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In one fanfic that plays in my head, Riza has time off and spends it in Resembool with Winry. While she is there, she works on restoring an old, badly maintained antique rifle/shotgun. Like one of those ornamentally decorated ones from the 1600s that has been in the family forever. I’m thinking it belonged to Pinako’s partner (Winry’s grandfather). And Winry wants to have it restored as a gift, so grandma can display it above the fireplace or whatever it is someone could do with an antique firearm.
Anyway. Maybe Winry is a little hesitant around firearms (understandable) to fix it herself, or simply thought she is friends with an expert who might be interested in a rare model. Maybe a bit of both. But Riza would have the skills to fix it and Winry has the metalworking equipment to manufacture spare/replacement parts.
I mainly want them to hang out. They are both a kind of mechanic, but just in different fields. I want them to talk about what their craft means to them and the ethics or their work. (Like are weapons for killing or for defense, or should a doctor help a bad person etc). I want Riza to have a sort of vacation, away from her stressful work and finally physically resting and processing how much the major bloodloss injury and stress affected her health. For Winry to have a familiar face around and learn new things. Working on this little project together.
In my mind it takes place some time after the promised day. Maybe about 2 years... Ed and Al are still traveling in other countries. Winry is back in Resembool to finish her training and in the process of becoming (co-)owner of the family automail buisnes. Pinako is thinking about slowing down her workhours and retiring eventually.
Also inserting a scene of Roy calling after about a week to ask Riza about a document he lost, because if anyone would know where he misplaced it, it’s her. But it’s actually just his excuse to speak and ask how she’s doing. Winry watches Riza lean against the wall twirling the phonecord while talking about incredibly mundane/work shit.
#verwijder later#riza should have doctor prescribed extended time near the sea for her mentals but sadly amestris is landlocked#I imagine all the stress and the injury and then keeping going haven’t been good for her
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In regard to Avatar: Seven Havens...
I've been keeping quiet about the Seven Havens announcement for a number of reasons, namely that we don't have very much to go on right now. I can see why it'd cause a lot of doom and gloom but we simply don't know enough to judge just yet. But given said doom and gloom, I wanted to say this...
A few months back, there were some rumored leaks talked about on some random website I never heard of, but which supposedly has a good track record with this stuff. The description given with the Seven Havens announcement - along with the *name* Seven Havens itself - confirms a lot about the early rumored leaks, but said leaks also had more to say, which is that this takes place in a near-future setting with hoverboards and not-automail prosthetic limbs, of which our lead protagonist has a prosthetic leg.
So in other words, Korra lived a long, full life before she died.
It also said in these leaks that nobody could tell which twin was the Avatar, so the White Lotus chose blindly and the twin they chose lived a life of luxury with expert training whereas the other is now living on the streets, alone, with her animal guide. But oops! She's the actual Avatar.
So to me, the fact the mistaken Avatar lived a life of luxury indicates the position is still held in super high regard. Which the rumored leaks also explain with their additional information, because Korra was the one who made the Seven Havens of the title by saving humanity from the unknown cataclysm.
So if all that checks out - which given how much of it HAS proven true in what was officially announced - I think it's just a poorly worded description that might be meant to foreshadow what the fake Avatar/other twin does to fuck up the world's image of the Avatar as opposed to any particular view of Korra.
Because by all rights, it sounds like in the rumored leaks that Korra is very much seen as a hero. She saved the world, or as much of it as she could, and stopped the cataclysm. Permanently? Temporarily? Who knows. I imagine that's what the show is about. But all this is to say - don't start mourning or jumping to conclusions yet.
What we have confirms and contradicts a lot of what was leaked, but what it confirms is *so* accurate I'm willing to believe this may just be bad assumptions on our part based off bad communication in that one image. We simply do not know enough about the show yet. We don't even have any key art, let alone a trailer. So let's wait before we start mourning Korra's legacy or turning on the writers.
#TLoK#LoK#Korra#Avatar Korra#Avatar Seven Havens#Seven Havens#Bryke#ATLA#Avatar#Toast Talks#The Legend of Korra
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I wouldn’t call myself a cyborg expert, but probably not? In that case it’s just a cybernetic prosthetic/implant. The definition of a cyborg is half robot, so the persons gotta have like, at least three major body parts exchanged with robotics. Even then there’s some grey areas
Question, and maybe @mother-ofthe-universe can answer this:
If a character has one cybernetic implant, like just one but it is significantly big, would that character still be considered a cyborg?
#the best analogy I can come up with is that Rick Sanchez is a cyborg#but Edward Elric is NOT a cyborg#in fact the majority of automail users in FMA are just people with upgraded prosthetics#Archers weird robotics in the 2003 series would count as a cyborg imo but like#Archer’s cyborgization was just dumb imo#general grievous is also a cyborg#I’d say Fennec from Star Wars would count as a cyborg since most of her internal organs where replaced with robotics#so tldr I think it’s just a matter of ratio#how much of you is human and how much is robot#once you get over like#idk maybe 35%?#you start entering cyborg territory#again#I am not a cyborg expert#I just really like cyborg characters
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Come Home To Me pt. 1
i still feel so fucking insane right now. Today I drafted the first chapter of my Edling royal marriage fic where Ling is down insanely badly and wants to have Ed all to himself. i'd make up a better summary if my brain wasn't a withered husk rn but i did my best. This and future updates will probs be posted to my ao3.
“Edward Elric,” Shen repeated, stroking his beard, “For what purpose must we seek him out?”
The Emperor’s smile widened. “I’m going to make him my Empress, of course.”
(word count: 4,442)
Edward was glad to be returning to Resembool.
The day was beautiful, the sky clear and brilliant blue. The rolling fields passed by his train window as he ached for a hot meal at Granny’s table.
He was tired after a long stint of nonstop field world, and in heavy need of some deep cleaning on his automail, but couldn’t be happier. He had a suitcase stuffed full of research notes and plenty of good anecdotes to share. He didn’t yet know if he’d publish his findings, but he had someone looking forward to seeing them.
Ed had spent the last four months in the northeasternmost fringes of Amestris, basically living out in the desert with minimal contact with civilization. He wasn’t opposed to the hard work, though. Not when the potential knowledge was so tantalizing.
He functioned as the alchemical expert for a group of archaeologists from Central. They found fragments of Xerxesian architecture buried in the desert and with them, signs of alchemy. When Ed arrived at the site, it was little more than a bunch of holes dug into the heavy sand and some scraps of stone the archaeologists and their students found.
Ed turned an archaeological graveyard into an oasis. He found the proof that approximately nine centuries ago, Xerxes had a small outpost near what was now the border of Amestris. The older researchers on the team proposed it was a trading hub or colony. Ed had reason to believe it was some kind of remote lab, so experimental alchemy could be conducted safely away from the main populace of Xerxes.
He wasn’t going to stick around long enough to fight for his point, though. He’d seen what he’d wanted to see and learned what he set out to learn. He was going to be proven right, eventually. So it didn’t matter if he stuck around or not. Even though Ed had done his part and even though the majority team begged him to stay on, promising him additional pay, he knew it was time to come home.
Alphonse would already be waiting for him, after all. And it’d been almost ten months since they'd last seen each other.
Ed felt the little warm flurry in his chest grow with excitement. Yeah, they were both adults now, it felt natural for them to want to do their own things. And they did, planning their own trips in pursuit of their individual interests. But they were still brothers and he couldn’t wait to see Alphonse again.
Not that he’d ever admit it to Al’s face, but Ed still kept a beaten up copy of Alphonse’s first published research paper in the lining of his suitcase, ready to shove it into the face of anyone who dared to not call Alphonse Elric the greatest alchemist currently alive.
And admittedly, doing so made Ed feel painfully like the late Maes Hughes. Maybe he finally understood why a man would be possessed to carry documentation of his family everywhere he went.
But that was all behind him now. As all things came to an end, so did his voyage. The train pulled into the station and Ed jumped off the very second he was able to, hauling his heft suitcase in one arm as he ran for the waiting figure on the platform.
Ed smiled. The two of them embraced and it really did feel like coming home.
“I didn’t keep you waiting long, did I?”
Alphonse laughed. He looked about the same as before their split. Still so tall, still so strongly built. A happy far cry from the emaciated body Ed pulled out of the gate. It was insane, how Alphonse looked so much like their dad now. And he imagined that when Al looked at him, he saw Hohenheim in Ed’s face, too. As much as Ed was loath to imagine it.
Al kept his hair short as well, while Ed’s had only gotten longer and longer. Alphonse noticed, of course he did, and waved around the end of Ed’s braid.
“Are you ever going to cut this thing?”
Trisha Elric had long hair, so Edward Elric had long hair. Though maybe at this point, his was longer than even hers had been. It was getting hard to remember now. In his faint and watercolored childhood memories, it didn’t matter how long his hair was because hers always seemed longer. He was sure if he looked at one of Granny’s old photos of her, he’d see differently.
Funny, how the mind played tricks like that.
Alphonse tried and failed to take Ed’s suitcase as they walked to the Rockbell household. Ed swatted his hand away.
“Just let me carry it, Al. It’s heavy.”
“That’s more reason why I should take it. You’ve lugged it across the countryside, why don’t you let yourself rest for once?”
Ed blew the stray hairs from his eyes. Maybe his bangs could do with a trim, at least. He’d have to see if Granny or Al would be willing to take up the scissors for him, Ed didn’t trust himself enough to make it look halfway decent.
The two of them chatted about nothing in particular, saving their best stories for when they could put their feet up and enjoy a drink together. Or at least that’s what Ed thought was happening, but he couldn’t help but notice Al was relaying details about minute town gossip with more enthusiasm than expected.
“Everything alright, Al?”
“Of course, why do you ask?”
Ed shot him a sideways grin. “You’re a shit liar. What’s up?”
Al huffed and puffed but eventually, Ed needled the truth out of him.
“Well, we’ve got company, actually. They’ve been in town for a few days already. And once they found out I was picking you up from the train station, they insisted on seeing you today.”
“Huh?” Ed scoured his cramped head for any plan he might’ve missed. Did someone he know say they were coming to visit? He asked, “Who is it?”
Al smiled, mischievous in his own right. “You’ll see.”
That made Ed wonder if it was someone from the military. Probably not the newly-promoted Brigadier General Bastard, so maybe someone else?
When they arrived, he didn’t see an extra car outside. On the porch, Ed did his best to shake the sand out of his coat pockets and boots before stepping inside. Immediately, he was hit with the fusion scent of coffee and motor oil. Tension he didn’t even know he was carrying drained out of his body as Ed called out, “I’m back!”
No click-clack of mismatched paws came running in response. It was still hard to remember that Den wasn’t around to greet them at the door anymore.
Ed left his suitcase by the door as Al led him into the kitchen, where Granny was sitting at the table with a grouchy looking old man and a young woman with dark hair. They all turned to look at him and it felt like an electric current was sent through his entire body. No way…
“Lan Fan!”
She still had the same sharp, dark eyes that Ed remembered from when they were younger. She stood, her expression lighting up at the sight of Ed.
“Edward Elric!”
She bowed for him, which felt downright silly. They went so far back, after all. And if Lan Fan was here…
“What are you doing on this side of the desert? Where's Ling? Is he with you?”
The old man cleared his throat and stood. He looked like the kind of guy Ed could easily imagine in the upper echelons of the military or a Xingese court: gray hair and beard, humorless expression, one hand wrapped tight around the curved handle of an ornate, darkwood cane. He was wrapped in loose, emerald green robes while Lan Fan was dressed how Ed remembered her. All black.
“It is my obligation to accept questions and negotiations on the Emperor’s behalf,” the old man said. He spoke in an extremely thick Xingese accent, but enunciated his words with care. He shot Lan Fan a look, “Is it not?”
Ed’s mood soured slightly. Whoever the old fart was, he wasn’t interested.
And yet, the old man said, “I am His Majesty’s most senior adviser, Yao Shen. I was sent at His Majesty’s request to locate one Edward Elric and deliver a message.”
To me? Ed wondered.
The last time he spoke to Ling was when they were teenagers. The idea of trying to contact him again crossed Ed’s mind over the years, admittedly much more than once. After all, Alphonse kept in contact with Mei. He’d even made several trips across the desert to see her and study alkahestry in Xing.
But Ling just felt so different. He got crowned as Emperor when he was seventeen! And Ed remembered so well how news swept across Amestris of the child king in Xing, who apparently went on a sojourn through their country only a year prior to his coronation. Ed just had no idea how he could ever reach across the world to someone like that.
So he never did, as cowardly as it was. And seven whole years had gone by since they were a pair of teenagers fighting to save the world. Ed was twenty-two now and thought his chance to see Ling again, no matter how slim, was gone.
But now Ling’s closest and most loyal vassal was in his kitchen. With a weird old man to boot.
“Yes, yes. We’re all here for one reason or another,” a new voice said. Ed looked over to see Granny stirring a big pot on the stove. She said, “But all of that can wait. It’s supper time and my boys must be hungry.”
Lan Fan didn’t seem to be in any rush. And if she wasn’t treating this like it was urgent, it probably wasn’t. The five of them sat down at the table, where Ed got to eat a heaping bowl of Granny’s famous beef stew with fresh bread. For a few glorious minutes, he forgot he was being a poor host by not participating in the conversation while he stuffed his mouth.
Subsisting off of dry rations for four months left one starved for flavor.
Once he had some proper food in his belly, he finally took note of Lan Fan’s arm. It had the super polished look of someone who’d just seen a mechanic, not like Ed’s brushed metal limbs.
“You’ve been taking good care of your automail,” he said.
Lan Fan smiled. She held out her hand to let it catch in the light. “Your grandmother has been generous enough to do some maintenance on my arm these past few days.”
“Is that right?” Ed asked. He didn’t even bother to correct her, that Granny wasn’t related by blood. It still surprised him. Ed knew Granny was partially retired these days; she didn’t take on new clients anymore, just did repairs and cleanings.
He was glad she agreed to take a look at Lan Fan. Xing, as he was told, sorely lacked automail mechanics. Too bad Winry was up to her ears in work in Rush Valley, he knew she would’ve loved to ogle at a good arm.
Granny said, “As someone who’s seen my fair share of automail in all sorts of shapes and states, it’s my professional recommendation that you have yours examined by a mechanic at least once a year.”
“That is simply not possible, given her immense obligations,” Shen said.
Ed and Al shot each other a knowing look. Why on earth was Lan Fan traveling with this old fart?
“The Emperor sends for an Amestrian mechanic whenever my arm becomes too damaged to operate,” Lan Fan said, as simple as if she was commenting on the weather.
Ed stared at her, mouth agape. As someone who’d gotten into far too many fights to count over the course of his life, some of which ended up in his automail getting completely shattered, he wondered what kind of things Lan Fan had endured in recent years.
And by extension, what all that meant for Ling. Ling, who was not here but felt the need to send Lan Fan in his stead.
Lan Fan turned to Ed and Al. “Now, tales of your exploits have been reaching Xing for years, but it’s often impossible to tell what’s fiction and what’s fact. I would love to know what the Elric brothers have actually been doing since we last crossed paths.”
It was a little hard to tell if she was actually interested or just changing the subject. Ed didn’t press either way. Alphonse, either by using some secret telepathic power or just knowing how Ed operated, stopped him from running to get his copy of Al’s research. He instead gave a summarized version of his studies on combining alchemy and alkahestry.
As their bowls ran empty, Ed figured it was time to broach the subject of why they had guests at all.
“So what’s the message meant just for me?” he asked, bracing an elbow on the table.
Shen seemed unphased. “Unfortunately, it directly involves the security of our Emperor and must be delivered in private.”
Ed turned to Lan Fan. Up until now, she seemed warm and inviting, a huge difference from her stoic self he first met. But even she shook her head.
“I must agree. It can only be given in complete secrecy.”
Ed resisted the urge to grin. Whatever it was, he could easily imagine Ling landed himself in some sort of trouble and needed help from the former Fullmetal Alchemist. Ed might’ve quit the military and lost his ability to do alchemy, but he was still a force to be reckoned with.
“Fine, then. I know where we can talk.”
Bidding Al and Granny a temporary goodbye, Ed led his two guests out of the house and up a dirt path. The sun was starting to set now, just touching the horizon and bathing everything in blinding gold. The air here was warm but not dry like the desert. It was damp and full of life.
Ed guided them up a hill as the ruins of his childhood home loomed ever larger. He didn’t stop when they reached the derelict structure, stepping over scorched wood beams and the old stone foundation, leading them into the heart of his family’s house.
“What is this place?” Lan Fan asked.
Ed stopped just short of the stone stairs that led to the basement. No one in Resembool came up here. Maybe they were too afraid to, maybe it was a sign of respect. He noticed that no signs of vandalism or graffiti cropped up over the years.
He put his hands in his coat pockets and said, “This was my home when I was a child. Now why don’t you answer me this, what did you come all this way to tell me?”
The order from her Emperor to travel to Amestris without him was quite a shock to Lan Fan when she first received it. Not to mention His Imperial Majesty wanted her to guide Advisor Shen. He was so old, she honestly thought this could’ve been a ploy to have him perish in the desert to finally be rid of him.
The old man wasn’t happy about it either, even though he did his best to conceal it.
Alone in a private audience with the Emperor, he bowed profusely and repeatedly while asking, “A thousand pardons, my Emperor. But what exactly do you wish an old man like myself to achieve in Amestris?”
Shen was a spoiled member of the Yao clan’s lesser nobility who used to be a close personal friend of Ling’s father. He climbed considerable heights by constantly praising the last Emperor, only to now find himself serving a much younger man with no interest in keeping his father’s past friends wealthy.
It was rare that Lan Fan was ever out in the open too, but as her Emperor specifically wanted an audience with her as well, she stood side by side with the old adviser.
His Majesty smiled serenely at Shen. “Your task in Amestris is to seek out Fullmetal Alchemist Edward Elric. Lan Fan is to escort you, seeing as she’s one of the… maybe two or three Xingese citizens who actually knows what he looks like.”
If she could speak freely, Lan Fan might have protested as well. She could never leave her Lord vulnerable, even if he did have other guards and the entire Imperial army at his disposal now.
He cast his gaze upon her, expectant. She knew precisely why he wanted to find Edward Elric. She was perhaps the only person in the world who knew, who he trusted to know.
And she took that trust very seriously. It was not her place to approve or disapprove of his desires, only to see them fulfilled.
“Edward Elric,” Shen repeated, stroking his beard, “For what purpose must we seek him out?”
The Emperor’s smile widened. “I’m going to make him my Empress, of course.”
Lan Fan was staring straight ahead when he said so, arms on her knees as she knelt and awaited further instructions. But she would have loved to see Shen’s face if his startled, haggard coughing fit was anything to go by.
His Majesty’s smile grew terse. “Something the matter, Shen?”
“Oh, well… I- I cannot… my Lord…”
“You cannot what? Condone my decision? You object, is that it?”
“No, no! I would never, your Imperial Majesty!”
He grew silent as the Emperor stood, his silken robes falling around his powerful frame. He descended the steps of his throne and Shen once more pressed his forehead to the floor in subservience.
“Stand up.”
They both did so.
The Emperor produced his right hand from the length of his robes and pulled a golden ring from his finger. It was newly made, polished to a mirror shine.
“Shen, you will take this ring and guard it well. When you find Edward Elric, you will hold my ring up to his image. And when you do, remember which is more impressive.”
Yao Shen only ever wanted to live comfortably. And for many decades, he did exactly that. He wore nice clothing of moderate detail, had multiple sons, kept his head low in court, and was rewarded with a lifetime of servility by being named a chief advisor in the imperial court. Now, however, he thought he might just reach his end. In a foreign land surrounded by alien peasants, no less.
Because his Emperor was correct. Edward Elric was more splendid than gold.
At first, he hadn’t been happy at all to make the trip across the desert. He bitterly cursed his ill fortune under his breath, knowing full well His Majesty’s dog was his sole traveling companion. Then it was a matter of locating the insignificant village that the famed Fullmetal Alchemist came from. And even then, they could not rest until they found Edward himself.
And when they did finally see him in person, Shen had not been very impressed. Edward Elric was clothed like a simple traveler, in plain garments and a rugged red coat. No silk, no gold, no silver. His boots were caked in dirt and his gloves were stained a reddish brown from the desert. His complexion was less than fair, his face tanned by the sun to a degree that most matchmakers would deem unacceptable.
Not to mention the fact that the boy referred to His Imperial Majesty, the Son of Heaven, by his given name! Had that mistake slipped anyone’s lips within Xing, they’d be executed.
But everything changed when he saw Edward Elric in the sunlight.
In the glow of the setting sun, Edward Elric looked like a lion. His long blond hair framed his face and reached his lower back. Shen was aware that it was common in Amestris for men to keep their hair short, as preposterous as it was. One’s body was a gift from their parents and to cut any part of it was to disrespect them. Edward Elric had very respectable long hair.
And his eyes. The palace menagerie kept a host of exotic animals, including actual lions. The Fullmetal Alchemist had the eyes of a fierce and unflinching warrior, so bright and piercing. It was clear he’d seen and won many battles, but he wasn’t a brute, either. No, his were a set of dangerously intelligent eyes.
It wasn’t necessary, Shen knew when he’d been defeated, but he could never deny an order from his Emperor. So he reached into his pocket and produced a small bundle of cloth. With trembling fingers, he unwrapped the golden ring entrusted to him and held it up to Edward Elric.
Both shined with a sort of blinding brilliance, as if the sun itself wished to pour all its warmth over the boy’s shoulders. He perfectly matched the descriptions of the Great Sage of the West, the founder of alkahestry. Any dignitary worth their salt would know what an auspicious sign this was… and that the young Emperor tragically chose his future concubine well. Very well.
Ed blinked, going cross-eyed as something small was held in front of his face. He leaned back, seeing that it was a golden ring. Thick and heavy-looking, too.
He moved to reach for the ring, unsure if that was what they wanted, but the old man simply tucked it back into his pocket. He cleared his throat. “Thank you for humoring an old man. Lan Fan, tell him.”
Was it just his imagination, or was she smiling ever so faintly?
She stepped forward and said, “His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor of Xing will be arriving in Amestris in three days for a diplomatic mission. He will be arriving in Central City to speak with your Fuhrer and parliament and is scheduled to remain in your country for fifteen days. While he is here, he wishes to see you again.”
Lan Fan produced a small package from a pouch in her belt and presented it with both hands. “He asked me to give you this gift as a token of his earnestness.”
Ling wanted to see him?
Lightheaded, Ed accepted the gift. It wasn’t heavy at all.
Lan Fan raised her brows. Open it.
So he undid the twine wrapping. It wasn’t what he expected, not that he had any idea what it could be. Ed held up the length of silk to the light. It was a long, thin strip of crimson cloth embroidered with gold. It was beautiful. He didn’t know what it could possibly be for, but he appreciated it. After all,
Ling remembers me…
“Tell me something,” Ed said, running his fingers over the cloth, amazing as how smooth it was, “How has he been, all these years?”
“He has been well, thank you for your concern,” Lan Fan said. “He is looking forward to having your company once more.”
Once Shen was excused from the throne room and it was just the two of them, Ling didn’t feel like sending Lan Fan back to her post as his invisible hand. He needed a friend right now.
Sighing, he said, “It’s been a long time, Lan Fan.”
She nodded. “It has.”
Almost a decade had gone by since they last saw Edward Elric.
He thumbed at the hem of his robe, thinking. “What if I’m too late?”
“You must not lose hope, your Majesty. He is still not married. Even if there was someone standing in your way, what real threat could they pose to you?”
He nodded, thankful as ever for her steadfastness. Unlike his endless officials, servants, and his stupid siblings all vying for his favor, Lan Fan had earned it long ago. He respected her opinion far more than many of theirs, as well. And if she had faith in him, perhaps that was a good sign.
He wandered over to the windows behind his throne, whose light reflected off his gilded ceiling and his crimson pillars. The imperial palace sprawled before him, more wealthy than any other country he knew of.
What would Edward think of it all if he could see it now?
He was going to see it, Ling reminded himself. He’d waited long enough, now was the time to finally act.
The last time they saw each other was as children at the tender age of fifteen. Ling’s father held onto his throne for little over a year by no small miracle, but of all his brothers and sisters, it was him who was crowned successor before he was even an adult.
He spent the first few years of his reign cementing his rule and keeping his country stable as power changed hands. He protected the Chang clan from extinction, elevated his own, improved trade and relations to the east, and chose peace treaties over war declarations. Now he was turning his efforts into improving relations with the west.
The common folk such as his farmers and merchants loved him too, he made sure of it. Edward was born of common blood, after all. And he was famous across the world for his efforts to help those that could not help themselves.
If he could, he would send Lan Fan to seek out Edward alone. She’d do it in half the time if she didn’t have a bag of bones tethered to her. Even though Yao Shen was a member of their own clan, Ling never really liked him. He was slow to adapt and too haughty for his age. But he was also a valuable pawn. Given his seniority among palace staff, if Ling could convince him that Edward was worth more than his weight in gold, the rest of his courts would follow suit without any effort on Ling’s part at all.
Yes, convincing his people was the easy part. The least predictable element in all his plans was Edward himself. Unsurprising, but Ling wouldn’t have it any other way.
At the age of twenty-two, he felt so old yet still so impossibly young. He knew he had a whole life ahead of him yet, but could not find it in himself to wait a moment longer.
He closed his eyes and made a promise to himself. No going back from this point, no more waiting. He was going to have an Empress, this he knew since he was fifteen.
So no matter the cost, Yao Ling was going to have Edward Elric.
#fma#fmab#edward elric#ling yao#edling#homo alert uh oh#down bad ling#the outline for this fic is like 40 pages long now#someone help me#not edited#will do that later#Ed keeps his automail arm#but he doesn’t have his alchemy anymore
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just finished reading your AMAZING fullmetal alchemist fic and I had a question!
Al’s soul wasn’t put into trisha’s body and then put back in the armor so how much of the transmutation (if any) of trisha did they successfully complete since they did it separately?
Did ed only loose his arm and al loose a leg?
Thank you so much for your kind words!🥹
And sorry for my (I guess) late response, Tumblr did not send me a notification *cries*
(For those unaware: this is about my canon divergence au unofficially called empty-verse)
I did not write the scene of what they created since neither of the boys really saw that (and fewer nightmares for meXD), but it was less... animated than in canon. Like still human shaped but less functional, so to say. Also, I imagine the promotions to be slightly off (well, more off than in canon) because they didn't do that simultaneously.
As for the toll, I love word play, so there's this little something from Ed's POV:
"One would expect humans to cost an arm and a leg, but they didn't even need the money their mother had left, only the pocket money from Pinako."
It did cost him both.
Al still has his limbs attached, he just cannot move them (I'm sorry, Al, I do love u), same as when Roy lost his eyesight, not the eyes themselves. (Paraplegia would be a medical term for what had happened to him, or at least I hope so. I'm not a medical expert by any means, and, well, it's a fictional world, so forgive me pls.)
Some extra rambles:
I did try to make tolls kinda logical, so child Ed (both canonically and in this au) thinks that humans are cheap to create. Which they are anything but. And there's this absolutely fitting idiom to describe something opportunities of cheap. Sooo... you get the literal idiom and with the same toll as in canon but different circumstances. And since in canon they did the transmutation together, they shared the toll, but here it was individual.
As for Al, there's this little scene where he runs looking for Ed, aka kinda chasing him. So Truth takes that away, as it was the primary reason for Al to jump into the transmutation here:
"You see, you won't be chasing after your brother anymore..."
It is cruel in its own way because, unlike losing a limb, it cannot be fixed with automail, a constant reminder in a different way. So he cannot chase after Ed anymore. or run from the homonculi
I hope that answers your questions! If no, feel free to ask more XD
(I am always happy to scream about my AU, or about anything FMA-related!)
#spoilers to all the fics from my empty-verse under the cut!#fma#fmab#fma fanfiction#fullmetal alchemist#edward elric#fma brotherhood#alphonse elric#fma fic#fmab fanfiction#fmab fic#fmab ficlet
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Fullmetal Alchemist Chapter 6
This chapter is the point where the story starts to rev up. We have our first legitimate threat and we're starting to get a glimpse into the main antagonists' plan.
It's still raining since last chapter.
Nothing's ever been said about if Ed frequently has nightmares or not, but Tucker's words from last time must definitely be what made him have this one. When he wakes up, he feels pain in his left leg. The pain is a reminder of what he did.
This is the first time we actually see what the Elrics' mother looks like. She mentions their father too. Ed takes after him, so that implies he's a skilled alchemist.
We're introduced to two new characters, Lieutenant General Hughes and Major Armstrong. Hughes mentions traveling from Central to arrest Tucker, which implies the journey from Central City to East City takes less than a day to complete.
In Reole, we see violent riots have broken out. We're introduced to Envy who can shapeshift. Lust, Gluttony, and Envy talk about their plans. The most notable things: Envy was working in another city, they've caused mass bloodshed before, and Ed is a "Human Sacrifice".
Also, Envy knowing about Tucker's death implies they either have an extensive information network, or news can travel fast. Either one is possible and it could just be both. Phones exist and these guys are ultimately behind so much that they may just have an expansive communication network.
Also, the priest Gluttony eats is the same one Al punched in the face in chapter 1. Reole must have a great dentist cause Al knocked out one of his teeth, but it's back.
Back in East City, we learn the serial killer is called Scar. He's killed 15 alchemists including a Brigadier General Grand, who's a martial arts expert. So Scar is not to be taken lightly.
Ed and Al are having a moment of contemplation. Their whole belief in what Alchemy is has been shaken, and Ed is realizing how much he hasn't grown. I don't need to say much about that. Read the last chapter discussion. This is also the first time we've had any comment on what Al's body is like. He can't feel the rain on him.
Scar killing the guard in front of Ed is probably the first time the boys have ever seen someone be killed. It's understandable they'd be so shocked they can't move.
I wonder if there's a public dossier of State Alchemists which Scar has been using to find them. Last chapter, he went straight to Tucker's house like he knew he was there. And he knew the name Edward Elric as a State Alchemist.
I really like the image of Ed's automail being destroyed. I wonder how much of a blueprint someone could make for his automail using shots like this.
Nina Trauma Count: 1
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🍀 with byte? though if you want to answer this about all your ocs I won't complain 👀
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
I won't answer with all of them bcus I have over 50 but I can answer with the main ones :D!
For Byte my main inspiration was myself! Byte was my Sonicsona, so they were basically "What would I be in Sonic's world?" but with my personality exaggerated and villainized.
The rest under the cut~
For Angel it was bcus I saw a picture of a character working in a flower shop, so I kinda felt like making a gardener. Angel is not my first gardener character but I still wanted another LOLOLOL Windmill Village was also a huge inspiration factor, since most of his concept was inspired from Tinker and what happened in that village
For Ampere it was a RP I was doing in 2020. A friend roleplayed Tinker and I roleplayer Angel, both living in Windmill Village, so when Tinker found an eggpawn and Elder Scruffy wanted to make sure that the robot wasn't harmful, I realized we needed a mechanic that was an expert in Eggman tech but algo hero aligned, so that's how Ampere was born! As a rp npc lol
There was an owl background character in a Sonic IDW cover and I was like "I want an owl oc" lol, their design is inspired in a concept prototype I had made years ago based on a Rowlet + an old oc of mine who was a mechanic
I just wanted a crazy nurse character -papming-
For Wrench it was my BATIMsona Joseph, I wanted to turn him into a sonic character so that's how Wrench came to be. Winry Rockbell is also a huge inspiration for them since they're basically an automail mechanic hahaha
This is silly, but... I wanted an Eggman Empire oc to interact with Kimmy's oc Vino, so that prompted me to create Fortune ;v;
I wanted Angel to have an apprentice in the mainline of the story since he was lonely after Tinker was turned into Eggman, that's how Sprout came to be :3
... I wanted a boyfriend for Starline LOLOLOLOLOLOL
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Shattered Hero Rekindled ~ Origins of the Ink Demon : Episode Maka Pt.20 ~
*Somewhere at the DMV (Washington Metro)*
"Prince George's County, Maryland"
[Mother's Caption (Pause Menu Theme) by Hirokazu Ando]
Winry : There. That should do it. Haven't felt like this since I left Japan after the show and movie, I haven't received any calls from Edward since the movie. In the show, the video games, I just don't understand why is he into other women than me all the time? The Writers back at the studio had no idea that he was into other women.
*Winry Sighs*
Winry : Can't wait for losin, oh well, perhaps that I'll get him next time for fall for me in the next six years of our story's lifespan. It'll be the last of us for sure.
"Winry Rockbell : Automal Mechanic and Childhood Friend"
Winry : So...I guess we're in the bottom of this world, do we? I did a little exercise, staying fit and active, I hope that this would be perfect for some spare parts, if only the king was making some tarts. The people of this state could get really exciting. It'll be fun at Japan like old times since we were kids.
*wipes sweats off*
Winry : Voila, all finished! I finally fished it in about a week. This is should be perfect for your disability coverage. So, my friend, how are you feeling today? You look pretty sturdy.
Lan Fan : Umm, are you sure about that. It only took me a day to get army replaced. This is...really a good piece of arm you want me to replace?
Winry : Yep. I did it all by myself.
Lan Fan : Well, yes. This is quite the perfect opportunity to have my arm fixed.
"Lan Fan : Mercernary Assassin of Xing"
Winry : Hand crafted, new automail arm for you, and we're getting it somewhere.
Lan Fan : Well, thanks. I kinda like this new arm.
Winry : Truly fantastic, I am automail mechanic expert and I always get the job done, except when you're a mechanic that service things for automobiles or even some wild hogs.
Lan Fan : So you really sure about that. You say that you're finding interesting place where we first made contact eye-to-eye in Montgomery County.
Winry : Thanks! Yeah, Montgomery County...that's sounded like an interesting play, there are lot of fun things to do in the state of Maryland, we could do some fishing, go camping, and...we could see the amazing sights of the Chesapeake Bay.
Lan Fan : Oh lovely, hope you give me a souvenir from Annapolis.
Winry : I could make it a gift to you, it would be lovely if you really like it.
Lan Fan : Hope it's a fair welcome for the naval academy.
Winry : Right, the naval academy. I wonder what it's like to be at this state?
*Imagines of Winry and Lan Fan fishing at the docks*
Winry : This is a perfect place for us to fish.
Lan Fan : Yeah!
Winry : Nothing like a good fishing at the harbor.
*fishing rod moving*
Winry : Hey, I think I caught one!
Winry : Aha!...Uh-oh. Who's clothes are these?
Blair : Hey! Those are my pair of clothes!
*imagnary scenario ends*
[Fishing Vibes by Tomoya Ohtani]
Lan Fan : I don't mind any fishing stuff at the Chesapeake. But I do little hike and training in the wilderness of Frederick County and Montgomery County. How about you?
Winry : Well, a hiking and training is a good exercise, that's why I stay fit and active. Take a look, see these guns. *flexes her arm* I've been doing a lot work since 2001 and I'm always in shop.
Lan Fan : *blushes* Oh...Well, it kinda blushes me out. So anything good after the incident?
Winry : Well, honestly. About Roy destroyed my parents, he was actually mistaken for someone else, It was that man named Scar. I tried to kill him at Gun point for attempted but...I felt so sorry. It's not revenge that wanted to us to serve a dish best served cold, it was those jerks that is responsible for everything.
Lan Fan : You really think he's the one that destroyed your parents.
Winry : And now, I'm with always needed and you, of course. I thought revenge would be the answer, but...Revenge could never be the right answer, it feels like that we've got ourselves involved with someone else's mess. I thought I...*voice breaking* I thought...I...
Lan Fan : Winry, no need to fret. This is how we felt, if only revenge is thought to be the wright answer, than the only kind of revenge is what we needed, the mastermind that set up the events. We could overthrow someone, someone like a homunculous. Yeah, it's those guys, they're the ones responsible for the conflicts and they're the ones who made that Ishvalan guy kill your parents. Except for the Nina Dog part, that Nina turning into a chimera thing, is really traumatizing. *comforts winry*
Winry : Thanks. I'm glad that I have somebody with you, somebody as a friend. Thanks for comforting me.
Lan Fan : Any time, Winry. Any time.
*Garbage Can Hit*
Winry : What was that?
Lan Fan : Could be some intruder.
Winry : Whatever it is, I do not like surprises, and especially, I think we have some uninvited guests. I'm gonna go take a look. You stay put, okay?
Lan Fan : *nods*
Winry : *haves her wrench in her hand* Alright, a-hole. Stop playing around...
*cues Graveyard Shift Title card theme*
Winry : Show your faces here and I'll blow a landing your noggin head!
Lan Fan : Huh? Wait a sec. Winry, there's a heartless shadow with glasses.
Winry : Arakawa?....Is that you?
Winry : ....Oh...You can talk?
Lan Fan : It's weird to see a heartless with glasses that could easily find out about the problems. But, ummm...do we know a heartless with glasses like you don't know?
Heartless : Of course, I wear the glasses. Ever since I was killed by that envy person, strange occurrences happening over manipulating the events of this situation. Those heartless had sure contact the that the homunculus had their supicious eyes out of it. I told Roy that he was not the one who killed your parents. It was an Ishvalan named Sccar the whole time and therefore, those bastards were responsible for that and who says revenge is not the right answer, but a dish best served cold.
Winry : *gasped in shock*
*images of Hughes flashing*
Winry : Mr.Hughes?
Heartless (Hughes) : Well, what did you know? It looks like you finally found out who I am. I did survived, after I lost my own body to that homunculus is where they put my body in a funeral, it's where my family came to mourn at, I am so gonna get that guy for what he did to me!
Lan Fan : Wait a sec. So this talking heartless with glasses is...*about to say something*
*Scene then cuts*
[Frequency Current by Hideaki Kobayashi]
Heartless (Hughes) : Well, umm, I was going to show everyone the truth but the cocky Homunculus were too stubborn for their own ways and then this punk decided to shoot me down at gunpoint! It's not like that I was gonna live forever, look at me, I'm a small shadowy being called a heartless and I don't have my own size, my original life sized me! If only I could get back to my wife and daughter, I'd still be seeing Alicia's face right about now. But I'm still a shadow.
Lan Fan : I felt sorry for your loss.
Winry : Here, have a chocolate chip. It'll make you feel better.
Heartless (Hughes) : I just hope that you didn't get from these fast food joints, I always go to a fancy restaurant for paying my bill.
*absorbs cookie*
Winry : Woah! Did It just...You absorbed it!
Lan Fan : Can a heartless floss like that? It's munching alright, but I wonder if he tries to absorb juices?
Heartless (Hughes) : Mmm, that hit the spot. I haven't eaten anything for a week, a month, or year to eat some good food since I lost my body. You give tasty treats to humans, but I'm concerning that we heartless absorb real food since we don't have any mouths to feed on.
Winry : Sounds like you got yourself quite a deal on whether you want revenge or you could have your revenge to do it for you.
Heartless (Hughes) : How come? I'm still a shadow, I'd probably miss my wife and kid, and I'll have plenty of Good Memories of--PLEASE DON'T TELL COLONEL MUSTANG, THAT I'VE BECOME A SHADOWY CREATURE LIKE THIS! I'M A MONSTER!....But I do like wearing these glasses on my face.
[Gaia Manuscripts by Takahito Eguchi]
Winry : So...How did you knew that Envy was the one that kept you from unveiling the truth.
Heartless (Hughes) : Villains like him, they're the real monsters. I know it's a harsh reasoning of why Dark Fantasy stories were considered to be edgy as hell. Ever since Amestris was created, the country got every human race involved because of the homunculus plan of wiping out every living being on the planet in exchange for hearts and souls like they smuggle to take candy from a baby. But this candy will not be their last, their hungry power selves was to consume the race and would make Amestris to monopolize political power. They weren't going to help Amestris to monopolize the entire world, they were helping them to destroy the world and the human race itself. Unlike that Harry Potter stone, the philosopher stone of our world was the beginning of everything.
Winry : Ehh?
Heartless (Hughes) : Everyone who got their selves involved have been losing their lives in exchange for science, but taking out the heart and soul for the use of alchemy, yeah right. Now we understand why we can't have nice things. I thought that there is an easy way to solve this problem, we might have the solution to end our world's suffering.
Winry : That could be us, if Heroes like Edward would solve everyone's problem, then he might find the solution that would save the country. I get it, the heart and soul was the power of everything what Sora told us. No wonder we found out on what's been causing all of this nonsense from Soul Eater.
Heartless (Hughes) : Ever since that Chao from the garden was possessed by the soul of Shinra's Resurrection, Shinra wanted to see Maka's face from both existing times in the Ohkuboverse that goes from Past to Future, the reason that they live in the same universe, because the Ohkuboverse was in a time loop until it was destroyed by the Time Eater and expunged everyone from their stories or tales.
Lan Fan : And let me guess, Winry gets involve of sacrifices that only happens in a dark fantasy setting?
Heartless (Hughes) : Yes...which is a plot twist orchestrated by the man responsible for the outcome and creating the Homunculi, all he wanted was to absorb truth and crave all the knowledge he wants to destroy all life in the world of FMA.
Lan Fan : So that's why the bad guys were after us, they have manipulating because of the problem in a dark fantasy setting. Unveiling the truth would be the key to everything.
Heartless (Hughes) : Remember, these guys were attempting keep truth out of the public eye, but we are spreading it like wild fire, I hope you must find Maka Albarn, they're located at a coastal area called Emerald Coast.
Winry : Don't worry, Mr. Hughes. We'll find a way to get our revenge and solve the problem with the solutions we have, after all there can only be one Winry and who knows that something from the past would come up with a better idea.
*Meanwhile at Emerald Coast*
Inky Albarn : What a shocking coincidence. I never thought that you would be born outside of this world, and found yourself born light years away from Earth, we discovered that we had any grudges against those who told everything a lie to you. So were you eventually born on Jupiter.
Maka Albarn : I figured, of course that would be--hold up did you say I was born at Jupiter?
Moirai : There was a sanctuary that created after the Phantonian race has colonized the solar system.
Sir Halberd Knight (Tsugumi) : A sanctuary at Jupiter?
Moirai : Yes, that sanctuary which was established a long time ago before we were born, Actually I was modeled on the same Maka Albarn that disappeared from the 1930s, and that Maka Albarn is you, you regret nothing but we do alike, it's like were identical to another, but what costs?
Maka Albarn : At the age of 3, I was born from the DNA of the original, I am her "copy", a human copy from the past. Born from the cells Inky Albarn who was formally Maka Albarn from the past itself.
Sir Halberd Knight : You're a copy, created by who?
Maka Albarn : Lord Phanto of the Phanton Empire, created me.
Sir Halberd Knight (Tsugumi) : Created, you are a copy of the original? A man known as Phanto created you? I see. But on what costs did you expected to believe that your future was to defeat Demon God to bring peace to this planet. Why do you want to go against the Kishin and bring end to the Ohkuboverse's order? Why do you gotta hide from this.
Maka Albarn : Alright, I'll unveil you the truth.
[cues Unveiled Truth by Fumie Kumatani]
"It all began over a year ago...After the Ohkuboverse was erased by the Time Eater, Phanto and his people the Phantonians have conquered the Solar System to bring conquest over from to Jupiter to Earth."
Seto : This whole Maka Albarn thing, was what's left from the Phantonians
Solva : They're the relatives of Phanto and the Shy Guys, the Mask minions of Mamu and Bowser.
Maka Albarn : After being born from Lord Phanto's wish, I was given with extremely powers called the Shattered Resonance, a deadly force that has the power to destroy people's hearts and bring massive destruction. It is a combination of both anger and sadness that becomes one known as Frustration.
Seto : Frustration? As in an emotion that combines Anger and Sadness together? That makes something very interesting about one's power. But wait, I am missing something from this time around. If there was something in the 06. If Shinra forgot something in the 06, who created that Yona person in the first in which used everyone to let the planet be destroyed by Demon Vibe. Who created him?
Inky Albarn : Despite all of his efforts of rejuvenating himself as a hero, I discovered that we found something different from us Ink Demons, I know someone who is a manipulative bastard that tricked Shinra into letting his old world die at the hands of Demon Vibe himself, there was some kind of Sun God that the inhabitants of the Ohkuboverse's past wasn't a Sun God and all religion in the Ohkuboverse was a massive ploy. Someone who wanted to drown in darkness.
[The Resurrection of Mephiles by Hideaki Kobayashi]
Maka Albarn : No...I don't believe it, after all of that in the Ohkuboverse. All religion were a massive ploy, the prayers, the Sun God, all of it, it was all a somebody's acting alone. I know who made religion as a massive ploy in the Ohkuboverse. It was some kind of recolor who lays waste on the planet for mass genocide and disruption of time and space.
*flashing images of Mephiles*
Maka Albarn : A recolored shadow! That's it! Someone is setting the stage in Shinra's story from the Ohkuboverse's past, that's why he wanted to become a hero, he fooled him and his comrades from the start. His plan was bring not only a person to fall with despair, but everyone involved to it! That's why Shinra's story happened in the first place before he created my world and story.
Solva : Then who's idea was it to manipulate Shinra and his people of the first place.
Solva : Woah! An earthquake?
Seto : What's that written in the sand?
Seto : "The Fault of Mephiles"? Wait a sec, that name sounded familiar before...More importantly...I just don't put my finger to it.
Solva : Whatever that is, I'm sure master Grim would probably know the details about this...
Eve : Huh...?
Seto & Solva : *realizing* ....WHO THE HECK IS MEPHILES!?!
~ Level 19 : THE BROKEN TRUTH ~
#fullmetal alchemist#fullmetal alchemist brotherhood#needless#soul eater#kingdom hearts#bendy and the ink machine#studio bones#studio madhouse#square enix#crossover#drama#joey drew studios#comedy#dark comedy#horror#mystery#thriller#supernatural#science fiction#action#adventure#fantasy#dark fantasy#science fantasy#urban fantasy#psychological
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❝Hey, Ed can be bad, but he isn’t bad all the time! Troubled boy with a troubled past, you know how it is! ...The only thing Ed is bad at is drinking his milk.❞
#𝑳𝒆𝒕 𝒎𝒚 𝑩𝒐𝒓𝒌𝒔 𝒃𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒅; ❰Dashboard Commentary❱#mechanical automail expert; {winry rockbell}#sorry i saw a thing so i wanted to try winry with this;#okay now goodnight;
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So, I mostly just need some advice. I want to introduce stuff like the combat wheelchair into campaigns I run and play in, but some players say it’s “unrealistic” for stuff like that to be in a campaign because “why wouldn’t you just get greater restoration or regenerate casted on you or something”. I know that’s a bunch of bull crap, but I’m not sure what to say to convince them.

Heavy Topics: Disability in Fantasy
I'm going to start this off with saying that people with a lot more education and experience than me have written quite a lot about the inclusion of disabilities in d&d, and I encourage you to seek out their testimonials.
Next, you don't need to convince anybody about introducing things in your campaigns, especially when that introduction is specifically to highlight inclusion and diversity . They're YOUR campaigns, and people that cry "realism" when it comes to matters of inclusion are almost always covering up for their own prejudice.
Now what I can do with expert efficiency is address the bullshit claims that people try to use to support their prejudice, how it doesn't line up with the mechanics of the game, and how it doesn't line up with good storytelling.
TLDR: Disability is a fact of life, and so it is a fact of stories. In trying to brush it aside by saying " oh magic could fix everything" we also brush aside the lived experiences of millions of people, equally deserving as seeing themselves as characters in the fantasy epics we tell. Purely form a storytelling and world building perspective, it's also far more interesting to see how people adapt to challenges then it is to make those challenges simply not exist or be easily fixed by author fiat.
First lets talk over the mechanical issue: In vanilla d&d there's no way to restore lost limbs short of the regeneration spell, which is 7th level and thus requires a 14th level character to cast. 14th level characters are thin on the ground, meaning that your average person would have to undertake an arduous journey to find such a caster willing to perform this working , to say nothing of finding one willing to perform the service for any payment a commoner could provide.
Likewise, regeneration specifies that it's SEVERED limbs that are restored: rules as written it doesn't fix neurological damage, birth defects, or congenial traits. As someone who's needed glasses from youth onwards, I find it hilarious that a flimsy pair of lenses can fix what high level divine magic ( possibly even the wish spell) cannot, but that's more a matter of the designers thinking more about the lives of adventurers than the worldbuilding implicit in their rules.
Turning to 3rd party material and homebrew, we enter into some very interesting territory. There's much back and forth about magic that "fixes" disability outright and where I fall on the discussion tends to land on the idea that said magic lets the character overcome many of the hurdles of their impediment but doesn't negate it completely. Here's some pop culture examples:
Toph from ATLA is always go be the go to for disability representation in media: She's blind, but uses her earthbending powers to be able to sense vibrations in contact with the ground allowing her to "see". In a badly written show, this would totally negate Toph's disability, but thankfully ATLA is written by people who know what they're doing so instead Toph's blindness provides just as many novel drawbacks as it does advantages. Toph can detect things happening on the other side of walls and doors, but is vulnerable to projectiles that don't touch the ground. She can sense if people are lying, but can't read printed text. Force her onto a small, isolated platform or into water and you cut off her ability to see just as much as a fully sighted character in pitch black darkness.
Edward Elric from fullmetal Alchemist is missing an arm and a leg, and uses a pair of integrated robotic "automail" prosthesis which seem to give him all the functionality of a regular set of limbs. That said, any utility the automail provides is matched with whole host of downsides, ranging from their lack of touch, their weight causing discomfort, and the expense of having them in the first place. What's most pressing is that these limbs are mechanical and prone to malfunciton from overuse, requiring Edward to see a specific technician to get them fixed. When they break ( which is often) or simply require refitting, Edward needs to travel days or weeks out of his way and then suffer through a painful process of reattachment in order to get the use of his limbs back.
Professor Xavier from the Xmen is paraplegic, but in many depictions has some kind of hoverchair that lets him go out into the field and navigate difficult terrain without the aid of others or other mobility devices. While certainly an upgrade over a totally mundane wheelchair it again doesn't completely compensate for his inability to walk or his vulnerability should the chair be damaged or taken away from him.
With these examples in mind, we can look at how different 3rd party resources can model various forms of accommodation, giving characters with disabilities the utility they need to go out adventuring, without removing their disability in the first place.
The "combat wheelchair" is a great example of this, giving characters unique options while at the same time making them atleast partially reliant on a somewhat cumbersome object. In terms of logistics, it's not much different than having a centaur in the party and the fact that most dungeons aren't wheelchair accessible just means the party has to do maybe one or two more platforming problem solving challenges.
In my own time running steampunk games I’ve usually instituted a “misfire” rule onto most technology, including the ubiquitous mechanical limbs. A natural 1 using that limb means that the limb is suffering a malfunction, and until the malfunction is fixed, another natural 1 will break it. It’s an easy way to get across that these marvellous contraptions aren't perfect yet.
Now lets talk storytelling:
Upfront I'm going to say that I don't consider myself disabled,I have some mental health hurdles that I have to navigate on the regular, but my body works at a solid 6/10 most days.
I think there’s a lot potential in examining disability in stories, and not just in the “overcoming adversity” inspiration porn sort of way. The loss of a limb can represent a sacrifice and the toll of war, prejudice against disfigurement can drive a character down a dark path, sometimes there’s no greater thematic reasoning behind it and a character is living with disability because that’s a thing regular people live with. What I will say is that disability introduces vulnerability, a theme that power fantasy games like d&d don’t often deal with as their centeral arc is about characters getting stronger and stronger and stronger until they can challenge the gods.
Vulnerability runs counter to that desire for strength, but it makes a better story because what a character does with vulnerability makes them a more interesting character: Do they rely on others? Close themselves off? Come to terms with their weakness or strive to overcome it? These are all fascinating questions that you wouldn’t get to ask with a character that was 100% able bodied, well adjusted, and socially accepted.
It’s not a stretch to say that people who have regressive political views are terrified of vulnerability. that’s why the right-wing chuds are so vehemently opposed to the idea that someone with a disability could be a hero. To them, adversity is all about the superior overcoming the inferior, and the thought of someone with weakness or disadvantages, someone they consider “inferior” triumphing against someone stronger is a direct challenge to their place inside their own worldview.
Finally I’m going to leave you with something relating to vulnerability to consider from my own campaigns:
In my home games when someone fails their death saving throws, I generally don’t kill them, killing them cuts the narrative short and I want to see how things play out. Instead I give them an offer: do they pass on into death, or do they let me take something from them? 90% of the time they chose the latter option and I make things interesting. What happens to the master archer who can’t string a bow anymore, or the fame hungry bard who’s scars distract from their performance? What price will the wizard pay to regain the use of her eyes? Forcing players to confront these questions takes a lot of tact, and a lot of trust, but always yields better stories but given enough time to develop.
#heavy topics#disability#dnd#dungeons and dragons#d&d#5e#dm advice#dm tip#dm tips#dm tools#writing advice
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Some art of my sonic FMA:Brotherhood au!! Featuring Sonic and Tails!!
So in this au Sonic and Tails takes on the roles of Ed and Al respectively. Here Sonic is known as the FullSpeed Alchemist. Sonic and Tails in his actual form both have golden eyes.
For Sonics design I have a little braid and one poking out quil along with the big red jacket, Ed’s smaller-ish black coat thing, his automail, and his boots with a white stripe to feel more like it’s Sonics shoes. People tend to underestimate Sonics alchemy knowledge buts that’s mostly because Sonic doesn’t outwardly showcases that. Because why should he when his cool little brother Tails the Alchemy Expert can go into full detail about anything and everything about Alchemy.
And for Tails design was super interesting and fun to do because how do you convey its Tails not Alphonse when the suit of armor isn’t even accurate to Al’s personality? More spikes for a “fluffy” look. I also fortunately had a marker that had the exact shade of grey I wanted for a more yellow hint grey! While difficult to see here Tails table cloth on the back has a triangle slice at the end to give an illusion to his 2 tails. He really misses flying Sonic around..
But now a days they both avoid water because Tails will just sink and Sonic can’t for the life of him swim
I do have some ideas for the other characters so if people are interested I’ll probably draw them out too!
#sonic the fullspeed Alchemist au#Sfsa:au#sonic the hedgehog#if anyone is curious about the au I would like to talk about it 👀#art#my art#drawing#artist on tumblr#character#artists#fan art#miles tails prower#sonic and tails
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bub bub bub i had a random idea and i gotta let it out
ahem. mechanic!kazuha. that’s it that’s the post /lh
i kinda imagine this in a steampunk sort of setting?? bc yes my brain is random (and to all the steampunk lovers who see this, i am not an expert. i am throwing random brainrot ideas together /lh)
OKAY ANYWAYS mechanic!kazuha would be great at building and repairing anything at all - from weapons, to gadgets, to automail, to toys, he can take care of most problems people find themselves with (yes, kazuha is very resourceful. i will never let that be forgotten /lh)
so in this setting, kazuha would not be a wanderer, but he would definitely want to travel the world, so he dedicates his time to saving up for future travels. albeit being stuck to one place, you can spot kazuha zipping from stall to stall and person to person, never still for long - and he always has that damn (cute) smile on his face. then again, his looks aren’t what had contributed to his popularity among the people
he’s surprisingly deft with his hands (in more ways than one 👀 /lh), disassembling and welding and joining pieces with a speed that makes you go cross-eyed. kazuha’s work is elegant and efficient, but a bit messy at times. he always ends up with smudges of grease on his clothes, gloves and face - although his hair is, surprisingly, intact. you ask him about it and he chuckles, saying that you’d kill him if he were to let a single drop of grease “taint his fluffy hair”. to be fair, you do love his hair quite a lot, so you’re not complaining as long as it’s fine (same lol)
kazuha’s work can get quite taxing at times, so it’s not too uncommon to see him winded and flushed from his work. as much as you’d like to deny it, you always end up staring at him - his disheveled hair, the sheen of sweat on his skin, two buttons of his button up shirt undone, his eyes half lidded due to exhaustion (and if he spots you staring at him, well, he won’t say a word. his smug smirk is already an answer in itself)
he’s also a huge sweetheart and he will definitely craft you a unique gift out of spare parts he has lying around his office - he once made you an automaton bird and you’ve kept it with you for as long as you’ve had it (i love him sm help—)
- 📖
cause . cause kazuha with like. like a sleeveless shirt on and um . DKHWEEYEGEHGEHSHS#*@&$£×&*$$&
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fuck it, fma au with the siblings
i literally thought about this because alchemy is like the perfect combination of science and supernatural for mikako and yamato to enjoy so lets fucking go gamers, everythings under the cut
(while some characters are put in similar situations as fma characters theyre not 100% the same as 1) dra doesnt have many adult characters 2) some things have to be adjusted to, you know, fit the dra cast)
the premise is rather basic - tiny yamato and mikako are vibing with their dad whos an alchemist known for his innovative ideas although people wondered why he never applied to the state alchemist program (and were glad for that)
it was natural for both kids to follow in his footsteps although for quite different reasons
unfortunately in this au hanzo dies much earlier than in dra, it was bound to happen rip
so freshly orphaned yamato comes up with a brilliant (actually horrible) idea
yamato: hey this is my idea but what if we can bring father back to life, i miss him and you always wondered about more mysterious aspects of alchemy
mikako: yamato-nii i never said i wanted to commit alchemys biggest taboo. but i really want to see dad again so sure
uh oh we know where this is going
so these two begin coming up with a formula to make it work after finding a teacher to hone their alchemy skills
it is none other than rei mekaru who despite being the same age as them is an expert in a wide variety of subjects, alchemy included. of course it takes a while to convince her to teach them what she knows, and also shed 100% leave them on an unhabited island like izumi did
rei: i hope you two incompetents arent planning to use my knowledge to perform human transmutation
yamato: haha no why would we do something like that?
yeah shes going to be so fucking pissed in the future, try not to die my friends
while preparing for the transmutation itself mikako is hesitant to use her blood as shes not blood related to hanzo but yamato is like "you were his daughter too! its my opinion but its the soul information that matters, not genetics"
yeah obviously they fail miserably and yamato and mikako lose a leg/entire body respectively just like ed and al
instead of binding her soul to a suit of armor i feel like mikakos soul is bound to a steampunky robot prototype that hanzo was working on before his death but couldnt find a reliable energy source to power it
huh i guess it can be perpetually powered by a human soul so of youre willing to sacrifice your body parts for it then sure why not
so mikako rushes to the house of their friend kanata, whose adoptive father is a surgeon so yamato doesnt. bleed out from his injuries
also i feel like after finding his resolve, yamato himself comes up with a few ideas for his automail however he cant write them down unfortunately but hikaru ando does take what hes talking about into consideration since while he may be a surgeon able to perform automail surgery, he still has to commission somebody else to actually build the prosthetics
rip to a whole bunch of inches of yamatos height due to his growth being stunted
also unlike ed and al i think mikakos circumstances as being bound to a robot would make it harder not to stand out much and alert the military so yamato ends up not becoming a state alchemist so there would be less (although not nonexistent) risk of mikako being taken away for research
the house still gets arsond
instead these two just wander from place to place and accept small commissions while looking for a way to restore mikakos their bodies
while also staying as low profile as possible
however the military ends up hearing about a young alchemist and his mysterious robot companion and wonder about the method used to power it
especially since im sure these two would illegally sneak out into restricted areas to search for information
scar is still scar as no dra character would do him justice but yamato and mikako arent state alchemists so they dont have to worry about him as much, they might even become allies? probably? theres still a huge rift because of yknow, human transmutation
so yamatos presence may give state alchemists a run for their money which leads to the military trying to hunt him down
the one whos engaged in the hunt the most is the youngest state alchemist in history, tsurugi kinjo, who also tries to kill the siblings due to his black and white views on crime. he notices that human transmutation might be involved so he shows no remorse
mikako and yamato are living contradictions to his morals as theyre both just kids who made a mistake because they wanted to see their dad again and who also love to lend a hand to people in need even if their ways arent 100% legal
cue kinjo blue screening throughout the plot
anyways kokoro is the person whos the living philosophers stone and shes not a bad person because fuck linujs ableist writing
her interest in psychology along with alchemy when being taught by the homunculus really comes in handy as she talks with the twitch chat all hundreds of thousands of souls inside of her body
so even if she considered having a child purely for basic emotion research the souls would riot
she was rather present in mikakos life but after sojiros mysterious death she assumed that the homunculus might had been involved in this, and as she didnt want to risk her daughters safety, she decided to take her to a fellow alchemist and acquaintance who lived nearby, hanzo kisaragi, so he would keep her safe
since young mikako didnt understand the circumstances of her mothers plans to stop the country-wide alchemy circle, after being adopted into the kisaragi household she assumed her mother had abandoned her
yeah sadly kokoro is in the hohenheim type of situation where shes unable to be a good mom to mikako because of the possibility of the homunculus harming her
as for the 7 homunculi i think the voids + utsuro and akane would fit the roles (except lust isnt sexualized as in canon we see them mostly as teenagers so. big no no to that)
not exactly sure who would be who but im 100% certain on utsuro being pride pretending to be a boy named yuki maeda
and thats it for now i might add more info in reblogs
#dra#danganronpa another#mikako kurokawa#yamato kisaragi#au tag#fma au#not tagging other characters as info about them isnt as broad#sorry if formatting is kind of fucked up i had to copypaste everything again because i accidentally published the post prematurely#tw abandonment
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Let’s Talk about Edward’s Disability
Automail (Part 3) - Knowledge and Understanding
Hello everyone! After talking to a friend, I realized there was a part of my Edward I hadn’t talked about, so here it is Automail Part 3.
A few things to consider when reading this post.
1. This applies only to my version of Edward, as the muse for Alchemic-Elric 2. This is headcanon for a roleplay muse, said muse just happens to be based on a canon character. 3. Please read the previous entries in this series at least concern automail.
Automail (Part 1) - A means to an End Automail (Part 2) - Rehabilitation and Consequences
4. I tend to draw from all forms of FMA when writing Edward, so no surprise, this post will too.
5. Finally, please know this is not the be all end all of answers. It’s just things that apply to my muse and I wanted to talk about them before I make him do them again.
Do Not Reblog this post without asking for permission. Thank you.
So here’s the point of this post.
Edward Elric knows how to fix his own automail to the point that he can get it to function again for the most part. He acknowledges the Rockbells as the experts but he still knows how to handle this own arm and leg for the most part.
He has to there’s just no way he doesn’t. He’s not automail helpless and it is my firm belief that Edward has read quite a few books on the subject of automail and he probably bothered the shit out of Pinako if only for the fact that she’s easier to talk to than Winry is.
When the boys do finally go back home, Pinako explains to Armstrong that the boys haven’t even sent a letter, let alone come home.
That means the Rockbells haven’t seen hide nor hair of them in three years. Edward’s also been equipped with automail at this point for four.
I know it’s the big fandom joke of “ha ha Ed’s so stupid he broke his automail again” but that really only starts happening in series progression after heavy situations that involve hard fought battles.
Edward’s automail doesn’t break until Scar blows it into a thousand pieces and he’s fifteen when that happens - he was equipped with automail when he was eleven.
Someone had to be doing the maintenance on it and considering Ed won’t let any mechanic but the Rockbells touch his limbs that means he was doing it.
The other thing to consider is that Edward transmutes his automail a lot.
And I know we’re all used to the standard blade he normally totes around but he transmutes it in so many different ways. So many ways that don’t really get thought about.
So I want to reference this picture for a moment:

I showed this picture from the artbook to show what everything looks like under all the plating so show what Automail actually looks like.

Here’s a better view of his port disconnected

and the inner workings of his leg too.
I have in many threads had Edward explain to the person in question explain how to correctly take off his limbs and reattach them.
It would make sense to me for him to know this. If the limb is causing some kind of problem and needs to come off - then it would make sense that he would know how to remove them.
In fact! He actually did it in 2003′s anime - episode 9 (when he gets “kidnapped” by Barry the Chopper)
So yeah. That’s a thing.
But I’m bringing up the inner workings of his limbs because of the way he transmutes his arm.
Yes, more often then not it’s the blade we all know and love - but he’s also done shit like this:
Where he transmutes his entire arm into something new. It’s not that he’s transmuting a single part of his arm - no he’s transmuting the entirety of it into something new - in this case - a blade thus messing with the gears, the wires, the motors, the oil, the screws, bolts and every other part of it that makes it move to proper function.
Every other part of it that allows it to correctly draw signals off of his nervous system.
Edward doesn’t just transmute it. He puts it all back to normal.
Edward wouldn’t be able to do that if he didn’t know how his arm functioned.
Alchemy runs on the law of “Conservation of Mass”, meaning you can’t make something with more than you have - the mass of the end result has to be the same. He can’t make his arm into anything that outweighs the mass that’s already there - but in turn he also was to know what mass is there in the first place.
He also pulls a back blade against Scar and then this shit against Scar round 2.

Look at where Ed’s left hand is. It’s on his arm - it’s on his automail. He transmuted his automail into a different material to prevent it’s destruction.
Because Scar stated round 1 - he didn’t destroy Ed’s arm first shot because he didn’t know it was automail in the first place.
Edward knows enough about his automail that he doesn’t just understand how it works he knows it’s elemental composition. He has to know it’s elemental composition or he couldn’t transmute it and he does this with his northern automail too again Pride.
He acknowledges that his Northern Automail’s composition differs from his standard automail and that it’s lighter design is due to the carbon fiber built into it. Not only that, he manipulates it in a way to mimic Greed’s ultimate shield without compromising the design or function of it as a machine. His automail still retains the ability to perform it’s original purpose while he manipulates it to have a hard enough surface to be uncuttable by Pride’s shadows - shadows that can clear a forest with a couple of swings.
But speaking of altering things, Edward is also knowledgeable enough to know what parts of his automail he can go without, without damaging the design of it.
In Chapter 0 (the pilot) Edward is asked to grant a man “an immortal body’ and it seems like he does so after being granted use of the Philosopher's Stone. (To which Edward swallows it). It’s revealed later towards the end of the chapter that Edward tricked the man in question by combining part of his own automail in with the transmutation to prevent this man from truly achieving immortality.
Edward can’t do any of this without having some kind of understanding of how the machine functions and it’s design works. At the end of the day it’s his arm and his leg so he knows them well enough to the point that with the slightest change he can tell someone if it feels good
or if it feels wrong.
In the anime, in this scene in the Brotherhood version of the series one actually gets to see the gears shift out of place and Edward knows that something’s wrong instantly.
Further more, Edward has repaired his own automail before using alchemy in the 2003 version of the anime - after transmuting his arm into sodium while fighting Sloth - it causes a chain reaction within her and causes her to explode taking the lower portion of Edward’s arm along with it.

But he still needed to repair this damage because he very well couldn’t go into the final fight with half an arm. He also can’t return to Resembool as he’s on the run from the Military and they were hunting for him. So he’s forced into a situation where he must fix his arm himself.
And While not ideal or as alluring as anything Winry would have made Ed still does in fact fix his own arm.

Making something that functions not only well enough to be usable as a substitute until he could get back to her - but he also makes it integrate with what’s already there.
So I know it’s the fandom joke that Edward is helpless when it comes to his automail and he never does his maintenance but that’s actually not the case at all. If he wasn’t doing his maintenance and upkeep on it, it wouldn’t function half as well as it does. He has to understand it because if he doesn’t he can’t transmute it and that puts him in a whole world of hurt.
His automail is apart of him and he takes care off it just like everything else.
#Let's talk about series#let's talk about#headcanon#about the muse#kira rambles forever about automail all over again#so when he is picking at wires and moving shit around in threads#dont be shocked or surprised#he knows how his machines work#he has to#it's mandatory
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au where mustang never comes to resembool and the elrics forsake their alchemy altogether after ed finds the will to exist again at least and become automail experts too
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I’ve never really cared about the government. Never talked about ’em much. But then, last year, the strangest thing happened. Now, I don’t know if you’ve been following the news, but I’ve been keeping my ears open and it seems like everyone everywhere is super-mad about everything all the time. I try to stay a little optimistic, even though I will admit, things are getting pretty sticky. Here’s how I try to look at it, and this is just me, this guy being a state alchemist, it’s like there’s a kid loose in the military. It’s like there’s a kid loose in the military. I think eventually everything’s going to be okay, but I have no idea what’s going to happen next. And neither do any of you, and neither do your parents, because there’s a kid loose in the military. It’s never happened before, no one knows what the kid is going to do next, least of all the kid! He’s never been in a military before, he’s as confused as you are. There’s no experts. They try to find experts on the news. They’re like, “We’re joined now by a man that once saw a kid playing in the fields.” Get out of here with that shit! We’ve all seen a kid playing in the fields. This is a kid loose in the military. When a child is loose in the military, you got to stay updated. So all day long you walk around, “What’d the kid do?” The updates, they’re not always bad. Sometimes they’re just odd. It’ll be like, “The kid stopped a cult in Liore?” I didn’t know he knew how to do that. The creepiest days are when you don’t hear from the kid at all. You’re down in the meeting room like, “Hey, has anyone…” “Has anyone heard–” [imitates metal armor clanking] Those are those quiet days when people are like, “It looks like the kid has finally calmed down.” And then ten seconds later the kid is like, “I’m gonna run towards the general and smash ’em with my little metal fist. I’ve got nice automail and a metal armor brother, I’m a kid!” That’s what I thought you’d say, you dumb fucking kid. And then… Then… Then you go to brunch with people and they’re like, “There shouldn’t be a kid in the military.” And it’s like, “We’re well past that.” Then other people are like, “If there’s gonna be a kid in the military, I’m going to kill state alchemists to avenge my family.” And those don’t match up at all. And then, for a second, it seemed like maybe we could survive the kid, and then, 5,000 miles away, a homunculus was like, “I have a philosopher's stone and I’m going to blow up Amestris!” And before we could say anything, the kid was like, “If you even fucking look at Amestris, I will pound you to death with my metal fist. I dare you to do it. I want you to do it. I want you to do it so I can pound you to death with my fist, I’m so fucking crazy.” “You think you’re fucking crazy, I’m a fucking homunculus. I live in a fucking sewer. I’m fucking crazy.” And all of us are like, “Okay.” Like poor Riza Hawkeye when Roy has a plan. “Okay.” And then, for a second, we were like, “Maybe the kid's father will stop the kid.” And then the kid is like, “I have fired my dad. ” He can do that? That shouldn’t be allowed no matter who the kid is. I don’t remember that in my military training.
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