#their all so wholesome
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sparrowstarsandsorrow · 1 year ago
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hkthatgffan · 5 months ago
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"These horrible wretched babies birthed from the pen of Emmy Cicierega."
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demaparbat-hp · 8 months ago
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There is no such thing as personal space between them.
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beif0ngs · 1 year ago
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Pokémon Concierge
A close-up look at some of the Pokémon in Pokémon Concierge
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inzuinzudesu · 3 months ago
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A Christmas gift for @kawkawsrii! Happy holidays!
Bonus: they went to the grandline and will come back in part 2???? i hope so?????????
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Bonus 2: cute ass lil shits whom i desperately wanted to put in but couldn't cuz i'm silly like that
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theartsoflilo · 9 days ago
I always imagined Barnaby, despite not being the kinda guy to openly share his woes, would go to his momma to vent ❤️☹️
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ch0mpkin · 2 months ago
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Guys, they literally leaked the next ep‼️
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gremnda · 3 months ago
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bbh the biggest pangili truther
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enii · 1 year ago
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Not at my best, but still trying my hardest💕
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hyunjining · 2 months ago
my bro hyunjin entered the 4th dimension for a second… he might have stayed there with that contented smile on his face forever if felix hadn’t broken his trance (x)
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kuutseng · 7 months ago
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toast with lots and lots of jam!
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demaparbat-hp · 4 months ago
Can we please see what Yue looks like in your modern au?
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Lovely astrologist in the making 🌕💜
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galaxyinacup · 4 months ago
Would you/ have you ever drawn Flower Ranchers fanart? (Jimmy×Tango×Scott)
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I have drawn them before and I have done so again for you all!!!
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I was originally just going to repost my previous art of them but my bestie gave me this banger idea for them and I needed to get it out there! (Also that art is like a year old now)
I've grown fond of snowbugs... they are so pretty!
I'll still leave my other art of them under the cut, as well as close ups of this one:
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mai-komagata · 18 days ago
so here is my melkor hot take of the day. i dont think melkor is more evil than sauron.
like yes, tolkien said sauron is less evil than melkor bc he is devoted and obedient to him, i.e. catholic theological legalese, since love and obedience are the catholic virtue things that dont originate from evil. cool. ASIDE FROM THAT.
and like, melkor is totally MORE POWERFUL than sauron by like orders of magnitude. sure. melkor is the evil soup that suffuses the world like original sin and the fall do in catholic theology.
but like if in looking at intent and what they do, i dont think you can say that for sauron's relative power, i hesitate to say he is more evil, but he is evil in a more insidious and dangerous way common to our age.
like i see melkor very much representing the evil of the natural world (and to some degree part of the universal plan of eru iluvatar). he is volcanoes. he is the blight of winter. he is disease and pestilence and decay. he is the coming of darkness, the destruction of creation. the entropy of the universe. he desires the spark or life but can only subdivide endlessly like bacteria.
but that is part of the fallen world in theological terms even if it shouldn't be part of a healed world of immortal quasi spiritual (or actually spiritual) beings. it is imperfection if the goal is deathlessness. but it is part of the world.
and to a degree i see valar as having this sort of impersonal force of nature quality about them. not just melkor. they all do. tolkien describes them like heavenly bureaucrats. they arent tied to the world and dont understand the world in a tangible personal way that even the maiar do.
sauron is different and i think there is a reason sauron is the villain in the books in the second and third age and specifically in the main book he published. he is the evil of our modern world.
because most mythologies dont have two dark lords. one representing chaos and destruction and one representing order and coercion and industry.
it represents a fundamental swing in how cultures started to conceptualize evil. we mastered science and thus a lot of the things that were a curse from the gods were being solved. and yet. the world wasn't becoming less evil. we still want to control each other, to subjugate others. we want to tame nature so much it kills her and makes her barren. we covet power because we are afraid of the lack of it.
so yeah. sauron and melkor are both evil. but sauron was subject to melkor (or natural evils) until we subdued and chained him. and then sauron's evils were dominant.
(is this character analysis or fictional theology? idk.)
i love these characters because they are symbolic of how we conceptualize evil in the world, as well as being stand-ins for a certain character archetype. i dont have to write them just as them being evil. but they are great for writing about difficult subjects because of their symbolic nature.
(and maybe like sauron i too love volcanoes and snow and mushrooms and thus am a bit enchanted with the force of nature that is melkor. i used to study a LOT of catholic theology, and now as an outsider looking in im like, maybe i can play with these myths and tropes. at the same time, the ultimate plan of eru iluvatar is meant to be a mystery.)
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musubiki · 7 months ago
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artbyblastweave · 6 months ago
Funniest thing I've seen recently, and not funny in a ha-ha way, more funny in a "the endless entropic void gnawing at my will to live" way, was somebody asking around for alternatives to Neil Gaiman, in the light of Neil Gaiman's ongoing fall from grace. As though what we're currently sitting through isn't the collapse of the carefully curated "Good Guy Neil" image that caused people to parade Gaiman as the same kind of preferred progressive alternative to, say, Rowling. As though we won't be in the same goddamn situation in a few years or months, with some number of the new progressive sci-fi/fantasy darlings- not all of them, to be clear, but at least some of them- when their impeccably-curated marketing implodes in on itself and they're revealed to be the same kind of sex pest or abuser. Can you not see the wheel to which you are strapped. The game of human pinball you are condemning yourself to with this mindset. Maybe you do see, and you're just resigned to taking it one soul-crushing disappointment at a time, one "I never would have guessed" after another. I mean I think we all need to get resigned to that one way or another, sun's gonna go out before it stops happening
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