#then Ares must be a god of a common soldier
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gabichanwrites · 3 months ago
Can you... Can you guys imagine. Get in the Water. Poseidon is MAD happy to finally get Odysseus. Get in the Water, Odysseus. Or I will DROWN your Ithaca, or I will GOUGE your son's eyes. Odysseus answers, begs. What else can he do? It's Been Ten Years, they are both hurting from loses. Why can't they stop and just... go home. Finally, finally get to the home that is so close.
But No. The god says "Die". The god sends waves, sends him under. Ruthlessness is Mercy, he said before. He will not let Odysseus get away again. There is no escaping god of the sea now, not so deep in the ocean. Odysseus can hear Polites, can hear Eurylochous, can hear his mother. All of his comrades are Waiting, Waiting, Waiting. He can't let go but he must. They are Waiting. But then something unlike the sound of trumpets - crashing waves - resonates within him. A beat like his heart but getting stronger, getting more powerful. His chest is vibrating with it when he finally hears the tick-ticking, so familiar yet foreign. Then, a voice shakes his very being. "I was promised blood." Godly wrath fills him and suddenly Ares' instruments are all he can hear, followed closely by his soldiers' vengeful cry.
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faith-of-the-wheel · 2 months ago
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Ares/Thracian "Dionysos", A cognate of Rudlos?
This is one I will add for a more personal reason, but I think he has some connections. I'll explain but bare with me and acknowledge I consider more a UPG association than anything else. Perhaps someone here will find my shot in the dark interesting.
One of the twelve Olympians, son of Zeus, god of war, battlelust, courage and civil order. He is also associated Masculinity in general and modern Hellenists/Hellenic Polytheists often share the Personal Gnosis that he is a patron of mental health and one's struggle with it.
Now first, let me lay out a few facets of Ares I consider notable to this list. Although he is sometimes depicted as a mature, bearded man, especially after his syncretization with Mars, he is also often depicted as a spear-wielding(a common symbol to the cognates of Rudlos), nude, beardless youth, an ephebe. This brings to mind the connections between the ephebes and nude fighting, and the Koryos.
He was and is often shown diametrically opposed to Athena, Goddess of strategy, craftsmanship, and wisdom. Many misconstrue this as characterizing the "strategic and humane" warfare of Athena to the "savage and cruel" warfare of Ares. This could not be more wrong, as we have many stories of Athena encouraging, well, warcrimes, and Ares respecting another's honor.
The more accurate dichotomy is a much older, pan Indo-European one. One of defensive vs aggressive warfare. I have written earlier about the idea that Rudlos was the god of aggressive war, the marauding Koryos, counter-posed to the defensive Perkwunos, who protects the people and village from such raiders, and humanity at large from the demons of chaos, like Wṛ́tros. It is also widely accepted that Athena was formed from lesser, individual cults of palace goddesses, patrons of the individual homes of rulers, and later the cities they ruled, who later melded together into the panhellenic Athena, who likely takes her name from Athens and not the other way around as myth relates to us.
The crux of my theory is that rather than be actually being descended from the original PIE gods associated with these two forms of war, Ares and Athena sort of stepped into the molds they left behind, Ares particularly so.
The etymology of the name Ares is traditionally connected with the Greek word ἀρή (arē), the Ionic form of the Doric ἀρά (ara), "bane, ruin, curse, imprecation". Walter Burkert notes that "Ares is apparently an ancient abstract noun meaning throng of battle, war." Beekes has suggested a non-IE, Pre-Greek origin of the name. The earliest attested form of the name is the Mycenaean 𐀀𐀩, a-re.
The epithet, Areios ("warlike") was frequently appended to the names of other gods when they took on a warrior aspect or became involved in warfare: Zeus Areios, Athena Areia, even Aphrodite Areia ("Aphrodite within Ares" or "feminine Ares"), who was warlike, fully armored and armed, partnered with Athena in Sparta, and represented at Kythira's temple to Aphrodite Urania. In the Iliad, the word ares is used as a common noun synonymous with "battle."
He was also known by the name/epithet Enyalius. In Mycenaean times Ares and Enyalius were considered separate deities. Enyalius is often seen as the God of soldiers and warriors from Ares' cult. It has been suggested that the name of Enyalius ultimately represents an Anatolian loanword, although an alternative hypotheses treat it as an inherited Indo-European compound. The meaning is still unknown however.
Now, while it is indeed possible that Ares was a Pre-Greek(or perhaps even foreign) deity adopted by the Greeks, his character lines up closely with the IE idea of deified abstractions. The PIE's believed that if any idea exists, their must be a god who rules over it. In the absence of assigning it to a previously worshiped deity, they would deify the abstraction itself, this is the origin of the PIE god Xaryomen, Roman Fortuna, the various female night personifications throughout the IE world(Nyx, Nott, etc), among many others.
However there are two issues. First, his name is not IE in origin. It's seemingly a common noun, one widely adopted by IE people but still strange nonetheless. The second is his breadth of myth and variety of cultic practice, which is extremely strange for a supposed abstraction. For example, in parts of Anatolia, he had an oracular cult.
Consider his mythic origin for a moment. His birthplace was said to be Thrace, and he was believed by the Greeks to be the progenitor of their people. There is no well known obvious cognate of Ares is Thrace, so it is likely an association made by the Greeks because of the Thracian's martial skill and perceived warlike nature. However the cult of a Thracian god referred to as "Dionysus" was very widespread. Most believe him to be a separate deity. His connections to prophecy, poetry, war, and his identification with Apollon could indicate some connection to Rudlos, but his association with a solar cult feels potentially contradictory, at the very least could go either way because Apollonian influence and Rudlos-Dyeus identification in neighboring Anatolia.
Okay, enough rambling, let's get to personal, 100% UPG crackpot theory. When the IE Greeks encountered the Pre-Greek, Anatolian, and Minoan cultures, we know they adapted much of their culture and religion. Consequently, many IE deities were lost or altered beyond recognition. Rudlos's cult started to disappear before the Mycenaean age, and was then re-adopted/altered via Anatolian Apollon. During Rudlos's initial disintegration, most of his war-related aspects may have jumped ship and been given over to a newly formed/adopted deity, Ares/Enyalius. His aspect/son Leudhero may have influenced Dionysus in a similar manner.
To be clear, we will not considered Ares a cognate of Rudlos moving forward but I thought I would give you something I've been pondering while I continue to work on the next parts for the Rtkona series.
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goddess-of-bubblegum · 7 months ago
~your court jester~ leo x daughter of zeus!reader !medieval AU!
(I did the chap!!)
You were a child of Zeus, king of Olympia who was married to Queen hera, which whom he had triplets with, Jason, Thalia and you, with you being the youngest 
Today was the day a ball was being held, where you could see your cousins and friends. You knew for certain that king posidon and qeen amphridite of atlantia would be there, along with his children; prince percy and tyson and king Hades and queen Persephone of Elysia and their children nico and hazel would be there too, but it wasn't them you were exited about.
Nor was it lady athena , the war-rstrategist with her children, and it wasn't lord Ares (war commander) or anyone else of the sort.
In fact, it wasn't even a noble person at all!
It was leo , the child of the palaces blacksmith. You felt a familiar flutter in your stomach as you thought of him, but you knew your mother and father would have your head on a platter if they ever knew.
They wanted you to marry a nobleman (or woman), or atleast someone in a position of power, not some pesant child of the palaces blacksmith! Alas, they found you weren't happy with any of the suitors they showed you, but hope was (unfortunately) not lost for them.
》I just don't understand it piper!《 you grunted as she pulled the corset strings tighter, the handmaiden child of Aphrodite,  the tailor for the royals hanging on your every word.
 》what is it that you don't understand, m'lady《 you blinked and pushed some of her styled hair out of her face
》no need to call me that and I just....I dont know why I'm not falling for any nobles! I mean, there's percy, who looks like a God, hazel who looks stunning, and even from the  people who aren't nobles who my parents would approve of, like lady annabeth, aren't that interesting!《 
》well, I know you've been looking at the court jester, leo, you do know he's a close friend of mine, Right?《
she finished adjusting your cosetband moved on to fixing your gown
》plus, prince nicholas-《
》He preffers to be called nico《 you interrupt
 》Prince nico is dating the local bard, William, and his parents seem to approve 《
You sigh as you push another strand of hair away from your [e/c] eyes 》well yes, but bard and jester are two different things! And Williams father is a well respected bard, Leo's dad is the blacksmith of the palace who is highly unliked for his looks, not that leo inherited any, of course! But Apollon the bard does have strong ties with King Hades, so of course nico dates him! Whereas my mother and father both hate hephastios the weaponmaker《 
Piper sighs, mildly exasperated with how dramatic you were 》well who are they going to introduce you to next, a guard?《 she makes an attempt at a joke, trying to lighten the mood
》not too far off, actually,  you know the soldier lityerses? The child of lady demeter?《 you sigh and try not to ruin your make-up by face-palming
》oooh, he's a catch! But I must say I prefer shel...《 Piper thought fondly of the village baker-girl, with whom she was absolutely smitten with
》ya know, sometimes I wish I was a commoner.....then it wouldn't matter who I'd married....《 
Piper looked at you with pity in her eyes, before subtly looking at the window, seeming to say I told you so to leo with her eyes, who was standing outside the window all along
☆le time Skippy because idk what else to put here☆
You tapped the heel of your shoe against the floor at random intervals while playing with with a strand of your hair, your cousins have already arrived, that's not what you were nervous about, but it was now time to "entertain" the royals , which means you would see leo, the favorited court jester 
》M-mother?-《 your tried to hide just how much your voice trembled, which your mother always found endearing
》w-when are the entertainers coming?《
》in a bit, my little peafowl, leodinaidas (i-i.....I butchered that, didn't I?) being the first to arrive 《
》o-okay....《 you sighed and looked out the window, seeing Piper laughing and cuddling with shel, and sighed wistfully You werent at all joking when you said you'd love to live a commoners life,  close to no responsibilities, not having to deal with potential suitors and being able to love who you wanted to love.
Nico and will were on your right, and were laughing at something,  will was nicos personal medic and bard, and they were dating which is parents did accept as will and his father were high in status.
He could date him without problems.
But you couldn't date leo
Speaking of-
You blushed hard the moment you saw leo enter the ballroom. 》my ladies,  lords and lieges! It is I, leodinaidas the court jester! But you can call me leo , and pretty people can call me love~《
zeus chuckled at that, while hera rolled her eyesYou blushed and quickly looked away, gods why is he like this...... he continued with his jester bit, making jokes and making fun of everything
Eventually,  his act died down and will started playing music for people to dance to, [I mean, they were in a ballroom] and you were just standing awkwardly on sidelines, watching your siblings and cousins dance with their partners.You sighed sadly and were deep in thought , only being pulled out when someone tapped your shoulder.
》huh?《 you looked behind you, not seeing anyone, before you felt someone take your hand in theirs 》hello gorgeous-《
 You looked infromt of you, and flushed red immediately Infront of you was, who else would it be, leo
》l-leo?!《 you breathed out
》Hi gorgeous~ would you indulge me , a humble jester, in a dance with a stunning woman like you?《 You smiled nervously and looked over to where your sister, Thalia, was standing, who was grinning and giving you a thumbs up, zeus smirking and rolling his eyes as he looks at the both of you
》y-yeah s-sure......《 you tripped over your own words
He smiled and led you out to the dance floor, putting one hand on your shoulder and the other on your waist, starting to dance a slow waltz with you
You smiled and let him lead your moves, smiling widely for the first time in a whileAfter a while of dancing, you tripped and almost fell down, if it weren't for leo catching you bending down to your level, his lips only inches from yours.You blushed and leaned closer into his lips, only a breath away from touching his lips, so close you could almost count every single freckle on his face.
》may I?-.....《 he breathes out
You nod and inched closer to him, feeling butterfly's in your stomach as his lips touch yours, him kissing you being the best feeling you've felt for a while After a minute that felt like far more than that, he pulled away and leaned his forehead against yours
》Pipes told me You had a crush on me.....and I thank whatever force is pulling us together because I never thought my feelings would be reciprocated.....I love you《
And without thinking of potential consequences and pushing any judgement from your parents , the words fell out of your mouth 》I love you too《
@bast-the-best26 @reyna4ever @deciduowl
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johnconstantinejld · 1 year ago
The Olympus Moans
Athena was schemer and defensive strategy in war. Ares was valour and bravery. But being farmers first and soldiers second, it was natural to not say his name loudly.
'I'm most proud of the Amazons, you know Herakles.' He said, 'Being my children and all.'
The big man snorted. 'I must thank Hades for allowing me Cerberus. My father was pleased. My mother...not so much.'
'Ah yes, another affair. She does that to all of Zeus' affairs. He does that to her favourites as well, so it's a little busy.'
'How is Hades?' Hercules enquired.
'Persephone is spending her time out of his realm once more, so he is sullen.'
'I killed.' Hercules sighed.
'Yes, that was Hera's jealousy destroying you. The twelve tasks...from fighting my children the Amazons to cleaning out the stables.'
'The women wore pants like common barbarians!' Herakles laughed.
'Yes, I was proud of that. Diana is my favourite one of them.' Ares sighed once more, looking down from Olympus. 'Atlas stumbled when you arrived here.'
They were making sacrifices to Hades in his temple. They did this by turning their backs and seemingly not acknowledging him. Likewise, Ares had sacrifices in his name in order that he might prevent war with Athena, not make it.
'That bloke honestly thought you would overthrow Zeus.' Herakles laughed again. 'More powerful than all the gods combined.'
'Better than that Disney shit, though. Then there's Circe, of course. She was just a witch.'
'They called me the god of speed.' Hermes said, taking a rest. 'Never mind not mentioning the sailors, thieves and merchants part.'
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4res · 3 years ago
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The Chariot of Ares ♂
Understanding The Body Of Ares: The Chariot, Part 1
Homeric Hymn 8 to Ares: "Ares, exceeding in strength, chariot-rider, golden-helmed, doughty in heart, shield-bearer . . ."
The intention of these miniature chapters is to discuss, at length, the metaphysical side of a very physically grounded God of War. I look to reach into the depths of The Red One (Mars, Tyr, Ares) and learn how His Divinity sinks far into our ideology of War, Conflict, Justice, Courage, and Sex.
Mars and His Chariot:
Looking out at Ares from a mythological standpoint, almost every understandable symbol of War could be assigned to Him and His domain. From the blood soaked offerings of soldiers before battle, to the cries of the wounded of the field - in every hymn, He is exalted as the voice of those who dare offer their own lives for the chance of Victory.
We tend, as a people of manufactured conflict, to therefore exclude Mars from further exploration under the assumption that His brazen bravery stops short of wisdom. Let us take Tyr into our Hearts and far away from the short-term rewards we may seek to gain from Him, or His domain, and consider what Mars could be telling us as disciples.
Beginning with The Chariot.. the Beloved Red One has His Chariot prepared by His sons, Phobos and Deimos.
In fact, we see almost every deity arriving in this mode of transport. It is easy to dismiss this as a story telling feature since chariots were common transportation for our ancient family, but The Chariot carries its ties throughout a variety of different theological and spiritual recountings.
In the depths of Christianity, "Chariots of Fire" carried beloved prophets to the heavens, allowing them to bypass the normal death process at the hands of God. Within Greek and Roman mythology, chariots were used as a way to likewise communicate the movement of Divine Presence.. whether that be Gods transporting themselves, transporting Lovers, or fleeing to return to Olympus. Unless they were retrieved by Hermes, a different type of movement - (but that's for a different post!)
Or, perhaps we understand The Chariot's symbology from various tarot divinations. Regardless, we can now hold within our mind's eye the vision of the concept we wish to explore..
Let us consider that the chariot can represent our ability to be moved by Gods.
I do not move myself, rather I am moved. I do not breathe myself, rather I am breathed. I do not shift myself, rather I am shifted.
If we play with this faith in our Hearts, and understand ourselves as instruments of the Divine, then the chariot can be a lesson in digesting the release of control in our own lives. We do not control this chariot, nor the beasts that pull its weight with fired breath.
Rather, we find ourselves to be guests on board its tremendous strength as we are MOVED by the Gods through our lives. We must come to release the idea that we are MOVING OURSELVES- which places us as the Charioteer, which is Ego (Self-Centered) placement.
For Example: I, as a devoted Heart to Ares, must understand that the only true surrender I must admit is surrender unto Mars and His forces. This is not literal surrender (stepping away from literal symbols with Ares again), rather a release in control, where I shift my way of thinking from "I am the one pushing, I am the one doing, I am the one winning." to "Mars pushes through me, Mars does through me, Mars has His victory through me."
In this, we surrender to the Divine Charioteer Ares, which shifts our consciousness from being the one to be blamed or praised for our deeds to understanding that as His fire flows through us, so too do our actions, words, thoughts, feelings flow through us.
In understanding the Chariot, there is a way for us to work with the forceful, strong, unyielding forces of Mars without being controlled and driven all over the place by His forces. Which happens so often because we do not yet have our consciousness in a place of surrender (still trying to be The Charioteer) and are still certain of our own control, that those forces come to DRIVE us instead - Fear (Phobos), Terror (Deimos), Anger, Violence, Cruelty..
In another example: When we feel the undertow of anger invading our consciousness, it is important to understand that we did not produce those thoughts ourselves. It is a divine energy (holy, despite its pain) that is passing through us in that moment. If we see ourselves as "The One Who Must Do It, Must Be The One, Must Step Up" then in our arrogance those feelings take the reigns to the Chariot, and we find ourselves on the other end of something that quickly overcomes us and lead us to drive ourselves in arrogance.
But if we allow ourselves to understand that Gods move THROUGH us, not OF us, then we know in this moment that Ares can steer us through the strong tides of those emotions. We do not have to "fight", rather we surrender control, and allow that Fire to push through us.. and out of us.
To summarize this entry,
Ares is a master Charioteer, Warrior, and Judge. We are not so much the "Warrior" of our own cause as we are a "Solider" under His command. So much so that the sometimes harsh energy of The Red One can only become the Medicine once we surrender to His Will, and allow those energies to shift our consciousness and teach us how to respond.. rather than brace ourselves in Ego, convince ourselves we are being affected, and try to "fight that energy back".. which creates more battles to be had, so to speak.
In Ares we find the origin of all of our greatest conflicts, and right beside that we find the solution..
Responding, not Reacting.
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yandere-daydreams · 5 years ago
Prompt: politically influential Aphrodite wages war on the princess of a neighbour country because she can't control her gayness
While I hate writing for gender-specific Darlings, I may’ve made a *slight* exception in this case. Aphrodite is one of the more unstable Gods, sure, but she’d just be so romantic with her precious little Princess of a Darling… it’s almost nice. Almost.
TW: Slight Infantalization, Non-Consensual Touching and Mentions of Violence.
By the time you got to your balcony, the city was already burning.
Red and white and every color in between sparked across the rooftops, smoke billowing out of open windows and blocking the view into doorways left ajar by fleeing occupants. You didn’t recognize the battalion of invading soldiers, the insignia on their armor foreign and a flag absent from view, the only familiar shape being that of the swords and shields clutched in each of their hands. You leaned forward, gripping the guardrail as a family ran out of their collapsing house, a parent clutching a child's hand and attempting to drag them past the aggressors, only to be cut down by the faceless troop without a second of reluctance.
The urge to do something sickeningly noble hit you instantly, the temptation to jump from your position of protection and stop them yourself managing to spar with your common sense longer than it should’ve. Instead, gather your skirts in your fists and prepared to confront them diplomatically, but a sweet, melodic voice stopped you from doing so, a voice you didn’t have to struggle to put a face too.
Aphrodite never seemed fond of you getting your hands dirty, after all. Even if she was more than willing to take up the task herself.
“Don’t fret,” She started, the words as much a dissuasion as they were an order. You stopped in your tracks instantly, not having noticed the Goddess’ presence before, but Aphrodite was impossible to miss once she decided she needed to be seen. She seemed to float where she was perched on your guardrail, balancing effortlessly despite how her silk dress whipped and snapped in the wind, a glass of something clear and foaming in one hand and the other running carelessly through curly hair -- each strand dyed a deep shade of crimson. You couldn’t help but feel today’s color had been picked for the event at hand. “They’ve sworn to maim, not kill. It’s their claim to decency, if you will. They’re overrunning your city, sure, but they’re doing it with solely peaceful intentions.” She stopped, a smile breaking out across perfectly flushed cheeks. “Clever, isn’t it? They may not be the heroes in your myths, but they will make very honorable villains. I still need to work on my own motive, if you have any suggestions.”
“It’s monstrous.” You didn’t hesitate, gritting your teeth as you settled. She held out a welcoming arm, but you couldn’t bring yourself to focus on anything in particular, only staring blankly over the carnage. “Why would you…. why? Did I do something to offend you? Did they do something to tarnish your name?”
“Mortals are always so worried about that, aren’t they? I suppose we’ve spoiled you, always providing a proper catalyst rather than throwing you to the sharks.” She took a sip from the crystalline glass, cringing at the flavor before dropping the object unceremoniously, letting it shatter against the paved road below. “I could spoil you properly, if you’d let me. Hephestus just gifted me the loveliest golden cuffs, I really should’ve brought them, they’d look so striking with your complexion--”
You didn’t hesitate, interrupting her with a flat tone. “You’re not answering the question, mistress.”
There was a pout, Aphrodite’s curls seeming to loosen when she grew tired of struggling with them. “So impatient, (Y/n), have I taught you nothing?” She clicked her tongue, shaking her head disapprovingly, continuing with a wide sweep of the chaos outside your palace. “Love and war, love and war, that’s what everything leads back to! As romance blooms from conflict, one will always come from the other. War always blossoms into something beautiful.”
“Only if you consider bloodshed to be a sight for sore eyes.” You snapped towards her without thinking, taking a tentative step in Aphrodite’s direction. “I don’t understand, why do you have to hurt these people? Does it have something to do with Ares?”
She laughed, snorted, the sound simultaneously akin to the chiming of bells and fingernails scraping across copper. “Ares… that fool wishes I would still wage war for him. No, my dear, if I ever stoop to chasing after him, push me off the highest cliff you can find.” You made the mistake of closing your eyes, if only for a moment, and Aphrodite was gone by the time you opened them. You wondered if she fled, if she’d gotten tired of tormenting you, but that hope dissolved as strong arms wrapped around your waist from behind, a tall form soon looming over yours. “The trophy I have in mind is much more rewarding than a lover so fleeting.”
You were spellbound, for a moment, breathless and speechless. You didn’t dare push her away, already more than aware of what Aphrodite’s wrath would entail, but you couldn’t help but stiffen as her chin came to rest on your shoulder, her chest slotting too intimately against your back. It was all you could do to keep yourself standing, your knees threatening to buckle under the pure lack of proximity she allowed. “But, your husband--”
“My husband is a very kind man, he knows what my divine responsibilities require and he understands that my attention must wander.” She squeezed your side affectionately, kissing your cheek when the gesture didn’t earn a response. “Did all those nights we spent together mean nothing? All those scandalous prayers you sent me, all those wishes I helped you to fulfill… Surely, you didn’t think I would do this for every pretty face among my followers.” There was a short pause, giving Aphrodite time to sigh, the noise as loud as it was dramatic. “If you don’t talk to me, I’m going to start to think you don’t find this impressive at all.”
The realization hit you hard enough to bruise. She thought this was impressive. She was trying to be impressive.
She was doing this to impress you.
“If I give you… what you want,” You mumbled, your nerve faltering with every other word. “If I give you what you want, will you be content?”
“Oh, nothing would make me happier!” You were nearly lifted off your feet as her excitement boiled over, her grip growing crushing as she went on. “We’ll have to celebrate, won’t we? I’m glad the palace is still intact, it’ll make a wonderful venue, and everything’ll be ready by sunset if we begin now. That’ll be perfect… or, do you want to spend the rest of the day doing something more private?” Her grin broadened, pressing into your neck as she chuckled. “I wouldn’t blame you for wanting to put-off the announcement, I know how shy you can be.”
You brightened despite yourself, although your smile remained fragile. “And you’ll call off the attack? My people, too, they’ll need aid--”
“They don’t matter.” You faltered, moving to speak, but if the Goddess noticed, she didn’t care. Her hold only grew tighter, her voice lighter, Aphrodite glowing even more stunningly than before. You could practically feel the heat radiating off of her, beginning to sear at your back, but you couldn’t bring yourself to pull away.
Not when your city was burning even brighter with each passing second.
“We have each other, now, what more could you ever want?”
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ms-march · 4 years ago
Luck be a Lady: Spoilers & Drabbles
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Based off of this prompt request!!
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So yeah, here we go, spoilers for future LBL are below the cut!  If you liked this half as much as I do please give it a like, reblog, or both!
It was late May in Virginia, and Belvior was bursting with beauty.  The sun shone brightly in the sky, and the breeze that blew over the hills was light and warm.  The day was perfect.  So perfect that Adrienne found herself walking out from the manor with a light brown wicker basket in hand, on her way to meet Colonel Kosciuszko for a picnic.  
As she walked across the peaceful grounds of her childhood home, Adrienne hummed a tune to herself, one she remembers her mother singing to her as a child.  That was where she was headed.  Adrienne and Thaddeus would be able to hide away all afternoon together under the willow tree where Lawrence proposed to Anna, where her father would whisk her mother away after he returned from the assembly in Williamsburg.  Now, it’s where Adrienne and Thaddeus would spend the one perfect afternoon for the rest of their lives alone with the soft songs of the cardinals and the sweet smell of honeysuckle on the breeze.
Approaching the spot where the tree sat rested a figure in blue sitting on the grass, head resting against its trunk.  The sunlight hit the man’s face from an angle, and Adrienne stopped in her path to admire the beauty of the dark-haired man.  He was so relaxed now, so peaceful she wondered if he had already fallen asleep where he sat.  A smile found its way to her lips, spreading across her fair-toned face, and she continued on, her white floral dress dragging behind her.
Thaddeus opened his eyes as a shadow shaded his face from the sun.  There she stood, in a way he had yet to see her.  The gown Adrienne wore was, frankly, as simple as could be.  The short train of the jacket covered the grass behind her.  The plain white dress had a pattern of flowers scattered across it, and they were the same color as the blue petticoat she was wearing.  To anyone else, this sight would be an odd one, the simple cotton fichu accompanying the gown contrasting all common beliefs about her modesty.  But to Thaddeus, this was his Adrienne, not the fanciful gowns she wore at camp or to social events, but rather the simple cotton dress and wicker basket.  She was beautiful, more beautiful than ever before, exactly as she was.  He started at her, wishing to forever preserve the memory of her like this.
Thaddeus was snapped out of his trance when Adrienne took a seat on the blanket he had brought and began to unpack the basket. “Good afternoon, my dear, I hope I didn’t wake you,” as she spoke, Adrienne was pouring two cups of lemonade out of a corkable glass pitcher, and as she finished, she handed him one.
The glass sat securely in Thaddeus’ right hand as his left hand reached out to Adrienne, caressing her cheek, “Oh, now my sweet, as long as it is you, I would never mind be awoken.” He smiled as her laughter filled the air around them.  That laughter was sweeter than any choir could ever hope to be.  
“You are staring again.”
“Of course, my apologies, madam.”
Thaddeus was staring at Adrienne with that adoring smile across his face again, eyes squinted to block out some of the sun as he continued to stare.  He cradled the glass of lemonade in his hands but shifted to only one as she extended a hand out to him.  Adrienne had intended on pulling his head into her lap, but he had the same idea and twice her strength.  She caved into his pull, resting her head in Thaddeus’ lap so that she was looking up at him from an angle.
His hands instantly went to her hair, fiddling with the rolled curls. “Why must you do this?” he asked, seemingly out of nowhere, emphasizing his claims as he pulled lightly on one of the curls atop her head.  
“You mean my hair?” He hummed in agreement, and she shook her head slightly, “Well, that’s an easy fix, my dear.” She reached up with a hand and removed the pins holding her curly gold locks in place, letting the hair fan out around her.  
“Amazing,” he breathed, “Truly divine, my love.” Adrienne swears that the childish grin on her face hasn’t left since the moment she arrived, but he was far from done with his flattery, “Greater than any angel in heaven, like a goddess divine.” 
“Careful there would hate for our afternoon to be ruined by the wrath of some aggravated ancient deities,” she giggled and reached up to undo the blue velvet ribbon that held together his queue.  As the ribbon came untied, his curls fanned forward into his eyes, causing the two of them to laugh. “There we are, now we match.  My soldier and I.”
“Like Ares and Aphrodite, my Lady and I.”
“Because we are lovers in secret, behind the back of my husband?”
“Because we are passionate lovers, so destined to be together that not even a marriage can keep us apart.”
She hummed happily in agreement, tangling her fingers in his hair, rolling his curls around her fingers.  Even as she remained intent, with her gaze focused on his face, his eyes were far away from Adrienne, even as they looked right at her. “You are thinking again.”
“Well, it is unfortunately not something a person can cease in doing, my sweet.”
“Of course they can, Colonel Hamilton does it all the time.  For whole weeks even.”  
Thaddeus snorted, “I’m sure you don’t mean that.”
“Oh, I do.”
Sighing, he smiled sadly down at her, “I was just thinking about how I wish it could stay like this forever.” He ran his hands through her hair as he continued, “No John, no secrets, just us, here together like we should be.  I want that.  I want that with you, Addy.”  
She frowned up at him, her brow creasing slightly with concern, “Well, that’s an awfully glum thing to think about.  I would like to think that my presence isn’t so horrible you must result to thinking such things.”
“No, madame, it is the delightful presence of yours that calls me towards such desire,” he sighed, “I never wish to leave it.” 
“Then don’t.”
“For all we know, today is all we have.  For all we know, today is forever.  So spend it with me.” He hummed, agreeing with her statement.  She tugged on his coat, drawing his attention, “Will you just hold me?” She closed her eyes, the warm sun on her face, “Just right here, in the moment, for today.”
Thaddeus said nothing but shed his officer’s jacket and draped it over her like a blanket.  He then moved her head from his lap and laid down next to her.  Adrienne, who waited till he was settled before resting her head on his waistcoat, smiled with her eyes still closed when Thaddeus wrapped his arms around her.
And that was how Ona found them.  Adrienne with her face in his chest and his jacket around her shoulders, and Thaddeus in his waistcoat, an arm wrapped around her, and another underneath his head as a pillow.  And Ona thought to herself as she walked back to the manor, ‘They look just like Lord and Lady Fairfax.’
When they did awake, it was Thaddeus whose eyes opened first.  The unusual weight on his chest drawing his attention.  There was Adrienne, sound asleep on his chest, her hair fanned out across her back, atop the continental uniform jacket she used as a blanket.  She was beautiful like this, and suddenly he couldn’t breathe, and it wasn’t because of her head on his chest.  She was more beautiful than any woman he had ever seen, more beautiful than the mythical Helen of Troy, and he loved her.  Oh God, he loved her.  He loved her, and she loved him, and this love made them divine.  Aphrodite and Ares, caught in a dance of love and secrecy.  Passion on the basis of deceit and love so strong that it will fix the universe’s wrongs.
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sirfrogsworth · 6 years ago
Terminology tips for debating gun advocates.
One thing gun advocates love to do is shut down debates because people use the wrong terminology. They see this as a sign you don’t know what you are talking about. And thus, you aren’t qualified to have an opinion. 
I don’t agree with this assessment. I don’t think people need an encyclopedic knowledge of firearms, but these gaffes can stop the conversation dead in its tracks. And we need to have these conversations. 
Here are the most common terminology mistakes people make. A slight shift in language may help you keep debating without them trying to shut you down. 
Don’t say “assault rifle.” 
This is a select fire weapon with automatic capability that is typically only available to the military. Personally, I think this is just semantics and everyone knows what you mean, but gun folks will use this to say you don’t know what you are talking about. 
“Assault weapon” is better. 
Though its meaning is very non-specific. I’ve read (but can’t confirm) that the NRA actually came up with the term to help confuse which weapons would be banned. Essentially using people’s lack of gun knowledge against them. But if you want to generalize, this is a decent alternative to assault rifle. I still prefer calling it an “assault weapons ban” specifically because it is so generic. That way, if the time ever comes, we have more leeway to add a wide variety of firearms to the list of banned weapons. We just need to make sure we don’t miss any as the NRA hopes we will. 
“Semi-automatic rifle” is probably most accurate and what you should use in most instances. 
You can even add “with high capacity magazines” (don’t say clips). Being able to sustain fire for longer without reloading allows mass shooters to increase fatalities. 
For guns like the AR-15, you might say “military-style rifle” instead. 
This just means the gun’s aesthetics match the kinds of weapons used by the military (think Rambo). They are not the same guns a soldier would have. They just look like them. 
Further confusing things, the two guns below are mostly identical in function. 
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Military-style weapons have features like being more modular and customizable. You can add more accessories like lasers and flashlights. But they shoot the same bullets and kill just as effectively as the plain-Jane models. So I prefer to stick with “semi-automatic rifle” unless I specifically want to talk about the gun’s appearance.  
Also, I would avoid saying AR-15 altogether because that is a specific brand and model. There are many similar guns made by other manufacturers. While it is a bit like calling a tissue a kleenex or hook-and-loop “velcro”, you can avoid pointless discussions about which model a shooter used by saying “ semi-automatic or military-style rifle.” 
All of these terms can help you be more specific about the kind of weapon you are describing. “Semi-automatic military-style rifle with high capacity magazines” is a mouthful, but they won’t be able to shut you down for saying something inaccurate. 
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen a politician call an AR-15 an assault rifle and then the comments get flooded with gun enthusiasts saying things like...
“AR stands for ArmaLite not assault rifle! It’s a brand, dumbass!” 
“That’s not an assault rifle! Get a clue!” 
Just remember this class of semi-automatic firearms require one trigger pull for each bullet to fire. Don’t misunderstand... these guns can be fired very rapidly and the large magazines allow them to do it for a longer period of time without reloading. With training, some people can fire them at very high rates just with their God-given finger. Which is part of why they are so dangerous during mass shootings. But they cannot hold down the trigger and spray bullets.  
The worst thing you can say is “machine gun.” 
Machine guns are usually much heavier than a military assault rifle. They are often mounted on vehicles and have belt-fed ammo--though some can be carried. Usually, they must be fired from a prone position with bipods due to their cumbersome weight. Otherwise they will be terribly inaccurate. 
Beyond that, all automatic weapons (assault rifles and machine guns) have been banned for decades. So if you say you want to ban machine guns, you will probably get laughed at by gun folks. 
Only people with a special license (which requires an extensive and expensive background check) and at least a hundred grand to spend can get an automatic weapon. And even then, it must be made before 1986. These guns typically go to rich collectors and sometimes gun ranges. No one can go into Walmart and buy a machine gun.
Right now one of the most pervasive debate tactics conservatives use is shutting down conversations altogether. 
“Oh, you’re just an SJW.” “Oh, you’re just a socialist.” “Oh, you don’t know about guns, so you shouldn’t have a say in this.”
I don’t think anyone should have to memorize every gun spec to have an opinion on gun violence, but I do think learning some basics will help keep these conversations going longer and maybe we can accelerate progress a bit. 
Don’t say assault rifle. These are used mostly by the military and usually not available to civilians.
Assault weapon is okay but not very specific. It’s good for saying “assault weapons ban” because that leaves more leeway when deciding which firearms will fall under that ban. 
Semi-automatic rifle is probably the most accurate term.
Semi-automatic rifle with high capacity magazines is more specific. This is probably the most important one to commit to memory. It covers pretty much everything.  
Military-style rifle is appropriate for guns that look like something Rambo would use. This is aesthetics only. The gun functions the same as other similar rifles. Good alternative to saying “AR-15″ as a catchall term. 
Don’t ever say machine gun. Automatic weapons were mostly banned in 1986. 
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iliadshq · 5 years ago
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                             𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐙𝐄𝐔𝐒 & 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐀. 𝐎𝐋𝐘𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐀𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐈𝐓𝐘.
— NAME : ares.
— AGE : immortal.
— GENDER : m/nb.
— FACE : utp, must be poc.
Warborn and anointed by bloodshed, your domain is where men rise and fall, where heroes make a name either for themselves or for their glorious ends. In the end, what you are is the sheer chaos inherent in the battlefield—that sound when sword clangs against sword in mindless frenzy, when blood and golden ichor streaks through muddied battlegrounds, that unashamed fervour for war in its endless & insatiable bloodlust. You are hateful and cursed: your presence is abhorred by all save that of love herself—and what better bliss than this union, this coupling of love and war ? For all men gamble in both & all men live for both, a truth undeniable as the rising of the sun, the liminal surge of the tide. And if others hate you, curse you, spit at your face, it is because you represent to them their basest urges, the inclinations which they seek to deny themselves, deem themselves above of—but you, fearless soldier, you’ve never been one for self-deception, have you ? You know exactly who you are. You play this game of gods and kings if only because it will vindicate you at last. Your victory is a long-sought pursuit that you have aspired to since time immemorial. You are inevitable: you will be victorious, and you will be brutal.
✹ APHRODITE  —  It amuses you, how mortals and Gods alike think you make an unusual pair. They do not see behind the pearly veil—the Goddess is more similar to you than anyone else, on eternal Olympus or in the valleys below. You wouldn't call it courtship; a keener understanding binds you. But do you share their adoration for Paris, or rebuff it ?
✹ PENTHESILEA  —  Their mother was a mortal, but oh, how little it shows ! No spear you dueled ever stabbed so fiercely like the pride you take in them. An almost physical feeling; it would humble you, if such a thing were possible. But you have nothing in common with all those fretful fathers, who would lock their daughters away for their protection. Your child leads the Amazons, a javelin for crown—it's not a matter on if they fall, but when.
✹ HEPHAESTUS  —  You hear them hammering at their anvil beneath the fog-trapped crags, lending to iron the devotion Fate has denied them. You know you should call them brother, yet something in you smothers that instict in its craddle. The fact that they circle Aphrodite like a mournful prey does not sweeten your impulse one bit. Is it pity, or revulsion you associate with their name ? You never could distinguish between the two.
✹ HERA  —  It takes one look, one hour with your mother, and it would dawn on anyone this conflict was inevitable. Hera is more than a Queen long overdue respect; she is the incarnation of hegemony, imperiousness made spirit, made flesh. Zeus made sure to chip away at her pride every chance he got, she would allow no one else. Challenging her ability to rule Olympus is not a war declaration—it is welcoming apocalypse at the table.
This skeleton is currently OPEN.
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faveficarchive · 5 years ago
The Other Side of Fortune
By Bongo Bear
Pairing: N/A, Xena & Eve
Rating: PG
Synopsis: A bit-piece on Xena seeing the other side of a war she helped win. 
The parade route wound around the city square three times before finally it settled in front of the main platform. The mayor, a stodgy balding fellow, eagerly stepped forward to deliver his speech commemorating the tenth anniversary of the defeat of their sworn enemy, the city of Aledale. His people followed Eli's teachings. Before they were conquered, Aledale honored the gods of Olympus.
"Ten winters ago, the final battle raged not a mile from where we now stand. We were losing until Eli smiled down upon us and gave us victory. Xena, Warrior Princess and Defender of the Faith, you were our protector then. Today we honor you. Please come forward and say a few words." The mayor extended his robed arm from the podium and pulled Xena up onto the platform. He presented her the keys to the city.
The Defender kept her back to the audience instead of soaking in the crowd's adulation. She even cringed slightly when thunderous applause rose up. She turned to the crowd and croaked out, "Thank you. I appreciate the honor you offer me, but I cannot accept it."
The mob chanted, "Xe-na, Xe-na, Xe-na." Finally, she accepted the brass keys and quickly walked off the stage.
"What is wrong with you? You're usually more," Eve said, "more polished than that."
"I know. I know." Xena shrugged off Eve's hand on her elbow. "I just need to get away from here. We're supposed to meet Gabrielle tomorrow."
As they shouldered their way through the crowd, the mayor yielded the podium to another speaker, a preacher man.
"The worshippers of the old gods made Aledale a den of iniquity. Our victory showed them the error of their sinful ways. We are now one city under one God. Eli showed us the Way and we all bask in his everlasting Light."
The preacher's voice faded into the distance as they walked toward the city's central fountain. Xena poured out a dipper of water into her hand and splashed the cold water onto her face.
"It could have gone the other way, you know." Xena said as she shook out the excess water from her hair.
"What do you mean?"
"A Galemedian messenger literally ran into me while I was camped in the forest near here. His mission was to deliver a scroll containing the terms of Galemede's surrender to Aledale's forces. He told me of their conflict and begged me to help. He said they followed Eli. Of course I helped. If that messenger hadn't come across me, if he hadn't told me that they were fighting for Eli, I would not have been involved at all."
"So you're saying that they were lucky to have found you." Eve said. "Well, don't knock good fortune, Xena. When at war, you need all the help you can get."
"I suppose. These keys," Xena said as she jangled them lightly, "don't feel right in my hands. I'm not sure they would feel right anywhere."
"The mayor and the townspeople would be offended if you didn't keep them. Besides, you fought for a good cause. How many battles can you honestly say that about?"
Xena shrugged.
"Where are we staying tonight? I saw an inn back there." Eve thumbed toward a side alley.
"I don't want to stay here. Galemede will party all night long. I want to rest." Xena eyed the buildings lying to the west of the city square. "Why don't we go across the river and look for an inn there? They seem quiet enough."
They crossed the long bridge over the river the locals called Fortune and quickly found an inn on the other side. Banners announcing the tenth anniversary festooned the posts supporting the front of the building, yet the inn itself was quiet. Judging by the number of horses tied up in front, Xena guessed that only a few travelers were taking up quarters. There was plenty of room for a couple more.
Xena approached the bar and asked for two ales. As the portly barkeep busied herself with filling the tankards, Xena said, "It's so quiet here compared to just across the river. Shouldn't you be celebrating, too?"
The woman suddenly stopped pouring the ale and set the large jug down. "What's to celebrate, warrior?" She looked Xena up and down. "Don't let the banners outside fool you. I put them up because I have to. There's nothing for us to celebrate here."
"Huh?" Eve asked.
"We must be in Aledale," Xena said.
"Yeah, welcome." The barkeep waved her hand around the dimly lit common area. As their gaze traveled around the room, they noticed the large cobwebs in the corners and the thick dust on the shelves. And through the large windows, they could see only a few buildings had candles lit in their front rooms. In the distance, a firework exploded over the central square in Galemede proper.
"It's changed. It's not as I remember it at all," Xena said.
"Don't know when you were here last, warrior. But you should know that old river Fortune is fickle. Some years she rises like a lady and lays rich silt on our farmlands. Other years, she's complete bitch and lays waste on a whim. Both cities have been rebuilt many times over."
"A real hopping place," Eve whispered into Xena's ear.
"I would love to celebrate something, but we can't even mourn our war dead properly. My boy's lucky. I found his body before corruption took hold. Most were buried in a mass grave." The barkeep continued, "Have you seen the cemetery over in Galemede? Notice the marble statues honoring their generals? It was paid for from the taxes levied on Aledale's commerce. Half of what you're paying for the ale you're drinking goes straight into Galemede's coffers."
"Well, Galemede did win. It's only fair that they recoup their losses from the lo..." Eve suddenly shut up when she felt Xena's elbow in her ribs.
"Say it, girl, 'losers'! That's what we are. I know it. We all know it. We're reminded of it every year."
"Doesn't Galemede share some of its good fortune with Aledale? You're all citizens of Galemede," Eve said.
"Some of the tax money comes back to us. We built a new school last year," the barkeep answered.
"See, it's not so bad, right?"
"Galemede sent some teachers over here to instruct our children in the way of Eli. But most of the adults still worship as we always have. In secret. That's how we worship these days. We will be the last to do so. Our children are becoming strangers to us."
"I'm sorry," Xena said.
"Don't be. We deserve it. Maybe you don't like our cause. Maybe you don't like us. We fought just as hard and as bravely. What good is that when there is no honor in losing? Though, it could have been worse. Galamede could have enslaved instead of assimilating us." The barkeep fell silent. She stared into space, her eyes only seeing the past.
She sighed deeply and came back to the present. "I talk too much. It doesn't matter anymore. Will you be wanting more to drink?"
Xena and Eve shook their heads. The barkeep gathered up their empty tankards and waddled into the back room to wash them.
She called over her shoulder before disappearing behind a ragged curtain, "The room at the end of the hall is available. I'll bring up fresh linens when I'm done here."
Xena and Eve walked to the back of the inn and found their room. As they unpacked their saddlebags, Eve said, "You did the right thing ten years ago. Galemede winning the war proved that Aledale was wrong to continue to worship the old gods. The Olympians never cared about people. Eli cared about everyone. Ares, Zeus, Athena, they were all evil. I'm glad they are gone."
"Even Aphrodite?" Xena asked.
"Except for her. She was Gabrielle's friend. When the rest weren't treating us mortals like toys, they were trying to kill us."
"The gods had their faults. I should know, shouldn't I? The gods were selfish immortals. That's a fact, regardless of the outcome of any war I fought. Winning this war proved nothing except that I'm a good commander and Galemede's soldiers were competent enough to follow my orders."
"Eli meant for you to fight, Xena. I just know it. You were his instrument to right a terrible wrong. It's really that simple."
The next day, Eve woke up with the sun. Xena was not in the room.
She went downstairs to question the barkeep when Xena walked through the front door. Eve caught a bag of provisions tossed in her direction.
Eve said, "You should have woken me up. I would have helped you buy more supplies."
"Nah, I didn't want to wake you. Besides, I had something to take care of. It's done now. I'm ready to leave whenever you are," Xena said.
"Give me half an hour to eat something and get cleaned up. Then I'll be ready."
After they left Aledale, the barkeep went to the cemetery like she always did each morning. She carried a bundle of flowers she picked while they were still wet with dew. As she knelt to place them on top of her son's grave, she found a set of brass keys.
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randomnameless · 6 years ago
Final chapter - Chalphy to Edda to Dozel !
Seliph starts to conquer the various duchies opposing him, faces the Great Wall (tm) and ends up killing an old man.
But who will inherit the duchy?
Who cares!
(given how the Edda part was too short, i added Dozel)
After years of fighting, Johalva returns home and meets his last brother.
Finally Seliph finishes the Dozel story.
Again, Who cares?
We finally learn the truth about Julia!
and we all say a bif F to Lewyn 
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The Great Wall (tm) of Edda! Quite frankly, this part was annoying. Crusader or not, when Ced is targeted by a sleep staff, he sleeps.
maybe this wall was where Kaga thought “what if i make Staff Emblem 776 next?”
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He has hard feelings even if he’s asleep! Granted, he didn’t die. Lucky him! And sorry for you, Voltz’s ripoff.
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Prince Shanan isn’t being receptive. Scold him Patty! Is this a way to talk to your wife?!
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SHE MADE A PIE HERE IT IS SUMIA HAD BEEN TAKING NOTES FROM PATTY’S HANDBOOK - kidding, it’s adorable but i agree with Shanan here.
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Light Touch? We’re always needing gold Patty! Go and steal those fools, with your famous wind sword!
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Now, he is only worried about your safety, even if he doesn’t know how to show it. he’s trying to look cool (tm) as if he was 12.
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Shanan swallows his pride - he loves her (meals)! 
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Daw :)
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what the flying fuck did you put in this Patty??
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Shanan wants to kill people, it’s a side effect from Patty’s lunch. Did she put some berserk powder in it?
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Well, he’s completely stoned
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This is so evil, i love it but don’t forget, Loptyr goon, that you are too, a mortal.
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Hopefully Shanan managed to break free from the berserk pie, so Leif kills an old man instead. GG Leif? Why are you talking about damnation dude, did you know you were serving under Loptyr or were you feeling bad because you were ruling over Edda when it’s kind of common knowledge that Claude was murdered by the Loptyrians?
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Julius doesn’t give a fig
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So maybe Claude’d be happy that his land is now safe, but Claude DID NOT gave his life for Siggy’s cause!
He was branded a traitor because he knew too much from the Blaggi Tower - not because he was a friend of Siggy! Claude and Siggy bonded because they were both branded traitors ; but under no circumstances Claude was branded a traitor because of Siggy!
Honestly Seliph, not everyone died because of Siggy!
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I made a post about it earlier
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Giving crap advices #1 : look after them from now on, and completely ignore Lene and Cairpre who have Blaggi blood, and their children. I’m sure it won’t bring catastrophes.
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Hopefully no one can look at that screen !
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Ooh! If Brian stayed in the kitchen in the castle it’d have been a pain to seize it, OTOH, by charging on Chalphy, he is more dangerous due to his high mobility and stupid stats. Our useless units (Lester) can’t survive a fight with Duke Brian.
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Legendary? So that means that the peons we’ve been killing in Isaach, who were with Danan, weren’t Dozel’s finest soldiers but mere peons?
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Diarmuid is the son of the man who killed Langbalt, you had no chance.
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He is the one and only Dozel slayer! Granted, here, he won’t be killing Brian (because he can’t)
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Murder it was, and yes, at least two generations of Dozels were killed by Chalphians “wait i’m not from chalphy i’m leif from leonster” “you’re from chalphy”
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The sass! Brian doesn’t call him a traitor though, but a moron! Maybe he still sees him as family, even if he turned against his bro and his dad. It’s kind of wholesome, in a way.
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Not the people of Dozel Johalva. But look, he swears to look after his Duchy! yay?
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Now Brian is mad, because Johalve mentioned the people? Is it a case where Brian thinks he has the HW so the people must be behind him as the Crusader, and Johalva is spouting nonsense, or Brian being mad because Johalva completely writes him off the future Dozel scenario, meaning that he wants to fight?
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You made your big bro mad - honestly, idk if it was on purpose or not, but by his sheer class, Brian is stronger than his siblings and can wreck them without his HW.
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Hopefully Ced finished to sleep and uses his magic to kill him. If it weren’t for him though... I wonder how you kill him in a sub only run. He has so much def, Seliph, Ares and Shanan can make the deal?
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This line makes me so sad. Wrong about what? Fighting for the Empire? Why were you even fighting, did you even know what was going on? Did you agree with your dad’s policies in Isaach?
We will never know, and we’re not supposed to give a fig.
Farewell Brian.
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i’ve seen this before
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stop reusins your friend’s quotes damn it!
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“there is a red castle over there, i’m sure we have to seize it somehow. It’s near!”
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I kept on seeing this all around, but did Quan in FE4 ever mentioned that he wanted to unify the peninsula?
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“his GRAND vision” damn it stop putting your words in Leif’s mouth Finn!
Quan’s GRAND vision was most likely to unify the peninsula but to get rid of every Thracian from it first.
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“i’ll follow you even in maps were we can’t see a thing!”
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Burn in hell - i didn’t hate anyone in FE4 before playing the game but now i do - hell even Chagall is better
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yes, let’s play blame the dead. Seliph has had enough of his rant, and wants to continue to listen to his story.
and i thought F!Lewyn said it earlier that the gods were the dragons?
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“I can’t say for sure” yes of course :) - but if there is one thing that’s interesting about this character it’s this line “our land’ misery was caused by the power of the dragonkin”
Without HB would Langbalt not be an ass or something? i don’t think so.
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Bantu traveled a lot in his younger days, he went to another world! His recollection of the journey must be one of Tiki’s favourite stories.
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Naga who? And what scripture? The Blaggi bible?
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Bantu = Salamand? what shape did you take, Forseti?
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Just like the covenant Erik of Laus wanted to make with Hector and Eliwood!
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blood rites, yes. At least it’s not as hardcore as bathing naked in a pool of blood but...
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F!Lewyn is upset that Seliph isn’t into blood rites unlike his ancestor Baldur.
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“humble” well they managed to survive that far, against people who could magic unlike them! So they were pretty badass!
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I wonder if Blaggi was disappointed when he saw the staff - until he learnt what was its power 
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Sadly, not all of them. 
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Fell power? Here again, being judgmental when you shouldn’t. Granted, we don’t know what was Loptyr, but in this verse, and at that time, the Earth Dragons aren’t reviled as being evil; heck, Medeus is a pretty chill guy right now.
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Heim used to be a priest then, but Blaggi founded the church?
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oh wait, F!Lewyn told us back in the prologue that it was you Seliph! Remember?
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And how dare you claim you learnt it recently, you spent 6 years with her, when everyone heard about Princess Julia missing, you found a kid clothed with royal clothes in the middle of nowhere, who had the same name as the missing princess, and you didn’t make the link?
F!Lewyn “i was expecting Tahra to fall” can’t fool anyone
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if it was really your reaction then you would NOT have sent her in Isaach WITHOUT any weapons, not let her out of your sight for even a millisecond, knowing well that without her Judgral is DOOMED
or maybe, if he really learnt it recently he’s all “welp i treated like lester when she was actually important^^”
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oh, because if she wasn’t your sister you wouldn’t need to rescue her?! 
FE5!Leif wants to have some words with you two
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If she isn’t a plot device i don’t what Julia is
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adayinbookland · 5 years ago
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🌿bookish thoughts on Lovely War by Julie Berry🌿 . i don’t read much romance; and i read historical fiction from time to time, only if the time period interests me. however, i saw this title featured in Jennifer’s (insert literary pun here) favourites of 2019 video and i couldn’t resist. . the premise? it’s 1942 and in a hotel in New York Aphrodite and Ares are about to get caught in a golden net; a trap set by Hephaestus. once caught the gods must face trial and Aphrodite asks to tell a story, a love story set in the Great War so that her husband can understand why love and war go hand in hand. . i enjoyed this novel immensely and i loved the fact that the gods narrate it and each and everyone has a distinctive voice. it is heavily focused on the romance, true, and one might say the characters fall in love rather quickly but at the same time, it was a story i couldn’t stop reading; full of love and kindness. i have a ice-cold heart and i ended up crying in public while finishing this up so make of that what you will. . with Ares, Hades, Apollo and Aphrodite’s help, Julie explores the atrocities and horrors of the war, the suffering the soldiers had to endure and the pain it brought to the families of those who perished. but she also shows what black american soldiers had to face in the military and how despite fighting for a common goal, they weren’t treated as equal. . Lovely War is about human emotions and the power of love, whatever the kind. . rating: 8.5/10. . now the embarrassing question... have you ever cried in public while reading? 😬 • • • #lovelywar #julieberry #historicalfiction #adayinbooklandreviews #bookreview #bookreviewers #bookrecommendations #leoyrecomiendo #bookstagramespaña #recentreads #januaryreads #ilovereadingbooks https://www.instagram.com/p/B8MVxMdI_iJ/?igshid=kox0b2n312g2
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skiesofeternity · 8 years ago
Skies of Eternity Chapter 3 (Tera x DAI crossover)
Skies of Eternity Chapter 3 (Tera x DAI crossover)
Rating: Teen and up
Pairings: DorianXMale Lavellan (in later chapters)
Warnings: None so far
Fandoms: Tera Online, Dragon Age Inquisition
You do not need to know about Tera online to read this story.
AO3 link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/6452602/chapters/20940395
Higher Resolution of scenes: http://miadrawsart.tumblr.com/post/157512111314/better-resolution-of-the-pictures-from-my
Chapter 3
Chance Meeting
[Notes for AO3: Laisa means Lost Soul and Haleir means Snow Fox. Both names are from the Project Elvhen]
[More than twenty years ago…]
A young elven woman hummed to herself, her hands weaving a small grass basket in her lap as she sat next to the calm river. Her hair was braided over a shoulder, flowers of crystal grace delicately hidden amongst the golden locks. Cyren, her halla, nuzzled her face lovingly as she continued in her melodic tune.
The song she hummed was a familiar tune to her before she ended up in this new life-but she could not remember the words, nor who she was before she came to the elven clan.
She knew many of these songs of unknown origin-even if she could not recall the words. Sometimes instead of humming, she would add words of her own-sometimes in common or elven, but most of the time in complete gibberish that somehow made sense to the tunes she sung.
The faint hints when she tried to concentrate on her lost memories showed that she had learned these songs with a group of five other children-but their faces were lost. One of these children had taught them these songs, she remembered. Oh, if only she could recall the words and the faces of her unknown friends! That one child was not like the rest of the others - that was all she knew.
The sound of rustling in the brush drew the woman’s attention from her work by the riverside, The white deer-like creature raising its head in slight alarm. Out from the bushes, appeared an elven man with a staff in his hand. The markings of the elven god Elgar'nan were upon his face, making half of his face dark by the ink.
“Oh Haleir. Aneth ara!” The woman spoke, rising to meet her dear friend and First to their Keeper. The man had always been a good friend to the her, even when much of the clan shunned her for her strange manners and origin.
“Lethallin. I’ve been looking for you. It was not hard, as all I had to do was follow the sound of your voice.” Laisa flushed at her friend’s words. Haleir raised his hand to pet Cyren’s muzzle. The halla then left the two elves to graze on a nearby patch of grass.
Haleir shifted nervously, looking at the ground while fussing with his white hair. “The Keeper has been talking with me. He says I am of age to be looking for a wife soon to help uphold the clan’s numbers.”
Laisa turned her attention from her friend to gather elfroot in her newly woven basket. “And who has caught your fancy then to be your betrothed? You and Lanaya have been close as of late. Even Keeper Zathrian had noted that you two would make a lovely couple.” She giggled. She had a slight crush on her friend but she was worried about the fact that the two were so different that she was too embarrassed to open up her feelings to him. If him bonding with the other mage would make him happy-it was good enough for her.
“Lanaya... is just a friend to me. The one I wish to bond with...is you.” The elven woman froze, quickly turning back to her friend, her eyebrows raised in surprise. Haleir stared at her, his face beet red. In his hand, he held out a round moonstone attached to a necklace cord. “Ar lath ma, ma vhenan.”
Lasia stared back in shock for a long, painfully awkward, silent moment. Immediately, Haleir turned to go, shoving the necklace in his side-pouch. “I, ir abelas! I shouldn’t have been so forward! Forgive me Lethallin!”
Haleir stopped in his attempts to flee when Laisa’s hand gently landed on his arm, holding him in place. Looking back at his friend, he saw her other hand clutched to her chest, a streak shade of dark pink across her face.
“Did you...did you really mean it…?” She murmured, her voice becoming choked as tears formed around her eyes. “Are...are you sure…?”
Haleir dropped his staff and grabbed her by both of her shoulders, raising his fingertips to brush away her tears. “Laisa! What’s wrong? Did I-”
“No. It’s not you. It’s me.” Laisa interjected. She turned her head away from his gaze, the basket forgotten besides them. “I just...I’m an outcast to most of the clan. I don’t even have Vallaslin-you would be better off with a Dalish elf, someone of your kin: a TRUE Dalish-not someone like me! I-” She stiffened as Haleir embraced her.
“I don’t care. I’ve always loved you, Laisa. Vallaslin or no Vallaslin, you have always been a wonderful person to me.”
“B,but what about the Keeper? Does he not object?” Tears continued to fall from her face.
Haleir chuckled. “Zathrian and I may have...argued a for a little bit before I came here...let’s just say that one of the aravals needs mending thanks to the scorch marks.” Seeing Laisa join in his laughter made his eyes brighten. “He eventually conceded in the end.” Holding her back at arm’s length, he wiped more of her tears away.
The elven woman smiled gently through the water in her eyes as she looked back at her friend. “Yes. That is my answer.”
Haleir took the moonstone necklace out from his pouch and placed it in Laisa’s open palm, leaving his hand there. The two gazed at one another, holding each other’s hand.
A gust of wind blew through the tree’s leaves; Cyren continued to graze on their patch of grass while the elves drew together in a kiss.
[Present time...]
The Pride demon charged at Quen and the girl in his lap. On instinct, Quen held the mysterious girl close, in hopes to shield her from the impact.
The white-haired girl snapped her head up, leaping to her feet. Swiftly, she was beside Quen, pulling him and the other girl out of the path of the Pride demon, a black mist trailing after the three of them.
Quen’s body was filled with a sudden unnerving chill as the girl’s clawed gauntlets gripped him tightly on the arm. “Erune. You alright?” The white-haired girl asked under her steel mask as they landed safely away. While she had grabbed Quen, she had managed to pick up the staff on the ground along the way.
The blue-haired girl looked back at the older girl, nodding while taking the staff in her hands and got up off of Quen. When the older girl released her hold on Quen, the fearful chill slowly left his body.
The Breach pulsated again, shooting out more green beams. From the lights, a flood of spiny, clawed shapes that Quen recognized as Fade demons flowed into the crater of the temple. A nearby growl told the others that the Pride demon had gotten back up and was already aiming for the soldiers, who, upon Cassandra and Leliana’s cries, began to fight back.
“Erune! Zyllian!” The rabbit-eared girl ran over to the two, followed by the squirrel girl holding her giant axe (Creators, that axe looked heavy, how was that small girl able to carry such a weapon so easily?).
“I’m okay.” The blue haired girl (Erune was it?) reassured the other girls.
Suddenly, the rabbit haired girl whipped her arm over her shoulder as if she was reaching for an arrow in a quiver. A swirl of light traced up her arm, forming a long projectile. She quickly lifted her bow up, more light circling around her arm as she drew it back. A flight of magic arrows fired forth, hitting a Lesser demon that was aimed at Cassandra, the arrows vanishing shortly after impact to expose gaping wounds. Cassandra was stunned by the girl’s strange weapon, but nodded before going back to fighting.
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Quen stared back, shocked at the sight of the girls, whose ears and tails twitched authentically.
Solas ran up to Quen, helping him to his feet, handing him his daggers. “We must clear the demons out of this place to seal the Breach!”
“Oi sis,” Quen and Solas looked at the squirrel girl, a wide, toothy grin spread across her face. “Should we help these peeps out?”
“Of course.” The rabbit girl said. “Zyllian, you handle the creatures that are continuing to come forth, draw their attention from the rest of us.” Upon her orders, the demonic-looking girl with the steel mask nodded, diving away into the fray with her scythes trailing behind her. The rabbit eared girl turned to the squirrel girl with axe, pointing at the Pride demon. “Eruno, you handle the big one, keep it distracted.”
“Right!” The fluffy squirrel tail flicked in delight as the girl ran towards the Pride demon that had cornered one of the archer soldiers. As she dragged her axe behind her, faint streams of redness began to cover its surface at a rapid rate. “OI BIG GUY!” The Pride demon turned. “TAKE THIS!” Grounding her heel in the dirt, she swung her axe, the heavy blade slamming into its body. The Pride demon’s clawed hands grabbed in surprise at the thing that managed to pierce its thick hide. “Tch!” She spat, annoyed.
“Erune.” Eirai summoned more magic light around her arms and her weapon. “I’m going to need a mana boost, cover me.” The energy flowed and scattered about her hands as she wove an unfamiliar pattern in the air. Nodding, Erune held her staff out, a glyph appearing under the rabbit girl’s feet. As a group of Wraiths snaked their way towards the two girls, she quickly flicked her wrist out at each of the wisps, bolts of light knocking each of them back, a few more scorch marks to their name.
The demonic-girl, Zyllian, leapt into the middle of a group of Rage demons, the purple smoke left as remnants from where she was before. The beady eyes of the bubbling, molten figures snapped to the girl.
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Her scythes whipped out, slicing limbs clean off. Evading another blow, she swung her arms, the blades flying out until the limit of their chain. As she spun her body around, the blades danced around her. Quickly retracting the blades now covered in darkened blood, she flipped backwards in a purple smoke out of the way of a Rage demon’s fire strike.
The cat girl almost felt the Despair demon behind her as her attention was distracted. Quen ran towards her, thrusting his daggers in the cloaked monster’s back. Erune turned just in time to let out a little squeak when she realized the gravity of the situation. Her eyes widened suddenly. “Look out!”
Quen hissed as a Terror demon took a deep swipe at him from the side, leaving a deep gash on his stomach. He fell back, clutching his side while Varric fired a couple bolts from afar to take out the demon. Drawing his hand away slightly, he could see hints of his sliced intestines through the open wound. He grit his teeth as sharp pain sizzled from the acid from the Terror demon’s claws.
“Shit. Frosty!” Varric ran to Quen. The dwarf reached back for a potion.
“Wait!” Varric paused as the cat girl rushed over, her staff still outstretched to keep channeling the glyph under the rabbit girl’s feet. Summoning a light blue aura with her free hand, she focused the magic on Quen’s wound, her eyes closed in concentration.
Quen felt himself slipping away from reality as the blood flowed out of his body - then he didn’t feel anything but the reassuring presence of the rabbit girl and her aura. The fading of the aura left him energized; he glanced at his side to confirm that he was whole once again. “Thanks.” Quen gasped in relief. Readying his crossbow, Varric went back to the fight as soon as he saw Quen fit enough to stand on his own.
By now, the horde of demons had been reduced by half. Leliana helped guide the injured soldiers back from the monsters’ continuing onslaught. Once again, the Breach convulsed, summoning a second Pride demon amidst a group of warriors. The beast let out a haunting laugh, sparks of purple energy erupting from its body, burning the soldiers that were too close to it.
The rabbit girl swore between her teeth as she noticed the newest challenger to the fight. “ERUNO!” She aimed her bow at the squirrel girl, who stood in front of the first large monster. The glyphs around her feet began to flicker as her drawstring arm glowed rapidly.
Eruno wheeled aside, the tips of her hair slightly singed as the projectile flew past.The Pride demon was struck, its massive body staggering. The arrow rapidly pulsed, exploding seconds later, black blood spraying around. Soon after, the creature fell over, its hulking body shattering into green dust when its hide connected with the rubble.
The cat girl began to sway, a bead of sweat rolling down her brow. Quen caught her just in time as she fell; the rabbit girl ran to the two of them. “Erune, what’s wrong?”
Erune panted. “My magic...isn’t as strong here...I needed to use more mana...I’m almost depleted…I’m sorry Eirai...”
Eirai shook her head. “It’s okay. Just stay back then. I’ll take care of you.” Quen handed the younger of the two to the older one. The rabbit girl readied her weapon and fired a few shots at the demons that were aiming for the other soldiers. The cat girl stayed a close distance to her, keeping a watchful eye on the battle. Once Quen saw that the two were fine, he went back to help the others fighting.
The second Pride demon roared, its massive body swaying side to side. It immediately went straight for Cassandra. She was forced backward as the creature collided with her shield, her stance wavering at the onslaught.
Letting out a battle cry, Eruno leapt in the air, swinging the axe down on the Pride demon’s shoulder. The beast howled, thrashing around in anger. It flung the squirrel girl aside before turning its attention to Eruno, preparing to pummel its hulking body into the small girl.
Her tail flicking in annoyance, Eruno slammed her axe head first into the ground. A translucent barrier surrounded the front of her. As the demon’s body ricocheted off the shield, Cassandra saw this as an opening and thrust her blade in the demon’s back hide.
Solas shot a blast of ice magic, creating a wall of icicle stalagmites that slowed the approach of the fiery Rage demons. With a swing of his staff, the rubble behind him was flung towards a Despair demon, knocking it to the ground. Zyllian threw out her sickle to the monster on the ground, using the chain to pull herself to it to finish it off.
The Pride demon countered, bashing its armored arm into Cassandra’s shield, causing her to fall to her knees from the surprise attack. As it lifted its massive claws to swipe down at the woman, Eruno jumped in between the two of them, setting up another barrier with her axe once again, protecting the lady Seeker.
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Varric released a series of arrows at the Pride demon to draw its attention away from Eruno while the scythe wielding girl rushed forward, whipping the chains of her blades around the enemy, immobilizing the large creature.
“Now!” Cassandra shouted to Quen. The elf jumped on the Pride demon’s back. Raising his daggers above his head, he slammed the short blades between the plating of the hide on the its neck. Quen slipped off just in time as the massive monster fell face first into the ground before dispersing into green mist which was sucked back into the rift.
Panting, he took a moment to assess his surroundings. The soldiers had taken out the rest of the stragglers. The four strange looking girls had grouped back together and were looking at him and his hand as they whispered amongst themselves.
Solas was by the Quen’s side soon after. “We must close it now.” The mage gestured to the glowing mark. Nodding, Quen raised his arm to the Breach, concentrating with the mark. The scar on his hand immediately reacted, shooting out a green bolt at the Rift.
Unlike the previous times Quen had closed the smaller rifts on his way up the mountain, the pain that came with this one was ten times worse. His throat burned as he tried to scream, green bolts of electricity visibly spasming across his body. He felt as though his whole body was being turned inside out and set aflame. The veins and nerves bulged up under his skin, threatening to burst through. The constant shocks through his body caused his heart to pound against his chest at a rapid rate. His eyes stung as tears fell down his cheeks from the intense pain.
This is it. He thought. This is how I’m going to die.
Suddenly, he felt a pair of small hands cover his own with the pulsing mark. The aching pain began to subside.
[Minutes ago…]
“Sis, you think that elf is the one whom the ‘God’ was talking about?” Eruno wiped a smudge of soot from her cheek.
“The glowing scar on his hand is similar to the rift in the sky.” Eirai noted. “And the other elf referred to him to ‘close the Breach’. The white haired elf is probably the one we are looking for.”
“Can he close the rifts is the question…” Zyllian muttered with a hint of a scoff in her voice.
The four Elins watched as the elf lift his glowing arm toward the Breach. The rift countered, forcing the elf to his knees and cry out in pain. Green sparks surrounded him, causing the bald elf to move back in alarm.
“It’s hurting him…” Erune whispered. She watched as the black haired woman and the stocky short man looked at one another, unsure what to do. The bald elf tried to get close but the constant electricity formed a barricade around the white haired elf, blocking his approach. The Priestess’s heart clenched as the pained screams echoed through the crater of the burnt ruins.
It pained the young Elin to see those distress. Her healing magic tickled on her fingertips in hopes to reach and try to at least ease the hurt the elf was going through.
Her body was already exhausted of using up most of her mana, but she felt a need to try and help.
She couldn’t lose another one. She had lost too many people when she was right there.
A woman’s voice suddenly spoke out to her.
Please. Help him.
“Erune?” The Priestess’s twin sister looked at her curiously. Erune’s eyes glazed over as if they were in a trance. She dropped her staff and ran towards the elf encased in the barrier of green electricity. She ignored her sisters yelling out her name as she moved her feet as quickly as she could.
The moment her hand touched the barrier, the shocks around the elf carried over to her. The fur of her cat ears and tail puffed out in alarm from the sparks. The Elin wanted to draw back as her cat ears flattened against her head, but the woman’s voice urged her onward.
Pushing her small body through the immense power, she made her way to the elf. Gathering up what little magic she had left in her hands, she placed them on the elf’s left hand that was blazing with green light and let her magic flow freely to heal him.
Everyone stood in amazement as one of the strange girls managed to break through the barrier made by the rift that surrounded Quen. She had struggled against the magic from the Fade but was able to touch the elf’s hand with the mark. As soon as a soft blue light surrounded their hands with a soothing hum, the green sparks began to cease.
The mark on Quen’s hand shot out once again at the Breach, this time fighting back as the Fade rift tried to counter. The Breach spasmed from the energy, the edges of the large green scar quivering as it folded in on itself. The crystals drew back into the Fade. As soon as the scar shrunk to a thin line, it let out one final blast of energy, knocking everyone surrounding it to their knees.
Quen and the girl gasped in shock as the pulse from the Breach pulled back, the two blacking out and collapsing onto the ground with the girl’s hands still on the elf’s.
The Rift was quiet, but the scar still remained in the sky, the presence of green mist faintly radiating from the line in the air.
Cassandra ran to the two and knelt down a let out a sigh of relief when she saw Quen was still breathing. Her head turned as she heard the other three mysterious girls run over to tend to the fourth one at the elf’s side.
Drawing her blade, she pointed it at the girls. “Who and what are you?” She demanded.
The rabbit girl had pulled the cat girl close to her and narrowed her eyes at Cassandra’s blade. As she spoke, her voice held an air of a military commander-like the Lady Seeker herself.
“We are Elins. We are from the world Arborea. Your Breach and Rifts have made their way into our world and we were sent to help close them here.”
Cassandra’s eyes widened with rest of the soldiers in the crater. Many voices arose as the men began talking amongst themselves while staring at the girls-no, Elins. Leliana quirked her eyebrow, still holding her bow hesitantly in her hands. Varric murmured something about what a twist this whole set of circumstances was while Solas seemed to be in deep thought with himself.
“Cassandra?” Leliana’s voice broke the woman’s daze of taking in this immense information. “What should do you suggest what we do with them?”
Cassandra sheathed her sword, keeping her eye on the ‘Elins’. “Arrest them.” Nodding, the Nightingale and the rest of her men locked their arrows on the four. The Elin with the squirrel tail began to protest when the white haired demonic one put her hand on the other’s shoulder and told her to stand down. “Take them back to Haven. We’ll decide what to do with them once he wakes up.” She gestured to Quen’s unconscious body and called for her soldiers to pick up the elf.
As the Elins were ushered away, the Seeker looked back to Solas who was looking at the Breach. “Solas?” She called out to the mage.
“The Breach has been sealed, but not closed. We must inform Quen when he awakes.”
Cassandra swore under her breath. She had hoped that Quen’s mark would be able to fix the issue immediately, but he had only managed to stop the chaos temporarily-with the help of the Elin girl. “What do you make of the events that had just occurred here?”
Solas brought his hand to his chin in thought. “The Breach connecting to other worlds...how is that possible…? Already the fact that Rifts to the Fade have opened up extensively-but bridging elsewhere…?” Shaking his head, he turned to the Seeker. “I will need to ask those ‘Elins’ what more they know of. Whatever the case, they seem to have come here willingly and helped us in the fight.”
Varric spoke up. “Which leads to my question: Why did you detain them Lady Seeker?”
The Seeker looked away from the mage and the dwarf. “We do not know who they are and it is best that we keep an eye on them until they can give us answers.”
The dwarf shrugged. “Alright then, Seeker. But they didn’t seem to want to hurt us. They even saved Frosty.”
“Nevertheless, we must take precautions.” Leliana reminded the others. Leaning in close to Cassandra, the Nightingale whispered to the Seeker. “I’ll inform Commander Cullen of the news.”
“The Chantry is a mess right now, Thedas is in chaos, and now, this?” Cassandra murmured under her breath. “Most Holy had confided to me of another solution if the Conclave failed. We must look into it. If we are to stem the tide of any more oncoming conflict, we must establish order.”
The door slammed open, barely startling the soulless slaves who continued in their tasks. Two figures stormed through, a tall mage covered in diseased flesh with red crystals protruding from parts of his body. He was followed by a large horned man with grey skin and large pointed ears. The horned man’s armor had veins filled with dust of the same red rock that covered the other man. In his hand, he carried a large staff embedded with the crimson crystals.
The magister threw down a large round orb on the work table, scattering aside bloodied tools and such. “That DAMN elf!” He swore aloud.
Frowning, the horned man began to speak. “Elder One-”
“SILENCE!” The magister interjected, his mouth curled into a snarl. “You let that elf get in with the others!” His massive clawed hands gripped the orb. “I expected better from you…”
The horned man’s yellowed eyes narrowed in disgust. So what if the man before was one of the ones whom his ancestors told of. He would not be treated in such a way by some ancient being. He had earned his right to his place in power and would not be treated like a mere apprentice. “Merely an uncalculated part-the elf that is.” The horned man spat. With a flick of his wrist, one of the slaves with glassysoulless eyes brought him a cup of wine. As he took a long drink, he looked back at the other man. “Well, now what will you do?”
The orb on the table barely flickered in the magister’s hands. “The orb’s power is gone...we must wait and see what happens...and should we find a moment of opportunity...we will take it. For now…” The man looked back at the horned being. “How goes the Venatori in Tevinter?”
The horned man smiled his sharp teeth back. “Your blood mages certainly have a talent - I’ll give them that. One of them, Gereon Alexius, shows great promise in some plans for a device he had been working on before he joined us. Perhaps you would be interested? I heard he wishes to play with time, something about saving a son of his…”
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jacks-tracks · 5 years ago
Hue Days
Hue was for a tour of the royal tombs and imperial palace. Motorcycle driver 400 t, tour of 3 spots 420t) 6 hours. An expensive day but i would never have found the hillside tombs 15 K out of town. First one was stepped up a steep hillside, with views across the wide valley, motttled with rice paddys and planted forest, to a distant white marble Kwan Yin statue 100 feet tall. All the tomb structuress were mde of cast cement tinted black. Black lions, filagree and arches and roof combs. The actual tomb, under a towering cement ceiling, was just a boxy marble slab box on a dais, fronted by a 2 meter incribed marble slab, no doubt extolling the virtues of the deceased. All in oriental script, this was the last Emporer, said to be a tool of the French(1920′s). There were lots of old pictures in the entry, elaborate robed and boxy hatted mandarins, royal throne shots, and formal ceremonials. The second level courtyard was flanked by 2 sets of life sized statues of mandarins and scribes. Not a patch on the detail of the Chinese horde i saw collected in the Bangkok Museum, only rough detail without the facial exactness. These figures were flanked in turn by cement horses and elephants. Nagas glared green glass eyes  from the lower end of the stairways, their bodys forming the balustrade up to the top level. Live armed guards monitored screens and prevented hat wearing, flash photos, and other capital offenses.
    The second much larger temple complex was in a flat parklike setting, with little lakes(100′s  of big Koi- who gobbled up the chunks of white bread left from my breakfast), extensive plazas, and gates with a series of step up, step down entrances. Up stairs and down to reach the inner courtyard and the penultimate,tomb/alter. Here a regal figure, life sized statue all covered in goldleaf, poised on a golden throne atop the actual tomb. He had rather a sour face topped by a flat topped inflated hat rather like a mortar board, four cornered and tassled. His brother finished the likeness after his death so it nay not be a true representation..  From a shaded bridge I watched the Koi swarm, while slim troutlike fish darted about in the murky water and choking weeds. 10 am by then and getting hot under clear blue skys.
     Back to town, via backroad shortcuts that revealed that nowhere was there any unpopulated countryside, little houses everywhere, even crammed up to the walls of the riverside temples .  All the hillsides were either treed in fresh plantations or laid bare by clearcuts. I have not seen a log bigger than a foot thick, and mostly short lengths of 6 inch poles are hand fed through band saw mills. All slabs and branches go for cookfires, with overloaded motorcycles  hauling away the off cuts. Like the crowded countryside, all roads are full. Mostly motorcycles, often carrying whole familys, Mum, Dad, With a kidsandwhiched between them, one hanging off the back, and a little one standing on the floorboards and clutching the handlebars. Everyone wears helmets, and there is some form of traffic rules, though I can’t see it.
   The Hue main market, a 1 K square, 2 level warren of everything imaginable, Food, watches,trinkets, clothing by the pile,candy, rice, vegetables and fruit,noodles, dried bits of ?, anda cacophany ofvoices. Nobody talks here, they shout, even just across the narrow aisles. Add up 100′sof  yelling vendors, the calls of porters stuffing too wide loads through too narrow aisles, kids calling, food stalls importuning, and touts offering... bedlam... a nice lady tout took me to 3 different stops (piles on the floor in the already packed aisles) for oranges, bannanas, and mangoes, all at tourist prices. i really didn’t want tobuy anything , my pack already filled to bursting(lit) but had to see the touts “shop” The family horde descended on me, pushing scarves, t shirts formal shirts pants and footwear. I rather likesd the bamboo shirt, but when it got to prices, evveything was sky high, cheaper in Coombs. i showed them my conveniently almost empty wallet(planned),  and they insisted that surely i had Visa or ATM? Nope, no have, just imagine the Visa charges!? Disgust.. muttering,,(shall we eat him.?. no, too old)  And finally the head vulture plucked my remaining money from my dusty wallet and reluctantly gave me rather nice silk scarf  . Well i had to buy something!  Made my way out, glad for my sense of direction, and discreetly refilled my wallet from my money belt. Another charming lady led me to an interior Pho stall where i had a delicious bowl of dumpling soup(hold the large chunks of boiled hog fat), no chile please. Good. the tout lady was disappointed that I had no time to come to her shop.. “driver waiting” and declined my offer to buy her lunch. Actually my driver was having tea and a chat with a womam operating a tea stall curbside, who insisted on stacking two tiny stools for my long legs. Still had my chin on my knees., but service was done. i wanted to buy my driver a meal or at least pay for his tea, but he insisted that he would eat later ar home where he lived with his mother. He went off to retrieve the motorcycle from the pay lot, I gave 20t to an old beggar lady, and off we went to the Imperial Palace.
        the Imperial city, a moated fortified residence for the Emporers, is a 4 kilometer square enclosure, with 20 foot brick walls (1820′s) ,entered only through huge bolt studded, iron strapped wooden gates, flanked by arrow slitted watch towers. The interior is further divided into concentric courtyards by more massive walls, further split into more walled compounds. Very defensible. Acces to the first area was by a three gated arch. only the Emporer would use the center portal, so i went left. Lovely acres of flower beds stuffed with seasonal blooms, gold and yellow marigolds, red hot pokers, ranks of red geraniums, flocks of blue lupins, and many more i didn’t know.  Every courtyard had blocks of flowers, some flanking the walkways to the temples, others just filling backyards
     More archways and gates led deeper still into the complex to open sided collonades lined with pictures and memorial plaques. the halls of the Mandarins. Seemed endless, and indeed was well over 200 meters long, with both sides of the yard lined with these pillared walkways. i tramped into a dozen courts, halls, houses, temples, and gardens.Pictures by the hundreds, ceramic plaques, pastel hued plaster pillars holding up ceremonial  arches topped with elaborate dragons, whew! Gulping water, seeking shade. After 2 hours i was bagged, hot and weary. my calves were mooing, my thighs cramping, and my head spinning. More pillars held up brilliant coloured ornamental pictures, animals, birds, flowers and miscellaneous gods. Huge bronze cauldrons(2500 kilos) could have cooked for an army but were purely commemerative, each tripoded one , ranged in a row of nine, had historical events cast on the outside.  Similar cauldrons lined the path to a temple, with brilliant blossoms alongside.
   Given the huge population of officials, courtiers, and servants, the place must have  been packed. I saw no wells (or sanitation). Did they pack in water from the moat and pack out the crap? Likely.  A video presentation showed structural framing details, and placed wooden buildings, long since gone. Imagine the lines of people packing in firewood and food, ceremonial processions, priests and Mandarins in brilliant coloured silks, murals covering every wall,the Emporer, concubines and wives, a concentrated babble, a mix of soldiers, commoners and slaves.
     By  1:30 i was finished, far from seeing it all, probably not a third, but hot and weary. My driver popped out of the trees outside and we went to an ATM, then a bakery for Ban Mi egg and a cinnamon bun. Returned safely to my backstreet hostel for a welcome shower and lunch and rest. The cold was creeping through my system and by nightfall i was sneezing and congested.
0 notes
9r7g5h · 8 years ago
Facing the Minotaur - P12
Fandom: Xena: Warrior Princess
Rating: T
Genre: Action/Adventure
Summary: When the Queen of Crete goes missing, it’s up to Xena and Gabrielle to save her. But when that means delving into the depths of the Labyrinth, can they even save themselves?
Words: 4,924
AN: And I completely forgot yesterday was Friday. Opps. Sorry about that! But here's chapter 12, so hopefully you all like it!
Disclaimer: I do not own Xena.
P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14
The sun was warm, beautiful and bright- a nice change from the constant chill that had been falling each early afternoon, the high sun unable to drive away the cold that had been following them recently. It was just warm enough to kiss the skin, comfortably heating instead of burning. The light breeze sent the water rippling, just lapping at the shore.
Laid out as she was on the rug, her nearby bucket full of fish, toes slowly kneading the sand, for a moment, Xena was confused. Confused as to how she got there, when she had arrived, and why she was falling asleep instead of continuing to fish. There was a full inn she had to feed tonight- their stop at Cyrene’s hadn’t been planned, and since business had been busy just a few days before, she hadn’t had time to run out and restock the stores, planning on doing it in the next day or two when the fresh stuff came in. Xena had agreed to go fishing while everyone else had run off to the market, hoping to find something edible amongst the week old fruit and vegetables that were still available, though their luck would probably be slim. So dinner would most certainly be fish.
But even knowing that hungry mouths waited for her at home, Xena couldn’t bring herself to move. She was warm, comfortable…at peace.
Even if she was still a bit confused. Last she remembered, they had been heading towards the ocean, for a boat to…to where, she couldn’t remember. Somewhere that needed their help. Somewhere that…
“Xena,” a voice called out, breaking her train of thought. “Hey, Xena, are you awake down there?”
“Maybe,” she called back, her voice half muffled from the yawn that broke from her, her hand coming up to rub at her eyes. Sleep still laid heavily upon them, though she was slowly becoming more and more aware of her surroundings. And her confusion was slowly clearly up as well, the longer she was awake- they had been heading towards the sea, to take a boat to…somewhere, but had received a message, asking them to come to Amphipolis instead. Bandits and warlords had taken up nearby, and while they hadn’t been a direct threat at the time, they had changed course and gone straight there. Better to be safe than sorry.
“’Maybe’ must mean yes, if you can say it,” the voice teased, coming closer with every step. She could hear the steps now, the heavy fall of boot on the border between forest and lake, the sandy grass giving a particular crunch to their walk. Though, no matter what they walked over, Xena recognized them, recognized the fall of their feet as they made their way down to the shore, until they were standing over her, blocking the sun.
How could she not recognize her baby brother?
“Maybe I’m sleep talking,” Xena replied, opening one eye just a bit so she could look up at Lyceus, slowly allowing the light that filtered around him to bring her fully back to the land of the living, leaving Morpheus’ realm for later. “It’s common enough, especially with this family.”
“Ha ha,” Lyceus said sarcastically, rolling his eyes before nudging her shoulder with the toe of his boot. “That was one time, and I still don’t believe it actually happened. Pretty sure you and Toris are messing with me.”
“I wish,” Xena said, groaning softly as she pushed herself upward, stretching out her back and her shoulders. Sitting there for a moment, she watched as Lyceus turned to look into the fish bucket before continuing, pitching her voice upward in a poor imitation of her brothers’. “Oh, Hercules, when did you arrive? You’re so strong. Lets’ be the best of friends.” She burst into giggles when Lyceus turned to glare at her, his cheeks flaming red at her play, though he soon fell into chuckling with her, shaking his head at her teasing. Raising an eyebrow, he crossed his arms, giving her that look of his that let her know she had it coming.
“I might sleep talk,” Lyceus replied, “but at least I didn’t propose to my wife mostly drunk in front of my army and start crying when she said yes like someone did, oh miss Warrior Princess.” He gave a mocking bow before her, barely able to keep a straight face as she threw a handful of sand his way. Dodging, he shook out the little bits that had gotten caught in his hair and stuck out his tongue, a childish move he had never grown out of.
“Well, at least I have a wife,” Xena replied, finally standing, coming up to her full height so she towered over him- he had always been short, even after his growth spurts had finished, another thing she never missed an opportunity to give him grief about. “And maybe one day, when you’re all grown up, you can have one too.” She ruffled his hair, laughing when he batted her hand away, before ducking down to pick up the fish bucket and rug. “Let’s get going,” she finally said, jerking her head back towards town. “We’ve got a family to feed.”
Taking the rug from her, slipping it over his shoulder, Lyceus saluted her before turning and running off, sliding slightly in the slick sand as he did.
He’d make a good soldier, if he ever decided to pick up a sword. Though, that was what she and her army were there for- to make sure ordinary people like him never had to.
They’d started out small, just a handful of men from her village and herself, the few who had stayed and driven away Cortes when he had tried to attack, all those years ago. Realizing they worked well together, their little troupe had traveled from village to village, gathering forces, training anyone who wanted to learn in the ways of war, setting up defenses and leaving the people with the knowledge of how to better them. Funded by their own talents, fed by their own skills at hunting, they had traveled the countryside, wiping out warlords and corrupt kings alike, bringing almost complete peace and order one town at a time.
And when, after months of this, it seemed like Greece was on a better path (no one had dared to stand up to her, and those she had become allies with had promised to watch over the country while she was gone), she had taken to the sea. Taken to new lands, to bring the same peace and safety to them that Greece now felt.
It was overseas, in Chin, that she earned the title of Warrior Princess, that she was given the honor by the new Empress Lao Ma, after the old system had fallen around the old official’s ears- helped, of course, by her and her men. She became comrades with Rome, a friend to the people of Japa, had even earned the honorary title of Valkyrie from the people in the North. She sided with Queen Boudica and earned a lifelong friend, and even became a favorite of the gods (not with Ares, no, for she was stopping more wars than she began, but many others showed her their favor).
For ten years she had done this, for ten years she had traveled the world, routing out evil and despair wherever it had found a hold, known to all as either the ‘Warrior Princess’ or ‘Builder of Nations,’ until it was time for her to come home.
And on that journey home had been when she had met Gabrielle, had managed to be in the right place at the right time to save her and her friends from a desperate group of bandits, and so had finally met her heart.
Not that she had known it, at the time. It had taken years of traveling together, both by themselves whenever Xena needed a break from leading her army (when she would leave it in Marcus’ capable hands) and with everyone else, the two of them part of the thousands who had dedicated their lives to making sure the world was a better place. Years of friendship, of learning about each other’s past and their hopes for the future and dreams and fears, friendship that had slowly turned into more- something even her men had taken great interest in, because while she had been in love with others throughout the years, one of her affairs even resulting in young Solan (who, even at the tender age of ten, had still been one of her best ambassadors. The result of him being raised by the centaurs she had befriended during her early journeys, allowing Solan to be raised in politics instead of having to pick it up on his own like she had had to do), this was something different.
This was the kind of love sung about in stories, the once in a thousand lifetimes connection that would shake the heavens and shame Aphrodite herself for the poor imitation she created. Something that was obvious to everyone. Except, of course, them.
Until it was almost too late, until she almost lost Gabrielle to another, and it was only a stroke of fate (and Gabrielle’s cold feet, leaving her unable to go through with the wedding) that gave her the second chance she needed. The second chance she had taken, allowing her to woo Gabrielle and be wooed in turned, for apparently Gabrielle did and always had returned her affections, leading to the public declaration of love and request for marriage a few months later.
Though she hadn’t been that drunk.  A drink or two (or five) among her most trusted men to boost her courage, and besides, who wouldn’t cry at the fact that the woman they loved agreed to be theirs?
It didn’t take them long to reach the inn, though part of Xena couldn’t help but feel like it should have been longer. The lake was closer than she remembered, a pleasant stroll instead of a close to demanding hike…but it had been a while since she had been home. Perhaps that was just youth talking, for any large distance for a child was small for someone who had traveled the entire known world. Besides, with it such a pleasant day, it was more than possible that she had just lost track of time.
She seemed to be doing that a lot, lately.
Not that she could really think about it much, for as she passed under the old tree that lined the pathway back to the inn, she heard him.
A creaking branch as he shifted his weight, a stifled giggle- just enough of a warning to get her into position, the fish bucket falling safely to her feet as Solan dropped from the branches, landing on her back. She staggered for a moment- she almost made a remark that fifteen was too old and too heavy to be dropping onto her like this- but she quickly regained her footing, hiking his legs further up around her waist as he settled his arms better around her shoulders for the ride.
“Hey Mom,” Solan said, leaning around to place a kiss against her cheek; a scratchy one, the beginnings of a beard rubbing against her skin. “Have fun fishing?”
“More than usual, but not as much as some,” Xena replied honestly, dipping down so Solan could catch the handle of the bucket, bringing it with them as she began to walk once again. “It’s the strangest thing though,” she admitted after a moment- who better to talk to then her own son? “I don’t remember catching the fish. Just woke up with them already caught.”
Solan was quiet for a few moments as they moved, eventually sliding off her back as they reached the steps leading into the inn. Stepping up one higher than hers, he pressed the back of his hand against her forehead, the look on his face becoming contemplative for a few moments before he pulled away. “Too much sun,” he finally declared, nodding firmly. “That,” he added with a sly look, “or Gabrielle’s right, and you’re just getting old.”
“I am not,” Xena replied with an indignant huff, snatching the bucket of fish from his hand and stalking past him on the stairs. “And the next person who says so is in deep trouble.”
“Do you mean it?”
Xena paused in the doorway as Gabrielle’s voice reached her, as she watched her rise from the table where she had been peeling apples and come to stand before her. She was smiling that soft, gentle smile of hers- one of the first things Xena had fallen in love with, that smile- as she gazed up at Xena, waiting for her response, a devious glint in her gaze that didn’t match with the rest of her. A glint that Xena recognized, that sent heat to the pit of her stomach as she recognized the question within the question.
“I could,” Xena said casually, raising an eyebrow. “Do you want me to?”
“Maybe,” was all she got in return, Gabrielle winking up at her. Reaching up, Gabrielle gently ran her finger over Xena’s lip, leaving behind a trail of apple juice- sweet, sticky, the movement promising more to come, a taste Xena made clear she desired with a nip as Gabrielle pulled her hand away. “Could be fun, being in trouble with you. Depends on the punishment you have in mind.”
“I have a lot in mind,” Xena said, her voice a low growl. “Depends on how much trouble you want. Mind filling me in?”
“And this is getting gross,” Solan said from behind them, his face twisted in disgust, his nose wrinkling as he walked past them. Taking the bucket from Xena, he dodged when she swiped at his head, sticking out his tongue when he was out of reach- just like his uncle. “Come on,” he added, rolling his eyes, “what kid wants to see his moms have eye sex and verbal forepaly? I’ll be in the kitchen with Grandma until you two are decent again. Or dinner’s ready.”
“By the gods,” Gabrielle muttered as Solan disappeared, her face flushed red, “you should have told me he was there.” She shifted, clearly uncomfortable- Gabrielle had spent the last few years toeing the fine line with Solan between his friend and his stepmother, and while the two got along fine, it could still be awkward at times.
Not that Xena cared at the moment. She loved them both, glad that their relationship with each other was what it was, but at the moment? At the moment she wished they were anywhere else, even in her tent in the middle of her camp, because then they’d be alone.
“Figured you knew, since you responded,” Xena pointed out, though she didn’t give Gabrielle long to think on that. Instead she bent her head, trailing her lips along the side of her jaw, leaving light kisses and nips as she worked her way up to whisper in her ear. “How about we head to our room,” she offered, her hands coming to rest on Gabrielle’s hips, the end of each sentence punctuated by a kiss against her jaw or neck. “Or to the barn. Or back by the lake, I’m not picky.”
“Or,” Gabrielle said, giggling as she wiggled away, “we wait until after the ceremony and dinner, and then go wherever we want?”
“The ceremony?” For some reason, Xena couldn’t remember. What the ceremony was for, what it was supposed to be. She stood there for a long moment, thinking, trying to remember…but nothing. Like Solan had said, she had gotten far too much sun, and her head was fuzzy for it.
“Yeah, you know, the sacrifice? The cow and the lamb?” Gabrielle gave her a strange look, concern passing across her face when Xena gave no sign of recognition. “To the gods.”
“Which one?” She was the beloved of many gods, had earned that place over the years she had fought to make the world a better place, but when had she ever sacrificed something to them? She had made many offerings, of course, over the years- to Athena for wisdom, to Hera before the wedding, to Aphrodite to bless her chances at winning Gabrielle. To Zeus for fair weather and Poseidon for safe passage over sea, and to Hades for the men she lost in battle. But those were offerings, small gifts of flowers or fish or stones. With food scarce and never much money, almost all of it put into the upkeep of her army, when had she ever done an official, costly sacrifice…
“To the gods,” Gabrielle said with a shrug, as if the information Xena was asking her for wasn’t important. “All of them. Just, the gods in general.”
That…that didn’t seem right. The gods each had their likes, their own rituals and observants that needed to be followed, lest you gained their wrath. To have a single sacrifice, to lump them all together, that was sure to-
“You’re sick, Xena,” Gabrielle spoke up, cutting through the haze of thoughts that clouded her mind. “You’re not well. You will be soon, after the sacrifice. I promise.” And as if to seal that promise, make it binding and true, Gabrielle stood on the tips of her toes and pressed a kiss to Xena’s lips, holding it as she waited for Xena to respond.
It felt…wrong.
She remembered kissing Gabrielle, kissing her what must have been a hundred, a thousand times by now. And before she had always been warm. Warm and welcoming, her every touch a physical manifestation of her love. Kissing Gabrielle was intoxicating, addicting, leaving her wanting more and more even as she struggled to breathe. She could give up anything in the world and be able to survive, but to stop kissing Gabrielle? That would surely kill her.
But this was wrong. She was cold, cold and hard as stone, and the moment their lips touched, a shiver trailed down her spine, a shiver of fear as she tasted death upon her tongue. As she breathed in the same air Gabrielle was breathing and felt sick as it entered her lungs, her entire being trembling as she finally pulled away, because this wasn’t right. This was wrong, somehow entirely wrong, because this was nothing like any of the other times she had kissed Gabrielle. She was lacking the warmth from before, that had always been present, when she kissed her at their wedding, when she kissed her after they had officially begun courting, when Gabrielle had kissed her after she had been bitten by the hydra, when-
When had Gabrielle ever been near a hydra?
And just as suddenly as it had come it was gone, whatever it was that had left her pale and shaking, Gabrielle staring at her with concern as she grabbed hold of her arm, gently leading her to a chair. “Something’s not right,” Xena mumbled as she allowed herself to be pulled, mechanically taking the cup of water Gabrielle offered her a moment later. “Something’s…”
“You got too much sun while you were fishing,” Gabrielle said, scoldingly, shaking her head as she used a cloth to wipe the sweat from Xena’s brow. “You shouldn’t have fallen asleep like that. Just stay awake until after the ceremony, and then you can rest. Alright?”
And once again she was warm- warm in her hands as she tenderly wiped the cloth across her face and down her neck, replacing sweat with cleansing water; warm in her eyes, worried though they were, as they watched her face for any reaction; warm in every way Gabrielle ever had been.
Except to know for sure, Xena would have to kiss her again, to truly see if it was the sun that had made her feel cold, and she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Something within her was telling her to run, to flee from the loving touch of her wife, to escape to…somewhere she didn’t know, but just something was telling her to go, now, before it was too late because-
How did Gabrielle know she’d fallen asleep?
It was too much. Shaking her head, Xena quickly drained the cup of water, the sweet coolness helping to drive back some of the heat still clinging to her, though it did nothing to help soothe the chill in her bones. Pushing herself to her feet, she wavered for a moment, stumbling slightly as she tried to walk, only to have find herself sitting once more, at a table a few feet away from where she had started, Gabrielle kneeling by her side. Kneeling by her side and calling for the others, Cyrene and Solan and Toris trailing out from the kitchen.
“You don’t look so good, sis,” Toris said, hunching over so he could examine her. Vaguely, Xena recognized that she should relax- Toris was a doctor, he knew what he was doing, and so she should just let him do what he needed to.
But still she shied away at his touch, hunching over in the chair instead as she tried to calm the pounding in her head, the painful pressure right behind her eyes that wouldn’t go away. She flinched as hands landed upon her back and shoulders, but otherwise didn’t move much- the hands were warm, comforting, the pressure as fingers found the knots in her back and slowly worked them out one by one helping to drain, little by little, the tension from her neck. After a while it helped, the pain in her head fading by degrees, though not by much.
“We need to get going.” She was barely aware of the speaker (Cyrene, maybe, though she could have sworn that it was her mother rubbing her back. If that was so, then how was she speaking from the other side of the room?), but did notice when hands hooked under her arms, hauling her to her feet and keeping her there, holding her steady as she found her balance.
“Sorry Mom,” Solan said apologetically, stepping forward with another cup of water. Leaning on who she recognized as Lyceus, Xena took and drained it quickly, hoping that more would help. And it did, slightly, leaving her a little bit more steady, a little bit stronger, a little bit more clear headed, though not by much.
It was enough for her to stand on her own, though Toris and Lyceus stayed close. Close enough to brush their hands against her arms, keeping her steady as she moved when prompted, following after Cyrene and Gabrielle and Solan as the three led the way out of the inn. Out the inn, down the stairs, around back to the barn yard she hadn’t thought much about in quite a while- they had sold the cows and sheep after her father had died three years ago, keeping only the easily cared for chickens. They were easier for Cyrene to manage on her own, though she did miss the free milk.
Not that Xena could think about such trivial things, because she actually started to laugh as the yard came into view, showing her the creatures lined up to be sacrificed.
Because while the black cow was standard affair, she was stunned that they had actually managed to find a golden lamb.
Not truly golden, she realized as they walked closer, though from a distance the reddish blonde of the fur could have passed as gold. It was a beautiful creature; clearly the creation of a long line of well-planned breeding to create such an even color, the pet project of someone with a lot of time, money, and energy on their hands. And it had the weirdest eyes as well- a delightful green, even dulled as they were with the drugs that kept the animals calm.
It was almost a shame, to sacrifice such a beautiful creature. It was a shame, in fact, one Xena made a split decision on.
“Is there another sheep we could use,” she asked, turning to look at her family. Nodding her head towards the one still standing there (still, so still. A result of the drugs, but even then, it was off putting at least…), Xena addressed Cyrene and smiled. “Give her another year or two, and if you can find a similarly colored stud, we could breed you a whole herd of sheep as pretty as her.”
“I’m not a shepherd,” Cyrene laughed, shaking her head at her daughter’s suggestion. “I can barely keep up with the chickens, much less a herd of sheep. No, Xena,” she finished with a sigh, wiping away a bit of moisture from her eyes, “this is the one. It has to be these two.”
For a moment she wanted to protest some more: it just seemed wrong, killing such a pretty little thing, but the moment she opened her mouth she wavered, the throb behind her eyes, momentarily driven back, returning with full force. She held up her hand when the others stepped forward- it was only a momentary throb, just a warning from her body that standing around and arguing wasn’t going to help anything. All she wanted to do was lay down and rest, wait out whatever was causing her pain, maybe get some sleep.
And besides, what did one lamb really matter? There were probably hundreds out there exactly like her, and Xena just hadn’t seen them yet. She’d fine another, exactly like her, one day.
“Xena.” It was Gabrielle, at her side with the chakram in hand, holding it out for her to take. For a moment Xena could have sworn that the hoop had ben clipped to her belt, but quickly shook away the fog that came with the question; she must have taken it off before going fishing and left it behind. Taking the chakram from Gabrielle, she smiled in thanks and nodded, moving so she was standing beside the lamb.
Better to just get it over with, and the sooner the cow and lamb were dead, the sooner she could feel better.
Kneeling down, once again Xena couldn’t help but be surprised at how still the animal was. The effect of the drugs, she knew, but it hadn’t even twitched the entire time they had been there. Not even a reaction when she had approached it with the sharp steel in hand, its gaze still staring off into the distance, as if it was deeply lost in thought. Even under the glaze, there was almost something intelligent in the green stare, something Xena was curious to understand, even if she knew it was folly.
It was just a lamb.
Delaying a moment longer, she ran her hands through its fleece- it was surprisingly fine, more like hair than wool, nothing that would be good to weave or turn into any sort of cloth. The strands would never catch, and would fall apart before it could be used. But there was something…soothing about running her hands through its fleece, something familiar about her fingers tangling in the strands. Something she just couldn’t place her fingers on…
“Xena,” Gabrielle said, this time her voice almost demanding. It was harsh, at least, harsh and clipped as she spoke. It took a long moment to turn towards her, Xena’s gaze almost unwilling to leave the lamb, but eventually she turned to face her wife. “Xena,” Gabrielle said again, her voice kinder. “It’s quicker if you just get it over with. Like killing a fish.”
Nodding, slightly ashamed of her behavior, Xena wrapped one arm around the lamb’s head, drawing it against her chest so it wouldn’t move, though she doubted if it even could, drugged as it was. Placing her chakram against its neck, she pressed in, ever so slightly, just enough to knick the skin and begin the cut that would end this, a slight trail of blood tricking down its neck. Glancing up, Xena smiled at her watching family, all of them waiting excitedly for the sacrifice to be done.
Including, Xena realized with a rolling stomach, Gabrielle. Gabrielle, who wouldn’t even look at a rabbit until after it had been skinned, who wouldn’t eat a fish if it still had eyes, who had never harmed a single thing in her life.
Except she had. Gabrielle had, in that gods’ damned temple, believing she was protecting a friend. Gabrielle had, when she had handed over that poisoned waterskin to her child, to end her darkness and get revenge for the death of Solan- Solan who was standing right there before her, smiling that soft smile of his that was so clearly her own, but through the pounding headache and the fog in her mind she remembered different, remembered him as younger and pale and cold and still in her arms, his chest colored red. Gabrielle fighting with a staff to protect her, to make sure she could be laid to rest next to her brother; a brother still alive, standing before her, just waiting for the blood to spill so the ceremony could be over.
Gritting her teeth against the pain, against the pounding throb right behind her eyes that made every thought difficult to understand, Xena, desperate for it to stop, pressed her chakram hard against skin and yanked, the tang of blood filling her nose as it spilt until the ground.
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