#their name is so old it's historical....
shinmiyovvi · 4 months
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Oh, hawakan mo ako Damhin mo ang pag-ibig kong sa'yo Oh, ikaw ang pinakamagandang dalaga Na aking nasilayan Magulong mundo'y tatakasan Ikaw lamang ang hiling na makasama - Maria Clara by Sugarcane
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hungryslothwrites · 1 year
if i had a nickel for every piece o' media that had a deep irreversible impact on my brain chemistry when i was young and whose protagonist refused solid gender titles and asserted themselves by their names i would have two nickels.
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livvyofthelake · 6 months
holly black for real writes books like they’re mid movies from 2008 and it is sincerely one of the most beautiful and real things ever. the cruel prince trilogy excluded from this sentiment because i haven’t read and wouldn’t know if that’s its vibe. well that’s not true i read the cruel prince but NOT in the booktok way i read the first book when it came out when i was in high school and then i entered my illiteracy era and never read the next two. i have them, one’s even a signed copy i just haven’t had the time to get around to them and also i’m lowkey prejudiced against them because of their booktok popularity. those annoying ass people don’t even know my friends hazel and ben evans. who btw would have slayed in a low budget fantasy action comedy rated pg made in 2006 released direct to dvd with the ugliest and most captivating cgi you’ve ever seen in your life. starring some dude who was not famous at the time but became so in 2011 as the faerie prince. god i can see it now. actually to be fair this could never have been a film in 2006 because there’s gay people. if it was about two sisters tho instead of a sister and brother it would have. and nothing else about it would change and i would have watched it so many times i scratched the dvd. but well that is not the world we live in we live in the world where it’s just a book nobody has read but me by an author who’s popular for other stuff. and you know the worst part about the cruel prince getting booktok-ified? ben is literally in that book and i know none of those bitches even knew or cared. holly sets all her faerie stuff in the same universe (which is ambiguously also the same universe cassandra clare writes in. hard to explain the nuances to a fuckin newbie you had to be there) anyway. i was a holly black girl before it was cool. i was literally made fun of for reading her books and then suddenly in like 2020 faerie romance became “in” and frankly i’ve never felt more betrayed by the trend cycle as i was then. ok i was there in 2017 getting bullied by my older cousin for reading about gay faeries (lady midnight) when i was 15 and now adult women are allowed to log on to tiktok and talk about their literal fantasy porn series every day. is anything fair holy shit…
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kudakii · 2 years
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new local heist movie just dropped and im obsessed 
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What is your favorite tv show? (:
I have multiple but my favorites right now have to be BBC Sherlock, Hogan’s Heroes, and Andy Griffin.
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vigilskeep · 1 year
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danikoshi-doodles · 2 years
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Anyone who remembers my brief classical composers phase last year honestly deserves a veteran's pass
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I've been looking through various primary sources about what life was like in the old west and hm this photo from 1890something has an interesting name. There's a canyon in Colorado called Mancos Canyon? Huh!
All of this is fascinating for reasons unrelated to fictional men but I thought the spaghetti mutuals would be interested in this one in particular.
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horizonboundtrainer · 9 months
The Hoennian age of majority was historically something like 14-16 ( with exceptions made for 10+ year old orphans who'd have to look after their siblings ) because the child mortality rate was far higher in an era without modern vaccines, antibiotics and pre / post natal care. People simply married earlier, had more children and their children would have grown up more quickly. They'd be learning their parent's trades while we were still learning basic algebra.
( You know those statistics about how low historical life expectancies were? It's heavily skewed. The majority of those deaths would've been children under 5. It's unfortunate but it was just a fact of life back then. Anyone who survived past that point had a decent chance of at least making it to middle age. )
What we'd consider a basic education would've been seen as a luxury only a few could afford. There's no formal schooling system until the modern era, especially not for commoners. You would've had to find a private tutor if you wanted an education. Most of the population had some degree of literacy but that heavily depended on their class. For example, a farmer might know just enough to write her own name, sell her crops and do the proper rites to appease Groudon. Intellectual pursuits were reserved for the wealthy. ( Though priests often taught their own acolytes. Rayquaza's bunch were known for hoarding knowledge. )
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leafannarchive · 1 year
hi i know full aus are not everybody’s cup of tea however i do want to say i’m posting the first chapter of my newsies inspired one tomorrow. okay that is all 😼
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neechees · 2 years
I kinda wonder what if Disney princess line were to add another Native American? I feel that the best bet is it should be a story based on an indigenous tale or myth, not on RL like Pocahontas.
I feel like it'd be better to stay away from Native myths & just make up a whole new character. White people already have a weird fixation on Indigenous spirituality & legends, so I imagine any story they decide to tell from Native myth, they will inevitably butcher it in some way, no matter how much information or accurate cultural/historical reference & advice there is at their disposal, & the attention it gets will bring shit like appropriative weirdos, racist fan arts, blatant disrespect of literal Native religions, etc, so I do NOT want to see Disney do that.
Even look at what Disney did with Moana. Despite the fact that there's a lot of generally accurate stuff (like some of the clothing, architecture, the boats, the story of Polynesians voyaging for a long time & then just stopping, & even a few bits of Maui's legends), & Moana herself isn't based on any real person, they STILL made it pan-oceanic (like the equivalent to pan-Indian, but we're talking about Pacific Islanders here) instead of just choosing one culture & decided to mix them together. You see influences from Tāgata Samoa, Māori, Kānaka Maoli, Mā’ohi, Tongans, Rapa Nui, & I think even Tuvalu people. Plus some of the horrific merchandise that came later, like selling a Maui costume that featured a bodysuit with his tattoos SKIN (& this is horrific especially because of the history of white colonizers killing and selling the bodies of tattooed polynesians, like specifically Māori men with tā moko, specifically so they could display them as "curiosities" & as trophies).
Moana comparatively is a pretty big improvement from Pocahontas, but even so, even like some 20 years later Disney still fucked up with their handling of her, & did so for the sake of money. They ARE coming out with Tigerlily & Peter Pan soon, but I'm not totally convinced. I know someone who's been the cultural consultant for the movie & even though he seems optimistic, based on what he's told me, & what I know about Disney, I'm. Hm not so optimistic.
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rosykims · 2 years
i love being the retconning canon mutual its like godmode for my brain <3
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kingslionheart · 1 year
today my mother met my favourite regular at the bar I used to work at and, after asking her thousands of questions about me, he told her "this place is sadder since she left".
he made my whole day without even knowing it.
I abruptly decided to quit that job over a month ago because it was ruining my mental health in ways that were actually scaring me and one of the things that terrified me the most about leaving is that my bosses could have started to spread lies about me to our regulars to make me look like the bad guy in the situation and therefore save their own faces from bad reputation for mistreating employees.
hearing something like that from the one person that literally gave me the strength to go to yet another day at work immediately silenced so many of those worries.
that 95 years old man is a treasure.
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tiffanylamps · 2 years
What I am learning today is that some people are unaware of copyright law, including fair use and creative commons.
If you post anything original that is creative (no matter the medium), make yourself aware of copyright law. It's information that every creative should be aware of, no matter their discipline or if they make a profit from their work.
Also, research the policies of the website you are sharing your work to. (instagram isn't your friend)
And finally, if you create fandom-related content, and encounter individuals on the internet or in real life who want to dictate to you what fanart is (so, fanfiction, videos, artwork, etc) and put you down because that's what you create, please remember that the 1997 Oscar-winning movie (one of the highest grossing movies of all time), Titanic, is technically fanfiction
Your art is not "worth" any less than that.
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thedeviousdevilxx · 2 years
I honestly do not understand how culty some people are about the fucking American Constitution, like it was written by white slave owning dudes (mostly) in the late 1770s. Like it’s one thing to view something was historically important, and foundational but y’all the attitudes I’ve seen are borderline treating it as religious text or exactly like religious text as in it’s this immutable, perfect, flawless piece of work and it’s like humanity has progressed considerably, morals, ethics, attitudes, and worldviews have changed drastically. Again historical writings have value but goddamn. Women and black people were NOT CONSIDERED PEOPLE DURING THAT TIME PERIOD. 
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mejomonster · 12 days
I started playing Persona 1 on my psp. The music made me so sleepyyy
(I am enjoying the game so far)
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