#verse: historical.
charmantevamp · 3 months
( trace )     for the sender to trace their finger of the receiver’s body. - @ofravensandseas
"You're a tease," Audrey observed with a false calm. It was calm before a storm. Her mouth clashes with his and she pulls him closer, pressing her body against his.
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"So stop teasing."
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melpomeneprose · 9 days
Continued from here ~ @audaciiae
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The Major sighed -- sadly -- defeated, trying and ultimately failing to repress his emotions for P.eggy S.hippen, John said finally, "Well besides driving my mind to fits of lust and love that drives Eros to shame, I am afraid... I am vexed, of course, I also care for Madam Cheer, I do regret hurting her, making her something she is not, but... there is a botomless pit in me that is empty without Madam S.hippen, but she is not mine to lose anymore... I'm afraid. In losing the woman I've gained the man, I did this for you, you know, my dear," a sigh. "My love is to be Mrs. Arnold within a week, and there is nothing I can do. But, as I've said, in losing the woman I've gained the man, A.rnold will bring our E.ngland victory, still... this wound is a dugout and I wish I could crawl out, but I can't."
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lvciddreamt · 2 years
the feast was magnificent; the entire hall lit by what must be nearly a thousand candles, the largest quantity of food charles had ever seen laid out on the tables, and the kingdom’s finest musicians playing a lively reel on gleaming instruments. if it weren’t for the reason they were all gathered there, charles might have even been able to enjoy it. as it was, he was miserable — picking listlessly at his food and downing wine like it was water and he was dying of thirst. the prince was surrounded by admirers, unsurprisingly, but today charles couldn’t bear to look at him. it was like looking directly into the sun, luca’s usual shine turned practically blinding. he couldn’t stand it for long — soon he slipped away to a quiet alcove with pitcher of wine stolen from the tray of an unsuspecting maid. he hadn’t realized he was being followed until he turned and saw the very last person he wanted to see. “oh. it’s you.” he cleared his throat, cheeks flushing. “y-your highness.” 
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sharmawit · 5 months
"that is obvious, Kate. everything i do is a blessing."
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Kathani chuckles, innocently enough -- at first. It is not bitterness nor malice towards Princess Emma. The truth, rather is it is complicated. Often, despite her best efforts Miss Sharma feels unwanted... a burden. It isn't an often occurrence, nevertheless -- it sometimes strikes her. The melancholia time and again. It always leaves, but this morning it has decided to strike.
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Kathani truthfully spends so little time considering herself that it rarely is a problem. But, despite the laugh sweeping her brown-coloured sharp lips, there's a mild look of pain in her eyes. Perhaps the worst part is -- she blames herself for Edwina's current troubles, isn't it? "Well, that makes you the exception, my friend, Emma. I am not sure such a notion applies to me... after all, what do sharp-tongued spinsters contribute to society? After all, aren't we women... aiding dear Edwina, supposed to be soft-spoken and seldom seen?"
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thevamplelio · 1 year
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A happiest of birthdays to @gentlejack.
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ask-nyc-boroughs · 6 months
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Early Appalachian frontiersman Alfred in buckskin circa 1790- 1810s. I’m trying to figure out how to paint like NC Wyeth digitally (so lol the background is Wyeth’s).
Gonna ramble a bit about my nor’easter au and Alfred below the cut
Following the American Revolution, Alfred is immediately sent out to squash any rebellions (like whiskey rebellion) and to partake in wars against Indigenous nations like the Cherokee. I’ll save a discussion about the Cherokee wars for another time because that’ll take a long time to explain + I’m still working on my Cherokee oc and I need to understand Cherokee history and perspective more before I go forward with talking about this topic.
Now the many of the east coast states are older than Alfred, and they mostly supported him during the revolution because they thought he’d be easy to control given at the time of the revolution he wasn’t tied down as any colony or city. However, he was a New Englander and very obviously so
He was once Plymouth colony and he grew up alongside his cousin Henry/Massachusetts, but by the time the revolution occurred, his status was unclear and he was simply living with his cousin (who’s his earliest and most fierce supporter) .
These states operated like countries and part of why the had the revolution was to continue to self-govern and maintain their regional cultures. It’s also part of why the federal government initially was rather weak. Given Alfred’s closeness to his cousin, and his very staunch New England identity, I think the states would be hesitant over a strong New England national control. And so I think they especially Jennie/NY & Rich/Virginia encouraged Alfred to leave his cousin for a while, and partake in military campaigns (+ he was good at battle).
Also Alfred was like 14, and I don’t think he’s ever been the type to sit down and do paperwork. Honestly he was always a bad student, who was far more interested in the outdoors, horses, sailing and hunting. While he won the war, and he was fine with being head of state, he still didn’t 1) have confidence in himself to make non-military related decisions 2) he just wasn’t mentally ready to take on the responsibilities and was fine deferring it to his states like Jennie, Rich, or Henry to figure out matters that weren’t military related. He was irresponsible and it would come back to bite him in the ass during the Civil War.
Alfred on a personal level it was probably good for him to get away from his overly critical cousin who can be overbearing, but also so he would get more experience to deeply get to know his states.
Also Alfred, growing up in New England, he was a little ball of rage as a kid and he has a difficult time managing his emotions. He wasn’t exactly the personable seemingly fun loving Alfred of the present. Not that he couldn’t crack a joke, but ok I’m not from New England, but in the northeast I find we’re rather cynical, un-filtered and sarcastic and tbh kind of asssholes in the way we have fun and in our humor. That’s how he was, which is like fine unless you’re trying to appeal to the rest of the nation lol which he would have to
I think his time spent in Appalachia and the south did help him learn more about his other states especially Maisie/ North Carolina. But also helped him learn more how to let go some of this intense New England rage, and how to better control his emotions. But also let loose in a way that isn’t so dark and cynical. Also I think this helped him slowly learn how to speak with less of a New England specific accent
He was also able to observe states like Rich and Carl/ South Carolina and gain an understanding of how being able to control your emotions, can help control your image and how others perceive you. So these are the origins of how he slowly began to shape and become at least in public this overly friendly happy go lucky Alfred.
I’ll save a discussion about his interactions with the Appalachian states more explicitly another time I’m just tired😴 fr rn
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lsdoiphin · 10 months
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Lord Lamonte Hubert Urdagan is known among Tri-Kingdom nobility as the worst Lord in all of Vestur. At a rather young age he inherited the Urdagan Lordship after his father perished in a freak moose accident, and he has been an unwanted blemish on the Northern Kingdom ever since. Luckily, the Tri-Kingdom at large can comfortably pretend he does not exist, as Urdagan territory has little in the ways of population, roads, trade exports, or modern strategic value. There are viscounts with more sway in Tri-Kingdom politics than Lord Urdagan.
This is a reality he has accepted, and he attempts to make the best of it. He does his damnedest to care for his people with the means he has, and looks for silver linings where he can find them.
After all, if no one cares to watch you too closely, your time is your own.
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hecksee · 1 year
im learning i have an intense fondness for historical gays. modern gays are good, but theres just Something about historical queers that hit my brain. bonus points if they're from the 17th-19th century.
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profoundbondfanfic · 6 months
The Law of Equivalent Exchange
The Law of Equivalent Exchange by awed_frog @awed-frog Rating: Mature Word Count: 60k
“And what’s the point of it?” “Of love? There isn’t one. Loving is its own purpose.”
This fic is poetic and deeply touching in a way that truly just has to be experienced. It's just a breathtakingly beautiful love story.
Cas, Angel of Tears, is assigned to watch over two brothers, tied together and experiencing hundreds of lifetimes of sorrow and joy in preparation for some mysterious Heavenly plan. His mission is to watch over a green-eyed boy, to guide him into each next life. The human doesn't know, doesn't remember (mostly), but it's impossible to ignore the growing bond between them. Cas finds himself inexorably changed by watching the many lives he experiences. 
The fic ties into canon (so you should be familiar with canon to truly enjoy it) to make some of the iconic scenes even more emotional. 
It all comes together to tell an unforgettable story of love and devotion that had me crying by chapter 2, and it has a soft, beautiful ending that will stick with me for a while.
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charmantevamp · 3 months
( gentle )     for the sender to kiss the receiver’s hand. - @ofravensandseas
Audrey laughed, it was an airy coquettish laugh. Still, there is an underlying bitterness about it. Still, like the lady she is most certainly not, she accepts.
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"You must be looking for the wrong lass," she replied, coolly.
"I am hardly a lady," at least not in any way that matters and father figures be damned.
"I'd offer you a seat at the table but that'd be as good as highway robbery, if I wanted to steal from you I'd simply let you bend me over a bed and take me til I cannot walk."
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melpomeneprose · 2 months
send me  ‘🃏 !’  and i’ll write you a starter using a tarot card as the inspiration
Anne Boleyn for visiting v: phoenix queen Relta?
From here. / @joyfulmagic
The Magician - Upright: power, influence, resourcefulness, intellect, and skill. Reversed: a warning to be careful and 'mind where you step or step on.'
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Admittedly Lady Anne B.oleyn hadn't been in England long, still, somehow she got H.enry the E.ighth's attention. Almost without saying a word. It would be tedious if it didn't benefit her and her family. She's made her way to court with her sister, Mary. Hoping at least one B.oleyn girl would have some staying power. Silently, Anne thinks, 'Is it not enough? The man is married, I bear Catherine of Aragon no ill will, I am merely a reformed P.rotestant, and he does have my sister and several others already.' but Anne doesn't voice such words, it would only get her in more trouble with her father.
She was new at court, as new as one educated keenly at French Court could be and already Catalina saw her as a challenge. Was her summons so much to bear? Well, she's determined to make this difficult. She will be no mistress.
Anne had almost gotten lost in her train of thought when I bright haired woman approached, she seemed respectable enough, though really -- respectability be damned. At French court she was taught to be memorable.
"Bonsoir, Madam, I am Lady Anne B.oleyn, at your service, a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
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lvciddreamt · 2 years
no one ever ate the food at parties like this one. it was mainly decorative, all colorful canapés and miniscule vol-au-vents. nothing resembling a real meal. silas’s own stomach would have been cramping with hunger if he hadn’t made sure to eat beforehand. he always pitied the guests who seemed unsatisfied with the spread — hadn’t they known it was a garden party, not a dinner? he stiffened, straightening up even more, hands still tightly folded behind his back. “i didn’t say i was happy, but i’m willing to do my duty. i don’t see why you shouldn’t be. this is a favorable arrangement for you, seeing as you stand to inherit so little from your own family. and after all the unpleasantness with my own elder brother, i will be the one able to provide for mine — and for you. is that not an agreeable situation?” his nostrils flared slightly at the mention of a ‘simple-minded, pushover of a woman’ — maybe because she wasn’t too far off. “simple-mindedness is hardly a desirable trait in a partner, but someone more amiable, perhaps.” i fear hearing the activities i take pleasure in would turn you into a true shrinking violet. “i will not humor you,” silas snapped, patience now running thin. “i know you are not a woman of ill repute, and if this is simply a tactic to repel me, it will not work.” she played piano. now, there was something they had in common. maybe even something they could bond over. “i enjoy the piano myself. i’m sure i am less adept at it than you are, but perhaps we could try a duet sometime.”
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sharmawit · 8 months
[Skates] for sender and receiver to get ice skating
From here. / @apurekindness
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Riding out to meet the blonde, the Sharma 'spinster' wasn't sure what to make of her. Though, Kathani was by far the last person to throw stones or accuse without evidence. 'A witch' some said, 'a healer and medic,' said others. Still, the truly observant ones said the blonde was a 'doctor' and 'nurse.' She didn't know what to make of it, and Kathani was not entirely certain that she cared. She grabbed her ice skates-- something rather new to the coffee-coloured, raven-haired 'spinster'.
"I do hope, I'm not terribly late," she said as a footman took her horse and she got down with ease. "I also don't believe I've done this before."
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theophan-o · 8 months
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Graceful, beautifully drawn Cossack Heroes and their horses:
Petro S. Andrusiv (Петро Стефанович Андрусiв, 1906-1981), Ukrainian artist, graphic and illustrator: Hunting with Falcon (1971)
It is a fan&didactic account, existing only for the Cossack Heroes glory and promoting Ukrainian heritage worldwide. Copyright belongs to the Artist/Museum.
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ask-nyc-boroughs · 1 month
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😈😈 I’m cooking up some comics. Anyways “To Prevent Consequence” is the title for my American Revolution arc in Nor’easter verse. The first of these I made back in April to help introduce major characters in this arc in a fun way. I will note that these “cheat sheets” are an oversimplification of positions at the beginning of the American Revolution. I’ll keep this as a navigational post, and I’ll try to update it as each comic page comes out. Also links to all my comics can be found here & you can follow the tags #tpc comic for updates on the comic.
Denise/Quebec & Thomas/ Nova Scotia belongs to my friend ekuos.art on Instagram.
Also feel free to ask questions!
For reference, these are the chapters that I have mostly completed as of August 2024:
The End: Most of the 13 colonies see no other option, but to agree with their people and declare independence from Arthur thus putting their lives on the line. However some colonies remain on the fence. Furthermore, the colonies can’t seem to agree upon one of their own to lead them, or really have as a figurehead. In general the colonies can’t seem to even decide if they want to be independent together, or strike it out on their own. Henry (Massachusetts), a fierce advocate of independence, and an advocate of remaining together proposes that his cousin Alfred Jones, who was once Plymouth colony (yet his exact role in the present is unclear), be their figurehead while they unite together. However Henry & Alfred face great opposition from their peers.
The Ashes: Following the Battle of Long Island, Jennie Van Slyke (New York State) wakes up in Albany, hurt and disoriented. There she finds her longtime rival and now ally in independence, Henry with her.
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lol I realize the font is small in case you needed a close up here it is.
Other notes:
You may be familiar with the Haudenosaunee as the Iroquois Confederacy, some suspect the name Iroquois comes from an insult and was later adapted by colonists. I put their names in their respective languages so Mr. Seneca (O-non-Dowa-Gah), Mr. Mohawk (Kaniek’kehá:ka), Mr. Onondaga (Onoñda’gegá”), Cayuga (Gayoghó:no’), Oneida (Onyota’a:ka), & Ms. Tuscarora (Skarùr:re).
Mr. Cherokee = Mr. Anigiduwagi
Mr. Mohican = Mr. Muhhekunneuw. Also Lynn/ NYC’s biological father
I focus mostly on settler colonial histories. I try my best to research and understand indigenous histories, but as this is a piece of fiction and I’m not a historian - I will be prone to error in my work. If you notice something egregious in this regard & have sources to lead me to, do let me know via private message.
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qiqi-guai-guai · 3 months
Thinking about Lin Wan'er.... Her brother is dead and he was one of her only companions during a devastatingly lonely childhood and she owes it to him to avenge him. She owes it to herself to avenge him. The Lin family's pride still stands, however fragmented, in its least viable heir. If Fan Xian lost someone he loved he would burn down the world; she would too, but she doesn't have the ability.
It doesn't matter whether or not his murder was justified. He was her brother.
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