#then 3.8 was kaeya and klee and collei and kokomi
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aromanticasterisms · 9 months ago
oh man no wonder i'm missing my little guys recently. we haven't seen kaeya in almost a year
#personal stuff#delete later#a month from now marks one year since his hangout....#head in hands.... kaeya come back i miss you#yes i Know he has a hangout i can replay at any time that also has his brother in it. not the same#diluc showed up back in march with his normalguysona and kaeya sent a letter but it's just not the same...#i miss the ragbros insanity that 2.8 and 3.1 inflicted upon me. i miss bouncing off the walls thinking about them and their new lore#can they come back and do something that makes me relive that sometime soon. please. for me#not sure who's going to be in the summer event this year. probably not going to be either of them but can it be Someone i care abt#for the most part they have been? like 1.6 was THE found family slash siblings vacation#2.8 was my girlie fischl and also hidden strife#then 3.8 was kaeya and klee and collei and kokomi#come on let's keep up this energy. this will be THE mondstadt update TRUST#like come onn venti and lisa both told us to come back to mondstadt before setting off for somewhere new......#like at this point i have very little hope for mondstadt character story quest 2. i used to hope for it w every update but now it's like#who fucking knows. we'll wait until snezhnaya i guess. that's when venti and diluc will probably be relevant again#jean miiight get a second one after natlan depending on what happens to varka's expedition? since her mom is there i think#manifesting a second razor quest then too. we know what the rifthounds are now + varka coming back would be a good setup#and klee might get one whenever we meet alice. i have my thoughts but idk when Exactly that'll be#but lisa's thing probably won't be relevant for a while either considering its connection to the abyss order#and kaeya and albedo... yeah.#but like. i'd love to see amber go to liyue and find her grandpa or something :(#and like. fuck it i would love to see a second xiangling quest too.
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erosaurimmd · 2 years ago
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3.8 Cast Another day, another slay.
Shader: 966 CarTOON
Effects: diffusion2, excellentshadow, sv_ssao, rui's FXAA
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the-curious-cat24 · 2 years ago
The event story quest is good, I don't know why, I felt so much emotion at the cut scene, the feeling that resonates some of their stories within me, Idyia said that she sometimes feel lonely but not sad, thinking that she only has the hydro eidolons to portray the people she met in the bottle. Her low self esteem and her shyness, ahhh so beautiful and well written character 💖
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emanation-aura · 2 years ago
Veluriyam Mirage fic, but if we followed Klee’s assignments and made it an RPG, complete with infiltrations, strategy, and classes. Contains mild spoilers for things mentioned in the 3.8 event quest.
(Quick reminder: Klee = Mage, Eula = Swordmaster/Magic Knight, Traveler = Knight, Collei = Healer/Medic, Kokomi = General/Strategist, Idyia = Mascot/Insider, Kaeya = Master Thief/Rogue)
"General," goes the sly Kaeya, lounging on his deck chair lazily, "how should we go about this heist?"
Lumine raises an eyebrow. Heist is an interesting word for infiltrating the Veluriyam Mirage’s compound, implying that this band of rag-tag travelers is going to steal something. Well, their team Rogue always knows more than he lets on, so she lets him be.
"We'll split into... hm, four groups," General Kokomi says. She quickly unfurls the map provided to them by Idyia, marking various points Lumine doesn't understand before turning to the assembly. "Alright, we need four things for this infiltration."
"First, we need a main group to frontally assault the Veluriyam compound. The goal of the attack is not to bring down the compound, but to assemble all of its defenses in retaliation. That means we need to send our two strongest warriors."
"I'll go," Lumine dutifully raises her hand. As the token Knight of the group, she has plenty of experience fighting through hordes of enemies, and she reckons she has the highest endurance of anyone in the group. "If it's enemies that need wiping out, then I'm fit for the job."
"Agreed," the General says, summoning one of her water fish and colouring it golden. It appears on the map, directly in front of the Veluriyam compound. "Swordmaster Eula, perhaps you would deign to lend your strength to our Knight of Honours?"
The General has dodged a bullet— despite having met the Swordmaster mere minutes ago, she has already accurately tuned herself to the aristocrat’s wavelength. 
"You need my help?" scoffs Eula, but Lumine can see the faintest trace of a smile across her lips, and hurries to say yes before the General is too confused by their Swordmaster's perpetual shield. Hm... with that kind of shield, perhaps she'd be better known as the Tank, except Tanks don't exist in this universe, do they? Well, she hasn't been to Fontaine yet, and the Ruin Guards come pretty close...
"You two are the Cryo Squad, and will be attacking the compound head on." Kokomi's voice drags Lumine out of her thoughts. "Collei, do you have enough material for three vulneraries each for them?"
Their Healer squeaks, not used to the direct attention. She nods hesitantly, though, and whips out her cauldron immediately, muttering under her breath as she counts out the thirteen-and-a-half cups of Nilotpala concentrate needed for each vulnerary.
"Good. Next, we need two people to enter the compound after its defenses have been drawn away," General Kokomi says. "It probably requires lockpicking and a good knowledge of dismantling elemental mechanisms, so Kaeya, you're up."
The Rogue sits up straighter, although the lazy glint in his eyes doesn't go away. "Aye aye, captain," he drawls.
Although Kokomi turns her head for a moment, Lumine can still catch the roll of her eyes. "Anyway, Idyia, you should go with Kaeya."
"Me?" Idyia squeaks, suddenly looking around frantically. "What use am I in infiltration? I'm not a thief, and I don't have the skills to fight off enemies."
It's true— this team is in deep trouble if they have to fight, but the General doesn't have much of a choice, since all their hard-hitters have to go front stage. Kaeya is owns way too many knives for his own good, anyhow, and Idyia has a strange connection with water that perhaps their Master Thief could coax out with his signature snark.
"Idyia, your skill specifically lies with the Veluriyam Mirage contraptions within the compound," the General expounds, ever-patient. "Kaeya may have generalist knowledge in all types of traps and mechanisms, but you are the only one of this group who knows how to handle the Veluriyam contraptions."
This seems to mollify Idyia, who nods with more confidence, and the General places two more fish at the side entrance of the Veluriyam compound, dark and light blue, labeled Hydro squad: no doubt something about the poetics of water being formless, changing shape and entering cracks and crevices.
"Now comes bombardment," and the General's sigh is audible, given that everyone gathered immediately turns their eyes to Klee. The girl in question jumps a little at all the attention, but quickly gives a big smile and thumbs-up. 
"General Fish-Lady wants me to use my bombs?!" She squeaks in delight. "Klee will be sure to deliver!"
Klee is... technically their Mage. Lumine wishes she could introduce her companions to the concept of artillery, though, because that suits Klee far better.
All Kokomi does is sigh and pull Klee over for a private talk, which leaves Lumine some time to converse with her designated squad member.
"Swordmaster Eula?" Lumine addresses respectfully, if not a tad cheekily, saluting her as well. "We may as well discuss tactics while the General schools our Mage on acceptable levels of bombardment."
Eula nods stiffly, stifling a smile at their youngest member's antics. "Very well. Have you any ideas?"
"Well, I must warn you that no plan survives contact with the enemy," Lumine says, hoping she sounds sagely instead of pretentious. "But if you'll take no offence to it, I suggest using me as a shield, while you deal out strikes safely from behind."
Eula scoffs, but she doesn't immediately shut Lumine down, so that's a win. "An insulting offer," she tilts her head haughtily. "One is very much capable of attack without your protection."
"I make the offer not to insult you, Swordmaster Eula, but to increase our chances of success," Lumine consoles, trying to match the aristocrat's respectful and dignified air. "We will be fighting for as long as the other groups need to pull off their plans. There will be no opportunity to pull back and regroup, nor to lick our wounds. Minor injuries, therefore, may become deadly as well— therefore we must minimise damage to ourselves more than maximise damage to the enemy. It does the team no good if we are both fall before the objective is achieved."
"And you believe yourself capable of sustaining the damage meant for two people?" Eula asks, but there it is, that slight tone of concern that simultaneously makes Lumine want to crawl into a hole and die and also puff out her chest in pride.
"I mean not to boast, Sir Eula, but I am a Knight of the Cosmic— well, Knight of Honours now, well-versed in defensive tactics," Lumine puts her arms on her hips. "With me as a bulwark, you may freely dance without fear of being injured."
Eula narrows her eyes, but acquiesces with a slight nod. Perhaps the word 'dance' helped win her over— only Lumine knows, after all, that their Swordmaster's deadly weapon is not her strength or speed, but the unyielding grace with which she weaponises the Dance of Aphros.
"Alright, you are Pyro Squad,” the General huffs as Klee, who has been appropriately schooled, goes back to join the group. “To keep up our Archmage’s strength, Collei, you should join her.”
“...Archmage?” Collei blurts out, and Lumine sympathises with her confusion. Even if she did know what the word meant, it’s impossible to understand why the General promoted Klee— maybe that was the reason for the private talk? Promotion in exchange for not causing collateral damage? But Klee doesn’t seem the type to want to have a higher class than anyone else, given her nature, so maybe it was to boost her stats? No wait, hold on, wrong world...
“Yup! I’m Archmage Klee now, da-da-da!” Klee gives an adorable grin that doesn’t quite mesh with the number of explosives clutched in her hands. Only ever-observant Kaeya is quick enough to react, tapping her on the shoulder, a silent signal: explosives away. She stows them away reluctantly. “What was it that Mom said? Pleasure to be working with you, Miss Collei!”
Collei flushes red, but the General cuts in with her command before Collei can bury herself in shame. “Collei, it’s not a very glamorous job, but bombardment requires incredible physical and mental endurance. Once the signal is given, your medical knowledge will be invaluable to make sure our Archmage doesn’t run out of strength halfway.”
“Right!” Collei snaps to attention, seemingly calmed by being given direct instructions. “I suppose I’ll need to prepare mana tonics? Perhaps some fireproof elixirs, too... ah, but Master Tighnari always said elemental elixirs need their opposing reagents for maximum effectiveness, and there won’t be any Cryo Whopperflower nectar nearby...”
“Well, I can simply donate some of my elemental powers,” Kaeya says, drawing an icicle with his fingertips idly. “And as I understand, you wield the power of Dendro, correct? Our little Archmage’s bombs do quite a lot of damage, but wouldn’t it be more efficient if you could combine your elements to trigger widespread Burning?”
“An excellent idea, Master Thief,” the General pointedly says. Lumine gets the feeling she doesn’t like being superceded, even though Kaeya’s suggestion was fairly reasonable. “You’ll need some time to get ready, so Pyro Squad, go work on your preparations now.”
Klee and Collei dutifully disperse to one of the campfires. With a nod from Kokomi, Kaeya also leaves, generating icicles on request from an emboldened Collei.
“Now, as for me... I thank you for appointing me the General, but what use is a General if they do not fight with their team?” Kokomi smirks, a flicker of pride making its way to her usually serene countenance. “I alone will take charge of the fourth job: sabotage.”
Idyia is the first to raise an objection, surprisingly. “With respect, General... isn’t that Hydro Squad’s job? The Master Thief and I are due to switch off all their defenses and turn the Veluriyam Mirage contraptions to our favour.”
“You are correct, Idyia.” Kokomi nods, once again mollifying the anxious woman. “My sabotage will not be conducted on the compound itself. If I had to summarise it...”
The General smiles, and this time, it is a terrifying visage— the teeth of an anglerfish, the predatory yawn of a tiger. 
“Let’s say our enemies are going to be... excessively inconvenienced.”
Not sure if I’m going to continue this, but this idea possessed me in the middle of the quest and I had to write it down before I forgot it all.
As a side note, I imagine Lumine is like the “pre-promote” unit from FE (think Seth or Frederick). That’s the Knight: tanky and good at offense. Ignore the fact she looks like a teenage girl, because Lumine could probably pull off some extremely dextrous and impressive tactics if the game would let her wield more than two elements at the same time, hello.
Eula as “Swordmaster” (she’s called Magic Knight for some reason in CN?) would fit more into the Critical Hit Beast archetype. High ATK and Crit, but relatively low defense (despite her metaphorical shield). She’s analogous to characters like Lyn, Catherine, Lucina, and Say’ri from Fire Emblem. (Perhaps Dancing = Critical Hit?)
Klee is Klee. Kaeya is the Thief who could probably die in one hit but gets all the lockpicking/chest work done. Idyia is the NPC who knows stuff. Kokomi, as the General, is the Player of the RPG game. Collei is a weird pick as Healer but I went with it. I forgot about Paimon, but I simply don’t want to write about her.
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the-fandom-crossroads · 2 years ago
Beating a Heatwave by Beating the Secret Summer Paradise Event! | AR60
Terry is finally back with genshin! Time to finish the Secret Summer Paradise event and chat about the 4.0 livestream!
We also have a completely new stream layout so come check it out! If you have any tips or suggestions on how we can continue to improve our streams. Don't hesitate to leave a suggestion in chat!
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fatuismooches · 2 years ago
Imagine the 3.8 Secret Summer Paradise event but with Wanderer and you. Nahida sends Wanderer to investigate something in the desert and you tag along for fun but you two get sucked into a magic bottle somehow?! Klee dubs his title as the “Sorcerer” - her mage sidekick - and yours as the “Soldier” - her protecter! (Or whatever you want, I’m bad at this.)
The rollercoasters are nothing compared to Wanderer’s flights of fright. He will do loops, twists, turns, upside downs in the air all while holding YOU… at least in the rollercoaster there are seats. Klee is amazed by your endurance and wants to try flying too! (Wanderer reluctantly gives her a piggy back ride and flies a safe distance up from the ground… Kaeya’s watching him very carefully, but you vehemently reassure him that Wanderer would never hurt a child. The cavalry captain actually grows to like him!) Though you manage to convince Wanderer to ride a slow rollercoaster with you. There’s no one else in the Choo-Choo Cart, and it’s late at night. Wanderer lays on your lap as you play with his hair, the both of you silent as you stare out the window, taking in the lovely sights of this realm.
Idyia’s quite scared of Wanderer at first but overtime she comes to fawn over and admire how deep your love is, she’s met many people in her little bottle, but no one has ever had a relationship like yours! Not to mention, Zosimos takes inspiration from the two of you for his characters. And speaking of plays, I think despite the fact the one the group acted out had poor plot, Wanderer finds joy in it, because I believe he likes the arts/dance/performances, and also he found Klee’s acting endearing. (When Kaeya runs out of stories for her, Wanderer takes over and tells her Inazuman folktales!)
Collei is extremely nervous speaking to Wanderer, but finds herself liking him more than she expected. She feels like she can… relate to him, for some strange reason? She doesn’t really understand, since she’s never met him before, but she doesn’t question it. Plus, she knows you’re a really nice person, so you wouldn’t date someone who’s mean, anyway. Eula is suspicious of him at first too, but seeing Collei warm up to him makes her tolerate him, while Kokomi finds the stranger very interesting. She has a few chats with Wanderer, and the things he says about Inazuma has her only more curious. The most important part is, Klee wants to be the flower girl at your wedding, whenever that happens.
Moving on, Wanderer has a soft spot for the Hydro Eidolons because they remind him a bit of the Aranara. He acts all annoyed when they want to play hide and seek with him but secretly he enjoys it (and you’re enjoying his fervent denial at being soft.) You two play all of the games together, although Wanderer is less enthusiastic about it than you (as usual of course) but he actually enjoys Bing-Bang Finchball! :3 (He wonders if his creator and that kitsune would like it, too.) Most of all, Wanderer especially enjoys the solitude he gets at certain places of the realm. Sometimes you’re with him, sometimes you’re not, but when you are, during these moments he’s oddly quiet and clingy. Sometimes he still struggles to accept his life and what he’s been through. But making memories like these with you make him happy.
At the end of your stay, when you have to bury a treasure to leave behind, you put in two dolls of Wanderer and you that you quickly made in the mirage! (Wanderer had taught you how to make them that nicely.) You didn’t show your lover at first, a bit embarrassed and scared of his reaction, but he found out anyway and sighed, but pulled down his hat to cover his blush. He flew you to a beautiful spot with the best view, and you two buried it together. You wonder if it would still be there if you ever visited again.
Even after many years pass, Idyia never fails to tell the engrossing tale of the grouchy puppet and his darling lover, an unlikely but loving couple. Maybe if you’re lucky, you could meet them spending their days strolling the streets of Sumeru with the young Archon.
Overall, an unplanned but very necessary vacation that Wanderer needed. Nahida had a blast listening to all of your stories! (And happy he has made some more friends, which he of course denies that accusation.) 
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berryblooo · 2 years ago
How Kaeya and Kokomi's mysterious pasts can come back to haunt them
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Cross-posting from HoYoLab. If you enjoyed this post, please give me a like there!
Disclaimer: Spoilers for the 3.8 flagship event, Secret Summer Paradise.
Just An Ordinary Human
In an exchange between Klee and Kokomi, the young girl asks her new friend a funny question.
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To which Kokomi has a perfectly reasonable answer.
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So that sets the record straight, right? Kokomi is nothing but a normal human. Nothing special about her!
Not quite!
Foreshadowing is defined as "an indication of what is to come" in works of literature and media. Foreshadowing doesn't have to be a positive assertion to a plot line coming up later - it can also pose a question that will be addressed down the road.
Klee pointing at Kokomi's mermaid-like design elements and asking her if she's a fish isn't meant to make the player ask this same question literally. What it is meant to do is have us question, "Is Kokomi just an ordinary human?" She may not be a fish or mermaid, but there are other forces at play from Enkanomiya, her ancestral home, that we can look into.
Just A Calvary Captain
The characters in Genshin Impact aren't always upfront about who they are or their origins. A prime example of this is the Traveler themselves - they are not forthcoming to Paimon, their closest traveling companion, about how and why they came to Teyvat, their origins, and the powers they have.
This means we can't always take what a character says at face value. The uncertainty and subsequent questioning is meant to heighten suspicion and excitement for later reveals.
One such character who has had much of this foreshadowing about their origins and motivations is Kaeya Alberich, who conveniently also happened to be featured in this event. As one of the four starter characters, we've known about Kaeya's mysterious foreshadowing since the beginning of the game. This is in reference to his origins in Khaenri'ah and Mona's voiceline, About Kaeya.
Kaeya Alberich? He's a Pavo Ocellus. Destined for greatness and grandeur... and to hide ugly realities behind a layer of charm and elegance. He believes he has made a clean break with his past, but one day fate will catch up with him. When it does, he will have a major decision to make.
This led to fans speculating that he is Khaenri'an royalty, a lost prince because of his dad's line "You are our last hope" though we eventually found out in the 2.8 Hidden Strife event that the Alberich clan were more like retainers to King Irmin.
"Remember always that it was the Alberich Clan, who did not have royal blood, who stepped in as regents when the strength of the one-eyed king Irmin failed. Though we could not restore Khaenri'ah to life, we of the Alberich Clan should lead lives as those who blaze like fire, rather than those who wallow in the embers."
And despite fan theories speculating that Kaeya may betray Mondstadt due to his allegiance with Khaenri'ah, the game seems to point toward the opposite. If the remnants of Khaeri'ah are the Abyss Order, led by the Abyss Princess/Prince, then Kaeya is likely to side with his immediate home and family.
We see yet another hint of this in the ongoing event in his exchange with Collei.
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Her hesitance is echoing that of the players' who wonder if Kaeya is a double agent working against Mondstadt's interests. But Kaeya's response foreshadows his choice in that prophesized choice he will have to make, mentioned by Mona.
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We already know from Kaeya's character stories that he will drink and mingle with Treasure Hoarders to get intel for the Knights of Favonius, and it's hinted in Part 9, Crash Course, of the Archon Quest Prologue: Act I - The Outlander Who Caught The Wind that he can speak the Abyssal language to communicate with Abyss Mages.
This, and his exchange with Zosimos after the performance of his play, teases his possible double agent status.
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The implication here is that Kaeya is putting up a front and acting out a part in our interactions with him. However, as has already been established, it seems less and less likely that Kaeya would betray his friends and home. Rather, he may be able to leverage his status as inheritor of the Khaeri'an royalty to put up a resistance to the Abyss Order alongside the Traveler. He gets to reclaim his homeland, while the Traveler can get their twin back.
Sleeping Dragon
Kokomi, much like Kaeya, is a descendant and heir of an ancient fallen kingdom, Enkanomiya. But is she a double agent? Is Enkanomiya foreshadowed to come back, like Khaenri'ah?
Not quite.
While Khaenri'ah was defined by being a godless nation ruled by human might alone, Enkanomiya has ties to before the creation of Teyvat as we know it and the Primordial One.
Before the Primordial One arrived to what would become Teyvat, it was ruled by the Seven Sovereigns, or dragons-lords. We've met one of the sovereigns, Apep, in Sumeru. Another of the seven dragon-lords was the Dragon of Water, who perished in its fight against the Primordial One.
Before it became known as Enkanomiya, the realm was called Byakuyakoku and was terrorized by Dragonheirs of the Depths or the creatures now called Bathysmal Vishaps. You're likely familiar with them.
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Their name was changed once the people learned that the Dragonheirs feared light and could drive them away with their lanterns and artificial sun. From there they studied and experimented on the Vishaps and found that they are not only intelligent, but can communicate with each other and evolve.
It is in these experimental records that we learn of a prophecy.
Prophecy holds that the Dragon Sovereign of Water will be born in a human form. We must not let this thing happen in Enkanomiya.
The Byakuyakoku Collection, Vol 4
Following the fading of the Seven Sovereigns' power, a new generation of Sovereigns is presently being born. But now that the Bathysmal Vishaps have evolved in this manner, they have lost their purity. As such, the Dragon of Water will no longer be born from among their ranks. Prophecy holds that the new Dragon of Water will definitely descend in the form of a human.
Bolteater Bathysmal Vishap Hatchling description
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This is where the theory that Kokomi is the prophesized Dragon of Water reborn stems from.
It does not matter that she says she is "just an ordinary human" because the prophecy states that the sovereign will be reborn as a human.
Her constellation also points to this.
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The Latin name, Dracaena Somnolenta, translates to "sleeping dragon". Seems pretty straightforward.
What does it mean for Kokomi, Enkanomiya, and the story if she is indeed revealed to be the Dragon of Water? Will it have a resurgence like Khaenri'ah?
I don't believe so. The descendants of Enkanomiya now occupy Watatsumi Island in Inazuma. They no longer worship their dead god, Orobashi, who was slain by the Raiden Shogun, but live a somewhat independent existence on their island.
According to their local legends, Enkanomiya attempts to absorb the spirit of Watatsumi, which slowly bleaches and erodes the island's soil, turning it into an uninhabitable desert. This is why the Sangonomiya Shrine conducts the Watatsumi Mitama Omatsuri ritual that purifies the waters and soil. If this fails, the phenomena could disturb the Vishaps that lurk deep in the depths below.
If, for whatever reason, these rituals fail and the ancient Vishaps invade the surface, who better to stop them, even command them, than the reborn Dragon of Water?
The power of water is its ability to take any shape...
It's no coincidence that Kaeya and Kokomi are two of the characters featured in Secret Summer Paradise. Not only are they both heirs of fallen nations, but the event itself touches on the theme of hidden/secret identities.
This is exemplified by the main NPC, Idyia.
While she first appears as "just a normal human" we learn in Act III - Dreams and First Encounters! that her human appearance hides her true form, that of an Oceanid.
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Idyia's reveal reflects what fans expect for Kaeya and Kokomi.
She is exiled from her homeland, Fontaine. While the nation still exists, it can be said that it is not the same as when the former Hydro Archon, Lord Amrita, ruled and thus has fallen in that sense. Idyia now resides in a foreign nation and hides her true origins and form.
The extra connection between Idyia and Kokomi is the affinity for the Hydro element, which is associated with transformation, illusions, and dreams.
In Conclusion
What can we take away from all this?
The characters aren't always reliable narrators. They can lie to us, just like the Traveler can withhold information.
Things are not always as they seem, so believe only that which your eyes show you... these themes will undoubtedly be expanded upon in Fontaine, the nation of Justice and the courtroom.
Heads may roll.
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intogenshin · 2 years ago
[3.8] Veluriyam Mirage - fresh recollections
I don't have a clear idea of what this event was about, just loose thoughts. I think I'd have to go through my screenshots and rewatch the sequences for a more appropriate breakdown.
the characters
I feel like just like in GAA (though to a lesser degree), the event serves as an insight into who the characters are and how they became this way (rather than development per se). GAA had an island dedicated to every character, so obviously it was more focused, while Mirage offers a single lens.
Kokomi, Kaeya and Eula (possibly Klee, but not necessarily) all are characters defined by a role that was handed to them basically, not unlike an actor in a play.
Kokomi was entrusted with Orobashi's will as the Divine Priestess and gave up part of her military ambitions to become Watatsumi's leader
Eula was born into the Lawrence clan which upholds a certain reputation within Mond -of which neither side is wiling to change- yet she chose to more or less disown herself and follow her own principles by joining the knights
Kaeya knows he's supposed to be Khaenri'ah's last hope, and that he was left in Mond with a purpose, but out of the three he's the only one who doesn't fully understand the circumstances of this imposition
Perhaps the point the narrative of the event is trying to make is for these characters to understand themselves as autonomous individuals and not actors (or perhaps actors who choose their roles?)
Kokomi accepted her duty; Eula rejected the traditions of her clan and in this event she mentions she wants to try to change their perspective alongside her cousin; Kaeya has always felt burdened by his imposition, he felt so guilty after Crepus died he had to confess it to the only bond he had left, and back in Caribert he started to reconsider his father's words as perhaps just wanting him to live a better life.
In contraposition to Kokomi and Eula who have deliberately made up their minds, I think Kaeya is the one who struggles with doing what he believes he must out of obligation, and not because it's his genuine choice.
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I don't have a good grasp on Klee, she might inherit the role of Hexenzirkel witch from Alice, but I can't say anything else.
Collei has been rather the most impressive character development, from her comic appearance, to her introduction in Sumeru's archon quest, to Windblume, to this point.
(like she makes me feel so proud ueueueue she's grown and overcome a lot, even helping other people as the healer)
the narrative
I can't say I fully understand the allegory if there is any, but the bottle oddly made me think about visions and perhaps how visions came into existence.
In the theater play, a mage puts light in a bottle with the ability to grant a wish. Then gives the bottle to the main character, who later shares it with the bandit who wanted to bring this light to the people that lived in the darkness.
Idiya says she hopes the people who passed by the mirage will be able to remember the sparkle of light they felt inside the bottle and make them feel inspired to chase their dreams.
That's what visions are in a way, as it says in traveler's vision story: Is it wise to allow a moment's ambition to dominate one's entire life?
Makoto thought that dreams were what inspired humanity to progress, and these in turn generated ambitions. Therefore.. ? A vision is a manifestation of their dream in the form of one of these ambitions. It's the sparkle of light that might motivate the character to chase their actual dream.
The people who lived in the darkness in the theater play comes across as a reference to Khaenri'ah, the people who dream of dreaming. Considering a dream is what's actually behind obtaining a vision, and that the bottle in the play contained light inside. Mm. Pepe Silvia.
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ninas-gf · 2 years ago
ok i need a place to finally dump some of my thoughts on version 3.8 trailer ~
i don’t want to get my hopes up, but it seems like in this event quest, they may actually be exploring eula’s characterization a bit deeper, just based on collei’s voice line about her 👀 and i’d be sooo thrilled if that’s the case! if you think about it there are a lot of similarities between the two, but i also think their strengths and weaknesses kind of balance each other out, and that they could learn something from each other :D
i also really love how it looks like they’re going to touch on collei’s shyness and sense of insecurity, specifically in the context of a stage performance. i really think this is the perfect group to help collei with her confidence in public situations (especially klee, with her energetic and carefree nature!) i also think kokomi could really help collei out, since she’s on the more introverted side and could maybe understand where collei is coming from?
also is it just me, or is it absolutely hilarious that alice just keeps giving klee giant land masses every year, just for funzies? it makes me wonder what kinds of presents she gave klee when she was still in mondstadt…
i’m guessing kaeya, klee, and eula all came together since they’re all from mondstadt, but where the heck did kokomi and collei come from??? (they may have mentioned it, maybe i just forgot) for some reason i have this mental image of kokomi arriving on a giant watatsumi island battleship but she’s the only passenger on board KAJSKSJSJSHS
and wanderer was nowhere to be seen… to be fair, he has had a lot of relevance in recent sumeru storylines, but i still feel kind of bad for his fans 😭 i guess he really was erased from irminsul this time </3 putting him with those characters would have been hilarious though, they may have missed an opportunity with that sknsksjsjsjsjs
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kyogre-blue · 2 years ago
Completed the first section of the 3.8 event, “Secret Summer Paradise,” and the first two areas of the temp Veluriyam Mirage region. 
The event is like... I think it probably has the same writer as Windblume 2? It feels similar, not just in Collei’s characterization, but also Idyia and some quirks in the writing. It’s not awful, but it gets very tedious very fast, especially once we ditch half the playable characters and focus on the NPCs. Our party is literally just standing there while the NPCs exposit about their own character traits, about the traits of other NPCs, and bitch at each other. It’s awkward and also just unfun. 
The other issue is that there’s a lot of dialogue wasted on the mechanics of the domain and it’s also pretty meaningless overall. 
I will say that seeing Collei still feels nice and I didn’t mind Eula either. (I’m certainly way more interested in Eula’s cousin than the probably Oceanids.) Klee and Kaeya are... Klee and Kaeya, but tbh I find Klee’s small dumb child thing tiring and the event doesn’t really do anything with them. Kokomi being here probably has some additional explanation, but it seems to stem from just her being popular with someone at the time when this was conceived. This is her second event appearance in a row. 
As for the gameplay, I don’t hate it but I am far from loving it. The “rollercoasters” are very annoying to deal with, and the area otherwise feels kind of slapdash. It’s kind of hard to navigate, and there’s not really anything interesting about it. 
Overall, it could be worse, but it could definitely be a lot better. 
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keep-on-trying · 2 years ago
Oh gosh there's so much to do in new 3.8 event area yet I don't have time to explore it fully... yet!!
Glad half of the update fits into my vacation schedule aksfjfh, I can do the exploration during then!
Story spoilers under the cut!
But maaaaaaaaaaaan the story is good so far, I was ready to kick the brother duo ass for making Klee cry, how DARE you, no one is allowed to make her cry. Kaeya, mad respect for stopping them. Kaeya and Klee dynamic is so cute, I love how Kaeya wants to make sure Klee has fun ;_;
I also like how well Eula and Collei get along, clearly the Windblume journey helped Collei get along with Eula more and all, glad to see her growth ;A; Also KOKOMIII god this event is giving three favs interactions oh my gosh. Klee giving Kokomi energy is just, precious. I think Kokomi will consider Klee a special friend after this :D I really wanna see Kokomi and Collei interact thou, both are overthinkers, I want them to relate-
Asjhsfhfs but yeh I really enjoyed the first act of Bottleland event. Kinda makes me want to wish for Klee, but every time she's rerunning before next region and there's characters I want more there, haha. Sigh. I'll check how my primos are near her banner end to see if I can afford wishing for her or not. 50/50 could be fine.
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the-curious-cat24 · 2 years ago
Kokomi you better watch out 😅😂
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the-curious-cat24 · 2 years ago
This event is cute and wholesome, especially with Klee, she is precious! 😊😊
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the-fandom-crossroads · 2 years ago
Welcome to Klee's 3rd Summer Vacation! | Vod
Join Terry and Klee for Summer Vacation in this week's Genshin Vod! This time Klee is visiting Auntie Idyia in Sumeru. But something is broken in the magical land inside a bottle so it's up to us to find the missing parts and fix it! This vod includes all of the first part of the story quest for this temporary event.
You can Watch part 2 live with us at twitch.tv/dougligaming Today! (July 12th)
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