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psychedelicsuic1de · 5 months ago
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flaskoflethe · 3 months ago
If you like sailing, cannot recommend Sea of Theaves. The ocean is not a playground, it will kill you in a billion ways you never sea coming and make you say thank you and ask for more. It's also ludicrously expensive to get into, 250k for just an entry level boat for one or two people? Without even considering about slip costs, etc?!
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melkors-big-tits · 2 years ago
I just got an email from the library where my Morgoth statue is and they said that visitors have been Stealing the dark Lords jewelries!
The audacity!😤
People really be thinking that they're Luthien just because they too have a dog and a crusty hobo boyfriend😂🤣😂🤣
Not gonna lie I'm kinda touched that people have liked my statue enough to want to steal lil' mementos of it💕💖💖
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agenderarkham · 1 year ago
Being autistic is all fun and games until you have to text your coworker while on vacation bc you left your favorite pen on a desk at work and you want him to grab it so no one takes it
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tibbycaps · 16 days ago
is you do you ,d theave hte yes, no may be. hstkek auatism
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jame7t · 2 years ago
fuckin hell i was watching the vod of the sea of theaves stream because its so happy yay yay cool fun gaming and oh my god 3:31:15-25 is. fucking hilarious. it sure would be a problem wouldnt it
“What if a shark spawneeeeed”
[ Instantaneous Shark Spawning noise ]
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batterknowsbetter · 2 years ago
I would like to draw your attention to the kind of information surge that Ukrainians have to live in:
1. a photo of a two-year-old child killed by a russian missile.
2. Jim Cummings praising zvyagintsev's films.
My sister tells me that people from the West always divide cinema and war. But I want the only thing that westerners will divided is russia.
I want to talk about zvyagintsev in a little more detail. In 2022, he gave an interview to anton dolin (this is the clown that Ridley Scott said fuck you). This interview perfectly illustrates how the so-called intellectual elite of russia is completely detached from the russian people, illustrates the terrible naivety, criminal blindness and stupidity of these people. For example, zvyagintsev says that the russians who remained in russia are hostages (oh, poor people, we from Ukraine can help with something). The mantra about the hostages is so deeply rooted in the consciousness of the so-called liberal russians. It protects them from the realization that their fellow citizens have turned into animals begging for blood. Then he says that you need to let this war into yourself (remembers Bucha and starts to cry. Ten points for acting) to accept the conflict and the words that a person tells you, because one day she will understand that she was wrong. He says that "it is not necessary to multiply the war, conflicting with people who support the war, it is necessary to listen to them." The great peacemakers, the russians, who do not want to multiply the war around them, have been turning a blind eye to theave been turning a blind eye to the annexation of Crimea and the occupation of Ukrainian territory, to the torture chambers and the sentences imposed on Crimean Tatars for eight years.
Then he asks: "Why didn't we react when we bombed Syria? Well, because it is far. And Ukraine is close and Ukrainians are close to us." That is, when Russia was razing Aleppo to the ground, it was okay, because you didn't have to pay for it, but when Ukraine was attacked and sanctions were imposed, it became inconvenient to keep silent. Remember, Syrian, the russian director does not care that his country bombed your cities, because you are not a neighboring country.
"I cannot agree with people who say that we should forget and ignore russian culture, people sitting in bomb shelters cannot think otherwise, but it will all pass." It will all pass. This cynical phrase just cracked me up.
"I don't understand to whom culture is to blame, to whom Rachmaninoff and our cinema are to blame." In front of all countries where you are your culture is used as a marker of conquest. How are the Pushkin monuments in Syria? How is the Mariupol theater is closed with a banner with Russian writers and Ukrainian artists that you want to own? Your culture is a cancer, it comes first and only death follows.
"We have nothing else to do but make movies." What about raising money for the Ukrainian Armed Forces, supporting the Ukrainian army, so that the war ends soon and Ukraine wins? No? Well, okay.
A russian director who shoots his new movie in Europe has the opportunity to do so, all he has to do is say I am against the war and all doors are open for you. Whereas some Ukrainian artists do not physically have this opportunity. At the moment, there are no Ukrainian films at Cannes, but there is a russian film. Who is to blame for a culture that shouts into a loudspeaker, trying to drown out the victim?
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hazzybat · 1 year ago
BoMartin girlies do I have a gift for you!
Set in my Joker Out Monster AU
Technically this is set after next chapter/chapter after that but I don't think it has spoilers of anything we don't already know.
Enjoy Bojan taking about feeding Martin
"Why didn’t you ever feed on me?" Bojan asked hesitantly over the phone. He was sitting on the couch of their living room, a hand running through Kris’s hair as he slept on Bojan's lap, drooling on his thigh.
"Because it was you." Martin responded simply from the other end of the line.
"What does that mean?"
Martin huffed humorously, "It means I love you you idiot. Also I didn't know if I even could drink from you. I'd heard some weird stories about demon blood. "
"What does loving me have to do with not drinking from me?" Bojan asked choosing to ignore the second part of the sentence,  "Don't a lot of vampires have mates they feed off? Was I not mate enough material?" The tone was joking and light, covering up the deep little part of his heart that was hurt. He'd loved Martin deeply and always would. Maybe not as lovers and mates but certainly as some kind of impossible connection. But time and circumstances had decided they weren't to last. Once Kris had arrived Bojan couldn't deny the strong feelings between them, his affection shifting to him. He loved Martin, but they simply grew apart, their relationship changing from romance to friendship.
It hadn't been his fault and it hadn't been Martin's. Their connection was strong enough to survive the break up, coming out the other side just as strong as before. They were friends, thick as theaves and once or twice Martin would still help him feed, still remembering just how to touch him or whisper in his ear to best please him.
"Feeding is... complicated my love." Martin cut through Bojan's meandering thoughts, "You of all people know that. I only wanted to drink from people I didn't much care about. Easy, simple things that could just be food. And I liked the variety it brought. You mattered too much to me to drink from you."
Bojan hummed as if he understood. Martin continued knowing him too well by now.
"You remember Gabriel? Before you met him he loved drinking from his mate. Got almost addicted to it and when she got older and couldn't give as much he took it pretty hard. Almost died when she did. That's why he was...  well why he was like *that* when you knew him.
I guess I almost didn't even want to start that. Didn't want to think about what would happen if I loved your blood as much as I loved you and then one day I couldn't have it anymore,"
Bojan didn't know what to say.
"Did you know my blood is apparently also an aphrodisiac?" Bojan said, wanting to change the topic to something easier and lighter before he could dwell on Martin's words.
He heard a chuckle over the phone
"It doesn't surprise me considering the rest of you is a damn aphrodisiac. You did say you were horny like all the time so I imagine that transferred over somehow. You probably taste like pure syrup with how sweet it would be."
Bojan blushed a bit at Martin's playful flirting. It was so easy to slip into that old rapport. He carded his fingers through Kris’s hair, who snuggled closer in his sleep.
"You always tasted amazing," he said softly.
Neither spoke. The evening sun shone through the living room window, warming Bojan's tired body.
"What makes you ask in the first place?" Martin asked eventually.
"There was a thing with Kris. Fucker didn't get his supliments for like 3 weeks and I had to give him my blood just to make sure he'd be okay. It had some.... interesting results," Bojan explained, ruffling Kris’s hair playfully. He did it a bit too hard as Kris began to stir, Bojan shushing him softly and lulling him back to sleep.
"Shit is he okay?" Martin's voice was laced with concern once Bojan made a contented noise at hearing Kris’s soft snores again.
"Yeah he's fine now. Gave me a damn heart attack though," Bojan said.
"I can imagine. You always worry about him. Send him my love will you?" Martin said warmly.
"I will. Oh and Martin?"
"I think I love him. Really love him," he looked down at his lap and smiled happily as Kris began to stir once more, eyes blinking open slowly and looking happily up at the demon.
"I know you do darling," Martin said "I love you"
"Love you too"
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crowwolf8 · 5 months ago
Last night when u asked what I was doing and I said “theaving, stealing, taking what’s not mine” I wasn’t joking
Ohh what were you stealing?
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scorching-scotch · 9 months ago
hey does anyone know that art of the lifecycle of a mermaid where they are born a normal fish and as they grow the human part emerged from the fish mouth to eventually theave the fish part as just the tail? and the follow up comic about this also applying to centaurs??
i need the post and cant find it help
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missing-old-seattle · 2 years ago
Vanishing Seattle is at Pizza Pi Vegan Pizzeria.
March 8, 2020
The old Vegan Pizza Pi Pizzeria location on #TheAve & 55th - America’s oldest vegan pizzeria! Their last day in their original space was on January 12th (2020), and the 1904 building, which has apartments above it, will be demo’d for a 5-story building of apartments & small efficiency dwelling units with no parking. The building also housed the neighboring Spotted Owl Berger Variety Shop, and the redevelopment will also demolish/displace the historic building that now houses Jet City Improv (looking for a new space), and formerly the all-ages music venue The Paradox and the University Theater. ...Fortunately, Vegan PizzaPi found a new home nearby & moved to 53rd & Roosevelt...
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eggs-can-draw · 2 years ago
imajine the phantom theaves in danganronpa, ryuji would try to punch monokuma multible times and yusuke would just paint monokuma and wouldnt let him leave lol
have a lovely rest of the day/week! : D
Yusuke recreates the Sayuri but with Monokuma lmao
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