#their a ton of mistakes but idc
arugan · 3 months
i remember last year i said i promise ill do smth so crazy for white day and i did..... this..... i dont have any laptops anymore they really said fυck off you and your argan ship and go back to traditional 😭😭😭😭 so have this. anyway i hope everyone is doing great here on tumblr. i have to use this app more often pfffff
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mamasplat · 2 years
ok so- i think these two are suffering from hybristophilia, or how i will be calling it bonnie and clyde syndrome (or BCS for easier reading) but not in the way you may think
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i think frank was the with bonnie and clyde syndrome, for those unaware bonnie and clyde syndrome is most common in teens to young adults who have a troubled past, people who have a wish to fight against all the baggage they have, when left without an outlet the subject will lend themselves to unhealthy methods, such as idolizing criminals.
frank has a troubled traumatized past, going from family to family in a system that’s against him it is without a doubt in my mind he has been abused time and time again. it’s why he is so jaded when he moves to our old time snowy perfect town of ormond
he’s filled with hate that filled to past and has never had an outlet, his new drunken “dad” is far from the attention he needs.
he planned his escape from the town till he found julie, a seemingly perfect girl with a perfect family for this perfect little town, he fell hard not knowing her own issues would soon enough drag him along. now i’m not trying to say julie is the issue here, she isn’t.
julie is a girl with enough parental issues due to being seemingly neglected emotionally and her only outlet was her own BCS that she puts into both fiction and real criminals, she was deep into her BCS and all she wanted was to ruin the old town that locked her in this box was being perfect, the stress was too much and without an outlet, now say it with me now- she turns to an unhealthy outlet
frank and jules are both suffering under each other’s bonnie and clyde syndrome, and in any other story this would fall apart into a doomed relationship for all parties, but at the hands of the entity they do what subjects of BCS should never do and embrace their BCS in very very unhealthy ways
but now it’s their job, they have a truly horrific happy ending when you see the psychological side of the legion. but i’m not gonna get toooo into this on tumblr- i could make a whole video essay on this tbh i’d just need the time to do all my research and apply it to joey susie julie and frank all together. maybe i’ll find the time
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fastfists · 2 years
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Haven’t really posted any art for you all in a while, have I? Well, I should remedy that with some cute now shall I?
Have some Knuckles and a baby Chao, cause I love it. From this old dumb sketch here.
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silvertoadz · 3 months
My dad kicked me out and I feel like everyone I know thinks I'm a loser and irresponsible despite the fact that I have some pretty decent back up plans just because those plans are gonna take a little while
I mean it's not even like this was a good place to live, like no I don't wanna be homeless for a while but I also don't wanna love with a man that has hated my best friend of 20 years for being Muslim, or abused his own mother when she was sick, or has allowed this house to fill with trash and black mold and rats and roaches and bed bugs just cause he's too cheap to pay to fix, too embarrassed to ask anyone for help, and too lazy to try to fix anything himself.
Like I have tons of tweets and posts about how this house and this sorry excuse for a father make me the most suicidal I've ever been. Obviously it's not ideal that this happened to soon and it'll be stressful but like, idk at least I'm feeling less like I wanna die??? At least my mom is helping a little and my sister is gonna help put money into a trailer we can buy together. I'd rather be trailer trash again than dead personally.
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sillymenace · 13 days
My hyper-fixation within inside out is coming back ANYWAY
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I think I found one way to calm down anger…JUST MAKE HIM SUPER PISSED OFF AND HE WILL TIRE HIMSELF OUT
LOOK AT HIMM HE IS SO ADORABLE WHEN HE IS TIRED OUT..!!!!! (no i do not have a crush on a damn fire brick i just think he is adorable)
he is my child now idc what you guys say HE IS MY BRICK CHILD..!!!!
My favorite parts from inside out 2 is were anger tell joy that “you make mistakes a lot” and comforting her and handing a hand for her. Another part of the movie (well tons of parts) IS ANGER HOLDING JOYS HAND ITS SO CUTE IM GOING TO EXPLODE ISSFISUUFDSGISCIGSGEBHEBDJSJWBEBDSISJEJEJEJ
(original image from thee official channel Pixar on YouTube/Youtube-shorts)
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placentaeater999 · 11 months
My friends. Put your lobe fins together for...
PlacentaEater's Autism Fish Paper
This is 8 pages of absolute glory (not written very academically, i wanted it to be a bit more accessible and better formated for a random ass social media thing) that took me about 5 hours to make. There might be some grammar or spelling or punctuation mistakes, idc, im having a fun time and that's what matters. This isn't the most serious paper ever written.
Thanks you all for your patience, I know this has been long awaited. I'm really excited to share this with you all. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. <3
NOTE: The longer parts have TL;DRs on them if u dont wanna spend a ton of time reading it ;)
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alcalystrasz · 4 months
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(This has been said a lot but idc)
He loses his bestfriend, he's destroyed and he cries because he thinks he's dead and he's going to blame himself because he'll think it's his fault. The song in the background is Heroes. And the lyrics, at this precise moment are:
"And we kissed, as though nothing could fall. And the shame, [changing to Joyce and Jonathan] the shame was on the other side."
Which is a clear queer coding. That means that Mike and Will kissed (= spent time together, very close) as though nothing could fall (= nothing could go wrong), and the shame (= of being gay) was on the other side (= the Upside Down, where Will is. Because he's the obvious gay one). And it changed to Joyce and Jonathan because they're Will's family.
And now, let's skip to Season 3:
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This hug, from end of season 3 is a clear parallel of the first one we saw on season 1. His face isn't obviously the same. In season 1, we can see he's sad, crying and he hugs his mom desperately. But season 3, shows a confused, emotionless Mike who hugs his mother like he's in shock. Why's that? Well...
The parallel is to show Mike's feelings. In the end of season 3, when El kisses Mike, his eyes are wide open, he doesn't move and when she's done and leaves he doesn't move, instead he looks on the side with a super confused and shocked face. And in the original script (sorry couldn't find it), we saw that Mike's reaction was like this because it was written:
What is wrong with me?
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So it was meant for him to be that way (and btw Finn played it well). And then, when Hopper reads his letter to El, we can hear his voice with scenes showing up. And when he says:
"And if I'm being really honest, I don't want things to change."
Mike looks back at Will's house before leaving with his bike.
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This is a lowkey queer coding. Change is the liking boys realization from Mike's side. And why Hopper says "I don't want things to change" ? Because the change means the behavior change for Mike. He'll feel like a mistake, just like Will, he'll feel different, incapable of liking a girl like every other boys his age...
So what I'm trying to say is. That these two scenes are parallels to show Mike's improvement and changement over the seasons. Season 1 he was sad because of the loss of his bestfriend. But why would we only see Mike's POV and not Dustin's or Lucas' ? They also cared about Will. No, we only see Mike's because he's Will's love interest. And in Season 3 we see a total confused Mike hugging his mother, trying to understand what happened. Because what happened is that he understood, he finally admitted he was in love with Will. Why's that? Well, first he's confused by El's I love you, and kiss. Then he looks back at Will's house, knowing he just left. And finally he hugs his mom trying to figure out what's wrong with him. Cause he thinks there's something wrong with him, as seen in the script (try to find it yourself, cause I couldn't. But I remember sawing it on Twitter 'X' !). And it's even more possible because Mike's introduction in season 4, has a lot of queer coding. I'll try to list them all.
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Rainbows on the letter (= signifies lgbtq+), One Way arrow pointing to an open closet (= one way arrow -> "only possible thing/explanation", open closet -> he's out to himself), Poster with a naked Dragon (= just like Steve or Billy, straight boys, have, almost naked women, on their walls, Mike has almost naked character, men and animals from dnd), poster from a movie with an almost naked man (= to understand he likes them naked, just a gay thing I guess ;-;). For this last point, yes there's also a woman almost naked, however since the movie is about men, being way superior to women (that's the movie don't blame me, and I can't remember its name, sorry), I'm not sure he'd really want to have this woman in particular in his room.
Also there's one of Will's binder under his bed, the same one where there are tons of his drawings and finally, I'd like to end up with Mike literally destroying El's letter when Nancy tells him he's late (who does that?). So yeah that's all I could find, there's probably more, which needs more attention and analysis but I did the minimum let's say.
So all of this, to say that season 1 and 3 hugs were parallels of Mike's feelings, and that the season 3's is more possible when we notice the character introduction of Mike in season 4. So yeah, he really had a Gay realization over there!
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nerdyagere · 4 months
Happy Valentine's Day my gift to ya'll is more AGERE food except I'm selfish so I'm talking about my baby boys Draken and Mitsuya teehee
Because Regressor!Mitsuya? He's sorta an unwilling regressor because it just feels, weird to get taken care of (by weird he means guilt, poor boy feels guilty because that's just the instinct instilled into you when you grow up being a primary caregiver)
But don't worry Draken isn't so overwhelming about it anyways, he's not gonna force his care and love onto Mitsuya and coddle him a ton that would be too much! Instead he'll just slowly start to involve himself into stuff Mitsuya is doing like "Can I help?"
With that he'll slowly move more and more towards like "Oh you could let me do that" or "That seems a little difficult, let me do it" (This is when Mitsuya picks up that oh Draken is TRYING to get him to regress)
Even with a little fuss, Mitsuya will slowly start to let his responsibilities fall onto Draken instead, but he still has to help somehow. They're cooking dinner? Draken's doing the stove stuff but Mitsuya will help by stirring pots or he'll wash the veggies or just do whatever small tasks he can and Draken always gives him a grin and says "Good job, kid" (Mitsuya will never admit how much that means to him)
Or even if he messes up he's so quick to step in and go "Its whatever, shit happens. Can you go get (blank) done for me?" he absolutely will NOT let Suya feel bad over messing up things he can normally do so he'll redirect his attention. If he can't redirect him, he'll have him help clean up or fix the mistake just to help him feel better
When they're not doing anything, Draken's always got a hold on Mitsuya, any sort of physical affection. Whether it's holding his hand or if Mitsuya allows him he'll so carry him around on his hip
Or they're on the couch relaxing, watching some show together, Draken's arm securely around Mitsuya's waist who is currently snuggled up to his side, glazed over eyes focused on the screen in front of him, maybe with his thumb resting on his lip or nail barely between his teeth (he's too aware to let himself do "baby-ish" stuff)
The rare occasions Mitsuya drops to way younger ages, Draken's always holding him like carrying him on his hip and such and he's doing everything possible, finishing up whatever responsibilities are leftover (all while giving attention to Mitsuya too of course from commenting on what hes doing to gentle kisses to his nose) before they can finally sit together and relax, cradling Mitsuya in his lap and they will just sit there together with a show on in the background for hours, a sense of peace and security enveloping them both like a warm blanket
This feels a little OOC but idc these are my boys (comment changes if you want!)
Want more content like this or wanna talk to people who enjoy the same stuff as you? Join my server linked in my bio! :]
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hypertonicplague · 1 year
Obey me hcs 4 me, myself, I
Things 4 my head n also cuz im still rlly into obey me but it’s all in my noodle lol
So in order from Oldest 2 youngest
- actually drank sm bitter coffee that it messed up his stomach completely (hell coffee, magic can’t heal everything) he has to take medicine for the pain lol
- still doesn’t care n will drink coffee n eat spicy things (45 minutes later he’s in his room either on the floor r in his bed clutching his stomach sobbing)
- hidden mole on his scalp in the bck of his head, nothing extraordinary but he’s kinda embarrassed abt it n if u touch it he’ll flinch n scowl
- bad habit of slipping forms when he sleeps (the beginning of the night starts out normal but when u wake up there’s gonna be feathers in ya mouth n a 9ft inky demon snoring cuddled completely under u)
- once he catches a chill it’s rlly hard for him to warm up, he hates the cold
- vapes 🗿 though he used to smoke cigarettes, once MC arrives he stops (Devildom cigarettes r basically fiber glass for humans 😭 he’s quitting for u MC 🫶)
- another one w a bad habit of form slipping but it’s not just sleeping. U have him a lil kiss? Wings n horns. He can’t get the math right in his head? Wings and horns. He rlly rlly rlly likes the food he’s eating atm? Wings n Horns. Doesn’t care will slip wherever
- weird but he enjoys fishing, despite him having adhd n the tizzums it’s the one thing he can sit down n enjoy (he started fishing cuz of Barb btw)
- blends vegetables into Levi’s “gamer” fuel
- again abt the forms n slipping but if I’m being completely honest levi rarely used his human form. Even when u first came to the Devildom he stayed formed out so u wouldn’t talk to him lol
- has a secret motorcycle he’s working on n putting together (it’s sea theme n he’s die if anyone found out abt it. Though cuz he loves u 🫶 u can see it)
- doesn’t know how to ride 🗿 he’s too embarrassed to ask lmaaaoo he just likes fixing it up
- forces mammon to make his “gamer fuel” smoothies to shave off some of his debt (its just berries, a ton of sugar, veggies he doesn’t know abt, n energy drinks) don’t drink it
- when u piss him off he’ll slap his tail on U n mark u up w a stinky slime. It’s like his defense?? Rlly slimy n stupid stinky
- also has an airpod (or devildom version of air pods??) in his ear at ALL times. He will attack u if u try to take them out no matter how close y’all r, r how much he loves u. Respect his boundaries MC 😦
- doesn’t like form slipping infront of u n if he does that’s it. He’s done. He’s getting even more pissed n punching whatever’s near n going to his room to trash everything. Won’t let u go around him n will tell u to leave him alone (don’t matter how close ya are, man’s is extremely emotional) but dw it’s just for a day r two!! After that he’s touch starved n his head hurts from crying. Just pamper him
- that’s another thing, he LOVES being pampered. To the point you’d swear to god himself he was a blonde Asmo. Pet him, bathe him, feed him, give him all ur love (behind closed doors tho) love up on him
I don’t have a lot for Asmo, he’s my fav!! But I’m drawing blanks rn 😰
- another form slipper lol but he takes it a step further n will slip to form 3 outta 5 (human, demonic, demon, 1st true form, complete true form) kinda scary when he’s like that but he’s a lil cuddle bug
- will force u to brush his form 3 wings (they look leathery but they got a ton of lil thick hairs lol, clean the dust out MC!!)
- also once y’all become closer he starts a bad habit of kicking u r chewing on ur fingers/shoulder/whatever doesn’t look awkward at the time n he can put his teeth in (also this is in a non seggual way, it’s more of a stimmy way!! He’s stimmin on ya MC 🫶)
- also don’t call him out on it, he knows, he understands it’s a lil weird, say anything abt it n he’ll stop immediately n never do it again (positive or not just don’t talk abt it 💀)
- real quick beel isn’t good at expressing emotions so he uses!! His fashion!! He has a lot of lil charms, rings, plushies, ect around him 24/7. In game Beel doesn’t exist here >:^( it helps him
- plz don’t push his boundaries, even as a joke if u try he’s gonna stop both trusting and liking u 🫶 even if y’all inlove. Tizzy beel 💪🏼 (lol throwing myself into characters loooolll)
- wuvs u mc wuvs u sm he’d give u a hairpin 🫶 (that’s a lot to him, only his family n luke have a hairpin from him)
- also does drag (this one was influenced by Melpho)
- another form 3 slipper, n another that’ll make u comb his tail AND clip his horns lol
- does pottery, mostly to make Beel new hairpins but also sometimes to make horrible cups n guilt Lucifer to use em (Lucifer adores his ugly coffee cups 🫶)
- cuz he sleeps all day n is awake at night he loooovveeesss pranking u while u sleep. Will crawl into ur bed n hold u n change his voice to sound like Mammons, Levi’s, whoever n trick u into saying silly things. Also loves pretending to hunt ur room, knocking stuff over while ur trying to sleep, grabbing ur toes, even making death noises, man is a menace 🗿
- he wuvs u sm give him a lil kiss
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purplefixations · 2 years
I am finally out of my depression spiral, and now it is time for:
What The Redacted Characters Would Get
(this is just my opinion, but as a barista this is also the correct opinion /j)
Shaw Pack:
David- you might think he'd just get like, a black coffee, you'd be wrong. He gets a hot white mocha triple with no whip, only sometimes he'll get it iced. Depending on how exhausted he is, he'll add more shots.
(dumb head cannon time, a regular (s) comes in and gets a hot triple white mocha and a iced triple white mocha with no whip. It's a couple, and they alternate who gets the drinks every couple days. I think it'd be kind of cute if David's dad and mom used to do the same, and now David drinks a hot triple white mocha with no whip because of his parents, specifically his dad)
Asher- he used to get pink drinks all the time, but then David realized that all the refreshers have a shit ton of caffeine, so now he gets a strawberry creme frappe with a scoop of vanilla bean powder. It's still very sweet, and a lot of sugar, but it does not have caffeine which everyone is appreciative of.
Milo- iced caramel macchiato with almond milk and a quad shot, this man is lactose intolerant and you cannot tell me otherwise. And no, he does not care that Starbucks doesn't make a 'correct' macchiato, it tastes good and has caffeine, so he doesn't care.
side note, Aggro has tried a pup cup before, it did give him explosive diarrhea (as it does to a lot of pets). Milo will never give him another one, however, sweetheart did make the mistake of feeding him one early in their relationship, and it also ended an explosive diarrhea. So Aggro is no longer allowed pup cups
Christian- Normally he gets a iced Americano, but if he's going to a pack meeting he gets a pink drink just to spite Asher.
Angel- a Connoisseur of seasonal drinks. Tries each of the seasonal releases until they find one they love, and drinks it until it's gone. If there aren't any seasonal drinks, or they don't like them, they get a peppermint mocha frappe (because yes, Starbucks does have peppermint year round)
Baabe- Iced matcha latte with caramel syrup and drizzle. Matcha has a decent amount of caffeine and Starbuck matcha is also mostly sugar, so it's a nice pick me up. If it's too cold for that, they'll get a hot chocolate.
Sweetheart- This bitch (affectionate) gets two vanilla sweet cream nitro cold brews and a venti cup of ice, bc the biggest size of nitro cold brew Starbucks can legally sell is a grande bc of all the caffeine. So this bitch (again, affectionate) gets two and pours them into one cup. Milo is very concerned for their health.
Darlin'/Tank- like sweetheart, I see them wanting/needing a shit ton of caffeine, so they also get two nitro cold brews. But they'd probably go from the salted caramel cream cold brew and would drink them separately.
Solaire Clan: (idc if canonically caffeine doesn't affect them, I make my own rules bitch)
William- Hot mocha with raspberry syrup. I know that sounds weird, but it basically tastes like chocolate strawberries. His drinks have changed over time, but currently this is his favorite.
Alexis- Blonde roast with caramel and oatmilk. This sounds simple, but fun fact: Starbucks stops brewing blonde & dark after 11am (mostly smaller stores do this), and she always comes after that and ends up having the baristas make a pour over, then bitches over how long it takes to get her drink.
Vincent- French vanilla latte, which at Starbucks is vanilla and hazelnut, so it's very sweet. He also gets it with oatmilk, just bc it tastes good. Gets it either hot or iced depending.
Sam- London fog latte, no water. I see him as a tea guy, idk. Sometimes he gets a few shots in it, but it depends.
Lovely- chai creme frappe. They like chai (even if the Starbucks chai is not even close in taste to real chai lol) and normally get it with cinnamon powder on top and in it.
Gavin- Changes every time, since he doesn't need nutrients, he just wants sugar and fun tasting shit (this also goes for the vamps, but more for Gavin) he will make up the most random combinations, but if it's super busy he'll try to be simpler for the poor baristas. Mostly fruity combos and overly sweet frappes.
Damien- iced soy latte with 3 stevia, with a minimum of four shots, maximum he's done is, like 11 (Yes, I have put 11 shots in an espresso drink, I imagine it tasted like shit). He's basic but really just needs caffeine and something to hydrate so he'll ask for a water too.
Huxely- matcha. and if you say it tastes like grass to this man, he will say yes, it does, but he likes grass. Probably gets a matcha frappe to be specific, sometimes asks for vanilla syrup. Very sweet and caffeinated.
Lasko- here's the dilemma, tired boi needs caffeine, but anxious boi does not need caffeine. So with friends around he gets decaf, but by himself... Iced brown sugar shaking espresso with six blonde shots. No, he's not hiding his caffeine intake, he wouldn't be very good at it if he tried it lol.
Kody- tiny bitch boy (extremely hostile) gets an extra dry vanilla cappuccino, and will send it back at least once because he says "it's not dry enough".
Freelancer- strawberry acia lemonade refresher, with peach juice, no strawberry pieces, and light ice. That's their go to, however, if they need more caffeine, they will order just an iced quad espresso with liquid sugar.
Calleum- there's this weird "secret menu" item called the cotton candy frappe, which is really just a vanilla bean frap with raspberry syrup, that is what he gets, and he would also like chocolate drizzle and chocolate crumbles on top. He is not allowed to have caffeine, I don't care if it affects daemons or not, he's not allowed to have it.
Everyone else:
Aaron- boring bitch (affectionate) just gets a medium roast coffee with light cream. He wants to put the splenda in himself, I don't know why but he does. Smartass has convinced him to get an espresso frappuccino with a shot on top, he didn't hate it. So that's progress.
SmartAss- gets an espresso frappuccino, three shots, add whip. Basically an iced expresso with milk, but blended with some sugar. If it is freezing cold, they will just get it a triple expresso with heavy cream and sugar, but that is rare.
Ollie- very simple, non-fat vanilla latte, sometimes gets it iced, sometimes it's hot. However, he will always ask for a pup cup to take home for his cat (Yes, I did forget his cat's name) because unlike Aggro, it does not give Ollie's cat explosive diarrhea.
Baby- Get a sweet cream cold brew with light ice and extra sweet cream. Also asks for extra vanilla. For some reason I get vanilla flavored vibes from Ollie and Baby as a couple, not in a sexy way, just in a flavoring way. idk.
Geordie- He needs caffeine, but if he is over caffeinated his brain will basically short circuit and then he will take a two hour long nap. So he sticks to iced coffee, with sweet cream and caramel syrup. However, he also likes the hot chocolate with caramel in it as well. It depends on the day.
Cutie- iced shaken espresso with chocolate cream cold foam. The shaken expressos come with classic sweetener, which they like, and an extra shot. They will mix in the cold foam and the espresso so it tastes more like chocolate, without having to add any other syrups.
Elliot- French vanilla iced coffee with two blonde shots and soy milk. He gives me soy milk vibes, for some unknown reason. He doesn't always get the blonde shots, but more often than not he does. Iced coffee only has so much caffeine, and he has lots of work to do.
Sunshine- a medicine ball, which is another name for a honey citrus mint tea. It is jade citrus mint & peach tranquility tea, half steamed lemonade, half hot water, with honey blend. They like it because it's sweet, and doesn't have too much caffeine.
Guy- He tries all the different TikTok drinks, his favorite being an iced white mocha, sub whip for sweet cream cold foam, with caramel drizzle and lining the cup (This started being ordered like a couple months ago, and it hasn't stopped lol)
Honey- a honey almond flat white, with extra honey blend (This was not intentionally a pun, but now it is) it's sweet, but they can add as many espresso shots as they need. And they need it.
(a lot of characters are not included because I don't really know their story lines or personalities. There are some audios that I haven't listened to yet, or just won't)
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grimngore · 1 month
long walks in the morning and long walks at night
omads at 6pm <400cals a day
idc if i feel like im starving
temporary pain and struggle is better than a lifetime of hating myself and being depressed 24/7
no binging and no purging
no giving into trigger foods now or ever again
no mistakes
i need to be thin before college starts
i need to stop being a gross disgusting fat lard
there is no if ands or buts
i will not let myself be a failure or let myself go by losing to food
i never want to be like this anymore or ever again. i refuse to be.
i will not eat anymore.
i wont eat for the rest of the day
then omad tomorrow at 6pm
get into a routine and schedule and focus on that.
spend a shit ton of time on tumblr.
weigh myself every other day.
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moonvarion · 2 months
I have so many thoughts about senyuu PGR au mainly between the trio (alba, ross, ruki) I HAVE TO PUT IT SOMEWHERE. I can't think straight in class due to the brain worms this idea gave me.
Alba would be a commandant, a graduate from the same batch as Sica (I've forgotten a bit from PGR so if there's plot holes IDC). I thought up a squad name but it's lame (Red Fox LMAOO). His parents are in Babylonia since his dad would be a researcher and his mom would be an ex-commandant (if that's possible... If not, then she died in duty.)
Alba's personality would be more alike to his part 2 self. But is a true rookie commandant. I'm sort of in love with my design of him (although barely changed...)
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(Some concept sketches I did at school.. Change lightning attacker to lightning tank)
He was assigned to Ross, a "Babylonian" construct. Ig Babylonia was really desperate. His frame (which I consider an A rank although that does not matter) is similar to his part 1 fit with a bit of mech parts here and there. This frame is considered new and his S rank would be his old frame (more creasion like with Ross elements implemented). by old frame, the frame that was created by rchimedes. I would like to think that his back story would be: Ross is born pre golden era and ofc with rchimedes and his crazy research that would dabble in whatever? Would probably deal with some hidden research and illegal experimentation that would involve both sion and crea. Crea would have good affinity but because of a mistake would be discarded and rchimedes would do some insane shit and use leftovers of crea's to experiment with sion. (I do love "good father" rchimedes... But someone's gotta be evil).
Things happen that led to the death of rchimedes and sion soon shuts down (but not dead! Why?... 😒) he soon will be discovered by gray ravens and be brought to Babylonia (I'm thinking of it being a similar case to camu or Noah?) Punishing levels wouldn't be too high... And that's that. (I'm debating to whether to make crea alive or dead in this au, because I think if we put crea through the same thing Selena did... Maybe he has a chance of reviving!)
Isn't it kinda insane for a rookie to be assigned with a potentially dangerous construct? Don't think too deep into it 😁 I do think Sica and Alba would get along well! They are similar after all. Also I think Ross and Vera are quite similar? Not only based on their sadistic tendencies but also... Well their mental baggage? I don't think they'll get along well though... But after hanging out a bit they'll realize, "ah I see... I can understand that"
Moving on to Ruki, Red Fox is dispatched for a low stakes mission on earth after things settle down with the main plot of PGR. They'll unexpectedly meet with an awakened machine, Lumiere or Ruki lol. "Shikikan-san, should we eliminate her?" "Are you insane?! Can't you see she's a little girl?" "... "
I haven't thought too deep into Ruki though... I wanted to make a fan fiction so I thought I'll think about it throughout... Well it's not I'll go through with it (lol) ah but thinking about (REDACTED SCENARIO) makes mee feel bitter sweet... I want to make parallels to the original senyuu..
I think Red Fox would be infamous with rumours of "the commandant always get back with tons of injuries even if the mission has nothing to do with fighting" "I worked with them and they felt like a comedy duo" "them lasting longer than iris warbler is surprising" "the construct is scary and the commandant is way to loud"
(Which make me think... Constructs aren't allowed to harm their commandants right? How would Ross survive without punching Alba? Well I think Ross would find a loophole somehow)
Lastly, how I think the two (later on three!) Would interact with the Gray Ravens!!!
I think with Ross calling Alba "commandant-san/shikikan-san" the sudden drop of politeness with the gr commandant would surprise Alba the most. With Ross going "the gray Raven commandant... Too long... Can I call you ravendant instead?" He gets a smack to the back.
I think skk would be introduced to them through liv bringing them up... Something like... "Oh commandant, have you heard the rumours?" With her stating her opinion, "well I hope they would last long."
Ah I ran out of juice to write more!
"Are you alright? You just took a hard hit."
"Don't worry! It only cracked my ribs!"
Only? That sounds serious!
Oh, cracked ribs? That's fine then <<
"Yup so don't- WAIT A MINUTE!"
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fitzpirations · 2 months
haven’t really been on here in ages- had all these articles I was going to share and proper nerdy posts to make but really who has the time 😔
Also gave up all my socials for Lent and felt I’d get stuck on here if I returned. Made a year at my job @ the streaming service the other day which has been… idk how I feel about it. I still work a weirdo late shift so I may or may not be in the office now, sitting alone, getting the setting sun on my cheek. The schedule is not conducive of socializing. Have thoughts on the Tony noms,, although mostly petty ones as I have been so uninterested in just about every musical this season and only technically saw DOWAR, (off-Broadway because I feared I couldn’t recreate my magical/chaotic night @ the Atlantic) and Prayer for the French Republic V pleased for their collective noms. Re: Days of Wine and Roses-Idc that they closed. Where’s their best musical? Orchestration? Some of these nominees… I have to remind myself New York, New York was up for a TON last year. Sorry to all involved but BOY was that show,,, tragic to me. Had the bones on a surface level but refused to come together for me every step of the way. My friend won the lotto post-Tonys and we went on a lark, and our lukewarm feelings translated into the show announcing its closing that very night. My power, if you will.
volunteered @ my local theatre for a night and left wanting to cry because I’ve been getting v into ~acting craft~ recently, and all the community people are so nice but I can’t do any work on any production,, so sad but nice to be asked to stage manage a One-Act Festival,,,
I do background work on my weird Monday off from work & had two really cool experiences recently! Worked on a film with less than 30 others w/ a huge, half up-and-coming star that I’m pumped about- did they even look my way? No. But they were locked in & it was a real cool set-up. Would it have been nicer if the costume and prop and makeup people didn’t rub fake dirt over all of us extras? Yes. But I got paid the union rate and met some really cool people, including a gentleman 33 years sober who was greatly moved by Days of Wine and Roses! And you know what? He brought up the show, not me.
also did a fancy streamer show I’m quite stoked on- got placed right in the action in the scene, the lead walked right up to me as he swapped with his stand-in and said hi, which is such a minimal thing (and I don’t do it to leer @ stars or w/e) but he thought he was sitting next to me the whole scene and was being friendly. The seat next to me was unfortunately empty by design, but there were a ton of takes where the only people visible were the two actors & me. Which,, is crazy. Like they cleared the room and I was just sat there. Can’t give context, but boy was I actually acting for once. To the extent I was sure I was doing too much. But no one said anything, except the friends I made hours prior on the bus during our early call time, who were thrilled on my behalf about the great placement.
trying to join the union now which is crazy, and maybe a mistake, but the hourly pay is better than my full-time job at a v reputable media company. Know my worth or something? Even if I worked on just the occasional Monday, it’d be great money, and better gigs/placement on jobs. And who knows, maybe I’d put in for even better gigs. Right now I’m chained to the 3pm-11pm, and the dogs I walk in the morning.
saw Prayer for The French Republic with my friend a while back which we sobbed through & had a truly enriching convo on life & religion and such at dinner afterwards. I also saw Teeth at Playwrights which was a wild treat, it was still in previews, literal Michael R. Jackson was in the lobby, my mother felt bad I was going alone and INSISTED I bring her with,, imagine how I felt when my tickets were center SECOND ROW and not in the fourth row, and I was sat next to my mom watching vagina-has-teeth, the musical. She was crazed when we left. I warned her prior, but once she committed to going with me, it was pointless to remind her the concept of the show. Quite the time! It’s one thing to be close enough to occasionally make eye contact with the actors, and another to be locked in an intense gaze with Steven Pasquale as he plays a pervy gynecologist, plunging his arm into someone. Was shaking in my boots. They’re hinting on moving it somewhere which I am against! but as long as it lives off-Broadway it can still rock, I think.
anyway anyway. Trying to write more and be more around art & dig myself out of this rut I’m stuck in. This time last year I was fruitlessly waiting to hear if I got a Stage Manager fellowship with the City Center. It was a nice thought at the time! Maybe one day. The market is so weird I’d have to win the lottery and have a generous offer before I’d be comfortable actually quitting my job for something else. I’m unsure. Feels like I’m wasting away, in friendly enough company at least.
been reading War and Peace (or trying to!) which I jokingly refer to as WAP to myself. Tolstoy would get a kick out of that one, I’m sure. Enjoying Matt Koplick’s Broadway Breakdown podcast which may sound very geeky to admit but he’s very well-informed and isn’t afraid to have a real opinion on modern theatre! Maybe that sounds conservative-coded, but I mean he is never downright cruel, but willing to say some shows were bad (and why! In academic detail) and I’ve got into some great peices & performers listening to his work. I recommend. See also: BdJ on the Drama podcast recently, I am not a frequent listener by any means- the only other one I think I’ve caught was Kelli’s back last year? But what a great listen. (Seriously)
anyway anyway. I love a long-read. I think my writing is half-nonsensical here, but here we are. I enjoy the tiny little community of people I follow on here. Trying to go back to this blog’s roots- inspiration! Art! Action!
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lord-of-snrland · 7 months
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Sad loser shortly before disaster
Preview of a dumb comic I've been working on all day instead of doing my tons of homework or learning for my exams after months in which I had tons of free time and didn't even pick up a pencil why is it always before exams
I know there are mistakes idc it's 1 am good night
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itsjessicahomann · 1 year
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Hey there, fellow art enthusiasts and creative souls! Today, I wanted to share a little personal journey that has taken me by surprise. You see, for as long as I can remember, I've always identified myself as a writer. Poetry has been my creative outlet, my way of expressing emotions and thoughts that can't be contained within mere words. But little did I know that there was a whole other artistic side of me waiting to be discovered.
It all started one day when I found myself intrigued by graphic design, and before I knew it I was creating everything and anything digitally. This ignited a spark within me, but differently this time. I suddenly had a burning desire to learn to draw...by the book - so I set out to purchase a ton of drawing books and this was just the beginning
So, armed with curiosity and a blank sheet of paper, I embarked on a journey into the realm of drawing. Now, let me tell you, I had never really drawn anything beyond simple doodles and fashion pieces. I couldn't even draw a stick figure without it resembling some abstract creation. But something urged me to give it a try.
Since that I did I was able to figure out what the issue was previously, I didn't try, and I didn't put in the effort nor did I have the spark of interest to light the fire that has since arose. I went on to everyone, I can't draw but I can write!
I picked up my pencil and began to sketch. Slowly, timidly, the lines took shape, forming the outline of a person. It was my first attempt at drawing a human figure, and let's just say it wasn't perfect. But you know what? That imperfection held a beauty of its own. As I continued to explore this newfound passion, I realized that art was not just about capturing a perfect likeness; it was about expressing oneself, just like writing. Each stroke became an extension of my emotions, a visual poetry of sorts.
Through practice and embracing mistakes, I realized my potential to create art.Now, as a writer and emerging artist, I stand at the tip toes of a thrilling artistic journey. Art knows no boundaries or limitations; it's a boundless realm where creativity flourishes.
In this new chapter, I'm excited to share my poetry and artwork—a fusion of words and visuals that reflect my unique expression. I am so excited for this adventure of self-discovery and artistic exploration. Let's celebrate growth, uncover hidden talents, and embrace the surprises art brings.
Keep creating, push your boundaries, and embark on new artistic journeys. Who knows what hidden potential lies within you?
Whats next: I downloaded Clip Studio Art because I obsessed with the digital world
This was my very first attempt as mentioned in the post, I love her #idc #sheissocute #emergingartist #roughdraft #followme
Stay Tuned Beautiful Bloggels 🛍️
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kimo-the-bloop · 1 year
yo kimo. yk that pro-ana person that was harassing me
they went and deleted a ton of their posts. like, a TON of posts
the only eating-disorder related stuff that can be called pro-ana is in 2019-2018 territory
i believe that we might’ve hurt their feefees (feelings) too hard
sowwy the devil on my shoulder told me to yell at them 🥺🥺
anyways idrc they were browsing the vent tag just to make fun of you soo
plus they did a ton of shitty things that are just common sense to not do
[unedited: erm idc!!!! they were being a huge asshole!!!!!!! they shouldnt browse the vent tag just to make fun of and misgender you!! that's just common sense! they shouldve known that beforehand! ik people make mistakes, but it's just so obvious that you should NEVER do that!]
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