Abi's Happy Place
533 posts
Unashamed fan, especially of big, strong women and subversive men.AO3: TheMontess
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themontess · 12 hours ago
the warden only becomes the warden in order to survive. hawke is desperately trying to build a new peaceful life for themself. even the inquisitor just doesn’t want to die from the anchor. something about characters whose motivation is just to live, live a safe boring life, the hope for which is torn from them again and again by the circumstances they cannot help but respond to because with any other option they would be betraying themselves
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themontess · 18 hours ago
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Collected some Gale sketches and made the upper one today, cause I needed to draw something on my numerical analysis class to avoid going crazy. Xd
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themontess · 20 hours ago
Could you reblog this if you enjoy seeing your writer friends ramble about their wips on your dash?
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themontess · 1 day ago
From my Dragon Age Big Bang project, but vague enough I don't mind sharing:
He’d keep his eyes open, and be ready to fight, to run, if there was trouble.
Writing was a bit like pulling teeth this week, but I did block out the first chapter and I've nearly written the first scene.
@the-font-bandit if you wanted to share the last line of yours? 🧪
last line tag game!!
tagged by my darling @cursedhaglette (kissing you always, mwah)
rules: post the last line you wrote and tag someone for every word in the line.
“And how do you know you’re not already under his influence?”
oOooOoo what kind of convo are we having, hmm? i'm also not tagging 11 people; that just seems rude (ya'll have lives, i get it) so i will tag @bardic-inspo, @paganwitchisis, @kittenintheden, @justporo, @amoremagnificentbastard, and @hhh-hemogoblin!
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themontess · 1 day ago
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would you?
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themontess · 2 days ago
hey if ur reading this and ur in a bad spot mentally or anything i hope u feel better soon and have a good day
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themontess · 2 days ago
being alive is great because there are so many different vegetables you can sauté. but then there are also the horrors
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themontess · 2 days ago
In working on my Illario outfit mod, I just learned two things:
There is an unused(?) nail polish shader
Illario's appearance preset uses said nail polish. With glitter even. The base colour is #0A0B4D (indigo blue) with #8D8D8D (silver) glitter.
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themontess · 2 days ago
Writing First Kiss Tension
They both know it’s going to happen, but no one makes the first move. The silence stretches.
One of them pulls back slightly, giving the other a chance to stop them. But no one moves.
They both breathe a little heavier, the space between them charged, until finally, one of them breaks.
It’s slow, like they’re memorizing the moment, afraid they’ll never get another chance.
Right after, they pull away, just enough to look at each other. And that’s when they realize, there’s no going back.
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themontess · 3 days ago
another underappreciated tumblr feature that you dont get on other sites is the queue. i love it when something i thought was funny six months ago and then forgot about a week later crawlts its way out of the processing vortex and i get to see it all over again.
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themontess · 3 days ago
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I did 720 words, and it is now way too late for chocolate but this is waiting for me tomorrow 🍫❤️
Thanks for the support!
Accountability that I really want/need to write 500+ words on my @dragonagebigbang project today, so:
🍫 500 words = I will buy a candy bar
⚔️ 750 words = I will take Karlach to go beat some people up
🛀 1000 words = I will have a bath later (now we live somewhere the water isn't liquid chalk)
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themontess · 3 days ago
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themontess · 4 days ago
“Authors should not be ALLOWED to write about–” you are an anti-intellectual and functionally a conservative
“This book should be taken off of shelves for featuring–” you are an anti-intellectual and functionally a conservative
“Schools shouldn’t teach this book in class because–” you are an anti-intellectual and functionally a conservative
“Nobody actually likes or wants to read classics because they’re–” you are an anti-intellectual and an idiot
“I only read YA fantasy books because every classic novel or work of literary fiction is problematic and features–” you are an anti-intellectual and you are robbing yourself of the full richness of the human experience.
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themontess · 4 days ago
Accountability that I really want/need to write 500+ words on my @dragonagebigbang project today, so:
🍫 500 words = I will buy a candy bar
⚔️ 750 words = I will take Karlach to go beat some people up
🛀 1000 words = I will have a bath later (now we live somewhere the water isn't liquid chalk)
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themontess · 4 days ago
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mr demon of vyrantium
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themontess · 4 days ago
veilguard fic recs!
i've been struggling with being my normal fandom self, but i wanted to compile a list of fics i've read for dragon age: the veilguard in the last few months that i've adored and wanted to give some love! enjoy!
(i've tried to tag as many people as i could on here if i could find them, but if i missed them and you know their handle, or if you have the link to their post on tumblr, feel free to let me know so i can update the post and/or reblog their own post to spread the goodness!)
arterial by laquearia: a collection of sweet and smutty little rookanis oneshots. chapter two in particular is delicious with just the right amount of emotional weight. warden!rook.
five times lucanis got some sleep by @athenasdragon: rook helps sleep-deprived lucanis get some sleep and bonds with him (and spite) in the process. athena has a wonderful grasp on these characters and i just want to wrap this fic around me like a blanket.
brine by @kindlystrawberry: lucanis learns rook can't swim. the timing, naturally, is incredibly inconvenient and dangerous, and the angst is delicious.
casually and confident, looking at the mess i am by rosiep8801: post rookanis commitment scene in the kitchen, because we can never have too many versions of the kiss that could have been there. loved the sprinklings of rook's backstory in this.
crow conscription by @serstolas: warden!rook convinces lucanis to conscript illario into the wardens as punishment for his betrayal. the concept of this was fascinating, the execution even more delicious.
pay the piper by jessic_mc: post game rookanis. filthy, delightful smut centering around lucanis relinquishing control. love this version of rook, the ship dynamics, and the concept of the Piper. zero notes, 10/10.
ask emmrich anything by @themontess: as things turn physical with lucanis (and spite), rook reaches out to emmrich for advice. because, y'know. lucanis and spite share a body. a sweet little piece that showcases rook and emmrich's friendship.
no one sleeps around here by purple_frost: rook joins the resident insomniac club and finds that some good things do happen after 2am. i'm a sucker for exploring the veilguard as a group of insomniacs, and this is no exception.
the only thing left to lose is everything by @becauseanders: rookanis dealing with grief and love around the events of the fade prison. i really loved julianna/nesiah's approach to writing lucanis in this. incredible character work.
say the desires that are your deepest by purplesauris: rookanis (and spite) indulge in a late morning and the revelations that come with it. really enjoyed the trio dynamics in this.
a snowball's chance in rivain by @say-lene: a smutty little exploration of lucanis/rook/spite post game as rook searches for a new home. trio dynamics are great in this, and the smut is just chef's kiss.
the touch of a talon by @itsrainingpandas: post murder of crows rookanis rooftop chats… and not chats. i love this rook with my whole heart and want to hug this fic to my chest. i'm also a sucker for outside pov, so viago in this was a welcome addition.
i could read anything by @wishforhome, but my particular favorites:
and i want to know what would happen if i surrender to the sound: the antivan crow band AU i didn't know i needed and am now fucking obsessed with. alix's writing is lyrical and rich with sensory detail, and they've put SO much thought and consideration into each and every one of their characters.
wings of change: post game exploration of how lucanis might explore reformation in the crows after caterina's death. alix has an incredible grasp on the larger cast of characters, and the exploration of crow politics here is intriguing and realistic.
the vyrantium job: the exploration of this rook's backstory via a crow contract is just so. fucking. good.
what she deserves: alix's take on what could have been the rookanis lake scene. grab a mop because i'm a puddle on the floor.
@nelsynoo has a whole delightful series of fics for their mercar!rook, but my favorites are:
first fall: lucanis realizes he wants to kiss… during the battle of weisshaupt.
the wounds we inflict: post bloodbath. really loved how visceral the descriptions of this were.
lay waste: post pantry - double dragons in hossberg. the pining. the yearning. the danger of dragons. need i go on?
rallentando: rook takes lucanis home after a night at the cobbled swan. really loved how well this showcases this particular rook's character.
bewitch, bewilder: post murder of crows rookanis trying to sort out what lucanis being made first talon means for their relationship. again, the character work here is really wonderful.
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themontess · 4 days ago
WIP Wednesday (on Thursday)
Yesterday got away from me 😅 however I was tagged by the glorious @holdingontojupiter in a snippet for their fabulously firey new AU so a day late, I shall respond.
This is a bit of a "WIP on hold" as I'm working on another project right now, but it's from the next Feather and Scale:
Teia dismissed him with a flamboyant swirl of her hand. “Camilla Cantori. Gave birth to a daughter just after Wintersend.” “She would love the First Talon to attend the Chantry blessing - or at least show his face and coin at the party afterwards.” Viago’s added height always gave him an air of command, as Rook saw it, and the glance he gave Lucanis down the straight bridge of his nose only served to reinforce it. Something very corvid and complex in the exchange that set a nerve-edged chuckle loose in her throat. “Are you sure I’m invited?” she asked. “It’s brunch,” said Teia. “We consider you somewhat of a package deal these days,” said Viago.
Rook and Lucanis are invited to a baby baptism party, Rook shows off her chaotic older/middle sibling energy, everyone gets delightfully broody, Viago is appropriately threatening, and Rook's real name is revealed 💕
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