SEPT 26 〓 DESTROY VANCOUVER VIVO Media Arts Centre - 1965 Main Street, 8pm Destroy Vancouver is an experimental music series curated by drummer and composer John Brennan, hosted bi-monthly at VIVO Media Arts. ✖ Wally Shoup (Seattle) + special guest ✖ Nurse ✖ Torsten Müller ✖ Sarah Davachi ✖ Rusalka ✖ Sisters of Seance ✖ Colonizer ıl|¦║¦|lııl|¦║¦|lııl|¦║¦|lııl|¦║¦|lııl|¦║¦|lı SEPT 27 〓 DESTROY VANCOUVER: WORKSHOP VIVO Media Arts Centre - 1965 Main Street, 4pm Join us for a special workshop by saxophonist Wally Shoup. “I think improvising helps you discover your spontaneous self, the one that actually likes surprises and takes delight in free falling, free association, and caterwauling. The longer this self stays in control, the better. It’s just more open and creative than the analytical self. Of course, it has to learn its limits and not be destructive or domineering. So, I don’t look at improvising so much as catharsis, but as a means to access this spontaneous self and give it free reign." SEPT 27 〓 QUIET CITY: VIDEO BAR VIVO Media Arts Centre - 1965 Main Street, 8pm Video Bar is a monthly ambient social held at VIVO curated by local artists. Free admission. For this edition will be screening experimental videos in the studio, featuring works by: ✖ Julia Staudach & Peter Kutin (Vienna) ✖ Joda Clement & Jubal Brown (Toronto) ✖ Leyla Majeri & Katherine Kline (Montreal) ✖ Gary James Joynes (Edmonton) ✖ Carrie Gates & Jon Vaughn (Saskatoon) SEPT 27 〓 RED GATE 855 East Hastings, 10pm A night of dubwise, deep, and left-field techno featuring: ✖ Chambers ✖ Seekers International ✖ Phonal ✖ Righteous Rainbows of Togetherness (Victoria) ıl|¦║¦|lııl|¦║¦|lııl|¦║¦|lııl|¦║¦|lııl|¦║¦|lı SEPT 28 〓 TEN FIFTEEN MAPLE: WORKSHOP Hadden Park Fieldhouse - 1015 Maple Street, 1:15pm Join us for "All Together Now", a workshop with Justine A. Chambers on a movement practice that prioritizes peripheral vision, sensation, spatial sensitivity and togetherness. All ages welcome. SEPT 28 〓 QUIET CITY The Remington - 108 East Hastings, 8pm Quiet City is a series of deep-listening concerts focused on live performances of experimental, electronic and improvised music in a comfortable and intimate setting. ✖ 4 of Wands ✖ Hierarchies ✖ Pickles & Cheese ✖ Super Expansive ıl|¦║¦|lııl|¦║¦|lııl|¦║¦|lııl|¦║¦|lııl|¦║¦|lı SEPT 29 〓 TEN FIFTEEN MAPLE: SOUNDWALK Hadden Park Fieldhouse - 1015 Maple Street, 2pm Josh Hite leads a soundwalk that explores the local sound environment of the Hadden Park area, using the storm sewers as reference points to explore the coastline. Presented by Vancouver New Music, Vancouver Soundwalk Collective, and Ten Fifteen Maple, the art collective in residence at the Hadden Park Fieldhouse. SEPT 29 〓 SNOOZE FEST FINALE Location to be announced, 8pm
A grand finale merging deep-listening with caustic and cathartic free-sprawl, bangin' beats and heavy guitar slabs. At the end of the evening there will be a special collaboration with 3 drums kits, 3 guitars, electronics, and vox.
✖ Jealousy Mountain Duo (Germany) ✖ Aerosol Constellations ✖ Botfly & Holzkopf ✖ N.213 (; ̄O ̄)*yawn*
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