#theatre of gnomes
spilladabalia · 1 year
Tumbleweed - Carousel
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toiletpotato · 6 months
Have you never seen a production of Romeo and Juliet? Would you like to? Consider checking out this recording of the play, starring Dola Rashad and Orlando Bloom.
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elsewhereuniversity · 2 years
Hey, Archivist. I was wondering if you could help me identify someone. I've been involved in theater, specifically tech, here for...Some Time, and recently there's been a bit of an issue backstage. Some little, for lack of a better term, gremlin seems to find it amusing to move props, make noise, mess with stage managers' scripts, and other ultimately harmless but incredibly annoying things. I've tried the usual offerings of snacks and trinkets - all of which have been claimed, but to no ceasing of the problem. I can't say I've seen the culprit, but if you can think of anyone, either who might find something like this funny, or who can provide more insight, I'd be much obliged. Tech week is coming up, and I'm not sure we'll make it through in one piece with this going on.
You need
stick (to prop it up)
string (to yank the stick away)
very fragile prop (to bait the trap)
big hammer (to hammer)
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piracyandpumpturns · 2 years
PLEASE i just need a trio to be heather, heather and heather with
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pookamhura · 9 months
Pookamhura | Pookamhura's Song (You Put The Poison On The Knife) (Song)
This was the first original Pookamhura song I composed when I started making my silly Pook videos.It tells the story of how she left Gnomeregan and made her way to Booty Bay where she eventually met the Goblin who would become here employer, Daprodoosa Sleeznik, CEO and founder of Sleeznik Entertainment Media.
I had so much fun making this song that it inspired me to continue to write songs and tell stories about my little Moon Guard gnome, Pookamhura. The entire Pookamhura series is my love letter to Moon Guard. A whole server full of theatre kids! My people!
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dunmeshistash · 4 months
What I find really interesting is that Marcille has all these ideals of elven beauty and elven idea of what "masculinity" looks like (also her comment about how she thinks that tall-men playing elven characters clashes aesthetically in that little extra comic about going to the theatre with Falin) but she didn't grow up among elves? Beside her mom people around her in her childhood were tall-men
And then she was a researcher at tallmen-gnome academy
I wonder if this is her way to connect with her elven side.
Unfortunately beauty standards don't always make sense. Speaking from experience as an older person from Brazil I still remember when my senses of beauty where mostly based off white people, cause that's what was presented to me as beautiful. It was only after I grew older and started seeing more diversity labeled as beautiful too that I realized the beauty in my own traits. External influences might convince you the people around you aren't the "ideal"
Marcille probably was influenced by her mom and by her ancestry, I still remember kids in school being sad their parents/grandparents had blue eyes but they got "lame dark eyes" even tho that's whats the most common here. So she probably has idealized her Elf ancestry when it comes to aesthetics since even Tallmen in some areas idealize elves. I think it might be the same/similar for Thistle.
About how she cringed at the tallmen playing elves I've unfortunately felt that way before, when I was a kid I would cringe at seeing other brazilians cosplaying light-skinned characters (mostly as self shame tbh) but I got better✌️Marcille still needs to mature.
I'm talking about this with the lenses of my own experience but I just wanted to say that your aesthetic taste can be influenced by the "first world" even if you live surrounded by beautiful people that don't match it.
And on a side note I love that we have more representation nowadays, when I was a kid I remember latching onto to every single darker skinned character I saw in cartoons cause they looked like me lmao.
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Some fop University au thing (because i'm a uni student and i need an outlet to project my pains)
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he does a double degree in godparenting/dentistry
He signed himself up cause he's an overachiever and thought he could do it (he could not) but he's too prideful to drop it and he didn't want to disappoint his aunt (toothfairy)
Gifted kid burnout
he's best buddies with Goldie and Goldie teaches him how to actually study
In this au of mine he finished spellementary school then went to highschool for a year but he felt extremely isolated and switched to homeschooling with private tutors
University is humbling man
The earring was from a dare from Irep
moved into a dorm at the uni
he's very anxious about keeping up his grades
whenever he's stressed he goes to his maternal family side the most for advice while cosmo and wanda are on holiday
the sauve persona is at its strongest here, its basically always on unless he's at home or irep is bothering him and struggles with dropping it with Goldie
hybrid: Gnome (mummy) and Fairy (daddy, godparent)
special loophole, after Peri was wished up the baby ban was added into Da Rules but it didn't include hybrids
something something godkid wished for his godparent who was in a relationship with a gnome to have kid with said gnome
After she was born jorgen added that in the Da Rules
Headcanon-y biology thing: she had both the fagiggly gland and the magic sac but she relies on the magic sac more and eventually her fagiggly gland failed on her in highschool and was removed permanently
like it exploded in class like an appendix but more painful
the fagiggly was small and made only enough to keep her body running (though theoretically could've been used to make excess but that depends on the hybrid)
When it was removed (she doesn't have anti fairy counterpart to replace the organ because she never produced enough energy to make one) she needed to be on a special magic respiratory device that assists her respiratory system to distribute the magic throughout her body as her respiratory system never learnt to do it relying on the fagiggly gland to provide the magic for her body
She no longer needs to wear her device 24/7 only when she's sleeping and she has like a asthma puffer in case of any flare ups
Double Degree too Art/Science (specialising in theatre and maths)
she really likes geometry, because she loves triangles
in anw time she would be working on her masters/phd
Went to a multi species highschool (she was more similar to gnomes then fairies to warrant homeschooling like Peri and Irep)
big big Lesbian, only dated peri as a baby cause he looked like a girl back then
her parents did divorce :C but they left on good terms, she currently lives at her dad's place but spends her uni breaks with her mum
where's irep? well he's not in uni cause he dropped out :] and i didn't design anything for him
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y-rhywbeth2 · 10 months
Lore: Life in Faerûn, Part 1
Disclaimer & Other Stuff [tldr: D&D lore is a giant conflicting mess. Larian's lore is also a conflicting mess. You learn to take what you want and leave the rest]
Abeir-Toril Why it's called the "Forgotten" Realms History | Time & Festivals | Lexicon [1] [2]| Languages | Living in Faerûn [1] [?] | Notable Organisations | Magic | Baldurs Gate | Waterdeep | The Underdark | Geography and Human Cultures ---[WIP]
Demihumans in common society (ie human society); common is not a daily language; the postal service; some stuff about gender, gender roles and body modification in the Realms; social strata... Plus some details about other things - most of which will be built on in other posts.
Also featuring; what to do with your leisure time in the realms: like literature, theatre, cafés, where to go clubbing aaand the festhalls.
Education: church school, rich idiots at academies, bardic colleges, etc.
And how good medicine is on Toril, if you can't find a spellcaster to heal you. Baths are both mandatory and freely available, we shall have no unwashed peasants in this setting.
Humans are the dominant peoples of the Realms, and the vast majority of cultures one will find oneself in are human cultures. Nine-in-ten people are human, with the one remainder being one of any of the eight non-humans (some of whom are more commonly encountered than others).
Most of what is said here refers to human lands and cultures (which is 99% of the world anyway), and non-human cultures I'll cover in their own write ups.
Humans mostly know the other "common" races - elves, dwarves, halflings and gnomes, whom they call "demihumans" or "humanoids" - as trade partners or as neighbours belonging to minority groups within their home cities.
Demihumans are mostly accepted as fellow citizens within human lands, although the elves are often viewed with mistrust due to the stereotype that they are fickle fey creatures who get uppity when you start tearing down nature and building your cities in their lands. This tolerance is not extended to people who are categorised as monsters, including the Underdark races, tieflings and "goblinkin" - a category that includes orcs, goblins, bugbears and so forth. Half-orcs usually find themselves being sorted into this category, and most have to deal with a lot of respectability politics in order to be accepted into their human family's lands. Elves and dwarves also share this hostility towards orcs, and have a long history of wars with them.
The hin (halflings, to non-hin) and gnomes who find themselves living in human cities are accepted by being seen as useful in the eyes of the Big Folk. Both are known as being useful as couriers, tinkers and repairmen, and for running laundromats. Gnomes in particular are the chief inventors and innovators of the realms, and due to their tendency to be quiet and helpful they are heavily overlooked by others.
Dragonborn are a rare sight, but have mostly built a reputation of respect.
Most humans do not know much about non-human cultures, knowing them only through story, rumour and whatever personal experience they have. Stereotypes are often taken at face value, and being more used to the likes of lightfoot halflings and silver elves, the average person would probably be quite surprised by the different cultural attitudes and colder receptions they'd get from, say, ghostwise halflings or gold elves.
Outside of cosmopolitan areas, where your neighbour can punch you in the face for stupid comments, humans feel no particular pressure to be respectful to demihumans and foreigners, and would roll their eyes at what their Earth equivalents would call "political correctness" if you told them off.
On the nonhumans' end, humans are watched with concern, as they do tend to cause their fair share of disasters that rapidly become everyone's problem.
Many of the people of Faerûn move around a lot; religious pilgrims, traders, immigrants and those bloody adventurers transcend the boundaries of culture and country on a daily basis. For this reason, the Common tongue was invented.
People do not use Common as a daily language, though certain terms may enter daily speech as loanwords. Common is a pidgin trade tongue that grew out of Old Chondathan and Alzhedo (mostly the former), the language spoken in Central and Western Faerûn. It's a simple language, easy to learn and spread around, and useful for exchanging basic information with people from other lands who don't share a language with you - but it's useless for daily life. While it has a written form, most people can't read or write in it.
Maps are rare, and if you want an accurate map you'll usually find it in the possession of local rulers and temples (which supply the Realms with most of their scribes and such). Each realm has a book of maps (atlas) available for the use of their military and other officials.
If you want to send a package or letter in the Realms, temples often double as a post office. The delivery will be sent from temple to temple until it reaches its destination and will be delivered to the addressee,
Most of the Realms does not consider men or women to be inherently lesser or greater than the other and all genders are equal under all laws, though they do have traditional gender roles that it's believed most are better suited for - or at least areas where one gender is more represented than the other. Women dominate in trade and domestic areas, while men dominate in war and crafting, however it isn't considered immoral or unthinkable to see somebody defying the gender norm. If your daughter picks up a sword, learns to use it and runs away to fight dragons your primary concerns are less "oh no, a girl is fighting" and far more likely about the threat to her life and who in the hells is going to help you run the family store now if she has no siblings? Gender roles can be looser or more rigid, depending on where in the Realms you go. Some realms may be Patriarchal or Matriarchal, but it's not the rule and some of these places have grown more egalitarian over time.
Organisations do not generally discriminate in any way based on gender when it comes to their members.
The term for transgender in the Common tongue is sildur. (Elven: Alur, Dwarvish: Thulol, Gnome: Thoulal, Hin: Zalshaer) Transmutation magic is the primary form of body modification and transitioning on Toril, although apparently most people will turn towards divine magic before trusting a wizard to do it. Mages are expensive to hire and viewed with some measure of fear by the common person.
You can petition the gods at their temples for body modifications in return for sufficient offerings, if you don't trust wizards. Be that "I want to be blond" or "I don't want these breasts." Exactly how much and what the god is going to expect in exchange for this varies on the faith of the petitioner and the past relationship between them and the god. Naturally, certain gods are favoured above others for this kind of thing. You're more likely to petition Sune (love and beauty) or Liira (joy and freedom) than the likes of Bane and Shar. ---
Faerûn has its social classes, defined by wealth and family lineage, but they do not have true feudal or caste systems, or any system where upwards social mobility is totally impossible (though the upper classes will certainly do their best to prevent that. (Hi, Waterdeep, I'll give you your own post)). Any commoner could theoretically gain a noble title to the distress of the hereditary nobility. In Sembia if you have enough coin, you can just give yourself a title and everyone has to shut up and go along with it, because money. And that's how most of them got theirs anyway.
Slavery is illegal in all of Faerûn with the exception of Dambrath, Thay, Mulhorand and Unther. The slave trade still exists underground elsewhere, and is quietly overlooked in some places, but it is considered evil by the world at large and somebody found to be a slaver will be met with violent reprisal.
Nobles are... well, nobles. They're rich and have powerful friends and the law is far nicer to them than to the lower classes. They're mostly corrupt and constantly scheming against each other. Their kids go through rebellious stages and do drugs and cause chaos for the commoners and join weird cults.
Landownership outside of kingdoms and such with codified property law generally follows the rules that you can do what you like with whatever land you hold; charge rent, put up signs, make the rules... but you own it only by the tolerance of your neighbours. If they don't like the way you do things, you're quickly going to find yourself in trouble. Also led to my one of my new favourite quotes:
“If you set up an inn and then murder everyone who stops there and keep their goods, even if that’s morally acceptable to you as a devout follower of Bane or of Cyric, it will not be suffered to stand."
Yes! Screw you, edgelord!
Crime and punishment varies depending on where you are, but carries fun stuff like fines, brandings, prison labour, floggings, stockades and executions. I think the concept of the law, "justice" and court proceedings will be left for another post where I will passive aggressively judge a young Astarion and his corrupt magistrate ways.
Literature: Literacy is a hit and a miss in the Realms. Some people prize literacy, and it's common enough that broadsheets and newspapers are in business and PCs can read and write by default; but there are still others who can't and couldn't care less if they can't read some bard's chicken scratch. The ruling class in particular gets a little nervous about the idea of a fully literate populace, since that would allow them to be educated, and better suited to communicate with each other and get ideas. That bit varies though. Cormyr, for example. has encouraged its population to learn to read and get educated for several reasons including making it harder for the country to be infiltrated by enemy spies.
Chapbooks are serially published cheap little paperback things. They contain all sorts of things, like children's tales, donated recipes, political opinions, random bits of advice from people on trades and such, gossip from other countries disguised as news, memoirs, and smut. The rating of that last bit varies in rating. In Waterdeep they favour romantic stories over sex and over in Amn they're just flat out publishing porn about the goddesses of love and sensuality, Sune and Sharess - with the full support and encouragement of their churches.
The most popular genre of actual novels is the personal travel logs of explorers and other wanderers. The Realms are flooded with such books.
There are also non-fiction books available. Philosophy (which is written through the lens of religion, as a rule); books on rulership (controlled by the noble class, sometimes outlawed); and on business (which are subject to attempted control by the likes of merchant guilds)
Book printing is a sketchy business. Authors may one day discover that there are whole new best selling reprints of their books they've never been informed of (or paid for). Plagiarism is also a common problem.
Theatre: Aside from actual theatres, there are a few ways to catch a play.
Traveling caravans are known to sport a few actors, who can make a bit of extra money for the group by putting on a performance as well as advertising the stock their caravan carries (product placement everywhere). Most bards have the "classic" scenes of famous plays memories, so as to perform them on demand.
Theatres often hire doppelgangers, as their shapeshifting ability is very useful in realistically portraying monstrous characters too dangerous to actually hire. Of course there's also this little issue where your doppelganger hirelings may start killing people outside of work hours, but eh. The show must go on.
There are also puppet shows like Punch-and-Judy called Oldboots - because the shows are actually done by wearing worn old boots on your hands instead of actual puppets.
Establishments: Alehouses - Pubs and bars, existing primarily for those looking for an alcoholic beverage. The term "barkeeper" is unknown to Torilians, who would refer to them as tavernmasters. The word "mug" and "pint" also do not exist. Inns and Alehouses don't have menus, you're eating whatever's being cooked.
Dining-house or Feasthall - Known to us as a restaurant. Establishments are also known by the Chondathan word skaethar which is used as a formal term in Common in other parts of the world. In larger inns, one might find a section of the building that acts as a dining-house. Most of the time the menu is a chalk board on the wall, informing customers what's fresh. The really fancy ones, visited by the rich (or those who want to seem so) get paper menus printed by machine or made with fancy calligraphy.
Kaeth house - A café. Coffee is known in the Realms as kaeth or kaethae - or "fireswill", colloquially. The drink is rare and expensive northwards of Calimshan, but is available in large cosmopolitan trade cities, as far North as Waterdeep. Calishite coffee is taken black with nuts and spices like ginger. Sembian and Chessentan styles of coffee are often mixed with chocolate and liqueur. In lands where coffee is widely known, they tend to have their own drinking utensils and customs around it, but in the north it's just served in tankards. Hot chocolate is also on the menu. Teas exist, but are less popular and are seen as a medicinal drinks.
Temples of Liira - The goddess of joy and revelry charges her followers with hosting parties and making everyone they meet is having fun and feeling happy. As such, going to her temples is kind of like going clubbing. The main hall of the temple is a dance hall, with other rooms branching off to include lounges and a well-stocked bar. Liirans also offer dance lessons.
Temples of Sune - As devotees of the goddess of beauty, Sunites are obligated to give you a makeover if you ask, so this is a good destination for a haircut, pedicure or fashion consultation or whatever. As Sune is also the goddess of love, Sunites can also be asked for matchmaking services. The church also sponsors schools and classes teaching all forms of art (including music, song, performance arts, etc).
Festhalls - Try not to confuse these with feasthalls, or you're going to have an embarrassing time. Ah Festhalls, where to start. They're spaces considered outside of society; everyone leaves their real life, identity, social rank and all of that outside and comes here to just let go for a few hours. Festhalls will provide you with a warm bed for the night; they'll wash, mend and dry your clothes; they have hot baths and spa services; you can dance to music, or just lounge around enjoying a good drink and some company; it's also something of a casino, where you can play cards and gamble or even just play normal board games or something... And they're strip clubs, BDSM scenes and specialty brothels! You got a kink none of the brothels can scratch? Festhalls provide and cater to goddamn anything that turns you on, so long as it's legal, safe, sane and consensual.
Education: What counts as an education varies from place to place and depends on what the realm desires of its public. Some places will emphasise the commoners knowing the basics of military drills, the chain of command and such in case of the need for a levy. Other places, like trade centres such as Waterdeep, prioritise maths and literacy.
In most of the Realms - especially in rural areas, a basic informal tutoring involves teaching basic maths, local laws and customs and some basic knowledge of the alphabet and market/road signs.
Most schooling is done by priests, which is free to the public. Unless you're dealing with the sketchier gods or the ones with deeper mysteries, all clergy are also happy to teach everything about their faith when asked. While some may obscure less savoury details, no follower of any god will outright lie about the details of their faith, as that is considered a sin.
If you're not rich you can get a basic education by hiring "low sages" - the likes of book shop owners, hedge mages, retired adventurers and other people with access to information who can share with you what they know. Of course, what they know may not be the most accurate information in the world.
You can also purchase some basic short paperback school books.
Most trades guilds will provide a basic education in that trade in exchange for a coin or two. Although some of this will simply just be "don't do this at home, hire a professional." They also hold classes open to the public now and then.
Schools as educational organisations also exist and are usually founded by bards or monastic orders in large cities. Most schools and academies are simply a handful of ageing, well educated people with a house who provide lessons for enrolled children there - though larger establishments exist.
For nobles there are Academies, which will also teach their children social etiquette and other things the upper class needs to worry over lest their reputation drop so low it falls into the Lower Planes and dies in the River Styx. Sometimes these Academies are actually just social clubs for young rich idiots to get drunk, do drugs and have orgies in, but that's not so common and gets shut down when it does happen.
While the rich and powerful have the opportunity to send their darlings to Academies, they'd rather not. It's... embarrassing. It means you can't afford a private tutor (or that your darling is a brat with a personality that suggests they're a demon spawned in the Abyss).
Bards are usually trained at Bardic Colleges - these vary in quality and specialty (some may be better for certain instruments, for example). The only requirements for entry are that one passes an audition, impressing their interviewers enough that they are taken on.
Civic information is typically freely available to anyone who asks for it, and courtiers and scribes are obligated to share the information.
Medicine: Medicine is primarily the practice of demihumans, who've been around for much longer than humans and had more practice. They also tend to hold the market, finding a place for themselves in human lands by offering their services as physicians and herbalists.
Faerûnians have an almost Earth-level awareness of human anatomy; the organs and their function, the function of blood and the cardiovascular system as well as the risks of shock and infections are common knowledge. While the concept of microbes and spread of disease is unknown, the importance of hygiene in staying healthy is known, and there are establishments that offer baths and laundry services to travellers and homeless people. The filthy unwashed peasant is not a thing on Toril. Plagues are not as disastrous as they were in Earth history - most households and communities will avoid being totally wiped out, but they are terrible and mysterious things and the afflicted are avoided.
Medicines as we know them - called "physics" - are expensive and hard to get ahold of, and most people rely on herb lore or priests like clerics and druids. Herbal anaesthetics are widely used. Cauterisation is a common practice, and many people have scars from it.
Most trade towns have apothecaries, be they part of a shrine or a business.
Physicians are often in conflict with divine spellcasters, since they're competing over the same market.
Some diseases are known by different names in the Realms: Windchill fever - Pneumonia Sallar - Typhus Whitewasting - Leprosy Foamjaws - Rabies And a heart attack is known as a heartstop.
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sunkist-sodas · 2 months
Little headcanon/ theory for Benny boy (and a little of the entire Half Life AI saga under the cut) because it’s got Half Life Alyx spoilers if anyone cares.
I’m truly starting to believe that Benry is a direct creation of the weird dark magic from the obsidian seal, due to their similarities to Gnome Chompski and the Blue Gnome.
He can manipulate the world around him, a power that only G-Man has, to the point where he literally changed the ending of the game to become the final boss. They apparently don’t have any parents and picked his name for himself, almost like they just randomly spawned in the game. G-Man literally calls him an “anomaly” at the end of the series. Not to mention when Peppa Pig was talking to Gordon during the theatre scene in HLAGE, she mentions “a man dressed in all blue,” in the same breath as Gnome Chompski, a very powerful and anomalous character.
That brings me to my next point, and another big reason why I believe this. Gnome Chompski has power and articulation far beyond what’s supposed to be possible (see the gnome finale), and is implied to carry this power through most source games thanks to the commentary nodes. The nodes also explicitly state that the Blue Gnome was never an intended character for HL:A, saying how his voice just “appeared” in the files one day.
Just like Benry. But maybe a little weaker than Gnome Chompski…
Valve wanted to create a version of half life with immersive AI, and used the seal as a tool.
But while most of the self aware characters were always intended to be in the game, and made in relatively normal ways for game development with the help of eldritch magic, Benry was never supposed to be in game. He’s powerful, aware of the fact that he’s in a game (probably), and an anomaly. Just like the other characters like him in the Half Life AI saga.
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blairefrances · 18 days
So recently my friend online has seen Gnomeo and Juliet (Including Sherlock Gnomes) and I decided to do this!
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Cast, Crew, and Credits:
Gnomeo: Iris (Pink Corruption)
Juliet: Pentellow (Pink Corruption)
Shroom: Proyhas Warrior (Mighty Magiswords)
Nannette: Suketoudara (Puyo Puyo)
Benny: Cube (Pink Corruption)
Paris: Black Pearl Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom)
Featherstone: Nova (Here for Sweetheats)
Shakespeare: Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)
Lady Bluebury: Blaze the Cat (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Lord Redbrick: Sundrop (Five Nights at Freddy's Security Breach)
"Call Me" Doll: Girlfriend (Friday Night Funkin)
Race Announcing Gnome: Announcer (Battle for Dream Island)
Theatre Announcing Gnome: Announcer (Shovelware Brain Game)
Stone Fish: Max (Max Design Pro)
Tybalt: Ajaceare (Pink Corruption)
Fawn: Vasilis Deerlington (Blackout Hospital)
The Bulldog: Pochita (Chainsaw Man)
Mrs. Montague: Ethiw (The Gray Garden)
Mr. Capulet: Kcalb (The Gray Garden)
Sherlock Gnomes: Almond Cookie (Cookie Run)
Gnome Watson: Walnut Cookie (Cookie Run)
Irene: Teagan (Dandy's World)
Moriarity: Harry (Harry & Bunnie)
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lookninjas · 9 months
Oh, wait, part II:
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'Cause I felt like doing a metal one too.
So none of this is Pure Moods! Most of it is pretty metal, though.
Pick a song from a bad description! You do not need to recognize the song from the description. Go by vibes. Listen to your gut. At the end of a week, I will make a playlist out of all the songs from the song with the least votes to the song with the most votes. If you would like to listen to the playlist when it's done, leave a comment or put it in the tags when you reblog, and I will tag you! If you really want to know what a song is, shoot me an ask and I will answer.
And please reblog the poll! Reblogs make it fun.
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dizzyhslightlyvoided · 9 months
The other night I dreamed that RTVS (referred to in the dream as just "wayneradiotv") was hosting a "contest" which consisted of this sort of scavenger hunt in a real-world physical location. There were people running around an empty theatre (not the one from Half-Life Alyx But The Gnome Is Too Aware). At one point, there was a wall that needed to be bombed in order to at one of the items.
This was all happening fairly close to my bedroom, and the RTVS crew was worried because they realized the contest was disrupting my sleep (in reality, I'm doing a much better job of disrupting my own sleep), and so they considered the idea of just declaring me the winner of the "contest" as an apology; however, I was concerned that this was a conflict of interest, since I was supposedly one of their employees.
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cosmoknightchaos · 10 months
Actually wait hang on. Spoilers for the finale.
Three friends. Benry (or possibly Gman, though I'm leaning towards the former), Gnome, and the girl. The girl who we will meet soon, presumably in whatever the new series is. Who I think is the shadow we see in the hallway before the theatre.
The hollows and the echoes. Not really sure what the hollows is referring to, but Peppa and the girl can hear the echoes. They're beautiful. "Don't tell me you can't hear it" as opposed to asking Gordon if he can hear it, it's like she expects him to be able to. "The song they sing at the edges of the mind"--Maybe something to do with the AIs? The characters being on the edge of their minds, the edge of their understanding. She expects Gordon to hear it because he's the only real one there, he more than anyone should be able to understand these AIs becoming sentient. He should be able to hear the songs.
But perhaps it's better he doesn't. Perhaps it's better that he doesn't understand the horror of realizing everything you've ever known is fake, of waking up and being faced with a world controlled by someone else for their amusement and you are but a mindless pawn in this little game.
"Lest you end up like her." Her, the third friend. Who, I'm inclined to think, is--or, was--a player, like Gordon. Who got too involved and got fucked over by Peppa or the gnome, now reduced to nothing but a shadow in the game. It's a shame, really.
"The white woods call for you" The white woods is probably a reference to the White Forest, a late-game area in Hl2 Ep2. Coincidentally, it's also the location the player has to take Gnome Chompski to get the gnome run achievement in Hl2 Ep2. This forest is specifically made of pine trees (according to images of it on the wiki), a mix of dead and alive. The forest we see after the monologue matches this.
Dulcet tones almost directly means Sweet Voice. Backs up that Benry is the first friend. Furthermore, could also mean that the echoes in the hollows is the Sweet Voice, and whatever befell the third friend had something to do with Benry. It's better that Gordon can't hear it because of the events of Hlvrai, and Gordon would really like for Benry to not be back. The tones are specifically calling out Gordon's name--If it is the sweet voice, maybe it's Benry trying to get Gordon's attention.
IT IS TIME FOR US FOUR. FOUR OF THEM. Gordon, the gnome, and Peppa are all obvious, but that's only three. The fourth is the audience. It's shown again and again that the chat has a presence in Hlage, through the gnome calling out chat members and banning folks when he takes over the stream. The gnome knows, Peppa knows. The audience is watching.
Never forget. The repeating theme of the episode.
The woods, the seeds, the girl, the key. Once again, the White Forest. I don't know what's up with the seeds. Maybe metaphorically, like the seeds of imagination. Don't forget the creations you've made. The girl is the third friend who we'll meet eventually, and the key. I have absolutely no clue what the key is.
"How will you fare, Gordon, when the sea of mud comes for us all?" Also a bit clueless on this one. My first thought is like a mudslide, dirt and destruction. But it sounded familiar.
"[Where we'd play] in the mud? We were playing in the mud, all the time." Benry MENTIONS playing in the mud with Gordon during the opening part of Xen. And what will Peppa do when the sea of mud comes? Splish, splash, splosh. She will play in the mud.
And then slam cut into the movie disappearing and showing a forest full of pine trees. The White Forest.
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gunkshoes · 1 year
HL2VR:AI ideas and theories????
I wanted to share my theories for the potential characters for HL2-VRAI after the finale of HLAGE came out. Some fancasting too :P (Sorry if it’s messy)
These are fan theories and for fun! Don’t take anything here as official from the RTVS crew :)
I will update this post to include any developments made!
Most of this is based on references to what the original HL2 characters' roles were! Obviously I have no idea how RTVS is going to play all the characters (it’s improv) or who, but I'm gonna try my best.
SPOILERS of course
As the primary protagonist of the series, Wayne would return to his role as Gordon! or also Wayne! (Why wouldn’t he?)
I’m curious to see if HL2:VRAI is going to lean more into Wayne being the protagonist (like in HLA:GE) or rather his in-game character Gordon? (more in HL:VRAI) 
Also, What motive would a character Wayne have for playing HL2 VR? Especially after the events of HLA:GE, it wouldn’t make much sense for him to put himself in danger without a secondary motive!! maybe hes just a silly streamer though 
Like Gordon, G-Man is a key character that doesn’t make sense to recast. Mike will most likely resume the role of G-Man. 
In HLA:GE, Peppa pig talks about her new friends, and it's very likely “the man clothed all in blue” is G-Man, as he is a definite returning character for HL2. 
I’d like to see G-Man be a more prominent character, but I don’t know what his motivation in the sequel could be.
As a new character, Alyx has many potential actors:
Lauren, the previous actor of Sunkist, has said she regretted not participating in a larger role, making her a strong candidate for playing Alyx. 
Mira, while not an actor in HL:VRAI, participated as part of the Gnome and Blue Gnome in HLAGE. She is a very good candidate, although it’s unknown(?) if she would seek a large solo role. 
Holly, as the previous actor of Dr. Coomer would be a great candidate. However, because of how big a role Coomer had in HL:VRAI, it is possible she would rather return to a smaller role as Dr. Coomer will most probably not be returning for the sequel.
In the ending of HLA:GE, the three friends mentioned by Peppa could be the series antagonists. 
“The man clothed all in blue” as G-Man or Benrey, “the little man with white beard and red hat” as Gnome and “Someone else, you will meet her very soon.”
Note the use of pronouns (only two key characters in HL2 use she/her,) as well as the shadow of Alyx in the theatre hallway, and her fate (“Tis a shame what befell that girl,”) It’s quite likely Alyx is foreshadowed to be the primary antagonist of HL2:VRAI.
Also, Alyx is never referenced by name, only by Wayne when playing HLA:GE to the Gnome about how he wouldn’t be called “Gordon,” based on the game. The character using the Alyx model could very much be named something else.
With Kleiner as the direct HL2 upgrade to Bubby’s model, it is likely that Bubby could return in HL2:VRAI with his actor Gir resuming the role. 
Similarly, it is possible that Kleiner could be used to introduce a new character in reference to the Bubby Prototypes in HL:VRAI. It is equally possible the Kleiner model could be used for an entirely new character unrelated to Bubby, or even not at all.
Barney/Benrey/Skeleton/Emmet Calhoun????
(God, there is a LOT to this one huh…)
Barney being the HL2 update to Benrey’s model and a key character in HL2, it’s possible Benrey could return with Scorpy as his VA. Being the primary antagonist of HL:VRAI, it’s most likely his role would not be as significant.
In HLA:GE, it could be Benrey being referenced as “The Man Clothed all in Blue,” they could return as an unlikely confidant or minor antagonist.
The Skeleton is also possible to return, maybe in place of Benrey, as in the ending of HLVR:AI Benrey’s credits are shown alongside the Skeleton, who is shown to still “haunt” Gordon. 
Having an updated model, it’s very likely the Skeleton could return, either as a separate entity, or in connection with Benrey. 
Additionally, the Barney model could be used for Emmet Calhoun. Emmet is a joke character referenced in the HLVR:AI ACAB (AI Crushes All Banks) stream, as JohnWicklover1994, who Benrey said to be his brother(?) playing on his account. Emmet is also mentioned in HLA:GE by the Gnome. The appearance of Emmet is extremely far-fetched though, as both times he is mentioned he is meant as a gag. 
The Barney model, similarly, could be used for an entirely new character unrelated to Benrey at all, although I’m sure a gag or two would be referenced to their appearance. It might not be used at all too, as Benrey is such a notorious character it would be easier overall to use another model. 
Father Grigori
As a personal casting, I would love to see Bauulp assume Father Grigori and have a similar voice as his original in HL2. As Tommy is assumed to not be returning, I think this would be a great choice as his new role.
other characters we dunno about yet
Character models under this category are quite likely to appear, however, they have not been referenced or have a previous model used in the series.
Dog & Lamarr
As silent characters in HL2, Dog and Lamarr are good candidates for RTVS members or friends of members who do not wish to have a voiced role while still participating in the story.
Unfortunately, Gnome’s voice is pronounced dead. Being who he was in HLA:GE, I'm sure he’ll be referenced, and possibly a cameo, even without a voice.
I would love to see Bauulp return as himself, that would be very funny. Not super likely, as HLA:GE was to cement the Gnome being chalked up to a mod but it would be funny. I would laugh.
Wallace Breen
I would love to see Breen played by Erarg. No thoughts behind that I just think Erarg playing a betrayer to humanity would be epic.
Eli Vance
Fuck if i know! This model is probably gonna be used tho
Judith Mossman
This model is very likely to be used. HLVRAI does not pass the bechdel test.
Combine Soldier Character(s)
With lots of models to choose from, a Combine AI could be a fun addition.
Same with the Combine! I don’t think this is happening though, might look weird with Garry’s Mod animations.
CHARACTERS that probably wont come back idk man
As Half-Life: 2 does not have HD models of previous characters, it’s very unlikely these characters will be in the sequel unless RTVS has models made specifically for their return. I find doing that highly improbable though, so anything in lieu of these characters will likely just be a reference.
While not a Half-Life model, and still possible within Garry’s Mod, Sunkist’s heavy association with Tommy means there isn’t much use for their return at all. But, with G-Man (Tommy’s father!!) returning, Sunkist has a slim chance to make a cameo.
Dr. Coomer
Tommy Coolatta
honestly the only character i sorta want to return would be Darnold, mostly because i wanted to see more of Log's performance of the character. Log could also just play a new character too so eh.
I would love to hear stuff about other theories too if y'all have any i'd like to hear (and maybe add to the list :P! ) but thats all for now folks!!!
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"Hey do you wanna help us direct and produce a musical because none of us know how and you're the only person who seemingly did musical theatre and not just theatre?" Seems odd that I would be the person you ask but you know what, sure, fuck it. Call me director Gnome
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rinwellisathing · 1 month
Get to know my OCs: alignments:
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Sentry Ojeda: neutral evil/chaotic neutral
A point I often make and one of my favorite musical theatre lines is "Nice is different than good". Sentry is charming, friendly, personable, laughs easily, is creative and forms connections with people, but he is ultimately not a good person per se. Yes, he genuinely cares for the fate of the tiefling refugees, yes he frees the deep gnomes from the Duergar, but that's his mercurial nature. If Rolan's life wouldn't have been in danger along with the tiefling children, Sentry would not have thought twice about killing Isobel. Yes he adores Aylin as a big sister type, but he didn't know her at the time so Isobel was just a random person. Yes he cares about finding the killer in the city, but only because Father Lorgan and Ffionn died. He's very complicated and ultimately his world always comes back to his love for Gortash and needing him in his life.
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Jaina Thalassia: Chaotic Good
Jaina can be snarky and bitter sometimes, but she genuinely cares deeply for the people around her and wants to do what's right even at the cost of her own comfort and happiness. Much like Wyll, she aims to be a defender of the downtrodden and those who can't defend themselves and she has a strong sense of justice, especially when that justice doesn't exactly align with the law. Laws are made by the ruling class and the ruling class is so often self serving, after all. Above anything, Jaina values her family and her friends and would do anything for them.
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Jackal Silk: chaotic evil
Jackal is a truly selfish, hedonistic person for whom only his own power, pleasure, and goals matter. He may serve a more powerful evil being every now and again, but it always comes back to getting what he wants in the end. No evil is off limits to him, even the most heinous of acts.
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Kroger of Creche K'liir: Lawful Good/ Neutral Good
Growing up in a Creche made it so easy for Kroger to simply follow rules and behave, do his job as Ghustil in training, heal others, treat them fairly and ensure their health and safety, it was almost an easy life. However when he found himself out in the world with his sisters, things weren't always so cut and dry and when it came down to it, his oath as a Ghustil was more important than his oath to Vlaakith. People are and have always been Kroger's primary concern and that will never change.
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Octavia of Creche K'liir: Chaotic Neutral
Remember nice is different than good? The sweetest, kindest, and most friendly character in my repertoire, however for Octavia research and the pursuit of knowledge matter above everything else. It's not that she would enjoy seeing someone suffer or leaving someone to die, moreso that something could easily distract her or if there was a split second in which she could save a life or discover something no one else ever had, she would choose the discovery without regret 100% of the time.
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