to photoshop your favorite body parts together? Your boyfriends, fiancée, and husband don't want to be part of that, but I will gladly help."
"You're a little bit of a pig."
Chace clicked his tongue, "Oh dear sweet Emma, we're all pigs. Some of us are just better house trained."
It was another beautiful day out on the water. I love going fast, bouncing over waves. Our boat had two decks. Shade below and loungers up top. There was even a diving board and a water slide. Oh and a bar. Plus a bathroom. Our crew was fantastic. They obviously enjoyed their job (who wouldn’t), they told stories and sang songs as we went along. Where we anchored was about forty feet deep. Plenty deep enough to dive and slide safely. While we screamed and had contests the crew dove for our lunch. We'd had a lot of fun so far, but for me this was the best. Jet skis, kayaks, and diving all take energy. Today was just ride around and have fun.
Back at the Villa I was surprised to see a guitar case sitting in a chair. I didn't notice I was dragging Sebastian by the hand until I was close and turned to find him. A smile lit up his face and my world. He leaned closer to kiss me, "You need to practice."
I nodded, "I love you."
Pulling me closer and holding our joined hands at the base of my spine he whispered in my ear, "I got you, baby." His lips pressed to my neck and his tongue left a warm wet spot.
"Does practice mean practice or before dinner entertainment?"
Others responded to Alissa's question with "Yes, please".
I looked around at them, "I'll play if you all sing."
Mina yelled, "Deal!"
Will headed toward the kitchen, "I'll get drinks while you warm up."
Chace clapped his hands then rubbed them together, "Drunk before dinner it is."
Sebastian grabbed the case, "You don't have your iPad."
I knew what he meant. I didn't have music. "You can put the app on your laptop."
"Perfect." He handed the case off to me and jogged up the stairs to our room.
I headed outside around the fire pit, under the umbrella. It was a very nice guitar. Well used and taken care of. Best guess is our concierge found someone willing to loan us one. There was a small envelope with a variety of pics. I flexed them to find the thickness I preferred and went to work warming up.
Despite my efforts, I was feeling self-conscious. Toby's "I’m not buying it" had me not wanting to call attention to myself and checking myself. Given the company I'm keeping, I'm far from the special one. Models, actors, podcasters with pizza-making families. I can play guitar because my dad’s in a rock band. I'm new so it's natural for there to be more curiosity about me. Kelli is new too, but she isn't comfortable. I don't like this over-aware feeling. Charles' response leads me to believe this is Toby's issue and not the others.
Sebastian sat beside me and I directed him to the app and my sign-in information. He laughed with joy, "There's a whole section called Sing Along."
Everyone sat around the table, Will putting a line of tequila shots in front of me. I sighed, "My friend" and we shared a laugh.
Kelli spoke tentatively, "What did Seb mean, you need to practice?"
We both started to speak. I backed off to let him answer. "I meditate. She plays guitar. I thought it might help her restless sleep."
I slid my leg to where I was touching him, while Alissa said, "You're very sweet, Seb."
He shrugged off the compliment, "I pay attention.”
As agreed, I played and they sang. This felt like nights in Hawaii on the beach around a bonfire, only there, dad was in charge of playing. It was a nice connection between his family and mine. As if he knew, my phone rang with dad's ringtone. "Hey, I was thinking about..." my voice trailed off when I noticed his surroundings. "Why are you in a hospital?"
Sebastian took the guitar and leaned closer to see and put his hand on my leg.
Dad rubbed his hand over his beard, "Everyone is fine. Mostly anyway. Olivia went on a group date to one of those trampoline places and broke her thumb." He was smiling, almost laughing, which told me she was fine.
Harper jumped into view, "Her thumb was pointing the wrong direction. It was so gross, Sissy."
"I bet it was. Did they fix it?"
"Not yet." Olivia yelled from behind them. Dad took the phone over and sat beside her. "It is pointing in the right direction." Olivia held up her hand wrapped in ice. "He's never going to let me date now. I'll be Seb's age, a virgin, and have a deformed thumb."
Dad, Sebastian, and everyone here laughed. I fought it with just a smile, "Aw Livvie, nothing quite so desperate. I promise you won't be a forty-year-old virgin."
From beside me came, "I'm not fucking forty."
That made Olivia laugh, "You're so cute, Sebastian." She scrunched up her nose.
"Thanks, Livvie."
She snickered, "He called me Livvie."
Dad rolled his eyes and stood up, "That's enough."
I snorted a laugh, "How high is she?"
"Very, it was pretty fucking gross. It's like a skiing injury. You can see part of the bone separated. It may heal on its own, but if it doesn’t the fix isn’t as successful. They’re going to do surgery in the morning. Put a couple of screws in, then we'll take her home."
Sebastian cringed and looked at me, "Adding trampoline park to the list of things our kids aren't allowed to do."
"Make sure dating is number one. Boys are nothing but trouble." Dad grinned. "I'll call you tomorrow when it’s over."
"I love you two." Olivia yelled.
Dad held the phone toward her. I said, "We love you too."
Sebastian blew her a kiss.
Dad turned the camera back to him, "Keep her busy. Don't let her worry too much, Seb."
"No problem." Them teaming up was cute.
I rolled my eyes at them, "Give her a hug and the rest of you. Love you all."
"Love you too, Emma."
Sebastian took his hand from my leg and put it around me. He brought me closer, kissing my temple, "If you want to go home, I’ll book us flights."
I shook my head, "No. It's a broken thumb. We'll send her cookies from that place you use. She'll love them. Thank you though."
Kelli spoke up, "I did that to my thumb. Skiing. Mine was pointing the wrong direction too. It's not a painful surgery. My thumb was stiff after the cast came off, but a couple of weeks of PT and it was back to normal."
"Great, thanks.” That solidified that hauling ass to Seattle was overkill.
After dinner Sebastian brought out the card game he'd received for his birthday. "We figured out how to make this a drinking game. The way you're supposed to play is one person asks the question and everyone answers with the reader picking who won. Our way, the worst answer and if you don't answer drinks. Maybe the best answer drinks too. We'll see how it goes.”
Toby glared at him, “So grudge fuck drinking game.”
Will and Sebastian nodded like puppies.
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Three Days ~ 109

I woke up in the morning and hated life. I felt like day one of fight training, I had food poisoning, and someone stuck ice picks in my head. I was alone in bed. Thankfully, because even my hair hurt. I put the pillow over my head. "Are you in here?"
A slightly amused voice said, "I am. I have water and Advil."
"You're an angel." I rolled onto my back and sat up, scooting back to lean on the head board. Emma was sitting beside me by the time I was settled. I took the Advil and drank half the bottle of water. "How are you feeling?"
"Rough." She smiled and kissed me. "I've been up long enough for the Advil to kick in."
"Have you seen anyone else?"
"I ran into Jules when I went for the water about an hour ago. People just started appearing on the patio about ten minutes ago."
"Who the hell is Jules?"
"The red head."
I opened my mouth in an “O”. I only vaguely remember a red head.
"I left Marcus a note to make hangover food."
"Good call." I sat up. "Let me go to the bathroom and we'll go down."
"No rush."
"The morning after debriefing is always fun."
Everyone looked like I felt or a few steps into recovery. We had a uniform too. Men shirtless with athletic shorts. Women in shorts and oversized t-shirts. I wasn't the only one who noticed. Chace waved his hand around the group, "You ladies should feel free to go shirtless too."
Charles grumbled, "Can they wait until tomorrow when I can see?"
"Good point."
I mumbled, "Hey, it's Greece."
Everyone laughed, but Kelli. Charles explained, "He shot a film in Greece. They ran around naked a lot."
"Full frontal?"
I looked in Kelli’s direction, "Yep. Next year everyone can go to a theatre and see my junk."
Emma smirked, "I don't have to go to a theatre to see your junk."
"No, you do not." I started to laugh, but it hurt. I squeezed my head between my hands, "Whatever we planned to do today, I don’t want to."
Mina spoke up, "We were just going to go shopping."
I shook my head. "Nope. Have fun. I'll be under an umbrella taking a nap."
Chace decided to shop with the women. Kelli was staying with the men.
The debriefing began. With pictures. Chace had arm wrestled about a dozen people. Mina had done a pole dance on the edge of the dance floor. We'd given her dollar bills. All four women had done some sort of medieval or possibly a square dance to "Safety Dance." It was ridiculous. That’s when I decided running into the ocean was a good idea.
Will pulled up something on his phone, "And then there's this."
Everyone was grinning, which meant I'd done something asinine.
My romantic singing to Emma while we danced was on Will's phone. Only it wasn't quite like I remembered it. I was singing a lot louder than I thought I had. We weren't so much dancing as we were hanging onto each other. And during the instrumental part we were slobbering all over each other. I guess it was supposed to be kissing, but it just looked like we were trying to eat each other's face off. Plus, I had lifted up her dress enough to put my hands on her ass as everyone could clearly see. Thankfully the kissing part didn't last that long. I had to finish singing to her.
Will put his phone down, "I thought Karaoke was Thursday."
I shrugged, "It was a preview."
The shopping group left. Kelli and Charles went out on the beach. Toby went back to bed, having not slept much last night. Ethan, Will, and I set up camp on the loungers on the lawn. We were going to figure out how to turn the game Will and Alissa had given me into a drinking game. Later though. Reading and thinking were out of the question for a few hours.
We stared at our phones for a while, all scrolling through Instagram. I hadn't been on since my Live from Paris, which was really good for me. I did it and moved on. I didn’t obsess and worry about the response. What a difference when you do something for yourself.
Ethan leaned forward, "Did you see what Chu posted last night?"
"No." I searched him to get to his page. I’d told them I didn’t care what they posted. The second to last thing he posted was a picture of all of us at the table last night. There was still food covering the table, half full wine glasses. No one knew he'd taken it. We were eating, talking, and laughing. It was a great picture. He'd captioned it, "Birthday feast."
The most recent picture took me a moment to figure out. Emma and I were hugging at the end of the table. It was after presents. This caption clued me into something I didn’t know. "When one of your best friends gets a gift that means so much to him that his response is to do this for over five minutes. #happy #completelystill”
Five minutes? Hmm. Didn't seem that long. Then again, she tied me to my bed for over two hours and I would have guessed it was half that. I suck at judging time when Emma's involved.
My turn to do a birthday post. Multiple pictures in mine. The after dinner picture and the one of just Emma and I. "Thanks for all the birthday wishes. Amazing dinner with some of my favorite people. Plus a special someone. #mylove #friends #vacation #playnice”
Almost immediately Ethan, Will, Charles, and Chace liked the post. I looked at the two hungover ones next to me, "Do you two have nothing better to do than creep on Instagram?"
Neither looked up. Both said, "No."
Charles came up the stairs, shoved my feet over and sat down, "I want to take your phone away from you."
Will looked over, "Me too."
Ethan added, "Three."
"Why?" I was surprised they weren’t supporting me posting us. "Everyone knows about her."
"Nothing to do with Emma." Will rolled his eyes at me. "So you don’t read comments."
"Oh!" I shrugged. "I can’t control what they say, only my reaction." They all laughed, "Yeah, I know. I'm working on it."
Charles put his hand on my ankle, "We got your back."
"This will not be the first time we protect you from yourself." Will pointed to the picture of Emma I'd posted. "She'll help too."
"She wants to make a list and rank the insults."
"That sounds fun." Ethan sat up and turned toward me. "I'm supposed to ask if your wedding RSVP needs to be changed to plus one?"
"Yes, she may not be able to come until Friday, but she'll be there."
Charles held out his hand, "Give me your phone."
"Why?" I whined but gave him my phone.
"I'm curious and left my phone with Kelli." I watched. "It's been five minutes and there’s close to one thousand comments. A little excessive. I'm not reading all this."
"My life is so weird." Seriously. It's a lot of opinions. The reach and scope of social media truly is amazing.
"No," Ethan wagged a finger in my direction, "your profession creates an alternate reality that is weird. Your real life is pretty fucking good."
"This is why I keep you all around." I shoved Charles with my foot. "Synopsis."
"Ninety five percent positive. She's beautiful. You're hot as fuck. You two are so cute together. Five percent negative. Basic blonde. Young. Clingy."
I shrugged, "She is young." Not basic or clingy.
"They're telling them to play nice." He snickered. "Chace has commented, "Wow, she's cute. Hope I get to meet... Oh, nevermind. #sohungover." Emma says, "Glad you had a good day."
I grabbed my phone back and started hitting the like button on random nice comments. Emma and Chace included. "This is me letting them know I see."
"When they know it’s her they'll call this baiting."
I made a face at Ethan, "It's not baiting when your girlfriend replies to a post.”
"It could be."
"Yes, but this isn't." I’m surprised they haven’t found Emma yet. Emma is in her username. Hell, they could have and I just don’t know about it or she could just be one of thousands of comments.
"No, it isnt."
We talked for a while longer, making plans to do nothing, before Charles went back to the beach and the three of us laid there. I meditated. The water was a great focal point. I might have fallen asleep. Next time my eyes opened Toby was back, sitting on the end of Ethan's lounger. I waved.
Toby waved back, "Chace texted. They're on their way back."
I scrubbed my hands over my face and nodded. It took several minutes before I could fully participate in the conversation. Usually, I could nap anywhere and wake up alert and ready to go. Hung over in the sun made me lethargic. Toby regaled us with stories of his night. We were laughing when Chace joined us. Even harder as he told us shopping stories.
Emma was the first of the women to us. She’d changed into a bright white bikini, which I liked very much. She stepped one foot over my chair and sat down on me. Her butt hadn’t made contact before she kissed me with her hands on my face. I rested my hands on her hips. It wasn’t a long kiss, but it was thorough. “How you feeling?”
“Better now.”
Toby made a noise, “Missed him that much?”
“No.” Emma chuckled, “I just like kissing him.” She patted my cheek, kissed me quickly, and stood up. “I’m getting in the pool. So hot.”
“Yes, you are.” I smiled and watched her leave. Mina and Alissa came over to kiss their men before going to the pool too.
Charles ruffled Toby’s hair, “Green is not your color. I imagine you and Chace are the only two who got laid last night.” They looked at me.
“I remember nothing after the singing.” I cringed, “I don’t think it was physically possible.”
Ethan, Will, and Charles shook their heads too. Our matching hangovers seemed to match our lack of sexual ability the night before. Makes sense.
After a while we scattered. I stopped Chace, "Can I talk to you a sec?"
He stretched out on the lounger beside me, "Yes?"
"Asshole." I mumbled. He knew what I wanted. "How was Emma?"
"She thought it was a nice picture."
I just looked at him.
He smiled, "She scrolled through the comments for anything that would bother you."
"Her dad said I don't need to protect her from fan opinions."
"I agree." He looked like he was thinking. I waited. "They're going to say something that hurts her feelings or hits on some insecurity. That insecurity isn't you. No one has known where they stand with you. Emma does. She doesn't need you to react or do something so she knows you care. She knows you do."
The more I do things differently the more I see the small, but not insignificant things I didn’t do well. I raised my eyebrows, "True."
"This is the most consistently relaxed and happy I've seen you." He circled his hand around. "You feel different. Calm." His mouth curved into a smirk "You're secure too.”
"Very." I nodded. "It’s all very simple. Sometimes hard. Sometimes scary. Always simple."
This was easy too. “I was having a minor freak out that I was falling into an old pattern. Celie and I had planned for that. I knew all I needed to do was talk to Emma about it. I didn’t want to because I was afraid. Emma just sat with me and let me get there. I did. Then she pointed out that the pattern I was afraid I was falling back into I’d just broken and done something different.”
"Good for you, Seb. Both of you."
I recognized his sincerity, "Thank you, Chace."
He stood up and held his hand out. I let him pull me up and we hugged. "I want you to always remember something." He backed away, putting his hands on my shoulders with a serious look on his face. "She was my almost-girlfriend first."
I glared at him, "Almost. Except she shot you down."
"I didn't try that hard." He started walking toward the pool.
I followed, "I bet you did. I've seen pictures. She looked incredible. No way you didn't try hard."
"I couldn't have tried that hard if she said no."
I laughed and shoved him in the pool. He took out Emma and Mina's drinks. I'd be replacing those, "Sorry."
Chace had resurfaced, "She almost kissed me."
"I'm going to drown you." This was us giving each other shit after having an intense conversation. I am not the only one in my friend group with intimacy issues.
He put his arms around Emma and held his thumb and forefinger an inch apart, "This close."
Emma looked at me then him, "Do not put me in the middle of your dick measuring contest."
Toby cackled, "We did that a long time ago. We know exactly the order."
Ethan, Will, Chace, Charles, and I yelled, "Fight club."
I mean, yes, we did do this one really drunk night a very long time ago.
Emma didn't even blink.
Kelli, however, went legitimately wide eyed. I fear she might be a little too proper for our often inappropriate group. "You did what?"
Charles held up his hand, "It's not how he's making it sound. We measured privately and reported back."
Alissa laughed, "I was a little sister in a fraternity. They did that and posted the results."
I shook my head, "Oh no, we didn't do that."
Ethan bobbed his head, "There was a winner, but we're all remarkable average."
Toby, Chace, Charles, Will, and I yelled, "Fight Club!"
Chace still had an arm around Emma, "He and I both know if you choose wisely."
Yes, we do and yes, she did. I didn't say it out loud and he and I started laughing.
"I want to hear about this almost kiss."
Will splashed Toby, "You just can't leave anything alone can you?"
Toby smiled widely and shook his head, "Not really."
Emma looked at Chace with a playful glare. "It was less a kiss and more a you being seductive and invading my personal space."
Chace laughed, "Okay, yes, but it could have turned into a kiss."
I'd sat down on the pool’s edge with my feet in the water. Something was happening right in front of me. Emma put her hand on Chace's chest and her face was getting close to his face. It was like she was going to kiss him. Oh! I snickered. They were very close when Emma said, "And I could turn into a mermaid” and shoved him away.
Chace over acted and fell in the water, coming up, spluttering. "Yep, that's exactly how I remember it." He pulled her into a hug, winked at me, and kissed her cheek. It was a sweet "I like your girlfriend" moment.
Since we were all together, "I was thinking a movie night."
Everyone groaned.
"This is what you have to look forward to on his Yes Day." Toby exchanged glances with the others. "A day of obscure, subtitled, independent documentaries and alien abductions."
Chace mumbled, "Yeah, I'm sure that's what he's going to be asking for."
Emma looked quizzically, "Aliens?"
I pointed to myself, "I'm fascinated by alien abduction stories and conspiracies."
She smiled the smile that makes me warm all over. "I love ghost hunting and haunted places."
"I saw that on PLEX and thought it was Amy fucking with you."
"No, that's all me."
Charles' expression has a mix of disgust and confession, "Like Ghost Adventures?"
Emma was quick to respond, "Oh no, that's fake."
Chace earned a hard poke in his side with his snarky, "They're all fake."
Alissa laughed, "You two are perfect together."
Again, sweet, but not helping with picking a movie. "I will agree to having no input on movie selection."
All four of my traitorous friends said, "We're in."
Despite my lack of input, we ended up watching an indie mind bender, "Coherence." A group of friends have a dinner party while a comet passes over head. Things slowly slip sideways. I don't know how I missed this one. I love mind fuck movies, partly because of the great conversation after. We tried to figure out which one of us would be each character. Considering their defects, it was a spirited conversation.
The next day after a four-hour kayaking tour we hung out on our beach. We'd all recovered from my birthday party and started drinking early. No one was feeling any pain when we boarded a ridiculously fucking huge catamaran for a definitely not romantic sunset cruise. It was a floating boat and we behaved accordingly. By the time we reached Omar’s bar everyone was drunk enough to Karaoke.
A few highlights. All six men doing "Bohemian Rhapsody." We all did moves like we were conducting, we "sang" back, forth, and over each other, and naturally did some truly annoying head banging. The women did very interesting and at times stimulating "Lady Marmalade."
The place was crowded and several of our group noped out of doing anything else. Alissa and Will had fun with "Don't go Breaking my Heart." Chace got several phone numbers after his rendition of "Gorilla." Mina made her future husband sweat with, "Genie in a Bottle."
Now to Emma and I. A couple of things I know: Emma can sing, Sebastian cannot. But I'm fun and have no problem making an ass of myself. I belted out, "Don't Stop Believing" like the exiled eighties rock star that I secretly was. Together we did "You're the One that I Want." That was all kinds of fun being sexy and silly.
I had several suggestions for what Emma should sing. After Mina's torture I was very much looking forward to my turn on the rack. When it got to her turn, I was excited. right up until the music started. "I’m Your Man." I love Wham!, but "I’m Your Man"?
I mean, her body-hugging black dress showed that to be a lie. This wasn't going to be the kind of fun I was hoping for. Was I ever fucking wrong. This song is fun, flirty, and fucking filthy. She played it up with facial expressions, hand movements, and dance moves. She'd clearly done this before. When she sang, "First class information. I'll be your sexual inspiration and with some stimulation we can do it right." She licked her middle finger, dropped her hand in front of her, and made an obscene motion. You know, like she was fingering a girl. My mouth hung open.
My favorite part was "All I want is for you to be there [pointing at me] And when I'm turned on, [pointing at herself] if you want me [eyes locked with mine] I'm your man... I'm your man" She raised her arms in the air, lowering them slowly as she held the long note, and with a flirty smile on the last line. The rest of the song was kind of a blur. I was suffered from a lack of blood flow to my brain. It was settled somewhere else.
The end was near. I threw back what was left of my drink and pointed to the stage. "That's mine." I nodded once and took off toward the stage.
Behind me I heard, "A little over dramatic."
I was going for over dramatic. I was there to catch her coming down the stairs. I let her slide down my body. "Dark corner. Five minutes. That's all I need."
Emma laughed and kissed beside my ear, "You're very sweet."
"Sweet is not what I'm going for." Back at the table I let her sit on the bar stool and stood beside her crossed legs with my arm across them, hand on her calf. Classic possessive. Or possibly horny. A little of both.
A couple others in our group performed. Toby was very very drunk and his rendition of "I Believe in a Thing Called Love" was amazing in the way only drunk karaoke can be. Charles was recording. We'd have a good laugh watching. The six of us took to the stage one last time for "I Want It that Way."
Van back with two extra girls again. Inside the front door I threw Emma over my shoulder and headed for the stairs, "Goodnight everyone." Walking up the stairs I could see everyone else heading for their rooms too.
Halfway up the stairs, "Fuck, this was a bad idea."
"Are you saying I'm heavy?"
"No, I'm not stupid."
"You can put me down."
"Hell no, I'm committed. My thighs hate me. Maybe you." We reached the room and I threw her on the bed. "I have to pee. You get naked." I walked into our bathroom to the sound of her laughing.
I stripped off in the bathroom, returning to the room naked. She wasn't on the bed where I left her. Our balcony door was open. Emma was standing at the railing. The fire dancing across her skin and the way it lit her curves was gorgeous. "Don't move." I took a couple of pictures. The first was blurred. I must have moved. The others looked good. "Just turn your head to look at me."
Honestly, a naked fireside night photo shoot was not what I had in mind. I got what I wanted and tossed my phone on the inside chair so I could go to her.
I pressed against her back, after running my hands from her shoulders to her hips. I kissed the curve of her neck. Emma put her hand on my cheek and meet my eyes, "You make me feel beautiful.”
"Good." I kissed her soft lips. "You should also feel sexy as fuck. Cause you made me turned on as fuck."
She turned around, raising her hands in the air and laughing manically, "My evil plan worked." Her arms came down on my shoulders, her hands in my hair, and lips pressed to mine. "I like when you're turned on."
"Me too." That’s an understatement. I mean, who doesn't like being turned on? There's that buzz and the hit of anticipatory adrenaline. If it's your girlfriend who's turned you on and you know you get to take her home. Mmm, doesn't get better than that. But wait, "How do I turn you on?"
"You're easy."
"Only for you." I felt her hand barely skate over my ass. "After all, I am your man."
My loud bark of a laugh broke the silence of the night. "Yes, you are."
I rubbed my crotch against her. "Is there a story?"
She shook her head, "Just assing off at home with the family."
"I can't wait to go home with you." I went back to kissing her neck. "Ready to go inside?"
"No. Here's good." She pushed me away and sat down on the chair, throwing one leg over the chair's arm.
I moved over, leaning on my hands on the arms and looking down. "You are all about showing me everything lately. I'm enjoying it." I slid my fingers inside her while circling my tongue around her nipple. "I love fucking you."
"And you're so good at it." Her hand under my chin brought me up to kiss her mouth while her other hand reached between my legs.
I moved my hips, thrusting into her fist. I could make no promises about my performance tonight. Alcohol is unpredictable. I did get it up. I did get inside her. From there it's iffy. There is a certain amount of fun in the rhythm being off. And in the end we did both get off. Took longer, but we got there.
I was asleep before my head hit the pillow. A little after four I was awakened by Emma kicking and thrashing around. It was a more extreme version of when I'd calmed her before. I sat up and put a hand on her shoulder, "Emma, it's ok. Everything’s ok. You're ok." I moved my hand to her face. “Calm down for me, baby."
Emma startled awake with a gasp, "What happened?"
I laid down on my side, keeping my hand on her, "Nightmare." I leaned in and kissed her. "Do you remember what it was about?"
She looked disorientated and her eyes were darting around like she was looking for the memory. She shook her head, "Nothing. Did I say anything?"
"Nope, just moving around. What do you need?" Same question she'd asked me. Her nervous system had to be over stimulated.
Sliding closer, she put an arm around me, "Just a cuddle. Tight."
"I can do that." I took her in my arms and squeezed her tight, placing a soft kiss on her head. "Winnie the Pooh went for a walk in the Hundred Acre Wood. As he walked, he looked at the clouds and thought to himself that they looked like puddles of condensed milk and got rumbly in his tumbly."
I felt her smile against my chest and kept making up a story until she fell back asleep.
In the morning Emma was still deep asleep. I meditated and scrolled through my phone. I went back to the picture Charles had posted and left a comment. "Thanks for catching an amazing moment."
I wanted go to the one I'd posted. I had not read any comments. It had been twenty-four hours. I set a timer for two minutes. Several of my friends had left comments. Will had left two. One was nice, the second said, "stop here." Ass. There were a lot of comments I swiped up and read were it stopped, repeating the movement until the timer went off. I closed the app and set down my phone. Not bad at all. The negative things made me laugh. They were so wrong. I don't know who they were commenting about but it wasn't my Emma.
I checked on her and finding she hadn't moved, I decided to go on downstairs. I needed coffee. I got my coffee and joined the group in the sun. Even here I got cold. We were waking up slowly with coffee and laughter. Most of us were out on the lawn by the time Emma came out. Chace had gone back inside to change into his swim trunks and Charles and Toby were at the table outside the kitchen. Ethan alerted me to Emma’s approach. I didn’t jump when her hands touched my shoulders. I looked up to see her already in her bikini and smiled, “Good morning.”
She leaned over to kiss me, “Good morning.”
“You extra tired?” Ethan smirked. This was one of those times where you feel bad once you know the actual story.
“Had a night terror.”
Ethan cringed, “Sorry.”
She laughed and walked around to sit beside me, “How would you know?”
He looked at me. I shrugged. Here’s the thing. She’s been there when I’ve woken with a panic attack. I wouldn’t have wanted her filling in her friends.
Mina leaned forward, “Emma, your boobs look great.” She looked at her chest. “I’m jealous.”
Emma put her hands on her boobs, “Thank you. I wish I had your thighs.” She looked at Alissa and started to say something.
Before she could, Will, Ethan, and I exchanged a look. Jumped up and ran at break neck speed toward where Charles and Toby were, coming to a quick stop and laughing. Both of them looked guilty. “What?”
Charles shook his head, “You what? You three come running over here like there’s a bomb.”
Ethan flopped into a chair, “There is. They started comparing body parts.”
Will fell into the chair next to Ethan and I shuddered, “High risk of us getting into trouble anywhere near that conversation.”
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Hi I know this might be crazy but I just remembered this old fic I used to love, it was called Stay With Me with Max and Madi? I think it’s yours, is there a way I can read it? Thank you!
It is me! It's not on Tumblr (long story), but is on AO3
I can put it back on Tumblr.
0 notes

Now THIS is what I’m talking about!
Look at that smile. Happy baby.
47 notes
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Three Days ~ 108

Emma had left her hair in beachy waves. She was standing at the bathroom mirror, her cheeks the slightest pink from the sun today, putting on mascara. I leaned on the doorframe watching while buttoning my shirt. She turned and smoothed her hand down the buttons on my chest, “You look delicious, birthday boy.”
“Thank you,” I smiled and kissed her cheek. “What are you wearing?”
“I’ve been waiting for you to ask. Whatever you pick out.”
“The coral dress with pink flowers.” I bit my lip. “Not that I’ve thought about what you might wear.”
“I can tell by how long it took you to decide.” She opened her eyes and mouth wide with surprise before kissing me and walking around me to the dresser. She pulled out a bra and panty set in a soft pink to match the flowers. The dress slipped over her head and she turned to me. “Satisfactory?”
I swallow hard, “Yeah. Satisfactory is just what I was thinking.”
Downstairs everyone was sitting in the living room. We joined them and a waiter came over to take our drink order. A quick glance at the people, not me, who knew the menu, showed red wine would be a good choice. We went with it. Maybe ten minutes later the same waiter told us dinner was ready on the patio.
I was excited. Also hungry. I led the way to the long table. As soon as my foot hit outside the door the smell hit me. “Oh god, that smells amazing.” I went to the head of the table and checked out the food while everyone found a seat. Each plate had a filet and lobster tail. Platters down the middle of the table held grilled corn, asparagus, and skewers of grilled shrimp, peppers, tomatoes, and onions. Marcus had come up behind me. I turned, “Thank you. I can’t wait to dig in.”
He held his hand out toward the table, “Please, enjoy. I’ll be in the kitchen if anyone needs anything.”
I sat down and waited for everyone to settle, before picking up my glass. “Thank you all for this. The dinner, the day, and the beach party I don’t know about. It means the world to me for all of us to be together. So, to the greatest group of friends I could ask for.” There was a clinking of glasses before drinking. “Ok, let’s eat, I’m starving.”
Everything tasted as good as it looked and smelled. I could never pick a favorite. Maybe the lobster tail. I'd taken a picture of the spread and after the table was cleared I asked one of the waiters to take a picture from the other end to get all of us. It took a couple for Charles to approve. Getting ten people to not blink at the same time isn't easy. Chace was diagonal to Emma. I had him take just she and I. Emma nodded to someone behind me. A few seconds later they were all looking. A smooth-sided multilayer cake was sat in front of me. The icing was milk chocolate with a ring of darker icing on the top edge with a curtain of drips down the side. “Happy Birthday” was written across the top and decorated with icing stars. There were three candles. I laughed, "One for each year before forty."
They sang to me, I made a wish, and blew out the candles. Exactly then every one of them exploded one of those birthday crackers. Loud bang. Confetti flying. Me jumping out of my skin yelling, "Fuck.", and all of them laughing.
Ethan looked at me with squinted eyes, “Did you come?”
I just closed my eyes and shook my head. I don’t see this ending anytime soon.
Next, the waiter brought out a pile of presents. I was most excited about the two wrapped in Winnie the Pooh paper. The first thing I opened was a card game, "The Shame of Life."
Will tapped the box, "Not Candy Land but we can modify."
"Candy Land? The kids game." Kelli was confused.
We explained the rockstar modifications. "I felt up Emma's best friend and these two," I pointed to Will and Emma, "had a competition for who could tell the best sex story."
Emma sang, "I don't like to lose."
Alissa sighed, "That was a good night."
Some presents were silly and others were serious. I saved Emma's for last.
Envelope first. Calligraphy on card stock saying "I.O.U. 48 hours of Yes."
"What is that?" Toby asked.
Emma explained, "For forty-eight hours. I say yes to anything he wants. Vedder birthday tradition."
"What if he asks for something that's a hard limit?"
"It's not all about sex. Movie, food, music, where to sit on the couch."
Ethan joined in, "The hard limit is a trust thing. Asking for something over the line abuses the power of the Yes Day and puts the other person in an awkward position to say no."
Mina added, "You wouldn't ask an alcoholic to drink."
Will looked at Alissa, "I want a Yes Day."
I reached for the bigger of the presents. Emma stayed my hand and shook her head. The other present felt like a book. I opened carefully to find "Illusions" by Richard Bach with a red velvet ribbon tied around it. I nodded toward her, "Yours?"
"Notes and all."
I kissed her, "I can't wait."
They were looking at me. Alissa asked, "Explain please."
"We were unpacking books at mom's on day three." I paused, remembering what a great day that was. When we had that conversation we hadn't even kissed yet.
Emma took over the story. It was hers anyway. "It's a book we read in college. The deal was you read it, made notes, highlight, whatever. You make it your own then give it away. That person keeps your copy. When they meet someone they want to share it with they buy their own copy, make notes, highlight, and give it away.”
"I held up the obviously well-loved book. "This is hers. I wondered if I'd ever get it."
"I had more notes to make."
Kelli leaned forward to look at Emma, "You give really good presents."
Emma smiled and I responded, "She does. Can't wait to see this one."
Emma shook her head with clenched teeth. "I'm nervous about this one."
The last present was a 3 x 6 x 2 inch box wrapped in Winnie the Pooh paper with a bright red bow. Under the paper was a dark blue box with "Happy Birthday" written with a silver marker. Emma's handwriting. Inside that was a leather box with a metal clasp. I opened the top and just stared at the contents. It looked like a new and improved version of my old leather key fob. This one had a carabiner as a key ring, no torn leather, no loose stitches with torn strings, and where the hole had been on mine was a silver disc that looked like it spun.
Before I could figure out what to ask Chace said, "She gave you back what was already yours?"
"No, mine ripped apart." I looked at Emma, still not certain of my reaction. The gift was thoughtful, but couldn't replace the original. "You had one made?"
She shook her head quickly, "It's yours. I had it restored."
I picked it up. It felt right in my hand. The size and the feelings it evoked. It felt like mine. "How?" I was more than a little stunned.
"There's a leather guy in Seattle who makes reins for the horses, guitar straps, shoes. I took it to him and asked if he could repair the leather." She turned it over and pointed to where the rip should have been. "He spliced the leather together and reinforced the whole loop. He restitched it with a raw thread so it would keep its age. Conditioned the leather. Then I took it back to New York. Keaton's sister is a jewelry designer and metalsmith. She straightened out the rim and since you said you fidget with it when you're anxious I had her make a worry stone." She ran her finger over the silver. "On this side it's domed and smooth."
I flipped it to the other side, "This is concave and rough." Two different sensations.
Emma nodded, "The rough is my fingerprint."
I rubbed my thumb over, looking from it to her. "So ... I'm feeling you?"
She nodded slightly and bit the side of her lip. Uncertain.
I sure as hell wasn't. In my hand I held my past and future combined. "I fucking love you." I cupped the back of her neck and dove into a kiss.
Emma moved away looking wary. "They're doing it too. The looking back and forth like Alissa and Kirk did."
I turned my head, looking at my friends, "What?"
All the men looked at Will, who said, "Don't try to pull me into this. This is life now. Enjoy. Bask in the glory of new normal."
They laughed. I did too. Emma was looking at me. I sighed, "The version of me you don't know would not have reacted well to your gift. I would have felt trapped and angry that you assumed it was ok to connect yourself to something I'm never without and means so much to me."
Toby was skeptical, "And this new you?"
I shrugged with a smile, "I love it." I flipped the key fob over in my hand. I felt the memories it held, but without the anxiety of knowing l'd not take care of it and it was falling apart. The memories were clean, untainted. I touched the fingerprint again. I felt love, caring, her. I’d trusted her to take it home and she did this. I was feeling a little overwhelmed with all the feelings swirling around in me. I took Emma’s hand as I stood up, pulling her up and into my arms, because I knew the solution was to hold onto her.
I have no idea how long we stood there. I was floating in this wonderful world surrounded by friends and a partner. In my hand was an old strip of leather, on its face nothing special, but it meant the world to me. I’d carried it from Romania, the only home I knew, as a reminder and way back. It wasn’t just my past anymore. Today it became my way forward too. I felt all those overwhelming feelings knitting together, incorporating themselves into my reality. This was my life now. I felt this moment where everything slid into place. A perfect moment in time.
“Come with me.” I let Emma loose, taking her hand. I slid the keychain into my pocket where it belonged. I led her past the table on the way to the beach. I yelled behind us, “Stay off the beach it’s mine for an hour.”
Will yelled back, “The hammock is shit for sex.”
The hammock is exactly where I was heading. Good to know it was out. I grabbed a towel from the cabinet by the stairs. Sunset was close and the end of the pier was far enough out in the water. We’d been with friends. Now I wanted to be alone. I laid the towel out on the ledge above the hammock. One of our naked asses was going to be there and splinters were bad. There was zero way to get in that hammock gracefully. I scooted off the ledge and into the middle, reaching out for Emma. She wasn’t any more graceful than I was. She curled up next to me with her head on my shoulder.
I played in her hair while watching the sun go down. As soon as the sun dropped below the water and we were soaking in the pink-purple afterglow my Emma loved so much, I turned her face up where she was looking at me. “I never expected to fall in love like this. I never knew I could be this happy and relaxed in a relationship. Comfortable. I know part of that is being comfortable in my own skin, but a big part of it is you. It’s the hundreds of little things you do that are just you. Like how you picked where we’d go to dinner the night we met and considered what clothes I would have at mom’s and had another outfit in case you needed to change. And going out tonight first so my friends wouldn’t be left out. Big things are easy, but you do those little everyday things that matter most.” I smiled, “For me anyway. That you went to the trouble of not just fixing my key fob, but doing everything possible to keep it mine. The hole in it, I didn’t know what was missing. I couldn’t remember. You filled it with the future, which is exactly what it needed. Me too.” She didn’t even the whole story from Romania, yet she treated that part of my past with such respect. I kissed her with everything I was feeling. My hand laying against her soft cheek. “You know how you have those times when everything fits together and for that moment, your life is perfect?” She nodded. “I’m having a perfect moment.”
Emma moved her hand directly over my heart, with a soft smile on her face, and I could feel her happiness for me.
I felt loved. Completely and totally loved for everything I was and for everything I wasn’t. “This is the best birthday since the one where I was actually born. Thank you for that and thank you for being the kind of person who talks to homeless drug addicts in the grocery store.” I shook my head, “I don’t know how to tell you how much I love you, but I hope like hell you can feel it.”
“I feel it all.” She scooted up, running her fingers from my forehead to my lips. She trailed them down my chin before kissing me. “I love you, Sebasti-an.”
There it was again. A mix of history and future.
The hammock was good for talking and making out. Sex, ahh, not so much. Our butts sank. I imagine it would be like having sex in a water bed, which I've never done. Facing each other with Emma's leg over my hip we moved together kissing and touching.
"I want to make love with you." She'd probably figured that out as my fingers were buried deep in her panties.
Getting out of the hammock was decidedly un-sexy. I rolled onto the deck and Emma crawled. I pulled a condom out of my pocket. Emma had one too. I don't know where she was hiding hers. I smiled, "You may have planned the night, but I planned on beach sex. I thought when we got back later, but now’s good.
"I'll save mine for later." She tucked it in her bra and shimmied out of her panties.
I sat on the towel, shorts down to my thighs. Emma straddled my lap, sinking down as I held my cock. Her arms rested on my shoulders, "I want to make love with you too." She settled with me completely inside her. "You feel so good, baby."
I buried my face in her neck and moaned, "Very good." I kissed along her neck, loving how she shivered in my arms. There was a lot of kissing, holding on, and eye contact. The intimacy and intensity were dialed up to eleven. Perfect night for it. I snaked my hand between us to use my thumb against her clit. We locked eyes, breathing each other’s air. I watched the progression of pleasure on her face. "You're so beautiful. I love you."
A few seconds later I was rewarded with her orgasm and hearing my name floating on a breathy moan. She sealed her mouth over mine, kissing the fuck out of me until I came. My hands went up the back of her dress and I hugged her tight. "Mmm, happy birthday to me."
Emma ruffled my hair, "Adorable."
We went back to kissing for a while then went back to the others. They'd moved to the fire pit area. Emma joined the women. I sat next to Charles and he put his hand on my leg, "I'm sorry, man."
"On your birthday too." When Ethan finished the words, three of them hissed in a breath through clenched teeth.
I shifted my eyes between them. "What are you all talking about?"
Charles put his arm around me, "There was no confetti or anything. We figured you couldn't come."
“It might not be the partner, sometimes it just happens as you get older,” Toby’s smile was evil.
I looked at Toby, "You're right behind me, buddy." I pointed toward the dock. "Confetti's out there. Lots of confetti. Sparkly confetti."
"So the hammock is a viable option? Will just lacks skill." Chace smirked around his drink.
Will said, "Will does not lack skill."
I frowned, "The hammock is not good."
Chace nodded, "Sounds like a challenge."
Someone had seen the time. Alissa yelled over, "Time to go birthday boy and friends. The van should be here."
Emma and I had missed the pregaming having our own party. She was carrying a bottle of tequila, "We need to catch up."
We piled into the van and passed the bottle back and forth a few times before sharing it with our friends. Will had grabbed a bottle of whiskey. I drank both. Tomorrow I will likely regret this, but tonight I will have fun.
It couldn't have been ten minutes when we pulled into a crowded parking lot. The lights from the club and beach were clearly visible and when the van door opened the music streamed in. "In a Big Country" by Big Country. I jumped out and helped the rest out. The song ended as we walked toward the entrance. "Sweet Dreams" The Eurythmics. I jumped up and down, “They have an 80's night?"
Toby snarked, "If you pay them enough."
"Aw, you all love me."
We were shown to a corner counter and tables on the edge of the deck. There were two stairs down to the beach dance floor. It was nothing more than a section of beach with string lights overhead. Nobody wore shoes. The song changed to Scritti Politi’s "Perfect Way." I grabbed Emma's hand, "Must dance!"
This place was awesome! We rarely left the dance floor. They delivered drinks out there too. Toby and Chace didn't have a problem finding dance partners. They spread the love around for a while before picking the ones who would go home with us. We danced in a group, trading off partners, laughing at our shitty moves, and having the best time.
Sometime after midnight, someone who wasn't me, thought going out into the water was a good idea. Turned into a water fight with folks kicking and splashing water at each other.
Might have been me.
We were much soggier when we got in the van to go back to the villa. We were also plus two. Chace had picked up a five foot nothing brunette. Next to him she looked like a pixy. Toby found a tall red head.
Out on our patio we turned on the fire pit and fell all over the seating area. I plugged my phone into the speakers and hit my ever changing playlist. We'd lost Emma, Alissa, Mina, and Kelli on the way through the house for them to get snacks and drinks. Thankfully they weren't too far behind us because we needed more drinks. I was hungry too. I wasn't alone. Those of us who'd fallen onto furniture got up and went for the table. I looked over the booze selection and wasn't enthused. I caught Emma's eye across the table, "Will you make margaritas?"
She smiled at me, "Sure." On her way back to the kitchen she walked behind me and grabbed my ass. Alissa went with her to make that cranberry thing. They came back with enough for everyone. We settled back around the fire in couples. Emma draped her legs across one of mine. My hand went to her thigh, my thumb making circles. We laughed reliving parts of the nights and making connections to old stories. My face hurt from laughing and smiling all day.
"This has been the best birthday. I love all of you." I glanced at the two new girls. "Not you two, because I don’t know you, but I'm sure I'd love you if I knew you."
Red head smiled," Well, happy birthday."
"It is no longer his birthday."
I glared at Toby, "It's my birthday until I fall asleep."
"Or pass out."
"Strong possibility." I laid my head over on Emma's shoulder. When "Every Time I’m With You" came on. I perked up, "This is our song." I wiggled out from under her and held my hand out. "That's one thing we haven't done today. Dance with me?"
"Sounds like fun, baby." Her words were a little slurry on my hearing was. Emma put her hand in mine and followed me to an open part of the patio.
The last thing I remember was singing to her while we danced.
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Three Days ~ 107

Tomorrow is my birthday. I'm very excited. I get to pick what we do during the day and my friends have planned dinner and after. I'm confident this going to rank up in the top three birthdays. Amazing island. Amazing friends, and amazing girlfriend. How couldn't it be a great day?
We had things planned most days. Today we booked a cruise with a dive company. The first few hours were spent snorkeling at a few different areas. The water was a gorgeous clear turquoise. We could see coral, fish and other plants and animals from the surface. Under the water was awe-inspiring. One of the places was packed with sting rays that would interact. They swam along with us and were fine with being touched.
Lunch was a picnic on a deserted stretch of beach. We sat around blankets and tried not to eat too much sand. We split into two groups for a dive lesson. All but four of us had our diving certification, but there was nothing wrong with a refresher course. The four who weren't certified would be allowed to dive at shallow sites while being closely supervised. Snorkeling was an option for anyone not comfortable or if the instructor felt their lack of skill made it dangerous.
It was a thirty-minute boat ride out to the dive site at The Wall. The Wall is a coral reef drop-off that begins in depths of 25-30 feet and plunges to depths of over 7,000 feet. We started with nothing so dramatic, working our way up. Our guide had been here thousands of times but his heart always beat a little faster taking that step over into the abyss. Emma hung out for a long time with an adolescent turtle. He didn't pay much attention to her as she swam along the floor with him. We changed sites to the Mcdonald's Arch.
They switched out Will's gauge while the rest of us waited. The water was about twenty feet and clear where we were. Emma and I paddled our feet slowly, looking at the colorful fish swim. Chace, Toby, and Alissa were with us waiting on Will. The others would be snorkeling or shallow diving above us. Emma was unusually quiet. She saw me notice. "I should tell you, Bastian, that I'm more than a little afraid of deep water."
Toby laughed, "We're about to go over a 7,000 ft drop off."
She turned her head to him, "Very aware."
I swam closer and took her hand. "You can stay up here or stop at the arch."
"Oh hell no, I'm doing this. I'm just scared."
Our guide asked, "What exactly scares you."
"Existential dread of dropping into a dark and endless abyss. Possibly a Kraken."
He laughed, "Sounds about normal. Listen, I'm not going to push you. And I don't want you to push yourself too far, because a panic attack at 80 feet isn’t fun for anyone. But if you can squeeze together the courage there's nothing like it. You've got the skill, you'll be fine."
"And I'll be right beside you."
"See, a Supersoldier right beside you. Safe as houses."
I gave her a kiss, "I will be as close as you need me to be." I paused then added, "Always."
We were led down and across another flat area of coral before coming up to the arch. Yes, looks like a M. The arch was like a short tunnel. Visibility was easily one hundred feet. I went before Emma. It was a short swim through that went from 50 to 80 feet and was parallel to the wall. There was ten feet of floor then there wasn't.
My stomach flipped with the enormity of it. Emma was right. Dark abyss. Without turning around I held my hand out and back, not surprised when I felt Emma's fingers in mine. Our guide swam backwards over the edge. Emma tightened her grip like she was afraid he'd fall. I know the idea occurred to me, but that’s not how water works. He held up fingers for six, five, zero, zero. and pointed down. Emma tugged on my hand and pointed to the edge. It was ridiculously cute how she peeked over.
It was such a mind fuck. We were no more likely to sink out over the edge than where we were swimming right now. All of us were floating over the floor. Toby took off over the edge and dropped out of sight. Asshole. Emma wasn't watching him, thankfully. I got her attention, pointed to myself then out. She nodded gave me a thumbs up and held a little tighter to my hand.
That is how Emma and I jumped off a cliff together. More or less. It was pretty fucking breathtaking. The water below us turned dark fast. I looked over where Toby had been. I could see his light, but that was it. Our guide came over and patted Emma on the arm while nodding. I was proud of her too.
We swam along the edge and I followed her when she dropped below the edge. The darkness was a mix of exciting and terrifying. Plus so much fun. All of us played around, pushing each other over the edge, acting like we were literally falling off a cliff, and chasing each other. When we were signaled it was time to go up I think we were all a little sad. But it wasn’t like when you were a kid and could ignore your mom to stay playing outside until you were ready. Oxygen would run out.
Alissa was already screaming when we surfaced. Emma pulled out her regulator and screamed too. Toby and Chace looked puzzled. Will and I decided to pick a side and screamed too. The boat pulled up and we got on laughing. We talked over each other while we got out of our gear. We traded that for glasses of champagne. The ten of us toasted to a fantastic day
I woke up on my birthday with Emma kissing my neck and her fingers leaving a trail down my bicep. I started to smile and she moved her kisses to my mouth. "La mulți ani, Sebasti-an.”
"Thank you.” Her hand went under the sheet and wrapped around my cock. I looked down," It's starting well."
"Te iubesc."
I threaded my fingers through her hair, "Baby, I love you." I rolled to my side, pushing her to her back. "Are you my birthday present?"
"If that’s what you want."
"You are what I want." I dipped my head to run my tongue around her nipple. "But you're already unwrapped." I would have tried for a pout, but I was too happy to pretend otherwise. I sucked her into my mouth, reveling in the feel of her fingers in my hair and her quiet moan. "More of that, please." I moved up to kiss her. A slow deep kiss. I tangled my tongue with hers and let out my own moan.
I kissed slowly down her body, spending extra time on the places that made her make the noises I wanted to hear. I kissed all the way to the toes of one foot, spread her legs, and started up the other, stopping when I got where I wanted to be. I ran my fingers around her before slipping them inside her.
Emma curled her hips into the contact at the same time she raised onto her elbows, "Bastian, it's your birthday, not mine."
"And this is what I want." I licked from back to front then tickled her clit with the tip of my tongue. "You could dig out a condom for after. Speed things up a little."
I went back between her legs kissing, licking, and sucking her until she was good and squirming. Once there I focused only on her clit until she came, calling out for me and squeezing my forearm.
I alternated legs kissing back to her feet. With a hand on her hip, I urged her over. "Hands and knees, Em." She handed me the open condom before doing as I said. This position right after an orgasm meant I had to work to get inside her, which was exactly what I wanted. I enjoyed the slow coaxing of her body to take me in. I wondered, "Does working my way in feel as good to you as it does to me?"
Emma looked over her shoulder with a raised eyebrow, "How can I know?"
I thrusted a little harder, making her gasp. "I'm going to take that as a yes." All the way inside her, I held onto her hips and leaned over to kiss the back of her neck. "So tight like this." I moved slowly to begin.
Emma turned her head and we kissed while I ramped up the pace. "You're so deep like this."
Now that's what a man wants to hear! Deep. I rose back to my knees and thrust properly. I thought about changing positions, but this felt so damn good. Besides, as the birthday boy, I was pretty safe in assuming this wouldn't be my only sex for the day. I still held off as long as I could, until it just felt too good. "Gonna come." I drove deep and held her hips tight to me.
I had just breathed out when there was a loud pop that scared the shit out of me. I jumped back and fell off the bed with a thud. There was confetti everywhere.
Emma yelled, "Oh shit!” She hung over the side of the bed. "Are you okay?"
I started laughing. "You are fucking insane." I sat up enough to grab her and pull her onto the floor with me. I flipped her onto her back with me over her. "I love you."
She was laughing now too, "That didn't go exactly as I planned."
"It was perfect."
In the shower, I got a birthday rimming followed by a birthday blow job. Two orgasms before breakfast.
We were still laughing as we went downstairs. Everyone was out on the patio with coffee when we joined them. I was greeted with a chorus of "Happy birthday."
"Thank you." I sat down while Emma went for coffee. "Being with all of you today is great."
Will smirked, "Really strange sounds coming from your bedroom this morning."
Alissa screwed up her face, "Did you fall out of bed?"
I laughed, "Yes, I did."
"And what was that gunshot like sound?"
Emma was snickering over by the coffee. I shook my head and started laughing. Again. "No one will be surprised that my birthday started with sex."
Heads shook and people said, "no", "not at all," and "sure."
Will grinned, “Birthday sex?” All my male friends snickered.
I shook my head, “That’s a lot of work for first thing in the morning.” I went on, because fuck it, these were my friends and it was funny. "When I came she pulled one of those birthday crackers. There's confetti everywhere. I shot backwards and fell off the bed."
Everyone was laughing.
Emma sat next me, handing me my cup. I put my arm around her and gave her a thank you kiss.
Chace held his hands out, "New birthday tradition."
Emma laughed, "I think it will only work once."
Mina waved her hand around the group, "You've given everyone ideas."
Toby cackled, "You'll all be afraid to orgasm on your birthday now. Great idea there, Emma."
Will shook his head, his lips in a tight line, "No, I'll be fine."
Marcus came outside, "Happy birthday, Sebastian. Are we ready for breakfast?"
"Sure." I'd talked to him yesterday about what I wanted.
"Do I have time to braid my hair?"
Marcus nodded, "Fifteen minutes."
"Plenty of time. Thank you, Marcus." Emma pulled the elastic from around her wrist.
I took it, "Let me." I stood to walk around behind her.
Will looked at me, "Are we leaving Emma home today? Last time you braided her hair she couldn't go out in public."
"Ha fucking ha" I made a face at him and started sectioning her hair with my fingers.
"Which translates to he had the hairdresser on set teach home and has been practicing on a wig." Chace would be the one to know.
I pointed to my nose, "Exactly." Conversations continued while I braided. Emma's hair was longer (and much softer) than my practice dummy, but the long part was the easiest. I'd practiced a lot. I could do a lot of things. It's really not hard once you get it figured out. This morning was a single braid to stay out of the way on the jet skis. I finished, holding my hands in the air like I'd scored a touchdown. "Done."
Emma felt down the back of her head, "Feels good. Tight."
Charles smiled, "Tight always feels good."
Emma turned around for Will and Alissa to judge my progress. Will nodded disbelievingly, "Very good, Seb."
I spoke in a monotone voice, "Seb has skills. Seb can learn."
"You know what they say about dogs and new tricks. You're what? Thirty-seven now?"
I held up my middle finger and laughed. "Some days I feel every year. However, today is not one of those days. And most of you are right behind me."
Toby, who was not quite a year younger than me, joined the discussion. "You'll be the first to turn forty." He looked at Emma, "Emma will still be almost a decade younger."
Emma pulled on the grey spot in my beard. "Three thousand and twenty four days younger."
I turned to her, "Three thousand?"
"Four hundred thirty two weeks. Ninety nine months and ten days. Or eight years, three months, ten days."
I wrapped her in a tight hug, smooching her cheek. "My hot teacher." Her way sounder better than “almost a decade”
Breakfast was delicious and fun. I love these people. The conversations, teasing, and laughter are the best. We were just finishing when my mom called. I hit video because mom likes to actually see me on the day she gave birth to me. Today she got to say hi to my friends too.
The bulk of the day was spent out on jet skis. We checked out a cool shipwreck and skirted along the coast. There were some rocky cliffs only accessible via jeep and not the safest place for tourists. Naturally, a couple of us made a mental note to return later.
We took a break on the beach. A nice beachside bar was good for a bathroom, drinks, and a snack. It also gave the single men a chance to mingle. Toby was entertaining a small group and yelled over, "Hey Emma, what time are we heading to the beach party tonight?"
Emma turned her back to me, "You mean the one he's not supposed to know about?" She pointed her thumb back at me.
I cringed and said a quiet, "Ooops."
Toby cringed too, "Sorry. It was nine, wasn't it?"
I didn't wait for her to turn. I put my arms around her and kissed her neck, "You got me a beach party?"
Will glared in Toby's direction. "He's know for weeks and blows it nine hours out."
"He's got skills," Chace shook his head.
Mina answered my original question. "We were going to do a dance party at the villa, but thought Toby and Chace might not enjoy no one to dance with. So club then villa."
Chace added, "Thank you."
That idea screamed Emma. Everyone else would say to screw them let them dance with each other and laughed about it. I know my friends. Very sweet of her.
Everyone who needed took one last trip to the bathroom and we'd meet up on the beach by the jet skis.
Charles had a strange look on his face. He pointed over my shoulder. "Why is Chace running with your girlfriend into the ocean?"
I spun around. Chace had Emma thrown over his shoulder and was indeed running into the ocean. He went deep enough to dump her. She came up laughing. It reminded me of the video Ed had sent of him hauling her off kicking and screaming. Less curse words this time. It was a fun connection between our families. It made me smile.
We were back at the villa by three. On the drive back I'd been filled in on the timeline. Dinner at six. Pregame after. Beach party at nine. Winding up back here for more drinking and dancing. Or whatever else I wanted to do.
Ethan took Mina's hand and headed toward their cottage. "I'm gonna shower. Maybe take a nap."
"Good idea," from Kelli.
It was a good idea. All day in the sun the all night partying was tiring. I wasn't going to say that, though. "I don’t care what you say. It's my birthday and I'm a big boy now. Sure, you can send me to my room, but you can't make me sleep."
Will talked to my back, "Son, you don't have to sleep, but you need to lay down in bed for a little while."
I scooped Emma closer, "I can do that."
Upstairs I plastered myself to her back and waddled into the bedroom. "Can I put my penis in your vagina?"
"Ew, why would want to do that?"
"I don't know, baby. Something to do."
"You're bored and that's what you come up with. Gross." She let out an exasperated sigh. "Are you just gonna stick it in or are you going to move it around?"
Poor timing, but I remembered reading her Winnie the Pooh one night, Rabbit asked if he wanted honey or condensed milk on his bread. I answered the same as Pooh. "Both."
I sat down on the bed, turning her to straddle and sit on my lap. I caressed bare skin and rid her of her cover-up. She had on the cutest off-the-shoulder cherry bikini. "I like this one. I like all of them." I pushed under her top and squeezed her breast with one hand. The other tucked into her bottoms. I dove into her mouth for a deep kiss.
Emma broke away and ran her nails through my hair. "The things I do for you, Sebastian Stan."
Uh oh, my full name.
"You with your grabby hands and curious tongue. Wanting to wiggle that that penis around in me. I don’t know how much of this I can take.”
"I'd say about as much as I want you too."
She was naked now. She stood with her hand on her hip, "What if I want more?"
"Then I will give you more."
I made an X over my now naked chest, “I promise."
"Ok. You can put your penis in my vagina,”
"Yay!" I did the double fist bounce. I got my way.
"Where do you want me?"
"Over by the window so we can see the ocean."
I pulled off my trunks and dug a condom out. When I turned around Emma was by the window. She was facing the window with spread legs, bent over with her hands on the floor. She was smiling at me, upside down, from between her legs. "How's this?"
"I can work with this." I walked over, reaching for her hips. I couldn't resist and leaned over to lick her from clit, a little dip into her vagina, over her ass, up between her cheeks, ending with a kiss at the base of her spine. "Yeah, this will do nicely." I rubbed my cook along her before finding the indentation and pushing in.
She looked over her shoulder to me, "Just the tip."
"Aw, come on Emma, a little more." I pushed in more. We both moaned. "See, a little more feels good."
She stood up, putting her hands on the glass door, arching her back, and pushing farther back onto me. "Even more feels better."
I crept up and walked us against the glass I put my hands over hers and held them on the door. "I'm going to wiggle around some now."
"If you must," was followed by a laugh.
I got a good rhythm going. "Don't move, Emma." I took my hands from hers, moving them to her breast and between her legs.
She made a tutting noise, "Now more grabby hands."
I put a finger on either side of her clit, letting the motion of my thrusts cause contact. "How about nosey fingers?"
"I like nosey fingers."
"Don't we all."
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Three Days ~ 106

I thought they were kidding about a sign-up list. They were not. While we changed Sebastian filled me in on the "rules" and the reasoning. They've vacationed enough together to learn what works. Common areas were off limits. Kitchen, living room, and media room. If you were inside, you had a room. Your patio/balcony was yours to do with as you wish. Pool and beach were two different areas and while there wasn't an actual sign-up sheet, there was an informal one. If no one signed up for poolside sex it was first come. Sebastian had already claimed the beach for his birthday night.
"Nothing guarantees you’re not going to walk up on your friend having sex, but we try to minimize."
"Six couples. One house. Two weeks." I smiled with a shrug. "You guys have been friends for fifteen years. I'm sure you've seen and done almost everything together."
"We don't have a lot of boundaries.”
I laughed, "I imagine not. Good times."
"I’m glad you think so."
This was where my nervousness came from. Integrating into a long-standing friends’ group can be tricky. There's a lot of history and inside jokes, not to mention a level of comfort that someone new just doesn't have. The way I've always approached this situation is by remembering feeling outside is normal and means nothing except you’re new. It will pass. Most friend’s groups are more than happy to share their stories and fill you in on what you weren't around for. The problem comes when someone interprets normal feeling outside as being left out.
I dressed in a peach floral mini-dress. It was loose and fun. I wore my hair half up and shoved a scrunchie in my purse in case I needed it out of my way. Sebastian had on black shorts and a light blue shirt. He looked casual and fun too. I walked up to him, reaching between the buttons of his shirt to touch his stomach, "You look handsome and I like that I can touch you."
"I like that too." His arm went around my shoulders and he brought me against him. He nuzzled into my ear, “You’re beautiful.”
“Thank you.” I turned my head to kiss him.
Sebastian moved his face away where I couldn’t kiss him, “When I say you’re beautiful I mean inside and out. Not just how you look. How kind and caring you are.”
I smiled shyly, feeling oddly self-conscious. Every now and then Sebastian does this to me. He says or does something that makes me feel very stereotypically female to his male. I don’t mean that in a misogynistic or demeaning way. More like an aspect of us. Similar to how ravenous we got that first time he came back to my place. Or the times we’ve made love and it’s that emotional joining spiritual thing. Right now it’s me feeling soft, graceful, passive, and taken care of. It’s a combination of his words, the look in his eyes, and the way he’s holding me. It feels good.
Sebastian narrowed his eyes a little, noticing the shift.
“I’m feeling cherished, safe, and loved.”
“That’s a good thing.” The side of his mouth started to curl.
“It’s a very good thing.”
He held me a little tighter and started swinging me back and forth, “I will hug you and squeeze you and love you and call you George, my sweet little bunny rabbit.”
“There’s something wrong with you.”
“I will pet you and rub you and caress you.”
He was patting my head a little too hard. “You are hurting me. Put me down. I am not a bunny rabbit.”
Instead of putting me down he lifted me and swung me in a circle. “I was going to be so embarrassed if you didn’t know the reference.”
“I know the abdominal snow monster, the big red monster in tennis shoes, and the martian.”
“That would be Hugo, Gossamer, and Marvin.”
“Gossamer? That thing really has a name?”
“Yes, he does.”
“Are you sure Gossamer is a him? Gossamer could be a girl name.”
He put me down quickly and took a step back, “Fuck. Now that’s going to be in my search history.”
“I bet there are far worse things in your search history.”
We met the others downstairs and loaded into the van. Sebastian directed the late-arriving group in before us, citing my getting car sick. The crowded laughter kept me from holding on too tight.
Our night out was good fun. Food was delicious and as Elizabeth had said, Omar was quite the character. Dinner was mostly talk of this and past vacations mixed in with getting to know each other. Our goal of getting drunk together was realized. We drank, laughed, and danced. Even the men joined us without being bribed or threatened. When the club closed our van was waiting. We drug each other in and continued the laughter on the way home. Sloppy hugs were exchanged before everyone headed to their bedrooms.
The sun was streaming through the window when I woke up. I poked Sebastian and he mumbled something and turned over, putting a pillow over his head. I headed downstairs to find Chace, Charles, and Mina the only ones awake. At least the only ones who’d ventured out of bed. I made a cup of coffee and joined them out under the big umbrella. No one was quite ready for the sun yet. “Is there anything I might have forgotten that I need to know?”
Chace laughed, “No, you’re safe. At least until we got home. I can’t speak for any unspeakable or forgotten acts that happened once you went upstairs.”
I did a quick pat-down, “Everything feels alright.”
Charles took a sip of his coffee, “I was thanking Mina for making Kelli feel welcome. You too, Emma.”
Mina winked at me, “We pitied her a little for being the only one on your plane.”
“She’d already meet them, it was you all she hadn’t met.”
“And I hadn’t met you all.” I shrugged and shook my head, “Except for you.” I smiled at Chace.
“I don’t think we can count my unsuccessful flirtation as a meeting.”
Toby sat down next to Chace, “Everything counts my friend.”
“You’re not helpful.”
“Never claimed to be.”
Over the next half hour the others joined us. Sebastian yelled from our balcony, “Hey, I’m alone up here.” His arms were spread out and he was in his boxer briefs.
I looked up and laughed, “Come down here and you won’t be.”
Charles was shielding his eyes, “And put some clothes on. The sun reflecting off your white skin is blinding.”
He plopped down on the couch next to me, leaning in for a kiss, “Good morning.”
“Morning. I tried to wake you, but you weren’t having it.”
He smirked, “You didn’t try hard enough.”
Everyone fake chuckled at his double entendre.
Marcus arrived not long after everyone woke up. Breakfast was crepes with a selection of fillings from eggs, ham, cheese, fruit, Nutella, and whipped cream. He joined us after we were finished eating and he’d cleaned up. We decided breakfast was a daily thing. We’d be waking at different times and no one wanted to get dressed and go out. Lunch would be on our own. Marcus would stock the kitchen with makings for sandwiches, fresh fruits and vegetables, and salad fixings. Dinner would be decided at breakfast. We envisioned splitting between eating at the villa and going out. Some going on and some staying in was an option too. Tonight we wanted to maximize sun time and opted to eat at the villa. We created more of a shopping list and an extensive list of booze. Marcus would shop and bring everything back before lunch then come back later for dinner.
Our day was spent being lazy and moving between the beach, pool, loungers, and the seating area. Drinking started with lunch. Elizabeth arrived after lunch with information on the activities we’d asked for and we approved the schedules. She left us a folder full of information on all the things we’d wanted to do, several things we hadn’t known about, and printed menus from several restaurants.
Sebastian, Chace, and Toby took to the beach for some frisbee. It was hot, but the breeze off the ocean kept it nice enough. They returned up the stairs closest to the lawn loungers. Sebastian raised his hand and snapped his fingers, “Serving Wench, I’m thirsty. Fetch me a drink.”
I looked around, “I know you aren’t talking to me like that.”
Everyone went quiet.
Sebastian noticed and started to smile, “Miss Serving Wench, I’m thirsty. Fetch me a drink. Pretty please.”
I laughed, “So much better.” I stood up, “Anyone else want anything?”
Several people took me up on my offer. Kelli offered to help. Everyone had jumped in the pool and we delivered drinks around. I got to Sebastian last and handed him his drink. “I brought you some water too.”
“Thank you, baby.” I dumped it over his head. “That’s fucking cold.”
Will laughed, “Who knew he’d pay for the wench comment?”
Everyone raised their hands.
I sat down on the edge of the pool, my hand raised too. He came over to stand between my legs, “Don’t touch me you’re cold.”
“I wonder why that is?” He put his arms around my waist and laid his head on my chest. “You’re warm.” He stood up, picking me up as he did, and flung himself (and me) into the water.
I was laughing when I went under and laughing when I came up. There was some splashing and trying to dunk each other and eventually a very nice kiss. He then drug me to the edge of the pool and put me back on the side from where he plucked me. He turned back around and I wrapped my legs around him before handing him back his drink. He laid his arm along my legs.
Toby was staring, “Is this how it’s going to be for the next two weeks?”
“Fuck, I hope so.” Sebastian looked up and back at me with a smile.
We had a fantastic dinner sitting at the large outdoor table. The meal was served family-style. There's something joyous about passing around bowls and platters of food with friends and family. There's a familiarity and intimacy to it.
We opened more wine and spread out around the fire pit. We were ending the day as we'd begun.
I saw Sebastian watching the sun sink lower in the sky. We were on the east side of the island last night. I wasn't the least bit surprised when he stood up, took my hand, and pulled me up. He held my hand to his chest, pointing to the ocean, telling his friends, "We're going out there."
Alissa made a noise, "You haven't reserved the beach until Wednesday."
"Just watching the sunset, you're welcome to join us."
Everyone took him up on the offer and filed in behind us. Sebastian mumbled, "I didn't mean it." He walked down the beach to the end of the dock, holding my hand while I sat down on the edge. He joined me, scooting impossibly close with his hand behind me on the dock. "Good day?" Sebastian kissed my shoulder.
I turned my head to catch a kiss, "It's been a very good day. A bit like our first date where we talked for nine hours."
"Except there's ten of us."
"Details." I leaned against him.
"How's the nervousness?"
"Gone. Eighty percent last night. The rest by lunch."
He laughed, "What happened at lunch?"
"Nothing. Alcohol loosened everything up last night. Needed the morning after to see if it stuck. It did. No one revealed too much or embarrassed themselves enough for today to be awkward. The conversations have moved through surface stuff and teasing stories. Nothing too deep or inappropriate."
Sebastian interrupted, "Oh we'll get there."
"I’m sure."
"How many psych classes have you taken?"
I laughed, "This falls under classroom management and social-emotional learning. Chace and I teased our way through our history. Toby is still a mystery." The part of him that isn't a mystery is he doesn't like me. I can tell. The way he watches me and even closer when I’m around Sebastian. And there’s a bite to some of his comments. There's a story. No idea how to hear that story. I think it will come out on its own. Or I'm completely wrong
"Here's the thing with Toby."
Oh, look I was getting the story already.
"Everyone has a date but he's here as a single with Chace. He has never liked going stag with a bunch of couples."
"No one does."
"Exactly. He's got Chace, but Chace is fine being the single guy." He snickered, “And despite you shooting him down, he’s got good game. He won’t be alone long.”
"If Toby doesn’t like this, why did he come?"
Sebastian put his hand on my face to kiss me, "To meet you, my love."
He put his arm back behind me and I laid my head on his shoulder. "I like it here."
"I do too."
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