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praetorqueenreyna · 2 days ago
top 5 any wlw ship(didnt make it to the survey 😔)
Um actually I'm wlw-phobic
Mai/Azula from ATLA - L I T E R A L L Y one of thehighest tier WLW ships of all time!! cannot be beat in any way shape or form!
Shauna/Taissa from Yellowjackets - IDK THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT THEM!!! I hope they kith <3
Buffy/Faith from BTVS - another OG, they really are so gay for each other it's insane.
Feyre/Mercenary Lady - I stand for mean butch lesbian feyre and ONLY mean butch lesbian feyre
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feltcaverns · 11 months ago
Fucking ridiculous to ask me to stop shilling the day after I was told to start shilling? Genuinely baffling. @reddeliciousauce
@reddeliciousauce What the fu
what the fuck!!! !what htwa afdjsgkdblfadgbnvas dfasknf
WHAT !!!!!! woawhhhhh
hello!!! yeah letsssss be friends. :) i want to frot togehter someday and if that means i dont tell you about thehighest quality merchandise then thats okay. i will eat your ass
yoooooo did you know that people watch videos of all kinds!!!! visit netflux dotcum. and you can view a documentary about urianaem. MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW
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weishenvicons · 7 months ago
WayV Japan 1st Mini Album ‘The Highest’
🎧Listen now on your favorite platform!
➫ wayv.lnk.to/TheHighest
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ladysunamireads · 7 months ago
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magnus-cricket · 5 days ago
How Magnus Cricket Ensures Quality in Every Product
At Magnus Cricket, we understand that every cricketer—whether a beginner or a professional—deserves top-quality gear to enhance their performance. That’s why we go the extra mile to ensure that every product in our store meets thehighest standards of quality, durability, and performance. From carefully selecting our suppliers to conducting rigorous product testing, here’s how we maintain…
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brucedinsman · 2 months ago
C.H. Spurgeon - Words of Counsel for Christian Workers
In the Sunday SchoolAnd who shall doubt that Sabbath-school work is well-doing towards man? Thehighest form of charity is to teach our fellow-man the gospel of Jesus Christ. You maygive bread to your fellow, but when he has eaten, it is gone; if you give him the breadof life, it abides with him for ever. You may give him bread in plenty, but in due timehe will die, as his fathers have done before…
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xatskee · 5 months ago
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#QuoteOfTheDay (20240923):
“Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan manusia merupakan panggilan tertinggi kepemimpinan.” (Harvey S. Firestone)
Bersama Ford & Edison, Firestone pelengkap trio pengusaha sukses Amerika yang sezaman. Ia menekankan bahwa kepemimpinan sejati bukan tentang kekuasaan, melainkan tentang memberdayakan orang lain untuk mencapai potensi penuh mereka. Mereka melihat kesuksesannya melalui kesuksesan orang lain. Mereka fokus pada pembangunan tim, pengembangan kemampuan, dan pertumbuhan kolektif.
“Sebaik-baik manusia adalah yang paling bermanfaat bagi manusia lainnya.” (At-Thabrani: 5949). Bagi pemimpin, kemanfaatannya terkait dengan quote di atas. Ibnu Khaldun mengatakan bahwa pemimpin itu memberi perhatian besar pada pengembangan kapasitas masyarakatnya. “Manusia adalah makhluk sosial yang membutuhkan pendidikan dan pengembangan diri untuk berperan optimal dalam peradaban,” pungkasnya.
#growth #development #people #thehighest #calling #of #leadership
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/x_QoTD
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saint-vamp · 7 months ago
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christinamac1 · 10 months ago
Europe baked in ‘extreme heat stress’ pushing temperatures to record highs
 Scorching weather has baked Europe in more days of “extreme heatstress” than its scientists have ever seen. Heat-trapping pollutants thatclog the atmosphere helped push temperatures in Europe last year to thehighest or second-highest levels ever recorded, according to the EU’sEarth-watching service Copernicus and the World Meteorological Organization(WMO). Europeans are suffering with…
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menmoving12 · 2 years ago
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https://www.menmovingmountains.com.au/services/commercial-painting/ Deck painting services in Coolangatta-Painting contractors in Oxenford Men Moving Mountains Painting is the best painting company in Queensland that specializes in commercial painting. We understand that your business is an investment, which is why we are committed to delivering the best results and thehighest quality of service. Whether you are looking to refresh the look of your office or just want to brighten up the atmosphere, Men Moving Mountains Painting is here to help.Contact us - 0455 773 365.
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beautybazaar66 · 2 years ago
Beauty Training NZ 
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We believe education is boundless and shouldnt cost too much and should be available for everyone, despite your background or your experience. We are the only beauty academy that takes on beginners and makes them professionals in the industry. We work with beginners, home users and huge salon chains too so that everyone has an equal oppurtunity to build their future with empowerment.
Beauty Training NZ
Beauty is an art, and it takes skill, knowledge, and passion for creating masterpieces.From makeup to skincare, hair styling to nail art, the beauty industry is one of the world’sfastest-growing and most dynamic industries. With a growing demand for beauty services, there is a greater need for skilled professionals to deliver quality services and transformclients’ lives. Beauty training is the key to unlocking your potential to transform lives andachieve success in this industry.
The importance of beauty training
Beauty training NZ is essential for anyone wanting to become a beauty industryprofessional. It provides the necessary knowledge, skills, and expertise to perform a widerange of beauty services, from basic to advanced techniques. Whether you want to becomea makeup artist, hairstylist, esthetician, or nail technician, beauty training can help you todevelop the skills and knowledge you need to succeed. It can also help you to stay up todate with the latest trends and technologies in the industry.
Beauty training NZ offers arange of courses from makeup artistry to beauty therapy. These programs are designed toequip students with practical skills and knowledge required to succeed in the beauty industry.
Choosing the right beauty training program
When choosing a beauty training program, looking for a program accredited andrecognized by the industry is essential. Accreditation ensures that the program meets thehighest standards of quality and that employer and clients recognize the certification youreceive. It is also essential to consider the length of the program, the cost, and thecurriculum. Look for a program that covers a broad range of topics, from theory topractical skills, and provides hands-on training and real-world experience.
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thewasteland2 · 5 years ago
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Piscinas - Arbus (Sardinia). The dunes. The dunes of Piscinas (about 2 sq km, for a height of about 100 m asl) seem to be the highest sand dunes in Europe. The area boasts the presence of two streams, the one with the same name (also called the "red river") coming from Montevecchio (minor ford) and the Naracauli, coming from the mining village of the same name, under Ingurtosu (major ford). Those coming from the seafront must cross the two fords to access the Piscinas beach. Among others, the film "Black stallion" by Carrol Ballard and the video "Eroe" by Caparezza were shot on the dunes. #dunes #thehighest #sanddunes #boast #piscinas #beach #arbus #sardinia #presence #stream #redriver #ford #travel #traveling #visiting #instatravel #instago #instagood #travelling #tourism #instapassport #instatraveling #travelgram #travelingram #igtravel #longfield #seascapes #massimopistis #sovVERSIvi #estremisti Information for the purchase of my new book "Estremisti!": the book at a cost of 12.00 euros (120 pages), can be ordered in bookstores (ISBN 978-88-591-5719-9 - Publisher Aletti) or online on the page http://www.alettieditore.it/emersi/2019/pistis.html from the link below. https://www.instagram.com/p/CEnD81Gqxre/?igshid=1x6wmw9skw7fv
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hive26 · 4 years ago
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Obidi @sarkodie #thehighest #nopressurealbum 🙌🏾👏🏾 (at Tema, Ghana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSC9RVQnq0e/?utm_medium=tumblr
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vnmpmbs-blog · 7 years ago
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Make u no ask me It's all in a days work I'm so classy That is a great shirt #sarkodie #thehighest #classy #great #white #plain #shirt #tessituramonti #fabric #egyptiancotton #suitsupply #grey #flannel #trousers #trynaputmeinabox #itsimpossible #rles #vnmpmbs 📸 @ikennavisuals with the power (bij Mosteiro dos Jerónimos)
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karisipaga · 4 years ago
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Big inspiration @sarkodie #thehighest #nofugazy #opidiponpidi #sarkodie #karisipaga #waba #teamwaba https://www.instagram.com/p/COXiK0BMUJn/?igshid=1qi6hla93zsh6
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dougla-god · 7 years ago
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#homegrown #gotkush #nochemicals #thehighest
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